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剑桥雅思9口语Test4参考答案---------------------------------------答案编辑者:上海环球雅思名师李宁(英国剑桥国际考试委员会IGCSE & A Level口语考官)Sam(British), Maria(American)微博:环球雅思李宁Part1The examiner asks the candidates about him/herself, his/her home, work or studiesand other familiar topics.EXAMPLEBicyclesHow popular are bicycles in your home town?[why?]Unfortunately, bikes are not very popular in my home town. I think this is a result of a few things. Firstly, my home town is too far away from the other local townsand cities to travel by bicycle so instead people choose to travel by car. Secondly, my hometown is very hilly, and many people are too lazy to cycle around the steephills. Most people are also fairly well off, so they can afford a car. They thinkcars are faster and more convenient, so bicycles are not so common.How often do you ride a bicycle? [ why/ why not?]I ride my bicycle everyday. I ride my bike to work everyday from Monday to Friday,and I like to go on bike trips into the countryside on the weekend. I find cyclinga relaxing way to exercise and stay healthy.Do you think that bicycles are suitable for all ages?[why/ why not?]I do not think cycling on the road is not suitable for all ages. Some y oung children, and even some very old people, are not aware enough to cycle on the road. Similarly, people who have not passed their driving test may not be aware of the rules of theroad, and could cause an accident. I am in full support of introducing a cyclingproficiency exam to improve to standards of cyclists on the road, and to reduceaccidents and fatalities.What are the advantages of a bicycle compared to a car?[why]Cycling is far cleaner for the environment. Admittedly, bicycles are slower thancars, but with so many cars on the road, it is actually sometimes faster to travelby bike than by car, especially at rush hour when there are lots of traffic jams!In London, new 'Cycle Superhighways' have been introduced, where cars cannot go.By allowing cyclists this space, it is often faster to cross the city by bicyclethan by car!PART 2Describe a person who has done a lot of work to help people.You should say:Who this person is/wasWhere this person lives/livedWhat he/she has done to help peopleAnd explain how you know about this person.You will have to talk about this topic for one to two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you are going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.My brother has done more to help other people in his life than anyone else I know.He has good moral standards; if there is an old lady trying to cross the road, hewill always stop to help her. If a pregnant lady is standing up on the bus, he will always offer her his seat. In school, he would always offer to help and explain things to his classmates if they didn't understand.Not only is he kind and thoughtful in everyday life, but on top of this he completed a charity walk from Lands End to John O'Groats, over 1,500 kilometers across Britain.This is a fantastic achievement in itself, but he also managed to raise over £1000 for charity!Furthermore, he volunteered every Saturday for a year at a local charity shop, Oxfam, which raises money for people living in poverty. He is an extremely selfless person, who gets the most pleasure in life from helping other people rather than himself.PART 3Discussion topics:Helping other people in the communityExamples questions:What are some of the ways people can help others in the community?which is most important?I think one of the best ways to get involved and help in the community is to volunteerat a local charity. I volunteered at a wildlife conservation trust when I was 15.Everyday in the summer holiday, I would be outside in the woods and the countryside, helping to build eco-friendly footpaths, fences and bridges, so people could enjoy the forest park without damaging the local wildlife and habitats. It was a greatway to stay active, have fun, make friends and help the community.Why do you think some people like to help other people?Helping other people makes you feel good about yourself, especially when they show their thanks and gratitude. You get a sense of pride and fulfilment, knowing thatyou did something worthwhile to help change someone else's life.If more people were generous with their time and helped other people, the world would be a better place.Some people say that people help others in the community more now than they didin the past. Do you agree or disagree?I am not sure, I will have to ask my Dad about that one! He is much older than meso he is in a better position to compare society from 40 years ago to society today! Over the past 20 years, I know the British government has encouraged schools to play a more active role in the community, and to encourage students to take part involunteering and community activities, so I would like to think that there has been a rise in community kindness.Community servicesExample questions:What types of services, such as libraries or health centers, are available to thepeople who live in your area? Do you think there are enough of them?In my hometown, in England, there are lots of libraries and health centres inthe local area that offer a wide range of free services. The libraries have modernised and now offer computer and internet services, as well as ebooks and CD's for loan.These are useful for lots of people, especially poorer people who maybe cannot afford to buy books and CD's, or who don't have access to computers or the internet at home.Which groups of people generally need most support in a community?why?Likewise, lots of government funded community health centres have also openedup to offer support and increase awareness about issues such as sexual health,pregnancy and domestic violence, as well as offer guidance and treatment for diseases such as cancer and AIDS. These are especially useful for young people, who maybehave questions about sex and relationships but are too embarrassed to ask theirparents, or who are worried about older relatives with a terminal illness.Who do you think should pay for the services that are available to the people ina community? Should it be the government or individual people?In the UK, the government pays for all community services such as libraries,hospitals and schools. While I fundamentally agree that governments should offerthese services for free to all its citizens, I also understand that in other countries,this issue can be very complicated. I think everyone needs to sit down together and vote on how to prioritise national budgets and tax levels.感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用!。

《Oral English 4 Syllabus(英语口语4 Gosia)》课程教学大纲

《Oral English 4 Syllabus(英语口语4 Gosia)》课程教学大纲

DONGGUAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYYuetai DepartmentCourse SyllabusSpring 2019Instructor InformationCourse InformationAssessment and GradingCourse DescriptionThis course is designed for under graduate students who are non-native speakers of English in order to develop their listening and speaking skills in the target language. Activities will include practicing vocabulary and core grammar structures, speakingon given topics and analysing the presented data. Student will be expected to do their homework in a spoken form, participate actively in the classroom activities and fulfil all the other given assignments. The overall grade from the course will be established on the basis of the progress the Ss make throughout the duration of the course. Actual content of the course will depend on the preliminary needs and level analysis, and is a subject to change as the course proceeds. Those are only sample modules. Course ObjectivesBy the end of this course, learners should be able to:(a) communicate with others in the target language in practical situations;(b) express their thoughts with greater fluency and accuracy;(c) handle themselves in the target language in a variety of written contexts, from short to long forms;(d) produce grammatically correct sentences;Course Policies(1) Attendance and participationAttendance is required. You are expected to actively participate in class activities. (2) AssignmentsAt few separate times during the semester, you will be responsible for finishing a spoken assignment from either the things that were covered in the classroom before or the material of your choice. The instructor will provide individual feedback. Itwill be stored and will provide further feedback for Ss on their progress throughout the course.Course ExpectationsAttendance and ParticipationSince this course is an oral communication course, attendance and active participation is mandatory. Full attendance means arriving on time, remaining present, actively participating in class discussions, and completing assignments and readings before the class meets. You may be absent for one class without penalty to your attendance grade; any additional absences will affect your grade. If an absence is unavoidable, please speak with the instructor prior to your absence where possible.Technology in the ClassroomPlease do NOT bring your laptops to class (unless we are using them for a specific class activity). Cell phones should be silenced and put away (i.e., not on desktops or laps) for the duration of class.Late AssignmentsIf, for some reason, you are unable to turn in an assignment on time, please discuss the issue with the instructor as early as possible. Late assignments with no explanation may lose points.Academic Integrity & PlagiarismPlagiarism is using someone else’s words, ideas, and/or data in your work and treating it as your own by either not citing it or by citing it inappropriately. Plagiarism is a very serious issue in any university system.Dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated in this course. Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarizing, fabricating information or citations, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others, having unauthorized possession of examinations, submitting work of another person or work previously used without informing the instructor, or tampering with the academic work of other students. Students who are found to be dishonest will receive academic sanctions and will be reported to the University’s Management office for possible further disciplinary sanction.Course Schedule。




托福TPO46口语Task4阅读文本: Warning Coloration Many animals have defense mechanisms that help protect them from predators. In some cases, these animals have distinct coloring that signals predators of the presence of such defenses. This type of coloring is called warning coloration. If a predator does not recognize the meaning of this coloration and attacks, it may suffer significant discomfort or injury when its would-be prey employs its defense mechanism. As a result, the predator learns to associate the warning coloration with negative consequences, and will from that point forward avoid attacking animals that have that coloration. 托福TPO46口语Task4听力文本: Now listen to part of a lecture in a biology class. We have a good example of this with the skunk. As most of you know, the skunk is a furry little mammal that can be found throughout North America. Skunks have a very distinctive marking. Their body is mostly black, and they have a big white stripe that runs from the top of their head all the way down their back and along their big bushy tail. So they're very easy to see and very easy to recognize even from a distance. Skunks also have special glands under their tail that produce a terrible, smelling liquid. And when skunks are approached by a predator, they lift their tail and spray the predator with this liquid. For example, let's say a wolf is preparing to attack a skunk. As the wolf approaches, the skunk lifts its tail and sprays the wolf. That's very very unpleasant for the wolf because it's now covered with this repulsive, foul-smelling liquid. The wolf doesn't want to be sprayed again, so it backs off and leaves the skunk alone. And from then on, whenever that wolf sees a furry, little black body with a big white stripe running from its head to its tail, it'll recall that terrible smell and it'll be sure to stay far away. 托福TPO46口语Task4题目: Explain how the professor’s example from the lecture illustrates warning coloration. 托福TPO46口语Task4满分范文: Warning coloration refers to a type of coloring that animals have to signal predators of the presence of defenses. In the lecture, the professor uses skunk as an example to illustrate this term. Skunks have a big white stripe that runs from the top of the head down their back and along the big bushy tail. The special glands under their tail can produce a terrible, smelling liquid. When a wolf is preparing to attack a skunk, the skunk lifts its tail and sprays the wolf. So the wolf backs off and leaves the skunk alone. From then on, whenever the wolf sees the skunk, it will recall the terrible smell and stay far away from it. 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO46口语Task4阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。



三一口语4级常见问题Hobbies and Sports1.Do you have any hobbies?Yes, I enjoy playing tennis very much. It relaxes me and I find it interesting. I spend a lot of my spare time playing it. I think that’s why I’m stronger than most of my classmates.2.Do you think it is important to have hobbies?I think it’s very important to have hobbies because it’s always good to have something to do in your spare time, especially something you’re good at. In this way, you won’t feel lonely and bored. Take me for example. I like dancing. I often forget the time when the music is on. It’s also a good way to relieve my stress and improve the quality of my life.3.Do you like reading books?Of course I like reading books very much. Reading opens a window for me to the outside world and it’s the best way for me to learn something new. I’m especially interested in science books. My favorite book is called Science world. I find it very useful.4.Do you like playing sports?Certainly! I like playing sports very much. It’s good for my health. I seldom catch colds after I started playing sports regularly two years ago. It also helps me forget all my troubles. I always feel happy when I play badminton with my friends.5.What is your favorite sport?My favorite sport is basketball because basketball games are exciting. I always have a lot of fun during the games, and I feel great when our team wins. It’s also a good way for me to get taller. I’m one of the tallest students in my class.6.Where do you like to play sports?I like to play sports in ABC Fitness Center. The sports center is near my house. Its facilities are modern and it’s even bigger than the gym in our school. I often play basketball with a coach there. He’s kind and often helps me improve my skills. We’re good friends now.Food7.What do you eat for breakfast?I often eat an egg and two pieces of bread with strawberry jam for breakfast. I drink a glass of milk or orange juice sometimes as well. They’re all good for my health.8.What is your favorite food?My favorite food is fruit salad because it contains different kinds of fruit like apple, pear, watermelon and banana. They’re tasty and healthy.9.What food do you think is healthy?Well, in my opinion, we need to eat a variety of foods and have a balanced diet in order to stay healthy. Starchy foods give us energy. Meat and eggs make us grow stronger. Fruit and vegetables support our bodies’ daily functions. They’re all necessary to our health.10.What do you think of fast food?Although fast food is very popular with young people, I don’t like it because it’s not good for my health. It has too much fat and too few vitamins. This makes me gain weight easily. I think we should eat more fruit and vegetables instead.11.Do you prefer to eat in a restaurant or at home?Answer 1:I prefer to eat in a restaurant because there are more choices than at home, not to mention the taste of food. To tell you the truth, my mom is not good at cooking and I don’t enjoy her dishes at all. Answer 2:I enjoy dining at home because it’s more relaxing to eat at home than in a restaurant. I can have dinner while watching TV. And the food at home is cleaner since my mom always washes vegetables twice before she cooks them.12.Do you prefer Chinese food or Western food?Of course I prefer Chinese food, especially traditional Chinese dishes such as dumplings and steamed buns. My family often makes dumplings together and eats them on the weekends. They taste so delicious that I can eat fifteen at a time.Shopping13.Do you like shopping?Of course, I go shopping nearly every weekend. I feel relaxed when I’m shopping. I can buy many things such as books, stationery and clothes from different stores. In fact, sometimes I don’t buy anything. I just go window shopping because it saves money.14.Where do you usually go shopping?Well, my favorite place to shop is the supermarket near my house. I can shop for almost everything there, from food and drinks to clothes and accessories. When I’m in a hurry, I also buy things from 7-Eleven, the convenience store. It’s really convenient.15.What did you buy recently?I bought some books last week. I found them really interesting. I also bought a skirt in a department store. I wore it in the park yesterday. Everyone said it looked great on me.16.What is the most important thing to consider when you go shopping?It depends. When I buy clothes and shoes, color is the most important thing to consider. I prefer warm colors like red and orange. They look good on me. When I shop for home appliances, I pay more attention to their quality.17.Do you like to buy things in department stores or online?I like to buy things in department stores, because I always want to see and touch the product before I buy it. If I shop online, I won’t know whether the quality is good.18.Do you bargain when you are shopping?Yes, I like to bargain when I’m shopping, because I can buy things at lower prices. However, I can’t bargain in every store. Prices are fixed in department stores, for example.19.Are you interested in name brand products?Yes, I like to buy name brand products, because their quality is usually better and their products are more trustworthy. However, prices of name brands are usually more expensive, so I buy them only when they’re on sale.School and Work20.Who is your favorite teacher at school?My favorite teacher is definitely my English Teacher Jessica. She’s nice and patient. She seldom loses her temper when we do something wrong. Instead, she tells us how we can improve. She’s also knowledgeable. She always helps us solve our problems quickly. Everyone in my class admires her a lot.21.What is your favorite subject?Answer 1:I like science the most because I can learn about many interesting things. For example, I know why there is a sunrise in the morning and a sunset in the afternoon every day, and I understand how a battery provides electricity. Also, I find science very useful. I can apply all the knowledge to my daily life.Answer 2:My favorite subject is English. It allows me to learn another language and get to know a new culture. It seems to open a window for me to another part of the world. I try to memorize five new words every day. Now I can read some English stories without the help of a dictionary.22.What outdoor activities do you have at school?There are many outdoor activities in our school. They include visiting museums, sports meetings and spring outings, hiking and camping. Next week we’ll visit the science museum. I’m sure I’ll learn a lot there.23.Why do students need outdoor activities?Outdoor activities are necessary for three reasons. First, we can breathe the fresh air outside of our classrooms. It is good for our health. Second, it is easier for us to make new friends when we are playing sports or going on a picnic together. Lastly, we can also learn something new from these activities. For example, when we go to the zoo, we get to know more about animals; and when we visit the natural history museum, we learn more about the earth.24.What does your father do?My father is a website designer. He works in an international IT company. He has designed web pages for many clients, including schools, hospitals and department stores. My father often comes home late because he’s very busy, but he enjoys his job very much.Holidays25.Do you like holidays?Of course! I like holidays very much because I don’t need to go to school during holidays. I can relax and play computer games with my friends. That is so much fun.26.Where did you go on your last summer holiday?I went to the beach with my parents last summer. We spent five days there. The beach was awesome. We swam in the sea during the day and walked along the seaside in the evening. We also bought many sea shells as souvenirs. We had such a good time there.27.Where did you stay when you were there?We stayed in a five-star hotel. The hotel was only five minutes’ walk from the city center, so it was convenient for us to get around. Our room was clean and tidy. The services were good as well. We had wireless Internet access for free. The hotel staff gave us wake-up cal every morning and it was always on time. I felt very comfortable there.28.How was the place that you went to?The view on the beach was wonderful. The sky was blue and the water was clear. I saw some boys surfing. There were skilled. There were also people lying on the beach to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. I took many photos with my parents. It was such an exciting place that I’ll never forget it.29.Did you take any good photos?Of course! Hangzhou is a beautiful city and I took a lot of good photos at the West Lake. The most interesting one was of me standing by the lake with a lovely boat right behind me on the water. I have a big smile in that photo.30.Where will you go on your next holiday?I plan to go to Harbin during the coming winter holiday. I’ll visit the ice and snow sculpture festival there. I heard there would be a sculpture of a castle this winter. I would like to take photos of it. And I also want to try some local foods such as red sausage. They must be delicious.Weekend and Seasonal Activities31.Do you like weekends?Answer 1:Sure! I like weekends because I don’t need to go to school. I can relax at home and do anything I like such as reading novel and listening to music.Answer 2:I’m afraid I don’t like weekends at all. My parents always ask me to study hard, and I seldom have time to rest. I prefer weekdays. At least I can play football with my classmates after school.32.What do you often do on the weekends?Well, I play badminton with my friend almost every weekend. It helped me lose weight and keep fit. I seldom get sick after playing it.33.What did you do last weekend?It was a special weekend for me because it was my friend Jenny’s birthday. At the party, we sang Happy Birthday to her first. Then she closed her eyes and made a birthday wish. After she blew out the candles, we began to share the cake. It was tasty. I bought her a lovely doll as birthday gift and it surprised her so much. We had such a good time together.34.What are you going to do this weekend?I’m going to the zoo with my mom this weekend. I feel excited about it because I’m very interested in different animals on the earth. It’ll be my second visit to the zoo. I believe I’ll recognize more animals this time.35.What is your favorite season?I like spring the most because the weather is the best. It’s not as cold as winter, and not as hot as summer. In spring, I can participate in a lot of outdoor activities such as hiking on a mountain with friends or taking a walk in the park.36.What are the differences between spring and winter?There are a lot of differences between spring and winter. It’s warm in spring. Trees turn green and flowers bloom. We can play ballgames outside. Winter is boring. The weather is so cold that we usually stay at home. Watching TV seems to be the only entertainment for me in winter.。




托福TPO48口语Task4阅读文本: Optimal Foraging Food provides animals with the energy they need to survive. However, animals also lose energy in the process of obtaining, or foraging, for food. Therefore, in order to conserve energy, many animals behave in ways that minimize the energy they expend in the foraging process while at the same time maximizing their nutritional benefits. This energy-efficient approach to obtaining food is known as optimal foraging. The practice of optimal foraging allows animals to expend the least possible amount of energy while at the same time obtaining prey with high food value that will provide them with necessary nutrients. 托福TPO48口语Task4听力文本: Now listen to part of a lecture from a biology class. All right. So I've got a good example of this. There's a bird, a species of crow, that lives near the water and it feeds on a type of shellfish that has a hard outer shell. In order to eat the shellfish, the bird has to crack open its hard shell. So when this bird feeds, what it does is: it dives down out of the air into shallow water, grabs a shellfish in its mouth, then carries the shellfish up in the air. It then drops the shellfish, lets it fall onto the rocks below. When the shellfish hits the rocks, its shell cracks and splits open and the bird can eat it. Now, this bird, this crow, doesn't just swoop down, grab the first shellfish it sees and then fly up to any height and let it fall. Instead, it does two things. First, it carefully selects only the biggest shellfish. That means it's going to get the biggest possible meal for its efforts. Okay? Second, it carries the shellfish up to a specific height, about five meters, and drops it from there. If the bird dropped the shellfish from a lower height, it would have to pick it p and drop it too many times in order to break the shell. On the other hand, if the bird carried the shellfish up to a higher altitude, an altitude higher than it's necessary to crack the shell, it would be wasting energy. So this bird expends just the right amount of energy - no more no less - that it needs to obtain just the right kind of food. 托福TPO48口语Task4题目: Using the example from the lecture, explain the concept of optimal foraging. 托福TPO48口语Task4满分范文: The reading passage introduces a term called “Optimal Foraging”, which means the energy-efficient approach to gaining food by maximizing food nutrition and minimizing foraging energies. The lecturer further illustrates this term by using the example of a species of crow. Firstly, this bird will dive down into shallow water and choose the biggest shellfish rather than grab the first shellfish it sees so that its efforts will yield greatest harvest. Second, the crow drops the shellfish from about five meters in the air to crack open the shell by the rock below. The height won’t be too little to break the shell at one time and won’t be too much to waste the flying energy. 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO48口语Task4阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。




托福TPO35口语Task4阅读文本: Integrated Farming Many farmers keep animals and raise crops at the same time. While some farmers treat the cultivation of their animals and plants as two separate activities, others integrate the two so that they work together. This is called integrated farming. Integrated farming uses the natural behavior of animals in a way that helps to keep both animals and crops healthy and thriving. By integrating a particular animal with a specific crop, farmers create a system in which both animals and plants provide for each other’s needs. 托福TPO35口语Task4听力文本: Now listen to part of the lecture from an environmental science class. Okay, so an example of this is when chickens are used to prepare a field for planting. Farmers who do this have a special kind of little house that they keep their chickens in. This little house has four walls and a roof but it doesn't have any floor. And it has wheels attached to it so it can easily be moved from one location to another. So farmers move this little house to a field where something is going to be planted. Say, bean plants. And then the chickens are placed inside the house, now remember there is no floor in this house and what the chickens do is they walk around inside the house and peck up the soil and eat any weeds or wild plants that they find. And then when the chickens are done eating the weeds in that location, the farmers move the house to the next section of the field. And again the chickens peck up the soil and eat the weeds. So the chickens get to eat a lot of weeds which are good for them. Now this activity is also good for the bean plants that'll be growing in the field, because when the chickens eat the weeds they're improving the quality of the soil. Thanks to the chickens when the bean plants start to grow there won't be any weeds there to compete with them for crucial resources, like sunlight and water. 托福TPO35口语Task4题目: Explain how the example from the lecture illustrate the concept of integrated farming. 托福TPO35口语Task4满分范文: Integrated farming means farmers treat the cultivation of the animals and the plants together in order to create a system in which both animals and plants providefor each other's needs. The professor illustrates the concept of integrated farming by using an example of farmers using chickens to help grow bean plants. In the example, the farmers move a little house that has no floor to some field preparing for growing bean plants. The farmers put the chicken in the little house and the chickens peck and eat up the weeds or plants in the soil, and when the chickens are done eating, the farmers will move to other places. According to the professor, this system is good for both the chickens and the bean plants because the chickens have enough weeds to feed and the quality of the field for the bean plants is improved since there will be no more competing weeds for crucial resources against the bean plants. 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO35口语Task4阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。




托福TPO39口语Task4阅读文本: Signaling Customers are often willing to pay higher prices for high-quality products, however, without specialized knowledge, it can be difficult to evaluate whether certain items are highly quality. When customers are unsure whether an item is high quality, ad worth the prize, they are less likely to purchase it. This problem can be solved through signaling. The seller of a product finds a way to signal, or demonstrate, to the buyer that the product is high quality. One common signaling strategy is to have a person or company that is not involved in the sale provide an objective, unbiased judgment about the quality of a product. 托福TPO39口语Task4听力文本: Now listen to part of a lecture from a business class. So OK here's a good example. A friend of mine owns a small jewelry store where she sells jewelry. And the jewelry she sells, watches, rings, necklaces, is very expensive, thousands of dollars, because it's all real gold, real diamonds, and other precious gemstones. So of course, when customers come into her store, well, if they are considering spending that much money on a piece of jewelry, they want to make sure it's authentic, that the gold is real, the gemstones are real, and not just pieces of glass. But most customers don't actually know how to tell the difference on their own. So in order to reassure her customers, what my friend did is, she had a jewelry expert come in and look at all the jewelry in her store. This expert had, like, twenty years of experience in examining jewelry, so he knew a lot about it. And the expert examined all the precious gemstones and certified that they were authentic, real. And then my friend put up a sign in the store saying that all the jewelry in the store had been certified as authentic by a leading expert. So her customers would see the sign and know that all the jewelry in the store was real. And since the expert didn't work for my friend's store, it didn't matter to him if the jewelry got sold or not. So customers were likely to trust his opinion. The expert was therefore able to provide evidence that the jewelry was worth the high prices. 托福TPO39口语Task4题目: Explain how the example used in the lecture illustrates the concept of signaling. 托福TPO39口语Task4满分范文: In the passage, the writer mentions a notion called signaling. This concept means the seller of some expensive product will find a way to make his customers believe that his product is high quality and finally buy it. Usually the seller will invite a not-involved party to give unbiased judgment. In the lecture, the man takes a jewelry store as an example. The owner of this store sells authentic watches or rings which are composed of real gold or diamond. So the price is expensive. However, most of people who walk into the store can’t tell these authentic things from fake ones. So the owner invites an expert of 20 years’ experience to certify that these products are real and writes this on a sign. People who read this sign will believe the expert’s words because he is not involved in the sale. Finally they will probably buy some jewelry. 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO39口语Task4阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。



tpo69口语task4文本TP069口语Task 4 文本:A student wants to join a campus club. He is preparing for an interview with the club president. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of joining a campus club.加入校园社团的优缺点Introduction:校园生活是大学生活中一个重要的组成部分,加入校园社团是许多大学生的选择。



Advantages of joining a campus club:加入校园社团有许多优点。








Disadvantages of joining a campus club:然而,加入校园社团也有一些缺点。















托福TPO45口语Task4阅读文本: Method of Loci Special techniques, or memory devices, are often used to help us recall information. One technique, the method of loci (i.e., method of location), is particularly helpful for remembering several pieces of information in a particular order. To use this technique, we first imagine a familiar place such as a building or an outdoor area. This familiar place should have a series of landmarks or locations within it that we can imagine walking past in a predictable, logical order. Once the landmarks have been identified in a given order, we assign one piece of the information that we want to later recall to each location. The information should be assigned in the order in which we want to remember it. To later recall the new information in order, we imagine walking through the familiar place, recalling what is stored at each location along the way. 托福TPO45口语Task4听力文本: Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic. So how would this work? Well, let's say you need to learn the names of the planets, in order, by distance from the Sun. So, first, think about the landmarks you pass as you walk from, say, your dormitory, to the student center. The first one might be the front door of your dormitory, then the big tree in front of the dorm. The next landmark you pass might be the statue in front of the library- Next, the steps to the science building. You get the idea. You memorize the major points along the walk, imagining yourself going from the first landmark to the second, the third, and so on. Now, the next thing you do is assign one planet to each of your landmarks in sequence. Since Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, you assign it to the first landmark, the front door of your dorm. The next planet, Venus, to the tree in front of the dorm. The third planet. Earth, you assign to the third landmark, the statue in front of the library, and so on and so on. And each time you picture the association in your mind as vividly as possible. Then later, say you are sitting in the classroom taking a test, and you have to write the order of the planets from the Sun. What do you do? You imagine yourselfon that familiar walk to the student center, passing each landmark as usual. When you think about walking out of the door of your dorm, you are reminded of Mercury. When you see the beautiful tree in front of the dorm, you'd think of Venus. At each landmark along the way, you recall the next planet and write it down. 托福TPO45口语Task4题目: Using the professor’s example, explain how the method of loci is used to recall information in sequence. 托福TPO45口语Task4满分范文: Method of Loci is particularly helpful for remembering several pieces of information in a particular order. In the lecture, the professor uses learning the names of planets in order by distance from the sun as an example to illustrate this method. In order to do this, you memorize the landmarks from the dormitory to the student center. The first landmark is the front door of your dorm, which you assign as the Mercury, the closest planet to the sun. The second landmark is the tree in front of your dorm, which you assign as Venus. And the third landmark is the statue in front of the library, which you assign as Earth. In this way, when you take a test and have to write down the order of the planets from the Sun, you will recall the planet according to the association with the landmarks. 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO45口语Task4阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。




托福TPO42口语Task4阅读文本: Habituation Habituation is a form of learning that is quite common among animals. When an animal experiences a situation for the first time, particularly one it considers threatening, it may instinctively respond by running away or by warning other members of its community with alarm calls. Normally, it responds this way each time the situation occurs. However, if through continuous and prolonged exposure the animal learns that the situation is harmless, the behavior gradually diminishes. Ultimately, it will stop responding to the situation altogether. Thus, through habituation a natural or instinctive behavior gradually changes. 托福TPO42口语Task4听力文本: Now listen to part of a lecture in a biology class. Prairie dogs are small animals you're likely to find on wide, relatively flat, grassy areas of land in North America. They tend to live together in large numbers. Now, generally these animals don't come into contact with human beings, but every now and then, they do. So let's assume that some prairie dogs happen to live in an area where human beings frequently come and go. Now the first time the animals would see a human being, they'd instinctively react by making a sharp barking sound like a dog and jumping up and down, essentially warning or alerting other prairie dogs that are nearby of this potential threat, exactly the same way they'd react if they came upon or were threatened by a snake or a hawk, an animal that preys on them. Their instinctive reaction would be one of fear. They'd keep an eye on the human beings until these scary, possibly threatening individuals are gone. And...they're likely to react this way every time they see a human being. However, if people pass through the area day after day without threatening them or trying to harm them, well, it turns out that the prairie dogs will gradually stop barking and jumping up and down when they see a human being passing through the area. At some point, they'd stop reacting to humans as though they were a threat. 托福TPO42口语Task4题目: Explain how the example of the prairie dog illustrates the concept of habituation. 托福TPO42口语Task4满分范文: In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that through habituation a natural behavior gradually changes. To reinforce the theory, the professor gave an example in his speech. That is, assume prairie dogs live in an area where human beings frequently come and go. The first time the animals see a person, they’d react by barking like a dog and jumping up and down instinctively to warn or alert other prairie dogs nearby, they’d do the same to the animal that preys on them, such as a snake or a hawk. This kind of reaction is out of their fear. And they’d keep an eye on the human beings until these possible threatening individuals are gone. However, if people pass through the area day by day without hurting them, then the prairie dogs will gradually stop barking and jumping up and down when they see a person passing through the area, they’d stop reacting to humans as a threat. And that's the example the speaker presented to explain his idea. 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO42口语Task4阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。




托福TPO28口语Task4阅读文本: Refute-and-Persuade Sometimes companies realize that consumers may have developed a negative impression of a product. One way in which they can resolve this problem is by using an advertising technique known as refute-and-persuade. Refute-and-persuade means that in advertising a product, the company first indicates its awareness of the product’s disadvantage. But then the company refutes or challenges that disadvantage by demonstrating how the advantage of buying and using the product makes up for any limitation it may have. In this way, companies can persuade consumers to purchase a product despite its drawbacks. 托福TPO28口语Task4听力文本: Now listen to part of a lecture in a business class. (male professor): Allright, so I actually saw a good example of this just the other day: I watched an advertisement on television about a well known companies pots and pans, and in the advertisement there was a woman, a professional cook, talking about how she uses the companies pots and pans in her own kitchen. Now the woman in the advertisement began by saying that this company's pots and pans were expensive. She just came right out and admitted to the audience that they cost a lot more than most other companies pots and pans. And she also said that she realized that when people went shopping for new cookware, they might feel that they just didn't want to spend all that money on such expensive pots and pans since there were so many in the store that cost a lot less.But then, she went on to explain that the extra cost was worthwhile, because, although these pots and pans cost more to begin with, they actually saved you money in the long run. How? Well, they came with a special lifetime warranty, which meant that the company would replace them free if anything ever went wrong, and that’s something most companies that make pots and pans couldn't say about their products. 托福TPO28口语Task4题目: Explain how the example of the television advertisement for pots and pans from the lecture illustrates the technique of refute and persuade. 托福TPO28口语Task4满分范文: Refute-and-persuade is one way companies often use to reduce the negativeimpression that consumers have on their products. That is, they first admit the disadvantages of their products and then challenge themselves by demonstrating howthe advantages outweigh the disadvantages. For example, there's a kind of pots andpans that are very expensive, so in its commercial, the spokeswoman, a professionalcook first admits that the pots and pans are indeed very expensive, which is the "refute". But then she goes on to persuade the audience by demonstrating that they're actually not that expensive as they can help save money in the long run. This is because products of their brand last longer and they have life-warranty that allows the consumers to have free replacement if anything's wrong with their products, but thisis something other brand products cannot provide. In this way, the woman can successfully persuade the consumer to buy the pots and pans of this brand. (129 words) 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO28口语Task4阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。



为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO51口语Task4阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助. 托福TPO51口语Task4阅读文本: Image Advertising When companies advertise a product, they depend on the use of images as well as words to achieve their goal of increasing sales. An image can be a symbol, character, or design - any visual figure or representation that will link the company with their product in the consumer's mind. Typically the image is a positive, entertaining one that consumers enjoy so much that it makes them want to buy the product in the future. The image also tends to be easy to remember even though it is usually something not normally or logically associated with the product. 托福TPO51口语Task4听力文本: Now listen to part of a lecture in a marketing class. You know, there are lots of different companies out there that make and sell cookies or biscuits. But there is one company, Big Bear Cookies, that has used this technique to sell more cookies than all its competitors. How? Well, the company has this animal character called Big Bear that it uses in all the advertising. The picture of the bear on its cookie boxes and the character of the bear also appears in its TV commercials. Oh, and of course, the cookies themselves are shaped like big bear. Now most people who eat big bear cookies are children and well they enjoy the bear and think it’s really entertaining and fun. In the TV commercials, for example, he’s always saying funny things and dancing around in a lively, comical way. So big bear makes children feel good about the companies’ cookies, makes children want to get them. And you know, the real interesting thing is that the figure of big bear stays in people’s minds and makes them think of cookies even though bears usually don’t have anything to do with cookies. I mean bears certainly don’t make or eat cookies, right? Yet, big bear is a character that people, particularly children, don’t seem to forget because year after year Big Bear Cookies sells more cookies than any other company. 托福TPO51口语Task4题目: Using the example from the lecture, explain the use of image advertising to sell products. 托福TPO51口语Task4满分范文: In the reading, the article talks about image advertising, which means a companymay advertise a product by using an image even though it may not be closely linked with the company’s brand. In the listening, the professor gives out one example to illustrate this. Many companies want to sell their cookies and biscuits to their customers but the one that truly stands out is the Big Bear Cookies. This company put this image on its biscuits boxes and in its TV commercials. Since whenever it shows up on TV, the bears are always singing or dancing around, the customers always regard it funny and entertaining. Over time, this character stays in people’s mind and whenever they think of cookies, the bear would always pop out at the first thought. Therefore, by giving this example, the professor explains what is meant by image advertising. 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO51口语Task4阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。































托福TPO40口语Task4阅读文本: Agonistic Behavior Within certain animal species, conflicts sometimes arise over resources such as territory or food. To resolve these conflicts, two animals of the same species may engage in agonistic behavior. With this type of aggressive behavior, the animals participate in a physical competition that demonstrates which animal is more powerful. While each animal attempts to prove its strength in the competition, it typically does so without harming the other animal. Once the winner is established, that animal gains access to the desired resources, while the weaker animal surrenders and leaves the area. 托福TPO40口语Task4听力文本: Now listen to part of a lecture in a biology class. I know some scientists who were observing snakes in the wild. And they witnessed an encounter of this sort between two rattlesnakes. Uh...as you may know, rattlesnakes eat various kinds of small animals. Small animals that live underground, in burrows, in little holes in the ground. And what these scientists saw was these two rattlesnakes had found the same hole and both wanted to eat whatever food was in that hole. So what happened was: The two rattlesnakes faced each other and then they lifted their bodies into an upright position and made themselves as tall as possible. And then they started pushing each other, kind of wrestling with one another, each snake trying to gain control of the other snake. And what's interesting is that during all these pushing and shoving and maneuvering, neither snake ever tried to bite the other snake. Neither snake ever tried to injure the other snake. So...after this went on for a while, one of the snakes finally gained control of the other snake, pushed it to the ground and held it there. At this point, the snake that was on top could have easily bitten the other snake. But it didn't. Instead, it just released the other snake, just let it go. The snake that had lost just slithered away, and the snake that had won went down into the hole to look for food. 托福TPO40口语Task4题目: Explain how the example in the lecture illustrates agonistic behavior. 托福TPO40口语Task4满分范文: In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory about agonistic behavior. To reinforce the theory, the professor gave an example about two rattlesnakes in his speech. In the example, scientists saw two rattlesnakes had found the same hole and both of them wanted to eat the food there. And what happened was the two rattlesnakes faced each other and made themselves as tall as possible. And then they began pushing each other and trying to control one another. But in this process, neither of those two rattlesnakes was trying to hurt each other. And the snake which could have easily bitten the other one, it didn’t, and let it go. Finally, the winner got the food. So this example justify the agonistic behavior which is the certain animals species just simply want to show off the power of themselves in the regard of territory or food and prove their strength in the competition. 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO40口语Task4阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。




托福TPO47口语Task4阅读文本: Reactance People of all ages generally prefer to have as much freedom as possible in determining their behavior. When individuals feel that their actions are being unfairly limited, they often attempt to restore freedom by directly contradicting or opposing the rule of regulation that threatened their freedom. Both children and adults demonstrate behaviors that are the results of their urge to restore freedom. This reaction, termed “reactance” by psychologists, come from an individual’s desire to reestablish freedom and control of a situation. 托福TPO47口语Task4听力文本: Listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a psychology class. Think about when you were a kid. Imagine you like this one playground. You play there a lot, have lots of fun, you know. Okay. Now imagine that one day, for no apparent reason, your parents decide that they don't want you playing there anymore. You are not allowed to go there anymore. Of course you're not gonna like that one bit. It's not fair. And now that you are not allowed, you want to play there even more than before. So you sneak over there anyway. You go to this playground despite your parents' rules. Here's another example. There was a town that passed a law that banned the sale of a certain kind of soap. There was an ingredient in this soap that was harmful for the environment. So stores weren't allowed the sell the soap anymore. Keep in mind that this ingredient had no effect whatsoever on this soap's ability to clean things. None. But people found out about the upcoming restriction and got upset. They thought they should be able to buy whatever soap they wanted. It wasn't right to take this soap away. And a week before the law went into effect, what happened? People went and bought a whole lot of this particular soap, way more than they would have in another circumstance. 托福TPO47口语Task4题目: Explain how the examples in the lecture illustrate the concept of reactance. 托福TPO47口语Task4满分范文: The reading passage introduces a term called “reactance”, which is the reaction of direct opposition to unfair restrictions of behaviors in order to reestablish freedom and take control of a situation. The lecturer further illustrates this term by using the example of both children and adults. One example is that when a kid is not allowed to have fun on the playground by his parents for no apparent reason, he will have a stronger desire to go there than before, so it is more likely for him to sneak over there. Another example is that when a certain kind of soap was to be banned from sales for the subterfuge of environmental damage, an increasing number of people bought the soap the week before the law was put into effect. 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO47口语Task4阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。

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You are now in a staff meeting at a real estate development company. You are discussing whether to construct a shopping mall in the center of the city.
A:chira man BD支持CE反对
A:Good afternoon, I’d like to call the meeting to order. There are three issues on today’s agenda. First of all, let’s discuss whether to construct a shopping mall in the center of the city.
Miss ___, did you prepare the project programs?
B:yes. Does everyone have a copy? It’s only a draft, so I would appreciate any feedback before I forward it to the other departments. Government of Zhejiang Province said they would sold a site in the center of the city next month and welcome everyone to bid.
It’s a good chance for our company as the site is always appreciating in value.
C:Of course the site in the center of the city is valuable. But we almost couldn’t pay for it . There are some papers about our financial situation last three months, the revenue decreased by 20% compared to the previous quarter.
D:I agree, but we also need to consider the government’s policy. There is the news that the government will lower interest on deposits to encourage consumption. We could get more from a shopping mall which located in the place of the large flow of people.
E: Yes, but don’t you think the situation is getting worse? We need more money than before to maintain the company’s business and to make matters worse, companies in other province can also participate, the cost would be much higher than the estimate. We couldn’t get the return in a long time for the shopping mall should be built at least two years.
C:I quite agree with you, we need to through the financial crisis. We will have other opportunities when we are in a good financial situation.
B:Do you really think so? This is the best chance we have met. We will touch a higher class when we done. As for the money, banks are always willing to provide funds to established firms like us.
D: Well, we have the qualification of the adventure for the company has lived for more than 20years. And don’t forget the America’s real estate we bought in economic crisis, it could also fund.
E: That’s a good idea, as we have enough money ,it’s actually a good chance.
B:I still think we can’t take such risk……
A: Ok, that just covers everything. Because most people agree with this plan, we will do it. So every department need to submit a specific report before the Friday.
I declare the meeting adjourned.。
