“Escape to Wild”是一家成功的公司,专门通过邮购和小型的零售专营店来销售户外休闲服饰。
四年前,“Escape to Wild”开了第一家自己的零售专营店,到现在,已经有了10家零售专营店,并有计划再多开五间店。
“Escape to Wild”公司没有明确的人力资源部门。
Individual ReportF84T 34 Managing People and OrganisationsOutcome 4NAME:SCN:CLASS:Contents Introduction........................................................................................................ Section 1:The Structure at Present in Shangri-la Hotel........................... Section 2:An Appropriate Form of Re-Structure for Shangri-la Hotel Section 3:The Influence of Task, Technology, and Size on the New Structure.............................................................................................................. Section 4: Line, Staff ,Functional and Lateral relationships within the New Structure.................................................................................................... Section 5: Authority, Responsibility and Delegation within the New Structure.............................................................................................................. Conclusion.......................................................................................................... Reference............................................................................................................ IntroductionThe purpose of this report is to examine the understanding of management structure in the organization and its application. There are five sections in the report: management structurebefore merger; management structure after new development; contingency approach and its variables after merger; different relationships within the new structure; relevance of different relationships with new structure.Section 1:The Structure at Present in Shangri-la HotelAt present, flat structure is used in the management of the hotel. Hybrid management structure is used. Craig used the centralized and line approach to manage the restaurant .Ailsa used the decentralized and team approach to manage the hotel. In the hotel, all of the work was divided into four types according to different products or services: chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff.Flat structure: it means that a business has few vertical level of management and a wide span of control. As a result, the relationship between manager and subordinate will be closed, the flow of information will be quick, and it will save administrative expenses. However, because of wide spans, the communication between the same level department and employees will be difficult. In the case, for example, in the kitchen, there were only two levels: Craig, the manager; kitchen staffs and waiters. Craig directly gave the subordinates their different tasks. So it was a flat structure.Centralization& Decentralization: the centralization means that the important decisions are taken by the top management and the other levels implement the directions that top manager gives. In the case, Craig mainly used the centralized approach. For example, all his subordinates must follow the menu made by Craig. And Craig made decisions by himself and allocated tasks to kitchen staff and waiters. It should be a centralized approach. Decentralization means top manager delegates authorities to all levels of management. In the case, Ailsa used this decentralized approach. For example, in the management of Ailsa, she gave rights to Antonio to run things. It was a decentralized approach.Line structure: it means that authority comes down from the boss to their staff directly in a line relationship. Its advantage is that it is very convenient to communicate because of the direct line relationship. However, because it needs an one-to-one managing process, the managing tasks are too heavy. It will be costly. In this case, Craig used the line approach. Craig allocated specific tasks to different staffs. He required that all staffs should do dishes following his menu. And he required the waiters should attend to customers within fiveminutes of being seated. He managed all the individuals in the restaurant directly. So it was a line approach.Team structure: it refers to divide the entire organization into work groups or teams. After dividing into teams, there will be high employee involvement and empowerment. The functional barriers will also be reduced. However, the ambiguous chain of command will arise. In the case, Ailsa used this approach. She divided all staffs in the hotel into several teams, such as the reception team managed by Antonio, the cleaning staff team, and the chambermaids team. Every team had their own specific work to do, and every team number involves in the management. So it was a team approach.Product or service: it means that the entire organization is divided into different departments according to the products or service supplied to customers. In the case, is was divided into four types: chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff. For example, in the management of the hotel, Craig’s staffs were divided into following parts: the kitchen cook, the purchasing staff and the waiters. They did different tasks and made different products or service to customers. So it was a products or service approach.Section 2:An Appropriate Form of Re-Structure for Shangri-la HotelAfter the new development of the organization, the organizational structure can be divided into three parts: the manager, the staff and the supplier. It is called a Shamrock management structure. The departmentalization approach could also be used.Product departmentalization: it means that the entire organization is divided into different departments according to the products or service supplied to customers. In the case, before merger, it consists of four types: chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff. There would be additional two types after the merger. One was is farm , the other is Gordon’s restaurant.Shamrock structure: It especially refers to the three-part or three levels of an organizational structure. In the shamrock organization there are three different groups of people: basic managers, employees as the core part, the external co- workers and the part-time workers as a form of supplement.As above graph shows, the organization of the hotel was divided into three parts in the Shamrock model. The first part was the manager in the organization. This part played an important role in the organization. In the case, Craig was a manager who directs the tasks in the kitchen and the restaurant. He arranged and managed the kitchen and restaurant into a normal operation. Ailsa played a key role in the marketing and management of the hotel. She worked hard in the managing hotel development and made great progress finally. The second part was staff. There were four types : chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff. They also played an important role in the operating activities of the hotel. The chambermaids and waiting staffs provided service to customers and the kitchen supplied foods and drinks to customers. The third part was supplier- Gordon. Gordon supplied raw materials from his farm to Craig’s kitchen. Also, Gordon opened a restaurant which consisted of his wife, two chefs and four waiters. Every part in the Shamrock organization has their own expectations.Section 3:The Influence of Task, Technology, and Size on the New StructureContingency theory holds the view that there is no one best way to structure. The particular situational factors such as size, technology or task will determine the systems and structures employed.Task: it means that the nature and size of the task will influence shaping the organization. For example, in the case, before Gordon converted his farm house to his restaurant, his main task was to grow and sell organic products. So the organization was a simple one. After owning a restaurant, the tasks became complicated and the organization structure became complicated as well. So the nature and size of the task will determine the type of the organization structure.Technology: Technology relates to the production process used. It is not just related to the information technology, but also to the technology of producing a product or supplying service. In this case, before the merger of Gordon’s farm as a hotel, Ailsa made marketing strategies and plans which focused on the city customers and business. After the merger, Ailsa must make another different marketing strategy which should be feasible in Gordon’s farm. Appropriate technology is very important in the operating process of an organization.Size: It is an essential factor that influences the shape and structure of an organization. Also, different size of organizations have different producing procedures and outcomes. In the case, after the merger, the hotel had a lot of changes in the size. For example, the number of stuff was increasing. Besides, because Gordon’s farm was a part of the hotel, it would be less costly to buy raw materials used in the kitchen. It would a competitive advantage in price within its competitors.Section 4: Line, Staff ,Functional and Lateral relationships within the New StructureLine relationship: it means that authority comes down from the boss to their staff directly in a line relationship. In the case, Craig was responsible for managing and directing the kitchen staff and waiters. He allocated the specific tasks to different staffs to ensure that his plans were completed. This was an example of the line relationship.Staff relationship: It means the relationship between the staffs in different departments. For example, in the case, the relationship between reception staff and other staffs, such as the maintenance staff.Functional relationship: It is a relationship which exists between different functions in the hotel. In the case, for example, the relationship between the accountant function and other functions. They all had closed relationship in the organization.Lateral relationship: It is a relationship which exists between the same level of staffs which are in different systems and do different tasks. For example, there were waiters in both Ailsa’s and Craig’s management system. But waiters in Craig’s restaurant supplied service to customers eating here. And waiters in Ailsa’s hotel supplied service to customers living here. This was a lateral relationship.Section 5: Authority, Responsibility and Delegation within the New StructureAuthority: It is a right to order or direct others to do specific tasks, and then attract the responses which are appropriate to achieve the goals of the organization. For example, in thecase, only Craig had the authority to allocate tasks to his staffs. And only Craig and Saskia had the right to sign for any procedure. Few changes appeared after the merger.Responsibility:It is the obligation for some people in the organization to perform a task,assignment or function. In the case, for example, Antonio as a reception manager, had the responsibility on reception of clients. Few changes appeared after the merger.Delegation: It is an action to pass the responsibility or authority to a person to carry out and complete the specific task. In the case, Ailsa delegated her right to Antonio to help her manage the hotel. However, Craig hardly delegated any right to others. As a result, it caused some problems such as staffs’ complaints. The suggestion is that Craig should delegate some rights to the staff, such as some decision-making. In this way, the involvement of the staffs will be increased. And the efficiency of kitchen operation will be improved.ConclusionThe findings of the report reveal the management structures, contingency theory and different relationships and their applications in different situations.ReferenceYuan Yu, Zhang Shutao,2013,Managing People and Organisations, China Modern Economic Publishing House.。
satisfy customer’sPropneretyeofdJing WANG
Section A
2b. Objectives and policies
-- product goals: to provide the best designs through well trained staff; to provide high quality service
-- operational goals: to know what work is being carried out and whereabouts of staff at any given time; use local contractors for development
-- Based on explicit values
• Policies in case:
-- all work should be allocated by David
-- David required the staffs to use timesheet
-- use local firms to provide service, such as local contractors, insurance brokers and accountants
-- secondary goals: use local contractors, insurance brokers and accountants for services to the company
Index pageIndex page………………………………………..…. Introduction…………………………………………. Background………………………………………..…FindingsSection 1…………………………………………Section 2…………………………………………Section 3…………………………………………Conclusion………………………………………….. Reference…………………………………………….IntroductionBackgroundSSP plc is a company operating in the food manufacturing industry. It is engaged in food processing, supplying all the main supermarket chains with first class process meat products. During the last few years the company has been difficult because of the BSE and Foot and Mouth disease made a declining demand for meat product. The bad outstanding achievement stopped in 2004 and a partial rebound in the market produced an increase in turnover by nearly 15%. It is expected that this rebound in the market will gather momentum over the coming year and the SSP plc is planning to take even greater strides forward by opening a new processing plant in Glasgow.As requested in the chief executive’s memo of 30 December, here is my report summarising and analysising the financial position of the SSP plc for the year 2003 and 2004.OutlineThe main body of the report will evaluate five parts:Part 1--- Analyze the users of financial information and the purpose of using. Part 2--- State of financial source and categorize with their characteristics. Part 3---Explain the cash flow statement of SSP plc.Analyze the recent financial performance and position of the SSP plc.(Including my recommendations about how to improvement of business performance)FindingsSection 1. Users of financial accounts.Users of financial statements are a group of people or organizations who use the information to make evaluations and decisions. Users of financial information can be divided into two categories: internal and external users.Now, I will use a table to show you the users’ purpose and sources of informationthey use to get the statements.Section 2. Source of financesTo run a business, organizations require finance for different proposes and for varying lengths of time. In the finance, we divide sources of capital into two categories: equity capital and loan capital. Equity capital is the finance provided by the owner and there is no interest to pay. Loan capital refers to money that is borrowed from a source outside the business. The interest of loan capital must be paid. Sources of finances could be clarified into short, medium and long term. The short-term refers to finance that are borrowed for a period of no more than one year. The medium-term refers to funds that are borrowed for a period of between two and ten years. Long-term refers to funds that are borrowed for a period of more than ten years.In the case study, the source of finances of SSP plc is: trade creditors, tax, bank overdraft, debentures, ordinary share capital and the retained profits from last account period.Short-term sources:1.Trade creditors:Trade creditors are produced when the purchase of raw materials or stock is delaying to pay, thus, there is more cash which would be used for other uses. There is also an interest free way of raising finance. However, the credit could lead to poor relations with suppliers and the customers may forfeit discounts.The credit is £544,000 in 2003 and it decreased to £405,000 in 2004. The percentage of decrease is %. The decrease of credit infers that SSP plc has a good financial situation that it has a strong ability to pay credits back to suppliers.This could improve the relationship with suppliers.2.Bank overdraft:Bank account holders can prearrange with the bank to draw cheques to a greater value than the actual balance in the account. Interest should be paid by customers and bank charges will apply where an overdraft limit has been exceeded. Bank overdraftis flexible and cheap. It has a low cost. Some small bank overdraft even has a free of charge.SSP plc had no overdraft but the number increased to £86,000 in 2004. The increase shows that the company borrowed money from bank for its expansion in Glasgow.Long-term sources:1.Debentures:Debentures are loans make to companies that carry a fixed rate of interest. The company’s fixed assets normally secure debentures. Debentures have a fixed time period or an open time period. The shareholders are not debenture holders. A debenture interest is paid as an expense not an appropriation of profit.SSP plc has a fixed debenture (£1,560,000) in the year of 2003 and 2004. It tells us the company’s fixed assets are steady.2.Ordinary shares:Ordinary shareholders receiving pay-outs from company after preference shareholders are paid. Ordinary share dividends are not fixed and subject to company’s periodical performances and decisions of management in paying dividend. In SSP Company, the ordinary share capital is £1,950,000 in both 2003 and 2004.It infers that the company has a steady operation situation.3.Retained ProfitsThe retained profit is the finance brought from the last financial period. It is not fixed and may be a negative number. It presents operational situation of last period.The retained profits decreased from £505,000 to £420,000. The percentage change of decrease is %. The lower ratio shows us the company had made fewer profits in 2003 then it was in 2002.Section 3. Ratio Analysis1.Major inflows is Net cash flow operating activates of £1,345,000.Major outflow is Payments to acquire fixed assets, which takes £984,000.2.Ratio AnalysisProfitability Ratios:Gross Profit Percentage=Gross profit/Turnover x 100% 2003: GPP=£7,000,000/£11,674,000 x 100%=%2004: GPP=£8,037,000/£13,382,000 x 100%=%Trend: IncreaseAnalysis: The increase of ratio is a good sign. The positive trend can be an indication that stock control of meat product has improved, demand for the meat product has increased after the diseases, or purchasing policies have improved.The managers should keep the good trend and go on develop it, such as improving marketing strategy, setting better pricing policy, or improving stock control.Net Profit Percentage=Net Profit before Taxation/ Turnover x 100% 2003: NPP=£1,182,000/£11,674,000 x 100%=%2004: NPP=£901,000/£13,382,000 x 100%=%Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: The decrease of the ratio is a bad sign that it indicates a low profit of the company. From the P&L Account of the SSP plc, we know that although the gross profit increased, the operation cost is much higher in 2004; it leads toa decrease in net profit. So the managers should think about how to decrease ouroperation cost to help our company earn more profit.Liquidity Ratios:Current Ratio=Total Current Assets/Total Current Liabilities 2003: CR=£1,195,000/£767,000=2004: CR=£1,248,000/£701,000=Trend: IncreaseAnalysis: the increase of ratio is a good sign. Generally speaking a healthy current ratio is at least 2:1. The and indicate the company is a little bit over trading and have difficulty in meeting its short-term debts. The main reason forthe increase is the increase in the total current assets and decrease in the total current liabilities. I suggest that the company may keepmore profit for the short-term debts.The Acid Test Ratio=Liquid Assets/Current Liabilities2003: (£1,195,000-£608,000)/£767,000=2004: (£1,248,000-£796,000)/£701,000=Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: The decrease is a bad sign. The ratio should be 1:1. But the ratio in both of 2003 and 2004 is less that 1. And unfortunately, the ratio is still decreasing. SSP plc meets a liquidity problem that the liquid assets decrease. The company managers should pay attention to this ratio and organization’s development.Efficiency Ratios:Fixed Asset Turnover=Turnover/Fixed Assets2003: £11,674,000/£4,017,000= times2004: £13,382,000/£4,318,000= timesTrend: IncreaseAnalysis: Where this ratio gas increase, this is a good sign. It indicates that the existing fixed assets are generating more sales and maybe investment in new fixed assets gas could be been paid off. Managers of SSP plc should develop and focus on it.Debtors Collection Period=Debtors/Turnover x 3652003: £306,000/£11,674,000 x 365= days2004: £452,000/£13,382,000 x 365= daysTrend: IncreaseAnalysis: It is a bad sign that there is an increase in DCP. It indicates that SSP’s may have a poor credit control of poor invoicing system. The bad debts may also increase. The leaders of SSP should check their invoicing and reminder systemto keep the ratio a proper range.Investment Ratios:Interest Cover=Profit Before Interest & Tax/Interest Charges 2003: £1,416,000/£234,000=2004: £1,135,000/£234,000=Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: This ratio shows how capable the company is of covering its interest charges. The decrease is not good because the company is less able to meet its interest payments. But the ratio is still in a reasonable range. Leaders should try to increase company’s profit to keep this ratio a high level.Debt Ratio=Total Debts/Total Assets x 100%2003: (£767,000+£1,560,000)/(£4,017,000+£1,195,000) x 100%=%2004: (£701,000+£1,560,000)/(£4,318,000+£1,248,000) x 100%=%Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: It is a good sign that the ratio increased. However, a healthy ratio should keep around 50%. It indicates that SSP has fewer liabilities or keeps more assets. The sign should be kept by managers.3.RecommendationAfter reading and analyzing three accounts from SSP Company, I found some problems with it and now I will present my suggestions about the future management in these two parts.Operational recommendationA ratio of Net Profit Percentage shows us that SSP plc has a high expenditure inoperation cost. It also indicates that the company has a low level of cost control.Therefore, I suggest that SSP should try to decrease the costs of sales and the operation cost, such as adopting new management system and using contractors to find distribution channels but to find them itself.Financial recommendationFor the source of finance, SSP has a bad performance of financial operating. In the Cash Flow Statement, the Financing is £0, but the company is planning expansion in Glasgow. The main inflow of the company is the sales. It is a dangerous phenomenon if the company wants to use the turnover to expanse its business because it is impossible to use the current cash to support long-term investment. So I suggest that the company may increase the number of share capital or make more debentures to get more long-term capital for expansion.ConclusionBy analyzing the P&L Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement, we can infer that SSP plc has a good operational performance. However, there are still many parts to improve and develop to help the company maximize profits.ReferenceRay H. Garrison, Managerial Accounting, Business Publications Inc., 1985, Printed in Accounting for Non-accounting Students, Financial Times, 2004, Printed in Great Britain.Frank Wood & Alan Sangster, Business Accounting 2, Financial Times, Pitman Publishing, 1999, Printed in China.。
2.1According to the Motivation-Hygiene Theory of Frederick Herzberg, people are influenced by two factors, one is hygiene factors which is also means failure preventer, and another is motivation factors which is some kind success builder. Satisfaction and psychological growth are a result factor of motivation factors. Dissatisfaction was a result of hygiene factors. And the Motivation-Hygiene Theory is trying to prove that the attitude individuals have towards their job is decided the success or not of the task in significant measure. Hygiene factors are needed to ensure that an employee does not become dissatisfied. They do not cause higher levels of motivation, but without them there is dissatisfaction. Due to the expansion plan of Scotia Airways, many staff have a concern about the change this company may face. But if without the help of all of the members in the business, this plan is not going to be successful, so it is essential for the managers of Scotia Airways to do something like raise their wages or improve the working condition to pacify the emotion of staffs. Holiday and medical care is also can become somehow the motivator factors to workers. Motivation factors are needed in order to motivate an employee into higher performance. These factors result from internal generators in employees. In order to encourage the talented worker, the managers of the business should give them some promotion as a reward or show them the opportunities of advancement. It will give the workers sense of personal achievement and work harder to get more praise.Process theories of motivation provide an opportunity to understand thought processes that influence behaviour. Equity Theory considered that a individual is whether motivated or not is not only decided by what they have got, but also by what they have got is fair enough to anyone else or not. So the distribution rationally is important for stimulating job motivation' factors of individuals in an organization. Someone will compared to other colleagues that the ratio of input, like time, effort and ability, and output, like salary, praise and achievement, and when it is equal, they will feel justice. And Scotia Airways wil never stop to recruit new staff, whenever there is someone who has get into this company with an unfair way, the originalmembers in Scotia Airways will feel uncomfortable and thinking that their effort is not worth. This is going to be a disaster for Scotia Airways cause their origin member will not being hard-working in that unfair condition.2.2As management of Scotia Airways, there faced many challenges. According to the case, we got that the Scotia Airways plans to expand its market, and set an ambitious programme for expansion over the five years. When face of more and more worker,the management should give the right of manege,the low level management. Let the staff can manage themself when they face some low level problem. That will be improve the efficiency and communication with the client.And if the management want to control the organization, the management must pay attention to teamwork,the team cohesion. It is also can improve the staff performance and improve the Scotia Airways performance. For example ,AC Milan foot club. In 2007,the team has no one can be called superstar,and the average age of the team is much than another them in Europe . But the team also become the Champion of the UEFA Champions League. Why? It is due to the teamwork and the team cohesion. In 2007,the captain is Maldini, a people who can unite the team members. So AC Milan can play a better level in the game,and won the championship in the final.Then,There have three common sides in organization—job enlargement, job rotation and job enrichment. Job rotation means employees could change his/her jobs and do various jobs after a period time. It makes employees feel fresh about many jobs that can last their motivation. And the job enrichment means employees have opportunities to use his/her abilities with different jobs, which retained fresh feel about a job, and make them have higher motivation. These can make employees in Scotia Airways interested in their work. But all of these have a premise that is we should found their characteristics and training them. Staffs levels is the most important part of a expansion organization, only employees with high quality can adapt various jobs, and ensuring they use their empowerment right. It also stimulates employees’ motivation to work harder. The final, the management of Scotia Airways should divided goals tomany smart objectives. It makes goals to be more clear and acceptable which is completed convenient. In a word, these methods can make employees develop all abilities to work, maximum the benefits within Scotia Airways, and promote the expansion of it.2.3At first. The Scotia Airways Only hired 80 employees. Because of expansion, the management decide to expand the size of the department. So the management should use team working to manage their worker, to improve the performance.The main value of team is their ability to assemble and empower employees to coordinate together, and use their talents to improve the organization. It also benefits the employee's motivation and job satisfaction. Teamxork can improve quality and flexibility, coordination /communication, satisfaction, productivity, development and solve the problem.In the Scotia Airway,the management team within Scotia have worked meticulously in planning and evaluating their services to ensure that customer focus is the primary driver of business success. So, Scotia Airways have to improve their teamwork’s ability to adapt to market, which reflect the important of teamwork.However, it also has a potential faults and cost team. The team may have an unexpected effect fermentation hostility management target, make the team completely self management. Individual and team conflict between target.There is a potential "social loafing" (that is, a person's do less, team work than he/she usually do work alone). Undefined roles and responsibilities can also cause dissatisfaction. In the Scotia Airways, Its expansion over recent years certainly will need to the management of company increase its management ability. This expansion of company also bring the problem of the bloated of organization, the relationship of new staff and old staff is stiffness and team trust is reduce. The Scotia Airway must solve these potential disadvantages and cost of teamwork.2.4A successful organization always has higher team cohesive and performance, but there have many factors impact on it. Scotia Airways has been influenced by three factors—selection of appropriate supervisor, participation of decision making and SMART objectives. As a team, it must have a completed structure. It means there has senior managers, employees, and employees conclude some proposers, some executors and so on. In this case, the Scotia Airways want to employs executives and managers in marketing, finance, HR and administrative staff within each department. Rosa is in overcharge and assisted by others. When difficult decisions have had to be taken, she has always been a strong and decisive manager. She is the powerful manager, and effective to lead manager team of Scotia Airways. So selection of appropriate supervisor of a team is more significant for an organizati on’s performance. Then, another part is participation of decision. Every members of a team should participation of decision actively. In this case, the Scotia Airways is made decisions both managers and employees, which benefits promote their team cohesive. It easy to make reasonable decisions with discussion of regularly meeting.The sufficient participation of decision could make team work efficient and improve its performance. The third one is to have SMART objectives. SMART means Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound. Specific objectives are acceptable to employees. Measurable, attainable and realistic means the objectives are appropriate of their abilities. In this case, the Scotia Airways gives valets, gourmet meals, entertainments and extra services to customers, and they plan to expand their market share the next five years and increase their tourist destinations. These objectives are following these rules, and completed these objectives is make employees’ become higher motivatio n. These three factors are effective impact on improve team cohesive and performance of Scotia Airways.Reference•Wigfield, A., Guthrie, J. T., Tonks, S., & Perencevich, K. C. (2004). Children's motivation for reading: Domain specificity and instructional influences. Journal of Educational Research, 97, 299-309.•<Managing People and Organisations> China Modern Economic Publishing House page:192•The Managing People and Organisations PPT of teacher Jianhong Wu page:232 233 388349X。
-- operational goals: to know what work is being carried out and whereabouts of staff at any given time; use local contractors for development
• Objectives
-- concentrate on civil engineering business -- provide a high quality service
• Structure
-- Civil engineering project -- Structural engineering project
Property of Jing WANG
Section B
6. Motivation for staff depends on more than high salary and working condition
Explaining one of the following theories: • Maslow’s hierarchy of need • Herzberg’s two factor theory • Alderfer’s ERG theory
• Well trained staff
• Loan from bank, grant
• Equipments • Local
contractors, insurance brokers and accountants
人力与组织管理 Outcome1 Exam
Section B Development and GrowthOver the following ten years since its establishment, the firm grew fast, mainly concentrating on traditional advertisement business based on mediums via TV and newspaper. There was little competition and the market was expanding at a soaring speed. By the year 1992 the firm had employed 300 people. In addition to a general office, the firm was structured into six departments which were respectively marketing, finance and accounting, human resources, engineering and designing, project development, administration departments.Robert concentrated on promoting the business and setting up contracts. He believes that the key to success in business in to build up and maintain an intimate network with the government and large state-owned enterprises. At his deep heart lies the belief that the success of business is up to how well he manages the relationship network.Robert liked to run a tight ship and 10 years in the government had shaped his style of management. Robert took himself as the real boss and the only decision-marker. All new projects went to him in the first instance. He was in change of allocating the work, as he considered appropriate, to employees who were nearing the completion of their current project. Robert set the staff specific tasks be accomplished on time and within the budget set.Friends acknowledged that Robert is moody, and likes to excel at everything he does. Due to his demanding ways, most employees are afraid of him. The staffs were well paid and had good holidays but one factor that caused dissatisfaction among staff was that, Robert never cared for their ideas on the best way to divide up the work.Managers are expected to fully document all decisions; and “good managers” are those who can provide detailed data to support their recommendations. Creative decisions that incur significant change or risk are not encouraged. Because managers of failed projects are openly criticized and penalized, manger try not to implement ideas that deviate much from the status quo. One lower-level manager quoted an often used phrase in the company: if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”Robert seems to have an extremely low tolerance of failure. He was often seen criticizing managers of failed projects. Robert was always heard yelling at managers, “Stop talking nonsense, I pay you to accomplish the task. I need to see the outcome. I don’t care if people are happy or not. Just go and get your work done.”Work activities are designed around individuals. There are distinct departments and lines of authority, and command. Performance evaluations and rewards emphasize individual effort,although seniority tends to be the primary factor in the determination of pay raises and promotions.Robert treated the administration manger jack, who had been with the firm longest, as being most senior. This on occasion caused irritation among the other managers, because jack was the only manager who had not achieved his formal commerce degree and was, therefore, less qualified. Jack was often delegated the task of giving out new projects to staff and he was allowed toauthorize site visits when Robert was out of the office. Since their childhoods, Robert and jack had been very close.From 1992 to 1995, The firm’s population increased to 500. the firm has 50 full-time employees working in its general office. The older office employees have been with Ads-First Ltd. All their working lives. They get along very well together, often planning parties during office hours and social events on weekends.With the fast expansion of the company, Robert always felt worried about losing control of the business. He tried to make extensive rules and regulations. Managers are supposed to supervise employees closely to ensure there are no deviations. Management is concerned with high productivity, regardless of the impact on employee morale or turnover.Under increasing management pressure, Robert has talked a lot about leading by example and giving people a chance to learn and make mistakes as they are learning. He also spends a lot of time talking about empowering staff to make their own decisions. However, his staffs often find themselves on the receiving end of angry outbursts whenever they make an error or make a decision on their own. in his organization, Robert has the reputation of being hot headed and prone to erratic temper outbursts. when he is in a good mood, he would make promises that he often does not follow through. If someone queries the status of a promised service they know that if Robert was in a bad mood he would yell at them, at times causing embarrassment in front of colleagues. Robert’s staffs spend their energy protecting themselves from his wrath rather than on innovation and maximum productivity. The main thing they are learning is how to stay out of the crossfire and not be believe Robert when he promises something or says that he would back them up in any decisions they make in an attempt to be empowered.The story of PaulPaul was hired in may, 1998 by Robert. He had been serving in the army for ten years. Prior to joining the firm he had just completed a five-year contract with an American Company operating in Shanghai, where he was a purchasing manager. At 35 years of age Paul did not have any formal qualifications, but had just commenced a commerce degree on a part-time basis, intending to major in information technology and marketing.Robert first met Paul at an old collegians function at the high school he had attended. The two had been introduced by a mutual and trusted friend. Although they had not known each other at school, they soon discovered a lot of common interests and spend most of the night talking and enjoying each other’s company. Robert had initially been impressed by Paul’s firm handshake, “a sign of strong character”, and his ten year term in the army. Robert believes that army men are “hard working, reliable and disciplined workers”. By the end of the night Robert offered Paul a job as the manager of the marketing department.Being in charge of the “flagship”department would be a highly visible, prestigious, and challenging job, soothing that certainly tempted Paul. However, concerned by his lack ofexperience, and the high profile he would have in the organization, Paul hesitated to accept the job offer. On the other hand, Paul admired Robert’s character, particularly his ability to achieve so much, in a business sense.Robert invited Paul to lunch in the company’s executive dinning room the next day. After being wined and dined, Paul was taken on a tour of the Shanghai Office. He soon found himself being introduced to all key personnel who appeared to be "very friendly and enthusiastic ". Robert then invited Paul back to his" very impressive" office for a "more formal chat" about the job offer. By now, Paul was very interested in the job. He enjoyed the boost to his ego that always accompanies being selected for a job when no application is made. The office seemed to be very progressive, had challenging growth target, and offered a friendly work environment. The office’s friendly atmosphere helped reduce Paul’s concern about his lack of experience and be generally supportive of his “need to learn the ropes.”Whist Robert acknowledged Paul’s lack of experience as an obvious weakness, he believed that former “army man”would be accustomed to coping with, and finding solutions to difficult situations. Robert had no doubt that Paul had the personality and intelligence to overcome his lack of experience. Robert often voiced the belief that “it’s one thing to cover a lot of theory at universities, but it’s not as effective as learning on the job. “Robert respected Paul’s potential ability an felt that they could work very well together. At the end of the formal chat Robert formally offered the job to Paul.Robert discussed Paul’s arrival with most of the office staff. He arranged to have Paul’s office situated on the third floor. This would enable Paul to be near the general office employees and the general accounting records, as well as close enough to the marking department to keep abreast of any office related problem. Apart from being responsible for the marketing, another of his principal tasks was to assist Jack. Who had been promoted as the general manger, in the preparation of daily, weekly and monthly accounting reports covering the entire organization.Paul spent most of his first week of word with Jack, learning the firm’s various accounting procedures and getting to know the staff and various sections within the office. However, jack hoped Paul would only need to be shown everything once, he simply did not have the time to be both a teacher, and general manager of the head office. Paul would need to learn to stand on his own two feet very quickly.Soon after talking up the position Paul started to encounter problems.Paul soon discovered that he had a staff problem-Jim. Jim worked in the marketing department, his current supervisor told Paul that Jim is conscientious, friendly, quick and accurate in his work. He has some special customers who always ask for him. However, he is paid $30000 a year, which is $8000 more than any of the other sales assistants. When Jim started he was regarded as a potential high-flier. By the time he was 28 he had reached the top of the pay scale. Although Jim had been offered several promotions he had turned them down “for private reasons”. Every year Jim’s pay had been increased and is now well beyond the end of the pay scale. The other staff inthe department had recently discovered details of Jim’s salary and had started to resent jim earning more than them. Paul noted that absenteeism, turnover and conflict within this department had increased dramatically in the last month.Paul decided to talk to Jim about another promotion, as it was simply too expensive to keep him in his current position. Jim told Paul that he enjoyed working in the department and said he was not ambitious. “ I do my job here as well as I can and when I get home I make things with my hands. I like doing that. I enjoy life and like life as it comes?’Paul also discovered that the 20% growth targets were unrealistic. The Asian financial storm had great impact on business organizations. Many of the firm’s important clients had reacted by reducing advertising budgets, consequently the market had slowed down dramatically and there was no chance that target for the current year would be reached. To Paul’s horror, ,not only had Robert apparently ignored the impact of the impact of the Asian financial storm on market demand when setting the growth targets, they had neglected to allocate additional funds urgently needed for staff training. Paul knew that he would need to make some difficult decisions to quickly reduce the office’s operating costs.Paul found that the stress of the problem was building within himself. He was losing at his family for no apparent reason. He had never fired anyone before and he found it a very unpleasant experience. He knew that he had no choice but that did not make it any easier to do. He started to question whether he was really suited for the job and started to yearn for the safety and security of his old position in the American company.Paul worked hard at the job but it was obvious that the growth targets would not be reached. This also caused Paul enormous stress. He could also see the necessity for further terminations ahead and knew he would not do it. He had to leave. After only six months in the job, he resigned with regret.Section C Challenges in the 21st CenturyEntering the 21 century, Robert feels under growing pressure and senses more and more challenges. The organization has reached its maturity. A lot of problems need to be solved in order to maintain competitive and effective. It become more and more difficult to maintain its leading position, which has long been set as part of company’s mission.The competition is fiercer than ever. Ads-First Ltd. Has recently lost several important contracts. Competitors are exercising aggressive strategies and gaining market share over the firm. With the fast development of online business and the ever increasing influence of the new mwdia, more and more internet-based advertising businesses appeared. Chinese government has become more concerned about the protection of consumers by enacting strict regulation on the advertisement industry, both online and off-line.Many of the professional staffs have shown a dissatisfaction towards the rigid system of workingand prefer to work on a flexitime and connect with the company via telephone, internet or other instantaneous communication approaches.External consultance has suggested Robert to restructure the company in order to be more responsive to changes in the market. Outsourcing is also considered to maintain a lean and flexible organization.The company has made a business plan to enter into the online advertisement business by building up an internet-based platform for both B2Band B2C purpose. This plan would only be possible if adequate funds are raised successfully. Ads-First has been negotiating with several commercial banks for loans and some investment companies for venture capital recently.A Human Resource company has been hired to recruit some IT professionals. An extensive training programme on online marketing proposed by the business school of a famous university has been adopted in which most of the management and marketing staffs will be trained.There are both challenges and opportunities. Robert understands that Ads-First will experience a lot of changes for the next five years in order to survive and develop.Robert will have to discuss with the other directors before he submit annual report and a proposal of a five-year plan covering the issues mention above to the shareholder’s meeting next month.。
hnd 人力 outcome1-3 全部答案
Section A
2b. Objectives and policies
• Definition of policy
-- Provide a framework of rules or guidance that manager and staff can make decision -- Systematic way of delegating responsibility and encourage consistency -- Based on explicit values
• Structure
-- Civil engineering project -- Structural engineering project
• Facility, technology, financial (bank loan, grant)
Property of Jing WANG
Section A
Property of JingStakeholders
• Employees, including apprentices, technicians, engineers (payment, training, performance, promotion, working condition…) • Clients (high quality service, customer care, reputation…) • Financial providers, including bank, investors (performance, rate of return, credit, dividend) • Local firms, including training providers, insurance brokers, accountants (provide work for them, long-term cooperation) • Suppliers, including contractors (provide work Property of Jing WANG for them)
Outcome1HNDSQA人力资源管理导论Content1. Definition of Human Resource Management (2)2. Differences between HRM and PM (2)3. Four stages of HRM development (5)4.Key functions of HRM (5)5. Reference (5)Definition of Human Resource ManagementHuman resource management (HRM, HM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. HRM can also be performed by line managers.[1]HRM is an organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training etc. [2]HRM is also a strategic and comprehensive approach to managing people and the workplace culture and environment. Effective HRM enables employees to contribute effectively and productively to the overall company direction and the accomplishment of the organization's goals and objectives. [3] HRM is moving away from traditional personnel, administration, and transactional roles, which are increasingly outsourced. HRM is now expected to add value to the strategic utilization of employees and that employee programs impact the business in measurable ways. The new role of human resource management involves strategic direction and human resourcemanagement metrics and measurements to demonstrate value.[4]Differences between HRM and PMPersonnel management (PM) is basically an administrative record-keeping function, at the operational level. PM attempts to maintain fair terms and conditions of employment, while at the same time, efficiently managing personnel activities for individual departments etc. It is assumed that the outcomes from providing justice and achieving efficiency in the management of personnel activities will result ultimately in achieving organizational success. [5]HRM is concerned with carrying out the same functional activities traditionally performed by the personnel function, such as HR planning, job analysis, recruitment and selection, employee relations, performance management, employee appraisals, compensation management, training and development etc. But, the HRM approach performs these functions in a qualitatively distinct way, when compared with personnel management.The following are several main differences between PM and HRM:1) PM is workforce-centered, directed mainly at the orga nization?s employees; such as finding and training them, arranging for them to be paid, explaining management?s expectations, justifying management?s action s etc. Nevertheless, HRM is resource–centered, directed mainly at management, in terms of devolving theresponsibility of HRM to line management and administrative development etc.2) Although indisputably an administrative function, PM has never totally identified with management interests, as it becomesineffective when not able to understand and articulate the aspirations and views of the workforce, just as sales representatives have to understand and articulate the aspirations of the customers.3) PM is basically an operational function, concerned primarily with carrying out the day-to-day people management activities. HRM is strategic in nature, which is, being concerned with directly assisting an organization to gain sustained competitive advantages.4) HRM is more proactive than PM. PM is about the maintenance of personnel and administrative systems; HRM is about the forecasting of organizational needs, the continual monitoring and adjustment of personnel systems to meet current and future requirements, and administration changes.Four stages of HRM developmentSocial Justice●The origins of personnel manageme nt lie in nineteenth century, deriving from thework of social reformers such as Lord Shaftesbury and Robert Owen.●Their criticism of the free enterprise system and the leadership created by theexploitation of workers by factory owners enabled the first personnel managers to be appointed and provided the first frame of reference in which they worked: to ameliorate the lot of workers●Such concerns are not obsolete. There are still regular reports of employees beingexploited by employers flouting the law, and the problem of organizational distance between decision makers and thoseputting decisions into practice remains a source of alienation from work.●In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries some of the larger employers witha paternalist outlook began to appoint welfare officers to manage a series of newinitiatives designed to make less harsh of their employees.●Prominent examples were the progressive schemes of unemployment benefit, sickpay and subsidized housing provided by the Quaker family firms of Cadbury and Rowntree, and Lever Brothers? soap business.●While the motives were ostensibly charitable, there was and remains a business aswell as an ethical case for paying serious attention to the welfare of employees.●This is based on the co ntention that it improves commitment on the part of staffand leads potential employees to compare the organization favorably competitors.●The result is higher productivity, a longer-serving workforce and a bigger pool ofapplicants for each job. It has also been argued that a commitment to welfare reduces the scope for the development of adversarial industrial relations.●The more conspicuous welfare initiatives promoted by employers today includeemployee assistance schemes, childcare facilities and health-screening programs.Human Bureaucracy●This phase marked the beginnings of a move away from a sole focus on welfaretowards the meeting of various other organizational objectives. Personnel managers began to gain responsibilities in the areas of staffing, training and organization design.●Influenced by social scientists such as F.W. Taylor and Henri Fayol personnelspecialists started to look at how organizational structures could be designed and labor deployed so as to maximize efficiency.●The human bureaucracy stage in the development of personnel thinking was alsoinfluenced by the Human Relations School, which sough to ameliorate the potential for industrial conflict and dehumanization present in too rigid an application of these scientific management approaches.●Following the ideas of thinkers such as Elton Mayo, the fostering of socialrelationships in the workforce and employee morale thus became equally important objectives for personnel professionals to raise productivity levels. Consent by negotiation●Personnel managers next added expertise in bargaining to their repertoire ofskills.●In the period of full employment following the Second World War labor became ascarce resource. This led to a growth in trade union membership and to what Alian Flanders, the leading industrial relations analyst of the 1960s, called “the challenge from below”.●Personnel specialists managed the new collective institutions such as jointconsultation committees, joint production committees and suggestion schemes set up in order to accommodate the new realities. In the industries that were nationalized in the 1940s, employers were placed under a statutory duty to negotiate with unions representing employees.●To help achieve this, the government encouraged the appointment of personnelofficers and set up the first specialist courses for them in the universities.● A personnel management advisory service was also set up at the Ministry ofLabor, which still survives as the first A in ACAS.Organization and Integration●The late 1960s saw a switch in focus among personnel specialists, away fromdealing principally with the rank-and-file employee on behalf of management, towards dealing with management itself and the integration of managerial activity.●This phase was ch aracterized by the development of career paths and ofopportunities within organizations for personal growth.●This too remains a concern of personal specialists today, with a significantportion of time and resources being devoted to the recruitment, development and retention of an elite core of people with specialist expertise on whom the business depends for its future.●Personnel specialists developed techniques of manpoweror workforce planning.This is basically a quantitative activity, boosted by the advent of information technology, which involves forecasting the likely need for employees with different skills in the future.Key functions of HRM1)Human resource planning or employment planning is the process by which anorganization attempts to ensure that it as the right number of qualified people in the right jobs at the right time2)Job analysis defines a job in terms of specific tasks and responsibilities andindentifies the abilities, sills and qualifications needed to perform it successfully.3)Employee recruitment is the process of seeking and attracting a pool ofapplicants from which qualified candidates for job vacancies within an organization can be selected.4)Employee selectio n involves choosing from the available candidates theindividual predicted to be most likely to perform successfully in the job.5)Performance appraisal is concerned with determining how well employees aredoing their jobs, communicating that information to employees and establishing a plan for performance improvement.6)Training and development activities help employees learn how to perform theirjobs, improve their performance and prepare themselves for more senior positions.7)Career planning and development activities benefit both employees and theorganizations.8)Employee motivation is vital to the success of any organization. Highlymotivated employees tend to be more productive and have rates of absenteeism and turnover.Reference1.Armstrong, Michael (2006). A Handbook of Human Resour ce Management Practice(10th ed.). London: Kogan Page. ISBN 0-7494-4631-5. OCLC 622822482. Towers, David. "Human Resource Management essays". Retrieved 2007-10-17.3. By Susan M. Heathfield, /doc/aa5660198.html,Guide/doc/aa5660198.html,/od/glossaryh/ f/hr_management.htm4. Pfeffer, J. (1994) Competitive advantage through people, Harvard Business School 4 /doc/aa5660198.html,/od/glossaryh/f/hr_mana gement.htm5.…Personnel management?. The Columbia Encyclopedia (Sixth ed.). Columbia University Press. 2005. /doc/aa5660198.html,/65/x-/X-personne.html. Retrieved 2007-10-17. "Personnel management - see industrial management".。
Property of Jing WANG
Section B
6. Motivation for staff depends on more than high salary and working condition
Explaining one of the following theories: • Maslow’s hierarchy of need • Herzberg’s two factor theory • Alderfer’s ERG theory
Property of Jing WANG
Section B
6. Motivation for staff depends on more than high salary and working condition
• David used ‘Big Brother’ approach, which means it has complete control over people and is always checking what they do, he liked to run a tight ship
Employee conduct Appropriate employee behavior, and they outline things such as proper dress code, workplace safety procedures, harassment policies and policies regarding computer and Internet usage, warnings or employee termination
Managing people and organization
General Information
Text Book: Managing People and Organizations
Grading policy: satisfactory or unsatisfactory
Formal ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Formal and Informal organization
Have purposes Defined reporting structure Rules Control the organization
No formal purpose, but have to meet social needs of members
No formal structure
No formal rules
No formal control
Individual ReportF84T 34 Managing People and OrganisationsOutcome 1NAME: uSCN:CLASS:ContentsIntroduction (2)Section 1: Relationship between goals, objectives and policies (2)Section 2: Differences between the formal and informal organization (3)Section 3: Open System Theory (3)Section 4: Different stakeholders (4)Section 5: Effective control strategy (5)Conclusion (6)Reference (6)IntroductionThe purpose of the report is what to understand more fully the organization management. I learned c ompany's departments’ work together in order to achieve the company's goals. This report has five sections which are relationship between goals, objectives and policies,differences between the formal and informal organization,open System Theory, different stakeholders and effective control strategy.Section 1: Relationship between goals, objectives and policiesThe relationship between goals, objectives and policy facilitates to the effective management. Goals and objectives provide the desired results, and the policy is guiding people how to do. Feasible policies can help the realization of the aims and objectives of better.Goals:Goals are long-term. Consumer goals are to provide to the customer the demand of consumers.Shangri-La Hotels maintain a high quality of customer service. This is the Shangri-la Hotel's consumer goals. Product goals are to provide customers with high quality product. Craig insisted on selecting the freshest fruits and vegetables this is the Shangri-la Hotel product goals. Service goals are to provide customers with high standards of service. The Shangri-la Hotel promises when customers need the waiter, waiter arrive within five minutes to the customer side. This is the Shangri-la Hotel's service goals.Objectives:Objectives are short-term. Objectives are more specific than the goals; it can determine the specific direction. Objectives can help an organization determine a number of factors such as the time factor and the causal factors. The Shangri-la Hotel promises when customers need the waiter, waiter arrive within five minutes to the customer side. The Shangri-la Hotel maintained a 3-star Michelin chef. These are the Shangri-la Hotel's objectives. SMART make objectives more effective more efficient concrete. Kitchen staff training date is by May 1999. Waiting staff to attend table within 3 minutes.Policies:Policies provide a fixed set of rules or guidelines. Craig stock only in the Gordon Meldrum Company. Ailsa increase their salary. All staff received training in the hotel of the highest standards. These are Shangri-La's purchase policies.Section 2: Differences between the formal and informal organizationEach Business organization has a formal and an informal aspect of organization.Formal organizationFormal organization has a clear organizational structure and clear management delegation and has a certain degree of control. Formal organizations are designed to be clear regulations and determining role. Shangri-La Hotel is a formal organization.Informal organizationsInformal organizations are flexible and loose structure, are spontaneous and have different levels of participants and the relationship is not defined. Informal organization can provide interest and pleasure in working life. Craig personal centralized control kitchen has many complaining voice. These small groups are composed of an informal organization.Section 3: Open System Theory什么事开放式系统Reduction in salary will lower the staff attitude resulting in a decline in service quality. Improve the quality of staff, can improve the quality of service of the staff.PEST is used to analyze the external and macro-environment. SWOT is used to analyze the internal and external environment. Five forces are used to analyze the internal and micro-environment.For SWOT analysis of cases.Strengths The Shangri-la Hotel is a much coveted 3-star Michelin award. Highest rated three-star Michelin in a year, if there is no qualified local behavior of falling stars or the stars, has maintained three Michelin stars is Shangri-La's strength. Antonio is the reception manager has been with the firm for many years. Antonio has a wealth of management experience and problem-solving methods encounter difficulties at the hotel she can solve problems in time. All staffs are going to the local college. Train staff to a local University, you can improve the overall quality of staff, soas to improve the hotel's service quality.Weaknesses Because of Craig’s personal centralized control and employees work depressing.Craig's personal authoritarianism is the working atmosphere is depressed, many employee complaints, it leads to lower quality service attitude and service of the staff. Personal centralized control make employees could not finished working regular overtime. Craig relies too much on Gordon Meldrum's raw material. If the contract is terminated or the enhanced bargaining power of suppliers and will cause the hotel suppliers to break, affecting the normal operation of Shangri-La Hotel.Opportunities Craig on TV show to join chef’s competition can enhance the hotel’s reputation.Craig on behalf of Shangri-La Hotel, appeared on television and got good grades, let more people know the hotel's details. The economic crisis two multi-national companies are about to set up headquarters in Glasgow. Two companies based in Glasgow, it has a lot of potential customers, for Shangri-La Hotel is a new opportunity for the development.Threats Economic crisis collapse of three companies and these companies is large customer of Shangri-la Hotel. Recession economic downturn reduced consumers ' willingness to spend, will lower the Shangri-La's customers.Section 4: Different stakeholdersInternal stakeholders are owner, manager and employee.Owner:Owners have the ability to profit-making companies, and ability to develop strategic and tactical direction. The Stewart families are owners. Respectively Sandy Stewart and his wife, their son and their daughter Craig Ailsa.Manager: Managers have responsibility for their implementation; the capacity can be the company's dividend and profit. Also can to use problem-solving skills and wealth of experience. They can get the stability of wages. In the Shangri-la Hotel Ailsa and Craig are managers.Employee: Employee training opportunities, and opportunities for promotion in the company. Staff will affect the quality of enterprises and service. In the Shangri-la Hotel the reception manager, accountant, a team of receptionists and maintenance staff are employees.External stakeholders are government, supplier, financer, community and customer.Government :Government to comply with the legislation to ensure the health and safety of the masses can gain tax. Government is local governmentsSupplier: Supplier is to provide a source of income the company. They want to ensure their payment; therefore, the liquidity of the company is very important. While good relationships are also important. In the Shangri-la Hotel Gordon Meldrum is the supplier.Financer:Financers are responsible for the company's liquidity. Also can determine and influence the terms of repayment and loan period.Community: Provides employment opportunities for local communities and supports local events, participation in local decision-making. United Kingdom the soil Association is the community.Customer: Customers with stability and reliability. Customers want the company to provide high quality products and services. In the Shangri-la Hotel business clients and international visitors are customers.Section 5: Effective control strategyPersonal centralized control One personal is management. In the Shangri-la Hotel Craig is the management he in the kitchen. Craig often communicates with the kitchen staff, to ensure that other employees can understand his approach. And Craig to dinner is a strict requirement.Bureaucratic control Arbitrary rows from the masses have rigid organizational structures and fixed rules and regulations. In the Shangri-la Hotel Craig personally prepared the menu for the restaurant.Output control Shangri-la Hotel staff unit assessment.Ailsa took the initiative to big companies pull customers, to manage the matter to members of the company.Cultural control In the spiritual leadership of the staff, feel their own enterprise culture.In the Shangri-la Hotel they every weekend have free drink for the team to celebrate.I recommend the Shangri-la Hotel with cultural controls. Cultural control can make workers more aware of their corporate culture, so employees can better serve the Shangri-la Hotel.ConclusionI learned not only of the use of personal authoritarianism and atmosphere can lead to depression, affect the quality of service. Reasonable control of culture so that employees understand the cultural background of the enterprise, can better serve the company. Company's departments should work together in order to achieve the company's goals.ReferenceLaurie J. Mullins, Management and Organisational Behavior, Seventh Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall (2005)Steven L. McShane, Mary Ann Von Glinow, Organizational Behavior, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill lrwin 雨滴穿石,不是靠蛮力,而是靠持之以恒。
HND人力组织管理outcome3HND人力组织管理outcome21. Introduction 22. Assessment . 2 2.1 Motivation and assess their applicability . 63. Conclusion .. 7 1 1. Introduction A munity teams staff and management of the munity, each member of the rational utilization of knoledge and skills to ork together, to solve the problem, so as to achieve a mon goal. The best they have mon hobbies and interests, in cooperation at the same time can be tice the result ith half the effort to plete the task. 2. Assessment 2.1 Motivation and assess their applicability a. Herzberg 2-factor theory:To-factor theory by American psychologist Herzberg developed. Hygiene Factors,It includes salary, holiday, pension rights, health, level regulation and pany policy and orking stability; For example: hen the pany in establishing Scotia Airays , they clearly kno that business travel is a lucrative potential industry, they started to appoint experienced manager team, the pany each department agree to market positioning in the aviation market; This shos the pany doing ell for regulatory levels; Scotia Airays have a very good job stability, hich is one of the key to the success of the pany, such as: Scotia Airays has had been able to retain the same management team that ere brought to the business in 1996. The vast majority of the staff has also remained ith the business as it has gron through the years. Motivators:Another is the motivators, this theory includes: praise, recognition and opportunity for personal groth; Incentive can make people produce factors of job satisfaction is closely related to the content of the factors, improving such factors ill create job satisfaction, lack of, make staff produce not satisfied”. In recent years, the pany because of the service level of ascension, meet the regulationsfor consumer demand has obtained the reputation, the idely praised by the public. For example, It 2 has developed a reputation for its strict adherence to the UK civil aviation standards, the level of service provision It offers over and above the minimum consumer travel protection schemes and its proactive role in identifying and meeting customer needs. The corporate culture of trust beteen managers and employees to build, the corporate culture ill enhance ork efficiency; improve business efficiency, affecting every employee. This culture is devoted to Executive, Rosa Dallevic set up and in the various departments to establish a great orking relationship. b. The concept of equity theory:By the American psychologistJohn Stark Adams in 1965. Causes of equity and inequity identified link ith case concluded: Scotia ill undoubtedly have a major impact upon employees and their perception of the balance beteen effort and reard must be carefully monitored to ensure a sense of fairness is felt by all employees. The management to strengthen the supervision of staff and take effective the equity of the management control, so to ensure that every employees ork and payment balance. As a manager should be aare that the staffs ork enthusiasm is not only related to personal ine and the staffs are equity remuneration distribution is more closely. 2.2 summaries methods According to Scotia Airays management, I summarized the folloing point of vie, can be implemented to improve performance and prove that provide added value for organizations. Teamork: In this team, beteen the person and persons dependence is very close, the enterprise culture to establish trust beteen managers and employees, the corporate culture ill enhance the ork efficiency, increase the benefit, affecting every employee. This culture is the Chief Executive,Rosa Dallevic, and in various departments to establish a good orking relationship, so as to form a relatively strong collective, very petitive, overes the limitations of individual is unable to plete. Collaboration is the core of there. A small group of collective by 3 plementary mutual members in each others ay, able to strict management itself, hich makes it easier to handle the problem. Authorization: authorization can be subordinate respect, but also conducive to play a subordinate ones ability and cleverness, also can reduce his orkload, improve ork efficiency; give employees a certain rights, it’s give full play to make the customer reception staff. Job rotation: it allos employees to avoid ork monotonous, boring and a series of negative feelings, appropriate to add a bit of fresh, increase color, rotation can increase the degree of understanding of the panys employees, hich ill offer certain responsibilities, play a role in encouraging. For different personalities, give different occupation planning, such as: good munication, Ill bring him assigned to the purchasing department be scanty of ords, such as personality, I ill arrange his financial department. Training: this ill directly improve the skill level of employees and their ork efficiency. Target setting: the SMART foundation for the theory is established, both to develop team ork goals or employee performance objectives must meet the above principles, the five principles are indispensable. The process of making process is its capacity increasing, the manager must and staff together in the process of making high performance goals of improving performance ability. 2.3 achievement and identify a. Why is it important to team ork, because it provides structure, it promotes motivation, it promotes co-ordination; According to the case description: Akey driver 4 of the success of Scotia Airays is the management agrees out the targets ith middle and junior managers and staff, and allos the operational planning to be determined by those managers and employees then populate the details into the plan. The pany is a structure posed of four departments: the superior managers, middle managers junior managers and ordinary employees, reasonable distribution of the ork, the efficiency is raised. According to the case: One of the main strengths of Scotia Airays has been its ability to ork successfully ithin the regulatory frameorks of the aviation industry. b. Could improve situation by positive effects on: .Improve the quality of service, according to the case: Scotia Airays offers several value added services, to the as, valets to assist the passengers in boarding the plane, gourmet meals and a range of the in - flight services and entertainment. .Improve thedecision-making,according to the case: Scotia Airays has made up of five planes deployment; the managers can make positive changes in market demand and quick response. In vie of the European Union and Britain loosened controls on aviation license terms, Scotia Airays of great opportunities in the future. Executives and mid-level and staff reached an agreement on the output target, they all agreed to let managers and employees decided on a plan of action, team ork by coordination to confirm a target as the center, improve the accuracy of the decision. . Staff development: team ork like a ne orld, a alone like a tunnel vision for a long time, according to the case: Scotia Airays currently employs executives and managers in the marketing, finance, HR and flight operations ith the operational and administrative staff ithin each department. Rosa Dallevic is in overall charge, assisted by its ehrs long - term colleague, Azim Ishtiaq. She has also employed the samepersonal assistant, Katrin Wright, since She joinedScotiaand this from from promote consistency and continuity. c.Possible costs could include: The cost of training, in order to improve the staffs production efficiency, discontent surrounding the roles and responsibilities, a team is not many people ill be satisfied ith their jobs, often can produce dispute. Conflicting personal objectives and the 5 need for supervision strengthen supervision and increase my cost. According to the case: in staffing levels in recent years, the pany increased spending on investment and capital budget, and This has include the identification of potential implications for organizational objectives, goals and policies, as ell as the essential more that that ill be required to ensure the business remains viable. Understandably, many of the orkforces are anxious about the expansion and the possible risk and uncertainty it could bring. 2.4Impact upon team cohesion and performance potential 1. Participation: participation is the core of the team cohesion, if a team participation is not enough, so the efficiency of the hole team ill drop significantly. A key driver of the success of Scotia Airays is the management agrees out the targets ith middle and junior managers and staff, and allos the operational planning to be determined by those managers and employees then populate the details into the plan.2. Communication: due to the lack of munication beteen people, beteen the departments and munication, often encounter some friction, contradiction and conflict, misunderstanding. This ill affect the efficiency of the organization, make the enterprise is difficult to form cohesion, artificial cost of internal friction increases, even led to the deaths of the enterprise. Therefore, the one of the main content of enterprise culture construction is to enhance munication. Themanagement teams ithin Scotia have orked meticulously in planning and evaluating their services to ensure that the customer focus is the primary driver of business success. The satisfaction of the interests of the stakeholders involved in Scotia Airays has then of Paramount importance to Rosa, and at times hen about decisions have had be seems, she has alays had a strong and decisive manager. 3. Team objective: The team objective is like a persons eyes, and it can allo the team to find direction, save a lot of valuable time. According to the case: Scotia Airays aspires to mark its international presence, by introducing flights to major European tourist destinations, as ell as expanding to major business centers in 6 Eastern Europe and the Middle and Far East. The airlines international flights ill only use the custom built ide bodied aircraft, and he not offer pa class travel. 3. Conclusion Through this report, I understand that as a manager, must make it clear in the object management is the people, things, objects, focal point and core of all human. And the management efficiency of the objective factors in addition to the rules and regulations, there is one very important point is the subjective factor, the managers and the superior and subordinate to have good munication. As long as e can establish good munication and relationship ith superiors and subordinates, in the ork ill gradually form the cooperation ork.。
1A.with reference to an appropriate theory explain the main roles and activities of a manager Management roles refers to a specific type of management behavior. Mintzberg 10 kinds of management behavior can be further combination of three main aspects, namely the interpersonal roles, informational role and decisional role. Informational including Monitor, Disseminator,Spokesperson. Interpersonal including Figurehead,Leader and Liaison. Decision including Entrepreneur, Disturbance handler,Resource allocator and Negotiator.Monitor seek and get all kinds of internal and external information, in order to thoroughly understand the organization and the environment. Also known as supervisors.Disseminator will from external personnel and lower the information transmitted to other members of the organization.Spokesperson released to the outside world organization plan, policies, actions and results, etc.Figurehead must perform the routine many legal and social obligations. Alsoknown as the representative.Leader responsible for motivating; Responsible for personnel, training and related responsibilities.Liaison maintenance developed by external relations and sources, get help and information.Entrepreneur opportunities for organizations and environments, establish "improvements" to initiate change.Disturbance handler when organizations face focus, accident chaos, responsible for corrective action.Resource allocator is responsible for the allocation of various resources organization - to develop and approve all relevant organizational decisions. Negotiators in the main negotiations as a representative of the organization.1B.explain how the roles identified in (a) are being carried out by managers in Shangri-la HotelsIn case Ailsa as Leader in Hotel.she took part in all events of Hotel and manage all staff in the Hotel.Such as when students chose become part-time staff in the Hotel,Ailsa would increase their salary.Craig as resource allocator in Hotel.Each day in the kitchen he personally prepared the menu for the restaurant, and allocated specific tasks to thewaiters and kitchen staff. He kept close tabs on exactly what each one did, as he believed that every dish that left the kitchen had his signature on it and therefore had to meet his rigorous standards.Saskia as Disseminator in the hotel. Whenever Craig was away from the hotel, Saskia was delegated the job of issuing work to the kitchen and waiting staff.2A. Explain Likert's System theory on leadershipThis theory is he and his colleagues on the production as the center of the style of leadership and people-centered leadership after a comparative study of the results. The theory is that support relationship is a two-way street. Leaders want to consider the situation of subordinate staff, ideas, and hope, help staff to achieve its objectives, make the worker to realize their own value and importance. Leader this support can motivate subordinates to the worker the worker of leadership take the attitude of cooperation, trust, support the leader's job.He's led four system model is put forward in 1967, is the leadership style is divided into four types of systems. Exploitative authoritative, benevolent authoritative, consultative and participative.He thinks only a fourth way - "participative" to achieve truly effective leadership to correctly set goals for the organization and effectively reach your target. Given the leadership to take way to motivate people, so he thought, this is the most effective way of leading a group.Management style 1 is called "the exploitative authoritarian" or "authoritarian - authoritarian". In this way, the director of the personnel is very authoritarian, rarely trust subordinates, to make people fear and punishment, the method of combination rewards to motivate people, occasionally take a top-down communication, decision-making authority is limited to the top. Management way 2 is referred to as "benevolent authoritative" or "enlightened authoritarian", in this way, the director of the personnel have full of trust and confidence of the staff; Reward and punishment and incentive methods; Allow a certain amount of communication from bottom to top, solicited subordinates some ideas and Suggestions; Granted to certain decision-making power at a lower level, but firmly control policy.Management style 3 is called "consultation". Take this way, the director of the personnel of subordinates have quite big but not fully trust and confidence, he often try to adopt the subordinate ideas and opinions; The reward, occasionally with punishment and a certain degree of participation; Engaged in two-way communication information up and down; Top on major policy and overall decision-making at the same time, allow lower-level departments make specific decision problem, and in some cases.He believes that 4 is the most effective approach of management way, can be called “participatory" collective. Managers to take a fourth way of subordinates in all matters with full confidence and trust, always get ideas and opinions from subordinates, and actively adopt them; To determine the objectives and evaluation target the progress, organize groups to participate in, on the basis of the material rewards; More engaged in the communication between with colleagues between up and down; I encourage organizations at all levels to make decisions, or as members of the group with their subordinates to work together.2B.Which system do you believe apply to Craig and Ailsa's approach to management . explain your answer.Craig often use the benevolent authoritative system in the hotel. At the end of each week, Craig always provided free drinks for the team to celebrate, and the team always enjoyed these get-togethers. Craig always made a point of telling the team they had done a good job at the weekly get-together.Ailsa often use the group participative system in the hotel. Ailsa knew that Antonio had many years’ experience in the hotel trade and trusted him and the team to implement this strategy. The sales visits that Ailsa made meant she was often away from the hotel, but in her absence Antonio ran things with little problem or fuss.3A.Describe how the Tannenbaum and Schmidt Theory of leadership shows that different situations demand different leadership approachesR. Tannenbaum and Warren Schmidt in 1958 leading behavior continuum theory is proposed. , they argue, managers in deciding what behavior (style) is most suited to produce often difficult when dealing with a problem. They don't know whether should I make a decision, or authorized to make decisions.1, tells-the leaders make decisions and announced. In this mode, the leaders identify a problem, and is considering various alternatives, choose a, and then announced to subordinates, not to direct participation in decision-making.2,sells- leader to persuade subordinates executive decisions. In this mode, with the former mode, the leader of responsibility for the identified problems and make decisions. But he is not simply declared to implement the decision, but realized that subordinates may exist in opposition, and tries to illustrate the benefits of this decision may give subordinates to persuade subordinates to accept the decision, to eliminate the subordinate.3, leaders put forward plans and solicit opinions of the subordinates. In this mode, the leaders put forward a decision, and hopes to subordinates to accept the decision, he offered the subordinate a details about his plans, and allow the subordinate problems are put forward. In this way, the staff can betterunderstand the leader's plan and intentions, leaders and subordinates to discuss the significance and role of decision making.4, leader can modify the plan is put forward. In this mode, the subordinates can affect decisions play a certain role, but the initiative in identifying and analysing problems are still in the hands of leaders. Leader first to think of a problem, which is a temporary plan is put forward. And give the tentative planto relevant personnel to ask for some advice.5, leader to ask questions, ask for opinion make decisions. In the above several kinds of mode, the leaders before they ask for their opinions put forward their own solutions, and in this pattern, subordinates in the decision to make before put forward their own Suggestions. The leader's active role in problem determination, subordinate role is to put forward a variety of solutions, and finally, leaders from their own and subordinates of the solutions proposed a he thinks the best solution.6, leader scope issues, subordinates collective decision-making. In this model, the leader has decision-making authority to the subordinate group. The leader's job is to figure out what the problem to be solved, and put forward decision-making for subordinates the conditions and requirements of subordinates in accordance with the extent of leaders define the problem to make decisions.7, leader allows subordinates within the limits prescribed by the boss. This model represents the extreme freedom of groups. If the leader took part in the decision-making process, he should try to make myself and other members of the team is in equal status, and prior statement observe group made any decision.3B.Describe the Bass theory of leadership and explain how it can be used to enhance the motivation, moral and job performance of employeesBass will initially be transformational leadership is divided into six dimensions, and then summarized as three key factors, Avolio in its basic way of transformational leadership behavior will be summarized as fouraspects,inspirational motivation, intellectual Stimulation,idealized Influence and individualized consideration.Inspirational motivation refers to the leader r of followers placed high expectations, through the incentive to make them involved in the business of achieving an organization's vision. In practice, the leader use beliefs and emotional appeal to condensed group members, in order to obtain greater achievement than individual interests, so the factors to enhance the team spirit.Intellectual Stimulation refers to leaders inspire their followers to creativity and innovation consciousness, on its own and the leader's beliefs and values, beliefs and values to the organization also questioned, leader support follower try the creation of new theory, new method to solve the problems of the organization, to encourage the followers to think independently and solve problems.Idealized Influence refers to the leader to the follower by way of example, followers of the leader, and is willing to follow the leader, the leader usually have higher moral standards, values and moral behavior, the leaders provide followers goals and vision, a sense of mission to followers.charismaindividualized consideration refers to the leader to create a supportive atmosphere, followers to listen carefully to the individual needs, a leader in helping the individual self-fulfillment when playing with the coach and the role of advisor, help followers to achieve its own needs and development.3c. Explain how Craig could use the above approaches to improve his leadership styleCraig also believed it was important to study at college, but he spent a lot of time personally with the kitchen staff to ensure that they understood his personal methods and that meals had to be prepared to his exacting standards.At the end of each week, Craig always provided free drinks for the team tocelebrate, and the team always enjoyed these get-togethers.4.Explain two ways in which managerial performance can be measured and in each case describe how the measure can be used to assess managerial performance.Measures of managerial effectiveness method is refers to the use of certain quantitative indicators and evaluation standard, to achieve its performance goals,and to achieve this the budget execution results taken by the comprehensive evaluation method. Measures of managerial effectiveness including Appraisal, Staff development, Management development and Development programmes. Staff development : Effective development requires a systematic approach, which begins when the human resources department formulates its plan, This plan outlines the job requirements for the future in order to achieve the organizational goals, along with performance criteria in order to achieve the goals.Management development is under the specific environment of group has the resources for effective planing, organizing, leading and controlling, in order to achieve the established process of organizational goals.In case , Ailsa and Craig always use staff development. Ailsa had close links with the local college who ran hospitality courses, and would often take on learners who were studying there as part-time staff. On completing their studies, many of these learners opted to take up full-time employment with the hotel, at which time Ailsa would increase their salary. Craig believed it was important to study at college, but he spent a lot of time personally with the kitchen staff to ensure that they understood his personal methods and that meals had to be prepared to his exacting standards.Craig always use management development. Craig depended greatly on Saskia, having worked together in London for many years. Whenever Craig was away from the hotel, Saskia was delegated the job of issuing work to the kitchen andwaiting staff. Craig also insisted that only Saskia and he should have the authority to sign for the meat and vegetable deliveries.。
Individual ReportF84T 34 Managing People and OrganisationsOutcome 1NAME: uSCN:CLASS:ContentsIntroduction (2)Section 1:Relationship between goals,objectives and policies (2)Section 2: Differences between the formal and informal organization (3)Section 3:Open System Theory (3)Section 4: Different stakeholders (4)Section 5:Effective control strategy (5)Conclusion (6)Reference (6)IntroductionThe purpose of the report is what to understand more fully the organization management. I learned c ompany’s departments' work together in order to achieve the company's goals。
This report has five sections which are relationship between goals,objectives and policies,differences between the formal and informal organization, open System Theory, different stakeholders and effective control strategy。
Section 1: Relationship between goals, objectives and policiesThe relationship between goals,objectives and policy facilitates to the effective management. Goals and objectives provide the desired results,and the policy is guiding people how to do。
Section 11. Organization①an organization including people at least two. (In Barbour Brown Engineering Ltd, initially, there are 7 people: David and Neil, two other qualified engineers: Jack and James, two qualified technicians and one apprentice technician. Afterward, there are 17 people in all, including a further two engineers, four technicians and four apprentices.)②They have the organizational goal :( to offer the engineering consultancy servicein the town.)③They performed in a arranged way,(they have the formal reporting system, andline-structure. The system can be described as follows: David and Neil------engineers-----technicians-----apprentice technicians.)2. a)GoalDefinition: Goal describing what your organization wishes to accomplish, stemming from your purpose. Goals are the ends towards which your effects will be directed and often change from term to term or year to year, according to the circumstances. Importance of goal:①Consumer goal: (the main aim of the firm was to provide a highquality service.)②Product goal: (important that their staff were appropriately trained in the latesttechnology, they provide best designs via training the employees.)③Operational goal: (Neil and David believed in the principles of inwardinvestment, they used local contractors, insurance brokers and accountants to provide service to the firm.)④Secondary goal :( because David and Neil’s belief in inward investment, theyalways supported other local businesses and used local firms to provide service.So that they can build a good relationship with the local businesses and get inward.)2. b)objectives:Objectives are measurable specific goals, descriptions of exactly what is to be done, derived from goals.Objectives are clearly specific statements of measurable tasks that need to be accomplished to reach your goals.They are usually short terms with deadlines.①to meet targets timorously within the quoted price, ( Neil always insisted on a highquality of service, and believe that a happy customer was a priority, so the engineer should go to the site ASAP.)②To ensure the staff are well trained (they use colleges to train them and send themto the city to broaden their horizon.)③David use time sheets to supervise the ongoing projects.( It can bring somenegative effects, it’s time consuming and discourage employees’ enthusiasm and autonomy.)PolicyPolicies provide a framework of rules or guidance within which management and staff can make decisions.①David and Neil take on the different responsibilities in the firm :(As a generalpolicy, David allocate the work, Neil concentrated on promoting the business and setting up contracts.) negative and positive②They provide timorously service( it may supervise the task, but it’s timeconsuming and discourage employees’ enthusiasm and autonomy)③They provide best design at quoted price.④They used local contractors, insurance brokers and accountants to provide serviceto the firm. (This can help them build good relationship with the local business, it can also bring some bad effects, when the local firm is not good enough or mot suitable for them, David and Neil’s company would be influenced.3. We can show the relationship between the external environment and the firm with the following chart:①inputs:Finance help from the bank and Scottish development agency.Qualified employeesContracts from clientsEquipments②processes:Organization of projectsKeep good relationship with customers and suppliersAdministrative support③outputs:Production of designsWell trained employeesSatisfied customers4. Employees: 17people (David and Neil, four other qualified engineers, six qualified technicians and five apprentice technicians.)Clients: people who need engineering consultancy service.Suppliers: the local contractors, insurance brokers and accountants (they provide service to the firm.)Finance providers: bank Scottish development agency (they provide findings to the firm)Training providers: college.(the colleges provide training to the staff.5.①personal centralized②bureaucratic approach③output④culturalDavid Barbour used the personal centralized strategy of controlling staff. (He used timesheets to supervise the ongoing projects, settled time-consuming and cumbersome office layout, treat the employees unfairly.)Section26.David①He treat the employees unfair (he treated James, the less qualified one, as beingmost senior, because James had been with the firm longest. It’s unfair to Jack, the qualified one.)②There is no consultation from employees.(He never sought advice from the staffon the best way to divide up the work.)③The staff are lack of autonomy.( He used timesheets to supervise staff)④The office layout is time-consuming and cumbersome.⑤He makes James acted as the “big brother”(David treated James specially, Jameswas allowed to authorize site visits when David was out of the office)His management makes his team less efficient, unhappy, and have fewer bonuses in the end of the year.Neil①His management style was more flexible, he emphasized the team work.②He offered advice, assistance to the team, and often discuss with them.③He gave enough autonomy and flexibility to the team members.④He offered careful service to the clients and frequent customer meeting are held. Ultimately, Neil’s team has high level of performance, the atmosphere was harmony, and they also have more bonuses in the end of the year.7.Equity theoryDavid treats the staff unfairly, and his behavior will affect the motivation and performance of other staff.a.It will affect their performance ability.b.They will have fewer bonuses in the end of the year.c.His behavior will also affect the morale, the atmosphere of the office.It’s very crucial to use Equity theory to improve the motivation and performance of employees.Goal theoryNeil’s goal is to provide a high quality service.He concentrated on promoting the firm by sourcing business contracts.In order to achieve this goal, he must communicate with clients well and meet them frequently; he also needs to consult staff when necessary.8. Team working (Neil emphasized team work and he run the team very well.) Empowerment (he gave organizational arrangement that allow his staff more autonomy, direction.)Consultation (he often adopts the wise advice from his staff)Participation in decision making (he often discuss with staff a lot)Effective delegation (Effective delegation of Jack made Neil can make best use of his time to achieve his goal)Autonomy (he gave staff enough autonomy and flexibility)End-of –year bonuses (fair bonuses can encourage staff)Good relationship with clients (offer careful customer service and frequent client meeting)9. Highly cohesive teams are more productive and better at meeting objectives, so it is important for David transform his team to be a more harmony one.Key elements of good team working include:①Delegation or accountability②Empowerment③Authority④Responsibility①As a mature organization more than 14 years, its manager David should have thebasic level to trust staff, give them more autonomy. Members of the team are professional; they can arrange well their work. So, the frequent level of provision is not necessary.②The manager must have frequent consulting with them, authority means not onlyguide and direct, but also communicating.③By doing so, we can improve the effectiveness of the team, and we can alsorelease the pressure of Dvid, make him pay more attention to the strategic activities.Section 310. Duties:a.Planning (adjust the processes in different time to make sure to achieve the goals.)anizing (organizing human and material resources to allocate themeffectively.)c.staffing (provide training to the staff)d.directing (pay enough attention to the team work)e.Controlling (improving David’s team.)Roles:rmational roleb.interpersonal rolec.decisional roleNeil:Neil set up good relationship with suppliers and clients.He sets up specific plan for future business.He planned for new development.(the structural development projects)David:He organized the workloadHe organized the staffHe using system, (e.g. the timesheets, to control staff and other resources) to make sure the objectives will be met。
人力与组织管理outcome1-3Outcome11.理论organisation定义elements of the organisation(组织4要素)案例从sectionA找其中technology不用写,structure不用画图,创业时是一家什么样的企业,企业性质是什么2.理论formal和informal(理论各三点,并三点连成一句)案例从sectionB和sectionC找案例写2个3.理论Goals一句话解释4个goals用关键点解释案例4大goals各一个备份目标1个4.理论Objective一句话解释案例找出3个符合SMART的原则的objective5.理论policy用一句话解释案例至少找出3个案例点6.画出系统理论图参照英P58用案例中真实内容代替理论名称7.从案例中找出5类stakeholder并配有理论解释8.理论strategies参照中P82-83前4大策略理论压缩一半案例David和Neil各属于哪个控制Outcome21.你同意高的薪水和好的福利是激励员工努力工作的途径和唯一手段吗?一句话leading 理论写2个除Maslow`s理论外其余都要配有理论解释evidence (依据)一句话找出案例4点2.请用亚当斯的公平理论分析David和Neil的管理方式一句话leading 理论PPT P62前2章PPT 第一章PPT理论加上大于和小于找出案例3点3.请用洛克的目标设定理论分析David和Neil如何给员工设置目标一句话leading 理论PPT P60 压缩一半找出案例4点4.请分析structure office(Neil)是如何提高团队凝聚力的一句话leading 理论PPT P73 11个点都抄上去找出案例4点结合理论11个点中的随便4点5.请分析civil office(David)在团队建设方面存在的问题理论PPT P70第一章改写到一半找出案例4点结合PPTP73页那11点中随便的4点Outcome31.leadership的重要性英P204前两段压缩2.用Naylor`s管理职责论分析David and Neil在BBE公司中的职责分工一句话leading 理论PPT P83最后一章PPT 找出案例3点3.用Likert`s理论分析David and Neil 分别属于哪一型理论PPTP93页第一章案例David and Neil 属于哪一型分别各一点解释4.用Likert理论的KPI指数分析Neil的高效与David的低效理论PPTP92 第一章By前面一段抄下来案例各用一句话来说出Neil的高效与David的低效(一句话来自PPTP92 第二章第三章PPT )5.用Likert`s理论的KPI指数重要性分析在未来的管理中David and Neil因以什么为中心理论PPTP92 第一章By后面那段抄下来(注意By请用其他词来代替)案例分析David and Neil 各有什么不足之处(不从案例中找自己说)6.请用John Adair的理论帮助David提高工作绩效PPTP95 第三章PPT :之前summary(总结下) :之后照抄案例David有没有完成任务团队稳定么满足个人需求么7.用决策中心论帮助David更好的做决策理论PPTP97 第二章~第三章\压缩其中写出(理论名称理论作用理论内容)案例用PPTP98 第一章、第二章中的点来写出David 如何更好的做决策(3点)比例可以是第一章:第二章=1:2(点)或者第一章:第二章=2:1(点)8.请用情景理论分析Neil用过的两种情景理论PPTP100前二章PPT S1 S2 S3 S4 用关键点解释其中写出(理论名称理论作用理论内容)案例Neil用过的2个两种情景(成熟度与准备度相匹配)9.英P238 最后一段整一个Outcome3 压缩。
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Property of Jing WANG
Section A
2a. Four main goals
• 4 main goals
-- consumer goals: high quality service at quoted price; happy customer was a priority -- product goals: to provide the best designs through well trained staff; to provide high quality service -- operational goals: to know what work is being carried out and whereabouts of staff at any given time; use local contractors for development -- secondary goals: use local contractors, insurance brokers and accountants for services to the company
Property of Jing WANG
Section A
3. How organisation interacts with external environments
• Loan from bank, grant from Scottish Development Agency • The local college was used to train the apprentices, but too expensive
Property of Jing WANG
Section A
2b. Objectives and policies
• Definition of objective -- Objectives are more specific than goals -- Identify the specific path to achieve goals -- Have to be SMART • Objectives in case: -- to finish work on time and within price -- to ensure staffs are well trained -- Neil used timesheet to track the ongoing projects and for the forward planning -- provide high specification design and of Jing WANG satisfy customer’sProperty need
• Policies in case:
-- all work should be allocated by David -- David required the staffs to use timesheet -- use local firms to provide service, such as local contractors, insurance brokers and accountants -- All staff should sign on the timesheet before site Property of Jing WANG visit
Section A
5. Strategies to control staff
• • • • • • • • Personal centralised Bureaucratic control Output control Cultural control Control through rewards and punishments Control through rules, policies Control through structure Management by Objective
• Structure
-- Civil engineering project -- Structural engineering project
• Facility, technology, financial (bank loan, grant)
Property of Jing WANG
Section A
• Administration • Liaison with clients • Organising projects • Structure
• Productions of design • Civil & Structural development projects • Client’s satisfaction • Reputation
Property of Jing WANG
Section B
6. Motivation for depends on more than high salary and working condition
Explaining one of the following theories: • Maslow’s hierarchy of need • Herzberg’s two factor theory • Alderfer’s ERG theory
Property of Jing WANG
Section A
1. Basic components of organisation
• People
----managerial staff qualified engineer technicians apprentice
• Objectives
-- concentrate on civil engineering business -- provide a high quality service
Property of Jing WANG
Section B
6. Motivation for staff depends on more than high salary and working condition
• The staff were lack of autonomy, as David used timesheet to keep a check on staff, while Neil used this information as a tool for forward planning. Staff were required to seek authorisation prior to going out on a site visit. • The office layout (James with 2 civil engineers shared one office, and 4 technicians shared a another office, apprentices were based in the main drawing room) caused more senior staff appeared to have less flexibility over their working arrangements, they need to go to another room to speak with technicians and apprentices
2a. Four main goals
• Goal Description -- Determine the direction of organisation -- Define and set clear targets -- Help organisations identify: What, How, Who, When and Why factors
Property of Jing WANG
Section B
6. Motivation for staff depends on more than high salary and working condition
• David used ‘Big Brother’ approach, which means it has complete control over people and is always checking what they do, he liked to run a tight ship • David was lack of consultation, he never sought advice from staffs on the best way to divide up the work. This caused resentment (irritation), although staff were well paid and had good holiday
Section A
2b. Objectives and policies
• Definition of policy
-- Provide a framework of rules or guidance that manager and staff can make decision -- Systematic way of delegating responsibility and encourage consistency -- Based on explicit values
Managing People and Organisation
Assessment 1 (Outcome 1, 2 and 3)
Property of Jing WANG
By Jing WANG