An Ore-type theorem on equitable coloring
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12.Allocationally efficient markets 配置有效市场
operationally efficient markets 运营有效市场
informationally efficient markets 信息有效市场
When prices are determined in a way that equates the marginal rates of return (adjusted for risk) for all producers and savers, the market is said to be allocationally efficient.
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14.Anomaly 异常 15.Underpricing 价格低估 16.Monday effect 星期一效应 January effect 元月效应
On average, stocks have lower (negative) returns on Monday, compared to (positive) returns on other days of the week.
place, nor is my whole estate upon the fortune of this present years; Therefore, my merchandise makes me not sad.
——Shakespear, Merchant of Venice
我的买卖的成败并不完全寄托在一艘船上,更不是倚赖着一处地方;我 的全部财产,也不会因为这一年的盈亏而受到影响,所以我的货物并不 能使我忧愁。
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Packing d-degenerate graphs
Packing d-degenerate graphsB´e la Bollob´a s∗University of Memphis,Memphis,TN38152,USAand Trinity College,Cambridge CB21TQ,EnglandE-mail address:bollobas@Alexandr Kostochka†University of Illinois,Urbana,IL61801and Institute of Mathematics,Novosibirsk630090,RussiaE-mail address:kostochk@Kittikorn NakprasitUniversity of Illinois,Urbana,IL61801E-mail address:nakprasi@June21,2006AbstractWe study packings of graphs with given maximal degree.We shall prove that the(hitherto unproved)Bollob´a s–Eldridge–Catlin conjecture holds in a considerably stronger form if one ofthe graphs is d-degenerate for d not too large:if d,∆1,∆2≥1and n>max{40∆1ln∆2,40d∆2}then a d-degenerate graph of maximal degree∆1and a graph of order n and maximal degree∆2pack.We use this result to show that,for dfixed and n large enough,one can pack n2 arbitrary d-degenerate n-vertex graphs of maximal degree at most n.1000d ln n1IntroductionLet us recall one of the basic notions of graph theory,that of packing.Two graphs of the same order,G1and G2,are said to pack,if G1is a subgraph of the complement G2of G2,or,equivalently, G2is a subgraph of the complement G1of G1.The study of packings of graphs was started in the 1970s by Sauer and Spencer[14]and Bollob´a s and Eldridge[5].In particular,Sauer and Spencer[14]proved the following result.Here,and in what follows, we shall write∆i for the maximal degree of a graph G i.Also,our graphs G i will have order n. Nevertheless,we shall frequently emphasize this convention.Theorem1.Suppose that G1and G2are graphs of order n such that2∆(G1)∆(G2)<n.Then G1and G2pack.The main conjecture in the area is the following Bollob´a s–Eldridge–Catlin(BEC)conjecture (see[4,3,5,10]).Conjecture1.If G1and G2are graphs with n vertices,maximal degrees∆1and∆2,respectively, and(∆1+1)(∆2+1)≤n+1,then G1and G2pack.∗Research supported by NSF grants CCR-0225610and DMS-0505550†Research Supported by the NSF grants DMS-0099608and DMS-0400498.If true,the BEC Conjecture is a considerable extension of the Hajnal–Szemer´e di Theorem [12]on equitable colorings,which itself is an extension of the Corr´a di-Hajnal theorem on equitable 3-colorings.Indeed,the Hajnal-Szemer´e di theorem is the special case of the BEC Conjecture when G 2is a disjoint union of cliques of the same size [12].The conjecture has also been proved when either ∆1≤2[1,2],or ∆1=3and n is huge [11]1.Although,the conjecture is sharp,as we shall show,when one of the two graphs is sparse,to be precise,d -degenerate for a small d ,then much weaker conditions on ∆1and ∆2imply the existence of a packing.Recall that a graph G is d -degenerate if every subgraph of it has a vertex of degree at most d .Our main result is the following.Theorem 2.Let d ≥2.Let G 1be a d -degenerate graph of order n and maximal degree ∆1and G 2a graph of order n and maximal degree at most ∆2.If40∆1ln ∆2<n(1)and40d ∆2<n(2)then there is a packing of G 1and G 2.Both restrictions (1)and (2)are weakest up to a constant factor.The examples of Bollob´a s and Eldridge [4,3,5]of n -vertex graphs G 1and G 2with (∆1+1)(∆2+1)=n +2,that do not pack show that (2)is best possible up to a constant factor.Examples in [7]show that (1)cannot be significantly weakened either.More precisely,in [7]we proved the following fact.Theorem 3.Let k be a positive integer and q a prime power.Then,for every n ≥q qk +1−1q −1,thereare graphs G 1(n,k )and G 2(n,q,k )of order n that do not pack and have the following properties.(a)G 1(n,k )is a forest with n −k edges and maximal degree at most n/k ;(b)G 2(n,q,k )is a qk −1q −1-degenerate graph of maximal degree at most 2n/q .Thus if q =3,k ≥3and n =3(3k +1−1),then the graphs G 1=G 1(n,k )and G 2=G 2(n,3,k )of Theorem 3satisfy ∆(G 1)ln ∆(G 2)≤n k ln n <nk (1+(k +1)ln 3)<2n.Note that the graph G 1is1-degenerate.The idea of the proof of Theorem 2is a refinement of that used in [13]for a somewhat similar result on equitable coloring,a partial case of the packing problem.Note that Theorem 2yields the following result concerning the BEC Conjecture.Corollary 4.Let G 1be a d -degenerate graph of order n and maximal degree at most ∆1,and G 2a graph of order n with maximal degree at most ∆2such that ∆1∆2<n .If ∆2ln ∆2≥40(i.e.,∆2≥215)and ∆1≥40d then there is a packing of G 1and G 2.As an immediate consequence of this corollary,note that the BEC Conjecture holds for two graphs of ‘large’maximal degree provided one of them is planar,since every planar graph is 5-degenerate.Corollary 5.Let G 1be a planar graph of order n with maximal degree at most ∆1and G 2be a graph of order n with maximal degree at most ∆2such that ∆1∆2<n .If ∆1≥200and ∆2≥215,then there is a packing of G 1and G 2.Adapting the proof of Theorem 2to control the maximal degree of the union of the two packed graphs,we prove the following result on simultaneous packings of many graphs.Theorem 6.Let n,d,∆and q be positive integers such that d ≥2,q ≤n 1500d 2,and 1000d ∆<n ln n .(3)1One of the referees informed us that the conjecture is also proved in the case when one of the graphs is bipartite and has small maximum degree.Let F1,...,F q be d-degenerate graphs of order n and maximal degree at most∆.Then F1,...,F q pack.For afixed d,Theorem6allows packing linearly many(in n)d-degenerate n-vertex graphs of moderate maximal degree.In fact,the phenomenon we come across here is similar to that observed by Bollob´a s and Guy[6]for equitable colorings:it is much easier to pack graphs if the number of vertices is significantly greater than the maximal degrees of the graphs to be packed.The structure of the paper is as follows.In the next section,we prove an auxiliary partition lemma that allows us to apply some ideas of Kostochka,Nakprasit and Pemmaraju[13]to the general packing problem.In Section3we prove Theorem2.In the last section we modify our proof of Theorem2in order to get restriction on the maximal degree of the packing of two graphs which almost immediately yields Theorem6.2A Partition LemmaLemma7.Let G be a graph with maximal degree at most∆≥90(so that∆≥20ln∆)and set m= ∆ln∆ .Then for every V ⊆V(G),there exists a partition(V1,...,V m)of V such that for each vertex v of G the neighbourhood N(v)has the following properties:(a)for each i,|N(v)∩V i|≤5ln∆,(b)for each i1and i2,|N(v)∩(V i1∪V i2)|≤8.7ln∆,and(c)for each i1,i2,and i3,|N(v)∩(V i1∪V i2∪V i3)|≤12.3ln∆.PROOF.We color V with m colors uniformly at random.Let B(u,c)be the event that vertex u has more than5ln∆neighbors in V colored with c and let b(u,c)be the probability of B(u,c). Then for k0=1+ 5ln∆ ,we haveb(u,c)≤ ∆k0 m−k0≤1√6k0e∆k0mk0.Since ln∆>4.4for∆≥90,we obtainb(u,c)≤1√6k0e∆k0mk0<1√ e55ln∆<110∆5(1+ln0.2).Similarly,let B(u,c1,c2)be the event that vertex u has more than8.7ln∆neighbors in V colored with c1or c2.Let b(u,c1,c2)be the probability of B(u,c1,c2)and k1=1+ 8.7ln∆ .Then as aboveb(u,c1,c2)≤ ∆k1 2mk1≤1√6k12e∆k1mk1≤1√22820e878.7ln∆≤115∆8.7(1+ln(20/87)).Similarly,let B(u,c1,c2,c3)be the event that vertex u has more than12.3ln∆neighbors in V colored with c1,c2,or c3.Let b(u,c1,c2,c3)be the probability of B(u,c1,c2,c3)and k2= 1+ 12.3ln∆ .Then as aboveb(u,c1,c2,c3)≤ ∆k2 3mk2≤1√6k23e∆k2mk2≤1√32010e4112.3ln∆≤117∆12.3(1+ln(10/41)).Set B(u)= m c=1 B(u,c)∪ m c1=c+1B(u,c,c1)∪ m c1=c+1 m c2=c1+1B(u,c,c1,c2) and write b(u) for the probability of B(u).Then,of course,b(u)≤m 19∆5(1+ln0.20)+ m2111∆8.7(1+ln(20/87))+ m3113∆12.3(1+ln(10/41)).Since5ln0.20<−8,8.7ln2087<−12.7,12.3ln1041<−17.3,and m≤2·∆ln∆,we haveb(u)≤∆6+5ln0.205ln∆+4∆10.7+8.7ln208730ln2∆+4∆15.3+12.3ln104150ln3∆<∆−25ln∆+4∆−230ln2∆+4∆−250ln3∆<110∆.(4)The event B(u)does not depend on the collection of all events B(v)such that v has no common neighbors with u.Hence the maximal degree of the dependency graph of the events B(u)for u∈V(G)is at most∆(∆−1).Thus,by the Lov´a sz Local Lemma,it suffices to check that e b(u)∆2≤1which holds by(4).This proves the lemma.3Packing two graphsIn this section we prove Theorem2.First,we introduce some notions.Let v1,v2,...,v n be an enumeration of the vertices of a graph G.For1≤i≤n,let G(i)be the subgraph of G induced by the vertices v i,v i+1,...,v n;thus G(1)=G and G(n)consists of the single vertex v n.We call v1,v2,...,v n a greedy enumeration of the vertices or,somewhat loosely, a greedy order on G,if d G(i)(v i)=∆(G(i))for every i,1≤i≤n,i.e.,the vertex v i has maximal degree in G(i).Similarly,the enumeration and order are degenerate if d G(i)(v i)=δ(G(i))for every i,1≤i≤n,i.e.,the vertex v i has minimal degree in G(i).Note that if v1,v2,...,v n is a greedy order on G then v i,v i+1,...,v n is a greedy order on G(i),and an analogous assertion holds for the degenerate order.Another simple observation is that v1,v2,...,v n is a greedy order on G if and only if it is a degenerate order for the complement G.Needless to say,a graph may have numerous greedy orders and degenerate orders.If2∆1∆2<n,then we are done by the Sauer–Spencer result.Thus we assume that2∆1∆2≥n which together with(1)yields∆2/ln∆2>20.Hence,we can apply Lemma7to G=G2with V =V(G2).Let m= ∆2ln∆2 .Let(V1,...,V m)be a partition of V(G2)satisfying Lemma7.We may assume that|V i|≥|V i+1|.Define V i=V1∪V2∪...∪V i.Then|V i|≥in/m for each i≤m.We now choose disjoint subsets of V(G1)to be sets W1,W2,...,W m.For notational convenience, set A0=B0=W0=∅.For each i=1,2,...,m,we construct sets A i and B i and set W i=A i∪B i.We let A i=∪i j=0A j,B i=∪i j=0B j and W i=∪i j=0W j.Let a= 7n25m .Arrange the vertices of G1−W i−1in a greedy order and let A i be the setof thefirst a vertices in this order.Select B i from the set of vertices in G1−W i−1−A i as follows.Initially,set B i=∅and if there is a vertex w∈G1−W i−1−A i−B i that has at least 4d neighbors in A i∪B i∪W i−1,add that vertex w to B i.Repeat this process until every vertex w∈G1−W i−1−A i−B i has fewer than4d neighbors in W i−1∪A i∪B i.We claim that by repeatedly adding these vertices,we have|B i|<ia3.Let e(H)denote the number of edges in a graph H.It follows from our construction that,for each i=0,1,...,m,we have e(G1[W i])≥4d|B i|.On the other hand,G1[W i]is a d-degenerate graph and has|A i|+|B i| vertices;consequently,e(G1[W i])<(|A i|+|B i|)d.It follows that3|B i|<|A i|=ia.This completes the construction of A i and B i and we simply set W i=A i∪B i.Note that|W i|<4ia.Now,we start packing.We consider the vertices of G2fixed and will place the vertices of G1 one by one on the vertices of G2.Furthermore,in thefirst m steps,every placement isfinal,but in thefinal step we allow one replacement while we accommodate a vertex.For convenience,we call the edges of G1red and those of G2blue.STEP1:We pack W1in V1.Order the vertices of W1in a reverse degenerate order and place them consecutively in this order.Each vertex w in W1at the moment of embedding has at most d embedded red neighbors in W1.Every of these red neighbors,w j,is placed on a vertex v j of G2that has at most5ln∆2 blue neighbors in V1by Lemma7(a).Hence w has less than5d ln∆2red-blue‘neighbors’in V1preventing packing,and at most|W1|−1<4a3−1vertices in V1already occupied by vertices of W1.But by(2)and the fact that1.05∆2ln∆2≥m,5di ln∆2+4a3< 5n·1.0540m+43·7n25m<nm(0.2+0.38)<nm≤|V1|.This shows that there is enough room in V1to accommodate w so that no red edge is parallel to a blue edge.STEP i,2≤i≤m:After we pack W i−1in V i−1,we continue to pack W i in V i.Order the vertices of W i in a reverse degenerate order and place them consecutively in this order.Each vertex w in W i at the moment of embedding has at most d embedded red neighbors in W i and less than4d red neighbors in W i−1.Every of these red neighbors,w j,is placed on a vertex v j of G2that has at most4.4i ln∆2blue neighbors in V i by Lemma7(b).Hence w has less than 22di ln∆2red-blue neighbors in V i preventing packing,and at most|W i|−1<4ia3−1vertices in V i already occupied by vertices of W i.But by(2)and the fact that1.05∆2ln∆2≥m,22di ln∆2+4ia3<i 22n·1.0540m+43·7n25m<nim(0.58+0.38)<nim≤|V i|.Consequently,there is enough room in V i to accommodate w so that no red edge is parallel to a blue edge.FINAL STEP:Put the vertices of G =G1−W m into a reverse degenerate order,and pack them into G2in this order without rearranging the vertices in W m.Suppose that it is the turn of vertex w∈V(G1)to be packed.First of all,there is some vertex v∈V(G2)not occupied by a vertex of G1.As above,there are less than4d red neighbors of w in W m(by construction),and at most d red neighbors in G that are already packed.So w has less than5d red neighbors that are packed previously.Each red neighbor of w has at most∆2blue neighbors.Thus w has at most5d∆2 red-blue neighbors preventing packing.Let D i denote the maximum degree of G1−W i−1.By the definition of A i,it is the maximal number of neighbors in G1−W i−1of a vertex in W i.Suppose that v has exactly x i neighbors in V i,i=1,...,m.Write br(v)for the number of blue-red‘neighbors’of v in G that arise because of V i∩N G2(v). Then br(v)≤ i j=1x j D j.By Lemma7,for all i=j=k=i,we have0≤x i≤5ln∆2,x i+x j≤8.7ln∆2,and x i+x j+x k≤12.3ln∆2.(5) Note that each vertex in A i has at least D i+1neighbors among the vertices that come later in the order.Hence,as G1is a d-degenerate graph,we havedn>|A1|D2+|A2|D3+...+|A m−1|D m=a(D2+...+D m).It follows that D2+...+D m<dn/a.The maximum of the expression i j=1x j D j under conditions D2+...+D m<dn/a,D1≥...≥D m,and(5)is attained when x i≥x i+1for all i.Hencebr(v)<x1∆1+(x2−x3)D2+x3dn≤(x1+x2−x3)∆1+x3dn≤(12.3ln∆2−2x3)∆1+x3dn.(6)Let us define the set of bad vertices as the union of the set of vertices in G2where the vertices of W m are placed,the set of red-blue‘neighbors’of w,and the set of blue-red‘neighbors’of v.Here by the blue-red‘neighbors’we mean the vertices of G1already placed on vertices of G2.We have|W m|≤4ma3.Also,by(2),7n25m≥7n ln∆225·1.05∆2>11.4ln∆2>50and hence1.02a>7n25m.Therefore,the total number of bad vertices is at mostF(x3)=4ma3+5d∆2+(12.3ln∆2−2x3)∆1+x3(1.02d25m7).We want to prove that F(x3)<n for every0≤x3≤4.1ln∆2.Since F(x3)is linear,it suffices to check this inequality for x3=4.1ln∆2and x3=0.By(1)and(2),F(4.1ln∆2)≤437n25+5n40+4.1(ln∆2)∆1+4.1ln∆21.02·1.05·25d∆27ln∆2≤28n75+5n40+4.1n40+4.13.825n40<n(0.3734+0.125+0.1025+0.3921)<n.Similarly,F(0)≤28n75+5n40+12.3(ln∆2)∆1≤n(0.374+0.125+0.3075)<n.It follows that either there is a vertex w ∈V(G1)placed on a vertex v ∈V(G2)or a non-occupied vertex v ∈V(G2)such that(a)w /∈W m,(b)w is not a blue-red‘neighbor’of v,and(c)v is not a red-blue‘neighbor’of w.By(b),if we move w from v onto v,no parallel red and blue edges occur.By(c),if we place w onto the freed vertex v ,then again no parallel edges occur.By(a),we did not move vertices of W m.This proves the theorem.4Packing many graphsThe idea of packing many d-degenerate graphs with moderate maximal degree is to pack them consecutively,one by one,and to control the maximal degrees of intermediate graphs.To do this, we need the following version of Theorem2.Theorem8.Let n,d,∆1and∆2be positive integers such that d≥2and1000d∆1<nln n.(7)Let z=n100dand∆2≤z.Let G1be a d-degenerate graph of order n and maximal degree at most ∆1and G2a graph of order n with at most n2edges and maximal degree at most∆2.Then there is a packing of G1and G2such that the maximal degree of the resulting graph H=G1∪G2is atmost max{0.0028nd,∆(G2)+10.5d}.PROOF.If∆1=1then the statement follows from the fact that the complement of G2is hamil-tonian.Let∆1≥2.Then by(7),n≥2000d ln n,which yields ln n≥10and thereforez=n100d≥200.(8)The proof below will follow the lines of that of Theorem2with small changes.In particular,we think of the edges of G1as red,and of the edges of G2as blue.Since e(G2)≤n2,there exists a subset V0of V(G2)with|V0|= 0.5n such that deg G2(v)≤n for every v∈V.Let m= z ln z .By(8),Lemma7applies to G=G2with V =V0and∆=z.Let(V1,...,V m) be a partition of V0whose existence is guaranteed by Lemma7.We may assume that|V i|≥|V i+1| for all i.Define V i=V1∪V2∪...∪V i.Then|V i|≥in/2m for each i≤m.We now choose disjoint subsets of V(G1)to be sets W1,W2,...,W m.For notational convenience, set A0=B0=W0=∅.For each i=1,2,...,m,we construct sets A i and B i and set W i=A i∪B i.We let A i=∪i j=0A j,B i=∪i j=0B j and W i=∪i j=0W j.Let a= n6m .Arrange the vertices of G1−W i−1in a greedy order and let A i be the set ofthefirst a vertices in this order.Select B i from the vertices in G1−W i−1−A i as follows.Initially set B i=∅and while there is a vertex w∈G1−W i−1−A i−B i that has at least4d neighbors in A i∪B i∪W i−1,add w to B i.Repeat this process until every vertex w∈G1−W i−1−A i−B i has fewer than4d neighbors in W i−1∪A i∪B i.Then we simply set W i=A i∪B i.As in the proof of Theorem2,wefind that|W i|<4ia3.STEP i,1≤i≤m:Having packed W i−1into V i−1,we continue packing W i into V i.We put the vertices of W i into a reverse degenerate order and place them one by one in this order.At the moment of its embedding,each vertex w in W i has at most d embedded red neighbors in W i and fewer than4d red neighbors in W i−1.Each of these red neighbors,w j,is placed on a vertex v j of G2that has at most5i ln z blue neighbors in V i by Lemma7(a).Hence w has fewer than25di ln z red-blue‘neighbors’in V i onto which we cannot place w because of arising parallel edges and at most|W i|−1<4ia−1vertices in V i already occupied by vertices of W i.Thus ifX=25di ln z+4ia3≤|V i|,(9)then there are free vertices in V i to accommodate w without creating parallel red and blue edges. Since z≥200,we have m≥37and therefore1.03zln z≥m.(10) Thus,recalling that z=n/100d,X<i 25d1.03z m+4n18m <im0.2575n+2n9=ni2m0.515+49≤ni2m≤|V i|.This proves(9).FINAL STEP:Consider a reverse degenerate order of the vertices of G =G1−W m,and pack them in this order into G2without rearranging the vertices in W m.Suppose that it is the turn of a vertex w∈V(G1)to be packed.Let v∈V(G2)be not occupied by a vertex of G1.As above,there are fewer than4d red neighbors of w in W m(by construction),and at most d red neighbors in G that are already packed.So w has fewer than5d red neighbors that had been packed previously.Each red neighbor of w has at most∆2blue neighbors.Thus w has at most5dz red-blue‘neighbors’that are bad for placing w on them.Let D i denote the maximum degree of G1−W i.Suppose that v has exactly x i blue neighbors in V i,i=1,...,m.Then the number,br(v),of blue-red‘neighbors’of v with the intermediate vertices in V i∩N G2(v)is at most i j=1x j D j.By Lemma7,this is at most5ln z i j=1D j.As in the proof of Theorem2,we have D2+...+D m<dn/a.Therefore,br(v)<5ln z(∆1+dna).(11)Now,let the set of bad vertices be the union of the set of vertices in G2onto which the vertices of W m are placed,the set of red-blue‘neighbors’of w,and the set of blue-red‘neighbors’of v.Here by blue-red‘neighbors’we mean vertices of G1already placed on vertices of G2.We have|W m|≤4ma3.Also,by(8)and(10),n6m ≥n ln z6·1.03z>100d ln z6.18>150and hence1.01a>n6m.Therefore,the totalnumber of bad vertices is at most4ma 3+5dz+5ln z(∆1+dna)≤43·n6+5dn100d+5∆1ln z+5ln zdn6m1.01n≤≤n 29+120+1200+5ln z6.06d1.03zn ln z≤n0.28+30.301.03100<0.7n.Similarly to the proof of Theorem2,this means that there exists either a vertex w ∈V(G1) placed on a vertex v ∈V(G2)or a non-occupied vertex v ∈V(G2)such that(a)w /∈W m,(b)w is not a blue-red‘neighbor’of v,and(c)v is not a red-blue‘neighbor’of w.And again,we can safely move w from v onto v and place w onto the freed vertex v without creating parallel red and blue edges.Thus the procedure will result in a graph H=G1∪G2.Let us now estimate the degrees of the vertices in H.Suppose that a vertex u∈V(H)is the result of identifying a vertex w∈V(G1)with a vertex v∈V(G2).CASE1.w∈W m.Then v∈V and therefore deg G2(v)≤n375d.By(7),deg G1(w)≤n1000d ln nand by(8),ln n≥ln20000d≥ln40000>10.Thus,deg H(u)≤nd (1375+0.0001)<0.0028nd.CASE2.w/∈W m.Then w has fewer than4d neighbors in W m,since otherwise it would be included into B m.If w has more than6.5d neighbors in G =G1−W m,then every w ∈A m should have more than6.5d neighbors in G .But in this case,|E(G1)|>6.5d|A m|=6.5dma≥6.51.01dmn6m>dn,wich contradicts the fact that G1is d-degenerate.Thus,deg G1(w)≤4d+6.5d=10.5d and therefore,deg H(u)≤10.5d+∆2.This proves the theorem.Now we are ready to prove our second main result,Theorem6.PROOF of Theorem6.We shall prove by induction that for every i,1≤i≤q we can pack F1,...,F i so that the resulting graph,H i,satisfies∆(H i)≤0.0028nd+10.5(i−1)d.(12)Since H1=F1,for i=1inequality(12)follows from(3).Suppose that i>1and(12)holds for H i−1=F1∪...∪F i−1.Let us check that G1=F i and G2=H i−1satisfy the conditions of Theorem8.Indeed,(7)follows from(3),∆2≤0.0028nd+10.5(q−2)d≤nd(0.0028+10.51500)<n100d,and|E(G2)|<(q−1)dn<n21500d .Thus,by Theorem8,we can pack G1and G2so that the maximaldegree of the resulting graph,H i,is at mostmax{0.0028nd,∆(G2)+10.5d}≤0.0028nd+10.5(i−2)d+10.5d.This proves the induction step and so completes the proof of the theorem.Acknowledgment.We thank the referees for helpful questions and remarks. 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The von Kries Hypothesis and a Basis for Color Constancy
Todd Zickler Harvard University
Color constancy is almost exclusively modeled with diagonal transforms. However, the choice of basis under which diagonal transforms are taken is traditionally ad hoc. Attempts to remedy the situation have been hindered by the fact that no joint characterization of the conditions for {sensors, illuminants, reflectances} to support diagonal color constancy has previously been achieved. In this work, we observe that the von Kries compatibility conditions are impositions only on the sensor measurements, not the physical spectra. This allows us to formulate the von Kries compatibility conditions succinctly as rank constraints on an order 3 measurement tensor. Given this, we propose an algorithm that computes a (locally) optimal choice of color basis for diagonal color constancy and compare the results against other proposed choices.
Equitable colorings of bounded treewidth graphsHans L.BodlaenderFedor V.Fomininstitute of information and computing sciences,utrecht university technical report UU-CS-2004-010www.cs.uu.nlEquitable colorings of bounded treewidth graphsHans L.Bodlaender∗Fedor V.Fomin†AbstractA proper coloring of a graph G is equitable if the sizes of any two color classesare differ by at most one.The related notion isℓ-bounded coloring where each of thecolor classes is of cardinality≤ℓ.We consider the problems to determine for a givengraph G(and a given integerℓ)whether G has an equitable(ℓ-bounded)coloring.We prove that both problems can be solved in polynomial time on graphs of boundedtreewidth.1IntroductionThere is a wide believe that almost every natural hard problem can be solved efficiently on graphs of bounded treewidth.Of course this is not true,a nice example is the bandwidth minimization problem which is NP hard even on trees of degree three[11,25].Another part of’folklore’in Graph Algorithms community is that if some(natural)problem can be solved in polynomial time on trees,one should be able to solve it in polynomial time on graphs of bounded treewidth.However,there are some striking and frustrating examples, like L(2,1)-coloring,when efficient algorithm for trees can be constructed[7]and nothing is known about the complexity of the problem on graphs of treewidth≥2.For more than ten years,equitable coloring andℓ-bounded coloring were also examples of such problems.Both problems can be solved in polynomial time on trees and forests[9,2,17],i.e. graphs of treewidth1and existence of a polynomial time algorithm for graphs of treewidth ≥2was an open question.In this paper we introduce thefirst polynomial time algorithm on graphs of bounded treewidth for both versions of coloring.Due to enormous exponents in the running our algorithm is mainly of theoretical interest.Our main technique is quite far from the standard dynamic programming on graphs of bounded treewidth.To convince the reader(and ourselves)that the standard dynamic programming approach is unlikely to implemented for equitable coloring on graphs of bounded treewidth,we prove that a pre-colored version of the problem is NP hard on graphs of treewidth1,i.e.forests.Themain idea behind our polynomial time algorithm is to use recent combinatorial results of Kostochka et al.[21]that allow us to handle graphs with’large’vertex degrees separately.Previous results.The equitable coloring problem has a long history.The cel-ebrated theorem of Hajnal&Szemer´e di[13]says that any graph G has an equitable k-coloring for k≥∆(G)+1.This bound is sharp.One of the direction of research in this field was in obtaining better upper bounds than∆(G)+1for special graph classes.See the survey[23]for a review of the results in thisfield.The coloring problem can be trivially reduced to equitable coloring problem and thus equitable coloring is NP hard.Polynomial time algorithms are known for split graphs[8]and trees[9].ℓ-bounded coloring has a number of applications.It is also known as the mutual exclusion scheduling problem(MES)which is the problem of scheduling unit-time tasks non-preemptively on m processors subject to constraints,represented by a graph G, so that tasks represented by adjacent vertices in G must run in disjoint time intervals.This problem arises in load balancing the parallel solution of partial differential equations by domain decomposition.(See[2,26]for more information.)Also the problems of this form have been studied in the Operations Research literature[3,22].Other applications are in scheduling in communication systems[15]and in constructing school timetables[19].Theℓ-bounded k-coloring problem can be solved in polynomial time on split graphs, complements of interval graphs[24,8],forests and in linear time on trees[2,17].This is almost all what is known on graph classes where theℓ-bounded coloring problem is efficiently solvable.When one of the parametersℓor k isfixed the situation is different. For example,forfixedℓor k the problem is solved on cographs[4,24]and forfixedℓon bipartite graphs[4,14]and line graphs[1].Forℓ=2the problem is equivalent to the maximum matching problem on the complement graphs and is polynomial.Notice that forfixedℓthe problem can be expressed in the counting monadic second-order logic and for graphs of bounded treewidth linear time algorithm forfixedℓcan be constructed[18]. Whenℓis notfixed(i.e.ℓis part of the input)even for trees the situation is not simple and the question on existence of a polynomial time algorithm on trees[14]was open for several years.The problem remains NP-complete on cographs,bipartite and interval graphs[4],on cocomparability graphs andfixedℓ≥3[24],on complements of line graphs andfixedℓ≥3 [10],and on permutation graphs andℓ≥6[16].For k=3the problem is NP-complete on bipartite graphs[4].Almost all NP-completeness results forℓ-bounded k-coloring for different graph classes mentioned above can also be obtained for equitable k-coloring by making use of the following observation.Proposition1.1.A graph G on n vertices isℓ-bounded k-colored if and only if the graph G′obtained from G by adding an independent set of sizeℓk−n is equitable k-colorable. Our contribution.A standard dynamic programming approach for the coloring prob-lem needs to keep O(w k n)entries,where w is the treewidth of a graph and k is the number2of colors.Since the chromatic number of a graph is at most w+1this implies that the clas-sical coloring problem can be solved in polynomial time on graphs of bounded treewidth. Clearly such a technique does not work for equitable coloring because the number of colors in an equitable coloring is not bounded by a function of treewidth.For exam-ple,a star on n vertices has treewidth1and it can not be equitable k-colored for any k<(n−1)/2.One of the indications that the complexity of equitable coloring for graphs of bounded treewidth can be different from’classical’is that by Proposition1.1 and[4],the problem is NP hard on cographs and thus on graphs of bounded clique-width. (Note that chromatic number is polynomial on graphs of bounded clique-width[20].) However,one of the properties of equitable colorings making our approach possible is the phenomena observedfirst by Bollob´a s&Guy[5]for trees:’Most’trees can be equitable 3-colored.In other words,for almost all trees the difference between the numbers of colors in equitable coloring is not’far’from the chromatic number.Recently Kostochka et al.[21]succeed to generalize Bollob´a s&Guy result for degenerated graphs and our main contribution—the proof that equitable coloring can be solved in polynomial time on graphs of bounded treewidth(Section3)—strongly uses this result.Very roughly,we use the results of Kostochka et establish the threshold when the problem is trivially solved and when it become to be solvable in polynomial time by dynamic programming developed in Section2.In Section4we show that such an approach can not be extended to pre-colored equitable coloring by showing that the pre-colored version of the problem is NP hard on graphs of treewidth1,i.e.,forests.1.1DefinitionsWe denote by G=(V,E)afinite undirected and simple graph.We usually use n to denote the number of vertices in G.For every nonempty W⊆V,the subgraph of G induced by W is denoted by G[W].The maximum degree of G is∆(G):=max v∈V d G(v).A graph G is d-degenerate if each of its nonempty subgraphs has a vertex of degree at most d.A nonempty subset of vertices I⊆V is independent in G if no two of its elements are adjacent in G.Definition1.2.A tree decomposition of a graph G=(V,E)is a pair({X i|i∈I},T= (I,F)),with{X i|i∈I}a family of subsets of V and T a tree,such that • i∈I X i=V.•For all{v,w}∈E,there is an i∈I with v,w∈X i.•For all i0,i1,i2∈I:if i1is on the path from i0to i2in T,then X i0∩X i2⊆X i1.The width of tree decomposition({X i|i∈I},T=(I,F))is max i∈I|X i|−1.The treewidth of a graph G is the minimum width of a tree decomposition of G.Lemma1.3(Folklore).Every graph on n vertices and of treewidth≤w has at most wn edges.3A k-coloring of the vertices of a graph G=(V,E)is a partition A1,A2,...,A k of V into independent sets(in which some of the A j may be empty);the k sets A j are called the color classes of the k-coloring.The chromatic numberχ(G)is the minimum value k for which a k-coloring exists.A k-coloring A1,A2,...,A k isℓ-bounded if|A i|≤l,1≤i≤k.A k-coloring A1,A2,...,A k is equitable if for any i,j∈{1,2,...,k},|A i−A j|≤1. Theorem1.4([21]).Every n-vertex d-degenerate graph G is equitably k-colorable for any k≥max{62d,31d n}.n−∆(G)+12Covering by equitable independent sets.Let S⊆V be a set of vertices of a graph G=(V,E).We say that S can be covered by independent sets of sizes[n/k]if there is a set of subsets A i⊆V,i∈{1,2,...,p},p≤|S|, such that(i)For every i∈{1,2,...,p},A i is an independent set;(ii)For every i,j∈{1,2,...,p},i=j,A i∩A j=∅;(iii)For every i∈{1,2,...,p},either|A i|=⌈n/k⌉,or|A i|=⌊n/k⌋;(iv)S⊆∪1≤i≤p A i.Covering by independent sets is a natural generalization of equitable coloring:A graph G has equitable k-coloring if and only if V can be covered by independent sets of sizes [n/k].We use the following observations in our proof.Lemma2.1.Let S⊆V be a vertex subset of a graph G.(a)If S can not be covered by independent sets of sizes[n/k],the graph G is not equitablek-colorable;(b)If S can be covered by p independent sets A1,...,A p of sizes[n/k]and the graphG′=G[V−∪1≤i≤p A i]is equitable(k−p)-colorable,the graph G is equitable k-colorable.Let G be a graph of treewidth w.The next theorem implies that when the cardinality of S⊆V or the number k is at most f(w),where f is a function of w,the question if S can be covered by independent sets of sizes[n/k]can be answered in polynomial time.Because there are graphs that needΩ(n)colors in an equitable coloring,Theorem2.2does not imply directly that for graphs of bounded treewidth the equitable coloring problem can be solved in polynomial time.4Theorem2.2.Let G=(V,E)be an n-vertex graph of treewidth≤w,let S be a subset of V,and let k be an integer.One can eitherfind a covering of S by independent sets of sizes [n/k],or conclude that there is no such a covering in polynomial time when k is bounded by a constant,or when|S|is bounded by a constant.Proof.This can be shown using standard dynamic programming techniques for graphs of bounded treewidth.Note that we can check for a covering of at most min{k,|S|} independent sets of sizes[n/k].An algorithm comparable to those e.g.shown in[6,27], that also has different table entries/homomorphism classes when sets have different sizes solves the problem in polynomial time on graphs of bounded treewidth.3Bounded treewidthThe main result of this paper is the following theorem.Theorem3.1.Equitable k-colorability problem can be solved in polynomial time on graphs of bounded treewidth.Proof.Let G=(V,E)be a graph of treewidth w and let k be an integer.To determine if G has an equitable k-coloring,we consider the following cases.Case1.∆(G)≤n/2+1and k≥62w.Sincenmax0≤∆(G)≤n/2+1}n−∆(G)+1and by Corollary1.5,G is equitably k-colorable.Case2.∆(G)≤n/2+1and k≤62w.In this case,it follows from Theorem2.2that the question whether G has an equitably k-coloring can be solved in polynomial time.Case3.∆(G)>n/2+1.Let S⊂V be the set of vertices in G of degree≥n/2+2. By Lemma1.3,G has at most wn edges,so|S|≤4w.Thus by Theorem2.2,it can be checked in polynomial time whether S can be covered by independent sets of sizes[n/k]. If S cannot be covered,by part(a)of Lemma2.1,G has no equitable k-coloring.Let A i⊂V,i∈{1,2,...,p},p≤|S|,be an equitable covering of S by independent sets of sizes[n/k].We define a new graph G′=G[V−∪1≤i≤p A i].The maximum vertex degree in G′is at most n/2+1and the treewidth of G′is≤w.Graph G′hasn′=|V−∪1≤i≤p A i|≥n−p n k−1)>(1−4wLet k′=k−p.We need again case distinction. Case A.k′≥max{62w,31w n′n′−n/2}≥max{62w,31wn′n′−n/2}and k′<62w.Since p≤4w,we have that k=k′+p<66w.Then by Theorem2.2,the question whether G has an equitably k-coloring, can be solved in polynomial time.Case C.k′<max{62w,31w n′n′−n(1−4w2=31w2−4wk ≤4w31and1k ≥2727<72wand we conclude that k=k′+p≤76w.Again,by Theorem2.2the question if G has an equitably k-coloring,can be solved in polynomial time.By Proposition1.1,Theorem3.1implies directly that there is a polynomial time algo-rithm for theℓ-bounded coloring problem restricted to graphs of bounded treewidth. 4Equitable coloring with pre-coloringFor a graph G,a pre-coloring p of a subset V′⊂V in k colors is a mappingπ:V′→{1,2,...,p}.We say that a coloring A1,A2,...,A m of G extends the pre-coloringπif u∈Aπ(u)for every u∈V′.We consider the following problem:Equitable coloring with pre-coloring:For a given graph G,integer k and a given pre-coloringπof G,determine the smallest integer k for which there exists an equitable k-coloring of G extendingπ. Theorem4.1.Equitable coloring with pre-coloring is NP hard on forests.6Proof.We use a reduction from the problem3-partitionInstance:A set A of non-negative integers a1,...,a3m,and a bound B,suchthat for all i with1≤i≤3m,(B+1)/4<a i<B/2and 1≤i≤3m a i=mB.Question:Can A be partitioned into m disjoint sets A1,A2,...,A m such thata i∈A j a i=B for every j with1≤j≤m?3-partition is NP-complete in the strong sense(Problem SP15in Garey&Johnson[12]).Let the set A={a1,...,a3m}and the bound B be an instance of3-partition.We construct a forest G and pre-coloring of G such that G is equitable(m+1)-colorable if and only if A can be3-partitioned.For every i∈{1,2,...,m}we define the set N i={1,2,...,m}−{i}and pre-colored star S i as a star with one non-pre-colored central vertex v adjacent to m−1leaves which are pre-colored in all colors from N i.Thus vertex v can be colored only in color i or m+1. For every i∈{1,2,...,m}and j∈{1,2,...,3m},we define the pre-colored tree G i,j as a tree obtained by taking the disjoint union of a j+1pre-colored stars S i and by making the central vertex v of one of them to be adjacent to the central vertices of the others a j stars. We call the vertex v the central vertex of G i,j.Thus G i,j has m(a j+1)vertices;for every colorℓ∈N i there are(a j+1)vertices of G i,j pre-colored byℓ.Every(m+1)-coloring of G i,j either colors v in m+1and remaining a j non-pre-colored vertices in i,or it colors v in i and remaining a j non-pre-colored vertices in m+1.(See Fig.1.)134v134134134Figure1:Tree G i,j.Here a j=3,m=4,i=2and N2={1,3,4}.In any5-coloring of G i,j,either v should be colored by5and all its non pre-colored neighbors by2,or v should be colored by2and the neighbors by5.For every j∈{1,2,...,3m},we define a pre-colored tree G j as follows:We take the disjoint union of pre-colored trees G i,j,i∈{1,2,...,m},add one vertex c j adjacent to all central vertices of trees G i,j and add one leaf adjacent to c j pre-colored in m+1.Thus G j has m2(a j+1)+2vertices;for every colorℓ∈{1,2,...,m}−{i}there are(m−1)(a j+1) vertices of G j pre-colored byℓand there is1vertex pre-colored by m+1.Also in any coloring of G j vertex c j can not be colored in m+1.Thus for every(m+1)-coloring of G j the spectra of colors used on neighbors of c j does not contain all colors from{1,2,...,m}.7Finally,the forest G is the disjoint union of pre-colored trees G1,G2,...,G3m and independent set of cardinality3m(m−2)+B pre-colored in color m+1.Thus G has 1≤j≤3m m2(a j+1)+3(m−2)+B=m2(mB+3m)+3(m−2)+Bvertices.For every colorℓ∈{1,2,...,m}−{i}there are1≤j≤3m(m−1)(a j+1)=(m−1)(mB+3m)vertices of G pre-colored byℓand3m(m−1)+B vertex are pre-colored by m+1.Suppose that A can be partitioned into m disjoint sets A1,A2,...,A m such that a i∈A j a i=B.We define an extension of pre-coloring of G as follows.For everyfixed j∈{1,2,...,3m},we choose i such that a j∈A i.We color central vertex of G i,j in color m+1and the remaining noncolored a j vertices of G i,j in color i.In each graph Gℓ,j,ℓ=i, a j vertices are colored by m+1and one vertex byℓ.Also we color vertex c j with i.Thus in every graph G j on the set of non-pre-colored vertices color i is used a j+1times.Any colorℓ∈{1,2,...,m}−{i}is used one time and color m+1is useda j(m−1)+1times on non-pre-colored vertices.Thus in graph G the number of vertices colored by color ℓ∈{1,2,...,m}is1=(m−1)(mB+3m)+B+3m. (m−1)(mB+3m)+ a j∈Aℓ(a j+1)+{1≤j≤3m|a j∈Aℓ}The number of vertices colored in m+1is3m(m−2)+B+ 1≤j≤3m(a j(m−1)+1)=(m−1)(mB+3m)+B+3mand we conclude that the obtained coloring is equitable(m+1)-coloring.Suppose now that G is equitable(m+1)-colorable.The main observation here is that for every j∈{1,2,...,3m}at most a j(m−1)+1vertices of a graph G j are colored by m+1. (Otherwise coloring of central vertices of graphs G i,j,i∈{1,2,...,m},uses the whole spectra{1,2,...,m}thus leaving no space for color of c j.)If for some j∈{1,2,...,3m} less than a j(m−1)+1vertices of a graph G j are colored with color m+1then(the coloring is equitable)for some j′∈{1,2,...,3m}at least a j m vertices of graph G j′are colored by m+1,which is a contradiction.Thus we can conclude that for every j∈{1,2,...,3m}there is exactly one subgraph G i,j such that a j non-pre-colored vertices of G i,j are colored with i.For all other i′∈{1,2,...,m},i=i′,a j non-pre-colored vertices of G i′,j are colored with m+1.We defineA i={a j:a j non-pre-colored vertices of G i,j are colored with i}.8In G the number of vertices colored by color i∈{1,2,...,m}is1. (m−1)(mB+3m)+B+3m=(m−1)(mB+3m)+ a j∈A i(a j+1)+{1≤j≤3m|a j∈A i} Thus for every i∈{1,2,...,m}a j∈A i(a j+1)=Band A1,A2,...,A m is a3-partition of A.So we have a polynomial reduction from3-partition to equitable coloring with pre-coloring.As equitable coloring with pre-coloring trivially belongs to NP, we can conclude it is NP-complete.References[1]N.Alon,A note on the decomposition of graphs into isomorphic matchings,ActaMath.Hungar.,42(1983),pp.221–223.[2]B.S.Baker and E.G.Coffman,Jr.,Mutual exclusion scheduling,Theoret.Comput.Sci.,162(1996),pp.225–243.[3]J.Blazewicz,K.H.Ecker,E.Pesch,G.Schmidt,and J.Weglarz,Schedul-ing Computer and Manufacturing Processes,Springer,Berlin,2001.2nd ed.[4]H.L.Bodlaender and K.Jansen,Restrictions of graph partition problems.I,put.Sci.,148(1995),pp.93–109.[5]B.Bollob´a s and R.K.Guy,Equitable and proportional coloring of trees,J.Combin.Theory Ser.B,34(1983),pp.177–186.[6]R.B.Borie,Generation of polynomial-time algorithms for some optimization prob-lems on tree-decomposable graphs,Algorithmica,14(1995),pp.123–137.[7]G.J.Chang and D.Kuo,The L(2,1)-labeling problem on graphs,SIAM J.DiscreteMath.,9(1996),pp.309–316.[8]B.-L.Chen,M.-T.Ko,and K.-W.Lih,Equitable and m-bounded coloring of splitgraphs,in Combinatorics and computer science(Brest,1995),vol.1120of Lecture Notes in Comput.Sci.,Springer,Berlin,1996,pp.1–5.[9]B.-L.Chen and K.-W.Lih,Equitable coloring of trees,bin.Theory Ser.B,61(1994),pp.83–87.9[10]E.Cohen and M.Tarsi,NP-completeness of graph decomposition problems,J.Complexity,7(1991),pp.200–212.[11]M.R.Garey,R.L.Graham,D.S.Johnson,and D.E.Knuth,Complexityresults for bandwidth minimization,SIAM J.Appl.Math.,34(1978),pp.477–495.[12]M.R.Garey and D.S.Johnson,Computers and Intractability,A guide to thetheory of NP-completeness,W.H.Freeman and Co.,San Francisco,Calif.,1979. 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X-RAY SPECTROMETRYX-Ray Spectrom.29,18–24(2000)Pigment Analysis of Wall Paintings and Ceramics from Greece and Cyprus.The Optimum Use of X-Ray Spectrometry onSpecific Archaeological IssuesE.Aloupi,1A.G.Karydas2and T.Paradellis2*1THETIS–Science and Techniques for Art History Conservation Ltd,41M.Moussourou Street,11636Athens Greece2Laboratory for Material Analysis,Institute of Nuclear Physics,NCSR Demokritos,15310Aghia Paraskevi Attiki,GreeceThis paper deals with archaeological issues which lend themselves to a simple but very effective treatment by means of x-ray spectroscopy.The common feature of all the samples presented here is that they can be reduced to a simple spectroscopic question concerning the presence or absence of certain chemical elements in the ancient pigments.Copyright©2000John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.INTRODUCTIONThe identification and quantification of the elements that compose objects with an archaeological interest provides afirst strong indication for the origin of the raw materials and the technology applied in their production.In some cases(in metals or pottery materials)the concentration of the minor and trace elements might also address the question of age and provenance of the objects.The strong requirement by archaeologists and curators for the exclu-sive use of non-destructive analytical techniques during the examination of archaeological material makes x-ray analytical techniques a unique tool in the understanding of the cultural heritage.1,2The variety of the analyti-cal techniques that have been developed over the last three decades,employing different excitation probes(ion or x-ray beams)and instrumentation,have successfully addressed the above questions in a very effective way. For example,the external proton induced x-ray emission (PIXE)technique with variable incident proton energy allows the determination of the elemental depth concen-tration profile of pigments and thus the arrangement of paint materials in definite layers.3In addition,when PIXE is combined with the Rutherford backscattering(RBS) technique,the characterization of the surface composi-tion relative to the bulk,e.g.slip versus fabric in pottery materials,can be achieved.However,x-ray techniques based on energy dispersion (PIXE,x-rayfluorescence)are suitable for determining only the elemental composition and not the chemical or geochemical form of the materials analysed.This cer-tainly is a disadvantage,especially in pigment analysis. If archaeologists can provide some additional material so that x-ray diffraction(XRD)techniques may also be applied,the combination of the two methods is a powerful*Correspondence to:T.Paradellis,Laboratory for Material Analysis, Institute of Nuclear Physics,NCSR Demokritos,15310Aghia Paraskevi Attiki,Greece.tool for the understanding of ancient pigment technol-ogy.If not,x-rayfluorescence alone may provide answers in cases where only well-defined questions have been posed,whose answer relies on the resolution of a given dichotomy.In the case of Bronze Age wall paintings from Knossos,Thera,Pylos,Tiryns and Mycenae,for instance,4 the blue pigments identified were either the natural glauco-phane,Na2 Mg,Fe 3Al2Si8O22 OH 2,from the amphibole group,or the synthetic Egyptian blue,CaCuSi4O10.The diagnostic elements in this case are Fe and Cu,respec-tively,and the question is whether glaucophane or Egyp-tian blue is spectroscopically translated to Fe or Cu.A number of case studies dealing with similar questions which were undertaken by the authors during the last quar-ter of a century are presented chronologically,admitting simple qualitative but definite answers,and are discussed in terms of their archaeological relevance.1976;BRONZE AGE WALL PAINTINGS: GLAUCOPHANE OR EGYPTIAN BLUE?In the course of a broad research project dealing with systematic analyses of the inorganic pigments from the wall paintings discovered at Knossos,Thera,Pylos,Tiryns and Mycenae,4–6the blue pigments presented an intrigu-ing chronological variation scheme in the case of Thera and Knossos(Fig.1).The colour palette in the Bronze Age was mainly based on mineral pigments(i.e.goethite, limonite)and carbon for the red,yellow and black.The blue was either the well known Egyptian blue,the syn-thetic pigment produced in Egypt and imported to Greece as described in detail by Tite et al.,7or glaucophane,a hydrous sodium magnesium aluminium silicate mineral rich in iron from the amphibole group.Different shades and colour variations were obtained by mixing or over-painting the above basic colours.The50samples of blue pigments selected were anal-ysed by the x-rayfluorescence technique.A few mil-ligrams of the pigment were placed on a thin Mylar sheetPIGMENT ANALYSIS OF WALL PAINTINGS AND CERAMICS19Figure1.Map of Greece and Cyprus showing the places referred to in this paper.and analysed.The elemental concentrations were esti-mated on a semiquantitative basis by normalizing all peak intensities to the strongest one.According to the XRF data,4the samples were divided into three types.type A[Fig.2(a)]:the dominant element is copper with significant Ca content.Pb,As,Sr,Sn as trace elements and Fe of the order of a few percent normalized to Cu were also detected.Type B[Fig.2(b)]: the dominant element is iron with traces of Ti,Mn Rb, Cr,Ni,Y.The total absence of Cu is characteristic of this type.Type C:iron is the prominent element with varying amounts of copper.The above analyses were complemented by x-ray diffraction and petrographic examination4,8that correlated type A with the presence of pure Egyptian blue,type B with glucophane and type C with a mixture of glauco-phane with Egyptian blue.As shown in Table1,Egyp-tian blue was used at allfive sites.The samples from the palaces of Mycenae,Tiryns and Pylos(Mainland in Table1)dated after1400BC and the samples from Knos-sos after1500BC show exclusive use of pure Egyptian blue(type A).For dates earlier than1500BC the Knossos pigments indicate use of the Egyptian blue as early as ca 3000BC.The glaucophane was identified only in Middle and Late Bronze Age samples dated earlier than1700BC and not later than1500BC and in most Theran samples from the destruction level of Akrotiri due to the volcano eruption are dated before1500BC.In both Knossos and Thera,type C blue,i.e.mixtures of the two pigments,is associated with Late Minoan I period and the late part of Middle Bronze Age.Although glaucophane occurs as a mineral in both Thera and Crete,its presence has not been established in the geographic area from Knossos. The introduction of glaucophane in the colour palette of Minoan wall paintings was attributed to Theran artisans and in view of the extended relationship between the two settlements its presence in the wall paintings from Knos-sos was explained as an import from Thera.This claim is further supported by its abandonment after¾1500BC or rather after the end of Late Minoan IA defined by the eruption of the volcano in Thera which destroyed the island.The discussion above is not affected by the abso-lute chronology of the Thera eruption.A recent analysis of well documented specimens from the wall paintings of the Xesti3(basically rooms3and15,but also from the staircase of room5),the House of the Benches and some other parts of the excavation area at Akrotiri(Sectors A, B and C),9verified the scheme of the parallel use of both pigments in Thera,included in Table1.This last publica-tion allowed a more precise identification of the mineral in the form of riebeckite Na2 Fe2C,Mg,Fe3C 3Si8O22 OH 2, which like glaucophane belongs to the group of amphi-boles.Also the presence of exactly the same mineralogical phase in the‘glaucophane’blue pigments from Knossos pointed decisively to the Theran origin of the pigment.8 Another interesting result of the work by Filippakis et al.4was the identification of Egyptian blue inKnossos Figure2.Typical XRF spectra of blue pigments based on(a)Egyptian and(b)glaucophane blue.20 E.ALOUPI,A.G.KARYDAS AND T.PARADELLISTable 1.Overview of the blue pigment distribution as a function of provenanceand chronology (ž=Egyptian blue (presence of Cu); =amphiboles (glaucophane,presence of Fe); =mixture of both (presence of both Cu andFe))as early as the 3rd millenium BC that coincides with the first appearance of the pigment in Egypt during the 4th Dynasty.This observation which contradicts earlier assertions by Sir Arthur Evans 10led the authors to raise interesting archaeological questions introducing the idea of a simultaneous local production of the synthetic blue pigment in early Minon Crete,which still remain to be addressed.1989;LATE BRONZE AGE WALL PAINTINGS FROM THERA:EARTHEN OR MARINE PURPLE?Contrary to the previous study,the question to be answered here concerns a single sample of a purple material found in 1969in Akrotiri,Thera.The material was sampled for comparison with the pigments of Theran wall paintings within the framework of a larger pigment analysis study as a follow-up of the work described above.The visual examination of the material was compatible with a ferruginous nature (i.e.ochre).However,thenon-destructive XRF analysis of about 50mg of this very light and powdered material (Fig.3)revealed a calcitic matrix (Ca 34%)with a low Fe content (1.5%)combined with very high Br concentration (5300ppm).Traces of Mn (2300ppm),Cu (600ppm)and Zn (600ppm)were also detected.In general,bromine offers a very powerful discriminating criterion between marine and terrestrial environments.Br occurs in the hydrosphere as soluble bromide salts.Its concentration in seawater is 65–70ppm whereas in the earth’s crust and streams are only 4.0and 0.02ppm,respectively.This is further accentuated between the marine and terrestrial biosphere (seaweed,sponges,shells,plants,etc.)owing to the formation of organic bromine compounds.The use of bromine and its compounds as a tracer of the contact between seawater and sea-salt with ceramic and lithic artifacts is the subject of an on-going research project.11In the case of the purple Theran material,the high Br concentration strongly indicates a Br-enrichment mechanism which naturally led to the possible presence of an organic dye.More specifically it pointed to the precious ‘royal’or ‘Tyrian’purple,based on 6,6-dibromoindigotin,C 16H 8N 2O 2Br 2,derived fromPIGMENT ANALYSIS OF WALL PAINTINGS AND CERAMICS21Figure3.XRF spectrum of the purple material from Akrotiri,Thera(inset photograph),showing high Br concentration.murex shells(Murex brandaris and trunculus)and related species(Purpura haemastoma),which was identified by Friendl¨a nder in the beginning of the century.12The organic nature of the dye was confirmed by dis-solving a small quantity in HCI and treating the solution with CHCl3and observing the purple colouring in the phase of the solvent.A stoichiometric calculation of Br content in the molecule of6,6-dibromoindigotin leads to1.5%(w/w)for the dye compound contained in the sample.XRD analysis of the bulk material indicated the abun-dant presence of aragonite and calcite.The presence of aragonite,which is the characteristic phase of CaCO3,in sea-shells combined with the high Br concentration led to the conclusion that the material in question originated from crushed and pulverized live molluscs possibly fol-lowed by sieving,thus leading to a concentrated dye.The original study13suggests a cosmetic use of the material although its use as a wall painting pigment cannot be excluded,especially in view of a recent identification of the material in Minoan wall-paintings from the Minoan Palace at Malia,14Crete(Fig.1).Subsequent analysis of pigments from Theran wall paintings9based on the use of analytical scanning electron microscopy–electron probe microanalysis(SEM–EPMA)would not have been able to detect Br.We therefore believe that all future analyses of wall paintings,Theran or Minoan,should include XRF-based Br detection.This becomes partic-ularly relevant following the advent of portable XRF systems.Tyrian purple in a calcitic matrix,referred to as ‘purpurissum,’15had been also identified in most of the purple pigments contained in the ceramic bowls found in Pompeii.16It is widely known that Tyrian purple was amongst the most expensive of antiquity’s goods,reserved for kings,emperors and the upper classes of society.It is also known that Phoenicians dominated the trade of the precious dye in the Mediterranean basin during the his-toric period.It therefore becomes clear that the evidence of its use in Crete and the Aegean,prior to its introduction by Phoenicians,is obviously important for the prehistory of the Aegean.17,181994–96;CYPRIOT TERRACOTTA FIGURINES: CINNABAR OR OCHRE-BASED RED?The study of six Cypriot–Archaic polychrome terracotta figurines(750–475BC)of the Louvre Collection19by using the proton induced x-ray emission(PIXE)non-destructive technique of the AGLAE accelerator facility20 of the Laboratoire de Recherches des Mus´e es de France revealed the presence of cinnabar(mercury sulphide,HgS) in the red pigment of onefigurine representing a horse-rider(Fig.4,left).Interestingly,the blue-green pigment on the samefigurine was identified as a zinc-based material, which was initially related to the natural zinc carbonate (smisthonite).These observations provided a contrast with the most frequent use of ochre for the red and green earth(celadonite)for the green,detected in the rest of thefigurines which have been analysed.The latter two minerals(i.e.iron hydroxides and green earth)are abun-dant in Cyprus,whereas cinnabar and smisthonite are not known to be present in the island.A plausible explana-tion was that the use of such pigments,probably imported from Anatolia or even Spain,characterizes the produc-tion of a distinct ceramic workshop.The consolidation and interpretation of this suggestive evidence could only be achieved through a large-scale systematic study,which was undertaken during a wider project referring to the diachronic investigation of ceramic decoration techniques in ancient Cyprus.As a follow-up of the above study,allfigurines of the Nicosia Museum collection on which the red paint was still preserved(43pieces in total)were analysed in situ using a portable XRF system.The system was built at the Institute of Nuclear Physics,NCSR Demokritos and con-sisted of a109Cd source,a Peltier-cooled Si(PIN)detector and portable data acquisition and analysis systems.A typical example of these terracottafigurines that rep-resent singers and musicians,riders and horses,chariots, animals and birds is given in Fig.5.As shown in a typ-ical x-ray spectrum in Fig.6(a),the red pigment is an iron-rich material obviously derived by the use of ochre without signs of mercury in their XRF spectra.In view of these results it was then safe to conclude that the pres-ence of mercury sulphide(i.e.cinnabar)in the single22 E.ALOUPI,A.G.KARYDAS AND T.PARADELLISFigure 4.Cypriot terracotta figurines representing a complex of a horse and a rider (Cypriot-Archaic I,ca 750–600BC ),Mus ´ee du Louvre.The one on the left (No.AM 235,height 12.3cm)revealed the unusual presence of cinnabar for the red and a zinc-based material for the green (photograph provided by D.Bagualt).Figure 5.Cyproarchaic terracotta figurines (750–475BC )from the collection of the Nicosia Museum analysed in situ with a portableXRF system.figurine in the Louvre Museum must be attributed to post-excavation retouching having taken place in the period 1870–80when the above terracotta collection was bought by the Louvre Museum.The date coincides with the first introduction of synthetic cinnabar,commonly known as vermilion.As for the blue–green Zn-based pigment,given the restriction of performing exclusively non-destructive analyses,PIXE results alone could not allow the drawingof any reliable conclusion on the nature of this pig-ment.We note,however,the introduction of a synthetic blue–green pigment known as Rinmann’s green which was based on ZnO with varying CoO content 21by the end of 19th century.The collection of 43figurines was examined in less than 2h.This illustrates the power of new technology in a case where the archaeological question is very specific.PIGMENT ANALYSIS OF WALL PAINTINGS AND CERAMICS23Figure6.Typical XRF spectra of(a)Fe-rich red pigments and (b)Fe-rich and Mn-rich black pigments on Cypriot ceramics from the Nicosia Museum.The spectra were obtained in situ at the Nicosia Museum with a portable XRF system consisting of a Peltier-cooled x-ray detector(XR-100T,240eV resolution at Mn K˛and a109Cd radioactive x-ray source(20mCi).A recent analysis of similar terracottafigurines from the Cesnola Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts in New York by the SEM–EPMA technique verified the presence of iron-based red pigment in all figurines examined.The analysis was undertaken in the course of the conservation procedure,22as part of the reinstallation of the Metropolitan Museum of the Cypriot galleries scheduled for the spring of2000.The230 Cypriot–Archaicfigurines of the Cesnola collection con-stitute one of the most significant collections of these objects and this will be theirfirst exhibition since1873, when they were brought to New York from Cyprus.1996;CERAMIC DECORATION TECHNIQUES IN CYPRUS:Fe-OR Mn-BASED BLACK?Ceramic artifacts provide excellent material against which cultural interactions can be studied since they contain multi-dimensional information with respect to the shape, the style of decoration(incised,painted,plastic),the fab-ric,the raw materials used,the manufacturing techniques, etc.It is now widely recognized that the investigation of ancient ceramic technology,which was usually based on the analysis of the ceramic body in the past,can be com-plemented through the analysis of the pigments used for the surface decoration.The ceramics in the Cyprus Museum in Nicosia provide a complete and comprehensive archaeological collection for the study,which spans more than40centuries from Neolithic to Hellenistic times(5000–325BC).Owing to the nature and wealth of the material,thefirst step of the project consisted of an in situ survey using non-destructive XRF analysis and examination under a stereoscope,in conjuction with digital recording of visual information (digital camera,3-D image recording system).23The XRF analysis of75ceramic artifacts revealed a very clear chronological pattern in the nature of the ubiq-uitous black or dark colour[Fig.6(b)].Essentially all dark decorations in Cypriot pottery from the Neolithic to the Middle Bronze Age(5000–1625BC)are based on the use of iron-rich materials.As is well known,iron-rich clays (Fe2O3¾9–18%)with low CaO(<3%)and relatively high K2O content(¾3.5–6%)produce dark-coloured pig-ments whenfired in a reducing atmosphere and for this reason the technique is mostly known as‘the iron reduc-tion technique.’From the end of the Late Bronze Age onwards(1050–325BC),the dark colours were achieved through the use of Mn ores(umbrae).These materials with varying Mn3O4(2.5–15%)and Fe2O3(20–65%)contents produce black or brown easily withfiring without any special requirements in kiln atmosphere.Figure7summa-rize the XRF results and shows clearly that the transition between the two dark-colour techniques occurs during the Late Bronze Age(1625–1050BC)on the so-called White Slip Pottery(WSI and WSII shreds in Fig.7).The alternative use of Mn-rich and Fe-based black indi-cates the use of both different raw materials andfiring processes,which consequently point to different tech-nological traditions.24–26The latter,seen in the context of the different ethnic origins of the various potters in Cyprus(native Cypriots,Cretans,Mycenaeans,Syro-Palestinians,Phoenicians)during several periods was initially attributed27either to the introduction of new production techniques or the resistance of local tradi-tion to external influence.Recent detailed analyses on a well documented sequence of this characteristic Cypriot pottery28revealed that the change from Fe-black,in WSI, to Mn-black,in WSII monochrome ware was introduced through the bichrome WSI wares in order to facilitate the simultaneous production of red and black on the same object.Whereas the ancient craftsmen were able to pro-duce black and red,separately,using iron-based pigments, when called upon to produce a bichrome effect they found it more convenient to use Mn for the black.This is under-standable if we consider the difficulties of thefine tuning betweenfiring atmosphere and temperature required to produce a bichrome effect based on Fe only.29It can then be argued that given the availability of all required raw materials in Cyprus,the subsequent adoption of a more convenient technique for the production of dark monochrome wares[see proto White Painted I(pWPI) and White Painted I(WPI)samples in Fig.7]and its sub-sequent spread over the whole island was not surprising.CONCLUSIONSIt is clear that the use of x-ray-based analytical techniques provide archaeologists with extremely important clues and information about our ancestors’technology,commercial and cultural contacts.In return,physicists who employ24 E.ALOUPI,A.G.KARYDAS AND T.PARADELLISFigure 7.Chronological distribution of Fe-and Mn-based pigments produced by non-destructive in situ XRF analysis of 75Cypriot ceramic artifacts from the collection of the Nicosia Museum.The time-scale focuses on Late Bronze Age objects bearing monochrome dark decoration.these techniques do share with them the excitement of these discoveries and the joy of a significant participation in the process of understanding our history.Today,all European Union research-funding agencies give significant priority to the understanding and conservation of cultural heritage.We are confident that in this framework,x-ray-based analytical techniques developed so far and the significant expertise accumulated will prove relevant to these projects.REFERENCES1.C.P.Swann,Nucl.Instrum.Methods B ,130,289(1997).2.M.F.Guerra,X-Ray Spectrom.27,73(1998).3.C.Neelmeijer,W.Wagner and H.P.Schramm,Nucl.Instrum.Methods B ,118,338(1996).4.S. 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On the anomalous red giant branch of the globular cluster Omega Cen
a rXiv:as tr o-ph/52585v128Fe b25ON THE ANOMALOUS RED GIANT BRANCH OF THE GLOBULAR CLUSTER ωCENTAURI 1L.M.Freyhammer 2,3,4,M.Monelli 5,6,G.Bono 5,P.Cunti 7,I.Ferraro 5,A.Calamida 5,6,S.Degl’Innocenti 7,8,P.G.Prada Moroni 7,8,9,M.Del Principe 9,A.Piersimoni 9,G.Iannicola 5,P.B.Stetson 10,M.I.Andersen 11,R.Buonanno 6,C.E.Corsi 5,M.Dall’Ora 5,6,J.O.Petersen 12,L.Pulone 5,C.Sterken 3,13,and J.Storm 11drafted February 2,2008/Received /Accepted ABSTRACT We present three different optical and near-infrared (NIR)data sets for evolved stars in the Galactic Globular Cluster ωCentauri .The comparisonbetween observations and homogeneous sets of stellar isochrones and Zero-AgeHorizontal Branches provides two reasonablefits.Both of them suggest thatthe so-called anomalous branch has a metal-intermediate chemical composition(−1.1≤[Fe/H]≤−0.8)and is located∼500pc beyond the bulk ofωCen stars.Thesefindings are mainly supported by the shape of the subgiant branch in fourdifferent color-magnitude diagrams(CMDs).The most plausiblefit requires ahigher reddening,E(B−V)=0.155vs.0.12,and suggests that the anomalousbranch is coeval,within empirical and theoretical uncertainties,to the bulk ofωCen stellar populations.This result is supported by the identification of asample of faint horizontal branch stars that might be connected with the anoma-lous branch.Circumstantial empirical evidence seems to suggest that the starsin this branch form a clump of stars located beyond the cluster.Subject headings:globular clusters:general—globular clusters:individual(ωCentauri)1.IntroductionThe peculiar Galactic Globular Cluster(GGC)ωCentauri(NGC5139)is currently subject to substantial observational efforts covering the whole wavelength spectrum.This gigantic star cluster,the most massive known in our Galaxy,has(at least)three separate stellar populations with a large undisputed spread in age,metallicity(Fe,Ca)and kinematics (e.g.Hilker&Richtler2000;Ferraro et al.2002;Smith2004).According to recent abundance measurements based on400medium resolution spectra collected by Hilker et al. (2004),it seems that the spread in metallicity among theωCen stars is of the order of one dex(−2 [Fe/H] −1).The metallicity distribution shows three well-defined peaks around[Fe/H]=−1.7,−1.5and−1.2together with a few metal-rich stars at∼−0.8.On the basis of high-resolution spectra,it has been suggested by Pancino(2004)that stars in the anomalous branch(Lee et al.1999)might be more metal-rich,with a mean metallicity [Fe/H]∼−0.5.A similar metal-rich tail was also detected by Norris et al.(1996)and by Suntzeff&Kraft(1996,and references therein).In the absence of conformity in the literature for theωCen RGB names,we here refer to the metal-poor component asω1,to the metal-intermediate asω2,and to the anomalous branch asω3.Results from new observations seem to pose as many new questions as they answer.It has been suggested(e.g.Lee et al.1999;Hughes et al.2004)that theω3population might be significantly younger thanω2.However,in a recent investigation based on Very Large Telescope(VLT)and Hubble Space Telescope(HST)data,Ferraro et al.(2004)found thattheω3population is at least as old as theω2population and probably a few Gyrs older. The observational scenario was further complicated by the results brought forward by Bedin et al.(2004)on the basis of multi-band HST data.They not only confirmed a bifurcation along the Main Sequence,but also found a series of different Turn-Offs(TOs)and sub-giant branches(SGBs).The proposed explanations in the literature for these peculiar stellar populations inωCen are many and include,e.g.,increased He content,or a separate group of stars located at a larger distance(Ferraro et al.2004;Bedin et al.2004;Norris2004). The latter hypothesis could be further supported by the occurrence of a tidal tail inωCen but we still lack afirm empirical detection(see Leon et al.2000;Law et al.2003).The formation history and composition ofωCen thus form a complex puzzle that is being slowly pieced together by investigations based on the latest generation of telescopes.A well-known promising technique is to study evolved stars simultaneously in optical and NIR bands to limit subtle errors due to the absolute calibration,to crowding in the innermost regions,and to reddening corrections.The main aim of this Letter is to investigate whether different assumptions concerning the spread in age and in chemical composition,or differences in distance and in reddening,account for observed optical(BRI)and NIR(JK)CMDs.2.Observations and data reductionNear-infrared J,K s images ofωCen were collected in2003with SOFI at the New Technology Telescope of ESO,La Silla.The seeing conditions were good and range from0.′′6 to1.′′1.Together with additional data from2001,available in the ESO archive,we end up with a total NIR sample of92J-and135K s-band images that cover a14×14arcmin2area centred on the cluster.These data were reduced with DAOPHOTII/ALLFRAME following the same technique adopted by Dall’Ora et al.(2004).The NIR catalogue includes∼1.4×105stars. With FORS1(standard-resolution mode)on the ANTU/VLT telescope,we also collected optical UV I images in1999.These data are from a2×2pointing mosaic centred on the cluster that covers an area slightly larger than13×13arcmin2.Exposure times range from 10(I)to30s(U)and seeing conditions were better than1.′′0.These data have also been reduced using DAOPHOTII/ALLFRAME and the photometric catalogue includes∼5×105stars. Optical F435W and F625W(hereinafter B and R bands)data were retrieved from the HST archive.These images were collected with the ACS instrument in9telescope pointings,each of which provides a BR-image pair with exposure times of12(B)and8s(R).Thefield covered by these data is∼9×9arcmin2,centred on the cluster.The ACS data were reduced with ROMAFOTwo and provide BR photometry for∼4×105stars.The photometry was kept in the Vega system(see e.g.,/hst/acs/documents).A detailed description of observations and data reduction will be given in a future paper.Here we onlywish to mention that raw frames were prereduced using standard IRAF procedures and,in addition,the FORS1images were corrected for amplifier cross-talk by following Freyhammer et al.(2001).To improve the photometric accuracy,carefully chosen selection criteria were applied to pinpoint a large number(>100)of point-spread function stars across the individual frames,and several different reduction strategies were used to perform the photometry over the entire data set.The observedfields were combined to the same geometrical system using iraf.immatch and DAOMATCH/DAOMASTER.The absolute photometric calibration of ground-based instrumental magnitudes was performed using standard stars observed during the same nights.The typical accuracy is0.02–0.03mag for both optical and NIR data.3.Results and DiscussionFigure1shows CMDs based on thefive different photometric bands.The plotted stars were selected from individual catalogues by using the‘separation index’sep introduced by Stetson et al.(2003),since crowding errors dominate the photometric errors.The adopted sep ranges from6.5(NIR data)to8(ACS data),which corresponds to stars having less than0.3%of their measured light contaminated by neighbour stars;the higher the sep for a star,the less the severity of the crowding by neighbours.Error bars plotted at the left side of each panel account for photometric and calibration errors in magnitude and color. The input physics adopted in our evolutionary code has been discussed in detail in a series of papers(Cariulo et al.2004;Cassisi et al.1998).Here,we point out that the stellar models(partly available at for atomic diffusion,including the effects of gravitational settling,and thermal diffusion with diffusion coefficients given by Thoul et al.(1994).The amount of original He is based on a primordial He abundance Y P=0.23and a He-to-metals enrichment ratio of∆Y/∆Z∼2.5(Pagel& Portinari1998;Castellani&Degl’Innocenti1999).We adopt the solar mixture provided by Noels&Grevesse(1993).For details on the calibration of the mixing length parameter and on model validation,we refer to Cariulo et al.(2004)and Castellani et al.(2003).To avoid deceptive uncertainties in the comparison between theory and observations,the predictions were transformed into both the BR Vega system and the IJK Johnson-Cousins bands by adopting the atmosphere models provided by Castelli et al.(1997)and Castelli(1999).Data plotted in Fig.1display the comparison between observations and a set of four isochrones(solid lines)with the same age(12Gyr)and different chemical compositions(see labels).A mean reddening of E(B−V)=0.12(E(B−V)=0.11±0.02,Lub(2002))was adopted and a true distance modulus ofµ=13.7((m−M)V=14.05±0.11;Thompson et al.(2001),(m−M)K=13.68±0.07,Del Principe et al.2004,private communication).Extinction parameters for both optical and NIR bands have been estimated using the extinc-tion model of Cardelli et al.(1989).The metal-poor and the metal-intermediate isochrones supply,within current empirical and theoretical uncertainties,a goodfit to the bulk of RGB and HB stars.Close to the RGB tip,the isochrones are slightly brighter than the observed stars,which is caused by the adopted mixing-length parameter(α=2).The SGB and the lower RGB are only marginally affected by this parameter,since the empirical isochrone calibration is based on these evolutionary phases(Cariulo et al.2004).However,the most metal-rich isochrone appears to be systematically redder than the stars at the base of the ω3branch1(green dots)and fainter than the SGB stars.Clearly,the shape of theω3SGB does not support metal-abundances≥Z=0.004,since TO stars for more metal-rich popu-lations become brighter than SGB stars.To further constrain this evidence,Fig.2shows the comparison between observed HB stars(the entire sample includes more than2,300objects) and predicted Zero Age Horizontal Branches(ZAHBs)with a progenitor age of12Gyr and different chemical compositions.For the sake of the comparison,the objects located between hot HB stars and RGB stars were selected in the B−R,B plane and plotted as blue dots. Theoretical predictions plotted in thisfigure show that the more metal-rich ZAHB appears to be systematically brighter than the observed HB stars for B−J≈B−K≈0.5.More-over,the same ZAHB crosses the RGB region,thus suggesting that the occurrence of HB stars more metal-rich than Z=0.002should appear as an anomalous bump along the RGB. Data plotted in thesefigures disclose that the stellar populations inωCen cannot be ex-plained with a ranking in metal abundance.In line with Ferraro et al.(2004)and Bedin et al. (2004),wefind that plausible changes in the cluster distance,reddening,age,and chemical composition do not supply a reasonable simultaneousfit of theω1,ω2,andω3branches.To further investigate the nature of theω3branch,we performed a series of tests by changing the metallicity,the cluster age,and the distance.A goodfit to the anomalous branch is possible by adopting the same reddening as in Fig.1,a true distance modulus of µ=13.9,and an isochrone of15.5Gyr with Z=0.0025and Y=0.248.Figure3shows that these assumptions supply a goodfit in both the optical and the NIR bands,and indeed the current isochrone properlyfits the width in color of the sub-giant branch and the shape of a good fraction of the RGB.Moreover,the ZAHB for the same chemical composition(dashed line)agrees quite well with the faint component of HB stars.Note that more metal-poor ZAHBs at the canonical distance do not supply a reasonablefit of the yellow spur stars with 15≤B≤15.5.The yellow spur is visible in all planes,and in the NIR(c,d)it even splits up in brightness due to a stronger sensitivity to effective temperature.The identificationof the entire sample was checked on individual images and,once confirmed by independent measurements,the data indicate a separate HB sequence for theω3population.Although theω3fit may appear good,it implies an increase in distance of∆µ=0.m2 and an unreasonable∼4Gyr increase in age.This estimate is at variance with the absolute age estimates of GGCs(Gratton et al.2003)and with CMB measurements by W-MAP (Bennett et al.2003).The discrepancy becomes even larger if we account for the fact that this isochrone was constructed by adopting a He abundance slightly higher(Y=0.248,vs 0.238)than estimated from a He-to-metals enrichment ratio∆Y/∆Z=2.5.This increase implies a decrease in age of∼1Gyr.Moreover,we are performing a differential age estimate, and therefore if we account for uncertainties:in the input physics of the evolutionary models (e.g.equation of state,opacity);in the efficiency of macroscopic mechanisms(like diffusion); in model atmospheres applied in the transformation of the models into the observational plane;and in the extinction models,we end up with an uncertainty of∼1−2Gyr in cluster age(Castellani&Degl’Innocenti1999;Krauss&Chaboyer2003).Owing to the wide range of chemical compositions and stellar ages adopted in the literature for explaining the morphology of theω3branch,we decided to investigate whether different combinations of assumed values of distance,chemical composition,and reddening may also simultaneously account for theω3branch and the HB stars.We found that two isochrones of13Gyr for Z=0.0015and Z=0.003bracket theω3stars(see Fig.4),within empirical and theoretical uncertainties.Thefit was obtained using the same true distance modulus adopted in Fig.3,together with a mild increase in reddening,E(B−V)=0.155. Once again theory agrees reasonably well with observations in all color planes.Moreover, data plotted in Fig.5show that the predicted ZAHB with Z=0.0015and Z=0.003,for the adopted distance modulus and reddening correction,account for the yellow spur stars.The samefigure shows a sample of53RR Lyrae stars selected from the variable-star catalogue by Kaluzny et al.(2004)for which we have a good coverage of J-and K-band light curves (Del Principe et al.2004,private communication).The RR Lyrae stars only account for a tiny fraction of the yellow-spur stars.Thisfinding together with the detection a well-defined sequence in panels b,c,and d indicate that this spur might be the HB associated with the ω3population.Note that a few of these‘ω3-HB’spur stars have also been detected by Rey et al.(2004,see their Fig.7,for V≈14.75)and by Sollima et al.(2004a,see their Figs.6 and12).4.Final remarksWe have presented a new set of multi-band photometric data for the GGCωCen and—in agreement with previousfindings in the literature—wefind no acceptablefit to the different stellar populations for a single distance,reddening,and age.We found two reasonablefits for theω3stars:(1)by adopting a0.2higher distance modulus(≈500pc), a metal-intermediate composition(Z=0.0025,Fe/H≈−0.9),and an unreasonable increase in age of∼4Gyr;or(2)for the same∆µ=0.2shift,an increase in the reddening,metal-intermediate chemical compositions(0.0015≤Z≤0.003,−1.1≤Fe/H≤−0.8),and an age that,within current uncertainties,is coeval with the bulk of theωCen stars.Current findings indicate thatω3stars are not significantly more metal-rich than Z=0.003.This evidence is supported by the shape of theω3SGB,as already suggested by Ferraro et al. (2004)and by thefit of HB stars.We are in favour of the latter solution for the following reasons:•The difference in distance between theω3branch and the bulk ofωCen stars is of the order of10%.This estimate is3–4times smaller than the estimate by Bedin et al. (2004)and in very good agreement with the distance of the density maxima detected by Odenkirchen et al.(2003)along the tidal tails of the GGC Pal5.Moreover,recent N-body simulations(Capuzzo Dolcetta et al.2004)indicate that clumps along the tidal tails can approximately include10%of the cluster mass.•We found that by artificially shifting theω3-branch stars to account for the assumed difference in distance and reddening,they overlap with theω2population.It has been recently suggested by Piotto et al.(2004),on the basis of low-resolution spectra,that the bluer main sequence detected by Bedin et al.(2004)is more metal-rich than the red main sequence.Unfortunately,current ACS photometry is only based on shallow ACS exposures, and therefore we cannot properly identify in our data these stellar populations located in the lower main sequence.The same outcome applies to the suspected extremely-hot HB progeny of the bluer main sequence,since they have not been detected in the NIR bands.•Current preliminaryfindings support recent N-body simulations by Chiba&Mizutani (2004)and by Ideta&Makino(2004).In particular,the latter authors found,by assuming that the progenitor of Omega Centauri is a dwarf galaxy,that more than90%of its stellar content was lost during thefirst few pericenter passages(see their Fig.2).•ωCen reddening estimates in the literature cluster around E(B−V)=0.12±0.02. However,the map from(Schlegel et al.1998)indicates reddening variations of0.02across the body of the cluster while,more importantly,2MASS data(Law et al.2003)show a very clumpy reddening distribution at distances beyond1◦(100pc)from the cluster centre,with large variations∆E(B−V)=0.18across a4degrees2area.However,the inference of reddening between the main body ofωCen and the supposed background population is very surprising.ωCen lies at the comparatively low Galactic latitude of+15◦,and the reddening variations seen in the Schlegel and2MASS maps likely originate in the foreground interstellar material of the Galactic disk.Any interstellar material behindωCen must lie at least1.4kpc from the Galactic plane,and therefore would most likely be associated with ωCen itself.Smith et al.(1990)have reported a significant detection of H I in the direction ofωCen,blueshifted by∼40km s−1with respect to the cluster velocity.However,their interpretation is that this gas is associated with the northern extension of the Magellanic Stream far beyond the cluster.It would be a remarkable coincidence if this interstellar material happened to lie between the cluster and a clump in the tidal tail at a10%greater distance than the main cluster body,while traveling at the quoted relative speed.However, it is worth noting that Smith et al.(1990)estimated for this cloud a column density of N H≈3×1018atmos/cm2,and therefore a reddening E(B−V)≈0.07(Predehl&Schmitt 1995)that is at least a factor of two larger than required by our bestfits.This point is crucial for the proposed explanation and needs to be further investigated.Finally,we note that the comparison between predicted ZAHBs and HB stars indicates that the occurrence of an old stellar population with Z>0.002would imply the occurrence of an anomalous clump along the RGB.In fact,more metal-rich,red HB stars cover the same color range of metal-poor RGB stars.The detection of such a feature along the RGB can supply robust constraints on the progeny of theω3stellar population.These results, when independently confirmed,would suggest that theω3branch might be a clump of stars located500pc beyond the bulk of the cluster.Nofirm conclusion can be drawn on the basis of current data,although this evidence together with the increase in radial velocity among ω3stars measured by Sollima et al.(2004b)and numerical simulations recently provided by Capuzzo Dolcetta et al.(2004)indicates that it could be a tidal tail.5.AcknowledgmentsIt is a pleasure to thank M.Sirianni and N.Panagia for fundamental suggestions on the calibration of ACS data.We wish to tank two anonymous referees for their suggestions and pertinent comments that helped us to improve the content and the readability of the manuscript.We are also grateful to V.Castellani for his critical reading of an early version of this manuscript.This work was supported by the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research (FWO)in the framework the project“IAP P5/36“of the Belgian 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adopting Z=0.0025,and Y=0.248.Thefit was performed by adopting a true distanceµ=13.9,and a reddening correction E(B−V)=0.12.Note that the corresponding ZAHB matches the selected HB stars(blue objects).Fig.4.—Same as Fig.3,but compared to13-Gyr isochrones constructed by adopting dif-ferent chemical compositions(see labels)and a higher reddening.Fig.5.—Same as in Fig.4,but the comparison between theory and observations is focused on Horizontal Branch stars.Blue objects mark stars located between hot HB stars and RGB stars,while red dots(panels c,d)in the HB region display RR Lyrae stars for which we have accurate mean NIR magnitudes.。
新世纪高等院校 综合教程 第一册 教师用书 笔记 unit 12 Gender Bias in Language
Unit 12 Gender Bias in LanguageSection One Pre-reading Activities (2)I. Reading aloud (2)II.Cultural information (2)III. Audiovisual supplements (3)Section Two Global Reading (4)I. Text analysis (4)II. Structural analysis (4)Section Three Detailed Reading (5)Text I (5)Section Four Consolidation Activities (16)I. Vocabulary Analysis (16)II. Grammar Exercises (20)III Translation exercises (23)V. Oral activities (25)VI. Writing Practice (26)VII. Listening Exercises (28)Section Five Further Enhancement (31)I. Text II (31)II. Memorable Quotes (34)Section One Pre-reading ActivitiesI. Reading aloudRead the following sentences aloud, paying special attention to incomplete plosives and liaison. A plosive which has no audible release is put in brackets.1. Yet it is often misunderstood and misinterpreted, for language is a very complicated mechanism with a grea(t) deal of nuance.2. This is an example of the gender bias that exists in the English language.3. It is at this point that Nilsen argues tha(t) the gender bias comes into play.4. It is up to us to decide wha(t) we will allow to be used and ma(d)e proper in the area of language.II.Cultural information1. Why We Need an Equal Rights Amendment:Why We Need an ERA; The Gender Gap Runs Deep in American LawMartha Burk and Eleanor Smeal Why is the amendment needed? Twenty-three countries —including Sri Lanka and Moldova—have smaller gender gaps in education, politics and health than the United States, according to the World Economic Forum. We are 68th in the world in women's participation in national legislatures. On average, a woman working full time and year-round still makes only 77 cents to a man's dollar. Women hold 98 percent of the low-paying "women's" jobs and fewer than 15 percent of the board seats at major corporations. Because their private pensions—if they have them at all —are lower and because Social Security puts working women at a disadvantage and grants no credit for years spent at home caring for children or aging parents, three-quarters of the elderly in poverty are women. And in every state except Montana, women still pay higher rates than similarly situated men for almost all kinds of insurance. All that could change if we put equal rights for women in our Constitution.2. Gender bias in educationGender bias in education is an insidious problem that causes very few people to stand up and take notice. The victims of this bias have been trained through years of schooling to be silent and passive, and are therefore unwilling to stand up and make noise about the unfair treatment they are receiving. Girls and boys today are receiving separate and unequal educations due to the gender socialization that takes place in our schools and due to the sexist hidden curriculum students are faced with every day. Unless teachers are made aware of the gender-role socialization and the biased messages they are unintentionally imparting to students everyday, and until teachers are provided with the methods and resources necessary to eliminate gender-bias in their classrooms,girls will continue to receive an inequitable education.Sadker, D., Sadker, M. (1994) "Failing at Fairness: How Our Schools Cheat Girls". Toronto, ON: Simon & Schuster Inc.III. Audiovisual supplementsWatch a video clip and answer the following questions.1. What happened to the woman?2. What does the defense counsel mean in the last sentence?Answers to the Questions:1. She was hit by a male doctor when she was slowly pulling out and got severely injured in her neck. But she doesn’t have insurance, so she’s in debt now.2. He is trying to convince the jury that a male ER (emergency room) doctor is not possible to lose control of his car, but a woman facing a lot of problems in her life like Erin is quite dangerous when she is driving. The defence counsel’s words obviously show his gender discrimination.Video Script:Erin: I was pulling out real slow and out of nowhere his Jaguar comes racing around the corner like a bat out of hell ... They took some bone from my hip and put it in my neck. I don’t have insurance, so I’m about $17,000 in debt right now ... I couldn’t take painkillers ‘cause they made me too groggy to care for my kids ... Matthew’s eight, and Katie’s almost six ... and Beth’s just nine months ... I just wanna be a good mom, a nice person, a decent citizen (I)just wanna take good care of my kids, you know?Ed (Prosecuting Counsel): Yeah. I know.Defence Counsel: Seventeen thousand in debt? Is your ex-husband helping you?Erin: Which one?Defence Counsel: There’s more than one?Erin:Yeah. There’re two. Why?Defence Counsel: So, you must have been feeling pretty desperate that afternoon.Erin:What’s your point?Defence Counsel: Broke, three kids, no job. A doctor in Jaguar? Must be a pretty good meal ticket.Ed: Objection!Erin: What? He hit me!Defence Counsel: So you say.Erin: He came tearing around the corner out of control.Defence Counsel: An ER doctor who spend his days saving lives was the one out of control?Section Two Global ReadingI. Text analysis1. Which two opinions are presented in the first paragraph?There are those who believe that the language that we use everyday is biased in and of itself. Then there are those who feel that language is a reflection of the prejudices that people have within themselves.2. Which sentences in the conclusion show the writer’s attitude?In the last p aragraph, we find these sentences: “It is necessary for people to make the proper adjustments internally to use appropriate language to effectively include both genders. We qualify language. It is up to us to decide what we will allow to be used and made proper in the area of language.” Evidently, they denote the writer’s attitude toward what we should do about gender bias in language.II. Structural analysis1. What type of writing is the text?This text is an expositive essay with reference to gender bias in language.2. What’s the main strategy to develop this expositive essay?The text is mainly developed by means of exemplification. Examples are abundantly used in Paragraphs 2-6.Section Three Detailed ReadingText IGender Bias in Languagenguage is a very powerful element. It is the most common method of communication.Yet it is often misunderstood and misinterpreted, for language is a very complicated mechanism with a great deal of nuance. There are times when in conversation with another individual, that we must take into account the person’s linguistic genea logy. There are people who use language that would be considered prejudicia l or biased in use. But the question that is raised is in regard to language usage: Is language the cause of the bias or is it reflective of the preexisting bias that the user holds? There are those who believe that the language that we use in day-to-day conversation is biased in and of itself. They feel that the term "mailman", for example, is one that excludes women mail carriers. Then there are those who feel that language is a reflection of the prejudices that people have within themselves. That is to say, the words that people choose to use in conversation denote the bias that they harbor within their own existence.2.There are words in the English language that are existing or have existed (some of themhave changed with the new wave of “political correctness” coming about) that havei nherently been sexually biased against women. For example, the person who investigatesreported complaints (as from consumers or students), reports findings, and helps to achieve fair and impartial settlements is ombudsman (Merriam-Webster Dictionary), but ombudsperson here at Indiana State University. This is an example of the gender bias that exists in the English language. The language is arranged so that men are identified with exalted positions, and women are identified with more service-oriented positions in which they are being dominated and instructed by men. So the language used to convey this type of male supremacy is generally reflecting the honored position of the male and the subservience of the female. Even in relationships, the male in the home is often referred to as the “man of the house,” even if it is a 4-year-old child. It is highly insulting to say that a 4-year-old male, based solely on his gender, is more qualified and capable of conducting the business and affairs of the home than his possibly well-educated, highly intellectual mother. There is a definite disparity in that situation.3.In American culture, a woman is valued for the attractiveness of her body, while a manis valued for his physical strength and his achievements. Even in the example of word pairs the bias is evident. The masculine word is put before the feminine word, as in the examples of Mr. and Mrs., his and hers, boys and girls, men and women, kings and queens, brothers and sisters, guys and dolls, and host and hostess. This shows that the usage of many of the English words is also what contributes to the bias present in the English language.4.Alleen Pace Nilsenn notes that there are instances when women are seen as passivewhile men are active and bring things into being. She uses the example of the wedding ceremony. In the beginning of the ceremony, the father is asked who gives the bride away andhe answ ers, “I do.” It is at this point that Nilsen argues that the gender bias comes into play.The traditional concept of the bride as something to be handed from one man (the father) to another man (the husband-to-be) is perpetuated. Another example is in the instance of sexual relationships. The women become brides while men wed women. The man takes away a woman’s virginity and a woman loses her virginity. This denotes her inability, apparently due to her gender, to hold on to something that is a part of her, thus enforcing the man’s ability and right to claim something that is not his.5.To be a man, according to some linguistic differences, would be considered an honor. Tobe endowed by genetics with the encoding of a male would be as having been shown grace, unmerited favor. There are far greater positive connotations connected with being a man than with being a woman. Nilsen yields the example of “shrew” and “shrewd.” The word “shrew”is taken from the name of a small but especially vicious animal; however in Nilsen’s dictionary, a “shrew” was identified as an “ill-tempered, scolding woman.” However, the word “shrewd,” which comes from the same root, was defined as “marked by clever discerning awareness.” It was noted in her dictionary as a shrewd businessm an. It is also commonplace not to scold little girls for being “tomboys” but to scoff at little boys who play with dolls or ride girls’ bicycles.6.In the conversations that come up between friends, you sometimes hear the words“babe,” “broad,” and “chick.” These are words that are used in reference to or directed toward women. It is certainly the person’s right to use these words to reflect women, but why use them when there are so many more to choose from? Language is the most powerful tool of communication and the most effective tool of communication. It is also the most effective weapon of destruction.7.Although there are biases that exist in the English language, there has been considerablechange toward recognizing these biases and making the necessary changes formally so that they will be implemented socially. It is necessary for people to make the proper adjustments internally to use appropriate language to effectively include both genders. We qualify language. It is up to us to decide what we will allow to be used and made proper in the area of language.Paragraph 1Questions:1. What does the writer think of language?The author thinks that language is very powerful and the most common method of communication, but is often misunderstood and misinterpreted, for it is a very complicated system of symbols with plenty of subtle differences.Words and ExpressionsCollocation:1. bias:1) n. an opinion or feeling that strongly favors one side in an argument or an item in a group or series; predisposition; prejudicee.g. This university has a bias towards the sciences.Students were evaluated without bias.2) vt. to unfairly influence attitudes, choices, or decisionse.g. Several factors could have biased the results of the study.Collocation:bias against/towards/in favor ofe.g. It's clear that the company has a bias against women and minorities.Phrase:gender bias: sex prejudice; having bias towards the male and against the femalee.g. Gender bias is still quite common in work and payment.2. nuance: adj. slight, delicate or subtle difference in color, appearance, meaning, feeling, etc.e.g. Language teachers should be able to react to nuances of meaning of common words.He was aware of every nuance in her voice.Synonym:subtletyCollocation:nuance of3. prejudicial: adj.causing harm to sb’s rights, interests, etc.; havin g a bad effect on sth.e.g. These developments are prejudicial to the company’s future.What she said and did was prejudicial to her own rights and interests.Synonyms:damaging, detrimental, prejudiciousDerivation:prejudice: n.4. in/with regard to: in connection with; concerninge.g. I have nothing to say in regard to your complaints.She is very sensitive in regard to her family background.I refuted him in regard to his injustice.5. reflective: adj. (of a person, mood, etc.) thoughtful; (of a surface) reflecting lighte.g. She is in a reflective mood.These are reflective number plates.Derivation:reflectiveness: n.6. denote:vt. be the name, sign or symbol of; refer to; represent or be a sign of somethinge.g. What does the word "curriculum"denote that "course" does not?Crosses on the map denote villages.Derivations:denotative: adj.denotation: n.Synonyms:connoteindicate7. harbor: vt.1) keep bad thoughts, fears, or hopes in your mind for a long timee.g. She began to harbor doubts over the wisdom of their journey.2) contain something, especially something hidden and dangerouse.g. Sinks and draining boards can harbor germs.3) protect and hide criminals that the police are searching fore.g. You may be punished if you harbor an escaped criminal or a spy.Derivation:harbor: n.Sentences1. ... language is a very complicated mechanism with a great deal of nuance. (Paragraph 1) Explanation: … language is a very complicated system of communication. Even slight variations in the pitch, tone, and intensity of the voice and in the choice of words, etc. can express a great deal of subtle shades of meaning.2.… we must take into account the person’s linguistic genealogy. (Paragraph 1): Paraphrase: we must consider the person’s long-standing conventions in language use. Translation: 我们必须将这人的语言谱系学考虑在内。
Bicolorings and Equitable Bicolorings of Matrices
Bicolorings and Equitable Bicolorings of MatricesMichele Conforti∗G´e rard Cornu´e jols†Giacomo Zambelli†dedicated to Manfred PadbergAbstractTwo classical theorems of Ghouila-Houri and Berge characterize total unimod-ularity and balancedness in terms of equitable bicolorings and bicolorings,respec-tively.In this paper,we prove a bicoloring result that provides a common general-ization of these two theorems.A0/±1matrix is balanced if it does not contain a square submatrix with exactly two nonzero entries per row and per column such that the sum of all the entries is congruent to2modulo4.This notion was introduced by Berge[1]for0/1matrices and generalized by Truemper[15]to0/±1matrices.A0/±1matrix is bicolorable if its columns can be partitioned into blue columns and red columns so that every row with at least two nonzero entries contains either two nonzero entries of opposite sign in columns of the same color or two nonzero entries of the same sign in columns of different colors.Berge[1]showed that a0/1matrix A is balanced if and only if every submatrix of A is bicolorable.Conforti and Cornu´e jols[6]extended this result to0/±1matrices.Cameron and Edmonds[3]gave a simple greedy algorithm to find a bicoloring of a balanced matrix.In fact,given any0/±1matrix A,their algorithm finds either a bicoloring of A or a square submatrix of A with exactly two nonzero entries per row and per column such that the sum of all the entries is congruent to2modulo 4.Does this algorithm provide an easy test for balancedness?The answer is no,because the algorithm mayfind a bicoloring of A even when A is not balanced.A real matrix is totally unimodular(t.u.)if every nonsingular square submatrix has determinant±1(note that every t.u.matrix must be a0/±1matrix).A0/±1matrix A has an equitable bicoloring if its columns can be partitioned into red and blue columns so that,for every row of A,the sum of the entries in the red columns differs by at most one from the sum of the entries in the blue columns.Ghouila-Houri ∗Dipartimento di Matematica Pura ed Applicata,Universit`a di Padova,Via Belzoni7,35131,Padova, Italy†Graduate School of Industrial Administration,Carnegie Mellon University,Schenley Park,Pitts-burgh,Pennsylvania15213-3890This work was supported in part by NSF grant DMI-0098427and ONR grant N00014-97-1-0196.1[9]showed that a0/±1matrix is totally unimodular if and only if every submatrix of A has an equitable bicoloring.A0/±1matrix which is not totally unimodular but whose submatrices are all totally unimodular is said almost totally unimodular.Camion[4]proved the following: Theorem1(Camion[4]and Gomory[cited in[4]])Let A be an almost totally uni-modular0/±1matrix.Then A is square,det A=±2and A−1has only±12entries.Furthermore,each row and each column of A has an even number of nonzero entries and the sum of all entries in A equals2modulo4.A nice proof of this result can be found in Padberg[12],[13].Note that a matrix is balanced if and only if it does not contain any almost totally unimodular matrix with two nonzero entries in each row.For any positive integer k,we say that a0/±1matrix A is k-balanced if it does not contain any almost totally unimodular submatrix with at most2k nonzero entries in each row.Obviously,an m×n0/±1matrix A is balanced if and only if it is1-balanced,while A is totally unimodular if and only if A is k-balanced for some k≥⌊n/2⌋.The class of k-balanced matrices was introduced by Conforti,Cornu´e jols and Truemper in[7].For any integer k,we denote by k a vector with all entries equal to k.For any m×n 0/±1matrix A,we denote by n(A)the vector with m components whose i th component is the number of−1’s in the i th row of A.Theorem2(Conforti,Cornu´e jols and Truemper[7])Let A be an m×n k-balanced 0/±1matrix with rows a i,i∈[m],b be a vector with entries b i,i∈[m],and let S1,S2,S3 be a partition of[m].ThenP(A,b)={x∈I R n:a i x≤b i for i∈S1a i x=b i for i∈S2a i x≥b i for i∈S30≤x≤1}is an integral polytope for all integral vectors b such that−n(A)≤b≤k−n(A).This theorem generalizes previous results by Hoffman and Kruskal[10]for totally unimodular matrices,Berge[2]for0/1balanced matrices,Conforti and Cornu´e jols[6] for0/±1balanced matrices,and Truemper and Chandrasekaran[16]for k-balanced 0/1matrices.As an application of Theorem2,consider the SAT problem where,in each clause of a set of CNF clauses,at least k literals must evaluate to True.This SAT problem can be formulated as Ax≥k−n(A),x∈{0,1}n.If the matrix A is k-balanced, it follows from Theorem2that the polytope Ax≥k−n(A),0≤x≤1is integral and therefore the SAT problem can be solved by linear programming.A0/±1matrix A has a k-equitable bicoloring if its columns can be partitioned into blue columns and red columns so that:2•the bicoloring is equitable for the row submatrix A ′determined by the rows of A with at most 2k nonzero entries,•every row with more than 2k nonzero entries contains k pairwise disjoint pairs of nonzero entries such that each pair contains either entries of opposite sign in columns of the same color or entries of the same sign in columns of different colors.Obviously,an m ×n 0/±1matrix A is bicolorable if and only if A has a 1-equitable bicoloring,while A has an equitable bicoloring if and only if A has a k -equitable bicoloring for k ≥⌊n/2⌋.The following theorem provides a new characterization of the class of k -balanced matrices,which generalizes the bicoloring results mentioned above for balanced and totally unimodular matrices.Theorem 3A 0/±1matrix A is k -balanced if and only if every submatrix of A has a k -equitable bicoloring.Proof.Assume first that A is k -balanced and let B be any submatrix of A .Assume,up to row permutation,that B = B ′B ′′where B ′is the row submatrix of B determined by the rows of B with 2k or fewer nonzero entries.Consider the systemB ′x ≥ B ′12 −B ′x ≥− B ′12B ′′x ≥k −n (B ′′)(1)−B ′′x ≥k −n (−B ′′)0≤x ≤1Since B is k -balanced,also B −B is k -balanced.Therefore the constraint matrix of system (1)above is k -balanced.One can readily verify that −n (B ′)≤ B ′12 ≤k −n (B ′)and −n (−B ′)≤− B ′12 ≤k −n (−B ′).Therefore,by Theorem 2applied with S 1=S 2=∅,system (1)defines an integral polytope.Since the vector (12,...,12)is a solution for (1),the polytope is nonempty and contains a 0/1point ¯x .Color a column i of Bblue if ¯x i =1,red otherwise.It can be easily verified that such a bicoloring is,in fact,k -equitable.Conversely,assume that A is not k -balanced.Then A contains an almost totally unimodular matrix B with at most 2k nonzero elements per row.Suppose that B has a k -equitable bicoloring,then such a bicoloring must be equitable since each row has,at most,2k nonzero elements.By Theorem 1,B has an even number of nonzero elements in3each row.Therefore the sum of the columns colored blue equals the sum of the columns colored red,therefore B is a singular matrix,a contradiction.2 Given a0/±1matrix A and positive integer k,one canfind in polynomial time a k-equitable bicoloring of A or a certificate that A is not k-balanced as follows: Find a basic feasible solution of(1).If the solution is not integral,A is not k-balanced by Theorem2.If the solution is a0/1vector,it yields a k-equitable bicoloring as in the proof of Theorem3.Note that,as with the algorithm of Cameron and Edmonds[3],a0/1vector may be found even when the matrix A is not k-balanced.Using the fact that the vector(12,...,12)is a feasible solution of(1),a basic feasiblesolution of(1)can actually be derived in strongly polynomial time using an algorithm of Megiddo[11].References[1]C.Berge,Sur Certain Hypergraphes G´e n´e ralisant les Graphes Bipartis,in Combina-torial Theory and Its Applications I(P.Erd¨o s,A.R´e nyi,and V.S´o s,eds.),Colloquia Mathematica Societatis J´a nos Bolyai4,North Holland,Amsterdam(1970)119-133.[2]C.Berge,Balanced Matrices,Mathematical Programming,2(1972)19-31.[3]K.Cameron and J.Edmonds,Existentially Polytime Theorems,DIMACS Series inDiscrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science1,American Mathematical Society,Providence,RI(1990)83-100.[4]P.Camion,Characterization of Totally Unimodular Matrices,Proceedings of theAmerican Mathematical Society,16(1965),1068-1073.[5]P.Camion,Charact´e risation des Matrices Unimodulaires,Cahier du Centre d’Etudesde Recherche Op´e rationelle,5(1963)181-190.[6]M.Conforti and G.Cornu´e jols,Balanced0,±1Matrices,Bicoloring and Total DualIntegrality,Mathematical Programming,71(1995)249-258.[7]M.Conforti,G.Cornu´e jols and K.Truemper,From Totally Unimodular to Balanced0,±1Matrices:A Family of Integer Polytopes,Mathematics of Operation Research, 19(1994)21-23.[8]D.R.Fulkerson,A.J.Hoffman and R.Oppenheim,On Balanced Matrices,Mathe-matical Programming Study,1(1974)120-132.[9]A.Ghouila-Houri,Charact´e risations des Matrices Totalement Unimodulaires,Comptes Rendus de l’Acad´e mie des Sciences,254(1962)1192-1193.4[10]A.J.Hoffman and J.B.Kruskal,Integral Boundary Points of Convex Polyhedra,in Linear Inequalities and Related Systems(H.W.Kuhn and A.W.Tucker,eds.), Princeton University Press,Princeton,NJ(1956)223-246.[11]N.Megiddo,On Finding Primal-and Dual-Optimal Bases,Journal of Computing,3(1991)63-65.[12]M.Padberg,Characterization of Totally Unimodular,Balanced and Perfect Matri-ces,in Combinatorial Programming:Methods and Applications(B.Roy,ed.),Reidel, Dordrecht(1975)275-284.[13]M.Padberg,Total Unimodularity and the Euler Subgraph Problem,Operation Re-search Letters,7(1988)173-179.[14]M.Padberg,Linear Optimization and Extensions,Springer,Berlin(1995).[15]K.Truemper,Alpha Balanced Graphs and Matrices and GF(3)-Representability ofMatroids,Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B,32(1982)112-139.[16]K.Truemper and R.Chandrasekaran,Local Unimodularity of Matrix-Vector Pairs,Linear Algebra and its Applications,22(1978)65-78.5。
小学上册英语能力测评英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The ancient Greeks used ________ in their architecture.2.My brother plays the ____ (piano) beautifully.3.What is the smallest prime number?A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 3C 24.What do we wear on our feet?A. HatsB. ShoesC. GlovesD. Scarves5.When it rains, I like to wear my __________ coat. (防水的)6.The ________ is known as the birthplace of democracy.7.The snow is ___ (falling).8.What do you call a young female duck?A. DucklingB. GoslingC. ChickD. CalfA9.The _____ (植物) has a unique shape.10.The clock shows ______ o'clock. (three)11.I love going to the ________ (水族馆) to see fish.12.What do you call the natural satellite of Earth?A. MarsB. VenusC. MoonD. Sun13.What is the process of taking in food called?A. DigestionB. IngestionC. AbsorptionD. EliminationB14.My uncle is a ______. He works in a bank.15. A __________ is a property that describes how a substance reacts.16.The turtle is known for its _________. (耐心)17.My mom enjoys _______ (动词) on weekends. 她总是很 _______ (形容词).18. A _______ is a chemical process that produces nutrients.19.My aunt lives _____ the city. (in)20.The chemical formula for zirconium dioxide is _____.21.I think that every skill learned is a step towards our __________.22.She is my best _____ (朋友).23. A __________ is a scientific explanation based on experiments and observations.24.She is studying _____ (biology/math) in school.25.The ______ helps with the filtration of water in plants.26.The park has ______ (many) fun swings.27.__________ (病毒) can affect living cells and often require chemical treatments.28.The ancient Aztecs built ________ in Mexico.29. A _______ is a chemical reaction where energy is absorbed.30.What fruit is known for having seeds on the outside?A. AppleB. StrawberryC. GrapeD. CherryB31.She is good at ______. (dancing)32.The process of drying out a wet substance is called ______.33. A ____ is a clever animal that can solve puzzles.34.The __________ led to the establishment of the United States Constitution. (制宪会议)35.What do you call the main character in a story?A. VillainB. ProtagonistC. NarratorD. Supporting characterB36.The ancient civilization of Mesopotamia was located between the ________ rivers.37.We are going to ___ a festival. (attend)38.How many continents are there?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. EightC39.The chemical formula for water is __________.40. A _____ (cactus) is well-adapted to dry conditions.41.Metals are generally _______ conductors of electricity.42.I like to watch the fish in the ______.43.The Earth spins on its ______.44.My mom likes to do ____ (yoga) for relaxation.45.The chemical symbol for sodium is ______.46.选词填空,将词语写在四线三格内。
关于质疑的作文素材英文回答:Questioning is an essential component of critical thinking and intellectual growth. It allows us to challenge assumptions, explore different perspectives, and ultimately reach a deeper understanding. The following are some thought-provoking materials that highlight the importance of questioning and provide insightful examples:Plato's "Meno": In this dialogue, Socrates uses a series of questions to help Meno's slave boy discover the Pythagorean theorem, demonstrating the power of questioning to elicit knowledge from within.René Descartes' "Discourse on Method": Descartes famously proclaimed "I think, therefore I am," but he also emphasized the need to doubt everything in order to find a foundation for true knowledge.Carl Sagan's "Cosmos": In his influential television series, Sagan encouraged viewers to question the world around them and to seek evidence to support their beliefs.The Socratic Method: This teaching method involves asking a series of probing questions to challenge students' assumptions and lead them to a deeper understanding.Critical Theory: This intellectual movement emphasizes the importance of questioning authority, social norms, and power structures in order to create a more just and equitable society.These materials illustrate the transformative power of questioning and its role in fostering intellectual growth, uncovering truth, and promoting social change.中文回答:质疑是一种批判性思维和智力发展的重要组成部分。
小学上册英语第五单元测验卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1 The __________ (历史的理解) fosters empathy.2 I enjoy exploring the wonders of ________ (宇宙) and learning about space.3 What do you call a series of related events?A. HistoryB. TimelineC. SequenceD. Process答案: C4 ayas are famous for their ________ (雪山). The Hima5 I like to _______ (观察) the stars at night.6 A ______ can be defined as a substance that has mass and occupies space.7 What is the capital of Canada?A. TorontoB. OttawaC. VancouverD. Montreal答案:B8 A mixture that has a fixed composition is called a _______ mixture.9 The teacher is ___ the lesson. (teaching, learning, singing)10 A __________ (绿色化学) aims to reduce environmental impact through sustainable practices.11 Asteroids are found mainly between Mars and ______.12 My ___ (小狗) greets me at the door.13 What do you wear to keep your head warm?A. GlovesB. HatC. ScarfD. Belt答案:B14 I enjoy _______ (散步) in the evening.15 Plants release _____ (氧气) during photosynthesis.16 Herbs are often used in __________ (烹饪).17 I can ______ (sing) my favorite song.18 I have a toy ________ that can glow in the dark.19 The starfish can be found on the _________. (海底)20 A sloth moves very ______ (慢), conserving energy.21 Chemicals can change their _____ during a reaction.22 What is the opposite of ‘high’?A. LowB. TallC. BigD. Short23 What do you call the story of someone's life?A. BiographyB. NovelC. PoemD. Article答案:A24 What do you call a large, fast-moving storm?A. HurricaneB. TornadoC. EarthquakeD. Flood答案:A25 Astronomy helps us understand the ______ of the universe.26 Please pass me the ________.27 A ball falls to the ground because of _______.28 The __________ is a large lake in Africa. (坦噶尼喀湖)29 Where do comets come from?A. The sunB. The Kuiper BeltC. The MoonD. The Earth30 They are ________ a movie.31 _____ (环境) plays a big role in plant health.32 What do we call a baby cat?A. PuppyB. KittenC. CubD. Foal答案: B. Kitten33 What is the name of the largest planet in our Solar System?A. SaturnB. JupiterC. EarthD. Mars34 The _______ (Magna Carta) was signed in 1215, limiting the power of the king.35 The penguin is a bird that cannot _______ (飞).36 What do we call a bird that cannot fly?A. EagleB. PenguinC. SparrowD. Pigeon37 The ______ is known for its bright colors.38 In a chemical reaction, the rate can be influenced by factors such as concentration, temperature, and _____.39 The __________ (古代帝国) often expanded through conquest.40 The __________ is a region with many islands. (群岛)41 He is a _____ (发明家) known for his inventions.42 A solution that does not conduct electricity is called a _______ electrolyte.43 A __________ is a small, nocturnal creature that often comes out at night.44 What is the capital of France?A. BerlinB. MadridC. ParisD. Rome答案:C45 Chemical formulas indicate the ratio of ______ in a compound.46 What is the color of grass?A. GreenB. BrownC. YellowD. Blue答案:A47 What is the primary color of the sun?a. Greenb. Bluec. Yellowd. Red答案:C48 What is the name of the first president of the United States?A. Thomas JeffersonB. Abraham LincolnC. George WashingtonD. John Adams答案:C. George Washington49 The puppy is ________ (可爱).50 What do we call a person who helps others in need?A. PhilanthropistB. VolunteerC. HelperD. Caregiver答案:B51 The ________ (discussion) encourages dialogue.52 We saw an ________ at the zoo.53 I see a _____ (马) in the field.54 What do we call the process of converting a gas into a liquid?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. SublimationD. Freezing55 The cheetah can run very ______.56 The capital city of Cyprus is ________ (塞浦路斯的首都城市是________).57 My cat likes to chase _______ (光点).58 The clock is _______ (在墙上).59 古代的________ (customs) 反映了社会的信仰和价值。
1.only one所谓的only one,也就是在等价题六个选项当中,只有一对同义词或近义词是正确的。
举例来说:pale、flexible、hidden、celebrated、equitable 、fair在以上六个选项中,哪对是同义词呢?许多考生会选择pale与fair,由于与颜色有关,但是pale是病态的苍白,而fair表示皮肤白皙。
所以正确的答案是equitable与fair就是公正的,而在其余的选项中也不再能查找到其余的近义词或者是同义词,所以是only one类型。
套路分析:only one类型的选项配置,在等价题中可以说是相对难度最低的题目。
2.two by two比起only one,这种两对式的等价题就比较让人头疼了。
two by two顾名思义就是说六个选项中有两对同义词或者是近义词,这样的话,无疑就为考生增加了答题的难度。
那么依据以上题目就可辨别出horrible 与terrible;nice与pleasant;impoverished(贫困)与dying(即将死亡)。
Chapter Outline
11.1 Individual Securities 11.2 Expected Return, Variance, and Covariance 11.3 The Return and Risk for Portfolios 11.4 The Efficient Set for Two Assets 11.5 The Efficient Set for Many Assets 11.6 Diversification 11.7 Riskless Borrowing and Lending 11.8 Market Equilibrium 11.9 Relationship between Risk and Expected Return (CAPM)
The rate of return on the portfolio is a weighted average of the returns on the stocks and bonds in the portfolio:
r w r w r P B B S S
5 % 50 % ( 7 %) 50 % ( 17 %)
“Deviation” compares return in each state to the expected return.
“Weighted” takes the product of the deviations multiplied by the probability of that state.
1 1 1 E ( r ) ( 7 %) ( 12 %) ( 28 % S 3 3 3 E ( r ) 11 % S
定量分析14中和滴定原理Principles of Neutralization Titrations
[OH-]= cNaOH + [H3O+] cNaOH
Titrating a Strong Acid with a Strong Base
We will be interested here, in calculating hypothetical titration curves of pH versus volume of titrant. Three types of calculation must be done to construct the hypothetical titration curve for titrating a solution of a strong acid with a strong base. Each calculation corresponds to a distinct stage in the titration:
HA + H2O A- +43; HA
1. Preequivalence
2. Equivalence
3. Postequivalence
In the preequivalence stage, we compute the concentration of the acid from its starting concentration and the amount of base that has been added. At the equivalence point, the hydronium and hydroxide ions are present in equal concentrations, and the hydronium ion concentration is derived directly from the ion-product constant for water. In the postequivalence stage, the analytical concentration of the excess base is computed, and the hydroxide ion concentration is assumed to be equal to or a multiple of the analytical concentration.
Innovative solutions
12 Asian Plastics New October 2009亚洲塑胶工业通讯 十月二oo 九dditives & CompoundingOne of the world’s leading manufacturers of iron oxide pigments, the inorganic pigments business unit of Lanxess, estabilises the German company as an innovative solutions provider and solid platform for strengthening customer relationships.The high-performance Bayferrox and Colortherm product line supports this notion. The Colortherm range has been developed to provide optimal performance in a variety of demanding plastics applications. Ease of dispersion, high thermal stability and excellent weather stability as well as lightfastness are standard characteristics of all Colortherm types. The range includes yellows, reds, blacks, brown, chromium oxide greens and a number of specialty grades with superior performance qualities.“The main advantage of synthetic iron oxide pig-ments is the stability of the colour. Our production line – Colortherm – is designed a hundred percent for the plastics industry, “said Dr. Wolfgang Oehlert, manag-ing director of Lanxess Shanghai Pigments. “With nearly a century of expertise in the production and applica-tion of iron oxide pigments, the Bayferrox and Colortherm product line has enjoyed consistent suc-cess in the construction, paint, plastics and paper industries. I am glad to see that growing numbers of customers in China have come to recognize the advantages of Bayferrox and Colortherm pigments, helping them achieve enduring and attractive designs with brilliantly coloured plastics.”Keeping in line with environmental concerns, there is little to worry about with iron oxide pigments. “We use secondary raw materials from other industries, which is basically waste material. We use scrap iron asInnovative solutionsFrom automotive parts to sewage treatment plants,companies such as Lanxess, Victrex and Evonik are shaping upthe plastics industry with technological advancesin the area of additives and compounds.APN takes a of our main raw material sources. We then convert these secondary raw materials in an environmental process without generating additional waste into iron oxide pigments (which are natural pigments). We use processes that do not generate waste, that do not waste energy because we are generating energy with this,” said Dr. Oehlert.Specializing in additives for plastics, the Rhein Chemie business unit is constantly developing the Stabaxol product range for greater heights of success. Created for high performance protection against hydrolysis for polymers, Stabaxol brings about an up to threefold increase in the stabilized polymer’s lifestyle.“The Rhein Chemis business unit offers wide-ranging customized additives and service products for various sectors of the plastics, polyurethane and lubricant industries. Rhein Chemie Stabaxol has been enjoying a leading position on the worldwide market for hydrolysis stabilization of polymers for more than 30 years. While maintaining high-specification properties, using Stabaxol can increase service life threefold and the significant cost/benefit ration means increased profit-ability,” said Paul Ip, director of Rhein Chemie Plastic Additives and Lubricant Oil Additives for Asia Pacific Region.Rather than constantly producing new innovations, Rhein Chemie focuses on developing grades within the product. “We are providing additives that would increase or enhance the performance of engineering plastics. One of our main end use segments are engi-neering plastics and thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU), within which are automotive applications suchas steering wheels and dashboards. They are alsoFrom left: Paul Ip andDr. Wolfgang OehlertOctober 2009 Asian Plastics News 13亚洲塑胶工业通讯 十月二oo 九dditives & CompoundingDu Wei shoe mold is Vicote-coatedfound in shoe soles - soccer boots, sports and trekking shoes. The innovation is not only on the product itself; we are developing new grades in Stabaxol. Stabaxol is a brand and there are various grades within this family. Our research is into new grades within the Stabaxol area; different grades give different performances. We do support the customers a lot in working out a formula but there are always new applications,” said Paul Ip.Longevity for shoe moldsDu Wei Enterprise Company Limited, a professional shoe mold manufacturer in Taiwan, has collaborated with Victrex Polymer Solutions on its 2-color EVA shoe tools. Based on Victrex PEEK polymer, the patented Vicote coating has been proven with a lifetime up to 1.5 months (about 5, 000 cycles) and has lifespan up to 30 times long than PTFE.In the process, shoe mold is subject to extreme high temperature and aggressive environment, placing added demands on materials, such as high tempera-ture resistance, abrasion resistance, durability and high compressive strength. Vicote coating has the ability to address these challenges faced by shoe mold manu-facturers and maintain mechanical properties in a high temperature performing environment.“When we were seeking innovative ways to achieve technical breakthrough on the 2-color EVA shoe tools, we turned to Vicote coating. With its unique combina-tion of properties, especially its high temperature resist-ance, high compressive strength and durability, Vicote coating greatly outperforms the traditional mould release agents and other products of its kind, demon-strating its solid leading position in the industry,” said James Chui, vice president of Du Wei, “ In addition to technical advantages, the other factor that drive our success is the collaboration with a strong Victrex tech-nical team who are committed to excellence and always get ready to provide practical assistance with can-do attitude.”“Vicote coating is tough resilient and high wear resistant coating with varying levels of lubricants to pro-vide good release properties. It is the material of choice for shoe mould and many other types of applications to improve performance and reduce system costs,” said Gary Li, senior market development manager of Victrex. “Victrex has pinpointed commitment to tech-nology innovation, with its mission of providing the highest quality products and solutions available and helping our customers sharpen their competitive edge.We believe it’s just a start of the cooperation with Du Wei and we are eager to see more cooperative projects in the near future. ”Protection for metal surfacesRecently an Environmental Protection Equipment manufacturer located in Shandong, China, suc-ceeded in applying Vestosint Nylon 12 powders from Evonik in coating the punch roll of the dehydrator equipment, which is widely used in the treatment of city sewage and various industrial wastewaters such as wastewater from papermaking, dying factories etc. This new technology significantly improved the treat-ment efficiency and equipment durability, and reduced the cost of treatment process.Vestosint is the brand of the nylon 12 powders from Evonik which can be used for powder coating and additives for coatings and paints. They are produced by a special physical process and feature a nearly round geometry, with average particle size ranging from 5 to 100 micron. They possess all the properties of nylon 12 resins, including superior impact strength and chemical resistance as well as stability even at low temperatures. Vestosint coating powders can be coated on the surfaces of many kinds of metals through fluidized bed coating process.It can provide excellent protection for metal sur-faces against moisture and temperature variations, and erosion of seawater and waste water, therefore are widely used in such applications as home appli-ances, metal devices, and automotive parts etc.The punch roll coated with Vestosint nylon 12 powderthrough fluidizedbed coatingprocess is as long as 3 meters.。
食品化学 食品中的天然色素pigmen
Culture Geography Sociology
No matter the biases or habits of a given area, certain food groups are acceptable only if they fall within a certain of color array
Normal constituents of cells or tissues (which is synthesized and accumulated in, or excreted from, living cells) that impart color. It has other properties, i.e. energy receptor, carriers of O2, protectants against radiation
Color acceptability economic worth, i.e. in many raw food materials
To denote the human eye’s perception of colored materials, part of the electromagnetic spectrum visible to the human
Four groups of natural pigments:
tetrapyrrole compounds: chlorophylls, hemes, and bilins
isoprenoid derivatives: carotenoids
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An Ore-type Theorem on Equitable ColoringH.A.Kierstead∗ A.V.Kostochka†December31,2006AbstractA proper vertex coloring of a graph is equitable if the sizes of its color classes differby at most one.In this note,we prove that if G is a graph such that for each edgexy∈E(G),the sum d(x)+d(y)of the degrees of its ends is at most2r+1then G hasan equitable coloring with r+1colors.This extends the Hajnal-Szemer´e di Theoremon graphs with maximum degree r and a recent conjecture by Kostochka and Yu.Wealso pose an Ore-type version of the Chen-Lih-Wu Conjecture and prove a very partialcase of it.1IntroductionAn equitable k-coloring of a graph G is a proper k-coloring,for which any two color classes differ in size by at most one.It can be viewed as a packing of G with the|V(G)|-vertex graph,whose components are cliques with either |V(G)|/k or |V(G)|/k vertices.Recall that two n-vertex graphs pack,if there exists an edge disjoint placement of these graphs into K n.In other words,G1and G2pack if G1is isomorphic to a subgraph of the complement of G2(and vice versa).A number of important graph theoretic problems can be naturally expressed in the language of packing.For example,the classical Dirac’s Theorem[5]on the existence of hamiltonian cycles in each n-vertex graph with minimum degree at least n/2 can be stated in terms of packing as follows:Let n≥3.If G is an n-vertex graph and itsmaximum degree,∆(G),is at most12n−1,then G packs with the cycle C n of length n.Similarly,Ore’s theorem[14]on hamiltonian cycles is as follows:If n≥3and G is an n-vertex graph with d(x)+d(y)≤n−2for each edge xy∈E(G),then G packs with the cycle C n.∗Department of Mathematics and Statistics,Arizona State University,Tempe,AZ85287,USA.E-mail address:kierstead@.Research of this author is supported in part by the NSA grant MDA904-03-1-0007†Department of Mathematics,University of Illinois,Urbana,IL,61801,USA and Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk,Russia.E-mail address:kostochk@.Research of this author is supported in part by the NSF grant DMS-0400498and by grant06-01-00694of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.1One of the main known results on equitable coloring is the Hajnal-Szemer´e di Theorem [7]stating that every graph with maximum degree ∆(G )≤r has an equitable (r +1)-coloring.It has many applications.Alon and F¨u redi [1],Alon and Yuster [2,3],Janson and Ruci´n ski [8],Pemmaraju [15]and R¨o dl and Ruci´n ski [16]used this theorem to derive bounds for sums of dependent random variables with limited dependence or to prove the existence of some special vertex partitions of graphs and hypergraphs.We call the Hajnal-Szemer´e di Theorem a Dirac-type result,since it provides a packing of a graph G with a special graph given a restriction on the maximum degree of G .Recently,Kostochka and Yu [11,12]conjectured that the following Ore-type result holds true:Every graph in which d (x )+d (y )≤2r for every edge xy has an equitable (r +1)-coloring.Clearly,this conjecture implies the Hajnal-Szemer´e di Theorem.In this note,we prove the following somewhat stronger result.Theorem 1Every graph satisfying d (x )+d (y )≤2r +1for every edge xy ,has an equitable (r +1)-coloring.The proof elaborates the ideas of the original proof of the Hajnal-Szemer´e di Theorem [7]and of the recent short proof of it in [9].There are more graphs for which Theorem 1is tight,than those for which the Hajnal-Szemer´e di Theorem is tight.For example,for each odd m ≤r +1,the graph K m,2r +2−m satisfies the condition d (x )+d (y )≤2r +2for every edge xy and has no equitable (r +1)-coloring.We conjecture that the following Ore-type analogue of the Chen-Lih-Wu Conjecture holds.Conjecture 2Let r ≥3.If G is a graph in which d (x )+d (y )≤2r for every edge xy and G has no equitable r -coloring,then G contains either K r +1or K m,2r −m for some odd m .We also prove that Conjecture 2holds for r =3.The structure of the text is as follows.In the next section we prove Theorem 1.The key ingredients of the proof are a recoloring lemma and a discharging proof of the nonexistence of a bad example.In the last section we describe and discuss the Chen-Lih-Wu Conjecture and its extension,Conjecture 2.Most of our notation is standard;possible exceptions include the following.For a graph G ,we let |G |:=|V (G )|, G :=|E (G )|and ¯σ(G ):=max {d (x )+d (y ):xy ∈E (G )}.For a vertex y and set of vertices X ,N X (y ):=N (y )∩X and d X (y ):=|N X (y )|.If µis a function on edges then µ(A,B ):= xy ∈E (A,B )µ(x,y ),where E (A,B )is the set of edges linking a vertex in A to a vertex in B .For a set S and element x we write S +x for S ∪{x }and S −x for S \{x }.For a function f :V →Z ,the restriction of f to W ⊆V is denoted by f |W .Functions are viewed formally as sets of ordered pairs.2Main proofIn this section we prove Theorem 1.Let G be a graph satisfying ¯σ(G )≤2r +1.We may assume that |G |is divisible by r +1.To see this,suppose that |G |=s (r +1)−p ,where p ∈[r ].Let G :=G +K p .Then |G |is divisible by r +1and ∆(G )≤r .Moreover,the2restriction of any equitable (r +1)-coloring of G to G is an equitable (r +1)-coloring of G .So let |G |=rs .Suppose for a contradiction,that G is an edge-minimal counterexample to the theorem.Consider any edge e =xy with d (x )≤d (y ).By minimality,there exists an equitable (r +1)-coloring of G −e .Since G is a counterexample,some color class V contains both x and y .Since ¯σ(G )≤2r +1,d (x )≤r .Thus there exists a class W such that x has no neighbors in W .Moving x to W yields an (r +1)-coloring f of G with all classes of size s ,except for one small class V −(f )=V −x of size s −1and one large class V +(f )=W +x of size s +1.We say that such a coloring is nearly equitable .Given a coloring f with a unique small class V −(but possibly no large class),define an auxiliary digraph H =H (f )as follows.The vertices of H are the color classes of f .A directed edge UW belongs to E (H )iffsome vertex y ∈U has no neighbors in W .In this case we say that y is movable to W .Call W ∈V (H )accessible ,if V −is reachable from W in H .So V −is trivially accessible.Lemma 3If G has a nearly equitable coloring,whose large class V +is accessible,then it has an equitable coloring with the same number of colors.Proof.Let P =V 1,...,V k be a path in H from V 1:=V +to V k :=V −.This means that for each j =1,...,k −1,V j contains a vertex y j that has no neighbors in V j +1.So,if we move y j to V j +1for j =1,...,k −1,then we obtain an equitable coloring with the same number of color classes.Let A =A (f )denote the family of accessible classes and B denote the family of non-accessible classes.Then V −∈A and,by Lemma 3,V +∈B .Set A := A ,B := B ,m :=|A|−1and q :=|B|=r −m .Then |A |=(m +1)s −1and |B |=qs +1.Each vertex y ∈B has a neighbor in each class of A and so satisfies d A (y )≥m +1.(1)It follows that¯σ(G [B ])≤¯σ(G )−2(m +1)≤2q −1.Thus by the minimality of G ,Every subgraph of G [B ]has an equitable q -coloring.(2)For an accessible class U ∈A (f ),define S U :=S U (f )to be the set of classes X ∈A such that there is an X −V −path in H (f )−U and T U :=T U (f ):=A \(S U +U ).Call U terminal ,if S U =A −U ;otherwise U is non-terminal.Note that if U is non-terminal then T U =∅.Trivially,V −is non-terminal unless m =1,in which case it is terminal.Let W ∈A be terminal.An edge zy with z ∈W and y ∈B ,is solo if N W (y )={z }.The ends of solo edges are called solo vertices and vertices linked by solo edges are called special neighbors of each other.Lemma 4Suppose that W ∈A is terminal.If z ∈W is solo then z has a neighbor in every class of A −W .In particular d A (z )≥m .3Proof.Suppose for a contradiction that z has a special neighbor y ∈B and no neighbor in X ∈A −W .Since W is terminal there exists a path P from X to V −in H −W .Move z to X and y to W .By hypothesis X ∗:=X +z is independent and,since xy is solo,W ∗:=W +y −z is independent.This yields a nearly equitable coloring f ∗of G [A +y ]with V +(f ∗)=X +z .Moreover P ∗:=P +V +(f ∗)−X is a path from V +(f ∗)to V −(f ∗)in H (f ∗).By Lemma 3,G [A +y ]has an equitable (m +1)-coloring h 1.By (2),G [B ]−y has an equitable q -coloring h 2.Thus h 1∪h 2is an equitable (r +1)-coloring of G ,a contradiction.Define a non-empty family A :=A (f )⊆A (f )as follows.If m =0then set A :=A .Otherwise,V −is a non-terminal class,and so such classes exist.Choose a non-terminal U so that |T U |is minimum and set A :=T U .Let A :=A (f ):= A and t :=t (f ):=|A |.Lemma 5The family A satisfies the following:(P1)Every class in A is terminal.(P2)d A (x )≥m −t for all x ∈A .Proof.If m =0then the only accessible class V −is terminal.So A =A satisfies (P1)and (P2)trivially.Otherwise m >0and A =T U for some non-terminal U ∈A .Consider X ∈T U .Then T X ⊆T U .By the minimality of T U ,X is terminal.So (P1)holds true.No class in A =T U has an outneighbor in S U .It follows that every vertex in A has a neighbor in each of the m −t classes of S U .So (P2)holds true.Define an obstruction to be a nearly equitable (r +1)-coloring f such that(C1)m (f )=|A (f )|is maximum;and(C2)subject to (C1),t (f )=|A (f )|is minimum.Lemma 6Suppose that f is an obstruction,W ∈A and z ∈W is a solo vertex with a special neighbor y ∈B .Set A −:=A −z .Then G has an obstruction g such thatg |A −=f |A −and g (y )=f (z ).(3)Proof.Set W ∗:=W +y −z .Since zy is a solo edge,W ∗is independent.Thus switching y and z yields an equitable (m +1)-coloring h 1of G [A ∗],where A ∗:=A +y −z .Our plan is to extend h 1to an obstruction.Any such extension will satisfy (3).For this we will need the following analysis of H (h 1).Set H 0:=H (f )[A (f )].For X ∈A ,let X ∗:=X ,if X =W ;otherwise let X ∗:=W ∗.Then H 0−W =H (h 1)−W ∗.Moreover,by (1)and Lemma 4,neither y nor z is movable to any class in H 0−W .It follows that the outneighborhood of W in H 0is the same as the outneighborhood of W ∗in H (f ).In other words,∗:H 0−E −(W )→H (h 1)−E −(W ∗)is an isomorphism.Let P :=X 1...X t and P ∗:=X ∗1...X ∗t be the image of P .Then P is apath in H 0with W /∈V (P )−X 1iffP ∗is a path in H 1with W ∗/∈V (P ∗)−X ∗1.Since W is4terminal by(P1),it follows that every class of h1is accessible in H(h1),i.e.A∗(f)=A(h1), where A∗(f)is the image of A(f).Set B−:=B−y.By(2)G[B−]has an equitable q-coloring ing that W is terminal, Lemma4and(1),we have2r+1≥d(z)+d(y)=d A(z)+d A(y)+d B(z)+d B(y)≥2m+1+d B(z)+d B(y).In other words,2q≥d B(z)+d B(y).Since z is adjacent to y,d A∗(z)≥d A(z)+1=m+1and d B−(z)≤2q−1.If there exists a class X⊆B−of h2such that z has no neighbors in X then move z to X to obtain a q-coloring h3of G[B∗],where B∗:=B−+z.Then g:=h1∪h3is a nearly equitable(r+1)-coloring of G.Otherwise d B−(z)≥q and d(z)≥q+m+1=r+1.Since d B−(z)≤2q−1,some class X of h2contains exactly one neighbor w of z.Switch z and w to obtain a q-coloring h4of G[B∗]−w.Then f =h1∪h4is an equitable coloring of G−w with one small class V−and no large class.Since d(z)≥r+1and z is adjacent to w,d(w)≤r.It follows that w can be added to some class of f ,yielding a large class.First suppose that w can be added to X∗⊆A∗.This yields a nearly equitable coloring h of A∗+w with large class X∗+w.Since X∗∈A(h1),and X∗+w∈A(h ).By Lemma3, there exist a nearly equitable(m+1)-coloring h of G[A∗+w].Then h ∪h4is an equitable (r+1)-coloring of G,a contradiction.So w can be moved to some X⊆B∗.Let g be the nearly equitable(r+1)-coloring obtained from h1∪h4by moving w to X.Regardless of the case,we have constructed a nearly equitable(r+1)-coloring g that satisfies(3).We still must show that g satisfies(C1)and(C2).First,we show that g satisfies(C1).Since f satisfies(C1)it suffices to show that m(f)≤m(g),which follows from A∗(f)=A(h1)⊆A(g).So g satisfies(C1)and A(h1)=A(g)Now we show that g satisfies(C2).Suppose that A (f)=T U,where U is non-terminal in H(f). Since f satisfies(C2),it suffices to show that t(g)≤t(f).We will do this by showing that W∗∈T U(g)and S U(f)⊆S U(g).Then U is non-terminal in H(g)and t(g)≤|T U(g)|≤|T U(f)|=t(f).Suppose that P∗is a W∗−V−path in H g.Then P∗⊆A(g)=A(h1).So its inverse P under∗is a W−V−path in H(f).Since W∈T U,U must be a vertex of P and thus P∗.So W∗∈T U(g).Now suppose that X∈S U(f).Then there exists an X−V−path P in H(f)−U.It follows that P∗is an H(h1)−U⊆H(g)−U path and so X∈S U(g). So(C2)holds and g is an obstruction.Suppose that f is an obstruction and z∈A is a solo vertex with a special neighbor y∈B.Let S y be the set of special neighbors of y in A .By(P2),y has a neighbor in every class of A;moreover if W∈A and y does not have a solo neighbor in W then y has at least two neighbors in W.Thusd A (y)≥2t−|S y|and d A(y)≥m+1+t−|S y|.(4)Set c y:=max{d B(z):z∈S y}if S y=∅;otherwise c y:=1.Similarly,set cy :=max{d B(z):z∈N A (y)\S y}if N A (y)=S y;otherwise cy:=1.Define a weight functionµon E(A ,B)5byµ(xy):=qd B(x).We shallfinish our proof by proving the following three contradictory claims.Claim7For all obstructions f,there exists a vertex y∈B such thatµ(A ,y)<t.Claim8For all obstructions f and all vertices y∈B,ifµ(A ,y)<t then y is solo. Moreover,in this case,either c y≥q+1or cy≥2q+1.Claim9There exists an obstruction f such thatµ(A ,y)≥t for all solo vertices y∈B. Proof of Claim7.For any x∈A,if N B(x)=∅thenµ(x,B)=y∈N B(x)qd B(x)=q;otherwiseµ(x,B)=0.Regardless,µ(x,B)≤q. Thusqst≥q|A |≥x∈A µ(x,B)=µ(A ,B)=y∈Bµ(A ,y)≥|B|miny∈Bµ(A ,y)>qs miny∈Bµ(A ,y)and soµ(A ,y)<t for some y∈B.Proof of Claim8.Letµ(A ,y)<t.Let S:={W∈A :S y∩W=∅}and D:=A \S. First suppose that cy≤2q.Thent>µ(A ,y)=W∈Sx∈N W(y)qd B(x)+W∈Dx∈N W(y)qd B(x)≥|S|qc y+2|D|qcy=|S|qc y+|D|.Thus|D|<t and so|S y|=|S|>0.Thus y is solo.Moreover,qc y<1and so c y≥q+1.Now suppose that d B(x)≥2q+1for some x∈N A (y).Using(P2)and(4),2r+1≥d(x)+d(y)=d A(x)+d B(x)+d A(y)+d B(y)≥(m−t)+(2q+1)+(m+1+t−|S y|)=2(m+q+1)−|S y|=2r+2−|S y|It follows that|S y|≥1and so y is again solo.Proof of Claim9.CASE1:t≥q.Choose an obstruction f such that|E(A ,B)|is minimum.Let y∈B be solo and z∈S y.Let g be an obstruction satisfying the conclusion of Lemma6.Set A−:=A −z and B−:=B−y.By the choice of f,|E(A (f),B(f))|≤6|E(A (g),B(g))|and so d A−(y)+d B−(z)≤d A−(z)+d B−(y).Recalling that y is adjacent to z and using(1)and Lemma4,d A (y)+d B(z)≤(d A−(y)+d B−(y)+d A−(z)+d B−(z))2+2(5)≤d(y)−(m+2−t)+d(z)−(m+2−t)2+2≤2r+1−2m+2t2=t+q.In particular,since d A (y)≥t by(1),d B(z)≤q.So c y≤q,since z was an arbitrary special neighbor of y.By(4)and(5),|S y|≥2t−d A (y)≥2t−(t+q−d B(z))≥t−q+c y.Soµ(A ,y)≥z∈S yqd B(z)≥|S y|qc y≥(t−q+c y)qc y=(t−q)qc y+q≥t.CASE2:q≥t.Choose an obstruction f such that G[B] is as large as possible.Then d B(z)≤d B(y)+1for all solo edges zy with z∈A .Thus,using Lemma4and(1)2r+1≥d A(z)+d B(z)+d A(y)+d B(y)≥2m+1+d B(z)+d B(y)2q≥d B(z)+d B(y)≥2d B(z)−1q≥d B(z).Since z was arbitrary,c y≤q.Ifµ(A ,y)<t,then,by Claim8,y has a neighbor x such that d B(x)≥2q+1.Moreover d B(y)≥c y−1.So,using(P2),(1)and(4),2r+1≥d(x)+d(y)≥(m−t+2q+1)+(m+1−t+2t−|S y|+c y−1)=2r+1−|S y|+c y.Thus|S y|≥c y.Soµ(A ,y)≥|S y|qc y ≥q≥t.Since Claims7-9are contradictory,this completes the proof of the theorem.3On two conjecturesChen,Lih and Wu[4]proposed the following analogue of Brooks’Theorem for equitable coloring:Conjecture10[4]Let G be a connected graph with maximum degree∆.If G is distinct from K∆+1,K∆,∆,and is not an odd cycle,then G has an equitable∆-coloring.7This conjecture is proved for some classes of graphs such as bipartite graphs[13],out-erplanar graphs[17],planar graphs with maximum degree at least13[18],graphs with the average degreefive times less than the maximum degree[10]and others.In particular,Chen, Lih and Wu[4]proved that the conjecture holds for∆=3:Theorem11If G is a connected graph with∆(G)≤3distinct from K4and K3,3,then G has an equitable3-coloring.If we consider Ore-type setting,then for every odd m≤r,the graph G r,m=K m,2r−m hasσ(G r,m)=2r and has no equitable r-coloring.However,we believe that Conjecture2 stated in the introduction holds true.To support the conjecture,we prove that it is true for r=3.Note that the word‘connected’is not present in the statement,but this is an equivalent form.Theorem12If G is a graph with d(x)+d(y)≤6for each xy∈E(G)and if G does not contain any of the graphs K4,K3,3and K5,1,then G has an equitable3-coloring.Proof.Let G be an edge-minimal counterexample to the theorem.Let v be a vertex of the maximum degree in G.If d(v)=5,then G contains K5,1,a contradiction to our assumption. By Theorem11,d(v)>3.Hence d(v)=4.Let w1,w2,w3,w4be the neighbors of v.Under the constrains on the graph,d(w i)≤2for each i=1,2,3,4.For i=1,2,3,4,let u i be the neighbor of w i distinct from v,if it exists.CASE1:u1does not exist or u1=w2.Consider G =G−v−w1−w2.Since G is a proper subgraph of G,it satisfies the conditions of the theorem.By the minimality of G,there exists an equitable3-coloring f of G .We extend f to an equitable3-coloring of G as follows:Choose a colorα∈{1,2,3}−f(w3)−f(w4)as f(v),then choose a color β∈{1,2,3}−f(u2)−αas f(w2),andfinally choose the colorγ∈{1,2,3}−α−βas f(w1).So,below all u i exist and are distinct from all w j.CASE2:u3=u4.Consider G =G−{v,w1,w2,w3,w4,u3}.By the minimality of G, there exists an equitable3-coloring f of G .We extend f to the whole G as follows.First assign to u3and v a colorαdistinct from the colors of neighbors of u3in G (there are at most two such neighbors).Then for i=1,2,let f(w i)∈{1,2,3}−f(u i)−α.Finally, for i=3,4,let f(w i)∈{1,2,3}−f(w i−2)−α.Since each color appears exactly twice on {v,w1,w2,w3,w4,u3},we have an equitable3-coloring of G.Thus below all u i are distinct and the only remaining case is as follows.CASE3:All u i exist and are distinct;furthermore the set{w1,w2,w3,w4}is independent.Let G be the graph obtained from G−v by merging w1with w3into a new vertex w∗1andmerging w2with w4into a new vertex w∗2.Since the two new vertices have degree exactly2each,G does not contain any of K4,K3,3and K5,1.Hence there exists an equitable3-coloring f of G .We may assume that f(w∗1)=1.If f(w∗2)=1,then we may assumethat f(w∗2)=2and let f(w1)=f(w3)=1,f(w2)=f(w4)=2,and f(v)=3.Suppose that f(w∗1)=f(w∗2)= 1.We may assume that f(u4)= 2.Then we letf(w1)=f(w2)=f(w3)=1,f(w4)=3,and f(v)=2.Thus in all cases wefind an equitable3-coloring of G,a contradiction.8References[1]N.Alon and Z.F¨u redi,Spanning subgraphs of random graphs,Graphs and Combina-torics8(1992),91-94.[2]N.Alon and R.Yuster,Almost H-factors in dense graphs,Graphs and Combinatorics8(1992),95-102.[3]N.Alon and R.Yuster,H-factors in dense graphs,binatorial Theory,Ser.B66(1996),269-282.[4]B.-L.Chen,K.-W.Lih,and P.-L.Wu,Equitable coloring and the maximum degree,binatorics,15(1994),443–447.[5]G.Dirac,Some theorems on abstract graphs,Proc.London Math.Soc.,2(1952),69–81.[6]P.Erd˝o s,Problem9,in“Theory of Graphs and Its Applications”(M.Fieldler,Ed.),159,Czech.Acad.Sci.Publ.,Prague,1964.[7]A.Hajnal and E.Szemer´e di,Proof of a conjecture of P.Erd˝o s,in“CombinatorialTheory and its Application”(P.Erd˝o s,A.R´e nyi,and V.T.S´o s,Eds.),pp.601-623, North-Holland,London,1970.[8]S.Janson and A.Ruci´n ski,The infamous upper tail,Random Structures and Algorithms,20(2002),317–342.[9]H.A.Kierstead and A.V.Kostochka,A Short Proof of the Hajnal-Szemer´e di Theoremon Equitable Coloring,submitted.[10]A.V.Kostochka and K.Nakprasit,On equitable∆-coloring of graphs with low averagedegree,p.Sci.,349(2005),82–91.[11]A.V.Kostochka and G.Yu,Extremal problems on packing of graphs,Oberwolfachreports,No1(2006),55–57.[12]A.V.Kostochka and G.Yu,Ore-type graph packing problems,to appear in Combina-torics,Probability and Computing.[13]K.-W.Lih and P.-L.Wu,On equitable coloring of bipartite graphs,Discrete Math.,151(1996),155–160.[14]O.Ore,Note on Hamilton circuits,Amer.Math.Monthly,67(1960),55.[15]S.V.Pemmaraju,Equitable colorings extend Chernoff-Hoeffding bounds,Proceedingsof the5th International Workshop on Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science(APPROX-RANDOM2001),2001,285–296.9[16]V.R¨o dl and A.Ruci´n ski,Perfect matchings in -regular graphs and the blow-up lemma.Combinatorica19(1999),437–452.[17]H.-P.Yap and Y.Zhang,The equitable∆-colouring conjecture holds for outerplanargraphs,Bull.Inst.Math.Acad.Sin.,25(1997),143–149.[18]H.-P.Yap and Y.Zhang,Equitable colourings of planar graphs,b.Math.p.,27(1998),97–105.10。