英语:unit2《king lear》学案(1)(新人教版选修10)

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Who bears full responsibility for the consequence?谁对后果承担全部责任?
4. allocate vt. 配给、分配 Theheadmaster allocated tasks to each of us.校长给我们每一个人都分配了工作。
5. distribute vt. 分发、分配某事物、分散放置
剖析:介词短语 in value(在价值上/方面)作状语表示范围;what I give to Goneril 是宾语从句, 从句引导词 what 作 give 的宾语。 译文:这一部分和我给贡纳莉的那一部分在价值上是相等的。 3. What have you to say to delight an old man and earn the best part of his kingdom. 剖析:短语 have to do 是“不得不”的意思,要注意其与 must 的区别。比如:I had to go to bed before 10 last night for the electricity failed.昨晚停电了,我只好十点钟前就睡觉了(客观条件所迫)。 Students must go to bed before10 in the night.学生十点钟前必须就寝(人的主观安排)。 译文:你说什么来取悦一位老人,赢得王国最好的部分呢? 4. I love you as it is right and proper for a daughter to love her father, neither less nor more. 剖析:1)as…在这里引导方式状语从句,修饰谓语动词 love。as 还可以引导时间状语从句、原因 状语从句、让步状语从句、条件状语从句等, 2)neither… nor…既不。。。。。。也不。。。。。。(参见本单元“关键短语精讲”第9条)
There’s agreat demand for teachers in Shenzhen.深圳需要大量的老师。
14. beyond prep. adv. & n. 在。。。。。。的那边、超出;(在)远处、更远地 I know nothing of it beyond what he told me.除了他告诉我的以外,我就一无所知了。 I own nothing beyond theclothes on my back.除了身上的衣服我就一无所有了。 真题:I’m sorry it’s _____ my power to makea final decision on the project.(2004 上海) A. over B. above C. off D. beyond
解析:beyond 是“超出(能力等)”意思。故选 D。 15. fond adj. 溺爱、不可能实现的 A fond mother may spoil her child.溺爱的母亲会贯坏自己的孩子的。 He wants to marry Jane, but wethink it a fond dream.他想娶珍妮,可是我们认为这是黄粱美梦。 16. wrong n. adj. adv. & v. 错误(的)、不适当的、不公正、冤枉无礼地对待、中伤 We should right the wrongs immediately we realize that we wronged someone.我们一旦意识到冤枉了别 人,就要给人家平反昭雪。 二、词组句型用法全解
1)连词 for 引导的原因状语从句是顺便说明原因的,通常要放在主句后。此句中该从句与其前面 的句子有逻辑上的“因”“果”关系。否则,不能放在主句的前面。比如: Kent didn’t cometoday, for he has been ill.肯特今天没有来,因为他生病了。 回答 why 提出的问题要用 because 引导的的句子。比如: — Why didn’t you stop thief while he was passing by? — Because I hadn’t known hewas athief before you told me that. 2)whichever“无论哪一个”通常用来指物。比如: Whichever you want is yours.你要什么就拿什么。 Choose whichever of them you like best.挑选你最喜欢的。 3) “你们中的哪一个”是“第三人称”概念,所以,句子的谓语用单数第三人称 has。再比如: I’ll give it to whichever of you wants it.无论你们中的谁要,我都会给的。 译文:(因为)你们当中无论是谁,只要最有孝心,我就把最好的一块给她。 2.This part is equal in value to what I give to Goneril.
1. be allergic to sth
Nowadays most of young people areallergic to hard work.现在,大多数青年人讨厌累活。 2. hand over 交出、移交 The captain was unwilling to hand over the command of his ship to a younger man.船长不愿意把他船的 指挥权交给一个年轻的人。 3. carefor 喜欢、关心、照顾 I don’t carefor tea; I like coffeebetter.我不喜欢茶;我比较喜欢喝咖啡。 4. speak out 大胆地说、清楚响亮地说 Speak out against our real enemies.要大胆地和我们真正的敌人做斗争。 5. pack up 打包、收拾行李/工具、停止工作 He was told by the boss to pack up.他被老板解雇了。 This company will probably pack up and move south.这家公司可能要停业南迁。
5. We’ll seeif either wants to bea bridegroom when shehas no riches to bring to the marriage. 剖析:either 指“法国国王和勃艮第公爵”两人中的任何一个(either of them)。bring to“带来”的意思; 不定式短语 to bring to the marriage 是修饰 riches 的定语。 译文:我们要看看,她没有分毫的嫁妆,谁会做她的新郎? 真题: 1.—There’s coffeeand tea; you can have ______ . (2003 全国) —Thanks. A. either B. each C. one D. it
In aco-operative profits are distributed among thework-force.在合作社中,利润是在全体劳动者中进行 分配的。
6. contradict vt. & vi. 批驳、相反、与。。。。。。相矛盾 The speaker had got confused, and started contradicting himself.演讲者弄糊涂了,说话自相矛盾起来 了。 He contradicted themanager at the meeting.他在会议上顶撞了经理。 7. confirm vt. 证实、确认、批准、肯定 Please write to confirm your reservation.请来信确认你的预订项目。 After a 6-month probationary period, she was confirmed in her post.经过六个月的试用期后,她获准正 式任该职。 8.corrupt a. ; vt. & vi. 腐败(的)、使腐败、腐蚀,贿赂、收买 This corrupt film is full of sex and violence.这部堕落的影片里充斥了色情和暴力. He was sent to prison for trying to corrupt a policeman with money.他因为试图贿赂一个警察金钱而被 判刑入狱了。
英语:Unit2《King Lear》学案(1)(新人教版选修 10)
一、核心单词用法例析 1. shorten vt. 缩短。。。。。。
She shortened theskirt by an inch. 她把裙子缩短了一英寸。 2. burden n. & vt. 担子、主题(无复数),负担、麻烦 Theburden of grief made her in low spirits all day long.压在心头的悲伤使她整天郁郁寡欢。 3. responsibility n. 责任、负责;职责、义务、任务
6. give away 送掉、放弃、泄露
Theexaminer has given away theanswer.考试者已经泄密答案了。 His clothes gave him away.他的衣着泄露了他的身份。 7. be fond of of leaving the door open when you go out.你有出去把门开着的坏毛病。 8. make a name 成名、得到名声 She madea name for herself as apainter.作为画家,她出名了。 9. neither… nor… … 既不….也不… Neither haveI known her nor I want to.我既不认识她,也不想认识她。 Regan said that she needed neither the land of the kingdom nor the wealth her father would give her but truelove.里根说她既不需要王国的领土也不需要父亲(给她的)财富,她只需要真正的爱。 三、课文长句难点剖析 1. For whichever of you has for methe most devotion I will give to her thebest part of everything I own. 剖析:这是复杂的主从复合句。
Theillness quickly responded to proper treatment.疾病经适当治疗后很快好转了。 He responded to our question with a letter.他写了一封信答复我们的问题。 12. suspect adj. n. vt. 可疑的;嫌疑犯;猜想、怀疑 His testimony is suspect.他的证词是可疑的。 We suspect him to be a murderer.我们怀疑他是凶犯。 13. demand n. vt. & vi. 需要的事物、要求(知道)、需要、查问
9. cash n. & vt. 现金、兑现
I have no ready cash on me, can I pay you tomorrow?我身上没有现金,能明天付给你钱吗? 10. vacant adj. 空的、空洞的、无表情的、愚蠢的 From her vacant look wecan know that she probably is in bad condition.从她发呆的样子我们可以知道 她也许身体不好。 Themadman gave a vacant laugh.那个疯子发出了愚蠢的大笑。 11. respond vi. & vt. n. 作答、回答、响应、有反应