

radar 波长

radar 波长





1. 雷达波长和频率的关系:•波长(λ)和频率(f)关系:波速(c)等于波长和频率的乘积,即c = λf。



•公式:波长(λ) = 波速(c)/ 频率(f)2. 应用频段和波长范围:•毫米波雷达(mmWave Radar):工作在毫米波频段,波长在1毫米到10毫米之间。


•厘米波雷达(cmWave Radar):工作在厘米波频段,波长在1厘米到10厘米之间。


•米波雷达(mWave Radar):工作在米波频段,波长在1米到10米之间。


3. 波长选择的考虑因素:•大气传播:不同频段的电磁波在大气中的传播受到不同的影响。





4. 实际应用:•气象雷达:使用厘米波和毫米波进行大气观测和天气预测。






























古野 雷达 单词简单翻译

古野 雷达 单词简单翻译

古野雷达单词简单翻译关闭HL OFF数字键1 按住可使船首线暂时消失PANEL BRILL数字键2 调整面板亮度MODE数字键3 调整雷达显示模式1.HEAD UP RM 首向上相对运动模式2.HEAD UP TB RM 首向上真方位相对运动3.COURSE UP RM首向上相对运动4.NORTH UP RM北向上相对运动5.NORTH UP TM 北向上真运动OFF CENTER数字键4 偏心VECTOR数字键5 矢量模式REL VECTOR 相对运动矢量TRUE VECTOR真运动矢量LOST TARGET数字键6 消除丢失物标的报警声、擦去丢失物标的标记EBL OFFSET数字键7 激活和消除电子方位线偏心CHART ALIGN数字键8 海图校对MARK数字键9 输入和擦去标识ACQ 捕捉物标TARGET DATA 物标数据TARGRT CANCEL 物标数据消除RADAR MENU 雷达菜单FUNCTIONS11.TARGET TRAILS 物标试运动尾迹2.TARGET ALARM 物标报警3.ORIGIN MARK 初始标记4.INDEX LINE 助航方位线5.ZOOM 放大6.PULSE WIDTH 脉冲宽度7.INT REJECT 抗同频干扰8.ARPA ARPA功能9.VIDEO PLOT 视觉标绘0.FUNCTION2 功能表2FUNCTIONS2 按0键进入1. FUNCIONS1 按此键返回上级菜单2. BKGD COLOR 背景颜色BLK(GRN CHAR)/数据显示绿色BLK(RED CHAR)/数据显示红色BLU(ECHO APEA)/回波显示蓝色BLU/ 浅蓝色BRT BLU 深蓝色3.ECHO STRECH 回波延伸 OFF/1/2/3 关/1/2/34.ECHO AVERAGE 回波平均 OFF/1/2/3 关/1/2/35.ECHO COLOR 回波颜色 YEL/GRN/COLOR 黄色/绿色/颜色6.SHIP SPEED 船速 LOG/NAV/MAN 计程仪/航行/人工输入7.SET,DRIFT 流向,流速OFF/MAN 关/人工输入8.INDEX LINE 助航方位线9.BRILLIANCE1 亮度调整按此键进入BRILLIANCE(1) 亮度调整菜单11.FUNCTIONS(2) 按此键返回上级菜单2.RINGS BRILL OFF/DIM/M1/M2/BRT 距标圈亮度关/暗/中1/中2/亮3.EBL BRILL DIM/M1/M2/BRT 电子方位线亮度暗/中1/中2/亮4.VRM BRILL DIM/M1/M2/BRT 活动距标圈亮度暗/中1/中2/亮5.+CURSOR BRILL OFF/DIM/M1/M2/BRT 游标亮度关/暗/中1/中2/亮6.CHAR BRILL DIM/M1/M2/BRT 荧光屏亮度暗/中1/中2/亮7.MARK BRILL DIM/M1/M2/BRT 标识亮度暗/中1/中2/亮8.TRAIL BRILL DIM/M1/M2/BRT 物标试运动尾迹亮度暗/中1/中2/亮9.HL BRILL DIM/M/BRT 船首线亮度暗/中/亮0.BRILLIANCE(2) 按0键进入亮度调整菜单2BRILLIANCE(2)1.BRILLIANCE(1) 按此键返回亮度调整菜单12.PLOT BRILL OFF/DIM/M1/M2/BRT 标绘亮度关/暗/中1/中2/亮3.L/L GRID BRILL DIM/M1/M2/BRT 经纬度格子亮度暗/中1/中2/亮4.CHART BRILL DIM/M1/M2/BRT 海图亮度调整暗/中1/中2/亮5.SYMBOLS BRILL DIM/M1/M2/BRT 符号亮度暗/中1/中2/亮0.FUNCTIONS3 功能菜单3按0键进入下一级菜单1.FUNCTIONS3 按此键返回上级菜单2.RADAR1 雷达菜单1按2键进入雷达菜单11.FUNCTIONS(3) 按此键返回功能菜单32.EBL1* REL/TRUE 电子方位线1 相对/真3.EBL2* REL/TRUE 电子方位线2 相对/真4.VRM1*1 NM/KM 活动距标圈1 海里/公里5. VRM2*1 NM/KM 活动距标圈2 海里/公里6.TRAIL REL/TURE 尾迹相对/真7.TRAIL GRAD SGL/MULT8.PULSE WD 1 脉冲宽度19.PULSE WD2 脉冲宽度20.RADAR2 按此键进入雷达菜单21.RADAR1 按此键返回上级菜单2.+CURSOR REL/TURE 游标相对/真3.NOISE REJECT OFF/ON 噪音抑制关/开4.STERN MK OFF/ON 船后线关/开5.SHIPS MK OFF/ON 船关/开6.ALARM IN/OUT 报警进/出7.8.AUDIO ALARM OFF/L/M/H 听觉报警关/底/中/高9.2ND ECHO OFF/ON0.RADAR 3 按此键进入雷达3菜单1.RADAR 2 按此键返回上级菜单2.3.4.5.ORIGIN MK DISP ON/SYMBOL6.ORIGIN MK STAB GND/SEA7.ANTENNA REVOLUTION LOW/HIGH 天线转速底/高8.RADAR NO 1/2 雷达号码 1/29.TUNE MAN/AUTO 调谐手动/自动0.TUNE INITIALIZE 调谐初始化3.FUNCTION KEY1 功能键14.FUNCTION KEY2 功能键25.FUNCTION KEY3 功能键36. FUNCTION KEY4 功能键47.RAADAR 1/2 雷达1/27.INTER SWITCH 内部转换*(雷达上无此功能键)8.9.GYRO SETTING 电罗经航向设置EBL=×××。



2012秋 北京
Radarsat-1 数据处理方法
2012秋 北京
Radarsat-1 数据处理方法
2012秋 北京
其他模式 双站SAR
Radarsat-1 数据处理方法
2012秋 北京
sr (τ ,η ) = σ 0 ⋅ wa [η − ηc ] ⋅ exp{− j 4π f 0 R(η ) / c} ×
wr [τ − 2 R(η ) / c ] ⋅ exp{ jπ K r [τ − 2 R (η ) / c ] }
S rd ≈ wr (τ −
2 Rrd ( fη )
)Wa ( fη − fη c ) exp{ jθ rd }
Rrd ( fη ) ≈ R0 +
λ 2 R0
Radarsat-1 数据处理方法
2012秋 北京
——Chirp Scaling 算法
林 赟 中国科学院电子学研究所 微波成像技术国家级重点实验室
Radarsat-1 数据处理方法
2012秋 北京
SAR成像基本原理 Chirp Scaling 线性变标基本原理 RCM的精确表达 变标方程推导 CS处理细节 仿真 星载SAR数据处理 成像几何 多普勒中心 Radarsat-1数据处理方法




它是由英文Radio Detection and Ranging(无线电探测和测距)缩写而来。




























fps_max X 设定游戏输出给显示卡的最大fps数,一般设定为60, 75, 85, 101,推荐:PASS
hud_centerid [0,1] 设定为1时,玩家ID会出现在萤幕的正中央,否则会出现在左下角。推荐:1
hud_fastswitch [0,1] 快速换武器,设定为1时按数字键直接换武器,不用再按鼠标左键 推荐:1
m_pitch X 设定鼠标上下移位的加速度,预设值是 0.022 pass
net_graph [0,1,2,3] 打开测FPS与连线速度数据的工具,开起此项功能多少会减少fps 推荐:0
net_graphpos [1,2,3] 设定FPS测量工具的显示位置 推荐:PASS
brightness 亮度(预设1最大3.5) 推荐:3.5
b*volume 背景音效音乐之音量大小
cl_headname 在队友头部显示名称 推荐:随意设置这个在个人设置里也有
cl_oldbuy 设定为1时,使用旧购买选单。设定为0时,使用VGUI菜单。 推荐:PASS个人爱好
max_shells X 子弹的最大显示数量(太多会lag...) X=0~500,预设值是300 推荐:PASS
max_smokepuffs X 烟雾弹的最大显示数量,X=0~500,预设值是120 推荐:PASS
m_yaw X 设定鼠标左右移位的加速度,预设值是 0.022 pass

















RADARSAT-1 Standard Beam Complex-Format DataNote: 07/15/99.This document was written prior to the availability of full scene complex data and the descriptions have not been updated. Full -scene data is now available as an order processing option. It is planned that sub-scene data will not be supported after Dec 31st , 1999.Summary:This data set is derived from the Alaska SAR Facility's archive of RADARSAT-1 Standard Beam SAR data. These data have been archived since shortly after the RADARSAT-1 launch in November 1995, with regular archiving starting in June 1996 after the commissioning phase was completed. The data represent how strongly the Earth's surface backscattered C-Band (5.66 cm wavelength) radar signals. (See the SAR FAQ for more details). The term 'complex' implies that the data have been left in complex-format, i.e. the In-phase/cosine and Quadrature/sine signal components have been processed separately. This maintains the return signal's phase as arctan(Q/I), information especially relevant for interferometric applications.See the Complex-Format SAR Data Example for more details.The RADARSAT-1 SAR instrument has seven standard beams with incidence anglesranging from 19 to 49 degrees, each with a ground swath near 100 km. Due in part to the large size of these complex-format data, ASF currently provides the products in ~40 km x 50 km subscenes. Each product is approximately 80 MB in size and has pixel spacing near 20 m in range and 5 m in azimuth (approximately 25 m x 7.5 m resolution). These pixel spacings represent approximate ground range distances; the complex data are actually provided in their natural spacing - exact units of 6.25 m in slant range. ASF will be providing full 100 km by 100 km complex-format data early in 1997. These full-swath products will be between 400 and 500 MB each. See the RADARSAT Complex-Format Product Parameters table for more details. The complex data products are available via 4-mm and 8-mm, and DLT tapes.Most of these data cover ASF's station mask, approximated by a circle with radius 3000 km centered at Fairbanks, Alaska. Through ASF, approved U.S. RADARSAT-1 SARresearchers may obtain RADARSAT-1 data obtained by other ground stations and have that data processed at ASF as well. RADARSAT-1 carries two tape recorders, each capable of recording 10 minutes of SAR data, so ASF also archives a significant amount of recorded out-of-mask data. The RADARSAT-1 Antarctic Mapping Mission data represent one such example. In Antarctic mode, the RADARSAT-1 satellite will actually be rotated such that the SAR will be left-looking. RADARSAT-1 will then record SAR data over the Antarcticcontinent and downlink that data to ASF for processing and storage. The entire Antarctic continent will be mapped, once during March 1997 and again a few years later.Note that the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) holds copyrights over all RADARSAT-1 SAR data. NASA/NOAA-approved SAR researchers (generally NASA's ADRO investigators and the National Ice Center) are the primary people who obtain these data directly from ASF, as per agreements between NASA/NOAA and CSA. U.S. government requests beyond the 15%U.S. allocation should obtain the RADARSAT-1 SAR data through Lockheed MartinAstronautics (1-303-971-8929). Commercial users may purchase the data directly through RADARSAT International (RSI, 1-604-244-0400). If you consider yourself a scientist interested in performing fundamental research with this data set but you are not involved in the ADRO project, please see the new user documentation or contact Alaska SAR Facility User Services (907-474-6166, uso@) for information regarding data access.Table of Contents:· 1 Data Set Overview· 2 Investigator(s)· 3 Theory of Measurements· 4 Equipment· 5 Data Acquisition Methods· 6 Observations·7 Data Description·8 Data Organization·9 Data Manipulations·10 Errors·11 Notes·12 Application of the Data Set·13 Future Modifications and Plans·14 Software·15 Data Access·16 Output Products and Availability·17 References·18 Glossary of Terms·19 List of Acronyms·20 Document Information1. Data Set Overview:Data Set Identification:RADARSAT-1 Standard Beam Complex DataData Set Introduction:See the data set summary.Objective/Purpose:The main objective behind providing this data set is to support interferometric research.Please see the ASF-STEP documentation on INSAR Resources or JPL's tutorial oninterferometry.Some of NASA's stated RADARSAT-1 mission objectives include:1.Mapping the entire Antarctic ice sheetNASA scientists will use RADARSAT-1 data to compile, for the first time, a high-resolution map of all of Antarctica, a largely unexplored continent that is bigger thanthe continental United States. Repeated surveys should reveal changes in the ice sheetthat may ultimately lead to a rise in global sea levels. The first mapping is planned forMarch 1997.2.Monitoring sea-ice cover for climate research and navigation purposesThe regular coverage of far northern oceans will allow scientists to apply automatedtechniques for tracking ice floes, and will allow them to study the motion of iceacross the entire Arctic. Further analysis should reveal the rates at which Arctic seaice opens and closes, from which the science team can estimate the rates at whichnew ice forms and study the effects of ice cover on climate change. For example, seethe data products which will be produced by the RADARSAT-1 GeophysicalProcessor System.3.Identifying and mapping land cover and assessing how it changes over timeNASA will use RADARSAT-1 to study the Earth's forests. The data can be used toestimate the kinds of vegetation in a forest, the extent of flooding (which plays a rolein the exchange of chemicals between the forest and the atmosphere) and the amountof vegetation covering an area.Some of the CSA's stated mission objectives:1.To ensure data availability for environmental monitoring2.To create daily sea ice maps based on SAR data collected over the Arctic3.To collect SAR data over selected portions of the globe for the purpose of cropforecasting4.To obtain periodic SAR data coverage of Antarctic sea ice distribution, subject toreceiving station or tape recorder availability5.To collect a global set of stereographic SAR images for mapping6.To obtain the first comprehensive map of the Antarctic continental ice sheet based onSAR images7.To collect site and time specific SAR data in support of approved research studies orapplication demonstrations sponsored either individually or jointly by the partiesinvolved8.To collect site and time specific SAR data for experiments sponsored by the partiesthrough an EAO9.To collect and make available global data to any persons, on a non-discriminatorybasis10.To develop applications of SAR data in a pre-operational environment11.To promote globally the utilization of RADARSAT-1 SAR data and data productsand related information of the Earth's surface in such areas as:·Global ice reconnaissance·Ocean monitoring·Monitoring of renewable and non-renewable land resources·Monitoring of the natural environment·The protection of human life and property from natural disasters12.To contribute to the overall development of a national and international commerciallyviable remote sensing industry13.To contribute to the maintenance and improvement of the Canadian industry'scapability and its high quality profile in the field of remote sensingSummary of Parameters:The phenomena being studied are ground objects' radar backscattering properties.Specifically, these data provide insight into how C-band radar interacts with objects on Earth.The primary variables determining how the radar is backscattered include: the surface'sroughness, the surface material's dielectric properties, and the geometry between thespacecraft and target. For more details, see the SAR FAQ or the SAR Theory/ImageInterpretation document.The complex-format data not only provide information on a target's radar backscatteringproperties (return signal amplitude = sqrt(I^2 + Q^2)), they also record at what phase atarget's backscattered pulse was received (arctan(Q/I)). The phase depends upon the time ittook for the pulse to travel to and from the target, which in turn depends upon the distancebetween satellite and target. If a target is repeatedly imaged from the same location, its return should always arrive at the same phase (the distance and therefore travel time has notchanged). When a target moves, however, the distance to it and therefore the phase of itsbackscattered signal will be altered. By analyzing phase changes between image takes,researchers can monitor targets' motion.Discussion:The complex-format data do not go through any pixel resampling or geometric corrections.The data are kept in slant range; the cross-track spacing is determined by travel time (when a backscattered radar signal arrived and was sensed by the receiver), not a specified distanceon the ground. The natural azimuth spacing, determined by the frequency betweentransmitted pulses, is 5 m compared to the cross-track ground spacing of 20 m. Therefore the data appear somewhat distorted and seem to have much noise known as speckle. To someSAR investigators these "errors" actually contain valuable information and should not be"corrected." If the data points were resampled to have constant ground spacing or if data(more precisely, "looks") were averaged to reduce speckle, resolution would be worsened.Please see the Complex-Format SAR Data Example for more information.Please see ASF-STEP's INSAR Resources for discussions regarding the interferometric applications of this data set.Related Data Sets:ASF provides the digitized backscatter signal (in complex format, representing the cosine/in-phase and sine/quadrature components of the composite return signal at specified timeintervals); SAR data processed but left in its complex data format (data left as in-phase and quadrature components to preserve the phase - especially helpful for interferometry); and the standard images for the ERS-1, ERS-2, and JERS-1 programs. The RADARSAT-1 Standard Beam SAR data will be processed into standard images as well as the complex-format data products. RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR Beam data will be processed into standard images, and geocoding and terrain-correction options will be available. RADARSAT-1 Wide andExtended Beam data will be processed into standard images and complex-format dataproducts. ASF also archives GPS (Geophysical Processing System) products which input SAR data. The GPS archive currently includes ice motion, ice classification, and ocean wave spectra products derived from ERS-1 SAR data. A new RADARSAT-1 GPS (RGPS) will again generate these and other derived products, beginning in 1997. The Geo-Data center, a joint project between ASF and the Geophysical Institute, holds many complementary data sets, each covering Alaska and nearby regions. Their data holdings include LANDSAT, NOAA/AVHRR, and AHAP images as well as USGS maps. A detailed listing of all ASF-related products is available.Though ASF is the only U.S. station downlinking the SAR data, other foreign stations also downlink SAR data of their areas. Many other SAR products, such as those from airborne or Shuttle SAR instruments, are also available. See ASF's list of other SAR data providers.Another good listing of SAR data providers is available from the JPL Radar ImagingHomepage.2. Investigator(s):Investigator(s) Name and Title:Under the aegis of CSA, Canada is responsible for the design and integration ofRADARSAT-1's overall system, for its control and operation in orbit, and for the operation of the data reception and processing stations located in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan and Gatineau, Quebec. NASA launched RADARSAT-1 in exchange for the right to access the satellite on a pro rata basis and is responsible for its data reception and processing station -the Alaska SAR Facilty in Fairbanks, Alaska.Title of Investigation:RADARSAT-1Contact Information:Please direct all queries to ASF User Services:Alaska SAR FacilityGeophysical InstituteUniversity of Alaska Fairbanks903 Koyukuk DriveFairbanks, AK USA 99775-7320Phone: (907) 474-6166FAX: (907) 474-2665E-Mail: uso@3. Theory of Measurements:The interactions between radar signals and ground surfaces depend upon many factorsincluding: the surface material's density and dielectric properties; surface roughness ascompared to the signal's wavelength; topographic variations, the effects of which are related to the SAR's look angle; vegetation cover; and the signal's polarization. Other signalcharacteristics which primarily impact the image products' resolution include: signalstrength; chirp pulse length and bandwidth; the return signal integration time; and the time between pulse transmissions. The time it takes for a transmitted signal to be backscattered to and then received by the satellite determines the distance (range) between the satellite and the sensed object. The complex signal structure permits the various backscattered returns to be discriminated from each other so a high level of range (x-direction) resolution can beachieved. Each location is pulsed many times while within the SAR's view, about 1000 times for ERS-1, and analysis of these slightly different (Doppler shifted) returns allows a fine azimuth resolution to be achieved. Sensing the object many times then synthesizes a multi-antenna array, or similarly a larger antenna. The synthesized antenna has aperture equal to the distance the satellite traveled while sensing a particular object.See the SAR FAQ or the SAR Theory/Image Interpretation Document for more information.A tutorial about interferometry is available on the JPL Imaging Radar Homepage, and ASF-STEP provides on-line INSAR Resources. You might also be interested in the ASF SAR Processing Algorithm Document.4. Equipment:Sensor/Instrument Description:Collection Environment:Polar-Orbiting, Sun-Synchronous SatelliteSource/Platform:RADARSAT-1 is an advanced Earth observation satellite project developed by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) to monitor environmental change and to support resourcesustainability. NASA launched RADARSAT-1 in exchange for access to the satellite on a pro rata basis through its Alaska SAR Facility (ASF). At the heart of RADARSAT-1 is an advanced radar sensor called Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). SAR is a microwaveinstrument which sends pulsed signals to the Earth and processes the received reflectedpulses. RADARSAT-1's SAR-based technology provides its own microwave illumination and thus will operate day or night, regardless of weather conditions. RADARSAT-1 was placed into a sun-synchronous polar orbit in order to provide global coverage. Research emphasis will be on the polar regions, though on-board tape recorders will allow imaging of any region. Data downlinked to the Canadian stations (Prince Albert, Saskatchewan and Gatineau, Quebec) will be made available through RADARSAT-1 International (RSI). Data downlinked to NASA's stations (McMurdo, Antarctica and ASF in Fairbanks, Alaska) will be made available through the Alaska SAR Facility.Some potential applications of RADARSAT-1's data include: sea-ice monitoring - daily ice charts; extensive cartography; flood mapping and disaster monitoring in general; glacier monitoring; forest cover mapping; oil spill detection; assessment of the likelihood of mineral, oil and gas deposits; urban planning; crop production forecasts; coastal surveillance(erosion); and surface deformation detection (seismology, volcanology). Some of the large RADARSAT-1 activities include: the Antarctic mapping project; "Arctic Snapshots"showing the complete Arctic ice extent at given times (4 snapshots every 24 days); aGeophysical Processor System (RGPS) to provide derived data sets such as sea ice motion products; and a global set of stereographic SAR images. RADARSAT-1 was launchedNovember 4, 1995 and has a design lifetime of 5.25 years.Source/Platform Mission Objectives:See Section 1.3, "Objective/Purpose"Key Variables:The backscattered radar return signal is separated into its reference (cosine) and quadrature (sine or 90 degrees shifted) components prior to sampling. The data is then downlinked and processed at the Alaska SAR Facility as complex numbers, the real part (I, in-phase) holding the signal's cosine component and the imaginary part (Q, quadrature or 90 degrees shifted) representing the signal's sine component. Each sample then describes a section of the return signal with amplitude equal to sqrt(I^2 + Q^2) and phase equal to atan(Q/I). Similarly, these complex data will maintain the I, Q format throughout processing to preserve the amplitude and phase of the backscattered pulses.Principles of Operation:The RADARSAT-1 SAR, by sending out rapid radar pulses while orbiting overhead, is able through signal processing to simulate a large multi-antenna array to achieve high image resolution. The antenna points to the side to enhance terrain variations and for technicalsignal processing reasons. Radar pulses are transmitted and the targets' radar backscatter received by the same antenna. The time it takes for a transmitted signal to be backscattered to and then received by the spacecraft determines the distance (range) between the spacecraft and the sensed object. The integrated return signal, composed of numerous individualbackscattered signals, is brought to a more managable frequency before it is compared to both a reference and a quadrature signal. The reference signal was also used in generating the transmitted pulse and is regulated by a stable oscillator. The quadrature signal is simply the reference shifted by 90 degrees. The results of these two comparisons are sampled and then downlinked (along with a host of engineering data) digitally as the return signal's cosine and sine components. The complex signal structure permits the various backscattered returns to be discriminated from each other so a high level of range (x-direction) resolution can be achieved. Each location is pulsed many times while within the SAR's view, and analysis of these slightly different (Doppler shifted) returns allows a fine azimuth resolution to beachieved.For more information on radar/ground interactions, see the SAR Theory/Image Interpretation Document, the ASF Scientific SAR User's Guide or the SAR FAQ. For information on how the downlinked data are processed at ASF, see the ASF SAR Processing AlgorithmDocument.Sensor/Instrument Measurement Geometry:RADARSAT-1's SAR instrument is a 15 m x 1.5 m rectangular antenna aligned with the satellite's flight path direction. The antenna is pointed to the side in order to view the ground obliquely. The antenna generally looks to the right (north) except during the Antarctic mode, where the satellite will be rotated such that the antenna will be left-looking. This SARinstrument has many different beam modes which allow it to image the Earth at a variety of incidence angles and swath widths. The radar's wavelength is 5.66 cm (C-Band), making it sensitive to surface variabilities of that size.Relevant documents include:·RADARSAT-1 Orbit Parameters·RADARSAT-1's Beams - Ground Geometry·RADARSAT-1's Beams - Signal ParametersOther relevant parameteters include:Frequency: 5.3 GHz (C-Band)Wavelength: 5.66 cmPolarization:HHRF Bandwidth:11.6, 17.3, or 30.0 MHzPulse Repitition Frequency:1200-1400 HzTransmitter Peak Power: 5 kWTransmitter Avg Power:300 WTape Recorders: 2 high speed(10 minutes capacity)Available SARUse per Orbit:28 minutesRadar Data Rate:77-105 MbpsTape Playback Data Rate:85 MbpsSample Word Size: 4 bits each I and QRange ChirpChirp Type:Linear FM down chirpChirp Rate/Transmit BW/Sampling Rate:-279.300 KHz/u-sec / 11.731 MHz / 12.927 MHz-416.200 KHz/u-sec / 17.480 MHz / 18.467 MHz-721.400 KHz/u-sec / 30.299 MHz / 32.317 MHz Resolution Bandwidth:11.583 MHz / 17.282 MHz / 30.002 MHz Transmit Pulse Width:42.0 u-secManufacturer of Sensor/Instrument:Industrial partners in this mission include:·Spar Aerospace (Montreal)- Primary Contractor·Ball Aerospace, Space Systems Division- Spacecraft Bus·McDonnell-Douglas- Launch Vehicle (Delta II-7920)·MacDonald Dettwiler & Associates/SED/BALL- Mission Control System·CAL Corporation- SAR Antenna·COMDEV- Low Power Transmitter, Receiver, Calibration Subsystems and Phase Shifters ·DORNIER- High Power Microwave Circuit·ODETICS- High Data Rate Tape Recordersalong with Astro Aerospace, First Mark Technologies, Fleet Industries, IMP, MPBTechnologies, Prior Data Sciences, SED Systems, SAFT, FIAR, Loral, GORE, TST, COI, Gulton INP, Barnes, South West Research, Allied Signal, Adcole, SEAKR Schoeastedt, FRE Composites, and British Aerospace.Calibration:Specifications:ASF has placed many corner reflectors at strategic locations and orientations around itsstation mask. ASF employees regularly check these reflectors to obtain precise orientation information. With the knowledge of the reflectors' characteristics and the state of thespacecraft/SAR when an image of the reflector was taken, each reflector's signal response can be predicted. These predictions are compared against the measured signal responses to determine the products' radiometric accuracy. The corner reflectors' known positions are compared against the SAR processor's position estimates to determine the products'geometric accuracy.Tolerance:The radiometric and geolocation accuracy of these products has yet to be determined. It is estimated that the values will be close to those for ERS-1 SAR products: +/- 1.0 dB relative and +/- 2.0 dB absolute radiometric accuracy, and +/- 500 m geolocation accuracy.Frequency of Calibration:ASF calibrations are performed as often as the orbit and acquisition schedules allow. Images are checked for miscalibration every two weeks at least, while the corner reflectors'characteristics are re-measured depending on their distance from ASF. The corner reflectors centered around Delta are checked at least monthly, but due to the remote location and harsh winter conditions of the reflectors up in the Brooks Range, they are only checked about oncea year. The Brooks Range reflectors are only utilized soon after they have been checked.Other Calibration Information:The final result of these calibration procedures is a function giving the correction to pixel intensity as a function of range (cross track pixel number). This radiometric correction vector is applied to the data during processing and included in each product's metadata.See ASF's Calibration Homepage for more information.5. Data Acquisition Methods:The RADARSAT-1 SAR emits a radar pulse known as a chirp. The pulse has a basefrequency of 5.3 GHz and decreases in frequency during the 42.0 microsecond pulseduration. That pulse illuminates an area on the ground (called its "footprint"); in this case the swath width is near 100 km. The radar pulse is backscattered from objects within thatfootprint as outlined in the SAR Theory/Image Interpretation Document. The RADARSAT-1 SAR antenna then monitors the backscattered returns, and the resulting composite signal is down converted to a more convenient frequency and compared to both the reference (cosine function used to generate the pulse and made reliable by a high quality stable oscillator) and quadrature (90 degrees shifted reference function, or sine function) functions. The results of these two comparisons (i.e. the backscattered pulses' cosine and sine components) aredigitized and downlinked as I (in-phase) and Q (quadrature) samples of the received radar return signal, along with a host of other engineering data.The Alaska SAR Facility receives this bit stream (at 105 Mbit/sec for real-time data or 85 Mbit/sec for recorded data) while the RADARSAT-1 satellite is within its station mask. The particular downlink times are dictated by the RADARSAT-1 orbit, requests for particular regional coverage, possible conflicts with other satellite passes, etc. ASF processes the data as outlined in the ASF SAR Processing Algorithm Document.Approved users may request satellite data acquisitions through an ASF Web-based utility and may order the processed data through NASA's Information Management System. U.S.government requests beyond the RADARSAT-1 allocation should obtain the data through Lockheed Martin Astronautics (1-303-971-8929). Commercial users may orderRADARSAT-1 data through RADARSAT International (RSI, 1-604-244-0400). Contact ASF User Services at 907-474-6166 or uso@ for more information. 6. Observations:Data Notes:The RADARSAT-1 SAR commissioning ended in early June 1996. ASF calibration of the various beams and validation of data products will likely continue through December 1996.The quality of these data is highly dependent upon precise satellite attitude information. Field Notes:The ASF SAR Research Bibliography references many ground truth studies and provides some abstracts and images as well as topical summaries of significant results.7. Data Description:Spatial Characteristics:Spatial Coverage:Each complex subscene covers approximately 40 km by 50 km. In early 1997, full 100 km x 100 km swath complex data products will also be available. (See the RADARSAT Complex-Format Product Parameters table for more details.) The region for which the Alaska SAR Facility can downlink RADARSAT-1 SAR data are approximately a circle of radius 3000 km centered at Fairbanks, Alaska. Through ASF, approved U.S. RADARSAT-1 SARresearchers may obtain RADARSAT-1 data obtained by other ground stations and have that data processed at ASF as well. ASF can also downlink tape-recorded RADARSAT-1 SAR data of other regions, one notable example being data obtained for the RADARSATAntarctic Mapping Project (RAMP).Spatial Coverage Map:An approximate map of ASF's station mask is available.Spatial Resolution:These products have approximate ground-range pixel spacing as follows: 20 m in range, 5 m in azimuth. This corresponds to 25 m x 1.5 m resolution. The data are precisely spaced every6.25 m in slant range.See the RADARSAT Complex-Format Product Parameters table for details on each of the seven standard beams.Projection:The data are left in their natural slant range.The data are corrected to an ellipsoidal surface, but suface elevation or departures of the true geoid from the ellipsoid are not taken into account for these products. The ASF STEPprogram has written software to provide for other projections, however.Grid Description:The ellipsoidal surface used in data correction is the GEM06 (Goddard Earth Model - 6). It assumes an equatorial radius of 6378.144 km and a polar radius of 6356.755 km. Temporal Characteristics:Temporal Coverage:The RADARSAT-1 Standard Beam data have been archived since shortly after the satellite's launch in November 1995; reliable (post-commissioning) data coverage began in June 1996.Each subscene represents approximately 7 seconds of data acqusition; a full 100 km x 100 km product represents near 15 seconds of data acquisition.Temporal Coverage Map:Not available.Temporal Resolution:The RADARSAT-1 satellite's orbit repeats every 24 days, but repeat coverage can be more frequent depending upon a site's location.。

雷达测速是什么 情圣一号V1金刚侠电子狗解读

雷达测速是什么 情圣一号V1金刚侠电子狗解读

雷达测速简介雷达测速主要是利用多普勒效应(Doppler Effect)原理和情圣一号V1智能测速预警系统:当目标向雷达天线靠近时,反射信号频率将高于发射机频率;反之,当目标远离天线而去时,反射信号频率将低于发射机频率。










雷达为英文Radar一字之译音,该字系由Radio Detection And Ranging一语中诸字前缀缩写而成,为无线电探向与测距之意。






人机交互 控制机
计算系统调 制函数 Q路
雷达发射 信号
I路 卷积
一、雷达原理简述 二、雷达目标模拟器模拟信号形式 三、雷达模拟器的实现技术 四、SAR雷达目标模拟器回波信号举例
“无线电探测与测距” “无线电探测、定位、测轨和识别”
r c
早期雷达: 脉冲信号
现代雷达: LFM
时宽 带宽
发射功率 距离分辨率
c 2B
s(t) a(t) exp[ j(2fct K rt 2 )]
高鑫 2010-1-15
一、雷达原理简述 二、雷达目标模拟器模拟信号形式 三、雷达模拟器的实现技术 四、SAR雷达目标模拟器回波信号举例
雷达: 利用目标对电磁波的反射(或称为二次散射)现 象来发现目标并测定其位置的装置。 ——发射信号
——散射 ——接收目标散射回波
人机交互 计算机软件 硬盘 高速总线 D/A+LPF 上变频
3.微机+模拟器DSP组合 数字信号处理(DSP)芯片由于具有特殊的结构、高效的计算能力 已经在雷达领域得到广泛的应用。绝大部分雷达信号模拟器采 用“微机+模拟器DSP组合”方案,信号模拟过程分为数据库产 生、数据传输、数据实时再处理以及数据输出。

雷达系统2018_脉冲多普勒雷达 (1)

雷达系统2018_脉冲多普勒雷达 (1)

f MB f d (0 )
2v R

cos 0
主瓣杂波最大展宽多普勒频率 B B 2v R f MB f d (0 ) f d (0 ) B sin 0 2 2
载机的高度 地物反射特性 载机速度 天线参数
f c max
B sin 0 1.68kHz 2v R 45kHz
2v R
1o 0.0175 rad
f r 2kHz 时 ① 当低PRF,
f r fc max 45kHz
目标信号 f d 落入多次重叠杂波谱中,造成检测难, f dT 检测产生模糊,即测速模糊
MPRF的杂波谱,无距离模 糊
• 问题
机载PD雷达下视时,不是采用HPRF,就是采用MPRF,两 者均会出现距离模糊。采用MPRF时,还会出现速度模糊

如 ������������ = ������������������������������, ������������ = ������������������������������,则最大公约频率 ������������ = ������������������������ ,最大不模糊距离 ������������ = ������������������ → ������������������������������ 。


• Remote Sensing And Image Interpretation (5th ed.), Thomas M. Lillesand, Ralph W. Kiefer, Jonathan W. Chipman, John Wiley&Sons, Inc
• 雷达对地观察理论与应用,郭华东等,科学出版社 • 雷达干涉测量,廖明生,林珲,测绘出版社
– components, radar image geometry, & system parameters (wavelength, polarization, & incidence angle)
• Radar return signatures from terrain • Real aperture radar and synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
along track or flight direction
Ra = GR ⋅ β 0.7Sλ = D
S – slant range D – dimension of antenna λ – wavelength
Real or synthetic aperture radar
• Differ primarily in the method used to achieve resolution in the azimuth direction
Radar imaging geometry
Nomenclature for imaging radar geometry
Spatial resolution: range
in the radar look direction


1886-1888 Hertz(Germany): 实现了电磁波振荡,发射,接收。 • 1914 (American): 回声探测器-雷达的初始模型。 • Marconi(Italy): 提出一个可实践的雷达系统。 • 1930 Blair: 脉冲回波测量(距离,方向)系统,基本雷达. • RCA Co.(American): 发明了机载雷达。 • (America): “New York” 巡洋舰首先安装舰载雷达。 • After WWII 成为了发展快速的导航仪器。 • 中国:主要从发达国家引进技术。 • 现 代 雷 达 /ARPA: 具 有 计 算 机 , 构 成 组 合 导 航 integrated navigation system(Loran, GPS, ECDIS), 及自动船 桥系统 Automatic bridge navigation system.
C A’ B 岛屿 C’
(a) 侧视图
(b ) 俯视图
扫描 方向
扫描线 扫描原点 O (本船) 实际距离 探测距离 (c) 雷达图像 A
• 2.径向扩展 • 发射脉冲宽度τ、接收机通频带宽度△f以
及荧光屏光点直径d会使物标回波在半径 方向上产生扩展。现以点物标为例进行 说明。 • 宽度为τ的发射脉冲打到点物标时,显然 ,回波的宽度也为τ。宽度为r的回波脉冲 通过接收机放大时,会使回波宽度失真 变形,增加约1/△f的宽度,这样,一 个点物标的回波宽度变成C(τ+1/△f)/2 。
两侧较暗。若扫描亮度、增益控钮稍些, 波的两侧边缘也会向中缩。 • 物标回波图像的横向缩小可提高雷达的 方位分辨率,但可能丢尖物标的真正边 缘.造成雷达测方位的误差。

radar 规则

radar 规则

radar 规则




















1. racecar - 赛车
2. level - 水平
3. madam - 女士
4. radar - 雷达
5. deified - 被奉为神的





- 1 -。



• Digital Pulse Compression (PC) • Moving Target Indication (MTI) • Moving Target Detection (MTD) • Pulse Doppler Processing (PD) [2] • Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) • Digital Beam-forming 3D • Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) • Step-Frequency Radar Processing • Wideband Receiving • Adaptive PAA
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实验1 ---图表和曲线属性 在数据集窗口,鼠标选中S1,点击右键,可以看到添加图表选项,并选择New Graph
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© 2014 Agilent Techno2lo6gies
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CS1.6弹道优化命令CS1.6弹道优化命令cl_rate 20000rate 25000cl_updaterate 101cl_cmdrate 101ex_interp 0.01//这个参数一般都放在userconfig.cfg中,所有的世界高手都是0.01以后出去打lan 只改这些就够了。

ex_interp 0.01 情况下压枪特好,一压就死,反而0.1 只在墙上描绘的弹道很集中,其实子弹很散。

fps_max 101cl_dynamiccrosshair 0//关闭武器动画,在行进中准星不变。

默认是1_cl_autowepswitch 1//是否自动捡枪brightness "5"//明亮些,默认是1s_eax "1"//打开声卡的EAX,方位感更好,默认是0m_filter "0"//“关闭鼠标平滑”,感觉定位更准,KING在CCSK上也是这么说,默认是1cl_righthand "0" // 玩家持枪0左手,1右手cl_bob "0" // 奔跑时手臂摆动的幅度cl_bobup "0" // 奔跑时手臂摆动的范围cl_solid_players "1" // 固定玩家模型cl_weather "0" // 关闭天气(如:de_aztec)cl_cmdbackup "2" // 20-ping调2,30-ping调3...r_waterwarp "0" // 关闭天气在水面上的反应gl_spriteblend "1" // 加大血迹.准星显示(0开1关)cl_lw "1" // BUG->设"0"会变成用刀是另外一只手,有无武器的动画,最好设1_cl_autowepswitch "0" // 自动切换到拣起的更好的武器cl_crosshair_size "medium" // 准星大小,自动=auto,大=large,中=medium,小=smallcl_crosshair_translucent "0" // 透明准星cl_crosshair_color "255 255 0" // 准星颜色cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" // 动态准星cl_logocolor "#Valve_Ltblue" // 喷图颜色cl_logofile "5HP005" // 喷图图案cl_radartype "1" // 实心雷达fps_max "101" // 游戏输给显卡的最大FPS数fps_modem "101" // 互联网游戏中的最大FPS值graphheight "30"net_graphpos "1" // \net_graphwidth "100" // \ FPSnet_graph "3" // / 显示位置net_scale "5" // /console "1"_snd_mixahead "0.1" // 左右声道混合度_windowed_mouse "0"ati_npatch "0"ati_subdiv "0"bgmvolume "1" // 播放CD音乐bottomcolor "6" // 设定玩家人物模型的底部颜色brightness "3" // 调节图像的亮度和对比度cl_highmodels "0" // 建模质量cl_allowdownload "1" // 允许下载cl_allowupload "1" // 允许上传cl_backspeed "400" // 后退的速度cl_career_difficulty "0"cl_corpsestay "140" // 尸体沉入地面前的时间cl_dlmax "128"cl_download_ingame "0" // 允许在游戏里下载其它玩家LOGO、贴图cl_forwardspeed "400" // 前进的速度cl_gaitestimation "1"cl_himodels "0" // 使用较底细节的人物皮肤,提高显示速度,0是预设值,如果你的机子好的话可以设成1cl_idealpitchscale "0.8"cl_lc "1" // 和cs的新的网络技术有关,最好设1cl_minmodels "1" // 是否减少人物模型以减少资源占用cl_nolerp "0"cl_nopred "0"cl_observercrosshair "1" // 观察员模式的时候是否要开起准星cl_pred_fraction "0.5"cl_pred_maxtime "255"cl_pitchspeed "225"cl_sidespeed "400"cl_shadows "0" // 关闭玩家阴影cl_showfps "0" // 是否在画面左上脚显示fps值cl_timeout "30" // 设定连接超时cl_vsmoothing "0.05" // 屏幕显示方面的预测crosshair "1" // 显示武器的准星d_spriteskip "0" // 关闭动态特效(.spr效果)developer "0" // 左上角显示console讯息fastsprites "0" // 烟雾细节gamma "3" // gamma亮度值gl_playermip "4" // 2混合玩家建模纹理*gl_picmip "0" // 1混合纹理*gl_wateramp "0" // 不显示水波gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" // 设置纹理模式gl_round_down "5" // 纹理降级等级固定(1-99越高质量越低)* gl_palette_tex "0" // 开关调色贴图值;材质,使纹理平滑gl_keeptjunctions "0" // 开关显示材质间的缝隙gl_cull "1" // 只渲染可见目标gl_dither "1" // 开关颜色抖动gl_flipmatrix "0" // 开关特殊的准星修正当适用3DNow和3D fx Mini OpenGL驱动时gl_fog "1"gl_monolights "0" // 开关统一光源(无阴影)OpenGL适用gl_overbright "0" // 开关最大亮度模式gl_polyoffset "0.1" // 设定多边形补偿gl_max_size "256" // "128"设定纹理大小*gl_affinemodels "0"gl_alphamin "0.25" // 设定最小alpha混合等级gl_clear "0" // 对画面上各个模型连接的部分的连贯渲染gl_flashblend "0"gl_lightholes "0" // 光洞效果开关gl_spriteblend "0"hisound "1" // 使用高品质音频hpk_maxsize "0.2" // hpk文件最大值hud_capturemouse "1" // 游戏图形菜单的选择是否用鼠标(建议使用)hud_centerid "1" // 玩家ID出现在屏幕的正中央hud_deathnotice_time "6"hud_draw "1" // AWP开镜后的黑框hud_fastswitch "1" // 按数字直接换武器不用再按鼠标hud_saytext_internal "1"hud_classautokill "1"hud_saytext_time "5"hud_takesshots "0" // 游戏结束时截取玩家成绩图像文件hud_saytext_time "5"joystick "0" // 关闭游戏操纵杆lookspring "0" // 自动回复视角到中心当mlook关闭时lookstrafe "0" // 鼠标平移当mlook开启时m_filter "0" // 鼠标调整(使移动平滑)m_forward "1"m_pitch "0.022"m_side "0.8"m_yaw "0.022"model "gordon"MP3FadeTime "2"MP3Volume "0.8"mp_decals "20" // 贴图分辨率max_shells "0" // 0关闭子弹退镗,不显示弹壳max_smokepuffs "30" // 0关闭烟雾扩散效果precache "1" // 开启预读模型模式r_mmx "1" // 允许使用CPU MMX指令集r_shadows "0" // 关闭阴影r_norefresh "0" // 非必要时不更新hud和consoler_bmodelhighfrac "5" // 模型的highfrac值r_detailtextures "0" // 把材质的细部调到最低,增加效能r_dynamic "1" // 动态光影效果,固定动态光源r_novis "0" // 关闭水波特效r_traceglow "1" // 光影特效r_wateralpha "1" // 如果在r_novis 中设置为0,这里就请设置为1r_mirroralpha "0" // 关闭反射图片*开关alpha镜像混合r_lightmap "0"// 声音s_a3d "0"s_automax_distance "30"s_automin_distance "2"s_bloat "2"s_distance "60"s_doppler "0"s_eax "0"s_leafnum "0"s_max_distance "1000"s_min_distance "8"s_numpolys "200"s_polykeep "1000000000"s_polysize "10000000"s_refdelay "4"s_refgain "0.4"s_rolloff "1"s_verbwet "0.25"skin ""spec_autodirector_internal "1"spec_drawcone_internal "1"spec_drawnames_internal "1"spec_drawstatus_internal "1"spec_mode_internal "3"spec_pip "0"suitvolume "0.25"sv_aim "0"sv_voiceenable "1"team ""topcolor "30" // 玩家人物模型的顶部颜色viewsize "120" // 改变显示窗口尺寸(最好别小于100) voice_enable "1"voice_forcemicrecord "1"voice_modenable "1"voice_scale "1"volume "0.8" // 音量setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0" // 图形购买界面。

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Sheet 1 of 11RADAR IntroductionRAdio Detection And Ranging Part 1 of 2Applications: Detection and Ranging of ground, sea and air targets Air Traffic Control (ATC) Guidance Tracking Meteorological applications Collision avoidance Speed measurement Remote sensing Why use microwave frequencies? 1. Low absorption by the atmosphere • • • • see Figure 1low attenuation below about 20 GHz, particularly below 10GHz resonant peaks due to oxygen and water molecular absorption at higher frequencies operate in 'windows' at about 35GHz, 94GHz etc much lower absorption by fog, rain, snow at microwave frequencies than at optical frequenciesFigure 1 Graph showing attemuation of a microwave signal through the atmosphere with varying conditions and frequencies 2. Antenna sizes • • • • angular resolution limited by beamwidth beamwidth determined by λ/D - D is antenna diameter - θ(radians) ≈ λ require D = 10λ for 6° beamwidth suggests using high microwave frequencies to reduce antenna size, but a balance must be struck with the atmospheric attenuationDSheet 2 of 11Types of radar 1. Bistatic Monostatic separate transmit and receive antennas same antenna for transmit and receiveTXRXTX RXBistatic (i)Bistatic (ii)MonostaticFigure 2 2. • 3. • 4. • CW radar • CW radarMonostatic and bistatic radar transmits continuous wave (CW)can detect objects, measures velocity from Doppler shift, but cannot measure range FM-CW radar frequency-modulated CW transmitted signaldetects, measures range and radial velocity Pulsed radar includes MTI (moving target indicator) and Pulsed Dopplerdetects, measures range and velocity, but has blind speeds and rangescan be bistatic or monostaticTXRXTX RXBistatic (i)Bistatic (ii)MonostaticFigure 3Monostatic and bistatic CW radarSheet 3 of 11•transmitter and receiver both operate continuously - hence no range measurement. Difficult to avoid Tx to Rx feed-through, even with separate antennas measure radial velocity of target from Doppler shift•foVrTX⎛ 2.vr ⎞ fo + ⎜ ⎟ fo ⎝ c ⎠Doppler shiftFig. 4. Doppler frequency shift for reflected signal Mix Tx and Rx signals to give difference frequency - the Doppler frequency⎛ 2v ⎞ ⎛ 2v ⎞ fD = f0 + ⎜ ⎟ f0 − f0 = ⎜ ⎟ f0 ⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠• Ships ∴ radial velocity in range 0 to 30 knots typically at an operating frequency of 2GHz, i.e. 0 to 15ms-1f D is in the range 0 to 200HzUsing homodyne detection, where the Rx and Tx signals are mixed directly to give the Doppler frequency problems arise due to flicker noise in the detectors and amplifiers because the noise power is proportional to 1/f and flicker noise is large at low frequencies such as 200Hz.1/fFlicker noise Power densityNoise power density is Area for given bandwidth and is greater at lower Frequencies.B.WfFig. 5. Flicker noise versus frequencySheet 4 of 11A solution is to use heterodyne detection in which the Rx signal is mixed with a local oscillator (LO) with a frequency which differs from the Tx frequency by, for example, 30MHz. The received signal + LO generate an IF (intermediate frequency) output at 30 MHz which contains the same information - ie Doppler frequency shift - as the Rx signal. After amplification the Doppler frequency shift can be extracted by further mixing.(fo+fD) → RX (fo+fD)- fLO ≈ 30MHzamplify without flicker noiseLO fLOVelocity ambiguity with CW radar Velocity ambiguity is the inability to distinguish between approaching and receding targets. It arises because in a mixer with an LO frequency f 0 input signals with frequencies f 0 + f D and f 0 − f D give the same IF frequency ie the same IF output is obtained for targets that are approaching or receding from the radar at the same radial speed. Velocity ambiguity can be removed by splitting the received signal into two equal components. A 90° phase change is applied to one of the components. After further mixing the relative phases of the two components gives the sign of the Doppler frequency. Thus approaching and receding targets are distinguished. A system that achieves the removal of velocity ambiguity is shown in Figure 6. The outputs are called the I (In phase) and Q (Quadrature phase) outputs. With Withf D +veQ output leads I by 90° Q output lags I by 90°approaching target receding targetf D -veFM-CW radar • • • • frequency modulate the CW signal to give range as well as velocity the frequency is swept repeatedly betweenf 1 and f 2the range is found from the frequency difference between the transmitted and the returned signal - see figure 7 for a stationary target if the target is moving there is an additional Doppler frequency shift. For an approaching target the frequency of the returned signal is increased. For m positive (m is the rate of change of frequency with time for the transmitted signal) the range frequency is decreased by the Doppler frequency, whereas for m negative the range frequency is increased by the Doppler frequency. Using both measurements both the range and radial velocity of the target can be obtained - see figure 8.Sheet 5 of 11System to remove Velocity Ambiguity with CW Radar TX fo CW TxfoLO at IFLO fIF (fd+fIF) <90 degreesfd < 90 degrees QRX fo+fdfo-fIFAmplifier90 degrees3dB (Approachin g target) (fo-fd)-(fo-fIF) = fd+fIF fd+fIF fIFfd < 0 degrees(fd+fIF) < 0 degreesIWith fd +ve (approaching target) Q output 90 degrees AHEAD of I outputWith fd -ve (receding target) Q output 90 degrees BEHIND of I outputFigure 6Sheet 6 of 11FM-CW Radar Frequency-modulate CW signal to give range information. (1) Stationary targetTxRxF2Frequency∆fm=∂f T ∂tF12R CtimetFigure 7 Tx frequency – increases with time⎛ ∂f ⎞ f T = f1 + ⎜ T ⎟t = f1 + m.t ⎝ ∂t ⎠Rx signal lags Tx signal by time to target and backTXRTR =2R CMixing Rx and Tx frequencies gives difference frequency ∆f∆f =m 2R C⎛ 2R ⎞ ∴ ∆f = f R = m⎜ ⎟ ⎝ C ⎠Range frequencySheet 7 of 11(2) Moving target with FM-CW due to Doppler - additional frequency shift due to Doppler effectTxRxF2fDFrequencyfD ∆frApproaching targetF1fr – fD = ∆frtimeFigure 8 Approaching target : Rx signal frequency increased by fdTherefore ∆f (measured) = fR-fd ( for m positive ) = f+ For m negative ∆f (measured) = fR+fd = fTherefore, fR = ½(f+ + f-) fd = ½(f- - f+) simultaneous equationsSheet 8 of 11•ambiguity can arise between very close fast moving targets and slow moving distant targets. It may not be possible to decide whether the difference frequency is f R − f D or f D − f R.Pulsed radar • short pulses (pulse length ∼ 1µs) of RF radiation are transmitted with relatively long intervals ( T(PRF)) ∼ ms) between them. PRF is the pulse repetition frequencyΤ ~ 1usEcho E1TXT R = (2R)/CT/RT (PRF) ~ 10-3sRXFigure 9 Pulsed radar and radar pulses • the time delay between the transmitted and reflected signal targetTR gives the range to theRTX RXTR =2R CR=1 CTR 2Figure 10 Transmitted and reflected signals • • each time delay of 1µs corresponds to an increase in range of 150m a T/R cell is connected between the transmitter and the receiver to protect the sensitive receiver from the high power pulses from the transmitter. This disables the receiver during pulse transmissionSheet 9 of 11•the maximum unambiguous range of the radar occurs when TR = ranges the echo returns after the transmission of the next pulse.T ( PRF ) . For longerR (unambiguou s ) = cT (PRF ) 2=c 2PRF• the blind range of the radar occurs when the echo signal arrives back when the next pulse is being transmitted and the receiver is disabled - ie TR = T ( PRF ) . This is the same as the maximum unambiguous range. to avoid the blind range and to distinguish targets that are beyond the maximum unambiguous range a variable PRF should be used. If we combine the reflections from several pulses, targets with R < R(unambiguous) will all have the same time delay with respect to the transmitted signal, but those will appear to have a variable delay, because they actually originated from an earlier transmitted pulse.T1 T2 T3 TWill move if R > R (unambiguous)•E1E2E1E2Fixed for all transmission pulses if R < R (unambiguous)combineFigure 11 Use of variable PRF to distinguish targets beyond the unambiguous range • the radar range resolution is the ability of the radar to distinguish two targets with similar ranges. The resolution is determined by the pulse duration τ . The smallest time interval that the radar can resolve is τ which gives a range resolution of cτ 2 . If τ = 1µs the range resolution is 150m.T1 T2τR = ½.CTR AR = ½.C(A.TR)τFigure 12 Radar resolutionSheet 10 of 11•the angular resolution of the radar is determined by the beamwidth of the antenna, which is in turn set by the frequency of operation and the antenna diameter θ (radians)≈ λ/D.Blind speeds with pulsed radars If the frequency of the echo signal is measured the target radial velocity can be determined as well as its range. The sketches below show the time domain and the frequency domain forms of the transmitted pulses.τ⎛ sin(x) ⎞ sin x 2 = ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ x ⎠2Time DomainP(f)Line spectrum∆f1 =1 = PRF T(PRF )PRF fofTransmitted Waveformsfo −1 τfofo +1 τFrequency domainFigure 13 Time and frequency domain forms of a radar pulse train In the frequency domain the pulse contains frequency components with spacing ∆f 1 = ( PRF ) from the transmitted frequency f 0 . If the Doppler-shifted echo signal falls on one of these frequency components it cannot be distinguished, and so the radar is 'blind' to the corresponding radial velocities - ie to velocities that give f D = n∆f1 =n( PRF ) where n = 1, 2, 3, etc.Blind speeds c.n(PRF) ⎛ 2.v r ⎞ f D = n(PRF) = ⎜ ⎟ fo ; v r (blind) = c ⎠ 2 fo ⎝ eg fo = 10GHz; PRF= 1KHz vr = 3x108 x n x 103 = 15n....15ms −1 ; 30ms −1 ; 45ms −1 10 2x10Sheet11 of 11 For a pulsed radar with a frequency of 10GHz which transmits pulses at millisecond intervals-1-1-1-1(PRF = 1kHz) the blind speeds are 15ms, 30ms, 45ms etc. 15ms is about 30mph, so in some applications there would be many blind speeds within the speed range of interest eg aircraft.To avoid problems due to blind speeds the radar must be operated so that they do not fall into the range of interest. This can be achieved by increasing the PRF. However, this reduces the unambiguous range and so a compromise must be reached.ms-1Example: Blind speeds less than 1500mph (670) are to be avoided. For a radar operating at 10GHz this corresponds to a Doppler shift, and hencea PRF of 45kHz. This PRF gives an unambiguous range of only 3.3km.The value of the Doppler frequency, and hence the PRF, could be reduced by operating the radar at a lower frequency -eg 2GHz -but this might mean using a larger antenna to give the same angular resolution.Two broad categories of pulsed radar are1. MTI (Moving Target Indicator) radar•distinguishes moving targets from the stationary background by Doppler shift. Only those echoes with a frequency shift are displayed. The reflections from thebackground are known as clutter.•MTI uses a low PRF to avoid range ambiguity, and gives a large range•the blind range is small because the receiver is only disabled for a small % of the time•'blind' to many speeds, starting from quite low speeds•the low PRF reduces the number of hits per target as the radar beam is scanned.This reduces the radar sensitivity.2. Pulse Doppler radar• uses high PRF to avoid blind speeds•short unambiguous range, more extended blind range•more hits per target increases sensitivityNote: Hits per target gives the number of pulses that hit the target as the radar beam is scanned. The signal at the receiver is averaged over several pulses to average out the effects of noise. The radar sensitivity increases with the number of hits per target. If a beam with width 2° is scanned at 36° per second a target will be in the beam for 1/18 seconds. With a PRF of 300Hz the number of hits per target will be 300/18 = 15.。
