

ipad2 英文介绍

ipad2 英文介绍

iPad2Beijing March 3, 2011 morning, Apple iPad 2 officially released. Jobs attendthe conference, and reviewed their iPad2 all the new features: If iPad in yourhand like a book, iPad2 like a magazine.Apple iPad2 new features are as follows:1. Lighter and thinner;2. With a faster Apple A5 1.0GHz dual-core processor, PowerVR SGX543MP graphics core, single-chip integrated design;3. Before and after the two cameras;4. Support two 3G networks;5. Black and white shell;6. Cool, smart covered;7. Edges more smooth edges, a natural extension to the back curvatureof the plane;8. Built-in microphone is moved from the headphone jack next to thetop of the center;9. Behind the speaker openings increased;10. Built-in three-axis gyroscope, support for digital compass functions.The following is iPad2 inherited and retained the classic characteristics of the first generation of iPad:1.9.7 inch screen;2.WiFi;3. Bluetooth;4. Sub-3G version and the non-3G version;5. WiFi ten hours of life, nine-hour battery life 3G, one month standby time;6. Multi-touch screen7.16G, 32G, 64G in three sizes;8. Pricing WiFi Edition $ 499 / $ 599 / $ 699, WiFi +3 G Edition $ 629 / $ 729 / $ 829.iPad 2 difference with iPad 1Speed: iPad 2 A5 with a new processor. The dual-core processorarchitecture, compared to iPad 1, iPad 2 has twice the processing speed, 9 times the graphics processing power. The A5 processor power consumption while enhancing capacity has remained flat with the A4, making iPad2 with 10 hours of use, 1 month standby time.Slim: iPad 2 thickness is reduced to 8.8 mm, and thickness of iPad 1 13.4 mm, a decrease of 33%.Weight: iPad 2 weighs 1.3 pounds, while the iPad 1 to 1.5 pounds, a decrease of 13%.Camera: iPad 2 is equipped with two cameras front and rear, throughFaceTime and other iPad, iPhone 4 or Mac computer video calls, support for post-720P HD video camera recording. The iPad 1 no camera.iPad2 new software featuresiOS 4.3 will come with iPad 2. New features include:1.Safari browser performance significantly improved by adding Nitro JavaScript engine2.iTunes family sharing, Mac or PC iTunes video files stored in thedatabase, iPhone / iPad / iPod touch WiFi network through direct streaming media player.3.AirPlay functional improvements, support for third-partysoftware or website streaming video output, support shot on camera, streaming video or photo slide output.4.iPad2 side of the switch can be set to mute or turn the lock.5. Personal hotspot Internet Connection Sharing feature (only supports iPhone 4).6.For the built-in camera iPad 2, iOS 4.3 will add two new built-inapplications are:(1). Photo Booth, a variety of real-time preview of effects and photo shoot.(2). FaceTime, support iPad as well as with iPhone, iPod Touch, Mac video calls.iOS 4.3 update will be March 11 iPad 2 listing released, support the first / second generation iPad, iPhone 3GS / 4 (only the GSM version), the third / fourth-generation iPod touch.In addition, Apple also demonstrated two additional software forthe iPad 2, respectively, new iMovie video editing software, and GarageBand-made music, sound recording software. Both software will be March 11 in the App Store on-line sales, prices are $ 4.99.iPad2 AccessoriesApple iPad 2 provides for the two new peripherals. First, HDMI adapter cable "Digital AV Adapter", Dolby 5.1 audio support 1080p video output, without any set can be applied to all software, support the view that the direction of automatic rotation, and may continue to charge the data line connecting the original. The adapter cable is priced at $ 39, with the exception iPad 2 can also be used outside the iPhone 4, fourth-generation iPod touch and the first generation of iPad.The protective cover problem, Jobs said at the meeting: "We created the first generation of iPad a special protective case, it performed very well. But we spent so much time to think about design iPad, but to have it The tightly cover, rather a pity. iPad 2 Therefore, we should be a little better idea to come up with. "Smart Cover is not actually a new protective cover, but a "smart cover," only to protect the screen. It "flip" the magnetic axis of adsorption depend on the side of the fuselage in the iPad 2, removable change at any time.Collapsible cover as the iPad stent. IPad 2 built-in close to rely on sensors, opened the cover iPad 2 automatically activated sleep is automatically closed.Micro Fiber inner cover material can help clean the screen, the outer layer, or cortex, compared with polyurethane. Smart Cover total of 10 colors, all 5 of polyurethane and leather, priced at $ 39version for the polyurethane, leather version of 69 dollars.CEO:Steve JobsSteve Jobs is Apple's current chief operating officer and co-founder, is also Pixar Animation's former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (Pixar has been acquired by Disney in 2006.) Jobs is Disney's largest individual shareholders and board members. Jobs is considered to be the computer industry and the entertainment industry's iconic figures, but people also regarded him as a Macintosh computer, iPod, iTunes Store, iPhone and other well-known founder of digital products.。



苹果发布会发言稿篇一:【免费】iPad发布会的演讲稿9:09AM We're in line waiting to get inside. People are seriously crowding. Let's hope we don't get trampled! 9:09AM 我们正排队进场,现场人山人海的,希望不要发生踩踏!9:11AM Overall the mood is really jovial right now. It's basically a party in the9:11AM 会场气氛非常愉悦,这基本上是整个美国的派对9:42AM Okay! We're in our seats and there's some Dylan playing on the sound system!9:42AM 好了!我们已经入座了,现场正在放着些Dylan 的音乐。

9:43AM The setup on stage is really interesting. There's a chair with a table next to it... very unusual for an Apple event.9:43AM 台上的布置很有意思。


9:50AM So, more Dylan. We swear, if Bob Dylan shows up at this event, we're going to seriously freak out. In a good way.9:50AM 还是Dylan, 我发誓,如果Bob Dylan在这里出现的话,我绝对会发狂的9:51AM The electric version of 'Baby Let Me Follow You Down' -- in case you were wondering.9:51AM 会场播放着“Baby Let Me Follow You Down”9:54AM Everyone is really all smiles here. Sure, the WiFi just went out, but generally everyone seems to be quite excited. Makes sense, gadgets and money will be flowing like sweet summer wine when this thing is all over. Right?9:54AM 尽管现场已经关闭了WIFI无线网络,不过各路人马还是面带笑容和非常兴奋。





妈妈特意买了一台便携式平板电脑------Ipad 2,做为礼物送给了我。






















苹果WWDC 2011发布会(中英对照)

苹果WWDC 2011发布会(中英对照)

12:17PM So, any guesses as to what's on deck? New iOS notification system? iCloud integrated into the core of Lion? A unicorn-embossed iPod nano (with camera)?12:17PM 那么,谁来猜猜接下来将会有什么?新的 iOS 通知系统?iCloud 被整合进 Lion的核心?一体式的带有摄像头的 iPod Nano?12:42PM And we're in our seats! "Rescue Me" is playing over the speakers. A littleAretha to get the crowd warmed up.12:42PM 我们已经到达座位上,现场在播放歌曲"Rescue Me",拥挤的现场使气氛开始热烈起来。

12:43PM A teaser for some data recovery software to come? Probably not.12:43PM 会发布对那些数据恢复软件嘲讽的东西?可能不是。

12:48PM Just to be extremely, super clear: Apple will not allow *anyone* to livestreamthe actual keynote. We'll be livestreaming a post-show afterwards -- you'll find theliveblog here.12:48PM 目前已经肯定,苹果不允许任何人实时视频直播主题演讲,我们会进行图文直接,欢迎关注。

12:50PM Crowd's filling in -- feels like four million people in here. Maybe five. Maybe more.12:50PM 大家都涌进来了——感觉就像有400万人在这。



i Pad2中的乔布斯逻辑作者:别坤毫无疑问,乔布斯是一个传奇,无论生前身后。







使偶然成必然从个人电脑AppleII、Macintosh电脑、iPod音乐随身听、64位个人电脑Apple PowerMac G5、MacBook Air笔记本电脑一直到今天的iPod shuffle五代、iPod Touch四代、iPod Nano 六代,每一个产品的诞生都是电子产品和电子商业圈内一个奇迹的诞生。









• only 8.8mm thick • even thinner than the previous generation ipad in the thickness of 13.4mm • even thinner than the thinnest cell phones iPhone4 in the thickness of 9.3mm
Education apps. Just click away.
• Right now at the App Store, there are more than 20,000 educational apps for all kinds of learners, teaching them everything from science to sign language. • Students can track their assignments, take notes, and study for finals.
2). Size Matters
• Although the iPad won’t fit in your pocket, its mid-ranged size and light weight may make it ideal for killing time in other locations. • Someone said:“It’s a little bit like holding a high definition television just inches from your face.”
• Cool, smart covered • Edges more smooth edges, a natural extension to the back curvature of the plane • Built-in microphone is moved from the headphone jack next to the top of the center • Behind the speaker openings increased Built-in three-axis gyroscope, support for digital compass function



iphone发布会演讲稿(精选18篇)iphone发布会篇1尊敬的各位领导,各位嘉宾,各位媒体朋友们:大家下午好!很荣幸今天能够邀请到各位来参加秋冬新品发布会,在此我谨代表LIZZY向各界朋友的到来表示热烈的欢迎和真诚的感谢!感谢你们多年来对LIZZY的支持与厚爱!LIZZY是一个有着20xx年成长历史的女装设计师品牌,这20xx 年来,市场见证着LIZZY的点滴成长,从默默无闻到拥有自己独有的垂青者,这份成长值得我们每一个人去珍惜,去呵护,因为它凝结着LIZZY对于诠释时尚、传播时尚、引领时尚的一份执著梦想。














10:02AM "We have a great conference for you this week. Over 5200 attendees, 57 countries, and we sold out in eight days."10:02AM “我们在本周给各位准备了一个很棒的会议。


10:02AM "We apologize to folks who couldn't be here... this is the biggest place we can get, so... anyway." Laughs!10:02AM “我们向那些无法与会的朋友们道歉,但这已经是我们可以安排的最大的会场了,笑~"10:03AM "We're excited about this year's conference and thrilled to have you here."10:03AM "今年的大会让我们感到很兴奋,我们也很高兴大家聚在这里”10:03AM "I want to give you some updates, and I want to start with the iPad. It's changing the way we experience the web, email, photos, maps, video, you name it. It's a whole new way to interact with the internet, apps, content and media."10:03AM “我来分享一些最新的消息,先从iPad开始说起。













父母:在婴儿时期被保罗·乔布斯(Paul Jobs)和克拉拉·乔布斯(ClaraJobs)领养,前者为一家激光公司的机械师,后者为会计师,两人均已过世。

兄弟姐妹:乔布斯有一名胞妹,名为莫娜·辛普森(Mona Simpson),小说家。



家庭:与妻子劳伦·鲍威尔(Laurene Powell)相逢于哈佛大学,1991年结婚,同为素食主义者。

乔布斯23岁时育有一女,名为莉萨·乔布斯(Lisa Jobs),但并未与其生母结婚,此后与劳伦育有三名子女。





• 1977年,乔布斯和他的苹果2电脑。这还不是乔布斯想象中的“酷毙了”的 电脑,可它已经是首批最成功的个人电脑了。
Introducing the first Macintosh in 1984. The now-legendary computer was announced to the wider public by a television commercial, aired during the Super Bowl in January of that year. It was the first computer do not use DOS.
At a press conference in San Francisco. In late 1996 Apple bought NeXT for $429m. a few months later, Gil Amelio, Apple’s boss, was ousted and Mr. Jobs became “interim”, then full CEO.
• 乔布斯重回苹果后做出的最让人意外的举动之一,从2001年起,开办苹果专 卖店。这一决定使他成为分析家们一时的笑柄,但事实证明,此举非常成功。 现在苹果已拥有超过了350家专卖店。
Steve Jobs launches a special U2-branded iPod with Bono, the band’s lead singer, in 2004. The iTunes Music Store, launched in 2003, quickly became the leading online-music retailer.
• 一代“计算机狂人”史蒂夫•乔布斯于当地时间10月5日辞世。

iPad 2_百度百科

iPad 2_百度百科
浏览次数:约 104703次
编辑次数:15次 历史版本
创建者:侬浓 最新动态 百科权威合作: 百科消息:
蓝天巨无霸--波音系列客机 寻人--让孩子早日回家 去年4月首度亮相的iPad已打开一块新市场,是促成苹果成功的重要产品之一。iPad开卖迄今的销售量已达1480万台,上季更为苹果赢得46亿美元的营收,占公司总营收17%。
iPad 2已经开始量产(图片均来自互联网)
iPad 2处理器不做大改变 并且电子时报推测,iPhone 5将搭配A5处任务为我推荐
新闻网页贴吧知道MP3图片视频百科 帮助设置 首页 自然 文化 地理 历史 生活 社会 艺术 人物 经济 科学 体育 核心用户 NBA
2将拥有双核处理器,运行速度更快,图形处理能力更强。 这意味着,iPad 2将在不牺牲电池寿命的情况下运行更快。 9.苹果预计iPad
2在2011年达到4000万销量。 台湾电子时报报道,这一数字意味着,新款iPad可能占据全球PC



Good morning/afternoon/evening, and welcome to the highly anticipated launch event of our latest product. It is a great pleasure to be here today to introduce to you something that we believe will revolutionize the industry and bring immense value to our customers.Firstly, let me take a moment to express our gratitude to all of you for joining us today. Your presence here is a testament to the trust you have placed in our brand, and we are honored to share with you ourlatest creation.Today, we are excited to unveil our newest product, which we have been working on for the past year. This new product is a result of our relentless pursuit of innovation, customer satisfaction, and technological excellence. It is designed to address the evolving needs of our customers and to provide them with a unique and unparalleled experience.Before I dive into the details of our new product, I would like to share a few words about our company. We have been in the industry for over a decade, and throughout this time, we have always strived to be at the forefront of innovation. Our commitment to quality, customer service, and sustainability has enabled us to establish ourselves as a leader in our field.Now, let's talk about the new product. The name of our new product is [Product Name], and it is designed to [briefly describe the product’s purpose and main features]. We believe that [Product Name] will change the way our customers use [the product category], as it offers [list the key features and benefits].Here are some of the standout features of [Product Name]:1. Cutting-edge technology: Our new product incorporates the latest technology to ensure optimal performance and efficiency.2. User-friendly interface: We have designed [Product Name] with our customers in mind, making it easy to use and intuitive.3. Energy-efficient: Our product is designed to be energy-efficient, reducing your carbon footprint and saving you money on energy bills.4. Customizable: [Product Name] offers various customization options, allowing you to tailor the product to your specific needs.5. Durable and reliable: We have put a lot of effort into ensuring that [Product Name] is built to last, providing you with a long-lasting solution.We are confident that [Product Name] will exceed your expectations and provide you with a superior experience. To demonstrate this, we have prepared a live demonstration of [Product Name] for you to see firsthand. Please join us on stage as we showcase the capabilities of our new product.In addition to our new product, we are also proud to announce that wewill be offering a limited-time promotional package for our customers. This package includes [list the promotional items or discounts], making it an excellent opportunity to get your hands on our new product at an unbeatable price.We would like to take this opportunity to thank our dedicated team, without whom this launch event would not have been possible. Their hard work, dedication, and creativity have brought us to this point, and we are grateful for their contributions.As we move forward, we will continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what is possible. We are committed to providing our customers withthe best products and services, and we look forward to building a long-lasting relationship with each and every one of you.In conclusion, we are thrilled to introduce [Product Name] to the world. We believe that this product will set a new standard in our industry and help us achieve our vision of making life better for our customers. Thank you for your continued support, and please join us in celebrating this exciting new chapter in our company's history.Thank you.。

新品发布会 英文

新品发布会 英文

New Product Launch EventIntroductionThe new product launch event is a significant milestone for any company. It offers a platform for companies to announce and showcase their latest products to the public, media, and industry professionals. The event aims to create buzz, generate excitement, and build anticipation around the products, ultimately leading to increased sales and market share. In this document, we will discuss the key elements of planning and organizing a successful new product launch event.ObjectivesThe primary objectives of a new product launch event include:1.Building excitement: The event should provide anopportunity to create anticipation and generate buzzaround the new products.2.Generating media coverage: Companies strive tosecure media coverage to maximize exposure and reach a wider audience.3.Showcasing the product: The event should allowattendees to experience the product firsthand andunderstand its unique features and advantages.4.Building brand awareness: The launch event is anideal platform to promote the company’s brand and createa lasting impression on the audience.working: The event should provideopportunities for networking and building relationshipswith industry professionals, media personnel, and potential customers.PlanningSuccessful execution of a new product launch event requires careful planning. The planning process typically involves the following steps:1.Setting objectives: Define the specific goals andobjectives for the event, such as generating media coverage, attracting key stakeholders, or reaching a specific targetaudience.2.Budgeting: Allocate resources for various aspects ofthe event, including venue rental, marketing materials,catering, audiovisual equipment, and staffing.3.Venue selection: Choose a venue that aligns with thetheme and objectives of the event and can accommodatethe expected number of attendees.4.Event timeline: Create a detailed timeline of theevent, including key activities, presentations,demonstrations, and networking sessions.5.Marketing and promotion: Develop a comprehensivemarketing strategy to promote the event through different channels, such as social media, email marketing, pressreleases, and traditional advertising.6.RSVP and registration: Implement a system forattendees to RSVP and register for the event, allowing for easy tracking of participants and providing necessaryinformation in advance.7.Event logistics: Arrange for necessary equipment,transportation, and accommodation for speakers, sponsors, and attendees. Ensure that technical requirements forproduct presentations and demonstrations are met.8.Content creation: Prepare engaging and informativecontent, including presentations, videos, and productdemonstrations, to effectively communicate the uniqueselling points of the new product.9.Rehearsals: Conduct rehearsals and dry runs toensure smooth execution of the event, especially forpresentations and demonstrations.10.Plan for contingencies: Identify potential risks andhave contingency plans in place to handle unforeseencircumstances.ExecutionOn the day of the new product launch event, it is crucial to create a positive and engaging experience for attendees. Thefollowing elements should be considered during the execution phase:1.Welcome and registration: Greet attendees warmlyand efficiently check them in. Provide them with eventmaterials and badges.2.Engaging presentations: Deliver impactfulpresentations that captivate the audience, highlighting the unique features and benefits of the new product.3.Product demonstrations: Showcase the new productthrough interactive and visually appealing demonstrations.Allow attendees to experience the product firsthandwhenever possible.working opportunities: Allocate sufficient timefor networking sessions to facilitate interactions between attendees, industry professionals, and companyrepresentatives.5.Catering and refreshments: Provide food andbeverages that align with the event theme and cater to the diverse preferences of attendees.6.Media engagement: Facilitate interactions betweenthe media and company representatives to ensuremaximum coverage and exposure for the new product.7.Q&A sessions: Allocate time for attendees to askquestions and clarify any doubts they may have about the new product or the company.8.Giveaways and promotions: Offer promotional itemsor exclusive discounts on the new product to create a sense of excitement and incentivize attendees to make a purchase.9.Social media engagement: Encourage attendees toshare their experience on social media platforms usingevent-specific hashtags. Share updates and live content on official company social media channels.10.Closing remarks: End the event on a positive note byexpressing gratitude to attendees, sponsors, and mediapersonnel for their participation and support.ConclusionA well-planned and executed new product launch event can significantly contribute to the success of a company’s product launch. By following the steps outlined in this document, companies can ensure that their new products receive the attention and exposure they deserve. Remember to meticulously plan each aspect of the event, create engaging content, and provide an unforgettable experience for attendees. With effective planning and execution, a new product launch event can position a company for success in the market.。



iphone4发布会的中英文演讲稿尊敬的各位来宾,女士们、先生们:我很荣幸地代表苹果公司在今天向大家介绍我们的最新产品,iPhone 4、iPhone 4是苹果公司研发团队凝聚心血、倾力打造的一款智能手机,它是iPhone产品系列的第四代产品。


首先,请允许我向大家介绍iPhone 4的外观设计。

iPhone 4拥有非常引人注目的创新设计,采用了两面均为玻璃面板,边缘是不锈钢材质。

这种设计让iPhone 4看起来更加高端、时尚。


在外观设计方面,我们认为iPhone 4是一个更为精致、考究的产品。

接下来,我将向大家介绍iPhone 4的硬件配置。

iPhone 4采用了全新的A4处理器,让手机性能得到了极大提升。


在屏幕方面,iPhone 4使用了全新的960某640分辨率的Retina高清屏幕,让用户享受更加清晰、逼真的视觉效果。

此外,iPhone 4还加入了前置摄像头和后置500万像素摄像头,用户可以进行视频通话,更加便捷地进行拍照和录像。

这一系列硬件升级让iPhone 4在用户体验上更加完善。

最后,我想向大家介绍iPhone 4的软件系统。

iPhone 4的软件系统iOS4相较于以前版本在功能上有了很大提升,比如我们增加了多任务处理,增强了邮件客户端的功能,增添了iBooks等新的应用程序等等。



iPhone 4的问世意味着我们为用户带来了一个崭新的、全方位的智能手机体验。

我们相信iPhone 4将会成为市场上最具备竞争力的手机之一,它将创造出一段崭新的历史。

i believe i can演讲三分钟

i believe i can演讲三分钟

主题:i believe i can演讲三分钟内容:一、开场白尊敬的评委老师们,各位来宾,大家好!我很荣幸能有机会站在这里,与各位共享我的观点和信念。

今天,我要谈论的是“i believe i can”。

二、i believe i can的含义“i believe i can”源自英文歌曲《I Believe I Can Fly》,意为“我相信我能”,表达对自己无限可能的信念和自信。


三、实例分析1. 体育运动领域在体育领域,“i believe i can”是许多运动员的座右铭。



2. 创业创新在创业创新方面,“i believe i can”更是如鱼得水。


3. 学习科研在学习科研的道路上,“i believe i can”更是必不可少。


四、i believe i can的意义与启示1. 信念决定行为有了“i believe i can”的信念,人们才会有无穷的动力,去追求自己的梦想,克服困难,不断超越自我。

2. 坚定信念,攻克困难在人生的道路上,难免会遇到挫折和困难,只有坚定自己的信念,才能豁达面对、勇往直前。

3. 自信是成功的法宝自信是成功的法宝,只有对未来充满信心,才能展现出最大的潜能,取得最终的胜利。

五、结束语“i believe i can”不仅仅是一句简单的口号,更是一种信念,一种力量,是人们在面对未知和困难时最坚定的支撑。



以上就是我对“i believe i can”这个主题的共享,希望能对大家有所启发。























9:54AM If you're seeing any trouble with comments, don't panic. It looks like Disqus might be experiencing the Apple effect right now.9:54AM 如果你们发现评论有任何困难的话,请别紧张。

看上去Disqus 正在被苹果的魅力所影响9:56AM For those wondering -- no sign of Steve here, but Jony Ive is in the front row.9:56AM 看上去Steve 并不在场,但是Jony Ive 正在前排。

9:58AM Did we mention that they're playing a lot of Beatles right now9:58AM 我们有提到他们放了很多披头士的歌吗9:58AM As you can by the photo, the chair / table setup is here... just like when Steve showed off the first iPad.9:58AM 就像你在照片中看到的,台上有一台桌子和椅子...就像乔布斯展示iPad时那样9:59AM "Ladies and gentlemen, our presentation will begin shortly. Please switch devices to silent mode."9:59AM “女士们先生们,我们的发布会马上就要开始了。


10:02AM The lights are going down... we're about to begin!10:02AM 灯光渐渐隐去……我们就要开始了!10:02AM Whoa! Steve is out!10:02AM 哇!史蒂夫乔布斯出场了!10:03AM Standing ovation for Steve Jobs. People are flipping out. He looks good!10:03AM 大家都站了起来热烈欢迎着史蒂夫乔布斯。

我的英文2分钟演讲稿3篇 (2)

我的英文2分钟演讲稿3篇 (2)

我的英文2分钟演讲稿我的英文2分钟演讲稿精选3篇(一)Good morning everyone,Today I would like to talk to you about the importance of setting and achieving goals. Goals are an essential part of our lives as they give us direction, motivation, and a sense of purpose. Without goals, we often find ourselves aimless, going through life without a clear vision of what we want to achieve.Setting goals helps us to focus our energy and resources on what truly matters to us. It allows us to prioritize our time and efforts towards the things that will bring us the most fulfillment and satisfaction. Whether it is in our personal lives, academics, or careers, setting goals enables us to make progress and work towards a future that we desire.Achieving goals is not always easy and often requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. However, the sense of accomplishment that comes with reaching our goals is incredibly rewarding. It boosts our self-confidence, provides a sense of purpose, and motivates us to continue striving for even greater achievements.While it is important to set ambitious goals, it is equally important to break them down into smaller, manageable steps. This allows us to stay focused and track our progress along the way. Additionally, setting deadlines for these smaller steps creates a sense of urgency and prevents procrastination.One effective strategy for goal achievement is to visualize success and create a plan of action. By visualizing ourselves achieving our goals, we can train our minds to believe in our ability to succeed. Furthermore, breaking down the plan into daily or weekly tasks helps to keep us on track and ensures that we are consistently working towards our goals.In conclusion, setting and achieving goals is a vital part of personal development and success. It allows us to have a clear vision of what we want to accomplish and gives us the motivation and determination to pursue it. So, let us all set ambitious goals, break them down into smaller steps, and work towards achieving them every day.Thank you for listening.我的英文2分钟演讲稿精选3篇(二)Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon/evening. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak today. Today, I would like to talk to you about a topic that is very close to my heart - the importance of learning English.English is not the native language of many people, including myself. However, I believe that it is a language that can truly unlock a world of opportunities and possibilities. It has become a global language that is spoken and understood by people from all corners of the world. Whether you are in a business meeting, traveling to a different country, or even just browsing the internet, English is everywhere.One of the key reasons why learning English is important is the vast amount of information it gives you access to. The majority of online content and resources are in English. By learning English, you can read books, articles, and research papers written by experts in various fields. You can also connect with people from different cultures and engage in meaningful conversations. In a world that is becoming more interconnected every day, having a good command of English is a major advantage.Moreover, English is the language of innovation and technology. Some of the greatest advancements in science, technology, and medicine have been made by English-speaking countries. By learning English, you can stay updated with the latest research and discoveries. You can also collaborate with scientists and researchers from different parts of the world, which can lead to breakthroughs and advancements in your own field.Another reason why learning English is crucial is the impact it has on your career prospects. In today's job market, employers often require a high level of English proficiency. Knowing English can open up better job opportunities, not only in your own country but also internationally. It can also lead to higher salaries and better chances for career growth.Learning English has more than just professional benefits. It also helps in personal growth and building self-confidence. When you can effectively communicate in English, you become more independent and self-reliant. You can travel to different countries with ease, interact with locals confidently, and truly immerse yourself in different cultures. English allows you to break down language barriers and connect with people from diverse backgrounds.In conclusion, learning English is not just a skill, but a gateway to a world of opportunities. It allows us to access information, collaborate with people fromdifferent cultures, and enhance our career prospects. It is a language that can open doors and broaden our horizons. So, let us embrace the importance of learning English and strive to improve our English skills. Thank you.以上就是我的英语演讲稿,谢谢大家!我的英文2分钟演讲稿精选3篇(三)Ladies and gentlemen,Thank you all for joining me today. Today, I would like to talk to you about the importance of education and its impact on our lives.Education is a fundamental right that everyone deserves. It is the key to unlocking our potential and empowering us to achieve our dreams. Whether it is through formal schooling, self-study, or practical experience, education plays a vital role in shaping our lives.First and foremost, education equips us with knowledge. It broadens our horizons, exposes us to different perspectives, and allows us to understand the world around us. It helps us develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, enabling us to navigate through the complexities of life. Education empowers us to question, explore, and create.Furthermore, education empowers us to take control of our lives. It opens doors to various opportunities and creates a level playing field. By acquiring knowledge and skills, we become more employable and capable of pursuing our desired careers. Education empowers us to become financially independent, enabling us to support ourselves and our families.But education is not just about academics and career prospects. It is also about personal growth and development. Education shapes our values, beliefs, and attitudes. It fosters empathy, tolerance, and understanding towards others. Through education, we learn to appreciate diversity and embrace different cultures, fostering a sense of global citizenship.Education is a powerful tool for social change and progress. It breaks the cycle of poverty, reduces inequality, and promotes social mobility. It empowers individuals to challenge oppressive systems, advocate for justice, and promote equality. By educating ourselves and others, we contribute to creating a more inclusive and equitable society.However, it is important to acknowledge that not everyone has equal access to education. Many individuals and communities around the world face barriers such as poverty, discrimination, and lack of infrastructure. It is our collective responsibility to work towards removing these barriers and ensuring that education is accessible to all.In conclusion, education is a transformative force that has the potential to change lives and make the world a better place. It equips us with knowledge, empowers us to take control of our lives, and fosters personal growth. Education is not just a privilege; it is a right that everyone deserves. Let us strive to create a world where education is accessible to all, and where everyone can fulfill their potential.Thank you.。



第二代iPad平板电脑发布乔布斯出席发布会展开全文第二代iPad平板电脑发布乔布斯出席发布会乔布斯(Steve Jobs)显示了苹果(Apple Inc.)在计算世界最火爆的市场上的霸主地位,展示了自己作为高科技领域最知名的宣传者的才能。





他展示了更薄、速度更快的iPad 2,他的演示充满了对目前涌入市场的竞争对手的连连重击。

这类平板电脑包括Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc.最近发布的Xoom和黑莓(BlackBerry)生产商Research In Motion Ltd.即将推出的Playbook。



Associated Press3月2日,苹果公司CEO乔布斯(Steve Jobs)在苹果产品发布会上讲话。

iPad 2与第一代iPad的起价相同,也是499美元,将于3月11日开始在美国发货,3月25日在其他26个国家发货。

iPad 2前后面各有一个摄像头,这是第一代iPad所没有的,同时还配有苹果设计的新芯片。


iPad 2中的很多变化都是人们普遍预计的,也是改良性的。


研究公司eMarketer分析师艾尔金(Noah Elkin)说,在大部分竞争对手还未开始参赛之前,苹果已经把球门柱又往前移了。

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