idefinition of balance of payments
大学外贸英语chapter 11 The Balance of Payments[精]
Economic Terms
• 1. the balance of payments 国际收支,简称为BOP(注意 不能直译为“付款平衡”,payment要用复数)
• 2. accounting principle 会计原则 • 3. economic policy 经济政策(注意不能将economic 误写
成economical节俭的,节约的) • 4. monetary policy (policy dealing with money supply)货
• 5. fiscal policy (use of government spending to influence macroeconomic conditions)财政政策(注意:不要将 fiscal policy 理解成financial policy)
• 6. employment policy 就业政策 • 7. expenditure(s)n. 开支,支出(它比用spending 正规)
Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions
• 1. to provide information about sth.提供关于……信息 • 2. to be composed of...由……组成 • 3. to consist of...包括…… • 4. a payment from sb. 来自……的付款 • 5. to lead to...导致…… • 6. to pay for...为……付钱 • 7. on the right-hand side在右侧,在右边
Main Component Parts
• The current account • The capital account
Unit03 Balance of Payment
D. Main Points & Difficulties
1. Main Points
1. The communicative skills of making a speech at the banquet; 2. Definitions of terms concerning balance of payments;
• A toast to
• Bottom up
• A sumptuous banquet 奢侈的宴会
• The growth rate
• Swallow’s nest soup
• What a joy it is to have friends coming from afar 有朋自远方不亦乐乎
〣〣〣 §︶︶ §
New Horizon College English
2012年08月16日 首都经济贸易大学出版社
Table of Contents
Unit 03 Balance of Payments
Balance of payment
Balance of payment (国际收支): 广义的国际收支(本文)IMF:一国(或地区)在一定时期之内,居民与非居民之间的各种经济交易的总和。
一年, 国际收支是系统的货币记录。
2、Official reserve asset ():3、外汇市场包括:中央银行、外汇经纪人、外汇银行、顾客。
4、Triangular arbitrage(三角套汇):也叫三地套汇、多角套汇,是利用三个不同地点的外汇市场上的汇率差异,同时在三地市场上低买高卖,赚取汇率差价的行为。
国际财务管理国际财务管理一、名词解释5*5分1、国际收支(the balance of payments) P64The balance of payments can ba formally defined as the statistical record of a country’s international transactions over a certain period of time presented in the form of double-entry bookkeeping.国际收支的正式定义为:以复式记账的形式、对一个国家在某一时期内的国际经济交易所做的统计记录。
2、期货(option)P180An option is a contract giving the owner the right,but not the obligation,to buy or sell a given quantity of an asset at a specified price at some time in the future.(like a futures or forward contract,an option is a derivative,or contingent claim ,security.) 期货是一种合约,它赋予所有者一种选择的权利(而不是义务),即拥有在未来一定时间内以一定的价格出售或购买一定数量的标的物的权利。
3、欧洲债券(Eurobond)P307A Eurobond issue is one denominated in a particular currency but sold to investors in national capital markets other than the country that issued the denominating currency.欧洲债券是指以某国货币为标价,但在该货币的发行国以外的资本市场上出售给投资者的债券。
balance of payments 名词解释解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述在全球化的经济条件下,国家与国家之间的经济往来日益频繁。
1.2 文章结构本文将分为四个主要部分来详细解释和说明国际收支平衡。
首先,在“Balance of Payments名词解释”部分,我们将给出对该概念的定义,并介绍其组成部分以及测量指标。
1.3 目的本文旨在帮助读者更好地了解并认识国际收支平衡的重要性以及其相关概念、组成部分、测量指标等内容。
2. Balance of Payments名词解释:2.1 定义:Balance of Payments(国际收支)是指一个国家或地区在一定时期内与其他国家或地区之间经济交流的全面记录。
2.2 组成部分:Balance of Payments主要由两个主要组成部分构成:Current Account(经常项目账户)和Capital and Financial Account(资本金融项目账户)。
- Current Account记录了国际间商品贸易、服务贸易以及转移支付的收入和支出。
1、经常账户(Current Account)
又称经常项目,往来帐户 对本国对外经4类交易:
货物 服务 收入 经常性转移
以海关总署(海关)编制的贸易 统计数据为基础。 按离岸价(FOB)价计算 当期出口收入>进口支出贸易收支 顺差 当期进口支出>出口收入贸易收支 逆差
值 (3)各金融市场汇率间的差异--金融投机
猖獗 40
一、名词解释 国际收支、外汇、汇率、直接标价法、 间接标价法、基本汇率、铸币平价
二、简答题: 1、国际收支平衡表的构成 2、国际收支失衡的原因及调节 3、我国外汇管理条例规定的外汇资产 形式 4、影响汇率变动的因素及汇率变动的 影响
2、资本金融账户(Capital and Financial Account)
资本账户 资本转移 非生产、非金融资产的收买/放弃
金融账户 直接投资 证券投资 其他投资 储备资产
3、错误与漏损(Net Errors & Omissions)
用于轧平国际收支平衡表中最 终的余额。
(1)资料来源不一致 (2)资料不全 (3)资料本身错误
以外币表示的用于进行国际结算额支付 手段和资产。
第二节 外汇与汇率
国际货币基金组织的外汇的定义: 外汇是货币行政当局以银行存款、
财政部库券、长短期政府证券等形式所 保有的在国际收支逆差时可以使用的债 权。
第二节 外汇与汇率
我国外汇管理条例规定外汇包括: 1、外国货币,包括铸币、纸币 2、外币支付凭证,包括汇票、支票、 本票、银行存款凭证、邮政储蓄凭证等 3、外币有价证券,包括政府债券、公 司债券、股票等 4、其他外汇资产
国际收支(Balance of Payments):一国在一定时期内全部对外经济往来的系统的货币记录。
国际收支平衡表(Balance sheet of payments):将国际收支记录按照特定账户分类和复式记账原则而编制的会计报表,其账户可以分为经常账户、资本与金融账户、错误和遗漏账户。
经常账户(Current Account):在国际收支平衡表中,对实际资源在国际间的交换和流动进行记录的账户,它包括货物、服务、收入和经常转移。
离岸价(FOB free on board):装运港船上的交货价,是指卖方在约定的装运港将货物交到买方指定的船上。
到岸价(CIF cost insurance and freight)货物成本加保险费加运费。
资本和金融账户(CFA, Capital and Financial Account)在国际收支平衡表中,对资产所有权在国际间的流动进行记录的账户。
它包括资本账户(Capital Account)和金融账户(Financial Account)两大部分。
错误和遗漏账户(Errors and Omissions Account)国际收支平衡表中,为归结经常账户与资本和金融账户中的统计误差和人为差异而设立的抵消账户,数目与经常账户与资本和金融账户之和的余额相等,方向相反。
记账货币(Recording Currency)国际收支平衡表记录、核算交易金额时所使用的货币。
自主性交易(Autonomous Transactions)对外经济交往中,个人、企业、机构为某种自主性目的(比如追逐利润、旅游、汇款赡养亲友等)而进行的交易。
Chapter 11 The Balance of Payments
IMF的规定: 的规定: 的规定
– ① 凡是在某个国家 ( 或地区 ) 居住期满一年和一年以上的个人 , 凡是在某个国家(或地区)居住期满一年和一年以上的个人,
– –
– –
不论其国籍如何,都是这个国家的居民。但是, 不论其国籍如何 , 都是这个国家的居民 。 但是 , 一个国家的外 交使节、驻外军事人员仍然是其所代表国的居民。 交使节、驻外军事人员仍然是其所代表国的居民。 凡在一国领土上从事经营活动的企业,不管是公有还是私有, ② 凡在一国领土上从事经营活动的企业 , 不管是公有还是私有 , 也不管是本国的还是外国,或者是本国与外国合资、合作的, 也不管是本国的还是外国 , 或者是本国与外国合资 、 合作的 , 都是这个国家的居民; 都是这个国家的居民; 一个企业的国外子公司是其所在国居民, ③ 一个企业的国外子公司是其所在国居民 , 而是其母公司所在 国的非居民; 国的非居民; 一个国家的各级政府,包括中央政府和地方政府, ④一个国家的各级政府,包括中央政府和地方政府,以及坐落 在别国领土上的使馆、领事馆、 在别国领土上的使馆、领事馆、军事机构和其他的政府驻外机 构都是这个国家的居民; 构都是这个国家的居民; 凡在一个国家领土上的外国使馆、领事馆等外交机构, ⑤ 凡在一个国家领土上的外国使馆 、 领事馆等外交机构 , 都是 这个国家的非居民; 这个国家的非居民; 国际性机构如联合国、国际货币基金组织、 ⑥ 国际性机构如联合国 、 国际货币基金组织 、 世界银行等不是 某一个国家的居民,而是所有国家的非居民。 某一个国家的居民,而是所有国家的非居民。
所谓国际收支平衡与失衡是指自主性交易项目 所谓国际收支平衡与失衡是指自主性交易项目 的平衡与失衡。 的平衡与失衡。
国际经济学专业词汇(中英文对照)目录1. 绪论 (2)2. 比较优势原理 (2)3. 国际贸易标准理论 (3)4. 需求、供给、提供曲线与贸易条件 (3)5. 要素禀赋与赫克歇尔-俄林理论 (3)6. 规模经济、不完全竞争与国际贸易 (4)7. 经济增长与国际贸易 (5)8. 贸易壁垒:关税 (6)9. 非关税贸易壁垒和新保护主义 (7)10. 经济一体化:关税同盟和自由贸易区 (8)11. 国际贸易与经济发展 (8)12. 国际资源流动与跨国公司 (9)13. 国际收支平衡表 (9)14. 外汇市场与汇率 (10)15. 汇率决定 (11)16. 汇率调节机制 (12)17. 收入调节机制与自动调节 (12)18. 宏观经济调控 (13)19. 价格与产出 (14)20. 浮动与固定汇率和宏观政策协调 (14)21. 国际货币体系 (14)精选文档1.绪论国际收支的调节:(adjustment in balance of payments)反全球化运动:(antiglobalization movement)国际收支:(balance of payments)外汇市场:(foreign exchange markrt)全球化:(globalization)贸易引力模型:(gravity model)相互依存:(interdependence)国际金融:(international finance)国际贸易政策:(international trade policy)国际贸易理论:(international trade theory)宏观经济学:(macroeconomics)微观经济学:(microeconomics)开发经济宏观经济学:(open-economy macroeconomics)2.比较优势原理绝对优势:(absolute advantage)贸易基础:(basis for trade)完全专业化:(complete specialization)固定机会成本:(constant opportunity cost)贸易所得:(gains from trade)劳动价值论:(labor theory of value)自由放任:(laissez-faire)比较优势原理:(law of comparative advantage)重商主义:(mercantilism)小国情况:(small-country case)相对商品价格:(relative commandity prices)生产可能性曲线:(production possibility frontier)精选文档贸易模式:(pattern of trade)机会成本理论:(opportunity cost theory)3.国际贸易标准理论自给自足:(autarky)社会无差异曲线:(community indiffernnce curve)去工业化:(deindustrialization)孤立均衡相对价格:(equilibrium-relative commodity price in isolation)贸易均衡相对价格:(equilibrium-relative commodity price with trade)交易所得:(gains from exchange)专业化所得:(gains from specialization)不完全专业化:(incomplete specialization)机会成本递增:(increasing opportunity costs)边际替代率:(marginal rate of snbstitution,MRS)边际转化率:(marginal rate of transformation,MRT)4.需求、供给、提供曲线与贸易条件商品或易货贸易条件:(commodity or net barter terms of trade)一般均衡模型:(general equilibrium model)相互需求法则:(law of reciprocal demand)提供曲线:(offer curves)相互需求曲线:(reciprocal demand curves)贸易条件:(terms of trade)贸易无差异曲线:(trade indifference curve)5.要素禀赋与赫克歇尔-俄林理论资本密集型商品:(capital-intensive commodity)资本/劳动比率:(capital-labor ratio)精选文档柯布-道格拉斯生产函数:(Cobb-Douglas Porduction)固定替代弹性生产函数:(constant elasticity of substitution(CES) production)规模报酬不变:(constant returns to scale)派生需求:(derived demand)替代弹性:(elasticity of substitution)尤拉定理:(Euler’s theorem)要素充裕度:(factor abundance)要素密集度颠倒:(factor-intensity reversal)要素价格均等定理:(factor-price equalization(H-O-S)Theorem)要素禀赋理论:(factor-proporitions or factor-endowment theory)赫克歇尔-俄林定理:(Hechscher-Ohlin(H-O) theorem)赫克歇尔-俄林理论:(Hechscher-Ohlin(H-O) theory)人力资本:(human capital)进口替代品:(import substitutes)投入产出表:(input-output table)国内要素流动:(internal factor mobility)国际要素流动:(international factor mobility)劳动资本比率:(labor-capital ratio)劳动密集型商品:(labor-intensive commodity)里昂惕夫之谜:(leontief paradox)完全竞争:(perfect competition)相对要素价格:(relative-factor prices)特定要素模型:(specific-factor model)6.规模经济、不完全竞争与国际贸易差别产品:(differertiated products)动态外部经济:(dynamic external economies)环保标准:(environment standards)精选文档外部经济:(external economics)流动性产业:(footloose industries)一般均衡分析:(general equilibrium analysis)规模报酬递增:(increasing returns to scale)幼稚产业观点:(infant industry arguement)国际规模经济:(international economics of scale)产业内贸易指数:(intra-industry trade index)学习曲线:(learning curve)市场定向型企业:(market-oriented industries)垄断竞争:(monopolistic competition)非贸易商品与服务:(montraded goods and services)离岸外包:(offshoring)寡头垄断:(oligopoly)外包:(outsourcing)局部均衡分析:(partical equilibrium analysis)产品生命周期模型:(product cycle model)资源定向型企业:(resource-oriented industries)技术差距模型:(technological gap model)运输成本或物流成本:(transport or logistics costs)7.经济增长与国际贸易反贸易的生产和消费:(antitrade production and consumption)平衡增长:(balanced growth)资本节约型技术进步:(capital-saving technical progress)比较静态:(comparative statics)动态分析:(dynamic analysis)不幸的增长:(immiserizy growth)劣等品:(inferior goods)劳动节约型技术进步:(labor-saving technical progress)精选文档中性的生产和消费:(neutral production)中性技术进步:(neutral technical progress)正常品:(normal goods)产生贸易的生产和消费:(protrade production and consumption)雷布津斯基理论:(Rybczynski theorem)贸易条件效应:(terms-of-trade effect)福利效应:(wealth effect)8.贸易壁垒:关税从价关税:(ad valorem tariff)混合关税:(compound tariff)消费者剩余:(consumer surplus)关税消费效应:(consumption effect of a tariff)国内增加值:(domestic value added)出口关税:(export tariff)进口关税:(import tariff)梅茨勒悖论:(Metzler paradox)名义关税:(nominal tariff)最优关税:(optimum tariff)关税生产效应:(production effect of a tariff)关税保护成本或称重负损失:(protection cost or deadweight loss of a tariff)禁止性关税:(prohibitive tariff)有效保护率:(rate of effective protection)租金或生产者剩余:(rent or producer surplus)关税收入效应:(revenue effect of a tariff)从量关税:(specific tariff)斯托尔帕-塞缪尔森定理:(Stolper-Samuelson theorem)关税贸易效应:(trade or commercial policies)贸易或商业政策:(trade or commercial policies)9.非关税贸易壁垒和新保护主义双边贸易:(bilateral trade)集中化的卡特尔:(centralized cartel)反补贴税:(countervailing duties,CVSs)倾销:(dumping)豁免条款:(escape clause)进出口银行:(export-import bank)出口补贴:(export subsides)外国销售公司:(Foerign sales corporations,FSC)博弈理论:(game theory)产业政策:(industrial policy)幼稚产业观点:(infront-industry arguement)国际卡特尔:(international cartel)最惠国原则:(most-favored-nation principle)多边贸易谈判:(multilateral trade negotiations)国家安全条款:(national security clause)新保护主义:(new protectionism)非关税贸易壁垒:(nontariff trade barriers,NTBs)危险点条款:(peril-point provisions)持续性倾销:(persistent dumping)掠夺性倾销:(predatory dumping)配额:(quota)科学关税:(scientific tariff)偶然性倾销:(sporadic dumping)战略性贸易政策:(strategic trade policy)技术的、行政的和其他法规:(technical,administrative and other regulations) 触发价格机制:(trigger-price mechanism)贸易调整援助:(Trade Adjustment Assistance,TAA)贸易保护授权:(trade promotion authority or fast track)自动出口限制:(Voluntary Export Restraints,VERS)10.经济一体化:关税同盟和自由贸易区双边协议:(bilateral agreements)大量采购:(bulk purchasing)中央计划经济:(centrally planned economies)共同市场:(common market)关税同盟:(customs union)免税区或自由经济区:(duty-free zones or free economic zones)经济一体化:(economic integration)经济同盟:(economic union)自贸区:(free trade area)特惠贸易协定:(preferential trade arrangements)国家贸易公司:(state trading companies)关税工厂:(tariff factories)次优理论:(theory of the second best)贸易创造关税同盟:(trade-creation custom union)贸易偏差:(trade deflection)贸易转移关税同盟:(trade-diversion customs union)可变进口税额:(variable import levies)11.国际贸易与经济发展缓冲库存储备:(buffer stocks)商品或纯物物交换贸易条件:(commodity or net barter terms of trade)双边要素贸易条件:(double factoral terms of trade)内生性增长理论:(ecdogenous groeth theory)增长动力:(engine of growth)出口管制:(export controls)精选文档出口波动:(export instability)出口导向工业化:(export-oriented industrialization)出口悲观论:(export pessinism)外债:(foreign debt)进口代替工业化:(import-substitution industrialization,ISI)贸易收入条件:(income terms of trade)国际商品协定:(international commodity)市场委员会:(marketing boards)国际经济新秩序:(New International Economic Order,NIEO)新兴工业化国家:(Newly Industrialized Economies,NIEs)购货合约:(purchase contract)新定居区:(regions of recent settlement)单边要素贸易条件:(single factoral terms of trade)剩余出口:(vent for surplus)12.国际资源流动与跨国公司脑力流失:(brain drain)直接投资:(direct investments)横向一体化:(horizontal integration)跨国公司:(multinational)组合投资:(portfolio investments)资产组合理论:(portfolio theory)风险分散化:(risk diversification)转移定价:(transfer pricing)纵向一体化:(vertical integration)13.国际收支平衡表调节性交易:(acconnmous transactions)精选文档自主性交易:(autonomous transactions)国际收支平衡表:(balance of transactions)资本项目:(capital account)贷方交易:(credit transactions)经常项目:(current account)借方交易:(debit transactions)国际收支中的逆差:(deficit in the balance of payments)复式薄记:(double-entry bookkeeping)金融项目:(financial account)金融性资本流入:(financial inflows)金融性资本流出:(financial outflows)国际投资头寸:(international investment position)官方结算余额:(official settlements balance)官方储备账户:(official reserve account)统计误差:(statistical discrepancy)国际收支中的盈余:(surplus in the balance of patments)单方面转移支付:(unilateral transfers)14.外汇市场与汇率升值:(appreciation)套利:(arbitrage)套利交易:(carry trade)抛补套利利润率:(covered interest arbitrage margin ,CIAM)抛补套利平价:(covered interest arbitrage parity,CIAP)交叉汇率:(cross-exchange rate)贬值:(depreciation)不稳定性投机:(destabilizing speculation)有效汇率:(effecitive exchange rate)外汇市场有效性:(efficiency of foreign exchange markets)精选文档外汇期货:(foreign exchange futures)外汇市场:(foreign exchange market)外汇期权:(foreign exchange option)外汇风险:(foreign exchange risk)远期贴水:(forward discount)远期升水:(forward premium)远期汇率:(forward rate)套期保值:(hedging)套利:(interest arbitrage)离岸存款:(offshore deposits)铸造利差:(seignorage)投机:(speculation)即期汇率:(spot rate)稳定性投机:(stabilizing speculation)无抛补套利:(uncovered interest arbitrage)国际支付货币:(vehicle currency)15.汇率决定绝对购买力平价理论:(absolute purchasing-power parity theory)巴拉萨-萨缪尔森效应:(Balassa-Samuelson effect)货币需求:(demand for money)汇率超调理论:(exchange rate overshooting)预期的即期汇率变化:(expected change in the spot rate)一价法则:(law of one price)国际收支的货币分析法:(monetary approach to the balance of payments)基础货币:(monetary base)资产组合平衡法:(portfolio balance approach)实际汇率:(real exchange rate)相对购买力平价理论:(relative purchasing-power parity theory)精选文档风险溢价:(risk premium ,RP)货币供给:(supply of money)16.汇率调节机制贬值:(devaluation)荷兰病:(Dutch disease)弹性悲观主义:(elasticity pessimism)黄金输入点:(gold export point)黄金输出点:(gold import point)金本位制:(gold standard)识别问题:(identification problem)J曲线效应:(J-curve effect)铸币评价:(mint parity)传递:(paee-through)价格黄金流动机制:(price-specie-flow mechanism)货币数量论:(quantity theory of money)金本位制的博弈原则:(rules of the game of the gold standard)稳定的外汇市场:(stable foreign exchange market)贸易或弹性方法:(trade or elasticity approach)不稳定外汇市场:(unstable foreign exchange market)17.收入调节机制与自动调节吸收法:(absorption approach)平均进口倾向:(average propensity to import,APM)封闭经济:(closed economy)消费函数:(consumption function)预期或计划的投资:(desired or planned investment)均衡国民收入水平:(equilibrium level of national income)精选文档出口函数:(export function)国外反馈效应:(foreign repercussion)对外贸易乘数:(foreign trade multiplier)进口函数:(import function)进口收入需求弹性:(income elasticity of demand for import)投资函数:(investment function)边际消费倾向:(marginal propensity to consume,MPC)边际储蓄倾向:(marginal propensity to save,MPS)边际进口倾向:(marginal propensity to import,MPM)储蓄函数:(saving function)自动调节的综合:(synthesis of automatic adjustments)18.宏观经济调控BP曲线:(BP curve)直接控制:(direct control)外汇控制:(exchange controls)支出-改变政策:(expenditure-changing policies)支出-转换政策:(expenditure-switching policies)外部均衡:(external balance)内部均衡:(internal balance)IS曲线:(IS-curve)LM曲线:(LM-curve)多重汇率:(multiple exchange rates)蒙代尔-弗莱明模型:(Mundell-Fleming model)菲利普斯曲线:(Phillips curve)市场有效分割理论:(principle of effective market classification)货币投机需求:(speculative demand for money)货币交易需求:(transaction demand for money)贸易控制:(trade control)精选文档19.价格与产出总需求曲线:(aggregate demand(AD) curve)总供给曲线:(aggregate supply(AS) curve)预期价格:(expected prices)通货膨胀目标值:(inflation targeting)长期总供给曲线:(long-run aggregate supply(LRAS) curve)自然产出水平:(natural level of output)短期总供给曲线:(short-run aggregate supply (SRAS) curve)滞胀:(stagflation)20.浮动与固定汇率和宏观政策协调可调整盯住汇率体系:(adjustable peg system)爬行钉住汇率体系:(crawling peg system)货币发行局制:(currency board arrangement,CBAs)肮脏浮动:(dirty floating)美元化:(dallarization)汇率机制:(exchange rate mechanism,ERM)自由浮动汇率体系:(freely floating exchange rate system)逆风而上:(leaning against the wind)有管制的浮动汇率体系:(managed floating exchange rate system)最佳货币区域国家货币集团:(optimum currency area or bloc)稳定和增长协议:(stabality and growth pact,SGP)21.国际货币体系调整:(adjustment)善意忽视:(benign nelect)布雷顿森林体系:(Bretton Woods System)可靠性:(confidence)精选文档信用份额:(credit tranches)货币自由兑换:(currency convertibility)美元过剩:(dollar glut)美元泛滥:(dollar overhang)美元短缺:(dollar shortage)美元本位制:(dollar standard)第一信用份额:(first-credit trade)货款安排总协定:(General Arrangements to Borrow,GAB)黄金份额:(gold tranche)国际货币基金组织条件:(IMF conditionality)国际开发协会:(International Development Association)国际金融公司:(International Finance Corporation,IFC)国际基金组织:(International Monetary Fund,IMF)国际货币体系:(International monetary system)干预货币:(intervention currency)流动性:(liquidity)国际货币基金组织净头寸:(net IMF position)借款新安排:(New Arrangement to Borrow,NAB)原罪:(original sin)铸币利差:(seigniorage)特别提款权:(Special Drawing Rights,SDRS)备用协议:(standby arrangements)次贷危机:(subprime mortgage crisis)替代账户:(substitution account)超黄金份额:(super gold tranche)互换协议:(swap arrangements)。
⏹国际收支(Balance of payment)Balance of payment is a record of the economic transactions between the residents of one country and the rest of the world.⏹经常项目(Current account)Current account refers to the monetary value of international flows associated transactions in goods and services, investment income, and unilateral transfers.⏹即期交易(Spot transaction)Spot transaction is an outright purchase and sale of foreign currency. A spot deal will settle (in other words, the physical exchange of currencies takes place)two working days after the deal is struck. The two-day period is known as immediate delivery.⏹远期交易(Forward transactions)Forward transactions differ from spot transactions in that their maturity date is more than two business days in the future. A forward-exchange contract’s maturity date can be a few months or even years in the future. The exchange rate is fixed when the contract is initially made. No money necessarily changes hands until the transaction actually takes place, although dealers may require some customers to providecollateral in advance.⏹汇率(Exchange rate)The exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another.⏹货币贬值(Currency depreciation)Currency depreciation means that it takes more units of a nation’s currency to purchase a unit of some foreign currency.⏹货币升值(Currency appreciation)Currency appreciation means that it takes fewer units of a nation’s currency to purchase a unit of some foreign currency.⏹升水(Premium)When a foreign currency is worth more in the forward market than in the spot market, it is said to be at a premium⏹贴水(Discount)When a foreign currency is worth less in the forward market than in the spot market, it is said to be at a discount⏹套汇(Exchange arbitrage)Exchange arbitrage refers to the simultaneous purchase and sale of a currency in differentforeign-exchange markets in order to profit from exchange-rate differentials in the two locations. This process brings about an identical price for the same currency in different locations and thus results in one market.⏹一价定律(Law of one price)Law of one price asserts that identical goods should cost the same in all nations, assuming that it is costless to ship goods between nations and there are no barriers to trade.⏹相对购买力平价(Relative purchasing power parity )According to the relative purchasing power parity, changes in relative national price levels determine changes in exchange rates over the long run. The theory predicts that the foreign-exchange value of a currency tends to appreciate or depreciate at a rate equal to the difference between foreign and domestic inflation.⏹汇率超调(Exchange-rate overshooting)An exchange rate is said to overshoot when its short-run response to a change in market fundamentals is greater than its long-run response.⏹套利(Interest arbitrage)Interest arbitrage refers to the process of moving funds into foreign currencies to take advantage of higher investment yields abroad.⏹无抛补套利(Uncovered interest arbitrage)Uncovered interest arbitrage occurs when an investor does not obtain exchange market cover to protect investment proceeds from foreign-currency fluctuations.⏹抛补套利(Covered interest arbitrage)Covered interest arbitrage involves two basic steps. First, an investor exchanges domestic currency for foreign currency, at the current spot rate, and uses the foreign currency to finance a foreign investment. At the same time, the investor contracts in the forward market to sell the amount of the foreign currency that will be received as the proceeds from the investment, with a delivery date to coincide with the maturity ofthe investment. It pays for the investor to make the foreign investment if the positive interest ratedifferential in favour of the foreign investment more than offsets the cost of obtaining the forward cover.⏹马歇尔---勒纳条件(Marshall-Lerner Condition)Devaluation will improve the trade balance if domestic demand elasticity for imports plus foreign demand.Devaluation will worsen the trade balance if the sum of the two elasticities is less than 1. If the sum is equal to 1, devaluation will have no effect⏹J曲线效应(The J-curve effect)In the very shor t run, currency devaluation will lead to a worsening of a nation’s trade balance. But as time passes, the trade balance will likely improve.⏹货币传递效应(The passing-through effect)The extent to which changing currency values lead to changes in import and export prices is known as the currency passing-through relationship.。
International Finance
国际收支与国际 收支平衡表
一、国际收支 (Balance of Payment)的概念
狭义的国际收支概念:一国一定时期内 的外汇收支,不包括无外汇的交易等。强 调支付基础(on payment basis)。
广义的国际收支概念:根据国际货币基金 组织IMF的解释,一国国际收支是指一国( 或地区)的居民在一定时期内(一年、一 季度、一月)与非居民之间的经济交易的 系统记录。强调交易基础(on transaction basis)。
一、经常账户:也称经常 项目,反映一国与他国之 间实际资产转移,是国际 收支中最重要的账户。
二、资本和金融帐户 :反映资产所有权在 一国与他国间的转移 ,即国际资本流动, 包括资本流出和资本 流入。
三、储备资产:储备指官方储备(或称国际储备) ,是一国货币当局(主要指中央银行)所拥有的, 可用于满足国际收支平衡需要的对外资产。包括货 币性黄金、特别提款权、在IMF的储备头寸和外 汇储备等官方对外资产。
国际收支平衡表的每个具体账户和科目的借方额和 贷方额往往不相等,该差额被称为局部差额( Partial Balance),如贸易差额、劳务收支差额 、经常账户差额等。
在国际收支平衡表中的某个位置上划出一条水平线,该水平线 以上的交易被称为“线上交易”;而此线以下的交易被称为“ 线下交易”。当线上交易差额为零时,我们称国际收支处于平 衡状态;当线上交易差额不为零时,我们称国际收支处于失衡 状态。
事后是指定义中“一定时期”是已经过去的一 个会计年度,所以国际收支是对已发生事实的 记录。
balance of payments 的英文定义
balance of payments 的英文定义Balance of payments refers to a statistical statement that systematically summarizes a country's international economic transactions over a certain period of time. It records the country's transactions with other countries in goods, services, capital, and financial assets. In essence, it reflects the country's balance of payments and financial situation with the outside world.Balance of payments is usually divided into two parts: current account and capital and financial account. The current account includes transactions in goods and services, such as exports and imports of goods, cross-border tourism, transportation, and intellectual property royalties. The capital and financial account includes transactions in capital and financial assets, such as foreign direct investment, portfolio investment, and borrowing and lending.The balance of payments is an important indicator to measure a country's international competitiveness, external economic dependence, and currency stability. A surplus in the balance of payments indicates that the country's exports are greater than imports, and it has a surplus of foreign exchange reserves. Conversely, a deficit in the balance of payments indicates that the country's imports are greater than exports, and it has a shortage of foreign exchange reserves.In addition, the balance of payments also affects a country's exchange rate, monetary policy, and economic growth. A country's central bank usually intervenes in the foreign exchange market and adjusts monetary policy according to the balance of payments situation to maintain exchange rate stability and economic stability.In summary, the balance of payments is an important indicator to reflect a country's international economic transactions and financial situation, which has a significant impact on the country's economic and financial stability.。
国际金融:Balance of Payment
国际金融:Balance of Payment(定义、组成、不平衡的原因);汇率(种类(spot&forward)、两种标价法、汇率的影响因素(利率、通胀率、对经济增长的预期)、几种常见的汇率制度(定义、特点));国际金融体系的演变(一战前的金本位制(种类、特点)、二战后的布雷顿森林体系(特点、特里芬两难)、1971之后的牙买加协定(黄金非货币化、浮动汇率制、特别提款权(重点)));货币危机(定义、原因(Paul Krugman、Obstfeld、银行体系的问题)这里有一个小窍门是,面试官是不知道我们某门课到底学了什么的,所以我们可以自由发挥,只要不是太离谱就行。
举个例子,楼主有门课叫“国际经济合作” (International Economic Cooperation)。
The infant industry argument is an economic rationale for trade protectionism. The core of the argument is that nascent industries often do not have the economies of scale that their older competitors from other countries may have, and thus need to be protected until they can attain similar economies of the branch of financial economics broadly concerned with monetary and macroeconomic interrelations between two or more countries. International finance examines the dynamics of the global financial system, international monetary systems, balance of payments, exchange rates, foreign direct investment, and how these topics relate to international trade.The balance of payments (BOP) of a country is the record of all economic transactions between the residents of a country and the rest of the world in a particular period (over a quarter of a year or more commonly over a year). These transactions are made by individuals, firms and government bodies. Thus the balance of payments includes all external visible and non-visible transactions of a country during a given period, usually a year. It represents a summation of country's current demand and supply of the claims on foreign currencies and of foreign claims on its currency.Causes of BOP imbalancesThere are conflicting views as to the primary cause of BOP imbalances, with much attention on the US which currently has by far the biggest deficit. The conventional view is that current account factors are the primary cause[17] – these include the exchange rate, the government's fiscal deficit, business competitiveness, and private behaviour such as the willingness of consumers to go into debt to finance extra consumption.[18] An alternative view, argued at length in a 2005 paper by Ben Bernanke, is that the primary driver is the capital account, where a global savings glut caused by savers in surplus countries, runs ahead of the available investment opportunities, and is pushed into the US resulting in excess consumption and asset price inflation.[19]1 Components2 V ariations in the use of term "balance of payments"2.1 The IMF definition of Balance of Payment3 Imbalances3.1 Causes of BOP imbalances3.2 Reserve asset3.3 Balance of payments crisis4 Balancing mechanisms4.1 Rebalancing by changing the exchange rate4.2 Rebalancing by adjusting internal prices and demand4.3 Rules based rebalancing mechanisms5 History of balance of payments issues5.1 Pre-1820: mercantilism5.2 1820–1914: free trade5.3 1914–1945: deglobalisation5.4 1945–1971: Bretton Woods5.5 1971–2009: transition, Washington Consensus, Bretton Woods II5.6 2009 and later: post Washington Consensus5.6.1 Competitive devaluation after 2009Foreign-exchange reserves (also called forex reserves or FX reserves) are assets held by a central bank or other monetary authority, usually in various reserve currencies, mostly the United States dollar, and to a lesser extent the euro, the pound sterling, and the Japanese yen, and used to back its liabilities—e.g., the local currency issued, and the various bank reserves deposited with the central bank by the government or by financial institutions.汇率决定理论(Exchange Rate Determination Theory)是国际金融理论的核心内容之一,主要分析汇率受什么因素决定和影响。
2.1 the definition of BOP Account 2.2 the structure of BOP Account 2.3 the authorized principle of BOP Account 2.4 key balances of BOP Account 2.5 how to analyze BOP Account ? 2.6 the international investment position
Chapter1 balance of payment
1.2 the definition of BOP ---《国际收支手册》(第5版)IMF
and (c) unrequited transfers and counterpart entries that are need to balance, in the accounting sense, any entries for the foregoing transactions and changes which are not mutually offsetting.
注意 :后两项称为“单向转移”或“经
Chapter1 balance of payபைடு நூலகம்ent
1.4 the evolvement of BOP
17世纪 ~ “一战” :对外贸易收支 “一战” ~ “二战” :外汇收支 “二战”后至今 :以经济交易为统
Chapter1 balance of payment
Chapter1 balance of payment
1.3 the meaning of BOP
Learning Requests:
Master the meanings of balance of payment (BOP) and BOP account, comprehend contents of BOP account, understand the reasons of disequilibrium of balance of payment and its influence on economy, know some policy instruments using to adjust BOP.
Chapter1 balance of payment
2.2 the structure of BOP Ant Account
1.货物Merchandise Trade Flows 2.服务Service Flows 3. 收入 Income Flows 4.单向转移 Unilateral Transfers 二、资本与金融项目 A .资本项目 Capital Account
2.Balance-of-Payment Account
2.1 the definition of BOP Account 2.2 the structure of BOP Account 2.3 the authorized principle of BOP Account 2.4 key balances of BOP Account 2.5 how to analyze BOP Account ? 2.6 the international investment position
Minus Debits Credits(+) Debits(-)
Chapter 12Balance of payments accounting : 国际收支平衡账户A detailed record of the composition of the current account balance and of the many transactions that finace it .国际收支账户是对经常项目的组成以及相关金融业务的详细记录。
Capital account: 资本项目It recorded other activities resulting in transfers of wealth between countries . 记录其他导致财富在国家间进行转移的活动。
Capital inflow: 资本流入An increase in a nation's liabilities to the sales of goods and services to foreigners .向外国人销售商品或服务导致的金融项目贷方增加。
Capital outflow : 资本流出An increase in a nation's assets obtained from the purchase of goods and services from foreigners .向外国人购买商品或服务导致的金融项目借方增加。
Current account balance : 经常项目余额The difference between exports of goods and services and imports of goods and services.进出口商品或服务的差额。
Financial account : 金融项目It records all international purchases or sales of financial assets .记录所有金融资产的国际买卖状况的账户。
商务英语国际金融词汇:国际收支国际收支Balance of Payments国际货币基金组织International Monetary Fund国际收支平衡Balance of Payments Statement经常项目Current Account贸易收支Goods劳务收支Service单方面转移收支Unilateral Transfer资本项目Capital Account长期资本Direct Investment热钱/游资Hot Money平衡项目(储备项目/结算项目) Balancing or Settlement Account官方储备Official Reserves自主性交易Autonomous Transaction调节性交易Accommodating Transaction事前交易Ex-ante Transaction事后交易Ex-post Transaction国际收支顺差Balance of Payments Surplus国际收支逆差Balance of Payments Deficit贸易差额Trade Balance经常项目差额The Current Account Balance商务英语国际金融词汇:外汇与汇率通汇合约Agency Agreement通汇银行Correspondent Bank商业汇票Commercial Bill of Exchange银行支票Banker’s Check国外汇票Foreign Bill of Exchange关键货币Key Currency汇率Exchange Rate直接标价法DirectQuotation间接标价法IndirectQuotation汇价点Point买入汇率Buying Rate卖出汇率Selling Rate中间汇率Medial Rate现钞汇率Bank Note Rate即期汇率Spot Rate远期汇率Forward Rate基本汇率Basic Rate套算汇率Cross Rate固定汇率Fixed Rate浮动汇率Floating Rate可调整的钉住Adjustable Peg单一汇率Single Rate复汇率Multiple Rate贸易汇率Commercial Rate金融汇率Financial Rate交叉汇率Cross Rate远期差额Forward Margin升水Premium贴水Discount平价At Par固定汇率制度Fixed Exchange Rate System 金本位Gold Standard纸币Paper Money贴现率Discount Rate浮动汇率制度Floating Exchange Rate System 自由浮动汇率Freely Floating Exchange Rate管理浮动汇率Managed Floating Exchange Rate单独浮动汇率Single Floating Exchange Rate联合浮动汇率Joint Floating Exchange Rate钉住汇率制Pegged Exchange Rate区域性货币一体化Regional Monetary Integration欧洲货币体系European Monetary System (EMS)欧洲货币单位European Currency Unit (ECU)欧洲货币联盟European Monetary Union含金量Gold Content铸币平价Mint Par黄金输送点Gold Point官方储备Official Reserve外汇管制Foreign Exchange Control商务英语国际金融词汇:外汇交易即期外汇交易Spot Exchange Transaction远期外汇交易Forward Exchange Transaction交割日固定的远期外汇交易Fixed Maturity Forward Transaction选择交割日的远期交易(择期交易) Optional Forward Transaction掉期交易Swap即期对远期掉期Spot-Forward Swap即期对即期掉期Spot-Spot Swap远期对远期掉期Forward-Forward Swap地点套汇Space Arbitrage直接套汇(两角套汇) Direct Arbitrage (Two Points Arbitrage)间接套汇(三角套汇) Indirect Arbitrage (Three Points Arbitrage)时间套汇Time Arbitrage现代套汇交易Cash Against Currency Future套利Interest Arbitrage非抵补套利Uncovered Arbitrage非抵补利差Uncovered Interest Differential抵补套利Covered Arbitrage期货Futures期货交易Futures Transaction国际货币市场International Monetary Market (IMM)伦敦国际金融期货交易所London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE)“逐日盯市”制度Market-to-Market期权Options外汇期权Foreign Currency Options协议价格Strike Price敲定价格Exercise Price期权费/权力金Premium期权到期日Expiration Date美式期权American Options欧式期权European Options看涨期权(买权,买入期权) Call Options 期权买方Call Buyer期权卖方Call Seller/Writer看跌期权(卖权,卖出期权) Put Options 期权协议价格Strike Price敲定价格(履约价格) Exercise Price期权费(期权权利金,保险费) Premium 期权保证金Margins期权内在价值Intrinsic value价内期权In the Money价外期权Out of the Money平价期权At the Money期权时间价值Time value易变性Volatility商务英语高频词汇:财务与会计损益表:beginning inventory :期初存货cost of goods sold :销货成本depreciation :n.折旧distribution :n.配销freight :n.运费gross margin :毛利income statement :损益表net income :净损益,净收入net sales :销货净额operating expense :营业费用sales revenue :销货收入资产负债表:accumulated depreciation :备抵折旧asset :n.资产balance sheet :资产负债表contributed capital :实缴股本fixed asset :固定资产liability :n.负债notes payable :应付票据prepaid expense :预付款项retained earnings :保留盈余stockholders equity :股东权益商务英语高频词汇:贸易Commerce 贸易 出价;投标;喊价mercial 商业化;商用的;营利的petitor 竞争者;对手4.consolidate 结合;合并;强化;巩固5.contract 契约;合同6.corporate 全体的;团体的;公司的;法人的7.credible 可信的;可靠的8.debit 借方;借项9.earnings 薪水;工资;收益10.export 输出;出口11.haggle 讨价还价12.import 输入;进口13.invoice 发票;发货清单;完成工作的清单(明列数量和价钱)14.long-range 长期的;远程的15.stock 现货;存货16.payment 支付;付款17.quote 报价 供应品;供应物;库存19.tariff 关税20.voucher 保证人;凭证;凭单;折价券21.bill of lading 提货单modity 商品;农产品23.consignee 收件人;受托人24.consumer 消费者;顾客25.contractor 立契约人;承包商26.cost-effective 符合成本效益的 商人;业者28.due 应付的;到期的;该发生的29.endorse 背书;支持;赞同30.forward 送到,转号31.headquarters 总公司;总部;司令部32.inventory 详细目录;清单;存货33.letter of credit 信用状34.order 汇单;订货;订单;汇票35.patent 专利;取得…的专利36.quota 定量;定额;配额37.shipment 一批货38.surplus (1)过剩的量;盈余(2)过剩的;剩余的39.trademark 注册商标40.warehouse 仓库;货价;大商店。
逆 差
银行准备金 下跌
顺 差
银行准备金 增加
物价与现金流动机制 流程图 国际收支逆差 黄金外流 通货紧缩 物价下跌
出口增加,进口减少 国际收支平衡
Adjustment mechanism under paper
money circulation
3. 转移收支:Transfer Payment/单方面转 移Unilateral Transfers
Capital Account
1.长期资本(Long-term Capital):一年以上 (1)政府:贷款,投资,其他。 IMF和各成员国间贷款列入储备项目。 (2)私人:直接投资FDI,证券,信贷。
2. 短期资本(Short-term Capital):一年或一年以 下。(hot Money)
The difference between sales of assets to foreigners and purchases of assets located abroad. (capital inflow and capital outflow)
Adjustment of Disequilibrium
三 国际收支不平衡的调节
Both persistent surplus and deficit should be adjusted.
(一)国际收支的自动调节作用 Automatic adjustment, Price Specie Flow Mechanism, (gold point)
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foreign resident
regarded as China’s residents
Residents of US
Hale Waihona Puke diplomatic personnel
temporary military migrant personnel
Note: “Hence, sales by a parent firm to a foreign subsidiary result in balance of payments entries, even though the transaction takes place within a single corporation.”
官方储备增加 (中国情况) 官方储备增加
官方储备增加 (美国情况) 官方储备减少
D.Errors and Omissions (净错误和遗漏)
The establishment of this account is to fill the gap on the bookkeeping artificially. Theoretically, Current Account+Capital Account = Official Reserves Practically, Current Account+Capital Account = Official Reserves (Due to incomplete figures and smuggling.)
C. Official Reserve Account (官方贮备帐户)
i) Gold ii) Foreign Exchange iii) SDRs (特别提款权) (Position in IMF-在IMF的贮备头寸) Net Official Reserve
(Note: Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) are issued to governments by international monetary funds (IMF) to settle international debts and have replaced gold in international financial transaction.) gold 25% SDRs foreign exchange domestic currency 75%
Unit 2 Balance of Payments
I. Definition of Balance of Payments
Balance of Payments (BOP) refers to a system of government accounts that records and catalogs a country’s exports and imports as well as the flow of capital and gifts between the residents of the country and residents of other countries during a specific time interval.
II. Two Principles of BOP
Natural Person A. Residents Legal Person (Enterprises & Public Agencies)
e.g. For an MNC, such as General Motor (GM) for China’s BOP: Parent in America Subsidiary in China
i) All transactions involving payments from foreigners to a country are entered in BOP “receipts” column with a plus signal (+) to reflect that they are credits, which results in inflow of funds to the country. ii) All payments to foreigners are entered in the “payments” column with a minus signal (-) to reflect that they are debits because they result in outflows of funds to other countries.
少),如果此项为正,国家处于主动地位; 如果此项为负,国家需要用其他项目弥补, 处境较被动。
B. Capital Account (资本帐户)
i) Direct Investment (直接投资/利润) Long-term Capital (长期资本) ii) Portfolio Investment (证券投资/股息、红利) iii) Short-term Capital (短期资本) Net Capital Account Balance
IV. Analysis Implications ( Equilibrium of BOP )
A. Implications of favorable BOP & unfavorable BOP
a) It refers to trade equilibrium, which means that exports equal imports. If exports exceed imports, trade surplus will appear. And if exports are less than imports, trade deficits will appear. b) The second implication is current account’s equilibrium. If trade item runs a deficit, the invisible trade item can make it up, and if it can not, capital account will be used to cover deficits . c) Finally, if it still not, the governments have to draw on their foreign reserves assets, which should be use as the last resort to cover deficits.
SDRs 相当于股份公司,每个国家购买一定的份额(Share) ,此财产属于基 金组织财产,存于本国中央银行,待IMF需要时动用。现在,美国占有份 额的17.47%,居首位,中国占有份额的2.99%,居第八位。
经常项目顺差 + 资本与金融项目顺差 经常项目顺差 > 资本与金融项目逆差 经常项目逆差 < 资本与金融项目顺差 经常项目逆差 + 资本与金融项目逆差 经常项目逆差 > 资本与金融项目顺差 经常项目顺差 < 资本与金融项目逆差
F. Comparative Analysis Methods
a) Horizontal Analysis: Compare BOP with other countries’ BOPs. b) Vertical Analysis: Compare BOP with your own BOPs Before.
B. Implications for Managers
a) A country experiencing serious balance of payments deficits is not likely to import as much as it would if it were running a surplus. b) Continuing deficits in a country’s BOP may signal future controls on the outflow capital movements. c) A continuing surplus in a country’s BOP may indicate a strong international competitive position.
B. Double-Entry System(复式记帐法)
Each transaction gives rise to both a credit entry (贷记) and debit entry (借记)of BOP in different countries. Credit Debit Inflow of capital + Outflow of capital
III. Important Sections of BOP
A. Current Account (经常项目帐户)
i) Merchandise-Imports & Exports tangible goods (有形商品) ii) Services (服务)- intangible goods(无形商品) transportation 运输 tourism 旅游 insurance 保险 communication 通讯 e.g. cost CIF insurance Based on the requirements of BOP, these two parts are put into “Services”. freight iii) Unilateral Transfer (单方面转移、无偿转移) Government aids Remittance from repatriation Net Current Account Balance 得到 “+”, 支出 “-” 汇入 “+”, 汇出 “-”