

An evaluation of procedural instructional text

An evaluation of procedural instructional text

An Evaluation of Procedural Instructional TextNathalie Colineau, Cécile Paris CSIRO, Mathematical and Information Sciences, Locked Bag 17, North Ryde, NSW 1670, AU {nathalie.colineau,}@csiro.auKeith Vander LindenDept. of Computer Science, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI 49546, USAkvlinden@AbstractThis paper presents an evaluation of theinstructional text generated by Isolde, anauthoring tool for technical writers thatautomates the production of proceduralon-line help. The evaluation compares theeffectiveness of the instructional text pro-duced by Isolde with that of profession-ally authored instructions, such as MSWord Help. The results suggest that thedocumentation produced by Isolde is ofcomparable quality to similar texts foundin commercial manuals.1 IntroductionInstructional text is a useful and relatively con-strained sub-language and has thus been a popular target for research-oriented natural language gen-eration (NLG) systems. Much work has been done in this area, e.g., (Rösner & Stede, 1992; Kosseim & Lapalme, 1994; Paris & Vander Linden, 1996; Power et al., 1998), demonstrating that existing technology is adequate for generating draft instruc-tions. However, only a few of these projects have been formally evaluated, e.g., (Hartley et al., 2000), and the evaluations performed have focus-sed on the fluency and grammaticality of the out-put text rather than on its effectiveness. This tends to be the case, in fact, for evaluations of NLG sys-tems in general. People are asked to rate the ac-ceptability of the generated texts or to compare them to human-authored texts - e.g., (Lester & Por-ter, 1997; Callaway & Lester, 2001), without measuring the actual impact of the texts on their intended users.The evaluation of the STOP system (Reiter et al., 2001) is a notable exception to this trend. STOP produced texts tailored to individual smok-ers intended to convince them to stop smoking. As an evaluation, the researchers performed a large-scale study of how effective the generated texts were at achieving this goal. Rather than checking the output text for errors, or comparing its fluency with that of hand-written text, they compared how often readers of STOP's individually tailored texts actually stopped smoking as compared to readers of generic, generated texts. Thus, the evaluation assessed the relative effectiveness of tailored and generic texts at achieving their intended goals.In our evaluation, we also sought to perform an evaluation of the effectiveness of the instructional texts produced by Isolde. Isolde1 is an authoring tool for technical writers that automatically gener-ates parts of a system's on-line help (Paris et al., 1998b). In this domain, the writer's goal is to help the users achieve their goals. It is thus crucial to assess the effectiveness of the instructional texts in a real task. Unlike the STOP evaluation, however, we compared the effectiveness of our generated texts with that of human-authored texts. In this pa-per, we first introduce the type of texts that Isolde generates and give an overview of Isolde. We then present the evaluation we conducted and draw some conclusions.2 Procedural HelpDocumentation for interactive devices typically includes conceptual help, business help, and pro-cedural help (Paris et al., 1998a). Conceptual help defines the concepts used in an application, busi-ness help indicates how the application is embed-ded in its context of use, and procedural help enu-merates the series of steps required to perform a goal. Isolde focuses on procedural help. Procedural help, which can be seen as answering the question "How to?", is an attractive target text for NLG sys-tems because it is:Constrained: Procedural help describes a sys-tem’s functions in terms of users’ actions on the interface. It is highly structured and heavily based on the system behavior. Its automatic production thus seems realistic.Significant within the help system: Procedural help is a key element of "minimalist instruc-tions" (Carroll 1990), whose philosophy is based on the argument that learning software is more effective when the software documenta-tion is short, simple and directed towards real work activities. This notion of brevity can also be linked to the Grice’s maxim of quantity in the discourse theory (Grice, 1979). Young (1999), in fact, uses this principle to select the content of plan descriptions and compute con-cise instructions.Routine and time consuming to produce: Tech-nical writers consider procedural help as the easiest but also the most routine and tedious part of the documentation process because they must systematically perform all possible func-tions, recording their actions step by step. Writ-ing procedural help can be the most time-consuming activity of the technical writing process (Paris et al., 1998a). It is thus desirable to automate it, or at least support its production (cf. Power et al., 1994).Based on these motivations, Isolde aims at auto-mating the production of procedural on-line help. We believe this addresses an issue that is both im-portant and relevant in documentation production.3 System OverviewIsolde provides an interactive on-line help drafting tool aimed at supporting technical writers. From an analysis of technical writers at work, we noted that they typically begin by building a representation of the application’s functionalities by executing tasks step by step, recording all the steps and the inter-face feedback (Power et al., 1994; Ozkan et al., 1998). This representation ranges from textual to semi-formal, e.g., flowcharts. Then, from this rep-resentation, they write the text proper.Isolde offers facilities to support and formalize the first step, i.e., building a representation of the application’s functionalities that can be reused later in the documentation maintenance process. Isolde then also automates the second step, i.e., the gen-eration of the text. Isolde aims at being integrated into both the writers’ environment and the software design process.The representation chosen for the application’s functionalities is a task model, a semi-formal nota-tion. It is graphically represented in the Diane+ notation (Tarby & Barthet, 1996) and was tested with technical writers for usability (Ozkan et al., 1998). Figure 1 shows the Isolde architecture. The task model can be manually entered using a dedi-cated graphical editor Tamot. Alternatively, this model can be acquired automatically or semi-automatically from available sources of informa-tion through a variety of tools - e.g., a text-to-task extraction tool, an interaction recorder or a tool to construct automatically a draft task model from theApplicationToolsFigure 1: Isolde Architectureoutput of a CASE tool 2 (Lu et al., 1998; Vander Linden et al., 2000). Note that the task model for the application may have already been built by HCI specialists as part of their involvement insoftware team - e.g., (Balbo & Lindley, 1997; Dia-per & Stanton, in press) and can then be re-used or augmented by technical writers to ensure theirsuitability for on-line help generation.Figure 2: Task model design to create mailing labels with MS WordFigure 3: Hypertext output displayed in a Netscape browser - the mailing labels taskWhen satisfied with the task model, the techni-cal writer exports the model to the generator for the on-line help to be generated. In Isolde, the technical writer refines the input and controls the generation of instructions through Tamot. A task model example, shown in Tamot, is presented in Figure 2. This window includes a tree-structured representation of the task hierarchy on the left, and a graphical representation of the tasks on the right.The Instruction generator uses: (1) the Moore & Paris text planner (Moore & Paris, 1993); (2) a sentence planner implemented as extensions to the text planner; and (3) the KPML development envi-ronment and lexico-grammatical resources (Bate-man, 1997). This system is implemented as a LISP server. It plans the instructions using discourse plans that handle any task model configuration, including sequences, compositions and Boolean connectors. It plans hypertext links and can inte-grate canned text with generated text. Style pa-rameters have also been implemented, giving the technical writers some control at the discourse or sentence level. For example, writers can decide to produce a concise text by aggregating simple tasks and suppressing levels of decomposition, or they can choose to produce step-by-step instructions, in which each task decomposition is presented in a separate frame. Figure 3 shows the instructions generated for the task model in Figure 2.4 Evaluation of the Generated Instruc-tional TextOur experiment attempted to assess the effective-ness of the help generated by Isolde as compared with manually authored help. For both types of texts, we:• Measured the user’s performance in accom-plishing a specific task (i.e., task achieve-ment and time needed); and• Asked the users to rate the usefulness of the texts, the adequacy of the content and thecoherence of the organization.We did not evaluate grammatical correctness as in AGILE (Hartley et al., 2000). Given the aim of documentation, we need to ensure that the gener-ated instructions allow the users to achieve or learn about their task, whatever the quality or the com-plexity of the text generated. 4.1 Experimental DesignOur methodology involved four steps: (1) choosing three tasks in Word; (2) designing the three corre-sponding task models; (3) producing the on-line help with Isolde for these models, and (4) evaluat-ing the help on two user groups: one group re-ceived the Word help, the other the automatically generated help. Participants to the experiment were not aware of which help they were using.Task Selection: To compare the effectiveness of Isolde help with that of manually authored help, we asked users to perform a real task, using the on-line help as a resource. We decided to work with Word, as it provides both a task environment and on-line instructions. Thus, our aim was to select 3 tasks, 2 simple and 1 complex3 that would be new for the subjects, to help prevent introducing a bias based on prior knowledge and encourage users to read the help. We also chose tasks such that their Word help text was “self-contained” (i.e., without extensive reference to other parts of the help) and the text generated by Isolde for the task would be of similar reading complexity. Our final constraint was that the 2 simple tasks had the same number of elementary actions. We had no prior assumption as to what task would be easier to model or document than any other task. With these constraints, we chose:• Task 1: create a document template and save it in a specific directory;• Task 2: create index entries;• Task 3: create mailing labels by merging a label template with an address list, and savethe label pattern.Task Design: To generate the on-line help for to these tasks, we first had to design the task mod-els. We did so using Tamot. As typically done by technical writers, we executed the tasks step by step, recording all the steps. Feedback expressions (e.g., display of windows, confirmation messages) were also included, either as system actions, or as notes or warnings with canned text. The aim was to be as close as possible to the system behavior.Hypertext Generation: When the task model was completed, we generated the corresponding on-line help. We then used the Flesch (1974) score4 toTask 1Task 2Task 3 Readability scores Word Help Isolde Help Word Help Isolde Help Word Help Isolde Help Average SentenceLength (ASL)16.241 7.821 11.882 9.791 15.548 7.609 Flesh Reading EaseScore62.821 70.644 68.712 75.671 77.668 71.951Table 1: Comparison of Word and Isolde readability scorecompare the readability of the generated texts with the Word help (see Table 1). This was to ensure both texts would be of similar reading complexity and would thus involve the same amount of time to consult. For the experiment, only one of the help texts was accessible to the user, displayed in a Net-scape browser to preserve anonymity.Formation of Subject Groups: A total of 35 subjects did the experiment (3 tasks per subject), split into 2 groups. Subjects were randomly as-signed to a group, but we ensured an even number of men and women in each group. The subjects were not expert in Word, but they knew how to use the software.4.2 Scenario of ExperimentThe experiment consisted of asking subjects to per-form the 3 tasks described above with Word. For each task, they were given some directions as to what was expected of them (e.g., create a template with the CSIRO logo, and save it in a specific di-rectory). The directions did not include explana-tions on how to achieve the task. These were to be found in the on-line help provided. Subjects could consult the help at any time (i.e., before or while performing the task). Subjects were told to read the directions and ask for clarification if required be-fore starting on the task. After each task, they filled out a questionnaire asking them to rate the help they used.The questionnaire aimed at evaluating the use-fulness of the help, the quality of its content (i.e., its quantity and relevance) and the coherence of its organization. The questions asked and the factors of acceptability that they rate are shown in Table 2. Each question was answered using a six-point scale, assigning letter grades A (high) through F (low). These letters were later converted into digits from 6 to 1 for the statistical analysis. The ques-tionnaire also included questions that checked the users’ previous level of familiarity with the task.During the experiment, we recorded the time to measure the user’s performance. We limited the allowable time (10 minutes for the simple tasks and 15 minutes for the complex task) to encourage the users to consult the help instead of exploring the application by themselves5. We observed whether subjects consulted the help or not, and the number of times they did so. Finally, to evaluate the success rate on each task, we recorded the er-rors made. The marking scale was set as follows: • For Task 1, the subject lost one point if the document was saved in the wrong directoryand two points if it was not saved in thetemplate format.• For Task 2, the subject lost one point for each index entry that they marked incor-rectly.• For Task 3, the subject lost one point if the mailing labels were not created, and anotherpoint if the label pattern was not saved.Group 1 was assigned Word help for Tasks 1 and 3, and Isolde help for Task 2, while Group 2 was assigned Isolde help for Task 1 and 3, and Word for Task 2.Factors QuestionsUsefulness How would you evaluate the usefulness of the help?Did the help provide you with enough information to perform the task? Adequacy ofContent Was the information provided in the help relevant for your task?Did the help give you a clear picture of the steps required to accomplish the task? CoherenceHow well was the help organised?Table 2: Grading factors presented to subjects4.3 The ResultsBecause we wanted to assess the effectiveness of the help in aiding a user to accomplish a task, we first screened out users who knew the tasks before hand (based on the questionnaire)6, and those who did not consult the help at all (based on our obser-vations). As a result, we were left with 12 subjects out of 35 for Task 1, 34 for Task 2, and 29 for Task 3. We analyzed the data for task performance in terms of the time it took to finish the task and the number of errors made. In all cases, we ran an Anova single factor, and, when results are signifi-cant, we report them for a 0.05 level of confidence. Results on Task Performance : With respect to errors, there was no evidence that either help was more effective than the other. The small differ-ences observed were not statistically significant. This is shown in Figure 4.Figure 4: Task performance comparison - all tasks With respect to time, we observed interesting differences that were contrary to our expectations. Table 3 presents the results obtained by running an Anova. The times are reported in seconds.Tasks 1 & 2 Task 2 Task 3Isolde Help 388.86 428.58 398.83 Word Help 278.91 296.70 553.63Difference 109.94 131.88 154.80 Anova (F-test) 5.77 6.33 7.82 Level of Confi-dence 0.02 0.01 0.01 Table 3: Time Performance (in seconds)The first column combines Tasks 1 and 2; Task 1 alone did not allow separate computation due to the small number of subjects. The difference in time performance was in favor of Word for the simple tasks (indicated in italics in the table), while it was in favor of Isolde for the complex task (indi-cated in bold).Results on acceptability of the Help : Figures 5, 6 and 7 show the ratings of the different help texts for the different tasks, based on the responses on the questionnaire. We computed means for both Isolde and Word, using the six-point scale, for each task and for each of the help dimension we would like to observe: (1) usefulness regarding the task, (2) quality of content provided, and (3) coherence and clarity of the help organization.Figure 5: Rate for the simple tasks (Task 1 and 2)Figure 6: Rate for the complex task (Task 3)The Overall column summarizes these different values. As shown in Figures 5, 6 and 7, Isoldescored closely to Word, within approximately 1/4of a point for the content and the organization, and1/3 of a point for the usefulness. In all cases, bothIsolde and Word were positively evaluated on av-erage.Figure 7: Rate combining all the tasks We checked whether the differences were sig-nificant or not by running an Anova on each task for each dimension. The results did not show any significant differences between the two help texts.Overall Usefulness Content OrganisationAnova(F-test)2.18 1.61 0.67 0.00 Level ofConfidence0.14 0.20 0.41 0.94 Table 4: Anova result combining all the tasksTable 4 reports the results obtained when the scores are aggregated over all the tasks, though we also performed the test for each separate task. Our results indicate that, in terms of acceptability andusefulness of the help, Isolde’s performance ap-proaches that of the manually authored texts. 5 Discussion People are usually reluctant to consult help and typically consider on-line help to be unuseful. Our work aims at providing help texts such that users can quickly find the information they need. Ourchallenge then was to provide enough relevant in-formation, without extraneous details, within the constraints imposed by the knowledge available togenerate text automatically. As shown in Table 1,the help generated by Isolde and manually-authored texts are similar in terms of their readabil-ity score. Isolde, however, generates shorter sen-tences, with strictly the information required toachieve a task. While our generated texts thus of-ten contain less information than manually-authored texts (because of the knowledge available to produce them), they constitute less text to browse (i.e., each instruction is shorter) and maythus make it easier to access important informa-tion. From the experiment, it seems that providing this type of text has a significant impact on com-plex tasks (where the amount of consultation and the time spent understanding the tasks are greater), but no impact on simple tasks (where users seem more comfortable reading the manually-authored texts).6 ConclusionThis paper has discussed an evaluation of the pro-cedural instructions generated by the Isolde author-ing tool. The evaluation compared the effectiveness of the instructional texts generated by Isolde with those written by technical writers in the context of a real task. The results showed: (1) nosignificant differences with respect to the number of errors made while performing the tasks; (2)some significant differences in time performance,in favour of Isolde for complex task and in favor of the manually-authored texts for simple tasks; and finally, (3) no significant differences with respect to the acceptability of the help. These results areencouraging because they show that the effective-ness of Isolde’s automatically generated texts is comparable with that of manually-authored texts, even though they often contain less information. Acknowledgements We wish to thank Lu, S., past members of theIsolde team, the people who participated in the ex-periment and Bétrancourt, M. for her advice duringthe experiment. We acknowledge the support ofONR (grant N00014-99-0906), CSIRO and Calvin College. References Balbo, S. & Lindley, C. (1997). Adaptation of a task analysis methodology. In Proc. of Interact’97. Syd-ney: Australia, Chapman and Hall. 355-361. Bateman, J. (1997). Enabling technology for multilin-gual natural language generation: the KPML devel-opment environment. In Natural Language Engineering , 3(1):15-55. Callaway, C. & Lester, J. (2001). Evaluating the effects of natural language generation techniques on readersatisfaction. In Proc. of CogSci’01, Edinburgh, UK.Carroll, J. (1990). The Nurnberg Funnel: Designing Minimalist Instruction for Practical Computer Skill.MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.Diaper, D. & Stanton, N. (Eds)(in press). The Handbook of Task Analysis for Human-Computer Interaction.Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Flesch, R. (1974). The art of readable writing. Harper-collins.Grice, H.P. (1979). Logique et Conversations. In Communications nº30, 57-72.Hartley, T., Scott, D., Kruijff-Korbayová, I., Sharoff, S., Sokolova, L., Dochev, D., Staykova, K., Cmejrek, M., Hana, J. & Teich E. (2000). Evaluation of the fi-nal prototype, deliverable of the AGILE project.URL: /projects/agileKosseim L. & Lapalme G. (1994). Content and rhetori-cal status selection in instructional text. In Proc. of INLG, Kennebunkport, ME. 53-60.Lester, J. & Porter, B. (1997). Developing and empiri-cally evaluating robust explanation generators: The KNIGHT experiments. In Computational Linguistics, 23(1):65-101.Lu, S., Paris, C. & Vander Linden, K. (1998). Towards the Automatic Construction of Task Models from Object-Oriented Diagrams. In Chatty, S., and Dewan, P., (Eds.) Engineering for Human-Computer Interac-tion, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 169-189. Moore, J. & Paris, C. (1993). Planning text for advisory dialogues: Capturing intentional and rhetorical in-formation. Computational Linguistics 19(4):651-694. 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What You See is What You Meant: direct knowledge editing with natural language feedback, In Proc. of ECAI’98, Brighton, UK, August.Reiter, E., Robertson, R., Lennox A. S. & Osman, L.(2001). Using a randomised controlled clinical trial to evaluate an NLG system. In Proc. of ACL’01, Tou-louse, France, 434-441.Rösner, D. & Stede, M. (1992). TECHDOC: A system for the automatic production of multilingual technical documents. In: G. Görz (Eds): KONVENS 92 - Proc.of the German conference on natural language proc-essing. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg.Tarby, J.C. & Barthet, M.F. (1996). The DIANE+ Method. In Proc. of CADUI’96. Namur, June 5-7, J.Vanderdonckt (ed). 95-119.Vander Linden, K., Paris, C. & Lu, S. (2000). "Where Do Instructions Come From?" Knowledge Acquisi-tion and Specification for Instructional Text. In IMPACTS in Natural Language Generation: NLG Between Technology and Applications, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany. Becker, T. & Busemann, S.(Eds). DFKI report D-00-01, 1-10.Young, R.M. (1999). Using Grice's maxim of quantity to select the content of plan descriptions. Artificial Intelligence (115), 215-256.1 Integrated Software and On-Line Documentation En-vironment.2 Computer Aided Software Engineering Tool.3 The difference between a simple task and a complex one is the number of elementary actions required to per-form the task (18 vs. 40, in our experiment). It is impor-tant to note that the higher the number of elementary steps, the deeper the decomposition will be.4 A standard document has a Flesh Reading score of approximately 60 to 70. The higher the score, the easiesta document is considered to be.5 This is not meant to go against the minimalist ap-proach, which intends to encourage an exploration ofthe system in a learning environment. This is a means to control our experimental situation and observe the effectiveness of the help in a task situation.6 The subjects who knew the tasks were not filtered ahead of time to allow us to observe task performance and help usage differences between “novices” and “ex-perts”. No major differences were found (due to the lack of subjects), but it was still interesting to have qualita-tive input on these issues to inform future experiments.。

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repetition of structm
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TEACHER: Look at the 1st picture. There is a plate on the table. All together! Look at the 2nd picture. There is some tea in the pot. All together! The remaining items are as follows: 3rd: a cup behind the pot. 4th: some coffee in the cup. 5th: a sweet in the packet. 6th: some sugar in the bowl. ……
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(1925- )
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onos 指令解析 ofinstructionbranch 用法 -回复

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1. ofInstructionBranch的作用和功能ofInstructionBranch是ONOS中的一个类,它用于处理控制器发送过来的指令。



2. 使用ofInstructionBranch的步骤下面将一步一步介绍如何使用ofInstructionBranch来处理控制器发送的指令。


一般情况下,需要导入以下类:import .flow.instructions.Instruction;import .flow.instructions.Instructions;import .flow.instructions.Instruction.Type;步骤2:创建一个ofInstructionBranch对象使用以下代码创建一个ofInstructionBranch对象:ofInstructionBranch branch = new ofInstructionBranch();步骤3:定义指令类型和相应的操作在这一步中,需要定义不同类型的指令以及它们对应的操作。


CORR Author Instructions-2013

CORR Author Instructions-2013

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It may be easiest for you to consider the 2-4 points you think most important or you want the reader to remember, then to formulate your questions or purposes based on those points.∙Additional information not related to the 2-4 key points may be included in a table, but need not be included in the text.∙Must use TEMPLATE for guide: Click for template.∙All observational studies (Level of Evidence III-IV) reporting patient data should provide all relevant information following the STROBE Guideline (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology) guidelines. These guidelines unify the reporting of observational studies and enhance the ability of future researchers to perform systematic reviews and meta-analyses. This will increase the impact of your article.The STROBE Initiative∙All randomized controlled trials (Level of Evidence I-II) should follow and submit the checklist of the CONSORT (CONsolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) Group. These guidelines unify the reporting of trials studies and enhance the ability of future researchers to perform systematic reviews and meta-analyses. This will increase the impact of your article.Checklist of the CONSORT Group∙General Guidelines for Clinical Followup:∙Articles reporting total joint arthroplasty– Minimum of 2 years followup on each patient when the device is relatively new. For older devices, for which there arepreviously reported results, we request a mean of 5 years. If the data suggest a highcomplication or failure rate, we have no minimum followup time requirements.∙Articles reporting tumors–The minimum time for followup depends on the purposes or questions and the tumor type. For articles reporting survival, we generally require aminimum followup reflecting the median time for recurrence or metastasis; these timesshould be documented by literature citations in the Introduction.∙Articles reporting trauma–The minimum time for all patients should be that time required for greater than 90% of the patients with that injury to heal, but typically oneyear for major long bone fractures. For ligament repairs we recommend a minimumfollowup of 2 years in the absence of substantial failures.∙Articles reporting infections–The minimum time for all patients will generally be that for most recurrences to appear; this will usually require a minimum of 1 year but all times should be justified. Criteria for infection must be clearly defined.∙Articles reporting followup of previously reported studies– In the Introduction briefly describe why longer followup should be reported (eg, new findings). Patients andMethods should be brief and refer to the previous study. The Discussion should be brief and focus on new findings. The manuscript (Introduction through Discussion) shouldcontain no more than 2000 words.BASIC RESEARCH ARTICLES (Fewer than 3000 words) (Navigate above)Articles exploring mechanisms in the musculoskeletal system or the effects of treatment typically not involving patients, although they may if the point is to explore mechanisms.∙Must follow the GUIDELINES in Writing for Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research ∙Must organize as a QUESTION-DRIVEN text: authors must pose 2-4 specific questions (or hypotheses or purposes) in the Introduction and then have 2-4 corresponding paragraphs in Results and Discussion. It may be easiest for you to consider the 2-4 points you think most important or you want the reader to remember, then to formulate your questions or purposes based on those points.∙Additional information not related to the 2-4 key points may be included in a table, but need not be included in the text.∙Must use TEMPLATE for guide: Click for template.SURVEY ARTICLES (Systematic Reviews or Meta-analyses) (Fewer than 5000 words) (Navigate above)We occasionally publish unsolicited survey articles (typically either systematic reviews or meta-analyses). Please contact the Editor-in-Chief prior to submitting.∙Must organize as a QUESTION-DRIVEN Text: authors should pose 2-4 specific questions (or hypotheses or purposes) in the Introduction and then have 2-4 corresponding paragraphs in Discussion. It may be easiest for you to consider the 2-4 points you think most important or you want the reader to remember, then to formulate your questions or purposes based on those points.∙Must use TEMPLATE for guide: Click for template.∙Include all key search engines (eg, MedLine, EMBASE, Google Scholar).∙Survey articles must have Introduction and Discussion sections, but the intervening sections may vary depending upon the particulars of the topic.∙Systematic reviews follow the Cochrane guidelines:The Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions∙We also suggest authors submitting systematic reviews read the following article. Click for article.Wright RW, Brand RA, Dunn W, Spindler KP. How to write a systematic review. Clin Orthop Rel Res. 2007;455:23-29.∙Meta-analyses follow the QUORUM (Quality of Reporting of Meta-analyses) guidelines and should include a flow chart as shown in the article. Click for article.Moher D, Cook DJ, Eastwood S, Olkin I, Rennie D, Stroup DF. Improving the quality of reports of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials: the QUOROM statement.QUOROM Group. Br J Surg. 2000;87:1448-1454.SURGICAL TECHIQUE (Fewer than 2000 words) (Navigate above)We encourage the submission of articles reporting new surgical approaches or substantial modifications of previously reported techniques.∙Must contain Introduction, Technique, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion. The Introduction should include the need and rationale for the new technique.∙Must use TEMPLATE for guide: Click for template.∙The technique should be described succinctly, yet with enough detail to be used by others.∙To validate the technique some results must be included in the text. These results must be appropriate for the problem being addressed and include sufficient numbers of patients, followup times, and assessment methods to warrant use by other physicians.∙The Discussion should be short and describe the advantages and disadvantages of the technique compared with previous techniques.∙We encourage authors to submit short video clips of unique aspects of the surgery (see instructions for submitting electronic supplementary material).CASE REPORTS (Fewer than 2000 words) (Navigate above)We receive a large number of case reports and typically accept those of exceptional teaching value. These might include the following: (1) a diagnostic dilemma; (2) an unusual manifestation of disease processes; (3) an unusual treatment challenge; (4) an unanticipated early failure or complications of some treatment. We typically do not accept cases in which two entities are associated since conditions may occur coincidentally, rather than causally. We also do not typically consider those situations for which the focus of the report is treatment since the success or failure of a treatment in a single case would not provide a basis for generalizing. Authors must include a comprehensive literature review if a rare event.∙ Must contain the following sections: Introduction, Case Report, and Discussion.∙Must use TEMPLATE for guide: Click for template.ORTHOPAEDIC CASE OF THE MONTH (Fewer than 2000 words) (Navigate above) These are case reports presented as unknowns. They have a required structure.∙Must use TEMPLATE for guide: Click for template.LETTERS-TO-THE-EDITOR (Fewer than 500 words) (Navigate above)We consider Letters-to-the-Editor only related to articles previously published in CORR.WRITING FOR CORR® (Navigate above)Authors of all articles are requested to read, “Writing for Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research”Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2008;466:239-247, before preparing manuscripts; manuscripts not following these guidelines may be returned.Writing for Clinical Orthopaedics and Related ResearchAUTHORSHIP (Navigate above)CORR’s approach to authorship is based on three principles:∙Giving credit only to those who earn it –Gift authorship is unethical, diminishes the contributions of authors who did the actual work, and harms the careers of younginvestigators.∙Protecting authors –Clear authorship standards protect authors from being held responsible for errors in data collection or acts of scientific misconduct they did not commit.∙Recognizing that answering important scientific questions often requires collaboration –The right size of the team is the size required to get the project done, but not every contribution merits authorship; for smaller contributions, an acknowledgement may be the right approach. CORR adheres to the guidelines on authorship outlined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (10/2008), which can be viewed at: /ethical_1author.html; a detailed presentation of our policy is also available at [Research is a Team Sport: Updated Authorship Guidelines for CORR®, /10.1007/s11999-013-2796-y] MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS (Navigate above)COPYRIGHT TRANSFERAt the time of submission authors will be asked to transfer copyright of the article to The Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons® (or grant the Publisher exclusive publication and dissemination rights). This will ensure the widest possible protection and dissemination of information under copyright laws.Completion of the Copyright Transfer Agreement, Authorship Responsibility, Financial Disclosure, Government Work Statement, and Disclosure Regarding Commercial Interests form is required at original submission. Each author must complete a form. To fulfill this requirement, the corresponding author must send the form below to each coauthor. Once all authors have signed a form, the corresponding author must collect the document(s) and upload with the submission into Editorial Manager on behalf of the coauthors.∙The Copyright Transfer Agreement∙Authorship Responsibility∙Financial Disclosure∙Government Work Statement∙Disclosure Regarding Commercial Interests formLink for these forms: Copyright Transfer Agreement, Authorship Responsibility,Financial Disclosure, Government Work Statement, and Disclosure RegardingCommercial Interests form∙Copy of letter from ethical committee approving your study (required for all studies involving humans or animals)ICMJE UNIFORM DISCLOSURE FORM FOR POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTERESTCompletion of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Uniform Disclosure Form for Potential Conflicts of Interest is required at original submission. Each author must complete a form. Authors can access the interactive PDF form at the link below, complete the form electronically, and save (this form can be updated for future manuscripts as needed). The corresponding author must collect each of the document(s) and upload with the submission into Editorial Manager on behalf of the coauthors.Link for this form: ICMJE Uniform Disclosure Form for Potential Conflicts of Interest(/coi_disclosure.pdf)HOW TO SUBMIT (Navigate above)Authors submit their manuscripts online. You may connect directly to the site/CORR/ and upload all of your manuscript files. Follow the instructions given on the screen.Blinded Reviews: Authors of Clinical and Basic Research Articles have a choice of submitting their manuscripts for open or blinded review. Contributors to symposia, workshops, or proceedings are open review articles. For open review the title page should be the first page of the manuscript. For blinded review the title page must be created as a separate document and separately uploaded in Editorial Manager. Authors submitting manuscripts for blinded review are responsible for blinding of the manuscript text, including the names of the authors' institution, references to previous work, etc. Authors should be aware any referenced crucial methods or data referenced in the text and published by the authors would be obvious to reviewers. Reviewer Suggestions: Authors are encouraged to provide names of potential reviewers and may request specific individuals not review the work. Suggested reviewers should not be in the same institution of any author and should not have been a past collaborator of any author.THE MANUSCRIPT (Navigate above)TITLE PAGEThis page must include the following:∙ Title (containing fewer than 80 characters including spaces)∙ Running title (containing fewer than 40 characters including spaces)∙Author name(s) and final degree(s) (must follow authorship guidelines)∙The affiliation, address, and e-mail addresses of all authors∙Conflict of interest statement∙Ethical review committee statement∙ A statement of the location where the work was performed (only if authors are from multiple institutions)∙The e-mail address of the corresponding authorConflict of Interest Statement (Navigate above)Authors of all manuscripts published in CORR must clarify any and all potential conflicts of interest. On the Title Page please note any funding or financial support or potential sources of conflict of interest (this information must be consistent with the information entered in the ICMJE Uniform Disclosure Form for Potential Conflicts of Interest):∙Consultancies, stock ownership, equity interest, patent/licensing arrangements, etc.∙If any author has directly received research funding and/or has potential conflicts of interest, state, "One or more of the authors () has received funding from" and note thesource and the initials of those authors who received funding in the parentheses.∙If your institution received any sort of support, state, "The institution of one or more of the authors () has received funding from…" and insert the initials of those authors in the parentheses and note the source.∙If you received no financial support please note, "Each author certifies that he or she has no commercial associations (eg, consultancies, stock ownership, equity interest,patent/licensing arrangements, etc) that might pose a conflict of interest in connectionwith the submitted article."∙If you or any author have received or may receive any personal payment or in-kind benefit or other professional benefits from a commercial entity (eg, serve as aconsultant), please note, "XXX has or may receive payments or benefits from YYYrelated to this work." (Complete this for each author with initials XXX receiving anysort of payments or benefits from commercial entity YYY.)Ethical Review Committee Statement (Navigate above)Manuscripts involving humans or human data or animals must be accompanied by a copy of the letter from your ethical committee approving your study. The editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the above-mentioned requirements. The author will be held responsible for false statements or failure to fulfill the above-mentionedrequirements.∙CORR requires all studies to have been performed in accordance with the ethical standards in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki∙All studies must have been carried out in accordance with relevant regulations of the US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Details that mightdisclose the identity of the subjects under study should be omitted.TEXT STYLETEXT FORMATTING∙Use a normal, plain font (12-point Times Roman) for text.∙Double space all text.∙Use the automatic page-numbering function to number the pages.∙Do not use field functions.∙Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar.∙Use the table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables.∙Use the equation editor or MathType for equations.∙Insert line numbers (Abstract through Discussion only)HEADING LEVELS, NUMBERINGCORR® requires main section headings but does not typically use subheadings. If subheadings are necessary, please use no more than one level of subheadings.ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMSNonstandard abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.SI UNITS, NUMBERSAlways use internationally accepted signs and symbols for units, SI units.TERMINOLOGYGeneric names of drugs and pesticides are preferred; if trade names are used, the generic name should be given at first mention. You must parenthetically provide the manufacturer, city, and country of all drugs, devices, assay materials, and instruments.Avoid reference to trade names in your Title, Abstract, and Introduction unless the material applies only to a single device (eg, a high failure rate); rather use generic names. Trade names may and should be used in Materials and Methods if specific devices were used. FOOTNOTESFootnotes on the title page are not given reference symbols. We do not allow footnotes in the body of the manuscript. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters or asterisks.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSAcknowledgments should be placed in a separate section before the reference list. Note any nonfinancial acknowledgments. Begin with, “We thank…” and specify the nature of the contribution of the individual or individuals.IN-TEXT CITATIONSCitations in the text should be identified by numbers in square brackets, not superscript. Some examples:∙Negotiation research spans many disciplines [3].∙Carrier systems include inorganic material synthetic polymer [10, 14, 18], natural polymers [14, 25, 33], and bone allograft [2, 16].∙This effect has been widely studied [1-3, 7].REFERENCESThe list of references should only include works cited in the text or tables or figures that have been published in full form or accepted for publication in full form. If a method or critical interpretation depends on an accepted (but not yet published) manuscript, authors should include a copy with their submission for the reviewers. Abstracts may not be used as citations. Personal communications and unpublished works should not be cited (unless absolutely essential to make an otherwise unreferenced point). Do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for a reference list.∙References should be alphabetized. Use the last name of the first author of each work. With multiple references by the same first author, alphabetize by the last name of a second and then third author if necessary. With multiple references by the same set of authors, thereferences should be ordered by the year.∙List all authors.∙Use only official PubMed journal abbreviations and italicize those names.∙Submission of references implies the authors have read the entire article and not merely the Abstract.∙Examples:∙Journal article: Kaplan FS, August CS, Dalinka MK. Bone densitometry observations of osteopetrosis in response to bone marrow transplantation. Clin Orthop Relat Res.1993;294:79-84.∙Chapter: Glick JM. Arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis. In: Guhl JF, Parisien JS, Boynton MD, eds. Foot and Ankle Arthroscopy. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Springer; 2004:163-174.∙Book: Watkins RG. Surgical Approaches to the Spine. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Springer;2003.∙Website: Health Care Financing Administration. 2004 statistics. Available a t: /stats/stathili.htm. Accessed July 29, 2005.FIGURE LEGENDS∙All illustrations must directly relate to a distinct point in the text; avoid redundant illustrations.∙Provide a separate legend page(s) following the References.∙For figures with multiple parts (eg, 1A, 1B, 1C) each part requires a separate legend. For example: Fig. 2A-B. The graph shows a Kaplan-Meier survival curve for (A) men and (B) women.∙Legends must be written in grammatically complete sentences.∙Identify previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference citation at the end of the figure caption.FIGURES∙All figures must be numbered using Arabic numerals.∙Cite figures in order of appearance in the text.∙All figures and tables must be cited separately in the text.∙In multipart figures each figure part should be denoted by uppercase letters in the lower left-hand corner; each part should be cited in the text.∙Color may be used to make points not readily illustrated with black and white; for example, surgical photographs, histologic sections, or complex graphics. Please see Color in Print below.∙To adhere to HIPAA regulations, no information should allow a patient to be identified.Mask all faces and remove all markings including patient identification from radiographs before photographing.∙If absolutely essential to illustrate a key point, photographs of recognizable persons must be accompanied by signed consent from the subject or legal guardian.∙Arrows or lettering denoting particular features should be large enough to be seen when the photograph is reduced in size.∙Magnification, internal scale markers, and stains must be included when appropriate.∙All line or original drawings must be professional quality.∙Any manuscript containing figures must have publication quality images submitted with the manuscript.∙We will not be able to send manuscripts for review without all relevant images.∙For more information about preparing your illustrations, please click link below.CORR® Artwork GuidelinesTABLES∙Create tables in your word processor using the table utility.∙Number the tables using Arabic numerals and cite in order of appearance in the text.∙Each table requires a brief heading describing the content. Tables do not have legends.∙Previously published tables or modifications of previously published tables must be referenced at the end of the table heading. We require written permission from the copyright holder for inclusion of such tables.∙All columns must have a heading.∙For a horizontal table: 10-12 columns and 35-40 rows are maximum (including title and spacing).∙For a vertical table: 6-8 columns and 50-60 rows are maximum (including title and spacing). ∙Footnotes beneath the table body may be used to describe entries requiring additional explanation. Nonstandard abbreviations should be spelled out fully in a footnote.∙Each table must be uploaded as a separate file and properly labeled in Editorial Manager.∙All tables must be cited separately in the text and each must make separate points.PERMISSIONS from Prior PublicationsAuthors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain written permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and the online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. We cannot refund any costs that may have occurred to receive these permissions from other publishers. Some publishers do not grant electronic rights for free. In these cases we ask that you use figures from other sources. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL (ESM) (Navigate above)CORR® invites contributing authors to publish additional, article-related materials on the Web site that complement and reinforce information published in the print journal.If Electronic Supplementary Material (ESM) is submitted, it will be published as received from the author in the online version only. All standard instructions for manuscript and video submission should be followed. ESM may consist of (1) information that cannot be printed: animations, video clips, sound recordings; (2) information that is more convenient in electronic form: sequences, spectral data, etc; (3) large amounts of original data, eg, additional tables, illustrations.Formatting of EMS∙The manuscript text must make specific mention of the material as a citation, similar to that of figures and tables: eg, (". . . as shown in Animation 3.").∙To accommodate user downloads, keep to the recommended upper limit for the size of the different file types. Larger-sized files may require very long download times, and some users may experience other problems during downloading.∙Video clips should not exceed 6 minutes or 60 MB. Anything exceeding 6 minutes must be submitted in two separate videos.∙Supply all supplementary material in standard file formats.∙Always use MPEG-1 (.mpg) format.∙Multimedia file for review and submission: Supply the MPEG-1 file with the largest frame size (usually 320 x 240 pixels) that will fit on a CD and will be playable on a Windows-based computer.。



EUTECH INSTRUMENTS PTE LTD. INSTRUCTION MANUAL SILVER/SILVER SULFIDE ION ELECTRODETABLE OF CONTENTSGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (3)Introduction (3)Required Equipment (3)Required Solutions (3)GENERAL PREPARATION (5)Electrode Preparation (5)Electrode Slope Check (with pH/mV meter) (5)Electrode Slope Check (with ion meter) (6)MEASUREMENT (7)Measuring Hints (7)Sample Requirements (7)Units of Measurement (8)MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE (8)Direct Measurement (8)Direct Measurement of Silver (using a pH/mV meter) (8)Direct Measurement of Silver (using an ion meter) (9)Direct Measurement of Sulfide (using a pH/mV meter) (10)Direct Measurement of Sulfide (using an ion meter) (11)Low Level Silver Determinations (using a pH/mV meter) (12)TITRATION (13)Titration of Sulfide (14)Titration of Silver (14)Low Level Chloride Titration (15)Indicator Titration (16)ELECTRODE CHARACTERISTICS (18)Reproducibility (18)Interference (18)Complexation (18)Temperature Influences (18)Electrode Response (19)Limits of Detection (20)pH Effects (20)Electrode Life (20)Electrode Storage (20)ELECTRODE THEORY (21)Electrode Operation (21)TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE (22)Meter (22)Glassware (22)Electrodes (22)Standards and Reagents (23)Sample (23)Technique (23)TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS (24)SPECIFICATIONS (26)ORDERING INFORMATION (26)EUTECH INSTRUMENTS PTE LTD.SILVER/SULFIDE ION ELECTRODEINSTRUCTION MANUALGENERAL INSTRUCTIONSIntroductionEutech Silver/Sulfide Ion Electrode is used to measure silver and sulfide ions in aqueous solutions quickly, simply, accurately, and economically. The two ions are virtually never present in solution together, owing to the extreme insolubility of silver sulfide. Indirect measurements of cyanide or measurements of halide ions by titration may be done with this electrode.Required Equipment1. A pH/mV meter or an ion meter, either line operated or portable.2. Semi-logarithmic 4-cycle graph paper for preparing calibration curves when using themeter in the mV mode. Gran's plot paper (10% volume corrected) is recommended for low level chloride measurement.3. A magnetic stirrer.4.Eutech Silver/Sulfide Ion Combination Epoxy-body Electrode, Code no. EC-AGS-03.5.Polishing Paper, Code no. EC-MIS-PP, to polish dirty or etched electrode membranes. Required Solutions1. Deionized or distilled water for solution and standard preparation. Water used in thepreparation of sulfide standards and of SAOB should also be de-aerated.For Silver:2. Eutech Ionic Strength Adjuster (ISA), 5M NaNO3, Code no. EC-ISA-SS1-BT. To preparethis solution from your own laboratory stock, half fill a 1,000 ml volumetric flask with distilled water and add 425 grams of reagent- grade sodium nitrate, NaNO3. Swirl the flask to dissolve the solid. Fill the flask to the mark with distilled water, cap, and upend the flask several times to mix the contents.3. Eutech Silver Standard Solution, 0.1M AgNO3, Code no. EC-SCS-SS1-BT. To preparethis solution from your own laboratory stock, dry reagent-grade, pulverized silver nitrate ina laboratory oven for one hour at 150o C. Quantitatively transfer 16.99 grams of the driedsilver nitrate to a 1 liter flask containing about 500 ml of distilled water. Swirl the flask to dissolve the solid. Fill the flask to the mark with distilled water, cap and upend severaltimes to mix the solution. Store the solution in a brown bottle, tightly capped, in a dark place.4. Eutech Silver Standard, 1,000 ppm as Ag+, Code no. EC-SCS-SS2-BT. To prepare thissolution from your own laboratory stock, dry reagent-grade, pulverized silver nitrate in a laboratory oven for one hour at 150o C. Quantitatively transfer 1.57 grams of the dried silver nitrate to a 1 liter volumetric flask containing about 500 ml of distilled water. Swirl the flask to dissolve the solid. Fill the flask to the mark with distilled water, cap, and upend several times to mix the solution. Store the solution in a brown bottle, tightly capped, in a dark place.5. Chloride Titrant (low level), 2.82X10-3M AgNO3. Dry reagent-grade, pulverized silvernitrate as described above in Silver Standards. Quantitatively transfer 0.479 grams of dried silver nitrate to a 1 liter volumetric flask about half-full of distilled water. Swirl the flask to dissolve the solid. Fill to the mark with distilled water, cap, and upend several times to mix the solution. Store in a brown bottle in a dark place.For Sulfide:6.Eutech Sulfide Anti-Oxidant Buffer (SAOB) kit, Code No. EC-ISA-SS2-BT. This buffermust be used fresh and will range in color from clear to yellow-brown. It has become oxidized when it turns dark brown and should then be discarded. Store fresh SAOB in a tightly closed bottle. To prepare SAOB from your own stock, fill a 1 liter volumetric flask with about 500 ml of distilled, de-aerated water, 200 ml of 10M NaOH, 35 grams of ascorbic acid, and 67 grams of disodium EDTA. Swirl the mixture until the solids dissolve and fill to the mark with distilled, de-aerated water.7.Sulfide Standard. To prepare a stock solution of saturated sodium sulfide, add about 100grams of reagent grade Na2S.9H2O to 100 ml of distilled, de-aerated water. Shake well and let stand overnight, storing in a tightly closed bottle in a hood.Prepare a weekly sulfide standard by adding 500 ml SAOB to a 1 liter volumetric flask, pipetting 10 ml of the stock solution into the flask, and diluting to the mark with distilled, de-aerated water.The exact concentration, C, can be determined by titrating 10 ml of the standard with 0.1M lead perchlorate. Use silver/sulfide ion electrode (and the reference electrode) to indicate the endpoint.The calculation is as follows:C = 3206 (V t/V s)whereC = concentration as ppm sulfideV t = volume of titrant at endpointV s = volume of standard used (10 ml)Prepare other standards each day by serial dilution of the weekly standard. To do a ten-fold dilution, accurately measure 10 ml of the standard and add it to a 100 ml volumetric flask.Add 45 ml of SAOB and dilute to the mark with distilled, de-aerated water.GENERAL PREPARATIONElectrode PreparationRemove the rubber caps covering the electrode tips and the rubber insert covering the filling hole of the reference electrode. Fill the combination electrode or the reference electrode with the filling solution shipped with the electrode to a level just below the fill hole. No preparation is required for a sealed reference electrode. Connect the electrodes to the proper terminals as recommended by the meter manufacturer.Electrode Slope Check (with pH/mV meter)(Check electrodes each day)Using silver standards:1. To a 150 ml beaker, add 100 ml of distilled water and 2 ml of ISA. Place the beaker on amagnetic stirrer and begin stirring at a constant rate. After assuring that the meter is in the mV mode, lower the electrode tips into the solution.2. Using a pipet, add 1 ml of 0.1M or 1,000 ppm silver standard to the beaker. When thereading has stabilized, record the millivolt reading.3. Using a pipet, add 10 ml of the same silver standard used above to the beaker. When thereading has stabilized, record the millivolt reading.4. Determine the difference between the two readings. A difference of 57±2 mV indicatescorrect electrode operation, assuming the solution temperature is between 20o and 25o C.See the TROUBLESHOOTING section if the potential change is not within this range. Using sulfide stock solutions:1. To a 150 ml beaker, add 50 ml of distilled water and 50 ml of SAOB solution. Place thebeaker on a magnetic stirrer and begin stirring at a constant rate. After assuring that the meter is in the mV mode, lower the electrode tips into the solution.2. Using a pipet, add 1 ml of weekly standard sulfide solution to the beaker. When thereading has stabilized, record the millivolt reading.3. Using a pipet, add 10 ml of weekly standard sulfide used above to the beaker. When thereading has stabilized, record the millivolt reading.4. Determine the difference between the two readings. A difference of 26±2 mV indicatescorrect electrode operation, assuming the solution temperature is between 20o and 25o C.See the TROUBLESHOOTING section if the potential change is not within this range.Slope is defined as the change in potential observed when the concentration changes by a factor of 10.Electrode Slope Check (with ion meter)(Check electrodes each day)Using silver standards:1.Prepare standard silver solutions whose concentrations vary by tenfold. Use either the0.1M AgNO3 or 1,000 ppm stock solutions. Use the serial dilution method for thispreparation.2.To a 150 ml beaker, add 100 ml of the lower value standard and 2 ml of ISA. Place thebeaker on a magnetic stirrer and begin stirring at a constant rate. Lower the electrode tips into the solution. Assure that the meter is in the concentration mode.3.Adjust the meter to the concentration of the standard and fix the value in the memoryaccording to the meter manufacturer's instructions.4.Rinse the electrodes with distilled water and blot dry.5.To another 150 ml beaker, add 100 ml of the higher value standard and 2 ml of ISA. Placethe beaker on a magnetic stirrer and begin stirring at a constant rate. Lower the electrode tips into the solution.6.Adjust the meter to the concentration of the standard and fix the value in the memory.7.Read the electrode slope according to the meter manufacturer's instructions. Correctelectrode operation is indicated by a slope of 90-100%. See the TROUBLESHOOTINGsection if the potential is not within this range.Using sulfide stock solutions:1.Prepare standard sulfide solutions whose concentrations vary by tenfold. Use the serialdilution method and the weekly sulfide standard to prepare these solutions.2.To a 150 ml beaker, add 50 ml of the lower value standard, 25 ml of SAOB, and 25 ml ofdistilled water. Place the beaker on a magnetic stirrer and begin stirring at a constant rate.Lower the electrode tips into the solution. Assure that the meter is in the concentration mode.3.Adjust the meter to the concentration of the standard and fix the value in the memoryaccording to the meter manufacturer's instructions.4.Rinse the electrodes with distilled water and blot dry.5.To a 150 ml beaker, add 50 ml of the higher value standard, 25 ml of SAOB, and 25 ml ofdistilled water. Place the beaker on a magnetic stirrer and begin stirring at a constant rate.Lower the electrode tips into the solution.6.Adjust the meter to the concentration of the standard and fix the value in the memory.7.Read the electrode slope according the meter manufacturer's instructions. Correct electrodeoperation is indicated by a slope of 90-100%. See the TROUBLESHOOTING section if the slope is not within this range.MEASUREMENTMeasuring HintsAll samples and standards should be at the same temperature for precise measurement. A difference of 1 o C in temperature will result in about a 2% measurement error.Constant, but not violent, stirring is necessary for accurate measurement. Magnetic stirrers can generate sufficient heat to change the solution temperature. To counteract this effect, place a piece of insulating material, such as styrofoam sheet, between the stirrer and beaker.All silver samples and silver standards should be stored away from light.Always dilute sulfide samples with SAOB (1:1) when they are collected.Always rinse the electrodes with distilled water and blot dry between measurements. Use a clean, dry tissue to prevent cross-contamination.A slow-responding electrode may point to deposits on the membrane. Use polishing paper to remove such deposits. See the section on Electrode Response.For low level silver measurements, use labware made of plastic.For samples with high ionic strength, prepare standards whose composition is similar to the sample. Always check to see that the membrane is free from air bubbles after immersion into the standard or sample.Sample RequirementsAll samples must be aqueous and not contain organics which can dissolve the epoxy electrode body and/or cement bonding the sensing crystal to the electrode body. Infrequent measurements in solutions containing methanol, benzene, or acetone are permitted. Please check with Eutech Instruments Pte Ltd. before using the electrode in other organic solvents.The temperature of the standard solution and of the sample solution should be the same and below 80o C.Samples containing sulfide must be buffered with SAOB to convert HS-1 and H2S to S-2.Samples containing silver must be below pH 8 to avoid reaction with OH-1. Silver samples should be acidified with 1M HNO3, if necessary.Mercury cannot be present in silver samples. Since HgS and Hg2S are insoluble, no mercury will be present in sulfide samples. Other interference should be absent. If they are present, use the procedures found in the Interference and Electrode Response sections to remove them.Units of MeasurementSilver and sulfide concentrations are measured in units of parts per million, equivalents per liter, moles per liter, or any other convenient concentration unit. Table 1 indicates some of the concentration units.TABLE 1: Concentration Unit Conversion FactorsAg+1N(S-2) M(Ag+1)ppmS-2 ppm2.00X10-2 1.00X10-2321.0 1079.0100.0 --- 6.23X10-3 3.12X10-332.1 108.0 2.00X10-3 1.00X10-3--- 100.0 1.84X10-3 9.27X10-43.2 10.8 2.00X10-4 1.00X10-4MEASUREMENT PROCEDUREDirect MeasurementDirect measurement is a simple procedure for measuring a large number of samples. A single meter reading is all that is required for each sample. The ionic strength of samples and standards should be made the same by adjustment with SAOB for all sulfide solutions and with ISA for all silver solutions. The temperature of both sample solution and standard solution should be the same. Direct Measurement of Silver (using a pH/mV meter)1. By serial dilution of the 0.1M or 1,000 ppm standards, prepare 10-2, 10-3, and 10-4M or 100and 10 ppm silver standards. Add 2 ml of ISA per 100 ml of standard. Prepare standards with a composition similar to the samples if the samples have an ionic strength above0.1M.2. Place the most dilute solution (1.0X10-4M or 10 ppm) on the magnetic stirrer and beginstirring at a constant rate. After assuring that the meter is in the mV mode, lower the electrode tips into the solution. When the reading has stabilized, record the mV reading.3. Place the midrange solution (1.0X10-3M or 100 ppm) on the magnetic stirrer and beginstirring. After rinsing the electrodes with distilled water, blot dry and immerse the electrode tips in the solution. When the reading has stabilized, record the mV reading.4. Place the most concentrated solution (1.0X10-2M or 1,000 ppm) on the magnetic stirrerand begin stirring. After rinsing the electrodes with distilled water, blot dry and immerse the electrode tips in the solution. When the reading has stabilized, record the mV reading.5. Using the semi-logarithmic graph paper, plot the mV reading (linear axis) againstconcentration (log axis). Extrapolate the curve down to about 2.0X10-6M or 0.2 ppm. A typical calibration curve can be found in Figure 2.A calibration curve is constructed on semi-logarithmic paper when using apH/mV meter in the millivolt mode. The measured electrode potential inmV (linear axis) is plotted against the standard concentration (log axis). Inthe linear region of the curve, only three standards are necessary todetermine a calibration curve. In the non-linear region, additional pointsmust be measured. The direct measurement procedures given are for thelinear portion of the curve. The non-linear portion of the curve requires theuse of low level procedures.6. To a clean, dry 150 ml beaker, add 100 ml of sample and 2 ml of ISA. Place the beaker onthe magnetic stirrer and begin stirring. Place the electrode tips in the solution. When the reading has stabilized, record the mV reading. Determine the concentration directly from the calibration curve.7. The calibration should be checked every two hours. Assuming no change in ambienttemperature, place the electrode tips in the mid-range standard. After the reading has stabilized, compare it to the original reading recorded in Step 3 above. A reading differing by more than 0.5 mV or a change of ambient temperature will necessitate the repetition of Steps 2-5 above. A new calibration curve should be prepared daily.Direct Measurement of Silver (using an ion meter)1. By serial dilution of the 0.1M or 1,000 ppm silver standard, prepare two silver standardswhose concentration is near the expected sample concentration. Measure out 100 ml of each standard into individual 150 ml beakers and add 2 ml of ISA to each.2. Place the more dilute solution on the magnetic stirrer and begin stirring at a constant rate.Assure that the meter is in the concentration mode.3. Lower the electrode tips into the solution.4. Adjust the meter to the concentration of the silver standard and fix the value in the memoryaccording to the meter manufacturer's instructions after stabilization of the reading.5. Rinse the electrodes with distilled water and blot dry.6. Place the more concentrated solution on the magnetic stirrer and begin stirring at aconstant rate.7. Lower the electrode tips into the solution.8. Adjust the meter to the concentration of the silver standard and fix the value in the memoryaccording to the meter manufacturer's instructions after stabilization of the reading.9. For low level measurements, place the rinsed, dried electrodes into the solution containing100 ml of distilled water and 2 ml of ISA. After stabilization, fix the blank value in the meter according to the meter manufacturer's instructions.10. Place 100 ml of the sample and 2 ml of ISA in a 150 ml beaker, place it on the magneticstirrer, and begin stirring.11. Immerse the electrode tips in the solution and wait for the reading to stabilize. Read theconcentration directly from the meter display.12. The calibration should be checked every two hours. Assuming no change in ambienttemperature, place the electrode tips in the first silver standard. After the reading has stabilized, compare it to the original reading in Step 4 above. A reading differing by more than 0.5 mV or a change in the ambient temperature will necessitate the repetition of Steps 2-8 (9) above. The meter should be re-calibrated daily.Direct Measurement of Sulfide (using a pH/mV meter)1. By serial dilution of the weekly standard, prepare three standard sulfide solutions.Measure out 50 ml of each standard into individual 150 ml beakers and add 25 ml of SAOB and 25 ml of distilled water to each.2. Place the most dilute solution on the magnetic stirrer and begin stirring at a constant rate.After assuring that the meter is in the mV mode, lower the electrode tips into the solution.When the reading has stabilized, record the mV reading.3. Place the midrange sulfide standard on the magnetic stirrer and begin stirring. After rinsingthe electrodes with distilled water, blot dry and immerse the electrode tips in the solution.When the reading has stabilized, record the mV reading.4. Place the most concentrated sulfide standard on the magnetic stirrer and begin stirring.After rinsing the electrodes with distilled water, blot dry and immerse the electrode tips in the solution. When the reading has stabilized, record the mV reading.5. Using the semi-logarithmic graph paper, plot the mV reading (linear axis) againstconcentration (log axis). A typical calibration curve can be found in Figure 1.A calibration curve is constructed on semi-logarithmic paper when using apH/mV meter in the millivolt mode. The measured electrode potential inmV (linear axis) is plotted against the standard concentration (log axis). Inthe linear region of the curve, only three standards are necessary todetermine a calibration curve. In the non-linear region, additional pointsmust be measured. The direct measurement procedures given are for thelinear portion of the curve. The non-linear portion of the curve requires theuse of low level procedures.6. To a clean, dry 150 ml beaker, add 50 ml of the sulfide sample, 25 ml of SAOB, and 25 mlof distilled water. Place the beaker on the magnetic stirrer and begin stirring. Place the electrode tips in the solution. When the reading has stabilized, record the mV reading.Determine the concentration directly from the calibration curve.7. The calibration should be checked every two hours. Assuming no change in ambienttemperature, place the electrode tips in the mid-range standard. After the reading has stabilized, compare it to the original reading recorded in Step 3 above. A reading differing by more than 0.5 mV or a change in the ambient temperature will necessitate the repetition of Steps 2-5 above. A new calibration curve should be prepared daily.Direct Measurement of Sulfide (using an ion meter)1. By serial dilution of the weekly standard, prepare two sulfide standards whoseconcentration is near the expected sample concentration. Measure out 50 ml of eachstandard into individual 150 ml beakers and add 25 ml of SAOB and 25 ml of distilled water to each.2. Place the more dilute solution on the magnetic stirrer and begin stirring at a constant rate.Assure that the meter is in the concentration mode.3. Lower the electrode tips into the solution.4. Adjust the meter to the concentration of the sulfide standard and fix the value in thememory according to the meter manufacturer's instructions after stabilization of the reading.5. Rinse the electrodes with distilled water and blot dry.6. Place the more concentrated solution on the magnetic stirrer and begin stirring at aconstant rate.7. Lower the electrode tips into the solution.8. Adjust the meter to the concentration of the sulfide standard and fix the value in thememory according to the meter manufacturer's instructions after stabilization of the reading.9. For low level measurements, place the rinsed, dried electrodes into the solution containing50 ml of SAOB and 50 ml of distilled water. After stabilization, fix the blank value in themeter according to the meter manufacturer's instructions.10. Place 50 ml of the sample, 25 ml of SAOB, and 25 ml of distilled water in a 150 mlbeaker, place it on the magnetic stirrer, and begin stirring.11. Immerse the electrode tips in the solution and wait for the reading to stabilize. Read theconcentration directly from the meter display.12. The calibration should be checked every two hours. Assuming no change in ambienttemperature, place the electrode tips in the first sulfide standard. After the reading has stabilized, compare it to the original reading in Step 4 above. A reading differing by more than 0.5 mV or a change in the ambient temperature will necessitate the repetition of Steps 2-8 (9) above. The meter should be re-calibrated daily.Low Level Silver Determinations (using a pH/mV meter)This procedure is recommended for solutions with ionic strengths less than 1.0X10-2M. If the solution is high in ionic strength, but low in silver, use the same procedure, but prepare a calibration solution with a composition similar to the samples.1. Using 1 ml of standard ISA, dilute to 100 ml with distilled water. This low level ISA(1.0M NaNO3) is added at the rate of 1 ml low level ISA to each 100 ml of sample. Thebackground ionic strength will be 1.0X10-2M.2. Dilute 1 ml of 0.1M standard to 1 liter to prepare a 1.0X10-4M solution for measurementsin moles per liter. Prepare a 10 ppm standard solution by diluting 1 ml of the 1,000 ppm standard to 100 ml of solution for measurements in ppm. Standards should be prepared fresh daily.3. Add 1 ml of low level ISA to a 100 ml volumetric flask and fill to the mark with distilledwater. Pour this solution into a 150 ml beaker and place the beaker on the magnetic stirrer.Begin stirring at a constant rate.4. Place the electrode tips in the solution. Assure that the meter is in the mV mode.5. Add increments of the 1.0X10-4M or 10 ppm silver standard as given in Table 2 below.6.After the reading has stabilized, record the mV reading.TABLE 2: Stepwise Calibration for Low Level Silver MeasurementsConcentrationAddedStep Pipet Volume (ml) ppm M1 A 0.1 0.01 1.0X10-72 A 0.1 0.02 2.0X10-73 A 0.2 0.04 4.0X10-74 A 0.2 0.06 6.0X10-75 A 0.4 0.10 9.9X10-76 B 2.0 0.29 2.9X10-67 B 2.0 0.48 4.8X10-6Pipet A = 1 ml graduated pipetPipet B = 2 ml pipetSolutions: additions of 10 ppm or 1.0X10-4Mstandard to 100 ml of ISA as prepared in Step 3 above.7. On semi-logarithmic graph paper, plot the millivolt reading (linear axis) against theconcentration (log axis) as in Figure 2.8. Rinse the electrodes in distilled water and blot dry.9. Measure out 100 ml of the sample into a 150 ml beaker, add 1 ml of low level ISA, andplace the beaker on the magnetic stirrer. Begin stirring. Lower the electrode tips into the solution. After the reading has stabilized, record the mV reading and determine the concentration from the low level calibration curve.10. Prepare a new low level calibration curve daily. Check the calibration curve every twohours by repeating Steps 2-7.TITRATIONTitration is a very accurate determination of total sulfide or total silver concentration. This method makes use of the electrode as an endpoint detector. The electrode can also be used to determine halide concentrations.Titration of SulfideThe minimum sulfide sample concentration for this method is 1.0X10-5M. The titrant to be used isa lead perchlorate standard solution.1. Using Eutech Lead Perchlorate Solution, 0.1M, Code No. EC-SCS-PB1-BT, prepare a leadtitrant that is about 10-20 times as concentrated as the expected sample concentration by dilution.2. Dilute 25 ml of the sample with 25 ml of SAOB in a 150 ml beaker. Place the beaker onthe magnetic stirrer and begin stirring. Lower the tips of the electrodes into the solution. 3. Using a 10 ml burette, add titrant in 0.5-1.0 ml increments. Record the mV reading againstthe volume of titrant added. As the mV potential change increases, add smaller increments, down to 0.1-0.2 ml increments. Continue to add titrant and record the mV potential against the volume until little change is noted in the mV reading even when adding 0.5-1.0 ml linear graph paper, plot the mV readings (y-axis) against the volume (x-axis). Theend point is determined at the steepest slope on the titration curve as illustrated in Figure 3.5. The sample concentration, Cs, is calculated before the dilution with SAOB, as follows:C s = (V t/V s) C twhereV s = sample volume before dilution (25 ml)V t = titrant volume at endpointC t = titrant concentration (M)Titration of SilverEutech Silver/Sulfide Ion Electrode is a highly sensitive endpoint detector for silver titration with a halide standard solution. It can also be used as an indicator for halide titration with a silver standard solution.。

________________________________________________ Session S3C MINORITY ENGINEERING PROGRAM C

________________________________________________ Session S3C MINORITY ENGINEERING PROGRAM C

________________________________________________ 1Joseph E. Urban, Arizona State University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, P.O. Box 875406, Tempe, Arizona, 85287-5406, joseph.urban@ 2Maria A. Reyes, Arizona State University, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Po Box 874521, Tempe, Arizona 852189-955, maria@ 3Mary R. Anderson-Rowland, Arizona State University, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, P.O. Box 875506, Tempe, Arizona 85287-5506, mary.Anderson@MINORITY ENGINEERING PROGRAM COMPUTER BASICS WITH AVISIONJoseph E. Urban 1, Maria A. Reyes 2, and Mary R. Anderson-Rowland 3Abstract - Basic computer skills are necessary for success in an undergraduate engineering degree program. Students who lack basic computer skills are immediately at risk when entering the university campus. This paper describes a one semester, one unit course that provided basic computer skills to minority engineering students during the Fall semester of 2001. Computer applications and software development were the primary topics covered in the course that are discussed in this paper. In addition, there is a description of the manner in which the course was conducted. The paper concludes with an evaluation of the effort and future directions.Index Terms - Minority, Freshmen, Computer SkillsI NTRODUCTIONEntering engineering freshmen are assumed to have basic computer skills. These skills include, at a minimum, word processing, sending and receiving emails, using spreadsheets, and accessing and searching the Internet. Some entering freshmen, however, have had little or no experience with computers. Their home did not have a computer and access to a computer at their school may have been very limited. Many of these students are underrepresented minority students. This situation provided the basis for the development of a unique course for minority engineering students. The pilot course described here represents a work in progress that helped enough of the students that there is a basis to continue to improve the course.It is well known that, in general, enrollment, retention, and graduation rates for underrepresented minority engineering students are lower than for others in engineering, computer science, and construction management. For this reason the Office of Minority Engineering Programs (OMEP, which includes the Minority Engineering Program (MEP) and the outreach program Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA)) in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS) at Arizona State University (ASU) was reestablished in 1993to increase the enrollment, retention, and graduation of these underrepresented minority students. Undergraduate underrepresented minority enrollment has increased from 400 students in Fall 1992 to 752 students in Fall 2001 [1]. Retention has also increased during this time, largely due to a highly successful Minority Engineering Bridge Program conducted for two weeks during the summer before matriculation to the college [2] - [4]. These Bridge students were further supported with a two-unit Academic Success class during their first semester. This class included study skills, time management, and concept building for their mathematics class [5]. The underrepresented minority students in the CEAS were also supported through student chapters of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE). The students received additional support from a model collaboration within the minority engineering student societies (CEMS) and later expanded to CEMS/SWE with the addition of the student chapter of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) [6]. However, one problem still persisted: many of these same students found that they were lacking in the basic computer skills expected of them in the Introduction to Engineering course, as well as introductory computer science courses.Therefore, during the Fall 2001 Semester an MEP Computer Basics pilot course was offered. Nineteen underrepresented students took this one-unit course conducted weekly. Most of the students were also in the two-unit Academic Success class. The students, taught by a Computer Science professor, learned computer basics, including the sending and receiving of email, word processing, spreadsheets, sending files, algorithm development, design reviews, group communication, and web page development. The students were also given a vision of advanced computer science courses and engineering and of computing careers.An evaluation of the course was conducted through a short evaluation done by each of five teams at the end of each class, as well as the end of semester student evaluations of the course and the instructor. This paper describes theclass, the students, the course activities, and an assessment of the short-term overall success of the effort.M INORITY E NGINEERING P ROGRAMSThe OMEP works actively to recruit, to retain, and to graduate historically underrepresented students in the college. This is done through targeted programs in the K-12 system and at the university level [7], [8]. The retention aspects of the program are delivered through the Minority Engineering Program (MEP), which has a dedicated program coordinator. Although the focus of the retention initiatives is centered on the disciplines in engineering, the MEP works with retention initiatives and programs campus wide.The student’s efforts to work across disciplines and collaborate with other culturally based organizations give them the opportunity to work with their peers. At ASU the result was the creation of culturally based coalitions. Some of these coalitions include the American Indian Council, El Concilio – a coalition of Hispanic student organizations, and the Black & African Coalition. The students’ efforts are significant because they are mirrored at the program/staff level. As a result, significant collaboration of programs that serve minority students occurs bringing continuity to the students.It is through a collaboration effort that the MEP works closely with other campus programs that serve minority students such as: Math/Science Honors Program, Hispanic Mother/Daughter Program, Native American Achievement Program, Phoenix Union High School District Partnership Program, and the American Indian Institute. In particular, the MEP office had a focus on the retention and success of the Native American students in the College. This was due in large part to the outreach efforts of the OMEP, which are channeled through the MESA Program. The ASU MESA Program works very closely with constituents on the Navajo Nation and the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation. It was through the MESA Program and working with the other campus support programs that the CEAS began investigating the success of the Native American students in the College. It was a discovery process that was not very positive. Through a cohort investigation that was initiated by the Associate Dean of Student Affairs, it was found that the retention rate of the Native American students in the CEAS was significantly lower than the rate of other minority populations within the College.In the spring of 2000, the OMEP and the CEAS Associate Dean of Student Affairs called a meeting with other Native American support programs from across the campus. In attendance were representatives from the American Indian Institute, the Native American Achievement Program, the Math/Science Honors Program, the Assistant Dean of Student Life, who works with the student coalitions, and the Counselor to the ASU President on American Indian Affairs, Peterson Zah. It was throughthis dialogue that many issues surrounding student success and retention were discussed. Although the issues andconcerns of each participant were very serious, the positiveeffect of the collaboration should be mentioned and noted. One of the many issues discussed was a general reality that ahigh number of Native American students were c oming to the university with minimal exposure to technology. Even through the efforts in the MESA program to expose studentsto technology and related careers, in most cases the schoolsin their local areas either lacked connectivity or basic hardware. In other cases, where students had availability to technology, they lacked teachers with the skills to help them in their endeavors to learn about it. Some students were entering the university with the intention to purse degrees in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) areas, but were ill prepared in the skills to utilize technology as a tool. This was particularly disturbing in the areas of Computer Science and Computer Systems Engineering where the basic entry-level course expected students to have a general knowledge of computers and applications. The result was evident in the cohort study. Students were failing the entry-level courses of CSE 100 (Principals of Programming with C++) or CSE 110 (Principals of Programming with Java) and CSE 200 (Concepts of Computer Science) that has the equivalent of CSE 100 or CSE 110 as a prerequisite. The students were also reporting difficulty with ECE 100, (Introduction to Engineering Design) due to a lack of assumed computer skills. During the discussion, it became evident that assistance in the area of technology skill development would be of significance to some students in CEAS.The MEP had been offering a seminar course inAcademic Success – ASE 194. This two-credit coursecovered topics in study skills, personal development, academic culture issues and professional development. The course was targeted to historically underrepresented minority students who were in the CEAS [3]. It was proposed by the MEP and the Associate Dean of Student Affairs to add a one-credit option to the ASE 194 course that would focus entirely on preparing students in the use of technology.A C OMPUTERB ASICSC OURSEThe course, ASE 194 – MEP Computer Basics, was offered during the Fall 2001 semester as a one-unit class that met on Friday afternoons from 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm. The course was originally intended for entering computer science students who had little or no background using computer applications or developing computer programs. However, enrollment was open to non-computer science students who subsequently took advantage of the opportunity. The course was offered in a computer-mediated classroom, which meantthat lectures, in- class activities, and examinations could all be administered on comp uters.During course development prior to the start of the semester, the faculty member did some analysis of existing courses at other universities that are used by students to assimilate computing technology. In addition, he did a review of the comp uter applications that were expected of the students in the courses found in most freshman engineering programs.The weekly class meetings consisted of lectures, group quizzes, accessing computer applications, and group activities. The lectures covered hardware, software, and system topics with an emphasis on software development [9]. The primary goals of the course were twofold. Firstly, the students needed to achieve a familiarity with using the computer applications that would be expected in the freshman engineering courses. Secondly, the students were to get a vision of the type of activities that would be expected during the upper division courses in computer science and computer systems engineering and later in the computer industry.Initially, there were twenty-two students in the course, which consisted of sixteen freshmen, five sophomores, and one junior. One student, a nursing freshman, withdrew early on and never attended the course. Of the remaining twenty-one students, there were seven students who had no degree program preference; of which six students now are declared in engineering degree programs and the seventh student remains undecided. The degree programs of the twenty-one students after completion of the course are ten in the computing degree programs with four in computer science and six in computer systems engineering. The remaining nine students includes one student in social work, one student is not decided, and the rest are widely distributed over the College with two students in the civil engineering program and one student each in bioengineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, material science & engineering, and mechanical engineering.These student degree program demographics presented a challenge to maintain interest for the non-computing degree program students when covering the software development topics. Conversely, the computer science and computer systems engineering students needed motivation when covering applications. This balance was maintained for the most part by developing an understanding that each could help the other in the long run by working together.The computer applications covered during the semester included e-mail, word processing, web searching, and spreadsheets. The original plan included the use of databases, but that was not possible due to the time limitation of one hour per week. The software development aspects included discussion of software requirements through specification, design, coding, and testing. The emphasis was on algorithm development and design review. The course grade was composed of twenty-five percent each for homework, class participation, midterm examination, and final examination. An example of a homework assignment involved searching the web in a manner that was more complex than a simple search. In order to submit the assignment, each student just had to send an email message to the faculty member with the information requested below. The email message must be sent from a student email address so that a reply can be sent by email. Included in the body of the email message was to be an answer for each item below and the URLs that were used for determining each answer: expected high temperature in Centigrade on September 6, 2001 for Lafayette, LA; conversion of one US Dollar to Peruvian Nuevo Sols and then those converted Peruvian Nuevo Sols to Polish Zlotys and then those converted Polish Zlotys to US Dollars; birth date and birth place of the current US Secretary of State; between now and Thursday, September 6, 2001 at 5:00 pm the expected and actual arrival times for any US domestic flight that is not departing or arriving to Phoenix, AZ; and your favorite web site and why the web site is your favorite. With the exception of the favorite web site, each item required either multiple sites or multiple levels to search. The identification of the favorite web site was introduced for comparison purposes later in the semester.The midterm and final examinations were composed of problems that built on the in-class and homework activities. Both examinations required the use of computers in the classroom. The submission of a completed examination was much like the homework assignments as an e-mail message with attachments. This approach of electronic submission worked well for reinforcing the use of computers for course deliverables, date / time stamping of completed activities, and a means for delivering graded results. The current technology leaves much to be desired for marking up a document in the traditional sense of hand grading an assignment or examination. However, the students and faculty member worked well with this form of response. More importantly, a major problem occurred after the completion of the final examination. One of the students, through an accident, submitted the executable part of a browser as an attachment, which brought the e-mail system to such a degraded state that grading was impossible until the problem was corrected. An ftp drop box would be simple solution in order to avoid this type of accident in the future until another solution is found for the e-mail system.In order to get students to work together on various aspects of the course, there was a group quiz and assignment component that was added about midway through the course. The group activities did not count towards the final grade, however the students were promised an award for the group that scored the highest number of points.There were two group quizzes on algorithm development and one out-of-class group assignment. The assignment was a group effort in website development. This assignment involved the development of a website that instructs. The conceptual functionality the group selected for theassignment was to be described in a one-page typed double spaced written report by November 9, 2001. During the November 30, 2001 class, each group presented to the rest of the class a prototype of what the website would look like to the end user. The reports and prototypes were subject to approval and/or refinement. Group members were expected to perform at approximately an equal amount of effort. There were five groups with four members in four groups and three members in one group that were randomly determined in class. Each group had one or more students in the computer science or computer systems engineering degree programs.The three group activities were graded on a basis of one million points. This amount of points was interesting from the standpoint of understanding relative value. There was one group elated over earning 600,000 points on the first quiz until the group found out that was the lowest score. In searching for the group award, the faculty member sought a computer circuit board in order to retrieve chips for each member of the best group. During the search, a staff member pointed out another staff member who salvages computers for the College. This second staff member obtained defective parts for each student in the class. The result was that each m ember of the highest scoring group received a motherboard, in other words, most of the internals that form a complete PC. All the other students received central processing units. Although these “awards” were defective parts, the students viewed these items as display artifacts that could be kept throughout their careers.C OURSE E VALUATIONOn a weekly basis, there were small assessments that were made about the progress of the course. One student was selected from each team to answer three questions about the activities of the day: “What was the most important topic covered today?”, “What topic covered was the ‘muddiest’?”, and “About what topic would you like to know more?”, as well as the opportunity to provide “Other comments.” Typically, the muddiest topic was the one introduced at the end of a class period and to be later elaborated on in the next class. By collecting these evaluation each class period, the instructor was able to keep a pulse on the class, to answer questions, to elaborate on areas considered “muddy” by the students, and to discuss, as time allowed, topics about which the students wished to know more.The overall course evaluation was quite good. Nineteen of the 21 students completed a course evaluation. A five-point scale w as used to evaluate aspects of the course and the instructor. An A was “very good,” a B was “good,” a C was “fair,” a D was “poor,” and an E was “not applicable.” The mean ranking was 4.35 on the course. An average ranking of 4.57, the highest for the s even criteria on the course in general, was for “Testbook/ supplementary material in support of the course.” The “Definition and application of criteria for grading” received the next highest marks in the course category with an average of 4.44. The lowest evaluation of the seven criteria for the course was a 4.17 for “Value of assigned homework in support of the course topics.”The mean student ranking of the instructor was 4.47. Of the nine criteria for the instructor, the highest ranking of 4.89 was “The instructor exhibited enthusiasm for and interest in the subject.” Given the nature and purpose of this course, this is a very meaningful measure of the success of the course. “The instructor was well prepared” was also judged high with a mean rank of 4.67. Two other important aspects of this course, “The instructor’s approach stimulated student thinking” and “The instructor related course material to its application” were ranked at 4.56 and 4.50, respectively. The lowest average rank of 4.11 was for “The instructor or assistants were available for outside assistance.” The instructor keep posted office hours, but there was not an assistant for the course.The “Overall quality of the course and instruction” received an average rank of 4.39 and “How do you rate yourself as a student in this course?” received an average rank of 4.35. Only a few of the students responded to the number of hours per week that they studies for the course. All of the students reported attending at least 70% of the time and 75% of the students said that they attended over 90% of the time. The students’ estimate seemed to be accurate.A common comment from the student evaluations was that “the professor was a fun teacher, made class fun, and explained everything well.” A common complaint was that the class was taught late (3:40 to 4:30) on a Friday. Some students judged the class to be an easy class that taught some basics about computers; other students did not think that there was enough time to cover all o f the topics. These opposite reactions make sense when we recall that the students were a broad mix of degree programs and of basic computer abilities. Similarly, some students liked that the class projects “were not overwhelming,” while other students thought that there was too little time to learn too much and too much work was required for a one credit class. Several students expressed that they wished the course could have been longer because they wanted to learn more about the general topics in the course. The instructor was judged to be a good role model by the students. This matched the pleasure that the instructor had with this class. He thoroughly enjoyed working with the students.A SSESSMENTS A ND C ONCLUSIONSNear the end of the Spring 2002 semester, a follow-up survey that consisted of three questions was sent to the students from the Fall 2001 semester computer basics course. These questions were: “Which CSE course(s) wereyou enrolled in this semester?; How did ASE 194 - Computer Basi cs help you in your coursework this semester?; and What else should be covered that we did not cover in the course?”. There were eight students who responded to the follow-up survey. Only one of these eight students had enrolled in a CSE course. There was consistency that the computer basics course helped in terms of being able to use computer applications in courses, as well as understanding concepts of computing. Many of the students asked for shortcuts in using the word processing and spreadsheet applications. A more detailed analysis of the survey results will be used for enhancements to the next offering of the computer basics course. During the Spring 2002 semester, there was another set of eight students from the Fall 2001 semester computer basi cs course who enrolled in one on the next possible computer science courses mentioned earlier, CSE 110 or CSE 200. The grade distribution among these students was one grade of A, four grades of B, two withdrawals, and one grade of D. The two withdrawals appear to be consistent with concerns in the other courses. The one grade of D was unique in that the student was enrolled in a CSE course concurrently with the computer basics course, contrary to the advice of the MEP program. Those students who were not enrolled in a computer science course during the Spring 2002 semester will be tracked through the future semesters. The results of the follow-up survey and computer science course grade analysis will provide a foundation for enhancements to the computer basics course that is planned to be offered again during the Fall 2002 semester.S UMMARY A ND F UTURE D IRECTIONSThis paper described a computer basics course. In general, the course was considered to be a success. The true evaluation of this course will be measured as we do follow-up studies of these students to determine how they fare in subsequent courses that require basic computer skills. Future offerings of the course are expected to address non-standard computing devices, such as robots as a means to inspire the students to excel in the computing field.R EFERENCES[1] Office of Institutional Analysis, Arizona State UniversityEnro llment Summary, Fall Semester , 1992-2001, Tempe,Arizona.[2] Reyes, Maria A., Gotes, Maria Amparo, McNeill, Barry,Anderson-Rowland, Mary R., “MEP Summer Bridge Program: A Model Curriculum Project,” 1999 Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 1999, CD-ROM, 8 pages.[3] Reyes, Maria A., Anderson-Rowland, Mary R., andMcCartney, Mary Ann, “Learning from our MinorityEngineering Students: Improving Retention,” 2000Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education,St. Louis, Missouri, June 2000, Session 2470, CD-ROM, 10pages.[4] Adair, Jennifer K,, Reyes, Maria A., Anderson-Rowland,Mary R., McNeill, Barry W., “An Education/BusinessPartnership: ASU’s Minority Engineering Program and theTempe Chamber of Commerce,” 2001 Proceeding, AmericanSociety for Engineering Education, Albuquerque, NewMexico, June 2001, CD-ROM, 9 pages.[5] Adair, Jennifer K., Reyes, Maria A., Anderson-Rowland,Mary R., Kouris, Demitris A., “Workshops vs. Tutoring:How ASU’s Minority Engineering Program is Changing theWay Engineering Students Learn, “ Frontiers in Education’01 Conference Proceedings, Reno, Nevada, October 2001,CD-ROM, pp. T4G-7 – T4G-11.[6] Reyes, Maria A., Anderson-Rowland, Mary R., Fletcher,Shawna L., and McCartney, Mary Ann, “ModelCollaboration within Minority Engineering StudentSocieties,” 2000 Proceedings, American Society forEngineering Education, St. Louis, Missouri, June 2000, CD-ROM, 8 pages.[7] Anderson-Rowland, Mary R., Blaisdell, Stephanie L.,Fletcher, Shawna, Fussell, Peggy A., Jordan, Cathryne,McCartney, Mary Ann, Reyes, Maria A., and White, Mary,“A Comprehensive Programmatic Approach to Recruitmentand Retention in the College of Engineering and AppliedSciences,” Frontiers in Education ’99 ConferenceProceedings, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 1999, CD-ROM, pp. 12a7-6 – 12a7-13.[8] Anderson-Rowland, Mary R., Blaisdell, Stephanie L.,Fletcher, Shawna L., Fussell, Peggy A., McCartney, MaryAnn, Reyes, Maria A., and White, Mary Aleta, “ACollaborative Effort to Recruit and Retain UnderrepresentedEngineering Students,” Journal of Women and Minorities inScience and Engineering, vol.5, pp. 323-349, 1999.[9] Pfleeger, S. L., Software Engineering: Theory and Practice,Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1998.。



Original of the C language I、Background

Program language for operation system
O.S. (Operation system) eg: DOS, UNIX,Win95, Win98, Win2k, WinXP etc formerly:Assembly language(汇编语言) Complexity(复杂),fallible(易出错) latterly:The C programming language Readable,contact with hardware
example1.1 Print “Hello world.” on screen comment /* The first C Program*/ include information about standard library #include <stdio.h> define a function called main main() that received no argument values { statements of main are enclosed in braces printf(“Hello world.\n”); } Output: Hello world.

Program statements

comment eg: /*This is the main /* of example1.1*/ */

§1.4 Practice on computer
Algorithm(算法) What is Algorithm? -Methods and steps to solve some questions. Program = Algorithm(算法) + Syntax(语法) Basic requirements for Algorithm -Finite(有穷性),Certainty(确定性),Availability(有效性) Expression methods(表示方法) -Natural Language(自然语言),Flow Chart(流程图), -N-S Structure, Fake Code(伪代码)


Register-memory architectures
– One operand can be memory.
Load-store architectures
– All operands are registers (except for load/store) 3
Four Architecture Classes
Instructions for Control Flow
Instruction Format
The Role of Compilers
The MIPS Architecture
CDA 5155 – Spring 2012
Copyright © 2012 Prabhat Mishra
Some architectures support a decimal format
Packed decimal or binary-coded decimal (BCD)
(0.10)10 = (?)2 Answers
0.10 0.0001 0.1010 0.000110011
Some decimal fractions does not have exact representation in binary.
SPEC CPU2000 on Alpha
Sign bit is not counted
© 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Addressing Mode for FFT
FFTs start or end their processing with data shuffled in a particular order.

The ATN SARPs.ed3vol9-Registration (REG)

The ATN SARPs.ed3vol9-Registration (REG)

The ATN SARPsSubvolume NineATN Registration (Reg)Third Edition(Final Editor’s Draft)This PDF version has been prepared for the ATNP Working Groups by Helios InformationServices Ltd. – Please check our web site regularly for updates to the draft SARPsErrata and DisclaimerPlease note that this document has been prepared from a number of separate files and no attempt has been made to ensure continuity of page numbers. You may therefore find some overlap between page numbers.This document has been prepared on a “best efforts” basis and no warrantee is offered as to its correctness.FOREWORDThe material contained in this document was originally developed as the detailed part of the first set of Standards and Recommended Practices(SARPs)for the aeronautical telecommunication network (ATN)which has commonly been referred to as the CNS/ATM-1Package.It was intended to make the material an appendix to the new Chapter3of Annex10,Volume III,Part I,containing broad,general,stable and mostly regulatory-type provisions(the core part of new ATN SARPs).In December1997,the Air Navigation Commission(ANC),while conducting the final review of draft ATN SARPs,agreed that the detailed part of ATN SARPs should be published as an ICAO manual (to be updated annually,if necessary),while retaining its SARPs-style language.The ANC has reviewed the status of the document in light of continuing worldwide ATN implementation.The Third Edition includes amendments from implementors and regulatory authorities,as well as four new Sub-Volumes to answer requirements for further standardization,in the interests of safety,regularity and efficiency of international civil aviation.This document consists of nine Sub-Volumes:Sub-Volume I—Introduction and System Level RequirementsSub-Volume II—Air-Ground ApplicationsSub-Volume III—Ground-Ground ApplicationsSub-Volume IV—Upper Layer Communications Service(ULCS)Sub-Volume V—Internet Communications Service(ICS)Sub-Volume VI—System Management(SM)Sub-Volume VII—Directory Services(DIR)Sub-Volume VIII—Security(SEC)Sub-Volume IX—Registration(REG)Provisions contained in Sub-Volumes II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,and IX have been developed in accordance with system requirements specified in Sub-Volume I.In line with the agreement by the ANC that the document should be updated on a yearly basis(if deemed necessary),the Third Edition has been published to incorporate changes necessitated by continuing validation and actual implementation activities.(iii)TABLE OF CONTENTSSUB-VOLUME I.INTRODUCTION AND SYSTEM LEVEL REQUIREMENTS1.1Definitions and References...................................................I-11.1.1Definitions.........................................................I-11.1.2References........................................................I-24 1.2General.................................................................I-37 1.3System Level Requirements..................................................I-39SUB-VOLUME II.AIR-GROUND APPLICATIONS2.1Context Management Application.............................................II-12.1.1Introduction.......................................................II-12.1.2General Requirements................................................II-72.1.3The Abstract Service.................................................II-82.1.4Formal Definitions of Messages.......................................II-312.1.5Protocol Definition.................................................II-382.1.6Communication Requirements........................................II-1072.1.7CM User Requirements.............................................II-1092.1.8Subsetting Rules..................................................II-123 2.2Automatic Dependent Surveillance Applications................................II-1262.2.1Automatic Dependent Surveillance Application...........................II-1262.2.2Automatic Dependent Surveillance Report ForwardingApplication......................................................II-264 2.3Controller Pilot Data Link Communication Application...........................II-2962.3.1Introduction.....................................................II-2962.3.2General Requirements..............................................II-2982.3.3The Abstract Service...............................................II-2992.3.4Formal Definitions of Messages......................................II-3132.3.5Protocol Definition................................................II-3632.3.6Communication Requirements........................................II-4192.3.7CPDLC User Requirements.........................................II-4202.3.8Subsetting Rules.................................................II-477 2.4Flight Information Services Application.......................................II-4812.4.1Introduction.....................................................II-4812.4.2General Requirements..............................................II-4882.4.3The Abstract Service...............................................II-4892.4.4Formal Definitions of Messages......................................II-5002.4.5Protocol Definition................................................II-5422.4.6Communication Requirements........................................II-594(v)(vi)Manual of Technical Provisions for the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network(ATN)2.4.7FIS User Requirements.............................................II-5952.4.8Subsetting Rules.................................................II-602SUB-VOLUME III.GROUND-GROUND APPLICATIONS3.1ATS Message Handling Services(ATSMHS)...................................III-13.1.1Introduction......................................................III-13.1.2ATS Message Service...............................................III-7 3.2ATS Interfacility Data Communications.....................................III-3273.2.1Introduction....................................................III-3273.2.2General Requirements.............................................III-3313.2.3The AIDC-AE Abstract Service.....................................III-3323.2.4The AIDC-ASE Abstract Service....................................III-3473.2.5The AIDC Control Function........................................III-3583.2.6The AIDC-ASE Protocol Definition..................................III-3893.2.7AIDC Formal Definitions..........................................III-4283.2.8Communication Requirements.......................................III-4513.2.9AIDC-user Requirements..........................................III-4523.2.10Sequence Diagrams...............................................III-455SUB-VOLUME IV.UPPER LAYER COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE4.1INTRODUCTION..........................................................IV-14.1.1Scope and Objectives.................................................IV-14.1.2Background........................................................IV-24.1.3Structure of UL Communications Service Specification.......................IV-34.1.4Upper Layer Functionality.............................................IV-44.1.5Conventions........................................................IV-6 4.2DIALOGUE SERVICE DESCRIPTION.........................................IV-74.2.1Scope of Dialogue Service...........................................IV-74.2.2Service Primitives...................................................IV-84.2.3Service Definition...................................................IV-9 4.3APPLICATION ENTITY(AE)DESCRIPTION..................................IV-184.3.1Introduction.......................................................IV-184.3.2Application Level Naming and Context Definition..........................IV-204.3.3Control Function Specification.........................................IV-29 4.4SESSION LAYER REQUIREMENTS..........................................IV-934.4.1Protocol versions implemented.........................................IV-944.4.2Session Functional units.............................................IV-954.4.3Protocol mechanisms................................................IV-974.4.4Supported Roles...................................................IV-99Table of Contents(vii)4.4.5Supported SPDUs.................................................IV-1014.4.6Use of null-encoding and short-connect protocol options.....................IV-1044.4.7Mapping to the ATN Internet Transport Service...........................IV-105 4.5PRESENTATION LAYER REQUIREMENTS..................................IV-1074.5.1Protocol mechanisms...............................................IV-1084.5.2Use of null-encoding and short-connect protocol options.....................IV-1094.5.3Mapping of Presentation Primitives to the Null Encoding option...............IV-1104.5.4Functional units...................................................IV-1114.5.5Elements of procedure..............................................IV-1134.5.6Supported Presentation Protocol Data Units(PPDUs)......................IV-115 4.6ACSE SPECIFICATION...................................................IV-1174.6.1Protocol details...................................................IV-1174.6.2Protocol versions..................................................IV-1184.6.3Supported roles...................................................IV-1194.6.4Protocol mechanisms...............................................IV-1214.6.5ACSE Functional units.............................................IV-1224.6.6Supported APDUs.................................................IV-1234.6.7Mapping to the Presentation Service...................................IV-130 4.7CONNECTIONLESS DIALOGUE SERVICE AND PROFILE......................IV-1314.7.1Scope of Connectionless Dialogue Service...............................IV-1314.7.2Service Primitives.................................................IV-1324.7.3The D-UNIT-DATA service.........................................IV-1334.7.4Control Function for the Connectionless Mode Dialogue Service..............IV-1364.7.5Subsetting Rules..................................................IV-1434.7.6APRL for Connectionless Session Protocol..............................IV-1444.7.7APRL for Connectionless Presentation Protocol...........................IV-1464.7.8APRL for Connectionless ACSE Protocol...............................IV-148 4.8SECURITY APPLICATION SERVICE OBJECT................................IV-1524.8.1Scope and Structure................................................IV-1524.8.2General Requirements..............................................IV-1554.8.3The SA Abstract Service............................................IV-1564.8.4Formal Definition of Messages.......................................IV-1604.8.5Definition of the Security ASO Control Function(SA-CF)...................IV-1634.8.6SESE Profile Requirements..........................................IV-173 4.9GENERIC ATN COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE SPECIFICATION.................IV-1804.9.1Scope and Structure................................................IV-1804.9.2GACS Service Definition............................................IV-1854.9.3Protocol Definition................................................IV-1944.9.4Communication Requirements........................................IV-2304.9.5User Requirements................................................IV-2324.9.6Subsetting Rules..................................................IV-233(viii)Manual of Technical Provisions for the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network(ATN) SUB-VOLUME V.INTERNET COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE5.1Introduction..............................................................V-1 5.2Definitions and Concepts....................................................V-25.2.1Objectives and Goals................................................V-25.2.2Definitions........................................................V-35.2.3ATN End Systems..................................................V-85.2.4ATN Routers.....................................................V-105.2.5ATN Subnetworks.................................................V-135.2.6Quality of Service Concept...........................................V-165.2.7ATN Security Concept..............................................V-175.2.8ATN Use of Priority................................................V-23 5.3ATN Routing...........................................................V-285.3.1Introduction......................................................V-285.3.2Service Provided by an ATN Router....................................V-305.3.3The Deployment of ATN Components...................................V-385.3.4Ground/Ground Interconnection.......................................V-405.3.5Air/Ground Interconnection...........................................V-435.3.6Handling Routing Information.........................................V-695.3.7Policy Based Selection of Routes for Advertisement to Adjacent RDs...........V-70 5.4Network and Transport Addressing Specification.................................V-785.4.1Introduction......................................................V-785.4.2Transport Layer Addressing..........................................V-795.4.3Network Layer Addressing...........................................V-81 5.5Transport Service and Protocol Specification....................................V-955.5.1General..........................................................V-955.5.2Connection Mode Transport Layer Operation.............................V-985.5.3Connectionless Mode Transport Protocol Operation.......................V-1255.5.4Extended32-bit Checksum.........................................V-129 5.6Internetwork Service and Protocol Specification.................................V-1345.6.1Introduction.....................................................V-1345.6.2ATN Specific Features.............................................V-1355.6.3ATN Specific Requirements for ISO/IEC8473...........................V-1425.6.4APRLs.........................................................V-144 5.7Specification of Subnetwork Dependent Convergence Functions.....................V-1665.7.1Introduction.....................................................V-1665.7.2Service Provided by the SNDCF......................................V-1675.7.3SNDCF for ISO/IEC8802-2Broadcast Subnetworks......................V-1695.7.4SNDCF for the Common ICAO Data Interchange Network(CIDIN)...........V-1705.7.5SNDCF for ISO/IEC8208General Topology Subnetworks..................V-1715.7.6SNDCF for ISO/IEC8208Mobile Subnetworks..........................V-174Table of Contents(ix)5.7.7ATN SNDCF Protocol Requirements List...............................V-236 5.8Routing Information Exchange Specification...................................V-3095.8.1Introduction.....................................................V-3095.8.2End System to Intermediate System Routing Information ExchangeProtocol(ES-IS)over Mobile Subnetworks..............................V-3105.8.3Intermediate System to Intermediate System Inter-Domain RoutingInformation Exchange Protocol.......................................V-318 5.9Systems Management Provisions............................................V-3535.9.1Introduction.....................................................V-353SUB-VOLUME VI.SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT SERVICE6.1.INTRODUCTION..........................................................VI-16.1.1Scope and Objectives................................................VI-16.1.2Structure of ATN Systems Management Specification........................VI-36.1.3Systems Management Model...........................................VI-36.1.4Ground-ground ATN Management Communications.........................VI-46.1.5Air-ground ATN Management Communications.............................VI-46.1.6Terms and abbreviations..............................................VI-6 6.2.NAMING AND ADDRESSING PROVISIONS...................................VI-76.2.1Assignment of Object Identifiers........................................VI-7 6.3.ATN SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT GENERAL REQUIREMENTS...................VI-106.3.1General Provisions..................................................VI-106.3.2General Management Provisions for ATN Upper Layers and Applications........VI-126.3.3General Provisions for ATN Transport Layer..............................VI-146.3.4General Provisions for ATN Lower Layers...............................VI-156.3.5General Provisions for ATN Subnetworks................................VI-196.3.6Accounting Meter Provisions..........................................VI-19 6.4.ATN SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION PROFILES.................VI-226.4.1General Provisions..................................................VI-226.4.2ATN Management Communications Profile using Full OSI Stack..............VI-236.4.3ATN Management Communications Profile using ULCS.....................VI-25 6.5.ATN SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT FUNCTION PROFILE.........................VI-346.5.1Basic Systems Management Functionality................................VI-356.5.2Peer entity authentication at time of association establishment.................VI-356.5.3Systems Management functional unit negotiation...........................VI-356.5.4Access Control....................................................VI-35 6.6.CROSS-DOMAIN MANAGEMENT INFORMATION BASE(XMIB)................VI-366.6.1General Provisions..................................................VI-366.6.2Summary of requirements for cross-domain exchange of management information...............................................................VI-36(x)Manual of Technical Provisions for the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network(ATN)6.6.3Management Information Containment Structure...........................VI-386.6.4Managed Object Class Definitions......................................VI-416.6.5GDMO specification of XMIB.........................................VI-50SUB-VOLUME VII.DIRECTORY SERVICE7.1INTRODUCTION......................................................VII-17.1.1ATN Directory..................................................VII-17.1.2ATN Directory Service Model........................................VII-2 7.2SYSTEM LEVEL PROVISIONS...........................................VII-57.2.1ATN DIR System Level Requirements.................................VII-5 7.3:DIRECTORY SERVICE DEPLOYMENT....................................VII-5 7.4:DIRECTORY OBJECT CLASS AND ATTRIBUTE SPECIFICATION..............VII-67.4.1DSA Object Class Requirements.....................................VII-67.4.2DSA Supported Attribute Types.....................................VII-127.4.3DUA Object Class Requirements....................................VII-207.4.4DUA Supported Attribute Types....................................VII-24 7.5:DIRECTORY SYSTEM SCHEMA.........................................VII-317.5.1Directory Object Class Content Rules.................................VII-317.5.2ASN.1Notation of Object Class Definitions.............................VII-447.5.3ASN.1Notations of ATN Specific Attribute Types.......................VII-487.5.4Specific DIT Structure for Operational Information.......................VII-517.5.5Operational Content of Entries and Subentries...........................VII-517.5.6Content Rules for the Directory System Schema.........................VII-557.5.7ATN Directory Information Tree(DIT)Structure........................VII-557.5.8ATN Directory Matching Rules.....................................VII-60 7.6:DUA PROTOCOL SPECIFICATION......................................VII-647.6.1DUA Support of Directory Access Protocol(DAP)........................VII-647.6.2DUA Support of Distributed Operations................................VII-907.6.3DUA Authentication as DAP Initiator................................VII-100 7.7:DSA PROTOCOL SPECIFICATION......................................VII-1147.7.1DSA Support of Directory Access..................................VII-1147.7.2DSA Support of Distributed Operations.............................VII-1357.7.3DSA Authentication as DAP Responder..............................VII-1407.7.4DSA to DSA Authentication........................................VII-155 7.8USE OF UNDERLYING SERVICES.......................................VII-1657.8.1Use of ROSE services...........................................VII-1657.8.2Use of RTSE services...........................................VII-1657.8.3Use of ASCE services...........................................VII-166Table of Contents(xi)7.8.4Use of the Presentation service....................................VII-1687.8.5Use of the Session service........................................VII-1697.8.6Mapping to the ATN internet......................................VII-178SUB-VOLUME VII.SECURITY SERVICES8.1INTRODUCTION..................................................VIII-1 8.2ATN GENERIC SECURITY SERVICES.......................................VIII-3 8.3ATN SECURITY FRAMEWORK............................................VIII-48.3.1ATN Information Security Framework...................................VIII-48.3.2ATN Physical Security Framework.....................................VIII-14 8.4ATN PUBLIC KEY INFRASTRUCTURE......................................VIII-158.4.1Certificate Policy..................................................VIII-158.4.2Certificate Practice Statement........................................VIII-168.4.3ATN PKI Certificate Format.........................................VIII-178.4.4ATN PKI CRL Format.............................................VIII-258.4.5ATN PKI Certificate and CRL Validation...............................VIII-26 8.5ATN CRYPTOGRAPHIC INFRASTRUCTURE.................................VIII-288.5.1Terms...........................................................VIII-288.5.2Notational Conventions..............................................VIII-298.5.3ATN Cryptographic Setting..........................................VIII-328.5.4ATN Key Agreement Scheme(AKAS)..................................VIII-358.5.5ATN Digital Signature Scheme(ADSS).................................VIII-378.5.6ATN Keyed Message Authentication Code Scheme(AMACS)................VIII-398.5.7ATN Auxiliary Cryptographic Primitives and Functions.....................VIII-41 8.6ATN SYSTEM SECURITY OBJECT.........................................VIII-438.6.1Introduction......................................................VIII-438.6.2General Processing Requirements......................................VIII-458.6.3SSO Functions...................................................VIII-46 8.7ATN SECURITY ASN.1MODULE..........................................VIII-64SUB-VOLUME IX.REGISTRATION SERVICE9.1INTRODUCTION....................................................IX-1 9.2SUBVOLUME IDENTIFIERS................................................IX-29.2.1Application Level Naming and Context Definition...........................IX-2 9.3ATN ADDRESS REGISTRATION.............................................IX-7(xii)Manual of Technical Provisions for the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network(ATN)9.3.1Reserved for State Addresses...........................................IX-79.ATN IDENTIFIER REGISTRATION9.1INTRODUCTION9.1.1The ATN Identifier Registration acts as a central repository for common identifiers used in the ATN.This includes object identifiers(OIDs),application identifiers and other common identifier information.9.1.2OIDs are used to name information objects,such as application contexts,abstract syntaxes and ASN.1modules within an OSI application protocol specification.For the ATN applications,this includes the objects contained in the various Sub-volumes of ICAO Doc9705-AN/956.In order to ensure that successive applications do not have OID conflicts within the ATN domain,all of the ATN-specific OIDs are specified in this document.Other OIDs which are local to the various Sub-volumes(either OSI standard or ATN defined)are not specified here;they are referenced and/or defined as applicable by the Sub-volume that uses them.OIDs which are used by two or more Sub-volumes may be specified here.9.1.3Application identifiers are ATN applications’AE Qualifiers.These are assigned to individual applications as operational needs are identified and the applications themselves are developed.9.1.4Additionally,this document will serve as a repository for ATN addresses.Note.—Structure:a)9.1:INTRODUCTION contains the purpose,structure,and a summary of9.b)9.2:SUB-VOLUME IDENTIFIERS describes the names and hierarchies used by theATN entities.c)9.3:ATN ADDRESS REGISTRATION contains a list of published ATN addresses,which includes but is not limited to regional and/or national Context Management(CM)addresses.IX-1IX-2Manual of Technical Provisions for the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network(ATN)9.2SUB-VOLUME IDENTIFIERS9.2.1Application Level Naming and Context Definition9.2.1.1ATN Naming HierarchyNote1.—Names,in the form of object identifiers(OIDs),are assigned here to the defined ATN entities.Note2.—ISO/IEC9834-1|ITU-T Rec.X.660Amd.2specifies the top of the hierarchical OID name space.At the first level,provision is made for ISO,International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication Standardisation Sector(ITU-T)and joint ISO/ITU-T sub-name spaces.The ISO name space is further subdivided into:a)standard(0)b)registration-authority(1)c)member-body(2)d)identified-organisation(3)Note3.—ICAO has requested and obtained the allocation of an International Code Designator(ICD),according to ISO6523.The ICD obtained,name and number“icao(27)”,uniquely identifies ICAO and allows ICAO to establish its own object identifier name space within the International Organisation arc using the prefix:{iso(1)identified-organisation(3)icao(27)}. the ICAO name space,the initial allocation of object identifiers shall follow the structure and values defined here.Note1.—In the future,it is likely that the ATN object identifier tree will have further levels of structure,and that fully location-independent values will be assigned.Note2.—The ATN naming hierarchy is illustrated in Figure9-1.IX-2ATN identifier registration IX-3atn(0)atn-end-system-air(1)atn-end-system-ground(2)atn-ac(3)icao (27)identified-organisation (3)iso (1)atn-sm (4)atn-security-requirements (5)atn-certificate-authority (6)atn-directory (7)atn-amhs (8)Figure 9-1.ATN Naming Hierarchy9. under the ICAO arc,the values specified in Table 9-1shall be used to specify the next level of the naming hierarchy.Table 9-1.Top-level ICAO IdentifiersName and numeric value Descriptionatn (0)General ATN identifiersatn-end-system-air (1)ATN aircraft end systems.The subsequent OID components beneath are defined in 4.3atn-end-system-ground (2)ATN ground end systems.The subsequent OID components beneath this arc are defined in 4.3atn-ac (3)ATN application context names.The subsequent OID components beneath this arc are defined in 4.3atn-sm (4)ATN system management.The subsequent OID components beneath this arc are defined in 6atn-security-requirements (5)ATN security.The subsequent OID components beneath this arc are defined in this sub-volume and in 4.8atn-certificate-authority (6)ATN certificate authority.The subsequent OID components beneath this arc are defined in 8atn-directory (7)ATN Directory.The subsequent OID components beneath this arc are defined in 7atn-amhs (8)ATN AMHS application.The subsequent OID components beneath this arc are defined in 3。

Installation and operating instructions 1VDD005976 GB_8

Installation and operating instructions 1VDD005976 GB_8

Unit 1-way 2-way 3-way 4-way 5-way
mm 371 696 1021 1346 1671
NHP 102103

1VDD005976 GB
SafeRing / SafePlus
SF6 insulated Ring Main Unit and Compact Switchgear Installation and operating instructions
General description Table of locations Dimensional drawings Transport and handling By receiving Inspection Storage Technical data Electrical data Fuse table for modules Installation Cable compartment Cable connection Current transformers for relay protection Gas pressure Operation Operating conditions Operation Installation and replacement of fuses Relays Additional equipment Low-voltage connections auxiliary contacts Remote control and monitoring unit Capacitive voltage indicator Short circuit indicator Motor operation Cable testing External busbar Arc-suppressor Pressure indicator Base frame Ronis key interlock Top entry box for low voltage cables Low voltage compartment


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第二轮教学质量程序检查 。有关两次检查 的结果可参见 L u ge l:0 5 。 en t 2 0 ) … a 将基于结果的教学模式 明确定为香港高等教育的发展方 向 ,因其 不与资金直 接相关 ,被称为 “ 软”模式 。 质量保障委员会成立 ,其主要任务是促进教 与学 ,而非对 高校进 行全 面检查 ( t ht / w . g.d . k e gqc ) p:/ w w uc eu h / n/ a/ 。 质量保障委员会对香港 中文大学进行首次检查 ,重点考查学生 的学习效果
被作 为未来质 量检查 的重 要指标 。
二 、香港 中文 大学 的质量保 障体 系建 设
香港 中文 大学是 一所具 有双语 传 统 及学 院建 制 的综合 性 、研 究 型 大学 ,有 约 15 0名 本 科 生 、5 00 O个 专业 。大约 9 % 的学生 为来 自香港地 区的 中国人 。其 余 1% 的学生 ,绝 大部分来 自中 国内地 。交 换学 生 0 0
港 高等教育 机构 贯彻 实施效 果导 向的教 育模式 ,即不仅仅 关注毕 业生 的数 量 ,更 关注 与学生 学 习效 果有关
的各 项指标 。高 等学校 正在逐 渐 采纳 基 于 结 果 的教 学 模 式 。香港 特 区政府 的改 革措 施 将 在 2 1 凸显 , 0 2年 届 时香港 的高等教 育体 制将从 三 年变为 四年 。同年 ,香港 的本科 生将增 加 三成 ;进入 大学 的学生 中有些来 自传 统的七 年制 中学 ,还有些 来 自新式 的六 年制 中学 。换句 话 说 ,2 1 0 2~2 1 0 5年 ,香 港 的 大学 将 接 收两 批学 生 :一批 是三 年制 ,一批 是 四年 制 。新 的课 程设 置将致 力于 效果导 向 ,无疑 这一理 念 的贯 彻实施 将会

sonar.exclusions 正则 -回复

sonar.exclusions 正则 -回复

sonar.exclusions 正则-回复什么是正则表达式?在计算机科学中,正则表达式(Regular Expression)是一种用来匹配和操作文本字符串的工具。


正则表达式在很多计算机语言和工具中都得到了广泛的应用,包括编程语言如Python、Java、JavaScript等,以及文本编辑器如Sublime Text、Notepad++等。


下面是一些常用的正则表达式符号和特殊字符:1. 字符匹配:大部分字符在正则表达式中只代表它们自身,比如字母a 匹配小写字母a,数字2匹配数字2等。

2. 点号(.):用于匹配任意一个字符(除了换行符)。

3. 字符集合:用方括号[]表示,用于匹配方括号中的任意一个字符。


4. 反义字符集合:用方括号内的^表示,在方括号内部^用来表示取反。


5. 范围表示:在方括号中使用连字符-表示一个范围。


6. 重复匹配:用特殊字符*表示匹配前一个字符的0次或多次,用+表示匹配前一个字符的1次或多次,用?表示匹配前一个字符的0次或1次。

7. 边界匹配:用特殊字符^表示匹配字符串的开头,用表示匹配字符串的结尾。

8. 子表达式:用圆括号()表示,用于将一组字符视为一个整体进行匹配。


9. 特殊字符转义:有些字符有特殊的含义,如果需要匹配它们本身,需要在前面加上反斜杠\进行转义。



下面是一些正则表达式常见的应用场景:1. 邮箱地址的验证:可以使用正则表达式来判断输入的字符串是否符合邮箱地址的格式,例如是否包含和合法的域名。

UNIX COP 3353 说明书

UNIX COP 3353 说明书

Introduction to UNIXCOP 3353, Spring 2011Department of Computer Science, Florida State UniversityClass time and locationTuesday, 9:30AM-10:20 AM, 201 Milton Carothers Hall (MCH). (Note that this is a one-credit hour course.)Instructor•Instructor: Xiuwen Liu (pronounced as Shu-wen Lea-l).•Email:***********.edu(mosteffectivewaytocontactme).•Home page: /~liux.•Office: 166 Love Building; Phone: (850) 644-0050.•Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 10:45-11:45 AM and by appointments.Teaching Assistant•Teaching assistant: W. Falcon Street.•Email: *************.•Office: 104B Love Building (inside room 104).•Office hours: Wednesday, 12:00noon-2:00PM and by appointments.Class Home Page/~liux/courses/cop3353/index.html.This web site contains the up-to-date information related to this class such as news, announcements, assignments, lecture notes, and useful links to resources that are helpful to this class. Besides the web pages, Blackboard will be used to communicate changes and updates and post grades for this class; in particular, I will send emails using email addresses in the Blackboard system and please make sure that your email address on record is current. RationaleWhile operating systems and platforms based on menus and graphical user interfaces are sufficient for certain applications, they do not provide the flexibility and freedom beyond predefined choices. On the other hand, UNIX operating systems (including various derivatives) provide the flexibility to their users so that problems can be solved more effectively and efficiently. Additionally, they allow the users to specify flexible application dependent choices, integrate and combine different commands (through pipes and input/output redirections), and provide inherent programmability through shell programming. They also provide opportunities for users to understand how various features are implemented, leading to deeper understanding of various aspects of computer systems.Course DescriptionThis course covers the basic aspects of how to use a UNIX operating system effectively, including common UNIX commands and utilities, components and commands of file systems,input/output redirection and pipes, process management, editing programs (pico, vi, and emacs), basic shell programming, makefile and related utilities, and version control.PrerequisitesBasic knowledge using a computer system.Course ObjectivesUpon successful completion of this course of study, the student will:•Know how to create a UNIX account.•Know how to navigate through the file system on a UNIX system.•Know how to use pico, vi, and emacs to edit files on a UNIX system.•Know how to properly set permission for files and directories on a UNIX system.•Know how to properly use common UNIX commands for solving various problems.•Know how to properly use input/output redirections and pipes to combine UNIX commands.•Know how to specify regular expressions to be used with UNIX commands.•Know how to run processes in background and basic job control and process management.•Know how to implement basic shell programs.•Know how to set up a makefile and use make utilities.•Know how to set up and use version control utilities.•Know how to read and understand UNIX manual pages.•Know how to set up a X window system, create and use windows via utilities and programs.Textbook and Course MaterialsRequired textbook, “Learning the UNIX,”5th Edition, O’Reilly, 2002 by Jerry Peek, Grace Todino, and John Strang; ISBN: 0-596-00261-0.Optional reading, “UNIX Power Tools,” 3rd Edition, O’Reilly, 2002 by Shelley Powers, Jerry Peek, Tim O’Reilly, and Mike Loukides. (Note that the materials in this book are not required for the exams and assignments of this course and but it provides useful features and tips from experts for effective problem solving on UNIX systems.)In addition to the textbook, papers and notes from the literature will be distributed occasionally along the lectures, including the following journal:•IEEE Computers.Student ResponsibilitiesAttendance is required for this class. In case that it is necessary to skip a class, students are responsible to make up missed materials. All submitted assignments must be done by the author(s). It is a violation of the Academic Honor Code to submit other’s work and the instructor of this course takes the violations very seriously.Excused absences include documented illness, deaths in the immediate family and other documented crises, call to active military duty or jury duty, religious holy days, and official University activities. Accommodations for these excused absences will be made and will do so in a way that does not penalize students who have a valid excuse. Consideration will also be given to students whose dependent children experience serious illness.Assignments and ProjectsThere will be a number of exercises as checkpoints and will be graded for completeness only and no feedback will be given. About six homework assignments will be given and they need to be turned in. There will be a midterm exam and a final exam.Grading PolicyGrades will be determined as follows:Assignment Points Assignment Points Exercises*10 %Midterm Exam 20 % Homework Assignments* 40 % Final Exam (cumulative) 30 %Grading will be based on the weighted average as specified above and the following scale will be used (suppose the weighted average is S in 100 scale)Score Grade Score Grade Score Grade93 ≤S A80 ≤S < 83B-67 ≤S < 70D+90 ≤S < 93A-77 ≤S < 80C+63 ≤S < 67D87 ≤S < 90B+73 ≤S < 77C60 ≤S < 63D-83 ≤S < 87B70 ≤S < 73C-S< 60 F*Special note: If you have been using Linux at home and routinely use UNIX commands for various tasks, please talk to the instructor by the beginning of the second class and alternative assignments are available in place of exercises and homework assignments.Late PenaltiesExercises are due by the beginning of the class on the due date and no late exercise submissions will be accepted for grading unless prior arrangement has been made. Homework assignments are due at the beginning of the class on the due date and homework assignments turned in late, but before the beginning of the next scheduled class, will be penalized by 10%; homework assignments that are more than one class period late will NOT be accepted.Submission and Return PolicyAll tests/homework will be returned as soon as possible after grading but no later than two weeks from the due date.Tentative Schedule•Week 1: Introduction (Preface and Chapter 1).o Class organization.o General introduction to UNIX.•Week 2: Working with files and directories (Chapter 3 and Chapter 4).•Week 3: Creating and editing files using pico and file related commands (Chapter 4).•Week 4: Editing files using vi and emacs.•Week 5: Redirecting I/O (Chapter 5).•Week 6: Shell variables and customization (Chapter 3).•Week 7: Process management (Chapter 7).•Week 8: Midterm exam review.•Week 9: Midterm exam (Tuesday, March 1, 2011, in class).•Week 10: Spring break.•Weeks 11-13: Shell programming.•Week 14: Makefile and version control utilities.•Week 15: Introduction to X Window System and Networking (Chapter 2 and Chapter 6).•Week 16: Summary and final exam review.•Final exam week: Final exam (Tuesday, April 26, 2011, 10:00 AM - 12:00 noon). Academic Honor CodeThe Florida State University Academic Honor Policy outlines the University’s expectations for the integrity of students’ academic work, the procedures for resolving alleged violations of those expectations, and the rights and responsibilities of students and faculty members throughout the process. Students are responsible for reading the Academic Honor Policy and for living up to their pledge to “. . . be honest and truthful and . . . [to] strive for personal and institutional integrity at Florida State University.” (Florida State University Academic Honor Policy, found at /honorpolicy.htm)Assignments/projects/exams are to be done individually, unless specified otherwise. It is a violation of the Academic Honor Code to take credit for the work done by other people. It is also a violation to assist another person in violating the Code (See the FSU Student Handbook for penalties for violations of the Honor Code). The judgment for the violation of the Academic Honor Code will be done by the instructor and a third party member (another faculty member in the Computer Science Department not involved in this course). Once the judgment is made, the case is closed and no arguments from the involved parties will be heard. Examples of cheating behaviors include:Discuss the solution for a homework question.Copy programs for programming assignments.Use and submit existing programs/reports on the world wide web as written assignments.Submit programs/reports/assignments done by a third party, including hired and contracted.Plagiarize sentences/paragraphs from others without giving the appropriate references.Plagiarism is a serious intellectual crime and the consequences can be very substantial. Penalty for violating the Academic Honor Code: A 0 grade for the particular assignment/quiz/exam and a reduction of one letter grade in the final grade for all parties involved for each occurrence. A report will be sent to the department chairman for further administrative actions.Accommodation for DisabilitiesStudents with disabilities needing academic accommodations should: 1) register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC), and 2) bring a letter to the instructor indicating the need for accommodation and what type. This should be done within the first week of class. This syllabus and other class materials are available in alternative format upon request.For more information about services available to FSU students with disabilities, contact the Assistant Dean of Students:Student Disability Resource Center97 Woodward Avenue, South108 Student Services BuildingFlorida State UniversityTallahassee, FL 32306-4167(850) 644-9566 (voice)(850) 644-8504 (TDD)**************.edu /© 2011, Florida State University. Updated on January 3, 2010.。

EverAccess Proximity Readers ERR-871 ERK-871 ERM-8

EverAccess Proximity Readers ERR-871 ERK-871 ERM-8

Instruction ManualE v e r A c c e s s P r o x i m i t y R e a d e r sE R R -871 E R K -871 E R M -871V o l u m e1EverAccessE V E RF O C U S E L E C T R O N I C S C O R P O R A T I O NERR-871ERK-871ERM-871Instruction Guide© 2004 Everfocus Electronics Corp1801 Highland Ave Duarte CA 91010Phone 626.844.8888 • Fax 626.844.8838All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the Everfocus Electronics Corporation.Table of ContentsC H A P T E R1Product Overview 1Features 1 Parts List 2Specifications 2C H A P T E R2Installation 4 Wiring Connections 4Connection to Controller 5Basic Mounting Instructions 5C H A P T E R3Data Format 8Specialized RS-232 8Wiegand 26 8E V E RF O C U S E L E C T R O N I C S C O R P O R A T I O N1Product OverviewEverAccess Proximity Readers, including the ERR-871, ERK-871 and ERM-871, incorporate state-of-the-art technology, reliable performance, easy-to-use features, and elegant appearance. The Readers generate a 125 kHz RF field that detects data from proximity cards. The data output format is Wiegand 26 or RS-232, which allows easy integration with most controllers, including EverAccess controllers. The Readers have 3 LED indicators which emit red, green, and yellow colors that indicate different values. The pigtail wiring on the back of the Readers is 18” long, enabling easy installation. EverAccess Proximity Readers are an ideal choice for any Access Control System.Features¾ 125kHz proximity technology¾ Wiegand 26 or Special RS232 data output format ¾ 3 LED indicators¾ Weather resistant; suitable for indoor or outdoor use ¾ 18” Wire pigtail for easy installation ¾ Built-in audio buzzer ¾ 200ms read time ¾ Elegant Design¾Transient voltage shock protection up to 500WC h a p t e r1C H A P T E R 1 P R OD U C T O VE R V I E W2Parts ListPlease be careful when you unpack the box due to the electronics devices inside. Check and make sure that you have all the items below inside the original box:¾ 1 125kHz Proximity Reader ¾ 1 User manual ¾ 2 ST4*20 self-tapping panhead screws ¾ 2 M4*20 screws ¾ 1 L-type SpannerIf an item appears to have been damaged in shipment, replace it properly in its carton and notify the shipper. If any items are missing, notify your Everfocus Electronics Corp. Sales Representative or Customer Service. The shipping carton is the safest container in which the unit may be transported. Save it for possible future use. In addition, EverAccess recommends the following parts, to be provided by the installer: ¾ 9 Wire Splice¾ 1 DC Power Supply, 6.5-18VDC, 150mA ¾ Up to 500 ft. Cable, 22AWG, 5 ConductorSpecificationsFrequency 125 KHz Data format 64 bit Read range 5-12cm (2-4.7”) 5-12cm (2-4.7”) 5-10cm (2-3.9”) Read time 200 ms Output format Wiegand 26 and Special RS232 format for EverAccess controller Audio Built-in Buzzer, 2 kHzIndicator3 LEDs: Red: PowerGreen: Card Present Yellow: Outer SourcePower supply 6.5V-18V DC, Max:150mA Operation temperature14°F-0°F (-10°-60°C) Dimension4.85”x3.03”x0.76” (12.3x7.7x1.9cm) 4.85”x3.03”x0.85” (12.3x7.7x2.1cm)5.52”x1.58”x0.95”(14.0x4.0x2.4cm)Transition distance 500 ft. Tamper switch Yes, Normally Closed Keypad N/A 4*4 N/AE V E RF O C U S E L E C T R O N I C S C O R P O R A T I O NKeypad ReaderMullion Reader3C H A P T E R 2 I N S T A L L A T I O NInstallationEverAccess Proximity Readers should be installed by qualified installation professionals. The installation procedures described below are recommended guidelines, but all local, state, and national electrical codes take precedence.Please refer to the following diagram for the wiring connections and mounting instruction.Wiring ConnectionsTable 2.1. Reader wires’ definitionRed Power supply 6.5 ~ 18 V DC Black GND Green Data 0 (Wiegand ) Brown Data 1 (Wiegand) Blue Specialized RS-232 TX Gray Specialized RS-232 RX Yellow For control purpose, as the power supply is 5~12Vthe yellow led indication lights upOrange Anti-tamper Switch Violet Anti-tamper SwitchC h a p t e r2E V E RF O C U S E L E C T R O N I C S C O R P O R A T I O NConnection to ControllerTwo options are available for data output: Wiegand 26 and a special RS232 format. Both formats are compatible with EverAccess controllers, and Wiegand 26 is compatible with many brand name controllers. Table 2.2 describes these two data formats and their corresponding connection method in detail.Table 2.2 connecting controller and readersConnection mode Controller end Reader end wiresDC IN RedGND BlackSpecialized RS-232 TX Blue Specialized RS-232Specialized RS-232 RX GrayDC IN RedGND Black Data 0 Green Wiegand 26Data 1 BrownBasic Mounting InstructionsPlease refer to Fig 2.1 to assist you with this portion of the installation. Fig. 2.1 (a), (b)and (c) show the mounting steps for the regular reader, keypad reader and mullion reader, respectively. The general rule is connecting the wires in the back of the reader first. Take off the cover box from the reader, and fix the baseboard on the wall with the screws (provided in the package) firmly (step 1). Then put the cover box of the reader back on the baseboard (step 2, 3). Finally mount the screw at the bottom of the reader (step 4. Both the screw and the spanner are provided in the package.)(a) Regular reader① ②③④C H A P T E R 2 I N S T A L L A T I O N(b) Keypad reader(c) Mullion reader Figure 2.1 Reader moutingNote: Please keep reader from large metal for at least 2.4". Two reader scan NOT be installed side by side, or back to back with short distance. In case it is required to install the reader side by side, a minimum distance of 6" isrecommended between readers. For the back-to-back case, the recommendation distance is 8’” at least.①②③④①③②④E V E RF O C U S E L E C T R O N I C S C O R P O R A T I O NC H A P T E R 3D A T A F O R M A TData FormatThis chapter will briefly introduce the format of reader’s output.Two formats can be used to transfer data from the readers to controllers: specialized RS-232 and wiegand 26. Specialized RS-232, specially designed for EverAccess system, is recommended for use to achieve the best performance.Specialized RS-232The data speed of specialized RS-232 is 9600 bps. All data including card information and keypad input has been combined together into a data packet. The data packet is transferred as ASCII character codes.The length of one data packet is 22 bytes totally, which contains 1-byte packet header, 1-byte synchronization information, 16-byte card information, 1-byte keypad input, 1-byte tail (0x30) and 2-byte checksum. The last 2 bytes are the arithmetic checksum of the previous 20 bytes data.Each new data packet will be transferred repeatedly for 50 times. After that, a single idle packet will be transmitted until some new data enters the system. The format of the idle packet is similar to the normal data packet except that card information bytes and keypad input bytes will be changed into 0x30, the same as the 1 byte packet tail.1 2 3~18 19 20 21~22 HeadSYNCCard informationKeypad inputTailCheck-sumFigure 3.1 Specialized RS-232 packet format (byte)Wiegand 26As the name implies, each wiegand 26 packet contains 26 bit inside: 2 parity bits and 24-bit data. Please refer to Fig 3.2 for details. The 1st bit is the even parity of sequential 12 bits and the last bit (the 26th bit) is the odd parity of the 12-bit data before itC h a p t e r3E V E RF O C U S E L E C T R O N I C S C O R P O R A T I O N.1 2~25 26Even parityData Oddparity Figure 3.2 wiegand 26 format (bit)Unlike specialized RS-232 format, the keypad input is processed separately from the card information. Each time the keypad is pressed, the data bus of Data 0 (green wire) and Data 1 (brown wire) will send out a corresponding digit combination, as Table 3.1 shows:Table 3.1 Data 0 and Data1 combination for keypad input1 0001 11102 0010 11013 0011 11004 0100 10115 0101 10106 0110 10017 0111 10008 1000 01119 1001 0110* 1010 01010 0000 1111# 1011 0100NotesHead Office European Office12F, No.79 Sec.1 Shin-Tai Wu Road, Albert-Einstein-Strasse 1,Hsi-Chi, Taipei, Taiwan D-46446 Emmerich,GermanTel :+ 886-2-26982334 Tel : + 49-2822-9394-0Fax :+ 886-2-26982380 Fax : + 49-2822-939495USA Office Beijing office:1801 Highland Ave.Duarte,CA Room 609,Technology Trade Building. 91010 ,U.S.A Shangdi Information Industry Base,Tel :+ 1-626-844-8888 Haidian District,Beijing ChinaFax :+ 1-626-844-8838 Tel :+ 86-10-62971096Fax :+ 86-10-62971423Japan Office1809 WBG Marive East 18F,2-6 Nakase, Mihama-ku,Chiba city 261-7118, JapanTel : + 81-43-212-8188 Fax : + 81-43-297-0081EverAccess。



北京市西城区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、完形填空It was a Sunday afternoon in May. Paul Blachut was busy working at a restaurant in scenic Augsburg, Germany. Many tourists came for food at the pretty place beside the river,1.A.enjoying B.buying C.drinking D.pouring 2.A.slowly B.naturally C.fortunately D.suddenly 3.A.pool C.shore 4.A.stopped B.raced C.wandered D.worked 5.A.Without B.Despite C.Besides D.For 6.A.put away B.tried on C.took off D.hung up 7.A.helpless B.dangerous C.calm D.busy 8.A.share C.respond D.tell 9.A.mentioned B.recalled D.shot 10.A.pretty B.soft C.heavy D.strong 11.A.schedule B.task C.message D.plan 12.A.pushing B.flying C.rolling D.pulling 13.A.wave B.clap C.grasp D.shake 14.A.surprise B.admiration C.happiness D.hope 15.A.curious B.careful C.passionate D.modest二、阅读理解Regeneron Science Talent Search (Regeneron STS) is the oldest and most important science research competition for high school students all over the nation. Started in 1942, Regeneron STS recognizes and empowers most promising young scientists. Each year, nearly 2,000 students enter Regeneron STS. The competition awards 300 student scholars and their schools annually and invites 40 student finalists to Washington, participate in final judging. Regeneron STS provides an important platform for their original research which is examined and reviewed by professional scientists.What are the requirements?●Applicants must be over 13 years of age and have legal parental permission to submit (提交) the application and participate, or be 18 years of age or older;●Applicants must complete individual research projects to enter Regeneron STS. Research conducted as part of a pre-collegiate student team project is not qualified for Regeneron STS;●Applicants must submit application package through our online system, and must nothave entered any previous Regeneron STS.What are the core components of an application?●Essays, short answer responses, activities and basic information;●Scientific Research Report (maximum 20-page research paper about one of the applicant’s original research projects);●Recommendations submitted by adults;●Test Scores (optional).What could the applicants win?●PARTICIPA TION AW ARDS: All competitors will receive a T-shirt, laptop stickers, and a free one-year subscription to Science News magazine.●SCHOLAR AWARDS: Each of the 300 scholars will receive a $2,000award.●SCHOOL AWARDS: The schools of each scholar will receive $2,000 per scholar. The award is intended to contribute to excellence in science, math and/or engineering education at the school.●FINALIST AWARDS: Judges select 40 finalists from among the scholars. In addition to an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C., finalists receive a minimum award of $25,000.16.From Paragraph 1, we know that Regeneron STS ________.A.was started before the 1940sB.recognizes 40 scholars every a platform for professional a nationwide science research competition17.According to the passage, applicants are required to over 18 years oldB.submit applications onlineC.have entered Regeneron STS beforeD.have completed the research for a team project18.Who will win a minimum award of $25,000?A.Each finalist.B.Each participant.C.Each scholar.D.Each of the scholars’ school.When I was an undergraduate student studying ecology, I was used to discovering overall trends in large amounts of data. The thought of getting my hands dirty in the field never seemed interesting to me. I saw it as a boring and repetitive task. But I knew potential graduate schools would likely view my lack of field experience as a hole in my application letter. My mother also thought I should work for a few years to explore my interests before pursuing further education. So I decided to apply for field-based summer positions after graduation.After landing a job assessing the sage grouse habitat in Utah, I found myself in the company of Sherel, a 75-year-old botanist and the leader of our field crew. On the very first day of the fieldwork, I noticed a special plant on the field. “Wonderful! Looks like you’ve got a Mahonia repens,” Sherel shouted excitedly. I gently touched the plant with yellow flowers by my feet, “This one here? How can you tell it’s a Mahonia?” He paused briefly to admire the plant and then began his energetic description of the plant’s typical features. That evening, while we were watching the sunset together, I texted my childhood friend. “Day I was actually kind of fun,” I started, “but we’ll see how long it takes before I get bored from just identifying plants in the field all day.”But as the weeks of fieldwork rolled by, the boredom I had expected never arrived. I came home from the field each night with sore legs and a sunburned neck, excited by the day’s finds. By picking Sherel’s brain about different species of animals and plants, I discovered field days are about much more than identification. Each day is an opportunity to learn a little bit more. When the summer was over, I found myself in another field job, this time surveying forest in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.I’m now a third-year Ph. D.student in ecology. Fieldwork may be buggy, wet, and physically demanding, but working with others helps keep spirits high and the physical activity helps me stay sharp. And it constantly reminds me that any task can present an opportunity to learn — as long as I am open to it.19.Why did the author join the fieldwork in Utah?A.To find out overall trends in data.B.To assess the sage grouse habitat.C.To improve his application letter.D.To realize his mother’s dream.20.On the first day of the fieldwork in Utah, the author ______.A.argued with Sherel B.complained to his friendC.became a leader of his group D.discovered a Mahonia repens 21.What does the author think of fieldwork now?A.Easy but interesting.B.Boring but fruitful.C.Tiring but meaningful.D.Repetitive but demanding.22.What can we learn from the passage?A.We should explore fun in daily tasks.B.We should be open to new experiences.C.We should respect the people around us.D.We should be determined about our goals.An AI model can be used to detect stress in office workers based on how they use their mouse and keyboard. A new study suggests that a machine-learning model using these two elements was more accurate at detecting stress in people than a model that tracked their heart-rate data.“We saw that the models that just used the mouse and keyboard data performed better than the models that had the heart-rate data in it,” says Mart Naegelin. a Ph. D.student at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and one of the study’s authors.Naegelin and her fellow researchers used machine-learning models to analyze data on keyboard-typing activity, mouse movements and heart-rate data. They also studied the data of a combination of two or all three of these elements to determine which performed best in terms of measuring stress. They found that the model trained on mouse and keyboard data performed better than the model that used mouse, keyboard and heart rates. Of the single-modality (形态) models, the heart-rate data performed the worst. “The test was conducted in an environment that simulated an office environment, so the results still need to be confirmed in real-life scenarios (情况),” Naegelin says.In the experiment, participants were divided into three groups. A control group carried out assigned tasks, such as planning meetings and collecting data, with no additional work. A second group at times answered questions from managers in person in a mock interview scenario while completing other assigned tasks. And members of a third group were, at certain points, interrupted with additional questions sent through an online chat on top of tasks assigned to other groups. At regular intervals during the experiment, participants wereasked to rate their stress levels through a computer questionnaire.Researchers learned that workers made longer, less accurate movements with their mouse, as well as more typing errors, when they were stressed. Shorter, more direct movements with the mouse were tied to lower stress levels. The study didn’t focus on why increased levels of stress are thought to affect muscle activity.The researchers say they believe a stress-detection system that logs keyboard and mouse movements might be beneficial as a self-help tool for employees alongside other initiatives to improve workplace mental health. But employee participation would need to be optional and based on informed consent (同意), and companies would need to commit to protecting user privacy.It remains to be seen how this technology will evolve and be adopted in practice, but the potential for AI to contribute positively to employee well-being is an appealing avenue for future exploration.23.What do we know from Naegelin’s study?A.Heart-rate data has little connection with stress.B.Mouse and keyboard data proves effective in stress detection.C.Mouse data performs worst in measuring stress among all models.D.Using more elements in a model increases accuracy in stress detection.24.What is Paragragh 5 mainly about?A.The research process.B.The research findings.C.The research purpose.D.The research background.25.What can we learn from the passage?A.AI models based on mouse and keyboard data have been widely applied.B.Naegelin’s study explains why muscle activity can affect stress levels.C.Employers need to respect employees’ privacy while detecting stress.D.A stress-detection system improves physical health at the workplace.26.What is the author’s purpose of writing the passage?A.To introduce a new model to detect stress.B.To compare different models in stress detection.C.To show the disadvantages of being overstressed.D.To state the importance of a stress-detection system.Frozen in time, a 125-million-year-old mammal attacking a dinosaur. A 39-million-year-old whale, the heaviest animal that ever lived. The oldest known jellyfish, from 505 million years ago. Paleontology (古生物学) produces newsworthy discoveries.Fossils (化石), moreover, provide direct evidence for the long history of life, allowing paleontologists to test hypotheses (假设) about evolution with data only they provide. They allow investigation of present and past life on Earth. Flows of biological diversity, appearances of new life forms and the extinctions of long existing ones, would go undiscovered without these efforts. But the headlines over exciting new fossils greatly underestimate the true importance of paleontology. Its real significance lies in how such discoveries brighten the grand history of life on Earth. From its beginnings, more than three billion years ago, to the present day, fossils record how life adapted or disappeared in the face of major environmental challenges.Paleontologists provide us with a unique vantage on modern climate change. They play an essential role in interpreting ancient environments, in reconstructing ancient oceans, continents and climates. Fossils provide key limitation on the climate models that are essential for predicting future climate change. And the fossil record gives important insights into how life will respond to predicted future climate conditions, because these have occurred before in Earth’s history.In addition, paleontology has provided a fundamental contribution to human thought: the reality of species extinction and thus of a world that has dramatically changed over time. In documenting the history of life, paleontologists recognized that many extinction episodes could occur suddenly, such as the event 66 million years ago that ended the dinosaurs. The search for the causes of past mass extinctions started pioneering studies from across the scientific spectrum (科学界), focusing on potential future threats to humanity.Not only do paleontologists know what happens to life when things go bad, they also know how long it takes for ecosystems and biodiversity to recover from these disasters, which can take far longer than modern humans have existed.Paleontologists thus provide a unique perspective on the nature and future long-term ecological impact of the current human-produced biodiversity crisis, the so-called Sixth Extinction, and therefore the importance of protecting modern biodiversity. The very concept of a Sixth Extinction would not exist without paleontologists documenting the first five.Paleontologists know that understanding life’s past is critical to anticipating andadapting to life’s and humanity’s future. Paleontology is important because it brings its unique and critical perspective to current challenges in climate change, biodiversity loss and the environment. Paleontologists can predict the future because they know the past. 27.The first two paragraphs are written to _______.A.describe an event B.raise a questionC.present an opinion D.make a comparison28.What does the underlined word “vantage” in Paragraph 3 mean?A.A positive effect.B.A valuable suggestion.C.A quick decision.D.A comprehensive view.29.Which of the following would the author agree with?A.Ecological recovery takes shorter than imagined.B.Past lessons can help to predict the future threats.C.Paleontologists can handle the biodiversity crisis.D.Fossil studies focus on the causes of mass extinctions.30.What’s the best title for the passage?A.Paleontology: A Pioneering StudyB.Paleontology: A History RecorderC.Paleontology Tells More About Nature Than HumansD.Paleontology Is Far More Than New Fossil Discoveries三、选词填空37.We received a number of from customers about the lack of parking facilities.四、语法填空空)39.I (write) the book all year and am hoping to finish it soon. (所给词的适当形式填空)40.— Can I use your computer this afternoon?— Sorry, I (take) an online class at that time. (所给词的适当形式填空)41.An accident occurred this morning. (lucky), no damage was done. (所给词的适当形式填空)42.By the time he was twelve years old, he (finish) senior high school. (所给词的适当形式填空)43.(help) us prepare for the exam, the teacher asked us to review our notes. (所给词的适当形式填空)44.The manager, secretary asked for a sick leave, had to do all the typing himself. (用适当的词填空)45.My camera didn’t work, so I took it to the repair shop to get it (check). (所给词的适当形式填空)46.Climbing, entered the Olympics three years ago in Tokyo, will also be one of the events in the 2024 Paris Olympics. (用适当的词填空)47.They carried the pictures upstairs to the art room, the brushes and paint were stored. (用适当的词填空)五、翻译48.以前他们经常一起去爬山。

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Instructions on 2011 Spring Course Registration for 2009 Students
Course Registration will be available from 12:00 (noon time) ,Dec 10to 12:00(noon time), Dec 16
on the website:
Frist Round:12:00, Dec 10------16:00 Dec 13
Second Round: 9:00, Dec 14------12:00 Dec 16
✓VR140 is opened especially for sophomore and above and can only enroll 75 students in maximum; freshman are only accepted when sophomore and above don’t meet that many. VR140上限75人;优先09级及以上,09级及以上学生未足75人则从10级中随机补选。

✓When registering TH012 and TH007, Dual degree students with JI ECE major should choose the class time for ME, if they need to take VM382 at meanwhile. JI ECE专业中的DD申请者,若需要同时修读VM382,则必须选择ME专业时间段的毛邓三和马基课。

✓Class time for Vm020 will be announced specially in subsequence SAKAI announcement. 金工实习的具体时间和分组安排另行在SAKAI上通知。

✓VE216 contains additional lab sections; a detailed lab schedule will be subsequently announced on SAKAI. VE216的课程实验安排另行通知,请关注SAKAI。

✓You cannot select a course under time conflicts with other courses. 所选的课程之间不可以有时间冲突。

✓Those who do not meet prerequisites should not take the course unless permission is obtained from the instructor (download Course Overriding Application from SAKAI). 没有满足先修课条件的不可以选后续课程,除非获得相应的许可,申请表从SAKAI上下载。

✓Normal credits area is between 12 and 24. Credits deficiency or overflow should be approved by the program advisor (download Application for Term Credits Abnormality from SAKAI). 学期学分上限24,下限12,不在此区间内的需要获得特许,申请表从SAKAI上下载。

✓Students who have failed any program required courses are suggested to retake the courses as early as possible and to meet with the Program Advisor (郑刚) for advice before they do the registration. 必修课程仍有未通过记录的,建议尽早完成重修,且建议在选课前找郑刚老师咨询。

✓Students who bear probation or dismissal warning in the past one year should select proper courses under the program advisor’s instructions. 一年内得到过学业警告或退学警告的同学必须在郑刚老师指导下选课。

✓Please submit the course retaking application form (download Application Form for Course Retaking from SAKAI) to Rm315 before or during the registration if you want to retake a course. 重修课程请提前提交重修申请表(申请表从SAKAI上下载),交由教务办审批后,方可在系统中选课。

✓Please finish the registration within the available period. Please keep in mind that you can only get the credits with successful registration. 请在选课开放期间完成选课;请注意,没有正式的选课记录,即便有上课的事实,也不能最终获得该课程的学分和成绩。

✓Please wait for confirmation after submission. Check your course schedule and selection status later until all courses are shown correctly on your schedule. 选课提交后请注意要事后再上网复核结果,确保选课正确无误。
