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问:菲律宾毒贩是否已在桂林被执行死刑?据报道, 菲律宾副总统比奈曾希望来华为毒贩求情,但遭中方 拒绝,请证实。 答:毒品犯罪是世界公认的严重犯罪。中国是法治国 家,司法机关对菲律宾毒贩依法进行审理,并且保障 了当事人的诉讼权利和待遇,按国际公约有关规定履 行了相关义务。中菲之间就该案件一直保持着沟通, 有关的沟通渠道是畅通的。
1. 什么是语用关注?举例
Jack: Do you love him? (重复) Rose: You shouldn’t be asking me this. Jack: It‘s a simple question. Do you love the guy or not? (重述) Rose: This is not a suitable conversation. Jack: Can’t you just answer the question? (质问) Rose: This is absurd. You don’t know me and I don’t know you, … You are rude and uncouth and ... Jack: And you insulted me.
2. 外语中的语用关注:现象
共知信息(common ground)对意义的理解、生成等 的影响。 Jill: I met with someone today. Jane: Good for you. Jill: He is a police officer. Jane: Are you in trouble? (collective salience: policeman - kind of trouble) Jill: Oh, no…. (negation-individual experience)
1. 什么是语用关注?举例
关注五:权势、身份等的体现 “贪官狱中自称副厅级 要求吃营养餐” authority, legitimate power 河南郑州小区业主打出横幅: “刘洋,别回家,家里没水没电”) referent powe关注?举例
关注六:话语站位(positioning/stance, subjectivity) 自己、他人、社会 (趋同/趋异、移情/离情) 利益取向 (受益/受损)、认同、否定等 关注七:话语偏向(orientation) 态度、评价:正面、负面、中立、冲突、挑战、 否定、质疑等 2012美国总统候选人辩论:Obama, Romney
1. 什么是语用关注?举例
关注三:doing things with words (以言行事) How to do things with words (Austin 1962) Speaking a language is performing speech acts (Searle 1969: 16) (基本单位) 行事用意、如何行事、行事效果 (语效、人际) 行事过程,如中心、前序(辅助)、后续(辅助) 行为类型,如直接与间接、有意与无意
1. 什么是语用关注?举例
关注二:互动交际过程的‘曲折’ (如误解、曲 解、修正/矫正、重述、转移、回避、省略)、 ‘不合作’(如答非所问、拒绝、隐含) Titanic (铁达尼号)的对话片段: Rose: 500 invitations have gone out. … Jack: Do you love him? (提问) Rose: Pardon me?
2. 外语中的语用关注:现象
语境差异、语用差异 (≠语义差异、词语差异) I wonder …; I’m wondering … 如: (1) I wonder why he came to this place. (我不明白他为什么来这里?) (疑问) (2) I’m wondering why he came to this place! (我不明白他为什么竟然来这里!) (感慨、惊讶)
2. 外语中的语用关注:现象
The ironing board is flat. 窄 My back garden is flat. He had a flat face and sad eyes. Holland is flat. The sea was flat. 宽 编码意义或原型意义在语境下的扩展(broadening)。 flat的用法变得更松散(loose) (宽) 。 (冉永 2012) pragmatic process of broadening (认知语用学)
2. 外语中的语用关注:现象
如:“I’m terribly sorry to bother you, but if you have time could you look at this problem?” 元语用 – 降低驱使性(downgrade imposition) 语用制约 (一种语境制约): 权势关系(power relationship) How much power does S have over H? [e.g. the greater the power differential, the greater the degree of indirectness is likely to be.]
2. 外语中的语用关注:现象
方位词的语用差异:(≠语言差异、词语差异) 指示中心、近指/远指 语用距离(如人际距离) I shall be delighted to come. (‘听者’中心,向其移动,现场/电话的邀请) I shall be delighted to go. (第三方地点) 指示代词(如‘我们/你们’、‘我的三个女儿’/她们) (≠人称指代)(冉永平 2007)
2. 外语中的语用关注:现象
明说 vs. 隐含(隐含前提、一般隐含、特殊隐含) A. 隐含前提/一般隐含 (一般含意) (1) He is poor but honest.
(隐含前提: Poor people are not honest.)
(2) He is honest but poor.
(? 隐含前提:Honest people are not poor.)
外语教学与研究中的语用关注 —— 现象、问题与趋势
2012年10月18日,广州▪广外 广东省高等学校珠江学者讲坛第二十五期
什么是语用关注?举例 外语教学与研究中的语用关注:现象 外语教学与研究中的语用关注:问题 外语教学与研究中的语用关注:趋势 结语
1. 什么是语用关注?关键词
语境化(contextualization) (线索、意义) 非对等性、或然性 (形式、意义、选择) 说话人意义/语用用意 (信息意图、交际意图) 取效/后效 (行为效果、人际效果) 人际制约 (社交因素、语境制约)
2. 外语中的语用关注:现象
还可表示“后悔”, 如: A: “I don’t think I like this place. I’m wondering why I came here!” B: “You have been here before, have you not?”
语用关注已超越语法信息、字面信息、组合 信息,体现语境下的交际用意/语境隐含。
2. 外语中的语用关注:现象
语境中的词汇语用,如: Pat opened the curtains. 宽 Sally opened her book to page 56. The child opened the package. The carpenter opened the wall. The surgeon opened the wound. 窄 编码意义/原型意义在语境下的缩小(narrowing); open的用法更特定、更具体(窄)。(冉永 2012) pragmatic process of narrowing (认知语用学)
(3) He is poor and honest. ‘明说’(what is said)没区别,却存在隐含差异。
2. 外语中的语用关注:现象
B. 等级隐含(scalar implicature)(一般含意), 如: (1) Your essay was good. (2) Your essay wasn’t just OK. [conveying (1) (3) Your essay wasn’t excellent. [implicature of (1)] (4) Your essay was good; in fact it was excellent. [cancelled] (语境制约) (5) Your essay was good; it wasn’t excellent. [reinforced] (语境制约)
1. 什么是语用关注?举例
关注一:Meaning more than ‘what is said’ 即:implied meaning,speaker meaning 隐含信息、说话人意义 (≠明说信息、字面意义) “Janet! Donkeys!” = Janet! Drive those donkeys away! “Janet! Light!” = Janet! Turn on the light!
2. 外语中的语用关注:现象
语用理据、语用制约(社交语用) “All language uses are potentially facethreatening” (Matsumoto 1989: 219) 也即,语言使用不仅涉及语言制约、语言信 息管理,还涉及人际制约、人际管理。 如Brown & Levinson (1978/1987)’s face theory Leech (1983)’s politeness theory Spencer-Oatey(2008)’s rapport management等。
2. 外语中的语用关注:现象
语法语用信息:指向差异 (≠语法差异) John is sure to succeed. (说话人) John is sure of succeeding. (John) 插入语、语用标记语等,如: I think的4类语用功能: a. shield function; b. approximation function; c. structural function; d. booster function
1. 什么是语用关注?举例
关注四:语言使用(如言语行为)的实施条件(语 境条件)。 request (请求) Preparatory conditions: H is able to do A;S believes H is able to do A. Sincerity condition: S wants H to do A. Essential condition: Counts as an attempt to get H to do A.
1. 什么是语用关注?举例
其它关注: 附加信息、多余信息 (≠主要信息) 人际制约(语境制约) (≠语言制约) 恰当性、合适性 (≠语言正确性) 语用失误、语用不当 (≠语言错误) What does the speaker mean by using X? (语用) ≠ What does X mean? (语义)
2. 外语中的语用关注:现象
C. 特殊隐含 -- 语境化隐含 (1) A: Let’s go back home now. B: It’s raining. (隐含:We cannot go back home now) (2) (Situation: It has been raining for months) A: It’s raining. (隐含:There’ll be a poor harvest) (3) (Situation: It has not rained for months) A: It’s raining. (隐含:There’ll be a bumper harvest) (4) A: There’ll be a football match. B: It’s raining. (隐含:The match will be delayed)