6 O 其 主 要 任 务 是 执 行参 1 H, 数 计 算 、 伺 服 电 机 发 控 制 对 脉 冲 信 号 、 视 工 作 台运 行 监 状 态 以 及 进 行 紧 急 故 障 处
理等 。 P 14 与 伺 服 驱 动 Cf2 O 器 MR— 2 4 A 主 要 接 线 JS O
指令 。
控 制 器采 用研 华 P 一 2 0四轴步 进/ CI1 4 脉冲 伺服 电机 控 制卡 。
工 控 机 采 用 研 华 IC一 P
有利于减小摩擦 、 降低 磨 损 、 高 零 件 的使 用 寿命 。 提 另 外 , 械 系 统 中 的急 停 也 是 一 个 重 要 的 运 动 环 节 。 急停 机 在
牛头 刨 床 中的 刨 刀 等 等 。对 往 复 运 动 零 部 件 润 滑机 理 的 研究 则
最 大 转 矩 38 m , 有 1 1 7 / 增 量 式 编 码 器 。其 驱 动器 具 .N・ 带 30 2 r 有 位 置 控 制 、 置 一 度 控 制 等 六 种 控 制 方 式 , 用 脉 冲 串输 入 位 速 采
纪小伟 郭 峰 姜培 刚 ( 青岛理工大学机械工程学院, 山东 青岛 263 ) 6 03
摘 要
油膜 光 学测 量是 研 究 弹性 流 体 动 力润 滑 的有 效 手段 , 同运 动 形 式下 油膜 的测 量是 实验研 究的 重要 内容 。阐述 了基 于研 不
华 P 14 Cl 0运 动 控 制卡 的伺服 电机 控动 等 复 杂工 况 实验 测量 的 需 求。 2 以 关键 词 :C14 , 复 运 动 , P l20 往 多段 停 止 , 弹流 实验 台 , 度 控 制 光 速
信 号转换 器 ( 测器 或光 敏 电阻) 探 等部 分组 成 。 位 标器 在控制 电路 的作用 下 ,用 于接 收 目标 的
算 扫描 圆) 比,采用相 位测 量方法 来确 定扫描 相
圆大小具有一定 的优势 : 先,它不依 赖于平 面 首 反 射镜 的偏 转 角度 ,从 而 不会 引入 平面 反 射镜 的机械 误差 ; 其次,可 以通过 测算 四路信号 间 的
维普资讯 http://wwΒιβλιοθήκη
经过光 阑孔输 出, 时可近似 为点光 源。 学 系 此 光
统 包括 平行 光管 和精 密转 台两 个 部 分 。首 先 将 近 似点 光源 辐射 出 的球 面波转 化 为平 面波 ,然 后 通过精 密转 台上 的反射 镜 将红 外 信号 反射 到 位 标器转 子 及探 测 器 上 ,探 测 器将 辐 射 的红 外 信号 转 化为 电信 号并 经 过前 置放 大 器输 入 数据
文章编号- 17—7520)400—4 62 8(060—0 1 8 0
基 于 PCI 线 的 位 标 器 陀 螺 转 子 总 实 时 数 据 采 集 系统
陈 琛,刘 小 英,刘 德 明
( 中科 技 大 学光 电子 工 程 系 ,湖北 武 汉 407 ) 华 304
收稿 日期, 051啊 20—ou 作者简介 t 陈琛 ( 8 — ,男,湖北武汉人,现为华 中科技大学光 电子工程系 20 1 2 —) 9 04级在读硕士研 究生,主要
研 究方 向为 光 纤传 感 与 信 号 处 理技 术 。
本文将基于光学测量仪器OSD(On-Screen Display)的交互,设计一个LCD光学测试系统。
基于FPGA的PCI总线红外图像采集系统设计夏润秋;刘洋【摘要】为了满足特殊视数据格式的红外成像设备图像采集与测试的相关需求,开发了一套低成本PCI总线图像采集系统.该系统采用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)芯片作为主控芯片,实现信号接收、数据处理,之后通过PCI9054将数据传送至系统上位机,上位机根据通信协议识别图像数据帧头与帧尾所在位置,并完成图像的重建与显示.实验测试结果表明,系统能够稳定实时采集100 fps的16 bit深度128×128的红外图像,满足对自定义差分输入视频信号开展实时图像采集、存储与显示的设计使用要求.【期刊名称】《液晶与显示》【年(卷),期】2018(033)009【总页数】6页(P772-777)【关键词】FPGA;PCI9054;图像采集;PCI总线【作者】夏润秋;刘洋【作者单位】北京信息科技大学仪器科学与光电工程学院 ,北京 ,100192;北京信息科技大学仪器科学与光电工程学院 ,北京 ,100192【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP274.21 引言PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect)是由Intel公司推出的一种局部并行总线标准,自推出以来其在工业控制、网络通信、数据采集等行业得到了广泛的应用。
AL-Scan与A型超声测量老年性白内障患者眼轴长度与前房深度的对比研究李丹【摘要】目的比较AL-Scan与A型超声测量的眼轴长度(AL)及前房深度(ACD)的结果,验证AL-Scan的准确性及其临床应用价值.方法对白内障患者依次行AL-Scan与A型超声测量AL与ACD,比较两者的差异,数据进行统计分析.结果 AL-Scan测量的AL为(24.55 ±0.85)mm,A型超声测量的AL为(24.52 ±0.89)mm,两者的差异无统计学意义(t =0.463,P >0.05).AL-Scan 测量的ACD为(2.67 ±0.49 mm),A型超声测量的ACD为(2.61 ±0.53)mm,两者的差异无统计学意义(t=0.753,P >0.05).结论 AL-Scan是一种在临床应用中准确性较高的生物学测量仪器,可用于眼轴及前房深度的测量.%Objectived To compare results of AL-Scan and A-type ultrasound scan in measuring axial length and anterior chamber depth,and verify the accuracy of AL-Scan and its clinical value.Methods AL-Scan and A-type ultra-sound scan were performed on the patients with cataract,and the difference was analyzed.The data were analyzed statisti-cally.Results The axial length measured by AL-Scan and A-type ultrasound scan were 24.55 ±0.85 mm,24.52 ± 0.89 mm respectively,the difference was not statistically significant(t=0.463,P >0.05).The anterior chamber depth measured by AL-Scan and A-type ultrasound scan were 2.67 ±0.49 mm,2.61 ±0.53 mm respecti vely,the difference was also not statistically significant(t=0.753,P >0.05).Conclusions AL-Scan is a biological instrument with highaccu-racy in clinical application and can be used for axial length and anterior chamber depth measurement.【期刊名称】《临床眼科杂志》【年(卷),期】2017(025)005【总页数】3页(P428-430)【关键词】AL-Scan;A型超声;眼轴长度;前房深度【作者】李丹【作者单位】714000 陕西省渭南市第二医院【正文语种】中文随着科学技术的不断发展,白内障手术已从单纯的复明手术转变成对术后视觉质量要求越来越高的屈光手术。
I O L m a s t e r功能介绍IOLmaster光学生物测量仪学习要点:激光干涉生物测量眼轴人工晶体度数计算晶体常数优化白到白测量第一节概述一、光学生物测量的原理激光干涉生物测量(Laser Interference Biometry, LIB)是基于部分相干干涉测量(partial coherence interferometry, PCI)的原理,采用半导体激光发出的一束具有短的相干长度(160μm)的红外光线(波长780nm),并人工分成两束,那么这两束光具有相干性;同时,这两束光分别经过不同的光学路径后,都照射到眼球,而且两束激光都经过角膜和视网膜反射回来。
光学相干断层成像(OCT)是分辨率高达10 μm的腔内影像学技术。
PCI 术前得到的OCT数据可指导PCI术中支架型号选择,确定PCI支架着陆点。
关键词:光学相干断层成像技术;经皮冠状动脉介入术;冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病;冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块;冠状动脉狭窄doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-266X.2023.18.026中图分类号:R541 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-266X(2023)18-0102-05经皮冠状动脉介入术(Percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)是指经心导管技术疏通狭窄甚至[10]KOUNDOUROS N, POULOGIANNIS G. Reprogramming of fatty acid metabolism in cancer[J]. Br J Cancer, 2020, 122(1): 4-22.[11]YANG J, STACK M S. Lipid regulatory proteins as potential ther⁃apeutic targets for ovarian cancer in obese women[J].Cancers (Basel), 2020, 12(11).[12]ZHANG Y,ZHANG L,SUN H,et al.Forkhead transcription factor 1 inhibits endometrial cancer cell proliferation via sterolregulatory element-binding protein 1[J].Oncol Lett,2017,13(2): 731-737.[13]LI M, CAI Y, CHEN X, et al. Tamoxifen induced hepatic steato⁃sis in high-fat feeding rats through SIRT1-Foxo1 suppression andLXR-SREBP1c activation[J].Toxicol Res (Camb),2022,11(4): 673-682.[14]WANG Y,ZHANG L,CHE X,et al.Roles of SIRT1/FoxO1/ SREBP-1 in the development of progestin resistance in endometri⁃al cancer[J]. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 2018, 298(5): 961-969.[15]KOMMOSS S,MCCONECHY M K,KOMMOSS F,et al.Final validation of the ProMisE molecular classifier for endometrial car⁃cinoma in a large population-based case series[J].Ann Oncol,2018, 29(5): 1180-1188.[16]SWIFT B E, GIEN L T. Incorporating molecular diagnostics into treatment paradigms for endometrial cancer[J].Curr Treat Op⁃tions Oncol, 2022, 23(8): 1121-1134.[17]BROADFIELD L A, PANE A A, TALEBI A, et al. Lipid metab⁃olism in cancer: new perspectives and emerging mechanisms[J].Dev Cell, 2021, 56(10): 1363-1393.[18]AN Q, LIN R, WANG D, et al. Emerging roles of fatty acid me⁃tabolism in cancer and their targeted drug development[J]. Eur J Med Chem, 2022, 240: 114613.[19]Jeon YG, Kim YY, Lee G, et al. Physiological and pathological roles of lipogenesis[J]. Nat Metab, 2023, 5(5):735-759.[20]ROHRIG F,SCHULZE A.The multifaceted roles of fatty acid synthesis in cancer[J]. Nat Rev Cancer, 2016, 16(11):732-749.[21]LEE H, WOO S M, JANG H, et al. Cancer depends on fatty ac⁃ids for ATP production: a possible link between cancer and obesi⁃ty[J]. Semin Cancer Biol, 2022, 86(Pt 2): 347-357.[22]CHENG C, GENG F, CHENG X, et al. Lipid metabolism repro⁃gramming and its potential targets in cancer[J]. Cancer Commun (Lond), 2018, 38(1): 27.[23]DAI M,YANG B,CHEN J,et al.Nuclear-translocation of ACLY induced by obesity-related factors enhances pyrimidine me⁃tabolism through regulating histone acetylation in endometrial can⁃cer[J]. Cancer Lett, 2021, 513: 36-49.[24]ANAGNOSTOU E, MILIARAS D, MEDITSKOU S, et al. Immu⁃nohistochemical investigation of metabolic markers fatty acid syn⁃thase (FASN) and glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) in normal en⁃dometrium, endometrial hyperplasia, and endometrial malignancy [J]. Hippokratia, 2017, 21(4): 169-174.[25]MOZIHIM A K,CHUNG I,SAID N,et al.Reprogramming of fatty acid metabolism in gynaecological cancers: is there a role for oestradiol?[J]. Metabolites, 2022, 12(4).(收稿日期:2023-01-19)102闭塞的冠状动脉管腔,从而改善心肌的血流灌注的一种手段,是一种综合性的治疗方法。
8th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2018)Design Method of the Measuring System for the Mirror Surface Spacingof a compound lensPing Zhong1,a,Shaohui Pan1,b, Zhisong Li2,c and Xingyu Gao1,d1College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, PR China2College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, PR China a b*****************,c****************,d*****************Keywords:Optical fiber low coherence interference, lens mirror space, Signal-to-noise ratio, Band-pass filter, least square methodAbstract:Based on the principle of low coherent light interference of optical fiber, a new method for detecting the distance between the mirror surfaces of a compound lens is proposed. Firstly, a system based on the principle of low coherent light interference is designed. Secondly, the frequency calculation method of interference signal of measurement system is put forward, and the band-pass filter is designed for interference signal to improve the signal-to-noise ratios. Based on the characteristics of low coherence light interference signal, the least squares symmetric peak location algorithm is proposed, which realizes the precise locating of the peak of the interferometric signal. Besides, the experiment of measuring the distance between the compound lens is carried out and the measurement error is analyzed.IntroductionIn the manufacture of optical instruments, the center thickness machining precision and assembly precision of the lens have an important influence on the imaging quality of the optical system. Especially in high-performance precision optical systems such as aviation, aerospace and microscope systems, there are strict control requirements for the lens center thickness and the mirror spacing. So, how to get high precision measurement results is a challenging topic. At present, the method for measuring distance between the mirror surfaces of a compound lens is mainly divided into two types, the one is contact measurement and the other is non-contact measurement. The structure of contact measurement is relatively simple, but it has a large defect itself, such as easy to scratch the lens and destroy the lens. The frequent contact between the surfaces of the probe and lens can also make the worn lenses and affect the measurement accuracy. Non-contact measurement system is relatively complex, but it can perform nondestructive testing on the lens group. It is mainly to measure the relative position of the mirror surface by measuring the reflection signal of the lens surface. The methods mainly include image method [1], axial dispersion [2], differential confocal method [3], image calibration method [4, 5], etc. Low-coherence optical interferometry, as the main detection method of non-contact measurement for optical devices, is one of the hotspots today. In this paper, based on the principle of low-coherence light interference, a system for measuring the lens spacing of the compound lens is designed and the main factors affecting the detection accuracy are studied, and the effective method for signal filtering and waveform peak location is proposed.Measurement principle and system design of lens spacingLow-coherence light interferometry [6-12] is an interferometric technique using a broad-spectrum light source as a coherent light source. The coherence length is short and the interference peak can be generated only when the optical path of the measured light and the reference light is equal, so it has a good spatial positioning characteristic. By calculating the distance between the interference peaks at the apex of the front and rear mirror surfaces, the lens group spacing and the center thickness of the lens can be calculated. In this paper, the basic structure of Michelson interferometer is adopted, in which the light emitted the light source is passed through the optical fiber coupler to produce the measured light and the reference light respectively. On the one hand, the reflected signal come from the different surfaces of the sample has a different optical path. On the other hand, the referenceCopyright © 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). 649optical path will change with the position of the reference mirror. Only the reflected signal from a specific location of the sample can be coherent with the reference light, where the location of the maximum intensity of coherent signal corresponds to the equal optical path position. The structure of the lens spacing measurement system is designed as shown in Fig.1.Fig.1. Lens group spacing detection system diagramThe light emitted from the wide-spectrum light source SLD (center wavelength 1310 nm, half-wave width 85 nm) is split by the fiber coupler and then enters the circulator 1 and the circulator 2, and forms measurement light and reference light, respectively. In order to facilitate the installation and debug the detection system, the visible light with the wavelength of 660nm and the measured light are mixed in the wavelength division multiplexer, and then, they are projected onto the front and back surfaces of the lens group by the collimator and reflected by the front and back surfaces of the lenses in the compound lens. Finally, the reflected light is shot into the ring through the collimator and the wavelength division multiplexer and recoupled into the optical fiber system from the port 3. In the same way, the reference light is reflected by a movable plane reflector. The returned reference light is ejected through port 3 of the ring and interferes with the measured light in the optical fiber coupler. The returned reference light is ejected through port 3 of the ring and interferes with the measured light in the optical fiber coupler. The path of the reference light can be changed by driving a plane reflector to move uniformly in a straight line. When the optical path of the measured light is equal to that of the reference light, that is, when the optical path difference is zero, the interference signal is strongest, at this time the maximum wave peak signal can be detected by the computer.Since the measuring beam contains many light rays reflected from the front and rear surfaces of multiple lenses, there will be multiple sets of maximum wave peaks in the process of moving plane reflector. According to the relative position of two zero light path difference, the measurement of lens spacing of compound lens can be completed. In the process of measurement, the information of the plane reflector is recorded in real time by a high resolution grating scale displacement sensor. In order to suppress the common-mode noise of the system and improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the system as much as possible, the system proposed in this paper uses a balanced detector for the photoelectric conversion of the interference signal. Then the data acquisition card is controlled by the computer, and the signal is processed by the computer. In order to further suppress the noise, a signal filter is designed.Signal filtering and waveform peak locationDesign of band-pass filterIn the detection system, the intensity of reflected light of the plane mirror is higher than the intensity of the tested lens. When the intensity ratio of the incident light passing through the reference light and detection light is 50:50, the interference signal is very weak. Fig.2(a) shows the waveform of the interference signals. In this case, the peaks of interference signals are difficult to extract. Through experiments, we can set the intensity ratio of the incident light passing through the reference light and detection light as 80: 20, and the output interference signals are very obvious as shown inFig.2(b).650Fig.2. The comparison of interference signal intensity.(a) the waveform of the interference signals while theintensity ratio is 50:50; (b) the waveform of the interference signals while the intensity ratio is 80:20It can be seen from Fig.2 (b) that, although the strong contrast interference signal can be obtained by setting the light intensity ratio between the reference light and detection light, the interference signal are often mixed with noise, which directly affects the location of peak signal. In this paper, a band-pass filter is designed to suppress the noise signal and improve the signal-to-noise ratio [13,14].The center wavelength of the designed filter can be calculated. Assuming that the moving speed of the plane mirror on a guide rail is mm/s during detection process and the center wavelength of the broadband light source is λ nm, then the center wavelength ( f ) of the filter can be calculated by the Eq.(1):=(2 ∕ )×10 . (1)For the system designed in this paper, v is 3.78mm/s , the wavelength rang of the broadband light source is 1290∼1330 nm, λ is 1310nm , thus the f =5.77×10 kHz and the frequency range of a band-pass filter is from 4.77kHz to 6.77kHz , and the center frequency can be selected as 5.77kHz .Method for locating the peak of interference signalIn this paper, the location of the peak of interference signal is the key to detection of lens spacing and can be determined by extracting the signal envelope. According` to the principle of low coherence interference, the wave peak of interference signal represents the interference generation between the reference light and detection light at zero optical paths. For measuring system, as long as the optical path difference between the two peaks of the interferometric signal from the lens group is obtained, the distance between the lenses of compound lens can be obtained. A simple method is to use the peak signal to determine the location of the zero optical path difference. However, because the adjacent extreme signals are so close to each other, the noise introduced in the detection process can easily cause location error which will lead to poor repeatability accuracy of the measurement system. The Gauss fitting algorithm has the advantage of locating peaks, but it requires that the interference signal has good symmetry. So it cannot meet the requirements of the system designed in this paper. In this paper, a symmetric peak location algorithm based on the least square method is proposed.First, the acquired interference signals are preprocess. Fig.3(a) shows the primary signals collected. The position of the mean value of the intensity is set to the abscissa axis. Fig.3(b) shows the sum of the absolute values for the same position signals. The envelope image of the signals is represented by a dotted line shown in Fig.3(b).According to the theory of partial coherence, when the value of function of the location points in envelope curve is greater than 1/e of the maximum value, these points are directly related to the coherence length of the light source. So the signals whose value is greater than 1/e of the maximum value point are selected as an effective processing signal, and then the location of peak signal can bedetermined by the a symmetric peak location algorithm based on least square. 651Fig.3. The method of locating signal peak.(a) The primary signals collected; (b) Envelope image of signal The method can be described as follows: i) Firstly, all points whose values are greater than 1/e of the maximum are selected, and then these points are plotted as a curve which called the original curve, it can be seen in Fig.4(a). After that, a symmetry axis which is parallel to the vertical axis and passes through the maximum value point of the original curve is drawn, then, the original curve revolves around the symmetry axis and forms another curve which is called revolved curve. ii) The revolved curve is moved left or right along the horizontal axis. Meanwhile, the mean square error between the original curve and the revolved curve is calculated. When the mean square error obtained is the smallest, the best translational position to the revolved curve is determined. iii) The revolved curve was moved according to the translation amount, as shown in Fig.4(b). Finally, the symmetrical position of the two curves is used as the zero-path difference position. The method utilizes the least squares method can equalize the errors brought by the interference signals and the measurement error and the system error can be effectively reduced.Fig.4. The method of locating wave crests.(a) Flip chart; (b) Flipping the curve after translationSpecular distance measurement experiment and error analysisAccording to the design principle of lens spacing detection system, a measurement system is set up as shown in Fig.5. Among them, the center wavelength of the detection system is 1310nm, and the half wavelength width of the SLD wide spectrum light source is 85nm, and its optical power is 10.8mW.Fig.5 Measurement test system for detecting the distance between the mirror surfaces of a compound lens (1) a wave division multiplexer, (2) Circulator 1, (3) 80/20 fiber couplers, (4) Circulator 2, (5) 50/50 opticalcouplers, (6) the single mode fiber , (7) balance detector652In order to test the measurement accuracy of the system designed in this article, an achromatic composite lens group is selected to perform experiment for detecting distance between the mirror surfaces. Among them, the compound lens includes 7 groups of lenses, and the structure of the combined lens is shown in Fig.6.Fig.6 The structure of the lens group to be measuredAccording to the experimental system and the detection algorithm, the measurement of the lens spacing of the compound lens is carried out. The interference signal improvement is very obvious, and the output interference signal waveform was shown in Fig.7(a), and Fig.7(b) is the waveform of the interference signal after filtered.Fig.7 Measurement of the waveforms of the interferometric signal in the lens group, (a) the waveforms of theinterfering signal before filtering,(b) the waveforms of the interfering signal after filteringIn order to evaluate the accuracy and stability of the test system, the lens group has been measured for many times. Table.1 lists the design values of the measured lenses, the average values of the ten measurements and the standard deviation calculated.Table.1 Measurement data of spacing thickness of lens groupSampleDesign thickness or spacing[mm] The mean value of measuring thickness or spacing [mm] Standard deviation[nm] Lens 15 .00 5.0327 59 Air gap 1-26.00 6.0155 101 Lens 25.00 4.9879 127 Air gap 2-35.00 5.0214 167 Lens 36.00 5.9897 201 Air gap 3-45.90 5.8591 221 Lens 46.00 6.0319 260 Air gap 4-58.00 7.9981 239 Lens 55.00 4.9794 327 Air gap 5-618.00 17.8951 389 Lens 65.00 5.0124 372 Air gap 6-77.00 6.9978 408 Lens 77.00 7.0214425 653According to the results of the measurement data, it can be seen that the relative intensity of the reflected light on the lens surface at the rear end of the lens group is weak and the standard deviation of measurement is relatively large due to the influence of the number of lenses contained a compound lens and the reflection loss of the lens surface. With the increase of the number of lens to be measured, the interference signal gradually get weakened and the precise of the positioning accuracy of the zero optical path difference position be reduced,which will lead to an increase in the measurement standard deviation in measuring the lens spacing of the compound lens.ConclusionIn this paper, based on the low coherent light interference method, a system for measuring the lens spacing of the compound lens is designed. A calculation method of interference signal frequency in measurement system is put forward, and a bandpass filter is designed, which can effectively improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the interferometric signal. The fitting method of the interference signal envelope is proposed. Based on the characteristics of the low-coherence interference signal, we used a least-squares correction information positioning method, which effectively improves the repeatability of the measurement. Finally, by testing the lens spacing of the combined lens, the effectiveness of the proposed design method is proved. The detection system not only is convenient, fast, and has no damage to optical devices, but also has high precision and strong stability. It has a good application prospect in optical processing and optical detection.AcknowledgementsThis work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.51575099)References[1] A.V. Goncharov, L.L. Bailon and N.M. Devaney. Spie:Vol.7389(2009),p.738912.[2] M. Kunkel, J. Schulze. Glass Science and Technology: Vol.78(2005),p.245.[3] L.B. Shi, L.R. Qiu and Y. Wang. Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument :Vol. 33(2012),p. 683.[4] H.W. Gao, H. Wang, Y.Y. Liu and Y. Yu. Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrument:Vol.31(2017),p.820.[5] J.H. Zhang, Q Liu and R.H. Nie.Spie:Vol.36(2016),p.174.[6] P. Langehanenberg,A. Ruprecht. Spie:Vol.8844(2013),p.88444F.[7] J. Benitez, J. 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化传感器 , 具有高精度 、高分辨力 、 低能耗 、输出 稳定等优点 ,在军事 、航天、机器人 、生物工程等 领域的精密测量与控制设备 中得到广泛应用。随着 应 用领域 的不 断扩展 ,对其数 据采 集处理 也提 出 了 更 高的要求 。在 国内传 统 的编码器设 计 中 ,编码 器 光电信号经过独立于计算机之外的数据采集处理 电 路进行细分 、量化处理 ,再通过串口或并 口形式传 输 给计算机 。 国际上则 普遍将 数据采 集 和角度信 息 处理电路集成在计算机 内的 P I C 卡上 ,通过 P I C 总
Vo .3 No 1 1 3 . M a. 0 0 r2 1
基于 P I C 总线 光 电编码 器 数 据 采 集处 理 电路 的设 计
李晨 阳 ,续 志军
(. 1 中国科学 院 长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 ,长春 1 03 ;2中国科学 院研究生院 ,北京 303 . 10 3 0 0 9)
要 :介 绍 了一 种 基 于 P I总线 的 光 电编 码 器数 据 采 集 和 角度 代 码 处 理 板 卡 的设 计 方 案 。 系统 以 T 3 0 2 1 C MS 2 F 82
为核心处理单元 ,对采集到的编码 器角度信息进行细分 、量化 ,通过 P I c 总线将 处理后的数据传输给计算机显示。
道 ,可以有效 的解决数据的实时传输和存储 ,为信 号的实时处理提供了方便。 为此 ,根据课 题 的具体要 求 ,将 编码器 数据采 集 和角度 信 息处理 电路集 成 于计算 机 内 ,利用 P I C
总 线数据 传输 性能 ,研制 了基 于 P I C 总线 的编码 器 数 据采集 处理 电路 。采用 高速 P I 口和 DS 处 理 C接 P 芯片 ,有效 地 实现 了数据 的实 时传输 与处理 。
IOLmaster光学生物测量仪学习要点:激光干涉生物测量眼轴人工晶体度数计算晶体常数优化白到白测量第一节概述一、光学生物测量的原理激光干涉生物测量(Laser Interference Biometry, LIB)是基于部分相干干涉测量(partial coherence interferometry, PCI)的原理,采用半导体激光发出的一束具有短的相干长度(160μm)的红外光线(波长780nm),并人工分成两束,那么这两束光具有相干性;同时,这两束光分别经过不同的光学路径后,都照射到眼球,而且两束激光都经过角膜和视网膜反射回来。
关键词:单脉冲激光;光电检测 ;光电倍增管(PMT)Research about range finder based on single pulse laserAbstractThis design USES single pulse laser to distance measurement. In photoelectric detection system, using the can control laser sources as a signal transmitting devices, match with photoelectric acceptance device(PMT)and signal processing circuit, through to get laser pulse laser reflected back to receiving devices of time to calculate the distance of the target. The measurement system by sending a single pulse laser measurement, high speed, high precision, the characteristics of electronic door through the precise control counter the start and stop, greatly reducing the error of the system.Keywords: single pulse laser; Photoelectric detection;PMT目录一、引言光学测距在气象研究、大地测量和科学研究,军事,宇航探测等众多领域中有着广泛的应用,激光技术用于测距,具有速度快,精度高,不受地形限制的优点。
PCI(Phase Contrast Imaging,相位相干成像)是一种先进的成像技术,能够提供比传统X射线吸收成像更丰富的信息。
1. 光源:光源是光学测量系统中最基本的组成部分之一。
2. 光学元件:光学元件用于控制、调节和分析光的传播和折射。
3. 接收器:接收器用来接收并检测经过测量物体反射、散射、透射的光信号。
4. 数据处理系统:数据处理系统用来接收、处理和分析从接收器中获取的光信号。
1. 工业应用光学测量系统在工业领域中被广泛使用,常见的应用包括三维形貌测量、表面缺陷检测、位移和变形测量等。
2. 医疗应用光学测量系统在医疗领域的应用多种多样,包括眼科、影像学和生物医学研究等。
AOI 系统的作用就是检测PCB在生产过程中有可能出现的上述不良缺陷,通过控制并及时调整工艺,从而提高产品的品质与生产产能。
通常AOI 系统检测系统用在内外层生产的关键工序控制点上,防止大批批量的报废。
IOLMaster测量高度近视并发性白内障患者手术前后眼轴长度变化李兴育;王从毅;喻磊;陈宇【摘要】目的比较IOLMaster测量高度近视并发性白内障患者手术前后眼轴长度变化,为临床评价白内障术后高度近视患者眼轴长度提供理论依据.方法前瞻性队列研究(注册号:ChiCTR-IPC-15005890).收集2014年2月至2014年9月在西安市第四医院眼科白内障病区住院病手术治疗的高度近视并发性白内障患者29例(38只眼).术前所有患者均应用IOLMaster测量眼轴,眼轴长度大于27.00蛐且组合信号信噪比大于32.术后3个月以上,患者复查时再次应用IOLMaster测量眼轴,并记录术后组合信号信噪比.术前术后眼轴长度、信噪比进行配对t检验,同时对术前术后眼轴长度进行直线相关分析.结果本研究最终完成术前术后眼轴长度变化比较患者23例(29只眼),排除共6例(9只眼).患者术前眼轴平均值为(31.19±2.27)mm,术后眼轴平均值为(31.03±2.25)mm,术前术后眼轴测量值差异有统计学意义(t =15.19,P<0.01).术后眼轴均较术前缩短,平均减少0.16咖.患者术前组合信号平均信噪比为102.5 ±50.1,术后为272.5±134.5,术前术后信噪比差异有统计学意义(t=-5.96,P<0.01).本研究中,术前眼轴=1.009×术后眼轴-0.130.结论在眼轴长度大于27.00mm的高度近视并发性白内障患者,IOLMaster测量术后眼轴眼轴较术前眼轴缩短,两者呈线性相关.有必要对高度近视并发白内障患者IOLMaster术后眼轴长度测量值进行校正.【期刊名称】《临床眼科杂志》【年(卷),期】2016(024)001【总页数】3页(P12-14)【关键词】IOLMaster;高度近视;并发性白内障;轴长度,眼【作者】李兴育;王从毅;喻磊;陈宇【作者单位】710004 西安市第四医院眼科陕西省眼科医疗中心西安交通大学医学院附属广仁医院眼科;710004 西安市第四医院眼科陕西省眼科医疗中心西安交通大学医学院附属广仁医院眼科;710004 西安市第四医院眼科陕西省眼科医疗中心西安交通大学医学院附属广仁医院眼科;710004 西安市第四医院眼科陕西省眼科医疗中心西安交通大学医学院附属广仁医院眼科【正文语种】中文IOLMaster采用部分相干光学(partial coherence interferometry, PCI)原理测量眼轴,具有高精确性和重复性,已经成为了白内障术前眼轴测量的金标准[1,2]。
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青岛理工大学毕业设计(论文)题目基于PLC控制的弹流油膜光学测量系统的电机控制设计学生姓名:董丹丹学生学号:200806036指导教师:郭峰教授机械工程学院测控技术与仪器专业082 班2012年6月15日毕业设计(论文)任务书摘要在实际工程中,组成机械系统的大部分润滑部件由于受到载荷、速度和轴向曲率随时间的变化而处于时变状态。
关键词:FX3U;VB;伺服电机控制;三角波运动AbstractIn the practical engineering, mechanical system of most of the lubrication part due to load, speed and axial curvature changes over time and in a time-varying state. In the time-varying problem ,there is a kind of important forms of exercise-reciprocating motion. Film thickness tests under Reciprocating motion conditions are a key subject of lubrication of the experimental study. the traditional test system use more eccentric wheel organization to accomplish such movement . The agency to achieve a single form of exercise , poor operability , bulky, heavy quality , difficult to meet the actual requirements of the electrification of the rapid development of modern society . Therefore, the rational design of the reciprocating motion of the structure will help improve product quality and production efficiency, and help improve people's living standards , has a strong practical significance . Light elastohydrodynamic experimental platform is our vital equipment designed by the tribological laboratory. It uses ball- a plate of contact embellish film thickness of light interference measuring method . Through the roll speed or load change suction experimental study elastic hydrodynamic lubrication and hydrodynamic lubrication oil film thickness transformation process of change rule .This paper introduces the use of PLC control servo motor to realize the triangle wave form of movement。
In order to realize the triangle wave reciprocating motion, the test rig choose mitsubishi general ac servo motor and mitsubishi miniature programmable controller to control device, and through the VB to write operation interface to realize the PC and PLC communications.Finally, the experiments were done on the optic elastohydrodynamic test rig.and experiment results were given. After several experiments , we found that the structure of the PC + PLC control system is stable, open , can achieve the high-speed data transmission and control, to achieve the intended function and action of light elastohydrodynamic bench .Key words:FX3U ; VB; servo motor control; triangle wave reciprocating motion目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第1章绪论 (1)1.1 前言 (1)1.2 测量基本原理 (1)1.3 干涉级次计算 (3)1.4 膜厚计算及测量计算分辨率 (4)1.5 论文主要研究内容 (6)第2章三菱通用交流伺服系统概述 (8)2.1 功能和构成 (8)2.1.1 概要 (8)2.1.2 功能方框图 (8)2.1.3 型号名称的构成 (9)2.1.4 辅助设备及构成 (10)2.2 信号和接线 (12)2.3 运行 (15)2.3.1 初次接通电源 (15)2.3.2 启动 (16)2.4 参数 (18)2.4.1 参数范围选择 (18)2.4.2 电子齿轮 (18)2.5 显示和操作 (19)2.5.1 状态显示 (19)2.5.2 报警模式 (20)第3章三菱FX3U系列PLC概述 (22)3.1 FX3U系列PLC简介 (22)3.2 FX3U系列PLC产品分类 (22)3.3 PLC与伺服放大器接线 (23)3.4 PLC可编程控制器的软件介绍 (24)3.4.1 PLC编程语言简介 (24)3.4.2 GX Developer使用说明 (25)第4章VB编程及通信 (33)4.1 VB编程概述 (33)4.2 VB编程基础 (33)4.2.1 启动Visual Basic (33)4.2.2 VB各组成部分介绍 (34)4.3 程序源代码 (35)4.3.1 VB通信程序 (35)4.3.2 三角波PLC程序 (41)第5章实验数据处理及误差分析 (43)5.1 实验设备简介 (43)5.2 数据处理软件 (43)5.2.1 MBI软件介绍 (43)5.2.2 数据处理及误差分析 (44)结论 (54)参考文献 (55)致谢 (56)附件1 (57)附件2 (68)第1章绪论1.1 前言往复运动形式夏油膜厚度的测量是润滑学实验研究的重要内容,传统的试验系统多使用偏心轮机构实现此类运动。
对于单色光干涉图像,可以通过强度分析获得油膜厚度,如雒建斌等人提出的相对光强法达到了0.5 nm 的分辨率.单色光干涉图像条纹清晰度高,可以测量的最大油膜厚度达4~5 m 以上,远大于彩色干涉图像.Guo等对光弹流测量系统进行了光学理论分析,提出了单色光干涉图像的多光束干涉强度分析方法。
1.2 测量基本原理传统光弹流实验通过目测估算相长干涉(亮条纹)点和相消干涉(暗条纹)点间的油膜厚度J.两相邻暗(或亮)条纹代表A/2的光学厚度变化,A为光的波长.字图像测量技术以得到相长干涉和相消干涉之间任一点处的干涉强度,并用于推断更小的膜厚变化.计算膜厚变化前,需要了解干涉强度与膜厚的关系.如图1-1所示图1-1 点接触润滑及其光学简介典型的光弹流接触是1个4层介质系统,即玻璃、铬、润滑油和钢,分别标 为0-3.0E +- 代表光的电向量。
0m E --(m=1,2……)表示反射光的电向量.下标0表示介质(0代表玻璃).只有10E -- 直接从铬-玻璃界面反射而来,其他反射光均经历 界面以下各层的反射和透射,干涉强度I 可表示为 :21234220000001m m I E E E E E E ------∞------== ⎢=⎢ + + + +⋯ ⎢=∣∑∣ (1-1) 根据式(1)及系统的光学参数即可获得干涉强度和油膜厚度的定量关系.传统的光弹流理论仅考虑了10E -- 和 40E --形成的双光束干涉,干涉强度是润滑膜厚的余弦函数 .事实上,钢球表面的高反射率以及铬与钢的光吸收特性,使干涉强度随膜厚的变化偏离余弦分布,图1-2(a)的实验结果也证明了这一点。