1 感应加热电源结构随着电力电子技术的不断发展和实际工业生产等应用领域中的不同要求的提出,感应加热电源发展出了多种不同的种类形式。
2 方案的确定根据感应加热应用的实际工艺要求,最终选择中频感应加热电源的研制方案。
3 器件介绍3.1 单片机P89C51飞利浦公司的P89C51单片机是采用高性能的静态 80C51 设计,由先进CMOS工艺制造并带有非易失性Flash 程序存储器,全部支持12时钟和6时钟操作。
关键词:DS1820温度传感器单片机通信接口目录摘要 (1)前言 (3)第一章温度采集显示系统的设计要求和设计方案 (4)1.1 系统设计任务 (4)1.2 功能要求 (4)1.3 方案论证和选定 (4)第二章温度采集系统外部器件的设计 (6)2.1 总体分析 (6)2.2 8051单片机的性能及应用 (7)2.3 DS18B20芯片简介 (13)2.4 DS18B20原理及应用 (14)2.5 DS18B20与单片机的典型接口设计 (27)2.6 DS18B20使用中注意事项 (28)第三章硬件设计 (29)3.1 硬件电路设计的功能简介 (29)3.2 硬件设计部分的组成 (30)3.3 硬件电路图 (31)第四章软件电路的设计 (32)4.1 系统功能 (32)4.2 系统流程图 (32)4.3 DS18B20温度采集源程序 (33)第五章联机调试和分析 (40)结论 (40)参考文献 (41)致谢 (41)附录1 图片 (42)附录2 Proteus仿真软件电路图 (43)前言在日常生活及工农业生产中经常要用到温度的检测及控制,传统的测温元件有热电偶和热电阻。
0 弓 言 I
温度变送器是过程控制仪表 的一个重要组成 部 分, 通常的温 度变送器 是将温度传感器送 来的微 小 电信 号放大, 输出则是与温 度成线 性变化 的标准 电
流信 号,如 D H1 m , C 4 0 A [。其 安 C 0 0 A D ~2 m 等 “
感和温度控 制的专用集成 芯片, 单独测温时不需要
陈小平,男,副教授 , 研究方 向为信号检测 、 智能信息处理。
hi h r la lt ,ltl f e to y wo k n n ion n n O on g e i bii y ite a c i n b r i g e v r me ta d S . K e wor :t m p r t r e s r:mi r c tOl r ra s c r y ds e e au es n o c O On r l :t n du e e
tm p r t r r n d e ss p le t i l i u t tu tr , n e in o t repr rmm iga d s e e a u eta s uc ri u p id wi smp ect i r cu e co v ne ts fwa og a h c s n n omea v n ge o x mpl d a t sf re a a e
议, 保证 了数据 的可靠 传送。
1 DS 6 0 12 的基 本特性 与工作原理
D L A 公司推 出的D 1 2 是一种用 于温度传 ALS S60
基金 项 江 苏省 高 校 自然科 学研 究计 划项 目资助 (5J 5 0 1) 0K B 1 13
作者简介;檀永 (9 3 ) 18一 ,男,本 科 , 究 方 向为信 号检 测 、计算 机测 控; 研
测温范围为-55℃~125℃,分辨率为0. 5℃,转换后的温度值采用9位数字量表示。
DS1620读入温度值为9位二进制数(补码形式),且通过3线串行接口实现数据的读写操作,在1 s时间内能直接将温度值转换为数字量,其上下限温度可自定义,且恒定存储,工作频率最大为2MHz。
1.数字温度测控芯片DS1620的应用 [J], 郭小利
2.数字式温度测控芯片DS1620在温度测量中的应用 [J], 王主军
3.数字温度测控芯片DS1620的应用 [J], 桑会平;崔琪林
4.温度感控芯片DS1620 [J], 陈勇
5.数字式半导体测控芯片DS1620在温度自动控制中的应用 [J], 曹淑琴;赵红怡;赵红菊
目前,半导体温度传感器主要的供应商有Analog Devices、Dallas Semiconductor 、Maxim Integrated Products、National Semiconductor 和TelCom Semiconductor等。
Analog Devices的半导体温度传感器主要分为五类:电流输出温度传感器、电压输出温度传感器、比率输出温度传感器、数字输出温度传感器及恒温开关和设定点控制器。
太原大学生创业基地太原师范学院大学生创新创业项目结题报告书大学生创新创业项目结题报告项目名称项目负责人所属单位指导教师小组成员温度传感器在环保生活中的应用姚刚太原师范学院计算机系金砺姚刚毛江熊学琴刘微雷晓敏2013 年11 月3 日项目名称申请经费申请人或申请团队导师姓名0.5 万元年级四四四四四温度传感器在环保生活中的应用研究起止时间所在院系计算机系计算机系计算机系计算机系计算机系院系计算机系2012 年 3 月至2014 年 3 月联系电话187****6092182****5310182****6091 187****6582156****5687联系电话139****6851E-mail ******************************** ********************************* **********************139****************姚刚毛江雷晓敏刘薇熊学琴姓名金砺一、项目的建设目标及主要研究内容问题的提出伴随着科技技术的飞快发展、人们的生活条件日益提高,智能化已经渗透到了生活的各个方面。
数字温度计(Digital Thermometer)简称D温度是许多监控系统中的一个重要参数。
关键词温度测量;单片机;温度传感器AbstractTemperature measurement in physics experiments, medical and health, food production and other fields, especially in the thermal test, have particularly important sense. With the continuous improvement of people's living standard, people on the thermometer, the increasingly high demand, the traditional thermometer has single function, low precision, for the modern work, scientific research, life, provide better and more convenient facilities needs from SCM technology proceed with, all to the digital control, intelligent control direction.Digital thermometer ( Digital Thermometer ) D temperature is many monitoring system is an important parameter. TM, it is the use of digital measuring technology, the continuous temperature value is converted into a continuous, discrete digital form and to display instrument. MCU control of the digital thermometer, because of high precision, good expansibility, convenient integration, strong anti-interference ability, has been widely used.The design of single chip computer and temperature sensors as the core, the design of digital thermometer. To achieve the collection of temperature, monitoring and alarm. The temperature acquisition implementation, using AT89S52 MCU and temperature sensor DS18B20.ByLCD1602temperature display.The measuring range of the temperature of - 55 DEG C to 125 degrees C.,can accurately achieve the design requirement.Key wordsSCM;single chip computer ;temperature sensor目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)前言 (1)第一章温度测量的背景及意义 (1)1.1 温度测量的背景 (1)1.2 温度测量的目的及意义 (2)第二章硬件电路及原理 (3)2.1 系统的结构框图 (3)2.2 单片机简介 (3)2.3 DS18B20简介 (8)2.4 LCD1602液晶显示屏 (12)第三章软件设计流程 (15)3.1 系统总体框图 (15)3.2 液晶流程图 (15)3.3 温度传感器流程图 (16)3.4 仿真与调试 (16)结论 (17)附录一 (18)附录二 (19)致谢 (24)前言温度是工业控制中主要的被测参数,随着电子技术和微型计算机的快速发展,温度的测量和控制技术在工业发展中起到了举足轻重的作用。
DS18B20 温度传感器的温控系统
/*----------------------------------------------名称:18B20 温度传感器的温控系统 公司:陕西圣弘科技有限公司 编写:赵进全 日期:2010.5 内容:18B20 单线温控程序,然后在数码管可以显示 XXC,C 表示摄氏度,如显 示 25C 表示当前温度 25 度,可以将被控室内的温度控制在一定的范围,并且可 以通过按键调整控制范围。 ------------------------------------------------*/ #include<reg52.h> //包含头文件,一般情况不需要改动,头文件包含特殊功能 寄存器的定义 #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int /******************************************************************/ /* 定义端口 */ /******************************************************************/ sbit DQ=P3^7;//ds18b20 端口 sbit ledj=P1^1;//加热 sbit ledb=P1^7;//报警 sbit keyup=P3^0; //温度加 sbit keydn=P3^1; //温度减 /******************************************************************/ /* 全局变量 */ /******************************************************************/ uint tmax=32; uint tmin=29; uint temp; uchar shi,ge,temph,i,j,x; uchar code tab[]={0xc0,0xf9,0xa4,0xb0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0xf8,0x80,0x90,0xff}; //7 段数码管段码表共阳 /******************************************************************/ /* 函数声明 */ /******************************************************************/ unsigned int ReadWD(void); void csh(void); unsigned char ReadOneChar(void); void WriteOneChar(uchar dat); void delay(uint i); void xs(uchar shi,uchar ge);
DS1621可工作在最低2.7V 电压下,适用于低功耗应用系统。
1. DS1621基本特性DS1621无需外围元件即可测量温度,将结果以9位数字量(两字节传输)给出,测量范围为-55℃~+155℃,精度为0.5℃;典型转换时间为1s;用户可自行设置恒温计的温度值,且将该设置值存储在非易失存储器中。
2. 引脚描述及功能方框图DS1621的引脚描述如表1所列。
3. DS1621的工作方式DS1621既可独立工作(此时作为恒温控制器),也可通过2-线接口在MPU的控制下完成温度的测量和计算。
本系统除了显示温度以外还可以设置一个温度值,对所测温度进行监控,当温度高于或低于设定温度时,开始报警并启动相应程序中央微处理器STC89C51:STC89C51是一个低功耗,高性能CMOS 8位单片机,片内含4k Bytes ISP(In-system programmable)的可反复擦写1000次的Flash 只读程序存储器,器件采用ATMEL公司的高密度、非易失性存储技术制造,兼容标准MCS-51指令系统及80S51引脚结构,芯片内集成了通用8位中央处理器和ISP Flash存储单元,功能强大的微型计算机的STC89C51可为许多嵌入式控制应用系统提供高性价比的解决方案。
STC89C51具有如下特点:40个引脚,4k Bytes Flash片内程序存储器,128 bytes的随机存取数据存储器(RAM),32个外部双向输入/输出(I/O)口,5个中断优先级2层中断嵌套中断,2个16位可编程定时计数器,2个全双工串行通信口,看门狗(WDT)电路,片内时钟振荡器。
BENEFITS AND FEATURES▪ Simply Adds Temperature Monitoring andControl to Any Systemo Measures Temperatures From -55°C to +125°C in 0.5°C Increments; Fahrenheit Equivalent is -67°F to +257°F in 0.9°F Incrementso Temperature is Read as a 9-Bit Value o Converts Temperature to Digital Word in 750ms (max)o Thermostatic Settings are User-Definableand Nonvolatile▪ Can Be Used in a Wide Variety of Applicationso Supply Voltage Range Covers From 2.7V to 5.5Vo Data is Read From/Written Via a 3-Wire Serial Interface (CLK, DQ, RST ) ▪ Saves Spaceo Requires No External Components o 8-Pin DIP or SOIC (208-mil) PackagesAPPLICATIONS⋅ Thermostatic Controls ⋅ Industrial Systems ⋅ Consumer Products ⋅ ThermometersPIN DESCRIPTIONDQ - 3-Wire Input/Output CLK/CONV - 3-Wire Clock Input andStand-alone Convert Input RST- 3-Wire Reset Input GND - Ground T HIGH - High Temperature Trigger T LOW - Low Temperature TriggerT COM- High/Low Combination Trigger V DD - Power Supply Voltage (3V - 5V)DESCRIPTIONThe DS1620 Digital Thermometer and Thermostat provides 9–bit temperature readings which indicatethe temperature of the device. With three thermal alarm outputs, the DS1620 can also act as a thermostat. T HIGH is driven high if the DS1620’s temperature is greater than or equal to a user–defined temperature TH. T LOW is driven high if the DS1620’s temperature is less than or equal to a user–defined temperatureTL. T COM is driven high when thetemperature exceeds TH and stays high until the temperature falls below that of TL.DS1620Digital Thermometer andThermostatCLK/CONV RST V DD T HIGH T LOW T COM DS1620S 8-Pin SOIC (208-mil)DQ CLK/CONV RST GND V DD T HIGHT LOW T COMDS1620 8-Pin DIP (300-mil)DS1620User–defined temperature settings are stored in nonvolatile memory, so parts can be programmed prior to insertion in a system, as well as used in standalone applications without a CPU. Temperature settings and temperature readings are all communicated to/from the DS1620 over a simple 3–wire interface.ORDERING INFORMATIONPART PACKAGE MARKINGDESCRIPTIONDS1620 DS16208-Pin DIP (300 mil)DS1620+ DS1620 (See Note)Lead-Free 8-Pin DIP (300 mil) DS1620S DS16208-Pin SOIC (208 mil)DS1620S+ DS1620 (See Note)Lead-Free 8-Pin SOIC (208 mil)DS1620S/T&R DS16208-Pin SOIC (208 mil), 2000-Piece Tape-and-Reel DS1620S+T&RDS1620 (See Note)Lead-Free 8-Pin SOIC (208 mil), 2000-Piece Tape-and-ReelNote: A “+” symbol will also be marked on the package near the Pin 1 indicatorTable 2. DS1620 REGISTER SUMMARYREGISTER NAME(USER ACCESS) SIZE MEMORY TYPE REGISTER CONTENTS AND POWER-UP/POR STATETemperature (Read Only) 9 Bits SRAM Measured Temperature (Two’s Complement) Power-Up/POR State: -60ºC (1 1000 1000) T H(Read/Write) 9 Bits EEPROM Upper Alarm Trip Point (Two’s Complement) Power-Up/POR State: User-Defined.Initial State from Factory: +15°C (0 0001 1110) T L(Read/Write) 9 BitsEEPROMLower Alarm Trip Point (Two’s Complement) Power-Up/POR State: User-Defined.Initial State from Factory: +10°C (0 0001 0100)OPERATION-MEASURING TEMPERATUREA block diagram of the DS1620 is shown in Figure 1. . .DS1620 DS1620 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1The DS1620 measures temperature using a bandgap-based temperature sensor. The temperature reading is provided in a 9–bit, two’s complement reading by issuing a READ TEMPERATURE command. The data is transmitted serially through the 3–wire serial interface, LSB first. The DS1620 can measure temperature over the range of -55°C to +125°C in 0.5°C increments. For Fahrenheit usage, a lookup table or conversion factor must be used.Since data is transmitted over the 3–wire bus LSB first, temperature data can be written to/read from the DS1620 as either a 9–bit word (taking RST low after the 9th(MSB) bit), or as two transfers of 8–bit words, with the most significant 7 bits being ignored or set to 0, as illustrated in Table 3. After the MSB, the DS1620 will output 0s.Note that temperature is represented in the DS1620 in terms of a ½°C LSB, yielding the 9–bit format shown in Figure 2.TEMPERATURE, TH, and TL REGISTER FORMAT Figure 2T = -25°CDS1620Table 3 describes the exact relationship of output data to measured temperature. .TEMPERATURE/DATA RELATIONSHIPS Table 3TEMP DIGITAL OUTPUT(Binary) DIGITAL OUTPUT(Hex) +125˚C 0 11111010 00FA +25˚C 0 00110010 0032h +½˚C 0 00000001 0001h +0˚C 0 00000000 0000h -½˚C 1 11111111 01FFh -25˚C 1 11001110 01CEh -55˚C1 100100100192hHigher resolutions may be obtained by reading the temperature, and truncating the 0.5°C bit (the LSB) from the read value. This value is TEMP_READ. The value left in the counter may then be read by issuing a READ COUNTER command. This value is the count remaining (COUNT_REMAIN) after the gate period has ceased. By loading the value of the slope accumulator into the count register (using the READ SLOPE command), this value may then be read, yielding the number of counts per degree C (COUNT_PER_C) at that temperature. The actual temperature may be then be calculated by the user using the following:TEMPERATURE=TEMP_READ-0.25 + CCOUNT_PER_IN)COUNT_REMA -_C (COUNT_PEROPERATION–THERMOSTAT CONTROLSThree thermally triggered outputs, T HIGH , T LOW , and T COM , are provided to allow the DS1620 to be used as a thermostat, as shown in Figure 3. When the DS1620’s temperature meets or exceeds the value stored in the high temperature trip register, the output T HIGH becomes active (high) and remains active until the DS1620’s measured temperature becomes less than the stored value in the high temperature register, TH. The T HIGH output can be used to indicate that a high temperature tolerance boundary has been met or exceeded, or it can be used as part of a closed loop system to activate a cooling system and deactivate it when the system temperature returns to tolerance.The T LOW output functions similarly to the T HIGH output. When the DS1620’s measured temperature equals or falls below the value stored in the low temperature register, the T LOW output becomes active. T LOW remains active until the DS1620’s temperature becomes greater than the value stored in the low temperature register, TL. The T LOW output can be used to indicate that a low temperature tolerance boundary has been met or exceeded, or as part of a closed loop system it can be used to activate a heating system and deactivate it when the system temperature returns to tolerance.The T COM output goes high when the measured temperature meets or exceeds TH, and will stay high until the temperature equals or falls below TL. In this way, any amount of hysteresis can be obtained.DS1620 THERMOSTAT OUTPUT OPERATION Figure 3OPERATION AND CONTROLThe DS1620 must have temperature settings resident in the TH and TL registers for thermostatic operation. A configuration/status register also determines the method of operation that the DS1620 will use in a particular application and indicates the status of the temperature conversion operation. Theconfiguration register is defined as follows:whereDONE = Conversion Done Bit. 1=conversion complete, 0=conversion in progress. The power-up/POR state is a 1.THF = Temperature High Flag. This bit will be set to 1 when the temperature is greater than or equal to the value of TH. It will remain 1 until reset by writing 0 into this location or by removing power from the device. This feature provides a method of determining if the DS1620 has ever been subjected to temperatures above TH while power has been applied. The power-up/POR state is a 0.TLF = Temperature Low Flag. This bit will be set to 1 when the temperature is less than or equal to the value of TL. It will remain 1 until reset by writing 0 into this location or by removing power from the device. This feature provides a method of determining if the DS1620 has ever been subjected to temperatures below TL while power has been applied. The power-up/POR state is a 0.NVB = Nonvolatile Memory Busy Flag. 1=write to an E2memory cell in progress. 0=nonvolatile memory is not busy. A copy to E2may take up to 10 ms. The power-up/POR state is a 0.CPU = CPU Use Bit. If CPU=0, the CLK/CONV pin acts as a conversion start control, when RST is low. If CPU is 1, the DS1620 will be used with a CPU communicating to it over the 3–wire port, and the operation of the CLK/CONV pin is as a normal clock in concert with DQ and RST. This bit is stored in nonvolatile E2memory, capable of at least 50,000 writes. The DS1620 is shipped with CPU=0.DS1620 1SHOT = One–Shot Mode. If 1SHOT is 1, the DS1620 will perform one temperature conversion upon reception of the Start Convert T protocol. If 1SHOT is 0, the DS1620 will continuously perform temperature conversion. This bit is stored in nonvolatile E2memory, capable of at least 50,000 writes. The DS1620 is shipped with 1SHOT=0.For typical thermostat operation, the DS1620 will operate in continuous mode. However, for applications where only one reading is needed at certain times or to conserve power, the one–shot mode may be used. Note that the thermostat outputs (T HIGH, T LOW, T COM) will remain in the state they were in after the last valid temperature conversion cycle when operating in one–shot mode.OPERATION IN STAND-ALONE MODEIn applications where the DS1620 is used as a simple thermostat, no CPU is required. Since the temperature limits are nonvolatile, the DS1620 can be programmed prior to insertion in the system. In order to facilitate operation without a CPU, the CLK/CONV pin (pin 2) can be used to initiate conversions. Note that the CPU bit must be set to 0 in the configuration register to use this mode of operation. Whether CPU=0 or 1, the 3–wire port is active. Setting CPU=1 disables the stand–alone mode.To use the CLK/CONV pin to initiate conversions, RST must be low and CLK/CONV must be high. If CLK/CONV is driven low and then brought high in less than 10 ms, one temperature conversion will be performed and then the DS1620 will return to an idle state. If CLK/CONV is driven low and remains low, continuous conversions will take place until CLK/CONV is brought high again. With the CPU bit set to 0, the CLK/CONV will override the 1SHOT bit if it is equal to 1. This means that even if the part is set for one–shot mode, driving CLK/CONV low will initiate conversions.3-WIRE COMMUNICATIONSThe 3–wire bus is comprised of three signals. These are the RST (reset) signal, the CLK (clock) signal, and the DQ (data) signal. All data transfers are initiated by driving the RST input high. Driving the RST input low terminates communication. (See Figures 4 and 5.) A clock cycle is a sequence of a falling edge followed by a rising edge. For data inputs, the data must be valid during the rising edge of a clock cycle. Data bits are output on the falling edge of the clock and remain valid through the rising edge.When reading data from the DS1620, the DQ pin goes to a high-impedance state while the clock is high. Taking RST low will terminate any communication and cause the DQ pin to go to a high-impedance state.Data over the 3–wire interface is communicated LSB first. The command set for the 3–wire interface as shown in Table 4 is as follows.Read Temperature [AAh]This command reads the contents of the register which contains the last temperature conversion result. The next nine clock cycles will output the contents of this register.Write TH [01h]This command writes to the TH (HIGH TEMPERATURE) register. After issuing this command the next nine clock cycles clock in the 9–bit temperature limit which will set the threshold for operation of the T HIGH output.Write TL [02h]This command writes to the TL (LOW TEMPERATURE) register. After issuing this command the next nine clock cycles clock in the 9–bit temperature limit which will set the threshold for operation of the T LOW output.Read TH [A1h]This command reads the value of the TH (HIGH TEMPERATURE) register. After issuing this command the next nine clock cycles clock out the 9–bit temperature limit which sets the threshold for operation of the T HIGH output.Read TL [A2h]This command reads the value of the TL (LOW TEMPERATURE) register. After issuing this command the next nine clock cycles clock out the 9–bit temperature limit which sets the threshold for operation of the T LOW output.Read Counter [A0h]This command reads the value of the counter byte. The next nine clock cycles will output the contents of this register.Read Slope [A9h]This command reads the value of the slope counter byte from the DS1620. The next nine clock cycles will output the contents of this register.Start Convert T [EEh]This command begins a temperature conversion. No further data is required. In one–shot mode the temperature conversion will be performed and then the DS1620 will remain idle. In continuous mode this command will initiate continuous conversions.Stop Convert T [22h]This command stops temperature conversion. No further data is required. This command may be used to halt a DS1620 in continuous conversion mode. After issuing this command the current temperature measurement will be completed and then the DS1620 will remain idle until a Start Convert T is issued to resume continuous operation.Write Config [0Ch]This command writes to the configuration register. After issuing this command the next eight clock cycles clock in the value of the configuration register.Read Config [ACh]This command reads the value in the configuration register. After issuing this command the next eight clock cycles output the value of the configuration register.DS1620 COMMAND SET Table 4INSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION PROTOCOL 3-WIRE BUSDATA AFTER ISSUING PROTOCOL NOTESRead Temperature Reads last converted temperaturevalue from temperature register. AAh <read data>Read Counter Reads value of count remainingfrom counter. A0h <read data>Read Slope Reads value of the slopeaccumulator. A9h <read data>Start Convert T Initiates temperature conversion. EEh Idle 1 Stop Convert T Halts temperature conversion. 22h Idle 1Write TH Writes high temperature limit valueinto TH register. 01h <write data> 2Write TL Writes low temperature limit valueinto TL register. 02h <write data> 2Read TH Reads stored value of hightemperature limit from TH register. A1h <read data> 2Read TL Reads stored value of lowtemperature limit from TL register. A2h <read data> 2Write Config Writes configuration data toconfiguration register. 0Ch <write data> 2Read Config Reads configuration data fromconfiguration register.ACh <read data> 2NOTES:1.In continuous conversion mode, a Stop Convert T command will halt continuous conversion. Torestart, the Start Convert T command must be issued. In one–shot mode, a Start Convert T command must be issued for every temperature reading desired.2.Writing to the E2 requires up to 10 ms at room temperature. After issuing a write command no furtherwrites should be requested for at least 10 ms.FUNCTION EXAMPLEREAD DATA TRANSFER Figure 4WRITE DATA TRANSFER Figure 5ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*Voltage on Any Pin Relative to Ground –0.5V to +6.0V Operating Temperature –55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature –55°C to +125°C Soldering Temperature 260°C for 10 seconds* This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operation sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods of time may affect reliability.RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONSPARAMETERSYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Supply V DD 2.7 5.5 V 1,2 Logic 1 V IH 0.7 x V DD V CC + 0.3 V 1 Logic 0V IL-0.30.3 x V DD V 1NOTE: t CL , t CH , t R , and t F apply to both read and write data transfer.SINGLE CONVERT TIMING DIAGRAM (STAND-ALONE MODE)CNV CONV11 of 12AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(-55°C to +125°C; V DD =2.7V to 5.5V)PARAMETER SYMBOLMIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTESInput Capacitance C I 5 pF I/O Capacitance C I/O10pFEEPROM AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(-55°C to +125°C; V DD =2.7V to 5.5V)PARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITS EEPROM Write Cycle Time4 10 Ms EEPROM Writes-55°C to +55°C 50k Writes EEPROM Data Retention-55°C to +55°C10 YearsNOTES:1. All voltages are referenced to ground.2. Valid for design revisions D1 and above. The supply range for Rev. C2 and below is 4.5V < 5.5V.3. Thermometer error reflects temperature accuracy as tested during calibration.4. Logic 0 voltages are specified at a sink current of 4mA5. Logic 1 voltages are specified at a source current of 1mA.6. I STBY , I CC specified with DQ, CLK/CONV = V DD , and RST = GND.7. Drift data is based on a 1000hr stress test at +125°C with V DD = 5.5V8. Measured at V IH = 0.7 x V DD or V IL = 0.3 x V DD .9. Measured at V OH = 2.4V or V OL = 0.4V. 10. Load capacitance = 50pF.11. t CWH must be 10ms minimum following any write command that involves the E 2 memory.12. 250ns is the guaranteed minimum pulse width for a conversion to start; however, a smaller pulse width may start a conversion.Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. The parametric values (min and max limits) shown in the Electrical Characteristics table are guaranteed. Other parametric values quoted in this data sheet are provided for guidance.Maxim Integrated 160 Rio Robles, San Jose, CA 95134 USA 1-408-601-1000©2015 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.Maxim Integrated and the Maxim Integrated logo are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.12 of 12。
关键词:52单片机,DSI8B20,HS1602,体温计THE DIGITAL THERMOMETERS DESIGN BASED ON ST C89C52’S MINUIMUM SYSTEMABSTRACTModern information technology is based on the three information collection (ie, sensor technology), information transfer (ICT) and information processing (computer technology). Sensor belongs to the forefront of cutting-edge information technology products, especially the increasingly diverse types of temperature sensors, digital temperature sensor is more suitable for a variety of microprocessor interface for the composition of the automatic temperature control system can overcome the analog sensors and signal conditioning required for microprocessor interfacing circuit and A / D converter defects, etc., are widely used in industrial control, electronic thermometer, thermometer, etc. of various temperature control systems. Smart temperature sensor (also known as digital temperature sensor) in the mid-1990s, came out. It is the micro-electronics technology, computer technology and automated testing techniques (ATE) of the crystal. They contain the internal temperature sensor, A / D converter, signal processor, memory (or registers) and the interface circuit. Some products are also with the multiplexer, the central controller (CPU), random access memory (RAM) and read-only memory (ROM). Smart temperature sensor is characterized by the temperature data can be exported and the related amount of temperature control, fit a variety of microcontrollers (MCU); and it is based on the hardware to achieve through software testing capabilities, and its degree depends on intelligent in the software development level. Some smart temperature sensor, the controller can also register through the appropriate set of its A / D conversion rate (typical products MAX6654), the maximum resolution and conversion time (typical product DS1624). With the progress and development, microcontroller technology has spread to our lives, work, research in various fields, has become a relatively mature technology, using SCM hasbecome a trend. This article describes a microcontroller based control of digital thermometers STC89C52, with the use of DS18B20 the temperature acquisition module, HS1602 liquid crystal display module displays the results, another module with a MAX232 voltage conversion, to achieve the temperature of the acquisition and reproduction.Keywords: 52 microcontroller; DSI8B20; HS1602; thermometer目录1引言-------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2总体设计方案------------------------------------------------------ 32.1方案论证----------------------------------------------------- 32.1.1单片机系统--------------------------------------------- 32.1.2电源模块----------------------------------------------- 32.1.3温度传感器--------------------------------------------- 32.1.4显示模块----------------------------------------------- 42.1.5确定方案----------------------------------------------- 42.2总体设计----------------------------------------------------- 43 硬件设计---------------------------------------------------------- 53.1 单片机系统-------------------------------------------------- 53.1.1单片机最小系统----------------------------------------- 73.1.2 复位电路----------------------------------------------- 83.1.3 时钟振荡电路------------------------------------------- 83.1.4电源模块----------------------------------------------- 9 3.2温度传感器模块-------------------------------------------------- 93.2.1 DS18B20原理------------------------------------------- 93.2.2 DS18B20电路连接-------------------------------------- 133.3 液晶显示模块----------------------------------------------- 133.4串口通信模块------------------------------------------------ 15 4软件设计--------------------------------------------------------- 174.1 软件流程--------------------------------------------------- 174.2 DS18B20模块程序设计--------------------------------------- 184.2.1 程序流程------------------------------- 错误!未定义书签。
1 DS1620功能概述
DS1620是Dallas公司推出的数字温度测控器件。2.7~ 5.0V供电电压,测量温度范围为-55~+125℃,9位数字量表示温度值,分辨率为0.5℃。在0~+70℃精确度为0.5℃,-40~0℃和+70~+85℃精确度为1℃,-55~-40℃和+85~ +125℃精确度为2℃。TH和TL寄存器中的温度报警限设定值存放在非易失性存储器中,掉电后不会丢失。通过三线串行接口,完成温度值的读取和TH、TL的设定。DS1620的外围接线简单,使用灵活。使用时请注意它的测量范围及精度能否满足要求。用作热继电器使用时必须写入控制寄存器操作模式和TH、TL寄存器的温度设定值。
0 0011
0 0000000
0 0000000
1 11111111
温度信号由“一线总线”数字化温度传感器DS18B20提供,DS18B20在-10~+85°C范围内, 固有测温分辨率为0.5 ℃。
关键字: AT89C51 DS18B20 水温控制Abstract: This water temperature control system uses the Single Chip Microcomputer to carry on temperature real-time gathering and controling. DS18B20, digitized temperature sensor, provides the temperature signal by "a main line". In -10~+85℃the scope, DS18B20’s inherent measuring accuracy is 0.5 ℃. The water temperature real-time control system uses the electricity nichrome wire carring on temperature increiseament and operates the electric fan to realize the temperature decrease control. The system has the higher measuring accuracy and the control precision, it also can complete the elevation of temperature and the temperature decrease control.Key Words:AT89C51 DS18B20 Water temperature control目录1. 系统方案选择和论证 (2)1.1 题目要求 (2)1.1.1 基本要求 (2)1.1.2 发挥部分 (2)1.1.3 说明 (2)1.2 系统基本方案 (2)1.2.1 各模块电路的方案选择及论证 (2)1.2.2 系统各模块的最终方案 (5)2. 硬件设计与实现 (6)2.1系统硬件模块关系 (6)2.2 主要单元电路的设计 (6)2.2.1 温度采集部分设计 (6)2.2.2 加热控制部分 (8)2.2.3 键盘、显示、控制器部分 (8)3. 系统软件设计 (10)3.1 读取DS18B20温度模块子程序 (10)3.2 数据处理子程序 (10)3.3 键盘扫描子程序 (12)3.4 主程序流程图 (13)4. 系统测试 (14)4.1 静态温度测试 (14)4.2动态温控测量 (14)4.3结果分析 (14)附录1:产品使用说明 (15)附录2:元件清单 (15)附录3:系统硬件原理图 (16)附录4:软件程序清单 (17)参考文献 (26)1.系统方案选择和论证1.1题目要求设计并制作一个水温自动控制系统,控制对象为1L净水,容器为搪瓷器皿。
使用DS18B20温度传感器设计温度控制系统设计设计说明:1.1 使用DS18B20温度传感器设计温度控制系统1.在数码管上可显示采集到的温度(0~99.9℃)2.当温度低于27℃时,蜂鸣器开始以慢地“滴”声报警,P1.0口发光二极管闪烁,当温度继续降低并低于25℃时,蜂鸣器开始以快地“滴”声报警,P1.0和P1.1口发光二极管闪烁。
1.2 元件说明:(1)使用的元器件DS18B20:电压范围3.0~5.5V ;温度可测范围-55~+125℃;可编程分辨率为9~12位,对应的可分辨温度为:0.5℃、0.25℃、0.125℃和0.0625℃;测量结果直接输出数字温度信号,以“一线总线”串行传送给CPU,同时可传送CRC校验码,具有极强的抗干扰纠错能力。
其引脚定义图如下图:(3) 硬件连接图硬件连接图如上图:1.3 工作原理首先看控制DS18B20的指令,只列举此设计用到的,如下表:原理:DS18B20测量外部温度,经过温度转换,将温度物理量转换成数字信号,再传送数据到AT89C52,AT89C52控制数码管显示及二极管、扬声器的工作,从而实现了温度在数码管上显示,还有温度范围的亮灯与报警。
1.4 C语言编程见附录1.5 实验结果可将环境温度经过DS18B20温度传感器,在数码管上显示,显示准确。
CCH 跳过ROM 44H 温度转换BEH 读暂存器附录#include<reg51.h>#include<stdio.h>#define uchar unsigned char#define uint unsigned intsbit ds=P2^2;sbit dula=P2^6;sbit wela=P2^7;sbit beep=P2^3;uint temp;float f_temp;uint warn_l1=270;uint warn_l2=250;uint warn_h1=300;uint warn_h2=320;sbit led0=P1^0;sbit led1=P1^1;sbit led2=P1^2;sbit led3=P1^3;unsigned char code table[]={0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x6f,0xbf,0x86,0xdb,0xcf, 0xe6,0xed,0xfd,0x87,0xff,0xef}; void delay(uint z){uint x,y;for(x=z;x>0;x--)for(y=110;y>0;y--);}void dsreset(){uint i;ds=0;i=103;while(i>0) i--;ds=1;i=4;while(i>0) i--;}bit tempreadbit(){uint i;bit dat;ds=0;i++;ds=1;i++;i++;dat=ds;i=8; while(i>0) i--;return(dat);}uchar tempread(){uchar i,j,dat;dat=0;for(i=1;i<=8;i++){j=tempreadbit();dat=(j<<7)|(dat>>1);}return(dat);}tempwritebyte(uchar dat) {uint i;uchar j;bit testb;for(j=1;j<=8;j++){testb=dat&0x01;dat=dat>>1;if(testb){ds=0;i++;i++;ds=1;i=8;while(i>0) i--;}else{ds=0;i=8;while(i>0) i--;ds=1;i++;i++;}}}tempchange(){dsreset();delay(1);tempwritebyte(0xcc); tempwritebyte(0x44);}uint get_temp(){uchar a,b;dsreset();delay(1);tempwritebyte(0xcc); tempwritebyte(0xbe);a=tempread();b=tempread();temp=b;temp<<=8;temp=temp|a;f_temp=temp*0.0625;temp=f_temp*10+0.5;f_temp=f_temp+0.05; return temp;}display(uchar num,uchar dat) {uchar i;dula=0;P0=table[dat];dula=1;dula=0;wela=0;i=0xff;i=i&(~((0x01)<<(num)));P0=i;wela=1;wela=0;delay(50);}dis_temp(uint t)uchar i;i=t/100;display(0,i);i=t%100/10;display(1,i+10);i=t%100%10;display(2,i);}warn(uint s,uchar led){uchar i;i=s;beep=0;P1=~(led);while(i--){dis_temp(get_temp());}beep=1;P1=0xff;i=s;while(i--){dis_temp(get_temp());}}deal(uint t){uchar i;if((t>warn_l2)&&(t<=warn_l1)){warn(40,0x01);}else if(t<=warn_l2){warn(10,0x03);}else if((t<warn_h2)&&(t>=warn_h1)) {warn(40,0x04);}else if(t>=warn_h2){warn(10,0x0c);}else{i=40;while(i--){dis_temp(get_temp());}}}init_com(){TMOD=0x20;PCON=0x00;SCON=0x50;TH1=0xfd;TL1=0xfd;TR1=1;}comm(char *parr){do{SBUF=*parr++;while(!TI);TI=0;} while(*parr);}main(){uchar buff[4],i;dula=0;wela=0;init_com();while(1){tempchange();for(i=10;i>0;i--){dis_temp(get_temp());}deal(temp);sprintf(buff,"%f",f_temp); for(i=10;i>0;i--){dis_temp(get_temp());}comm(buff);for(i=10;i>0;i--){dis_temp(get_temp());}}}使用DS18B20温度传感器设计温度控制系统设计班级:电082班姓名:于川洋学号:33号时间:2011-11.-11。
1:温度传感器信号:输入信号:1~5V DC或4~20mA DC供电电源:24V±2.4V DC或220V±22V,50Hz输出电压:24V DC2:输入形式:1热电偶B)400~1800℃S)0~1600℃K)0~1300℃E)0~800℃T)-200~300℃2热电阻Pt100-200~500℃Cu500~150℃3:温度传感器介绍:热电阻热电偶铂热电阻元件的工作原理是在温度作用下,铂电阻丝的电阻值随之变化而变化的原理。
输入:热电偶K型、E型、B型、S型、T型、N型;热电阻Pt100Cu100Cu50 。
热电偶输出的是毫伏信号,变送器是把这个毫伏信号放大处理成你需要的4-20mA 或者0-10信号。
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利用DS1620温度传感器构成温度监控系统金舒萍,汤雪彬(常州机电职业技术学院,江苏省常州市213164)摘 要:为了满足某些环境需要温度测量范围广、温度调节方便等要求,以DS1620温度传感器和单片机为基础,设计了一套温度监控系统。
0 引 言DALLAS 公司推出的DS1620是一种具有温度传感、温度控制、温度数据转换等功能的专用集成芯片。
1 D S1620简介DS1620为8脚D I P 或S O I C 封装,表1列出其引脚功能。
表1 D S1620的引脚功能引脚号符号 功能1DQ32wire 通信时的数据输入输出2C LK/C ONV 时钟输入/温度控制转换3RST 32wire 通信时的复位4G ND 电源地输入端5T H I GH 高温触发信号,温度高于TH 时为高电平6T LOW 低温触发信号,温度高于T L 时为高电平7T COM 温度高于TH 时为高电平,低于T L 时复位至低电平8VDD+5V 电源输入端DS1620读入温度值为9位二进制数(补码形式),且通过3线串行接口实现数据的读写操作,在1s 时间内能直接将温度值转换为数字量,其上下限温度可自定义,且恒定存储,工作频率最大为2MHz 。
图1 程序流程读温度数据(AAH ):该指令是读取温度寄存器所存储的最后转换的温度数据,指令输入后的9个移位脉冲将输出寄存器的数据。
写T H (01H ):给高温临界寄存器写入T H 数据。
指令输入后的9个移位脉冲将9位上限温度值T H 写入高温临界寄存器,用来改变TH I GH 的输出操作。
写T L (02H ):给低温临界寄存器写入T L 数据。
指令输入后接下来的9个移位脉冲将9位下限温度值・25・第35卷第10期2009年10月 信息化研究 I nf or matizati on Research Vol .35No .10Oct .2009写入寄存器,用来改变T LOW 的输出操作。
读T H (A1H ):读高温临界寄存器T H 数据。
指令输入后接下来的9个移位脉冲,9位用来改变T H I GH 输出操作的上限值将从DS1620输出。
读T L (A2H ):读低温临界寄存器T L 数据。
指令输入后接下来的9个移位脉冲,9位用来改变T LOW 输出操作的下限值将从DS1620输出。
开始转换T (EEH ):该指令输入后,很快可将温度转换为可读数据。
停止转换T (22H ):停止转换温度指令。
写config (OCH ):用来写控制寄存器。
读config (ACH ):用来读状态寄存器的值。
常温下每次写入DS1620存储器需要近10m s,所以在写指令之后不能立即对DS1620进行读写操作,通常加10m s 的延时。
2 由D S1620构成的温度监控系统设计2.1 温度控制系统结构温度控制系统结构如图2所示。
图2 温度控制系统结构2.2 温度控制系统原理预先写入DS1620控制寄存器操作模式和T H 、T L 寄存器的温度设定值,CLK/CONV 用做转换开始控制端。
其中,状态/控制寄存器的CP U 标志位必须设为“0”,为了使CLK/CONV 作转换控制,RST 必须为低电平。
CLK/CONV 被拉低,且在10m s 以内置高,则产生一次转换;如果CLK/CONV 保持低,则DS1620连续进行转换。
CP U 为“0”时,转换由CLK/CONV 控制,而不受1HOST 控制位的限制。
当DS1620的温度高于或等于TH 寄存器设定值时,TH 输出为高电平;当温度低于或等于T L 寄存器设定值时,T L 输出高电平;当温度高于T H 寄存器设定值时,T COM 输出为高电平,直到温度下降到T L 寄存器设定值以下时才会变低电平。
利用T H 和T L 的输出电平可以确定温度是否在系统要求范围内,如果不在,利用单片机控制加热电路与降温电路对环境温度进行改变,一直到系统要求的范围内。
2.3 利用D S1620进行温度修正DS1620温度值由1位符号位、8位数字位共9位二进制补码形式输出,所以先进行数据位和符号位的区分。
表2 D S1620的输出数据与温度的关系温度/℃二进制输出数字十六进制输出数字+12501111101000fa+2500011001000320.50000000010001+00000000000000-0.511111111100ff -2511100111001ce -1251100100100192将DS1620温度传感器输出温度的数字量与测量环境内的温度设定值进行比较,即可得到实际温度和设定温度的偏差。
3 结束语由于DS1620的输出量直接是数字量,这样就减少了电路中的A /D 转换电路,使得电路更简单,同时,整个电路的延时也更加短。
如果电路中需要LE D (发光二极管)显示当时温度,也可直接安装显示驱动电路。
作为继电器使用时必须写入控制寄存器操作模式和TH 、T L 寄存器的温度设定值。
・35・第35卷第10期金舒萍,等:利用DS1620温度传感器构成温度监控系统・技术应用・参 考 文 献[1]何立民.单片机应用系统设计系统配置与接口技术[M ].北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,1990.[2]李晓荃.单片机原理与应用[M ].北京:电子工业出版社,2000.[3]刘和平.单片机原理及应用[M ].重庆:重庆大学出版社,2002.[4]徐爱钧.单片机高级语言C51应用程序设计[M ].北京:电子工业出版社,2002.[5]谢自美.电子线路设计・实验・测试[M ].2版.武汉:华中科技大学出版社,2000.[6]江国强.现代数字逻辑电路[M ].北京:电子工业出版社,2002. 金舒萍(19792),女,助教,主要研究方向为电子信息工程。
Est ablishi n g a Te mperature M on itori n g Syste m Usi n gDS1620Te mperature SensorJ IN Shup i n g,TANG Xueb i n(Changzhou I nstitute of Mechatr onic Technol ogy,Changzhou 213164,China )Abstract:To be able t o meet a wide range of measured te mperature and t o adjust the te mperature easily under certain envir on ment,in this paper we designed a te mperature monit oring syste m using the DS1620Te m 2perature Sens or and MCU.This syste m can not only adjust the te mperature according t o changes in a mbient te mperature aut omatically,and due t o DS1620chi p having wide measure ment range and being adjusted easily,the syste m is more accurately and conveniently on te mperature contr ol and measure .Keywords:te mperature senor;MCU;monit oring syste m(上接第47页)A Study on Se manti c W eb Servi ce Matchi n g Algorith mBased on U DD IGAO J i n yue 1,ZHANG Gongxuan2(1.Depart m ent of Computer Engineering,Suzhou Vocati onal University,Suzhou 215104,China;2.School of Computer Science and Technol ogy,Nanjing University of Science and Technol ogy,Nanjing 210094,China )Abstract:W ith the rap id devel opment of web,in order t o fully realize its potential,the W eb Service must be supported by an app r op riate discovery mechanis m ,and UDD I technol ogy is such a p r ogra m t o s olve this p r oble m.I n this paper,an algorithm is p r oposed f or Se mantic W eb Service matching based on UDD I .W ith the combinati on of Se mantic W eb and W eb Service D iscovery,a ne w matching algorithm is thus p r oposed .Thr ough multilayer filter,the algorithm can rap idly find matches bet w een the request or and the p r ovider .Keywords:se mantic web;service discovery;matching alg orithm;UDD I・45・・技术应用・信息化研究2009年10月。