大学体验英语第二册 unit1





PassageA1任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票(vote)。(be eligible to)Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote.2.每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship)A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to each student before the start of each semester.3. 遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of)On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking.4.公园位于县城的正中央。(be located in)The park is located right in the center of town.5.这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料和设备。(facilities)The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire.


他内心深处知道,他们永远也不会再见了。(in one’s heart)He knew in his heart that they would never meet again.2.他们同意出版他的第一本书后,他终于感到自己快要成功了。(on the road to)He finally felt that he was on the road to success after they agreed to publish his first book.3.他停下来喝了一口(a sip of)水,然后继续讲话。(resume)He stopped to take a sip of water and then resumed speaking.4.这个大项目使我们忙得今年都无法安排一次度假了。(engage; so much that)The big project engages us so much that we can’t manage to take a holiday this year.5.氧气(oxygen)是气体中最重要的一种,正如水是液体中最重要的一种一样。(just as)Just as water is the most important of liquids, oxygen is the most important of gases.



Unit One Introductions

Communication Strategy

When you introduce yourself or someone else, add some details.

e.g. “This is Bo. She’s an exchange student.”

“Hi, I’m Andrew. I’m from Wales.”

Warm Up — Listen and Match the parts of the conversations

___ 1. Hello, my name is Elizabeth. I’m Amy’s friend.

___ 2. This is my friend Taka. He’s an exchange student from Japan.

___ 3. I’d like to introduce our new dir ector, Andrea Williams. She’s been with the company for twelve years.

___ 4. You’ve met Jane before, right?

She works at the bank.

___ 5. Mom, Dad, I’d like you to meet

Sheila Howard, my new roommate.

___ 6. This is my husband, John. He’s a professor at the college.

大学体验英语综合教程2 Unit1-a 课文翻译

大学体验英语综合教程2 Unit1-a 课文翻译

 牛津大学是英国最古老的大学,也是世界最著名的高等学府之一。牛津大学始建于12世纪。它位于英格兰的牛津,在伦敦西北约80公里处。 牛津大学有16 300多名学生(1999 — 2000),其中留学生占将近四分之一,来自130多个国家。牛津大学有35个学院,还有5个由不同宗教团体建立的私立学院。5个私立学院中,有3个只招男生。学院中,圣希尔达和萨默维尔学院只收女生,其他均为男女兼收。 牛津的每个学院都是独立于大学的实体,由该学院的院长和管委会成员负责管理。大部分管委会成员都被称为“导师”,或学院教师,其余的是大学教授和讲师。每个学院管理自己的房产和资产,选举自己的管委会,选择和招收自己的本科生。大学提供一些图书馆、实验室及其他设施,但教学和学生生活主要由各学院负责。 牛津大学给每个学生指定一个导师,他主要通过辅导课监督学生的学习。辅导课是指导师每周与1到2名学生见面一次。学生如需专业指导,还可约见其他的导师,也可选听大学老师讲授的课程。学生选听什么课程是根据自己的兴趣和导师的建议而定的。 学位由大学而不是各个学院授予。最低文科或理科学位是优等文学学士。牛津还在其他众多学科领域授予更高的学位、文凭和证书。 罗兹奖学金面向美国、加拿大和很多其他国家的学生,为他们提供至少两年的牛津学习费用。英国政府为在牛津和其他英国境内的大学求学的美国公民提供“马歇尔奖学金”。 然而,奖学金和助学金的竞争极其激烈,而且通常要求很严。学生们在申请某一项奖学金之前应仔细核查自己是否有资格,因为多数奖学金对学生国籍和(或)课程都有限制。 牛津师生员工积极参与主动招生的活动,2001年这种活动有55项以上,包括走访3 700所中学和学院,以鼓励优秀学生报考牛津大学,而不管其背景如何。 在2001年度的“创新”竞赛中,牛津大学被授予英国最具创新精神的大学称号。该竞赛旨在发现哪一所英国大学在最广的活动领域内取得了创新和进取的最大成就。在2000年全英“教学质量评估”中,牛津在所评估的10个学科中有6个得分高居榜首。 牛津、斯坦福和耶鲁3所大学最近合作开发了“远程学习”项目——“终生学习联盟”,该项目将提供文科和理科的在线课程。 牛津的使命是在教学和研究的各个领域达到并保持领先地位;保持和加强其世界名校的历史地位;通过其研究成果和毕业生的技能促进地区、国家的和全球的发展。 为了实现这个





Unit 1. Passage B. A Once-in-a-Lifetime Journey绝无仅有的旅程

Adapted from Remarks of President Hennessy of Stanford University

at 2004 Opening Convocation Ceremony


[1] Parents, transfer students and members of the Class of 2008: Good afternoon and welcome to Stanford University. Today, we celebrate the arrival of 1 650 new freshmen and 78 transfer students.




[2] I trust that as you prepared for this day, you must have taken some time to contemplate what you are searching for in your undergraduate education. Today we are living in a time of great change. New medical discoveries in science are revolutionizing the way we treat human disease as well as challenging us with deep and complex ethical questions.



各位家长、转校生、2015届的同学们: 下午好!欢迎来到斯坦福大学。今天,我们欢迎1709名新生及47名转校生的到来。 我相信,在你们为这一天的到来做准备时,一定曾花费过一些时间来仔细考虑你们在本科教育阶段要追求的目标。如今我们生活在一个伟大变革的时代。科学领域的新发现使我们治疗人类疾病的途径有了突破性进展,也在挑战我们去面对深刻而复杂的伦理问题。我们给环境造成的变化——从全球变暖到各种动植物种群的减少乃至灭绝——迫使我们要面对这样一个问题:我们将如何建立一种可持续生存的模式。世界各地发生的种种冲突事件提醒我们,我们是在与拥有不同信仰、希望和文化的各个民族分享一个小小的星球,理解和尊重他们的企盼和历史对建立一个对大家都会更加美好的世界来说将至关重要。 你们既然已经接受邀请同意成为这所大学的一员,我想大家都会在问同一个问题:“怎样才能充分利用我的大学时光?”基于我三十四年作为斯坦福一员的体验,我可以向各位提出以下几点建议。 我的第一个建议是:去了解学校的老师们。他们选择了追求学术生涯,因为他们对研究学问充满激情并希望与他人分享知识。我们有一支非凡的教师队伍,你们要去了解他们,去探求他们为什么对学术追求充满激情。 在接下来的几年中,你们要结识的同学,他们的背景、文化或信仰会与你们有很大的差异。你们可能会发现,你们的价值观——还有你们的偏见——会受到挑战。我希望你们能对我们所处的这个多元社会有全新的理解和认识,找到建设性的途径去为世界做贡献。有机会向你们的同学学习,这是斯坦福教育的重要组成部分。 你们所选择就读的大学,不仅是一个出色的教育机构,也是一个卓越的研究机构。我鼓励你们好好利用这个条件。要选修和参与学校开设的课程和学术研讨,去探索那些正在促使知识和认识得到创新的科技前沿领域。对我而言,作为一个本科生有机会去参与科学研究,曾引导我从电气工程专业转向了攻读计算机科学硕士专业,点燃了我要站在发现前沿的激情。这股激情伴随我攻读完博士学位,甚至在斯坦福任教三十多年后的今天,它依然让我激动不已。站在发现的前沿,参与新知识的创造,这是一个具有重大意义的经历,足以改变一个人的人生轨迹。 你们即将开始在斯坦福的学习生涯并为要在这里度过的四年光阴做出规划。我衷心希望你们铭记这一点:本科阶段的教育是一生的基础。这是绝无仅有的旅程。它远不只是让你获取第一份工作的门票。




Unit1 Famous Universities

Listen and Talk

Lead in

Famous universities are located all over the world, and they attract students from all over the world, too. Oxford and Cambridge are the two oldest universities in Britain with a history of Oxford 1. _____1100s. Princeton was established in 1746 and is 2. _______in Princeton, New Jersey, a state on the east coast of America. MIT began in 1861 and is located in another 3._____ state, Massachusetts. Stanford is a famous university in California. In 1891, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stanford wanted to 4.______a university in the west where young men and young women could 5. _____ a degree. They donated many acres of land to the establishment of Stanford. It is one of the largest campuses in America today.

大学体验英语综合教程课堂辅导Book 2 Unit 1-lead in-交际实战

大学体验英语综合教程课堂辅导Book 2 Unit 1-lead in-交际实战

Please complete the communicative tasks with appropriate words according to the Dialogue Samples and the Chinese hints, one word for one blank. ( 根据课文中的对话示范及中文提示用适当的词完成下列交际对话,每空限填一词)

Liping: (interviewer) and Wang lei (interviewee) are talking about a job opening

LiPing: (ABC Company). May I help you?

Wang Lei: Yes, I’d like to inquire whether the job for a gardener advertised in the paper______ ______ _______?( 还有空缺吗)

LiPing: Yes ,we’ll accept ______ ( 申请) until Friday.

Wang Lei: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____? ( 有什么资格要求)

LiPing: You must have your own tools.

Wang Lei:Is the job temporary or _____ ( 长久), and _____ _____ _____ _____? ( 什么样的工作时间)



Experiencing English Listening &Speaking

Level 04 Unit 1 Introductions“You’ll really like him.”

Alice: Look, there he is.

Jean: Who?

Alice: Robert, the guy I’ve been telling you about.

Jean: Oh. The guy you’re going out with?

Alice: I wish. The guy I WANT to go out with.

Jean: Oh, he’s really handsome. Um, let’s go talk to him.

Alice: Oh, OK. I’ll introduce you. I think you’ll really like him. Hi, Robert. Robert: Oh, hi.

Alice: Have you met my friend, Jean?

Robert: Hey, Jean. I think we’ve met before.

Jean: We have? Where?

Robert: Last December, at Sam’s party.

Jean: Oh, Sam.

Robert: Oh? Aren’t you going out with him anymore?

Jean: No, we broke up a couple of mouths ago.



4. What are the standards of QSC & V?
Answer: They are quality, service, cleanliness and value.
5. How does the McDonald’s Corporation (MCD) support the franchisee?
Audio Studio
1. corporation (大) 公司 2. french fries 薯条 3. milkshake 奶昔 4. initially 最初 5. hangout 可以打发时间的地方 6. franchise 特许营销权 7. equity (公司的) 普通股 8. prominence 卓越 9. obesity 肥胖 10. ethic 道德 11. barbecue 烧烤 12. profitable 赢利的 13. overall 全面的 14. convince 说服劝说

大学体验英语视听说教程2 听力原文(unit1-10)

大学体验英语视听说教程2 听力原文(unit1-10)

由木叶整理,第二部分缺少unit 18

Unit 1

:Hello, my name is Elizabeth.

B:Hi,'m Jason.

:This is my friend Taka.

B:Hey,'s it going

:I'd like to introduce our new director,Andrea Williams.

B:It's a pleasure to meet you,

:Have you met Jane

B:Oh, yeah, we have met. How are you

:I'd like you to meet Sheila Howard.

B:It's nice to meet you.

:Dad,this is my roommate,Lee.

B:Good to meet you.

1. Businessman: Good afternoon, Ms. Watson. This is Jim Bauman from Hyundai

Watson: It's a pleasure to meet you,Mr. Bauman.

Mr. Bauman: Good to meet you, Ms. Watson

: Mom, I'd like you to meet John Lee. He's a classmate of mine.

Mr. Lee: Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Gray.

Ms. Gray: Oh, please call me Norma.



Unit1A.Oxford University

Oxford University is the oldest university in Britain and one of the world’s most famous institutions of higher learning.


Oxford University was established during the 1100s.


It is located in Oxford, England,about 80 kilometers northwest of London.


The university has over 16300 students,almost a quarter of these students are from overseas and more than 130 nationalities are repreaented.


It consists of 35 colleges,plus five private halls established by various religious groups.


Three of the five private halls are for men only.



Experiencing English 2, Unit 1 Famous Universities
The Mission of Oxford
School badge [bædʒ] 校徽
Experiencing English 2, Unit 1 Famous Universities
first listen, and then talk about famous universities;
read about Oxford University and Stanford University;
learn new words and expressions; summarize both Passage A and Passage B; understand both Passage A and Passage B; visit Culture Salon for the mission
Words and Expressions
statement of Birmingham University and a tradition of Princeton University; check goals.
Experiencing English 2, Unit 1 Famous Universities
Passage A



Unit 1PA牛津大学








Unit 1大学体验英语第二册电子教案

Unit 1大学体验英语第二册电子教案

Unit One F a m o u s U n i v e r s i t i e s

Learning Objectives

1. Listen and Talk about famous universities

2. Grasp the main idea of the two passages

3. Master the key language points

4. Write about Oxford University and its colleges

5. Practice the use of the subjunctive mood

6. Fill in an application form for admission

Passage A Oxford University

I. Pre-reading Tasks

A. Introductory Questions

1. What do you know about Oxford University? Share what you know with each other.

2. What do you like about your university classroom learning experience?

3. Have you ever received a scholarship? Do you think universities should try their best to

provide their students with more scholarships?

大学体验英语综合教程2unit1-listen and talk教案

大学体验英语综合教程2unit1-listen and talk教案

王晓芳Unit 1 Famous Universities

I.Teaching Objectives

1.To train the students’ ability to listen through listening practice.

2.To cultivate the students’ ability to ask directions and talking about one’s study.

3.To let students learn something about world famous universities.

II.Time Allotment

1st period:Lead-in

2nd period:Discussion

3rd period:Dialogue samples

4th period:Communicative tasks

III.Teaching Content

1.Lead-in: Listen to the passage at least 3times and try to fill the missing words in

the blanks.

2.Discussion: Three pictures are presented to encourage students to talk about the

world famous universities.

3.Dialogue samples: Two dialogues

Dialogue 1 Going to the school library



U1 TOPIC 1 Famous Universities

Section One Each of the students will be asked one question on the topic “Universities”.

1.What kind of universities are good universities in your eyes?

First of all, it should have a strong studying atmosphere. I hope students there can talk about their own opinions freely. Secondly, the teachers are high standard. Then, teaching equipment should be good, which will contribute to our study.

2.Do you think universities should try their best to provide their students with more scholarships? Why or why not?

I don’t think more scholarships are necessary. Merit-based scholarships, which are mainly awarded by universities, aim to encourage the students to learn more. It’s a motivation, or a reputation. Students who have financial problems could apply for need-based scholarships. So it’s not necessary for universities to provide more scholarships.

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Department of College English
Department of College English
The Sheldonian theatre
Department of College English
The headmaster is knocking one student’s head, using a Bible.
Language Points
2. represent: v.stand for or be a sign or symbol of
foreign minister represented the country at the conference.
Department of College English
Department of College English
Language Points
14. at large: as a whole

The people at large want peace.
Department of College English
Language Points
15. rigorous: adj.stern, strict
Department of College English
Language Points
12. assess: v. judge the quality, importance or worth of It’s difficult to assess the importance of the decision. Examinations are not the only means of assessing students’ ability.
Department of College English
Language Points
10. demonstrate: v. show clearly by giving proofs/example

The fireman demonstrated great courage in saving the child.
Stanford University
Department of College English
Yale University
Department of College English
Sydney University
Department of College English
Tsinghua University
student grants
sb. a research grant
Department of College English
Language Points
7. minimum: n. the least, or the smallest possible, quantity, number, or degree

This price is his minimum; he refuses to lower it further.
Department of College English
Language Points
8. eligible: adj. fit, suitable, to be chosen, having the right qualifications
Department of College English
Language Points
Language Points
3. consist of :(no passive) be made up of

The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Department of College English
Department of College English
35 Colleges
5 private halls
Department of College English
The Merton College Established in 1264 702years later
The Wolfson College Established in 1966
Department of College English
Passage A
What’s Would
the main purpose of this passage?
you please give a general introduction to Oxford University?
Department of College English

The military training involves rigorous exercises.
Department of College English
Language Points
16. facilitate: v. make easy or less difficult

Modern inventions have facilitated housework.
Department of College English
Language Points
6. grant : v. give (especially what is wanted or requested) n. thing given for a particular purpose They refused to grant them long-term credits.
Among the
Department of College English
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of College English
Oxford University
Department of College English
Language Points
4. distinct: adj. different, separate

The twins had distinct personalities. These two ideas are distinct from each other.
Department of College English
Department of College English
dating back located eastern
surrounded by atmosphere attending
Department of College English
Department of College English
9 academic achievements Para. 10 international cooperation Para. 11 mission of Oxford Para. 12 measures to betaken to fulfill this task

Department of College English
Language Points
13. maintain: v. continue to do or have
two classmates maintained their friendship for the next forty years.
Experiencing English
Book Two
Department of College English
Unit 1
Famous Universities
Department of College English
Passage A Warm-up Activities Lead-in Culture Notes Structure Difficult Sentences Summary Follow-up Activities Assignment
Language Points
5. assign: v. give sth. to sb. as a share of work to be done v. appoint sb. The two large classrooms have been assigned to us. They have assigned their best man to the job.
1 history of Oxford Para. 2 composition of Oxford Para. 3 responsibilities of schools Para. 4 responsibilities of students Para. 5 degrees Para. 6-7 scholarships Para. 8 initiatives
Department of College English
Warm-up Activities
you know any famous universities in the world? Can you give their names? famous universities listed, which one would you like to go most? And Why?
Culture Notes
do you know about Oxford University?
Department of College English
Department of College English
Henry II
A history of
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
839 years
Department of College English
University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB)
Department of College English

Listen to the following passage and try to fill the missing words.
Language Points
9. apply to sb. for sth: make a formal request for
apply to
the publishers for permission to reprint an extract apply for a job, post, passport, visa
Department of College English
Language Points
11. award sth. to sb.: make an official decision to give sth. to sb.

She was awarded a medal for bravery.
Department of College English
Language Points
1. establish: v. set up

Public schools for girls were established in some places.
Department of College English
native-born citizens are eligible for the U.S. presidency. Anyone who can speak French is eligible to join the club.
Department of College English