The decidability of some restricted implication problems for path constraints
情景记忆法——30天记住英语四六级核心4000单词第01天 (1)第02天 (4)第03天 (6)第04天 (8)第05天 (10)第06天 (11)第07天 (13)第08天 (15)第09天 (16)第10天 (17)第11天 (18)第12天 (20)第13天 (21)第14天 (22)第15天 (23)第16天 (26)第17天 (32)第18天 (34)第19天 (37)第20天 (39)第01天1. With my own ears I clearly heard the heart beat of the nuclear bomb.我亲耳清楚地听到原子弹的心脏的跳动。
2. Next year the bearded bear will bear a dear baby in the rear.明年,长胡子的熊将在后方产一头可爱的小崽.3. Early I searched through the earth for earthware so as to research in earthquake.早先我在泥土中搜寻陶器以研究地震.4. I learn that learned earnest men earn much by learning.我得知有学问而认真的人靠学问挣很多钱.5. She swears to wear the pearls that appear to be pears.她发誓要戴那些看起来像梨子的珍珠。
6. I nearly fear to tear the tearful girl's test paper.我几乎害怕撕那个泪流满面的女孩的试卷.7. The bold folk fold up the gold and hold it in hand.大胆的人们将黄金折叠起来拿在手里。
8. The customers are accustomed to the disgusting custom.顾客们习惯了令人讨厌的风俗.9. The dust in the industrial zone frustrated the industrious man.工业区里的灰尘使勤勉的人灰心.10. The just budget judge just justifies the adjustment of justice.公正的预算法官只不过为司法调整辩护而已。
GMAT ISSUE 写作官方题库第一类:环境保护与能源保护002 "It is unrealistic to expect individual nations to make, independently, the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy. Intemational leadership and worldwide cooperation are essential ifwe expect to protect the world's energy resources for future generations."013 "Responsibility for preserving the natural environment ultimately belongs to each individual person, not to govemment."041 "The best way to preserve the natural environment is to impose penalties- whether fines, imprisonment, or other punishments-on those who are most responsible for polluting or otherwise damaging it."042 "Scientists are continually redefining the standards for what is beneficial or harmful to the environment. Since these standards keep shifting, companies should resist changing their products and processes in response to eachnewrecommendation until those recommendations become govemment regulations."047 "The primary responsibility for preventing environmental damage belongs to government, not to individuals or private industry."091"Govemment should establish regulations to reduce or eliminate any suspected health hazards in the environment, even when the scientific studies of these health hazards are incomplete or contradictory."141 " Although most people wish to live long lives, attempting to significantly extend the average human life span would be a mistake. If achieved, this would place an enormous burden on resources, lowering the quality oflife for everyone. "第二类:建筑、历史建筑以及考古016 "Public buildings reveal much about the attitudes and values of the society that builds them. Today's new schools, courthouses, airports, and libraries, for example, reflect the attitudes and values oftoday's society."078 "Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of anysociety's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modem planners feel could be better used for modem purposes."In your opinion, which is more important-preserving historic buildings or encouraging modern development? Explain your position, using reasons and examples based on your own experiences, observations, or reading.083 "We shape our buildings and afterward our buildings shape us."105 "All archaeological treasures should remain in the country in which they wereoriginally discovered. These works should not be exported, even if museums in other parts ofthe world are better able to preserve and display them."137 "Some people claim that in order to protect national parks and historical sites,public access to them should be greatly restricted. Others argue that there should be few restrictions, if any, because such places were intended for everyone to use.第三类:大众传媒、信息、娱乐001 "In some countries, television and radio programs are carefully censored foroffensive language and behavior. In other countries, there is little or no censorship."In your view, to what extent should govemment or any other group be able to censor television or radio programs? Explain, giving relevant reasons and/or examples to support your position. 015 "Nations should cooperate to develop regulations that limit children's access to adultmaterial on the Intemet."**The Intemet is a worldwide computer network.028 "Because businesses use high-quality advertising to sell low-quality products,schools should give students extensive training in how to make informed decisions before making purchases."032 "You can tell the ideas ofa nation by its advertisements."044 "All companies should invest heavily in advertising because high-quality advertising can sell almost any product or service."054 "Popular entertainment is overly influenced by commercial interests. Superficiality, obscenity, and violence characterize films and television today because those qualities are commercially successful."085 "Advertising is the most influential and therefore the most important artisticachievement ofthe twentieth century.086 "Whether promoting a product, an event, or a person, an advertising campaign is most effective when it appeals to emotion rather than to reason."107 "People are overwhelmed by the increasing amount of information available on the computer. Therefore, the immediate goal of the information technology industry should be to help people leam how to obtain the information they need efficiently and wisely.134 "Although many people object to advertisements and solicitations that intrude into their lives through such means as the telephone, the Intemet, and television, companies and organizations must have the right to contact potential customers and donors whenever and however they wish."138 "Some people claim that the growth of mass media has stifled intellectual curiosity. Others, however, argue that the availability of so much information and entertainment has encouraged individuals to expand their intellect and creativity."145 "The increasing popularity of video games and the Intemet suggests that consumers now want a more interactive entertainment experience than books, movies, and television can provide. " 148 "Despite the violence and stereotypes present in many popular forms of entertainment created for children (such as books, movies, and video games),we should still allow children to experience this kind ofentertainment."149 "Portrayals of violence have proven commercially successful in television programs, movies, songs, and other forms of popular entertainment. Therefore,those who create popular entertainment should continue to incorporate violence into their products. "第四类:成功006 "There is only one definition of success-to be able to spend your life in your own way. 011 "When someone achieves greatness in any field-such as the arts, science, politics, or business-that person's achievements are more important than any of his or her personal faults." 012 "Education has become the main provider of individual opportunity in our society. Just as property and money once were the keys to success, education has now become the element that most ensures success in life."029 "Too many people think only about getting results. The key to success, however, is to focus on the specific task at hand and not to worry about results." What do you think this piece of advice means, and do you think that it is, on the whole, worth following? Support your views with reasons and/or examples drawn from your own experience, observations, or reading.039 "It is difficult for people to achieve professional success without sacrificing important aspects ofa fulfilling personallife."049 "Ask most older people to identify the key to success, and they are likely to reply 'hard work.' Yet, I would tell people starting offin a career that work in itselfis not the key. In fact, you have to approach work cautiously-too much or too little can be self-defeating." 052 "Successful individuals typically set their next goal somewhat-but not too much-above their last achievement. In this way, they steadily raise their level ofaspiration."081 "No one can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or 'get rich' in business by conforming to conventional practices or ways ofthinking."094 "Ifparents want to prepare their children to succeed in life, teaching the children self-discipline is more important than teaching them self-esteem."102 "An advanced degree may help someone get a particular job. Once a person begins working, however, the advanced degree and the formal education it represents are rarely relevant to success on the job."第五类:教育023 "Schools should be responsible only for teaching academic skills and not for teaching ethical and social values."037 "Since science and technology are becoming more and more essential to modem society, schools should devote more time to teaching science and technology and less to teaching the arts and humanities."062 "What education fails to teach us is to see the human community as one. Rather than focus on the unique differences that separate one nation from another, education should focus on the similarities among all people and places on Earth." What do you think of the view of education expressed above? Explain, using reasons and/or specific examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.098 "In order to accommodate the increasing number of undergraduate students, colleges and universities should offer most courses through distance leaming, such as videotaped instruction that can be accessed through the Intemet or cable television. Requiring students to appear at a designated time and place is nolonger an effective or efficient way ofteaching most undergraduate courses."099 "If a nation is to ensure its own economic success, it must maintain a highly competitive educational system in which students compete among themselves and against students from other countries."122 "Schools should not teach specialized information and techniques, which might soon become outdated. Instead, schools should encourage a more general approach to leaming."125 "Formal education should not come to an end when people graduate from college. Instead, people should frequently enroll in courses throughout their lives."135 "In business courses, professors should teach only factualinformation and skills, not ethics."139 "Some experts maintain that students leam best in a highly structured environment, one that emphasizes discipline, punctuality, and routine. Others insist that educators, if they are to help students maximize their potential, ought to maintain an atmosphere ofrelative freedom and spontaneity."Explain your position on the issue of structure versus freedom in an ideal leaming environment. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience,observations, or reading.第六类:科技020 "In this age of automation, many people complain that humans are becoming subservient to machines. But, in fact, machines are continually improving our lives."087 "As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to govemment or to business."111 "Because of recent advancements in business and technology, the overall quality oflife in most societies has never been better than at the present time."114 "Technology ultimately separates and alienates people more than it serves to bring them together."第七类:历史043 "The most important reason for studying history is not that knowledge of history can make us better people or a better society but that it can provide clues to solving the societal problems that we face today."089 "The study of history is largely a waste of time because it prevents us from focusing on the challenges ofthe present."第八类:建议、忠告007 "The best way to give advice to other people is to find out what they want and then advise them how to attain it."055 "Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."073 "People often give the following advice: "Be yourself Follow your instincts and behave in a way that feels natural."Do you think that, in general, this is good advice? Why or why not? Develop your point of view by giving reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.第九类:社会问题059 "Juvenile crime is a senous social problem, and businesses must become more involved in helping to prevent it."101 "The automobile has caused more problems than it has solved. Most societies would probably be much better off ifthe automobile had never been invented."126 "Laws pertaining to relatively minor crimes must be vigorously enforced if a society hopes to stop more serious crimes."140 "The primary responsibility of citizens is to obey their nation's civil and criminal laws. "142 "Lying should be avoided primarily because it harms people's ability to live together in society. "第十类:社会、国家096 "In order to understand a society, we must examine the contents ofits museums and the subjects ofits memorials. What a society chooses to preserve, display, and commemorate is the truest indicator ofwhat the society values."104 "The value of any nation should be measured more by its scientific and artistic achievements than by its business successes.130 "We can leam more about a society by observing how its people spend their leisure time thanby observing them at work."第十一类:政府、政府组织022 "Clearly, government has a responsibility to support the arts. However, if that support is going to produce anything of value, govemment must place no restrictions on the art that is produced."046 "Businesses are as likely as are govemments to establish large bureaucracies, but bureaucracy is far more damaging to a business than it is to a govemment."061 "Even at its best, a govemment is a tremendous burden to business, though anecessary one."063 "As govemment bureaucracy increases, citizens become more and more separated from their govemment."113 "It is essential that the nations ofthe world increase spending on the building of space stations and on the exploration of other planets, even if that means spending less on other govemment programs.116 "A govemment should provide funding for the arts, but only for those artistic works that reflect the values and attitudes ofthe majority of the population."131 "Govemments should not be responsible for regulating businesses and other organizations. Instead, society would benefit if the organizations themselves assumed most of the responsibility for establishing and enforcing their own standards and regulations."147 "Because it is in the best interests of a society to promote integrity and moral behavior, govemments should censor television and radio programs for offensive language and behavior. 第十二类:人权、人性004 "Of all the manifestations* of power, restraint in the use of that power impresses people most."*manifestations: apparent signs orindicators040 "With the increasing emphasis on a global economy and intemational cooperation, people need to understand that their role as citizens of the world is more important than their role as citizens of a particular country."057 "Everywhere, it seems, there are clear and positive signs that people are becoming more respectful ofone another's differences.065 "The rise of multinational corporations is leading to global homogeneity.* Because people everywhere are beginning to want the same products and services, regional differences are rapidly disappearing."* homogeneity: sameness, similarity074 "The people we remember best are the ones who broke the rules."075 "There are essentially two forces that motivate people: self-interest and fear."077 "Although 'genius' is difficult to define, one of the qualities of genius is the ability to transcend traditional modes ofthought and create new ones." Explain what you think the above statement means and discuss the extent to which you agree or disa&ee with this definition of genius. In your discussion, be sure to include at least one example of someone who, in your opinion, exemplifies genius or a particular characteristic ofgenius.080 "As individuals, people save too little and borrow too much." From your perspective, how accurate is the view expressed above? In your discussion, be sure to consider the conditions under which it is appropriate to save money and the conditions under which it is appropriate to borrow.Develop your position using reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.082 "Business and govemment must do more, much more, to meet the needs and goals ofwomen in the workplace."088 "Each generation must accept blame of some ofits members but also for against those words and actions." not only for the hateful words and actions the failure of other members to speak out against those words and actions.”097 "In business, more than in any other social arena, men and women have leamed how to share power effectively."103 "Most people today place too much emphasis on satisfying their immediate desires. The overall quality oflife would be greatly improved if we all focused instead on meeting our long-term needs." 112 "In most fields-including education, politics, and business-the prevailing philosophy never stays in place very long. This pattem of constantly shifiing from one theoretical position to another is an inevitable reflection of human nature: people soon tire ofthe status quo."118 "People's loyalty to political parties and political leaders significantly hinders their ability to form their own opinions about an issue."121 "Whether people accept or reject an idea depends more on the way it is presented to them than on the merits ofthe idea itself "第十三类:工作与生活009 "Employees should keep their private lives and personal actiyities as separate as possible from the workplace."030 "Companies benefit when they discourage employees from working extra hours or taking work home. When employees spend their leisure time without'producing' something for the job, they will be more focused and effective when they retum to work."067 "Work greatly influences people's personal lives-their special interests, their leisure activities, even their appearance away from the workplace."第十四类:商业产品010 "In any enterprise, the process of making or doing something is ultimately more important than the final product."066 "Manufacturers are responsible for ensuring that their products are safe. If a product injures someone, for whatever reason, the manufacturer should be held legally and financially accountable for the injury."070 "So long as no laws are broken, there is nothing unethical about doing whatever you need to do to promote existing products or to create new products."084 "A business should not be held responsible for providing customers with complete information about its products or services; customers should have the responsibility of gathering information about the products or services they may want to buy.”090 "People ofien complain that products are not made to last. They feel that making products that wear out fairly quickly wastes both natural and human resources.What they fail to see, however, is that such manufacturing practices keep costs down for the consumer and stimulate demand."Which do you find more compelling: the complaint about products that do not last or the response to it? Explain your position using relevant reasons and/or examples drawn from your own experience, observations, or reading.第十五类:商业发展056 "The secret ofbusiness is to know something that nobody else knows."058 "What is the final objective of business? It is to make the obtaining of a living- the obtaining of food, clothing, shelter, and a minimum of luxunes-so mechanical and so little time-consuming that people shall have time for other things." - A business leader, circa 1930 071 "Commercialism has become too widespread. It has even crept into schools and places ofworship. Every nation should place limits on what kinds of products, if any, can be sold at certain events or places.'100 "In order to force companies to improve policies and practices considered unethical or harmful, society should rely primarily on consumer action-such as refusal to buy product-rather than legislative action."第十六类:商业管理003 "Corporations and other businesses should try to eliminate the many ranks and salary grades that classify employees according to their experience and expertise.A 'flat' organizational structure is more likely to encourage collegiality and cooperation among employees."005 "All groups and organizations should function as teams in which everyone makes decisions and shares responsibilities and duties. Giving one person central authority and responsibility for a project or task is not an effective way to get work done."014 "Organizations should be structured in a clear hierarchy in which the people at each level, from top to bottom, are held accountable for completing a particular component of the work. Any other organizational structure goes against human nature and will ultimately prove fruitless." 018 "If the primary duty and concem of a corporation is to make money, then conflict is inevitable when the corporation must also acknowledge a duty to serve society."019 "Some employers who recruit recent college graduates for entry-level jobs evaluate applicants only on their performance in business courses such as accounting, marketing, and economics. However, other employers also expect applicants to have a broad backgiound in such courses as history, literature, and philosophy."021 "Job security and salary should be based on employee performance, not on years of service. Rewarding employees primarily for years of service discourages people from maintaining consistently high levels ofproductivity."024 "A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or a nation than does any government official."025 "The best strategy for managing a business, or any enterprise, is to find the most capable people and give them as much authority as possible."026 "Location has traditionally been one of the most important determinants of a business's success. The importance oflocation is not likely to change, no matter how advanced the development ofcomputer communications and others kinds of technology becomes."027 "A company's long-term success is primarily dependent on the job satisfaction and the job security felt by the company's employees."033 "People are likely to accept as a leader only someone who has demonstrated an ability to perform the same tasks that he or she expects others to perform.'035 "Business relations are infected through and through with the disease of short- sighted motives. We are so concemed with immediate results and short-term goals that we fail to look beyond them." Assuming that the term "business relations" can refer to the decisions and actions of any organization-for instance, a small family business, a community association, or a largeintemational corporation-explain the extent to which you think that this criticism is valid. In your discussion of the issue, use reasons and/or examples from your own experience, your observation of others, or your reading.036 "Businesses and other organizations have overemphasized the importance of working as a team. Clearly, in any human group, it is the strong individual, the person with the most commitment and energy, who gets things done."045 "The most effective way for a business person to maximize profits over a long period oftime is to follow the highest standards of ethics."048 "In matching job candidates with job openings, managers must consider not only such variables as previous work experience and educational background but also personality traits and work habits, which are more difficult to judge." What do you consider essential in an employee or colleague? Explain, using reasons and/or examples from your work or work-like experiences, or from your observations of others.050 "How far should a supervisor go in criticizing the performance ofa subordinate? Some highly successful managers have been known to rely on verbal abuse and intimidation. Do you think that this is an effective means of communicating expectations? If not, what altemative should a manager use in dealing with someone whose work is less than satisfactory?"051 "The presence of a competitor is always beneficial to a company. Competition forces a company to change itselfin ways that improve its practices."060 "Employers should have no right to obtain information about their employees' health or other aspects of their personal lives without the employees' permission."064 "The goal ofbusiness should not be to make as big a profit as possible. Instead, business should also concem itselfwith the well-being ofthe public."068 "Since the physical work environment affects employee productivity and morale, the employees themselves should have the right to decide how their workplace is designed."069 "The most important quality in an employee is not specific knowledge or technical competence. Instead, it is the ability to work well with other employees."072 "Companies should not try to improve employees' performance by giving incentives-for example, awards or gifis. These incentives encourage negative kinds of behavior instead of encouraging a genuine interest in doing the work well."076 "For a leader there is nothing more difficult, and therefore more important, than to be able to make decisions."092 "Employees should show loyalty to their company by fully supporting the company's managers and policies, even when the employees believe that the managers and policies are misguided." 093 "To be successful, companies should trust their workers and give them as much freedom as possible. Any company that tries to control employees' behavior through a strict system of rewards and punishments will soon find that such controls have a negative effect on employee morale and, consequently, on the company's success."095 "Companies are never justified in employing young children, even if the child's family would benefit from the income.106 "The most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into their simpler component parts. This way, each worker completes a small portion ofthe task but contributes to the whole."108 "Employees should not have full access to their own personnel files. If, for example,employees were allowed to see certain confidential materials, the people supplying that information would not be likely to express their opinions candidly."109 "All personnel evaluations at a company should be multidirectional-that is, people at every level of the organization should review not only those working ‘under' them but also those working 'over' them."110 "The most effective business leaders are those who maintain the highest ethical standards." 115 "All employees should help decide how the profits oftheir company or businessshould be used."117 "The well-being of a society depends more on the success of small businessesthan on the success ofa few large, high-profile corporations."119 "It makes no sense for people with strong technological skills to go to college if they know that they can eam a good salary without a college degree."120 "Companies should not allow the trend toward informality in dress and conduct at the workplace to continue; formalityin dress and behavior helps create a more disciplined and productive work environment."123 "The current trend of moving frequently from company to company has negative consequences: it causes instability in the workplace and, as a result, instability in society. Therefore, companies should require employees to make a mitment to the organization."124 "The most effective leaders are those who can solve complex problems by finding simple, immediate solutions."127 "In general, a company's most valuable employees are those who are concerned more with efiiciency than with quality."128 "Instead of relying on the advice of outside experts, organizations should place greater value on the advice that can come only from their own highly experienced employees."129 "When judging the qualifications of potential employees, business employers should rely solely on objective information, such as a candidate's resume and education. Personal interviews are much too subjective and are therefore not a valid basis on which to judge a person's qualifications for a job."132 "In any business or other organization, it is better to have managers with strong leadership skills than managers with expertise and work experience m a particular field."133 "Employees should not be asked to provide formal evaluations of their supervisor because they have little basis for judging or even understanding their supervisor's performance." 136 "In some companies, employees are allowed to express their feelings and opinions about the company by sending electronic messages to everyone in the company. In other companies, this type ofcommunication is strictly prohibited." What restrictions, if any, do you think companies should place on employees' electronic communications? Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.第十七类:其他(货币制度、公共服务等)008 "For hundreds of years, the monetary system of most countries has been based on the exchange ofmetal coins and printed pieces ofpaper. However, because of recent developments in technology, the international community should consider replacing the entire system of coins and paper with a system of electronic accounts of credits and debits."017 "Some people believe that the best approach to effective time management is to make detailed daily and long-term plans and then to adhere to them. However, this highly structured approach。
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Candidates may use any calculator allowed by the regulations of theJoint Council for Qualifications. Calculators must not have the facility for symbolic algebra manipulation, differentiation and integration, or have retrievable mathematical formulae stored in them. Instructions• Use black ink or ball-point pen.•I f pencil is used for diagrams/sketches/graphs it must be dark (HB or B).Coloured pencils and highlighter pens must not be used.•Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name,centre number and candidate number.•A nswer all questions and ensure that your answers to parts of questions are clearly labelled.•A nswer the questions in the spaces provided– there may be more space than you need.•Y ou should show sufficient working to make your methods clear. Answers without working may not gain full credit.•V alues from the statistical tables should be quoted in full. When a calculator is used, the answer should be given to an appropriate degree of accuracy. Information•The total mark for this paper is 75.•T he marks for each question are shown in brackets– use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question.Advice•Read each question carefully before you start to answer it.•Try to answer every question.•Check your answers if you have time at the end.P46675A ©2016 Pearson Education Ltd.1/1/1/1/1/*P46675A0124*Turn overLeaveblank2*P46675A0224*DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA 1. A new diet has been designed. Its designers claim that following the diet for a month willresult in a mean weight loss of more than 2 kg. In a trial, a random sample of 10 people followed the new diet for a month. Their weights, in kg, before starting the diet and their weights after following the diet for a month were recorded. The results are given in the table below.PersonA B C D E F G H I J Weight before diet (kg)96110116981219198106110116Weight after diet (kg)91101111961219190101104110(a) Using a suitable t -test, at the 5% level of significance, state whether or not the trialsupports the designers’ claim. State your hypotheses and show your working clearly.(8)(b) State an assumption necessary for the test in part (a).(1)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Leaveblank3*P46675A0324*Turn over DONOTWRITEINTHISAREADONOTWRITEINTHISAREADONOTWRITEINTHISAREAQuestion 1 continued______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q1(Total 9 marks)Leaveblank 4*P46675A0424*DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA 2. The weights of piglets at birth, M kg, are normally distributed N(ȝ, ı2)A random sample of 9 piglets is taken and their weights at birth, m kg, are recorded. Theresults are summarised as m =∑116. m2152=∑.Stating your hypotheses clearly, test at the 5% level of significance(a) whether or not the mean weight of piglets at birth is greater than 1.2 kg,(7) (b) whether or not the standard deviation of the weights of piglets at birth is differentfrom 0.3 kg.(6)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Leaveblank5*P46675A0524*Turn over DONOTWRITEINTHISAREADONOTWRITEINTHISAREADONOTWRITEINTHISAREAQuestion 2 continued_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Leaveblank 6*P46675A0624*DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA Question 2 continued_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Leaveblank7*P46675A0724*Turn over DONOTWRITEINTHISAREADONOTWRITEINTHISAREADONOTWRITEINTHISAREAQuestion 2 continued______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q2(Total 13 marks)Leaveblank 8*P46675A0824*DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA 3. A jar contains a large number of sweets which have either soft centres or hard centres.The jar is thought to contain equal proportions of sweets with soft centres and sweets with hard centres. A random sample of 20 sweets is taken from the jar and the number of sweets with hard centres is recorded.(a) Using a 5% level of significance, find the critical region for a two-tailed test of thehypothesis that there are equal proportions of sweets with soft centres and sweets with hard centres in the jar.(2)(b) Calculate the probability of a Type I error for this test.(2)Given that there are 3 times as many sweets with soft centres as there are sweets with hard centres, (c) calculate the probability of a Type II error for this test.(2)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Leaveblank9*P46675A0924*Turn over DONOTWRITEINTHISAREADONOTWRITEINTHISAREADONOTWRITEINTHISAREAQuestion 3 continued______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q3(Total 6 marks)Leaveblank10*P46675A01024*DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA 4. A manufacturer produces boxes of screws containing short screws and long screws. Themanufacturer claims that the probability, p , of a randomly selected screw being long, is 0.5A shopkeeper does not believe the manufacturer’s claim. He designs two tests, A andB , to test the hypotheses H 0 : p = 0.5 and H 1 : p < 0.5In test A , a random sample of 10 screws is taken from a box of screws and H 0 is rejected if there are fewer than 3 long screws. In test B , a random sample of 5 screws is taken from a box of screws and H 0 is rejected if there are no long screws, otherwise a second random sample of 5 screws is taken from abox of screws. If there are no long screws in this second sample H 0 is rejected, otherwise it is accepted.(a) Find the size of test A.(1)(b) Find the size of test B .(3)(c) Find an expression for the power function of test B in terms of p .(2) Some values, to 2 decimal places, of the power function for test A and the power functionfor test B are given in the table below.p0. test A0.93r 0.380.17Power test B0.830.550.310.15(d) Find the value of r .(1)The shopkeeper believes that the value of p is less than 0.4 (e) Suggest which of the tests the shopkeeper should use. Give a reason for your answer.(2)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________D O N O T W R I TE I N T H I S A R E A D O N O T W R I T E I N T H I S A R E A D O N O T W R I T E I N T H I S A R E A _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________。
1、In recent years, online learning has gained significant popularity due to its flexibility and accessibility. What does "flexibility" in this context refer to?A. The ability to bend or be bent easily.B. The quality of being adaptable or variable.C. The state of being uncertain or changeable.D. The characteristic of being strict or inflexible.(答案:B)2、The research team conducted a study on the effects of social media on mental health. They found that excessive use of social media _____ lead to feelings of loneliness and depression.A. canB. mustC. needD. should(答案:A)3、Sarah is considering _____ a new car because her current one is too old and unreliable.A. buyingB. to buyC. boughtD. buy(答案:A)4、The manager emphasized the importance of _____ teamwork and communication in order to achieve the company's goals.A. improvingB. to improveC. improvedD. improve(答案:A)5、The company's decision to invest in renewable energy sources indicates its _____ towards environmental sustainability.A. commitmentB. competitionC. compromiseD. comparison(答案:A)6、The new policy aims to reduce the _____ of plastic waste in the oceans by promoting recycling and banning single-use plastics.A. amountB. numberC. dealD. lot(答案:A)7、The scientist's groundbreaking discovery has the potential to _____ the way we understand the universe.A. revolutionizeB. recognizeC. rememberD. replace(答案:A)8、The company's success can be attributed to its _____ marketing strategies and innovative products.A. effectiveB. affectionC. effectD. affect(答案:A)9、The report highlights the need for immediate action to address the issue of climate change, which is becoming _____ with each passing year.A. more urgentB. most urgentC. the most urgentD. much urgent(答案:A)10、The government has implemented new regulations to ensure the _____ of personal data in the digital age.A. privacyB. privateC. privatelyD. privatization(答案:A)。
2011年12月英语四级作文题目及范文Nothing succeeds without a strong willNothing Scucceeds Without a Strong Will by commenting on the humorous saying,"Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I'v done it hundreds of times."You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Nothing succeeds without a strong willThere is a prevalent joke around young people saying that …quitting smoking is theeasiest thing in the world, and I‟ve done it for hundreds of times.‟ This seeming lyfunny statement ironically reflects the fact that the determination of most youngstersis oftentimes started with enthusiasm, but the passion becomes increasingly weakereach day, and then diminishes as if there has been no such thing at all.It is ob vious that their failure in …quitting smoking‟ and decline of determination areall ascribed to their lack of will. Initially, every success involves several stages ofsetbacks and risks, and we need to summon up our will to conquer them. Moreover,there are enormous temptation in our path of pursuit of success. For instance, whenwe plan to quit smoking, our roommates may smoke freely in front of us; when weare eager to keep fit, our close friends may invite us to have late night snacks. Underthese occasions, only strong will can assist us to resist the temptation, and persist inchasing our goals until we triumphantly realize them.In short, no dream will successfully come true if we do not have strong will. An oldfamous proverb says that … where there is a will, there is a way‟. Let us bear thismotton in mind no matter how many thunders and thorns are on our roads ahead,then we will be successful with such precious and powerful spirit.2011年6月英语四级作文题目及范文My views on Online Shopping 1. 现在网购已经成为一种时尚 2. 网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题3. 我的建议My views on Online ShoppingNowadays, can we find a person who has not experienced online shopping?Definitely not. Online shopping is coming into fashion in most of cities due to therapid development of internet technology。
* Combined score of two raters, each scoring on a 1– 4 scale 1-4
SAT 1. Composite Score 2 2. SAT raw score 3 3. SAT Test Score Evidence-Based Reading and Writing raw score 4. SAT Studies OG 1—15 5. SAT Subscore 7 Cross-section Score 3 Section Score 400—1600
25+15min 49
:35min 44
2-12 25min
2-8 50min
History Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage.
This passage is adapted from a speech delivered by Congresswoman Barbara Jordan of Texas on July 25, 1974, as a member of the Judiciary Committee of the United States House of Representatives. In the passage, Jordan discusses how and when a United States president may be impeached, or charged with serious offenses, while in office. Jordan’s speech was delivered in the context of impeachment hearings against then president Richard M. Nixon.
三亚高一英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the popularity of online shopping?A. ConvenienceB. VarietyC. High costD. Speed2. According to the passage, what is the main advantage of public transportation over private cars?A. It is less expensive.B. It is more comfortable.C. It is more environmentally friendly.D. It is more time-efficient.3. What does the author suggest about the future of tourism?A. It will be more expensive.B. It will be more accessible.C. It will be less popular.D. It will be more focused on experiences.4. In the text, what is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and studentB. FriendsC. ColleaguesD. Strangers5. What is the main topic of the dialogue?A. Travel plansB. HobbiesC. WeatherD. Food preferences6. What is the best title for the passage?A. The Impact of Technology on EducationB. The Role of Teachers in the FutureC. The Evolution of Learning MethodsD. The Importance of Lifelong Learning7. What does the author think about the importance of sleep?A. It is essential for physical health.B. It is necessary for academic success.C. It is crucial for mental well-being.D. It is vital for both physical and mental health.8. Why does the author believe that exercise is beneficial?A. It improves physical fitness.B. It enhances mental health.C. It promotes social interaction.D. It has both physical and mental benefits.9. What is the main purpose of the article?A. To persuade readers to adopt a healthy lifestyle.B. To inform readers about the benefits of a balanced diet.C. To discuss the importance of regular exercise.D. To explore the relationship between diet and exercise.10. What is the author's opinion on the role of technology in education?A. It is a valuable tool that should be embraced.B. It is a distraction that should be avoided.C. It is a necessary evil that cannot be ignored.D. It is an overrated trend that is not as effective as traditional methods.二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. Despite the challenges, the ________ (company) has managed to stay competitive in the market.12. The ________ (researcher) discovered a new species ofbird in the rainforest.13. The ________ (student) will present their findings at the upcoming conference.14. The ________ (invention) has revolutionized the way we communicate.15. The ________ (athlete) broke the world record in the 100-meter dash.16. The ________ (artist) is known for their unique painting style.17. The ________ (scientist) made a groundbreaking discovery in the field of genetics.18. The ________ (writer) has published several best-selling novels.19. The ________ (musician) performed at the prestigious concert hall.20. The ________ (architect) designed some of the most iconic buildings in the city.三、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。
Unit 8 New Words1、genius--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n. 1. [C] a person of very great ability or very high intelligence 天才人物;才子[例] In the field of physics, Albert Einstein was a genius. 艾伯特·爱因斯坦是物理学界的天才。
[例] The young man who was regarded as a genius in his boyhood turned out to be quite ordinary. 那个年轻人小时候被认为是天才,长大后却变得平平庸庸。
2. [U] great and rare powers of thought, skill, or imagination 天才;天赋[例] There's genius in the way this picture was painted. 这幅画的绘制手法表现出一种天分。
[例] Genius is nothing but labor and intelligence. 天才不是别的,就是努力加聪明。
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2、powerful--------------------------------------------------------------------------------adj. great in degree or effect 强大的;强效的[例] As a powerful nation, we should help the weaker ones instead of controlling them. 作为一个强国,我们应该帮助弱小国家,而不是去控制它们。
Unit 8 Section A Animals or children?—A scientist's choice动物还是孩子?——一位科学家的选择1 I am the enemy! I am one of those cursed, cruel physician scientists involved in animal research. These rumors sting, for I have never thought of myself as an evil person. I became a children's doctor because of my love for children and my supreme desire to keep them healthy. During medical school and residency, I saw many children die of cancer and bloodshed from injury —circumstances against which medicine has made great progress but still has a long way to go. More importantly, I also saw children healthy thanks to advances in medical science such as infant breathing support, powerful new medicines and surgical techniques and the entire field of organ transplantation. My desire to tip the scales in favor of healthy, happy children drew me to medical research.1 我就是那个敌人!我就是那些被人诅咒的、残忍的、搞动物实验的医生科学家之一。
China 2009
讲座3:描述逻辑的可判定性 与复杂性 Lecture 3: The Decidability and the Complexity of Description Logics
• • • • •
China 2009
为什么可判定性是重要的? 描述逻辑的可判定性 描述逻辑的tableau算法 计算复杂性理论导论 描述逻辑的复杂性
China 2009
• 命题逻辑是可判定的
Propositional logic is decidable
• 一般来说,一阶谓词逻辑是不可判定的。 First-order logic is not decidable in general; in particular, the set of logical validities in any signature that includes equality and at least one other predicate with two or more arguments is not decidable. • 二阶逻辑也是不可判定的
• Tableau algorithms used to test satisfiability (consistency) • Try to build a tree-like model of the input concept C • Decompose C syntactically
China 2009
逻辑系统和可判定性 Logics and decidability
INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis
Jo lle Despeyroux and Pierre Leleu
INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis 2004 Route des Lucioles - B.P. 93 F-06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex, France.
Moreover, instead of introducing an operational semantics which computes the canonical form ( -long normal form) using a given strategy, our system has reduction rules, which allow a certain nondeterminism in the mechanism of reduction. We have been able to adapt classic proof techniques to show the important metatheoretic results: decidability of typability, soundness of typing with respect to typing rules, Church-Rosser property (CR), Strong Normalization property (SN) and conservativity of our system with respect to the simply-typed -calculus. The main problems we encountered in the proofs are on one hand due to the use of functional types in the types of the recursive constructors, and on the other hand due to the use of -expansion. To solve the problems due to -expansion, we bene t from previous works done for the simply-typed -calculus ( JG95]) and for system F ( Gha96]). In the second section of the paper, we introduce our version of the modal inductive system, its syntax, its typing and reduction rules. Then in the third section, we prove its essential properties (soundness of typing, CR, SN) from which we deduce that it is a conservative extension of the simply-typed -calculus. Finally, we discuss related works and outline future work. A full version of this paper with complete technical developments is available in Lel97].
资质是决定因素英语作文Title: Aptitude as the Determining Factor。
In the realm of achievement and success, the debate over whether aptitude or hard work holds greater significance has persisted for generations. While hard work undoubtedly plays a crucial role in one's journey towards accomplishment, it is the inherent aptitude that often serves as the primary determinant of success. This essay aims to delve into the pivotal role of aptitude in shaping individual outcomes and explore its significance in various aspects of life.First and foremost, aptitude encompasses anindividual's innate abilities, talents, and predispositions towards certain tasks or fields. Unlike acquired skills, which can be cultivated through practice and dedication, aptitude is largely predetermined by genetic factors and early environmental influences. For instance, a person with a natural aptitude for mathematics may find complexequations intuitive and effortless, whereas another individual might struggle despite rigorous training. This inherent predisposition towards specific domains often sets the stage for differential success among individuals, irrespective of their efforts.In the realm of education, aptitude serves as acritical determinant of academic performance andintellectual prowess. Students blessed with a high aptitude for learning may grasp concepts swiftly, excel in examinations, and demonstrate a deeper understanding of complex subjects. Conversely, those lacking innate aptitude may struggle to comprehend even fundamental concepts despite investing substantial time and effort in their studies. Thus, while hard work can certainly augment one's academic achievements, it is the underlying aptitude that lays the foundation for intellectual growth and academic excellence.Moreover, aptitude plays a pivotal role in career selection and professional success. Individuals who align their career choices with their innate talents andaptitudes are more likely to experience job satisfaction, fulfillment, and advancement in their chosen fields. Consider, for example, a person with a natural flair for creativity and innovation pursuing a career in graphic design or advertising. Their inherent aptitude not only enhances their performance but also fosters a sense of passion and purpose in their work. Conversely, forcing oneself into a career path that mismatches their aptitude often leads to dissatisfaction, stagnation, and underperformance in the long run.Furthermore, aptitude influences interpersonal dynamics and social relationships. Individuals endowed with high emotional intelligence, empathy, and social perceptiveness exhibit a natural aptitude for fostering meaningful connections, resolving conflicts, and building cohesive teams. Their innate abilities enable them to navigate complex social situations with ease, forge deep bonds with others, and emerge as effective leaders or influencers within their social circles. In contrast, those lacking in social aptitude may struggle to establish rapport, understand social cues, or maintain harmoniousrelationships, thereby impeding their personal and professional growth.In conclusion, while hard work, perseverance, and determination are undeniably crucial in the pursuit of success, it is the inherent aptitude that often serves as the primary determinant of individual outcomes. Whether in academia, career endeavors, or social interactions, aptitude shapes our abilities, choices, and trajectories in profound ways. Recognizing and leveraging our innatetalents and predispositions is thus essential for realizing our fullest potential and achieving fulfillment in life. As the adage goes, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life" – a testament to the profound impact of aligning one's pursuits with their inherent aptitude.。
FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND PRESS - Illinois State University
While parade organizers couldn't prohibit an individual gay person from marching as a member of some other unit, they could prohibit a unit that was going to present a message they disagreed with.
These cases relate to the nature of free speech when
• physical actions are combined with speech • physical actions are used to communicate
Texas v. Johnson (1989)
DISSENT II. Justice Stevens: • State can protect the flag in the same way it
can prohibit people from writing graffiti on the Washington monument or the Lincoln Memorial. The added freedom of expression doesn't justify the tarnishing of such an important symbol.
Hurley v. Irish-American (1995)
Although the Supreme Court ruled as long ago as 1880 that Blacks could not be excluded outright from jury service, n early a cen tury of case-by-case adjudicati on has bee n n ecessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be drawnfrom fair cross section of the com mun ity. ”(A)has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be(B)was necessary for developing and enforcingthe principle of all juries being(C)was to be necessary in developing and enforcing the principle of all juries to be(D)is necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be(E)will be necessary for developing and enforcing the principle of all juries beingCamus broke with Sartre in a bitter dispute over the nature of Stalinism.(A)in a bitter dispute over(B)over bitterly disput ing(C)after there was a bitter dispute over(D)after havi ng bitterly disputed about(E)over a bitter dispute aboutSouth Korea has witnessed the world ' s most dramatic growtrnofongregations; churchmembership is expa nding by 6.6 perce nt a year, fully two-thirds of the growth coming from conversions rather tha n the populati on in creas ing.(A)coming from conversions rather tha n the populati on in creas ing(B)coming from conversions rather tha n in creases in the populatio n(C)coming from conversions in stead of the populati on ' s in creas ing(D)is from conversions in stead of populatio n in creases(E)is from conversions rather tha n in creas ing the populati onMany in vestors base their choice between bonds and stocks on compari ng bond yields to the divide nds available on com mon stocks.(A)betwee n bonds and stocks on compari ng bond yields to(B)among bonds and stocks on comparis ons of bond yields to(C)betwee n bonds and stocks on comparis ons of bond yields with(D)among bonds and stocks on compari ng bond yields and(E)betwee n bonds and stocks on compari ng bond yields withIn the Un ited States, trade unions encoun tered far more intense oppositi on against their struggle for social legitimacy than the organized labor movements of most other democratic nations.(A)aga inst their struggle for social legitimacy tha n(B)in their struggle for social legitimacy tha n did(C)aga inst their struggle for social legitimacy as(D)in their struggle for social legitimacy as did(E)whe n they struggled for social legitimacy tha n hasFor many people, household labor rema ins dema nding even if able to afford household applia nces their gran dpare nts would find a miracle.(A)even if able to afford household appliances their grandparents would find a miracle(B)despite being able to afford household applia nces their gran dpare nts would find amiracle(C)eve n if they can afford household applia nces their gran dpare nts would have foundmiraculous(D)although they could afford household applia nces their gra ndpare nts would findmiraculous(E)even if they are able to afford household applia nces which would have bee n a miracle totheir gran dpare ntsIn the traditi on al Japa nese household, most cloth ing could be packed flatly, and so it was not necessary to have elaborate closet facilities(A)flatly, and so it was not necessary to have elaborate closet facilities(B)flat, and so elaborate closet facilities were unn ecessary(C)flatly, and so there was no n ecessity for elaborate closet facilities(D)flat, there being no n ecessity for elaborate closet facilities(E)flatly, as no elaborate closet facilities were n ecessaryThe un skilled workers at the Alle nby pla nt realized that their hourly rate of $4.11 to $4.75 was better tha n many n earby factory wages.(A)many n earby factory wages(B)many wages in n earby factories(C)what are offered by many n earby factories(D)it is in many n earby factories(E)that offered by many n earby factoriesAt the time of the Mexican agrarian revolution, the most radical faction, that of Zapata and his followers, proposed a return to com munal own ership of land, to what had bee n a pre-Columbia n form of own ership respected by the Span iards.(A)land, to what had bee n a pre-Columbia n form of own ership respected by the Spani ards(B)land, a form of own ership of the pre-Columbia ns and respected by the Span iards(C)land, respected by the Spani ards and a pre-Columbia n form of own ership(D)land in which a pre-Columbian form of ownership was respected by the Spaniards(E)land that had bee n a pre-Columbia n form of own ership respected by the Spani ardsTo speak habitually of the “ truly n eedy ” is gradually in stilthnat tin^n y)ti)o ithose whoare just called “ needy ” actually have adequate resources; such a conclusion is unwarranted.(A) To speak habitually of the “ truly n eedy iin g rhuadiyo n still(B)To speak habitually of the “ truly n eedy is in still ing the no ti on gradually(C)To speak habitually of the “ truly n eedy is gradually to in still the no ti on(D)Speaking habitually of the “ truly n eedy is to in still the gradual no tio n(E)Speak ing habitually of the “ truly n eedy is in still ing the gradual no ti onMany psychologists and sociologists now contend that the deliberate and eve n brutal aggressi on in tegral to some forms of competitive athletics in crease the likelihood of imitative viole nee that erupts among crowds of spectators domin ated by young adult males.(A)in crease the likelihood of imitative viole nee that erupts(B)in crease the likelihood that there will be an erupti on of imitative viole nce(C)in crease the likelihood of imitative viole nce erupt ing(D)in creases the likelihood for imitative viole nce to erupt(E)in creases the likelihood that imitative viole nce will eruptSeveral studies have found that the coronary patie nts who exercise most actively have half or less tha n half the cha nce of dying of a heart attack as those who are sede ntary.(A)have half or less than half the chance of dying of a heart attack as those who aresede ntary(B)have half the chance, or less, of dying of a heart attack than those who are sedentary do(C)have half the chance that they will die of a heart attack, or less, than those who aresede ntary do(D)are at least fifty percent less likely to die of a heart attack as those who are sedentary(E)are at least fifty percent less likely than those who are sedentary to die of a heart attackMost nations regard their airspace as extendingupward as high as an aircraft can fly; no specificaltitude, however, has bee n officially recog ni zed as a boun dary.(A)as exte nding(B)as the exte nt(C)to be an exte nt(D)to be an exte nsion(E)to exte ndAccording to his own account, Frederic-AugusteBartholdi, the sculptor of the Statue of Liberty,modeled the face of the statue like his mother ' shsiWtte bo'dys like(A)modeled the face of the statue like his mother ' s and the body like his wife ' s(B)modeled the face of the statue after that of his mother and the body after that of his wife(C)modeled the face of the statue like his mother and the body like his wife(D)made the face of the statue after his mother and the body after his wife(E)made the face of the statue look like his mother and the body look like his wifeWhen rates were raised in 1985, postal service officials predicted they would make further ratein creases unn ecessary for at least three years.(A)they would make further rate in creases unn ecessary(B)they would mea n that further rate in creases would n ot be n eeded(C)that it would not be n ecessary for further rate in creases(D)that the in crease would make further rate in creases unn ecessary(E)further rate in creases will not be n eededWith its pla n to develop seve n and a half acres of shore land, Clevela nd is but one of a largenu mber of com mun ities on the Great Lakes that is look ing to its waterfr ont as a way toimprove the quality of urban life and attract new businesses.(A)is looking to its waterfront as a way to improve the quality of urban life and attract(B)is looking at its waterfront to improve the quality of urban life and attract(C)are look ing to their waterfr onts to improve the quality of urba n life and attract(D)are looking to its waterfront as a way of improving the quality of urban life andattracti ng(E)are look ing at their waterfr onts as a way they can improve the quality of urba n life andattract。
掌控不好的知识英文作文Knowledge is a powerful tool that can shape our understanding of the world and help us navigate through life. However, not all knowledge is beneficial or useful. Some knowledge can be harmful, leading us down the wrong path and causing more harm than good.When we are not careful about the knowledge we acquire, we may find ourselves falling into the trap of misinformation and fake news. In today's digital age, it is easy to be misled by false information spread throughsocial media and unreliable sources. It is important tofact-check and verify the information we come across to ensure that we are not being misled.Knowledge can also be dangerous when it is used for malicious purposes. In the wrong hands, knowledge can be weaponized to manipulate and control others. It is important to be aware of the intentions behind the knowledge that is being shared and to question the motivesof those who are spreading it.Sometimes, we may become too obsessed with acquiring knowledge and forget to live in the present moment. Constantly seeking new information and trying to keep up with the latest trends can be exhausting and overwhelming. It is important to find a balance between expanding our knowledge and taking time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.Knowledge can also be limiting if we become too attached to our beliefs and refuse to consider alternative perspectives. It is important to keep an open mind and be willing to challenge our own beliefs in order to grow and evolve intellectually.In conclusion, while knowledge is a valuable asset, it is important to be mindful of the type of knowledge we acquire and how we use it. By being discerning and critical of the information we come across, we can avoid fallinginto the trap of misinformation and ensure that the knowledge we possess is truly empowering and beneficial.。
Ode to Free Will is a profound reflection on the concept of free will and its significance in human life.The essay begins by exploring the philosophical question of whether human beings possess free will or if our actions are predetermined by fate or external factors.It delves into various perspectives,from religious beliefs to scientific theories,to examine the nature of free will.The essay acknowledges the complexity of the debate surrounding free will.It references historical philosophers such as Descartes,who argued for the existence of free will,and determinists like Hobbes,who believed that all actions are the result of preceding events. The essay also touches on modern psychological and neuroscientific research that has attempted to shed light on this ageold question.One of the key arguments presented in the essay is that free will is essential for moral responsibility.It posits that without the ability to make choices,individuals cannot be held accountable for their actions.This idea is explored through examples of how society punishes criminals based on the assumption that they had the free will to choose between right and wrong.The essay also discusses the implications of free will in personal growth and development.It suggests that the belief in free will can motivate individuals to strive for selfimprovement and to take control of their lives.This is contrasted with a deterministic worldview,which might lead to a sense of helplessness and passivity. Furthermore,the essay explores the role of free will in creativity and innovation.It argues that the freedom to choose ones path and to make unique decisions is what drives artists, scientists,and inventors to push the boundaries of human knowledge and expression. However,the essay does not shy away from the potential downsides of free will.It acknowledges that with the power to choose comes the responsibility to make wise decisions,and that the misuse of free will can lead to negative consequences for both the individual and society.In conclusion,the essay celebrates the concept of free will as a fundamental aspect of human experience.It encourages readers to embrace the freedom to make choices and to take responsibility for their actions.The essay ends on a hopeful note,suggesting that the belief in free will can lead to a more just and compassionate world.Overall,Ode to Free Will is a thoughtprovoking exploration of a complex and deeply human issue.It invites readers to reflect on their own beliefs about free will and to consider the impact of these beliefs on their lives and the world around them.。
高一英语模拟试卷考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:xxx 分钟;出题人:xxx 姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、单项选择1.In this lecture, I can only give you a purely ______ view of how we can live life to the full and make some suggestions about the future. A .precious B .unique C .different D .personal2. The problem requires ______. A .studying with great care B .to study carefullyC .to be studied without carelessnessD .taking great care of studying it3.As far as I’m concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, .A .the more for life are you equippedB .the more equipped for life you areC .the more life you are equipped forD .you are equipped the more for life 4.– How much wine is left in the bottle standing on the table?– ________A .No oneB .NoneC .NobodyD .Nothing 5.. I’ll do everything in my _____ to help you out. A .energy B .power C .right D .reach 6. my surprise,when the students saw this film,they all shouted surprise. A .In;in B .In;atC.To;inD.To;at7.Tom rode his motorbike to work yesterday and had a crash with a car. His motorbike was ________ and he was seriously ________.A.injured; hurtB.hurt; destroyedC.wounded; hurtD.destroyed; injured8.When you introduce me to Mr. Johnson, could you please say for me? A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing9.--- What do you think of their marriage?--- _________, if I were Kate, I would not marry him.A.Generally speakingB.Believe it or notC.To my surpriseD.To be honest10. -- Hey! Do you know Bulls’ Derrick Rose becomes the youngest NBA MVP?-- Er… but what does MVP________? for B.ask for C.prepare for D.stand for二、完形填空A man was driving at 70 miles in a 40-mile zone, when a came behind him. Right away the man started thinking of to give.As the policeman came to him, he said, “Hi, officer, I guess you me a little bit over the speed limit. I was in a rush to get , to be with my wife and kids. You know my younger son wasn’t feeling too when I left home this morning. I’m afraid he’s ill.”The policeman said, “Well, I guess so,” and started something in his notebook. As minutes went by, he could see from the side view mirror, the policeman was writing. When the man was wondering why he hadn’t asked for his driving so far, the policeman came to his window, him a piece of paper, and returned to his car without saying a single word. The man wondered: how much was this going to be? However, the man was it was not a ticket at all and he began to :“I had a daughter who was by a speeding car at the age of six by a speeding driver. He got a fine, a few months in , and then was free, free to hug his two daughters. I only had one, and now I have to until I get to heaven before I can hug her again. I have tried to that man a thousand times, and I thought I had. Maybe I really did forgive him. So pray for me, and be when you drive again. My son is all I have been left with.”The man was completely and could not move for the next few minutes. When finally he did, he drove , even a few miles the speed limit, praying for forgiveness.11.A.truck B.police car C.mail car D.taxi12.A.information B.advice C.views D.excuses13.A.remembered B.recognized C.mistook D.caught14.A.home school C.out hospital15.A.happy B.well D.healthy16.A.writing B.looking for C.listing D.looking up17.A.even B.really C.never B.journal C.license D.route19.A.handed B.sent C.rewarded D.pushed20.A.paper B.ticket C.note D.notice21.A.excited B.upset C.angry B.laugh D.think23.A.hit B.knocked C.killed D.trapped24.A.fear B.prison C.trouble D.danger25.A.stay B.wait C.remain D.escape26.A.forgive B.attack C.educate 27.A.honest B.thankful C.careful D.patient28.A.disappointed B.nervous C.shocked D.frightened29.A.quickly B.fortunately C.rapidly D.slowly30.A.under B.over D.withThe earth is our home. We must take care of it. Life today is easier than it was _____ years ago, but it has brought some new problems. One of the biggest problems is pollution. We can see it, smell it, drink it and even hear it.Man has polluted the _____. The more people, the more pollution. Many years ago, the problem was not so serious because there were not so _____ people. When the land was used up or the river was not clean in a place, man went to _____ place. Now man is slowly polluting the whole world._____ pollution is still the most se rious, it’s bad for _____ things in the world. Many countries don’t let people burn _____ for air in the houses and factories in the city. Pollution by SO2 is now the most dangerous kind of air pollution. It’s caused by heavy traffic. People say it’s _____ to ride bikes. When you are riding, there is no pollution. But even in developed countries, most people don’t go to work by bike. It’s not because bikes are expensive or people are tired if they ride to work. It’s because the number of cars on the roads becomes larger. So more people _____ their bikes and go to work by car, then things are getting worse and worse. We should have special roads only for bikes and make it ______ difficult and expensive for drivers to take their cars into the city that they will go back to using their bikes.31.A.hundred B.hundreds of C.hundred of D.hundreds32.A.moon D.sun33.A.lot B.little C.many D.much34.A.others B.the others C.the other D.another35.A.Air B.Food C.Water D.lives37.A.something bad B.bad something C.somethinggood D.good something38.A.least C.most D.worst39.A.put on B.look at C.put away D.look up40.A.suite B.such C.very D.soMy friend Michelle is blind, but you'd never know it. She makes such good use of her other ____, including her "sixth Sense", that she rarely gives the impression she's ______ anything.Michelle looks after her children pretty much like the rest of us, ________ that she doesn't push too hard on them, ________ really benefit a lot from her relaxed attitude. She knows when to clean the house, she moves around so fast that often ________ don't realize she's blind.I ________ this the first time after my six-year-old daughter, Kayla, went to play there. When Kayla came home, she was very ________ about her day. She told me they had baked cookies, played games and done art projects. But she was _______ excited about her finger-painting project."Mom, guess what?" said Kayla, all smiles "I learned how to ________ colors today! Blue and red make purple, and yellow and blue make green! And Michelle ________ with us."To my great ________, my child had learnt about color from a blind friend!Then Kayla continued. "Michelle told me my ________ showed joy, pride and a sense of accomplishment. She really ________ what I was doing!" Kayla said she had never felt how good finger paints felt _______ Michelle showed her how to paint without looking at her paper.I realized Kayla didn't know that Michelle was blind. It had just never________ in conversation.When I told her, she was _______ for a moment. At first, she didn't believe me. "But Mommy, Michelle knew exactly what was in my picture!" Kayla_______. And I knew my child was ________ because Michelle had listened to Kayla describe her artwork. Michelle had also heard Kayla's ________ in her work,We were silent for a minute. Then Kayla said slowly, "You know, Mommy, Michelle really did 'see' my picture. She just used my ________."Indeed, she uses a special type of "vision" that all mothers have.41.A.ways B.means C.methods D.senses42.A.enjoyed B.found C.missed D.seen43.A.and B.except C.even D.but44.A.who C.she D.which45.A.guests C.children D.friends46.A.realized B.witnessed C.recognized D.regretted47.A.excited B.sad C.satisfied D.enjoyed48.A.especially B.not so C.a little D.not at all49.A.paint B.draw C.create D.mix50.A.stayed B.painted C.talked D.watched51.A.excitement B.encouragement C.delight D.surprise52.A.attitude B.color C.picture D.paper53.A.touched C.saw D.understood54.A.after B.since C.until D.when55.A.referred to B.turned out C.come up D.thought about56.A.curious B.quiet C.puzzled D.disappointed57.A.cried B.insisted C.complained D.informed58.A.right B.wrong C.worded D.uncertain59.A.shortcomings B.difficulties C.pride D.description60.A.paper B.pens C.hands D.eyes61.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Deception,a complex and multifaceted phenomenon,has been a subject of interest in literature,psychology,and everyday life.The following essay explores the concept of deception from various angles,including its definition,types,and the reasons behind it.Definition of Deception:Deception is the act of causing someone to believe something that is not true,typically with the intention of gaining an unfair advantage.It can be a deliberate and conscious choice or an unconscious act driven by deeper psychological factors.Types of Deception:1.Verbal Deception:This involves lying or making false statements.It is one of the most common forms of deception and can range from small lies to elaborate fabrications.2.Nonverbal Deception:Body language,facial expressions,and tone of voice can all be used to deceive.This type of deception is often harder to detect because it relies on subtle cues.3.Digital Deception:With the rise of technology,digital deception has become increasingly prevalent.This includes identity theft,phishing,and spreading misinformation online.4.SelfDeception:This occurs when individuals deceive themselves to maintain a certain selfimage or belief,often as a coping mechanism for uncomfortable truths.Reasons for Deception:1.Personal Gain:One of the primary reasons for deception is to achieve personal benefits, such as financial gain,power,or social status.2.Avoiding Consequences:Deception can be used to evade the repercussions of ones actions,whether it be avoiding punishment or escaping from an uncomfortable situation.3.Protecting Others:Sometimes,deception is employed to shield others from harm or distress,even if it means the deceiver must bear the burden of dishonesty.4.SelfPreservation:In some cases,deception is a survival mechanism,used to protect ones selfesteem or to avoid feelings of inadequacy.Effects of Deception:Deception can have farreaching consequences.It can damage trust and relationships,lead to legal repercussions,and even contribute to societal issues such as the spread of misinformation.On a personal level,the act of deceiving can lead to feelings of guilt and a loss of selfrespect.Detection and Prevention of Deception:Detecting deception can be challenging but is often possible through careful observation of verbal and nonverbal cues,as well as the consistency of the deceivers story.Preventioninvolves fostering a culture of honesty and transparency,and promoting critical thinking to discern truth from falsehood.Conclusion:Deception,while a common aspect of human interaction,is a complex issue with significant implications.Understanding the motivations behind deception and its effects can help individuals and societies navigate the challenges it presents.It is crucial to promote honesty and integrity to mitigate the negative impacts of deception and to build a more trustworthy environment.。
2020年1月22日GRE考试真题预测(GRE填空)1. The cognitive flexibility of successful fictional detectives is often ____ by their cultural ambivalence:detectives' intellectual acumen, it seems, exists in direct proportion to their uneasy place in society.A. spurnedB. spadedC. spurredD. matchedE. emaciated答案:C解析:这道题的意思是说成功的侦探非常灵活,这是他们的文化矛盾所____:他们的社会地位越是动荡,他们就越发敏锐。
2. Professor Ramfield describes in his recent book publishing as dark as it is deep, even as one hidebound industry, indeed, it is facing a profound change in its product model, but is so (i)___ its past as to be(ii)____opportunities offered by technological change.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A. indebted in D. unable to seizeB. encumbered by E. capable of seekingC. irrelevant with F. definite to circumvent答案:BD解析:这道题是说Ramfield教授在书里描述说,呆板的产业正在面临产品模型的巨大改变,但是它们太过(i)____过去,以至于(ii)______科技改变带来的机会。
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This work was partly supported by the Army Research O ce (DAAH04-95-1-0169) and NSF Grant CCR92-16122.
May 1997
Peter Buneman
Wenfei Fany
Scott Weinsteinz
In 10], we introduced a path constraint language and established the undecidability of its associated implication problems. In this paper, we identify several fragments of the language, and establish the decidability of the implication and nite implication problems for each of these fragments in the context of semistructured databases. In addition, we demonstrate that these fragments su ce to express important semantic information such as extent constraint, inverse relationships and local database constraints commonly found in object-oriented databases. We also show that these fragments are useful for, among other things, query optimization.
The Decidability of Some Restricted Implication Problems for Path Constraints
peter@ wfan@ weinstein@ Department of Computer and Information Science University of Pennsylvania
Taking S1 Enrolled Name CName "Chem3" C1
Taking S2 Enrolled Name
Taking C2 Enrolled CName
Figure 1: Representation of a student/course database That is, any course taken by a student must be a course that occurs in the database \extent" of courses, and any student enrolled in a course must be a student that similarly occurs in the database. Inverse Constraints. The inverse relationship between Taking and Enrolled is expressed as: 8 s c (Students(r; s) ^ Taking(s; c) ! Enrolled(c; s)) 8 c s (Courses(r; c) ^ Enrolled(c; s) ! Taking(s; c)) Such constraints are common in object-oriented databases 18, 5, 11]. Local Database Constraints. In database integration one often wants to perform the most trivial integration and include one database as a component of another. Suppose, for example, we want to build a database which is a set, Schools, of school databases described above. Now we may want certain constraints to hold on components of this database. For example, the \extent constraints" described above now hold on each member of the set Schools. Here we refer to a component database such as a member of the set Schools as a local database and its constraints as local database constraints . Extending our graph representation by adding edges labeled with Schools from the new root node to the roots of local databases, the local extent constraints are: 8 d c (Schools(r; d) ^ 9 s (Students(d; s) ^ Taking(s; c)) ! Courses(d; c)) 8 d s (Schools(r; d) ^ 9 c (Courses(d; c) ^ Enrolled(c; s)) ! Students(d; s)) Path inclusion constraints have been studied in 4]. However, the constraints of 4] cannot express, for example, the inverse relationship and the local database constraints described above. Path constraints of P are useful for a number of reasons. For semistructured data, in particular, these constraints can be used for optimizing queries and for imposing some form of structure on the data. There has been work in optimization techniques for queries on semistructured data. In 9], a lambda calculus for semistructured data is presented. This yields a framework for graph transformations which, in turn, allows an optimized evaluation of UnQL queries. In 24], a query decomposition method is proposed as an e cient query evaluation strategy on distributed data sources. In 3], extensions to the optimization techniques for generalized path expressions in object-oriented databases developed by 2, 12] are considered for semistructured data. Recently, Abiteboul and Vianu investigated query optimization by using path constraints 4]. 2
1 Introduction
The representation of data as a rooted edge-labeled graph has gained enormous popularity recently in semistructured data. It has proven to be useful for a wide range of applications such as integrating heterogeneous data sources (Lorel 3], MSL 22]), querying biological data (UnQL 9]) and querying the Web (W3QS 17], WebSQL 19], STRUQL 14]). See 1] for a survey. The graph in Figure 1, taken from 10], provides an example of such a representation of a database. In the graph, the root node r indicates a (persistent) entry point into the database, the vertices represent data entities, and the edges are labeled with attribute names. As it stands, the graph representation of data does not provide full information about the structure of the data. In response to this problem, in 10] we presented a class of path inclusion constraints, P , for the graph data model. These path constraints are capable of expressing natural integrity constraints that are a fundamental part of the semantics of the data. For example, by taking edge labels as binary relations, the following semantic relations can be expressed as constraints of P . Extent Constraints. Given the database depicted in Figure 1, one would expect the following constraints to hold: 8 c (9 s (Students(r; s) ^ Taking(s; c)) ! Courses(r; c)) 8 s (9 c (Courses(r; c) ^ Enrolled(c; s)) ! Students(r; s))