Shanghai Acrel Co., Ltd.
2.1 产品介绍
2.2 同行厂家对比
Shanghai Acrel Co., Ltd.
2.1 产品介绍
1 电气火灾监控系统
当被保护线路中被探测参数超过报警设定值时,能发出报警 信号、控制信号并能指示报警部位的系统,它由电气火灾监控 设备、电气火灾监控探测器组成。
Shanghai Acrel Co., Ltd.
1.2 标准介绍
《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》 GB50045
9.5 漏电火灾报警系统 9.5.1 高层建筑内火灾危险性大、人员密集等场所 宜设置漏电火灾报警系统。 9.5.2 漏电火灾报警系统通常应具有下列功能: 探测漏电电流、过电流等信号,发出声光 信号报警,准确报出故障线路地址,监视故障点 的变化。 储存各种故障和操作试验信号,信号存储 时间应不少于12 个月。 切断漏电线路上的电源,并显示其状态。 显示系统电源状态。
Shanghai Acrel Co., Ltd.
案例 1 产品选型
选型:生活泵,监控进线处,选用ARCM200BL – J1
Shanghai Acrel Co., Ltd.
3.4 常见问题分析
型号 L45 L 80 L 100 L 150 L 200 额定电流/A 16~100 100~250 250~400 400~800 800~1500
海湾安全 北大青鸟
DH-GSTN5100、GST-DH9501、GST-DH9200、 DH-GSTN5208 DH-GSTN5201 JBF-EF-X300、JBF-EF-X400等
日业BM560X CM560系列起重专用变频器用户手册V2.0
7.1 F0 组基本功能组.................................................................................................................................................. 67 7.2 F1 组启停控制...................................................................................................................................................... 72 7.3 F2 组 V/F 控制参数..............................................................................................................................................75 7.4 F3 组矢量控制参数.............................................................................................................................................. 77 7.5 F4 组电机参数...................................................................................................................................................... 79 7.6 F5 组输入端子...................................................................................................................................................... 80 7.7 F6 组输出端子...................................................................................................................................................... 85 7.8 F7 组 辅助功能及人机界面功能....................................................................................................................... 86 7.9 F8 组通信功能...................................................................................................................................................... 93 7.10 F9 组故障与保护................................................................................................................................................ 94 7.11 FA 组过程控制 PID 功能...................................................................................................................................96 7.12 FB 组摆频功能....................................................................................................................................................98 7.13 FC 组多段速功能及简易 PLC 功能................................................................................................................. 99 7.14 FD 组(保留)................................................................................................................................................. 103 7.15 FE 组 增强组....................................................................................................................................................104 7.15 FF 组 厂家参数组............................................................................................................................................104
文/河南 李韬(接上期)2.执行器48V电子动态响应系统执行器如图11所示。
图11 电子动态响应系统执行器3.控制说明48V电子动态响应系统控制框图如图13所示。
ARCM200L 组合式剩余电流式电气火灾 监控探测器 安装使用说明书
ARCM200L组合式剩余电流式电气火灾监控探测器安装使用说明书V1.0上海安科瑞电气股份有限公司SHANGHAI ACREL Co.,Ltd.申明DECLARATION版权所有,未经本公司之书面许可,此手册中任何段落、章节内容均不得被摘抄、拷贝或以任何形式复制、传播,否则一切后果由违者自负。
目录1.概述 (1)2.产品型号规格 (1)3.技术参数 (1)4.安装与接线 (2)4.1外形及安装尺寸 (2)4.2安装方式 (2)4.3接线说明 (2)4.4注意事项 (3)5.编程与使用 (4)5.1测量项目及面板说明 (4)5.2LED指示说明 (4)5.3按键功能说明 (5)5.4液晶显示 (5)5.5编程 (6)6.功能应用 (7)6.1剩余电流保护 (7)6.2温度保护 (7)6.3过流保护 (8)6.4过压保护 (8)6.5缺相保护 (8)6.6消防联动功能 (8)6.7自检和试验功能 (8)6.8集中控制 (8)6.9报警复位 (8)7.通讯协议 (8)7.1通讯协议概述 (9)7.2功能码简介 (9)7.3地址参量 (11)8.典型应用及附件 (14)8.1典型应用 (14)8.2分级保护应用原则 (14)8.3AKH-0.66L系列剩余电流互感器选型 (14)8.4NTC温度传感器 (15)9.注意事项 (15)1概述ARCM200L-XX系列剩余电流式电气火灾监控探测器(以下简称探测器),产品是针对0.4kV下的TT、TN 系统设计的,通过对配电回路的剩余电流、导线温度、过电流、过电压等火灾危险参数实施监控和管理,从而预防电气火灾的发生,并实现了对多种电力参数的实时监测,为能耗管理提供精确的数据。
Entrance Systems ASSA ABLOY SL200 目录说明书
原文说明目录安全操作说明..........................................................................................................................3感谢您使用了我们新的自动门!............................................................................................4电子设备接收干扰..................................................................................................................4环境要求..................................................................................................................................4产品责任..................................................................................................................................4质保...........................................................................................................................................4售后服务..................................................................................................................................5用途...........................................................................................................................................5技术规范..................................................................................................................................6 ASSA ABLOY SL200的工作原理........................................................................................6模式选择..................................................................................................................................6遥控器接收器............................................................................................................................7雷达(选配) (7)定期安全检查..........................................................................................................................912故障排除..................................................................................................................................维护/保养.................................................................................................................................13 ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems的其他产品.................................................................13ASSA ABLOY 的文字和标识均为 ASSA ABLOY 集团所有的商标©ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems, 2021技术资料随时可能变更,恕不另行通知。
(型号:200L)双通道稀释探头控制器说明书第一章介绍工作原理规格第二章安装开箱安装步骤系统连接启动步骤第三章操作电路继电器板开关板后盖板仪表流量系统组件第四章校准所需NOx浓度标准稀释探头稀释探头技术双通道稀释配置稀释计算第五章维护安全保护继电器板更换开关板更换第8号电磁阀第12号电磁阀第13号电磁阀精度检查标度电磁阀检查检漏备件第六章故障故障向导附录A 保证书附录B 图原理图电子线路图注释列表图表编号2-1前面板2-2双通道探头控制器后面板2-3典型双通道探头控制器系统接线图2-4稀释探头3-1继电器板3-2开关板3-3后背板3-4后背板状态和摇控控制3-5仪表位置3-6双通道探头控制器接线图3-7底板布局4-1音响小孔装置4-2典型双通道探头控制器接线图5-1继电器板5-2开关板5-3第8号电磁阀装置5-4第12号电磁阀装置5-5第13号电磁阀装置5-6后面板装置5-7跨度电磁阀装置表格列表表格编号4-1音速小孔尺寸5-1更换部件5-2推荐备件第一章介绍热电子环境仪器很荣幸地提供200L型号双通道稀释探头控制器,我们承诺我们制造的仪器具有高品质、高工作性能和高质量的工艺和支持人员尽力提供协助。
工作原理200L型控制器可应用在各种各样的稀释探头装置中,200L型控制器通过调节流经稀释探头的有一定压力的零气,使零气与外部烟气相混合,再把稀释了的空气抽回分析仪分析,这种方法符合40 CFR 60和40 CFR 75标准,烟气不断通过稀释探头的过滤器和音速小孔。
当稀释空气以Q1lpm的流速流经探头的真空泵喷嘴时,就会产生真空,这个真空通过放在稀释探头里的一个小孔来吸收烟气,烟气以Q2 lpm的流量流进小孔(根据小巧玲珑孔的设计而决定),当探头里的真空超过大约10英寸汞柱时,流量就会达到Q2,而操作者调节压缩空气时,压力可使流量在一定范围内变化,音速管有50:1,100:1,150:1,200:1等几种比率,这些比率都比较常用。
ROLAND M-200i说明书V1
电池面板螺丝及任何您可能会取下的推子 旋钮等。
请小心进行接地操作 ● 如果您要从接地终端上移除螺丝,请小心放置,
以免儿童接触发生意外。当重新安装时,请拧 紧螺丝。
使用幻像供电的注意事项 ●除了连接电容话筒外,请关闭幻像供电再连接
● 由于放置设备之处的表面材质和温度等缘故,本设备的橡胶 脚垫可能发生褪色或表面破裂。您可以在脚垫下垫一块毡毯 或布料来防止此类现象发生。但要注意确保不要使设备滑落 或意外移动。
● 请不要将盛有水的容器 (如花瓶等)置于设备上。同样,请 避免将杀虫剂、香水、酒精、指甲油或喷雾罐等置于设备上 方。如有液体洒落于设备上,请使用柔软的干布将其擦干。
• 变压器、电源线或插头破损 • 冒烟或发出异味 • 有异物掉入或液体渗入设备 • 设备遭到雨淋 (或其它方式被打湿) • 设备操作不正常或表现出明显的变化
● 本设备内置电池,保证关机情况下为内部存储供电。当电池 电量即将耗尽时屏幕上会有提示信息。当您看到此信息后, 请尽快更换新的电池避免数据丢失。关于更换电池的信息, 请查看本说明书第 16 页 “ 关于内置电池 ”。
● 请注意设备发生故障时内部存储的数据会丢失。为了避免发 生重要数据丢失,建议您将数据保存至 U 盘。
● 将本设备放在靠近后级功率放大器(或其它含有大型电源转 换电路的设备)旁边可能会产生嗡音等噪声。要缓和这种噪 音,请改变机器的方向或是放置到较远的地方以避免干扰。
gamma XL 电磁配量泵 补充操作说明书
gamma/ XL 电磁配量泵模块、选件、附件补充操作说明书结合“gamma/ XL、GXLa 电磁配量泵操作说明书”使用原版操作说明书 (2006/42/EC)零部件号 981575BA G 019 07/22 ZH请首先完整阅读使用说明书。
• 请勿丢弃说明书。
目录目录1CANopen 补充操作说明书 (4)1.1 关于此泵 (4)1.2 控制元件 (5)1.3 电气安装 (5)1.4 紧急运行 (7)1.5 排除功能故障 (7)1.6 附件 (8)1.7 附录 (8)1.7.1 计量泵对象目录 gamma/ XL, GXLa (8)1.7.2 通讯对象子协议区 0x1000-0x1FFF (9)1.7.3 制造商特定子协议区 0x2000-0x5FFF (10)1.7.4 设备子协议区 0x6000-0x9FFF (14)1.7.5 测量设备的警报操作区域 (404 ) (18)1.7.6 紧急情况 (19)1.7.7 对象说明 (21)1.7.8 更改 CANopen 节点地址(节点 ID) (22)1.7.9 传输速率(波特率) (23)1.7.10 校准,说明 (23)1.7.11 固件升级 (23)1.7.12 数据存储 (23)1.7.13 应遵循的规范/标准 (23)2Modbus RTU 补充操作说明书 (24)2.1 关于此 Modbus 泵 (24)2.2 控制元件 (25)2.3 电气安装 (25)2.4 通过控制元件的泵设置方法 (26)2.5 “Modbus RTU”实行 (27)2.5.1 “Modbus RTU”信息格式 (28)2.6 设备监控 (29)2.7 紧急运行 (30)2.8 功能故障 (30)2.9 附件 (30)2.10 Modbus RTU 寄存器,适用于 ProMinent 泵 (31)2.10.1 “设备识别”寄存器 (31)2.10.2 “Modbus”寄存器 (31)2.10.3 “特定组件泵的生产数据”寄存器 (32)2.10.4 “特定组件 Modbus 的生产数据”寄存器 (33)2.10.5 “当前运行参数”寄存器 (33)2.10.6 “额定运行参数”寄存器 (36)2.10.7 “高级配置”寄存器 (38)2.10.8 “附件 1”寄存器 (42)2.10.9 “附件 2”寄存器 (42)2.10.10 “附件 3”寄存器 (43)2.10.11 “Debugdaten”寄存器 (44)3PROFIBUS® 补充操作说明书 (45)3.1 前提条件 (45)3.2 设置泵 (45)3.2.1 常规 (45)3.2.2 使 PROFIBUS® 进入已激活/未激活状态 (45)2目录3.2.3 设置从站地址 (46)3.3 PROFIBUS® 运行激活状态的特点 (47)3.3.1 常规 (47)3.3.2 显示 (47)3.3.3 PROFIBUS® 模块上的 LED 指示灯 (48)3.3.4 使用计量监控 (48)3.4 安装 (48)3.5 运行 (50)3.5.1 概述 (50)3.5.2 GSD 文件 (50)3.5.3 数据对象 gamma/ XL, GXLa (50)3.5.4 delta® DLTa 数据对象 (58)3.5.5 周期性数据传输 (61)4PROFINET® 补充操作说明书 (69)4.1 前提条件 (69)4.2 设置泵 (69)4.2.1 常规 (69)4.2.2 使 PROFINET® 进入已激活/未激活状态 (69)4.2.3 配置 PROFINET® (70)4.3 PROFINET® 运行激活状态的特点 (71)4.3.1 常规 (71)4.3.2 显示 (71)4.3.3 PROFINET® 模块上的 LED 指示灯 (72)4.3.4 使用计量监控 (72)4.4 安装 (73)4.5 运行 (73)4.5.1 概述 (73)4.5.2 GSDML 文件 (73)4.5.3 数据对象的说明 gamma/ XL, GXLa (73)4.5.4 数据访问的诊断提示信息和类型 (79)4.5.5 PLC 故障和泵特性 (79)5连续式吸液枪 (80)5.1 吸液枪技术数据 (80)5.2 校准 (81)5.3 配置 (81)3CANopen 补充操作说明书1 CANopen 补充操作说明书1.1 关于此泵 (4)1.2 控制元件 (5)1.3 电气安装 (5)1.4 紧急运行 (7)1.5 排除功能故障 (7)1.6 附件 (8)1.7 附录 (8)1.7.1 计量泵对象目录 gamma/ XL, GXLa (8)1.7.2 通讯对象子协议区 0x1000-0x1FFF (9)1.7.3 制造商特定子协议区 0x2000-0x5FFF (10)1.7.4 设备子协议区 0x6000-0x9FFF (14)1.7.5 测量设备的警报操作区域 (404 ) (18)1.7.6 紧急情况 (19)1.7.7 对象说明 (21)1.7.8 更改 CANopen 节点地址(节点 ID) (22)1.7.9 传输速率(波特率) (23)1.7.10 校准,说明 (23)1.7.11 固件升级 (23)1.7.12 数据存储 (23)1.7.13 应遵循的规范/标准 (23)1.1 关于此泵带 CAN 接口的电磁配量泵 gamma/ XL 与标准泵的不同之处在于连接方式,它可以连接至 CANopen 总线系统。
IXL-Ⅱ 伺服驱动器使用说明
IxL-Ⅱ系列低压伺服驱动应用手册目录第 1 章产品规格及安装事项 (10)1.1 产品到货时的确认 (10)1.2 驱动器型号及规格 (11)1.3 驱动器电气特性 (13)1.4 驱动器外型及尺寸 (15)1.5 安装注意事项 (19)1.6 单台驱动器的安装 (20)1.7 多台驱动器的安装 (22)第 2 章配线 (24)2.1 配线注意事项 (24)2.1.1 配线安全注意事项 (24)2.1.2 配线电气注意事项 (24)2.1.3 配线用导线推荐规格表 (25)2.2 电气接线示意图 (26)2.2.1 SIZE1/2 型号外部接线图 (26)2.2.2 SIZE3 型号外部接线图 (27)2.2.3 SIZE4 型号外部接线图 (28)2.3 主电路端子P1 (29)2.4 制动抱闸端子P2 (30)2.5 控制信号端子 U1 (31)2.5.1 数字量DI配线 (32)2.5.2 数字量DO配线 (33)2.5.3 模拟量AI配线 (33)2.5.4 脉冲输入配线 (34)2.6 编码器端子 E1 (35)2.6.1 增量编码器配线 (36)2.6.2 SSI/BISS编码器配线 (38)2.6.3 多摩川NRZ编码器配线 (38)2.7 RS485通信端子C1 (39)2.8 CAN通信端子C2 (40)2.9 配线抗干扰措施 (43)第3章 MODBUS与COCKPIT调试软件 (44)3.1 通信方式选择 (44)3.2 Modbus通信协议简介 (44)3.3 Cockpit调试软件与驱动器连接 (47)3.3.1 CockPit调试软件介绍 (47)3.3.2 CockPit软件安装与打开 (47)3.3.3 Cockpit与驱动器建立通信连接 (52)3.4 Cockpit参数配置与调试 (56)3.4.1 Cockpit界面功能及参数设置 (56)3.4.2 Cockpit启动电机自学习功能 (58)3.4.3 Cockpit控制电机运转 (59)3.4.4 Cockpit电机与驱动状态监测 (61)第4章 MODBUS参数设定及功能说明 (62)4.1 电机参数配置 (62)4.1.1 电机匹配参数设置 (62)4.1.2 电机旋转方向的切换 (63)4.1.3 电机超程设定 (64)4.1.4 电机转矩限制 (65)4.1.5 电机过载设置 (65)4.1.6 电机过载限流输出功能设置 (66)4.1.7 用Cockpit软件设置与监控电机参数 (66)4.2 电机参数自学习 (68)4.2.1 电机自学习功能介绍 (68)4.2.2 用Cockpit软件进行电机自学习 (69)4.3 位置控制 (70)4.3.1 控制模式的选择 (70)4.3.2 电子齿轮 (71)4.3.3 位置指令来源设定 (73)4.3.4 位置指令脉冲给定控制 (73)4.3.5 位置指令速度给定控制 (74)4.3.6 位置指令内部参数(位置接点)控制 (74)4.3.7 位置指令位置插补控制 (76)4.3.8 位置到位阈值设定 (77)4.3.9 位置环参数调整 (77)4.3.10 用Cockpit软件进行位置控制操作 (79)4.4 速度控制 (81)4.4.1 速度指令来源设定 (81)4.4.2 速度环参数调整 (85)4.4.3 速度DROOP(下垂)控制功能 (87)4.4.4 用Cockpit软件进行速度控制操作 (88)4.5 力矩控制 (90)4.5.1 转矩指令来源设定 (90)4.5.2 电流环参数调整 (91)4.5.3 用Cockpit软件进行力矩控制操作 (92)4.6 回零操作 (94)4.7 动态控制模式切换 (101)4.8 保护顺序设计 (102)4.8.1 伺服控制电源接通时序 (102)4.8.2 伺服控制电源欠压时序 (103)4.8.3 伺服报警输出及清除 (103)4.8.4 伺服使能信号(/S-ON)输入 (104)第 5 章状态显示与故障诊断 (106)5.1 LED指示灯说明 (106)5.2 故障代码一览表 (106)5.3 报警原因及处理方法 (107)5.4 报警清除 (109)第7章 CANopen通信协议及使用说明 (113)7.1 通信方式选择以及配置 (113)7.2 CANopen通信简介 (115)7.3 总线管理NMT报文 (118)7.4 Heartbeat心跳报文 (119)7.5 制造商设备标志报文 (120)7.6 CANopen设备控制和模式控制 (121)7.6.1 控制字 Controlword(0x6040) (124)7.6.2 状态字 Statusword(0x6041) (126)7.6.3 模式控制 Modes_of_operation (0x6060) (128)7.6.4 错误代码 Error_code (0x603F) (128)7.7 SDO通信 (131)7.7.1 SDO读操作 (131)7.7.2 SDO写操作 (131)7.8 PDO通信 (133)7.8.1 PDO通信方式 (133)7.8.2 PDO参数映射 (134)7.8.3 驱动器默认PDO映射 (135)7.8.4 转矩模式使用默认PDO映射参数 (137)7.8.5 速度模式使用默认PDO映射参数 (139)7.8.6 位置模式使用默认PDO映射参数 (141)7.9 节点保护功能 (144)7.9.1驱动器通信中断自动停机保护功能 (144)7.10 回零模式(Home) (145)7.11 位置控制模式(Profiled Position) (147)7.12 位置插补模式(Interpolated Position) (148)7.13 循环同步位置模式(CSP) (150)7.14 循环同步速度模式(CSV) (151)7.15 循环同步力矩模式(CST) (152)7.16 速度控制模式(Profiled Velocity) (153)7.17 力矩控制模式(Profiled Torque ) (154)7.18 Cockpit动态配置PDO映射参数 (155)附录一:CANOPEN设备对象字典 (157)附录二:MODBUS常用通信数据地址 (162)版本修改记录Revise Page 修改页【使用前的注意事项】■低压伺服驱动器使用的电源电压是20-90VDC。
RICOH FAX 3320L 操作说明书
2. 传真
发送模式 .................................................................................................... 21 在记忆发送和立即发送之间进行切换 ............................................................... 22 放置原稿 .................................................................................................... 23 将纸张装入自动送稿器 ....................................................................................... 23 原稿尺寸难以检测 ............................................................................................... 24 记忆发送 .................................................................................................... 25
取消记忆发送 ............................................................................................. 27 在按 “启动”键前 .............................................................................................. 27 正在扫描原稿时 ................................................................................................... 27 发送期间 ............................................................................................................... 27 原稿等待发送时 ................................................................................................... 28 立即发送 .................................................................................................... 29 取消立即发送 ............................................................................................. 30 在按 “启动”键前 .............................................................................................. 30 在按 “启动”键后 .............................................................................................. 30 扫描设置 .................................................................................................... 31 分辩率 ................................................................................................................... 31 原稿类型 ............................................................................................................... 32 拨号 ........................................................................................................... 33 直接输入号码 ....................................................................................................... 33 暂停 ................................................................................................................. 34 音频码 ............................................................................................................. 34 使用快速拨号 ....................................................................................................... 34 使用缩位拨号 ....................................................................................................... 35 使用成组拨号 ....................................................................................................... 36 用快速拨号指定组时 ..................................................................................... 37 使用成组拨号键指定组时 ............................................................................. 37 接收模式 .................................................................................................... 38 选择接收模式 ....................................................................................................... 38
海尔 RE-200L6U1 200升对流换热空气能热水器 使用说明书
热水器使用说明书型号RE-200L6U1• 本说明书为通用手册• 本公司保留说明书解释权• 产品外观请以实物为准• 阅后请与发票一并妥善保存• 如遇产品技术或软件升级,恕不另行通知• 本产品只适合在中国大陆销售和使用1. 产品介绍1 1.1. 产品部件1 1.1.1. 各部分构件名称1 1.1.2. 产品安装尺寸2 1.1.3. 热水器接线图41.2. 技术数据52. Wi-Fi连接7 2.1. APP下载登录72.2. 智能控制设备73. 使用说明8 3.1. 安全注意事项8 3.1.1. 标识解释8 3.2. 安装说明8 3.2.1. 安装注意事项8 3.2.2. 安装场所的选择9 3.2.3. 装箱单9 3.2.4. 安装及固定9 3.2.5. 管路安装10 3.2.6. 线路安装12 3.3. 使用功能13 3.3.1. 试运转13 3.3.2. 线控器显示屏13 3.3.3. 按键功能143.3.4. 控制功能174. 售后服务18 4.1. 用户须知18 4.2. 疑难解答18 4.3. 清洗保养20 4.3.1. 清洗与保养20 4.3.2. 常见现象20 4.4. 保修说明201. 产品介绍1.1. 产品部件1.1.1. 各部分构件名称室外机储水箱1.1.2. 产品安装尺寸水箱安装尺寸(单位:mm)尺寸偏差范围为±10% 图示仅供参考,以实物为准 室外机安装尺寸(单位:mm)型号a1b1c1RE-200L6U1(内机)16414821210尺寸偏差范围为±10%图示仅供参考,以实物为准1.1.3. 热水器接线图型号a2b2c2d2e2f2g2RE-200L6(外机)754269532490239236520若有变更,恕不另行通知。
1.2. 技术数据整机型号RE-200L6U1室外机型号RE-200L6(外机)水箱型号RE-200L6U1(内机)电源220V,50Hz性能参数热泵制热量3200W制热水能力71L/h热泵额定电流 3.64A热泵额定功率800W 性能系数(COP) 4.00最大输入电流14.77A最大输入功率3250W 全年能源消耗效率(APF) 3.60电热管额定功率2000W 电热管额定电流9.09A 制冷剂R22/749g额定容量200L额定水压0.85MPa噪音室外50dB(A)外形尺寸(mm)室外机754x269x532水箱482x482x1641注:本公司注重科技更新,参数更改后,恕不另行通知。
Hoshizaki KML-200MAE KML-200MWE 模块式弧形冰箱说明书
NO.ISSUED:71124JUNE 5, 1998MODELHOSHIZAKIMODULAR CRESCENT CUBERPARTS LISTKML-200MAEKML-200MWEREVISED:AUG. 28, 2000HAKML-200MAEG-0JUNE, 1997H-0JAN., 1998H-1AUG., 1998H-2OCT., 1998J-0DEC., 1998K-0DEC., 1999KML-200MWEG-0AUG., 1997H-0DEC., 1997H-1APRIL, 1998H-2SEPT., 1998J-0DEC., 1998K-0JAN., 2000HAMATERIAL ABBREVIATIONSALUMINUMAL= AluminumCOPPERCU= CopperPLASTICABS=Acrylonitrile -butadiene - styreneAC=PolyacetalEV A=Ethylene vinyl acetatePA=Polyamide = NylonPC=PolycarbonatePE=PolyethylenePES=PolyesterPETP=Polyethylene terephthalate = TetlonPP=PolypropylenePS=PolystyrenePTFE=Polytetrafluoroethylene = TeflonPUR=PolyurethanePVC=Polyvinyl chlorideRUBBERVN=Vinyl NitrileEPDM=EP rubberNBR=Nitrile butadiene rubberNR=Natural rubberNP=NeopreneSI.R=Silicone rubberSY.R=Synthetic rubberEPH=EpichlorohydrinSTEELGS=Galvanized steelSS=Stainless steelPS=Plated steelPAS=Primed steelAUXILIARY CODEEx.1K-0Parts are the same as in the preceding Note: - = Part deleted.year.x = Part deleted and replaced"K" is the tenth in alphabetical order with "I" by "o" part.skipped. So, "K" indicates "2000".o = New part for "x"Ex.2A-1 in the same auxiliary code."A" is the first in alphabeticalorder. So, "A" indicates "2001".Ex.3A-2Each time a part is changedin a year, this number advances.FASTENER ABBREVIATION LISTruss Machine ScrewSTPhillips TSP Phillips Pan Head Machine ScrewSF Phillips Flat Head Machine ScrewSS Phillips Pan Head Machine Screw with Split Lock WasherSW Phillips Pan Head Machine Screw with Split Lock Washerand Flat WasherT1Phillips Truss Head Tapping Screw (Correspond to Type A)T2Phillips Truss Head Tapping Screw (Correspond to Type B)T3Phillips Truss Head Tapping Screw (Correspond to Type C)apping Screw (Special)FTPhillips Truss Head TBH Hexagon Head BoltBC Socket Head Cap ScrewBS Hexagon Bolt with Split WasherBW Hexagon Bolt with Split Washer and Flat WasherBF Hexagon Flange BoltBR Cross-Recessed Hexagon Head BoltBRW Cross-Recessed Hexagon Head Bolt with Split Lock Washerand Flat WasherWL Split Lock Washerooth WasherWTExternal TWF Flat WasherWS Spring WasherNH Hexagon NutNF Hexagon Flange NutNC Hexagon Cap NutNS Square NutNW Wing NutEx.ST0308S(Phillips Truss Head Machine Screw3x8, made of stainless steel)Material None:Plated SteelLength (mm)S:Stainless SteelNominal Diameter (mm)B:BrassForm of Head P:PlasticDescription(Note) Second character is numerical except toe list.Ex. S1, S2, B3 etc.And abbreviations and names are shown under the illustration.KML-200MAE A. ICE CUBER ASSEMBLY G-0, H-0, H-1KML-200MAE A. ICE CUBER ASSEMBLY H-2, J00636M-J00785BKML-200MAE A. ICE CUBER ASSEMBLY J00786C-J01485L, K-0KML-200MWE A. ICE CUBER ASSEMBLY G-0, H-0, H-1KML-200MWE A. ICE CUBER ASSEMBLY H-2, J00196M-J00295BKML-200MWE A. ICE CUBER ASSEMBLY J00296D-J00425J, K-0KML-200MAE B. REFRIGERATION CIRCUIT G-0, H-0, H-1, H-2KML-200MAE B. REFRIGERATION CIRCUIT J-0, K-0KML-200MWE B. REFRIGERATION CIRCUIT G-0, H-0, H-1KML-200MWE B. REFRIGERATION CIRCUIT H-2, J-0, K-0KML-200MAE E. LABEL LOCATION G-0, H-0KML-200MAE E. LABEL LOCATION H-1, H-2, J00636M-J00785BKML-200MAE E. LABEL LOCATION J00786C-J01485L, K-0KML-200MWE E. LABEL LOCATION G-0, H-0KML-200MWE E. LABEL LOCATION H-1, H-2, J00196M-J00295BKML-200MWE E. LABEL LOCATION J00296D-J00425J, K-0KML-200MAE, MWE F. TOP PANEL ASSEMBLY G-0, H-0, H-1, H-2, J-0, K-0。
A I R C O M P R E S S O R SROLLAIR®20V-30V-40V-50V-60V75V-100V-125V-220VROLLAIR®20V - 30V and VT ROLLAIR®40V - 50V - 60V - 75V and VTROLLAIR®100V - 125 VROLLAIR®220VA constant pressureAir pressure can be adjusted between 4 and 9.5 bar (13 bar as an option). Air delivery will therefore be optimised while achieving maximum efficiency from your compressor.Conventional control systems work between two set pressures,resulting in the generated pressure being higher than the pressure required.ROLLAIR ®V maintains a constant pressure in the system, reducing component wear and eliminating off load running.ROLLAIR ®V control system makes it possible to use a pressure lower than that of a conventional compressor, giving additional savings.Stable runningFrequent changes from On load to Off load cycles with conventional control systems, put stress on pneumatic components and increase their rate of wear.ROLLAIR ®V , with variable speed control, ensures smooth and stable running, thereby minimising component wear.Soft startSoft start of the variable speed control, eliminates electrical peaks that are generated during Star Delta starting sequences.The inverter progessively increases motor frequency, avoiding any penalty that may be imposed as a result of electrical peaks.Compressed air is a major part of many companies’ production costs; It is therefore beneficial to optimise these cost reductions and increase manufacturing efficiency.ROLLAIR ®V range is the most effective solution and can generate up to 30% energy savings.ROLLAIR ®V technology features many benefitswith one single goal: Savings on energy costs.Almost proportional energy consumptionEnergy accounts for the largest part of compressed air costs.For any amount invested in your compressor, up to 6 times more will be spent in energy over the next 5 years.Power consumption of conventional compressors is higher when air demand is fluctuating, or not approaching maximum air delivery of the compressor.With the ROLLAIR ®, power consumption is directly proportional to the quantity of air used.It eliminates off load running and significantly reduces power consumption.Whatever the air demand, ROLLAIR ®will automatically adjust, with constant air pressure and reduced power consumption.The amount of energy savings varies, and depends on the compressed air demands, but in some cases, a return on investment has been achieved less than a year :Ask us for a running cost comparison.ROLLAIR®20V-30V-40V-50V-60V-75V-100V-125V-220VA machine that makes you savingsInvestment Power Consumed75%MaintenancePressure on loadPressure off loadConventional compressorOn load energy StopOff load energy RollairVConventional compressorInvestment Power Consumed52%23%Installation MaintenanceSavingsROLLAIR®20V-30V-40V-50VTotally designed with standard componentsThe most effective solution in the field of variable speed :ROLLAIR ®V has been designed using standard components for superior efficiency.The latest generation of IP55 inverter has been built into our ROLLAIR ®V range for superior efficiency.• Compact :Being small, it is easily integrated into the canopy of a standard ROLLAIR ®, thus maintaining the footprint. There is no increase in cabinet dimensions.• Efficicency :ROLLAIR ® V invertor offers the most advanced technology in electronic control.• Standard :The ROLLAIR ® V invertor combines our goals of high efficiency, with the use of standard components.Turbine/motor combination For optimum motor coolingOne of the advantages of the ROLLAIR ®40 - 125 V is that the motor is placed directly under the cooling air turbine. This means that the motor has a constant flow of cooling air across it, resulting in low motor temperatures, even at low speeds.This feature is especially important to make up for the low rotational speed of the internal motor fan during periods of reduced motor speed. This will contribute to a longer motor life.High efficiency inverterInvertorElectronic ControlsIP 55 motor, standard across the whole rangeWorthington Creyssensac has achieved its goal through development with motor manufacturers.We incorporate as standard a high efficiency motor in ROLLAIR ®V , thus using standard components, making it user friendly, efficient and reliable.Direct drive : Safety and efficicencyCombined with a high efficiency standard IP55motor, direct drive optimi-ses energy efficiency and improves reliability It also reduces maintenance costs.High quality components are the reasons for ROLLAIR ®V efficiencySuperior ventilation capacity,less energy requirementsAir cooling turbine gives low rotational speed, superior air flow, 30% lower energy consumption compared to a conventional motor driven fan,and a very low noise level.60V-75V-100V-125V-220VComponents for a maximum reliability• Pressure scheduleVCI 07 lets you program several pressure settings throughout the day, in order to satisfy any varying demands and pressure requirements.• Optimised air deliveryWhatever the pressure requirement, air delivery will be optimised in such a way that ROLLAIR ®V will be used on full load only, with no off load running.• Reaction time adjustmentThe VCI07 can be fully configured to suit your system.ECM : Electro Magnetic compatibilityAn EMC certificate is delivered with all ROLLAIR ®V machines which guarantees that there will be no electromagnetic interference on your system.The integrated dryer of ROLLAIR ®VT : an additional source of savingsWorthington offer an integrated refrigerated air dryer in order to benefit from the following advantages;:.Standard components throughout the package.. Use of latest inverter technology minimises power.. Optimum air delivery whatever the pressure setting..Precise and constant running pressure.. Wide range of ROLLAIR V so that selections can be made to suit requirements. . Low maintenance costs dueto the use of standard components.. User friendly.. Compact, with a reducedfoot print, even more competitive on VT modelReasons why the ROLLAIR ®V savings potential is Higher• Reduced foot print , with an average of 30 to 40 %decrease.•Reduced installation costs ,as the dryer is factory fitted.•Many installation possibilities ,thanks to the combination of a low noise level and a reduced dimensions.•Reduced risk of air leakage , as compressor/dryer package can installed close to workplace, thereby minimising pipe lengths.•Optimised air quality , from a single unit, with very low noise levels.Standard installation with separate dryerCompact installation with integrated dryerVCI 07 : Intelligent controlSimple and user friendly, the clear alphanumeric display gives instantaneous readings for :• Operating status of the compresor• Percentage loading readout (Power consumption) • Service operation tracking.• Fault indication.ROLLAIR®20V-30V-40V-50V-60V-75V-100V-125V-220VOptimise your energy savingsYour air demand profile determines your potential energy savings. Selection of your proposed ROLLAIR ®V is very important and depends on your air demand .Knowledge of your air demand• A Area : For a constant air demand, a standard ROLLAIR ®single speed screw compressors will offer competitive energy efficiency.• B Area : Air demand variations between 20 and 80 %, will generate maximum energy savings with variable speed drive.• C Area : Only a small percentage of the air demand fluctuates. In this case, a standard ROLLAIR ®compressor can be selected to cover the base load, and run in conjunction with a ROLLAIR ® V , that will adjust to the variable air demand, and generate maximum energy savings.A correct selection of a ROLLAIR ®V to match your air demandTo help you choose a compressor suited to your needs, Worthington Creyssensac has designed a complete range of variable speed compressors from 20 to 220 hp; Our goal is to satisfy any compressed air demand fluctuation, and any size of application.The correct selection of your ROLLAIR ®V guarantees :• optimising your energy savings• limiting investment to a ROLLAIR ®V suited to your requirements.Worthington Creyssensac can help youIn order to demonstrate potential savings, and correctly size your compressor, Worthington Creyssensac can simulate an installation as it would be with a ROLLAIR ®V . Savings can then be calculated, and the investment evaluated.ROLLAIR 220 V ROLLAIR 125 V ROLLAIR 50 VT ROLLAIR 30 VTm3/h9.5bar 4barThe RLR V must be selected according to your precise air demand to fully optimise potential savings. An intimate knowledge of your sytem demand pattern is the first step to select the correct RLR V to maximise your energy savings.(1)FAD Mini(1)FAD maxi Motor(2)Acoustic (3)ØCompressedair outputWeightpowerleveldiameterVersionVVT4 bar5 bar6 bar7 bar8 bar9 bar 9,5 bar m 3/h cfm m 3/h cfm m 3/h cfm m 3/h cfm m 3/h cfm m 3/h cfm m 3/h cfmkW chdB (A)“kgROLLAIR ®20 V 26190112187110177104169991599415088145851520651470530ROLLAIR ®30 V 282351382351382351382341382231312131252091232230681529599ROLLAIR ®40 V 753311953311953311953311953101822921722831673040651”1/29451040ROLLAIR ®50 V 754062394062394052383982343762213552093462043750661”1/29351105ROLLAIR ®60 V 814952914942914932904762804512654262514162454560671”1/210251195ROLLAIR ®75 V 836363746323726053565823435553275313135183055575681”1/210551225ROLLAIR ®100 V 140850500849500848499835491780459739435719423751007321260-ROLLAIR ®125 V 162 1 0406121 018599962566919541862507818481792466901257721460-ROLLAIR ®220 V281--17911054178310491 690995 1 585933 1 5499121602207734000-(1)as per ISO 1217 : 1996(2)as per CAGI PNEUROP Norm at 1 metre,3)G-threadat maximum absorbed power at 9.5 barTechnical SpecificationsROLLAIR ®220 VA 3 007B 1 610C 2 111D 2 000E1 990ROLLAIR ®40-75VA 1 820B 985C1 760ROLLAIR ®20V-30VA 1 250B 780C1 460ROLLAIR ®100V-125VA 2 160B 1 110C 1 700D1 690D i m e n s i o n s i n m mDimensional requirementsDrainYour DistributorWorthington CreyssensacZone Industrielle - 4 rue Emile Zola B.P. 80419 - 60114 Méru Cedex - FRANCEWorthington CreyssensacExportZone Industrielle 4 rue Emile Zola B.P. 8041960114 Méru Cedex FRANCETél : 33 (0) 3 44 52 67 31Fax : 33 (0) 3 44 52 67 35505 120 01 00 I n c o m p l i a n c e w i t h o u r p o l i c y o f c o n s t a n t i m p r o v e m e n t i n t h e q u a l i t y o f o u r p r o d u c t s , w e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o c h a n g e t h e t e c h n i c a l f e a t u r e s o f o u r e q u i p e m e n t , w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e . N o n -c o n t r a c t u a l d o c u m e n t. P r i n t i n E E C .ROLLAIR is a registered trademark of Worthington Creyssensac.AAD D DBBAAB CEC CCDrainB Air deliveryVentilation : Air Inlet Air Outlet*Only for 50-60-75 VT version111221Ventilation : Compressor air entry Compressor air outlet Dryer air entry Dryer air outlet1234Ventilation : Compressor air entry Compressor air outlet Dryer air entry Dryer air outlet1234Ventilation :Air Inlet Air Outlet 12433222compressor air entry4322111112。
B2000AL up to 04/2006Tav. 01BEZZERAdal 1901POS DESCRIPTION CODE REFERENCE01 LEFT CUPS-HEA TER FRAME PLASTIC CHROMED ...............................................................5370906 ......................-02 CENTRAL PROFILE 1GR ..........................................................................................................5096007LW .................-02 CENTRAL PROFILE 2GR ..........................................................................................................5096008LW .................-02 CENTRAL PROFILE 3GR ..........................................................................................................5096009LW .................-02 CENTRAL PROFILE 4GR ..........................................................................................................5096010LW .................-03 RIGHT FRAME PLASTIC CHROMED .......................................................................................5370907 ......................-04 REAR CUPS-HEA TER GRID 1GR .............................................................................................5074533LW .................-04 REAR CUPS-HEA TER GRID 2GR .............................................................................................5074534LW .................-04 REAR CUPS-HEA TER GRID 3GR .............................................................................................5074535LW .................-04 REAR CUPS-HEA TER GRID 4GR .............................................................................................5074536LW .................-05 FRONT CUPS-HEA TER GRID 1GR ..........................................................................................5074537LW .................-05 FRONT CUPS-HEA TER GRID 1GR + BULK UNIT ...................................................................5074541LW .................-05 FRONT CUPS-HEA TER GRID 2GR ..........................................................................................5074538LW .................-05 FRONT CUPS-HEA TER GRID 2GR + BULK UNIT ...................................................................5074542LW .................-05 FRONT CUPS-HEA TER GRID 3GR ..........................................................................................5074539LW .................-05 FRONT CUPS-HEA TER GRID 3GR + BULK UNIT ...................................................................5074543LW .................-05 FRONT CUPS-HEA TER GRID 4GR ..........................................................................................5074540LW .................-06 CUPS-HEA TER 1GR ..................................................................................................................5056318LW .................-06 CUPS-HEA TER 1GR + BULK UNIT ...........................................................................................5056312LW .................-06 CUPS-HEA TER 2GR ..................................................................................................................5056319LW .................-06 CUPS-HEA TER 2GR + BULK UNIT ...........................................................................................5056313LW .................-06 CUPS-HEA TER 3GR ..................................................................................................................5056320LW .................-06 CUPS-HEA TER 3GR + BULK UNIT ...........................................................................................5056314LW .................-06 CUPS-HEA TER 4GR ..................................................................................................................5056321LW .................-07 CUPS-HEA TER PROFILE 1GR .................................................................................................5076308LW ..........ALB 3037 07 CUPS-HEA TER PROFILE 2GR .................................................................................................5076307LW ..........ALB 3038 07 CUPS-HEA TER PROFILE 3GR .................................................................................................5076309LW ..........ALB 301607 CUPS-HEA TER PROFILE 4GR .................................................................................................5076306LW ..........ALB 303908 BRACKET FOR BOILER SUPPORT .........................................................................................5018104LW .................-10 RIGHT LA TERAL SIDE SMOOTH BROWN 32310 ....................................................................5345529YF .................-10 RIGHT LA TERAL SIDE SMOOTH ST AINLESS STEEL SA TINED .............................................5345533 ......................-10 RIGHT LA TERAL SIDE SMOOTH BLACK .................................................................................5345529VM ................-10 RIGHT LA TERAL SIDE SMOOTH RED 3000 ............................................................................5345529VT .................-10 RIGHT LA TERAL SIDE SMOOTH RED 3005 ............................................................................5345529YA .................-11 ASSEMBL Y CHASSIS 1GR .......................................................................................................5345545 ......................-11 ASSEMBL Y CHASSIS 2GR .......................................................................................................5345546 ......................-11 ASSEMBL Y CHASSIS 2GR + GAS RG10 .................................................................................5345549 ......................-11 ASSEMBL Y CHASSIS 2GR + BULK UNIT ................................................................................5345604 ......................-11 ASSEMBL Y CHASSIS 3GR .......................................................................................................5345547 ......................-11 ASSEMBL Y CHASSIS 3GR + GAS RG10 .................................................................................5345550 ......................-11 ASSEMBL Y CHASSIS 4GR .......................................................................................................5345548 ......................-11 ASSEMBL Y CHASSIS 4GR + GAS RG10 .................................................................................5345551 ......................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 1GR ST AINLESS STEEL SA TINED ............................................5095117LW .................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 2GR ST AINLESS STEEL SA TINED ............................................5095106LW ...........PRT 027 12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 3GR ST AINLESS STEEL SA TINED ............................................5095216LW .................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 4GR ST AINLESS STEEL SA TINED ............................................5095217LW .................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 1GR BROWN ..............................................................................5015177YF .................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 1GR BLACK ................................................................................5015177VM ................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 1GR RED 3000 ...........................................................................5015177VT .................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 1GR RED 3005 ...........................................................................5015177YA .................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 2GR BROWN ..............................................................................5015106YF .................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 2GR BLACK ................................................................................5015106VM ................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 2GR RED 3000 ...........................................................................5015106VT .................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 2GR RED 3005 ...........................................................................5015106YA .................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 3GR BROWN ..............................................................................5015179YF ...................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 3GR BLACK ................................................................................5015179VM ..................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 3GR RED 3000 ...........................................................................5015179VT ...................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 3GR RED 3005 ...........................................................................5015179YA ...................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 4GR BROWN ..............................................................................5015180YF .................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 4GR BLACK ................................................................................5015180VM ................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 4GR RED 3000 ...........................................................................5015180VT .................-12 CENTRAL P ANEL SMOOTH 4GR RED 3005 ...........................................................................5015180YA .................-BEZZERA dal 1901Tav. 01Mod. B2000ALTAV.5201919191118171615161513108812764321514Tav. 01BEZZERAdal 1901POS DESCRIPTION CODE REFERENCE 13 LEFT LATERAL SIDE BROWN 32310 .......................................................................................5345531YF .................-13 LEFT LA TERAL SIDE ST AINLESS STEEL SA TINED ................................................................5345535 ......................-13 LEFT LA TERAL SIDE BLACK ....................................................................................................5345531VM ................-13 LEFT LA TERAL SIDE RED 3000 ...............................................................................................5345531VT .................-13 LEFT LA TERAL SIDE RED 3005 ...............................................................................................5345531YA .................-14 WORKING FRONT AL P ANEL 1GR ............................................................................................5074215LW ..........ALB 3034 14 WORKING FRONT AL P ANEL 1GR + BULK UNIT .....................................................................5074223LW ..........ALB 3083 14 WORKING FRONT AL P ANEL 2GR ............................................................................................5074216LW ..........ALB 3035 14 WORKING FRONT AL P ANEL 2GR + BULK UNIT .....................................................................5074224LW ..........ALB 3084 14 WORKING FRONT AL P ANEL 3GR ............................................................................................5074217LW ..........ALB 3001 14 WORKING FRONT AL P ANEL 3GR + BULK UNIT .....................................................................5074225LW ..........ALB 308514 WORKING FRONT AL P ANEL 4GR ............................................................................................5074218LW ..........ALB 303615 WASHER FOR SPRING D4 H3 OT NICKEL-PLA TED ..............................................................5221846 .................N 122116 SCREW TPS M4 X 16 ................................................................................................................7817801 .................F 159917 DRAIN GRID 1GR ......................................................................................................................5074551LW .................-17 DRAIN GRID 1GR + BULK UNIT ...............................................................................................5074555LW .................-17 DRAIN GRID 2GR ......................................................................................................................5074552LW .................-17 DRAIN GRID 2GR + BULK UNIT ...............................................................................................5074556LW .................-17 DRAIN GRID 3GR ......................................................................................................................5074553LW .................-17 DRAIN GRID 3GR + BULK UNIT ...............................................................................................5074557LW .................-17 DRAIN GRID 4GR ......................................................................................................................5074554LW .................-18 DRIP TRAY 1GR POLISHED .....................................................................................................5070611LL ..................-18 DRIP TRAY 2GR COMP ACT POLISHED ...................................................................................5070612LL ..................-18 DRIP TRAY 3GR COMP ACT POLISHED ...................................................................................5070613LL ..................-18 DRIP TRAY 4GR COMP ACT POLISHED ...................................................................................5070614LL ..................-19 GREY .........................................................................................................................................7474210 ......................-20 ELECTRIC BOX SUPPORT .......................................................................................................5038406LL ..................-21 ASSEMBL Y BODY SMOOTH 1GR BROWN ..............................................................................5971528YF .................-21 ASSEMBL Y BODY SMOOTH 1GR BLACK ................................................................................5971528VM ................-21 ASSEMBL Y BODY SMOOTH 1GR RED 3000 ...........................................................................5971528VT .................-21 ASSEMBL Y BODY SMOOTH 1GR RED 3005 ...........................................................................5971528YA .................-21 ASSEMBL Y BODY SMOOTH 2GR BROWN ..............................................................................5971531YF .................-21 ASSEMBL Y BODY SMOOTH 2GR BLACK ................................................................................5971531VM ................-21 ASSEMBL Y BODY SMOOTH 2GR RED 3000 ...........................................................................5971531VT .................-21 ASSEMBL Y BODY SMOOTH 2GR RED 3005 ...........................................................................5971531YA .................-21 ASSEMBL Y BODY SMOOTH 3GR BROWN ..............................................................................5971534YF .................-21 ASSEMBL Y BODY SMOOTH 3GR BLACK ................................................................................5971534VM ................-21 ASSEMBL Y BODY SMOOTH 3GR RED 3000 ...........................................................................5971534VT .................-21 ASSEMBL Y BODY SMOOTH 3GR RED 3005 ...........................................................................5971534YA .................-21 ASSEMBL Y BODY SMOOTH 4GR BROWN ..............................................................................5971537YF .................-21 ASSEMBL Y BODY SMOOTH 4GR BLACK ................................................................................5971537VM ................-21 ASSEMBL Y BODY SMOOTH 4GR RED 3000 ...........................................................................5971537VT .................-21 ASSEMBL Y BODY SMOOTH 4GR RED 3005 ...........................................................................5971537YA .................-BEZZERA dal 1901Tav. 01Mod. B2000ALTAV.5201919191118171615161513108812764321514Tav. 02BEZZERAdal 1901POS DESCRIPTION CODE REFERENCE01 ELECTRIC SYSTEM BOX .........................................................................................................5373302 ..................J 14302 T APPING SCREW TPS D2.9X9.5 UNI 6952 A2 ........................................................................7819402 ..................F 84104 BASEMENT SWITCH 1 POS.25A .............................................................................................7633306 .................V 158404 BASEMENT SWITCH 1 POSITION THREE-PHASE .................................................................7633315 .................V 158504 BASEMENT SWITCH 2 POSITIONS 4 CONT ACTS .................................................................7633305 .................V 159104 BASEMENT SWITCH 2 POSITIONS 6 CONT ACTS .................................................................7633311 .................V 159405 FAIRLEAD P63 RUBBER ...........................................................................................................7613001 ..................J 22106 CABLE-PRESS PG16 POL YAMIDE ...........................................................................................7614001 ..................J 48606 CABLE-PRESS PG21 POL YAMIDE ...........................................................................................7614002 ..................J 48807 CONNECTING CABLE H07RNF 3X2,5 MM^2 L=2MT (1-2GR 220/240V) ...............................3552401 ......................-07 CONNECTING CABLE 3X2,5MM^2 L=2,2MT (1-2GR 220V-240V NO “CE”) ...........................3552402 ......................-07 CONNECTING CABLE 3X4 MM^2 L=3,2MT (3-4GR 220V-240V NO “CE”) .............................3552702 ......................-07 CONNECTING CABLE H07RNF 3X4 MM^2 L=3MT (3-4GR 220V-240V) ................................3552703 ......................-07 CABLE SOOW 3X10AWG L=2,2MT (110V-220V USA) .............................................................3556003 ......................-07 CONNECTING CABLE SJTO 3X12 AWG L=2MT (1GR 110V-220V USA) ...............................3551501 ......................-08 FAIRLEAD WASHER D40 X 25 X 1 AISI 304 ............................................................................5999904 ..............B40GLS1609 DRIP TRAY WITH SCREW ........................................................................................................5373602 .................F 120910 CLAMP D22 FE ..........................................................................................................................7611501 .................F 126611 HOSE D22 L=2MT PLASTIC .....................................................................................................7303501 .................F 129912 THERMOST A T MANUAL ............................................................................................................7434001 ...............U/6 234613 GROUP FRONT AL 1GR ............................................................................................................5074210LW ..........ALB 3031 13 GROUP FRONT AL 1GR + GAS .................................................................................................5074211LW ........ALB 3031G 13 GROUP FRONT AL 1GR + BULK UNIT ......................................................................................5074229LW ..........ALB 3086 13 GROUP FRONT AL 2GR ............................................................................................................5074212LW ..........ALB 3032 13 GROUP FRONT AL 2GR + BULK UNIT ......................................................................................5074230LW ..........ALB 3087 13 GROUP FRONT AL 3GR ............................................................................................................5074213LW ..........ALB 3006 13 GROUP FRONT AL 3GR + BULK UNIT ......................................................................................5074231LW ..........ALB 308813 GROUP FRONT AL 4GR ............................................................................................................5074214LW ..........ALB 303314 SCREW TCEI M8X25 UNI 5931 A2 ...........................................................................................7816015 .................A 116B15 FAIRLEAD WITH HOLE RUBBER .............................................................................................7613004 ..................J 22017 ORANGE LAMP 110V ...............................................................................................................7633607 ..............T 1482/11017 ORANGE LAMP 220/240V ........................................................................................................7633609 ..............T 1482/22018 NUT PG16 POL YAMIDE .............................................................................................................7614003 ..................J 48718 NUT PG21 POL YAMIDE .............................................................................................................7614004 ..................J 48919 NUT M6 UNI 5587 OT ................................................................................................................7821403 ..................F 992BEZZERA dal 1901Tav. 02Mod. B2000AL1454129211011678TAV.1TAV.4141713151518519Tav. 02ABEZZERAdal 1901POS DESCRIPTION CODE REFERENCE01 ELECTRIC SYSTEM BOX .........................................................................................................5373302 ..................J 14302 T APPING SCREW TPS D2.9X9.5 UNI 6952 A2 ........................................................................7819402 ..................F 84103 NUT M4 NYLON ........................................................................................................................5195001 .................F 136004 CLAMP 3 CONT ACTS KL24/3 ...................................................................................................7612503 ..................J 49506 BASEMENT SWITCH 1 POS.25A .............................................................................................7633306 .................V 158406 BASEMENT SWITCH 1 POSITION THREE-PHASE .................................................................7633315 .................V 158506 BASEMENT SWITCH 2 POSITIONS 4 CONT ACTS .................................................................7633305 .................V 159106 BASEMENT SWITCH 2 POSITIONS 6 CONT ACTS .................................................................7633311 .................V 159407 FAIRLEAD P63 RUBBER ...........................................................................................................7613001 ..................J 22108 SCREW TE M4X35 UNI 5739 OT ..............................................................................................7826403 .................F 136209 DRIP TRAY WITH SCREW ........................................................................................................5373602 .................F 120910 CLAMP D22 FE ..........................................................................................................................7611501 .................F 126611 HOSE D22 L=2MT PLASTIC .....................................................................................................7303501 .................F 129912 LEVEL REGULA TOR RL30/1E2C8 110V ..................................................................................7661026 .............Y 2260/11012 LEVEL REGULA TOR RL30/1E2C8 220/240V ...........................................................................7661025 ..........Y 2260/220-24013 CONTROL BOX SOCLE ............................................................................................................7635415 .................Y 226114 THERMOST A T MANUAL ............................................................................................................7434001 ...............U/6 234615 GROUP FRONT AL 1GR ............................................................................................................5074210LW ..........ALB 3031 15 GROUP FRONT AL 1GR + GAS .................................................................................................5074211LW ........ALB 3031G 15 GROUP FRONT AL 1GR + BULK UNIT ......................................................................................5074229LW ..........ALB 3086 15 GROUP FRONT AL 2GR ............................................................................................................5074212LW ..........ALB 3032 15 GROUP FRONT AL 2GR + BULK UNIT ......................................................................................5074230LW ..........ALB 3087 15 GROUP FRONT AL 3GR ............................................................................................................5074213LW ..........ALB 3006 15 GROUP FRONT AL 3GR + BULK UNIT ......................................................................................5074231LW ..........ALB 308815 GROUP FRONT AL 4GR ............................................................................................................5074214LW ..........ALB 303316 SCREW TCEI M8X25 UNI 5931 A2 ...........................................................................................7816015 .................A 116B17 CABLE-PRESS PG16 POL YAMIDE ...........................................................................................7614001 ..................J 48617 CABLE-PRESS PG21 POL YAMIDE ...........................................................................................7614002 ..................J 48818 CONNECTING CABLE H07RNF 3X2,5 MM^2 L=2MT (1-2GR 220/240V) ...............................3552401 ......................-18 CONNECTING CABLE 3X2,5MM^2 L=2,2MT (1-2GR 220V-240V NO “CE”) ...........................3552402 ......................-18 CONNECTING CABLE 3X4 MM^2 L=3,2MT (3-4GR 220V-240V NO “CE”) .............................3552702 ......................-18 CONNECTING CABLE H07RNF 3X4 MM^2 L=3MT (3-4GR 220V-240V) ................................3552703 ......................-18 CONNECTING CABLE SJTO 3X10 AWG L=3MT (2-3-4GR 110V-220V USA) .........................3556002 ......................-18 CONNECTING CABLE SJTO 3X12 AWG L=2MT (1GR 110V-220V USA) ...............................3551501 ......................-19 FAIRLEAD WASHER D40 X 25 X 1 AISI 304 ............................................................................5999904 ..............B40GLS1620 FAIRLEAD WITH HOLE RUBBER .............................................................................................7613004 ..................J 22022 ORANGE LAMP 110V ...............................................................................................................7633607 ..............T 1482/11022 ORANGE LAMP 220/240V ........................................................................................................7633609 ..............T 1482/22023 NUT M6 UNI 5587 OT ................................................................................................................7821403 ..................F 99224 NUT PG16 POL YAMIDE .............................................................................................................7614003 ..................J 48724 NUT PG21 POL YAMIDE .............................................................................................................7614004 ..................J 489。
加利安·克鲁格尔 MB 200 电子管音箱说明书
MB200 OWNER’S MANUALCongratulations!Your purchase of a new Gallien-Krueger MB Series amplifier is surely the result of much careful consideration on your part. For our part, we at Gallien-Krueger are pleased that you chose us, and are determined that you will be a satisfied customer. In choosing a MB Series amplifier, you now own an amplifier with many unique features which will allow you to create your own distinct sound.To get the most out of your new purchase, pleasetake a few minutes to read through this manual. If you are in a hurry, we suggest you at least read through the Quick Start section before setting up your new rig. This will help get you started and give you a few quick tips, but is not a substitute for reading the rest of the manual.Your amplifier should have come with the following items, please check the contents of the box to ensure that you have everything.Included with your MB Series Amplifier:Power cord 1Owner’s manual 1Warranty card (US only) 1Safety instructions sheet 1If your MB Series amplifier did not come with all the items listed, or if you encounter problems while setting up your new equipment, please contact your local dealer or GK as soon as possible. Gallien-Krueger, Inc.2234 Industrial DriveStockton, CA 95206phone: (209) 234-7300fax: (209) 234-8420Internet: Email:****************We wish you a lifetime of good playing and remember to always have fun!GK PhilosophyI have never seen the point in doing things the way others have done them. I also have not been very interested in following the latest fad. I’m a Stanford educated engineer who worked my way through school as a musician. Like all musicians, I have lugged amplifiers up stairways and into car trunks, always wondering why these things had to be so heavy, bulky, and hard to handle.As the principal innovator at GK, our products reflect my attitudes and life experiences. I don’t model my designs after other manufacturers’ products. Instead, I believe new and old problems are best solved with new solutions. Having taken our own path, GK products enjoy a unique, unmatched sound, allowing you every opportunity to make an original statement.Having supported my products for over thirty years, I have learned from the story they tell.Gallien-Krueger is a reflection of that story, and has a commitment to support that legacy. Just as the products I created over thirty five years ago are still telling their story, the products we create today will be talking to us tomorrow.We’ll be listening,Founder and PresidentTable Of ContentsSafety Information________________________ 4Quick Start______________________________ 5Front Panel/Rear Panel features____________ 6Sound Tips______________________________ 7Installation and Maintenance_______________ 8Tech Talk_______________________________9Speci cations___________________________10*All Features and speci cations are subject to change without noticePlease read the Safety Information section on page 4 andinstallation instructions on page 8 before continuing.Gallien-Krueger2234 Industrial DriveStockton, CA 95206phone: 209.234.7300fax: 209.234.8420email:************************internet: Warning!This amplifier is capable of producing high sound pressure levels. Continued exposure to high SPL’s can cause damage to your hearing.Always set the volume at a safe listening level or use hearing protection if the unit is operated at higher levels.Safety InformationPlease read all enclosed safety precautionsbefore connecting or operating this product. Verify Line Voltage and AmperageYour amplifier has been factory configured for use with the specific line voltage for your location only. For example, units set to operate within countries that supply 100-120 volt electrical service are not compatible with 230-240 volt systems used in other countries.120 Volt/60Hz 15 amp circuit for the USA and Canada.230 Volt/(50/60Hz) 10 amp circuit for the UK and Australia.230 Volt/(50/60Hz) 10 amp circuit for Europe. 100 Volt/50Hz 15 amp circuit for Japan.220 Volt/50Hz 10 amp circuit for Korea.Proper AC circuit for all other countries. Connecting the amplifier to a line with specifications other than indicated above can create safety and fire hazard, and may damage the amplifier. If you have any questions about the voltage requirements for your specific model, or about the line voltage in your area, contact your dealer before plugging the unit into a wall outlet.Verify AC Circuit Capacity Before Use:The high power output of your amplifier may require heavy current draw under full-load conditions. To insure proper performance and avoid potential safety hazards, we recommend connection to line circuits with amperage specified “as above”. Connecting to the same circuit used by other heavy-power devices, such as high-wattage lights, may cause circuit breakers to trip. It is always a good idea to avoid using any audio equipment on the same AC circuit as equipment with motors, such as air conditioners or refrigerators. This will lessen the possibility of power variation and electrical start-up noise affecting your sound.Please refer to page 10 for more instructions concerning installation.AC Power Cord:To avoid safety hazards, use only the power cord supplied with your unit. If a replacement cord is needed, make certain to use a standard IEC compliant cord. Damaged power cords should be replaced immediately. When setting up, make certain that the AC plug is easily accessible. If you do not intend to use the amplifier for a considerable length of time, disconnect the plug from the AC Mains Socket. Do not use an extention cord. Earth Grounding Connection:To prevent electric shock, do not remove the grounding plug on the power cord, or use any plug or extension cord that does not have a grounding plug provided. Make certain that the AC outlet is properly grounded as well. Do not use an adapter plug with this product.Do Not Open the Amplifier Enclosure: There are no user serviceable parts inside this product. Opening the amplifier enclosure may present a shock hazard. Modification to the product will void your warranty. If liquid enters the unit, or any metal object such as a paper clip accidentally falls inside the enclosure, disconnect the unit from the AC power source immediately and consult an authorized service station.Setup:To insure proper operation and to avoid potential safety hazards, place the unit on a firm, level surface. Do not plug or unplug the instrument or speaker cable while the amplifier power is on.Heat & Ventilation:Make sure there is space provided for proper ventilation. Avoid using in extremely hot or cold locations and areas that are exposed to direct sunlight or near heating equipment. Avoid using in moist or high humidity areas. NEVER BLOCK THE FAN VENT HOLES ON THE SIDES OF THE UNIT.Quick StartThe MB Series amplifier is designed to be simple to operate. All controls have a well defined purpose. These directions will take you through the basics and give you a good start for setting up your sound.1. Plug it in:Set the power switch to Off and connect the supplied power cord, from the amplifier AC receptacle, to an AC power outlet of proper voltage and power rating (see safety information on page 5 for details).2. Connect your cabinets:Connect your speaker cabinet to the amplifier output marked ‘speaker’ using a 2 pin or GK 4 pin Speakon cable. Be sure not to exceed the recom-mended speaker load as noted below.Maximum Recommended Speaker Loads:One 4 Ohm, or two 8 Ohm cabinets.3. Initial front panel control settings:Set all EQ controls to 12 o’clock and the contour switch to off. Set the input volume controls at 0.4. Plug in your bass:Using an instrument (shielded) cable, connect your bass to the Input jack and press the power switch on. If you have active tone controls on your bass, turn all of the controls to the middle or flat position and turn the volume all the way up. If you have conventional, passive tone controls, turn all tone and volume controls all the way up.5. Level and Master Volume settings:Set the Master V olume to 3 o’clock. Turn the Input V olume knob up as you play to the desired output level. If the clip light (pad switch) flashes more than occasionally, switch the -10db pad switch to on and turn the Input V olume knob up. If it is still lighting often, try turning the volume down on your bass.Input: A standard 1/4” input jack to connect active or passive basses using a shielded cord.-10 dB Pad/Clip indicator: Input attenuator switch. This switch is generally set to the out position except in cases where the clip LEDflashes more than occasionally. It may benecessary to “pad” the input if you are using a bass with active electronics or very high output. The pad button light flashes red when the input is being overdriven. If the -10dB is switched on and the clip indicator still flashes frequently, reduce the volume on your bass.Gain: Sets the preamp gain after the input stage. It is used in conjunction with the input pad to optimize the amplifier’s headroom.Contour: As part of the amps active equalization the contour switch decreases the mid-range frequencies while boosting low and high frequencies.Treble: Boost and cut at 7 kHz +14 dB shelving type. Use this control to add or remove edge and definition.Hi-Mid: Boost and cut at 1 kHz +6 dB. A “Q Optimized,” band pass type, this works on lowerstring harmonics and effects the punch of your sound.Low-Mid: Boost and cut at 250Hz +6dB/-10 dB.A “Q optimized” band pass type, this works formain body of your sound.Bass: Boost and cut a 60Hz +10 dB, shelvingtype. This is used to control the low end push.turned up.Power Button: Turns the amplifier on and off. Inthe on position, the ring surrounding the buttonwill light red during power up then changes toblue, indicating the amp is ready for normal operation. Should the amp experience a fault (overring will light red until the condition is corrected. This LED turns off when the power is switched off. This turns the amp off but it does not completely disconnect the power from the AC mains.AC Receptacle: The detachable power cord plugs in here.Balanced Direct Out: This electronically balanced output allows a direct connection to a P.A. system with a standard mic cable.Pre/Post EQ Button: This button switches the direct out signal to be before or after the EQ.Aux In: This 1/8" input for a CD or MP3 player allows the user to monitor an external audio source.Headphone/line out/chain out: When switched, this output allows the user to send a direct (unbalanced) line out to devices with unbalanced inputs such as personal multitrack recorders. This connection requires a shielded patch cord. The Chain out allows the user to connect directly to a GK MBP powered extension cabinet. This connection is made with a balanced, tip, ring, sleeve to male XLR cable.monitor your playing with headphones.Headphone/line out/chain out switch: Thisswitch toggles the output from headphone to line out.Speaker: The power amp output to a speakercabinet delivers 200w into 4 Ohm loads. Lower impedances such as 8 Ohms or 16 Ohms and no load are acceptable. One 4 Ohm speaker and one 8 Ohm speaker is not recommended. A twist-lock 2pin or 4 pin GK Speakon connector is required. MB 200 Controls10111213141516male XLR123456789Sound TipsThe MB Series has several unique features which, if used properly, will help you obtain the sound you have been searching for.The Equalizer:The equalizer is used to fine tune your sound. When adjusting making adjustments, do it just a little at a time. These are active circuits and small changes can make a big difference in your sound. With a little experimentation you will find that this equalizer is very easy to use and provides you with a large variety of great sounds unique to GK. Direct Out:The MB Series provides a low noise, high quality balanced direct output for connection to PA and recording consoles.With the pre/post EQ switch set to “pre” (out), the direct output signal is fed directly from the input stage providing a low noise output superior to external direct boxes and impedance transformers. In the "pre" position, the direct output signal is only effected by the input volume, -10db pad and mute. This allows you to adjust your tone and volume on stage without changing the direct output signal level and confusing your sound man. Changing the pre/post EQ switch to “post” (in), sends the "GK sound" (EQ settings etc.) and preamp response to the direct out jack. This gives you complete control over the direct out’s tone and volume.Installation:To insure proper operation and to avoid potential safety hazards, place the unit on a firm, level surface.Ventilation:Make certain that proper space is provided for ventilation. Never block the fan vent holes located on the sides of the amplifier. If the amplifier will be installed in a rack or other enclosed area, make sure that there is sufficient air movement within the enclosure to allow proper cooling. Consult your dealer for more information. Avoid installation in extremely hot or cold locations, and areas that are exposed to direct sunlight, or near heating equipment. Avoid moist or humid locations.Remember, power amplifiers generate heat. The ventilation slots on the enclosure are specifically designed to remove this heat. Blocking or placing other electronic equipment near the heat dissipation system may possibly affect the long-term reliability of both your amplifier and the other equipment.Moving the Unit:Before moving the unit, be certain to disconnect any interconnection cords with other components, and make sure that you disconnect the unit from the AC outlet.Cleaning:When the unit gets dirty, clean only with a dry cloth. Never use benzene, thinner, alcohol, or other volatile cleaning agents. Do not use abrasive cleaners, as they may damage the finishof metal parts. Avoid spraying insecticides near the unit. Maintenance:Your new amplifier is rugged. It was built to give you a lifetime of trouble-free operation, if it is operated in accordance with the instructions contained in this manual. The only maintenance required is cleaning. If you are going to move your amplifier around frequently, we recommend a road case to protect it from scratches and road wear.Packaging:The carton and packing materials used in shipping your new amplifier were specifically designed to cushion it from the shocks and vibration that occur during transport. We suggest that you save the carton and packing materials for use in shipping, in the event you move, or the amplifier needs repair.Tech TalkCharacteristics of the MB Series:The MB Series is a flexible, state-of-the-art amplifier designed to deliver maximum performance while remaining small, lightweight and simple to operate. This is accomplished through a few, very important features:·Class D power supply and power amp.·Four, Bass specific bands of active equalization for precise tone control.·Balanced direct output eliminates the need for a direct box.·Continuously variable fan cooling. Equalization:Standard tone controls and graphic equalizers give you plenty of variation, but they don’t provide what the instrument really needs. The fact is, graphic equalizers are intended for room equalization. The equalization in Gallien-Krueger amplifiers reflects 40 years of continuous development and refinement.The GK equalizer is unique to the industry, it’s not just a normal four band equalizer, each section is a special circuit optimized to perform a bass specific job in its range of operation.These sections are wired in series, so they add to one another creating a tremendously flexible equalizer, that sounds natural at any setting. Now it is possible to obtain the sound you desire. Contour:The Contour is used to completely revoice the amplifier. This control tunes between two different shaping circuits, with greatly different responses. With the control all the way up, the low end is slightly boosted, the mids are dropped and the high end is pushed up. This is only found in GK amplifiers.Cool Running = Reliability:To cool the amp when its being driven hard, we’ve designed a temperature sensitive fan cooling system. When the amp is under a light load, the fan is off or running at a low speed, reducing fan noise. As the amp works harder, the fan speed increases to keep everything cool.Smart Protection Circuitry:The MB Series protection circuitry constantly monitors for unsafe operating conditions such as short circuits, miss-wired speaker cables, blown speakers, improper ventilation, and incorrect speaker configurations. In addition, protection is provided during power up/down. If the MB Series senses any unsafe operating conditions, the output signal is immediately muted and the power light changes from Blue to Red. The amplifier will remain muted until the fault is removed. If the protection circuit activates while playing, turn the amplifier off and check the amplifier speaker output connections. Be sure that you are not exceeding the maximum recommend load described in this manual. If the problem persists, contact GK directly for technical advice.In Closing:You should now have a thorough understanding of how your new MB Series amplifier works and what advantagesit can offer you in getting “your” sound. We thank you for reading the Owner’s Manual and wish you the best of times! Please send us your comments via or email us at *****************.MB200Owners Manual Part # 160-0630-A2Dimensions:Height: 2.50” [63.50mm] ( With Rubber Feet) 1.75” [44.45mm] ( Without Rubber Feet) Width: 7.75” [196.85mm] Depth: 8.00” [203.20mm]Weight: 2.00 lbs. [0.91 Kg]Power requirements:U.S.A/Canada 120V/60Hz.240W(full power), 48.6W (average power) Europe 230V/50Hz/60Hz 240W(full power), 48.6W(average power) Japan 100V/50Hz 240W(full power), 48.6W(average power)Output Power:I nput Section:Maximum Input Level With -10dB pad Input ImpedanceDirect Output Impedance Aux-In Input Impedance Equalizer:Bass Lo-Mid Hi-Mid TrebleVoicing Filters:Contour140W @ 8 Ohms, 200W @ 4 Ohms.0.6V Rms 1.6V Rms 1M Ohms 500 Ohms 100K Ohms+/-10dB @ 60Hz+6dB/-10dB @ 250Hz +6dB/-10dB @ 1KHz +/-14dB @ 7KHz+2dB @ 50Hz/ -10dB @ 500Hz/+3dB @ 7 KHzNoise : -90 dB reference to 200W/140W, “A” Weighted.Amplifier Protection: Full short circuit, thermal and RF protection. Stable into reactive and mismatch loads. Five second muted warm-up.Cooling: Variable speed fan.MB200 SPECSBLOCK DIAGRAM。
Operation Manual for DSLP606MOVEABLE SCISSOR LIFTOPERATION MANUALOperation Manual for DSLP6061.0 Introduction1.1 BRIEF INTRODUCTIONAs one kind of moveable scissor lift, DSLP606 machine be widely to applied for vehicle maintenance and detecting.1.2 USE INSTRUCTIONDrive the car to the lift, and the car will be lifted or lowered along with the flat plate lifting or lowering, and then to you would be able to perform your car maintenance or detecting_The lift furnished with the gear pump will be lifted by the hydraulic cylinder Technical ParameterLifting capacity 6000Lbs2721KgLifting Height 120-1200mmMeasure 2246mm x 1778mmPower 220V or 308V, 3-phase, 50Hz, 2.2KwNet Weight 350KgsOperation Manual for DSLP6061.0 Introduction Pump DiagramOperation Manual for DSLP6062.0 General Safety2.1 Level of DangerWhenever you find the following warning sign in this guide, pay the utmost attention and follow the relevant safety rules.ATTENTION: Read the following directions with the utmost attention. The non-observance of what described can cause serious damages to bystanders.2.1 Hazard and Forbidden Operation WARNGINGSIN THE EVENT OF RALSED VEHICLE FALLS FROW THE LIFT,RUN AWAY TO A SAFE DISTANCE.DO NOT STAND UNDER THE VEHICLE ON THE LIFTWHILE LIFT IS OPERATING.DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY MAY OCCURDO NOT LIFT ONE SIDE OF THE VEHICLEPOSSIBILITY OF VEHICLE OVERTURN AND/OR/DAMAGE TO LIFTMAY HAPPENDO NOT PLACE ANY POLES UNDER THE VEHICLE ANDLOWER IT TO DISMANTLE THE PART FROM THE RAISEDVEHICLE.Operation Manual for DSLP6062.0G e n e r a l S a f e t y R u l e s2.1 Hazard and Forbidden Operation WARNGINGSIF SAFETY DEVICE MALFUNCTIONS, SERIOUS ACCIDENT MAY OCCURDO NOT SHAKE A RAISED VEHICLE EXCESSIVELYDANGER OF VEHICLE FALL FROM LIFT MAY OCCURDO NOT PLACE FEET UNDER ANY MOVING PART OF LIFTWHILE LOWERING•DO NOT OPERATE A LIFT WITH PEOPLE ON IT2.0 G eneral safety Rules.2 CautionUSE HEIGHT EXTENDERS WHEN NECESSARY TO ENSUREGOOD CONTACTDON NOT OPERATE LIFT WHEN HYDRAULIC OIL LEAK ISDETECTED ON THE LIFT AREAOperation Manual for DSLP606USE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER'S LIFT PUINTSOperation Manual for DSLP6062.General Safety Rules2.3 Safety InstructionThe messages and pictographs shown are generic in nature and are meant to generally representhazards common to all automotives lifts regardless of specific style.Warning Labels for 2-Post surface mounted lifts. Daily review of these Safety Messages and Warnings is suggested.READ OPERATING AND SAFETY MANUALS BEFORE USING LIFTDO NOT OPERATE A DAMAGED LIFTPROPER MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION IS NECESSARYFOR SAFE OPERATION3.0Transport & Moving3.1 Transport and package removalATTENTION: moving and positioning operations can be very dangerous if notperformed with the utmost caution. Send bystanders away; clean, clear anddelimit the installation site; check the integrity and auitabllity of the availablemeans; do not touch the suspended loads snd stay at a safe distance from them;move the suspended loads at not more than 20cm height from ground; carefullyfollow the instructions given below; in case of doubt do not persist.For transport and volume reasons, the lift is supplied partially disassembled. The different parts are joint together to allow a safe transport and handing. Transport of the lift must be performed by suitable means, Avoid any damage during handling.3.2 InstallationInstall the lift in a site having temperature between 10° and 55°C.For lower temperatures it is necessary to install a compressed air dehumidificationsystem.ATTENTION: Installation, adjusting and testing operations are to be performed byqualified staff only.DANGER: Installation, adjusting and testing operations are to be performed byqualified staff only.3.3 FoundationsThe lift must be installed on a level concrete floor class 25MPA, having min. thickness of 100mm(4") and an extension of at least 1.5m from anchoring points (see chart at page 18). The lift installation concrete surface must be perfectly smoothed, leveled in all directions and casted on a compact ground.3.0 Transport & MovingFOUNDATION DIMENSIONSIN CM Quality ofConcreteMin.Pressureresistance ofSurfaceMin.Pressure onEachBearingLength Width Thickness25MPA425kg/cm20.9Kg/cm21500 1500 103.1 Structure positioning and installationTo install the lift, use proper lifting device such as fork lift to move platform and position them. Move platform, one at a time, according to the diagram. Use a lifting system having 500kg capacity. Make sure that platform has been correctly anchored at the lifting system.Operations to be executed for mounting and installation:•Once you have positioned the two platform, mark the position of their anchor holes on the floor at the correct distance and in a way that they are perfectly aligned.• Use a bit of 16mm to drill 12 anchor holes at a depth of 100mm,Clean both holes and floor from dust (Fig .6)Introduce the anchor bolts M16 by hammering slightly. Set the anchor bolts at the other platform checking their positioning and alignment. Then introduce them by hammering slightly.Before tightening the bolts by nuts, check that the two platforms are well leveled.•Tighten the nuts by torque wrench setting at 100 Nm. If the bolts idle, they must be replaced by bigger ones.Only after having performed the above mentioned operations, you can go on mountingand connecting the hydraulic and electric circuits.Leveling the platforms by means of a spirit level allows a correct installation of the different parts as well as correct connections.3.0 Transport & Moving3.5 Installation and hydraulic/electrical connectionsATTENTION: In this phase of installation DO NOT PERFORM any electricalconnection on lifting plant.CAUTION: Follow the instructions concerning electric and hydraulic connectionswith the utmost care.ATTENTION: To operate at the top of the platform, it is necessary to use proper safetyapproved equipment (such as stairs, platforms, etc. )CAUTION: All connections must be performed by qualified staff only.INSTALLATION PROCEDURES•Connect hydraulic hoses to the equalising valve between the platforms.•Tighten the hydraulic unions correctly to prevent oil leakages.•Draw the air hose from electro-hydraulic unit to the rear bottom of the platform. The hose must be correctly introduced into the joint unit,•Screw out the screws from the control unit cover and draw the limit stop cables from the platform Once the cables have been pulled out, connect them to the terminals inside the control box•Once ended, reinstall the control unit cover.•Once all the connections are made properly, lift shall be fixed on the floor by means of anchor bolts. •To finish the installation of the lift it is necessary to remove air from hydraulic system completelyOperations to be executed for mounting and installation:。
TMC至尊全天候测控仪使用说明书【主要技术指标】1.使用电源:220VAC 功耗:<5W2.测温精度:±2℃3.测温范围:0-99℃4.控温精度:±2℃5.水位分档:五档环形显示6.可控水泵或电热带功率:≤500W7.可控电加热功率:≤1500W 可选:3000W8.漏电动作电流:≤10mA/9.电磁阀参数:直流DC12V,可选用有压阀或无压阀有压阀工作压力:~无压阀工作压力:,适用于水箱供水或低压供水10.广域亮彩显示屏低功耗:<【主要功能】1.北京时间:实时显示北京时间2.水位预置:可预置加水水位50、80、100%3.水温预置:可预置加热温度范围:30℃-80℃,定时加热若不需要启动电加热,可预置为00℃4.水温指示:显示太阳能热水器内部实际水温5.水位指示:显示太阳能热水器内部所存水量6.缺水提示:当水位从高变低,出现缺水状态时,蜂鸣报警,同时20%水位闪烁7.缺水上水:当水位从高变低,出现缺水状态时,延时30分钟自动上水至预置水位8.手动控制:可手动启动上水、加热,在操作时首先显示预置的水位或水温,用户可利用▲、▼键调整预置参数,确认后,启动上水、加热,也可手动关闭。
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1. 概述 ...................................................................................................................... 1 2.产品型号规格…………………………………………………………………...1 3. 技术参数 .............................................................................................................. 1 4. 安装与接线 .......................................................................................................... 2 4.1 外形及安装尺寸…………………………………………………………….2 4.2 安装方式…………………………………………………………………….2 4.3 接线说明…………………………………………………………………….2 4.4 注意事项…………………………………………………………………….3 5. 编程与使用 ....................................................................................................... ...4 5.1 测量项目及面板说明……………………………………………………….4 5.2 LED 指示说明……………………………………………………………….4 5.3 按键功能说明……………………………………………………………….5 5.4 液晶显示…………………………………………………………………….5 5.5 编程………………………………………………………………………….6 6. 功能应用 .............................................................................................................. 8 6.1 剩余电流监测…………………………………………………………….....8 6.2 温度监测………………………………….…………………………………8 6.3 过流保护…………………………………………………………………….9 6.4 过压保护…………………………………………………….........................9 6.5 缺相保护……………………………………………………........................ 9 6.6 消防联动功能……………………………………………………………… 9 6.7 自检和试验功能…………………………………………………………… 9 6.8 集中控制…………………………………………………….........................9 6.9 报警复位…………………………………………………………………….9 7. 通讯协议…………………………………………………………………………10 7.1 通讯协议概述……………………………………………………………....10 7.2 功能码简介………………………………….……………………………. .10 7.3 地址参量…………………………………………………………………. ..12 8. 典型应用及附件……………………………………………………………… ...15 8.1 典型应用………………………………….…………………………….. …15 8.2 分级保护应用原则…………………………………………………...… …15 8.3 AKH-0.66L 系列剩余电流互感器选型……………………………...… .…15 8.4 NTC 温度传感器……………..…………………………………...…….….16 9. 注意事项 .......... ………………………………………………………………...16
ARCM200L 型电气火灾监控探测器
安装使用说明书 V1.0
版权所有,未经本公司之书面许可,此手册中任何段落、章节内容均不 得被摘抄、拷贝或以任何形式复制、传播,否则一切后果由违者自负。 本公司保留一切法律权利。
L N 辅助电源
DO1 COM1 DO2 开关量输出
DI1 DI2 COM2 开关量输入
A B 通讯
NTC COM3 IO 信号输入
ARCM200L-Z 12 13 34 35 36 17 18
L N 辅助电源 ARCM200L-Z2 12 13 34 35 36 DO1 COM1 DO2 开关量输出
2 产品型号规格
产品型号 ARCM200L-I 基本功能 实时监测一路剩余电流、一路温度、三相电流等电参量监测;两 路开关量输入、两路继电器输出、SOE 事件记录、一路 RS485 通讯 实时监测一路剩余电流、一路温度、三相电流、三相电压、频率 等电参量监测;两路开关量输入、两路继电器输出、SOE 事件记 录、一路 RS485 通讯 实时监测一路剩余电流、一路温度、三相电流、三相电压、频率、 功率、四象限电能等电参量监测;两路开关量输入、两路继电器 输出、SOE 事件记录、一路 RS485 通讯 实时监测一路剩余电流、一路温度、三相电流、三相电压、频率、 功率、四象限电能等电参量监测;两路开关量输入、两路继电器 输出、SOE 事件记录、两路 RS485 通讯 外形 96 方形 液晶显示 96 方形 液晶显示 96 方形 液晶显示 96 方形 液晶显示
额定剩余电流 动作值 温度报警值 动作延迟时间 输入电压 输入电流 测量电网频率 测量精度 报警 开关量输入 开关量输出 通讯 显示
45Hz~65Hz 剩余电流精度 2 级,温度±1℃,其余均为 1 级 声光报警 无源干接点输入方式:内置电源,光耦隔离 继电器常开触点输出,触点容量 AC 220V/3A,DC 30V/3A RS485 接口 MODBUS-RTU 协议 点阵液晶显示
电压输入 三相四线
4.3.2 仪表上排接线端子接线方法 上排端子: “12、13”为辅助电源; “34、35、36”为开关量输出(DO1 为报警输出,DO2 为脱扣输出) ; “17、 18”为脉冲输出; “24、25、28”为开关量输入(DI1 为开关反馈输入,DI2 为联动输入) ; “21、22”为通讯 1; “31、32”为通讯 2; “42、43、44”为剩余电流信号和温度信号输入。 (COM1、COM2、COM3 不可短接,不 可接地) ARCM200L-I/ARCM200L-UI 12 13 34 35 36 24 25 28 21 22 42 43 44
ARCM 单相负载
L1 L2 L3 N PE
L1 L2 L3 N PE
ARCM 单相负载
注:如上表中,剩余电流互感器安装时,必须严格区分 N 线和 PE 线,三相四线制中 N 线必须穿入剩余电流 互感器。通过剩余电流互感器的 N 线,不得作为 PE 线,不得重复接地或接设备外露可接近导体。PE 线不得穿 入剩余电流互感器。在 TN-C 系统中,必须先将系统改造形成局部 TT 系统,或改造成 TN-C-S 系统,再按上表 接线。
1 概述
ARCM200L 型电气火灾监控探测器(以下简称探测器) ,是针对 0.4kV 以下的 TT、TN 系统设计的,通过对 配电回路的剩余电流、导线温度、过电流、过电压等火灾危险参数实施监控和管理,从而预防电气火灾的发生, 并实现了对多种电力参数的实时监测,为能耗管理提供精确的数据。 产品采用先进的微控制器技术,集成度高,体积小巧,安装方便,集智能化,数字化,网络化于一身,是 建筑电气火灾预防监控、系统绝缘老化预估等的理想选择。 产品符合 GB14287.2-2005、GB14287.3-2005 标准要求。
A1 B1 通讯 1
A2 B2 通讯 2
NTC COM3 IO 信号输入
L1 L2 L3
L1 L2 L3 N
ARCM 单相负载
L1 L2 L3 N PE
L1 L2 L3 N
ARCM 单相负载
L1 L2 L3 PEN
L1 L2 L3 PEN
4.4.2 电压输入 直接接在 0.4KV 的低压系统,输入电压应不高于产品的额定输入电压的 120%,在电压输入端须安装 1A 保险丝; 4.4.3 电流输入 标准额定输入电流为 5A 或 1A,通过 CT 二次输入; 接线时确保输入电流与电压相序一致, 否则会出现显示数值和符号错误; 同时确保电流进出线连接正确 (打 *号端子接进线) 。 如果使用的 CT 上连有其它监控装置,接线应采用串联方式; 安装接线时建议使用接线排,不要直接接 CT,以便于拆装; 去除产品电流输入连线前,必须先切断 CT 一次回路或者短接二次回路。 4.4.4 通讯接线 该装置提供异步半双工 RS485 通讯接口, 采用 MODBUS-RTU 协议,各种数据信息均可在通讯线路上传送。 理论上在一条线路上可以同时连接多达 128 个装置,每个装置均可设定其通讯地址 Addr 和通讯速率 bAUd。通 讯连接线建议使用两芯屏蔽线,线径不小于 1mm2,分别接 A、B,屏蔽层单点接大地或悬空,布线时应使通讯线 远离强电电缆或者其它强电磁环境。 建议在最末端装置的 A、B 之间加适当的匹配电阻,阻值范围为 120Ω~10kΩ。 4.4.5 传感器匹配及安装 外置传感器有两种,剩余电流互感器和温度探头,均为定制产品,不可随意替换其它厂商产品使用。接线 时,剩余电流互感器二次信号不区分电流方向。对带温度检测型号,剩余电流互感器和温度探头有一个公共端, 详见接线图。温度探头可紧贴线缆、母排表面或线缆接头处安装,安装时以尼龙扎带扎紧即可。另外,根据客 户需求,温度探头也可悬空或紧贴柜体安装,用以测量环境或柜体的温度。