李荫华《全新版大学英语综合教程(1)》(第2版)学习指南(Unit 7)【圣才出品】

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Unit 7
Text A
extensively [iks5tensivli] adv. 广大地,广泛地
intelligence [in5telidVEns] n. 智力,聪明;理解力;情报;情报工作;情报机关;消息【例句】She's the equal of her brother as far as intelligence is concerned. 论智力,她和她哥哥不相上下。

【助记】来自intelligent(adj. 理智的)
intelligent [in5telidVEnt] adj. 聪明的,明智的,有才智的
【例句】Though very intelligent,she is nevertheless rather modest. 她很聪明,倒也很谦虚。

controversy [5kCntrEvE:si] n. 争论,辩论
【例句】The remark touched off a heated controversy. 这句话引起了热烈的争论。

【词组】beyond controversy/out of controversy无可争议,无疑;不消说
surround [sE5raund] v. 包围,环绕
n. 围绕物
adj. 环绕立体声的
【例句】The house is in beautiful surroundings. 这房子的环境优美。

【词组】surround sb./sth. (with sb./sth.)(使某人、某物)包围某人、某物;围住某人、某物(尤指使之无法脱逃)
【派生】surrounding adj. 周围的,附近的
surroundings n. 环境,周围的事物
consciousness [5kCnFEsnis] n. 觉悟,自觉,意识,知觉
【例句】An old song kept obtruding upon my consciousness. 一首古老的歌不断在我的意识中涌现。

【搭配】lose one’s consciousness失去知觉
social consciousness 社会意识
national consciousness 民族意识;国族意识
stream of consciousness 意识流(一种文学流派)
safety consciousness 安全意识
explore [iks5plC:] v. 勘探,探测;探究,探索
【例句】Can you explore the market possibility for us? 您能为我们考察一下市场前景吗?
【派生】exploration n. 探测;探究;踏勘
obvious [5CbviEs] adj. 明显的,显而易见的
【例句】Indeed, there are many obvious advantages to a five-day week. 的确,实行五天工作制有许多明显的优点。

encounter [in5kauntE] v. & n. 遭遇,遇到,相遇
【例句】The more dangers we encounter,the harder should we push forward. 越是艰险越向前。

【词组】have an encounter与…邂逅
encounter with 遭遇,遇到
reveal [ri5vi:l] v. 展现,显示,揭示,暴露,透露,使显露
【例句】The journalist refused to reveal the source of her information. 这名记者拒绝透露她的消息来源。

convince [kEn5vins] vt. (of)使确信,使信服
【例句】He convinced me that I should study law. 他劝我应该学法律。

【词组】convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事
feat [fi:t] n. 功绩,技艺,壮举
adj. 漂亮的,合适的
【例句】It was quite a feat to move that piano by yourself. 你一个人搬动那架钢琴是相当了不起的本领。


【派生】feature n. 特色,特征;容貌
captivity [kAp5tiviti] n. 拘留;束缚;囚禁,俘虏
【例句】They prayed for an early deliverance from captivity. 他们为早日获释而祈祷。

dominant [5dCminEnt] adj. 显性的;占优势的;支配的,统治的
n. 显性
【例句】The right hand is dominant in most people. 大多数人右手比左手有力。

【派生】dominance n. 优势;统治;支配
species [5spi:Fi:z] n. (植物或动物的)物种,种类
【例句】Some species of animals have become extinct because they could not adapt to a changing environment.

planet [5plAnit] n. 行星
【例句】They claimed to have discovered a new planet. 他们宣称发现了一颗新的行星。

make a deal达成交易
conservative [kEn5sE:vEtiv] adj. 保存的;保守的,守旧的,传统的
n. 保守派,守旧者
【例句】The Conservative Party won 230 seats in Parliament. 保守党在议会获得了230个席位。

【助记】conserve + tive
【派生】conservatory adj. 有保存力的;保存性的
conservationist n. 自然资源保护论者
gorilla [^E5rilE] n. 大猩猩;[美俚]流氓, 打手, 暴徒
【例句】It is this "humanness" of the gorilla which is so beguiling.

suspicious [sEs5piFEs] adj. (~of)可疑的;怀疑的
【例句】His strange behavior made the police suspicious. 他的奇怪举止引起了警察的怀疑。

【词组】suspicious (about/of sth./sb.) 有疑心的;表示怀疑的
peanut [5pi:nQt] n. 花生;很少的钱
【例句】How much is a jar of peanut butter? 一瓶花生酱多少钱?

only to 结果却
blank [blANk] adj. 空白的,茫然的;完全的;失色的
n. 空白;表格;胚
vt. 使…无效;使…模糊;封锁
vi. 消失;成为空白
【例句】The music blanked out. 乐声消失了。

【词组】in blank 预留的空白位置;在空格里,在空白处
【派生】blankness n. 空白;空虚;单调
negotiate [ni5^EuFieit] v. (常与with连用)商订;谈判,交涉,商议;通过,跳过(障碍)
【例句】It is difficult to negotiate while neither will trust. 双方彼此不信任便很难进行协商。

【词组】negotiate with 协商;谈判。
