








如今,P ilz公司拥有多个系列的安全继电器产品,可以满足不同的应用需求和标准。





PNOZsigma 适用于需要节省空间和成本,并具有高度灵活性和可靠性的应用场合。









皮尔磁安全继电器说明书说明书1. 产品简介皮尔磁安全继电器是一种专门用于控制和监测安全门、安全栅栏等安全设施的电气装置。


2. 技术参数- 输入电压:AC/DC 24V- 控制电压:AC/DC 24V- 最大工作电流:3A- 最大开关容量:DC 30V 5A, AC 250V 5A- 工作温度:-20℃~+55℃- 防护等级:IP653. 结构与安装皮尔磁安全继电器由外壳、触点、线圈、模块等组成。


4. 运行原理当安全门或安全栅栏关闭时,磁性传感器会发出信号。






5. 使用注意事项- 使用前请确保产品完好无损,线路连接正确可靠。

- 禁止随意拆卸和改变产品的内部结构。

- 使用环境温度不得超过规定范围,避免过热或过冷。

- 产品必须与配套的控制器一起使用,避免因电气不匹配而发生故障。

- 遵守国家相关安全标准,确保安全门或安全栅栏的设计和安装符合要求。

6. 常见故障排除以下是一些可能的故障现象及其排除方法:- 继电器不能正常工作:检查输入电压是否正常,线路连接是否松动或断开。

- 安全门或安全栅栏状态显示不准确:检查磁性传感器是否正确安装,传感器是否损坏。

- 触点发热:检查负载电流是否超过额定值,负载是否短路。






10-Pilz-X2.8P安全继电器使用说明6.2Pilz安全继电器使用说明书型号名称品牌价格(元)PNOZ X2.8P PILZ急停模块PILZ ¥1,230.00 774318 PNOZ X3 DC24V 安全继电器PILZ ¥1,620.00版本修改人详细内容2015.6.2 李方辉初始版本[注意以下几点]1.X2.8P可以接光栅的两路OSSD信号。




3.优先选用价格便宜的:X2.8P.一、Pilz X2.8说明 (4)1.1 接急停开关+手动复位 (4)1.2 接光栅+手动复位 (5)二、Pilz X3的使用 (7)一、Pilz X2.8说明对于Pilz X2.8P说明:1.A1,A2为24V电源2.S21,S22; S11,S12之间接急停开关常闭触点3.S12,S34之间接复位按钮(如果不需要手动复位,希望自动复位,那么短接S12,S34即可)4.常开触点,最大6A,150W。

1.1 接急停开关+手动复位1.2 接光栅+手动复位X2.8P也可以接光栅:二、Pilz X3的使用X3的用法:1.电源的用法:可以A1,A2接交流电(220V 交流),此时B2接地线;或者B1,B2接直流电(推荐用法)。

2.双通道的用法如下:短接S11,S12; 把急停常闭触点接入S21,S22; 以及S31,S32之间。


DC24V电源B 1+S A F E T Y C O N T A C T S S A F E T Y R E L A Y B 2-2S 32P I L Z :P N O Z X 3 (774 318)33233424B 2B 1S 31S 32S 22S 21S 11S 122S 221314S 33S 34-7SB2XB2BW33B1C2S 332S 342S 22-12S 32-1S e c u r i t y d o o r s41安全门开关系统启动42P 24VZ B 2B E 102CE m e r g e n c y s t o p紧急停止2S 312S 21E 24V2S 122S 12。

PLIZ 安全继电器说明书

PLIZ 安全继电器说明书

PNOZ m1p(ETH) PNOZmulti Modular Safety SystemContents PageChapter 1Introduction1.1Validity of documentation1-11.1.1Retaining the documentation1-11.2Overview of documentation1-21.3Definition of symbols1-3Chapter 2Overview2.1Unit structure2-12.1.1Scope of delivery2-12.1.2Unit features2-12.1.3Chip card2-22.2Front view2-32.2.1PNOZ m1p2-32.2.2PNOZ m1p ETH2-32.2.3Key2-4Chapter 3Safety3.1Intended use3-13.1.1System requirements3-13.2Safety regulations3-23.2.1Use of qualified personnel3-23.2.2Warranty and liability3-23.2.3Disposal3-23.2.4For your safety3-3Chapter 4Function description4.1Unit properties4-14.1.1Integrated protection mechanisms4-14.1.2Operation4-14.1.3Block diagram4-14.1.4Diagnostics4-24.1.5Cascading4-24.1.6Safety mat, muting4-24.1.7Interfaces 4-3Chapter 5Installation5.1General installation guidelines5-15.1.1Dimensions5-25.2Install base unit without expansion module 5-35-45.3Connecting the base unit and expansionmodulesChapter 6Commissioning6.1General wiring guidelines6-16.2Ethernet interfaces (only PNOZ m1p ETH)6-26.2.1RJ45 interfaces ("Ethernet")6-26-26.2.2Requirements of the connection cable andconnector6.2.3Interface configuration6-26.2.4RJ45 connection cable6-36.2.5Process data exchange6-46.3Preparing for operation6-56.3.1Function test during commissioning6-56-56.3.2Commissioning the PNOZmulti safety sys-tem for the first time6.3.2.1Load project from chip card6- project via integrated interface6-66.3.3Download modified project to the PNOZ-6-6multi safety system6.3.3.1Load modified project from chip card6- modified project via integrated inter-6-6face6.3.4Connection6-76.4Connection example6-10 Chapter 7Operation7.1Messages7-17.1.1Display elements for device diagnostics 7-17-27.1.2Display elements for the Ethernet connec-tion (only PNOZ m1p ETH)7.2Reset Ethernet connection settings7-3 Chapter 8Technical details8.1Technical details8-18.2Service life graph of output relays8-58-68.3Maximum capacitive load C (μF) with loadcurrent I (mA) at the semiconductor out-puts8.4Order reference8-71.1Validity of documentationThis documentation is valid for the product PNOZ m1p. It is valid untilnew documentation is published.This operating manual explains the function and operation, describesthe installation and provides guidelines on how to connect the product .1.1.1Retaining the documentationThis documentation is intended for instruction and should be retainedfor future reference.1.2Overview of documentation1 IntroductionThe introduction is designed to familiarise you with the contents, struc-ture and specific order of this manual.2 OverviewThis chapter provides information on the product's most important fea-tures.3 SafetyThis chapter must be read as it contains important information on in-tended use.4 Function DescriptionThis chapter describes the product's mode of operation.5 InstallationThis chapter explains how to install the product.6 CommissioningThis chapter describes the product's commissioning and wiring.7 OperationThis chapter describes how to operate the product and gives tips in thecase of a fault.8 Technical DetailsThis chapter contains the product's technical details and order refer-ence.2.1.1Scope of delivery`Base unit PNOZ m1p`Terminator 779 1102.1.2Unit featuresUsing the product PNOZ m1p:Base units from the PNOZmulti modular safety systemThe product has the following features:`Can be configured in the PNOZmulti Configurator`Positive-guided relay outputs:– 2 safety outputsDepending on the application, up to PL e of EN ISO 13849-1 andup to SIL CL 3 of EN IEC 62061`Semiconductor outputs:– 4 safety outputsDepending on the application, up to PL e of EN ISO 13849-1 andup to SIL CL 3 of EN IEC 62061– 1 auxiliary output` 4 test pulse outputs` 1 cascading input and output;can also be used as a standard output`20 inputs for connecting, for example:–E-STOP pushbuttons–Two-hand buttons–Safety gate limit switches–Reset buttons–Light beam devices–Scanners–Enabling switches–PSEN–Operating mode selector switches–Pressure sensitive mats`Muting function`Connectable:–8 expansion modules on the right– 1 fieldbus module on the left– 4 expansion modules on the left`LED for:–Diagnostics–Supply voltage–Output circuits–Input circuits`Monitors shorts across the inputs through test pulse outputs`Monitors shorts between the safety outputs`Integrated interfaces:–PNOZ m1p: Serial interface RS232–PNOZ m1p ETH: 2 Ethernet interfaces`Plug-in connection terminals:either spring-loaded terminal or screw terminal available as an acces-sory (see order reference)`Coated version:Increased environmental requirements2.1.3Chip cardTo be able to use the product you will need a chip card.Chip cards are available with memories of 8 kByte and 32 kByte. Forlarge-scale projects we recommend the 32 kByte chip card (see Tech-nical Catalogue). Accessories chapter).2.2.3KeyKey:`CHIP card:–Interface chip card`X1:–Cascading inputs and outputs CI and CO,–Test pulse outputs T0 … T3`X2:–Semiconductor outputs O0 (3)–Auxiliary output OA0,–Supply connections`X3:–Relay outputs O4 and O5`X4:–RJ 232 interface / Ethernet interface`X5, X6:–Inputs I0 (I19)`X7:–Power supply`LEDs:–PWR–RUN–DIAG–FAULT–I FAULT–O FAULT3.1Intended useThe modular safety system PNOZmulti is used for the safety-related in-terruption of safety circuits and is designed for use on:`E-STOP equipment`Safety circuits in accordance with VDE0113 Part 1 and EN60204-1CAUTION!Inputs and outputs for standard functions must not be used forsafety-related applications.The coated version of the product PNOZ m1p is suitable for use wherethere are increased environmental requirements (see Technical Details).Intended use includes making the electrical installation EMC-compliant.The product is designed for use in an industrial environment. It is notsuitable for use in a domestic environment, as this can lead to interfer-ence.The following is deemed improper use in particular:`Any component, technical or electrical modification to the product`Use of the product outside the areas described in this manual`Use of the product outside the technical details (see chapter entitled“Technical Details”)3.1.1System requirementsPNOZmulti Configurator: From version:`V1.0.1 (PNOZ m1p)`V6.4.0 (PNOZ m1p ETH)Please contact Pilz if you have an older version.3.2.1Use of qualified personnelThe products may only be assembled, installed, programmed, commis-sioned, operated, maintained and decommissioned by competent per-sons.A competent person is someone who, because of their training, experi-ence and current professional activity, has the specialist knowledge re-quired to test, assess and operate the work equipment, devices,systems, plant and machinery in accordance with the general standardsand guidelines for safety technology.It is the company's responsibility only to employ personnel who:`Are familiar with the basic regulations concerning health and safety /accident prevention`Have read and understood the safety guidelines given in this descrip-tion`Have a good knowledge of the generic and specialist standards ap-plicable to the specific application.3.2.2Warranty and liabilityAll claims to warranty and liability will be rendered invalid if:`The product was used contrary to the purpose for which it is intended`Damage can be attributed to not having followed the guidelines in themanual`Operating personnel are not suitably qualified`Any type of modification has been made (e.g. exchanging compo-nents on the PCB boards, soldering work etc.).3.2.3Disposal`In safety-related applications, please comply with the mission time t Min the safety-related characteristic data.`When decommissioning, please comply with local regulations regard-ing the disposal of electronic devices (e.g. Electrical and ElectronicEquipment Act).3.2.4For your safetyThe unit meets all necessary conditions for safe operation. However,you should always ensure that the following safety requirements aremet:`This operating manual only describes the basic functions of the unit.Information on the expanded functions such as cascading can befound in the online help for the PNOZmulti Configurator and in thePNOZmulti technical catalogue. Only use these functions after youhave read and understood the documentation. All necessary docu-mentation can be found on the PNOZmulti Configurator CD.`Adequate protection must be provided for all inductive consumers.`Do not open the housing or make any unauthorised modifications.`Please make sure you shut down the supply voltage when performingmaintenance work (e.g. exchanging contactors).4.1.7InterfacesThe product PNOZ m1pETH has two Ethernet interfaces, the productPNOZ m1p has one serial interface to`Download the project`Read the diagnostic data`Set virtual inputs for standard functions`Read virtual outputs for standard functions.Information on diagnostics via the interfaces can be found in the SpecialApplications Technical Catalogue.Information on communication via Modbus/TCP can be found in the op-erating instructions "PNOZmulti Modbus".The connection to Ethernet is made via the two 8-pin RJ45 sockets.The Ethernet interface is configured in the PNOZmulti Configurator andis described in the online help for the PNOZmulti Configurator.6.1General wiring guidelinesThe wiring is defined in the circuit diagram in the Configurator. There youcan select the inputs that are to perform a particular safety function andthe outputs that will switch this safety function.Please note:CAUTION!DThe plug-in connection terminals on the relay outputs thatcarry mains voltage should only be connected and disconnectedwhen the voltage is switched off.`Information given in the “Technical details” must be followed.`Outputs:–O0 to O5 are safety outputs–O4 and O5 are relay outputs–O0 to O3 are semiconductor outputs–OA0 is an auxiliary output.`To prevent contact welding, a fuse should be connected before theoutput contacts (see technical details).`Use copper wire that can withstand 75 °C.`Sufficient fuse protection must be provided on all output contactswith inductive loads.`Power for the safety system and input circuits must always be provid-ed from a single power supply. The power supply must meet the reg-ulations for extra low voltages with safe separation.`Two connection terminals are available for each of the supply con-nections 24 V and 0 V (semiconductor outputs), plus A1 and A2 (pow-er supply). This means that the supply voltage can be looped throughseveral connections. The current at each terminal may not exceed 3A.`Test pulse outputs must exclusively be used to test the inputs. Theymust not be used to drive loads.Do not route the test pulse lines together with actuator cables withinan unprotected multicore cable.`Test pulse outputs are also used to supply safety mats that trigger ashort circuit.Test pulses that are used for the safety mat may not be reused for oth-er purposes.The Ethernet connection settings of the base unit can be configured in the PNOZmulti Configurator.You can reset the base unit's Ethernet connection settings to the default settings.Proceed as follows:`Switch off the supply voltage`Remove the chip card`Restart the base unit without the chip card inserted.The Ethernet connection settings are now reset to the default settings.Technical detailsElectrical dataSupply voltage U B DC24 VVoltage tolerance-15 %/+20 %Power consumption at U B DCwithout load8.0 W No. 773100, 7731059.0 W No. 773103, 773104per expansion module 2.50 WResidual ripple DC 5 %Status display LEDTimesSwitch-on delay 5.00 sSimultaneity channel 1/2/3 3 sTwo-hand circuit0.5 sSupply interruption before de-energisation 20 msInputsNumber20U_B > 26.4 V : 15, U_B <= 26.4 V : 20 Max. number of live inputs in the area of max. permittedambient temperature (see "Environmental data")Voltage and current at input, reset and feedback circuit24.0 V, 8.0 mAGalvanic isolation noSignal level at "0"-3 - +5 V DCSignal level at "1"15 - 30 V DCMin. pulse duration18 msPulse suppression0.6 msTest pulse outputsNumber of test pulse outputs 4Voltage and current, 24 V0.5 AOff time during self test 5 msGalvanic isolation noShort circuit-proof yesSemiconductor outputsNumber4Switching capabilityvoltage24 Vcurrent 2 Apower48 WDerating of coated version at an ambient temperature > 50°CVoltage24 V No. 773104, 773105Current 1 A No. 773104, 773105Power24 W No. 773104, 773105Max. capacitive load 1 µFExternal supply voltage24.0 VVoltage tolerance-15 %/+20 %Max. duration of off time during self test300 µsGalvanic isolation yesShort circuit-proof yesSwitch-off delay30 msResidual current at "0"0.5 mASignal level at "1"UB - 0.5 V DC bei 2 ARelay outputsNumber2Utilisation category in accordance with EN 60947-4-1Safety contacts: AC1 at240 V 6.0 A, 1440 VASafety contacts: DC1 at24 V 6.0 A, 144 WUtilisation category in accordance with EN 60947-5-1Safety contacts: AC15 at230 V 3.0 A, 690 WSafety contacts: DC13 at24 V (6 cycles/min) 3.0 A, 72 WDerating of coated version at an ambient temperature> 50 °CSafety contacts: AC1 at 240 V 4 A No. 773104, 773105, 960 W No. 773104, 773105 Safety contacts: DC1 at 24 V 4 A No. 773104, 773105, 96 W No. 773104, 773105 Airgap creepage betweenrelay contacts 3 mmrelay contacts and other safe circuits 5.5 mmExternal contact fuse protection (I K = 1 kA) toEN 60947-5-1Blow-out fuse, quick 6 ABlow-out fuse, slow 6 ACircuit breaker 24 VAC/DC, characteristic B/C 6 ASwitch-off delay50 msAuxiliary outputsNumber1Switching capabilityvoltage24 Vcurrent0.5 Apower12.0 WGalvanic isolation yesShort circuit-proof yesResidual current at "0"0.5 mASignal level at "1"UB - 0.5 V DC bei 0.5 ACascading output as auxiliary outputNumber1Switching capabilityvoltage24 Vcurrent0.2 Apower 4.8 WGalvanic isolation noShort circuit-proof yesResidual current at "0"0.5 mAEnvironmental dataEMC EN 60947-5-1Vibration to EN 60068-2-6Frequency10 - 55 HzAmplitude0.35 mmClimatic suitability EN 60068-2-1, EN 60068-2-30, EN 60068-2-78 Airgap creepage in accordance with EN 60664-1Ambient temperature-25 - 60 °C No. 773104, 7731050 - 60 °C No. 773100, 773103Storage temperature-25 - 70 °CClimatic suitability95 % r. F. No. 773104, 773105Condensation permitted No. 773104, 773105No. stands for order number.Mechanical data Protection typeMounting (e.g. cabinet)IP54Housing IP20Terminals IP20DIN rail Top hat rail 35 x 7.5 EN 50022Recess width27 mm Maximum cable runs per input1.0 km Sum of individual cable runs at the test pulse output 40 km Housing material Housing PPO UL 94 V0FrontABS UL 94 V0Cross section of external conductors with screw terminals Power supply, inputs, auxiliary output, semiconductor out-puts, test pulse outputs, cascading outputs:1 core flexible0.50 - 1.50 mm² , 22 - 14 AWG 2 core, same cross section, flexible:with crimp connectors, without insulating sleeve0.50 - 0.75 mm² , 22 - 20 AWG without crimp connectors or with TWIN crimp connectors 0.50 - 0.75 mm² , 22 - 20 AWG Relay outputs:1 core flexible0.5 - 2.5 mm², 22 - 12 AWG 2 core, same cross section, flexible:with crimp connectors, without insulating sleeve0.50 - 1.25 mm², 22 - 16 AWG without crimp connectors or with TWIN crimp connectors 0.50 - 1.25 mm², 22 - 16 AWG Torque setting with screw terminals0.25 NmCross section of external conductors with spring-loaded terminals: Flexible with/without crimp connectors0.50 - 1.50 mm² , 26 - 14 AWG Spring-loaded terminals: Terminal points per connection 1Stripping length 9 mmDimensions Height 94.0 mm Width 135.0 mm Depth 121.0 mmWeight490 g No. 773100500 g No. 773105520 g No. 773103550 g No. 773104Safety characteristic dataUnit Operating mode EN ISO 13849-1PLEN 954-1CategoryEN IEC 62061SIL CLPFH [1/h]t M [year]LogicPL e (Cat. 4)Cat. 4SIL CL 3 2.13E-1020 PL e (Cat. 4)Cat. 4SIL CL 3 2.38E-1020Requirement on 1-channel relay outputs for Cat. 2 in accordance with EN 954-1: An additional output switches to a safe condition in the event of an error or, if that is impossible, signals a hazardous condition.All the units used within a safety function must be considered when cal-culating the safety characteristic data.The standards current on 2010-10 apply.The PFH value depends on the switching frequency and the load on the relay output. If the service life graphs are not accessible, the stated PFH value can be used irrespective of the switching frequency and the load, as the PFH value already considers the relay's B10d value as well as the failure rates of the other components.CPUPL e (Cat. 4)Cat. 4SIL CL 3 4.90E-0920expansionPL e (Cat. 4)Cat. 4SIL CL 39.20E-0920Input SC inputs single-channel PL d (Cat. 2)Cat. 2SIL CL 2 2.50E-0920SC inputs dual-channelPL e (Cat. 4)Cat. 4SIL CL 3 2.90E-1020SC inputs light beam device PL e (Cat. 4)Cat. 4SIL CL 3 2.50E-1020SC inputs dual-channel pres-sure sensitive mat PL d (Cat. 3)Cat. 3SIL CL 2 1.81E-0920cascading inputsPL e (Cat. 4)Cat. 4SIL CL 3 3.10E-1020Output SC outputs single-channel PL d (Cat. 2)Cat. 3SIL CL 27.00E-0920SC outputsdual-channel PL e (Cat. 4)Cat. 4SIL CL 38.60E-1020cascading outputsPL e (Cat. 4)Cat. 4SIL CL 3 4.91E-1020relay outputs single-channel PL c (Cat. 1)Cat. 2- 2.90E-0820relay outputsdual-channelPL e (Cat. 4)Cat. 4SIL CL 33.00E-1020CAUTION!It is essential to consider the relay's service life graphs. The relay outputs' safety-related characteristic data is only valid if the val-ues in the service life graphs are met.LogicOrder referenceType Features Order no. PNOZ m1p Base unit773 100 PNOZ m1p coated version Base unit773 105 PNOZ m1p ETH Base unit773 103 PNOZ m1p ETH coated version Base unit773 104 Spring-loaded terminals 1 set783 100 Screw terminals 1 set793 10020878-E N -10, 2010-11 P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y © P i l z G m b H & C o . K G , 2010d u r a N E T p ®, P i l z ®, P I T ®, P M C p r o te g o ®, P M I ®, P N O Z ®, P r i m o ®, P S E N ®, P S S ®, P V I S ®, S af e t y B U S p ®, S a f e t y E Y E ®, S a f e t y N E T p ®, t h e s p i r i t o f s a f e t y ® a r e r eg i s t e r e d a n d p r o t e c t e d t r a d e m a r k s P i l z G m b H & C o . K G i n s o m e c o u n t r i e s . W e w o u l d p o i n t o u t th a t p r o d u c t f e a t u r e s m a y v a r y f r o m t h e d e t ai l s s t a t e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t , d e p e n d i n g o n t h e s t a t u s a t t h e t i m e o f p u b l i c a t i o n a n d t h e s c o p e t h e e q u i p m e n t . W e a c c e p t n o r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r t h e v a l i d i t y , a c c u r a c y a n d e n t i r e t y o f t h e t e x t a n d g r a p h i c s p r e s e n t e d i n t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n . P l e a s e c o n t a c t o u r T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t i f y o u h a v e a n y q u e s t i o n s .。








当输入端检测到异常信号时,P ilz安全继电器会即将切断输出端的电源,使被控制的机器或者设备住手运行,避免发生危(wei)险。









三、Pilz安全继电器的功能特性国际认证:Pilz安全继电器符合国际标准和法规,如EN ISO 13849-1, IEC 62061, IEC 61508, UL, CSA等,并获得了TÜV, CE, cULus等认证。

皮尔兹安全继电器 PNOZ X2.7P使用手册

皮尔兹安全继电器 PNOZ X2.7P使用手册

Safety relay for monitoring E-STOP pushbuttons, safety gates and light beam devicesApprovalsBlock diagram PNOZ X2.7P◆Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany1002000-EN-06-2011-06Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.dePilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany1002000-EN-06-2011-06Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.dePilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany1002000-EN-06-2011-06Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.dePNOZ X2.7P U B 24 - 240 V AC/DCExample❝Inductive load: 0,2 A❝Utilisation category: AC15❝Contact service life: 1,000,000 cy-clesProvided the application requires few-er than 1,000,000 cycles, the PFH val-ue (see technical details) can be used in the calculation.To increase the service life, sufficient spark suppression must be provided on all output contacts. With capacitive loads, any power surges that occur must be noted. With contactors, use freewheel diodes for spark suppres-sion.Technical detailsElectrical dataSupply voltageSupply voltage U B AC/DC24 - 240 V, 24 VVoltage tolerance-15 %/+10 %Power consumption at U B AC 4.5 VA No. 777306, 7873065.5 VA No. 777305, 787305 Power consumption at U B DC 2.0 W No. 777306, 7873062.5 W No. 777305, 787305 Frequency range AC50 - 60 HzResidual ripple DC160 %Voltage and current atInput circuit DC:24.0 V25.0 mA No. 777306, 78730630.0 mA No. 777305, 787305 Reset circuit DC:24.0 V40.0 mA No. 777305, 78730550.0 mA No. 777306, 787306 Feedback loop DC:24.0 V40.0 mA No. 777305, 78730550.0 mA No. 777306, 787306 Number of output contactsSafety contacts (S) instantaneous:3Auxiliary contacts (N/C):1PNOZ X2.7P1002000-EN-06-2011-06Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, GermanyTelephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.deUtilisation category in accordance with EN 60947-4-1Safety contacts: AC1 at 240 V I min :0.01 A , I max :6.0 A P max : 1500 VASafety contacts: DC1 at 24 V I min : 0.01 A , I max : 6.0 A P max : 150 WAuxiliary contacts: AC1 at 240 V I min : 0.01 A , I max : 6.0 A P max : 1500 VAAuxiliary contacts: DC1 at 24 VI min : 0.01 A , I max : 6.0 A P max : 150 WUtilisation category in accordance with EN 60947-5-1Safety contacts: AC15 at 230 VI max : 3.0 A No. 777306, 7873065.0 A No. 777305, 787305Safety contacts: DC13 at 24 V (6 cycles/min)I max : 4.0 A No. 777306, 7873065.0 A No. 777305, 787305Auxiliary contacts: AC15 at 230 VI max : 3.0 A No. 777306, 7873065.0 A No. 777305, 787305Auxiliary contacts: DC13 at 24 V (6 cycles/min)I max : 4.0 A No. 777306, 7873065.0 A No. 777305, 787305Contact materialAgCuNi + 0.2 µm AuExternal contact fuse protection (I K = 1 kA) to EN 60947-5-1Blow-out fuse, quick Safety contacts:10 A No. 777305, 7873056 A No. 777306, 787306Auxiliary contacts:10 A No. 777305, 7873056 A No. 777306, 787306Blow-out fuse, slow Safety contacts: 4 A No. 777306, 7873066 A No. 777305, 787305Auxiliary contacts:4 A No. 777306, 7873066 A No. 777305, 787305Circuit breaker 24 VAC/DC, characteristic B/C Safety contacts: 4 A No. 777306, 7873066 A No. 777305, 787305Auxiliary contacts:4 A No. 777306, 7873066 A No. 777305, 787305Max. overall cable resistance R lmax input circuits, reset circuits single-channel at U B DC 30 Ohm No. 777305, 78730545 Ohm No. 777306, 787306single-channel at U B AC100 Ohm No. 777305, 78730545 Ohm No. 777306, 787306dual-channel without detect. of shorts across contacts at U B DC 50 Ohm No. 777305, 78730580 Ohm No. 777306, 787306dual-channel without detect. of shorts across contacts at U B AC 100 Ohm No. 777305, 78730580 Ohm No. 777306, 787306dual-channel with detect. of shorts across contacts at U B DC 15 Ohm dual-channel with detect. of shorts across contacts at U B AC 15 OhmMin. input resistance when switching on141 Ohm No. 777306, 78730671 Ohm No. 777305, 787305Safety-related characteristic dataPL in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1: 2006PL e (Cat. 4)Category in accordance with EN 954-1Cat. 4SIL CL in accordance with EN IEC 62061SIL CL 3PFH in accordance with EN IEC 62061 2.31E-09SIL in accordance with IEC 61511SIL 3PFD in accordance with IEC 615112.03E-06T M [year] in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1: 200620Electrical dataPNOZ X2.7PTimesSwitch-on delayon monitored reset with rising edge typ.30 mson monitored reset with rising edge max.40 ms No. 777306, 78730650 ms No. 777305, 787305Delay-on de-energisationwith E-STOP typ.10 ms No. 777306, 78730615 ms No. 777305, 787305with E-STOP max.20 ms No. 777306, 78730630 ms No. 777305, 787305with power failure typ.60 ms No. 777305, 787305with power failure max.100 ms No. 777305, 787305with power failure typ. U B AC/DC:24 V No. 777306, 787306180 ms No. 777306, 787306with power failure max. U B AC/DC:24 V No. 777306, 787306230 ms No. 777306, 787306with power failure typ. U B AC: 240 V1,100 ms No. 777306, 787306with power failure max. U B AC: 240 V1500 ms No. 777306, 787306Recovery time at max. switching frequency 1/safter E-STOP50 msafter power failure200 ms No. 777305, 787305250 ms No. 777306, 787306after power failure on universal power supply 1500 ms No. 777306, 787306Waiting period with a monitored resetwith rising edge250 ms No. 777305, 787305300 ms No. 777306, 787306Min. start pulse duration with a monitored resetwith rising edge30 msSimultaneity, channel 1 and 2∞Supply interruption before de-energisation 20 msEnvironmental dataEMC EN 60947-5-1, EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-4 Vibration to EN 60068-2-6Frequency10 - 55 HzAmplitude0.35 mmClimatic suitability EN 60068-2-78Airgap creepage in accordance with EN 60947-1Pollution degree2Overvoltage category III / IIRated insulation voltage250 VRated impulse withstand voltage 4.00 kVAmbient temperature-10 - 55 °C No. 777306, 787306-35 - 55 °C No. 777305, 787305Storage temperature-40 - 85 °CProtection typeMounting (e.g. cabinet)IP54Housing IP40Terminals IP20Mechanical dataHousing materialHousing PPO UL 94 V0Front ABS UL 94 V0Cross section of external conductors with screw terminals1 core flexible0.25 - 2.50 mm² , 24 - 12 AWG No. 777305, 7773062 core, same cross section, flexible:with crimp connectors, without insulating sleeve0.25 - 1.00 mm² , 24 - 16 AWG No. 777305, 777306 without crimp connectors or with TWIN crimp connectors0.20 - 1.50 mm² , 24 - 16 AWG No. 777305, 777306 Torque setting with screw terminals0.50 Nm No. 777305, 777306Cross section of external conductors with spring-loaded termi-0.20 - 1.50 mm² , 24 - 16 AWG No. 787305, 787306 nals: Flexible with/without crimp connectorsPNOZ X2.7P1002000-EN-06-2011-06Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, GermanyTelephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.deNo. stands for order number.It is essential to consider the relay's service life graphs. The relay outputs' safety-related characteristic data is only valid if the values in the service life graphs are met.The PFH value depends on the switch-ing frequency and the load on the relay output.If the service life graphs are not acces-sible, the stated PFH value can be used irrespective of the switching fre-quency and the load, as the PFH value already considers the relay's B10d val-ue as well as the failure rates of the other components.All the units used within a safety function must be considered when calculating the safety characteristic data.The standards current on 2009-12 apply.Spring-loaded terminals: Terminal points per connection 2 No. 787305, 787306Stripping length 8 mm No. 787305, 787306Dimensions Height 101.0 mm No. 787305, 78730694.0 mm No. 777305, 777306Width 22.5 mm Depth 121.0 mmWeight190 g No. 777305, 787305205 g No. 787306210 g No. 777306Mechanical dataConventional thermal current Number of contacts I th (A) at U B DC I th (A) at U B AC 1 6.00 A 6.00 A2 6.00 A4.00 A No. 777305, 7873056.00 A No. 777306, 78730634.50 A No. 777306, 7873065.00 A No. 777305, 7873053.50 A No. 777305, 7873054.50 A No. 777306, 787306Order reference TypeFeatures TerminalsOrder no.PNOZ X2.7P C 24 VAC 24VDC Spring-loaded terminals 787 305PNOZ X2.7P 24 VAC24VDCScrew terminals777 305PNOZ X2.7P C 24 - 240 VAC 24 - 240 VDC Spring-loaded terminals 787 306PNOZ X2.7P24 - 240 VAC24 - 240 VDCScrew terminals777 306。

10_Pilz X2.8P安全继电器使用说明6.2

10_Pilz X2.8P安全继电器使用说明6.2

774318 PNOZ X3 DC24V安全继电器PILZ¥1,620.00




一、Pilz X2.8说明 (3)
1.1 接急停开关+手动复位 (3)
1.2 接光栅+手动复位 (4)
二、Pilz X3的使用 (5)
一、Pilz X2.8说明
对于Pilz X2.8P说明:

1.1 接急停开关+手动复位
1.2 接光栅+手动复位X
二、Pilz X3的使用
1. 电源的用法:可以A1,A2接交流电(220V 交流),此时B2接地线; 或者B1,B2接直

2. 双通道的用法如下:
短接S11,S12; 把急停常闭触点接入S21,S22; 以及S31,S32之间。

3.每个通道最大8A ,200W 。

S e c u r i t y d o o r s
E m e r g e n c y s t o p




















Pilz安全继电器说明书大全_1PNOZ X 安全继电器PNOZsigma 安全继电器PNOZcompact 安全继电器PNOZelog 安全继电器PNOZpower 安全继电器myPNOZ 模块化安全继电器1. PNOZ X 安全继电器PNOZ X安全继电器是Pilz的经典产品,具有机电式触点和无源输出,可以监控单个或多个安全功能。

PNOZ X 安全继电器的尺寸范围为 22.5 至90 mm,触点数量从两个到八个不等。

PNOZ X安全继电器可以使用弹簧加载或螺丝式连接的直插式端子,缩短了调试时间和维修时间。

PNOZ X安全继电器还具有通用电源,提供高度的应用灵活性。

PNOZ X 安全继电器的使用方法如下:等。






2. PNOZsigma 安全继电器PNOZsigma安全继电器是Pilz的创新产品,具有半导体输出和可调节的操作模式和时间参数,可以实现更多的功能和更高的性能。

PNOZsigma安全继电器的尺寸范围为 12.5 至 17.5mm,触点数量从三个到八个不等。



PNOZsigma 安全继电器的使用方法如下:根据产品附带的接线图和说明书,正确地连接输入、输出和辅助电源线。





3. PNOZcompact 安全继电器PNOZcompact安全继电器是Pilz的简易产品,具有紧凑的外形和基本的安全功能,特别适合生产机器制造商和大型原始设备制造商。













三、Pilz安全继电器有哪些特点?国际认证:Pilz安全继电器符合国际标准和法规,如EN ISO13849-1, IEC 62061, IEC 61508, UL 508,CE等,可以合用于不同国家和地区的安全要求¹。







满足IEC 60204-1对机器电气设备安全的要求。



①安全继电器PILZ PNOZ ml 1p 773540
②安全继电器PILZ PNOZ m 1p 773100
③安全继电器PILZ PNOZ mi 1p 773400
④安全继电器PILZ PNOZ mo 1p 773500
⑤安全继电器PILZ PNOZ mc 3p 773732
⑥PILZ 312185电源
⑦PILZ Nr.751103;PNOZ s3 C 24V
⑧供应PILZ 774740自动控制器
⑨PilzPILZ安全继电器PNOZ s4750104⑩pilz皮尔磁继电器精品资料欢迎下载。



10_PilzX2.8P安全继电器使⽤说明6.2 Pilz安全继电器使⽤说明书774318 PNOZ X3 DC24V安全继电器PILZ¥1,620.00[注意以下⼏点]1.X2.8P可以接光栅的两路OSSD信号。




3.优先选⽤价格便宜的:X2.8P.⼀、Pilz X2.8说明 (3)1.1 接急停开关+⼿动复位 (3)1.2 接光栅+⼿动复位 (4)⼆、Pilz X3的使⽤ (5)⼀、Pilz X2.8说明对于Pilz X2.8P说明:1.A1,A2为24V电源2.S21,S22;S11,S12之间接急停开关常闭触点3.S12,S34之间接复位按钮(如果不需要⼿动复位,希望⾃动复位,那么短接S12,S34即可)4.常开触点,最⼤6A,150W。

1.1 接急停开关+⼿动复位1.2 接光栅+⼿动复位X2.8P也可以接光栅:⼆、Pilz X3的使⽤X3的⽤法:1.电源的⽤法:可以A1,A2接交流电(220V 交流),此时B2接地线;或者B1,B2接直流电(推荐⽤法)。

2.双通道的⽤法如下:短接S11,S12; 把急停常闭触点接⼊S21,S22; 以及S31,S32之间。

3.每个通道最⼤8A ,200W 。

S e c u r i t y d o o r s 安全门开关E m e r g e n c y s t o p 紧急停⽌。









二、Pilz安全继电器的功能特点国际认证:Pilz安全继电器符合国际标准和法规,如EN ISO 13849-1, IEC 62061, IEC 61508, UL, CE等。





高安全性:Pilz安全继电器提供了高达PL e或者SIL CL3级别的安全性能,并采用了双继电器技术或者半导体输出技术来保证输出触点的可靠性。

三、Pilz安全继电器的技术参数电源电压:Pilz安全继电器提供了多种电源电压选择,如AC/DC24V, AC/DC 110V, AC/DC 230V等,以适应不同的电源环境。




774318 PNOZ X3 DC24V安全继电器PILZ¥1,620.00




一、Pilz X2.8说明2
1.1 接急停开关+手动复位2
1.2 接光栅+手动复位3
二、Pilz X3的使用4
一、Pilz X2.8说明
对于Pilz X2.8P说明:

1.1 接急停开关+手动复位
1.2 接光栅+手动复位X
二、Pilz X3的使用
1. 电源的用法:可以A1,A2接交流电(220V 交流),此时B2接地线;或者B1,B2接直

2. 双通道的用法如下:



3.每个通道最大8A ,200W 。

S e c u r i t y d o o r s
E m e r g e n c y s t o p






1. Pilz PNOZsigma系列安全继电器Pilz PNOZsigma系列安全继电器是一款经典的、可靠的安全继电器。




2. Pilz PNOZmulti系列安全继电器Pilz PNOZmulti系列安全继电器是一款多功能安全控制系统,可用于监控和控制多个安全链路。




3. Pilz PSENslock系列安全门锁Pilz PSENslock系列安全门锁是一种新型的安全门锁。




4. Pilz SafetyEYE系列光电保护器Pilz SafetyEYE系列光电保护器是一种高性能的安全保护系统。




pilz psen14a-51接线说明书

pilz psen14a-51接线说明书

pilz psen14a-51接线说明书1、安全继电器是由数个继电器与电路组合而成,为的是要能互补彼此的异常缺陷,达到正确且低误动作的继电器完整功能,使其失误和失效值愈低,安全因素则愈高,因此需设计出多种安全继电器以保护不同等级机械。







PNOZ X3P产品描述安全继电器PNOZ X3P被封装在一个45mm p-99的塑壳里面。

该装置可以接24 (240)VAC/DC.的电源使用。






继电器兼容以下安全标准要求:•电路是含有内置自检功能的冗余设计--符合EN 954-1•在自身组件失效的情况下安全功能仍然起作用•安全功能继电器的正确开闭在每个on-off过程中被自动测试•继电器装有一只电子式保险功能描述PNOZX3P为您提供一个安全趋向型的电路切断。

A1、A2接通电源后,power灯点亮;当s13-s14闭合(自动复位用法)或者s33-s34端子接线的复位触点被打开并再次闭合后(手动复位用法),PNOZ X3P就处于备妥状态。





操作模式——单通道操作:输入接线按照VDE 0113-1 及EN 60204-1标准执行,输入电路中无双回路冗余输入。




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