2010学年上学期天河区期末考试卷九年级数学第一部分 选择题(共30分)一、选择题(本题有10个小题,每小题3分,满分30分,下面每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是正确的.)1.下列各图是选自历届世博会徽中的图案,其中是中心对称图形的是().A .B .C .D . 2.下列根式中属最简二次根式的是( ).A .12+aB .21 C .32aD .273.两圆的半径分别为3和5,圆心距为7,则两圆的位置关系是( ).A .内切B .相交C .外切D .外离4.两个相似三角形的面积比是9:16,则这两个三角形的相似比是( ).A . 9 : 16B . 3 : 4C . 9:4D . 3:165.设a >0,b>0,则下列运算错误的是( ).A.B.C .(2=aD6.计算:6⨯=( ).A.B .2C .D .7.如图,AB 是⊙O 的直径,弦CD ⊥AB 于E ,如果AB =20,CD =16,那么线段OE 的长为( ).A .10B .8C .6 D.4第9题第8题8.如图所示,在△ABC中,∠B=40°,将△ABC绕点A逆时针旋转至在△ADE处,使点B落在BC的延长线上的D点处,则∠BDE=( ).A.90°B.85°C.80°D.40°9.如图,已知以直角梯形ABCD的腰CD为直径的半圆O与梯形的上底AD、下底BC以及腰AB均相切,切点分别是D、C、E.若半圆O的半径为2,梯形的腰AB为5,则该梯形的周长是().A.9 B.10 C.12 D.1410.等腰△ABC的底角是30°,底边长为ABC的周长为().A.4+B.6+C.D.第二部分非选择题(共120分)二、填空题(本题有6个小题,每小题3分,共18分).11.如图,点A、B、C在⊙O上,若∠BAC = 24°,则∠BOC= °.12-= .13.圆锥的底面半径为4cm,母线长为12cm,则该圆锥的侧面积为cm2.14.如果关于x的一元二次方程x2+px+q=0的两根分别为x1=2,x2=1,那么q的值是____.15.在△ABC中,∠C=90°,AC =3,BC=4,则sin A的值是_______.16.点A B、在数轴上对应的数分别为-2x的值为____.三、解答题(本题有9个小题, 共102分, 解答要求写出文字说明, 证明过程或计算步骤)17.(本题满分14分,每小题7分)(1)实数―4、―3、―2、―1、0、1、2中,哪些数是方程2120x x--=的根?这个方程是否还有其它根,若有,请求出来.(2)已知关于x的一元二次方程210(0)ax ax a++=有两个相等的实数根,求a的值.18.(本题满分8分)矩形的两条边长分别是.19.(本题满分8分)如图,在边长均为1的小正方形网格纸中,△OAB 的顶点O、A、B均在格点上,且O是直角坐标系的原点,点A在x轴上.(1)以O为位似中心,将△OAB放大,使得放大后OABC第11题·的△OA 1B 1与△OAB 对应线段的比为2∶1,画 出△OA 1B 1(所画△OA 1B 1与△OAB 在原点两侧). (2)求∠AOB 的度数.(结果精确到度)20.(本题满分8分)为方便行人,打算修建一座高(即点B 到路面的 距离)为5米的过街天桥(如图,路基高度忽略 不计),已知天桥的斜坡AB 的坡角为30°,斜 坡CD 的坡度i =1∶2,请计算两个斜坡的长度. (结果保留整数) 21.(本题满分12分)如图所示,E 是正方形ABCD 的边AB 上的一点, EF ⊥DE 交BC 于点F . (1)求证:△ADE ∽△BEF .(2)若AE ∶EB =1∶2,求DE ∶EF 的比值. 22.(本题满分12分)已知:如图,AB 是⊙O 的切线,切点为A ,OB 交⊙O 于C ,且点C 为OB 中点,∠ACD =45°,弧AD 的长为2,求弦AD 、AC 的长.23.(本题满分12分)世界最长跨海大桥港珠澳大桥开工已经一年了. 若2016年通车后,珠海A 地准备开辟香港方向 的运输路线,即货物从A 地经港珠澳大桥公路 运输到香港,再从香港运输另一批货物到澳门B 地.若有几辆货车(不超过10辆)从A 地按此路线运输货物到B 地的运费需5920元,其中从A 地经港珠澳大桥到香港的运输费用是每车380元,而从香港到澳门B 地的运费的计费方式是:一辆车500元,当货车每增加1辆时,每车的运费就减少20元.若有x 辆车运输货物. (1)用含x 的代数式表示每.辆.车.从香港到澳门B 地的运费..P ;ABEF第21题DCBA第20题第22题(2)求x 的值. 24.(本题满分14分)如图,△ABC 中,∠BAC =90°,AC =2,AB=ACD 是等边三角形. (1)求∠ABC 的度数.(2)以点A 为中心,把△ABD 顺时针旋转60°,画出旋转后的图形. (3)求BD 的长度. 25.(本题满分14分)如图,在同一平面内,将两个全等的等腰直角三角形ABC 和ADE 摆放在一起,A 为公共顶点,∠BAC =∠ADE =90°,它们的斜边长为2,若△ABC 固定不动,△ADE 绕点A 旋转,AE 、AD 与边BC 的交点分别为F 、G (点F 不与点C 重合,点G 不与点B 重合),设BF =a ,CG =b .(1)请在图(1)中找出两对相似但不全等的三角形,并选取其中一对进行证明. (2)求b 与a 的函数关系式,直接写出自变量a 的取值范围.(3)以△ABC 的斜边BC 所在的直线为x 轴,BC 边上的高所在的直线为y 轴,建立平面直角坐标系(如图2).若BG =CF ,求出点G 的坐标,猜想线段BG 、FG 和CF 之间的关系,并通过计算..加以验证.(第24题)A BCD EFG图(1)(第25题)DCBA2010学年上期末测试九年级数学参考答案与评分标准一、 选择题(本题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)二、填空题(本题共6小题,每小题3分,共18分)第13题写150.72不扣分三、解答题(本题有9个小题, 共102分。
七年级地理第1页(共6页) 七年级地理 第2页(共6页)2010—2011学年度第一学期期末考试七年级地理说明:1、本试卷二大题,共6页。
答题卡1.窑洞是下列哪个地区的传统民居( )A .黄土高原B .四川盆地C .华北平原D .长江中下游平原2.关于东西半球划分的界线,正确的是 A 、0°和180°的经线圈 B 、西经20°和东经160°的经线圈 C 、东经20°和西经160°的经线圈 D 、西经10°和东经170°的经线圈3.小红在比例尺为1:40000的地图上测得甲、乙两地的图上距离为4.5厘米,则甲、乙两地的实地距离是( )A .18米B .180米C .1800米D .18000米 4.地球的形状是( )A .一个圆B .一个规则的球体C .一个赤道略鼓,两极稍扁的球体D .一个赤道稍扁,两极略鼓的球体 5.平原和高原的共同特点是( )A .地面起伏小 B.地面崎岖不平 C.海拔低 D.无共同点6.略呈“S ”形的的大洋是( )A .太平洋B .北冰洋C .印度洋D .大西洋 7.海洋洋底最深的部分是( )A .大洋中脊B .大陆架C .大陆坡D .海沟 读经纬网示意图,回答8—10题: 8.图中位于南半球的是( ) A .小红 B .小明 C .小刚 D .小兰 9.图中位于中纬度的是( ) A .小红 B .小明 C .小刚 D .小兰10.小红所在位置的经纬度为( )A .东经40︒ 北纬20︒B .东经40︒ 南纬20︒C .西经40︒ 北纬20︒D .西经40︒ 南纬20︒11.北极圈(66.5°N)以内,主要居住在北冰洋沿岸的土著居民因纽特人是( ) A.白种人 B.黑种人 C.混血种人 D.黄种人12.世界上使用人数最多的语言是( )A .阿拉伯语B .汉语C .联合国语D .英语 13.下列图例表示的意思,错误的是( )A .长城 B.首都C .公路D .等高线14.一天当中,最高气温一般出现在( )A .正午12点B .子夜C .日出前后D .正午过后的2时左右 15.我国南方比北方气温高的原因是 ( )A .纬度因素B .海陆因素C .地势高低的因素D .季风的因素 16.地球自转产生了( )A .昼夜现象B .昼夜更替现象C .四季变化D .地球上的五带 17.“冬季下雨,夏季干燥”是哪种气候的主要特征( )七年级地理 第3页(共6页) 七年级地理 第4页(共6页)A 亚热带季风气候B 温带季风气候C 地中海气候D 热带雨林气候 18.我国新疆降雨稀少的主要原因是 ( )A .深居内陆,距海远B .纬度偏高,气温低C .海拔高,海风吹不到D .距海不远,但受山脉阻挡 读世界轮廓略图,回答19—21题:19.图中甲地区的人们以信仰哪种宗教为主( )A .基督教B .伊斯兰教C .佛教D .印度教 20.图中甲、乙、丙、丁四个地区,哪一个区域人口稀疏( ) A .甲地区 B .乙地区 C .丙地区 D .丁地区 21.世界人口稠密地区的共同特点包括下列哪几项( ) ①位于中高纬度的临海地带 ②位于平原和盆地地区 ③位于气候温和、降水较多的地区 ④位于河流中下游地区 A .①②③ B .①②④ C .①③④ D .②③④ 22.关于地形对气候的影响,叙述正确的是 ( ) A .山地的迎风坡气温都比背风坡高 B .山地的迎风坡气温都比背风坡低 C .暖湿气流的迎风坡降水比背风坡少 D .暖湿气流的迎风坡降水比背风坡多23.青藏高原纬度较低,但气候寒冷,主要是受到下列哪一因素的影响( )A .纬度位置B .海陆位置C .地势D .人类活动 24.关于气温的变化规律,叙述正确的是( )A 、 北半球7月份,陆地气温低于同纬度海洋气温B 、 山麓地带温度低于山顶温度C 、 高度每上升1200米,气温下降7.2℃D 、 同一地区,下层空气较上层空气冷25.下列四幅图中,属于温带季风气候的是 ( )26.造成地球日益变暖的主要原因是 ( )A.人口数量日益增大B.地震日益增多 C .大气中二氧化碳含量日益增大 D .大气中尘埃日益增多 27.发展中国家与发达国家的主要差异在于( )A .国土面积的大小B .人口数量的多少C .历史悠久与否D .经济发展水平的高低 28.发达国家主要分布在哪个地区( )A .欧洲B .南美洲C .非洲D .亚洲 29.世界上人口最多的国家是( )A.美国B.中国C.俄罗斯D.法国 30.下列四个重要国际组织的会旗图,哪一幅图是联合国的会旗( )A .甲图B .乙图C .丙图D .丁图七年级地理第5页(共6页) 七年级地理 第6页(共6页)二、综合题。
七年级下英语期末测试卷满分:120分命题者:常山三衢中学付卫芳一,单选题 15%( ) 1. This is my camera. Is that ________ ?A. youB. yourC.yoursD.her.()2.Is Lucy’s bikethe same as ________?A. yoursB. myC. yourD. me()3. Her gloves are red. And ________ is black.A.myB.ourC.hersD.mine.( ) 4 . Tony ______ sing Chinese songs .A. are notB. can notC. is notD. do not( ) 5. ______ the boys speak English ?A. CansB. IsC. AreD. Can( ) 6. What ______ your father ? He is a ______ .A. are, workerB. is , teacherC. are , forty years oldD. is., in the factory.( ) 7.______ is the girl in the picture ? She is my sister ,Lily.A.What B,. Who C. Where D. Why( ) 8---- Your T-shirt is nice . ______ is it ? It is 50 dollars.A Who B. What C. When D. How much( ) 9 ----When is your maths class ?-----______ 。
A.It is very interesting B. It is on Monday.( )10. —Who’s t he song The Yellow River _____?—Xian Xinghai, I think.A. ofB. byC. forD. from( )12. I don’t want to go out. It’s _____ hot today.A. too manyB. many tooC. too muchD. much too( )13. (2012·北京中考) There were only two paintings for sale and he bought _____.A. allB. anyC. bothD. some( )14. _____ visitors came to the beach for a holiday last summer.A. Thousand ofB. Five thousandsC. Thousands ofD. Five thousand of( )15. (2012 ·杭州中考) Mom makes me eat an apple every day _____ the doctor away.A. keepsB. is keptC. to keepD. kept二.完形填空10%Travel by bikeIf you go to visit London , you’ll see a lot of buses and cars on the road . You’ll also see a lot of bikes because more and more people travel by bike. There are a lot of reasons for this. First, it is very ___1__and ____. You often have to wait for a buses and cars on the roads that the bus move very ___2__.I traveled to work by bus for about four years .I often arrived at work late ___3__tired. Then one day, about two years ago, a friend of mine said,“I go to work by bike. Why don’t we travel together?”“Because my bike is old.” I answer,“And there are so many buses and cars on the roads . I’ll feel frightened.”“You needn’t feel frightened!” said my friend. “If you ___4__ me, and we ride slowly, you’ll be fine.The next day, I bought myself a new bike .Although we went slowly, we arrived at work ___5__. It __6___40 minutes to go to work by bus, but only half an hour by bike! Now I don’t feel afraid . I love going to work by bike. I take a different road every day. I arrived at work early. I’ve got ___7__ money now, and more important, I feel healthy.Many people think in the same way _8___I do. That’s __9___ you se e a lot of bikes on the roads . Next year you’ll see more, I am sure. Perhaps in the future we will have roads __10___ only. I hope so.( ) 1. A. cheap quick B. cheap slowlyC expensive quickD expensive slow( ) 2 A . clearly B. fast C. slowly D. well( ) 3. A but B. and C. only D. then( ) 4 A find B help C see D follow( ) 5 A slowly B quickly C late D safely( ) 6 A had B went C took D used( ) 7 A a little much B little much C a little more D little more ( ) 8 A then B but C and D as( ) 9 A what B why C where D how( ) 10 A of cars B in buses C for bikes D on cars三,阅读理解(40)AA man is going to the house of a friend. It is quite far away and so he takes some sandwiches along for his lunch. As he goes along, he says to himself, “ My friend is sure to give me a very nice meal. He is going to give me good wine(酒)to drink. So what’s the use of these dry sandwiches.” As he says this, he throws them onto the ground.He goes on and comes to a river. The river has become very big because of the rain in the past few days. He cannot cross the river. He hopes there is a boat to take him over. So he waits and waits. He waits for a long time. Then the sun begins to set. The man says to himself, “ I cannot go to my friend’s house today. I must go home.Then he starts for (出发) home. Soon he feels very hungry. He wants very much to have something to eat. But he doesn’t have anything. Suddenly he sees some dry, dirty, hard sandwiches on the road . he is very happy. He picks them up and eats them all.Do not throw good things away. You may need them later on1.It will take the man _______ to walk to his friend’s house.A. a few daysB. a few hoursC. a whole nightD. one hour or two2. He throws the sandwiches to the ground because ______.A.he doesn’t like themB.the sandwiches are dirtyC.he thinks his friend will not like themD.he is sure to have a nice meal at his friend’s house3.In “ the sun begins to set”, “ set” here means ______in Chinese.A. 落下B.升起C. 变暗D. 照耀4. The story tells us that we _______.A.mustn’t walk a long way to visit a friendB.mustn’t throw dry sandwiches awayC.must throw things away when we don’t need themD.must always keep good things5. He has to go back home because ________ .A. it is lateB. he hasn’t got sandwichesC. it rains hardD. he is hungryA. JSTVB. CCTV-1C. NTTVD. CCTV-4( ) 2. If you are interested in pop songs, you may choose(选择) _______________.A. CCTV-1B. NTTVC. CCTV-4D. JSTV( ) 3. The English news on CCTV-4 lasts(持续)about _________ minutes(分钟).A. 20B. 25C. 30D. 40( ) 4. Which TV station has the most English programs (节目)?A. JSTVB. NTTVC. CCTV-1D. CCTV-4( ) 5. Which of the following is right?A. Children can enjoy the Children’s World on CCTV-4 at 18:30.B. NTTV ends at 00:30.C. You can see News on CCTV-1 and JSTV at the same time.D. NTTV has a TV play at 21:30.CIn England, afternoon tea is the most informal (非正式) meal of a day. It is taken between four and five. If you are a friend of the family, you may come for tea at any time. Very often it is not taken at a table. The members of the family and visitors take the tea in the sitting room. Each person has a cup and saucer (茶盘), a spoon (调羹) and a small plate for bread and butter (黄油) and cakes. By the way, do not help yourself to cakes first, bread and butter first, and then cake. Do remember: Though you can eat as much as you want, do not put more than one piece of bread or cake on your plate each time.( ) 1. In England, afternoon tea is usually taken .A. between breakfast and lunchB. in the middle of a dayC. early in the afternoon D late in the afternoon( ) 2. A real English afternoon tea has .A. tea onlyB. both tea and foodC. tea, food and vegetablesD. the same things as other meals ( ) 3. If you want to have afternoon tea in a friend’s home, .A. you must send a message before you goB. you must take food with youC. you must go only when he asks you toD. you may put only one piece of bread or cake on your plate each time ( ) 4. Help yourself to .A. cakes firstB. bread and butter firstC. either bread first or cake firstD. only one piece of bread or cakes .( )5. Which of the following is NOT true?A. People don’t use the same spoon for afternoon tea.B. Afternoon tea is often taken in the sitting room.C. For afternoon tea, people use cups only.D. Afternoon tea is often taken with bread and cakes.DA lot of boys and girls in America are wearing the same clothes, and many of them have long hair, so it is often difficult to tell whether they are boys or girls.One day an old man went for a walk in a park in Washington, and when he was tired he sat down on a chair. A young person was standing on the other side of the lake.“Excuse me,” the old man said to the person next to him on the chair. “Do you see that personwith red trousers and long hair? Is it a girl or a boy?”“A boy,” said the neighbour(邻居), “he is my son.”“Oh,” the old man said quickly. “I am sorry, but I did not know that you were his mother.”“I’m not.”said the other person. “I am his father.”根据短文内容,判断正(√)误(Χ)( )1. All the Americans are wearing the same clothes and have long hair.( )2. One day an old man was tired and sat down on a chair outside the park.( )3 A young person was standing beside the old man.( )4. The young person with red trousers and long hair is a boy.( )5. The neighbour of the old man is a man.四,句型转换10%1. He was born (in 1980). (就括号内提问)___________ ___________ ?2. Last week I traveled to Beijing. (改为否定句)Last week I _______ _________ to Beijing.3. My brother was in the park yesterday afternoon.4.She will go shopping tomorrow.(改为否定句)She go shopping tomorrow.5. He will go swimming because it’s hot. (对划线部分提问)go swimming?五,选词填空:用方框内所给的单词的适当形式填空,使短文正确通顺,每个单词只用一次。
广东省广州市天河区2023-2024学年高二下学期期末物理试题一、单选题1.下列有关电磁场和电磁波的说法正确的是( )A .变化的磁场周围一定存在着电场,与是否有闭合电路无关B .只要空间某处的电场或磁场发生变化,就会在其周围产生电磁波C .电磁波传播过程中,电场和磁场是独立存在的,没有关联D .电磁波也可以传播能量,具有干涉、衍射现象,没有反射现象2.物理知识在生活中有广泛的应用,下列说法正确的是( )A .如图甲,阳光下观察竖直放置的肥皂膜,看到彩色条纹是光的衍射产生的B .如图乙,光纤通信是一种现代通信手段,它是利用光的全反射原理来传递信息的C .如图丙,采用红灯图作为各种交通警示,原因是红光产生了多普勒效应D .如图丁,立体电影利用了光的干涉现象3.密闭容器内封闭一定质量的理想气体,经历A B →的等压过程和B C →的绝热过程,下列说法正确的是( )A .BC →过程中,气体内能增加B .BC →过程中,分子平均动能不变C .A B →过程中,气体从外界吸收热量D .A B →过程单位时间内对单位面积器壁碰撞的分子次数不变4.如图所示为一款玩具“弹簧小人”,由头部、弹簧及底部组成,弹簧质量不计、开始弹簧小人静止于桌面上,现轻压头部后由静止释放,小人开始上下振动,头部上升至最高点时,底部不离开桌面,不计阻力,该过程可近似为简谐运动,下列判断中正确的是( )A .头部上升的时间比下降的时间短B .头部上升过程速度先变大再变小C .头部上升过程中所受合力越来越小D .头部处于平衡位置时弹簧弹性势能最小5.我国自主研发的“华龙一号”反应堆技术利用铀235发生核裂变释放的能量发电,典型的核反应方程为235114192192056360U n Ba Kr n k +→++。
光速取83.010m/s ⨯,若核反应的质量亏损为1g ,释放的核能为E ∆,则k 和E ∆的值分别为( )A .2,169.010J ⨯B .3,139.010J ⨯C .2,164.510J ⨯D .3,134.510J ⨯ 6.行驶中的汽车如果发生剧烈碰撞,车内的安全气囊会被弹出并瞬间充满气体。
天河区2023 学年第二学期期末考试高二化学本试卷共8页,满分为100 分,考试用时75分钟注意事项:1、答卷前,考生必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的学校、姓名、班级、座位号和考生号填写在答题卡相应的位置上,再用2B铅笔把考号的对应数字涂黑。
2、选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案;不能答在试卷上。
可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 Ti-48 Co-59一、选择题:本题共16 小题,共44分。
第1~10 小题,每小题2分;第11~16 小题,每小题4分。
下列表述正确的是A、BeCl2 分子的空间结构:V形B、顺-2-丁烯的结构简式:CCCH3CH3HC 、基态Ni 原子价电子排布式:3d l0D 、P 4分子中的共价键类型:非极性键 4、四种常见元素基态原子的结构信息如下表。
广东省广州市天河区2023-2024学年八年级下学期期末统考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、完形填空Where was the cashier (收银员)? Impatient, I quickly looked at my watch 1 there was little time for me to eat a sandwich before work.I looked around the restaurant, and no guests 2 . At the far end of the counter only a woman 3 the table. She looked at me coldly with sad, dark eyes.I waited, getting angry and wanted to shout, “I 4 here for at least three minutes!” Controlling my anger, I remembered Mom’s words. “Whenever something unpleasant happens to you, 5 what is missing. If someone is unkind, then 6 is missing. If someone is hateful, then love is missing. If you know what’s missing, we had better provide 7 .” And here in the restaurant, service was missing. Maybe I should just jump behind the counter and take my own order.Just then the woman walked slowly towards me and asked even 8 . “May I help you?” She looked so tired, and I guessed she 9 be overworked.Remembering Mom’s words, I took 10 deep breath, gave the woman my order…and smiled. “How are you today?”My question seemed to 11 her. She eyed me for a second before 12 . “Not too good.”“I’m sorry.” I said. “I hope it gets 13 from now.”Looking at me, she almost smiled, “Thanks. I hope so.”“We all have problems and angers. We get tired and hurt. Still it’s important for us to be nicer to 14 .” I thought.After my meal, I wiped the table cleaner than usual. The woman was watching me, with a big smile 15 her face.1.A.so B.as C.though D.if2.A.can see B.could see C.can be seen D.could be seen3.A.cleans B.is cleaning C.was cleaning D.will clean 4.A.am standing B.stood C.stands D.have stood 5.A.think about B.thinking about C.thought about D.thinks about 6.A.kind B.kindness C.kindly D.kinder7.A.him B.it C.us D.them8.A.cold B.colder C.coldly D.more coldly 9.A.might B.have to C.can't D.would10.A.a B.an C.the D./ 11.A.surprising B.surprise C.surprised D.surprisingly 12.A.answer B.answers C.answered D.answering 13.A.the better B.well C.better D.best 14.A.other B.the other C.others D.another 15.A.on B.in C.at D.fromMy mother once told me, “Small things can show your love and make people happy.” A year ago, I had a chance. My friend Amy told me about her 16 to a small town called Gary, and how it 17 her life. I made up my mind to go there.When I told my parents about it, they didn’t 18 at first. They thought I didn’t know much about the place. It might be 19 for me to go there alone. Thankfully, after I explained my 20 plan to them, including what to do, whom to go with and how to keep safe there, they said yes.When our group arrived in Gary, 21 , I found the town was different from where I lived. I never imagined there were few stores or restaurants there and most had closed. So it would be very 22 if you could find a place to buy food or drinks. Many houses had broken doors or windows. My job was to 23 them. The workdays were long and hot, but it was really good to see the houses taking on a new look with bright colours.The children there were also different. They enjoyed every moment in life. For example, when they received an ice-cream, they would hold it carefully and taste every bit of it 24 . It seemed that they wanted to keep the wonderful taste forever. Besides, everyone here knew each other and was there when someone needed help. The community was a big 25 to them.After the visit, I truly understand what Amy said, “I didn’t think much for people around me. But now I know my small acts can make a difference…”16.A.idea B.dream C.trip D.plan 17.A.changed B.controlled C.saved D.recorded 18.A.know B.agree C.discover D.refuse 19.A.important B.cool C.dangerous D.tiring 20.A.detailed B.big C.new D.secret 21.A.interestingly B.excitingly C.boringly D.surprisingly 22.A.lucky B.easy C.special D.common 23.A.rent B.build C.buy D.paint 24.A.slowly B.peacefully C.politely D.hungrily 25.A.group B.neighbourhood C.family D.workplace二、阅读理解People in ancient China worked long hours each day. To relax, they invented many games. Here are some of them.ChuiwanChuiwan was very popular in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). “Chui” means “hit” and “wan” means “ball”. This sport was similar to golf. On a large field, the players were divided into two groups. Usually there were 2 to 10 people in each group. Everyone had three chances to hit the ball into holes with a stick. Only when the balls were hit into the hole 3 times, could the player win the point.ArcheryIn Western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771BC), archery was an important part of education for gentlemen. At 15, they began learning archery. The most famous competition was Grand Archery. It was held by the emperor, the head of the country. The competitors greeted each other before shooting arrows and drank together after it. As one of the six Chinese arts, archery didn’t become popular until Yuan Dynasty. At that time, the emperors used archery to fight, and to make themselves fit.CujuFirst recorded 2,000 years ago, cuju is known as the earliest form of football: The ball was made of hard leather on the outside and filled with feathers or rice bran inside. As a fun game, cuju was first used in the army to train soldiers. Its rules were similar to the rules of football. Each team usually had 12 or 16 players. No hands were allowed. Only feet and head could be used. The ball should be hit into the other team’s goal.26.What sport was chuiwan similar to?A.B.C.D.27.Which is not the reason for people to learn archery across history?A.To educate young people.B.To protect themselves from attack.C.To keep strong.D.To compete against emperors.28.What can we know about cuju?A.The ball was hard outside and empty inside.B.It was played by 12 or 16 players.C.It was invented to relax soldiers.D.Players could use head and feet to hit the ball.It was a week before I saw Captain Nemo again. Every morning, I noticed fresh air coming into the rooms and I knew that the Nautilus had come to the top. I would go out and see thesunrise.Then I received a note from Captain Nemo. He invited me and my friends to go hunting with him in the forests of Crespo Island. Ned was excited because he thought there he could find a chance to run away. When I saw Captain Nemo the next day, I asked him why he was so interested in Crespo Island. “I thought you preferred the sea.”“I do,” replied the Captain. “But these forests are under the sea.” During breakfast, he explained, “I have made diving suits that used special air tanks before I sent you the note. These tanks would allow us to stay under the water for ten hours. Wonderful, isn’t it?” He said he had also made lights that worked in electric batteries. When Ned realized that we were not going onto land for our hunting trip, he decided not to come at all.Conseil and I put on our diving suits, and so did Captain Nemo and one of his men. We stepped into a room and closed the door. The room was filled with water, and another door opened. We went through it, and we were on the sea floor. It was an amazing experience.We were about ten metres under the water. The light from the sun reached us. Everything looked very colourful. We walked over the fine sand and enjoyed the colours of the shells, fish and seaweed. Conseil and I followed Captain Nemo and his man as they crossed a large grassy area. We were going deeper and deeper.As we were a hundred metres under the water, we could still see quite well. Captain Nemo stopped and pointed to some dark shapes. This was the forest. The “trees” there were giant seaweed, and all their branches were vertical (垂直的). We could not stop looking at them. Fish swam around the branches like birds in a forest. Small bushes grew under the large seaweed trees.Three hours later, we lay down to rest. I was not hungry, but very sleepy. We all slept, and when we woke up, we explored further.(Adapted from Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea) 29.According to paragraph 1-3, which is NOT true?A.In the beginning, I was on the ship Nautilus.B.Ned, Captain Nemo, and I would explore together.C.The Captain started the trip because of his love for the sea.D.Captain Nemo had made special suits for our exploration.30.In what order did the following events happen?a. We went through a door to the bottom of the sea.b. We reached the undersea forests.c. Captain Nemo invited me to explore the forests.d. Captain Nemo got ready for the trip.e. We saw colorful seashells and crossed a grassy area.A.d-c-a-e-b B.d-c-a-b-e C.c-d-a-e-b D.c-d-a-b-e 31.How did I feel when visiting the forest?A.Tired.B.Hungry.C.Amazed.D.Proud.32.What will the story probably continue to talk about?A.When they returned to their ship.B.What they dreamed about while sleeping.C.Why they felt so sleepy.D.How they travelled deeper.The XinjiangSalamandersKnown as Central Asian salamanders, the Xinjiang salamander is an amphibian (两栖动物)that has lived for more than 300 million years. For a long time, they were thought to have died out. In 1989, they were discovered again in Xinjiang. They are considered to be a living fossil of amphibians.Population:The population of Xinjiang salamanders has risen from around 1,700 in 2015 to over 3,000 in 2018.Appearancе:It’s a “four-footed fish” around 20 centimeters long and much smaller than other giant salamanders, with an oval body, long tail and smooth skin.Home:The Xinjiang salamander is only found around Tianshan Mountain, Xinjiang, but in no other places in the world.Food:Because of the bad weather in Tianshan Mountain, the Xinjiang salamanders do not have many kinds of food to eat. They mainly feed on insects in water, such as caddisflies, betonies and stoneflies.Behaviour:Xinjiang salamanders have poor eyesight. They often get lost on land, especially on cloudy and rainy days. They are afraid of light, so they often live under stones or grass. They also produce eggs under stones. If cows and sheep on the farm pass by, they would accidentally step on them. Salamanders have no natural enemies except themselves: young salamanders are often eaten by adult salamanders!Protection:The weather in Tianshan often changes greatly, making it difficult for the Xinjiang salamanders to live there. Besides, with decreasing wetlands and increasing human activities, its population dropped quickly. To protect the amphibians from dying out, a large nature reserve was set up in Wenquan County in 1997. People have also tried to protect the grassland and wetland where they live, and have built a monitoring system to learn about their growth. In 2016, a scientific research and education center was put into operation. In 2022, 139 baby salamanders were born there.33.What does the underlined sentence try to show about Xinjiang salamanders?A.They can live longer than dinosaurs.B.They are old, so they can become valuable fossils.C.They appeared in ancient times but have lived till now.D.They are thought to be the oldest living animals.34.What can we know about Xinjiang salamanders from the passage?A.Their population grew fast from 2015 to 2018.B.They are almost as big as other giant salamanders.C.They can also be found outside Xinjiang.D.They have rich food choices.35.Which helps Xinjiang salamanders keep safe?A.Living with farm animals.B.Lying under stones and grassland.C.Travelling on land in terrible weather.D.Keeping baby and adult salamanders together.36.What’s the purpose of the passage?A.To explain how Xinjiang salamanders become living fossils.B.To tell new discoveries about Xinjiang salamanders.C.To show general information about a special salamander.D.To encourage people to visit surprising salamanders in Xinjiang.How are animals communicating with each other? In the past, we could only study this by watching animals carefully or teaching them human language. But now with the help of AI and machine learning, we may be able to understand their languages!All around the animal world, there are sounds that we can hardly pick up and understand. Elephants, for example, talk with each other using infrasound—too low for humans to hear. Bats communicate with ultrasound—too high for humans to hear. However, by putting field recorders in trees, on mountaintops, and even on the backs of whales and birds, scientists can collect their sounds.After the sounds are recorded, AI can study their meanings. For example, a team of Israeli scientists used AI to get the meanings of bats’ 15,000 calls. They found that more than 60% of them were fights and disagreements about four things: food, sleep positions, personal space, and unwanted advances. This is surprising as bats are thought to be quiet animals!The new technology can not only understand animal talks, but also communicate back to them. For example, scientists in Germany studied how bees used sounds and dances to speak. Then they put the bee language system into a robot bee, and hid it in a bee hive where bees live. The robot gave orders to the other bees, like “quiet down” or “stop”, and they would follow.Why is it important to understand animals’ words? It is the first step to give other kinds of creatures on Earth a chance to express themselves. The natural world is full of conversations. But we are only able to understand one of them. By using AI, we are better able to listen to them, especially those in faraway places like deep seas and mountain tops.Though AI has proved itself to be useful, we have to think about the problems it may bring. What problems would there be if one day we could use animal robots to “talk” to real animals? Will humans use the technology to control or hurt the animals? What can we do to stop these? We’d better think about these problems before we act.37.How can AI and machine learning help people understand animals?a. By teaching human language to animals.b. By picking up sounds humans cannot hear.c. By working out the meaning of animals’ sounds.d. By teaching animals to understand robots’ words.e. By learning animal languages to talk with them.A.a, b, c B.a, c, d C.b, c, e D.c, d, e38.What does the underlined word “This” refer to in paragraph 3?A.The group of Israeli scientists.B.The study on bats’ disagreements.C.The number of bats’ calls.D.The finding on bats’ calls.39.Why is it meaningful to understand animals’ languages?A.It makes it possible for animals to be heard.B.It proves human’s ability to understand and control animals.C.It helps discover more animals in the faraway places.D.It allows humans to listen to animals more clearly.40.What does the writer think of the technology?A.He is surprised at it.B.He is afraid of it.C.He is careful about it.D.He is satisfied with it.A smile shows that a person is happy. For example, a person may smile when he or she is satisfied with a grade on a test. Or a person might smile if a friend tells a funny joke. People smile for many different reasons. But smiles are more than just a way for people to show their happinessand joy. 41First, it is easier to smile than to show unhappiness. In fact, it only takes 17 muscles (肌肉) to smile. On the other hand, it takes 43 muscles to show unhappiness. 42Second, smiles show you are kind and polite. People may try to look nice on the outside by exercising or wearing nice and proper clothes. 43 That is because it is easy to be around someone who is smiling and happy.Third, smiles have power. 44 If one person smiles, people around him or her want to smile, too. Similarly, when a person laughs, people will be likely to laugh with him or her. If a person is sad, the best thing to do is to share a smile or laugh. It is the easiest and cheapest way to cheer someone up.Finally, smiling and laughing are very good for the body. 45 You’ll find that it will be hard to stay mad or sad for very long.A.Even if you are mad or sad, try smiling.B.There are other good reasons for smiling often.C.So give the muscles in your face a rest and smile!D.Both smiling and laughing can easily pass from one person to another.E.However, as the saying goes, “a smile is the best thing a person can wear.”三、短文填空根据短文的内容及首字母提示写出文中所缺单词。
湖北警官学院2011—2012学年度第二学期《大学英语》课程考试试卷(A)(将答案一律写在答题纸上并写明题号,否则试卷无效)2011级本科各专业PartⅠWriting (共15分)Directions: For this part, you are required to write a short essay on the topic of How to Stay Healthy. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:How to Stay Healthy1.保持健康非常重要。
2.健康不仅指身体健康……3.为了保持健康,我们应该……PartⅡ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (共10题,每题1分,共10分) Directions:In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.The History of JewelryRhinestones have a glittering past. Originally rhinestones were referred to Czechoslovakian or Bohemian glass dating as far back as the 13th century in Bohemia and the Czech Republic. Both places have a history steeped in beautiful hand blown glass as well as molded and cut glass.By 1918 glass was no longer limited to functional items. Czechoslovakian glass began to make its appearance in dazzling and brilliant jewelry. This Czech glass became known as rhinestones.Rhinestones were manmade gems from highly refined glass. By using various metals the glass was colored to the desired shade. It was then pressed into molds. Each stone was then ground and polished by machine, resulting in a brilliant glass stone. Often the stones were foiled on the back which increased their brilliance.Today, the same refining process is still used. You will often hear rhinestones referred to as paste. Originally paste was referred to a glass stone that was made of ground glass which was molded and then melted, producing an opaque dense glass frosted stone. Paste had many air bubbles and swirl marks. The high lead content glass was then polished and faceted, and set on either copper or silver resulting in a brilliant stone. Today the term “paste”usually refers to rhinestones. In Europe rhinestones are often referred to as paste, strass, and diamante.Austria is another area with a history in rhinestone production. In 1891 Daniel Swarovski created a new glass cutting machine which quite literally revolutionized the jewelry business. This machine could cut faceted glass, producing finely finished product in a very short time. Prior to this invention it would take a very long time for each stone to be cut by hand and finished. Swarovski’s background in glass making, combined with his glass cutting machine soon found him producing rhinestones with a lead content of over 30%. The brilliance of these rhinestones was superior to anything seen on the market. Swarovski wasn’t content with his invention and the best rhinestones ever seen. His next invention was once again transforming to the jewelry industry. He created a vacuum plating for the backs of the stones with silver and gold, reducing the need forhand labor. Still today Swarovski rhinestones are recognized as the highest quality in the industry. Over 80% of rhinestone jewelry manufactured in America use Swarovski rhinestones.Rhinestones have played an important role in costume jewelry for hundreds of years. It is used to enhance and decorate the costumes, and sometimes rhinestones will provide the entire design. During the Victorian period common design patterns for jewelry included snakes, flowers, and hands most often adorned with rhinestones.The 1890s were a time for extravagant jewelry heavily with rhinestones. As time moved forward designs became simpler with figural shapes once again making their fashion statement. However this time they were small and more elegant with small rhinestone decorations.During the Edwardian period extravagance had made a comeback with diamonds and pearls being the focal point. Once again rhinestones were in heavy use, often used to imitate the real thing.During the 1920s fashions were rapidly changing. Dresses had gone from tight, fitted to a looser, more comfortable style. Two distinct styles occurred during this ear --- the feminine style and the androgynous style (having both female and male characteristics). Jewelry from the 1920s drew on the art decoration period. The majority of rhinestone jewelry was made with clear rhinestones.As the 1920s moved jewelry once again became bolder. Dramatic color was in style. Designer Coco Chanel was an integral figure in setting the stage for jewelry of this era.During the 1930s, during the Depression, labor-intensive fashion was no longer feasible. While the world in chaos, jewelry represented an affordable comfort to many women. Inexpensive costume jewelry could be used to revitalize an old outfit. The industry began to produce bright colored enamel pieces decorated with rhinestones. Dogs, birds, or cats with a rhinestone eye were commonplace.The jewelry during 1940s once again became big and bold with rhinestones being produced in every imaginable color, large stones set on large bold setting was the norm.By the 1950s there were two very distinct looks --- elegant and sophisticated for the more mature woman, and casual and fun for the younger woman. The 1950s saw jewelry that were made completely from rhinestones. For the younger woman were flirty prices, for the older woman sophisticated elegance. Whole sets of rhinestones jewelry became extremely popular.In 1953 the aurora borealis rhinestone was introduced to the market with its fabulous array of color. It was an instant hit.By 1906s women were wearing very functional clothing. By the late 1960s the hippie fashions were extremely popular with their roots tied to Mother Nature. Tie dyed shirts, long flowing skirts, frayed jeans were everywhere. This generation had no interest in rhinestone jewelry.By the mid 1970s, the punk look had been born and the rhinestone was revitalized. It was the disco movement brought the rhinestone back to center stage. The disco movement turned into the club movement during the 1980s and rhinestone jewelry continued to gain popularity.Since the 1970s rhinestones have remained main stream in the jewelry world. They continue to gain popularity and today there is a style to suit almost every one’s needs. There is rhinestone jewelry which is perfect for a bride, rhinestone jewelry for a prom girl, rhinestone jewelry for the young and fun crowd, the business woman, the sophisticated woman, and the mature woman. Beautiful pieces of rhinestone jewelry adorn almost every woman’s accessories.If trends are an indication of the rhinestones future, it appears to have a brilliant healthy life ahead of it. Pleasing for most women with a fashion sense who instantly recognize the value and beauty of rhinestones!1. Czech glass became known as rhinestones when it was used for _____.A) manmade jewelry B) industrial purposeC) making tableware D) decorating house2. In Europe, rhinestones are also called _____.A) foil B) swirl C) paste D) facet3. Daniel Swarovski was soon able to produce rhinestones which contain more than 30 percent of _____.A) copper B) iron C) bronze D) lead4. The need for hand labor could be reduced, for Swarovski created a _____.A) cutting machine B) faceting machine C) vacuum plating D) vacuum casting5. Snakes decorated with rhinestones were a common design pattern during _____.A) the Edwardian period B) the Victorian periodC) the Elizabethan period D) the Georgian period6. The androgynous style involved features of _____.A) the aristocrats B) both men and womenC) the professionals D) the working women7. What was in style in the 1920s?A) Tight dress. B) Oversized outfit. C) Dramatic color. D) Light shade.8. Dogs, birds, or cats with a rhinestone eye were in fashion during _______.9. _______________ couldn’t appeal to the hippie generation.10. The club movement during the 1980s evolved from ____________.Part ⅢListening Comprehension (共35题,每题1分或0.5分,共30分)Section A (共15题,每题1分,共15分)Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.11. A) Foreigners remember what old China was like.B) China is visited by many foreign friends every year.C) Foreigners like to know what makes China change a lot.D) Great changes have taken place in China.12. A) The woman told Fred to meet them at 6.B) The woman told the roommate to give Fred the message。
''线性代数B 2011-2012学年第二学期期末考试A卷及答案
承诺人签名: 日 期:考生姓名: 学号: 专业班名:一、选择题(每题4分,共20分)1.矩阵⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡1001110001100011的元素12a 的代数余子式值为( ).A. 1B. 1-C. 2D. 2-2.已知3阶矩阵A 的行列式为1,则A 2的行列式为( ).A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 8 3.设n 阶方阵A 不可逆,则必有( ).A. A 的秩小于nB. A 的秩等于1n -C. 0A =D. 线性方程组0=Ax 只有零解4.已知34⨯阶矩阵A 的列向量组线性无关,则T A 的秩为( ).A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 45. 设Ax=b 是一非齐次线性方程组,12,ηη是其任意2个解,则下列结论错误的是( ) A. 12ηη-是Ax=0的一个解 B.121122ηη+是Ax=b 的一个解 C. 12ηη+是Ax=0的一个解D. 122ηη-是Ax=b 的一个解二、填空题(每题4分,共20分)1.设矩阵⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡--=3211A ,⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡--=1111B ,则AB = . 2.已知向量组)3,1,2(1-=α,)6,,4(2-=k α线性相关,则=k .3.设3阶矩阵A 的秩为2,矩阵⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=101020001P ,⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=001010100Q ,则PAQ 的秩为 . 4.设3151A ⎛⎫= ⎪-⎝⎭,则A 的特征值为 .5.设3阶可逆方阵A 与它的伴随矩阵*A 相等,则=A . 三、计算题(共54分)1. (8分)计算行列式1234112331101205---,并求1121314122A A A A +-+。
2.(8分)已知⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡=1101A ,求n A .3.(8分)已知100025013A ⎡⎤⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦,求1-A .4.(10分)设⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=101020101A ,且X A AX +=,求X .5.(10分)求矩阵⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡422222323101的秩及其列向量组的一个极大无关组,并将不属于这个极大无关组的列向量用极大无关组线性表示.6.(10分)求线性方程组12341234123423222547x x x x x x x x x x x x +++=⎧⎪++-=⎨⎪+++=⎩的通解.四、证明题(6分)证明:若方阵A 的行列式0 A ,则A 可逆.课程考试标准答案和评分标准一、选择题(每题4分,共20分) 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. C 二、填空题(每题4分,共20分)1. 2255-⎡⎤⎢⎥-⎣⎦. 2. 2- .3. 2 . 4. 122,4λλ=-= . 5. 1 三、计算题(共54分)1. (8分)计算行列式1234112331101205---,并求1121314122A A A A +-+。
(5分)ɡuò lǜ chú fánɡ dànɡ yànɡ shōu liǎn zhànɡ pénɡ()()()()()2、选择。
(6分)(1)下列各组词的音、形、义完全正确的一组是---------------()A、悄(qiǎo)然按(ān)照有情有意川流不息(停止)B、禀(bǐnɡ)告菩萨(sà)专心致志东张西望(看)C、燕(yān)山凌(línɡ)晨银妆素裹家喻户晓(天刚亮)(2)下列词语搭配有错的一组是----------------------------- ()A、情趣高雅关系密切沟通心灵健壮的双腿B、聆听教诲开发海洋哺育生灵优雅的乐曲C、个性鲜明激发希望增强才干炽热的心跳(3)、下面的句子,表述正确的一句是---------------------------- ()A、小山似的涌浪一个接着一个,锲而不舍地扑向堤岸。
(4分)(1) “春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子”。
2023-2024学年广东省广州市天河区八年级(下)期末语文试卷第一部分积累与运用(共24分)1.(2分)下列词语中,每对加点字的读音都相同的一项是( )A.缭绕/嘹亮应和/随声附和B.鉴赏/山涧寒噤/忍俊不禁C.要塞/闭塞峻峭/惟妙惟肖D.家眷/蜷伏哺乳/相辅相成2.(2分)下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是( )A.推崇俯仰生姿缰绳纵横诀荡B.悬殊神采奕奕恼畔阳奉阴为C.羁伴草长莺飞踊沃如释重负D.浮躁暴风骤雨缅怀心不在焉3.(2分)下列句子中,加点词语使用最恰当的一项是( )A.中学生在学习过程中遇到困难,可以多向身边的同学不耻下问。
4.(2分)下列句子中,没有语病的一项是( )A.能否彻底治理酒后驾车的乱象,关键在于有关部门严格执法。
李老师:小文你好,请问有什么事吗?小文:① 李老师:没问题,很高兴受到你们的邀请。
小文:② 李老师:我需要你帮我发一份调查问卷,以便我有针对性地准备讲座内容。
2011~2012学年度第一学期期末考试高一物理试卷试卷总分:100分 考试时间:90分钟第一卷(选择题,合计38分)一、单项选择题:本题共6小题,每小题3分,合计18分,每小题只有一个选项符合题意 1.下列几组共点力,分别作用在同一个物体上,有可能使物体做匀速直线运动的是( ) A .2N 、9N 、5N B .3N 、4N 、8N C .4N 、5N 、7N D .5N 、7N 、1N 2.下列说法中正确的是 ( )A .只有体积很小的物体才可视为质点B .若物体的运动状态发生改变,则一定受到力的作用C .物体的重心一定都在物体上D .若两个力的大小、方向都相同,则这两个力产生的效果也相同 3.下列关于摩擦力的说法中正确的是( ) A .相互挤压的粗糙物体间一定产生摩擦力 B .摩擦力可以是阻力也可以是动力C .一个物体在另一个物体表面滑动时,一定受到摩擦力作用D .只有静止的物体才可能受到静摩擦力,只有运动的物体才有可能受到滑动摩擦力4.如图所示,一个质量分布均匀的球放在互成120°的两块光滑平面上保持静止状态OA 是水平面,OB 是倾斜面,关于球的受力,下列说法正确的是( ) A .球受重力、水平面和斜面的弹力 B .球所受各个力的施力物体都是水平面 C .球所受的弹力是由于球的形变而产生的 D .球除了受重力外,只受到水平面的弹力5.如图所示是一种汽车安全带控制装置的示意图.当汽车处于静止或匀速直线运动时,摆锤竖直悬挂,锁棒水平,棘轮可以自由转动,安全带能被拉动.当汽车突然刹车时,摆锤由于惯性绕轴摆动,使得锁棒锁定棘轮的转动,安全带不能被拉动.若摆锤从图中实线位置摆到虚线位置,汽车的可能运动方向和运动状态是( ) A .向右行驶、突然刹车 B .向左行驶、突然刹车C .向左行驶、匀速直线运动[来源m]D .向右行驶、匀速直线运动 6.如图所示,在长约80cm ~100cm 一端封闭的玻璃管中注满清水,水中放一个用红蜡做成的小圆柱体(小圆柱体恰能在管中匀速上浮),将玻璃管的开口端用胶塞塞紧。
************(本科)试卷(A 卷)2011--2012学年第 二 学期《C 程序设计》试卷开课单位:计算机学院,考试形式:闭卷,允许带 入场40分每题1分):答案必须填写在答题卡的相应位置上,否则不得分。
.C 语言中字符型(char )数据在内存中的存储形式是________。
A 、原码 B 、反码 C 、补码 D 、ASCII 码 .C 语言中基本的数据类型包括________。
A 、整型、实型、逻辑型 B 、整型、实型、字符型 C 、 整型、字符型、逻辑型 D 、整型、实型、逻辑型、字符型 .在C 语言中,int 类型数据在内存中占用________。
A 、2字节 B 、4字节 C 、由编译系统决定 D 、由用户决定 .运算符有优先级,C 语言中关于运算符优先级的正确叙述是________。
A 、逻辑运算符高于算术运算符,算术运算符高于关系运算符; B 、算术运算符高于关系运算符,关系运算符高于逻辑运算符; C 、算术运算符高于逻辑运算符,逻辑运算符高于关系运算符; D 、关系运算符高于逻辑运算符,逻辑运算符高于算术运算符。
.下面关于C 语言语句的叙述,错误的是________。
A 、C 语言一行可以允许写多条语句; B 、C 语言语句用分号结束; C 、语句一行写不下时,可以用逗号换行 ; D 、语句一行写不下时,可在任意一空格处回车换行 。
A 、“\n ” B 、…\0‟ C 、…A ‟ D 、…\t ‟.11.以下选项中,当x 为大于1的奇数时,值为0的表达式__________ 。
A 、 x%2==1B 、 x/2C 、x%2!=0D 、x%2==0 .C 语言源程序名的后缀是__________ 。
A 、 .exeB 、 .C C 、 .objD 、 .cp9.设所有变量均为int型,则表达式(a=5,b=2,b++,a-b)的值是________。
2011/2012学年度第一学期期末考试七年级思想品德试题(闭卷)一. 单项选择题(每题3分, 共45分, 请把答案填在后面的表格里)1.庆祝中国共产党成立周年大会2011年7月1日在北京人民大会堂隆重进行, 中共中央总书记胡锦涛在大会上发表重要讲话8....... B. 9........C. 9....... D. 1002、2011年10月15日至18日中国共产党第十七届中央委员会第六次全体会议在北京举行, 会议审议通过《中共中央深化体制改革, 推动社会主义大发展大繁荣若干重大问题的决定》通过《关于召开党的第十八次全国代表大会的决议》, 决定党的第十八次全国代表大会于2012年下半年在北京召开。
A.政治政治B.经济经济C.文化文化D.社会社会3.2011年9月29日和11月1日, 我国自行研制的目标飞行器和飞船分别在酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射, 准确入轨。
11月3日和11月14日, 目标飞行器和飞船在天空进行了两次交会对接, 均取得圆满成功。
A.天宫一号神舟八号B.嫦娥一号神舟八号C.天宫一号神舟七号D.嫦娥一号神舟七号4.在班级篮球赛中, 个人的单打独斗难以取胜, 如果注重整体协防, 配合进攻, 这样更容易获胜。
这说明()①班集体不能有个人才能的发挥与表现②一个人应该把自己融入集体中, 服从于整体需要③班集体的成功需要成员的密切配合④各成员的相互支持、相互配合能大大提高班集体的整体能力。
A.①②③B.①③④C.①②④D.②③④5.“不登高山, 不知天之高也;不临深溪, 不知地之厚也。
”相对于学习来说, 这表明()A.学习过程中有苦有.B.从学习中逐渐了解世界奥.C.学习是苦乐交织..D.我们要珍惜享有学习的权利和机会6.下列语句是对学习中的苦与乐的描述, 其中描述学习是乐事的语句是()A.书山有路勤为径, 学海无涯苦作舟B.宝剑锋从磨砺出, 梅花香自苦寒来C.知之者不如好之者, 好之者不如乐之者D.吃得苦中苦, 方为人上人7、当看到小草青青, 听到虫鸟鸣叫、人声鼎沸, 闻到百花芬芳时, 我们的感受是()A.人是自然界的一部分B.世界因生命的存在而生动和精彩C.生命是顽强的, 也是脆弱的D.人类受到其他生命的挑战8、假如你是一个寄宿生, 半夜突然宿舍起火, 而你又住在四楼, 正确的做法是()①大喊救命, 惊慌失措②迅速喊醒同学③有秩序地和同学一同撤离④有条件的, 打电话报警A.①②③B.②③④C.①③④D.①②④9、对于青春的感悟, 同学们可以通过相互交流, 彼此共享成长的体验。
A.这辆汽车平均每小时大约行驶50千米B.这辆汽车平均每小时行驶少于50千米C.这辆汽车平均每小时大约行驶60千米D.这辆汽车平均每小时行驶多于60千米9.刘叔叔买一套运动服用了624 元,是买一双运动鞋价钱的3倍。
A.1872元B.280 元C.208元D.200元10.小红设计了一道计算游戏题,每个□里只能填一个数字。
下列关于火星、地球公转的说法正确的是( )A.火星公转的线速度比地球的大B.火星公转的角速度比地球的大C.火星公转的半径比地球的小D.火星公转的加速度比地球的小3.广州地标建筑“小蛮腰”的塔顶外环呈倾斜椭圆形,围绕着中心天线旋转,为世界上最高的横向摩天轮。
把椭圆摩天轮近似看成圆形,摩天轮匀速转动时,坐在舱内水平座椅上的游客与摩天轮保持相对静止,下列说法正确的是( )A.每个座舱的线速度相同B.每个座舱的角速度相同C.每个游客的向心力大小相同D.游客可能不受到摩擦力作用4.如图是嫦娥五号奔月挖“嫦娥石”的轨道示意图,探测器在近月点P被月球俘获进入椭圆轨道Ⅰ,经调整制动后,又从P点进入环月圆形轨道Ⅱ,则探测器沿轨道Ⅰ、Ⅱ运动经过P点时()A.速度相等B.动能相等C.加速度相等D.角速度相等5.如图所示为表演杂技“飞车走壁”的示意图。
演员骑摩托车在一个圆桶形结构的内壁上飞驰,做匀速圆周运动,图中a、b两个虚线圆表示同一位演员骑同一辆摩托,在离地面不同高度处进行表演的运动轨迹,不考虑车轮受到的摩擦力,下列说法中正确的是()A.在a轨道上运动时摩托车对侧壁的压力较大B.在b轨道上运动时向心加速度较大C.在a轨道上运动时角速度较小D.在b轨道上运动时摩托车和运动员所受的向心力较小6.航天员在空间站进行太空授课时,用细绳系住小瓶并使小瓶绕细绳一端做圆周运动,做成一个“人工离心机”成功将瓶中混合的水和食用油分离.水和油分离后,小瓶经过如图两个位置时,下列判断正确的是( )A.运动员从A运动到B加速度方向始终指向圆心B.运动员在B点时速度大小为15m/sC.运动员在B点时所受圆弧轨道的支持力大小为1000ND.B、C两点间的距离为36m二、多选题9.如图所示,排球比赛中运动员将排球从M点水平击出,排球飞到P点时,被对方运动员击出,球又斜向上飞出后落到M点正下方的N点,N点与P点等高,轨迹的最高点Q与M等高,不计空气阻力,下列说法正确的有( )A.排球两次飞行过程中加速度相同B.排球两次飞行过程中重力对排球做的功相等C.排球离开M点的速率比经过Q点的速率大D.排球到达P点时的速率比离开P点时的速率大10.潜艇从海水的高密度区驶入低密度区过程称为“掉深”。
玉林师范学院2011-2012学年二学期化学分析期末考试试卷(A2卷)班级:___________学号:___________姓名:___________得分:___________题目部分,(卷面共有33题,100分,各大题标有题量和总分)一、选择(16小题,共31分)1.pH=1.00的HCl溶液和pH=13.00 的NaOH 溶液等体积混合,所得溶液的pH是- CA、14B、12C、7D、62.已知H3PO4的K a1 = 7.6×10-3, K a2 = 6.3×10-8, K a3 = 4.4×10-13,若以NaOH溶液滴定H3PO4溶液,则第二化学计量点的pH约为- B (产物是Na2HPO4)A、10.7B、9.7C、7.7D、4.93.根据酸碱质子理论,下列表述中正确的是----------------------------------------------------( C)A、对于所有的酸来说,H2O是一种拉平性溶剂B、H2O是一种惰性溶剂C、NH4+起弱酸的作用D、醋酸根离子是醋酸的共轭酸4.c(NaCl) = 0.1mol/L的NaCl水溶液的电荷平衡式是- DA、[H+] = [OH-]B、[Na+] = [Cl-] = 0.1 mol/LC、[Na+]+[Cl-] = 0.1 mol/LD、[H+]+[Na+] = [OH-]+[Cl-]5.于60 mL 0.10mol/L Na2CO3溶液中加入40 mL 0.15mol/L HCl溶液,所得溶液的简化质子条件是C (生成了NaHCO3,[H+](少)+[H2CO3](多)=[CO32-](多)+[OH-](少))A、[H2CO3] = [HCO3-]B、[HCO3-] = [CO32-]C、[H2CO3] = [CO32-]D、[H2CO3] = [H+]6.0.10mol/L Na3PO4溶液,其离子强度为-------------------------------------------------------( D)A、0.10mol/LB、0.30mol/LC、0.40mol/LD、0.60mol/L7.下列滴定(浓度均为0.1 mol/L)中可行的是- D已知p K a(HA) = 4.85, p K a(HB) = 9.3, p K b(MOH) = 8.70, p K b(ROH) = 3.80A、HCl滴定-(p K b = 9.15)B、NaOH滴定R+(p K a = 10.2)C、HCl滴定MOH(p K b = 8.70)D、HCl滴定B-(p K b = 4.7)8.将纯酸加入纯水中制成溶液,则下列表述中正确的是------------------------------------- A ()A、酸的浓度越低, 解离的弱酸的百分数越大B、酸的"强"和"弱"与酸的物质的量浓度有关C、强酸的解离百分数随浓度而变化D、每升含1.0×10-7mol强酸(例如HCl),则该溶液的pH为7.0 9.0.050mol/L AlCl3溶液的离子强度为BA、0.60 mol/LB、0.30 mol/LC、0.15 mol/LD、0.10 mol/L10.某溶液可能含有NaOH和各种磷酸盐,今用一HCl标准溶液滴定,以酚酞为指示剂时, 用去12.84 mL, 若改用甲基橙为指示剂则需20.24 mL, 此混合液的组成是B (注意:不是连续滴定)A、Na3PO4(V1=2V2)B、Na3PO4+NaOH(V1<V2)C、Na3PO4+Na2HPO4(HPO42-不能滴定)D、Na2HPO4+NaH2PO4(HPO42-不能滴定,H2PO4-不能用甲基橙滴定)11.某三元酸H 3A 的p K a1 = 3.96、p K a2 = 6.00、p K a3 = 10.02, 则 0.10 mol/L Na 3A 溶液的pH 是- C (p K b1 = 14.00- p K a3=3.98、p K b2 =14.00- p K a2=8.00、p K b3 = 14.00- p K a1=10.04)A 、8.01B 、10.02C 、11.51D 、12.5112.用0.1 mol/LNaOH 溶液滴定0.1 mol/L p K a = 4.0的弱酸, 突跃范围为7.0~9.7, 则用0.1 mol/L NaOH 滴定0.1 mol/L p K a = 3.0的弱酸时突跃范围为AA 、 6.0~9.7B 、 6.0~10.7C 、 7.0~8.7D 、 8.0~9.7(弱酸的p K a 或浓度变化,只影响突跃的起点,pH=p K a +lg(c 碱/c 酸),7.0=4.0+3.0,3.0+3.0=6.0) 13.下列盐的水溶液缓冲作用最强的是CA 、 NaAcB 、 Na 2CO 3C 、Na 2B 4O 7·10H 2OD 、 Na 2HPO 4 (B 4O 72- + 7H 2O = 4H 3BO 3 + 2OH -,加酸平衡向右移动,加碱平衡向左移动)14.用0.2 mol/L NaOH 溶液滴定0.2 mol/L HCl 和0.2 mol/L 柠檬酸(H 3A)的混合液(H 3A 的K a1 = 7.4×10-4, K a2 = 1.7×10-5, K a3 = 4.0×10-7), 如果允许滴定误差为0.2%,则终点时溶液组成应为D (滴定终点误差小于±0.2%,要求cK a ≥10-8,即H 3A 被滴定为A 3-)A 、 NaCl+H 3AB 、 NaCl+NaH 2AC 、 NaCl+Na 2HAD 、 NaCl+Na 3A15.某碱液25.00 mL, 以0.1000 mol/L HCl 标准溶液滴定至酚酞褪色,用去15.28 mL,再加甲基橙继续滴定, 又消耗HCl 6.50 mL,此碱液的组成是BA 、 NaOH+NaHCO 3B 、 NaOH+Na 2CO 3C 、 NaHCO 3D 、 Na 2CO 3 16.某MA 2型(M 2+、A -)电解质溶液,其浓度c (MA 2) = 0.10mol/L, 则该溶液的离子强度为B A 、 0.10 mol/L B 、 0.30 mol/L C 、 0.40 mol/L D 、 0.60 mol/L二、填空(12小题,共39分)1.用甲醛法测定工业(NH 4)2SO 4{M r [(NH 4)2SO 4]=132}中氨的质量分数w (NH 3), 把试样溶解 后用250 mL 容量瓶定容,移取25 mL,用0.2 mol/L NaOH 标准溶液滴定, 则应称取试样约__ 3.3 __ g 。
2016 学年第二学期天河区期末考试七年级英语注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色笔迹的钢笔或署名笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、试室号、座位号,再用2B 铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。
2.选择题每题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
笔试部分二、语言知识及运用(共 2 节,满分20 分)从各题所给的 A 、 B、 C 和 D 项中,选出能够填入空白处的最正确选项并在答题卡大将该项涂黑。
13.—— What does your mother look like?—— She is short ______ glasses.A. byB. withC. ofD. on14. ______ comes on the third Sunday of June every year.A. father ’s DayB. Fathers’DayC. Father DayD. the Father’s Day15. Ben is much taller than Jim. So he sits ______ Jim in the classroom.A. in front ofB. behindC. betweenD. above16. It is always dark______ I walk home from school every day.A. ifB. as soon asC. whenD. until17. There is ______ rice left at home. Could you buy some on your way home?A. a fewB. too fewC. too littleD. a little18. The police dog stopped to smell a white box carefully and finally found out ______ dangerous.A. somethingB. nothingC. everythingD. anything19. Our Maths teacher often asked us ______ more exercises after class and sleep well before exams.A. doingB. didC. doD. to do20. All readers ______ take the books out of the library. Everyone should follow the rule.A .may pot B. can’t C. mustn’t D. couldn ’t21. I ______ all my school things before going to bed every night.A. look upB. put upC. take upD. tidy up22. “______ careful to make friends on the Internet. ”Mum often says to Tom.A. BeingB. BeC. To beD.Is第二节语法选择(共10 小题;每题 1 分,满分10 分)阅读下边短文,依据句子构造的语法性和上下文连接的要求,从所给的A、 B、C 和 D 项中选出最正确选项并在答题卡大将该项涂黑。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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A.a>-b>b-a B.a>-a>b>-a
C.a>b>-a>-b D.-b>a>b>-a
3、不等式 的解集是
A. <-3或x>1 B.{x<-1或x>3}
4、已知tanα=3,tan(α+ )=
A.-2 B. 2 C. - D.
已知向量 ,
函数 的图像的两相邻对称轴间的距离为
(Ⅰ)求 值;
( )若 时, 求cos4x的值;
(Ⅲ)若 且 有且仅有一个实根,求实数m的值。
已知数列{ }是首项为 ,公比 ,数列{ }满足 .
(Ⅰ)求证:数列{ }是等差数列;
( )求数列{ }的前n项和
(Ⅲ)用五点法作出函数y= 的简图,并写出区间【0,π】内的单调区间。
( )若a=3,△ABC的面积等于 ,求边长b和c的值。
A.- <a< B. C.0<a<2 D.-1<a<1
11、已知平面向量 若 与 垂直,则 。
12、已知数列{ }的前n项和 ,则其通项 ;若它的第k项满足5< <8,则k=。
13、如图1,某船以每小时15km的速度向东航行,船在A处看到一灯塔B在北偏东60°,行驶4h后,船到达C处,看到这个灯塔在北偏东15°,这时船与灯塔的距离为km。 图1
14.两千多年前,古希腊毕达哥拉斯学派的数学家曾经在沙滩上研究数学问题,他们在沙滩上画点或用小石子来表示数,按照点或小石子能排列的形状对数进行分类,如图中的实心点个数1,5,12,22,…,被称为五角形数,其中第1个五角形数记作a1=1,第2个五角形数记作a2=5,第3个五角形数记作a3=12,第4个五角形数记作a4=22,…,若按此规律继续下去,则 若an=145,则n=
A.y=sin(3x- )B.y=sin( )
C.y=sin(3x- )D.y=sin( )
9、已知各项均为正数的等差数列{ }的前20项和为100,那么 的最大值是
A.50 B.25 C.10#43;a)<1对任意实数x都成立,则实数a的取值范围是
5、若数列{a }是等比数列,且a >0, ,那么 的值等于
A.15 B.10 C.5 D.20
6、若 , 的夹角为60°,则 等于
A.12 B. C.28 D.
A.1或-1 B. C.1或 D.-1或
8、若将函数y=sinx的图像上的每个点的横坐标缩小为原来的 (纵坐标不变),再将图像沿x轴向右平移 个单位,则新图像对应的函数式是
(Ⅰ)在等差数列{ }中,d=2,n=15, =-10,求 及 ;
( )在等比数列{ }中, ,求 .
已知函数y= .
( )求当函数y= 取得最大值时,自变量x的集合;