Canonical multipath-doppler coordinates in wireless communications
关 键 词 : 钙 化 点 检 测 ; 度 滤 波 ;乳腺 图像 ; 变 类 型识 别 微 尺 病
中图 分 类 号 T 9 . 1 P3 14 文献标识码 A 文章 编 号 0 5 —0 1 2 1 )40 2 -7 2882 (0 0 0 -540
Th so p c g ii n o a m o r m s Ba e n M u t-c l p c e Le i n Ty e Re o n to fM m g a sdo lis a e S a e Fit rn n lNo m e r s eg bo a sfc to le i g a d l r N a e tN i h r Cl s i a i n i
2 卷 4 期 9
中 国 生 物 医 学 工 程 Nhomakorabea学
21 0 0年 8月
C ieeJ un lo imeia n iern hns o ra fB o dclE gn eig
Vo . 9 1 2 No. 4 Au u t 2 0 g s 01
基 于 多尺度 空间滤 波结合 两 级 1 范数最 近邻 分 类 的乳腺 微钙 化 图像病 变 类型诊 断 系统
Ab t a t s r c :Ba e n mu t s a e s a e f t rn n wo l v e l n r 'n a e tn ih o ,a l so y e r c g i o s d o l — c l p c i e i g a d t e l 1 o n e r s e g b r e i n t p e o n t n i l l i a g rt m f ma lo i h o mmo r ms wa r p s d i h s p p r F rty,t e mu t, c l a i n e f au e i g s we e g a s p o o e n t i a e . isl h lis a e s le c e t r ma e r o t i e sn his a e s a e fl rn h n t e c a s d tc in b n r ma e o c o a c f a i n s b a n d u i g mu — c l p c t i gl e h o r e e e t i a y i g f mir c l i c t s wa i e t o i o i d c d u ig n u e sn mi r c l i c t n t r s o d c o a c f a i s h e h l meh d a e o h ma v s a mo e , a d h f l e p stv i o t o b s d n u n iu l dl n t e a s — o i e i
快速点特征直方图(FPFH)三维配准Radu Bogdan Rusu, Nico Blodow, Michael BeetzIntelligent Autonomous Systems, Technische Universit¨at M¨unchen信计1001 鄂求实2010016363摘要:在我们最近的工作[1],[2],我们提出具有稳定的多维度特征点特征直方图(PFH),它描述了三维点云数据集的一个点p周围的局部几何特征。
1. 引言在本文中,我们解决的各种重叠的三维点云数据视图一致对准,形成一个完整的模型(在一个刚性的意义上)的问题,也称为三维配准。
景区简介模糊C-均值(FCM)算法(Bezdek,1981)是一个有用的工具,用于聚类,将真正的S 维数据集X¼FX1N;X2;……;中古蒙古语RS分成几个集群内描述数据的底层结构,已被广泛应用于模式识别和数据挖掘。
随后,期望最大(EM)算法(Dempster,Laird,& Rubin,1977)是用来处理不完整的数据和概率聚类(克劳克兰和贝斯福德,1988)。
目录File文件 (1)Edit 编辑 (2)View 视图 (2)Plot 绘图 (3)Column 列 (3)Worksheet 工作表 (4)Analysis 分析 (4)Statistics 统计分析 (5)Image 图像 (6)Tools 工具 (9)Format 格式 (9)Windows 窗口 (10)Help 帮助 (10)File文件New 新建 (18)Project项目 (18)Worksheet 工作簿 (19)Matrix 矩阵 (20)Graph 图形 (21)Prom Template 从模板创建 (21)Excel (22)Layout 布局页 (22)Notes 记事本 (23)Function Plot 函数绘图 (24)Open 打开 (27)Open Excel 打开Excel文件 (27)Open Sample OPJ 打开示例项目 (28)Append 追加 (28)Close 关闭 (28)Save Project 保存项目 (28)Save Project As 项目另存为 (28)Save Window As 窗口另存为 (29)Save Template As 模板另存为 (29)Save Workbook as Analysis Template 工作簿另存为分析模板 (30)Save Project as Analysis Template项目另存为分析模板 (30)Import 导入 (30)Import Wizard 导入向导 (31)Customize 定制............................................................................................................. .. (31)Export 导出 (33)Batch Processing 批处理 (34)Database Import数据库导入 (35)Edit 编辑Copy (full precision) 精确复制 (37)Copy (including label rows) 带标识符行复制 (37)Paste Transpose 转置粘贴 (37)Paste Link 粘贴链接 (38)Paste Link Transpose粘贴链接转置 (38)Paste Special 特殊粘贴 (38)Merge (Embedded) Graphs 合并(嵌入)图形 (39)Button Edit Mode 按钮编辑模式 (39)View 视图Toolbars 工具栏 (41)Status Bar 状态栏 (41)Command Window 命令窗口 (42)Code Builder 代码创建器 (42)Quick Help 快速帮助 (43)Project Explorer 项目浏览器 (43)View Windows 视窗 (43)Results Log 结果记录 (44)View Mode (45)Messages Log 信息记录 (46)Actively Update Plots 即时更新图形 (46)Page Break Preview Lines 分页预览线 (46)Print View打印视图 (47)Page 页面视图 (47)Window 窗口视图 (47)Zoom In 放大 (48)Zoom Out 缩小 (49)Whole Page 满页 (49)Show 显示 (49)Show Data Information 显示数据信息 (51)Data Mode 数据模式 (52)Show Column/Row 显示列/行 (52)Show X/Y 显示X/Y (53)Image Mode 图像模式 (53)Show Image Thumbnails 显示缩略图 (53)Plot 绘图Line 线条 (54)Symbol 符号 (55)Line + Symbol 线条+符号 (56)Column/Bar/Pie 柱/条/饼 (56)Multi-Curve 多曲线 (57)3D XYY 三维XYY图 (59)3D XYZ 三维XYZ图 (60)3D Surface 三维曲面图 (60)3D Wire/Bar/Symbol 三维线/柱/符号 (61)Statistics 统计 (62)Area 面积 (65)Contour 等高线图 (65)Specialized 专业图 (66)Stock 股票 (68)Template Library 模板库 (70)Column 列Set as X 设为X (72)Set as Label 设为标记符号 (72)Disregard Column 忽略此列 (73)Set as Y Error 设为Y的误差 (73)Set as Categorical 设为分类数据 (73)Setting Column Values 设定列数值 (74)Fill Column with 填充列 (74)Add New Columns 添加新列 (75)Set Sampling Interval 设置采样间隔 (76)Move Columns 移动列 (76)Show X Column 显示X列 (77)Slide Show of Dependent Graphs 幻灯放映 (77)Add Sparklines 添加拆线图 (79)Worksheet 工作表Sort Range 排序范围 (80)Sort Columns列排序 (81)Sort Worksheet 工作表排序 (81)Clear Worksheet 清除工作表 (81)Worksheet Script 工作表脚本 (81)Worksheet Query 工作表查询 (82)Reset Column Short Names 重置列短名 (83)Split Worksheet 拆分工作表 (84)Split Workbooks 拆分工作簿 (84)Pivot Table 数据透视表 (84)Stack Column 堆列 (85)Unstack Column 拆堆列 (87)Remove Duplicated rows 删除重复行 (87)Reduce Rows 减少行 (88)Transpose 转置 (89)Convert to XYZ 转换为XYZ (90)Convert to Matrix转换为矩阵 (93)Analysis 分析Mathematics 数学运算 (97)Interpolate/Extrapolate Y from X 由X内插/外推求Y (98)Trace Interpolate 迹线外推 (98)Interpolate/Extrapolate 内插/外推 (99)3D Interpolation 三维内插 (100)XYZ Trace Interpolation XYZ 迹线内插 (101)XYZ Surface Area XYZ表面积 (102)Set Column Values 设置列值 (102)Normalize Column. 归一化列 (102)Simple Math 简单数学运算 (103)Differetiate 微分 (104)Integrate 积分 (105)Polygon Area 多边形面积 (105)Average Multiple Curves 多曲线平均 (106)Data Manipulation 数据处理 (106)Subtract Reference Data 与参考值相减 (107)Reduce Duplicate X data 归纳重复的X数据 (108)Reduce by Group 按组归纳 (108)Reduce to Evenly Spaced X 归纳为均匀间隔的X (110)Linear Fit 线性拟合 (112)Fit Linear with X Error 带X误差的线性拟合 (114)Polynomial Fit 多项式拟合 (115)Multiple Linear Regression所谓多元线性回归 (115)Nonlinear Curve Fit 非线性曲线拟合 (117)Nonlinear Surface Fit 非线性表面拟合 (118)Simulate Curve 模拟曲线 (118)Simulate Surface 模拟表面 (119)Exponential Fit 指数拟合 (121)Sigmoidal Fit 反曲拟合 (122)Compare Datasets 比较数据集 (122)Compare Models 比较模型 (123)Signal Processing 信号处理 (125)Smooth 平滑 (125)FFT Filters FFT滤波 (126)FFT (127)Wavelet 小波分析 (129)Convolution 卷积 (132)Deconvolution 反卷积 (133)Coherence 相干性 (134)Correlation 相关性 (135)Hibert Transform希尔伯特变换 (135)Envelope 包络线 (136)Decimation 抽取 (136)Peaks and Baseline 峰和基线 (137)Multiple Peak Fit 多重峰拟合 (138)Single Peak Fit 单峰拟合 (141)Peak Analyzer 峰分析器 (141)Batch Peak Analysis Using Theme 使用主题批量分析 (147)Statistics 统计分析Descriptive Statistics 描述统计 (149)Correlations Coefficient 相关系数 (149)Statistics on Columns 列统计 (151)Statistics on Rows 和统计 (152)Discrete Frequency 离散频率 (154)Frequency Counts 频率计数 (155)Normality Test 正态性检验 (157)2D Frequency Counts/Binning 二维频率计数/分区 (159)Hypothesis Testing 假设检验 (160)One-Sample t-Test 单样本t-检验 (161)Pair-Sample t-Test 配对样本t-检验 (162)Two-Sample t-Test 双样本t-检验 (164)One-Sample Test for Variances 单样本方差检验 (167)Two-Sample Test for Variances 双样本方差检验 (169)ANOV A 方差分析 (170)One-Way ANOV A 单因素方差分析 (170)Two-Way ANOV A 双因素方差分析 (172)One-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA 单因素重复测量方差分析 (174)Two-Way Repeated Measures ANOV A 双因素重复测量方差分析 (176)NonParametric Tests 非参数检验 (178)One-Sample Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test单样本Wilcoxon符号秩检验 (179)Paired Sample Sign Test 配对样本符号检验 (180)Paired Sample Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test配对样本Wilcoxon符号秩检验 (181)Two-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test 双样本KS检验 (183)Mann-Whitney Test Mann-Whitney检验 (185)Kruskal-Wallis ANOV AKruskal-Wallis方差分析 (187)Moods Median Test 中位数检验 (188)Friedman ANOV A Friedman方差分析 (189)(NPH) K independent Samples K个独立样本 (191)(NPH) Paired Samples 配对样本 (193)(NPH) Two Independent Samples 两个独立样本 (195)Survival Analysis 生存分析 (197)Kaplan-Meier Estimator卡普兰-迈耶估计量 (198)Cox Model Estimator比例风险模型 (199)Weilbull fit Weibull拟合 (201)Multivariate Analysis 多元分析 (203)Principal Component Analysis 主成分分析 (203)K-Means Cluster Analysis K-均值聚类分析 (204)Hierarchical Cluster Analysis 层次聚类分析 (206)Discriminant Analysis 判别分析 (208)Power and Sample Size 功效和样本大小分析 (212)(PSS) One-Sample t-test 单样本t-检验 (212)(PSS) Two-Sample t-test 双样本t-检验 (213)(PSS)Paired t-test 配对样本t-检验 (214)(PSS)One-Way ANOV A 单因素方差分析 (215)ROC Curve受试者工作特征曲线 (216)Image 图像Image adjustments 图像调整 (220)Brightness 亮度 (221)Contrast 对比度 (221)Gamma伽玛值 (221)Hue 色调 (222)Invert 图像色彩翻转 (222)Saturation 饱和度 (223)Histcontrast 直方图对比度 (223)Histequalize 直方图均衡 (223)Auto Level 自动色阶 (224)Color Level 色阶调整 (224)Function LUT 函数搜寻表 (225)Leveling 层次调整 (226)Balance 色彩平衡 (227)Color Replace 颜色替换 (228)Arithmetic transformation 算术变换 (228)Alpha Blend 透明混合 (229)Simple Math 简单数学运算 (230)Math Function 数学函数 (232)Pixel Logic 像素逻辑 (233)Subtract Background 减背景 (234)Extract to XYZ 图像转数据 (235)Morphological Filter 形态学过滤 (236)Replace Background 背景替换 (238)Subtract Interpolated Background 内插背景减影 (238)Conversion 转换 (239)Convert to Data 转成数值 (239)Color to Gray 转换成灰度图....................................................................................... 240 Convert to Image 转换成图像. (241)Binary 转换成二值图 (242)Dynamic Binary 转换成动态二值图 (243)Threshold 阈值 (244)RGB Merge 三原色合并 (245)RGB Splist 三原色拆分 (246)Image Scale 图像比例尺 (247)Geometric Transforms 几何变换 (248)Flip 翻转 (248)Rotate 旋转 (248)Shear 修剪 (249)Resize 调整尺寸 (251)AutoTrim 自动修整 (251)Offset 图像偏移 (252)Spatial Filtering 空间过滤 (254)Average 平均过滤 (255)Gaussian 高斯过滤 (255)Median 中值过滤 (256)Noise 噪音 (257)Edge 边缘.................................................................................................................... 258 Sharpen 锐化................................................................................................................ 258 Unsharpen Mask USM 锐化. (259)User Filter 用户滤镜 (260)Graph 图形 (262)Layer Contents 图层内容 (262)Plot Setup 绘图设置 (263)Add Plot to Layer 层中加图 (263)Add Error Bars 添加误差条 (264)Add Function Graph 添加函数曲线 (265)Rescale to Show All 重置坐标显示全部 (266)Layer Management 图层管理 (266)Add Axis Scrollbar 添加坐标滚动条 (266)New Layer (Axes) 新图层(坐标) (267)Extract to Graphs 提取图层 (268)Apply Palette to Color Map 应用调色板 (270)Merge Graph Windows (271)Speed Mode (271)Update Legend 更新图例 (272)New Legend 新图例 (273)New Enhanced Legend (273)New Table (274)New Color Scale (274)New XY Scaler 新XY比例尺............................................................................................ 275 Set Active Layer By Layer Icon Only ................................................................................... 275 Fit Layer to Graph 图层适合图形....................................................................................... 276 Fit Page to Layers 页面适合图层. (276)Exchange X-Y Axes 交换X-Y坐标 (277)Offset Grouped Data in Layer 偏移图层中的分组数据 (277)Convert to Standard Font Size (277)Data 数据 (278)Set Display Range 设置显示范围 (278)Reset to Full Range 显示全部数据 (280)Mark Data Range 标记数据范围 (280)Clear Data Markers 清除数据标记 (280)Analysis Marker 分析标记 (281)Lock Position 锁定位置 (282)Mask Data Point 给数据点加蒙板 (282)Move Data Point 移动数据点 (283)Remove Bad Data Points 清除坏数据 (285)Gadget 小工具 (285)Quick Fit 快速拟合 (285)Quick Sigmoidal Fit 快速反曲拟合 (287)Quick Peaks 快速峰拟合 (288)Rise Time 上升时间 (289)Cluster 聚类 (289)Statistics (291)Differentiate 微分 (292)Integrate 积分 (293)Interpolate 内插 (293)Intersect 交叉点 (294)FFT 快速傅立叶变换 (295)Vertical Cursor 垂直光标 (295)Layout 布局 (296)Add Graph 添加图形 (297)Add Worksheet 添加工作 (298)Set Picture Holder 开启图像定位 (298)Clear Picture Holder 清除图像定位 (299)New Table 新表格 (299)Global Speed Control 全局速度控制 (300)Tools 工具Options 选项 (301)System Variables 系统变量 (302)Protection 保护 (303)Fitting Function Builder 拟合函数创建器 (304)Fitting Function Organizer 拟合函数管理器 (305)Template Library 模板库 (306)Theme Organizer 主题管理 (306)Import Filters Manager 滤镜导入管理器 (307)Package Manager 包管理器 (308)Customer Menu Organizer 用户菜单管理器 (308)x-Function Builder x-函数创建器 (309)x-Function Script Samples x-函数脚本样本 (309)Copy Origin Sub-VI to LabVIEW User.lib (310)Set Group Folder Location 设置组文件夹位置 (310)Group Folder Manager 组文件夹管理器 (311)Transfer User Files 传递用户文件 (311)Pallet Editor 调色板编辑器 (312)Digitizer 数字转换器 (312)MATLAB Console MATLAB控制台 (313)Mathematica Link 连接Mathematica (314)Format 格式Menu 菜单 (315)Worksheet 工作表 (315)Column 列 (316)Cell 单元格 (317)Snap to Grid 对齐栅格 (317)Programming Control 编程管理 (318)Object Properties 对象属性 (319)Page Properties 页面属性 (320)Layer Properties 图层属性 (320)Plot Properties 图形属性 (321)Snap Layer to Grid 图层对齐栅格 (321)Snap Objects to Grid 对象对齐栅格 (321)Axes 坐标 (321)Axis Tick Labels 坐标刻度 (323)Axis Titles 坐标名称 (323)Windows 窗口Cascade 层叠窗口 (324)Tile Horizontally 水平显示 (324)Tile Vertically 垂直显示 (325)Arrange Ions 排列图标 (325)Refresh 刷新 (325)Duplicate副本 (326)Split 分割 (326)Properties 属性 (327)Command Window 命令窗口 (327)Script Window 脚本窗口 (328)Help 帮助Origin Toolbars 工具栏 (329)Standard 标准 (329)Edit 编辑 (330)Graph 图形 (330)2D Graph 二维图形 (331)3D and Contour Graph 三维图和等高线图 (333)3D Rotation 三维旋转 (334)Worksheet Data 工作表数据 (334)Column 列 (335)Layout 布局 (335)Mask 蒙板 (336)Tools 工具 (336)Object Edit 对象编辑 (337)Arrow 箭头 (338)Style 样式 (338)Format 格式 (339)Auto Update 自动更新 (339)Database 数据库 (340)Markers & Locks 标记和锁定 (340)。
canonical polyadic 正则多元分解
canonical polyadic 正则多元分解【标题】:Canonical Polyadic 正则多元分解:揭开高维数据分析的神秘面纱【导言】在当今信息爆炸的时代里,我们面对着越来越庞大、多样化的数据集。
其中,一种备受瞩目的方法是Canonical Polyadic (CP) 正则多元分解。
【CP分解的数学形式和求解方法】CP正则多元分解的数学形式如下:\[ \mathcal{X} = \sum_{r=1}^{R} \lambda_r \mathbf{a}_r \circ\mathbf{b}_r \circ \mathbf{c}_r \]其中,\(\mathcal{X}\) 是待分解的张量,\(\lambda_r\) 是第 \(r\) 个分量的权重,\(\mathbf{a}_r, \mathbf{b}_r, \mathbf{c}_r\) 是对应的模态特征向量。
第 4期
中 国 科 技 论 文
Vo l _ 8 No . 4
Ap Байду номын сангаас . 2 0 1 3
2 0 1 3年 4月
种 互 惠 最 近邻 区域 合 并 的超 像 素 生成 方 法
罗学 刚 , 王 华 军 , 杨 强 , 明 勇
L u o X u e g a n g ,Wa n g Hu a j u n , Y a n g Qi a n g , Mi n g Yo n g ( 1 .G e o p h y s i c s I n s t i t u t e , C h e n g d u U n i v e r s i t y o y T e c h n o l o g y, C h e n g d u 6 1 0 0 5 9 , C h i n a 。
An a p p r o a c h f o r g e n e r a t i n g s u p e r p i x e l s b y me r g i n g r e c i p r o c a l n e a r e s t n e i g h b o r s o f r e g i o n s
Ab s t r a c t :I n o r d e r t o s o l v e t h e i s s u e t h a t t h e p e r f o r ma n c e o f t r a d i t i o n a l me t h o d s o f g e n e r a t i n g s u p e r p i x e l s i s r e s t r i c t e d b y t h e n u mb e r o f s u p e r p i x e l s ,we p r e s e n t a me t h o d f o r g e n e r a t i n g s u p e r p i x e l s b y c l u s t e r i n g r e c i p r o c a l n e a r e s t n e i g h b o r s( RNN) o f r e — g i o n s . Fi r s t l y ,i ma g e i s s e g me n t e d i n t o a l a r g e n u mb e r o f r e g u l a r h o mo g e n e o u s s ma l l r e g i o n s wh i c h a r e s i mi l a r t o c e l l s b y v i r t u e o f k me a n s .S e c o n d l y ,r e g i o n s i n a s ma l l d i s t a n c e wi t h t h e r e g i o n a l a r e a a s c o n s t r a i n t c o n d i t i o n s a r e me r g e d b y RNN c l u s t e r i n g t o
多轴差分吸收光谱法英文Multi-axis differential absorption spectroscopy (MAD) is a technique used to measure the absorption of light by a sample at different angles and wavelengths. This method provides detailed information about the molecular structure and composition of the sample, making it a valuable tool in various fields such as environmental monitoring, atmospheric science, and materials analysis.In MAD, multiple light beams are directed at the sample from different angles, and the absorption of light at each angle and wavelength is measured. By analyzing the changes in absorption as a function of angle and wavelength, researchers can obtain a wealth of information about the sample, including the concentration of different molecules, their orientation, and their interactions with other substances.One of the key advantages of MAD is its ability to provide spatially resolved information about the sample. By measuring absorption at different angles, researchers can obtain a 3D map of the sample's molecular composition, allowing them to identify different components and theirspatial distribution. This makes MAD particularly usefulfor studying complex mixtures or heterogeneous samples.Another important feature of MAD is its high sensitivity. By measuring absorption at multiple angles and wavelengths, researchers can enhance the signal-to-noise ratio anddetect subtle changes in the sample's composition. This makes MAD suitable for studying trace components or low-concentration substances, which may be challenging todetect using traditional spectroscopic techniques.Furthermore, MAD can be used to study dynamic processesin real time. By continuously measuring absorption at multiple angles and wavelengths, researchers can track changes in the sample's composition as a function of time, providing valuable insights into reaction kinetics,diffusion processes, and other dynamic phenomena.In summary, multi-axis differential absorption spectroscopy is a powerful technique for studying the molecular composition and structure of samples. Its ability to provide spatially resolved, sensitive, and real-time information makes it a valuable tool for a wide range ofapplications, from environmental monitoring to materials analysis.多轴差分吸收光谱法(MAD)是一种用于测量样品在不同角度和波长下光吸收的技术。
Ra a d r Em it r S g a c g ii n Ba e n Di g na l n e r lBipe tum te i n lRe o n to s d o a o l I t g a s c r y
X A eq n , HA G Y .n Z A o gj. I O L —u Z N u1 g , H O Y n . i u
第1 3卷 第 1 期
2 2年 2月 01
信 息 工 程 大 学 学 报
J u n lo n o mai n En ie r g U ie s y o r a fI f r t gn e i n v ri o n t
Vo . 3 NO 1 1 .1 F b 2 2 e . 0l
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Common Mode Filter Design Guide
Common M ode F ilter D esign G uideIntroductionThe selection of component values for common mode filters need not be a difficult and confusing process. The use of standard filter alignments can be utilized to achieve a relatively simple and straightforward design process, though such alignments may readily be modified to utilize pre-defined component values.GeneralLine filters prevent excessive noise from being conducted between electronic equipment and the AC line; generally, the emphasis is on protecting the AC line. Figure 1 shows the use of a common mode filter between the AC line (via impedance matching circuitry) and a (noisy) power con-verter. The direction of common mode noise (noise on both lines occurring simultaneously referred to earth ground) is from the load and into the filter, where the noise common to both lines becomes sufficiently attenuated. The result-ing common mode output of the filter onto the AC line (via impedance matching circuitry) is then negligible.Figure 1.Generalized line filteringThe design of a common mode filter is essentially the design of two identical differential filters, one for each of the two polarity lines with the inductors of each side coupled by a single core:L2Figure 2.The common mode inductorFor a differential input current ( (A) to (B) through L1 and (B) to (A) through L2), the net magnetic flux which is coupled between the two inductors is zero.Any inductance encountered by the differential signal is then the result of imperfect coupling of the two chokes; they perform as independent components with their leak-age inductances responding to the differential signal: the leakage inductances attenuate the differential signal. When the inductors, L1 and L2, encounter an identical signal of the same polarity referred to ground (common mode signal), they each contribute a net, non-zero flux in the shared core; the inductors thus perform as indepen-dent components with their mutual inductance respond-ing to the common signal: the mutual inductance then attenuates this common signal.The First Order FilterThe simplest and least expensive filter to design is a first order filter; this type of filter uses a single reactive component to store certain bands of a spectral energy without passing this energy to the load. In the case of a low pass common mode filter, a common mode choke is the reactive element employed.The value of inductance required of the choke is simply the load in Ohms divided by the radian frequency at and above which the signal is to be attenuated. For example, attenu-ation at and above 4000 Hz into a 50⏲ load would require a 1.99 mH (50/(2π x 4000)) inductor. The resulting common mode filter configuration would be as follows:50Ω1.99 mHFigure 3.A first order (single pole) common mode filter The attenuation at 4000 Hz would be 3 dB, increasing at 6 dB per octave. Because of the predominant inductor dependence of a first order filter, the variations of actual choke inductance must be considered. For example, a ±20% variation of rated inductance means that the nominal 3 dB frequency of 4000 Hz could actually be anywhere in the range from 3332 Hz to 4999 Hz. It is typical for the inductance value of a common mode choketo be specified as a minimum requirement, thus insuring that the crossover frequency not be shifted too high.However, some care should be observed in choosing a choke for a first order low pass filter because a much higher than typical or minimum value of inductance may limit the choke’s useful band of attenuation.Second Order FiltersA second order filter uses two reactive components and has two advantages over the first order filter: 1) ideally, a second order filter provides 12 dB per octave attenuation (four times that of a first order filter) after the cutoff point,and 2) it provides greater attenuation at frequencies above inductor self-resonance (See Figure 4).One of the critical factors involved in the operation of higher order filters is the attenuating character at the corner frequency. Assuming tight coupling of the filter components and reasonable coupling of the choke itself (conditions we would expect to achieve), the gain near the cutoff point may be very large (several dB); moreover, the time response would be slow and oscillatory. On the other hand, the gain at the crossover point may also be less than the presumed -3 dB (3 dB attenuation), providing a good transient response, but frequency response near and below the corner frequency could be less than optimally flat.In the design of a second order filter, the damping factor (usually signified by the Greek letter zeta (ζ )) describes both the gain at the corner frequency and the time response of the filter. Figure (5) shows normalized plots of the gain versus frequency for various values of zeta.Figure 4.Analysis of a second order (two pole) common modelow pass filterThe design of a second order filter requires more care and analysis than a first order filter to obtain a suitable response near the cutoff point, but there is less concern needed at higher frequencies as previously mentioned.A ≡ ζ = 0.1;B ≡ ζ = 0.5;C ≡ ζ = 0.707;D ≡ ζ = 1.0;E ≡ ζ = 4.0Figure 5.Second order frequency response for variousdamping f actors (ζ)As the damping factor becomes smaller, the gain at the corner frequency becomes larger; the ideal limit for zero damping would be infinite gain. The inherent parasitics of real components reduce the gain expected from ideal components, but tailoring the frequency response within the few octaves of critical cutoff point is still effectively a function of ideal filter parameters (i.e., frequency, capaci-tance, inductance, resistance).L0.1W n1W n 10W nRadian Frequency,WG a i n (d B )V s V s LR s LCs LC j L R j LC LR LCCMout CMin L L n n n L ()()=++=−+⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟=+−⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟≡≡≡≡111111212222ωωζωωωωωωζradian frequencyR the noise load resistance LFor some types of filters, the design and damping char-acteristics may need to be maintained to meet specific performance requirements. For many actual line filters,however, a damping factor of approximately 1 or greater and a cutoff frequency within about an octave of the calculated ideal should provide suitable filtering.The following is an example of a second order low pass filter design:1)Identify the required cutoff frequency:For this example, suppose we have a switching power supply (for use in equipment covered by UL478) that is actually 24 dB noisier at 60 KH z than permissible for the intended application. For a second order filter (12dB/octave roll off) the desired corner frequency would be 15 KHz.2)Identify the load resistance at the cutoff frequency:Assume R L = 50 Ω3)Choose the desired damping factor:Choose a minimum of 0.707 which will provide 3 dB attenuation at the corner frequency while providing favorable control over filter ringing.4)Calculate required component values:Note:Damping factors much greater than 1 may causeunacceptably high attenuation of lower frequen-cies whereas a damping factor much less than 0.707 may cause undesired ringing and the filter may itself produce noise.Third Order FiltersA third order filter ideally yields an attenuation of 18 dB per octave above the cutoff point (or cutoff points if the three corner frequencies are not simultaneous); this is the prominently positive aspect of this higher order filter. The primary disadvantage is cost since three reactive compo-nents are now required. H igher than third order filters are generally cost-prohibitive.Figure 6.Analysis of a third order (three pole) low pass filter where ω1, ω2 and ω4 occur at the same -3dB frequency of ω05)Choose available components:C = 0.05 µF (Largest standard capacitor value that will meet leakage current requirements for UL478/CSA C22.2 No. 1: a 300% decrease from design)L = 2.1 mH (Approx. 300% larger than design to compensate for reduction or capacitance: Coilcraft standard part #E3493-A)6)Calculate actual frequency, damping factor, and at-tenuation for components chosen:ζ = 2.05 (a damping factor of about 1 or more is acceptible)Attenuation = (12 dB/octave) x 2 octaves = 24 dB 7)The resulting filter is that of figure (4) with:L = 2.1 mH; C = 0.05 µF; R L = 50 ΩL 1L 2VCMout s VCMin s R R L s R L s sC R L s sC R L s L L s L s sC L L R s L Cs L L C R s L L L L L L L()()()()=+⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟+++++⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟⎟=++++222121*********11Butterworth →+++112212233s s s n n n ωωω()()L L R R L L L n n L 12111222+==+ωω;()L L C n 1n2C =2;ωω2211414=.L L L L n n n 12L n3n2L2n2L2C R =1;R R ωωωωωω33224422===ωπωζωμn n n Lf C L L R L =====294248070727502rad /sec =1Hn .1215532πLC=Hz (very nearly 15KHz)The design of a generic filter is readily accomplished by using standard alignments such as the Butterworth (“maxi-mally flat”) alignments. Figure (6) shows the general analysis and component relationships to the Butterworth alignments for a third order low pass filter. Butterworth alignments provide an inherent ζ of 0.707 and a -3 dB point at the crossover frequency. The Butterworth alignments for the first three orders of low pass filters are shown in Figure (7).The design of a line filter need not obey the Butterworth alignments precisely (although such alignments do pro-vide a good basis for design); moreover, because of leakage current limits placed upon electronic equipment (thus limiting the amount of filter capacitance to ground),adjustments to the alignments are usually required, but they can be executed very simply as follows:1)First design a second order low pass with ζ ≥ 0.52)Add a third pole (which has the desired corner fre-quency) by cascading a second inductor between the second order filter and the noise load:L = R/ (2 π f c )Where f c is the desired corner frequency.Design ProcedureThe following example determines the required compo-nent values for a third order filter (for the same require-ments as the previous second order design example).1)List the desired crossover frequency, load resistance:Choose f c = 15000 Hz Choose R L = 50 Ω2)Design a second order filter with ζ = 0.5 (see second order example above):3)Design the third pole:R L /(2πf c ) = L 250/(2π15000) = 0.531 mH4)Choose available components and check the resulting cutoff frequency and attenuation:L2 = 0.508 mH (Coilcraft #E3506-A)f n= R/(2πL 1 )= 15665 HzAttenuation at 60 KHZ: 24 dB (second order filter) +2.9 octave × 6 = 41.4 dB5)The resulting filter configuration is that of figure (6)with:L 1 = 2.1 mH L 2 = 0.508 mH R L = 50 ΩConclusionsSpecific filter alignments may be calculated by manipu-lating the transfer function coefficients (component val-ues) of a filter to achieve a specific damping factor.A step-by-step design procedure may utilize standard filter alignments, eliminating the need to calculate the damping factor directly for critical filtering. Line filters,with their unique requirements, yet non-critical character-istics, are easily designed using a minimum allowable damping factor.Standard filter alignments assume ideal filter compo-nents; this does not necessarily hold true, especially at higher frequencies. For a discussion of the non-ideal character of common mode filter inductors refer to the application note “Common Mode Filter Inductor Analysis,”available from Coilcraft.Figure 7.The first three order low pass filters and their Butterworth alignmentse i +–e O +–R LL 2Ce i +–e O +–R LL 1Ce i +–e O +–R LL 1L 2Filter SchematicFilter Transfer FunctionButterworthAlignmentFirst OrderSecond OrderThird Ordere e Ls R o iL =+11e e LCs Ls R oi L=++112e e L L R s L Cs L L s R o iLL =++++111231212()e e s o in=+11ωe e LCs Ls R oiL =++112e e s s so i n n n =+++122133221ωωω。
Application Programming InterfaceReference GuideVersion 10.2December 2009Pasadena, California 91107Phone: (626) 795-9101Fax: (626) 795-0184E-mail: service@The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Optical Research Associates (ORA®). ORA assumes no liability for any errors that may Arrayappear in this document.The software described in this document is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. The CODE V output shown (plotted and printed) may vary in different versions.Copyright © 2009 by Optical Research Associates. All rights reserved.Proprietary Software NotificationCODE V® is the proprietary and confidential property of ORA and/or its suppliers. It is licensed for use on the designated equipment on which it was originally installed and cannot be modified, duplicated, or copied in any form without prior written consent of ORA. If supplied under a U.S. Government contract the following also applies:Restricted Rights LegendUse, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or insubparagraph (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FARS 52.227-19.ORA, CODE V, and LightTools are registered trademarks of Optical Research Associates. Other trademarksor marks are the property of their respective companies.CODE V API Reference Guide Contents • iiiContentsChapter 1OverviewWhat is the CODE V API? (1)Requirements (1)A Note about the DEFAULTS.SEQ File (2)Getting Started (2)DisplayAlerts Property (4)Speeding Up COM Client Execution...............................................................................................4Chapter 2CODE V Interface FunctionsGeneral Utility Functions (6)Start/StopCodeV (6)Get/SetCommandTimeout (7)Get/SetMaxTextBufferSize (8)Get/SetStartingDirectory (9)GetCodeVVersion (10)Asynchronous Usage Functions (11)AsyncCommand (11)IsExecutingCommand (12)Wait (13)GetCommandOutput (14)StopCommand (15)Synchronous Usage Functions (16)Command (16)EvaluateExpression (17)CODE V State Information (18)GetCurrentOption (18)GetCurrentSubOption (19)GetZoomCount (20)GetSurfaceCount (21)GetFieldCount (22)GetWavelengthCount (23)GetDimension (24)GetStopSurface (25)GetMaxAperture (26)Math and Optical MACRO Functions (27)BESTSPH (27)EVALZERN (28)FITERROR (29)GAUSSBEAM (30)GAUSSWTS (32)INDEX (33)MTF_1FLD (34)NORMRADIUS (35)POLGRID (36)RAYPOL (39)RAYRSI (42)RAYSIN..................................................................................................................................43iv • Contents CODE V API Reference GuideRAYTRA................................................................................................................................44RMSWE..................................................................................................................................45RMS_1FLD.............................................................................................................................48SAGF (50)SASF (51)SURFSAGD (52)SVD (53)TRA_1FLD (54)TRANSFORM (56)ZERNIKE (57)ZERNIKEGQ (59)Zernike Fitting Functions (61)ZFRCOEF (62)Buffer Functions (63)Sample Code: Outputting buffer data from CODE V (63)BufferToArray (64)ArrayToBuffer (65)Chapter 3CODE V API by ExampleWriting PSF Data to an Excel Spreadsheet (67)Results (69)Creating a Surface Listing (70)MATLAB Sample File...................................................................................................................72Appendix A CVCommand ErrorsE_INVALIDARG (73)DISP_E_BADINDEX (73)E_UNEXPECTED (73)FACILITY_ITF..............................................................................................................................73Chapter 1OverviewWhat is the CODE V API?The CODE V API is an application programming interface designed to allow access from otherprograms to CODE V commands. The CODE V API uses the Microsoft Windows standardComponent Object Model (COM) interface1. This enables you to execute CODE V commandsusing applications such as Microsoft Visual Basic (VB), Microsoft Office Applications, C++,MATLAB, or any other application that supports Windows COM architecture. The CODE V API is particularly useful for automating tasks or retrieving data used in calculations in other programs.Both Visual Basic and Excel provide an integrated development environment in which you candevelop CODE V command functions.2 This type of environment provides context-sensitiveediting and debugging, Windows standard forms, object oriented programming capabilities(Classes), standard functions in Visual Basic/Excel (or the client program), external object libraries known as dynamic link libraries (DLLs), as well as other conveniences that can enhance thefunction writing process.The CODE V API has no graphical user interface, and therefore no graphics support; any plotscreated with a CODE V API function must be output to a file or they are lost. Plot files can beviewed either in CODE V, or in the standalone CODE V Viewer program (CVPlotView). RequirementsIn order to use the CODE V API to write and run commands, you must have installed:•CODE V 9.30 or laterDuring installation, CODE V is configured to support API command execution. This processregisters CODE V as a COM server on your system (cvcommand).•Any Visual Basic compliant application (such as Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Visual Basic, or MATLAB) or any other Windows program that supports Microsoft COMarchitecture1. The COM enables Windows Programs to communicate with each other using the Client/Serverconcept. For example, the program that initiates the communication process is referred to asthe client, and the program that responds to client’s requests is referred to as the server. Currently,CODE V can only act as a server, meaning that it can only respond to client programs.2. This document concentrates on Visual Basic as the client for writing functions. To use other pro-grams, please refer to their documentation (under “Automation” or “COM” support).CODE V API Reference Guide Overview • 12 • Overview CODE V API Reference GuideA Note about the DEFAULTS.SEQ FileWhen you use the CODE V API, note that your DEFAULTS.SEQ file is not automatically loaded when CODE V is run. You must include the following command in your function to load this file:mand("in defaults.seq")Getting StartedThis example describes how to write a very simple command function using the Visual Basic Editor provided with Microsoft Excel.1.Start Microsoft Excel.2.Select Tools > Macro > Visual Basic Editor .The Microsoft VisualBasic window is displayed.3.Add the CODE V Command Type Library as a reference by doing the following:a.Select Tools > References . . ..b.In the References - VBAProject window, select the Optical Research AssociatesCVCommand Type Library and click OK .If you are running Excel 97, the CVCommand Type Library may not be listed in theAvailable References. If it is not, select Browse and navigate to the CODE V installation directory. Click on cvcommand.tlb and click Open to add the CVCommand Type Library to the Available References.3.Back in the Microsoft Visual Basic window, select Tools > Macros .4.In the Macros window, key in a name and click Create .5.In the Book1 - Module1(Code) window, you can begin writing your macro.a.Declare the session variable:Dim Session As CVCommand b.Request an instance of the CVCommand interface using the Set statement:Set session = CreateObject("mand.930")This instance should be requested by object name, which in this case is version 9.30 ofCODE V . A specific version number should be requested because the interfaces maychange with later versions of CODE V.CODE V API Reference Guide Overview • 3c.Once an instance is created, the CODE V utility functions can be called on to set up theenvironment parameters, such as buffer size and starting directory. For example:session.SetStartingDirectory("c:\CVUSER")e the StartCodeV function to start up CODE V:session.StartCodeVplete the macro as desired and save your project.Following is a sample macro that starts CODE V , opens the sample lens file dbgauss.len, and optimizes the lens:Sub RunCodeV()Dim Session As CVCommand'Create an instance of CODE V and set the starting directory to c:\CVUSER Set session = CreateObject("")'where xxx is the CODE V version; for example, xxx=101 for version 10.1 session.SetStartingDirectory("c:\CVUSER")session.StartCodeVmand("in defaults.seq")'load a lens (dbgauss) and run AUTO to optimize itresult = mand("res cv_lens:dbgauss")result = mand("aut; go")MsgBox (result)'evaluate the Effective Focal Lengthresult = session.EvaluateExpression ("(efl)")'Shut down the instance of CODE Vsession.StopCodeVSet session = NothingEnd Sub6.From the Visual Basic window, click Run > Run Sub/User Form , or click the Run icon on thetoolbar.The macro will run CODE V and execute the specified CODE V command functions.For details about the available CODE V commands available for use with the CODE V API, go to Chapter 2, “CODE V Interface Functions” on page5.DisplayAlerts PropertyIf your macro starts a CODE V process that takes time, and waits for a response, then VB or VBA Array will try to issue a warning message indicating that the server is not responding and may not run the remaining portion of the macro. To suppress this message, you can use the following code:in VBA:Application.DisplayAlerts = Falsedisables the display of alert boxes; however, this setting should be used selectively and changedback to True when not VB, you can set:App.OleRequestPendingTimeout = NApp.OleRequestBusyTimeout = Nwhere N is the number of milliseconds. N should be greater than the time it takes to run the process. Speeding Up COM Client ExecutionThe REC command allows you to disable recording of data in the CODE V recovery file, whichcan help speed up execution of COM clients. See “Defining Configuration - I/O” on page24-19 ofthe CODE V Reference Manual for details about REC. Note that, by default, CODE V alwaysrecords data in the recovery file, which is recommended for general CODE V usage.4 • Overview CODE V API Reference GuideCODE V API Reference Guide CODE V Interface Functions • 5Chapter 2CODE V Interface FunctionsThis section contains details for each CODE V interface function. The CODE V interface functions are grouped in the following categories, based on what they do.•General Utility Functions.................................................................................... 6•Asynchronous Usage Functions......................................................................... 11•Synchronous Usage Functions........................................................................... 16•CODE V State Information ............................................................................... 18•Math and Optical MACRO Functions............................................................... 27•Buffer Functions................................................................................................63General Utility FunctionsStart/StopCodeVThese functions start or stop the CODE V session being run by CVCommand. Start must be called before any function other than Set/GetCommandTimeout, Set/GetMaxTextBufferSize,GetCodeVVersion, or Set/GetStartingDirectory is called. StopCodeV must be called when you are done running the session of CODE V.Visual Basic SyntaxStartCodeV()StopCodeV()6 • CODE V Interface Functions CODE V API Reference GuideGet/SetCommandTimeoutThese functions are used to get or set the timeout for synchronous commands. They have no effect on asynchronous commands.Visual Basic SyntaxSetCommandTimeout(nTimeout As Integer)GetCommandTimeout() As IntegerParameterReturn ValueFor GetCommandTimeout, the current timeout time in seconds.nTimeoutCurrent timeout time in secondsGet/SetMaxTextBufferSizeThese functions are used to get or set the maximum buffer size for text returned by the Command and GetCommandOutput functions.Visual Basic SyntaxSetMaxTextBufferSize(lSize As Long)GetMaxTextBufferSize() As LongParameterReturn ValueFor GetMaxTextBufferSize, a pointer to a long integer that contains the current maximum buffer size.lSize Long integer containing the desired maximum buffer size in characters.Default is 256000.Get/SetStartingDirectoryGet or set the working directory for CODE V . SetStartingDirectory must be called before StartCodeV to set the directory of execution.Visual Basic SyntaxGetStartingDirectory() As StringSetStartingDirectory(bstrStartingDirectory As String)ParameterReturn ValuePointer to a string defining the current starting directory.bstrStartingDirectoryString defining the desired starting directory.GetCodeVVersionVisual Basic SyntaxGetCodeVVersion() As StringParameterNone.Return ValueVersion of CODE V that is running.Asynchronous Usage FunctionsAsyncCommandStart an asynchronous command. Only one AsyncCommand call can be run at a time, but multiple AsyncCommand calls can be made during a CVCommand session. This function call fails if CODE V is already running a command. Calling this function clears the results of the previous asynchronous function call.Visual Basic SyntaxAsyncCommand(bstrCommandLine As String)ParameterbstrCommandLineCommand to be executed.IsExecutingCommandVisual Basic SyntaxIsExecutingCommand() As LongParameterNone.Return ValueBoolean that indicates whether or not an asynchronous command is currently executing.WaitWait for an asynchronous command to complete.Visual Basic SyntaxWait(nWaitTime As Integer) As CVWaitStatusParameterReturn ValueEnumeration for wait status, either Completed or TimeOut:Completed Command completed 1TimeOut Wait timed out with the command still runningnWaitTimeTime to wait in seconds.GetCommandOutputEvaluateExpression, or math and optical functions) between calls to AsyncCommand andGetCommandOutput. This will preserve the buffer between those two calls.Visual Basic SyntaxGetCommandOutput() As StringParameterNone.Return ValueString containing the output. Its maximum length is the maximum buffer size.StopCommandThis function aborts the currently running CODE V calculation.Visual Basic SyntaxStopCommand()Synchronous Usage FunctionsCommandThis function sends a command to the CODE V session being run by CVCommand and returns its output. Calling this function clears the results of the previous asynchronous function call.Visual Basic SyntaxCommand(bstrCommandLine As String) As StringParameterReturn ValueThe command output. Its size is limited by the maximum buffer size set withSetMaxTextBufferSize.bstrCommandLineCODE V command.EvaluateExpressionThis function evaluates an expression and returns its value. It is equivalent to the EV A command in CODE V .Visual Basic SyntaxEvaluateExpression(bstrExpression As String) As StringParameterReturn ValuePointer to a string into which CVCommand will put the results of the evaluation. Note that because this is a string, the value is only as precise as the output into the string; it is not a true floating point value.bstrExpressionString containing the expression to evaluate.CODE V State Informationasynchronous command.GetCurrentOptionReturns the name of the current option.Visual Basic SyntaxGetCurrentOption() As StringParameterNone.Return ValueThe option short name (e.g., AUT for Automatic Design). Returns "CHA" if CODE V is notcurrently in an option.GetCurrentSubOptionVisual Basic SyntaxGetCurrentSubOption() As StringParameterNone.Return ValueThe option name. Returns an empty string if CODE V is not currently in a sub-option.Visual Basic SyntaxGetZoomCount() As Integer ParameterNone.Return ValueThe current number of zoom positions in the lens.Visual Basic SyntaxGetSurfaceCount() As Integer ParameterNone.Return ValueThe current number of surfaces.GetFieldCountVisual Basic SyntaxGetFieldCount() As Integer ParameterNone.Return ValueThe current number of fields.GetWavelengthCountVisual Basic SyntaxGetWavelengthCount() As Integer ParameterNone.Return ValueThe current number of wavelengths.GetDimensionReturns a value representing the type of dimensions in the system.Visual Basic SyntaxGetDimension() As IntegerParameterNone.Return ValuesThe value representing the type of dimensions in the system:0Inches1Centimeters2MillimetersVisual Basic SyntaxGetStopSurface() As Integer ParameterNone.Return ValueThe surface number of the current stop surface.Returns the maximum aperture size for the specified surface and zoom.Visual Basic SyntaxGetMaxAperture(nSurface As Integer, nZoom As Integer) As DoubleParametersReturn ValueMaximum aperture size. This uses the “MAP” database item.nSurfaceNumber of the surface for which the maximum aperture will be oomZoom position at which the maximum aperture will be determined.Math and Optical MACRO FunctionsThe following functions are equivalent to calling various CODE V macro functions. For more details about the CODE V macro functions referenced, see “Language Reference” on page 25A-1 of the CODE V Reference Manual .BESTSPHThis is equivalent to calling the BESTSPH macro function in CODE V .Visual Basic SyntaxBESTSPH(nSurface As Integer, nZoomPos As Integer,dblMinHeight As Double, dblMaxHeight As Double) As DoubleParametersReturn ValueThe return value of the BESTSPH macro function. It is the curvature of the best fitting sphere.nSurface Desired surface.nZoomPos Desired zoom position.dblMinHeight Minimum Y coordinate.dblMaxHeightMaximum Y coordinate.EVALZERNThis is equivalent to calling the EV ALZERN macro function in CODE V . The EV ALZERN macron function evaluates a Zernike polynomial generated with the ZERNIKE, ZERNIKEGQ, orZFRCOEF macro function and computes the value of the polynomial at a point X,Y , where X and Y are normalized to the unit circle.Visual Basic SyntaxEVALZERN(nWavelengthNum As Integer, nFieldNum As Integer, nZoomPos As Integer, dblX As Double, dblY As Double, nPolType As Integer, eOutputType As CVZernOutputTypeEnum, eZernType As CVZernTypeEnum) As DoubleParametersReturn ValueThe value of the Zernike polynomial at the specified coordinate. If the polynomial has not been defined with the ZERNIKE, ZERNIKEGQ, or ZFRCOEF function, EV ALZERN returns a value of -1e10.nWavelengthNum Number of the wavelength defined in ZERNIKE, ZERNIKEGQ, or ZFRCOEF.nFieldNum Number of the field point defined in ZERNIKE, ZERNIKEGQ, or ZFRCOEF.nZoomPos Zoom position defined in ZERNIKE, ZERNIKEGQ, or ZFRCOEF.dblX X coordinate to be evaluated.dblY Y coordinate to be evaluated.nPolTypeNumber specifying whether polarization ray tracing is enabled for this computation; matches the number defined in ZERNIKE or ZERNIKEGQ. If you used ZFRCOEF, this must be 0.eOutputTypeEnumeration of the output type ('intensity' or 'phase'), specifying intensity or phase. Matches the type used in ZERNIKE or ZERNI-KEGQ. If you used ZFRCOEF, the output must be 'phase.'eZernTypeType of the Zernike polynomial. Matches the expression defined inZERNIKE or ZERNIKEGQ. If you used ZFRCOEF, it must be 'zfr.'FITERRORThis is equivalent to calling the FITERROR macro function in CODE V .Visual Basic SyntaxFITERROR(nWavelengthNum As Integer, nFieldNum As Integer, nZoomPos As Integer, nPolType As Integer, eOutputType As CVZernOutputTypeEnum, eZernType As CVZernTypeEnum) As DoubleParametersReturn ValueThe RMS fit error of the Zernike polynomial. If the polynomial has not been defined with the ZERNIKE or ZFRCOEF function, FITERROR returns a value of -1. If used with the ZERNIKEGQ macro function, returns a value of 0.nWavelengthNum Number of the wavelength defined in ZERNIKE or ZFRCOEF.nFieldNum Number of the field point defined in ZERNIKE or oomPos Zoom position defined in ZERNIKE or ZFRCOEF.nPolTypeNumber specifying whether polarization ray tracing is enabled for this computation; matches the number defined in ZERNIKE. If you used ZFRCOEF, this must be 0.eOutputTypeEnumeration of the output type ('intensity' or 'phase'), specifying intensity or phase. Matches the type used in ZERNIKE. If you used ZFRCOEF, the output must be 'phase.'eZernTypeType of the Zernike polynomial. Matches the expression defined inZERNIKE. If you used ZFRCOEF, it must be 'zfr.'GAUSSBEAMThis is equivalent to calling the GAUSSBEAM macro function in CODE V .Visual Basic SyntaxGAUSSBEAM(nSurface As Integer, nZoomPos As Integer, nFieldNum As Integer, nWavelengthNum As Integer, psaInput() As Double, eOutputType As CVGaussbeamOutputTypeEnum) As DoubleParametersnSurfaceThe surface number to use. For non-sequential systems, if you enter a negative value, that value refers to the hit number rather than the sur-face number. This gives you direct access to the information by hit number.nZoomPos Zoom position to use.nFieldNumNumber of field positions to use.nWavelengthNum Number of the wavelength to use (not the value of the wavelength).psaInputA five-element input array containing the following parameters (in this order): initial beam-width radius (at the object plane) at the 1/ e 2 inten-sity point in the X meridian (WRX), initial beam-width radius (at the object plane) at the 1/ e 2 intensity point in the Y meridian (WRY), radius of curvature of input wavefront (at object plane) in X meridian (RCX), radius of curvature of input wavefront (at object plane) in Y meridian (RCY), orientation (in degrees) of input beam definition about the optical (z) axis (AZI).eOutputTypeEnumeration specifying the output value of the function:0PROP Propagation distance to the next surface 1BSDX X semi-diameter of the beam 2BSDY Y semi-diameter of the beam 3BANG Beam angle (in degrees)4WCUX X Curvature of the Wavefront 5WCUY Y Curvature of the Wavefront 6WSDX X semi-diameter of the waist 7WSDY Y semi-diameter of the waist 8WDSX X waist distance from the surface 9WDSY Y waist distance from the surface 10SURX X Coordinate of the beam on the surface 11SURY Y Coordinate of the beam on the surface 12SURZZ Coordinate of the beam on the surfaceReturn ValueFor non-sequential systems, the macro function returns results for the last time the specified surface was hit. If that surface was not hit, the function returns 0.13RDCL L Direction cosine (geo) of center of beam prior to surface14RDCM M Direction cosine (geo) of center of beam prior to surface15RDCN N Direction cosine (geo) of center of beam prior to surface16AINC Angle of incidence (in degrees) of center of beam at surface17SURNFor NS systems. Return the surface number for the hit number specified with the surface numparameterGAUSSWTSThis function is equivalent to calling the GAUSSWTS macro function in CODE V .Visual Basic SyntaxGAUSSWTS(nNumInputPts As Integer, psaInputCoords() As Double, psalInputWeights() As Double, nNumQuadPts As Integer, psaCoords() As Double, psaWeights() As Double) As DoubleParametersReturn ValueThe return value of the GAUSSWTS macro function. It is 0 if there are no errors in the computation, and -1 if any errors are encountered.nNumInputPts Number of input points at which weights are supplied.psaInputCoordsInput array of coordinates at which weights are supplied. It must be nNumInputPts long. The input coordinates do not need to be equally spaced.psalInputWeights An input array, dimensioned at nNumInputPts, of the weighting function at the points specified in psaInputCoords.nNumQuadPts Number of Gaussian quadrature points and weights desired.psaCoords An output array, dimensioned at nNumQuadPts, of the coordinates to be used for the numerical integration.psaWeightsAn output array, dimensioned at nNumQuadPts. It will receive theweights to be used for the numerical integration.INDEXThis is equivalent to calling the INDEX macro function in CODE V .Visual Basic SyntaxINDEX(nSurface As Integer, nZoomPos As Integer,nWavelengthNum As Integer, nGlassNum As Integer, dblX As Double, dblY As Double, dblZ As Double) As DoubleParametersReturn ValueThe refractive index at the specified point. Note that it can be positive or negative, depending on the direction the light is traveling. If the first four parameters are outside their allowed range or if the index cannot be computed for any reason, the return value is set to 0.0.nSurface Surface number of the GRIN oomPosZoom position.nWavelengthNum Number of the wavelength to be used (not the wavelength value).nGlassNum Glass number (for NSS surfaces). Value must be either 1 or 2. For sequential surfaces, use 1.dblX, dblY , dblZCoordinates relative to the surface origin where the index is to becomputed.MTF_1FLDMTF_1FLD computes the MTF of the lens system including or excluding diffraction effects,assuming either a sine wave or a square wave object, similar to the MTF option. It is equivalent to calling the MTF_1FLD macro function in CODE V .Visual Basic SytaxMTF_1FLD(nZoomPos As Integer, nFieldNum As Integer, Frequency As Double, Azimuth As Double, NRD As Integer, MTFValues() As Double, MTFtype As CVMTFTypeEnum, MTFWave As CVMTFWaveEnum) As DoubleParametersReturn ValueThe return value of the function is the modulation. If there is an error in the computation or inputs, the return value is -1. Since a negative modulation is not valid, any negative return value indicates that the calculation failed.nZoomPos Zoom position to use. Range: 1 to (NUM Z).nFieldNum Number of field point to use. Range: 1 to (NUM F).FrequencySpatial frequency at the image surface. Units are cycles/mm for focal systems, and cycles per angular measure for afocal (AFC) systems, where the angular measure is defined by the angular units specification (ADM).Azimuth Orientation of the spatial frequency at the image, in degrees.NRD Number of grid rays across the diameter of the pupil. If nrd is set to zero, the calculation is performed using a default value of 60.MTFValuesThe output array name must be declared before the macro is called, and is a one-dimensional output array that will contain the following six elements:1.Modulation2.Phase (degrees)3.Analytic diffraction limit value4.Actual diffraction limit value5.Illumination for unit brightness6.Number of rays traced (in convolved pupil for diffraction MTF)These data values correspond to the equivalent values output by the MTF option.MTFtype String expression specifying diffraction MTF ('DIF') or geometrical MTF ('GEO').MTFWaveString expression specifying sine wave response ('SIW') or square waveresponse ('SQW').。
g0=(1/T)*5*abs(1/(10+(GW+ws)*i)); G11=[g0];
g0=(1/T)*5*abs(1/(10+(GW-ws)*i)); G12=[g0];
g0=(1/T)*5*abs(1/(10+(GW+2*ws)*i)); G21=[g0];
g0=(1/T)*5*abs(1/(10+(GW-2*ws)*i)); G22=[g0];
题图 1-6 飞机连续模拟式姿态角控制系统结构示意图
第2章 习 题
2-1 下述信号被理想采样开关采样,采样周期为 T,试写出采样信号的表达式。
(1) f (t) = 1(t)
(2) f (t) = te−at
(3) f (t) = e−at sin(ωt)
∑ (1) f *(t) = 1(kT )δ (t − kT ) ; k =0 ∞
e− s
中的 s=0 不是 Gh
− e− s2
中,只有一个单极点 s=0。
e s
≈ 1− (1− sT
+ (−sT )2 / 2 + ⋅ ⋅⋅ = T − T 2s + ⋅⋅ ⋅⋅
计算。采样幅频曲线可以用如下 MATLAB 程序绘图:
Ex r c i g I a e Fe t r i t i g t a tn m g a u e Po n s Usn
S ae I t r c i n o e ia - tW a ees c l — n e a to fM x c n Ha v l t
D I G a — n ~ .LI Ya yi g N N n na U n— n . ZH U i M ng
Cha g hu 1 0 3 nc n 3 0 3,C n E- l: n8 04@ l 3.On; hia, mai d 5 6 CT
2 .Gr d a e ie s y o h n s a e f S i c s ejn 1 0 3 , h n ) a u t Un v ri f C i ee t Ac d myo ce e ,B iig n 0 0 9 C ia
( . h n c u n ttt f O t s i e c a i n y is C iee a e f S in e 1 C a g h nI s u eo p i ,F n h nc a d Ph sc , h n s d my o c cs i c Me s Ac e
文章 编 号 :0 72 8 2 1 ) 10 2 — 5 1 0 — 7 0( 0 2 0 — 1 5 0
专论:CAD&CG GDC 2018 桂林
2019 年
据点集用迭代的方法调整控制点,形成逐渐逼近 控制点的新样条函数,最终形成一条光滑且具有 更高逼近性的曲线或曲面的一种图形数据拟合 方法[3]。
几何迭代法在计算机辅助几何设计(computeraided geometric design,CAGD)中,解决的主要问 题是工业产品几何形状的数字描述,例如汽车车 轮、涡轮发动机、飞机外形的设计。CAGD 技术起 源于航空工业,由于飞机外形流线型的特殊结构是 由多个自由的曲线及曲面组成的,所以 CAGD 技术 的研究与曲线、曲面的发展息息相关。
磨光和迭代,在 L-BFGS 迭代算法的最优解下构造具有高逼近性的曲线拟合方法。实验结果表明,
2019 年 2 月 第 40 卷 第 1 期
February 2019 Vol.40 No.1
霍彦妏, 蔡占川
(澳门科技大学资讯科技学院,澳门 999078)
要:几何迭代法在计算机辅助几何设计(CAGD)中有广泛地应用,为了提高传统的 B-样
Geometric Iteration Method Based on Many-Knot Spline Polishing Functions
HUO Yan-Βιβλιοθήκη en, CAI Zhan-chuan
NMR 中常用的英文缩写和中文名称收集了一些NMR 中常用的英文缩写,译出其中文名称,供初学者参考,不妥之处请指出,也请继续添加.相关附件NMR 中常用的英文缩写和中文名称APT Attached Proton Test 质子连接实验ASIS Aromatic Solvent Induced Shift 芳香溶剂诱导位移BBDR Broad Band Double Resonance 宽带双共振BIRD Bilinear Rotation Decoupling 双线性旋转去偶(脉冲)COLOC Correlated Spectroscopy for Long Range Coupling 远程偶合相关谱COSY ( Homonuclear chemical shift ) COrrelation SpectroscopY (同核化学位移)相关谱CP Cross Polarization 交叉极化CP/MAS Cross Polarization / Magic Angle Spinning 交叉极化魔角自旋CSA Chemical Shift Anisotropy 化学位移各向异性CSCM Chemical Shift Correlation Map 化学位移相关图CW continuous wave 连续波DD Dipole-Dipole 偶极-偶极DECSY Double-quantum Echo Correlated Spectroscopy 双量子回波相关谱DEPT Distortionless Enhancement by Polarization Transfer 无畸变极化转移增强2DFTS two Dimensional FT Spectroscopy 二维傅立叶变换谱DNMR Dynamic NMR 动态NMRDNP Dynamic Nuclear Polarization 动态核极化DQ(C) Double Quantum (Coherence) 双量子(相干)DQD Digital Quadrature Detection 数字正交检测DQF Double Quantum Filter 双量子滤波DQF-COSY Double Quantum Filtered COSY 双量子滤波COSYDRDS Double Resonance Difference Spectroscopy 双共振差谱EXSY Exchange Spectroscopy 交换谱FFT Fast Fourier Transformation 快速傅立叶变换FID Free Induction Decay 自由诱导衰减H,C-COSY 1H,13C chemical-shift COrrelation SpectroscopY 1H,13C 化学位移相关谱H,X-COSY 1H,X-nucleus chemical-shift COrrelation SpectroscopY 1H,X- 核化学位移相关谱HETCOR Heteronuclear Correlation Spectroscopy 异核相关谱HMBC Heteronuclear Multiple-Bond Correlation 异核多键相关HMQC Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Coherence 异核多量子相干HOESY Heteronuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy 异核Overhause 效应谱HOHAHA Homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn spectroscopy 同核Hartmann-Hahn 谱HR High Resolution 高分辨HSQC Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence 异核单量子相干INADEQUATE Incredible Natural Abundance Double Quantum Transfer Experiment 稀核双量子转移实验(简称双量子实验,或双量子谱)INDOR Internuclear Double Resonance 核间双共振INEPT Insensitive Nuclei Enhanced by Polarization 非灵敏核极化转移增强INVERSE H,X correlation via 1H detection 检测1H 的H,X 核相关IR Inversion-Recovery 反(翻)转回复JRES J-resolved spectroscopy J-分解谱LIS Lanthanide (chemical shift reagent ) Induced Shift 镧系(化学位移试剂)诱导位移LSR Lanthanide Shift Reagent 镧系位移试剂MAS Magic-Angle Spinning 魔角自旋MQ(C)Multiple-Quantum ( Coherence )多量子(相干)MQF Multiple-Quantum Filter 多量子滤波MQMAS Multiple-Quantum Magic-Angle Spinning 多量子魔角自旋MQS Multi Quantum Spectroscopy 多量子谱NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 核磁共振NOE Nuclear Overhauser Effect 核Overhauser 效应(NOE)NOESY Nuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy 二维NOE 谱NQR Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance 核四极共振PFG Pulsed Gradient Field 脉冲梯度场PGSE Pulsed Gradient Spin Echo 脉冲梯度自旋回波PRFT Partially Relaxed Fourier Transform 部分弛豫傅立叶变换PSD Phase-sensitive Detection 相敏检测PW Pulse Width 脉宽RCT Relayed Coherence Transfer 接力相干转移RECSY Multistep Relayed Coherence Spectroscopy 多步接力相干谱REDOR Rotational Echo Double Resonance 旋转回波双共振RELAY Relayed Correlation Spectroscopy 接力相关谱RF Radio Frequency 射频ROESY Rotating Frame Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy 旋转坐标系NOE 谱ROTO ROESY-TOCSY Relay ROESY-TOCSY 接力谱SC Scalar Coupling 标量偶合SDDS Spin Decoupling Difference Spectroscopy 自旋去偶差谱SE Spin Echo 自旋回波SECSY Spin-Echo Correlated Spectroscopy 自旋回波相关谱SEDOR Spin Echo Double Resonance 自旋回波双共振SEFT Spin-Echo Fourier Tran sform Spectroscopy (with J modulati on)(J-调制)自旋回波傅立叶变换谱SELINCOR SELINQUATE SFORD SNR or S/NSelective Inverse Correlation 选择性反相关Selective INADEQUA TE 选择性双量子(实验)Single Frequency Off-Resonance Decoupling 单频偏共振去偶Signal-to-noise Ratio 信/ 燥比SQF Single-Quantum Filter 单量子滤波SRTCF TOCSY TORO TQF WALTZ-16 Saturation-Recovery 饱和恢复Time Correlation Function 时间相关涵数Total Correlation Spectroscopy 全(总)相关谱TOCSY-ROESY Relay TOCSY-ROESY 接力Triple-Quantum Filter 三量子滤波A broadband decoupling sequence 宽带去偶序列WATERGATE Water suppression pulse sequence 水峰压制脉冲序列WEFTZQ(C) ZQF T1T2 tmWater Eliminated Fourier Transform 水峰消除傅立叶变换Zero-Quantum (Coherence) 零量子相干Zero-Quantum Filter 零量子滤波Longitudinal (spin-lattice) relaxation time for MZ 纵向(自旋- 晶格)弛豫时间Transverse (spin-spin) relaxation time for Mxy 横向(自旋-自旋)弛豫时间T C rotational correlation time 旋转相关时间。
径向基神经⽹络相关函数:dist、netprod、dotprod (1) dist 欧⼏⾥得距离权函数This MATLAB function takes these inputs, W S-by-R weight matrixP R-by-Q matrix ofQ input (column) vectors FPStruct of function parameters (optional, ignored)Z = dist(W,P,FP)dim = dist('size',S,R,FP)dw = dist('dw',W,P,Z,FP)D = dist(pos)info = dist('code')W中每⾏为⼀个输⼊向量,P中每列为⼀个输⼊向量>> w=rand(2,3)w =0.8705 0.1909 0.42290.8706 0.7651 0.5156>> v=rand(3,6)v =0.5917 0.1118 0.3500 0.2799 0.3541 0.22670.7005 0.7944 0.8652 0.2283 0.8885 0.11610.0203 0.1223 0.2577 0.8963 0.0224 0.7173>> w*vans =0.6574 0.3007 0.5788 0.6662 0.4873 0.52281.0615 0.7682 1.0995 0.8805 0.9996 0.6560>> D=dist(ans) % 只有⼀个输⼊,计算Z中每⼀⾏与其他⾏的距离D =0 0.4618 0.0873 0.1813 0.1810 0.42720.4618 0 0.4326 0.3824 0.2973 0.24880.0873 0.4326 0 0.2359 0.1355 0.44700.1813 0.3824 0.2359 0 0.2150 0.26630.1810 0.2973 0.1355 0.2150 0 0.34540.4272 0.2488 0.4470 0.2663 0.3454 0(2)netprod - Product net input function 乘积⽹格输⼊函数This MATLAB function takes Z iS-by-Q matrices in a row cell arrayN = netprod({Z1,Z2,...,Zn})返回Z1,Z2,...,Zn 对应元素的乘积rand('state',pi);a=rand(2,3) % 第⼀个矩阵% a =%% 0.5162 0.1837 0.4272% 0.2252 0.2163 0.9706b=rand(2,3) % 第⼆个矩阵% b =%% 0.8215 0.0295 0.2471% 0.3693 0.1919 0.5672c=rand(2,3) % 第三个矩阵% c =%% 0.4331 0.0485 0.5087% 0.6111 0.8077 0.3153d=netprod({a,b,c}) % 计算⽹络输⼊% d =%% 0.1837 0.0003 0.0537% 0.0508 0.0335 0.1736a.*b.*c % 矩阵直接点乘%% ans =%% 0.1837 0.0003 0.0537% 0.0508 0.0335 0.1736(3)dotprod>> help dotproddotprod - Dot product weight functionThis MATLAB function takes these inputs, W S-by-R weight matrix PR-by-Q matrix of Q input (column) vectors FPStruct of function parameters (optional, ignored) Z = dotprod(W,P,FP)dim = dotprod('size',S,R,FP)dw = dotprod('dw',W,P,Z,FP)info = dotprod('code')rand('state',pi);w=rand(3,2); % 3个向量p=rand(2,4); % 4个向量Z=dotprod(w,p) % 计算内积% Z =%% 0.5039 0.0567 0.2502 0.3557% 0.3428 0.0886 0.2979 0.3586% 0.5094 0.1916 0.5959 0.6726(4)netsum 求和⽹格输⼊函数>> help netsumnetsum - Sum net input functionThis MATLAB function takes Z1 to Zn and optional function parameters, ZiS-by-Q matrices in a row cell array FPRow cell array of function parameters (ignored)N = netsum({Z1,Z2,...,Zn},FP)info = netsum('code')返回对应位置元素相加rand('state',pi);a=rand(2,3)% a =% 0.5162 0.1837 0.4272 % 0.2252 0.2163 0.9706 b=rand(2,3)% b =% 0.8215 0.0295 0.2471 % 0.3693 0.1919 0.5672 c=[0; -1];d=concur(c,3)% d =% 0 0 0% -1 -1 -1n = netsum({a,b,d})% n =% 1.3377 0.2132 0.6743 % -0.4054 -0.5918 0.5378。
1.共点双圈并图度距离的最值及极图 [J], 郭海丽;景翔宇
2.三次图的完全扩容图的连通度 [J], 萨如拉;阿勇嘎
3.给定度序列的三圈图的极值图 [J], 杨杨;邵燕灵
4.三圈图和四圈图的最大无符号拉普拉斯分离度 [J], 剧宏娟;雷英杰
5.图的圈边连通度和圈弧连通度 [J], 朱虹州;孟吉翔
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1 Introduction
Code division multiple access (CDMA) has emerged as one of the most promising technologies for meeting the challenges of the physical network layer, as evident from its
This research was supported in part by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.
prominence in the wireless infrastructure envisioned for the third and future generation systems. Innovative DSP techniques are playing a progressively important role in the design of CDMA systems due to the high complexity of processing required in the physical layer. The major DSP challenges in CDMA system design stem from three key factors that have a signi cant impact on performance: Channel propagation dynamics manifested as multipath dispersion, multipath fading, and temporal variations or Doppler e ects. Multiaccess interference due to multiple simultaneous users, which is further accentuated by multipath propagation e ects. Complexity of the DSP algorithms. Even though the above factors are clearly interrelated, existing techniques re ect a piecemeal approach due to the lack of a framework connecting the various physical layer facets. In contrast, the progressively stringent performance demands imposed by future wireless systems dictate an integrated approach to deliver fully optimized systems. In this paper, we propose DSP in canonical multipath-Doppler coordinates as an integrated framework for combating time-varying multipath distortion, suppressing multiaccess interference, and managing the complexity of the resulting algorithms. The canonical coordinates are derived from a fundamental characterization of the channel propagation dynamics in terms of discrete multipath-delayed and Doppler-shifted copies of the transmitted spread-spectrum waveform which constitute a xed canonical basis for representing the received signal 1]. A well-known advantage of CDMA, by virtue of spread-spectrum signaling, is its remarkable ability to combat fading by exploiting multipath propagation e ects 2]. Our framework promises a new DSP innovation: further exploiting the time-varying multipath e ects to suppress multiaccess interference via subspace-based processing in the canonical coordinates. The next section introduces the generic receiver structure in the canonical coordinates. Section 2 describes the fundamental channel characterization that underlies the proposed framework. Sections 4 and 5 discuss the basic ideas behind receiver design in canonical coordinates, emphasizing channel modeling and interference suppression issues. Concluding remarks are presented in Section 6.
2 The Canonical Coordinates
Figure 1 describes DSP in canonical multipath-Doppler coordinates that is at the heart of our framework. The front-end processing corresponds to projecting the received waveform onto the canonical coordinates. Each user corresponds to unique coordinates de ned by its spreading code, which are computed for each received symbol. Canonical coordinates, taken together for all users and symbols of interest, constitute su cient statistics for demodulation|all DSP can be performed in the canonical coordinates. The coordinates for each symbol of a particular user are computed by correlating the received signal with time- and frequency-shifted copies of the user spreading waveform ! Z l e?j 2 Tmt dt; zml = r(t)q t ? o ? B (1) l = 0; ; L ; m = ?M; ; 0; ; M; where r(t) denotes the received waveform, o denotes the user delay, and q(t) is the user spreading waveform of duration T and bandwidth B . In e ect, the canonical multipath2
Canonical Multipath-Doppler CoordinatБайду номын сангаасs in Wireless Communications
Akbar M. Sayeed
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Wisconsin{Madison 1415 Engineering Drive Madison, WI 53706 akbar@ Tel: (608) 265-4731, Fax: (608) 262-1267 /ece/ 36th Annual Allerton Conference, September 1998.
Code division multiple access (CDMA) has emerged as a dominant technology for meeting the physical layer challenges of future wireless communication systems. Signal processing requirements in the physical layer are dictated by three major factors: multiaccess interference, multipath dispersion and fading, and transceiver complexity. Existing CDMA system designs re ect a piecemeal approach due to the lack of an e ective framework for jointly addressing these issues. We propose signal processing in canonical multipath-Doppler coordinates for attacking physical layer impairments in an integrated fashion. The canonical coordinates are derived from a fundamental characterization of channel propagation dynamics in terms of discrete multipath-delayed and Doppler-shifted copies of the spread-spectrum signaling waveforms. The multipath-Doppler shifted waveforms constitute an approximately orthogonal basis and the corresponding signal representation naturally connects the various channel e ects. First, all processing relating to multipath propagation can be directly performed in the canonical coordinates. Second, the same coordinates provide a canonical subspace-based representation of the desired signal and interference which fully incorporates channel dispersion e ects. Finally, the maximally parsimonious nature of the coordinates and their simple computation a ord a direct handle on transceiver complexity. Various facets of the integrated framework are illustrated in the context of interference suppression, channel estimation, and diversity processing.