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外文翻译-- 外商直接投资对中国汽车产业生产力产生
外文题目 The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Productivity of Chinas Automotive Industry
出处 Management International ReviewVolune47Number5
作者 Peter J BuckleyJeremy CleggPing ZhengPamela A SilerGianluigi Giorgioni
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Productivity of Chinas Automotive Industry
Abstract and Key Results
■ This study contributes to the existing literature by empirically investigating the effect of FDI inflows on the aggregate labour productivity of Chinas automotive industry
■ A production function model is developed using a panel data set
at sub-sector level Two statistical models pooled ordinary least squares model POLS and fixed effects model FES were used to estimate the influence of foreign direct investment on aggregate labour productivity in the industry ■ Inward FDI plays a positive role in increasing industrial productivity
implying that the government should continue to encourage inward investment
However the results also suggest that efforts to increase capital intensity and average firm size in the industry will also improve labour productivity Key Words
Foreign Direct Investment Automotive Industry China
There is increasing interest in the impact of foreign direct investment FDI on host country productivity However contradictory empirical results have been obtained from a number of previous studies Kokko et al 1994 1996 Egger and Pfaffermayr 2001 Blomstrm and Persson 1983 and Bertschek 1995 for example found evidence of a significant positive effect of FDI on spillovers Haddad and Harrison 1993 Girma et al 2001 Kholdy 1995 Globerman 1979 and Veugelers and Houte 1990 however found insignificant or negative impacts in their empirical results Interestingly Aitken and Harrison 1999 Zukowska-Gagelmann 2000 and Djankov and Hoekman 2000 obtained a complicated pattern of mixed results in
their respective studies This paper adds to this important field of research by examining the impact of FDI on Chinas automotive industrial productivity using a
panel data set
The automotive industry is chosen for
several reasons First the automotive industry is one of the six key
industries1 in China It has expanded rapidly over the reform years and typically accounts for a large and increasing share of industrial production output exports and employment In 1999 total sales of Chinas autoindustry were about US 38 billion accounting for nearly 4 percent of the countrys GDPIn 1998 seven million employees worked in the auto-industry accounting for 33 percent of the total Chinese urban workforce Harwit 2001 The automotive industry particularly in industrialised countries is a focus of attention due to its major
contribution to GDP and employment Irandoust 1999
Historically in the USAJapan and South Korea automotive exports have been an important element of foreign trade Further the development of Chinas automotive industry has been driven by both domestic policy and foreign economic participation Through studying this sector it is possible to investigate issues both of industrialisation in general and the impact of technology transfer in particular Harwit 1995 It is also important to note that there has been a significant amount of FDI in the Chinese automotive industry By the end of 2000 the cumulative actually used FDI2 in the automotive industry reached US 454 billion accounting for 13 percent of total realised FDI in China Moreover China is also one of the largest automobile markets in the world and has becomethe most important destination for FDI by automobile multinational enterprises MNEs especially since Chinas entry into the World Trade Organisation WTO WTOentry however has forced Chinas automotive industry to face fierce international competition As Sit and Liu 2000 point out Chinas entry into the WTO has two effects on Chinas automotive industry one is the gradual reduction of tariffs on imported automobiles and components and the other is the further opening of the industry to FDI With increasing inflows of FDI into the industry it is essential to improve our understanding of the effects of FDI on the productivity of the industry
The rest of the paper is organised as follows Section 2 provides a background on FDI in the Chinese automotive industry Section 3 discusses the
theoretical framework and reviews the relevant literature Section 4 focuses on the empirical analysis discussing the model data and methodology Section 5 presents the empirical results and the last section summarises the key conclusions and policy implications
FDI in Chinas Automotive Industry
According to the Chinese Automotive Industry Yearbook 1999 the development of Chinas automotive industry after 1949 when the Peoples Republic of China was established can be split into three different phases The period 1949-65 can be termed the early starting stage The growing up stage can be thought of as the time period 1966-80 From 1981 onwards Chinas automotive industry has been in a rapidly developing stage
Since the 1950s the Chinese government has made several attempts to introduce Soviet-style structures and methods in order to achieve the goal of industrialisation Chinas automotive industry originated with the founding of the First Automotive Works FAW in Changchun Jilin province which is nowthe largest state-owned auto-maker in China In July 1953 China and the Soviet Union reached an agreement to introduce Soviet automotive technology and assembly lines to produce medium trucks with a projected capacity of 30000 units Chinas first truck was produced by FAW in 1956 marking the birth of Chinas automotive
industry The Nanjing Automotive Works were set up in March 1958 Beijing Automotive Works in June of the same year Jinan Automotive Works in April 1960 and Shanghai Automotive works in October 1960 The Chinese automotive industry
then had five production bases and 104 plants including one vehicle assembler one motor engine maker sixteen repair plants and eighteen motor and motorcycle parts producers In 1965 40542 units of automotive vehicles were produced of which only 133 were cars see Table 1 accounting for 03 percent of total output Chinas automotive industry advanced in the second growing up stage In March 1966 Sichuan Automotive Works was set up in Chongqing Sichuan province In April 1967 Second Automotive Works SAW was set up in Shiyan Hubei province which was later renamed Dongfeng Automotive Corporation in 1992 In March 1978 Shannxi Automotive Works was set up in Xian Moreover three new firms emerged as important automotive vehicle production sites
in Tianjin Shenyang and Wuhan During this period most of the provinces and autonomous regions and even the cities of China set up local automotive production By 1980 the number of automotive enterprises had risen to 2379 —consisting of 56 vehicle manufacturers 129 repair plants 24 motorcycle makers 33 motor engine makers and 2076 parts producers
In 1980 222288 units of automotive vehicles were produced of which 135500 were trucks and 5418 were cars see Table 1 accounting for 61 percent and 24 percent of the total output respectively
However owing to the absence of competition all production units ran at low levels of productivity and efficiency Central planning also created a further problem of restricted product scope in terms of limited product lines The result was a fragmented production system with severe overcapacity in auto production
nation-wide characterised by production at levels below minimum efficient scale in each province
The opening up of Chinas economybrought unprecedented opportunities and challenges for its automotive industry Domestic demand for cars initially dominated by demandfrom the government sector for official use rose rapidly in the 1980s However Chinas vehicle producers were truck makers rather than car makers The car industry was a minor part of vehicle production during the first three decades of Chinas socialist economyand was unable to meet the increasing demand for cars Since the early 1980s Chinese car imports have increased dramatically see Table 1
有越来越多的外国直接投资对东道国生产率的影响产生兴趣然而从以前的一些研究得到了矛盾的实证结果 Kokko 等 1994 年 1996 年埃格和 Pfaffermayr2001 年
Blomstrm 和佩尔松 1983 年和 Bertschek1995 例如发现了外国直接投资对溢出效应产生了重大的积极影响的证据 Haddad 和哈里森 1993 年吉尔马等 2001 年
Kholdy1995Globerman1979 以及 Veugelers 和 Houte1990 然而实证结果发现他们的发现无足轻重或者在实证结果中是产生了负面影响有趣的是艾特肯和 Harrison1999Zukowska - Gagelmann2000Djankov 和 Hoekman2000 年在他们各自研究的好坏参半结果中获得的复杂模式本文通过审查的外国直接投资对中国的汽车产业生产力的影响采用面板数据集补充了这一重要的研究领域
选择汽车行业有几个原因首先汽车业是在中国六个关键产业之一它具在改革数年间迅速扩大通常用于说明工业产品产量出口和就业中巨大的增加的份额 1999 年在中国汽车产业的销售总额约为 380 亿美元接近国内生产总值的百分之四 1998 年七百万名员工在汽车行业工作占城市劳动力总数的百分之三点三 Harwit 2001 汽车行业特别是在工业化国家其国内生产总值和就业是一个关注的重点 Irandoust 1999 年从历史上看美国日本韩国汽车出口一直是对外贸易的重要组成部分此外中国汽车产业的发展是国内政策和国外经济的参与共同推动的通过研究这个部门能够调查一般产业化的问题尤其是技术转移的影响 Harwit 1995年中国汽车行业的外国直接投资的数额也很重要到 2000 年底汽车行业累计利用外商直接投资总额已达到 454 亿美元占对外直接投资在中国的总额的百分之十三此外中国也是世界上最大的汽车市场之一已成为跨国汽车企业跨国公司对外直接投资最重要目的地特别是在中国进入加入世界贸易组织世贸组织以后
加入世贸组织迫使中国汽车行业面临激烈的国际竞争由薛和刘 2000 指出中国加入世贸组织对中国汽车行业有两个影响一方面是逐渐减少对进口汽车和零部件的关税另一方面该行业的进一步向外国直接投资开放随着该行业的外国直接投资的流入有必要提高我们外商直接投资对行业的生产力产生的影响的认识
本文的其余部分条理如下第 2 节提供了外国直接投资在中国汽车行业的背景第 3 节讨论一些理论的框架结构以及有关的文献的回顾第 4节侧重于实证分析讨论了模型数据和方法第 5 节是实证模型的分析结果最后一节概括的结论和政策含义
根据中国汽车工业年鉴 1999 在中国汽车产业在 1949年的发展当中华人民共和国成立后可以分成三个不同的阶段这一时期 1949年至 1965年可称为早期起步阶段 1966 年至1980年期间被认为是生长阶段从 1981 年起中国汽车行业一直处于快速发展阶段
20 世纪 50 年代以来中国政府已经多次尝试引进苏联式的结构和方法以实现中国汽车产业的工业化中国汽车行业起源于吉林省长春市的第一汽车制造厂一汽这是目前中国成立的最大的国有汽车制造商 1953年 7月中国和苏联达成一项协议以引进苏联的汽车技术和组装线生产能力为年产 3 万台预计中型卡车中国第一辆卡车是 1956 年一汽生产的标志着中国汽车行业的诞生南京汽车集团成立于1958年3月北京汽车制造厂同年六月成立济南汽车制造厂于 1960年 4月成立上海汽车工程厂于 1960 年 10 月成立当时的中国汽车产业有五个生产基地 104 车辆组装厂一个汽车发动机制造商十六个修理厂十八个汽车摩托车零部件生产商 1965 年生产了 40542辆汽车只有 133辆是轿车见表 1 占总产量的百分之零点
中国的汽车行业进入了第二个成长阶段 1966 年 3月四川汽车制造厂成立于重庆四川1967 年 4 月第二汽车制造厂锯成立于湖北省十堰后来在 1992 年更名为东风汽车公司1978 年 3 月陕西汽车制造厂在西安成立此外三家新公司在天津沉阳武汉等生产基地生产出重要的汽车在此期间各省自治区甚至是中国大多数城市建立了当地的汽车生产基地到1980 年汽车企业的数量已上升到 2379 有 56 个汽车制造商 129 家修理厂摩托车制造商24 个 33 个汽车发动机制造商 2076个零部件生产商 1980 年制造了 222288辆的汽车其
中 135500辆卡车和 5418辆轿车见表 1 分别占总比重的百分之六十一和二点四然而由于缺乏竞争所有的单位产品的生产水平和效率都较低中央计划也造成了产品线有限及产品范围受限等进一步问题其结果是严重的产能过剩与分散生产系统汽车生产的全国性各省按生产特点以低于最低有效规模水平生产
中国的经济开放为汽车产业带来了前所未有的机遇和挑战国内汽车需求从最初由政府使用的政府部门的需求为主在 80 年代迅速上升然而中国的汽车生产商是卡车制造商而不是轿车制造商在中国的社会主义经济前三十年来轿车业是汽车产量的一小部分无法满足人们日益增长的对汽车的需求 20 世纪 80 年代初以来中国汽车进口急剧增加见表 1 中方政府开始鼓励外国直接投资进入汽车生产以及成立合资跨国企业生产汽车几个主要项目建立于 1984 年和 2002年间首先是与北京汽车制造厂和美国克莱斯勒的合作 1984 年第二次是上海汽车工业总公司和德国大众汽车的合作 1985 年第三是与广州汽车公司和法国标致的合作 1985 年广州本田是由日本本田与广州汽车公司建立于 1998 年四是一汽大众汽车与奥迪的合作 1991年第五个是北京汽车厂和韩国现代的合作 2002 年第六是天津汽车工业公司和日本丰田的合作 2002年
这些合资企业开始由从外国生产商进口的各组成部分的零部件装配出汽车进口替代有助于降低进口整车的外汇负担此外市场竞争的引入放在增加生产运营和发展的压力上作为本土中国企业寻求提高自己的技术能力和产业竞争力在国内第一然后在国际市场上第一汽车工业是资本和技术密集合资企业等成为吸引外国投资和获得现代制造技术和现代管理技术的渠道跨国公司是一个综合的国际生产体系的一部分并试图通过外国直接投资在东道国获得更大的市场准入和资源经济快速增长和人口众多保证了汽车产品在中国市场的畅销中外合资经营企业引进使得中国的汽车产业在第三快速发展阶段继续强劲地发展在1999年见表 1 世界十大汽车整车生产商在中国生产 183 万辆汽车根据 0ICA3中国汽车工
业年鉴 2000年
这个行业现在由外国公司中央计划国有企业计划当地国有企业乡镇和私营企业组成到2000年底 600多个外国公司超过 20个国家已在中国设立的汽车企业累计合同利用外资达529亿美元实际利用外商直接投资则达到了 454亿美元中国汽车工业年鉴 2000 年这占了中国实际使用外商直接投资的百分之十三外商投资的主要来源是美国德国日本法国意大利韩国和英国
尽管有巨大的外国投资和加入世贸组织后的市场纪律许多业内专家认为主要结构和技术的弱点继续存在于中国的汽车行业辛克莱 2005例如在双方的汽车制造和零部件的子行业的分散性和小规模以下各地分散的生产经营能力的国家报告他还指出贸易保护主义文化的持续部分由当地装配公司青睐当地的供应商尽管他们的产品质量低劣价格更高 Harwit2001 同意这一观点强调各国对国产零部件的使用阻碍了国内汽车生产的质量的提高他总结有关情况并指出虽然中国已经建立了一个巨大的整车生产系统但是价格和质量存在的问题仍留在入世
后的环境中产业很容易受到攻击 Harwit 2001 年 655页。
