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第9卷 第1期2011年2月


South to North Water Diversion and Water Science &T ech nology V ol.9N o.1


收稿日期:2010 09 14 修回日期:2010 10 18基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(40972198)

作者简介:吴锋波(1982 ),男,河北邢台人,博士研究生,主要从事软岩硬土、工程地质风险评估研究。

doi :10.3724/SP.J.1201.2011.01012


吴锋波1,尚彦军1,林达明1,王茜瑜2,张 巍1




中图分类号:T V 68;P642.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672 1683(2011)01 0012 06

Excavation Classification of Neogene Hard Soil soft Rock at Anyang

Section in the Middle Route of South to North Water Diversion Project

W U Feng bo 1,S HANG Yan jun 1,LIN Da ming 1,WANG Xi yu 2,ZH ANG W ei 1

(1.K ey Laboratory of Engineering Geomechanics,Institute of Geology and Geop hysics,Chinese A cad emy of Sciences ,Beij ing 100029,China;2.GW DC L og ging Company,P anj in 124011,China)

Abstract:Th e canal of An yang Section in the M iddle Rou te of S ou th to North W ater Diversion Project needs to excavate a lot of rock an d soil.There are lots of Neog ene hard soil soft rocks such as marlite,conglomerate,sandstone etc.It is very different to th e prelim inary per ception and th ere are quite differen t under standin g of b oundary lines b etw een rock and soil.T he geotechnical properties w ere got by field investigation,p oin t load test,drilling test and in door mechanical and ch emical,acoustic tests.T he rock and s oil ex cavation clas sification w as m ade based on rock qu ality an d s oft r ock hard soil clas sifications.U niax ial compressive strength,lon gitu dinal w ave velocity,the net d rilling rate and natural b ulk d ensity w ere taken as the indicators an d the excavation clas sification s ystem w as comp os ed of 9clas ses and 16s ub classes.T he resu lt show ed th at it gave a good ass ess men t of the different characteristics of rock excavation and gave a reasonable solu tion to th e project cos t.The class ifica tion system may give a good reference for oth er similar projects involving Neogen e hard s oil s oft rocks.Key words:South to North W ater Divers ion Project;M iddle Route;hard soil soft rock ;excavation clas sification

上第三纪(N )地层岩性多为软岩硬土,在学术界研究较多,因未体现在现有规范中而使实际工程中的应用性受到一定限制。问题关键在于岩石界线、岩土界线划分的人为性、科学性、合理性如何更好地结合,服务于工程实践,尤其是不

同施工条件(地下、地表)下指数的选取、测试条件与工程条件的一致性问题较突出。南水北调中线总干渠安阳段6个标段总长40km 的开挖过程中发现大量第三系岩石,无疑为此提供了一个机遇。

该段自南向北主要分布为中新统彰武组(N 1z)和上新统

鹤壁组(N 2h)的泥灰岩、砾岩、灰岩和砂岩。岩石距地表仅数米,岩土过渡特点明显,软岩硬土大量分布,原来按土挖掘或硬岩爆破等快速施工方法难以奏效,只有在远离村庄处实行局部人工爆破,大部分采用液压破碎方法开挖,工程进度受到影响。工程岩土界限划分,尤其软、硬岩界限划分涉及到工程造价和工期问题,而目前现有的规范对岩土界限划分过于简单、粗略,使岩土体可开挖性分级结果各不相同,存在分歧等问题。南水北调中线工程临近人口聚居区域,施工方法较为单一,后续工程建设过程中也可能出现类似安阳段的岩
