Confined nanorods jamming due to helical buckling




显 示 出广 泛 的应 用 前 景 , 比如 作 为 高灵 敏 度 的化 学 传 感 器 、 作超 强 度 的电缆 以及 扫 描 探 测显 微 镜 的探 制 针, 既可 以取 代铜 作 为导体 , 可 以取 代硅 作为 半导 体. 也 由于 纳米 颗粒 的 自身 特性 , 一些 原本无 毒 或者有 毒
20 0 8年 6月
J n 2 0 u .08
纳 米 毒 理 学 研 究
文 章 编 号 :0 6 — 9 2 2 0 ) 3 0 1 - 5 4 5 7 4 ( 0 8 0 ~ 0 90
多 壁 碳 纳 米 管对 小 鼠 肺 部 急性 损伤 的 研 究
宋文华 , 峰 , 白 茹。 张文佳。 艳。 张金洋 , 丁 , , 刘 , 高敏苓
关 键 词 :多 壁 碳 纳 米 管 ( WNT) M ;环 境 与 健 康 效 应 ; 损 伤 ; 肺
中 图分 类 号 :R9 4 6 9 . 文 献 标 识 码 :A
0 引

碳 纳 米管是 一 种完 全人 造 的一维 结 构 材料 , 由于具 有 优越 的力 学 、 电子 学 和化 学 等性 能 , 很多 领 域 在
摘 要 :小 鼠采 用 非 暴 露 式 气 管 内 注 人 法 注 入 不 同浓 度 多 壁 碳 纳 米 管 ( wNT) 粒 物 悬 液 , 第 1 M 颗 在 0d处 死 小 鼠 , 进 行 肺 泡 灌 洗 , 定 肺 泡 灌 洗 液 ( AL ) 各 项 指 标 、 脏 器 系 数 , 进 行 病 理 形 态 学 观 察 . 并 测 B F中 肺 并 MWNT 1 0 mg・ g b 组 以 上 各 指 标 均 高 于 对 照 组 和 纳 米 1mg・ g b 组 , 异 显 著 ( k w k w 差 P< O 0 . 1或 P< O 0 ) 病 理 .5 ; 形态学 观察结果表明 , MW NT 1 0mg・ g b 组 小 鼠肺 部 损 伤 最 重 . 实验 条 件 下 , k w 在 MW N 对 小 鼠肺 造 成 急 T 性损伤作用 , 生物体健康构成潜 在威胁 , 对 为研 究 MWNT 对 人 体 及 环 境 的 潜 在 性 影 响奠 定 实 验 基 础 .

掺杂 氧化铈纳米酶

掺杂 氧化铈纳米酶


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MEWS评分在急诊留观患者护理决策中的作用分析一、MEWS评分的概念简化急诊患者危重度评估(Modified Early Warning Score,MEWS)是一种通过观察生命体征来评估患者病情变化的评分系统。




二、MEWS评分在急诊留观患者护理决策中的作用1. 及时发现患者病情变化在急诊留观患者的护理过程中,患者病情的变化可能随时发生,而且有些变化可能相当微弱,容易被忽略。




2. 提高护理质量MEWS评分可以帮助医护人员及时发现患者的病情变化,有利于提高护理质量。


3. 促进医护人员间的交流在急诊留观患者的护理决策中,医护人员之间的交流配合是至关重要的。


三、MEWS评分在急诊留观患者护理决策中的局限性1. 评分标准不够客观MEWS评分系统主要通过对患者的生命体征指标进行评分,存在一定的主观性。




1058 Blood Products Plasma Expanders and Haemostaticsavailable as The clinical use of blood handbook at: (accessed 27/10/05)4.Cable R, et al. American Red Cross practice guidelines forblood transfusion: a compilation from recent peer-reviewed lit-erature (May 2002). Available at:/professional/pgbtscreen.pdf (accessed 27/10/05)5.Australian Red Cross Blood Service. Transfusion medicinemanual. Available at: .au/ Home.aspx (accessed 29/08/08)6.British Committee for Standards in Haematology TransfusionTask Force. Transfusion guidelines for neonates and older chil-dren. Br J Haematol 2004; 124: 433–53. Correction. ibid. 2007;136: 514–16. Also available at:/pdf/Neonates_124_4_2004.pdf (accessed 27/10/05)7.McClelland DBL, ed. Handbook of transfusion medicine: Unit-ed Kingdom Blood Services. 4th ed. London: The Stationery Of-fice, 2007. Also available at:http://www.transfusion /docs/pdfs/ htm_edition-4_all-pages.pdf (accessed 15/02/07)8.British Committee for Standards in Haematology. Guidelines onthe management of massive blood loss. Br J Haematol 2006;135: 634–41.9.Klein HG, et al. Red blood cell transfusion in clinical practice.Lancet 2007; 370: 415–26.10.Council of Europe. Guide to the preparation, use and qualityassurance of blood components. 13th ed. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, 2007.Autologous blood transfusion.Reviews and guidelines have been published on autologous blood transfusion, a procedure where a patient acts as their own blood donor, the blood usually being collected shortly before elective surgery or salvaged dur-ing the surgical procedure.1-61.British Committee for Standards in Haematology Blood Transfu-sion Task Force. Guidelines for autologous transfusion II: peri-operative haemodilution and cell salvage. Br J Anaesth 1997; 78: 768–71. Also available at: /pdf/ bja768.pdf (accessed 27/10/05)2.Gillon J, Thomas DW. Autologous transfusion. In: Contreras M,ed. ABC of transfusion. 3rd ed. London: BMJ Books, 1998: 23–8.3.Goodnough LT, et al. Transfusion medicine: blood conservation.N Engl J Med 1999; 340: 525–33.4.Vanderlinde ES, et al. Autologous transfusion. BMJ 2002; 324:772–5.5.Carless P, et al. Autologous transfusion techniques: a systematicreview of their efficacy. Transfus Med 2004; 14: 123–44.6.British Committee for Standards in Haematology, TransfusionTask Force. Guidelines for policies on alternatives to allogeneic blood transfusion. 1. Predeposit autologous blood donation and transfusion. Transfus Med 2007; 17: 354–65. Also available at: /pdf/alt_allogeneic_blood_ transfusion.pdf (accessed 09/06/08)PreparationsUSP 31: Whole Blood.Calcium AlginateAlginato cálcico; E404.CAS — 9005-35-0.ATC — B02BC08.ATC Vet — QB02BC08.ProfileCalcium alginate is the calcium salt of alginic acid, a polyuronic acid composed of residues of D-mannuronic and L-guluronic ac-ids. It may be obtained from seaweeds, mainly species of Lami-naria. Calcium alginate is used as an absorbable haemostatic and for the promotion of wound healing (p.1585); it is also used in the form of a mixed calcium-sodium salt of alginic acid as a fibre made into a dressing or packing material. Calcium ions in the calcium alginate fibres are exchanged for sodium ions in the blood and exudate to form a hydrophilic gel.Alginic acid and its calcium and sodium salts are widely used in the food industry.◊ References.1.Thomas S. Alginate dressings in surgery and wound manage-ment–part 1. J Wound Care 2000; 9: 56–60.2.Thomas S. Alginate dressings in surgery and wound manage-ment: part 2. J Wound Care 2000; 9: 115–19.3.Thomas S. Alginate dressings in surgery and wound manage-ment: part 3. J Wound Care 2000; 9: 163–6.PreparationsProprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3)Arg.: Kaltostat; Nu-D erm Alginato; T egagen†; Austral.: Kaltostat†; Mel-gisorb; Sorbsan†; Canad.: Algisite†; Kaltostat; Melgisorb; Restore Calci-Care; T egagen†; Fr.: Algosteril; Coalgan; Sorbalgon; Stop Hemo; Ger.: Al-gosteril†; Urgosorb; Gr.: Stop Hemo†; Irl.: Kaltostat; Sorbsan; Ital.: Algosteril; Cutinova Alginate; Kaltostat; Sorbsan†; Port.: Sorbsan†; S.Afr.: Kaltostat; UK: Algosteril; Comfeel SeaSorb; Kaltostat; Sorbsan; USA: Cala-lgin.Multi-ingredient: Arg.: Comfeel Plus; Comfeel Purilon†; Comfeel Sea-Sorb†; Fibracol Plus; Mylanta Reflux; Purilon; Seasorb; Canad.: Carboflex†; Fr.: Amivia†; Askina Sorb†; Clip Hemo; Melgisorb; Purilon; Seasorb; Ur-gosorb; Ger.: Algosteril Trionic†; Comfeel Plus; Purilon; SeaSorb Soft; Isra-el: Kaltocarb; Kaltostat; Port.: Askina Sorb†; Carboflex†; Kaltostat; UK: Comfeel Plus; SeaSorb Soft; Venez.: Mylanta Plus†.Carbazochrome (rINN)AC-17; Adrenochrome Monosemicarbazone; Carbazochro-mum; Carbazocromo. 3-Hydroxy-1-methyl-5,6-indolinedionesemicarbazone.КарбазохромC10H12N4O3 = 236.2.CAS — 69-81-8 (carbazochrome); 13051-01-9 (carbazo-chrome salicylate); 51460-26-5 (carbazochrome sodiumsulfonate).ATC — B02BX02.ATC Vet — QB02BX02.Pharmacopoeias.Jpn includes Carbazochrome Sodium Sul-fonate (C10H11N4NaO5S,3H2O=376.3).ProfileCarbazochrome, an oxidation product of adrenaline, has beengiven as a haemostatic. Carbazochrome sodium sulfonate maybe given orally in doses ranging from 30 to 150mg daily, in atleast 3 divided doses. Parenteral doses of 10mg may be givensubcutaneously or intramuscularly, and up to 100mg may begiven intravenously. It has also been given as the dihydrate andas the salicylate.PreparationsProprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3)Braz.: Adrenoplasma†; Adrenoxil†; Ger.: Adrenoxyl†; Hong Kong: Ado-na; India: Sigmachrome; Siochrome; Styptocid; Indon.: Adona; Adrome;Ital.: Adona; Jpn: Adona; Port.: Adrenoxil; Thai.: Neo-Hesna.Multi-ingredient: India: Cadisper C; CKP; Siochrome; Styptocid; Stypto-cip†; Ital.: Fleboside; Mex.: Hemosin-K; Spain: Cromoxin K†; Flebeside†;Perfus Multivitaminico; Venez.: Dremo-K†.Darbepoetin Alfa (BAN, USAN, rINN)⊗Darbepoetiinialfa; Darbepoetina alfa; Darbépoétine Alfa; Darbe-poetinum Alfa; NESP; Novel Erythropoiesis Stimulating Protein.30-L-Asparagine-32-L-threonine-87-L-valine-88-L-asparagine-90-L-threonineerythropoietin (human).Дарбепоетин АльфаCAS — 209810-58-2.ATC — B03XA02.ATC Vet — QB03XA02.Adverse Effects and PrecautionsAs for Epoetins, p.1061.PharmacokineticsOn subcutaneous injection the bioavailability of darbe-poetin alfa is about 37% and absorption is slow. It un-dergoes extensive metabolism, with terminal half-livesof 21 and 49 hours after intravenous and subcutaneoususe respectively.◊ References.1.Heatherington AC, et al. Pharmacokinetics of novel erythropoi-esis stimulating protein (NESP) in cancer patients: preliminaryreport. Br J Cancer 2001; 84 (suppl): 11–16.2.Allon M, et al. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of dar-bepoetin alfa and epoetin in patients undergoing dialysis. ClinPharmacol Ther 2002; 72: 546–55.3.Lerner G, et al. Pharmacokinetics of darbepoetin alfa in pediatricpatients with chronic kidney disease. Pediatr Nephrol 2002; 17:933–7.4.Heatherington AC, et al. Pharmacokinetics of darbepoetin alfaafter intravenous or subcutaneous administration in patients withnon-myeloid malignancies undergoing chemotherapy. ClinPharmacokinet 2006; 45: 199–211.Uses and AdministrationDarbepoetin alfa is an analogue of the endogenous pro-tein hormone erythropoietin with similar properties tothe epoetins (p.1062). It is used in the management ofanaemia associated with chronic renal failure (see Nor-mocytic-normochromic Anaemia, p.1044) and foranaemia caused by chemotherapy in patients with non-myeloid malignancies.For anaemia associated with chronic renal failure inadults and children aged 11 years and older, the aim oftreatment is to increase the haemoglobin concentrationto 10 to 12g per 100mL. The rate of rise in haemo-globin should be gradual to minimise adverse effectssuch as hypertension; a rate not exceeding 2g per100mL per month is suggested. Darbepoetin alfa isgiven by subcutaneous or intravenous injection in aninitial dose of 450nanograms/kg once weekly, as a sin-gle injection. In patients on haemodialysis, the intrave-nous route is recommended to reduce the risk of devel-oping neutralising antibodies and pure red cell aplasia(see Effects on the Blood under Epoetins, p.1061). Thedose should be adjusted at intervals of not less than 4weeks, according to response, until the target haemo-globin concentration is achieved. In general, adjust-ments are made by increasing or decreasing the dose byabout 25%. Maintenance doses may then be continuedonce weekly. Patients may be converted from weeklydoses to once every 2 weeks, and should receive a dosethat is equal to twice the dose that had been given onceweekly. Alternatively, for patients who are not ondialysis, an initial dose of 750nanograms/kg subcuta-neously once every 2 weeks may be used, followed bydose adjustment. When the target haemoglobin con-centration is achieved, a maintenance dose may be giv-en once a month; this is equal to twice the dose that hadbeen given once every 2 weeks.For anaemia in chemotherapy patients with non-myeloid malignancies, darbepoetin alfa is given subcu-taneously in an initial dose of 500micrograms(6.75micrograms/kg) once every 3 weeks; if the re-sponse is inadequate after 9 weeks, further therapywith darbepoetin alfa may not be effective. Alterna-tively, it may be given in an initial dose of2.25micrograms/kg once weekly. If the response is in-adequate after 6 weeks, the dose may be increased to4.5micrograms/kg once weekly. Darbepoetin alfashould be stopped after the course of chemotherapy hasfinished, but it may be continued for up to 4 weeks inthe UK. The rate of rise in haemoglobin should begradual; a rate not exceeding 2g per 100mL permonth, and a target haemoglobin of not more than 12gper 100mL, are suggested. Once the desired haemo-globin target has been reached, the dose should be re-duced by 25 to 50% to maintain that level.◊ Reviews.1.Ibbotson T, Goa KL. Darbepoetin alfa. Drugs 2001; 61:2097–2104.2.The NESP Usage Guidelines Group. Practical guidelines for theuse of NESP in treating renal anaemia. Nephrol Dial Transplant2001; 16 (suppl 3): 22–8.3.Overbay DK, Manley HJ. Darbepoetin-α: a review of the litera-ture. Pharmacotherapy 2002; 22: 889–97.4.Joy MS. Darbepoetin alfa: a novel erythropoiesis-stimulatingprotein. Ann Pharmacother 2002; 36: 1183–92.5.Cvetkovic RS, Goa KL. Darbepoetin alfa in patients with chem-otherapy-related anaemia. Drugs 2003; 63: 1067–74.6.Siddiqui MAA, Keating GM. Darbepoetin alfa: a review of itsuse in the treatment of anaemia in patients with cancer receivingchemotherapy. Drugs 2006; 66: 997–1012.PreparationsProprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3)Austral.: Aranesp; Austria: Aranesp; Belg.: Aranesp; Canad.: Aranesp;Cz.: Aranesp; Nespo; Denm.: Aranesp; Fin.: Aranesp; Fr.: Aranesp; Ger.:Aranesp; Gr.: Aranesp; Hong Kong: Aranesp; Hung.: Aranesp; Irl.:Aranesp; Israel: Aranesp; Ital.: Aranesp; Nespo; Neth.: Aranesp; Nespo;Norw.: Aranesp; Pol.: Aranesp; Port.: Aranesp; Nespo; Spain: Aranesp;Swed.: Aranesp; Switz.: Aranesp; Turk.: Aranesp; UK: Aranesp; USA:Aranesp.Dextran 1 (BAN, rINN)⊗Dekstraani 1; Dekstranas 1; Dextrán 1; Dextranum 1.Декстран 1CAS — 9004-54-0 (dextran).ATC — B05AA05.ATC Vet — QB05AA05.Pharmacopoeias.In Eur. (see p.vii) and US.Ph. Eur. 6.2 (Dextran 1 for Injection). A low-molecular-weightfraction of dextran, consisting of a mixture of isomalto-oligosac-charides. It is obtained by hydrolysis and fractionation of dex-trans produced by fermentation of sucrose using a certain strainor substrains of Leuconostoc mesenteroides. The average rela-tive molecular mass is about 1000.A white or almost white, hygroscopic powder. V ery soluble inwater; very slightly soluble in alcohol.USP 31 (Dextran 1). A low-molecular-weight fraction of dex-tran, consisting of a mixture of isomalto-oligosaccharides. It isobtained by controlled hydrolysis and fractionation of dextransproduced by fermentation of certain strains of Leuconostoc me-senteroides, in the presence of sucrose. It is a glucose polymer inNONOHCH3HNH2NO。

Au、Ag金属纳米颗粒、纳米棒、多面体、核壳结构合成的几篇经典文献,colloidal 合成

Au、Ag金属纳米颗粒、纳米棒、多面体、核壳结构合成的几篇经典文献,colloidal 合成

eometry control of metal particles at the nanoscale is a crucial step in the development of nanoplasmonic materials and devices.1,2 Among all the reported synthetic routes, the seeded growth method can be considered as the most versatile one, since it allows fine-tuning of both the morphology and size of the nanoparticles by simply reducing additional metal ions on preformed nanoparticle seeds.3,4 Such seeded growth process can be implemented either in aqueous solution or in organic solvents such as N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) or polyols,5 usually mediated by surfactants or polymers, respectively.6 Typically, reduction in organic solvents (which are the actual reducing agents) requires different experimental conditions, such as higher temperatures or the presence of (apparently) spectator ions. Although both approaches cannot be easily compared, it is widely accepted that the final particle shape, regardless of the synthetic approach, is mainly dictated by the crystalline structure of the seed, as well as by the effect of ligands (surfactants/polymers) and other additives (ions in general). The preferential adsorption of ligands or additives onto the seeds makes certain crystallographic facets thermodynamically more stable, reducing their surface free energy. As a consequence, the relative free energies for different facets and thus their relative growth rates may change as compared to surface energies in vacuum. Although the fast development of spectroscopic techniques has


视兼容的要求。 关键词:近红外吸收滤光片;夜视兼容照明;透射;光谱辐 亮度 中图分 类号 :T 2 . Q349 文 献标识 码 :A 文章 编号 : 10 —8 120 )500 —4 0 189(070 —320 S n h ssa d Ap l a i n t R s r i g F le rNVI -o p t l g t g y t e i n p i t NI Ab o b n i rf c o o t o S c m a i eLi h i b n o Dih o e eM e a mp e R ewih u u si e t fA t i ln t l Co lx NI Dy t o t b tt n s S u
M e l o lxNI ew to t u s te t NI E O 1 bobn en a fae t 5 n wa t mpe R Dy i u b tu ns R DY —1 srigi t e i r da 5 m s aC h s i ( a nh r n r 8
门金凤 1 程 海峰 , 2 ,陈朝辉 ,王 茜
(. 1国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院 C C重点实验 室,湖南 长沙 4 0 7 ; F 10 3 2海军工程大学 船舶与动力工程学 院,湖北 武汉 4 0 3 ) . 30 3
摘要:为 了研制夜视兼容照明器件用近红外滤光片,合成 了最大吸收波长在近红外区域 ( 5 85 m) n 的 无取代基硫代双烯镍络合物 ( I Y 一1 ,其结构为 ( C C R) N( = N RD E0 ) R S S 2 i 苯环) R 的近红外染料,单独
第 2卷 第 5 9 期 2o 0 7年 5月
红 外 技 术



摩擦纳米发电激发光动力学英文回答:Frictional nanogenerators (FNGs) are devices that can convert mechanical energy into electrical energy through the process of triboelectric effect. They work by utilizing the frictional forces between two different materials to generate a charge imbalance, which can then be harvested as electricity. FNGs have gained significant attention in recent years due to their potential applications in self-powered systems and wearable electronics.The study of the photodynamics of FNGs involves investigating the light emission properties that occur during the frictional process. When two materials rub against each other, they generate not only electrical energy but also light emissions. These light emissions can provide valuable information about the underlying mechanisms of FNGs and can be used to optimize their performance.One example of the photodynamics of FNGs is the generation of triboluminescence. Triboluminescence refers to the emission of light when certain materials are subjected to frictional forces. This phenomenon has been observed in various materials, such as sugar crystals, quartz, and certain types of plastics. When these materials are rubbed or crushed, they emit a brief burst of light. The exact mechanism behind triboluminescence is not yet fully understood, but it is believed to involve the breaking of chemical bonds, the release of stored energy, and the recombination of charged particles.Understanding the photodynamics of FNGs can have practical implications in the development of more efficient and reliable nanogenerators. By studying the light emissions during the frictional process, researchers can gain insights into the energy conversion mechanisms and identify ways to enhance the overall performance of FNGs. For example, by optimizing the materials used in FNGs, it may be possible to increase the intensity or duration of the light emissions, leading to higher energy output.中文回答:摩擦纳米发电激发光动力学是研究摩擦过程中发生的光发射特性的学科。

gold nanorod bioconjugate

gold nanorod bioconjugate

Gold Nanorod BioconjugatesHongwei Liao and Jason H.Hafner*Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics&Astronomy,Rice Uni V ersity,6100Main Street,Houston,Texas77005Recei V ed May4,2005.Re V ised Manuscript Recei V ed June27,2005Gold nanorods have been stabilized,conjugated to antibodies,and characterized for biological applications.The stabilizing surfactant bilayer which surrounds gold nanorods was replaced by thiol terminated methoxypoly(ethylene glycol)so that the nanorods are stable in buffer solutions free of surfactant.Nanorod bioconjugation was accomplished with a heterobifunctional cross-linker,with antibody activity confirmed by a strip plate assay.Nanorod bioconjugates were characterized by independent measurements of the nanorod and antibody concentrations.The nanorod molar extinction coefficient was measured from dense yet well separated nanorod films to be4.4(0.5×109M-1cm-1,thus allowing quantitative determination of nanorod concentrations.However,a colorimetric protein assay overestimated the antibody concentration and is therefore likely perturbed by the presence of the nanorods electromagnetically and/or chemically.IntroductionNoble metal nanoparticles exhibit a strong optical extinc-tion at visible and near-infrared(NIR)wavelengths due to a localized surface plasmon resonance(LSPR)of their free electrons upon excitation by an electromagnetic field.The resulting intense color of noble metal nanoparticle solutions was explained theoretically by Mie for spherical gold colloid in1908.1Recent advances in the synthesis2,3and chemical modification4of noble metal nanoparticles have led to widespread interest in their properties and applications,as thoroughly reviewed by Daniel and Astruc.5For example, the aggregation of oligonucleotide-functionalized gold nano-particles,when mixed with a complementary single-strand DNA linker,allows the colorimetric detection of as little as 10fmol of single-stranded DNA.6Due to the sharp, sequence-dependent melting transition of the DNA-nano-particle ensemble,single base-pair mismatches between the probe and linker can be detected.7Another detection platform monitors shifts in the plasmon resonance peak wavelength upon binding of analyte molecules to the nanoparticle surface.8,9The shift is due to the altered dielectric properties of the nanoparticle’s local environment by the presence of the analyte.With bioconjugated nanoparticles,biomedically relevant,label free analytes can be detected down to10nM concentration with this simple technology.10Individual noble metal nanoparticles are also employed as microscopic labels. While this is traditionally the domain of immunospecific electron microscopy,gold and silver nanoparticles have recently been applied for optical imaging since they have large scattering cross sections and do not photobleach or blink like fluorophores or semiconductor nanoparticles.11-13 Significant biomedical applications become possible when gold nanoparticle resonances are tuned to the near-infrared (NIR),where tissue is relatively transparent.14Photothermal cancer therapy by tumor ablation has been demonstrated in vivo by NIR laser excitation of tunable gold nanoshells accumulated at a tumor site.15,16The nanoshells can be designed to have strong NIR absorption,17resulting in significant localized heating of the surrounding tissue.18Gold nanoshells can also serve as targeted contrast agents for diagnostic imaging modalities such as optical coherence tomography when they are tuned for strong scattering in the NIR.19Tunable gold nanoparticles could therefore serve as both a diagnostic and therapeutic technology for cancer treatment.20The further development of these diagnostic and(1)Mie,G.Ann.Phys.1908,25(3),377-445.(2)Brust,M.;Fink,J.;Bethell,D.;Schiffrin,D.J.;Kiely,C.J.Chem.Soc.,mun.1995,16,1655-1656.(3)Brust,M.;Walker,M.;Bethell,D.;Schiffrin,D.J.;Whyman,R.J.Chem.Soc.,mun.1994,7,801-802.(4)Giersig,M.;Mulvaney,ngmuir1993,9(12),3408-3413.(5)Daniel,M.C.;Astruc,D.Chem.Re V.2004,104(1),293-346.(6)Elghanian,R.;Storhoff,J.J.;Mucic,R.C.;Letsinger,R.L.;Mirkin,C.A.Science1997,277(5329),1078-1081.(7)Storhoff,J.J.;Elghanian,R.;Mucic,R.C.;Mirkin,C.A.;Letsinger,R.L.J.Am.Chem.Soc.1998,120(9),1959-1964.(8)Englebienne,P.Analyst1998,123(7),1599-1603.(9)Haes,A.J.;Van Duyne,R.P.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2002,124,10596-10604.(10)Haes,A.J.;Hall,W.P.;Chang,L.;Klein,W.L.;Van Duyne,R.P.Nano Lett.2004,4(6),1029-1034.(11)Yguerabide,J.;Yguerabide,E.E.Anal.Biochem.1998,262(2),157-176.(12)So¨nnichsen,C.;Alivisatos,A.P.Nano Lett.2005,5(2),301-304.(13)Schultz,S.;Smith,D.R.;Mock,J.J.;Schultz,D.A.Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.2000,97(3),996-1001.(14)Weissleder,R.Nat.Biotechnol.2001,19(4),316-317.(15)Hirsch,L.R.;Stafford,R.J.;Bankson,J.A.;Sershen,S.R.;Rivera,B.;Price,R.E.;Hazle,J.D.;Halas,N.J.;West,J.L.Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.2003,100(23),13549-13554.(16)O’Neal,D.P.;Hirsch,L.R.;Halas,N.J.;Payne,J.D.;West,J.L.Cancer Lett.2004,209(2),171-176.(17)Oldenburg,S.J.;Averitt,R.D.;Westcott,S.L.;Halas,N.J.Chem.Phys.Lett.1998,288,243-247.(18)Sershen,S.R.;Westcott,S.L.;Halas,N.J.;West,J.L.J.Biomed.Mater.Res.2000,51(3),293-298.(19)Chen,J.;Saeki,F.;Wiley,B.J.;Cang,H.;Cobb,M.J.;Li,Z.-Y.;Au,L.;Zhang,H.;Kimmey,M.B.;Li,X.D.;Xia,Y.Nano Lett.2005,5(3),473-477.(20)Loo,C.;Lowery,A.;Halas,N.;West,J.;Drezek,R.Nano Lett.2005,5(4),709-711.4636Chem.Mater.2005,17,4636-464110.1021/cm050935k CCC:$30.25©2005American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web08/05/2005therapeutic strategies will be stimulated by the broader availability of a variety of bioconjugated noble metal nanoparticles tuned to the NIR.Several gold nanoparticle structures exhibit tunable plasmon resonant spectra and are under consideration for such applications,including gold nanoshells,15-17,21nanocages,19,22nanorods,23-27and nano-particle aggregates.28Gold nanorods 23,24,29are elongated nanoparticles whose extinction spectra exhibit two plasmon resonances,as seen in Figure 1.The transverse plasmon is the result of excitation across the nanorod diameter and is similar to plasmon resonances in spherical gold colloid.The longitudinal plas-mon is due to excitation along the nanorod length.It results in an extinction peak which is tunable from the visible through the NIR with nanorod aspect ratio.30The longitudinal plasmon resonances of gold nanorods are highly polarization dependent and have a line width significantly narrower than that of other gold nanoparticles.31These properties suggestseveral advantages of nanorods for the applications described above.Their sharp,polarized NIR resonances could enable multiplexed biological sensing and biomedical imaging through multispectral and polarization sensitive detection.Biosensor applications should also benefit from the nanorod geometry,as it has been shown that elongated nanoparticles have an inherently higher sensitivity to the local dielectric environment than similar sized spherical nanoparticles.32Polarized scattering from nanorods can provide microscopic imaging applications with orientation information at the molecular scale.12Photothermal therapies may benefit from the small size of gold nanorods in terms of their ability to permeate tissue and the leaky vasculature of tumors.Apart from these inherent properties,a practical advantage of gold nanorods is that simple procedures have been recently developed for high-yield nanorod synthesis 33which use cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)surfactant as a soft template.However,biological applications have not been widely pursued with gold nanorods in part because nanorod solutions are stabilized by the presence of concentrated CTAB surfactant.34,35Although conjugates have been formed in the presence of CTAB,26,27,36surfactant solutions are cytotoxic 37,38and may interfere with established protein-linking protocols.A recent report explored the cytotoxicity of CTAB stabilized spherical gold nanoparticles.39It was found that toxicity was due to free CTAB in solution but not CTAB which is bound to the nanoparticle.However,for gold nanorods the removal of the bulk CTAB will cause aggregation.We have therefore explored the use of com-mercially available thiol-terminated methoxypoly(ethylene glycol)(mPEG-SH)as a stabilizer for nanorods since it will strongly bind the gold nanorod surface and is biocompat-ible.40Experimental MethodsGold Nanorod Synthesis.Gold nanorods were prepared exactly as described by Sau et al.,33but scaled up to increase the quantity.Gold seed particles were prepared by adding 250µL of 10mM HAuCl 4‚3H 2O to 7.5mL of 100mM cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)with brief,gentle mixing.Next,600µL of freshly prepared,ice-cold 10mM NaBH 4solution was added followed by mixing for 2min.The pale brown seed solution was stable and usable for several days.The nanorod growth solution was prepared by adding the following reagents to a plastic tube in the following order and then gently mixing:40mL of 100mM CTAB,1.7mL of 10mM HAuCl 4‚3H 2O,250µL of 10mM AgNO 3.Next,270µL of 100mM ascorbic acid was added,which changed the solution from brown-yellow to colorless.To initiate nanorod growth,420(21)Hirsch,L.R.;Jackson,J.B.;Lee,A.;Halas,N.J.;West,J.Anal.Chem.2003,75(10),2377-2381.(22)Sun,Y.;Xia,Y.Science 2002,298(5601),2176-2179.(23)Jana,N.R.;Gearheart,L.;Murphy,C.J.J.Phys.Chem.B 2001,105(19),4065-4067.(24)Yu,Y.-Y.;Chang,S.-S.;Lee,C.-L.;Wang,C.R.C.J.Phys.Chem.B 1997,101(34),6661-6664.(25)Link,S.;El-Sayed,M.A.J.Phys.Chem.B 1999,103,8410-8426.(26)Sudeep,P.K.;Joseph,S.T.S.;Thomas,K.G.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2005,127(18),6516-6517.(27)Cassell,K.K.;Wilson,J.N.;Bunz,U.H.;Murphy,C.J.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2003,125,13914-13915.(28)Hayat,M.A.Colloidal gold:principles,methods,and applications ;Academic Press:San Diego,1989.(29)Foss,C.;Hornyak,G.;Stockert,J.;Martin,C.J.Phys.Chem.1994,98(11),2963-2971.(30)Link,S.;Mohamed,M.B.;El-Sayed,M.A.J.Phys.Chem.B 1999,103,3073-3077.(31)Sonnichsen,C.;Franzl,T.;Wilk,T.;von Plessen,G.;Feldmann,J.Phys.Re V .Lett.2002,88(7),077402.(32)McFarland,A.D.;Van Duyne,R.P.Nano Lett.2003,3,1057-1062.(33)Sau,T.K.;Murphy,ngmuir 2004,20(15),6414-6420.(34)Nikoobakht,B.;El-Sayed,ngmuir 2001,17,6368-6374.(35)Gole,A.;Murphy,C.J.Chem.Mater.2005,17,1325-1330.(36)Thomas,K.;Barazzouk,S.;Ipe,B.;Joseph,S.;Kamat,P.J.Phys.Chem.B 2004,108(35),13066-13068.(37)Mirska,D.;Schirmer,K.;Funari,S.S.;Langner,A.;Dobner,B.;Brezesinski,G.Colloids Surf.,B 2005,40,51-59.(38)Zimmer,A.Methods -Companion Methods Enzymol.1999,18(3),286-295.(39)Connor,E.;Mwamuka,J.;Gole,A.;Murphy,C.;Wyatt,M.Small2005,1(3),325-327.(40)Harris,J.M.;Martin,N.E.;Modi,M.Clin.Pharmacokinet.2001,40(7),539-551.Figure 1.Gold nanorods.(a)Transmission electron micrographs of the gold nanorods reveal their structure.(b)The absorbance spectrum of the nanorod solution shows both the transverse and the longitudinal plasmon resonance peaks.Gold Nanorod Bioconjugates Chem.Mater.,Vol.17,No.18,20054637µL of the seed solution was added to the growth solution,mixed gently,and left still for3h.Nanorod Characterization.Extinction measurements on gold nanorod solutions and films were carried out with a fiber optic spectrometer(USB2000,Ocean Optics)in plastic cuvettes with a 1cm path length.Extinction spectra of nanorod films were taken by immersing the glass substrate in a cuvette with water.The peak wavelength and absorption were determined by a Gaussian fit between700and900nm.For transmission electron microscopy, nanorod solutions were dried on a carbon film grid and imaged at 100kV(JEM2010,JEOL).Atomic force microscopy(AFM)of strip plates and nanorod films was carried out in tapping mode in air(Nanoscope IV Multimode AFM,Veeco Metrology).Nanorod densities were measured by counting nanorods in2µm scans taken in random positions.For Raman spectroscopy,both CTAB-stabilized and PEGylated nanorod solutions were dried onto glass substrates and the films were studied in a microRaman spectrometer (Raman Microscope,Renishaw)at an excitation wavelength and power of780nm and20mW,respectively.The data presented are an average of five spectra taken in different locations.Gold Nanorod PEGylation.Thiol-terminated methoxypoly-(ethylene glycol)(mPEG-SH)was purchased from Nektar Thera-peutics(2M4E0H01).The raw nanorod solution was centrifuged at7000g for20min to pellet the nanorods,decanted,and then resuspended to1mL of DI water to reduce the CTAB concentration to10mM.One hundred microliters of2mM potassium carbonate and10µL of1mM mPEG-SH were added to the nanorod solution. The mixture sat overnight at room temperature,then was centri-fuged,decanted,and resuspended in DI water several times to remove excess CTAB and mPEG-SH.Nanorod/Antibody Conjugation.Bioconjugation of gold na-norods to antibodies was carried out with the long chain hetero-biofunctional cross-linker succinimidyl6-[3′-(2-pyridyldithio)-propionamido]hexanoate(LC-SPDP,21651,Pierce)following the procedure provided.Twenty millimolar LC-SPDP was prepared in dimethylformamide(DMF)immediately after equilibrating the vial of LC-SPDP reagent to room temperature.Anti-rabbit IgG(R5506, Sigma)was dissolved to2mg/mL in1mL of PBS-EDTA(100 mM phosphate buffer,150mM NaCl,1mM EDTA,0.02%sodium azide).Twenty-five microliters of the LC-SPDP solution was added to the1mL IgG solution and allowed to incubate for60min at room temperature.The IgG was exchanged into1mL of pure PBS-EDTA buffer with a desalting column(89889,Pierce)to remove reaction byproducts,excess IgG,and excess LC-SPDP.One milliliter of raw nanorods was centrifuged at7000g for20min, decanted,and then resuspended in1mL of the PBS-EDTA.Note that,at this stage,the CTAB concentration has only been reduced to10mM,so the nanorods are still stable.Two and a half microliters of the IgG solution with cross-linker was added to the nanorod solution and the mixture was incubated at room temperature overnight.The nanorods were then PEGylated by adding10µL of 1mM mPEG-SH at room temperature overnight as described above. Finally,the bioconjugated nanorods were centrifuged,decanted, and resuspended in PBS-EDTA several times to remove excess CTAB and unreacted mPEG-SH.Strip Plate Assay.Anti-neurofilament rabbit IgG(N4142, Sigma)was diluted to720µg/mL in100mM pH9.3carbonate/ bicarbonate buffer.Wells of an ELISA strip plate(15041,Pierce) were filled with100µL of this solution and left overnight at4°C. The solution was then discarded and the well briefly rinsed.Fifty microliters of the antibody bioconjugated or only PEGylated nanorods were put into the well and left overnight at room temperature.The well was rinsed with DI water three times,dried with a stream of nitrogen,and analyzed by atomic force microscopy.BCA Protein Assay.Protein concentrations in the antibody-conjugated nanorod solutions were measured with the bicinchoninic acid(BCA)assay(23235,Pierce).The instructions were followed exactly.The assay was applied to antibody-conjugated nanorods, to several known concentrations of bovine serum albumin(BSA) to form a standard curve,and to a blank sample with no protein to subtract the unreacted bicinchocinic acid spectrum.In addition,a PEGylated nanorod sample at the same nanorod concentration as the antibody-conjugated sample was subtracted to correct for the nanorod absorbance.Nanorod Film Preparation.To prepare nanorod films on glass substrates,PEGylated nanorods were transferred to ethanol by centrifugation,decantation,and resuspension.Six hundred micro-liters of this solution was deposited dropwise(approximately10µL drops)onto a glass coverslip with a spin coater at3000rpm.Results and DiscussionFor this report we followed the recent method from Murphy’s group on high-yield synthesis of short nanorods33 and found that it scaled up to volumes over100mL without modification.Gold nanorods with an aspect ratio of3.3(15 nm diameter,50nm length)and a longitudinal plasmon resonance at755nm were synthesized in150mL quantity. TEM images and the extinction spectra of the nanorods are displayed in Figure1.The CTAB concentrations of original nanorod solutions(raw)and those incubated with mPEG-SH(PEGylated)were sequentially lowered by successive centrifugation,decantation,and resuspension in DI water. The extinction spectra displayed in Figure2a demonstrate that while the raw nanorod solution is completely lost due to aggregation(a pellet is observed),the PEGylated nanorods remain well-suspended down to CTAB concentrations below 10µM.Note that the raw nanorod solution will remain well-suspended when the CTAB is diluted to10mM,which is often carried out as a first processing step to remove large CTAB crystals.MicroRaman spectra provide further evi-dence that the CTAB bilayer34has been displaced by mPEG-SH.The spectra in Figure2b show that the180cm-1Au-Br peak41present in the raw nanorod sample is lost for the PEGylated nanorods,suggesting that CTAB is nolonger Figure 2.Gold nanorod PEGylation.(a)Absorbance spectra of the PEGylated(solid)and raw(dashed)nanorod solution after the CTAB concentration is lowered below10µM.(b)Raman spectra of the PEGylated (solid)and CTAB-stabilized raw(dashed)nanorods.4638Chem.Mater.,Vol.17,No.18,2005Liao and Hafnerpresent at the nanorod surface.Au-S stretching modes can in principle demonstrate the formation of a thiolate bond, but they are poorly understood and show a wide variation in peak position.The peak at261cm-1,which is only present for the PEGylated nanorods,is at a reasonable energy to represent thiolate bond formation between the nanorods and PEG-SH.42,43Once PEGylated,the nanorods are stable in various buffer solutions.Targeted imaging and therapy,as well as immunospecific sensing,require the conjugation of antibodies to gold nanoparticles.While this has been accomplished by elec-trostatic or hydrophobic interactions for electron micros-copy,28bifunctional cross-linker molecules44enable the formation of more stable and controlled bioconjugates.The heterobifunctional cross-linker LC-SPDP was used to con-jugate secondary antibodies to the nanorod surface before PEGylation,as illustrated in Figure3a.LC-SPDP consists of a pyridildithio group that binds to the gold nanorod surface,and an NHS ester which binds primary amines in the antibodies.After PEGylation,excess antibody and PEG-SH were removed by centrifugation,decantation,and resus-pension of the nanorods in buffer solution.Activity of the antibodies once conjugated to gold nanorods was tested with strip plates coated with the primary antibody.The plates were exposed to both antibody-conjugated nanorods and nanorods which were only PEGylated,and then analyzed by AFM. Several spots on the plates were checked,revealing a very high selectivity for binding of the antibody-conjugated nanorods to the strip plate,as seen in Figures3b and3c. Nanorod densities on the strip plates were measured to be 25(1µm-2for the antibody-conjugated nanorods and0.3 (0.1µm-2for the PEGylated nanorods.Effective biological applications of gold nanoparticles require well-characterized, reproducible materials.While the strip plate assay demon-strates that at least some fraction of the nanorods has been successfully modified,it provides no quantitative information on the conjugation yield.Quantitative analysis of bioconju-gated nanoparticles is challenging since the methods to measure the protein concentration may be affected by the presence of the nanoparticles and vice versa.45Here we have independently analyzed the nanorod and antibody concentra-tions to determine their stoichiometry.The nanorod concentration can simply be measured from the longitudinal plasmon absorbance peak at755nm given the nanorod extinction coefficient.While the general shapeof nanorod extinction spectra can be reproduced by modi-fications of Mie theory for spheroids,30effective medium theory,29as well as numerical techniques,46,47quantitative values for nanorod extinction coefficients are not as readily available.El-Sayed’s group has measured nanorod extinction coefficients by using ICP analysis to quantitatively determine the gold concentration in the nanorod solution.In that work the nanorod concentration was calculated from the nanorod volume and gold concentration and then combined with the measured absorbance to yield a nanorod extinction coefficient of )1.9(0.4×109M-1cm-1at the longitudinal plasmon resonance of650nm.41In the measurements presented here, nanorod films were deposited on glass substrates by spin coating PEGylated nanorods from an ethanol solution,as seen in Figure4a.Films were created with sufficient density(41)Nikoobakht,B.;Wang,J.;El-Sayed,M.A.Chem.Phys.Lett.2002,366,17-23.(42)Nuzzo,R.G.;Zegarski,B.R.;Dubois,L.H.J.Am.Chem.Soc.1987,109,733-740.(43)Benesbaa,F.;Zhou,Y.;Brolo,A.G.;Irish,D.E.;Deslandes,Y.;Kruus,E.;Ellis,T.H.Spectrochim.Acta Part A1999,55,1229-1236.(44)Billington,S.;Mann,J.;Quazi,P.;Alexander,R.;Eaton,M.;Millar,K.;Millican,A.Tetrahedron1991,47(28),5231-5236.(45)Calabretta,M.;Jamison,J.A.;Falkner,J.C.;Liu,Y.;Yuhast,B.D.;Matthews,K.S.;Colvin,V.L..Nano Lett.2005,5(5),963-967.(46)Yang,W.-H.;Schatz,G.C.;Van Duyne,R.P.J.Chem.Phys.1995,103(3),869-875.(47)Kelly,K.L.;Coronado,E.;Zhao,L.L.;Schatz,G.C.J.Phys.Chem.B2003,107,668-677.Figure3.Gold nanorod bioconjugation.(a)Structures of mPEG-SH and the LC-SPDP cross-linker are shown,as well as an approximately scaled schematic of the conjugated nanorods.AFM images of the strip plate assay reveal enhanced binding of antibody-conjugated nanorods(b)relative to simply PEGylated nanorods(c).Gold Nanorod Bioconjugates Chem.Mater.,Vol.17,No.18,20054639that the characteristic nanorod extinction spectra were observable.Such highly uniform films could only be prepared with PEGylated nanorods,as free CTAB in raw solutions interferes with the deposition.Films of much longer nanorods have been formed by electrostatic immobilization,but extinction spectra were not reported.35,48The film in Figure 4a has a nanorod density of 153(15µm -2determined directly by AFM analysis of several locations.When the extinction spectrum of the film is recorded in water,a peak absorbance of 0.06(0.001is measured at 796nm.We believe the peak wavelength is red-shifted from the spectra in Figure 1since the nanorods sit on a glass substrate with a higher dielectric constant than that in solution.The measured absorbance and density yield a nanorod extinction cross section of σ50:15)8.4(0.9×10-12cm 2.This corresponds to an extinction efficiency,defined as the extinction cross section divided by the physical cross section,of 1.1(0.1for 15nm ×50nm nanorods.Although the nanorods are not aligned on the substrate,their long axis is always perpendicular to the propagationvector of the unpolarized incident light from the fiber spectrometer.This extinction geometry conveniently matches calculations of nanorod extinction cross sections.However,to convert this value to a molar extinction coefficient appropriate for determining nanorod solution concentrations,one should consider the random orientation of nanorods with respect to the propagation vector of the incident light,as illustrated in Figure 4c.This factor is accounted for by considering an electric field along the nanorod length,E o cos θ,so the incident intensity is reduced by the average value of cos 2θfrom θ)0to π/2.Taking this factor into account,the molar extinction coefficient is 50:15)4.4(0.5×109M -1cm -1at the longitudinal plasmon resonance.The value reported here is a factor of 2.3larger than that determined by El-Sayed’s group using ICP analysis for two possible reasons.First,due to their larger size,the nanorods studied here should have a larger longitudinal extinction coefficient by a factor of about 1.5.30,47Second,based on the strength of the 520nm peak of the extinction curves in the samples analyzed by ICP,a significant fraction of spherical gold colloid was present in the sample,41which would overestimate the number of nanorods,and underes-timate the extinction coefficient.Extinction coefficients are often reported with a subscript which denotes the relevant wavelength,usually chosen to match an absorption due to an electronic transition.However,for plasmon resonances of nanorods and other metallic nanorparticles,the peak wavelength shifts both with the refractive index of the dielectric environment and with the nanoparticle aspect ratio.We therefore note the nanorod dimensions with the extinction parameters rather than the peak wavelength.Extinction measurements of the film of Figure 4b in air and water reveal that,while the peak wavelength shifts over 50nm,the peak absorbance changes very little,so the reported values are not highly sensitive to refractive index.The nanorod dimensions are denoted rather than the aspect ratio since larger nanoparticles will have much larger cross sections as the particle size approaches the wavelength and scattering becomes significant.Given σ50:15calculated above and the absorbance at the longitudinal plasmon resonance,the bioconjugated nanorod solution of Figure 3has a nanorod concentration of 4.0(0.5×1010mL -3.The presence of protein will likely have little affect on the large NIR extinction of the nanorod longitudinal plasmon mode,so nanorod concentrations can be assumed accurate even after conjugation.Due to the low concentration of protein in the bioconjugate solutions,the highly sensitive bicinchoninic acid (BCA)total protein assay was chosen to determine the concentration of secondary IgG.In this colorimetric assay,proteins reduce Cu 2+to Cu +under alkaline conditions.Chelation of the BCA and Cu +results in an absorption at 562nm,whose absorbance is proportional to the protein concentration.49This assay will certainly be perturbed since the nanorods have significant extinction at 562nm.We have removed the nanorod contribution by simply subtracting a spectrum of pure nanorods at the same(48)Gole,A.;Orendorff,C.;Murphy,ngmuir 2004,20(17),7117-7122.(49)Smith,P.K.;Krohn,R.I.;Hermanson,G.T.;Mallia,A.K.;Gartner,F.H.;Provenzano,M.D.;Fujimoto,E.K.;Goeke,N.M.;Olson,B.J.;Klenk,D.C.Anal.Biochem.1985,150(1),76-85.Figure 4.Spectral extinction of dense nanorod films.(a)An AFM image of a dense nanorod film on glass (scan size is 2µm).(b)Spectral extinction measured with the film immersed in water.(c)This schematic depicts the extinction geometry in which light travels along the z direction and is polarized with the electric field in y .The electric field vector of light will therefore be along the length of a nanorod deposited on a film.Nanorods in solution are randomly oriented in the y -z plane with respect to the light.4640Chem.Mater.,Vol.17,No.18,2005Liao and Hafnerconcentration as the bioconjugated nanorods.Note that this subtraction ignores potential optical near field enhancements of the BCA spectrum and possible interference of the gold surface with the Cu2+reduction or BCA chelation.These issues aside,the assay yields a peak at the expected value of562nm(see Supporting Information).The resulting antibody concentration of5.5µg/mL implies that there are several hundred antibody molecules per nanorod.This value is certainly an overestimate considering that the input antibody concentration for conjugation was only5µg/mL and that the nanorod surface area is too small to hold so many antibody molecules.The nanorod does therefore interfere chemically and/or electromagnetically with the BCA assay.However,the large measured stoichiometry suggests that a significant portion of the nanorods contain antibodies and should be useful for reproducibly evaluating bioconju-gated nanorod samples.Improved analytical methods are under development.ConclusionThe structural and optical properties of gold nanorods suggest their use for several biomedical sensing,imaging, and therapeutic applications.Gold nanorods were stabilized in the absence of saturated CTAB surfactant and conjugated to IgG antibodies.Their selective binding was demonstrated with a strip plate assay,and the antibody/nanorod stoichi-ometry was determined by independently characterizing their concentrations in solution.The nanorod molar extinction coefficient was measured from thin nanorod films,and a BCA assay was used to determine protein concentration. Although the nanorods appear to perturb the BCA assay, the results support the strip plate assay,suggesting that nanorod/antibody conjugates have been formed.During the revision of this manuscript,Takahasi et al.published a report describing the bioconjugation of gold nanorods with phos-phatidylcholine for the controlled release of plasmid DNA by NIR radiation.50Acknowledgment.The authors thank K.Matthews and J. West for helpful discussions and the Robert A.Welch Founda-tion(Grant#C-1556)and the Nanoscale Science and Engineer-ing Initiative of the National Science Foundation(Award Number EEC-0118007)for support.Supporting Information Available:Figure showing total nanorod bioconjugate spectrum.This material is available free of charge via the Internet at .CM050935K(50)Takahashi,H.;Niidome,Y.;Yamada,mun.2005,No.17,2247-2249.Gold Nanorod Bioconjugates Chem.Mater.,Vol.17,No.18,20054641。

沉默NANOG表达对人肝癌细胞HepG2中cyclin D1表达及细胞增殖的影响

沉默NANOG表达对人肝癌细胞HepG2中cyclin D1表达及细胞增殖的影响
ma n h e p a t o ma He p G 2 c e l l s .M ETHODS:T r a n s i e n t t r a n s f e c t i o n o f NA NOG t a r g e t i n g s i RN A i n t o He p G2 c e l l s w a s p e r - f o r me d.T h e e x p r e s s i o n o f NANO G a n d c y e l i n D1 a t mRNA a n d p r o t e i n l e v e l s wa s d e t e c t e d b y r e a l - t i me P CR a n d We s t e n r
b l o t t i n g .C e l l p r o l i f e r a t i o n wa s e x a mi n e d b y C C K- 8 a s s a y a n d c o l o n y f o r ma t i o n a s s a y ,a n d c e l l c y c l e w a s t e s t e d b y l f o w c y -
[ AB S T RA C T] A I M: T o i n v e s t i g a t e t h e e f f e c t o f N A N O G s i l e n c i n g o n c y c l i n D 1 e x p r e s s i o n a n d p r o l i f e r a t i o n i n h u —
Ef f e c t o f NANOG s i l e nc i ng o n c y c l i n D1 e x pr e s s i o n a nd pr o l i f e r a t i o n i n



• 132 •中国防痨杂志 2021 年 2 月第 43 卷第 2 期 Chin J Am ituberc ,Fc»bruary 2021,V 〇U 3,N 〇. 2•论著•荧光P C R 探针熔解曲线法与微孔板法检测M T B 耐药性的临床应用比较王佩赵国连雷倩郑丹崔晓利周俊【摘要】目的分析荧光P C K 探针熔解曲线法与微孔板法药物敏感性试验(简称“药敏试验”)检测结核分枝 杆菌(M TB )对抗结核药品耐药性结果的一致性及M T B 基因突变与耐药的相关性,为临床诊疗优化提供参考。

方法搜集2019年1 -12月分离自西安市胸科医院就诊患者并经鉴定确认的343株M T B 临床分离株,菌株均进 行了微孔板法药敏试验和荧光P C R 探针熔解曲线法检测。

以微孔板法药敏试验结果为参照.评价荧光P C R 探针 熔解曲线法检测M T B 对异烟肼、利福平、链霉素、乙胺丁醇、莫西沙星和左氧氟沙星耐药性的检测效能,并分析荧 光P C R 探针培解曲线法检测的M T B 基因突变与微孔板法药敏试验最低抑菌浓度(minimum inhibitory concentre - tio n ,M IC )的相关性。

结果以微孔板法药敏试验结果为参照,荧光P C R 探针熔解曲线法检测M T B 对异烟肼、利福平、链霉素、乙胺丁醇、莫西沙星和左氧氟沙星耐药性的敏感度、特异度、沖《值分别为:96. 20% (76/79)、 95. 28%(242/254)、0. 88:93. 62%(44/47)、94. 58% (279/295)、0. 79; 96. 88% (62/64 )、94. 96% (264/278)、0. 86; 93. 33%(14/15),95. 37% (309/324 ),0. 61;92. 31%(24/26),97. 16%(308/317),0. 80s 91. 18% (31/34) ,99. 35% (307/309)、0. 92。

NanoDrop 的英文校正手册

NanoDrop 的英文校正手册

Calibration CheckIt is recommended that a pedestal calibration check be performed every six months to verify that the instrument is performing within specifications.A vial of Thermo Scientific CF-1 calibration fluid is required to run the calibration check procedure. CF-1 is an aqueous potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) solution used to confirm the pathlength accuracy of NanoDrop2000/2000c spectrophotometers. It is roughly ten times more concentrated than other commercially availableK2Cr2O7 solutions used to confirm the calibration of standard spectrophotometers and is available through Thermo Fisher Scientific or your local distributor. Refer to the included material data safety sheet provided with the vial and take the appropriate laboratory precautions.Pedestal Calibration Check Procedure1. Ensure the measurement pedestals are clean and that a 1 µL water sample “beads” up on the lowerpedestal.2. Open the NanoDrop 2000/2000c software, and using the Diagnostics task bar, and choose CalibrationCheck.3. Enter the actual Target Absorbance stated on the CF-1 vial in the appropriate field as shown in the imagebelow.4. Add 1 µL of dH2O to the pedestal, lower the arm and click Blank.5. Wipe the upper and lower pedestals using a dry laboratory wipe.6. Vigorously shake the CF-1 vial to thoroughly mix the solution. Ensure that all of the solution has collected inthe bottom portion of the ampoule before carefully breaking open the vial.Note: The CF-1 calibration fluid is supplied in a single use vial. CF-1 must be used within one hour of opening the vial. Exposure to the environment or transferring of the fluid to another container mayresult in a significant change in concentration.7. Follow the on-screen prompts in the Customer Guidance text box. Using individual 1µL aliquots of the CF-1Calibration Fluid, measure 10 replicates. After the 10th measurement, the calibration check results will be displayed on-screen in the Customer Guidance text box.8. If the instrument does not pass the calibration check using 1 µL samples, immediately repeat the procedureagain using 2 µL samples.If the procedure fails with 1 µL volumes but passes with 2 µL volumes, it is an indication that the pathlengths are within specifications but the pedestals may not be properly conditioned. Refer to the Pedestal Reconditioning procedure for more information.If the instrument still does not pass the calibration check using 2 µL samples recalibration is required. Contact Technical Support. Outside of the US and Canada, please contact your local NanoDrop products distributor.A .JPG of the final results is automatically archived on the hard drive at the following location:Vista: C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Thermo\Autosave\CalibCheckXP: C:\Documents and Settings\AllUsers\Documents\Thermo\NanoDrop2000\Autosave\CalibCheckCuvette Calibration CheckAlthough a specific cuvette calibration check procedure is not available for the NanoDrop 2000c, we suggest the use of 10%T and 50%T neutral density filters such as those available from Thermo Scientific to monitor performance. The table below compliments the expected performance table found in the SPECTRONIC™ Standards Operators Manual.NanoDrop 2000cExpected performance usingSPECTRONIC™ Standards KitWhite 50%T ±0.011AWhite 10%T ±0.044AYellow 50%T ±0.011AYellow 10%T ±0.044A0%T, full spectrum 2A*Wavelength Accuracy ±1.5nmStray Radiant Energy 220 2 A*Stray Radiant Energy 340 2 A*Stray Radiant Energy 400 2 A**These light-blocking standards should achieve at least 2 A at the wavelength of interest.HardwareConnection ErrorsIf your instrument operates properly most of the time, but connection errors (e.g codes 1010, 1029 or 1039) appear intermittently, the instrument may not be receiving power, or recognizing the USB connection. Ensure that the USB and power cables are plugged into the back of the instrument, and that the instrument is receiving power.If the error persists, contact Technical Support. Outside of the US and Canada, please contact your local NanoDrop products distributor.Power RestartMany instrument issues can be addressed by a simple power restart. For error codes 1019, 1054, 1055 and 1056, follow the directions below:。



专利名称:METHOD FOR CONCENTRATING METALNANOWIRE DISPERSION, AND METHODFOR PREPARING METAL NANOWIRE INK发明人:UCHIDA HIROSHI,内田 博,NAKAZAWA ERI,中澤 恵理申请号:JP2014087386申请日:20140421公开号:JP2015206081A公开日:20151119专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a method for concentrating a metal nanowire dispersion, in which the concentration of the metal nanowire in the metal nanowire dispersion can be made higher by a simple step without aggregating ordamaging the metal nanowire.SOLUTION: The metal nanowire is produced by a polyol reduction method or the like and has 10-90 nm length (diameter) in the short axialdirection and 1-100 μm length in the long axial direction. The metal nanowire dispersion, which is prepared by dispersing the metal nanowire in a solvent having high dispersibility, is made to flow through a filter, so that an input ratio (the amount of the metal nanowire dispersion to be passed through an inlet of the filter to be used for filtration)/(the amount of the metal nanowire dispersion to be concentrated) becomes 10 or smaller, and is concentrated by crossflow filtration.申请人:SHOWA DENKO KK,昭和電工株式会社地址:東京都港区芝大門1丁目13番9号国籍:JP代理人:在原 元司,竹居 信利更多信息请下载全文后查看。



纳米晶自由膜的断裂行为英文回答:Fracture Behavior of Nanocrystalline Freestanding Films.Nanocrystalline freestanding films, with their unique combination of high strength and ductility, have attracted considerable attention for emerging applications inflexible electronics, energy storage, and biomedicine. Understanding their fracture behavior is crucial for designing and optimizing these devices.The fracture behavior of nanocrystalline freestanding films differs significantly from that of their bulk counterparts due to their unique microstructure. Nanocrystalline films typically consist of an ensemble of randomly oriented nanocrystals with grain boundaries separating them. These grain boundaries can act as both barriers and nucleation sites for crack propagation, depending on the film's microstructure and loadingconditions.In general, nanocrystalline freestanding films exhibit a transition from brittle to ductile fracture as the grain size decreases. This transition is attributed to the increased difficulty of nucleating and propagating cracks in smaller grains. When the grain size is below a critical value, the crack propagation mechanism shifts from brittle cleavage to ductile microvoid coalescence.The fracture toughness of nanocrystalline freestanding films is typically higher than that of their bulk counterparts. This is due to the increased resistance to crack nucleation and propagation caused by the grain boundaries. The fracture toughness also depends on the grain size, with smaller grain sizes leading to higher fracture toughness.The fracture behavior of nanocrystalline freestanding films can be further influenced by external factors such as temperature, strain rate, and loading direction. For example, increasing the temperature can promote ductilefracture, while increasing the strain rate can promotebrittle fracture.Overall, the fracture behavior of nanocrystalline freestanding films is complex and depends on a variety of factors. Understanding and controlling these factors is essential for designing and optimizing devices that utilize these materials.中文回答:纳米晶自由膜的断裂行为。

MiniMed 780G System changing the MiniMed Sure-T in

MiniMed 780G System changing the MiniMed Sure-T in

Fill reservoir & connect to the infusion set tubing6Wash your hands.Press . Select Options.Select Reservoir & Set.Select New Reservoir.Remove the infusion set you have been using by loosening the adhesive Remove the used reservoir from the pump.Select Rewind.Follow the next steps to fill reservoir with insulin and connect to the infusion set tubing.2Plunger rodReservoirTransfer guardRemove from package. Make sure insulin vial is at room temperature to reduce the risk of air bubbles.Pull plunger down to the amount that you plan to fill with insulin.34Wipe vial with alcohol. Place vial on table. Firmly press the blue transfer guard onto vial.Push and hold plunger down.With your thumb still on the plunger, flip over so vial is on top. Release thumb and pull plunger down to fill with insulin.Tap the reservoir to move air bubbles to top of reservoir. Push plunger up to move air into vial.If needed, pull plunger back down to amount of insulin needed for 2-3 days.To avoid getting insulin on the top of the reservoir, turn vial over so it is upright. Hold transfer guard and turn reservoir counter-clockwise and remove from transfer guard.346Remove the infusion set from packaging.Press the edges of the set release connector. With the other hand, pull the cap off.Slide the set release connector into the set connector.If you see air bubbles, tap reservoir to move them to top. Push plunger just a bit to move them into tubing.Twist the plunger counter-clockwise to loosen and remove.Connect reservoir to infusion setYou will place the tubing connector onto the end of the infusion set to the filled reservoir.Gently push the tubing connector onto reservoir. Turn clockwise until locked. You will hear a click.Place reservoir into pump Load reservoir and fill tubingNow place the filled reservoir into the reservoir compartment of the pump.Follow these steps to load the reservoir and fill the tubing.Press to open the menu.Select Select Next.Place reservoir into pump.Turn clockwise until you feel reservoir lock into place.3Select Next.Select Load and keep holding .When you see this screen, select Next.34Select Fill and keep holding until you see drops at the end of tubing, then let go.After you see drops, press › and select Next.Drops at end of tubingHold infusion set insertion piece by flipping the plastic wings upwards and pressing them together.4Pull off the needle guard.With one hand, pinch up skin at prepared site.With the other hand, insert the needle straight in at a 90 degree angle.6Choose an insertion site from the shaded areas shown here. Wipe with alcohol or other antiseptic.7Remove paper backing from the set connector and secure adhesive to skin. Be sure to place it on an area of your body that allows for easy disconnecting from tubing.Peel off both pieces of the paper backing from the insertion piece.Press adhesive securely to skin.Load reservoir and fill tubingUse the pump to finish the process.You do not need to fill a cannula. Press and select Done.Your infusion set change is now complete!Medtronic Australasia Pty Ltd 2 Alma Road Macquarie Park, NSW 2113, AustraliaTel: +61 2 9857 9000E-Mail: ********************************Facebook: /MedtronicDiabetesAUS YouTube: Medtronic Diabetes ANZ Always read the instructions for use. For detailed information regarding the instructions for use, indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential adverse events, please consult the device manual. For further information, contact your local Medtronic representative.。

iCure-IR Photonics 微电子产业中的接力剂说明书

iCure-IR Photonics 微电子产业中的接力剂说明书

White Paper June, 2011Authors: Ruben Burga, Dr. Mohammed SaadBackgroundAdhesives are often used in the microelectronics industry and have been used since its early days for applications as simple as wire tacking to replace mechanical tie-downs to more complex applications such as mechanical elements of Multichip Modules (MCM); as underfills for BGA’s or LGA’s; as electrically or thermally conductive components of printed circuit board assemblies and as the interface connection between optical and electrical networks for Fiber To The Home (FTTH) applications. Adhesives are versatile in that they can be applied as liquids, pre-appliedas films, post-applied as wicking liquids and can be formulated to provide a variety of physical properties. Adhesives are formulated with different modulus of elasticity to address structural needs and they can be made with glass transition temperatures appropriate to differing application requirements. The market pressure towards mass accessible consumer electronics has also put pricing pressures on the assembly of microelectronic assemblies. This pressure in a highly competitive environment is one of the reasons why specialty adhesive companies havefine-tuned their formulations to specific tasks using the latest reactive chemistries available.All of these adhesives have one function in common. They must all “cure” or more precisely, they must polymerize and change state from a liquid phase (gel, film, liquid) to a final solid state at a rate that is appropriate for the application but yet does not interfere with the automated needs of high volume or high precision assemblers of consumer electronics. Even B-stage and film adhesives are pre-cured to a certain degree before completing the final polymerization during the electronic assembly process.Although the much broader market of industrial adhesive users (carton sealing, automotive engine or body bonding, furniture bonding) can tolerate a variety of curing methods depending on the final result desired, the desire for speed and control in fine assembly processes of small components has driven microelectronic manufacturers towards fast reactive mechanisms to accelerate the cure of adhesive assemblies. These reactive mechanisms often result from the mixing of two-part chemistries (where the adhesive is in two parts to isolate a base monomer from a catalyst); from the use of frozen-when-stored glue formulations of adhesive (where the adhesive reactive mechanism is prevented from activation through cold storage at -40C or similar temperatures); from the mixing of photoinitiators in a resin (where the polymerization is initiated in those glues by exposure to light at specific wavelengths, generally ultraviolet or visible light, andin many cases where the complete polymerization can be completed through exposure to these wavelengths); from the thermal and pressure activation of B-stage film adhesives; and from other atmospheric (moisture-cures or oxygen-cures) or surface pH dependent cure mechanisms (such as can be found with the cure of instant adhesives).The remainder of this paper will deal with the adhesive cure mechanism most often found in the microelectronics industry; the thermal activation and cure of adhesives that are most commonly based on epoxy backbones. The use of heat is already prevalent in the microelectronics industry as most printed circuit board assemblies use some element of this thermal energy (reflow ovens for example) during the component soldering and assembly stage or during their burn-in stage (convection ovens).Therefore it is not surprising that the most popular adhesives for applications in microelectronics; from die-bonding and MCM assembly through chip to leadframe assemblies use thermally cured epoxies – whether unfilled or filled with thermal or electrically conductive particles. Requirements for fast throughputs and requirements for more complex assemblies using smaller and smaller chips (such as those used for radio frequency identification or RFID chips) or complex multi-layered die assemblies strain the current thermal curing techniques of reflow ovens, convection ovens, conduction plates or hot air systems as these methods were initially developed to handle larger masses and less precise alignment requirements.New thermal heating methods have also been developed using variable frequency microwave (VFM) energized systems to vibrate the molecules in epoxies to their thermal kick-over point. Although effective for a variety of substrates and configurations, these VFM systems tend to take up a footprint that is sometimes beyond the capability of the current assembly line. Many die-bonding assembly stations may also incorporate conductive heating pads or infrared ovens topre-heat or post-heat assemblies within the glue dispensing station. This is also effective but may not be as precisely controlled as desired unless extensive and complex feedback mechanisms are built-in.Innovative Thermal Spot Curing of Adhesives with Radiant EnergyThe newest thermally curing system for microelectronics assembly uses the power of photonics (light energy) from a short arc source focused on an innovative fiber bundle that transmits through to the mid infrared spectrum of light (see figure 1) to create a broad spectrum of electromagnetic radiation ranging from long ultraviolet through the visible spectrum and into the infrared spectrum. This combination of light energy focused into a tight area translates into extremely high irradiance values and for most microelectronic substrates, this translates into high conversion of photonic energy from light; radiant heat into internal heating. A very important part of this innovative thermal curing system is the light transport pipe or fiber delivery bundle. This novel bundle is composed of fluoride glass fibers with low attenuation along the full spectrum of light that is emitted by the light source through to previously unreachable mid infrared limits allowing the full power of the light source to be focused as radiant energy with low losses on to the target area.Figure 1. Thermal Spot Curing System – iCure AS200 (photo courtesy of IRphotonics Inc.)Figure 2. Spectrum of emission of iCure AS200 Thermal Spot Curing System (courtesy of IRphotonics Inc.)The power distribution along the spectrum of emission as shown by figure 2 is particularlyinteresting for the microelectronics industry as different segments of this radiant energy can be responsible for generating heat using simple thermodynamic principles. For example,wavelengths below 750nm (composed of ultraviolet and visible energy) absorb particularly well into opaque surfaces commonly found in microelectronics assemblies. The transformation of light into heat is particularly rapid due to the power of low wavelengths but paradoxically this heat generation is concentrated on the surface layers of the substrates or adhesive.However, wavelengths above 750 nm transmit particularly well through deeper layers ofsubstrates and adhesives. This region of the spectrum is the near and mid infrared region which is also absorbed and transformed into heat very quickly by many of the fillers and form modifiers used in epoxy formulations such as silica, silver and aluminum, some of which are also used in solder pastes (see figure 3 for a graphical view of the near infrared absorption of metals that are found in solder paste formulations and how this absorption in the near infrared allows thesesolder pastes to be melted with lasers of the appropriate wavelengths). In addition, wavelengths in the mid infrared above 2500nm are particularly important for their heating effect resulting from the vibrational energy of the C-H and O-H bonds in the typical epoxy formulations. Figure 4shows the FTIR scan of a typical microelectronics adhesive and the absorption of this unfilled adhesive to certain wavelengths.Figure 3. Absorption of metal components in typical solder paster (courtesy of EFD Inc)Figure 4. FTIR scan of Epotek 353ND provided by Epoxy Technology Inc (testing courtesy of IRphotonics Inc).Process Considerations During Thermal Spot CuringAll adhesive operations involve the adhesive and the effect of the adhesive on the substrate and of the substrate on the adhesive. This is a very synergistic relationship and when the principles of using photonic energy to accomplish spot curing is used, then it becomes critical as the thermal effects from the substrate will play an important role in the heat retention and conduction through to the adhesive. Silicon plays a disproportionate role in microelectronics assembly as the substrate of choice for micro-circuits. Light energy that hits silicon is partially transmitted at certain wavelengths, absorbed at other wavelengths, and also partly reflected. This can be particularly interesting as incident light can warm the chip without overheating and yet long wavelengths in the infrared region can transmit through to the adhesive location. See figure 5 for a graphical description of the effect of light energy on a silicon substrate. While most of these silicon components as dies are not always present as bare silicon substrates and are more frequently found with 30-50um layers of imprinted circuitry or with multilayers, they may also be “saturated” with conductive traces and paths. The sum of all the effects is that there will be a certain amount of preferential heating of the epoxy bonding layers when bonding silicon-based microelectronic components.Figure 5. Absorption and transmission of different wavelengths of light through a silicon substrate (courtesy of Jet Propulsion Laboratories)Heating without control of the output energy can be easily performed with any focused infrared lamp system. This has been previously demonstrated with infrared soldering systems used in some segments of the microelectronics industry. However, the integration of multiple control systems within a focused curing system with a very flexible fiber light guide allows the end user to precisely control the amount of radiant heat generated, where it is sent and the rate of this heat generation. (Figure 6 shows a display showing the ability to control the time of exposure, the photonic power emitted, and the ability to generate cure profiles; spectral control is also possible but not shown on the display.)This control of heating is important for a bonded assembly because the adhesive layer and its adjacent surfaces (for example a die to a board) can be locally heated at a controlled rate to the thermal initiation temperature of the adhesive This also controls excessive flow-out of the adhesive by driving it to the gel point more rapidly and reliably. Controlling the length of time at a set temperature, a temperature profile can be generated that cures the adhesive in a low stress environment.Figure 6. Display of Profile generating capability of iCure AS200 Thermal Spot Curing system.The innovative photonic radiant manner of curing needs comparison to traditional curing methods since it is not as widely adopted in the microelectronics industry as it is by medical device manufacturers for the integration of micro-optics and micro-electronics into their health care devices. Comparisons are industry-specific and applications-specific but there are some basic elements that can be benchmarks of performance. For example the degree of cure of a thermally curing adhesive can be determined through differential scanning calorimeters (DSC) among other techniques. Other metrics such as electrical conductivity measurements are also used when the epoxy formulation is heavily loaded with conductive fillers and when the need for low electrical resistance is the main driver in the use of this type of epoxy.Previous work by IRphotonics, Montreal Canada, has been performed to validate that the cure resulting from a focused photonic curing system led to equivalent degrees of cure for set samples. Table 1 compares degrees of cure using a conventional thermal cure with the cure obtained with the spot thermal curing system. It is important to keep in mind that the results are valid only for the set conditions as actual manufacturing conditions, substrate conditions; epoxy quantity will impact the speed of cure, the time to reach cure temperatures, and the resultant degree of cure.Curing Conditions Residual Exotherm (J/g) Percentage Cure (%) Ref. Epotek1Oven 120°C – 1 hr -8.67 98.3Ref. Epotek1Oven 120°C – 2 hr -0.8 99.8Ref. IRphotonics A12DSC 120°C – 1 hr -6.71 98.65Ref. IRphotonics A22 DSC 120°C – 2 hr -5.02 98.99Ref. IRphotonics B12 iCure 3W – 30 s -6.17 98.8Ref. IRphotonics B22 iCure 3W – 30 s -- 100Table 1. Comparing Curing Methods and Degree of Cure achieved (Reference 1 courtesy of Epoxy Technology Inc testing; reference 2 is courtesy of IRphotonics Inc white paper)This type of photonic curing has also been done for applications involving electrically conductive adhesives (silver-filled) as used in the microelectronics industry. The specialty formulation of one of these adhesives provided by Epoxy Technology Inc., Billerica, MA, generates rapid curing at elevated temperatures. In addition, a stable distribution of metallic particles makes it attractive as an alternative to soldering for lower temperature curing than solder, for linking non-metallic substrates and acting as a conductive trace for microelectronic applications. Figure 7 shows a typical application where a 42 gauge wire was bonded to a conductive pad on a thermally sensitive substrate and the thermal curing profile that was used to cure the glue. On another thermally sensitive substrate shown in figure 8, the polyimide tube needed to be filled with an electrically conductive adhesive and cured without affecting the substrate. The curing profile is shown in addition to the cured partiCure Specifications:P = 7.0 W (100%) with no spectral filters (300nm – 3600nm).Optical component: Biconvex lens.Beam spot size: 2.4 mm.Working distance (WD): 8mm.Interval tested: 5 minutes, 1 minute, 30 seconds.Figure 7. Wire bonding application with iCure AS200 from IRphotonics Inc. and H20E epoxy from Epoxy Technology Inc.70Figure 8. Curing of H20E from Epoxy Technology Inc with iCure AS200 from IRphotonics Inc on temperature sensitive substrate – polyimide tubing.Both of the specialty epoxies described in the applications, Epotek 353ND and Epotek H20E use a very reactive catalyst that is tuned to rapid polymerization of the epoxy as the temperature is increased to 150C for a set time. As the epoxies are complex mixes of various components in liquid form, their thermal absorption and conversion of photonic energy and the effect of the substrates are important parameters to control. It is important to control the photonic energy from the thermal spot cure system so that the polymerization point is reached but not exceeded to the point of reaching thermal decomposition temperatures. All experiments involving this exciting new way of fiber-driven local thermal activations are performed using external temperature monitoring systems such as fine-gauge thermocouple monitors or infrared thermal imaging equipment. In this way, the curing of the adhesives and the heating of the substrates can be monitored to mitigate risks of thermal degradation of the adhesive or the substrates but yet achieve low-stress rapid bonded assemblies.This paper reviewed the use of adhesives, the types of heat curing assembly adhesives that are commonly used in microelectronics and went through some simple case studies of spot curingusing radiant energy with an innovative fiber light guide spot curing system. The adoption of this fiber driven type of thermal spot cure system in the microelectronics industry will help drive the end user towards finer control of thermal curing epoxy curing profiles. It will leverage and increase the use of fast curing reactive epoxies in the microelectronics industry, in the consumer electronics industry and increasingly across the various other embodiments of microelectronics in our everyday lives…anywhere where electrons and photons meet.ReferencesSaad, Dr. Mohammed, “Evaluation: Degree of Cure of Epotek 353ND Adhesive with iCure Thermal Spot Curing system versus Conventional Oven”, accessed on 2011.02.14 http://www.icure-/pdf/White%20paper_iCure_sept27.pdfVivari, John, & Kasman, Alex, “Laser Solder Reflow; A Process Solution – Part 1”, accessed on 2011.02.14 /en-us/divisions/efd/products/solder-paste/quality-assurance/Pages/white-papers.aspxRapp, Donald, “Thermo-Optical Properties of Silicon”, Jet Propulsion Laboratories, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109 accessed on 2008.12.28 /genesis/Thermal-Coll.htmlIRphotonics7 Cobblestone DriveHamden, CT 06518USA1-877-340-6982*********************。






 来自埃因霍芬理工大学的研究人员Manoj Kumar Sharma开发了一种微透析系统,该微系统具有一个位于中央、透析液流过的微通道。








Chapter 2Mobility2.1 (a) The mean free time between collisions using Equation (2.2.4b) issec 1085.213-⨯==→=qm m q n n mn n mn n μττμwhere μn is given to be 500 cm 2/Vsec (= 0.05 m 2/Vsec), and m n is assumed to be m 0.(b) We need to find the drift velocity first:sec /50000εcm v n d ==μ.The distance traveled by drift between collisions isnm v d mn d 14.0==τ.2.2 F rom the thermal velocity example, we know that the approximate thermal velocityof an electron in silicon issec /1029.237cm mkT v th ⨯==.Consequently, the drift velocity (v d ) is (1/10)v th = 2.29⨯106 cm/sec, and the time it takes for an electron to traverse a region of 1 μm in width issec 1037.4sec/1029.2101164--⨯=⨯=cm cm t .Next, we need to find the mean free time between collisions using Equation (2.2.4b):sec 1010.213-⨯==→=qm m q n n mn n mn n μττμwhere μn is 1400 cm 2/Vsec (=0.14 m 2/Vsec, for lightly doped silicon, given in Table 2-1), and m n is 0.26m 0 (given in Table 1-3). So, the average number of collision iscollisions collision tmn2077.207⇒=τ.In order to find the voltage applied across the region, we need to calculate the electric field using Equation (2.2.3b):12671.1635sec /1400sec /1029.2εε-=⨯==→-=Vcm V cm cm v v n dn d μμ.Then, the voltage across the region isV cm Vcm width V 16.01071.163541ε=⨯=⨯=--.2.3 (12The total mobility at 300 K is sec /55.502)300(1)300(1)300(2121V cm K K K TOTAL =⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=-μμμ.(c) The applied electric field iscm V mmV l V /1011ε===.The current density is.2/41.80εεcm A N q n q J d n n ndrift ===μμDrift2.4 (a) From Figure 2-8 on page 45, we find the resistivity of the N-type sample dopedwith 1⨯1016cm -3 of phosphorous is 0.5 Ω-cm.(b) The acceptor density (boron) exceeds the donor density (P). Hence, the resultingconductivity is P-type, and the net dopant concentration is N net = |N d -N a | = p = 9⨯1016cm -3 of holes. However, the mobilities of electrons and holes depend on the total dopant concentration, N T =1.1⨯1017cm -3. So, we have to use Equation (2.2.14) to calculate the resistivity. From Figure 2-5, μp (N T =1.1⨯1017cm -3) is 250 cm 2/Vsec. The resistivity is()cm V cm cm q qN p net Ω=⨯⨯⨯===-28.0sec /2501091112316μσρ.(c) For the sample in part (a),eV cm cm V N N kT E E d c f c 21.010108.2ln 026.0ln 316319=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⨯=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=---.E cE fE iE vFor the sample in part (b),eV cm cm V N N kT E E net v v f 12.01091004.1ln 026.0ln 316319=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⨯⨯=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=---E cE iE v E f2.5 (a) Sample 1: N-type Holes are minority carriers.p = n i 2/N d = (1010cm -3)2/1017cm -3 = 102 cm -3Sample 2: P-type Electrons are minority carriers.n = n i 2/N a = (1010cm -3)2/1015cm -3 = 105 cm -3Sample 3: N-type Holes are minority carriers.p = n i 2/N net = (1010cm -3)2/(9.9⨯1017cm -3) ≈ 102 cm -3(b) Sample 1: N d = 1017cm -3μn (N d = 1017cm -3) = 750 cm 2/Vsec (from Figure 2-4)σ = qN d μn = 12 Ω-1cm -1Sample 2: N a = 1015cm -3μp (N a = 1015cm -3) = 480 cm 2/Vsec (from Figure 2-4)σ = qN a μp = 12 Ω-1cm -1Sample 3: N T = N d +N a = 1.01⨯1017cm -3μn (N T = 1.01⨯1017cm -3) = 750 cm 2/Vsec (from Figure 2-4)N net = N d -N a = 0.99⨯1017cm -3σ = qN net μn = 11.88 Ω-1cm -1(c) For Sample 1,eV cm cm V N N kT E E d c f c 15.010108.2ln 026.0ln 317319=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⨯=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=---.E f E cE iE vFor Sample 2,eV cm cm V N N kT E E a v v f 24.0101004.1ln 026.0ln 315319=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⨯=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=---. E cE iE vE fFor Sample 3, eV cm cm V N NN kT E E a d c f c 15.0109.9108.2ln 026.0ln 316319=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⨯⨯=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎛-=---. E f E c E i E v2.6 (a) From Figure 2-5, μn (N d = 1016cm -3 of As) is 1250 cm 2/Vs. Using Equation(2.2.14), we findcm qn nΩ===5.011μσρ.(b) The mobility of electrons in the sample depends not on the net dopantconcentration but on the total dopant concentration N T :316102-⨯=+=cm N N N a d T .From Figure 2-5,()()Vs cm N and Vs cm N T p T n /390/114022==μμ.N net = N d -N a = 0. Hence, we can assume that there are only intrinsic carriers in the sample. Using Equation (2.2.14),()p n i p i n i qn qp qn μμμμσρ+=+==111 ()()sec /390114010112310V cm cm q +⨯⨯⨯=-.The resistivity is 4.08⨯105 Ω-cm.(c) Now, the total dopant concentration (N T ) is 0. Using the electron and hole mobilities for lightly doped semiconductors (from Table 2.1), we havesec /470sec /140022V cm and V cm p n ==μμ.Using Equation (2.2.14),()p n i p i n i qn qp qn μμμμσρ+=+==111 ()()sec /470140010112310V cm cm q +⨯⨯⨯=-.The resistivity is 3.34⨯105 Ω-cm. The resistivity of the doped sample in part (b) is higher due to ionized impurity scattering.2.7 I t is given that the sample is n -type, and the applied electric field ε is1000V/cm. The hole velocity υdp is 2⨯105cm/s.(a) From the velocity and the applied electric field, we can calculate the mobility of holes:υdp = μp ε, μp = υdp /ε = 2⨯105/1000 = 200cm 2/V·s.From Figure 2-5, we find N d is equal to 4.5⨯1017/cm 3. Hence,n = N d = 4.5⨯1017/cm 3, and p = n i 2/n = n i 2/ N d = 1020 / 4.5⨯1017 = 222/cm 3.Clearly, the minority carriers are the holes.(b) The Fermi level with respect to E c isE f = E c - kT ln (N d /N c ) = E c - 0.107 eV.(c) R = ρL/A. Using Equation (2.2.14), we first calculate the resistivity of the sample:σ = q(μn n + μp p) ≈ q μn n = 1.6⨯10-19 ⨯ 400 ⨯ 4.5⨯1017 = 28.8/Ω-cm, and ρ= σ -1 = 0.035 Ω-cm.Therefore, R = (0.035) ⨯ 20μm / (10μm ⨯ 1.5μm) = 467 Ω.Diffusion2.8 (a) Using Equation (2.3.2),J = qn υ = qD(dn/dx).Therefore,υ = D(1/n)(dn/dx) = -D/λ. (constant )(b) J = q μn n ε = qn υ and υ = μn ε.Therefore, ε = -D/μn λ = -(kT/q)/λ.(c) ε = -1000V/cm = -0.026/λ. Solving for λ yields 0.25μm.2.9 (a) qLL q dx dE q dx dV v ∆=∆==-=11ε.(b) E c is parallel to E v . Hence, we can calculate the electron concentration in terms ofE c .()()./)0()()(/)0()(0x L E x E where e n x n c c kT E x E c c ∆=-=--Therefore,. LkT x e n x n /0)(∆-= (c) 0ε=+dxdn qD qn J n n n μ 0//=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∆-+∆∆-∆-LkT e n qD qL e qn LkT x i n n LkT x i μTherefore,n n n n q kT D kT D q μμ=⇒=.。

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a r X i v :0712.0255v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s o f t ] 3 D e c 2007Confined nanorods:jamming due to helical bucklingDaniel Svenˇs ek 1and Rudolf Podgornik 1,21Department of Physics,Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,University of Ljubljana,Jadranska 19,SI-1111Ljubljana,Slovenia2Department of Theoretical Physics,J.Stefan Institute,Jamova 39,SI-1000Ljubljana,Slovenia(Dated:February 2,2008)We investigate a longitudinally loaded elastic nanorod inside a cylindrical channel and show within the context of classical elasticity theory that the Euler buckling instability leads to a helical postbuckling form of the rod within the channel.The local pitch of the confined helix changes along the channel and so does the longitudinal force transmitted along the rod,diminishing away from the loaded end.This creates a possibility of jamming of the nanorod within the channel.PACS numbers:61.46.Fg,,81.07.De,46.32.+xI.INTRODUCTIONElastic instabilities of nanoscale rods and in particu-lar the Euler (buckling)instability have long been rec-ognized as being essential for structural as well as func-tional aspects of nano-and bio-systems.Some time ago [1]Manning proposed that DNA collapse in polyvalent salt solutions proceeds through a type of Euler buckling driven by diminished electrostatic repulsive interactions between charged phosphates along the DNA backbone.Though the details of his picture appear to be specula-tive,the general framework has been completely vindi-cated by later work [2].Buckling instability appears to play also an important part in the conformation of linker DNA within the chromatin fiber [4],in the case of a grow-ing microtubule pushing against a microfabricated rigid barrier [3]and in the stability of AFM-tips,nanotubes [5]and nanorods [6].The confinement of nanoscale rods to micro-and nano-channels presents yet another set of experimen-tal and theoretical problems [7]centered around the technological challenges of manufacturing nanopores and nanochannels for investigating and manipulating DNA.Here the main theoretical thrust is in the direction of understanding the various contributions to the confine-ment free energy that depend on the size of the con-fining space and the intrinsic properties of the confined nanorods.The behavior of confined semiflexible poly-mers is particularly important in this context and has been recently analyzed in detail [8,9].In many respects this type of problems are mainly centered upon trans-verse confinement,whereas elastic instabilities described before are due to longitudinal confinement of elastic rods.Motivated by these phenomena we will try in what fol-lows to combine the two aspects of polymer confinement described above,considering an elastic buckling insta-bility within a confining cylindrical channel.The con-finement of the elastic rod is thus twofold:longitudinal,leading to buckling,and transverse,leading straightfor-wardly to a helical postbuckling form.We will show that transverse confinement with frictional walls furthermore leads to a decay of the longitudinal force within the rodalong the long axis of the confining channel.This will not be too difficult to rationalize since we know from other systems that longitudinal stresses can be taken up effec-tively by friction at confining walls.For a silo filled with granular matter and compressed on one side by a force F 0,Janssen’s equation [10]gives an exponential decrease of the compression force with the distance z from the compressed side,F (z )=F 0exp(−λk fr z P /S ),where λ=σrr /σzz is the ratio of horizontal and vertical stresses,P /S is the perimeter to cross-section area ratio,k fr is the static friction coefficient and we have neglected gravity for the purpose.The same holds also for a regular elastic solid,i.e.,a rigidly confined rod,if one neglects lateral deformation gradients in the rod [11].There we haveF (z )=F 0exp[−σk fr z P /S (1−σ)],where σis Poisson’s ratio.On this simple basis one ex-pects also a conceptually similar effect,i.e.,a decrease of compression force with the distance along an elastic rod confined to a cylindrical channel in the post-buckling regime.This will allow us to hypothesize on the existence of a jamming regime for sufficiently long confined elastic rods.The plan of this paper is as follows:we shall first present the classical elastic model for an Eulerian rod and derive the scaling relations valid for the onset of the buckling instability.We shall solve an approximate form of the elastic equations within a cylindrically confined channel and show that the longitudinal force,at least within the considered approximations,decays inversely proportional to the length of the confining channel when friction at the cylindrical wall is taken into account.To obtain exact solutions of the elastic equations we will proceed numerically and derive the minimal shape of the confined rod and the magnitude of the transmitted lon-gitudinal force along the axis of the confining channel.At the end we will discuss what could be the conditions that would lead to a jamming of the elastic rod within the cylindrical confining channel.II.ELASTIC MODELWe model the rod as a thin Eulerian elasticfilament to which the standard continuum theory of elasticity can be applied.The confining channel is modeled as a straight cylindrical tube with rigid walls.The ratio R/L of tube radius R and undeformedfilament length L is the rele-vant geometric parameter of the system.Let us briefly review the equilibrium equations for thin elastic rods[12].The force balance readsd Fd l+t×F=0,(2) where M is the elastic torque exerted about the center of the leading surface and t is the unit tangent of the rod. The elastic torque is related to the deformation of the filament viaM=Gτt+EI t×˙t,(3) where E is the Young modulus and we assumed that the rod is circular,i.e.,both geometric moments of inertia of the cross section are equal,I= d S x2= d S y2. Thefirst term on the right describes torsion which we assume to be absent.One can show that in case of the isotropic moment of inertia,torsion is absent everywhere in the rod when there is no twisting torque applied[12]. In what follows,the twisting(torsional)torque will be absent,i.e.,the torque in the rod will have a vanishing tangential component,M=EI t×˙t.(4) From Eqs.(2)and(4)one then getsEI tרt+t×F=0(5) as the fundamental equation describing the shape of the bentfilament.The solutions of this equation with various boundary conditions are discussed in standard references on the theory of elasticity[12].A.Buckling in confined geometryIt is well known that when a straight rod is compressed by an axial force,above threshold it undergoes a buckling instability—the so-called Euler buckling—and becomes bent.For a rod with hinged ends or ends that are lat-erally free(both situations are identical in this case),for example,the threshold force is F crit=EIπ2/L2[12].What happens when the(thin)rod is confined within a rigid cylinder?Once the compressing force is sufficiently large so that the bent rod touches the wall of the cylinder (let it be bent in the diameter plane)and is further in-creased,there are two scenarios one can think of:the rod can bend back-and-forth staying in the diameter plane,or it can become a helix touching the cylinder wall(spring-like configuration).In oil-drilling community it has been recognized for a long time that it is the latter case that eventually happens[13,14,15,16](In fact,this is the only area of research to have studied helical buckling.) It turns out,as we will show in Section V,that there in-deed exists a secondary threshold above which the planar configuration is unstable with respect to the helix.B.ScalingBy introducing dimensionless quantites denoted with tilde,l=R˜l,F=EIR3˜K,M=EId l=R˙φˆeφ+1−(R˙φ)2F rˆeφ−R˙φF rˆe z=0.(8)Eq.(8)requiresF r=0,(9)while from Eq.(1)one getsFφ=−K1−(R˙φ)2 EI R˙φ4+K +R˙φ2F z=0.(11)Now comes a crucial point.The equilibrium condition(11)involves both the helical deformation˙φand the ex-ternal force K,so additional input is needed to determineone or the other.This comes from the boundary condi-tion,which is however inaccessible under the assumptionoffixed pitch.Let us digress a little and illustrate in physical termswhy the force of the cylinder,K,cannot be specified untilthe boundary condition is known.Besides the force F,the boundary condition involves also the torque exertedon free ends(which must be normal to the tangent ofthe rod as we are not considering torsion).By using a pair of wrenches and applying torque to the ends,one changes the force exerted on the cylinder ing just the right torque,for example,one can make K vanish. Increasing the torque further,the rod detaches from the cylinder and forms a free helix with the radius smaller than R[17].According to Eqs.(4)and(7),the torque in thefilament isM=EI R˙φ2 −2EI L0d l ˙t 2−L z F z,(13)where L is the length of thefilament and L z is the length of its projection to the z axis,i.e.,the length of the coil.Recall that F z<0.With Eq.(7)and d z/d l=2EIL(R˙φ2)2+L2EI.(15)Hence,from Eq.(11)one gets a direct relation between the load and the wall forces.To the lowest order the force of the cylinder isK=Rthat the helix is compressed by the external force F z 0at l =0and that the friction is parallel to z ,opposing the external force.Assuming the static friction ismaximumeverywhere,itfollows from the force balance (1)thatd |F z ||F z 0|+k fr RF 0= F 0L −1.(20)Note in Eq.(6)that if the aspect ratio is constant,the force scales as 1/R 2(or equivalently,1/L 2).This,of course,always holds and is approximation-independent.In addition,the result (20)of our simple model gives a 1/RL scaling of the force when the aspect ratio is changed,which,however,is only an approximation.B.Exact analysisFor completness,let us derive exact equilibrium equa-tions for the helically buckled filament in the presence of friction.We do not aim to solve them,yet they will be helpful giving us insight into the solution.As before,the filament is assumed to lie on the cylinder everywhere,r =R ,but now all variables are l -dependent,including the compressing force F z .Eq.(5)involves only two components as it is orthogo-nal to t .Therefore we project it to ˆer and the direction t ׈e r .Writing ˙φ(l )=ω(l ),the former isEIR1−R 2ω2+F z Rω=0(21)and the latter−3d l(ω2)+F r =0.(22)Again we choose from an infinite number of solutions,which exist when the static friction is involved,the sim-plest and most symmetric one,in which the friction is everywhere at its maximum and parallel to z .WithK =K (l )(−ˆer +k fr ˆe z )the three components of the force balance (1)are˙F r −ωF φ−K ˆe r =0,(23)ωF r +˙F φ ˆeφ=0,(24) ˙F z +k fr K ˆe z =0.(25)Eqs.(21)-(25)represent a closed set of five ordinary dif-ferential equations for the five variables ω(l ),K (l ),andF (l ).One can verify that in case ˙ω=0,Eqs.(9)-(11)are recovered.One can expand the system (21)-(25)for small Rω.For k fr =0,terms of third order must be included to get a solution (one can check that the second order givesonly the second order part of the stationary solution (9)-(11)for k fr =0,and no solution for k fr =0).InsertingEq.(22)into Eq.(24)and integrating,one gets a partial result F φ=A −EIω3,where A is a constant.IV.NUMERICAL APPROACHWe will solve the fundamental equations for the actual deformation of the compressed and confined filament nu-merically for it is only in this way that one can obtain a complete solution of the problem.The filament is natu-rally allowed to detach from the wall,which essentially takes place near the two ends of the filament,and the helix within the cylindrical pore can form spontaneously without having been put in ”by hand”.Let us stress again that the solution,including in particular the pitch of the bulk helix and the force exerted on the cylinder wall,is only determined when the ends of the filament are taken into account,which furthermore inevitably in-volve detachment of the filament from the wall unless the boundary condition is very special,as explained in Sec.III A,Eq.(12).For the purpose of numeric modelling that involves dis-cretization,it is generally better,if only possible,to start with a discrete analogue of the continuum system and write down algebraic equations,rather than discretizing the differential equations themselves,derived for the con-tinuum limit.In this spirit,the elastic filament will be represented as a set of straight and stiffelements (links)of fixed length l 0with forces and torques acting between them.The element i is described by its center of mass r i and a unit (tangent)vector t i giving its orientation.Dynamical evolution of the filament shape is obtained by Newton’s laws for translation and rotation of each element.The joints between the links are rather cum-383940L z| F z |FIG.2:The external load dependence of the projection of fil-ament length onto the axis of the confining cylindrical pore.The weak force dependence of length in the straight configu-ration is due to the small artificial compressibility introduced by the penalty potential (26)(i.e.,finite value of the spring constant k ).In the limit of zero compressibility this part of the functional dependence would be a straight horizontal line.bersome to model:they act as constraints for the ends of the two elements which must meet in a single point,and thus exert constraint forces that can be determined only implicitly,such that the elements satisfy the con-straints.To avoid this,we relax (soften)the constraints and introduce a quadratic (bond)penalty potentialV (r +i ,r −i +1)=k2|r ±i |−R 2;|r ±i |>R 0;|r ±i |≤R.(27)Again the coefficient k w should be sufficiently large sothat |r ±i |−R ≪l 0.The forces on the ends of the elements areF ±i =−∂V∂r ±i.(28)It makes little difference (i.e.,no difference in the limitl 0→0)whether the force of the wall actually acts on both ends or just at the center of the element.Torques about the center of element i are of two kinds.One comes from elastic couples exerted by the two neigh-bouring elements and the other from the forces on both ends of element i :M i =C t i ×(t i −1+t i +1)+l 0d t =F +i +F −i ,(30)βd t id t×t i =M i ×t i ,(31)where βis an arbitrary damping coefficient defining the time scale.One can verify that the set of discrete equations (29)-(31)agrees with properly discretized continuum equa-tions with the following connection between the param-eters:C =EIV.RESULTS First let us take a look atnumeric solutions of heli-cally buckledfilaments.Fig.1shows two examples offilaments of different lengths buckled by the same axialforce.We use the most natural boundary condition:theupper(compressed)end is only pushed along z(the cylin-der axis),while the lower end is not allowed to move inz direction.Both ends are free to move laterally untilthey hit the confining wall.There is no torque appliedto them.To build up the torque exerted on thefilamentcross section in the helical state,however,the ends mustleave the helical state as anticipated in Sec.III A.(a)(b)(c)FIG.3:(color online)Planar configuration of the confinedfilament(a)is unstable(b)and is transformed into the heli-cal(c)upon perturbation.The helix can contain metastableirregularities as seen in the equilibrium state(c).To numerically study the solution path from thestraight to the helical configuration,we introduce a tinyrandom perturbation to the straight compressedfila-ment.A numerically obtained state diagram is depictedin Fig.2,where a suitable parameter distinguishing be-tween the configurations is simply the projection of thefilament length onto the z axis.There exist two thresholdforces beyond which the straight and the Euler-buckledstates are unstable,respectively.The helical state is aconsequence of the confinement and sets in after thefil-ament has touched the wall.Above the threshold,theplanar state remains a solution but is unstable with re-spect to the helix,which is demonstrated in Fig.3.Thereone also sees a defect in the helix.Such defects are ageneral feature subject to the initial condition(pertur-bation)and are metastable,i.e.,they are stable whilethe compressing force is not reduced.|Fz|lFIG.4:(color online)Compression force profile|F z(l)|in afilament with length to radius ratio320.The loading force is|F z(0)|=0.25EI/R2,which is approximately2,600-times thecritical force for Euler buckling F crit=EIπ2/L2.Numericdata(black)is excellentlyfit(red)with the function f(l)=A(l0+l)c(the curves are perfectly overlapping on the scaleof thefigure):(a)A=36.3,l0=285.5,c=−0.882,(b)A=21.4,l0=131.8,c=−0.894,(c)A=11.95,l0=44.9,c=−0.903.We are furthermore interested in the force that has tobe applied to the lower end to keep itfixed,i.e.,to sustainthe confined helix.As we are to show,this force can bemuch less than the load applied to the upper end due tothe action of friction and in fact approaches zero for verylong confining channels.This opens up the possibilityof jamming,i.e.of a stable static helical configurationof the rod that has been jammed against the confiningwalls via the surface friction and is sustained with onlya tiny(zero in the limit of very long channel)opposingforce at the other end of the channel.Fig.4shows the profiles of the longitudinal force|F z|as we move along thefilament,and Fig.5shows the pro-file of the helical deformation˙φ.The force profiles areperfectlyfit by a power law,yet with an exponent closeto-0.9instead of-1as suggested by Eq.(18).The va-lidity of the power law is remarkable though it deviatesfrom the approximate universal scaling of Eq.(20).Inother words,the solution is practically indistinguishablefrom a power-law,in spite of the evidence that it con-siderably departs from our simple model.The reason forthis remarkable validity of the power-law,yet with anexponent different than-1,is not clear.Fig.6shows theforce transmitted to the lower end as the function of the1002003000.10.20.3d φ/d llFIG.5:Profile of d φ/d l ,the inverseof the helical pitch q 0=2π/(d φ/d l ),for the filament of Fig.4(c).The boundaries where the pitch is not defined are not displayed.As expected,˙φgets smaller (the pitch gets larger)as the longitudinal force is reduced.Its relative decrease is however smaller than thatof the force,as hinted by the quadratic dependence F z ∝˙φ2in Eq.(15)of the simple model (which assumes constant pitch).length L of the filament,at a fixed load on the upper end.We see that for long filaments the transmitted force is strongly reduced and asymptotically approaches zero.0.000.05 0.10 0.15 0.200.25| F z (L) |L/RFIG.6:Compression force,|F z (L )|,transmitted through filaments of lengths L ;the external compressing force is |F z (0)|=0.25EI/R 2;k f r =0.8.The dotted line serves as an eye guide.The physically interesting interval of loading force strengths depends on the aspect ratio of the filament.In Fig.4,for example,the loading force was selected such that the transmitted force was significantly reduced.The reduction of the transmitted force is weaker if the load-ing force is smaller,Fig.7,in accord with Eq.(19)of thesimple model.On the other hand,increasing the loading force beyond a threshold (that scales as 1/R 2)results in a catastrophic event—a U bending of the filament,leading to the escape out of the confining pore,Fig.8.Hence,it is only for long and thin rods that the transmitted force can be strongly reduced.0 100200 3000.0080.0100.012l| F z |FIG.7:(color online)Compression force profile |F z (l )|(black)in the filament with length to radius ratio 320for a smaller loading force |F z (0)|=0.0125EI/R 2and k f r =0.8,fit (red)with the function f (l )=A (l 0+l )c ;A =15.5,l 0=2010,c =−0.942.The reduction of the force is much smaller than for larger loads in Fig.4,on account of the singular point l c in Eq.(19)moving further away.The exponent of the power law,however,remains nearly unchanged.The boundary regions get wider as the load is reduced.VI.DISCUSSIONIn this work we have analysed the behavior of an elas-tic filament that is confined in the longitudinal as well as transverse direction.The longitudinal confinement leads to the well known Euler buckling instability that depends on the external loading and the length of the fil-ament.We have shown that the buckled configuration on touching the confining walls of a cylindrical channel then evolves through a planar deformed configuration towards a helical state via an additional instability.Considering the effects of the friction on the walls of the cylindrical enclosure we have been able to demonstrate,that the longitudinal force transmitted through the filament de-cays along its length.This phenomenon is not unrelated to the decaying longitudinal stresses within a cylindrical granular column anchored by the wall friction,or even a regular elastic solid with a finite Poisson ratio enclosed within a rigid hollow cylinder and again anchored by wall friction.The important difference between the examples of granular and regular solids confined within cylindricalFIG.8:(color online)If the load is too large,thefilament makes a U-bend and escapes out of the cylinder as shown on the subsequentfigures instead of forming the helix.L/R= 320,|F z(0)|=0.5EI/R2,only the upper half of the cylinder is shown.walls and the present case of thin elasticfilament is the nature of the decay of the longitudinal force along the cylindrical enclosure.In thefirst two cases the decay is exponential and leads to a natural length scale for the problem.This means that the jamming of the granular or classical elastic bodies depends only on intrinsic pa-rameters,describing the stress distributions within the body and the magnitude of the friction forces between the body and the cylindrical enclosure.In the case of the confinedfilament the longitudinal force transmitted along the cylindrical enclosure decays algebraically.In this case the onset of jamming is determined by the in-trinsic elastic parameters of thefilament as well as the longitudinal force counteracting the loading from the op-posite side of the enclosure.This counter-force could be in principle very small and could even result from ther-modynamicfluctuations on the other end of the enclosure if the cylindrical pore is small enough.Nevertheless the fact that the onset of jamming in the case of a confined elasticfilament is scale free and thus depends on external constraints separates it fundamentally from the standard jamming in granular materials[18].What would be the systems that could exhibit this type of jamming scenario?We have found out that the criterion for the onset of helical postinstability shape is geometrical:according to the curve in Fig.6,the as-pect ratio of polymer length(or persistence length,if it is smaller)and the radius of the pore should be of the order of100or more for a significant reduction of the compres-sion force that could in principle lead to jamming.For carbon nanotubes with a typical length of100µm and Young’s modulus of1012Pa,the relevant pore radius is 1µm or less,and the loading force is in the nN range.All reasonable values.On the other hand,DNA appears to be tooflexible,i.e.,its persistence length of50nm is too short as it should be confined to a sub nanometer pore, violating the structural integrity if DNA(the diameter of DNA is approximately2nm).It thus appears that at least in principle one could observe the helical instabil-ity coupled to a jamming transition within the context of confined microtubules.We hope that our theoretical work will provide enough motivation for experimentalists to search for this interesting phenomenon.AcknowledgmentsThis work has been supported by the Agency for Re-search and Development of Slovenia under grants P1-0055(C),Z1-7171and L2-7080.Many thanks to Gregor Veble for fruitful discussions and useful hints.[1]G.S.Manning,Cell Biophys.7,57-89(1985).[2]P.L.Hansen,D.Svenˇs ek,V.A.Parsegian,R.Podgornik,Phys.Rev.E60,1956-1966(1999).[3]M.Dogterom and B.Yurke,Science278,856-860(1997).[4]J-M.Victor,E.Ben-Haim,and A.Lesne Phys.Rev.E66,060901(R)(2002).[5]B.I.Yakobson,C.J.Brabec,and J.Bernholc,Phys.Rev.Lett.76,2511(1996).[6]E.W.Wong,P.E.Sheehan,and C.M.Lieber,Science277,1971(1997).[7]W.Reisner,K.J.Morton,R.Riehn,Yan Mei Wang,Zhaoning Yu,M.Rosen,J.C.Sturm,S.Y.Chou,E.Frey, and R.H.Austin,Phys.Rev.Lett.94,196101(2005).[8]F.Wagner,ttanzi,and E.Frey,Phys.Rev.E75,050902(R)(2007).[9]T.Odijk,J.Chem.Phys.125,204904(2006).[10]H.A.Janssen,Z.Ver.Dt.Ing.39,1045-1049(1895).[11]It can be shown that this is valid if the Poisson’s ratioσis sufficiently small,σ≪0.5.[12]ndau and 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