
金门大桥是世界著名大桥之一,被誉为近代桥梁工程的一项奇迹, 也被认为是旧金山的象征。(金门大桥不愿 金门大桥及旧金山夜 景说明的是,这个伟大的建筑奇迹同时又被认为是全球首选的自 杀圣地)。金门大桥的设计者是工程师史特劳斯,人们把他的铜 像安放在桥畔,用以纪念他对美国作出的贡献。大桥雄峙于美国 加利福尼亚州宽1900多米的金门海峡之上。金门海峡为旧金山海 湾入口处,两岸陡峻,航道水深,为1579年英国探险家弗朗西 斯·德雷克发现,并由他命名。 金门大桥的北端连接北加利福尼亚,南端连接旧金山半岛。当船 只驶进旧金山,从甲板上举目远望,首先映入眼帘的就是大桥的 巨形钢塔。钢塔耸立在大桥南北两侧,高342米,其中高出水面 部分为227米,相当于一座70层高的建筑物。塔的顶端用两根直 径各为92.7厘米、重2.45万吨的钢缆相连,钢缆中点下垂,几乎 接近桥身,钢缆和桥身之间用一根根细钢绳连接起来。钢缆两端 伸延到岸上锚定于岩石中。
1TON=1016KG 1TON=907.2KG 1MTON=1000KG
金门大桥包括从钢塔两端延伸出去的部分,全长达2000米, 为此,又分别在两侧修建了两座辅助钢塔,使桥形更加壮观。 大桥的桥面宽27.4米,有6条车行道和两条宽敞的人行道。 当船只驶进旧金山,从甲板上举目远望,首先映入眼帘的就 是大桥的巨形钢塔。钢塔耸立在大桥南北两侧,高342米, 其中高出水面部分为227米,相当于一座70层高的建筑物。 塔的顶端用两根直径各为92.7厘米、重2.45万吨的钢缆相连, 钢缆中点下垂,几乎接近桥身,钢缆和桥身之间用一根根细 钢绳连接起来。钢缆两端伸延到岸上锚定于岩石中。大桥桥 体凭借桥两侧两根钢缆所产生的巨大拉力高悬在半空之中。 钢塔之间的大桥跨度达1280米,为世界所建大桥中罕见的 单孔长跨距大吊桥之一。从海面到桥中心部的高度约60米, 又宽又高,所以即使涨潮时,大型船只也能畅通无阻。

金门大桥是世界著名大桥之一,被 誉为近代桥梁工程的一项奇迹,也 被认为是旧金山的象征。 金门大桥的设计者是工程师史特劳 斯,人们把他的铜像安放在桥畔, 用以纪念他对美国作出的贡献。大 桥雄峙于美国加利福尼亚州宽1900 多米的金门海峡之上。金门海峡为 旧金山海湾入口处,两岸陡峻,航 道水深,为1579年英国探险家弗朗 西斯·德雷克发现,并由他命名。
悬 索 桥 的 优 缺 点
优点 相对于其它桥梁结构悬索桥可以使用比较少的物质来 跨越比较长的距离。悬索桥可以造得比较高,容许船 在下面通过,在造桥时没有必要在桥中心建立暂时的 桥墩,因此悬索桥可以在比较深的或比较急的水流上 建造。 悬索桥比较灵活,因此它适合大风和地震区的需要, 比较稳定的桥在这些地区必须更加坚固和沉重。 缺点 悬索桥的坚固性不强,在大风情况下交通必须暂时被 中断 悬索桥不宜作为重型铁路桥梁 悬索桥的塔架对地面施加非常大的力,因此假如地面 本身比较软的话,塔架的地基必须非常大和相当昂贵。 悬索桥的悬索锈蚀后不容易更换。金门大桥悬 索 桥 的 结 构
悬索桥,又名吊桥(suspension bridge)指的是以 通过索塔悬挂并锚固于两岸(或桥两端)的缆索 (或钢链)作为上部结构主要承重构件的桥梁。其 缆索几何形状由力的平衡条件决定,一般接近抛物 线。从缆索垂下许多吊杆,把桥面吊住,在桥面和 吊杆之间常设置加劲梁,同缆索形成组合体系,以 减小活载所引起的挠度变形。 按照桥面系的刚度大小,悬索桥可分为柔性悬索桥 和刚性悬索桥。柔性悬索桥的桥面系一般不设加劲 梁,因而刚度较小,在车辆荷载作用下,桥面将随 悬索形状的改变而产生S形的变形,对行车不利,但 它的构造简单,一般用作临时性桥梁。刚性悬索桥 的桥面用加劲梁加强,刚度较大。加劲梁能同桥梁 整体结构承受竖向荷载。除以上形式外,为增强悬 索桥刚度,还可采用双链式悬索桥和斜吊杆式悬索 桥等形式,但构造较复杂。

• 金门大桥的简介 • 金门大桥的建筑美学 • 金门大桥的历史意义 • 金门大桥的旅游价值 • 金门大桥的未来发展
旧金山位于美国西海岸,是重 要的港口城市和旅游胜地。
20世纪早期,随着城市人口和 经济的增长,交通拥堵问题逐 渐凸显。
为缓解交通压力并促进旅游业 发展,旧金山市政府决定建设 一座横跨金门海峡的大桥。
1933年,金门大桥开始建设。 1937年,大桥正式通车。
金门大桥是全球最著名的悬索桥 之一,其独特的红色桥身已成为
金门大桥成为旧金山的象 征,代表着这座城市的独 特魅力和精神。
金门大桥成为游客必游之 地,极大地促进了旧金山 的旅游业发展。
金门大桥的壮丽和标志性 使其成为旧金山的一张名 片,提升了城市的国际知 名度。
金门大桥的桥面设计注重景观的营造,通过设置观景台和观景走廊,让游客可以 欣赏到旧金山湾的美景。同时,桥面还装饰有雕塑和灯饰,增添了桥梁的艺术气 息。
金门大桥的夜间照明设计也是一大亮点,通过合理的灯光布置和色彩搭配,使桥 梁在夜晚更加璀璨夺目,成为旧金山夜景的一大标志。
金门大桥的建设标准和质量成为世 界其他桥梁建设的重要参考。
金门大桥(英文:Golden Gate Bridge

钢塔之间的大桥跨度达1280米,为世界所建大桥中 罕见的单孔长跨距大吊桥之一。从海面到桥中心部 的高度约60米,又宽又高,所以即使涨潮时,大型 船只也能畅通无阻
金门大桥于1933年动工,1937年5月竣工,用了4年时间和 10万多吨钢材,耗资达3550万美元。整个大桥造型宏伟壮 观、朴素无华。桥身呈朱红色,横卧于碧海白浪之上,华 灯初放,如巨龙凌空,使旧金山市的夜空景色更加壮丽。
主跨:4200英尺 1280米
每根钢筋长度:7560英尺 2331米 钢筋直径:36.38英寸,0.924米
每根钢缆重:2450 TON/22226 MTON
一八六九年,美国“皇帝”诺顿一世下令在 旧金山海湾建一座悬索桥,此后又几次下诏 命令建桥.和他的其他圣旨不同的是,这道圣旨 最终不仅被奉行,并且归功于他,只不过迟了六 十多年,一九三三年,旧金山开始在诺顿一世 规划的地址建悬索桥,一九三六年,这座世 界上最著名的大桥之——金门大桥建成,在 它的一根桥梁上挂牌纪念诺顿一世"旅行者, 请停步并感谢美国皇帝和墨西哥保护者诺顿 一世(一八五九至一八八零在位)他有先见之明, 构想并下令在旧金山海湾建桥"。
制作:道桥五班 聊金宇 20162406
这项工程的造价约为400万到500万美元。当地的环保 部门还要对工程进行进一步审查,确保其不会对环境 造成破坏,也不会影响到金门大桥的美观。虽然给大 桥围网的初衷是好的,但此计划还是招致了一些异议。 批评人士指出,与其在大桥上一掷千金,还不如用这 笔钱来帮助自寻短见者战胜心理疾病,提高他们的心 理健康水平,这样才能从根本上解决问题。
由于桥面到海面的距离长达60米,再辅以人坠落时巨大的 冲击力,自杀者基本上没有生存的可能性。仅2009年一年 就有39人在这里跳桥身亡,2008年的自杀人数则为19人。 居高不下的自杀人数使旧金山相关部门头痛不已。其实早 在20世纪70年代,就有人提议在大桥上装上特定设施以阻 止人们跳桥。当地桥梁管理部门于2008年10月10日投票决 定在大桥上安装不锈钢网,这样整座大桥都会被网“兜” 起来,自杀者就不会直接坠落到海面了。
高二英语London Tower Bridge精品PPT课件

3. From where did the culture of the people in the British Isles receive many influence? The European mainland
4. Who ran over the Great Britain in 1066? What’s the result of French influence?
The French. The result was that there were many French words in the English language.
5. Which are the first two countries that joined in the UK?
England and Wales.
(Colder, more rain )
Influenced by European mainland
5th century
Northern Europe settled
The basis for English
in 1283 Scotland In 1707
2. Why is it of great value to record and teach local languages to the young generation?
Imagine that you are going on a four-week trip through the UK. Make a travel plan in which you describe where you will go and what clothes and things you will
金门大桥 Golden Gate Bridge

金门大桥Golden Gate Bridge(旧金山)The orange towers of the Golden Gate Bridge-probably the most beautiful, certainly the most photographed bridge in the world-are visible from almost every point of elevation in San Francisco. The only cleft in Northern California's 600-mile continental wall, for years this mile-wide strait was considered unbridgeable. As much an architectural as an engineering feat, the Golden Gate took only 52 months to design and build, and was opened in 1937. Designed by Joseph Strauss, it was the first really massive suspension bridge, with a span of 4200ft, and until 1959 ranked as the world's longest. It connects the city at its northwesterly point on the peninsula to Marin County and Northern California, rendering the hitherto essential ferry crossing redundant, and was designed to withstand winds of up to a hundred miles an hour and to swing as much as 27ft. Handsome on a clear day, the bridge takes on an eerie quality when the thick white fogs pour in and hide it almost completely.Y ou can either drive or walk across. The drive is the more thrilling of the two options as you race under the bridge's towers, but the half-hour walk across it really gives you time to take in its enormous size and absorb the views of the city behind you and the headlands of Northern California straight ahead. Pause at the midway point and consider the seven or so suicides a month who choose this spot, 260ft up, as their jumping-off spot. Monitors of such events speculate that victims always face the city before they leap. In 1995, when the suicide toll from the bridge had reached almost 1000, police kept the figures quiet to avoid a rush of would-be suicides going for the dubious distinction of being the thousandth person to leap.Perhaps the best-loved symbol of San Francisco, in 1987 the Golden Gate proved an auspicious place for a sunrise party when crowds gathered to celebrate its fiftieth anniversary. Some quarter of a million people turned up (a third of the city's entire population); the winds were strong and the huge numbers caused the bridge to buckle, but fortunately not to break.泰姬陵泰姬陵Taj Mahal介绍英文版The construction of this marble masterpiece is credited to the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan who erected this mausoleum in memory of his beloved wife,Arjumarid Bano Begum;popularly known as Mumtaz Mahal,who died in A.H. 1040 (A.D. 1630)。

2. Golden Gate Bridge (美国旧金山金门大桥)
The bridge was built in 1937. Bridge color is orange, the main span of 1280m, located in the San Francisco Bay entrance. "She sleek, proportion, is the jewel in bridge engineering, so that the designers of this century has been unable to go beyond."
1. Salginatobel Brücke(瑞士萨尔基那山谷桥) 2. Golden Gate Bridge (美国旧金山金门大桥) 3. The Brotonne Bridge (法国东纳大桥) 4. Kirchheim Overpass (德国克西汉姆跨线桥) 5. Orly Airport Overpass (法国奥利机场跨线桥) 6. First Bosphoros Bridge (土耳其博斯布鲁斯大桥) 7. Sunniberg Bridge (瑞士桑尼伯格大桥) 8. Normandy Bridge (法国诺曼底大桥)
13. The Ganter Bridge (瑞士甘特桥)
It is a cable-stayed bridge with a unique style, the cable provided in the concrete sheet, completed in 1980. The whole bridge main span of 174 meters is the only straight line segments on both sides of the hole span 127 meters, with S-shaped curve through the valley, there is a bridge piers up to 150 meters. In bright sunshine, lush mountains bring out the bright and huge concrete facade, showing strong results, "a true work of art, an innovative system."

5. Which are the first two countries that joined in the UK?
England and Wales.
The influence of French
1. What is the UK? The UK is really a nation of different countries held together by a common language and culture.
3. From where did the culture of the people in the British Isles receive many influence? The European mainland
4. Who ran over the Great Britain in 1066? What’s the result of French influence?
8769....INEIrsonelrlgeatlhnoaefndrdMn aInrelandcnou8rmrb1ee2B7crel1ftsa0st9pi4lnact6ehse
10. Irish Sea
11. London
12. Dublin
1. It is possible to swim from the European mainland to England. How far is it and where would be the best place to do so?

金门大桥(连接加利福尼亚州和圣弗朗西斯科半岛的桥) 金门大
Introduction to the bridge
The bridge more than in the United States,
California, more than 1900 meters wide of the golden gate strait. Golden gate at the entrance
golden gate bridge of suicide has more than one thousand people.
death. It is said that since the bridge was built
That’s all
Introduction to the bridge
The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the world famous Bridge, known as the modern Bridge engineering of a miracle.
Introduction to the bridge
The golden gate bridge is a symbol of San Francisco,
The famous bridge, however, people today and give
The golden gate bridge construction in 1933, completed
bridge model is magnificent, austere. Bridge is scarlet,

● 建筑结构 ● 整体布局 ● 金门大桥分别由主桥、引桥、高架桥、两座桥塔、锚碇、悬索、吊索、引桥及各立交匝道组成;
● 设计特点
● 金门大桥高架桥采用拱桥设计方案,而主桥为双塔悬索桥设计方案,桥体涂装为橘红色。主梁为 正交异性钢桥面板。桥塔设四道横梁,整体为格栅式多室钢塔,采用由闭合格组成的截面,表面 上组成显著的肋形线条,宽度分三次作阶梯式收缩减小,每阶段高度及横梁高度自下而上变化。 缆索为钢缆索体系,呈半圈弧状,由多根钢丝绳组成;两个缆索设多个吊索进行固定。
● 金门大桥北起加利福尼亚州,上跨金门海峡,南至旧金山半岛;线路全长2780米,主桥全长 1967.3米;桥面为双向六车道城市主干线,设计速度为60千米/小时;项目总耗资约3550万美元, 设 计 工 程 师 为 约 瑟 夫 ·施 特 劳 斯 。
● 桥梁位置 ● 金门大桥位于美国西部加利福尼亚州旧金山市的太平洋东岸,横跨金门海峡的南北两岸,其中,
● 金门大桥(Golden Gate Bridge),又称“金门海峡大桥”,是美国境内连接旧金山市区和北部 的马林郡的跨海通道,位于金门海峡之上,是美国旧金山市的主要象征。金门大桥于1933年1月5 日动工兴建;于1937年5月27日完成工程建设,对市民开放;于1937年5月28日通车运营。
● 设计参数
● 金门大桥线路全长2780米,主桥全长1967.3米,采用(343.9+1280.2+343.9)米的跨径布置, 其中主跨1280.2米,宽27.4米,两侧人行道各宽3.3米。大桥桥孔高61米,桥塔总高度为342米, 高处水面228米,两塔间跨度为1280米,桥墩高处水平14米。主缆单根直径92.7厘米,重量为 2.45万吨,单根钢丝长度为2331米,直径0.924厘米,每根主缆含钢丝数27572根,钢丝总长度 128748千米。
金门大桥 ppt英文版介绍

The golden gate bridge
Accounting Class Two baina
•Golden Gate Bridge is one of the world-famous bridge, known as a miracle (奇迹)of modern engineering.
• The experts think seeking a suicidal person rescued, the architectural protector is to hope not add uglate bridge across the golden gate, imposing appearance in the whole bridge spectacular(壮观的).
Joseph Strauss(约瑟夫· 斯 特劳斯
• Before 1957, the Golden Gate Bridge is the world‘s longest suspension bridge(悬索桥), two bridge piers(桥墩) in 1964, before the world’s longest span(跨度) suspension bridge.
Golden Gate Bridge across the North and South, San Francisco and Marin County will link up. .
•The Golden Gate took only 52 months to design and build, and was opened in 1937.
Thanks for that! Bye!

3. From where did the culture of the people in the British Isles receive many influence? The European mainland
4. Who ran over the Great Britain in 1066? What’s the result of French influence?
导入 课文 阅读练习 英伦风景
London Tower Bridge
Big Ben
The Tower of London
Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ
Scan the text and answer the following questions.
1. What are the most important facts about the United Kingdom?
6. What do people throughout the British Isles speak now? English
1. North sea
2.Atlantic Ocean
3.English Channel
4. Scotland
5. Wales
Write theEdrinibugrghht
The influence of French
1. What is the UK? The UK is really a nation of different countries held together by a common language and culture.

金门大桥(Golden Gate Bridge)金门大桥jīn dà qiáo] [stud.本词条介绍的是金门大桥 (美国世界著名桥梁), 更多含义, 请参阅"金门大桥 (多义词)".金门大桥是世界著名的桥梁之一, 是近代桥梁工程的一项奇迹.大桥雄峙于美国加利福尼亚州宽1900多米的金门海峡之上, 历时4年和10万多吨钢材, 耗资达3550万美元建成, 由史特劳斯设计.因其历史价值, 于2007年由英、美两国合拍成同名纪录片.目录1简介2建筑参数3建设历史落成时间 3.13.2 落成七十周年曾保持的记录 3.34建筑特点5建筑美学6自杀7维护工作8交通环境航空 8.11简介金门大桥是世界著名大桥之一, 被誉为近代桥梁工程的一项奇迹, 也被认为是旧金山的象征.金门大桥及旧金山夜景金门大桥的设计者是工程师史特劳斯, 人们把他的铜像安放在桥畔, 用以纪念他对美国作出的贡献.大桥雄峙于美国加利福尼亚州宽1900多米的金门海峡之上.金门海峡为旧金山海湾入口处, 两岸陡峻, 航道水深, 为1579年英国探险家弗朗西斯·德雷克发现, 并由他命名.金门大桥的北端连接北加利福尼亚, 南端连接旧金山半岛.当船只驶进旧金山, 从甲板上举目远望, 首先映入眼帘的就是大桥的巨形钢塔.钢塔耸立在大桥南北两侧, 高342米, 其中高出水面部分为227米, 相当于一座70层高的建筑物.塔的顶端用两根直径各为92.7厘米、重2.45万吨的钢缆相连,钢缆中点下垂, 几乎接近桥身, 钢缆和桥身之间用一根根细钢绳连接起来.钢缆两端伸延到岸上锚定于岩石中.大桥桥体凭借桥两侧两根钢缆所产生的巨大拉力高悬在半空之中.钢塔之间的大桥跨度达1280米, 为世界所建大桥中罕见的单孔长跨距大吊桥之一.从海面到桥中心部的高度约60米, 又宽又高, 所以即使涨潮时, 大型船只也能畅通无阻.金门大桥包括从钢塔两端延伸出去的部分 [1], 全长达2737米, 为此, 又分别在两侧修建了两座辅助钢塔使桥形更加壮观.大桥的桥面宽27.4米有6条车行道和两条宽敞的人行道.大桥的设计者是工程师约瑟夫·斯特劳斯人们为纪念他对美国作出的贡献,,,, 把他的全身铜像安放在桥畔.铜像形象生动, 神情自若.金门大桥于1933年动工, 1937年5月竣工, 用了4年时间和10万多吨钢材, 耗资达3550万美元.整个大桥造型宏伟壮观、朴素无华.桥身呈朱红色, 横卧于碧海白浪之上, 华灯初放, 如巨龙凌空, 使旧金山市的夜空景色更加壮丽.2建筑参数【中文名称】: 金门大桥【英文名称】: golden gate bridge【建筑位置】: 美国加利福尼亚州旧金山与马林县之间【跨越】: 金门海峡【开工日期】: 1933年1月5日【竣工日期】: 1937年4月完工, 同年5月27日对外开放【最长跨距】: 1280米【总长度】: 2737米【桥面宽度】: 27米【桥塔高度】: 342米【最大高度】: 227米【路面净空】: 在收费站为4.3米【桥下净空】: 67米至平均高水位【年平均日交通流量】: 100000【过桥费用】: $were kla at 0600 (往南向旧金山方向单向收费) 使用电子收费fastrak为 $5.00【结构形式】: 悬索桥与钢桁架拱桥【建筑造价】: 3550万美元【设计者】: 约瑟夫·斯特劳斯 (joseph strauss), 艾尔文·莫罗(irving morrow), 查尔斯·埃里斯 (charles alton ellis (leon), 里昂·莫伊塞弗 moisseiff)【金门大桥卫星图像投资单位】: 加州政府【维护单位】: 金门大桥管理局【地理坐标】: 37°49′11″n 122°28′43″w3建设历史1579年英国探险家francisdrake发现了连结太平洋和旧金山的一个海峡, 这就是后来的金门.尽管这个名字在1849年的淘金潮以前早就使用, 但淘金潮使得金门 (成了加利福尼亚神秘魅力不可缺少的一部分进入北california的入口).As early as 1872, the idea of building a bridge across the Strait of Kinmen was discussed, but it was not until 1937 that a suspension bridge was built on the channel. Golden Gate Bridge spans the north and south, linking San Francisco with the Marin county. The bridge, which has been built for more than four years, is one of the most beautiful structures in the world. It is no longer the longest suspension bridge in the world, but it is the most famous one. The huge tower of Golden Gate Bridge is 227 meters high, each steelCord weight 6412 metric tons, twisted by 27000 steel wires. Founded in January 1933, it was first opened to traffic in May 1937.The original idea of Golden Gate Bridge came from Joseph Strauss, a bridge engineer. Strauss had previously designed more than 400 small inland bridges. He spent more than 10 years lobbying residents in northern California. Other major designers of the bridge include Erwin Moro, who decided on their artistic shapes and colors, and Charles Ellis, an engineer who works withcomplex mathematical calculations, and Leon Moisef, a bridge designer.The bridge began construction in January 5, 1933 and was completed in April 1937. It was opened to pedestrians in May 27th of that year. Strauss placed a brick from his alma mater, Ohio, University of Cincinnati, before pouring concrete into the South pier. The next day, with President Roosevelt in Washington press a button, the bridge was officially open to the car.Voters in San Francisco have issued their initial $35 million in construction bonds, backed by their homes, farms and companies. In 1977, the last bond was paid off, of which $35 million in principal and $39 million in interest came from income from bridge charges.Completion timeGolden Gate Bridge commenced construction in 1933 and completed in May 1937. It took 4 years and more than 100 thousand tons of steel, costing us $35 million 500 thousand. The whole bridge is magnificent, simple style. The bridge was red, lying above the blue sea whitecaps, with all the lights on, such as the air, make the sky more magnificent scenery in San Francisco city. However, due to the rain, the tower will be rusty, painter can only brush the paint on the day in and day out.Completion of 70th anniversaryLandmark Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, USA, celebratedits birthday in May 27, 2007 at the age of seventy". An official report released the day before the Golden Gate Bridge District, to the bridge before a major engineer named Ellis should honor. Not until last week did he have his name in the book of merit in Golden Gate Bridge.Strauss, the chief engineer of the bridge, has long been named the father of Golden Gate Bridge and enjoys the honor of one of the greatest engineers of the twentieth Century. KinmenGolden Gate Bridge in the fogThere is a statue at the end of the bridge, which was set up to commemorate him after his death in 1938.But an important mathematical design of Golden Gate Bridge and thousands of pen bridges are needed to calculate, in 24 published in the book "Golden Gate Bridge: report of 2 chief engineer, is called iris by the engineer. Ellis was fired before the start of Golden Gate Bridge, and Strauss took all the credit. Ellis returned to college to teach and died in 1949.Seventy years later, the hero of the bridge was given a belated affirmation. The mysterious legend does not affect one hundred thousand commuters every day, across bridges, between San Francisco and the North peninsula. The image of Golden Gate Bridge has become the best endorsement in San Francisco, according to statistics, about one million tourists come here every month. There are two hundred people waiting on Golden Gate Bridge, including toll collection, maintenance and painting, wire rope and so on. Golden Gate Bridge is not the color red,but red, yellow and black mixture of "international orange", the painter should be painted in the mobile scaffolding, with pressure cleaning, and then on the three layer of paint, another colleague tied to the cables attached to the web, do paint inspection work. Golden Gate Bridge has beauty and problems. Famous Golden Gate Bridge in heavy fog, but fog and rain is the biggest enemy of steel structure, serious rust, all five hundred sub time suspension cables are updated. Seventy years, there are three times because the wind is too large, "wind" lock bridge.Records that have been keptBefore 1957, Golden Gate Bridge was the longest suspension bridge in the world, and the two piers had the longest span of suspension bridges in the world by 1964. The two 342 meters high tower until the Akashi kaikyo bridge or before the completion of the world's tallest tower of suspension bridge.4 architectural featuresGolden Gate Bridge bridge international orange color, because the architect Erwin Moro think this color is and the surrounding environment, and can make the Golden Gate Bridge in common fog appears more eye-catching. Due to its unique structure and unique appearance, it has been widely regarded as a model of beauty by the international bridge engineering community, and has been recognized as one of the modern wonders of the world by the American Society of building engineers. It is also one of the world's most photogenic bridge.Golden Gate Bridge maintenance work,To the continuous paint is one of the contents.Golden Gate Bridge maintenance work also includes strengthening work continuously, the occurrence of Loma Prieta earthquake at the end of 1989, the vulnerability of Golden Gate Bridge experts hired a detailed assessment of the authorities, and to develop a reinforcement plan, the implementation of three projects, second projects have been completed in 2006 in reinforcement.Suicide netGolden Gate Bridge is not the longest suspension bridge in the world, but the Golden Gate Bridge because of its magnificent magnificent shape and has been known to the world. But another reason for the bridge's fame is the name of its "suicide Mecca". According to statistics, since the bridge has been completed, a total of more than 1200 people from the bridge and jumped, farewellGolden Gate BridgeIn the world.Since the distance between the bridge and the sea is 60 meters long, and with the great impact of falling people, the suicide has no possibility of survival. Last year alone, 39 people jumped here, killing 19 people in 2008. The high number of suicides has caused a headache for the related departments inSan Francisco. In fact, as early as 1970s, it was suggested that special facilities should be installed on the bridge to stop people from jumping bridges. The local bridge administration voted in October 10, 2008 to install a stainless steel mesh across the bridge, so that the entire bridge would be "net" and the suicide would not fall directly into the sea.The project costs about $4 million to $5 million. The local environmental protection department will conduct a further review of the project to ensure that it does not damage the environment and does not affect the beauty of the Golden Gate Bridge. Although the original intention of the fence was good, the plan still raised some objections. Critics point out, and on the bridge to splurge, rather than use the money to help people overcome mental illness to commit suicide, improve their mental health level, in order to fundamentally solve the problem. [2]5 architectural aestheticsGolden Gate Bridge bridge international orange color, because the architect Erwin Moro think this color is and the surrounding environment, and can make the bridgeGolden Gate Bridge oneThe fog is more striking in the Golden Gate strait. Due to its unique structure and unique appearance, it is widely regarded as a model of beauty by the international bridge engineering community, and is one of the modern wonders of the world by the American Society of building engineers. It is also one of theworld's most photogenic bridge.Golden Gate Bridge bridge maintenance work, to continue to paint is one of the contents. Beginning in May 2011 for the first time the whole repainted, still use international orange. The project is expected to take four years to complete. This is the Golden Gate Bridge opened for the first time repainting in recent 75 years.Golden Gate Bridge maintenance work also includes strengthening work continuously, the occurrence of Loma Prieta earthquake at the end of 1989, the vulnerability of Golden Gate Bridge experts hired a detailed assessment of the authorities, and to develop a reinforcement plan, the implementation of three projects, second projects have been completed in 2006 in reinforcement. [3]6 suicideGolden Gate Bridge is one of the most famous suicide sites in the world, and there are no official statistics when the number of suicides in Golden Gate Bridge reached 1000 in 1993. It is estimated that in 2008 it has reached more than 1300 people. In the 5 years prior to 2005, one person on average jumped off the bridge every two weeks. After jumping for 4 seconds from the 67 meter high bridge deck, the suicide would land at 120 kilometers per hour. As of 2003, a total of 26 attempted suicide. In March 11, 2005, Golden Gate Bridge management decided to invest $2 million to study the feasibility of installing guardrail. But because of the recession, the plan has been delayed. [3]7 maintenance workGolden Gate Bridge maintenance, including toll collection, maintenance and painting, wire rope, etc.. Which paint is one of continuous bridgegolden gate bridgeItem content. The painter must paint in the mobile scaffolding, with pressure cleaning, and then on the three layer of paint, another colleague tied to the cables attached to the web, do paint inspection work.Golden Gate Bridge maintenance work also includes strengthening work continuously, the occurrence of Loma Prieta earthquake at the end of 1989, the vulnerability of Golden Gate Bridge were evaluated in detail, and the development of the reinforcement plan, the implementation of three projects, second projects have been completed in 2006 in reinforcement.Golden Gate Bridge has beauty and problems. Famous Golden Gate Bridge in heavy fog, but fog and rain is the biggest enemy of steel structure, serious rust, all five hundred sub time suspension cables are updated. Seventy years, there are three times because the wind is too large, "wind" lock bridge.8 Traffic EnvironmentaviationAlmost all major cities in the world have flights to San Francisco, and the air traffic is comparatively convenient. The price of the ticket can be decided by the date of purchase. It is the most expensive to buy in advance, and the ticket price is the most expensive on that day.RailwayIn the United States, there are many railway lines leading to San Francisco,And American Railroads offer discountsGolden Gate Bridge at nightThe packages are available, this package can be used without limit within the prescribed period of time and place, are divided into general, general, east west line and West Coast general general. On the way to the United States since March for tourists to buy such a package in the United States domestic travel is more cost-effective. This package can be handled in the United States before the passport with the purchase. The package is the difference in the tourist season and theoff-season.HighwayIn the United States, highway traffic is very developed, the annual June to October there will be New York, San Francisco to Boston round-trip travel bus, take the tour bus in 14 days across the continent, about 5000 km trip, passengers can ridein the United States within the scope of the company within a certain period of time the coach (students and over 62 years old can enjoy discount), which is unique to America on a tour bus tour traffic throughout the United states. [4]。

工管一班 母华华
建筑简介 建筑概况 建筑历史 建筑美学
金门大桥于1933年动 工,1937年5月竣工 ,用了4年时间和10 万多吨钢材,耗资达 3550万美元。整个大 桥造型宏伟壮观、朴 素无华。桥身呈朱红 色,横卧于碧海白浪 之上,华灯初放,如 巨龙凌空,使旧金山 市的夜空景色更加壮 丽。
…金门大桥(the Golden Gate Bridge)的北端连
• 主要是电缆和电线 • 金门大桥(美国):连接旧金山和马林郡,桥身全长4200英尺,两支主要 的电缆承载了八万英里长的电线。
1579年英国探险家FrancisDrake发现了连结太平洋和旧金山的一个海峡 ,这就是后来的金门。尽管这个名字在1849年的淘金潮以前早就使用, 但淘金潮使得金门(进入北California的入口)成了加利福尼亚神秘魅力 不可缺少的一部分。早在1872年就讨论过要在金门海峡修建一座大桥的 想法,但是直到1937年才在海峡上修了一座悬索桥。金门大桥横跨南北 ,将旧金山市与Marin县连结起来。花费四年多时间修建的这座桥是世界 上最漂亮的结构之一。它已不是世界上最长的悬索桥,但它却是最著名 的。金门大桥的巨大桥塔高227米,每根钢 美国金门大桥 索重6412公吨,由27000根钢丝绞成。1933年1月始建,1937年5月首次 索重 公吨,由 根钢丝绞成。 年 月始建, 年 月首次 建成通车。 金门大桥的最初的构想来源于桥梁工程师约瑟夫·斯特劳 斯。斯特劳斯在此前设计了400多座内陆的小型桥梁。他花了10多年时 间游说北加州的居民。这座桥的其他主要设计者包括决定其艺术造型和 颜色的艾尔文·莫罗、合作进行复杂的数学推算的工程师查尔斯·埃里斯、 桥梁设计师里昂·莫伊塞弗。 大桥于1933年1月5日开始施工,1937 年4月完工,同年5月27日对外开放予行人。斯特劳斯在南桥墩浇筑混凝 土之前放入了一块取自他的母校俄亥俄州辛辛那提大学的砖头。翌日, 随着罗斯福总统在华盛顿按下一个电钮,该大桥正式对外开放予汽车使 用。 旧金山地区的选民们以自己的住宅、农场和公司为抵押,发行 了最初的3500万美元的工程债券。1977年,最后一笔债券被付清,其中 3500万美元的本金和3900万美元的利息全来自过桥费的收入。
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its majestic sweep, attracting countless visitors.
it the name of a new frightening - the bridge of more than 50 years, jump into the sea from the
Introduction to the bridge
The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the world famous Bridge, known as the modern Bridge engineering of a miracle.
金门大桥(连接加利福尼亚州和圣弗朗西斯科半岛的桥) 金门大 桥是世界著名大桥之一,被誉为近代桥梁工程的一项奇迹。
大桥的设计者是工程师约瑟夫· 斯特劳斯,人 们为纪念他对美国作出的贡献,把他的全身 铜像安放在桥畔。铜像形象生动,神情自若。
Introduction to the bridge
in May 1937, it took more than four years, and 100000 tons of steel, at a cost of $35.5 million. The whole
险家弗朗西斯· 德雷克发现,并由他命名。
Introduction to the bridge
The golden gate bridge from extending out part on both ends of the steel tower, total length of 2000 meters, to that end, respectively, two auxiliary steel tower built on two sides make bridge more spectacular. Bridge bridge 27.4 meters wide, there are six roadways and two spacious sidewalks. 金门大桥包括从钢塔两端延伸出去的部分, 全长达2000米,为此,又分别在两侧修建 了两座辅助钢塔,使桥形更加壮观。大桥 的桥面宽27.4米,有6条车行道和两条宽敞 的人行道。
Introduction to the bridge
Bridge designers is an engineer Joseph strauss, people in honor of his contributions to the United States of America, laid his body statue bridge. Bronze statues vivid, poised.
of the San Francisco bay, on both sides of the
steep, channel depth, for the 1579 British
explorer Francis drake found, and by his name.
大桥雄峙于美国加利福尼亚州宽1900多米的金门海峡之上。金门海 峡为旧金山海湾入口处,两岸陡峻,航道水深,为1579年英国探
golden gate bridge of suicide has more than one thousand people.
death. It is said that since the bridge was built
lying on the blue sea, white, the lights are lit, such a
more magnificent.
金门大桥于1933年动工,1937年5月竣工,用了4年时间和10万多吨钢材, 耗资达3550万美元。整个大桥造型宏伟壮观、朴素无华。桥身呈朱红色,横卧
Introduction to the bridge
The bridge more than in the United States,
California, more than 1900 meters wide of the golden gate strait. Golden gate at the entrance
Introduction to the bridge
The golden gate bri Nhomakorabeage is a symbol of San Francisco,
The famous bridge, however, people today and give
The golden gate bridge construction in 1933, completed
bridge model is magnificent, austere. Bridge is scarlet,
the dragon volley, the city of San Francisco sky view