Uniform molecularly imprinted microspheres and nanoparticles prepared by precipitation






关键词:分子印迹技术,基本原理,研究进展,展望1.引言分子印迹技术(Molecular Imprinting Technique,MIT)是一种有效的在高度交联、刚性的聚合物母体中引入特定分子结合位点的技术[1]。




由于分子印迹聚合物(Molecular Imprinted Polymer,MIP)具有抗恶劣环境的能力,表现出高度的稳定性和长的使用寿命等优点,因此,它在许多领域,如色谱中对映体和异构体的分离、固相萃取、化学仿生传感器、模拟酶催化、临床药物分析、膜分离技术等诸多领域展现了良好的应用前景[3-8],并由此使其成为化学和生物学交叉的新兴领域之一,得到世界注目并迅速发展。





纳米管 (MIP-TiO2). 具体方法是 : 将 5 mL 0.1 mol/L 的氟钛酸氨 ((NH4)2TiF6)溶液与 5 mL 0.3 mol/L 的硼 酸 (H3BO3)溶液混合 , 加入 10 mg 的盐酸四环素 , 溶
图1 2966
如果此时存在模板分子 (如图 2 所示 ), 模板分子
2011 年
论 文
第 56 卷
第 35 期: 2965 ~ 2969

分子印迹膜修饰 TiO2 纳米管及其光催化降解 盐酸四环素
王红涛, 吴玄, 赵慧敏*, 全燮
工业生态与环境工程教育部重点实验室, 大连理工大学环境学院, 大连 116024 * 联系人 , E-mail: zhaohuim@ 2011-02-25 收稿, 2011-09-20 接受 国家自然科学基金 (20877012)、国家高技术研究发展计划(2007AA06Z406)、新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-08-0079)和长江学者创新团队 (IRT0813)资助项目
英文版见 : Wang H T, Wu X, Zhao H M, et al. Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride by molecular imprinted film modified TiO2 nanotubes. Chin Sci Bull, 2012, 57, doi: 10.1007/s11434-011-4897-x
素来自 Johnson Matthey 公司 ; 氟钛酸铵和硼酸分别 从天津福晨和沈阳第五化学试剂厂购买 ; 实验所用 药品均为分析纯 ; 实验用水为 18 M高纯水 .

molecular imprinting technology

molecular imprinting technology

The application and development of Molecularimprinting technologyAbstract:Molecular imprinting is a newly developed methodology which provides molecular assemblies of desired structures and properties and is being increasingly used for several applications such as in separation processes,microreactors, immunoassays and antibodymimics, catalysis, artificial enzymes, biosensor recognition elements and bio- and chemo-sensors. In this paper,the auther introductived the Molecular imprinting technology and its application. The theory of Molecular imprinting polymers is also reviewed in this paper. Finally,the auther presented the problems and challenges in molecular imprinting .Key words:Molecular imprinting; Molecular recognition;Application and development ;1.IntroductionMolecular recognition is defined as ‘the ability of one molecule to attach to another molecule that has a complementary shape’’[1]. The incentive to develop materials that bind other molecules selec-tively comes from the tremendous medical and technological signi-ficance of molecular recognition in applications that include affinit-y separations,medical diagnostics,drug delivery,chemical and boilog-ical sensors, and catalysis.Molecular imprinting can be envisaged as the selective manipulat-on of the shape, size and chemical functionality of a polymermatr- ix by a templatemolecule.The imprinting process consists of the po-lymerisation of functional monomers in the presence of a template species or a molecule closely related to the template species.The p- oymerisation is conducted in a solvent (porogen) which facilities the fomation of template—monomer complexes by stabilisation of inter-actions.These complexes are then fixed into this spatial arrange ment by the inclusion of a high proportion of cross-linking monomer, which imparts rigidity to the polymer network.Removal of the tem-plate species affords nano-cavites,which are complementary in size, shape and chemical functionality to the templated species. These ca-vities have the ability to selectively rebind the template.The general priniples,areas of applications and limitations of imprinted polymers have been extensively reviewed [2–6].2.The application of molecular imprinting[7]The concept of molecular imprinting based on molecular interaction is very old but their applications in various fields are emerging ecentlyparticularly for sensor applications.The initial examples of molecular imprinting by use of synthetic organic polymers were independently reported by Kiefer et al. (1972) and Wulff and Sarhan (1972) and have since then found applications in separation processes (chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, solid phase extraction (SPE), membrane separations), microreactors,immunoassays and antibody mimics, catalysis and artificial enzymes, biosensor recognition elements and bio- and chemo-sensors. The field of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) will evolve further to include new applications such as recognition elements in intelligent drug delivery devices, in targeted drug delivery applications and in microfluidics devices with applications as analyte sensing microvalves and microactuators. Themolecular imprinting technique can be applied to different kinds of target molecules, ranging from small organic molecules to polypeptides, high molecular proteins and even whole cells.3. The principle of molecular imprintingThe principle of molecular imprinting is shown in Fig. 1. Generally, the fabrication of MIPs consists of three main steps (i) pre-arrangement of the monomers around the target molecule, (ii) polymerization in the presence of cross-linker and (iii) removal of the target molecule by extraction process.These MIPs can be stable in various critical chemical and physical conditions for a long time and reused without any alteration to the memory of the template. Usually MIPs have been prepared in the form of a macroporous monolith, then ground and sieved to the required particle dimensions. Recent improvements in the morphology of MIP particles have been achieved using a precipitation polymerization procedure that allows to obtainmicro- or nanospheres with regular size and shape and particularly able to rebind effectively template molecule due to the high surface/volume ratio. The use of imprinted films in sensor development has attracted a lot of interest recently because of faster rate of diffusion through surface and resulting into high sensitivity. Imprinted films also possess high physical and chemical stability with respect to immobilized biomaterials as the recognition part. Bulk imprinted polymers have been employed in sensors as porous materials. But this design suffered from long diffusion times of the target molecule into the polymer. In recent years, several groups have dealt with the application of imprinted films as recognition layers applied on various transduction systems for example,piezoelectric,amperometric,surface plasmon resonance, fluorimetric and field effect transistors. These imprinted films can be in situ synthesized at an electrode surface by electropolymerization or at a non-conducting surface by chemical grafting or in sandwich configuration.3.Problems and challenges in molecular imprintingCompared with antibodies, enzymes or biologicals receptors,mole-cularly imprinted materials possess inherent advantages viz.robustne-ss,low cost and potential utility in cases where norecognizing biom-olecule is available. Besides many advantages,molecular imprinting technology still needs to overcome few limitations such as template leakage, poor accessibility of the binding sites, low binding capacity and non-specific binding. Since biolo gical recognition mainly occurs in aqueous systems,it is quite important to make MIPs capable of recognition in water in order to mimic biomolecules. The develop-ment of a method f or making efficient MIPs in pola organic solve-nts is of general interest.The applicationsof imprinted polymers are also restricted to the use of organic solvents for the dissolution of organic polymers viz. acrylate or acrylic type polymers which are most commonly used for the preparation of MIPs. Template molec-ules that are only soluble in aqueous phases are generally not ame-nable to imprinting in such amanner. Imprinting of larger molecules like polypeptides and proteinsis still a challenge requires well-definedprotocols. The hydrophobicnature and highly cross-linked structure of the polymer limits the access of the imprinting binding sites by the large proteins. The molecular imprinting of enzymes is also less practical, because of requirement of aqueous buffer for the biologic-al activity of the enzymees. The preparation of MIPs in aqueous s-ystem is very challenging task because of the interference of water molecules.Non-specific interactions between the template and functi-onal monomers or functional oligomers or polymers may also beco-me much weaker or even disappear in aqueous system. Further, m-any biomol-ecules are often insoluble or loss activities in organic solvents. Thus, it is of great importance to develop imprinted mate-rials that can be used in aqueous environment.Resear-ch is goingon to overcome these limitations and thrust is to find out new pol-ymeric matrix for molecular imprinting that can be usedfor environ-mental and biological applications. Sol–gel imprinting is also one of new emerging field in area of molecular imprinting dueto straight forward synthesis of sol–gel materials and particularly useful for the sensor applications. Further, the availability of a range of pure fun-ctional monomers and organically modified silane precurs ors makes their use in molecular imprinting more attractive. AcknowledgementsWe would like to acknowledge all those researchers who's works arebeing cited here.References[1].[2] L.I. Andersson, J. Chromatogr. B 745 (2007) 3.[3] O. Bruggermann, K. Haupt, L. Ye, E. Yilmaz, K. Mosbach, J. Chromatogr. A 889 (2006) 15.[4] M.M. Collinson, Crit. Rev. Anal. Chem. 29 (2004) 289.[5] N. Lavignac, C.J. Allender, K.R. Brain, Anal. Chim. Acta 510 (2006)139.[6] T. Takeuchi, J. Haginaka, J. Chromatogr. B 728 (1999) 1.[7]R. Gupta, A. Kumar / Biotechnology Advances 26 (2008) 533–547。




关键词:分子印迹;食品安全;制备;分析;检测Abstract:The principle of MIT and the preparation methods of molecular imprinting polymers are introduced.The progress in the application of MIT in solid —phase extraction,chromatographic separation,bionic sensor and membrane separation are summarized.Finally,the development prospect of MIT in future is presented.Keywords:molecular imprinting;food safety;preparation ;analysis;detection “民以食为天,食以安为先.”随着食品污染事件的不断发生,食品安全问题再次成为关系国计民生的热点话题.然而,现行检测方法仍存在一些不足,食品样品基质组分复杂,痕量污染物容易被掩蔽,在生物大分子等背景干扰物的作用下难以获得某种(类)高纯度单一组分,给食品分析增添了难度.分子印迹技术是近年来被热切关注的新兴技术,它集分离与富集于一体、材料廉价、可反复使用,适合从复杂基质中分离纯化痕量目标物用以检测,弥补了当前检测方法中的不足,在食品、环境、医药、化工、分子生物学等领域应用广泛.1 分子印迹技术分子印迹技术(M olecular Im printing Technology,M IT )是一种新型、高效的分离及分子识别技术。



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Technol 2013 影响因子:5.228文章:Graphene Oxide-Facilitated Reduction of Nitrobenzene in Sulfide-Containing Aqueous Solutions期刊:Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013 影响因子:5.968文章:Nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbons originated from ionic liquids as electrode materials for supercapacitors南京先丰纳米材料科技有限公司Nanjing XFNANO Materials Tech Co.,Ltd 地址:南京市鼓楼区南京大学国家大学科技园Add:Nanjing Jiangsu Province China期刊:Nanoscale 2013 影响因子:5.914文章:Label-free Electrochemical Impedance Genosensor Based on 1-Aminopyrene/Graphene Hybrids 期刊:Chemistry - A European Journal 2013 影响因子:5.925文章:Three-Dimensional Hierarchical Architectures Constructed by Graphene/MoS2 Nanoflake Arrays and Their Rapid Charging/Discharging Properties as Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes期刊:Chemistry - A European Journal 2013 影响因子:5.925文章:Structural Engineering for High Energy and Voltage Output Supercapacitors期刊:Chemistry - A European Journal 2013 影响因子:5.925文章: Label-Free Detection of MicroRNA: Two-Step Signal Enhancement with a Hairpin-Probe-Based Graphene Fluorescence Switch and Isothermal Amplification大于等于4:期刊:Analytica Chimica Acta 2014 影响因子:4.378文章:In situ synthesis of ceria nanoparticles in the ordered mesoporous carbon as a novel electrochemical sensor for the determination of hydrazine.期刊:Journal of Power Sources 2014 影响因子:4.675文章:Three-dimensional macroporous anodes based on stainless steel fiber felt for high-performance microbial fuel cells.期刊:Journal of Power Sources 2014 影响因子:4.675文章:Sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone)/mesoporous silica hybrid membrane for high performance vanadium redox flow battery期刊:Journal of Power Sources 2012 影响因子:4.951文章: Carbon felt supported carbon nanotubes catalysts composite electrode for vanadium redox flow battery application期刊:Journal of Power Sources 2012 影响因子:4.951文章: A new method for fabrication of graphene/polyaniline nanocomplex modified microbial fuel cell anodes期刊:J. Phys. Chem. C 2012 影响因子:4.805文章: Alignment of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal期刊:Analytica Chimica Acta 2012 影响因子:4.555文章: Highly sensitive luminol electrochemiluminescence immunosensor based on ZnO nanoparticles and glucose oxidase decorated graphene for cancer biomarker detection期刊:Journal of Chromatography A 2012 影响因子:4.531文章: Simultaneous determination of 10 β2-agonists in swine urine using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry and multi-walled carbon nanotubes as a reversed dispersive solid phase extraction sorbent期刊:ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2012 影响因子:4.525文章: “Turn-on”Fluorescence Detection of Lead Ions Based on Accelerated Leaching of Gold Nanoparticles on the Surface of Graphene期刊:Chemistry-An Asian Journal 2012 影响因子:4.5南京先丰纳米材料科技有限公司Nanjing XFNANO Materials Tech Co.,Ltd 地址:南京市鼓楼区南京大学国家大学科技园Add:Nanjing Jiangsu Province China文章: Dispersion of Reduced Graphene Oxide in Multiple Solvents with an Imidazolium-Modified Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene期刊:Analyst 2012 影响因子:4.23文章: Glucose sensor based on an electrochemical reduced graphene oxide-poly(L-lysine) composite film modified GC electrode期刊:Analyst 2012 影响因子:4.23文章: A functional graphene oxide-ionic liquid composites/gold nanoparticles sensing platform for ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of Hg2+期刊:Analyst 2012 影响因子:4.23文章: Ultrasensitive colorimetric detection of heparin based on self-assembly of gold nanoparticles on graphene oxide期刊:PLOS ONE 2012 影响因子:4.092文章: Obstruction of Photoinduced Electron Transfer from Excited Porphyrin to Graphene Oxide: A Fluorescence Turn-On Sensing Platform for Iron (III) Ions期刊:Pharmaceutical Research 2012 影响因子:4.093文章: PEGylated Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Encapsulation and Sustained Release of Oxaliplatin期刊:Electrochemistry Communications 2014 影响因子: 4.425文章A Novel Electrochemical Immunosensor for Golgi Protein 73 Assay期刊:Journal of Power Sources 2014 影响因子: 4.675文章Mesoporous Li3V2(PO4)3@CMK-3 nanocomposite cathode material for lithium ion batteries期刊:Analytica Chimica Acta 2014 影响因子: 4.387文章Sensitive and selective electrochemical determination of quinoxaline-2-carboxylic acid based on bilayer of novel poly(pyrrole) functional composite using one-step electro-polymerization and molecularly imprinted poly(o-phenylenediamine)期刊:Journal of Membrane Science 2014 影响因子:4.093文章Poly(vinyl alcohol)–graphene oxide nanohybrid “pore-filling” membrane for pervaporation of toluene/n-heptane mixtures期刊:Journal of Power Sources 2014 影响因子: 4.675文章Non-aqueous hybrid supercapacitors fabricated with mesoporous TiO2 microspheres and activated carbon electrodes with superior performance期刊:Journal of Power Sources 2014 影响因子: 4.675文章Preparation of three-dimensional hybrid nanostructure-encapsulated sulfur cathode for high-rate lithium sulfur batteries期刊:Bioresource Technology 2013 影响因子: 4.75文章Selective production of chemicals from biomass pyrolysis over metal chlorides supported on zeolite期刊:Journal of Chromatography A 2013 影响因子: 4.612文章Simultaneous determination of six resorcylic acid lactones in feed using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry and multi-walled carbon nanotubes as a dispersive solid phase extraction sorbent南京先丰纳米材料科技有限公司Nanjing XFNANO Materials Tech Co.,Ltd 地址:南京市鼓楼区南京大学国家大学科技园Add:Nanjing Jiangsu Province China期刊:Journal of Power Sources 2013 影响因子: 4.675文章Reduced graphene oxide film as a shuttle-inhibiting interlayer in a lithium–sulfur battery期刊:The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2013 影响因子: 4.814文章Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Properties of Reduced Graphene Oxide Modified by Maghemite Colloidal Nanoparticle Clusters期刊:Journal of Power Sources 2013 影响因子: 4.675文章Improving the performance of lithium–sulfur batteries by graphene coating期刊:Journal of Chromatography A 2013 影响因子:4.612文章Application of graphene as the stationary phase for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography 期刊:Journal of Power Sources 2013 影响因子:4.675文章Design, hydrothermal synthesis and electrochemical properties of porous birnessite-type manganese dioxide nanosheets on graphene as a hybrid material for supercapacitors期刊:Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2013 影响因子:4.525文章:One-Pot Environmentally Friendly Approach toward Highly Catalytically Active Bimetal-Nanoparticle-Graphene Hybrids期刊:Electrochemistry Communications 2013 影响因子:4.859文章:Fabrication of streptavidin functionalized silver nanoparticle decorated graphene and its application in disposable electrochemical sensor for immunoglobulin E期刊:ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2013 影响因子:4.525文章:Facile Fabrication and Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance of Ag/AgCl/rGO Heterostructure Photocatalyst期刊:Analyst 2013 影响因子:4.23文章:One-pot green synthesis of graphene oxide/gold nanocomposites as SERS substrates for malachite green detection大于等于3:期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical影响因子:3.535文章:Facile preparation of highly water-stable and flexible PEDOT:PSS organic/inorganic composite materials and their application in electrochemical sensors.期刊:Electrochimica Acta影响因子:3.777文章:Inhibitory effect of silver nanomaterials on transmissible virus-induced host cell infections期刊:Microchimica Acta 2014 影响因子:3.434文章:Graphene oxide functionalized magnetic nanoparticles as adsorbents for removal of phthalate esters.期刊:Nanotechnology 2013 影响因子:3.979文章: Facile and straightforward synthesis of superparamagnetic reduced graphene oxide–Fe3O4 hybrid composite by a solvothermal reaction期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2012 影响因子:3.898文章: Sensitive DNA biosensor improved by 1,10-phenanthroline cobalt complex as indicator based on the electrode modified by gold nanoparticles and graphene期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子:3.832南京先丰纳米材料科技有限公司Nanjing XFNANO Materials Tech Co.,Ltd 地址:南京市鼓楼区南京大学国家大学科技园Add:Nanjing Jiangsu Province China文章: Electrochemical biosensor based on reduced graphene oxide modified electrode with Prussian blue and poly(toluidine blue O) coating期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2012 影响因子:3.832文章: High sensitive determination of theophylline based on gold nanoparticles/l-cysteine/Graphene/Nafion modified electrode期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子:3.832文章: Graphene oxide/nickel oxide modified glassy carbon electrode for supercapacitor and nonenzymatic glucose sensor期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2012 影响因子:3.832文章: Graphene oxide nanoribbon and polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane assembled composite frameworks for pre-concentrating and electrochemical sensing of 1-hydroxypyrene期刊:Bioelectrochemistry 2012 影响因子:3.759文章: Nonenzymatic amperometric determination of glucose by CuO nanocubes–graphene nanocomposite modified electrode期刊:Chemical Engineering Journal 2012 影响因子:3.461文章: Self-assembly of graphene oxide and polyelectrolyte complex nanohybrid membranes for nanofiltration and pervaporation期刊:Fuel 2012 影响因子:3.248文章: Experimental study on bio-oil upgrading over catalyst in supercritical ethanol期刊:RSC Advances 2013 2011年创刊预计影响因子:大于3.0文章: Sandwich nanocomposites of polyaniline embedded between graphene layers and multi-walled carbon nanotubes for cycle-stable electrode materials of organic supercapacitors期刊:RSC Advances 2012 2011年新刊,预计影响因子:大于3.0文章: Electrochemically-driven and dynamic enhancement of drug metabolism via cytochrome P450 microsomes on colloidal gold/graphene nanocomposites期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2014 影响因子: 3.777文章(4-Ferrocenylethyne) Phenylamine Functionalized Graphene Oxide Modified Electrode for Sensitive Nitrite Sensing期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2014 影响因子: 3.535文章Simultaneous determination of dihydroxybenzene isomers based on graphene-graphene oxide nanocomposite modified glassy carbon electrode期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2014 影响因子: 3.535文章Sensitive electrochemiluminescence sensor based on ordered mesoporous carbon composite film for dopamine期刊:Talanta 2014 影响因子: 3.498文章Square wave anodic stripping voltammetric determination of Cd2+ and Pb2+ at bismuth-film electrode modified with electroreduced graphene oxide-supported thiolated thionine期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2014 影响因子: 3.535文章A multiple-promoted silver enhancement strategy in electrochemical detection of target virus期刊:Nanotechnology 2014 影响因子: 3.842南京先丰纳米材料科技有限公司Nanjing XFNANO Materials Tech Co.,Ltd 地址:南京市鼓楼区南京大学国家大学科技园Add:Nanjing Jiangsu Province China文章Ag–graphene hybrid conductive ink for writing electronics期刊:Analyst 2014 影响因子: 3.969文章Capillary electrophoresis-based immobilized enzyme reactor using graphene oxide as support via layer by layer electrostatic assembly期刊:Microchimica Acta 2014 影响因子: 3.434文章Fluorescent aptasensor for the determination of Salmonella typhimurium based on a graphene oxide platform期刊:Talanta 2014 影响因子:3.498文章Tannic acid functionalized N-doped graphene modified glassy carbon electrode for the determination of bisphenol A in food package期刊:Composites Science and Technology 2013 影响因子: 3.328文章Fabrication of graphene/polylactide nanocomposites with improved properties期刊:Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2014 影响因子: 3.365文章Synthesis, characterization and CO2 capture of mesoporous SBA-15 adsorbents functionalized with melamine-based and acrylate-based amine dendrimers期刊:Analyst 2013 影响因子: 3.969文章Graphene based electrochemical biosensor for label-free measuring the activity and inhibition of protein tyrosine kinase期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子: 3.777文章Preparation and charaterization of Pt/functionalized graphene and its electrocatalysis for methanol oxidation期刊:Plos One 2013 影响因子: 3.73文章Synergistic Removal of Pb(II), Cd(II) and Humic Acid by Fe3O4@Mesoporous Silica-Graphene Oxide Composites期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子: 3.777文章Electrocatalytic oxidation and detection of N-acetylcysteine based on magnetite/reduced graphene oxide composite-modified glassy carbon electrode期刊:Catalysis Science & Technology 2013 影响因子: 3.753文章The role of reducing agent in perylene tetracarboxylic acid coating on graphene sheets enhances Pd nanoparticles-electrocalytic ethanol oxidation期刊:Acta Materialia 2013 影响因子: 3.941文章Nanoconfinement significantly improves the thermodynamics and kinetics of co-infiltrated 2LiBH4–LiAlH4 composites: Stable reversibility of hydrogen absorption/resorption期刊:Microchimica Acta 2013 影响因子:3.434文章Highly sensitive and selective voltammetric detection of mercury(II) using an ITO electrode modified with 5-methyl-2-thiouracil, graphene oxide and gold nanoparticles期刊:Composites Science and Technology 2013 影响因子:3.328文章Porous graphene sandwich/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composites with high dielectric properties 期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子: 3.777文章Cu2O/NiOx/graphene oxide modified glassy carbon electrode for the enhanced electrochemical oxidation of reduced glutathione and nonenzyme glucose sensor南京先丰纳米材料科技有限公司Nanjing XFNANO Materials Tech Co.,Ltd 地址:南京市鼓楼区南京大学国家大学科技园Add:Nanjing Jiangsu Province China期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子: 3.777文章Direct electrodeposion of reduced graphene oxide and dendritic copper nanoclusters on glassy carbon electrode for electrochemical detection of nitrite期刊:Analyst 2013 影响因子: 3.969文章Realization of on-tissue protein identification by highly efficient in situ digestion with graphene-immobilized trypsin for MALDI imaging analysis期刊:Food Chemistry 2014 影响因子:3.334文章Electrochemical determination of toxic ractopamine at an ordered mesoporous carbon modified electrode期刊:Talanta 2013 影响因子:3.498文章Simultaneous Determination of Dopamine and Uric Acid Using Layer-by-Layer Graphene and Chitosan Assembled Multilayer Films期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子:3.777文章Electrochemically Cathodic Exfoliation of Graphene Sheets in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids N-Butyl, methylpyrrolidinium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide and Their Electrochemical Properties 期刊:Journal of Applied Physics 2013 影响因子:2.21文章An experimental investigation on fluidic behaviors in a two-dimensional nanoenvironment期刊:Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 2013 影响因子:3.187文章Enhancing the photocatalytic activity of lead molybdate by modifying with fullerene期刊:Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2013 影响因子:3.829文章Improving the antifouling property of polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane by incorporation of isocyanate-treated graphene oxide期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2013 影响因子:3.535文章Electrochemical modification of graphene oxide bearing different types of oxygen functional species for the electro-catalytic oxidation of reduced glutathione期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2013 影响因子:3.535文章A novel graphene oxide-based fluorescence assay for RNA endonuclease activity of mammalian Argonaute2 protein期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2013 影响因子:3.535文章Enhanced room temperature sensing of Co3O4-intercalated reduced graphene oxide based gas sensors期刊:Talanta 2013 影响因子:3.498文章Graphene matrix for signal enhancement in ambient plasma assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2013影响因子:3.535文章Electrodeposition of electroreduced graphene oxide-Au nanoparticles composite film at glassy carbon electrode for anodic stripping voltammetric analysis of trace arsenic(III)期刊:Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2013 影响因子:3.829文章Enhanced reverse saturable absorption in graphene/Ag2S organic glasses期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子:3.777南京先丰纳米材料科技有限公司Nanjing XFNANO Materials Tech Co.,Ltd 地址:南京市鼓楼区南京大学国家大学科技园Add:Nanjing Jiangsu Province China文章Electrochemical immunoassay platform for high sensitivity detection of indole-3-acetic acid期刊:Analyst 2013 影响因子:3.969文章Aptamer-linked biosensor for thrombin based on AuNPs/Thionine-graphene nanocomposite期刊:Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2013 影响因子:3.172文章Green Synthesis and Photo-catalytic Performances for ZnO-Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子:3.832文章: Insight into effects of graphene in Li4Ti5O12/carbon composite with high rate capability as anode materials for lithium ion batteries期刊:Dalton Transactions 2013 影响因子:3.838文章:Remarkable improvements in the stability and thermal conductivity of graphite/ethylene glycol nanofluids caused by a graphene oxide percolation structure期刊:Talanta 2013 影响因子:3.794文章:Selective and sensitive determination of uric acid in the presence of ascorbic acid and dopamine by PDDA functionalized graphene/graphite composite electrode期刊:ELECTROPHORESIS 2013 影响因子:3.303文章:Graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide as novel stationary phases via electrostatic assembly for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography期刊:Sensors and Actuators B 2013 影响因子:3.898文章:A reduced graphene oxide based biosensor for high-sensitive detection of phenols in water samples期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2013 影响因子:3.898文章:Amperometric biosensor for NADH and ethanol based on electroreduced graphene oxide–polythionine nanocomposite film南京先丰纳米材料科技有限公司Nanjing XFNANO Materials Tech Co.,Ltd 地址:南京市鼓楼区南京大学国家大学科技园Add:Nanjing Jiangsu Province China。












1、功能单体通过与模板分子相互作用聚集在模板分子周 围形成某种可逆的复合物; 2、功能单体与适量交 联剂在致孔剂(溶 剂)存在下发生聚 合生成交联的刚性 高聚物; 3、将模板分子从高聚 物中解离出来。
相互作用:共价或非共价(氢键、 静电作用、疏水作用、配位键等)

客体的功能残基和接受体间必须互补; 接受体和客体的构象自由度应尽可能小; 化学环境应当是可调的。

《现代化学前沿丛书:分子 印迹学——从基础到应用》
小宫山真等 著;吴世康 汪鹏飞 译 出版社:化学工业出版社 ,Fra bibliotek006
《高新技术科普丛书(第三 批)——分子印迹技术》
一、什么是分子印迹技术 二、分子印迹技术的产生和发展 三、分子印迹的基本原理 四、分子印迹的分类 五、分子印迹的步骤 六、分子印迹技术的特点 七、分子印迹技术的应用 八、展望
共价印迹法 杂化印迹法
3、分解:聚合后的联结产物在溶剂等的作用下(共价键断裂)使模板 分子从聚合物中除去,得到印迹聚合物; 4、联结:印迹聚合物和客体分子相遇,形成非共价联结。
一、什么是分子印迹技术 二、分子印迹技术的产生和发展 三、分子印迹的基本原理 四、分子印迹的分类 五、分子印迹的步骤 六、分子印迹技术的特点 七、分子印迹技术的应用 八、展望

霍夫梅斯特效应 超分子水凝胶的机械强度

霍夫梅斯特效应 超分子水凝胶的机械强度


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2 实验方法
211 分子印迹聚合物的制备 [ 8 ] 称取 s - 萘普生 01230 6 g于三口烧瓶中 , 加入
01344 3 g MAA , 摇匀 , 静止 10 m in, 使其与模板
分子充 分 作 用 , 然 后 依 次 加 入 01568 6 g GMA、 31124 3 g DVB、加入乙腈和苯的混合溶剂 40 mL (乙腈 /苯体积比为 7 ∶3 ) , 在冰水浴中超声 5 m in 后加入 50 mg偶氮二异丁腈 , 通入氮气 5 m in, 密 封 。将反应瓶置于油浴中 , 在 65 ℃中反应 24 h, 得到白色浑浊溶液 。将溶液离心倾去上层清液 , 得 到聚合物粒子置于索氏抽提器中用无水乙醇洗涤
m (H2 O ) = ( (m h - m q ) /m q ) ×100% 其中 , m h 和 m q 分别是溶胀后和溶胀前聚合物质量 。 21212 对模板分子的吸附性能 称取各聚合物 20 mg, 分别置于 10 mL的锥形瓶中 , 加入 310 mL 浓 度为 3 mmol/L 的萘普生标准溶液 (φ = 90%乙腈
紫外光谱仪 (岛津 UV - 2550) , AVATAR 360 FT2 IR 型红外光谱仪 ( KB r压片 ) (美国 N icolet公 司 ) , 高效液相色谱仪 (Agilent 1100 ) , C18色谱柱 (415 mm ×150 mm , Agilent) 。环境扫描电子显微 镜 XL230ESEM (荷兰菲利谱电子光学有er 3000HS (M alvern, UK) 。
在医药领域 , 纳米药物载体容易通过受体介导 的内吞作用被细胞吞噬 , 具有被动靶向性 。如果赋 予纳米粒子表面亲水性能 , 则不仅可以延长药物在 体内的循环时间 , 提高药物生物利用度 , 而且亲水 纳米粒可以改变膜运转机制 , 增加药物对生物膜的 透过性 , 有利于药物透皮吸收与细胞内药效发挥 。 因而亲水纳米粒子是一类非常优良的药物载体 , 在 生物医药领域应用非常广泛 [ 6 - 7 ] 。



分子印迹技术分离中草药功能因子的研究与应用3郭利飞,宋承成,陈永强,贺敏强33(江苏大学化学化工学院,镇江212013)摘要:概述了近年来利用分子印迹技术(Molecular I m p rinting Technique,M I T)制备生物碱、黄酮、多元酚、鞣质、有机酸、香豆素、木脂素及甾类等各类中草药功能因子分子印迹聚合物的研究状况。

综述了利用M I T从中草药粗提物中直接分离提取各类功能因子的国内外研究新进展,并对其应用前景进行了展望。

关键词:分子印迹技术;分离;中草药;功能因子中图分类号:R917文献标识码:A文章编号:0254-1793(2009)06-1055-08Research and appli cati on of molecul ar impri n ti n g techn i quei n separati n g functi onal factors of traditi onal Chi n ese medi ci n es3G UO L i-fei,S ONG Cheng-cheng,CHEN Yong-qiang,HE M in-qiang33(School of Che m istry and Chem ical Engineering,J iangsu University,Zhenjiang212013,China)Abstract:Recent advances of p reparati ons of different functi onal fact ors of traditi onal Chinese medicines-molecu2 lar i m p rinted poly mers(FFT C M-M I Ps)including alkal oids,flavonoids,p lyphenols,organic acids,cou marins,lig2 nans and Ster oids by molecular i m p rinting technique(M I T)were su mmarized.The ne w researchs ofM I T in separa2 ting the functi onal fact ors fr om the crude traditi onal Chinese medicines(TC M)were revie wed,and the app licati on p r os pect of M I T was als o expected.Key words:molecular i m p rinting technique;separati on;traditi onal Chinese medicines;functi onal fact ors 从中草药粗提物中分离具有药效作用的中草药功能因子(Functi onal Fact ors of Traditi onal Chinese Medicines,FFTC M)是提高中药产品质量和临床疗效的关键。






















1.一种新型超分子复合水凝胶的制备与性能研究 [J], 徐翊家;崔登兵
2.基于智能水凝胶材料构建高度仿生大脑模型的应用研究 [J], 周岩; 张波; 李振; 石洋; 曹莹泽; 王鹏飞; 王广云; 赵明月; 张晖; 舒成
3.基于智能水凝胶材料构建高度仿生大脑模型的应用研究 [J], 周岩; 李振; 石洋; 曹莹泽; 王鹏飞; 王广云; 赵明月; 张晖; 舒成; 张波
4.氨基-酰胺类智能超分子水凝胶农药载体制备 [J], 郝丽;黄丹丹;关梅;周红军;周新华
5.上海交大在仿生手性超分子水凝胶材料取得重要进展 [J],








关键词:分子印迹微凝胶壳聚糖;京尼平;药物开释前言分子印迹技术(molecular imprinting technique, MIT)是制备在空间结构和结合位点上与模板分子相匹配的材料,即分子印迹材料(molecularly imprinted materials , MIMs)的技术,常被形象的描述为制造识别“分子钥匙”的“人工锁”技术。








葡萄糖水热碳化制备表面分子印迹基质材料多孔碳微球赵慧君1,2,杨永珍1,3,刘旭光1,2,许并社1,3(1. 太原理工大学新材料界面科学与工程教育部重点实验室,太原030024;2. 太原理工大学化学化工学院,太原030024;3.太原理工大学新材料工程技术研究中心,太原030024)摘 要:以葡萄糖晶体为原料,采用低温水热法和退火处理制得多孔碳微球。


结果表明:通过调节低温水热反应中反应物浓度、反应时间、反应温度等参数,在葡萄糖溶液浓度0.3 mol/L、温度180 ℃、时间14 h时,得到粒径尺寸均一、表面光滑、形貌规整并且具有一定溶剂分散性的碳微球;退火后碳微球的尺寸均匀介于100~700 nm之间,孔径集中分布在1.2~1.8 nm之间,比表面积为502.6 m2/g,表面具有羟基、羰基、羧基等含氧官能团。


关键词:材料物理与化学;水热;葡萄糖;多孔碳微球;分子印迹中图分类号:TB 332文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-2783(2012)12-0898-6Preparation of surface molecularly imprinted matrix materials porous carbon microspheres from glucose by hydrothermal carbonization methodZhao Huijun1,2,Y ang Y ongzhen1,3,Liu Xuguang 1,2,Xu Bingshe1,3(1. Key Laboratory of Interface Science and Engineering in Advanced Materials of Ministry of Education, T aiyuan University of T echnology, T aiyuan 030024, China; 2. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, T aiyuan University of T echnology, T aiyuan 030024, China;3. Research Center on Advanced Materials Science and T echnology, T aiyuan University of T echnolog, T aiyuan 030024, China) Abstract: Porous carbon microspheres (PCMSs) have been prepared by hydrothermal method at low temperatures after the annealingwith glucose crystal as raw materials in the reaction vessel. The samples were characterized by electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetry and pore size analysis. The results showed that PCMSs, with uniform size, smooth surface, regular morphology and solvent dispersion, were prepared at optimum conditions of 0.3 mol/L glucose, 14 h and 180℃. The annealed PCMSs with a specific surface area of 502.6 m2/g and sizes ranging from 100–700 nm, had pore sizes concentrated at 1.2–1.8 nm and several oxygen-containing functional groups including hydroxyl, carbonyl and carboxyl groups on their surfaces. As-obtained PCMSs will eliminate the surface activation and improve the grafting reactivity in order to solve the complexity of modification in the process of preparing molecularly imprinted surface materials.Key words: material physics and chemistry;hydrothermal;glucose;porous carbon microspheres;molecular imprinting表面分子印迹技术是把具有识别位点的印迹层结合在基质表面的印迹方法,这种方法合成的分子印迹材料的形状由基质材料决定[1]。



水凝胶角膜给药载体治疗大鼠角膜炎的实验观察吕红玲;武珅;晏世刚;刘谦;张继平;唐永哲;施云峰;薛巍;卢清君【摘要】目的观察水凝胶角膜给药载体对大鼠角膜炎的治疗效果.方法建立金黄色葡萄球菌角膜炎动物模型,SD大鼠随机分为5组:分子印迹聚甲基丙烯酸-β-羟乙酯与甲基丙烯酸的共聚物P(HEMA-CO-MAA)水凝胶角膜给药载体组、聚甲基丙烯酸-β-羟乙酯与甲基丙烯酸的共聚物P(HEMA-CO-MAA)水凝胶角膜给药载体组、聚甲基丙烯酸-β-羟乙酯(PHEMA)水凝胶角膜给药载体组、加替沙星眼药水组、自愈组,每组各3只,分组进行饲养.比较各组角膜结膜情况并进行角膜细菌划线培养和病理组织学观察.结果角膜炎大鼠干预后48 h进行检测,自愈组划线细菌培养与干预前无明显差别,PHEMA组划线菌落培养少于干预前,而加替沙星眼药水组、P(HEMA-CO-MAA)组及分子印迹P(HEMA-CO-MAA)组划线菌落培养明显少于干预前.角膜冰冻切片行HE染色,各组均可见水肿,相对于眼药水组,P(HEMA-CO-MAA)及分子印迹P(HEMA-CO-MAA)水凝胶角膜给药载体组角膜基质水肿程度较弱,炎症浸润细胞较少.结论 P(HEMA-CO-MAA)和分子印迹 P(HEMA-CO-MAA)水凝胶角膜给药载体比PHEMA水凝胶角膜给药载体杀菌效果强,更具有未来长效缓释的研究价值.【期刊名称】《广东药学院学报》【年(卷),期】2013(029)004【总页数】5页(P407-411)【关键词】细菌性角膜炎;水凝胶给药载体;药物缓释【作者】吕红玲;武珅;晏世刚;刘谦;张继平;唐永哲;施云峰;薛巍;卢清君【作者单位】佛山市第二人民医院,眼科中心,广东,佛山,528000;北京市眼科学与视觉科学重点实验室/首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院北京同仁眼科中心,北京100005;佛山市第二人民医院,眼科中心,广东,佛山,528000;北京市眼科学与视觉科学重点实验室/首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院北京同仁眼科中心,北京100005;佛山市第二人民医院,眼科中心,广东,佛山,528000;佛山市第二人民医院,眼科中心,广东,佛山,528000;暨南大学,生物医学工程研究所药物载体研究室,广东,广州,510632;暨南大学,生物医学工程研究所药物载体研究室,广东,广州,510632;生物材料广东高校重点实验室,广东,广州,510632;北京市眼科学与视觉科学重点实验室/首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院北京同仁眼科中心,北京100005【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R965;R772.21目前临床对细菌性角膜炎的主要治疗就是选用有效的抗生素眼药水频繁点药,但由于人眼特殊的生理结构,点眼后药液在泪液层的停留时间只有短暂的几分钟,导致仅有5%剂量的药物分子可以透过角膜,而绝大部分的药物在结膜处被吸收,或者通过鼻泪管流入鼻腔,最终进入血液循环。
















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Analytica Chimica Acta584(2007)112–121Uniform molecularly imprinted microspheres and nanoparticlesprepared by precipitation polymerization:The control of particlesize suitable for different analytical applicationsKeiichi Yoshimatsu a,b,Kristina Reimhult c,Anatol Krozer c,Klaus Mosbach a,Koji Sode b,Lei Ye a,∗a Pure and Applied Biochemistry,Chemical Center,Lund University,Box124,S-22100Lund,Swedenb Department of Biotechnology,Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology,2-14-16,Naka-cho Koganei,Tokyo184-8588,Japanc The Imego Institute,Arvid Hedvalls Backe4,S-41133G¨o teborg,SwedenReceived29June2006;received in revised form24October2006;accepted2November2006Available online10November2006AbstractMolecularly imprinted polymers(MIPs)are being increasingly used as selective adsorbents in different analytical applications.To satisfy the different application purposes,MIPs with well controlled physical forms in different size ranges are highly desirable.For examples,MIP nanoparticles are very suitable to be used to develop binding assays and for microfluidic separations,whereas MIP beads with diameter of 1.5–3␮m can be more appropriate to use in new analytical liquid chromatography systems.Previous studies have demonstrated that imprinted microspheres and nanoparticles can be synthesized using a simple precipitation polymerization method.Despite that the synthetic method is straightforward,thefinal particle size obtained has been difficult to adjust for a given template.In this work,we initiated to study new synthetic conditions to obtain MIP beads with controllable size in the nano-to micro-meter range,using racemic propranolol as a model template.Varying the composition of the cross-linking monomer allowed the particle size of the MIP beads to be altered in the range of130nm to2.4␮m,whereas the favorable binding property of the imprinted beads remained intact.The chiral recognition sites were further characterized with equilibrium binding analysis using tritium-labeled(S)-propranolol as a tracer.In general,the imprinted sites displayed a high chiral selectivity:the apparent affinity of the(S)-imprinted sites for(S)-propranolol was20times that of for(R)pared to previously reported irregular particles, the chiral selectivity of competitive radioligand binding assays developed from the present imprinted beads has been increased by six to seven folds in an optimized aqueous solvent.©2006Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Molecular imprinting;Precipitation polymerization;Propranolol;Assay;Nanoparticles1.IntroductionMolecularly imprinted polymers(MIPs)are tailor-made synthetic materials having selective molecular recognition capability[1–5].Imprinted binding sites are generated by co-polymerization of functional monomer with cross-linking monomer in the presence of a template molecule.The functional monomer interacts with the template to form a stable complex during the cross-linking reaction.After polymerization,the tem-plate is removed to afford binding sites complimentary to the ∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+46462229560;fax:+46462224611.E-mail address:lei.ye@tbiokem.lth.se(L.Ye).template structure.A wide range of molecules can be used as templates to prepare MIPs with binding affinity and speci-ficity comparable to biological antibodies[6–8].Due to their favorable molecular recognition capability and stability,poten-tial applications of MIPs have been investigated in broad areas, such as ligand binding assays[9],liquid chromatography[10], solid-phase extraction[11],sensors[1],and catalytic chemical reactions[2].Traditionally,MIPs were synthesized as porous monolith, which after grinding and sieving,gave irregular particles with different sizes in the range of5–100␮m.Although this method allows easy preparation of small amount of MIPs,it is time-consuming and yields only moderate amount of useful MIPs (yield typically less than50%).The irregularity of size and shape0003-2670/$–see front matter©2006Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.aca.2006.11.004K.Yoshimatsu et al./Analytica Chimica Acta584(2007)112–121113of such MIP particles also made sample handling difficult,and chromatography efficiency reduced.For new analytical applica-tions,the irregular particles are inferior to well defined polymer beads,especially in developing MIP-based assays,sensor arrays and separation modules.In addition to improving binding perfor-mance of MIPs,new physical formats of MIPs and more efficient synthetic methodologies were important research topics in the past years.Previously,we described a simple method to prepare molecularly imprinted polymer beads using a precipitation poly-merization method[12,13].The imprinting reaction was carried out in a near-θsolvent(as a rule of thumb,the Hildebrand solu-bility parameter of a near-θsolvent should be3–5(MPa)0.5away from that of a polymer),leading to cross-linked polymer beads containing specifically imprinted binding sites.The formation of polymer microspheres was achieved by entropic precipitation of nanogel particles and continuous capture of nascent oligomers [14].As no interfering reagent(i.e.surfactant or stabilizer)was used during polymer synthesis,the method turned out to be gen-erally applicable to a broad range of template structures,and purification of the imprinted polymer beads was easily achieved. MIP nanoparticles and microspheres prepared by precipitation polymerization have been used in ligand binding assays[15,16], liquid chromatography[17],capillary electrochromatography [18–20],solid-phase extraction[21]and chemical sensing[22].To satisfy different analytical applications,MIPs with well controlled physical forms in different size ranges are highly desirable.For examples,MIP nanoparticles are very suitable to use in homogeneous binding assays and in microfluidic sep-aration modules,whereas monodispersed MIP beads in the range of1.5–3␮m may be used as new stationary phases in liquid chromatography systems to afford very fast sepa-ration.Despite the straightforward synthesis offered by the precipitation polymerization,for a given imprinting system it has been difficult to adjust and control thefinal particle size without deteriorating the imprinting effect.In this work,we intended to study new precipitation polymerization conditions to obtain MIP beads with controllable size in the range of 100nm to3␮m in diameter.The small MIP nanoparticles are ideal to use in the well established non-separation assay for-mats,for example using measurements based onfluorescence polarization–depolarization orfluorescence resonance energy transfer(FRET)techniques[23],whereas the1.5–3␮m MIP microspheres may be more appropriate to use with new analyt-ical chromatography instruments(e.g.capillary LC and UPLC) to provide very fast analytical separation[24].In this work,we started to investigate the precise control of the size of MIP beads that can be synthesized by the precip-itation polymerization ing propranolol as a model template,we demonstrate that,as a major reaction component, the cross-linking monomer has a profound effect on thefinal particle size and polymer product yield.Varying the ratio of two different cross-linkers used,we were able to synthesize monodisperse MIP beads with different sizes in the100nm to 2.4␮m range.The polymer beads obtained were characterized by elemental analysis,Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR)to study the conversion of the different monomers.The particle size and morphology were analyzed using scanning elec-tron microscopy(SEM)and photon correlation spectroscopy(PCS).As confirmed by radioligand binding analysis,all the MIPbeads obtained maintained excellent imprinting effect,and canbe readily employed to develop binding assays for complicatedsamples.2.Experimental2.1.MaterialsDivinylbenzene(DVB,technical grade,55%,mixture of iso-mers)and trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate(TRIM,technicalgrade)were obtained from Aldrich(Dorset,UK).Prior to use,DVB was passed through an aluminum oxide column to removethe polymerization inhibitor.Acetic acid(glacial,100%),ace-tonitrile(99.7%)and azobisisobutyronitrile(AIBN,98%)usedfor polymer synthesis were purchased from Merck(Darmstadt,Germany).AIBN was re-crystallized from methanol before use.Methacrylic acid(MAA,98.5%)was purchased from ACROS(Geel,Belgium)and used as received.(R,S)-Propranololhydrochloride(99%),(S)-propranolol hydrochloride(99%)and(R)-propranolol hydrochloride(99%)supplied by Fluka(Dorset,UK)were converted into free base form before use.(S)-[4-3H]-Propranolol(specific activity555GBq mmol−1,66.7␮M solution in ethanol)was purchased from NEN Life Science Prod-ucts Inc.(Boston,MA).Scintillation liquid,Ecoscint A wasfrom National Diagnostics(Atlanta,GA).Other solvents wereof analytical grade.2.2.ApparatusScanning electron microscopy(SEM)imaging was carriedout on a JEOL JSM-6700F Field Emission Scanning ElectronMicroscope(Tokyo,Japan)unless otherwise stated.Polymermicrospheres were sputter coated with gold prior to the SEMmeasurement.Photon correlation spectroscopy measurementwas performed on a Zetasizer Nano ZS instrument equipped witha software package DTS Ver.4.10(Malvern Instruments Ltd.,Worcestershire,UK).Polymer particles(2mg)were mixed withacetonitrile(1mL),sonicated in a benchtop ultrasonic cleanerfor20min until no particle aggregate could be observed.Thecolloidal sample was diluted with acetonitrile to afinal concen-tration of20␮g mL−1prior to particle size measurement.Thehydrodynamic size of the particles was measured in acetonitrileat25◦C.The size statistics graph was plotted from the resultsoffive measurements for each sample.2.3.Polymer synthesesMolecularly imprinted microspheres and nanoparticles weresynthesized using precipitation polymerization under theconditions described in Table1.The template molecule,(R,S)-propranolol was dissolved in40mL of acetonitrile ina150mm×25mm borosilicate glass tube equipped with ascrew cap.The functional monomer(MAA),the cross-linkingmonomer(DVB or TRIM)and the initiator(AIBN)were then114K.Yoshimatsu et al./Analytica Chimica Acta584(2007)112–121 Table1Preparation of(R,S)-propranolol-imprinted polymer microspheresPolymer Template(mmol)MAA(mmol)DVB(mmol)TRIM(mmol)Agitation Size(␮m)a Yield(%)C mip50(mg mL−1)bCross-reactivity(%)cmipD1d0.53 1.31 5.250No0.6–3.1330.4 5.2 mipD20.53 1.31 5.250Yes 2.4330.4 4.2 mipT20.53 1.310 2.02No0.13910.7 4.2 mipDT10.53 1.31 1.31 1.52Yes 1.277 1.4 4.7 mipDT20.53 1.31 2.63 1.01Yes 1.8560.8 4.7 mipDT30.53 1.31 3.940.51Yes 1.8400.5 3.0a Average diameter measured by SEM.b The concentration of polymer particles that bound50%of the radioligand.c The cross-reactivity of the assay towards(R)-propranolol,defined as the IC50of(S)-propranolol divided by the IC50of(R)-propranolol.d The corresponding non-imprinted control polymer is named as refT1,etc.added.The solution was purged with a gentleflow of Ar for5min and sealed under Ar.Polymerization was carried out byinserting the borosilicate glass tube in a water bath pre-set to60◦C for24h.When agitation was used,the borosilicate glasstube wasfixed horizontally in a Stovall HO-10HybridizationOven(Greensboro,NC,USA),and rotated at a speed of20rpm.The temperature was ramped from20◦C to60◦C within20min,thereafter kept for24h.After polymerization,particles werecollected by centrifugation.The template was removed by batch-mode solvent extraction with methanol containing10%aceticacid(v/v),until no template could be detected from the wash-ing solvent by spectrometric measurement.Polymer particleswerefinally washed with acetone and dried in a vacuum cham-ber.Non-imprinted reference polymers were synthesized underidentical conditions except for omission of the template(R,S)-propranolol.2.4.Radioligand binding analysis2.4.1.Saturation experimentIn a series of polypropylene microcentrifuge tubes,increas-ing amounts of polymer particles were suspended in a mixtureof25mM citrate buffer(pH6.0):acetonitrile(50:50,v/v).Afteraddition of(S)-[4-3H]-propranolol(246fmol),the mixture wasincubated at room temperature overnight.A rocking table wasused to provide gentle mixing.After the incubation,sam-ples were centrifugated at14000rpm for10min.Supernatant(500␮L)was taken from each microcentrifuge tube and mixedwith10mL of scintillation liquid(Ecoscint A),from whichthe radioactivity was measured using a model2119Rackbeta ␤-radiation counter from LKB Wallac(Sollentuna,Sweden). The amount of labeled(S)-propranolol bound to polymer par-ticles was calculated by subtraction of the free fraction fromthe total amount added.Data are mean values of duplicatemeasurements.2.4.2.Displacement experimentIn a series of polypropylene microcentrifuge tubes,afixed amount of polymer particles and(S)-[4-3H]-propranolol(246fmol)were mixed in a mixture of25mM citrate buffer(pH6.0):acetonitrile(50:50,v/v).To the tubes were added increas-ing amounts of(R)-and(S)-propranolol dissolved in the samesolvent.Afterwards,the samples were incubated and processed in the same way as in the saturation experiment.Data are mean values of triplicate measurements.3.Results and discussionIn a previous study,Andersson used(R,S)-propranolol as template to prepare imprinted polymer monolith.MAA was used as a functional monomer and ethylene glycol dimethacry-late(EDMA)as a cross-linker.The polymer was synthesized using toluene as a porogenic solvent.Irregular particles were obtained by grinding the polymer monolith.Despite that the template used was a racemate mixture,the imprinted polymer particles displayed chiral selective response in a competitive radioligand binding assay when tritium-labeled(S)-propranolol was used as a tracer[25].In aqueous buffer the cross-reactivity of(R)-propranolol was approximately35%.The results sug-gested that the imprinted binding sites were isolated,allowing selective probing of the(S)-propranolol-imprinted cavities with the labeled tracer.In this work,(R,S)-propranolol was used as template because of its relatively low cost.The imprinted bind-ing sites were studied by radioligand binding analysis using tritium-labeled(S)-propranolol as a tracer.Considering future applications,all the binding experiments were carried out in an aqueous buffer modified with a polar organic solvent.The selected solvent composition has been optimized in a previous study on(S)-propranolol-imprinted microspheres to minimize non-specific adsorption[16].3.1.Controlling particle size and size distribution of propranolol-imprinted polymer beadsIn previous studies,we found that when DVB was used as cross-linker,scintillation microspheres obtained displayed bind-ing affinity and specificity for(S)-propranolol superior to that prepared in toluene using TRIM as cross-linker[15,16].This was presumably due to that DVB provided additional␲–␲interac-tion with the aromatic moiety of(S)-propranolol in acetonitrile during the imprinting reaction.Although the imprinted micro-spheres had excellent binding performance,they had a relatively broad size distribution in the range of0.6–2␮m[16].In the present study,reducing the cross-linking density using the tech-nical DVB-55resulted in similar particle morphology and sizeK.Yoshimatsu et al./Analytica Chimica Acta 584(2007)112–121115distribution (mipD1,Fig.1a).The overall yield of the polymer microspheres (as calculated from the total amount of monomer added)was relatively low,around 30–40%regardless of the dif-ferent cross-linking densities.For the preparation of DVB-based microspheres,it has been found that appropriate agitation dur-ing the precipitation polymerization can lead to monodisperse beads [26].Using DVB as cross-linker and a mixture of acetoni-trile and toluene as solvent,Wang et al.adopted similar agitation in precipitation polymerization to achieve monodisperse beads that were successfully imprinted against theophylline [17].The use of the special solvent composition resulted in larger polymer beads (5␮m),which are appropriate to use as stationary phases in HPLC but not ideal for binding assays.To develop new affinity materials for high speed HPLC separation,we are more inter-ested in MIP beads with diameter in the range of 1.5–3␮ing neat acetonitrile as solvent and applying a gentlerotationFig.1.Scanning electron micrographs of mipD1(a),mipD2(b and c),mipT2(d and e),refT2(f),mipDT1(g),mipDT2(h),mipDT3(i)and refDT1(j).The scale bar corresponds to 10␮m in (a)and (b);1␮m in (c),(d),and (f–j);100nm in (e).All images were obtained with a JEOL JSM-6700F microscope except for (a),which was obtained with an earlier JEOL JSM-840A microscope.116K.Yoshimatsu et al./Analytica Chimica Acta 584(2007)112–121Fig.1(Continued ).to the reaction vessel,we indeed obtained very uniform poly-mer microspheres with an average diameter of 2.4␮m (mipD2,Fig.1b and c).Unlike the poly(DVB-co-MAA)microspheres,the use of TRIM as cross-linker resulted in much smaller MIP beads with diameter of around 100–300nm (Fig.1d and e),with approx-imately 90%yield.When TRIM was used as cross-linker,imprinted uniform nanospheres could be synthesized without using agitation during the precipitation polymerization.Interest-ingly,the size of the non-imprinted reference particles (refT2,Fig.1f)in the dry state was about two folds of the imprinted particles (mipT2),suggesting that the template compound had an important influence on the particle growth during the pre-cipitation polymerization.This may not be surprising given that the functional monomer MAA existed in different forms in the two reaction systems.In the absence of template,MAA can form hydrogen-bonded dimers in the non-imprinted system.The pre-polymerization solution contains both free MAA and MAA dimers.In the imprinted system,there is an additional molecular interaction between MAA and propranolol,which might somehow affect the growth of the cross-linked polymer nuclei to result in smaller polymer beads.The effect of template feeding on the final particle size will be studied in our further investigation.It order to study the particle sizes of the poly(TRIM-co-MAA)nanoparticles in solution,mipT2and refT2were re-suspended in acetonitrile,and characterized with photon cor-relation spectroscopy (PCS).The PCS measurements provided valuable information about the hydrodynamic radius of the col-loidal particles.Fig.2shows the different size distribution of the imprinted and the non-imprinted reference polymer beads.Clearly,the MIP beads are about half of the size of the reference pared to the SEM images in Fig.1d–f,the size of the poly(TRIM-co-MAA)nanoparticles was found to increase by approximately 50%after being suspended in acetonitrile.We should point out that,in accordance with the SEM images in Fig.1d and e,the PCS results suggest that the imprinted poly-mer mipT2has a very narrow particle size distribution.In fact the size spread of mipT2is as narrow as (or narrower than)that of standard latex particles routinely used for instrument calibration.Depending on the cross-linkers used,the propranolol-imprinted polymer beads had drastically different e of DVB cross-linker resulted in large particles (2.4␮m)with rela-tively low yield,whereas TRIM gave sub-micron beads (130nm)with high polymer yield.To explore if combined use of DVB and TRIM will give satisfactory imprinted beads,we prepared a series of propranolol-imprinted polymers containing different proportion of the two cross-linkers (Table 1),of which the totalK.Yoshimatsu et al./Analytica Chimica Acta584(2007)112–121117Fig.2.Particle size distribution of mipT2(a)and refT2(b)measured by photon correlation spectroscopy.weight of the cross-linkers was kept constant.As we expected, the average particle size of the imprinted poly(DVB-co-TRIM-co-MAA)microspheres had an intermediate size in the range of1.2–1.8␮m.Although there was not a simple linear corre-lation between particle size and the amount of DVB used,the size of the microspheres indeed increased with the fraction of the DVB cross-linker(Fig.1g–i).When a TRIM/DVB ratio of75/25(w/w)was used,the imprinted polymer(mipDT1) contained a small amount of secondary particles with diame-ter of around130nm(Fig.1g).The amount of the secondary particles was estimated to be less than2%,based on gravi-metric measurement following several sedimentation steps to Table2Elemental microanalysis of the cross-linked polymer beadsPolymer Experimental value(%)Theoretical value(%)C O C OmipD286.0 6.186.5 5.1refD285.6 5.986.5 5.1mipT262.629.162.828.8refT262.129.662.828.8mipDT169.321.968.722.9mipDT274.017.174.617.0mipDT378.213.780.511.0remove the secondary particles.It is interesting to note that under the same synthetic condition,the non-imprinted refer-ence polymer refDT1contained only one type of microspheres (Fig.1j),suggesting again that the template propranolol had a profound influence on particle nucleation and growth during the precipitation polymerization.3.2.Elemental analysis:carboxyl content in cross-linked polymer beadsThe carbon and oxygen content of mipD2and refD2were obtained by elemental microanalysis(Table2).The oxygen content can be used to estimate the actual ratio of DVB and MAA incorporated in the cross-linked particles.As theexper-Fig.3.FT-IR spectra of polymers mipD2(a),mipDT3(b),mipDT2(c),mipDT1 (d)and mipT2(e).118K.Yoshimatsu et al./Analytica Chimica Acta 584(2007)112–121Fig.4.FT-IR spectra of polymers mipD2and refD2(a);mipT2and refT2(b);mipDT1and refDT1(c).imental oxygen content for both mipD2and refD2was 18%higher than the theoretical value,the final carboxyl functional-ity in the polymer beads is obviously higher than what would be expected from the monomer composition.The actual molar ratio of DVB and MAA that are incorporated into the cross-linked polymer beads is therefore 3.3:1,which is 18%lower than the theoretical value of 4:1.The apparently low effi-ciency of DVB incorporation into cross-linked particles may explain the relatively low yield for both the imprinted and the non-imprinted poly(MAA-co-DVB)beads [26].For poly-mers containing TRIM cross-linker,the yield of the cross-linked microspheres increases when more TRIM is incorporated into polymer particles (Table 1),which is in agreement with the increased oxygen content from mipDT3to mipDT2to mipDT1(Table 2).For polymers prepared using both TRIM and DVB,the com-patibility between the two cross-linkers is ideally judged from their reactivity ratios (r 1and r 2)[29].However,the values of r 1and r 2for co-polymerization of TRIM and DVB are not available from the literature.If we suppose the reactivity ratios between TRIM and DVB are similar to that between methyl methacry-late and styrene (r 1≈r 2≈0.5)[30],the product of the reactivity ratios (r 1r 2≈0.25)implies that co-polymerization of the two cross-linkers would result in more or less alternating TRIM and DVB units along the polymer chain,at least at the early poly-merization stage.In such a case,one may expect that the core of the polymer beads would contain evenly distributed TRIM and DVB units,and the outer layer of the beads would con-tain preferentially the more abundant cross-linker added in the pre-polymerization mixture.3.3.FT-IR analysis:investigation of self-association of carboxyl groups in imprinted and non-imprinted polymer beadsThe FT-IR spectra of the imprinted poly(MAA-co-DVB),poly(MAA-co-TRIM)and poly(MAA-co-DVB-co-TRIM)beads are shown in Fig.3.For all the samples,characteristic peaks at around 1700cm −1(C O stretch of carboxylic acid)and 3440cm −1(OH stretch)were observed.For poly(MAA-co-DVB),three bands at 831cm −1,798cm −1and 708cm −1corresponding to the out-of-plane bending of the aromatic C HK.Yoshimatsu et al./Analytica Chimica Acta584(2007)112–121119Fig.5.Uptake of[3H]-(S)-propranolol(246pM)in citrate buffer(25mM,pH6.0)/acetonitrile(50/50,v/v)with increasing amount of imprinted and non-imprinted polymer beads:(a)mipD1( ),refD1( ),mipD2( )and refD2( );(b)mipT2( )and refT2( );(c)mipDT1( ),refDT1( ),mipDT2( ),refDT2( ),mipDT3 (᭹)and refDT3( ).are clearly seen(Fig.3a).Symmetric and asymmetric ester C O stretch bands at1264cm−1and1154cm−1were observed for poly(MAA-co-TRIM)(Fig.3e).For polymer beads pre-pared using simultaneously the two different cross-linkers (mipDT1,mipDT2and mipDT3),IR bands characteristic for both DVB and TRIM were observed.The relative intensity of the characteristic bands is qualitatively in agreement with the ratio between the two cross-linkers used(Fig.3b–d).For imprinted polymers prepared using MAA as a functional monomer,it is possible that some carboxylic acids form dimers during the imprinting reaction.This means that even though the final imprinted and non-imprinted reference polymers may con-tain the same level of functional groups,more carboxylic acids in non-imprinted reference polymers may exist as hydrogen bonded dimers,so that the amount of“free”carboxyl groups in non-imprinted reference polymers becomes lower than the cor-responding imprinted polymers.The status of carboxylic acids in the imprinted and non-imprinted poly(MAA-co-DVB)beads can be studied by focusing on IR bands around1735cm−1and 1707cm−1,which can be assigned to the C O stretch signal of the“free”and the hydrogen-bonded carboxylic acid dimers, respectively[27,28].As shown in Fig.4a,for both mipD2and refD2,substantial amount of carboxylic acid exists as hydrogen-bonded dimers.In fact,the fraction of“free”carboxylic acid in refD2is marginally higher than in mipD2.For all the polymers containing TRIM cross-linker,the situation became more com-plicated because the C O stretch signal of the ester overlapped with that of the“free”carboxylic acid.In general,no appreciable120K.Yoshimatsu et al./Analytica Chimica Acta584(2007)112–121band corresponding to the acid dimer can be easily distinguished (Fig.4b and c).3.4.Specific propranolol binding to the imprinted polymer beads in aqueous bufferResults of elemental analysis and IR spectroscopy suggest that the carboxyl contents in the imprinted and non-imprinted reference polymer beads are approximately the same.For more, the fractions of the“free”carboxyl groups in the imprinted and non-imprinted polymer systems are also similar.Based on this,specific binding provided by the imprinted sites can be estimated by measuring the difference of propranolol uptake between the imprinted and non-imprinted beads.When analyzed by radioligand binding experiments in citrate buffer:acetonitrile, all the MIP beads showed much higher propranolol binding than the corresponding non-imprinted control beads.In fact,the non-specific adsorption of propranolol,as measured by the pro-pranolol uptake with the non-imprinted beads,was negligible (Fig.5).For the DVB-based polymers,regardless of the differ-ent particle size distribution observed for mipD1and mipD2, the amount of the MIP beads needed to bind50%of the radioli-gand(C mip50)was approximately the same(0.4mg)(Fig.5a), indicating that the gentle agitation used during the precipitation polymerization did not affect target binding properties of the MIP microspheres.Although refD2has at least the samelevel Fig.6.Displacement of radioligand binding to0.5mg of:(a)mipD1(square)and mipD2(triangle)with increasing amount of(R)-propranolol(open)and(S)-propranolol(filled);(b)mipT2with increasing amount of(R)-propranolol( )and(S)-propranolol(᭹);(c)mipDT1with increasing amount of(R)-propranolol( ) and(S)-propranolol(᭹).。
