



治理能力现代化modernization of governance崇洋媚外blind worshiping of foreign things1.中央空调central air conditioning2.集中供暖central heating3.柜式空调cabinet air conditioner4.壁挂式空调wall mount air conditioner5.临时住处temporary accommodation6.弱冷车厢”内的空调温度要比“强冷车厢”内高2℃ temperature in carriages of cool section is 2 degrees higher than that of cold section1.不忘初心stay true to their original aspirations2.书写了... 新篇章opened a new chapter for ...3.结下了深厚友谊forged a profound friendship4.深化各领域友好交往deepen friendly exchanges in various areas5.拓展务实合作,为两国人民带来更大福祉expand practical cooperation to bring more benefits to both peoples积极致力于发展经济、改善民生endeavor to develop the economy and improve people's livelihood机构改革institutional reform简政放权streamline administration and delegate powers互联网+ 政务服务the Internet Plus government servicesmodel战略资源strategic resources加大科技创新工作力度put more effort in scientific and technological innovation提高稀土开发利用的技术水平raise the technological level of exploitation of rare earths应急管理部the Ministry of Emergency Management启动应急响应activate an emergency response出工作组前往受灾地区sent a work team to the stricken areas指导抢险救灾工作provide guidance in rescue and disaster relief减少经济损失和次生灾害save economic losses and avoid secondary disaster临震预报imminent earthquake prediction破坏性地震destructive earthquake一次性杯具disposable cups环保材料environment friendly materials将打好包的垃圾放在家门口place their bagged householdgarbage at doorstep1.一线城市first-tier cities2.二线城市second-tier cities3.出台了不少优惠政策rolled out favorable policies4.节能环保energy conservation and environmental protection5.创业板growth enterprise market, GEM6.突破关键核心技术make breakthroughs in core technologies7.市场认可度高be well accepted by the market新能源汽车new energy vehicles , NEVs8.发布指导方案release a guideline9.能耗低low energy consumption10污染物排放少low pollutant emission11插电式混合动力汽车plug-in hybrid electric vehicle,简称PHEV12推动智能汽车创新发展promote innovative development of smart vehicles1.电子收费ETC electronic toll collection2.ETC 车道ETC lanes3.货车实现不停车收费allow nonstop passage of freight vehicles4.实现机场、火车站、客运站、港口码头等大型交通场站停车场景ETC 服务全覆盖full coverage of ETC service at airports, railway stations, bus hubs and ports5.取消全国高速公路省界收费站remove almost all expressway toll booths at provincial borders6.实现不停车快捷收费make nonstop, swift collection a reality7.减少拥堵cut traffic congestion1.出境游outbound tourism2.对.. 持积极开放态度keep an open attitude towards...3.中国文化和旅游部发布的旅游提醒the tourism reminder issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism4.旅游警示travel alert5.出入境盘查entry-and-exit interrogations6.提高安全防范意识raise safety awareness7.了解旅游目的地治安、法律法规等信息learn about the information about the public security situation and related laws and regulations of tourist destinations8.妥善积极应对respond appropriately and actively1.满足国内消费者的需求meet the demand from domestic consumers2.国产婴幼儿配方乳粉品质the quality of domestic babyformula3.在国外设立加工厂set up factory overseas4.鼓励国外乳粉企业在国内设立外商投资企业encourage foreign enterprises to set up ventures in China5.婴幼儿用品行业industries related to infants and children6.二孩经济second-child economy1.生态足迹ecological footprint2.生态安全ecological security3.加快构建生态文明体系speed up the construction of the ecological civilization system4.生态环境质量实现根本好转 a fundamental improvement in environmental quality5.美丽中国目标基本实现the goal of building a Beautiful China will be basically attained6.我国生态环境质量持续改善China's environmental qualitykept improving1.世界繁荣与稳定the prosperity and stability of the world2.曾多次出现波折、面临困难局面....has seen twists and turns and difficult situations3.缩小分歧bridge differences4.经贸摩擦economic and trade friction5.捍卫国家和人民利益defend the interests of the nation and its people6.无视中美经济结构、发展阶段特点和国际产业分工现实turning a blind eye to the nature of the economic structure and the stage of development in China and the US1.中国农业改革40 周年the 40th anniversary of rural reform in China2.实施乡村振兴战略implement of a rural revitalization strategy3.粮食总产量total grain output4.推动乡村产业振兴revitalize rural industries5.一二三产业the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries6.全力以赴消除农村贫困go to all lengths to eliminate poverty7.“三农”问题issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people8.农业农村现代化modernization of agriculture and rural areas1.控制游客数量keep crowd sizes down2.实行全网络实名制售票introduce real-name online ticketing3.每日游客总量控制在6.5万人次daily ticketing is capped at 65,0004.提前7天进行网上预约购票purchase tickets seven days in advance5.最佳承载量the best carrying capacity6.暂缓检票suspend admission7.自由行independent travel8.热门景点tourist hotspots1.外来入侵物种invasive alien species2.形成自我再生能力develop a self-reproduction ability3.对生态环境、生产或者生活造成明显损害或者不利影响cause visible damage to or negative impact on the environment, production or daily life4.非本土物种non-indigenous(non-native) species5.外来物种alien species6.化学防治chemical control7.用化学除草剂use of pesticides。



Givethefloor to请…发言ﻫIt is a great pleasurefor me to我很荣幸…ﻫRelevantissues 相关问题Updated research research result 最新的调查结果ﻫAttach the importa nce to对…给予重视Lead-edge technologies领先技术ﻫMinisterCounselor公使Naturalheritage自然遗产ﻫShared concern共同关心的问题Well-deserved reputation良好的信誉对…表示衷心的感谢express sincere gratitu deto请…讲话Let’s welcometo givea speech双边会议bilateral conferenceﻫ以掌声对…表示的最热烈的欢迎propose thewarmest applausetoﻫ主办单位sponsorﻫ颁奖仪式the Award Ceremony 贺词greeting speech隆重举行observe thegrandopeningof ﻫ请…颁奖Let’sinvite to present the award取得圆满成功achieve complete ceremony全球庆典global celebration ceremony宣布…结束declaretheclosing ofﻫ请全体起立,奏国歌Pleaserise for thenational anthem.ﻫCollecti ve stewardship集体管理ﻫCompetitiv ejob market充满竞争的就业市场Financialinstitutions金融机构ﻫFor ward-looking进取ﻫGross National Product国民生产总值Meet the challenges迎接挑战ﻫPublic authorities公共机构ﻫRegulato rymechanism 法规机制ﻫThe threshold of our transition intothenew millenmum跨越新千年的门槛UNCHS (UnitedNationsCentre for Human Settlements)联合国人居中心ﻫUrban residents 城市居民Well-servicedformal city服务齐全的高尚城市ﻫ把…列为重要内容placeasthe priority不放松工作never neglectthe workﻫ节约用水waterconservation 对…表示衷心祝贺extend our sincere con gratulations onﻫ节约用水先进城市m odel city of water conservationﻫ使…取得预期效果attain theresults expected授予…光荣称号conferhonorable awards on为…而奋斗strive for ﻫ严重缺水城市a cityof severe watershortage有关单位units concerned与…比有差距compared with,thereis still some way to goﻫ预祝…圆满成功wish a complete success开源与节流并重broaden sources ofincome &reduce expenditureﻫ对外贸易港口seaport for foreign trade 国内生产总值National Gross Products欢聚一堂merrily gather活跃的经济带vigorous economicregio n基础雄厚solidfoundationﻫ留下最美好的印象may you have a mostpl easantimpression盛世the grandoccasion祝愿在停留愉快wish apleasantstayﻫ综合性商港comprehensive commercial seaportﻫ春意盎然springis verymuch in the airﻫforestcoverage森林覆盖率ﻫglobal warming全球变暖principalelement主要因素toxicemission废气排放迸发出心灵的火花ignitethe sparks of understanding建立合作桥梁buildthebridge for cooperation内容翔实substantial in contentﻫ能源大省major province of energy日程紧凑tightin scheduleﻫcallupon 号召conservation benefits节水的好处ﻫindu strial reuseandrecycling工业中水利用pollutionfines 污染罚款ﻫurban water conservation城市节水ﻫwater savi ng fixtures节水装置ﻫ地区经济regional economic港口经营多元化diversification inport operation责任和义务performour duties andfulfillour obligationsﻫ地区行业盛会a well-known regionalevent of theindustryﻫ发起港initiatingportsﻫbreakfree 冲破藩篱civilsociety民间团体ﻫethniclines 种族genuine partnership真正的合作伙伴squatter settlements 违章建筑区without access to 享受不到ﻫ畅所欲言open dialoguesﻫ计划经济的束缚theboundingofplanning economyﻫ紧迫问题pressingissues科教兴省和走可持续发展的道路vitalizethe province by scienceandtechnology and sustainable developmentﻫ空前膨胀unprecedentedly inflatedﻫ控制增长势头curb the trendofsteep riseﻫ面临严峻挑战face severe challengesﻫ清醒地看到acutely awareﻫ生态恶化ecologicaldeteriorationﻫ提高意识strengthenthe awareness相互尊重,求同存异,平等互利,优势互补,借鉴经验,拓展合作,立足当前,着眼未来respect each other, seekthe common g roundwhile putting aside difference,enjoy equalityand mutual benefits, complement eachother’s advantages,learn each other’s experience, expandthecooperation,stand fromthe present and lo ok forwardtothe futureﻫ以此会议为契机takethe opportunityo fthis seminar滞后lagbehind转轨建制过程缓慢the tr4ansitionofmechanismis slow总结经验教训drawlessons from the pastﻫcommunitydevelopmentoriented 以发展社区为宗旨的deserved winners当之无愧的获奖者ﻫethn icminorities少数民族gainfulemployment有报酬的ﻫgender issues性别问题ﻫhandicraftworks 手工艺品income generation 工薪阶层ﻫin-depth knowledge深入了解ﻫthe handicap ped残疾人ﻫ不求最大,但求最好seek the best instead of thelargest产业结构industrialstructure城乡一体化the unified design between the cityand thecountryside 短期行为short-term conduct房地产开发real estatedevelopmentﻫ扶贫帮困help and support thepoor 公共绿地public lawn公用事业publicutilities会展中心convention centerﻫ基建规模infrastructure scale精品意识consciousness for the best精品住宅区modelhuman settlementsﻫ企业效益enterprise revenue 文明乘车civil bus ride希望工程Hope Project一、政治类:1ﻫ. 日益昌盛become incre asinglyprosperous2. 快速发展developrapidly3.隆重集会gather ceremoniously ﻫ4.热爱和平love peace5.追求进步pursueprogress6. 履行权利和义务perform theresponsibilities and obligations7ﻫ. 回顾奋斗历程review thecourse of struggle8ﻫ. 展望伟大征程look into the greatjourney9.充满信心和力量befilledwith confidenceand strengthﻫ10.必胜bebound towin11.主张各国政府采取行动urgegovernments of all countries to take ﻫaction12. 和平共处coexist peacefully13. 对内开放和对外开放open up both externally andinternallyﻫ14. 经历两个不同时期experience tw odifferentperiodsﻫ15. 战胜无数的困难overcome numerous difficulties ﻫ16.赢得一个又一个胜利win one victory after another17. 完全意识到befully awarethat18.迈出重要的一步makean impo rtant step 1ﻫ9.采取各种措施adopt various measures20.得出结论,告一段落draw ( arr iveat, come toreach )aconclusionﻫ21. 实现民族独立realize national independence22. 追求真理seek thetruth 2ﻫ3.建立社会主义制度establish a socialistsystem 24ﻫ. 根除(防止,消除)腐败root out (prevent, eliminate) corruption25.响应号召respond to the callﻫ26.进入新时期enter a new period27.实行新政策practicenewpolicies28. 展现生机和活力display one’s vigor and vitality29ﻫ. 增强综合国力enhan cecomprehensive(overall) national strength and ﻫ和国际竟争力international competitivenessﻫ30.进入世界先进行列edgeinto the advancedranksin the world31. 解决温饱问题solve the problemof food andclothing ﻫ32.吸收各国文明的先进成果absorb what isad vanced inothercivilizations 33. 与日俱增increase every day34. 实现夙愿fulfill the long-cherished wishes ﻫ35. 必将实现be bound to cometrue 36ﻫ. 锻造一支人民军队forge a people’s army 37ﻫ.建立巩固的国防build a strong national defense38ﻫ. 进行和谈holdpeace talksﻫ39.修改法律amend the laws40ﻫ. 在...中起(至关)play a major的(crucial,an important ) role in重要作用41.对...做出重要(巨大)贡献make important (great,major)contributions to42.遵循规则followthe principles43. 把理论和实际结合起来integrate theorywithpractice … 44ﻫ.把...作为指导take… asthe guide45.缓和紧张状况ease the tensionﻫ46. 高举伟大旗帜hold highthe greatbanner47.解决新问题resolve newproblems ﻫ48. 观察当今世界observethepresent-day world49.开拓前进open up newways forward50.增强凝聚力enhancethe rally power51.结束暴力,开始和平谈判end the v iolence andresume peace talks52. 进行战略性调整makestrate gic readjustment 53ﻫ.开始生效gointoeffect / enter into force54. 就...接受妥协acceptacomp romise on55. 接受...的采访beinterviewed byﻫ56. 把……看成社会公敌lookupon … as athreat tosociety57. 把……捐给慈善机构donate …to charities ﻫ58.维护世界和平maintain world peace 5ﻫ9. 摆脱贫穷落后get r id of poverty and backwardness6ﻫ0.实现发展繁荣bring aboutdeve lopment and prosperityﻫ61. 反对各种形式的恐怖主义beopposed to all formsof terrorism62.宣布。



CATTI三级笔译常考高频词汇翻译资格考试常考高频词汇新东方One Country, Two Systems 一国两制One China, One Taiwan 一中一台Two Chinas 两个中国Three Direct Links Mail, Air and Shipping Services and Trade (两岸)直接三通23 Million Taiwan Compatriots 两千三百万台湾同胞Two Conferences NPC and CPPCC 两会(人大,政协)Three Represents 三个代表the Important Thought of Three Represents 三个代表重要思想Woman Pace-Setter 三八红旗手the Three Major Historical Tasks三大历史任务the Seven-Year Program to Help 80 Million People Out of Poverty "八七"扶贫攻坚计划the Eleventh Five-Year Plan 2006-2010 "十一五"计划the 15th central committee of the communist party of China CPC 第十五届中央委员会17th Party Congress 十七大the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee 十一届三中全会South-South Cooperation 南南合作North-South Dialog 南北对话Taiwan Independence 台独"Bring In" and "Going Out" "引进来"和"走出去"政策patriotic democratic personages爱国民主人士patriotic united front 爱国统一战线patriotism 爱国主义精神live and work in peace and contentment 安居乐业an enterprising spirit 昂扬向上的精神状态our compatriots in the Macao SAR Special Administrative Region 澳门特别行政区同胞hegemonism 霸权主义a hundred flowers blossom 百花齐放a hundred schools of thought contend 百家争鸣the stability in border areas 边疆稳定remote areas 边远地区a magnificent upsurge 波澜壮阔extensive and profound 博大精深never degenerating 不变质constantly better people's lives 不断提高人民生活水平unfair and irrational 不公正不合理shackles of the outdated notions 不合时宜的观念的束缚an inexhaustible motive force 不竭动力invincible 不可战胜an irresistible trend of history 不可阻挡的历史潮流not lose our bearings不迷失方向uneven 不平衡a tortuous course 不平坦的道路not all-inclusive 不全面的take resolute measures 采取果断措施participation in and deliberation of state affairs 参政议政long-term coexistence 长期共存long-term social stability and solidarity 长期社会安定团结long-term peace and order 长治久安honesty 诚实守信fully mobilize and rally充分调动和凝聚take shape initially 初步建立traditional threats to security 传统安全威胁creativity, cohesion and fighting capacity 创造力、凝聚力和战斗力system of resignation 辞职制proceed from our national conditions 从我国国情出发promote common development 促进共同发展promote all-round social progress 促进社会全面进步assuming heavy responsibilities 担当重任the contemporary era 当代masters of the country当家作主the wish to be the masters of our country 当家作主的愿望congress of party representatives 党代会backbone of the party 党的骨干力量the party's basic theory, line and program 党的基本理论、路线和纲领party building 党的建设party's progressiveness 党的先进性the destiny of the party and state 党和国家前途命运the cause of the party and state 党和国家事业Deng Xiaoping theory 邓小平理论the demise of comrade Deng Xiaoping邓小平同志逝世the sixth place 第六位the primary productive force 第一生产力E-government 电子政务mobilize the initiative 调动积极性equal political entities 对等的政治实体erroneous and dogmatic interpretation of Marxism 对马克思主义的错误和教条式的理解multi-tiered 多层次multiparty cooperation 多党合作diversify 多元化pluralistic society多元社会diverse forces 多种力量duplicate law enforcement 多重多头执法awareness of law 法制观念a country with an adequate legal system 法制国家a country under the rule of law 法治国家prosperity, stability and development 繁荣、稳定和发展fight against "Taiwan Independence" 反对"台独"oppose separation 反对分裂combat corruption and build a clean government 反腐倡廉guard against 防止non-traditional threats to security 非传统安全威胁splitting activities 分裂活动the objectives and tasks 奋斗目标和任务develop diverse forms of democracy 丰富民主形式trials and tribulations 风浪考验serve the overall interests 服务大局strong, prosperous, democratic and culturally advanced 富强、民主、文明hinterland 腹地reform, development and stability 改革、发展、稳定reform and opening-up 改革开放fall behind the times 落后于时代Marxism-Leninism 马克思列宁主义the basic tenets of Marxism 马克思主义基本原理a Marxist ruling party 马克思主义执政党Mao Zendong Thought 毛泽东思想the militia 民兵Democratic Progressive Party 民进党people's livelihood 民生democratic and the legal system 民主法制democratic management 民主管理prepared for both promotion and demotion 能上能下to alleviate rural poverty through development 农村扶贫开发reform of rural taxes and administrative charges 农村税费改革problems facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers 农业、农村和农民问题agriculture and rural work 农业和农村工作agriculture as the foundation of the economy 农业基础地位falsification 弄虚作假personnel training 培养人才people in financial difficulties 贫困群众smooth transition of power平稳过渡extravagance and waste 铺张浪费general election system 普选制less developed 欠发达地区intensify functions 强化功能win-win co-operation 强强联手power politics 强权政治overseas Chinese 侨胞overseas Chinese affairs 侨务工作industry and courage 勤劳勇敢seek common ground while shelving differences 求同存异regional organizations 区域性组织tortuous road 曲折的道路draw upon one another's strong points 取长补短yield substantial results 取得丰硕成果score tremendous achievements 取得巨大成就repeal taxes on special agricultural products 取消农业特产税all the party members; whole party 全党the crystallization of the party's collective wisdom 全党集体智慧的结晶all-dimensional 全方位the Chinese people of all nationalities; people of all ethnic groupsof the country 全国各族人民deputy to the National People's Congress 全国人大代表the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 全国政协plenary sessions 全会build a well-off society in an all-round way; build a moderately prosperous society in all respects 全面建设小康社会in full swing 全面展开divorce between powers and responsibilities 权责脱节the general public 群众People's Congresses 人大the standing committees 人大常委会NPC National People's Congress member 人大代表the spirit of the congress 人大精神put sb. to the best use 人尽其才a full display of advantages in human resources 人力资源优势得到充分发挥material and cultural needs of the people 人民的物质文化需要the people's democratic dictatorship 人民民主专政upgrade the texture of life for the people 人民生活更加殷实mass organizations 人民团体the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference CPPCC 人民政协the trend of popular sentiment 人心向背personnel exchanges 人员往来treating each other with all sincerity 肝胆相照the high degree of unity and solidarity 高度团结统一a high degree of autonomy 高度自治hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping theory 高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜lofty character 高尚的品格opera highlights 折子戏stilt walk 踩高跷pantomime; mime 哑剧pantomimist 哑剧演员skit 戏剧小品circus show 马戏monologue comic talk, standup comedy 单口相声stunt 特技表演witty dialogue comedy, comic cross talk 相声the traditional story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment 京韵大鼓shaanxi opera 秦腔sealcutting 篆刻characters cut in intaglio 阴文characters cut in relief 阳文seal 图章graver 刻刀making rubbings from stone inscriptions 拓碑rubbing 拓片workmanship/craftsmanship 工艺,手艺handicraft 手工艺品wood carving 木雕boxwood craft 黄杨木雕carved lacquerware 雕漆stone carving 石雕miniature engraving 微雕ivory carving 象牙雕bamboo engraving 竹雕shell carving 贝雕ice sculpture 冰雕painted sculpture 彩塑enamel 瓷釉embroidery 刺绣scroll 卷轴batik 蜡染clay figure 泥人lacquer painting 漆画lacquer ware 漆器celadon 青瓷色two-sided embroidery 双面绣landscape/ink painting 水墨画Suzhou embroidery 苏绣sandalwood fan 檀香扇trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 唐三彩pottery 陶器Ceramics 制陶业the four stationery treasures of the Chinese study?a writing brush, an ink stick, an ink stone and paper 文房四宝inkslab engraving 砚刻Yixing pottery 宜兴陶folding fan 折扇Wickerwork 枝编工艺tapestry 织锦,挂毯papier mache 纸工艺品Chinese painting 中国画folklores 民间传说fable 寓言legend 传说mythology 神话God of Heaven 玉皇大帝the Eight Immortals 八仙Chang’e, the Chinese moon goddess 嫦娥Fu Xi, God of Fishery and Husbandry 伏羲god of fortune, god of prosperity, and god of longevity 福禄寿三星god of fortune 财神god of the kitchen 灶神Gonggong, God of Water 公神Houyi a legendary hero who shot down nine suns 后羿Yellow Emperor 黄帝Kuafu a fabled sun-chasing giant 夸父Nuwa: a goddess who patches up the sky 女娲Pan Gu, creator of the universe 盘古Patron of Agriculture 神农Yu, the reputed founder of the Xia Dynasty 禹Zhurong, God of Fire 祝融make the past serve the present and the foreign serve China 古为今用,洋为中用inscribe a poem 赋诗matching an antithetical couplet 对对联solar calendar 阳历gregorian calendar 公历lunar calendar 阴历heavenly stem 天干earthly branch 地支leap year 闰年the twenty-four solar terms 二十四节气zodiac 十二生肖rat 鼠ox 牛tiger 虎hare 兔dragon 龙snake 蛇horse 马sheep 羊monkey 猴rooster 鸡dog 狗pig 猪year of monkey 猴年one’s year of birth considered in relation to the 12 TerrestrialBranches 本命年traditional holidays 传统节日Spring Festival 春节pay a New Year visit 拜年firecracker 鞭炮,爆竹Eve of Chinese New Year 除夕Spring couplets 春联ring out the old year and ring in the new 辞旧迎新Jiaozi, boiled dumpling 饺子pot sticker 锅贴temple fair 庙会ring out the old year 鸣钟辞旧岁traditional New Year pictures 年画the Eve Feast; family reunion dinner on Lunar New Year’s Eve 年夜饭year-end household cleaning 年终大扫除stay up late on the New Year’s Eve 守岁family reunion dinner 团圆饭New Year gift-money; money given to children as a New Year gift 压岁钱dragon dance 舞龙Lantern Festival 15th day of the first lunar month 元宵节sweet sticky rice dumplings 元宵festival lantern 花灯lantern riddle 灯谜lion dance 狮子舞stilt walking 踩高跷Pure Brightness Festival/Tomb-sweeping Day April the 5th 清明节sweep tomb sites of loved ones 扫墓offer sacrifices to the ancestors 祭祖go for an outing in spring 踏青dragon Boat Festival 5th of the fifth lunar month 端午节dragon boat race 赛龙舟zongzi pyramid-shaped dumpling made by glutinous rice wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves 粽子Departed soul 亡灵loyal minister 忠臣Quyuan the poet 诗人屈原Moon Festival/Mid- Autumn Day 15th of eighth lhunar month 中秋节mooncake 月饼appreciate the glorious full moon 赏月reunion 团圆sweet osmanthus 桂花Double Ninth Day/the Aged Day 重阳节admire the beauty of chrysanthemum 赏菊climb mountain 登高TCM traditional Chinese medicine 中药First Emperor, Emperor Chin 秦始皇帝empress dowager 皇太后founder of the Han Dynasty 206BC-220AD 汉高祖刘邦Genghis Khan; Temujin 成吉思汗gifted scholars and beautiful ladies 才子佳人cradle of civilization 文明摇篮Xia Dynasty 夏朝of Ming and Qing dynasties 明清两代Chinese civilization 中华文明Sichuan, Szechwan, Szechuan 四川Shaanxi 陕西Research Center for Ancient Civilizations 古文明研究中心Chinese and overseas scholars 中外学者archaeologists 考古学家anthropologist 人类学家historian 历史学家Tao, ”the way”, the principle of wor kings of the universe 道humaneness also mean:humanity, benevolence, goodness, virtue 仁the Four Books 四书the Great Learning 《大学》the Doctrine of the Mean 《中庸》the Analects of Confucius 《论语》the Mencius 《孟子》five major styles of calligraphy 书法五大书体seal script/seal character篆书official script/clerical script 隶书running script/semi-cursive script 行书cursive script 草书regular script/standard script 楷书traditional Chinese painting 中国画Chinese brush painting; ink and wash painting 水墨画traditional Chinese realistic painting 工笔six classical arts 六艺rite 礼music 乐archery 射riding 御writing 书arithmetic 数the Art of War 孙子兵法Chinese character 汉字stroke (汉字)笔画radical 偏旁部首writing system 书写体系Sino-Tibetan 汉藏语系Sinologist/Sinologue 汉学家Sinomania 中国热of the same origin 同宗同源the Chinese ancestors 华夏祖先single syllable 单音节Chinese language is “soberly logical”汉语有“合理的逻辑性”the four tones of Chinese characters 汉语四声调level tone 阴平rising tone 阳平falling-rising tone 上声falling tone 去声martial art 武术Kung fu 中国武术styles or schools of martial art 武术门派practice martial art for fitness 习武健身ancient form of combat 古代格斗术Chinese Martial Art Association 中国武术协会top martial artist 武林高手Qigong; deep breathing exercises 气功judo 柔道karate 空手道tae kwon do 跆拳道boxing 拳击wrestling 摔跤fencing 击剑walk the earth with a sword 仗剑走天涯tales of roving knights; kung fu novels 武侠小说Chinese literature 中国文学Three Kingdoms 《三国演义》Journey to the West; Pilgrimage to the West 《西游记》Dream of the Red Mansions 《红楼梦》the Classic of Mountains an Rivers 《山海经》History as a Mirror; Comprehensive History Retold as a Mirror for Rulers 《资治通鉴》the Romance of West Chamber 《西厢记》Heroes of the Marshes; Tales of the Water Margin 《水浒传》Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio; Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio 《聊斋志异》Fortress Besieged 《围城》the True Story of Ah Q 《阿Q正传》the Spring and Autumn Annals 《春秋》Historical Records 《史记》the Book of Songs; the Book of Odes 《诗经》the Book of History 《书经》I Ching; the Book of Changes 《易经》the Book of Rites 《礼记》Book of Filial Piety 《孝经》three-character scripture; three-word chant 《三字经》eight-part essay; stereotyped writing 八股文five-character quatrain 五言绝句seven-character octave 七言律诗Chinese architecture 中国建筑Quadrangle, the traditional Chinese single-story houses with rows of rooms around the four sides of a courtyard 四合院Mongolian yurt 蒙古包inscriptions on a tablet 碑刻,碑文,碑铭the forest of steles, tablet forest 碑林Taoist temple 道观hall 殿beacon tower 烽火台drum tower 鼓楼ornamental column 华表corridor 回廊altar 祭坛rockery 假山watchtower 角楼corridor 廊pailou, decorated archway 牌楼bridge 桥stone boat 石舫grotto 石窟pavilion on the water 水榭pagoda; tower 塔terrace 台altar 坛pavilion 亭阁bell tower 钟楼pillar, column, post 柱emperor's mausoleum/tomb 陵墓major cultural heritage 重要文化遗产outstanding folk arts 优秀民间艺术cultural relics 文物Chinese knot 中国结Cheongsam 旗袍traditional Chinese garments clothing, Tang suit 中山装cloisonné景泰蓝royal court envoy 朝廷使者men of letter 文人refined scholar 雅士culture industry 文化产业cultural deposit 文化底蕴cultural undertaking 文化事业cross-cultural communication 文化交流culture shock 文化冲突national culture 民族文化folk culture 民间文化urban culture 城镇文化rural culture 乡村文化native culture 当地文化performing art 表演艺术popular art, pop art 现代流行艺术high art 纯艺术refined art 高雅艺术cinematographic art 电影艺术theatrical art 戏剧艺术male the positive male role 生(男性正面角色)female the positive female role 旦(女性正面角色)a supporting male role with striking character 净(性格鲜明的男性配角)a clown or a negative role 丑(幽默滑稽或反面角色)painted role 花脸monodrama; one-man show 独角戏musical 歌舞喜剧shtick 滑稽场面,搞笑小噱头skit 滑稽短剧amateur performer of Beijing Opera/Peking Opera fan 京剧票友Peking Opera Mask 京剧人物脸谱ventriloquism 口技puppet show 木偶戏voice over 旁白shadow play; leather-silhouette show 皮影戏story-telling 说书make a human pyramid 叠罗汉colors, primary 红、黄、蓝三原色colors, secondary 合成色,间色composition 构图engraving 雕刻艺术,镌版术;亦指雕版印刷品,版画etching 蚀刻版画,蚀刻术,铜版画foreshortening effect [绘画]通过透视原理表现立体空间fresco [绘画]在灰泥的墙壁上作的水彩画,壁画highlight [绘画]高光high relief 高浮雕impasto [绘画]厚涂颜料的绘画法,厚涂的颜料inlaying 镶嵌landscape 风景画,山水画lithography 石印(平版印刷)术;平版印刷品modeling 建模,造型monochrome 单色画(由一种颜色的不同色度制作出的图片,尤指图画) pastel 浅淡的色调,柔和而悦目的色彩perspective [绘画]透视primary colors 三原色relief 浮雕(效果)sketching 写生,写生画still life 静物tempera 蛋彩画(用蛋清代油调和的鸡蛋水胶养料画法)texture 质地,纹理tone 色调trompe l’oeil 一种给人以摄影作品般真实感觉的绘画风格aria 独唱曲;咏叹调background music 背景音乐band 乐队baritone 男中音bass 低音部;男低音;低音乐器beat 节奏,鼓点brass 铜管乐队;铜管乐器Broadway musical 百老汇音乐剧canon 卡农(一种乐曲形式,其中同样的旋律被一个或者多个声部重复,同一调或者相关调彼此在时间上重合)chord 和弦,和音composer 作家,作曲家concerto 协奏曲conductor 管弦乐队、合唱队指挥contemporary music 当代音乐crescendo 声音渐增,渐强decrescendo 渐弱dissonance 不谐和音,不一致duet 二重奏finale (戏剧的)最后一场,结局;终曲;(电视剧)最后一集flat [音]降半音fox trot 狐步舞,狐步舞曲fugue [音]赋格曲genre 类型,流派acid jazz 酸性爵士alternative music 另类(非主流)音乐,如gay music (同性恋音乐)bluegrass 蓝草音乐?起源于美国南方的民间音乐,特色为音乐轻快和像爵士乐那样即兴演奏blues 布鲁斯歌曲(蓝调音乐)Celtic music 凯尔特音乐(尤指爱尔兰风格)classical music 古典乐country music 乡村音乐dance music 劲爆蹦迪音乐easy listening music 轻音乐electronic music 电子音乐environmental music 环境音乐experimental music 实验音乐folk music 民族音乐fusion music 融合音乐heavy metal; hard rock 重金属摇滚hip-hop music 嘻蹦乐,译嘻哈house music 电子乐的一种Indie-Rock music 独立音乐(属于另类音乐)jazz 爵士乐Jazz Blues 爵士布鲁斯Latin music 拉丁乐musical 音乐剧New Age music 新时代乐风Punk; New wave 朋克;新浪潮R&B 节奏布鲁斯Rap music 说唱Reggae music 雷鬼乐,一种风格独特的牙买加音乐Retro music 怀旧音乐Soft rock 慢摇滚soul music (美国黑人)爵士灵歌,结合了福音唱诗以及节奏布鲁斯音乐的特点soundtrack 电影配乐swing music 摇摆乐Techno music 强烈动感的电子音乐Trance music 非常Hi的电子舞曲,迷幻电子乐gospel music 福音音乐harmony [音]和弦,和声,悦耳的声音组合hymn 赞美诗,圣歌,唱赞美歌improvisation 即席创作lip synching 对口型,假唱lyric 抒情诗,歌词march [音]进行曲melody 旋律opera 歌剧opus 作品orchestra 管弦乐队percussion 打击乐器,鼓点polka 波尔卡舞曲pop music 流行音乐,通俗音乐quartet 四重奏;四重唱Renaissance 文艺复兴,有文艺复兴时期的艺术风格的音乐repertoire 准备好演出的节目,保留剧目Requiem Mass 安魂曲rhumba rumba伦巴舞蹈,伦巴乐曲rhythm 节奏,韵律rock 摇滚乐salsa 萨尔萨舞曲,拉丁美洲一种流行舞曲samba 桑巴舞(一种源自非洲的巴西舞)score 乐谱solo 独唱曲,独唱sonata [音]奏鸣曲soprano 女高音symphony 交响乐,交响曲tango 探戈tempo (音乐)速度、拍子;发展速度tenor 男高音theme [音]主题,主题曲,主旋律theme and variations [音]主题与变奏trio 三重唱vocal range 音域waltz 华尔兹舞;华尔兹舞曲the four great inventions of ancient China 四大发明gunpowder 火药printing 印刷术paper-making 造纸术the compass 指南针Ancient Chinese Philosophers 中国古代哲学家Confucius 孔子Mencius 孟子Lao Tzu 老子Chuang Tzu 庄子Mo Tzu 墨子Sun Tzu 孙子bilateral diplomatic activities 双边外交win-win situation 双赢局面smooth transition of power 权利顺利平稳过渡candid and in-depth 坦诚深入的treaty 条约halt 停滞不前equal dignity 同等尊严break-through 突破unity 团结external blockade 外部封锁diplomacy 外交diplomatic practice 外交惯例diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权diplomatic barometer 外交晴雨表diplomatic envoy 外交使节diplomatic truce 外交休兵downright distrust 完全不信任complete equality 完全平等stubborn ills 顽疾seek a common good 为大众谋利maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong 维护香港的繁荣与稳定justice-upholding 维护正义的diplomatic practice 外交惯例cultural exchange 文化交流cultural ambassador 文化使节cradle of civilization 文化摇篮inexorable facts 无情的事实disorder 无秩序状态current state 现状elaborate on 详细谈论harmonize 协调agreement 协定alliance 结盟protocol 协议coordination 协作hand-in hand 携手a new world pattern 新的世界形态neo-colonialism 新殖民主义assert 宣称;维护declaration 宣告,声明the Asia-Pacific region 亚太地区severe test 严峻的考验message of condolences 唁电consistent policy 一贯的政策take history as guidance and look into the future 以史为鉴,面向未来ideology 意识形态never yielding 永不屈服increase; strengthen; promote; expand; boost 增进enhance mutual understanding 增进了解strategic relationship 战略关系strategic partnership of coord。



A Part of Utah Built on Coal Wonders What Comes NextPRICE, Utah —For generations, coal has been the lifeblood of this mineral-rich stretch of eastern Utah. Mining families proudly recall all the years they toiled underground. Supply companies line the town streets. Above the road that winds toward the mines, a soot-smudged miner peers out from a billboard with the slogan “Coal = Jobs.”But recently, fear has settled in. The state’s oldest coal-fired power plant, tucked among the canyons near town, is set to close, a result of new, stricter federal pollution regulations.As energy companies tack away from coal, toward cleaner, cheaper natural gas, people here have grown increasingly afraid that their community may soon slip away. Dozens of workers at the facility here, the Carbon Power Plant, have learned that they must retire early or seek other jobs. Local trucking and equipment outfits are preparing to take business elsewhere.“There are a lot of people worried,” said Kyle Davis, who has been employed at the plant since he was 18.Mr. Davis, 56, worked his way up from sweeping floors to managing operations at the plant, whose furnaces have been burning since 1954.“I would have liked to be here for another five years,” he said. “I’m too young to retire.”But Rocky Mountain Power, the utility that operates the plant, has determined that it would be too expensive to retrofit the aging plant to meet new federal standards on mercury emissions. The plant is scheduled to be shut by April 2015.“We had been working for the better part of three years, testing compliance strategies,” said David Eskelsen, a spokesman for the utility. “None of the ones we investigated really would produce the results that would meet the requirements.”For the last several years, coal plants have been shutting down across the country, driven by tougher environmental regulations, flattening electricity demand and a move by utilities toward natural gas.This month, the board of directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority, the country’s largest public power utility, voted to shut eight coal-powered plants in Alabama and Kentucky and partly replace them with gas-fired power. Since 2010, more than 150 coal plants have been closed or scheduled for retirement.The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the stricter emissions regulations for the plants will result in billions of dollars in related health savings, and will have a sweeping impact on air quality.In recent weeks, the agency held 11 “listening sessions” around the country in advance of proposing additional rules for carbon dioxide emissions.“Co al plants are the single largest source of dangerous carbon pollution in the United States, and we have ready alternatives like wind and solar to replace them,” said Bruce Nilles,director of the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign, which wants to shut all of the nation’s coal plants.“We have a choice,” he said, “which in most cases is cheaper and doesn’t have any of the pollution.”Coal’s downward turn has hit Appalachia hardest, but the effects of the transition toward other energy sources has started to ripple westward.Mr. Eskelsen said Rocky Mountain Power would place some of the 70 Carbon facility employees at its two other Utah coal plants. Other workers will take early retirement or look for different jobs.Still, the notion that this pocket of Utah, where Greek, Italian and Mexican immigrants came to mine coal more than a century ago, could survive without it, is hard for people here to comprehend.“The attack on coal is so broad-reaching in our little community,” said Casey Hopes, a Carbon County co mmissioner, whose grandfather was a coal miner. “The power plants, the mines —they support so many smaller businesses. We don’t have another industry.”Like others in Price, Mr. Hopes voiced frustration with the Obama administration, saying it should be investing more in clean coal technology rather than discarding coal altogether. Annual Utah coal production, though, has been slowly declining for a decade according to the federal Energy Information Administration.Last year, mines here produced about 17 million tons of coal, the lowest level since 1987, though production has crept up this year.“This is the worst we’ve seen it,” said David Palacios, who works for a trucking company that hauls coal to the power plants, and whose business will slow once the Carbon plant closes. Mr. Palacios, president of the Southeastern Utah Energy Producers Association, noted that the demand for coal has always ebbed and flowed here.“But this has been two to three years we’re struggling through,” he said.Compounding the problem, according to some mining experts, is that until now, most of the state’s coal has been sold and used within the region, rather than being exported overseas. That has left the industry here more vulnerable to local plant closings.Cindy Crane, chairwoman of the Utah Mining Association, said demand for Utah coal could eventually drop as much as 50 percent. “For most players in Utah coal, this a tough time,” said Ms. Crane, vice president of PacifiCorp, a Western utility and mining company that owns the Carbon plant.Mr. Nilles of the Sierra Club acknowledged that the shift from coal would not be easy on communities like Carbon County. But employees could be retrained or compensated for lost jobs, he said, and new industries could be drawn to the region.Washington State, for example, has worked with municipalities and utilities to ease the transition from coal plants while ensuring that workers are transferred to other energy jobs or paid, if nearing retirement, Mr. Nilles said.“Coal has been good to Utah,” Mr. Nilles said, “but markets for coal are drying up. Y ou need to get ahead of this and make sure the jobs don’t all leave.”For many here, coal jobs are all they know. The industry united the area during hard times, too, especially during the dark days after nine men died in a 2007 mining accident some 35 miles down the highway. Virtually everyone around Price knew the men, six of whom remain entombed in the mountainside.But there is quiet acknowledgment that Carbon County will have to change —if not now, soon.David Palacios’s father, Pete, who worked in the mines for 43 years, has seen coal roar and fade here. Now 86, his eyes grew cloudy as he recalled his first mining job. He was 12, and earned $1 a day.“I’m retired, so I’ll be fine. But these young guys?” Pete Palacios said, his voice trailing off.NARSAQ, Greenland —As icebergs in the Kayak Harbor pop andhiss while melting away, this remote Arctic town and its culture are alsodisappearing in a changing climate.Narsaq’s largest employer, a shrimpfactory, closed a few years ago after the crustaceans fled north to coolerwater. Where once there were eight commercial fishing vessels, there is nowone.As a result, the population here,one of southern Greenland’s major towns, has been halved to 1,500 in just adecade. Suicides are up.“Fishing is the heart of this town,”said Hans Kaspersen, 63, a fisherman. “Lots of people have lost theirlivelihoods.”But even as warming temperatures areupending traditional Greenlandic life, they are also offering up intriguing newopportunities for this state of 57,000 — perhaps nowhere more so than here inNarsaq.V ast new deposits of minerals andgems are being discovered as Greenland’s massive ice cap recedes, forming thebasis of a potentially lucrative mining industry.One of the world’s largest depositsof rare earth metals —essential for manufacturing cellphones, wind turbinesand electric cars — sits just outside Narsaq.It has long been known thatGreenland sat upon vast mineral lodes, and the Danish government has mappedthem intermittently for decades. Niels Bohr, Denmark’s Nobel Prize-winningnuclear physicist and a member of the Manhattan Project, visited Narsaq in 1957because of its uranium deposits.But previous attempts at miningmostly failed, proving too expensive in the inclement conditions. Now, warminghas altered the equation.Greenland’s Bureau of Minerals andPetroleum, charged with managing the boom, currently has 150 active licensesfor mineral exploration, up from 20 a decade ago. Altogether, companies spent$100 million exploring Greenland’s deposits last year, and several are applyingfor licenses to begin construction on new mines, bearing gold, iron and zincand rare earths. There are also foreign companies exploring for offshore oil.The Black Angel lead and zinc mine,which closed in 1990, is applying to reopen this year, said Jorgen T.Hammeken-Holm, who oversees licensing at the country’s mining bureau, “becausethe ice is in retreat and you’re getting much more to explore.”The Greenlandic government hopesthat mining will provide new revenue. In granting Greenland home rule in 2009,Denmark froze its annual subsidy, which is scheduled to be decreased further inthe coming years.Here in Narsaq, a collection ofbrightly painted homes bordered by spectacular fjords, two foreign companiesare applying to the government for permission to mine.That proximity promises employment,and the company is already schooling some young men in drilling and in English,the international language of mine operations. It plans to build a processingplant, a new port and more roads. (Greenland currently has none outside ofsettledareas.) Narsaq’s tiny airport, previously threatened with closure fromlack of traffic, could be expanded. A local landlord is contemplatingconverting an abandoned apartment block into a hotel.“There will be a lot of peoplecoming from outside and that will be a big challenge since Greenlandic culturehas been isolated,” said Jasper Schroder, a student home in Narsaq fromuniversity in Denmark.Still, he supports the mine andhopes it will provide jobs and stem the rash of suicides, particularly amonghis peers; Greenland has one of the highest suicide rates in the world. “Peoplein this culture don’t want to be a burden to their families if they can’tcontribute,” he said.But not all are convinced of thebenefits of mining. “Of course the mine will help the local economy and willhelp Greenland, but I’m not so sure if it will be good for us,” said Dorotheaodg aard, who runs a local guesthouse. “We are worried about the loss ofnature.”It didn’t take long for Manuel García Murillo, a bricklayer who took over as mayor here last June, to realize that his town was in trouble. It was 800,000 euros, a little more than $1 million, in the red. There was no cash on hand to pay for anything — and there was work that needed to be done.But then an amazing thing happened, he said. Just as the health department was about to close down the day care center because it didn’t have a proper kitchen, Bernardo Benítez, a construction worker, offered to put up the walls and the tiles free. Then, Maria José Carmona, an adult education teacher, stepped in to clean the place up.And somehow, the volunteers just kept coming. Every Sunday now, the residents of this town in southwest Spain —young and old — do what needs to be done, whether it is cleaning the streets, raking the leaves, unclogging culverts or planting trees in the park.“It was an initiative from them,” said Mr. García. “Day to day we talked to people and we told them there was no money. Of course, they could see it. The grass in between the sidewalks was up to my thigh. “Higuera de la Serena is in many ways a microcosm of Spain’s troubles. Just as Spain’s national and regional governments are struggling with the collapse of the construction industry, overspending on huge capital projects and a pileup of unpaid bills, the same problems afflict many of its small towns.But what has brought Higuera de la Serena a measure of fame in Spain is that the residents have stepped up where their government has failed. Mr. García says his phone rings regularly from other town officials who want to know how to do the same thing. He is serving without pay, as are the town’s two other elected officials. They are also forgoing the cars and phones that usually come with the job.“We lived beyond our means,” Mr. García said. “We invested in public works that weren’t sensible. We are in technical bankruptcy.” Even some money from the European Union that was supposed to be used for routine operating expenses and last until 2013 has already been spent, he said.Higuera de la Serena, a cluster of about 900 houses surrounded by farmland, and traditionally dependent on pig farming and olives, got swept up in the giddy days of the construction boom. It built a cultural center and invested in a small nursing home. But the projects were plagued by delays and cost overruns.The cultural center still has no bathrooms. The nursing home, a whitewashed building sits on the edge of town, still unopened. Together, they account for some $470,000 of debt owed to the bank. But the rest of the debt is mostly the unpaid bills of a town that was not keeping up with its expenses. It owes for medical supplies, for diesel fuel, for road repair, for electrical work, for musicians who played during holidays.Higuera de la Serena is not completely without workers. It still has a half-time librarian, two half-time street cleaners, someone part-time for the sports complex, a secretary and an administrator, all of whom are paid through various financing streams apart from the town. But the town once had a work force twice the size. And when someone is ill, volunteers haveto step in or the gym and sports complex — open four hours a day — must close.For more than 30 years, I have been wondering about L.R. Generson.On one of our first Christmases together, my husband gave me a complete set of Dickens. There were 20 volumes, bound in gray cloth with black corners, old but in good condition. Stamped on the flyleaf of each volume, in faded block letters, was the name of the previous owner: "L.R. Generson, M.D., Bronx, NY."That Dickens set is one of the best presents anyone has ever given me. A couple of the books are still pristine, but others - “Bleak House,’’ “David Copperfield,’’ and especially “Great Expectations’’ - have been read and re-read almost to pieces. Over the years, the character kept me company. And so, , has L.R. Generson.,in his silent enigmatic way.Did he love the books as much as I do? Who was he? On a whim, I Googled him. There wasn’t much - a single mention on a veterans’ website of a World War II captain named Leonard Generson. But I did find a Dr. Richard Generson, an oral surgeon living in New Jersey. Since Generson is not a common name, I decided to write to him.Dr. Generson was kind enough to write back. He told me that his father, Leonard Richard Generson, was born in 1909. He lived in New Y ork City but went to medical school in Basel, Switzerland. He spoke 10 languages fluently. As an obstetrician and gynecologist, he opened a practice in the Bronx shortly before World War II. His son described him as “an extremely patriotic individual’’; right after Pearl Harbor he closed his practice and enlisted. He served throughout the war as a general surgeon with an airborne special forces unit in Europe, where he became one of the war’s most highly decorated physicians.Leonard Generson’s son didn’t remember the Dickens set, though he told me that there were always a lot of novels in the house. His mother probably “cleaned house’’ after his father’s death in 1977 - the same year my husband bought the set in a used book store.I found this letter very moving, with its brief portrait of an intelligent, brave man and his life of service. At the same time, it made me question my presumption that somehow L.R. Generson and I were connected because we’d owned the same set of books. The letter both told me a little about him, and told me that I would never really know anything about him - and why should I? His son must have been startled to hear from a stranger on such a fragile pretext. What had I been thinking?One possible, and only somewhat facetious, answer is that I’ve read too much Dickens. In the world of a Dickens novel, everything is connected to everything else. Orphans find families. Lovers are joined (or parted and morally strengthened). Ancient mysteries are solved and old scores are settled. Questions are answered. Stories end.Leonard Generson’s life touched mine only lightly, th rough the coincidence of a set of books. But there are other lives he touched more deeply. The next time I read a Dickens novel, I will think of him and his military service and his 10 languages. And I will think of the hundreds of babies he must have delivered, who are now in the middle of their own lives and their own stories.格陵兰岛纳萨克——随着皮艇港(Kayak Harbor)的冰山在融化过程中发出嘶嘶的响声,这座偏远的北极小镇和它的文化,也正在随着气候变化而消失。




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以下是一些常见的CATTI大纲词汇:1. 经济类词汇,GDP(国内生产总值)、inflation(通货膨胀)、trade deficit(贸易逆差)、tariff(关税)、exchange rate(汇率)等。

2. 政治类词汇,democracy(民主)、dictatorship(独裁)、diplomacy(外交)、legislation(立法)、constitution(宪法)等。

3. 科技类词汇,artificial intelligence(人工智能)、biotechnology(生物技术)、nanotechnology(纳米技术)、cybersecurity(网络安全)等。

4. 文化类词汇,literature(文学)、music(音乐)、art(艺术)、heritage(遗产)、tradition(传统)等。

5. 环境类词汇,climate change(气候变化)、pollution(污染)、sustainability(可持续性)、renewable energy(可再生能源)等。

6. 教育类词汇,curriculum(课程)、academic(学术的)、pedagogy(教育学)、plagiarism(抄袭)等。

7. 医疗类词汇,pandemic(大流行病)、vaccine(疫苗)、epidemic(流行病)、symptom(症状)、diagnosis(诊断)等。

8. 法律类词汇,constitution(宪法)、judiciary(司法机关)、criminal law(刑法)、civil law(民法)、contract(合同)等。



catti 单词本

catti 单词本

catti 单词本以下是CATTI二三笔必备词汇(注:这里列出的只是部分单词,全套CATTI单词表可到官方网站查询或购买相关书籍):1. 通用词汇:政府治理:governance全球化:globalization可持续发展:sustainable development城市化:urbanization绿色发展:green development法治:rule of law公共服务:public service社会管理:social management生态文明:ecological civilization人文关怀:humanistic care2. 外交词汇:主权国家:sovereign state国际法:international law联合国:United Nations (UN)安理会:Security Council国际关系:international relations外交政策:foreign policy外交途径:diplomatic channel国际组织:international organization国际合作:international cooperation国际条约:international treaty3. 经济词汇:市场经济:market economy国有企业:state-owned enterprise (SOE)外资企业:foreign-funded enterprise (FFE)私有企业:private enterprise经济全球化:economic globalization跨国公司:multinational corporation (MNC)对外贸易:foreign trade国际贸易:international trade关税壁垒:tariff barriers世界贸易组织:World Trade Organization (WTO) 区域经济一体化:regional economic integration 自由贸易区:free trade area (FTA)4. 社会文化词汇:社会福利:social welfare教育公平:fair education医疗卫生:medical and health care文化多样性:cultural diversity非物质文化遗产:intangible cultural heritage (ICH)知识产权保护:intellectual property protection (IPP)公共文化服务体系:public cultural service system (PCSS) 媒体融合:media convergence信息社会:information society。



1(环境保护<汉译英>)采取积极措施,尽力控制增长take proactive measures and control the growth倡导能源独立promote energy independence单位GDP能耗energy consumption per unit of GDP氮氧化物nitric oxide低碳经济low carbon economy“地球第三极” the “Third Pole of the Earth”地热geothermy地势高峻,地理特殊high altitude, unique geographical features典型森林生态系统typical forest ecosystems独特的自然生态和地理环境unique natural ecology and geographical environment 多年的承诺期a multi-year commitment period二恶英dioxin二氧化硫sulfur dioxide(环境保护<英译汉>)address the challenge head-on 迎头应对挑战address the defining challenge of our age 应对我们时代的决定性挑战agitation for change 激励变化agreements on ozone depletion 臭氧层损耗的协议a greener future 绿色未来as much an opportunity as it is a threat 既是挑战,也是机遇biomass 生物质call for a breakthrough 呼吁突破性进展carbon credits 碳信用额carbon neutrality 碳中和carbon intensity碳排放强度chairmanship of the G8 G8轮职主席国clean technologies and resource mobilization 清洁技术和资源调集climate agreement 气候协议climate-friendly measures 环境友好型措施Climate Group 气候集团coal mine methane 煤矿瓦斯combined cycle conversion 联合循环转化法2(名人访谈<汉译英>)表面文章lip service; surface formality不动辄设限和制裁not impose restrictions or sanctions at the drop of a hat 不折不扣地遵守observe in both letter and spirit采访区域area of news coverage采取双轨方式take a dual-track approach层出不穷emerge one after another充分发挥give full play to出口设限quotas on exports出拳要重take forceful steps出手要快act fast传真照片faxed photo达到历史最高点hit an all-time high打破僵局break the deadlock大致意思是to the effect that…带来无尽的灾难bring untold suffering单打独斗single-handed到达低点bottom out东西互动interaction between the east and west独家新闻exclusive news对……施加适当的限制impose propert restrictions on…对外承包工程foreign contracting projects(名人访谈<英译汉>)a battery of tests 一系列测试a composite dialogue 全面对话act in concert 一致行动a family of phases 几个阶段a handful of people 一群人a hard nut to crack 难啃的骨头a man of his word 信守诺言的人a mountain of cares 大量的烦恼an all-time record 史无前例的最好记录as things stand 按现状来看,在目前的情况下attune to the needs 适应需求avalanche of letters 大量的信件be on the hook 陷入困境be way ahead 远远在前面be put on hold 暂停build onto the existing system 改造现有体制by the same token 由于同样的原因3(国情报告<汉译英>)安居乐业live in peace and contentment弊端和消极现象malpractices and negative factors财政赤字规模the size of the deficit采煤沉陷区sinking land and cave-ins above exhausted mines差/等额选举multi-/single-candidate election长治久安long-term order and stability; lasting political stability超期羁押detention beyond the legally prescribed time limits城乡发展、地区发展不平衡uneven development between urban and rural areas and among different regions充分发挥聪明才智bring one’s talent and creativity into full play单产the yield per unit year盗版侵权行为piracy and patent infringement低水平重复建设low-level, redundant construction调动积极因素mobilize positive factors动物疫情animal epidemics反腐倡廉anti-corruption bid反倾销调查anti-dumping investigations放宽市场准入relax market access改善民主improve the livelihood of the people非法传销pyramid schemes肝胆相照,荣辱与共treat each other with all sincerity, and sharing weal and woe高压政策high-handed policy(国情报告<英译汉>)abolish fees for rural 9 year education 减免农村地区九年制教育费用adjust politics 调整政策an accomplishment unparalleled in human history 史无前例的成就attendance and drop-out rates 在效率和辍学率capsize 倒闭enroll more students every year 逐年扩大招生规模expand domestic demand and stimulate economic growth 扩大内需,刺激经济增长facilitate changes from a socialist to market housing system, changes from distributing units into distributing money 推动住房体制从社会主义向市场转化,即将实物分房转化为货币分房high home ownership 购房率高individual housing expenditure 个人住房消费insufficiency of public funding 公共事业投入不足junior and regular college students 本专科大学生“land only” tax 土地税lift out of poverty 脱贫保持经济平稳较快发展maintain stable and rapid economic development保税区free trade zone比重保持稳定take up a stable share闭关政策closed-door policy边境贸易border trade财长Secretary of Finance长期借出lend long充分发挥各自优势give full play to one’s respective advantages出口退税refund taxes on exported goods出口退税机制the mechanism for export tax rebates出口退税率export rebate rate储蓄存款利息个人所得税indivudual income tax to the income of savings deposit interest 促进可持续发展promote sustainable development存贷款基准利率deposit-reserve ratio大经贸战略strategy of broadly-based foreign trade and economic cooperation大型投资促进会议large-scale investement promotion meetings弹性浮动汇率体系flexible system of floating rates低估价值underevaluation第三次中美战略经济对话the Third China-US Strategic Economic Dialogue奠定更加坚实的经济基础lay a more solid economic foundation定标award of contractactual investment 实际投资aging and less competitive industries 工业部门日趋衰退,并缺乏竞争力alleviate [ə'li:vieit] extreme poverty 减轻赤贫allocation [,æləu'keiʃən] of commodities 商品分配appreciation [ə,pri:ʃi'eiʃən] in the exchange rate 汇率上调channel more resources through national budgets 通过国家预算提供更多的资金commercial magnate['mæɡneit] 商业巨头countable competitiveness 量化的竞争力current-account surplus 经常项目顺差debt repayment 偿债dilute [dai'lju:t, di-]the return on investments 减少了投资的回报economic fluctuation 经济波动export revenue 出口收入forward-looking nature 前瞻性global credibility [,kredi'biləti] and legitimacy [li'dʒitiməsi]全球信誉以及合法性5(国际形势<汉译英>)安全合作模式model of security cooperation保持良好势头maintain a sound momentum保护主义抬头rising protectionism边境管控border management and control不附带政治因素和苛刻条件without any political strings or other unreasonable and rigid conditions attached不稳定不确定因素destabilizing factors and uncertainties采取灵活务实的态度take a flexible and pragmatic approach《长期睦邻友好合作条约》the Treaty on Long-term Good-neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation城乡协调发展a coordinated development of cities and rural areas促进经济社会协调发展strike a balance between economic and social development当今时代的主题the dominant themes of our times地球村global village(国际形势<英译汉>)a confident, peaceful, and prosperous China 自信、和平和繁荣的中国a fair and rational new international political and economic order 公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序agreement and disagreement 共识与分歧Alliance of Civilization 文明联盟annual budget assessments 年度预算摊款an Office of Disarmament Affairs 裁军事务厅archipelago 群岛之国bridge the gap 跨越分歧civic order 公民秩序5(外交政策<汉译英>)邦交正常化normalization of diplomatic relations不承诺放弃使用武力never to renounce the use of force不结盟、不对抗、不针对第三国的新型的国与国关系 a new type of state-to-state relationship built on the basis of non-alignment, non-confrontation and non-targeting at any third country不造成威胁pose no threat长期稳定prolonged stability持久和平、共同繁荣durable peace and common prosperity处于历史最好时期be better than any time in history创造良好的外部环境create a favorable external environment次区域合作sub-regional cooperation促进东西方文化的和谐与进步promote the harmony and progress of culture between theEast and the West东亚共同体建设East Asian community building断绝外交关系severance of diplomatic relations多边外交multilateral diplomacy(外交政策<英译汉>)accept the invitation with pleasure 愉快地接受邀请a high degree of complementarity 很强的互补性combat embezzlement 打击贪污containment policy 遏制政策deepen counter-terrorism consultation and cooperation 深化反恐磋商与合作enhance China’s prestige on the internati onal stage 提高中国在国际舞台上的威望facilitate visa issuance 提供签证便利greater participation and assertiveness in multilateral institution 在多边机制中参与程度更大、姿态更加主动institutionalize the annual exchange of visits 年度互访机制化mount phenomenal and ongoing economic transformation 实行令人惊异、持续不断的经济转型people-to-people and cultural exchanges 人文交流secure the imported resources and overseas markets 保障进口资源和海外市场send a concerted message 发出一致的声音shared interests in the stability and continued economic dynamism of the region 保持地区稳定和经济活力的共同利益strengthen law-enforcement cooperation 加强执法合作terminate nuclear weapons programs promptly, verifiably and irreversibly 以可核实、不可逆转的方式终止核武器项目the pledge of tangible and real support 承诺给予实实在在的支持turbulent times 动荡不安的岁月6(社会问题<汉译英>)安全生产work safety《安全生产法》Law of the People’s Republic of China on Work Safety包办婚姻arranged marriage成人文盲率adult illiteracy rate城市低保对象urban residents entitled to basic living allowances城乡差距rural-urban divide出生高峰baby boom初婚年龄first marriage age传宗接代carry on the family line错峰用电off-peak power consumption大男子主义male chauvinism单亲家庭single-parent family道路交通事故road (transport)accident登机失业率registered unemployment rate地下毒品交易市场underground drug dealing market调控房价housing prices control多子多福the more sons, the more happiness放任自流laissez-faire高速铁路high-speed rail个税起征点personal income tax cutoff threshold各类伤亡事故death/injury involving accident of all categories工伤保险industrial injury insurance工伤致残disabilities caused by occupational diseases公立医院改革public hospital reform(社会问题<英译汉>)aging infrastructure 基础设施老化be on welfare 以福利金维持生活bring companionship to lonely seniors 陪伴孤独的老人clean up the balance sheets 清理资产账目college loans 大学教育贷款crippling deficits 赤字不堪负重decentralizing economies 经济呈分散化发展demographic composition 人口构成dysfunction of urban governance 城市管理失调encourage acts of compassion 鼓励爱心行动enlist volunteers 招募志愿者entitlement spending 福利开支expand the size and reach of the grants 扩大赠款的规模和收益人数explosive growth 爆炸式增长extend unemployment benefits and continue health care coverage 延长失业补贴和医疗保险failing schools 学校教育质量每况愈下female-headed households 女性当家ferret our any and all cases of waste and fraud 清查所有浪费和弄虚作假finance the purchase of everything 支付各项开支flow of credit 信贷畅通。



A c c o r d i n g l y 因此,因而Spanout拉,迟延Beltout大声的,有力的唱出Spreadout伸展Stretchout伸手,大踏步Toss以迅猛的速度忽然移或抬起FlingGetoff使或减刑Getby勉通,越Getaway脱身,逃走Pitchatent搭篷Backout不履行(、承等)Backdown步,放弃,信服Backup使齐集,支持Backaway因惧怕或尔退后Snap忽然折断、断裂Crack使裂开Burst使爆炸Fracture使破碎,打,使激Spur鼓励,激励,疾Ultraviolet 紫外的Precise(形式、、等)Precision精确的Exact完整一致的(完整依照事)Deceitful欺的,不的Deceptive可能欺的,致解的Deceive()欺Exuberant充活力的(enthusiastic)Caste社会等地位Cataract使像瀑布似的注流Cascade像瀑布般落下Succumbedto=yieldedto信服于Engrossedin=involvedin ⋯⋯全神注Outmoded=obsolete荒的,旧的,的Expound解明(explainindetails)Stint定工作Spell一段Sling投石器,吊索Sting刺痛Stink臭味Symmetry称,均匀Synopsis大,要Imminent(abouttooccur)马上生的Adjacent近的Perilous危的Abate=lesson减弱,降低Accomplice帮凶,同conspiratorSagacity(goodjudgment)睿智,聪明,精确判断Eulogy,(chanttheeulogyofsb.某人)Vigilance警戒,警惕Makeituptosb.某人的失、遭到的不幸或花的Makesb.up某人化Tributary 一支流Dragnet拖网Byextension,引申而言Purchasingpower力Maternityunit科所PovertyEradicationActionPlan 《除掉困行划》Embarkonthehardjourneyof开始踏上了⋯⋯的旅途Besiegedbyhordesoftourists成群的游客得风雨不透Renovation修AmountInsurance保,保Cover保Premium保,外用,金,花Penchant好,爱好Patriarch极其受尊敬的年老男子Onanote⋯以⋯⋯的子,着⋯⋯的口气Onthenod无异的,无反的Intermittent歇的,断断的Countenance支持,成Conceal藏Sullen愠怒的,不的Entertain容,接受,愿意考,Commotion暴乱,=turmoilCollusion共,勾TutelageMonumental不朽的,特其他Archaic古老的,古旧的,旧的Takesth.assth.以(某种方式)理解或解某事Sect派,宗教,教派Sector部Havenocompunctionabout ⋯⋯不内疚Leeside反面,避面,下边Middleman中人,人Intermediary中人,解人Wholesaler批商Swamp沼,湿地,煤聚水洼Beesandwasps蜜蜂和黄蜂Wrath怒,激怒Descry看,望Disconcert使惊惶,使皇失措Discard弃,扔掉Freefall大幅下滑Quadruple两番Feederroad支公路Trunkhighways 干公路草medicinalherbs中成patentdrugsInaframeofmind 精神状,情Invariably始如一地,不化Rackless没有支架的Reckless莽的Gangster有的地主或工家Magnet有大吸引力的人或物Oblivious未察,不注意Obsequious卑躬的,巴的Obsolescence马上的,不停裁减的Takein欺,被骗,会理解,招待,收留,吸入Acquitsb.宣布某人无罪Abeyance于止(置)状Decaying腐的,的=decomposingHavejurisdictionover ⋯⋯有管Ingenious新的了,奇妙的,擅长明造的(genius天才)Ingenuous爽快的,天真无邪的,朴的Pickle腌;腌菜,泡菜;于困境,遇到麻;菜Spice香料,味品;兴趣,情味,味;加香料于⋯⋯,⋯⋯增加兴趣Injectvigor/energyinto ⋯⋯注入活力Inbulk散装,大量Preparedsetsof12包装12支一套的品Forone’spart某人来Forone作此中一个,例来Foroneself独自的靠自己的力量Preliminary的,初步的CalciumDecayed腐的Dropoff走开,散去,逐减少,逝世Dropout不参加,放弃Dropon斥,Adroit熟的,灵巧的,聪明的Instructive有利的,教育性的Outflow流出,流出物Outset初步,开始Precede先,先于⋯⋯Redeem回,挽回,Repel退,抵制,使Impediment机体出的言阻碍等Barrier、准、限制了人Hurdle成功以前必理掉的阻碍;笆,Stager使晃,跚,使Distressed使,困Prompt鼓,促使AssaultAgitate,,煽//mitigate减Tangle于凌乱状Teem大量出Compliment美Complement足物Commitment,肩负事,拜托事Contentment意,满足Assertoneself清楚的表达自己的想法且以很决的方式Unjustifiable不行理的,没法分辨的Implausible不像真的,信的Infeasible不行行的Untiringly不知疲倦的,不屈不的Erudite博学的Pent-up=confined幽的,被抑的,限制的Palpable可触知的,明的Behadfortheasking一讨取免送Tentative性的Carryoff去⋯⋯的生命,得,成功付Carryforward ,Carryon展开,持,止失态Carryout完成,,,行Mundane世界的,世俗的,平凡的Affidavit 起誓,面述Allegiance忠,效忠Twilight拂晓,夜晚Realm域Rejoice欣喜Squeeze榨,Pad加,填Cluster集成一串,群集于Ridicule挖苦,讽刺Sue起诉Slander诽谤Encumber阻拦Pugnacious好斗的Proverbial谚语的,众所周知的。

2024最新英语热词词条汇总(Catti, MTI考试必背)

2024最新英语热词词条汇总(Catti, MTI考试必背)

2024最新英语热词词条汇总(Catti, MTI考试必背)1.出入境客流2.单方面免签政策3.边检机关4.传统制造业转型升级5.数字化研发设计工具普及率6.智能产业7.2024中国电影市场8.进口电影大片9.中外电影交流10.春节档电影票房11.京津冀区域发展指数12.京津冀产业协同发展13.首都功能核心区14.城市集群15.磷资源利用16.磷化工产业17.战略性矿产资源18.银发经济19.国家统计局20.人口老龄化21.适龄劳动人口22.哈尔滨国际冰雪节23.哈尔滨冰雪大世界24.冰雪雕塑25.冰雪经济26.零工市场27.求职者28.灵活就业人员29.劳动者合法权益30.残疾人法律服务31.残疾人就业32.无障碍环境建设33.爱因斯坦探针卫星34.天文卫星35.长征二号丙运载火箭36.世界经济论坛2024年年会37.国际货币基金组织38.高质量发展39.天舟七号货运飞船40.文昌航天发射场41.发射勤务塔42.中国空间站43.家庭养老床位44.银发经济45.养老院46.金融高质量发展47.中国特色金融发展之路48.以人民为中心的价值取向49.金融供给侧结构性改革50.第十四届全国冬季运动会51.文化旅游产业52.冰雪装备制造业53.国家工程师奖54.工程技术55.关键核心技术56.新质生产力57.超低排放改造58.水泥熟料生产能力59.焦化产能60.减排技术61.反恐怖主义62.维护社会稳定63.联合反恐演习64.浦东新区综合改革试点65.现代化产业体系66.高水平社会主义市场经济体制67.高光谱综合观测卫星68.高质量高光谱数据69.环境监测70.污染防治工作71.太阳磁场测量72.磁能73.中红外太阳磁场74.跨省异地就医直接结算75.远程医疗76.医保支付方式77.全国贸促系统78.外贸企业79.原产地证书80.国家粮食安全81.乡村振兴82.“三农”工作83.2024年中央一号文件84.国家粮食安全85.乡村振兴86.“三农”工作87.基本医保基金88.基本医疗保险基金支出89.大病保险90.中国政府友谊奖91.中国式现代化92.人才培养93.立法快速响应机制94.法治政府建设95.法治社会96.非常规水97.再生水98.淡化海水99.上海东方枢纽国际商务合作区100.国际航空枢纽101.中国上海自贸区102.低温雨雪冰冻灾害应急响应103.寒潮预警104.极端天气105.应急预案106.民用航空器噪声污染防控107.机场噪声污染防控标准体系108.人居环境109.消费品以旧换新110.耐用消费品111.国民经济循环112.殷墟博物馆新馆113.文物保护114.考古发掘115.中华五千年文明116.长征十二号运载火箭117.单芯级液体运载火箭118.首飞119.网络文学120.文化自信121.中华优秀传统文化122.保守国家秘密法123.国家安全124.中国特色社会主义法治体系125.全面依法治国126.儿童参加基本医疗保险专项行动127.基本医疗保险基金支出128.商业医疗保险129.社会保险基金130.舱外维修任务131.出舱作业132.机械臂133.国债134.水利项目135.人均粮食占有量136.耕地保护制度137.耕地138.保护性耕作面积139.大规模设备更新140.新质生产力141.新的生产力理论142.中欧班列143.国际产业链供应链144.新动力145.标准集装箱146.中村改造147.城镇老旧小区改造148.城市更新行动149.全民健身150.体育强国160.全民健身公共服务体系161.国土绿化162.城市绿地163.绿化覆盖率164.国家级新区165.跨区域高水平协同创新166.国家高新技术产业开发区167.数字化转型168.鹊桥二号中继星169.中国探月工程170.深空探测171.月背172.农业种质资源173.种业振兴174.种源安全175.粮食安全176.专利产业化177.专利密集型产品178.专利链179.高校考试招生改革180.高等教育181.高质量教育体系182.素质教育183.国家卫生应急队伍管理办法184.国家级医疗应急工作专家组185.应急响应体系186.氢能源市域列车187.轨道交通188.性能验证189.中国青少年足球改革发展实施意见190.国家文化产业示范基地191.文化产业示范园区192.中国网络视听发展研究报告193.互联网普及率194.网民195.互联网+196.人工智能赋能教育行动197.智慧教育平台198.数字教育199.民用载人飞艇200.科技自立自强201.关键核心技术201.世界科技强国202.量子电池203.电磁场204.量子纠缠205.储供能装置206.终身教育平台207.国家老年大学208.AI赋能终身学习209.医疗救助210.医疗保障体系211.基本医疗卫生服务212.无人驾驶载人航空器213.电动垂直起降214.低空经济215.新型智能纤维216.可穿戴机器人217.新材料218.生态保护补偿条例219.生态修复220.环保产业221.医保药品目录222.基本医保基金223.跨省异地就医直接结算224.快速射电暴225.500米口径球面射电望远镜226.无线电波227.再生资源回收利用网络体系228.深加工基地229.中国进出口商品交易会230.经济全球化231.扩大开放232.大学生阅读分享活动233.世界读书日244.世界图书之都245.商业航天产业246.战略性新兴产业247.新增长引擎248.联合国教科文组织—赤道几内亚国际生命科学研究奖249.生命科学250.基础研究251.国防教育法修订草案252.国防意识253.西太平洋海军论坛254.海洋命运共同体255.全球海洋治理256.高精度月球地质图集257.嫦娥探月工程258.月球科研站259.港珠澳大桥260.跨海大桥261.粤港澳大湾区262.中法人文合作发展论坛263.中法文化旅游年264.战略共识265.文生视频大模型266.算力267.公共安全治理268.安全风险评估269.太阳白光耀斑270.高能耀斑271.先进天基太阳天文台272.紫金山天文台273.免签政策274.世界记忆亚太地区名录275.雄安高新技术产业开发区276.京津冀产业协同发展277.行星际闪烁监测望远镜278.射电望远镜279.太阳风暴280.养老服务预收费监管281.家庭养老床位282.制造业数字化转型283.医养结合床位284.持久性有机污染物控制285.陕西历史博物馆秦汉馆286.在轨水生生态研究项目287.载人宇宙飞船288.自循环水生生态系统289.旅游惠民措施290.中国旅游日291.景区免费292.文化强国建设高峰论坛293.老科学家294.城际铁路295.一小时生活圈296.世界一流考古机构建设297.文物保护利用298.古籍保护299.集装箱吞吐量300.国际贸易301.世界贸易组织302.绿色储粮技术303.粮食仓储设施304.国家粮食安全战略305.嫦娥六号306.月球背面307.南极—艾特肯盆地308.国家海洋考古博物馆309.水下文化遗产310.文物保护311.生态保护修复312.世界环境日313.生态文明314.三北”防护林体系工程315.文明对话国际日316.文明交流互鉴317.全球文明倡议318.载荷专家319.航天驾驶员320.选拔训练体系321.普惠保险高质量发展322.普惠金融323.健康素养324.健康中国325.体育强国326.世界智能产业博览会327.航空商用无人运输系统328.巡航速度329.空地联运330.能耗强度331.充电基础设施体系332.能源绿色低碳转型333.可持续发展334.超导量子计算机335.算力基础设施336.量子革命337.共享工厂338.共享经济339.预制菜340.重复使用运载火箭341.全尺寸着陆缓冲系统342.垂直软着陆343.“一带一路”国际技能大赛344.职业技能345.人文交流346.中国入境旅游发展报告347.单方面免签政策348.中国共产党历史展览馆349.党史学习教育350.红色传统351.碳纤维地铁列车352.碳纤维复合材料353.绿色转型354.加强人工智能能力建设国际合作决议355.数字政策对话机制356.中欧跨里海直达快运357.海峡两岸青年发展论坛358.两岸交流合作359.两岸关系和平发展360.旅游公共服务361.二维晶体362.光子集成电路363.超薄光学芯片364.深海重载作业采矿车“开拓二号” 365.海洋经济366.《中国的海洋生态环境保护》白皮书367.国际基础科学大会368.科技前沿领域369.北京火箭大街370.商业航天371.科技互动展厅372.专利开放许可制度373.专利产业化374.专利链375.化遗产保护数字化376.水平社会主义市场经济体制377.宏观经济治理378.全国统一大市场379.亚太6E卫星380.通信卫星381.近地轨道382.青岛国际啤酒节383.文化和旅游消费384.国内旅游385.制度型开放386.自贸试验区387.中国式现代化388.太阳能动力微型无人机389.静电电机390.“互联网+”监管模式391.养老资金392.养老产业393.北京中轴线394.中华五千年文明395.分子水396.月球样品397.水合盐398.国际月球科研站399.研发经费投入400.男子100米自由泳401.巴黎奥运会402.体育强国403.男子4×100米混合泳接力404.仰泳405.蛙泳406.蝶泳407.自由泳408.以人为本的新型城镇化战略409.现代化都市圈410.农业农村现代化411.消费场景412.消费升级413.世界遗产名录414.文化和自然遗产415.新型电力系统416.绿色发展417.奥运会中国体育代表团418.中华体育精神419.奥林匹克格言“更快、更高、更强——更团结”420.奖牌榜421.碳排放核算和评价标准体系422.碳足迹423.低碳经济424.长江流域水生生物资源425.水生生物多样性426.长江保护修复。



CATTI笔译必备热词-1奔奔族rushing clan漫游roam气候变化climate change万人迷mack daddy循环经济Cyclic Economy视频直播live streaming博客blog小留学生parachute kids非法食品添加剂illegal food additive骑墙族fence sitters“二” thick过劳死death from overwork反恐部队counter-terrorism unit游戏化gamification肥胖谈话fat talk蚁族ant tribe家中度假staycation毒黄瓜contaminated cucumbers网络水军online “water army”边境争端border disputeCATTI笔译必备热词-2代驾司机designated driver抹布女duster women醉驾drunk driving利好因素feel-good factor好人综合症nice guy syndrome社交商social quotient“五道杠” five-stroke armband成人礼coming-of-age ceremony夏至summer solstice债务危机debt crisis向境外转移资产transfer assets overseas 痴迷症appiphilia网络名人cewebrity心思播送mindcasting兄弟罗曼史bromanceCATTI笔译必备热词-3奉子成婚shotgun wedding/marriage灰色技能gray skills维基傻瓜Wikidiot网络外向派webtrovert“悔丁族” DINK exit clan黄色警戒线security cordon 擅离职守AWOL (absent without leave)“茶杯型”人士Teacups绝世衰男omega male向日葵族sunflower clan伪造照片doctored picture网店征税taxes for online stores地方政府性债务local government’s debts赖班族office dwellers倾盆大雨torrential downpourCATTI笔译必备热词-4寡妇日International Widows’ Day裸婚“naked” wedding暑期高校游summer pilgrimage七夕节Magpie Festival宣誓就职swearing-in债务上限debt ceiling彩票头奖jackpot改建航母refit aircraft carrier上座率seat occupancy rate学术造假academic cheating赔偿compensation追尾rear-end亲友假期Paliday世界步行日World Walking Day黄牛党ticket scalper直升机父母Helicopter parent天宫一号Tiangong-1三手烟third-hand smoke草莓族Strawberry generationCATTI笔译必备热词-54D男人4D Man (4D Man is a male between 15 and 40 who is confident, individual and has varied interests and passions.)养家太太alpha earner都市新男性ladult香精包子steamed stuffed buns with meat-flavor essence女友专用调girlfriend voice地沟油illegal cooking oil外貌主义lookism三氯生triclosan扶起跌倒老人Lift up a senior who falls over加名税name-adding taxes家庭暴力domestic violence名人堂Hall of Fame森女Mori girl细碟EP (Extended Play)CATTI笔译必备热词-6月饼税Mooncake tax华表奖Huabiao Film Awards面条外交noodle diplomacy婚前协议prenup纪念演唱会tribute concert短暂停留brief stopover裙带关系nepotism公开选拔public election乐单族quirkyalone司法解释judicial explanation脑轻松brain candy格差婚status-gap marriage传销pyramid schemeCATTI笔译必备热词-7酒后冲突drunken brawl大运会Universiade青年危机quarterlife crisis闪婚flash marriage众包crowdsourcing山西老陈醋Shanxi aged vinegar伏旱summer drought松花蛋century eggs塑身内衣shapewear骨灰粉丝the hardcore fan/ super fan/crazy fan/ rabid fan/ frenzied fan/addicted fan穿越剧time-travel TV series忘年恋May-December romance弄错了会很丢脸的英文来源:林金鸯的日志1.日常用语类lover 情人(不是“爱人”)busboy 餐馆勤杂工(不是“公汽售票员”)busybody 爱管闲事的人(不是“大忙人”)dry goods (美)纺织品;(英)谷物(不是“干货”)heartman 做心脏移植手术的人(不是“有心人”)mad doctor 精神病科医生(不是“发疯的医生”)eleventh hour 最后时刻(不是“十一点”)blind date (由第三者安排的)男女初次会面(并非“盲目约会”或“瞎约会”)dead president 美钞(上印有总统头像)(并非“死了的总统”)personal remark 人身攻击(不是“个人评论”)sweet water 淡水(不是“糖水”)confidence man 骗子(不是“信得过的人”)criminal lawyer 刑事律师(不是“犯罪的律师”)service station 加油站rest room 厕所(不是“休息室”)dressing room 化妆室(不是“试衣室”或“更衣室”)sporting house 妓院(不是“体育室”)horse sense 常识(不是“马的感觉”)capital idea 好主意(不是“资本主义思想”)familiar talk 庸俗的交谈(不是“熟悉的谈话”)black tea 红茶(不是“黑茶”)black art 妖术(不是“黑色艺术”)black stranger 完全陌生的人(不是“陌生的黑人”)white coal (作动力来源用的)水white man 忠实可靠的人(不是“皮肤白的人”)yellow book 黄皮书(法国政府报告书,以黄纸为封)(不是“黄色书籍”)red tape 官僚习气(不是“红色带子”)green hand 新手(不是“绿手”)blue stocking 女学者、女才子(不是“蓝色长统袜”)China policy 对华政策(不是“中国政策”)Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是“中国龙”)American beauty 红蔷薇(不是“美国美女”)English disease 气管炎(不是“英国病”)Indian summer 愉快宁静的晚年(不是“印度的夏日”)Greek gift 害人的礼品(不是“希腊礼物”)Spanish athlete 吹牛的人(不是“西班牙运动员”)French chalk 滑石粉(不是“法国粉笔”)2.成语类pull one's leg 开玩笑(不是“拉后腿”)in one's birthday suit 赤身裸体(不是“穿着生日礼服”)eat one's words 收回前言(不是“吃话”)an apple of love 西红柿(不是“爱情之果”)handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆(不是“大字报”)bring down the house 博得全场喝彩(不是“推倒房子”)have a fit 勃然大怒(不是“试穿”)make one's hair stand on end 令人毛骨悚然—恐惧(不是“令人发指——气愤”)be taken in 受骗,上当(不是“被接纳”)think a great deal of oneself 高看或看重自己(不是“为自己想得很多”)pull up one's socks 鼓起勇气(不是“提上袜子”)have the heart to do (用于否定句)忍心做……不是“有心做”或“有意做”)3.表达方式类You know what?你知道吗?(不是你知道什么?)Contributed by "月"Look out! 当心!(不是“向外看”)What a shame! 多可惜!真遗憾!(不是“多可耻”)You don't say! 是吗!(不是“你别说”)You can say that again! 说得好!(不是“你可以再说一遍”)I haven't slept better. 我睡得好极了。



翻译资格考试三级笔译---常考高频词汇One Co untr y, Tw o Systems 一国两制One Ch ina, O ne Ta iw an 一中一台Tw o Ch in as 两个中国Three D ir ec t Links (Ma il, Air an d Sh ipp ing S erv ic es and Tra de) (两岸)直接三通23 Millio n Ta iw an Co mpa tr iots 两千三百万台湾同胞Tw o Confer enc es (N PC and CPP CC) 两会(人大,政协)Three Re pres ents 三个代表the Im port ant Tho ugh t of Thre e Repr esen ts 三个代表重要思想Wom an Pac e-Set ter 三八红旗手the Thre e Ma jor Hist or ic a l Tasks三大历史任务the Sev en-Year Pro gram to He lp 80 Millio n P eop le Out of P ov erty "八七"扶贫攻坚计划the Elev enth F ive-Ye ar P la n (2006-2010) "十一五"计划the 15th c e ntra l c o mm itt e e of th e c ommu n ist p arty of Ch in a (CP C) 第十五届中央委员会17th P arty Con gress 十七大the Th ird P le nary S ess ion of th e Elev en th Centr a l Com m itt ee 十一届三中全会South-S out h Coop era t ion 南南合作North-S out h D ia lo g 南北对话Ta iw an In dep en de nc e 台独"Br in g In" a nd "G o ing Out" "引进来"和"走出去"政策patr iot ic de moc rat ic p erson ag es爱国民主人士patr iot ic un ite d front 爱国统一战线patr iot ism 爱国主义精神live and w ork in pe ac e and c ont en tme nt 安居乐业an e nter pr is in g sp ir it 昂扬向上的精神状态our c omp atr iots in th e Mac a o S AR (Spec ia l Adm in istr at iv e Re g io n) 澳门特别行政区同胞heg emo n ism 霸权主义a hun dre d f low ersb lossom 百花齐放a hun dre d sc hoo ls of th oug ht c ont end 百家争鸣the st ab ility in bord er ar eas 边疆稳定remot e ar eas 边远地区a ma gn if ic e nt ups urge 波澜壮阔ext ens iv e a nd prof oun d 博大精深nev er de ge ner at ing 不变质c onstant ly b ett er pe op le's liv es 不断提高人民生活水平unfa ir an d irrat ion a l 不公正不合理shac k les of t he o utd at ed no t io ns 不合时宜的观念的束缚an in ex haust ib le mot ive f orc e 不竭动力inv inc ib le 不可战胜an irres is t ib le tre nd of h is tory 不可阻挡的历史潮流not los e our b ear ings不迷失方向une ven 不平衡a tort uous c ourse 不平坦的道路not a ll-inc lus ive 不全面的tak e reso lut e me asures 采取果断措施part ic ip at ion in an d de lib erat ion of st at e affa irs 参政议政long-t erm c o ex ist enc e 长期共存long-t erm soc ia l stab ilit y an d so lidar ity 长期社会安定团结long-t erm p e ac e an d ord er 长治久安hon esty 诚实守信fu lly m ob iliz e an d ra lly充分调动和凝聚tak e sha pe in it ia lly 初步建立trad it ion a l t hre ats to sec ur ity 传统安全威胁c reat iv ity, c oh es ion and f ight ing c a pac it y 创造力、凝聚力和战斗力system of res ign at io n 辞职制proc ee d from o ur na t ion a l c on d it ions 从我国国情出发promot e c omm on d eve lop me nt 促进共同发展promot e a ll-ro und soc ia l pro gress 促进社会全面进步assum in g he av y respo ns ib ilit ies 担当重任the c ont em porar y er a 当代masters of t he c ou ntry当家作主the w ish to b e th e mast ers of our c o untry 当家作主的愿望c ongress of p arty r epres ent at ives 党代会bac kbo ne of the part y 党的骨干力量the p arty's b as ic the ory, lin e a nd pr ogr am 党的基本理论、路线和纲领party bu ild in g 党的建设party's pr ogress ive ness 党的先进性the d est in y of th e p arty and st ate 党和国家前途命运the c aus e of th e p arty and st ate 党和国家事业Den g X iaop ing t he ory 邓小平理论the d em is e of c omra de D en g X iaop in g邓小平同志逝世the s ix th p lac e 第六位the pr imar y prod uc t iv e forc e 第一生产力E-g over nm ent 电子政务mob iliz e th e in it iat iv e 调动积极性equ a l p o lit ic a l en t it ies 对等的政治实体erron eous an d d ogm at ic int erpre tat ion of Marx ism 对马克思主义的错误和教条式的理解mu lt i-t ier ed 多层次mu lt ipart y c oop erat ion 多党合作d ivers if y 多元化p lura list ic soc iet y多元社会d iverse forc es 多种力量dup lic ate law enforc eme nt 多重多头执法aw aren ess of law法制观念a c ountr y w it h an ad equ at e le ga l syst em 法制国家a c ountr y und er th e ru le of law法治国家prosper ity, sta b ility a nd d ev e lo pme nt 繁荣、稳定和发展fight aga inst "Ta iw an Ind ep en denc e" 反对"台独"oppos e sep ara t ion 反对分裂c ombat c orru pt io n and bu ild a c lea n gov ern men t 反腐倡廉guar d ag a inst 防止non-tr ad it ion a l t hre ats to sec ur ity 非传统安全威胁splitt ing ac t iv it ies 分裂活动the o b jec t ives a nd t asks 奋斗目标和任务dev e lo p d iv erse for ms of de moc rac y 丰富民主形式tria ls a nd tr ibu lat ions 风浪考验serve t he o ver a ll inter ests 服务大局strong, prosp ero us, dem oc rat ic an d c u ltur a lly ad va nc ed 富强、民主、文明h int er la nd 腹地reform, d ev e lop me nt a nd sta b ility 改革、发展、稳定reform a nd o pe n ing-up 改革开放fa ll b eh ind th e t im es 落后于时代Mar x ism-Le n in ism 马克思列宁主义the b as ic ten ets of Mar x ism 马克思主义基本原理a Marx ist ru lin g par ty 马克思主义执政党Ma o Zen don g Thoug ht 毛泽东思想the m ilit ia 民兵Dem oc rat ic Progr ess iv e Part y 民进党peo p le's live liho od 民生democ r at ic an d th e le ga l syst em 民主法制democ r at ic ma nag em ent 民主管理prep are d for bo th pro mot ion a nd d emo t io n 能上能下to a llev iat e rur a l po vert y thro ugh de ve lopm ent 农村扶贫开发reform of rur a l t ax es an d ad m in istr at ive c har ges 农村税费改革prob lems fac in g agr ic u ltur e, rura l ar eas a nd far mers 农业、农村和农民问题agr ic u lt ure and r ura l w ork 农业和农村工作agr ic u lt ure as the f oun dat ion of the ec ono my 农业基础地位fa ls if ic at ion 弄虚作假person ne l tra in in g 培养人才peo p le in f in anc ia l d iff ic u lt ies 贫困群众smooth tr ans it ion of pow er平稳过渡extr av aga nc e a nd w aste 铺张浪费gen era l e lec t ion syst em 普选制less dev e lope d 欠发达地区inte ns ify fu nc t ions 强化功能w in-w in c o-op er at io n 强强联手pow er po lit ic s 强权政治overs eas Ch in ese 侨胞overs eas Ch in ese affa irs 侨务工作industr y an d c oura ge 勤劳勇敢seek c omm on gr oun d w hile sh e lv ing d iff ere nc es 求同存异reg io na l orga n iz at ions 区域性组织tortuo us roa d 曲折的道路draw upo n on e an oth er's strong p o in ts 取长补短y ie ld subst ant ia l res u lts 取得丰硕成果sc ore trem end ous ac h iev eme nts 取得巨大成就repe a l t ax es on sp ec ia l a gr ic u lt ura l prod uc ts 取消农业特产税a ll th e p arty m emb ers; w ho le par ty 全党the c rysta lliz at ion of the part y's c ollec t iv e w is dom 全党集体智慧的结晶a ll-d ime ns ion a l 全方位the Ch in ese peo p le of a ll n at iona lit ies; peo p le o f a ll e thn ic grou ps of th e c oun try 全国各族人民dep uty t o the Na t ion a l P eop le's Congr ess 全国人大代表the N at io na l Comm itt ee of the Ch inese P eop le's Po lit ic a l Co nsu lt at iv e Conf ere nc e 全国政协p len ary s essions 全会bu ild a w e ll-off soc iety in a n a ll-r oun d w ay; b u ild a m oder at e ly prosp erous soc ie ty in a ll r espec ts 全面建设小康社会in fu ll sw ing 全面展开d ivorce betw e en p ow ers an d respo ns ib ilit ies 权责脱节the g en era l pub lic群众Peop le's Congr esses 人大the st and ing c omm itte es 人大常委会NPC (Nat ion a l Pe op le's Co ngr ess) memb er 人大代表the sp ir it of th e c ongr ess 人大精神put sb. to th e b est use 人尽其才a fu ll d is p la y of a dv ant ag es in hu man r esourc es 人力资源优势得到充分发挥mat er ia l an d c u ltur a l n ee ds of the peo p le 人民的物质文化需要the p eo p le's d emoc ra t ic d ic tat orsh ip 人民民主专政upgr ade the t ex ture of life f or th e pe op le 人民生活更加殷实mass organ iz at ions 人民团体the Ch inese P eo p le's Po lit ic a l Co nsu lt at ive Conf ere nc e (CPPCC) 人民政协the tr end of pop u lar sent ime nt 人心向背person ne l exc h ang es 人员往来trea t ing eac h o th er w it h a ll s inc er it y 肝胆相照the h igh d egr ee of un it y a nd so lidar ity 高度团结统一a h ig h de gre e of a uto nomy 高度自治ho ld h igh t he gr e at ba nn er of D eng X ia op ing th eor y 高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜lofty c har ac ter 高尚的品格oper a h igh lights 折子戏stilt w a lk 踩高跷pant om im e; m ime 哑剧pant om im is t 哑剧演员skit 戏剧小品c irc us show马戏mono logu e c om ic ta lk, sta ndu p c omed y 单口相声stunt 特技表演w itty d ia log ue c om edy, c om ic c ross ta lk 相声the trad it io na l stor y-te llin g in Be ijing d ia lec t w it h dr um ac c ompan ime nt 京韵大鼓shaa nx i o per a 秦腔sea lc utt ing 篆刻c harac ters c ut in int ag lio 阴文c harac ters c ut in r e lief 阳文sea l 图章grav er 刻刀mak ing ru bb in gs from ston e insc r ip t ions 拓碑rubb ing 拓片w orkmansh ip/c raftsm ansh ip 工艺,手艺han d ic raft 手工艺品w ood c arv in g 木雕boxw ood c raf t 黄杨木雕c arved lac qu erw are 雕漆stone c ar v ing 石雕min iatur e en gra v in g 微雕ivory c ar v ing 象牙雕bamb oo engr av ing 竹雕she ll c arv ing 贝雕ic e sc u lp tur e 冰雕pa in te d sc ulptur e 彩塑ena me l 瓷釉embro id ery 刺绣sc roll 卷轴bat ik 蜡染c la y f igur e 泥人lac qu er pa int ing 漆画lac qu er w are 漆器c elad on 青瓷色tw o-sid ed embr o id ery 双面绣landsc a pe/ink pa int in g 水墨画Suzh ou e mbro ider y 苏绣sand a lw ood f an 檀香扇trio-c o lor ed g la ze d pott ery of the Tang D yn asty 唐三彩pott ery 陶器Cer am ic s 制陶业the four sta t io nery tr easur es of the Ch in ese stu dy—a w rit ing br ush, an in k stic k, an in k ston e an d pa per 文房四宝inks la b e ngra v in g 砚刻Yix ing p ott ery 宜兴陶fo ld in g fa n 折扇Wic k erw ork 枝编工艺tap estry 织锦,挂毯pap ier m ac he 纸工艺品Ch inese pa int ing 中国画fo lk lor es 民间传说fab le 寓言leg end 传说mytho log y 神话God of He av en 玉皇大帝the Eig ht Imm orta ls 八仙Ch ang’e, t he Ch ines e moo n god dess 嫦娥Fu X i, Go d of F ish ery and Husba ndr y 伏羲god of for tun e, god of prosp er it y, an d god of lon ge v ity 福禄寿三星god of for tun e 财神god of t he k itc he n 灶神Gong gon g, Go d of Wa ter 公神Houy i (a leg end ary h ero w ho sho t dow n n ine su ns) 后羿Ye llow Emp eror 黄帝Kuaf u (a fa b led sun-c h as ing g ia nt ) 夸父Nuw a: a god dess w ho pa tc hes up t he sk y 女娲Pan G u, c reat or of th e un ivers e 盘古Patro n of Agr ic u ltur e 神农Yu, th e re put ed fo und er of th e X ia D yn asty 禹Zh uron g, God of F ire 祝融mak e th e past ser ve t he pr esen t an d th e fore ign serv e Ch in a 古为今用,洋为中用insc rib e a poe m 赋诗matc h in g a n ant ith et ic a l c o up let 对对联solar c a lend ar 阳历greg or ia n c a le nd ar 公历lunar c a le ndar 阴历hea ve n ly st em 天干eart h ly br anc h 地支lea p ye ar 闰年the tw e nty-fo ur so lar terms 二十四节气zod iac十二生肖rat 鼠ox 牛tiger 虎hare 兔drag on 龙snak e 蛇horse 马shee p 羊monk ey 猴rooster 鸡dog 狗p ig 猪year of mon ke y 猴年one’s ye ar of birt h c onsider ed in re lat ion to the 12 Terr estr ia l Bra nc hes 本命年trad it ion a l h o lidays 传统节日Spr ing F est iv a l 春节pay a New Year v is it 拜年fir ec rac ker 鞭炮,爆竹Ev e of Ch in ese New Ye ar 除夕Spr ing c ou p lets 春联ring ou t th e o ld y e ar an d r ing in th e new辞旧迎新Jiaoz i, bo iled dump lin g 饺子pot st ic ker 锅贴temp le f a ir 庙会ring ou t th e o ld y e ar 鸣钟辞旧岁(trad it ion a l) New Ye ar p ic tur es 年画the Ev e Fe ast; fa m ily r eun ion d inn er o n Lunar New Year’s Eve 年夜饭year-end hous eho ld c le an in g 年终大扫除stay up lat e on t he New Ye ar’s Eve 守岁fam ily reu n io n d in ner 团圆饭New Ye ar g if t-mon ey; mon ey g ive n to c h ildre n as a N ew Ye ar g if t 压岁钱drag on d anc e 舞龙La nt ern Fest iv a l (15t h d ay of th e f irst lu nar m ont h) 元宵节sw eet st ic ky r ic e d ump lings 元宵fest iv a l lant ern 花灯lant ern r idd le 灯谜lion d anc e 狮子舞stilt w a lk ing 踩高跷Pure Br igh tn ess Fest iv a l/To mb-sw ee p in g Da y (Apr il th e 5t h) 清明节sw eep tom b sites of lov ed on es 扫墓offer sac r if ic es to th e a nc estors 祭祖go for a n out ing in spr ing 踏青drag on Boa t Fest iva l (5th of t he f if th lu nar m onth) 端午节drag on bo at r ac e 赛龙舟zon gz i (pyr am id-sha ped dum p ling m ad e b y g lut in ous r ic e w rapp ed in r ee d or bamb oo lea ves) 粽子Dep art ed sou l 亡灵loya l m in is ter 忠臣Quyu an t he p oe t 诗人屈原Moo n Fest iva l/Mid- Aut umn D ay (15th of e ighth lhu nar m onth) 中秋节moonc a ke 月饼appr ec iat e th e g lor ious fu ll mo on 赏月reun ion 团圆sw eet osma nth us 桂花Doub le N int h Da y/t he Ag ed D ay 重阳节adm ir e th e b eau ty of c hrys anth em um 赏菊c lim b mou nta in 登高TCM (tr ad it io na l Ch ines e me d ic in e) 中药First Em per or, Emp er or Ch in 秦始皇帝empr ess dow ag er 皇太后found er of th e Han D yn asty (206BC-220AD) 汉高祖刘邦Gen gh is Kha n; Temu jin 成吉思汗g ifte d sc ho lars a nd b ea ut if u l la d ies 才子佳人c rad le of c iv iliz at ion 文明摇篮X ia Dyn asty 夏朝(of) Ming a nd Q ing d yn ast ies 明清两代Ch inese c iv iliz at ion 中华文明Sic h uan, S zec hw a n, Szec h ua n 四川Sha anx i 陕西Res earc h Cen ter for Anc ient Civ iliz at ions 古文明研究中心Ch inese an d ov erseas sc ho lars 中外学者arc ha eo lo g ists 考古学家anthr opo log is t 人类学家h istor ian 历史学家Tao, ”t he w ay”, th e pr inc ip le of w ork ings of t he u n iv erse 道huma ne ness (a ls o me an:hu ma n ity, b en ev o le nc e, goo dn ess, vir tu e) 仁the Fo ur Books 四书the Gr ea t Le arn in g 《大学》the D oc tr in e of th e Mea n 《中庸》the An a lec ts of Conf uc ius 《论语》the Me nc ius 《孟子》five m a jor sty les of c a lligr aph y 书法五大书体sea l sc r ipt/s ea l c h arac t er篆书offic ia l sc ript/c ler ic a l sc ript 隶书runn ing sc ript/se m i-c urs iv e sc rip t 行书c ursiv e sc ript 草书regu lar sc ript/st and ard sc r ipt 楷书trad it ion a l Ch ines e pa int ing 中国画Ch inese brush p a in t in g; ink an d w ash pa int ing 水墨画trad it ion a l Ch ines e rea list ic pa int in g 工笔six c lassic a l arts 六艺rit e 礼mus ic乐arc hery 射rid ing 御w rit in g 书ar ith met ic数the Art of War 孙子兵法Ch inese c h arac t er 汉字stroke (汉字)笔画rad ic a l 偏旁部首w rit in g syste m 书写体系Sino-T ib eta n 汉藏语系Sino log ist/S ino log ue 汉学家Sinom an ia 中国热of the sa me or ig in 同宗同源the Ch inese anc est ors 华夏祖先sin g le sy lla b le 单音节Ch inese lan gu ag e is “sob er ly log ic a l”汉语有“合理的逻辑性”the fo ur ton es of Ch in ese c har ac ters 汉语四声调lev e l to ne 阴平ris ing to ne 阳平fa lling-r is in g to ne 上声fa lling to ne 去声mart ia l ar t 武术Kung f u 中国武术sty les or sc hoo ls of mart ia l art 武术门派prac t ic e m art ia l art f or f itn ess 习武健身anc ie nt form of c om bat 古代格斗术Ch inese Mart ia l Ar t Assoc ia t ion 中国武术协会top m art ia l art is t 武林高手Q igo ng; d e ep br eat h in g ex erc ises 气功judo 柔道kara te 空手道tae kw on do 跆拳道box ing 拳击w restling 摔跤fenc ing 击剑w alk th e ear th (w ith a sw ord) 仗剑走天涯ta les of rov ing kn igh ts; kun g fu no ve ls 武侠小说Ch inese lit erat ure 中国文学Three Kin gdoms 《三国演义》Journe y to th e West; P ilgr im age to th e West 《西游记》Dre am of th e Red Ma ns ions 《红楼梦》the Clas s ic of Mou nta ins an Riv ers 《山海经》His tory as a Mirror; Com pre hens ive Histor y Reto ld as a Mirror f or Ru lers 《资治通鉴》the Rom anc e of West Cha mber 《西厢记》Hero es of th e Marsh es; Ta les of t he Wat er Marg in 《水浒传》Strang e Ta les of a Lon e ly Stu d io; Stra ng e Ta les fr o m Ma ke-Do St ud io 《聊斋志异》Fortress Bes ie ge d 《围城》the True Stor y of Ah Q 《阿Q正传》the Spr ing and Aut umn An na ls 《春秋》His tor ic a l Rec ords 《史记》the Boo k of Son gs; th e Book of Od es 《诗经》the Boo k of Hist ory 《书经》I Ch in g; th e Book of Ch an ges 《易经》the Boo k of Rites 《礼记》Boo k of F ilia l P iet y 《孝经》thre e-c har ac ter sc riptur e; thr e e-w ord c han t 《三字经》e igh t-p art essa y; ster eot yp ed w rit in g 八股文five-c h arac ter qua tra in 五言绝句seve n-c har ac ter oc ta ve 七言律诗Ch inese arc h it ec ture 中国建筑Qua dra ng le, the tra d it iona l Ch ines e s in g le-st ory hous es w ith row s of rooms arou nd th e four s ides of a c our ty ard 四合院(Mon go lian) yurt 蒙古包insc rip t io ns on a t ab let 碑刻,碑文,碑铭the for est of ste les, ta b let forest 碑林Tao ist t emp le 道观ha ll 殿beac o n tow er 烽火台drum tow er 鼓楼ornam en ta l c o lumn 华表c orrid or 回廊a lt ar 祭坛roc kery 假山w atc htow er 角楼c orrid or 廊pa ilou, d ec orat ed arc hw ay 牌楼br idg e 桥stone b oa t 石舫grotto 石窟pav ilio n on th e w at er 水榭pag oda; tow er 塔terrac e 台a lt ar 坛pav ilio n 亭阁be ll t ow er 钟楼p illar, c o lum n, post 柱emp eror's ma uso le um/tomb 陵墓ma jor c u ltura l her ita ge 重要文化遗产outsta nd ing fo lk arts 优秀民间艺术c ult ura l r e lic s 文物Ch inese kno t 中国结Ch eon gsam 旗袍trad it ion a l Ch ines e garm en ts (c lo th in g), Tang su it 中山装c lo iso nné景泰蓝roya l c o urt en voy 朝廷使者men of lett er 文人ref in ed sc ho lar 雅士c ult ure industr y 文化产业c ult ura l de pos it 文化底蕴c ult ura l und ert ak ing 文化事业c ross-c ultur a l c ommu n ic at ion 文化交流c ult ure sh oc k 文化冲突nat ion a l c u ltur e 民族文化fo lk c u ltur e 民间文化urba n c u ltur e 城镇文化rura l c u lt ure 乡村文化nat ive c u lt ure 当地文化perform ing art 表演艺术popu lar art, pop art 现代流行艺术h igh art 纯艺术ref in ed ar t 高雅艺术c in ema togr ap h ic art 电影艺术the atr ic a l art 戏剧艺术ma le (th e pos it ive m a le ro le) 生(男性正面角色)fema le (t he p os it iv e fe ma le ro le) 旦(女性正面角色)a supp ort in g ma le ro le w ith str ik ing c h arac t er 净(性格鲜明的男性配角)a c low n or a n ega t iv e ro le 丑(幽默滑稽或反面角色)pa in te d ro le 花脸mono dram a; o ne-m an sh ow独角戏mus ic a l 歌舞喜剧sht ic k 滑稽场面,搞笑小噱头skit 滑稽短剧ama teur perf ormer of Be ijin g Op er a/Pe k in g Op era f an 京剧票友Pek ing O per a Mask 京剧人物脸谱ventr ilo qu ism 口技pupp et show木偶戏vo ic e o ver 旁白shadow p lay; lea th er-silho uet te show皮影戏story-te llin g 说书mak e a h uma n pyr am id 叠罗汉c olors, pr imar y 红、黄、蓝三原色c olors, sec on dar y 合成色,间色c ompos it ion 构图engr av ing 雕刻艺术,镌版术;亦指雕版印刷品,版画etc h in g 蚀刻版画,蚀刻术,铜版画foreshor ten ing effec t [绘画]通过透视原理表现立体空间fresc o [绘画]在灰泥的墙壁上作的水彩画,壁画h igh ligh t [绘画]高光h igh r e lief 高浮雕im past o [绘画]厚涂颜料的绘画法,厚涂的颜料in la y in g 镶嵌landsc a pe 风景画,山水画litho gra phy 石印(平版印刷)术;平版印刷品mode lin g 建模,造型monoc hro me 单色画(由一种颜色的不同色度制作出的图片,尤指图画)paste l 浅淡的色调,柔和而悦目的色彩persp ec t ive [绘画]透视pr imar y c o lors 三原色re lief 浮雕(效果)sketc h in g 写生,写生画still lif e 静物temp era 蛋彩画(用蛋清代油调和的鸡蛋水胶养料画法)text ure 质地,纹理tone 色调tromp e l’oe il 一种给人以摄影作品般真实感觉的绘画风格ar ia 独唱曲;咏叹调bac kgro und mus ic背景音乐ban d 乐队bar it on e 男中音bass 低音部;男低音;低音乐器bea t 节奏,鼓点brass 铜管乐队;铜管乐器Bro adw ay m us ic a l 百老汇音乐剧c anon 卡农(一种乐曲形式,其中同样的旋律被一个或者多个声部重复,同一调或者相关调彼此在时间上重合)c hord 和弦,和音c omposer 作家,作曲家c onc erto 协奏曲c onduc tor 管弦乐队、合唱队指挥c ontem porar y mus ic当代音乐c resc endo 声音渐增,渐强dec resc en do 渐弱d issona nce 不谐和音,不一致duet 二重奏fina le (戏剧的)最后一场,结局;终曲;(电视剧)最后一集flat [音]降半音fox trot 狐步舞,狐步舞曲fugu e [音]赋格曲genr e 类型,流派ac id ja zz 酸性爵士a lt erna t iv e mus ic另类(非主流)音乐,如g ay m us ic(同性恋音乐)b lue grass 蓝草音乐—起源于美国南方的民间音乐,特色为音乐轻快和像爵士乐那样即兴演奏b lues 布鲁斯歌曲(蓝调音乐)Ce lt ic mus ic凯尔特音乐(尤指爱尔兰风格)c lass ic a l mus ic古典乐c ountry m us ic乡村音乐danc e m us ic劲爆蹦迪音乐easy lis ten ing m us ic轻音乐e lec tro n ic mus ic电子音乐env ir onm ent a l m us ic环境音乐exp er im ent a l m us ic实验音乐fo lk mus ic民族音乐fusion mus ic融合音乐hea vy m et a l; h ard roc k 重金属摇滚h ip-h op mus ic嘻蹦乐,译嘻哈house m us ic电子乐的一种Ind ie-Roc k m us ic独立音乐(属于另类音乐)jaz z 爵士乐Jazz Blu es 爵士布鲁斯La t in m us ic拉丁乐mus ic a l 音乐剧New Ag e mus ic新时代乐风Punk; New w ave 朋克;新浪潮R&B 节奏布鲁斯Ra p mus ic说唱Re gga e mus ic雷鬼乐,一种风格独特的牙买加音乐Retr o mus ic怀旧音乐Soft roc k 慢摇滚sou l mus ic(美国黑人)爵士灵歌,结合了福音唱诗以及节奏布鲁斯音乐的特点soundtr ac k 电影配乐sw ing m us ic摇摆乐Tec hno mus ic强烈动感的电子音乐Tranc e mus ic非常Hi的电子舞曲,迷幻电子乐gospe l mus ic福音音乐harmo ny [音]和弦,和声,悦耳的声音组合hymn 赞美诗,圣歌,唱赞美歌im prov is at ion 即席创作lip sync h ing 对口型,假唱lyr ic抒情诗,歌词marc h [音]进行曲me lo dy 旋律oper a 歌剧opus 作品orc hestra 管弦乐队perc uss ion 打击乐器,鼓点po lk a 波尔卡舞曲pop mus ic流行音乐,通俗音乐quart et 四重奏;四重唱Re na issa nc e 文艺复兴,有文艺复兴时期的艺术风格的音乐reper to ir e (准备好演出的)节目,保留剧目Re qu iem Mass 安魂曲rhumb a (=rum ba)伦巴舞蹈,伦巴乐曲rhythm 节奏,韵律roc k 摇滚乐sa lsa 萨尔萨舞曲,拉丁美洲一种流行舞曲samba 桑巴舞(一种源自非洲的巴西舞)sc ore 乐谱solo 独唱曲,独唱sonat a [音]奏鸣曲sopran o 女高音sympho ny 交响乐,交响曲tang o 探戈temp o (音乐)速度、拍子;发展速度tenor 男高音them e [音]主题,主题曲,主旋律them e a nd v ar ia t io ns [音]主题与变奏trio 三重唱voc a l ra ng e 音域w alt z 华尔兹舞;华尔兹舞曲the fo ur gre at inve nt ions of a nc ient Ch ina 四大发明gunp ow der 火药pr int ing 印刷术pap er-ma k in g 造纸术the c omp ass 指南针Anc ien t Ch in ese Ph iloso phers 中国古代哲学家Conf uc ius 孔子Me nc ius 孟子La o Tzu 老子Chu an g Tzu 庄子Mo Tzu 墨子Sun Tzu 孙子b ila ter a l d ip lom at ic ac t iv it ies 双边外交w in-w in s itu at ion 双赢局面smooth tr ans it ion of pow er 权利顺利平稳过渡c and id and in-d ept h 坦诚深入的trea ty 条约ha lt 停滞不前equ a l d ign ity 同等尊严brea k-thr oug h 突破un ity 团结ext ern a l b loc kad e 外部封锁d ip lo mac y 外交d ip lo mat ic pr ac t ice 外交惯例d ip lo mat ic immun ity 外交豁免权d ip lo mat ic b aro met er 外交晴雨表d ip lo mat ic env oy 外交使节d ip lo mat ic tr uce 外交休兵dow nr igh t d istrust 完全不信任c omp let e e qu a lit y 完全平等stubbor n ills 顽疾seek a c ommon goo d 为大众谋利ma in ta in th e prosp er it y an d stab ilit y of Ho ng Kong 维护香港的繁荣与稳定just ic e-u pho ld in g 维护正义的d ip lo mat ic pr ac t ice 外交惯例c ult ura l exc h ang e 文化交流c ult ura l amb assad or 文化使节c rad le of c iv iliz at ion 文化摇篮inex ora b le f ac ts 无情的事实d isord er 无秩序状态c urrent sta te 现状e la bor ate on 详细谈论harmo n ize 协调agre em ent 协定a llianc e 结盟protoc o l 协议c oord in at io n 协作han d-in h an d 携手a new w or ld p att ern 新的世界形态neo-c o lon ia lism 新殖民主义assert 宣称;维护dec lar at ion 宣告,声明the As ia-P ac if ic reg ion 亚太地区sever e test 严峻的考验messag e of c ond o le nc es 唁电c onsist ent po lic y 一贯的政策tak e h istor y as gu id anc e a nd lo ok into th e fut ure 以史为鉴,面向未来ideo log y 意识形态nev er y ie ld ing 永不屈服inc reas e; stre ngth en; prom ote; ex pa nd; b oost 增进enh anc e m utu a l un derst an d ing 增进了解strate g ic re lat io nsh ip 战略关系strate g ic part nersh ip of c oor d in at io n 战略协作伙伴关系norma liz at ion 正常化c orrec t fore ig n po lic y 正确的对外方针an off ic ia l v is it 正式访问transfer of gov ern men t 政权交接po lit ic a l d ia lo gs 政治对话po lit ic a l a nd mor a l sup port 政治和道义上的支持med ium a nd lo ng t erm c oop era t io n 中长期的合作the S ino-Ja pa nese Tre aty for P eac e and Fr ie ndsh ip 中日和平友好条约apar th e id; r ac ia l se gre gat ion 种族隔离rac ia l t ens io ns 种族矛盾rac ia l d isc r im ina t io n 种族歧视appr oac h (a prob lem) 着手处理reev a luat ion 重新评估sover e ign st at es 主权国家garr iso n 驻军se lf-de term in at io n 自觉自主se lf-rec lus ive 自我封闭least-de ve lop ed c oun tr ies (LD Cs) 最不发达国家the F ive Pr inc ip les of Pe ac efu l Co ex ist enc e 和平共处五项基本原则equ a lit y a nd mut ua l be nef it 平等互利mutu a l resp ec t for sov ere ignt y, terr itor ia l in te gr ity 互相尊重和主权领土完整non-aggr ess ion 互不侵犯non-interf ere nc e in t he inter na l affa irs of oth er c ountr ies 互不干涉内政peac efu l c oe x ist enc e 和平共处Abstrac t Ex press io n ism 抽象表现主义Ar t D ec o 装饰派艺术Ar t No uv eau 新艺术主义As hc an Sc ho o l 垃圾箱画派Ass emb lag e (Co llag e) 装配艺术品Bar b iz on Sc ho o l (Lan dsc ape P a int in g) 巴比松画派Bar oqu e 巴罗克艺术风格Class ic ism 古典风格Constr uc t iv ism 构成派Cub is m 立体派Dad a达达主义运动Ex press io n ism 表现主义Fauv is m 野兽派Futur ism 未来主义Genr e 风俗画Impress io n ism 印象主义Ma nn er ism 风格主义Neoc lassic ism 新古典主义Neo impr ession ism 新印象主义,点描派Op Ar t 光效应绘画艺术,欧普艺术Pop Ar t 波普艺术Re a lism 现实主义画派Roc oc o 洛可可风格Surre a lism 超现实主义Symbo lism 象征主义bas-re lief (=bass-re lief) 浮雕,浅浮雕c ameo 刻有浮雕的宝石或贝壳c aric a tur e 漫画c artoon (报刊上的)政治性漫画,讽刺画,卡通画,漫画c hiarosc uro 光影、明暗对比法c olors, c omp lem ent ary 补色;对比色trans it ion 转变;过渡turmo il 动乱;冲突tac k le 处理;对付tak e sha pe 成形tense 紧张的und erm in e 破坏und es irab le 不受欢迎的un io n 联盟;工会unsw erv in g ly 坚定不移地v igor ous 强健的;精力充沛的vo la t ile 不稳定的;多变的go in g g lo ba l “走出去”(战略)sec urity; s af et y 安全heg emo ny 霸权c lose d-do or p ast 闭关锁国的过去c lose d-do or po lic y 闭关政策c rit er ia 标准ext ens iv e a nd prof oun d 博大深远non-c onfr ont at io n 不对抗irr at iona lity 不合理non-a lig nme nt 不结盟insurmo unt ab le d iff ic u lty 不可克服的困难ineq ua lity 不平等unrem itt ing effor ts 不懈的努力und erta ke c onc re te st ep 采取具体步骤gap 距离att empt 尝试dyn am ism 充满活力lofty c aus e 崇高的事业gran d id ea l 崇高理想addr ess d iffer enc es 处理分歧shutt le d ip lom ac y 穿梭外交brea k dow n b arr iers 打破障碍un ilater a l 单边的un ilater a lism 单边主义Den g X iaop ing’s d ip lom at ic th oug hts 邓小平外交思想und erest imat e; u nd erest imat ion 低估reg io na l c o nf lic ts 地方矛盾reg io na l d isp ar ity 地区差异reg io na l turm o il (c onf lic ts) 地区动乱(冲突)inde pe nd ent for e ig n po lic y of pe ac e 独立自主的和平外交政策pr inc ip les of ind ep en denc e 独立自主原则ho lid ay-mak ing d ip lomac y 度假外交oppo ne nt; r iv a l 对手ext ern a l w ork 对外工作mu lt ilat era l d ip lom at ic ac t iv it ies 多变外交mu lt ilat era lism 多变政策g lob a l v illa ge 地球村mu lt i-po lar iz at ion 多极化mu lt ipo lar t im es 多极时代mu lt ipo lar w or ld 多极世界mu lt i-po lar ity 多极性prosper ity 繁荣flour ish 繁荣昌盛im ita t io n 仿效d iv is io n of resp ons ib ilit ies 分工splitt ist ac t iv it ies 分裂活动issu es of d iffer enc e 分歧veto r ight 否决权a c omp lex a nd v o la t ile int ern at io na l s itua t io n 复杂多变的国际形势c omp lic at ion 复杂化c omp le x ity 复杂性ame lior ate 改善,改进h igh-lev e l and a ll-d irec t io na l d ia log ue 高层次、全方位的对话summ it(for um) 高峰论坛sen ior off ic ia ls 高级官员estran ge men t 隔阂w ell-be ing of a ll n at ions 各国人民的福祉proc lam at ion 公告fa irn ess 公平just ic e 公正,正义c onsensus 共识a ll-w in 共赢the tr ans it ion a l p er io d 过渡期hea d of sta te 国家元首state-to-sta te 国与国go ov erbo ard 过分the leg it im ate r ights a nd inter ests 合法权益c ooper at iv e re lat ionsh ip 合作关系harmo n io us re lat io nsh ip 和睦关系peac e 和平peac efu l m ea ns 和平方式peac efu l c oe x ist enc e 和平共处peac e d ip lom ac y 和平外交c onsequ enc e 后果;结果。



CATTI笔译必备词汇户口registered permanent residence民生people’s wellbeing团购group buying乡长township head城管urban management officers恶搞video spoof房奴mortgage slave黑车unlicensed cab毕婚族marry-upon-graduation安家费settling-in allowance代排族hired queuers短租房short-term housing/accommodation二手房pre-owned house; second-hand house封口费hush money个体户the self-employed公务车state-financed vehicle公务员civil/public servant假文凭fake diplomas开瓶费corkage fee两限房house of two limits; house with limited price and habitable area廉租房low-rent housing农民工migrant worker农业税agricultural tax泡网吧hit the Internet bar双休日two-day weekend双职工working couple群租客tenant groups入住率occupancy rate潜规则casting couch闪跳族habitual job hopper筒子楼tube-shaped apartment building学区房school-nearby house暂住证temporary residence permit安居工程Comfortable/Affordable Housing Project城市补丁run-down neighborhoods低保制度subsistence security system恶性循环vicious circle法治政府law-based government(非法)传销pyramid schemes; multi-level marketing非法收入illegal earnings; illicit income福利彩票welfare lottery改革攻坚further reform in difficult areas; tackle hard issues in thereform改革试点pilot reform program公共参与public/communal participation和谐社会harmonious society黑恶势力Mafia-like gangs基层社区grassroots community减员增效downsize the staff to improve efficiency空巢家庭empty-nest/childless family就业指导employment guidance面子工程vanity/image project民族团结ethnic unity南水北调South-to-North water diversion贫富差距disparity in wealth distribution贫困人口impoverished people权力下放shift of power to the grassroots; delegate power to the lower levels社会结构social structure市政工程municipal/public works数字鸿沟digital divide天灾人祸natural calamities and man-made misfortunes同城待遇identical treatment无偿献血unpaid blood donation五好家庭Five-Virtues Family下岗职工unemployed workers and staff; laid-off employees乡镇企业township enterprises学生减负reduce students’study load严打斗争strike-hard operation/campaign to crack down crimes 总体规划overall plan引进人才bring in needed personnel优抚安置provide special assistance to entitled groups创新型国家innovation-oriented nation低收入家庭low-income household/family服务型政府service-oriented government高层次人才high-caliber personnel高技能人才highly skilled personnel公用互联网public Internet固定电话网fixed-line telephone network简易过渡房makeshift shelter经济适用房affordable housing开放型经济an open economy科学发展观scientific outlook on development人口功能区functional population zone三八红旗手March 8 Red Flag Bearer下基层锻炼temper oneself in a grassroots unit移动通信网mobile communication network自觉排队日Queuing-up Day地方保护主义regional protectionism城市低收入者low-income city dwellers爱国统一战线patriotic united front坚持基本纲领uphold the basic program抗灾救灾工作efforts to combat disasters and provide relief平房改造工程renovation project of shanty dwellings人事制度改革reform of personnel system社会保障工作social security work社会保障体制social security system社会利益格局interest of different social groups酒后冲突drunken brawl大运会Universiade青年危机quarterlife crisis闪婚flash marriage众包crowdsourcing山西老陈醋Shanxi aged vinegar伏旱summer drought松花蛋century eggs塑身内衣shapewear骨灰粉丝the hardcore fan/ super fan/crazy fan/ rabid fan/ frenziedfan/addicted fan穿越剧time-travel TV series忘年恋May-December romance新闻词汇倒叙inverted pyramid style回访return visit均势balance of power社论editorial试播start trial broadcasts述评commentary顺叙pyramid style主编chief editor直播live broadcast专电special dispathc编者按editor’s note读者量readership发刊词prospectus发行量circulation公正性fairness画外音voiceover幻灯片slideshows时效性timeliness假新闻pseudo-news教育性enrichment可信度credibility新闻稿news release言论版opinion page本报记者staff writer编辑主任managing editor标题妙语headline witticism常驻记者resident correspondent 地方新闻local news电视指南TV Guide电视转播on-camera delivery独家新闻exlusive news扼要重述recap the headlines发布公报issue a communiqué封锁消息news blackout公众意识public consciousness 国际新闻world news国内新闻domestic news滚动报道running/rolling stories记者新闻eye-account经济新闻economic news媒体炒作press hype秘密采访covert coverage民意测验opinion poll目标受众targeted audience深度报道in-depth reportABC (accuracy, brevity and clarity) 准确、简洁、明晰accurate journalism 精确新闻学advance copy 预备稿advertising film/commercial message 广告片advertorial 社论式广告advocacy journalism 鼓吹式新闻;偏袒性新闻报道affair 社会轶闻;桃色新闻;绯闻agony column (报刊上登载寻人、寻物、丧葬等启事的)私事广告栏;答读者问专栏airdate (排定的)广播时间airspace 用于广告的广播时间(尤批电台、电视台)air time (电台、电视台节目)始播时间,播出时间all (names are arranged) in random order 排名不分先后anchor booth 新闻节目主持人播音室annual/annals 年报,年刊,年鉴apocryphal story 假新闻,骗人的新闻a revised edition 修订版Associated Press (AP) 美联社banner headline 通栏大字标题black and white 白纸黑字(指是非分明)blue-ribbon event 重大体育比赛Breaking News Award 突发新闻报道奖(普利策奖中的一个奖项)broadloid 小型大报(由broadsheet和tabloid两词合并而成)call-in (phone-in) (电台或电视台的)听众、观众来电直播节目canned copy 通稿city news 社会新闻color supplement 彩色增刊copy reader 文字编辑(美)creative media 创意媒体cyberslacker 在工作时间用因特网做私事的人editorial department 编辑部exterior/location/outdoor shooting 外景拍摄feature story 专题报道follow-up stories 后续报道fragmentation of the mass audience 受众的分流full house 爆满glocalization 全球化下的本土化(由globalization与localization两词合并而成)gutter press 黄色小报hard news/spot news 重要新闻/最新消息heroinware 海洛因电子游戏infortainment 新闻娱乐化(由information和entertainment两个单词组合而成)interpretative reporting 解读性报道investigative reporting 调查性报道invisible opinion 无形的观点(指记者用事实本身的力量向读者进行宣传)jargon 行话journalistic coinage 新闻生造词latest news/hot news 最新消息live television coverage 电视实况转播mass media 大人传播media advisor 媒体顾问;宣传顾问media blitz 舆论声势media competition 传媒大战media event 重大新闻事件media gate 媒体丑闻media individual 新闻人物media polling (为预测大选结果而举行的)媒体民意测验media tycoon 传媒大亨media war 媒体战争mega-hit 轰动效应memorial volume 纪念刊method acting 演技派表演morning/afternoon/evening paper 晨报/午报/晚报news background articles 新闻背景专稿news bulletin 简明新闻news-oriented features新闻性特写newspaper campaign 报纸战newspaper extra 报纸特刊/增刊news production research 新闻制作研究outside broadcasting van 电视实况转播车penny press 廉价报纸physical media 传统媒体podcast 播客popular newspaper 大人化报纸positions vacant 招聘press baron 报业巨头,报业大王press circles 报界;新闻界press communiqué新闻公报press corps 联合报道组;记者团prime time 黄金时间production cost 制作成本Pulitzer Prize for Nonfiction 普里策非小说奖residential block TV 楼宇电视Shield Law 新闻保障法(美)show biz (= show business) 娱乐性行业,娱乐界sound-and-light 光幻音响special correspondent 特约记者special issue 特刊tabloid journalism 小报新闻tabloid reporting 耸人听闻的报道televised violence 电视暴力television interviewer 电视访谈节目主持人The Nielsen Ratings 尼尔森收视率调查The Reuters, Ltd. (Reuters) 路透社(英)transmission perspective 传输视角trick shot 特技摄影TV coverage 电视报道typecast actor 特型演员United Press International (UPI) 美国合众国际新闻社veteran columnist 资深专栏作家wanted column 招聘栏war correspondent 随军记者weekly publication 周刊yellow journalism 黄色新闻载人航天manned space mission探月工程lunar exploration program结构性、输入性物价上涨structural and imported inflation重点产业调整振兴计划the plan for restructuring and reinvigorating key industries政府投资引导带动社会投资Government spending guided anddrove nongovernmental investment科研成果实现了产业化A large number of research results have been applied in industrial production.工业“三废”industrial wastewater, waste gases and residues主体功能区development priority zones县级基本财力保障机制a mechanism for ensuring basic funding for county-level governments对外工程承包和劳务合作营业额the total turnover of overseas construction/project and labor contracts新型农村社会养老保险a new type of pension insurance for rural residents老有所养、病有所医、住有所居Everyone has access to old-cage care, medical treatment and housing.行政问责administrative accountability system违法征地拆迁illegal land expropriations and housing demolitions 政府调控与市场机制的有机统一closely integrate government control with market forces激发经济内在活力stimulate the (internal) vitality of the economy加快形成消费、投资、出口协调拉动经济增长的新局面to quickly realize economic growth driven by consumption, investment and exports提高居民收入在国民收入中的比重,提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重(“两个提高”)raise the proportion of national income distributed to individuals and increase the proportion of wages in the primary distribution of income提高政策范围内的医保基金支付水平increase payment percentage/level in the medical insurance fund within authorized package构建组织多元、服务高效、监督审慎、风险可控的金融体系develop a financial system featuring diverse organizations, efficient service, prudent supervision and risk-control建立健全能够灵活反映市场供求关系、资源稀缺程度和环境损害成本的资源性产品价格形成机制develop a sound, flexible mechanism for setting prices for resource products capable of reflecting supply and demand in the market, resource scarcity, and the cost of environmental damage政府自身改革建设government reforms and self-improvement从制度上改变权力过分集中而又得不到制约的状况makeinstitutional changes to end the excessive concentration of power and lack of checks on power保持适当的财政赤字和国债规模keep the deficit and government bonds at appropriate levels公务接待费hospitality spending消除输入性、结构性通胀因素的不利影响overcome the adverse effects of imported and structural inflation“米袋子”省长负责制和“菜篮子”市长负责制the system of provincial governors taking responsibility for the “rice bag”(grain supply) program and city mayors taking responsibility for the “vegetable basket”(non-grain food supply) program农产品流通体系farm products distribution。



CATTI笔译旅游汉译英词汇CATTI笔译旅行英译汉词汇(2)CATTI笔译艺术英译汉词汇(1)CATTI笔译艺术英译汉词汇(2)CATTI笔译工业汉译英词汇(1)CATTI笔译工业汉译英词汇(2)CATTI笔译外贸金融英译汉词汇(1)CATTI笔译外贸金融英译汉词汇(2)CATTI笔译外贸金融英译汉词汇(3)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(1)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(2)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(3)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(4)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(5)TTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(6)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(7)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(8)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(9)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(10)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(11)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(12)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(13)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(15)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(16)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(17)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(18)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(19)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(20)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(21)CATTI笔译法律汉译英词汇(22)笔译中常考谚语(1)A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.一着不慎,满盘皆输.All is not gold that glitters.闪光的未必差不多上金子。

A child is better unborn than untaught.养不教,父之过。

Art is long, life is short.生命短暂,艺术长存。

Although the sun shine, leave not your cloak at home.未雨绸缪。

A light heart live long.心情爽朗寿命长。




翻译硕士CATTI笔译常用词汇分类:农业保护耕地protectarableland病虫害防治pestanddiseasecontrol播种面积sownarea“菜篮子”工程theVegetableBasketProject餐饮业cateringtrade产业化扶贫reducepovertythroughindustrialdevelopment城乡低保urbanandruralrecipientsofsubsistenceallowances 单位面积产量yieldperunitarea滴灌dripirrigation动植物检疫animalandplantquarantine扶贫povertyalleviation/anti-povertyeffort扶贫政策povertyreliefpolicy复种multiplecropping副产品by-products副业sidelineproduction改良土壤soilimprovement耕地保护制度systemforprotectingarableland耕作设施farmingequipment灌溉面积irrigatedarea国家收购粮grainpurchasedbythestate旱地arid/non-irrigatedland洪涝灾害floodandwaterlogging集体林权制度改革reformofthesystemofcollectiveforestrights集约/粗放型农业intensive/extensiveagriculture加强农产品市场调控strengthenregulationofthefarmproductsmarket 减免农业税reduceandexempttheagriculturaltax减轻农民负担lightentheburdenonthepeasants建设高标准农田developfarmplotsthatmeethighstandards节约用地制度systemforeconomizingontheuseofland经济作物cashcrops开垦荒地reclaimwasteland抗病/虫/旱性disease-/pest-/drought-resistant科教兴农invigorateagriculturebyrelyingonscienceandeducation 联合国粮食与农业组织theUNFoodandAgricultureOrganizationFAO良种补贴subsidiesforsuperiorcropvarieties粮食安全foodsecurity粮食产业建设项目projectsforindustrializinggrainproduction粮食储备grainreserves粮食品种grainvarieties粮食直补directsubsidiestograinproducers粮食综合生产能力overallgrainproductioncapacity粮食最低收购价minimumgrainpurchasingprices粮食作物cerealcrops绿色革命GreenRevolution绿色食品greenfood绿色证书greencertificate苗圃seedlingnursery民工潮farmer’sfrenziedhuntforworkincities奶制品dairyproduct内陆水域inlandwaters农产品精深加工和销售intensiveprocessingandsaleofagriculturalproducts农产品质量监管monitorthequalityofagriculturalproducts 农村公益事业性建设项目ruralpublicfacilities农村集市ruralfair农村居民人均纯收入ruralpercapitanetincome农村民生工程projectsdesignedtoimprovethelivesofruralresidents 农村综合改革comprehensivereformsinruralareas农机具购置补贴subsidiesforthepurchaseofagriculturalmachineryandtools农林牧副渔全面发展all-rounddevelopmentof/infarming,forestry,animal,sidelineproduc tionandfishery农贸市场farmproducemarket农民的积极性farmers’enthusiasm农民工ruralmigrantworkers农民专业合作社specializedfarmercooperatives农田水利化bringlandunderirrigation农田水利建设constructionofwaterconservancyworks农业基础设施agriculturalinfrastructure农业技术agriculturaltechnology农业科技创新成果推广expandapplicationofinnovationsinagriculturalscienceandtechnolog y农业科技投入spendonagriculturalscienceandtechnology农用物资farminputs农资综合补贴generalsubsidiesforagriculturalproductionsupplies 喷灌sprinklerirrigation人均占有量percapitaavailability“三农”agriculture,ruralareasandfarmers社会主义新农村SocialistNewCountryside收购价purchasingprice薯类作物tubercrops水产品aquaticproduct水产业aquaticproductsindustry;fishery水稻田paddyfield水利设施waterconservancyfacilities水土保持waterandsoilconservation水土流失soilerosion太空育种spacebreeding糖料作物sugar-bearingcrops特色现代农业modernagriculturewithdistinctivelocalfeatures梯田terracedfield土地承包经营权流转transferoflanduserights土壤肥力soilfertility脱贫shakeoffpoverty温饱型企业subsistenceagriculture沃地fertileland消费信贷consumercredit小城镇建设developmentofsmalltowns小额信贷microcredit;microloan;microlending兴修水利undertakewaterconservancyprojects畜牧业animalhusbandry遗传学研究geneticresearch议价粮grainsoldatanegotiatedprice优化品种结构optimizethevarietymix油料作物oil-bearingcrops有机肥organicfertilizer中国人口的70%多是农民.Morethan70percentofChina’spopulationisfarmers.推进社会主义新农村建设,我们必须把重点放在发展农村经济,增加农民收入上.Topromotetheconstructionofanewsocialistcountryside,wemustfocuso ndevelopingtheruraleconomyandincreasingfarmers’incomes.发展现代农业,推进新农村建设,我们要靠政策、靠投入、靠科技、靠改革. Wemustdevelopmodernagricultureandpromotethebuildingofanewcountr ysidethroughgovernmentpolicy,funding,applicationofscienceandtec hnologyandreform.农业、农村和农民问题,是关系全面建设小康社会和现代化事业全局的重大问题.Theissuesrelatedtoagriculture,ruralareasandfarmershaveamajorimp actonbuildingamoderatelyprosperoussocietyinallrespectsandonthem odernizationdrive.坚持稳定和完善农村基本经营制度,坚持因地制宜,从实际出发,坚持尊重农民意愿,维护农民权益,反对形式主义和强迫命令. Wewillcontinuetostabilizeandimprovethebasicsystemforruraloperat ionsandcontinuetotailormeasurestosuitlocalconditions,proceedfro mthereality,respectthewishesoffarmers,safeguardtheirrightsandin terests,andopposeformalismcoercionandcommandism.我们要巩固和加强农业基础地位,促进农业稳定发展和农民持续增收.Wewillconsolidateandstrengthenthepositionofagricultureasthefoun dationoftheeconomy,promotingsteadydevelopmentofagricultureandco ntinuousincreaseinfarmer’sincomes.我们要切实稳定种植面积,着力提高单产,优化品种结构,推进全国新增粮食生产能力建设. Wewilleffectivelykeeptheareaplantedwithgraincropsstable,focuson increasingtheyieldperunitareaandoptimizingthevarietymix,andincr easethecountry’sgrainproductioncapacity.我们要以市场需求为导向调整农业结构. Wewilladjusttheagriculturalstructurebasedonmarketdemand.我们要多渠道促进农民增收.Wewillincreasefarmer s’incomesinavarietyofways.我们要加大扶贫开发力度. Wewillintensifyoureffortstoalleviatepovertythroughdevelopment.我们要较大幅度提高粮食最低收购价,保持农产品价格合理水平,提高种粮农民积极性. Wewillsignificantlyraiseminimumgrainpurchasingpricesandkeepthep ricesofagriculturalproductsatareasonableleveltoencouragefarmers togrowmore.我们要现有土地承包关系要保持稳定并长久不变,赋予农民包括离乡农民工更加充分而有保障的土地承包经营权.Wewillensurethatexistinglandcontractrelationshipsremainstablean dunchangedforalongtimetocomeandallowfarmers,includingmigrantwor kerswholeavetheirhomevillages,toenjoytheirfullandguaranteedrigh tstocontractandmanageland.土地承包经营权流转必须坚持依法自愿有偿的原则. Thetransferoflanduserightsmustproceedonthebasisofvoluntaryparti cipationandcompensationandinaccordancewiththelaw.我们要启动新一轮农村电网改造,扩大农村沼气建设规模. Wewillbeginanewroundoftheupgradingofruralpowergridsandbuildmore ruralmethanefacilities.我们要着力提高城镇综合承载能力,发挥城市对农村的辐射带动作用,促进城镇化和新农村建设良性互动. Wewillincreasetheoverallcarryingcapacityofcitiesandtowns,ensure thaturbanareasstimulatethedevelopmentofsurroundingruralareas,an dpromotepositiveinteractionbetweenurbanizationandthebuildingofa newcountryside.城乡建设都要坚持最严格的耕地保护制度和最严格的节约用地制度,切实保护农民合法权益.Whendevelopingurbanandruralareas,wemustadheretothestrictestsyst emsforprotectingarablelandandeconomizingonlandtoprotectthelegit imaterightsandinterestsoffarmers.我们要大力发展农产品加工业,推进农业产业化经营,支持批发市场和农贸市场升级改造,推动生产与市场对接. Wewilldeveloptheprocessingindustryforagriculturalproducts,promo teindustrializationinagriculture,supportandtheupgradingandrenov ationofmarketsforwholesaleandfarmproduce,andmaintainclosertiesb etweenproductionandthemarket.我们要坚持不懈地消除贫困落后,让农民群众早日过上富裕安康的生活. Wewillworkunremittinglytoeradicatepovertyandbackwardnesssothatr uralresidentscansoonliveaprosperousandhappylife.我们要加强对产粮大县的财政扶持. Wewillincreasefiscalsupportformajorgrain-producingcounties.。



Rain and Flood 暴雨洪灾
to burst their banks/breaching of the dyke 决堤/溃堤leaking dike 堤防渗漏
release flood waters 泄洪
flood-diversion zones 分洪区
check dam 淤地坝/拦沙坝
flood-prevention 防洪
spillway 泄洪道
blast the dike 炸堤
floods/floodwater/inundation 洪水
freshet 河水猛涨/涨水
water levels 水位
watercourses 河道/水道
the flood level 洪水水位
warning level 警戒水位
historic highs 历史最高点
torrential downpours/rains 暴雨/倾盆大雨
muddy 泥泞的
frequent showers 经常性的阵雨
rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨
persistent rain 持续降雨
heavy rain 大雨
rainfall 降雨
downpour 暴雨
shower 阵雨
storm/tempest/rainstorms 暴风雨
drizzle 毛毛雨
flash floods 山洪暴发
water discharge 水流量/排水water reservoirs 水库
water volume 水量emergency waterways 应急水道Relief 救灾。

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Rain and Flood 暴雨洪灾
loods/floodwater/inundation 洪水
freshet 河水猛涨/涨水
to burst their banks/breaching of the dyke 决堤/溃堤leaking dike 堤防渗漏
release flood waters 泄洪
flood-diversion zones 分洪区
check dam 淤地坝/拦沙坝
flood-prevention 防洪
spillway 泄洪道
blast the dike 炸堤
floods/floodwater/inundation 洪水
freshet 河水猛涨/涨水
water levels 水位
the flood level 洪水水位
warning level 警戒水位
historic highs 历史最高点
torrential downpours/rains 暴雨/倾盆大雨
muddy 泥泞的
frequent showers 经常性的阵雨
heavy rain 大雨
persistent rain 持续降雨
rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨
rainfall 降雨
downpour 暴雨
shower 阵雨
storm/tempest/rainstorms 暴风雨
thundershower 雷阵雨
drizzle 毛毛雨
flash floods 山洪暴发
sewage 污水
water levels 水位
watercourses 河道/水道
emergency waterways 应急水道
water discharge 水流量/排水
water reservoirs 水库
water volume 水量
Relief 救灾
Office of State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters 国家防汛抗旱总指挥部flood control 防洪
disaster areas 受灾地区
flood-hit population 受灾人口
evacuate 疏散
direct economic loss 直接经济损失
rescue boats 救生艇
stranded residents 受困居民
temporary tents 临时帐篷
settlements 临时居住点
sandbag 沙袋
plug the breach 封堵决堤口
inundate crops 淹没农田
worst hit 最严重受灾地区
low-lying areas 低洼地区
landslides 山崩/滑坡
emergency alert level 紧急警戒级别
emergency materials 紧急援助物资
inflatable boats 充气艇
rubber boats 橡皮艇
fuel barrels 燃料桶
life vests 救生衣
warning mark 警戒标志。
