The Shape of Fuzzy Sets in Adaptive Function Approximation
Composition of fuzzy relations
Compositional rule of inference
Computing, soft
Conditional possibility distribution
Inference, composition based
Inference, individual-rule based
Inference engine, Dienes-Rescher
Inference engine, Lukasiewicz
Extension principle
Feedforward network
Fuzzifier, Gaussian
Fuzzifier, singleton
Fuzzifier, triangular
Intersection, fuzzy Dubois-Prade class
Intersection Yager class
Interval analysis
Interval-valued function
1.2模糊控制的发展从1965年美国著名控制论学者L. A. Zadeh发表开创性论文,首次提出一种完全不同十传统数学与控制理论的模糊集合理论以来,模糊集和模糊逻辑理论迅速发展,形成了一门完善的数学理论。
1974年E. H. Mamdani首次将模糊控制理论应用十蒸气机及锅炉的控制,取得了优十常规调节器的控制品质,从此,模糊控制诞生了。
英文论文写作常用替换词(润色技巧)1. individuals, characters 替换 people , persons.2. positive, favorable, rosy, promising, perfect, pleasurable, excellent, outstanding, superior 替换good.3. dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill 替换 bad (如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换。
)4. an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of,a host of, if not most 替换 many.5. a slice of, quite a few 替换 some.6. harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that 替换 think。
7. affair, business, matter 替换 thing.8. shared 替换 mon .9. reap huge fruits 替换 get many benefits.10. for my part ,from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion.11. Increasing(ly), growing 替换 more and more(注意没有growingly这种形式。
所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing修饰形容词,副词用increasingly.)12. little if anything或little or nothing 替换 hardly.13. beneficial, rewarding 替换 helpful.14. shopper, client, consumer, purchaser 替换 customer.15. overwhelmingly, exceedingly, extremely, intensely 替换 very.16. hardly necessary, hardly inevitable…替换unnecessary, avoidable.17. indispensable 替换 necessary.18. sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb take interest in / sb. be interested in.19. capture one's attention 替换 attract one's attention.20. facet, demension, sphere 替换 aspet.21. be indicative of, be suggestive of, be fearful of 替换 indicate,suggest, fear.22. give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 替换cause.23. There are several reasons behind sth 替换…reasons for sth.24. desire 替换 want.25. pour attention into 替换 pay attention to.26. bear in mind that 替换 remember.27. enjoy, possess 替换 have(注意process是过程的意思)。
基于自适应多尺度超螺旋算法的无人机集群姿态同步控制蔡运颂 1, 2许 璟 1, 2牛玉刚1, 2摘 要 四旋翼无人机(Unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV)系统姿态角和角速度分别为运行在不同时间尺度上的慢、快动态. 由于输入扰动的上界难以精确估计, 本文提出一种基于自适应多尺度超螺旋(Super-twisting, STW)滑模算法的无人机集群一致性控制策略. 首先, 建立无人机集群系统的姿态角模型, 并通过奇异摄动理论将其化为两时间尺度形式. 基于系统的快慢特性, 本文设计两时间尺度的超螺旋滑模算法, 并采用自适应增益处理无人机集群系统的未知边界非线性. 此外,还提出一种改进型自适应多尺度超螺旋滑模算法, 进一步减少系统的一致性收敛时间, 实现无人机集群姿态角有限时间内同步. 最后通过仿真分析, 验证两种自适应多尺度超螺旋算法的正确性和有效性.关键词 奇异摄动, 超螺旋算法, 多尺度, 姿态协同, 四旋翼无人机引用格式 蔡运颂, 许璟, 牛玉刚. 基于自适应多尺度超螺旋算法的无人机集群姿态同步控制. 自动化学报, 2023, 49(8):1656−1666DOI 10.16383/j.aas.c220759Attitude Consensus Control of UAV Swarm Based onAdaptive Multi-scale Super-twisting AlgorithmCAI Yun-Song 1, 2 XU Jing 1, 2 NIU Yu-Gang 1, 2Abstract In a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) system, the attitude angle and angular velocity of the UAV are, re-spectively, the slow and fast dynamics operating in different time scales. Due to the difficulty in the estimation of the bound of disturbance, this paper proposes a control method for UAV swarm, based on the adaptive multi-scale STW (super-twisting) sliding mode algorithm. First, the attitude model of the UAV swarm system is established,which is transformed into a two-time-scale model via singular perturbation theory. On this basis, this paper designs a two-time-scale STW sliding mode algorithm with adaptive gains to deal with the perturbations and unknows.Furthermore, by adding a few linear iterms, a modified adaptive STW control algorithm is also provided, which further reduces the convergence time and achieves the synchronization of the attitudes in finite time. Finally,the effectiveness of two different adaptive multi-scale STW algorithms are verified through simulations.Key words Singular perturbation, STW, multi-scale, attitude coordination, quadrotorsCitation Cai Yun-Song, Xu Jing, Niu Yu-Gang. Attitude consensus control of UAV swarm based on adaptive multi-scale super-twisting algorithm. Acta Automatica Sinica , 2023, 49(8): 1656−1666四旋翼无人机[1−2](Unmanned aerial vehicle,UAV)具有结构简单、飞行精准、机动性强等优点.因此, 在军事打击[3−4]、载物[5−6]、测量[7−8]、灾害监测[9]等方面, 有着很好的应用. 然而随着控制任务复杂度的增加, 例如无人机表演[10]、沿海侦察、集群打击等, 仅凭一台无人机难以完成, 因此需要多台无人机集群协同作业. 在对四旋翼无人机进行建模时,通常简单地认为无人机模型是单一尺度的. 然而实际上, 无人机的姿态角与角速度并不处于同一时间尺度, 这是由无人机中的参数量纲差异引起的. 因此, 无人机集群的奇异摄动建模具有重要意义, 通过奇异摄动建模可以抽提出无人机状态的快慢特性. 然而, 对于奇异摄动无人机集群系统而言, 基于单一时间尺度的控制策略效果欠佳.目前, 四旋翼无人机集群控制方法主要有反步法、模糊控制以及PID (Proportion-integral-deriv-ative)控制方法等. 文献[11]针对多四旋翼无人机的编队控制, 采用反步法实现了四旋翼无人机群对期望轨迹的跟踪功能. 文献[12]建立了四旋翼无人机的姿态动力学模糊模型, 设计了模糊反馈控制器,收稿日期 2022-09-22 录用日期 2023-02-10Manuscript received September 22, 2022; accepted February 10, 2023国家自然科学基金(62173141, 62073139), 上海市自然科学基金(22ZR1417900)资助Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (62173141, 62073139) and the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai (22ZR1417900)本文责任编委 李鸿一Recommended by Associate Editor LI Hong-Yi1. 华东理工大学信息科学与工程学院 上海 2002372. 华东理工大学能源化工过程智能制造教育部重点实验室 上海 2002371. College of Information Science and Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 2002372. Key Laboratory of Intelligent Manufacturing of Energy and Chemical Processes of Ministry of Education, East China University of Sci-ence and Technology, Shanghai 200237第 49 卷 第 8 期自 动 化 学 报Vol. 49, No. 82023 年 8 月ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICAAugust, 2023实现了四旋翼无人机集群控制. 文献[13]设计了一种BP (Back propagation)神经网络辅助的PID 无人机编队智能算法, 实现了PID 参数的优化整定[14].对四旋翼无人机集群的研究中, 姿态协同是四旋翼无人机群实现队形控制、协同避障等任务的基础.文献[15]基于半定规划进行迭代区域扩张完成了多无人机的队形设计. 文献[16]利用神经网络预测姿态偏差, 将其集成于分散式容错协同控制器中,实现了姿态角的一致性. 然而, 考虑到无人机的动态模型中存在着内部结构不确定, 外界扰动影响等问题, 导致基于无扰动简化模型的控制方案效果有限.sgn (·)在姿态协同控制中, 滑模控制是一类有效的鲁棒控制方法, 对于外部输入扰动或者参数不确定性具有不变性、有限时间可达等优点. 目前, 滑模控制方法大致可以分为一阶滑模与高阶滑模. 如文献[17]基于一阶滑模与低通滤波器的结合, 实现了对直流电机位置的控制. 然而, 一阶滑模是直接基于滑模变量的一阶导数设计的, 采用了切换控制律, 产生了严重的抖振现象, 影响系统性能. 在二阶滑模算法中, 超螺旋滑模算法(Super-twisting, STW)的应用最为广泛. 这是由于超螺旋滑模控制器采用了连续控制结构, 引入了积分项, 避免了使用切换项, 响应速度快, 对抖振抑制能力强, 并且可以驱使滑模变量及其导数在有限时间内收敛到稳定点. 同时, 能够处理上界为依赖于状态的函数以及符合Lipschitz 条件[18]的扰动. 文献[19]采用了超螺旋滑模控制策略, 提高了永磁同步电机的转速响应. 文献[20]提出了一种基于超螺旋滑模的干扰观测器, 实现了对未估计的干扰的精细化补偿. 然而上述滑模控制方法都是基于已知上界的非线性, 这在无人机中是无法实现的.为了实现姿态协同的稳准快, 本文设计了一种新型的分尺度自适应STW 算法, 通过分尺度自适应STW 控制器产生的不同时间尺度上的快、慢控制律, 实现了四旋翼无人机奇异摄动多智能体模型中的分尺度精确控制. 同时, 通过自适应增益实现扰动未知情况下的快速补偿. 与现有部分研究成果相比, 本文的主要贡献归纳为如下几个方面:1) 多时间尺度超螺旋控制结构: 本文提出了多时间尺度超螺旋滑模控制器的设计方法, 在控制器中引入两个时间尺度, 通过奇异摄动方法来有效处理四旋翼无人机姿态角系统状态同步问题.2) 自适应分布式控制器: 本文采用了分布式的控制结构, 对每个四旋翼无人机智能体分别设计了一个自适应增益, 让其自适应于四旋翼无人机智能体本身以及与其他智能体间的耦合.n ×n X −1T ⊗符号描述. 对于一个 维的矩阵 , 上标 表示矩阵的逆, 上标 表示矩阵的转置, 表示diag {a 1,a 2,a 3}a 1,a 2,a 3n b T sgn col {b 1,b 2,b 3}|b |b ||b ||b 12b min (ω)ωmax (ω)ωI 303×03×1×矩阵的克罗内克积, 表示对角线上的元素为 的矩阵. 对于一个 维向量 ,上标 表示向量的转置, 表示符号函数, 表示向量按列排序, 表示 内元素取绝对值后的向量, 表示向量的二范数, 表示 内元素开根号后的向量. 表示取集合 中最小的数, 表示取集合 中最大的数. 与 分别表示3 3的单位对角阵与零矩阵. 表示3 1的零矩阵.1 四旋翼无人机模型n 假设四旋翼无人机多智能体系统中具有 个四旋翼无人机智能体, 单个四旋翼无人机的姿态非线性动力学方程为[21]:i =1,···,n,ϕi θi ψi i ϕi ∈(−π/2,π/2)θi ∈(−π/2,π/2)ψi ∈(0,2π)I xi ,I yi ,I zi x b y b z b J ri w ri =w 1i −w 2i +w 3i −w 4i w 1i ,w 2i ,w 3i ,w 4iJ ri w ri ˙θi J ri w ri ˙ϕi k axi ,k ayi ,k azi u 1i ,u 2i ,u 3i 其中, 、 、 分别表示第 个无人机的横滚角、俯仰角、偏航角, 、 、 , 表示无人机体绕机体坐标系 , , 轴的转动惯量, 表示无人机的电动机和桨叶的转动惯量. 输入扰动为, 其中, 表示无人机四个旋翼的转速, 、 表示陀螺力矩, 表示空气阻力矩系数, 表示无人机旋翼对其三个姿态角的控制量.I xi ,I yi ,I ziϵ=min (I xi ,I yi ,I zi )¯Ixi =I xi /ϵ¯I yi =I yi /ϵ¯I zi =I zi /ϵ¯J ri =J ri /ϵ¯kaxi =k axi /ϵ¯k ayi =k ayi /ϵ¯k azi =k azi /ϵˆI i =diag {¯I xi ,¯I yi ,¯I zi }xi =(ϕi ,θi ,ψi )T vi =(˙ϕi ,˙θi ,˙ψi )T u i =ˆI −1i(u 1i ,u 2i ,u 3i )T i 由于四旋翼无人机存在着小参量 等, 呈现较为显著的奇异摄动现象[22]. 因此对四旋翼无人机智能体系统进行奇异摄动的建模. 定义, , , , , , ,, , , , . 基于此, 第 个四旋翼无人机的姿态非线性动力学矩8 期蔡运颂等: 基于自适应多尺度超螺旋算法的无人机集群姿态同步控制16572 系统描述与引理将式(2)表示为状态空间方程:G =[a ij ]a ij i j i,j =1,2,3,···,m 假设每个智能体都可以访问邻接的智能体的输出相对值, 并且相关的邻接矩阵表示为 , 其中 表示第 个智能体与第 个智能体之间连接的权值, 若无连接则为0, 且 .定义一致性角度误差和角速度误差为:由式(3)、(4), 可得以下同步误差模型:为了后续分析, 在此给出假设和引理.¯φi (t,g i )=∑n j =1,j =i a ij (g i (v i ,w ri )−g j (v j ,w rj ))||¯φi (t,g i )||≤δi ||s i (t )||12¯φi (t,g i )δi >0假设 1. 令 , 且 , 其中, 满足Lipschitz 条件,存在但未知.Z i (i =1,···,5)Z i =Z T i (i =1,···,4)引理 1[23]. 若存在矩阵 且 , 满足以下线性矩阵不等式:Z (ϵ)>0ϵ∈(0,¯ϵ]Z (ϵ)=[Z 1+ϵZ 3ϵZ T5ϵZ 5ϵZ 2].则可以得到 , 对任意的 都成立, 其中, z 1z 2z 3引理 2. 对于任意列向量 , 和 . 有以下不等式成立:a =z 2z T2z 3b =z 1证明. 令 , , 则l >0x y ±xy <lx 2+14l y 2引理 3[24]. 给定任意正定标量 , 对于任意标量 , , 有以下不等式成立: .n x P n ×n 引理 4[25]. 对于一个 维非0列向量, 为 维的Hermitian 矩阵, 有如下性质:3 四旋翼无人机集群姿态角一致性分析设计以下受导引型奇异摄动二阶滑模动态:l i l 1>0l i =0(i =1)x 0(t )s i (t )其中, 表示追踪系数, , , 表示姿态角的跟踪值, 表示第i 个滑模变量.根据式(5)可得, 滑模动态(6)的一阶导数为:3.1 自适应多尺度超螺旋算法受文献[26]的启发, 考虑到系统(5)的两时间尺度特性, 设计以下自适应STW 滑模控制器:αi (t )βi (t )其中, 和 表示两个自适应增益.将式(8)代入式(7), 可得:下面的定理研究了在自适应多尺度STW 算法控制下的四旋翼无人机群在有限时间内的姿态协同.p 1i >0p 2i >0b 1i >0b 2i >0γ1i >0γ2i >0¯ϵ>0定理 1. 给定 , , , ,, , 存在 , 当满足:1658自 动 化 学 报49 卷以及系统的自适应增益导数满足:ϵ∈(0,¯ϵ]则对任意的 , 四旋翼无人机集群系统的姿态角将会在有限时间内趋于一致.证明. 构造新的状态变量:根据式(9)、(12), 可得:ηi =col {−z 1i z T1i2||z 1i ||3(z 2i +φi (t,g i )),03×1}φi (t,g i )=diag {sgn (s i (t ))}¯φi (t,g i )其中, , .z 1i z 2i s i˙si 由式(11)、(13), 可知: 当 , 趋于0时, 会趋于0, 再根据式(9)以及假设1, 也会趋于0.考虑以下奇异摄动Lyapunov 函数:F ϵ=diag {1,ϵ}其中, ˆαi αi (t )ˆβi βi (t )P i (ϵ)>0V 0i (t,ϵ)=z TP i (ϵ)z i 表示 的上界, 表示 的上界. 根据引理1, 成立的充分条件为式(10). 定义, 并对其求导可得:由假设1, 可知:可以构造以下不等式:其中,p (t )=2z T i ¯P i (ϵ)ηi 令 , 易得:由引理2, 将式(16)转化为:由引理3, 可构造:联立式(17)和式(18), 可得:Y i (ϵ)=diag {d 1,d 2}其中, 联立式(14)、(15)、(19), 可得:8 期蔡运颂等: 基于自适应多尺度超螺旋算法的无人机集群姿态同步控制1659βi (t )=−ϵp 2i 2p 3iαi (t )+p 1ip 3i Q i (ϵ)>0设计 . 根据Schur 补引理[27], 可得 , 当以下条件成立时:由引理4, 可知:基于式(21), 我们有:根据式(20)、(21)、(22), 可得:r 1i =λmin (Q i )λ12min (P i)λmax (P i )其中, .βi (t )≤ˆβi αi (t )≤ˆαi 由于 , . 结合式(23), 可得:1γ1i˙αi (t )−b 1i √2γ1i=01γ2i˙βi (t )−b 2i √2γ2i=0αi (t )βi (t )令式(24)中 , , 则可得 , 应满足式(11). 将式(11)代入式(24)中, 根据柯西不等式[28], 可得:ˇr i =min (r 1i ,b 1i ,b 2i )ˇr k =min (ˇr i )其中, , .由此可见, 四旋翼无人机集群系统的一致性误差在有限时间内稳定. □3.2 改进型自适应多尺度超螺旋算法由于定理1中, 在自适应多尺度STW 算法控制下的系统收敛时间相对较长. 因此在文献[29]的启发下, 设计以下改进型自适应STW 滑模控制器:k 1i k 2i 其中, 、 为两个增益.将式(26)代入式(6), 可得:下面的定理研究了在改进型自适应多尺度STW滑模算法的控制下, 四旋翼无人机集群系统的姿态角能够快速地趋于一致.b 3i >0b 4i >0b 5i >ˆαi b 6i >ˆβi ¯ϵ>0定理 2. 给定 , , , . 在控制器(26)作用下, 系统状态将快速趋于一致, 当存在 , 使得以下式子成立时:其中,对应的相关参数为:1660自 动 化 学 报49 卷证明. 构造新的状态变量:根据式(27)、(29), 可得:E ϵ=diag {I 3,I 3,ϵI 3}其中,考虑以下奇异摄动Lyapunov 函数:P 2i (ϵ)=(¯P2i (ϵ)E ϵ)⊗I 3>0其中, ,V 20i (t,ϵ)=ˆz T i P 2i (ϵ)ˆz i 定义 ,对其求导可得:对应的相关参数为:由假设1, 可知:可以构造以下不等式:其中,8 期蔡运颂等: 基于自适应多尺度超螺旋算法的无人机集群姿态同步控制1661p 2(t )=2ˆz T i ¯P 2i (ϵ)η2i 令 , 易得:根据引理2, 将式(33)转化为:根据引理3, 可构造:联立式(34)、(35), 可得:d 4=p 11i 4c +p 12i 4c −ϵp 13i (1+c 8i )其中, ,联立式(31)、(32)、(36), 可得:其中,W i (ϵ)>0X i (ϵ)>0˙V20i (t,ϵ)<0由式(37)可知: , 时,成立.由引理4, 可知:基于式(38), 可得:根据式(37)、(39), 可得:r 2i =λ12min (P 2i )λmin (¯W i )λmax (P 2i ),r 3i =λmin (¯Xi )λmax (P 2i )其中, .将式(40)代入式(30), 可得:根据柯西不等式[28], 将式(41)转化为:1662自 动 化 学 报49 卷ˇr 2i =min (r 2i ,b 1i ,b 2i )ˇr 3i =min (r 3i ,b 3i ,b 4i )其中, , .1γ1i˙αi (t )−b 3i b 5i2γ1i−b 1i √2γ1i=01γ2i ˙βi (t )−b 4ib 6i2γ2i−b 2i √2γ2i=0令式(42)中 ,, 可得:则式(42)可转化为:结合式(30)、(43), 根据柯西不等式[28], 可得:ˇr 2k =min (ˇr 2i )ˇr 3k =min (ˇr 3i )其中, , .即在改进型自适应STW 滑模控制器(26)的作用下, 无人机集群系统的误差有限时间内稳定.□4 一致性误差收敛时间分析在本节, 我们将比较自适应多尺度STW 算法和改进型自适应多尺度STW 算法的收敛时间, 进一步分析改进型算法具有更短的收敛时间的原因.在控制器(8)的作用下, 根据式(25), 可得:z i t r 1d t V12(t,ϵ)[t 0,t r 1]假定状态 在 时刻收敛, 将式(45)两边同乘, 并在 上进行积分:t 0=0z i t r 1V 12(t r 1,ϵ)=0其中, , 状态 在 时刻收敛, 即 , 代入式(46)可得:在控制器(26)的作用下, 由式(44)可得:ˆzi t r 2d tˇr 2k ¯V12(t,ϵ)+ˇr 3k ¯V(t,ϵ)[t 0,t r 2]假定状态 在 时刻收敛, 将式(48)两边同乘, 并在 上进行积分:t 0=0,f (t )=2ˇr 3k ln (1+ˇr 3k ¯V12(t,ϵ)ˇr 2k)ˆz i t r 2¯V(t r 2,ϵ)=0ln (1+ˇr 3k ¯V12(t r 2,ϵ)ˇr 2k)=0其中, . 状态 在 时刻收敛, 即 , 则 , 代入式(49), 可得:ln (·)ln (·)t r 2<t r 1由式(47)、(50)可知, 在改进型自适应STW 滑模控制器(26)的作用下, 收敛时间与 函数相关联, 由于 函数的取对数特性, 使得无人机集群系统的一致性收敛时间更短, 即 .5 仿真分析a 12=1a 13=2a 23=3为验证所建立模型与控制律的有效性, 本次仿真选择了三个四旋翼无人机智能体集群, 三个智能体之间的交互关系由无向图表示, 且 , , . 无人机间的连接方式可参照图1.132...u 1u 2u iu 3图 1 四旋翼无人机多智能体Fig. 1 The multi-agent of quadrotorsI x 1=I y 1=6.22×10−3kg ·m 2I z 1=1.12×10−3kg ·m 2I x 2=I y 2=l 9.22×10−3kg ·m 2I z 2=2.12×10−3kg ·m 2I x 3=I y 3=3.22×10−3kg ·m 2I z 3=7.12×10−4kg ·m 2J r 1=6×10−5kg ·m 2J r 2=9×10−5kg ·m 2J r 3=3×10−5kg ·m 2k ax 1=k ay 1=k az 1=1.2×10−4N ·s /m k ax 2=k ay 2=k az 2=2.2×10−4N ·s /m kax 3=k ay 3=k az 3=7.2×10−5N ·s /m ,ϵ=7.12×10−4.四旋翼无人机绕机体坐标系的转动惯量为: , ,, , , . 四旋翼无人机的电动机和桨叶的转动惯量为: , ,. 四旋翼无人机的空气摩擦阻力矩系数为: ,, 取 四旋翼无人机初始姿态角与角速度为:8 期蔡运颂等: 基于自适应多尺度超螺旋算法的无人机集群姿态同步控制1663l 1=1w ri =5sin (t )x 0(t )=(π4sin (t ),π4sin (t ),π4sin (t )+π2)T跟踪系数 , 非线性项中 , 跟踪姿态角 .为了实现无人机的姿态角的同步, 仿真中采用了两种控制器对无人机姿态集群系统进行控制:b 11=2b 12=2.2b 13=2.4b 21=1b22=1.2b 23=1.4γ11=2γ12=3γ13=4p 11=−p 22=p 31=1p 12=−p 22=p 32=1.2p 13=−p 23=p 33=1.4βi (t )αi (t )1) 采用自适应多尺度STW 控制器(8), 对应的控制器相关参数为: , , ,, , , , ,. , , . 自适应增益 , 形式如式(11)所示.k 11=1k 12=1.1k 13=1.2k 21=2k 22=2.1k 23=2.2b 3i =0.1b 4i =0.1b 5i =8b 6i =8b 21=1b 22=1.2b 23=1.4γ21=1γ22=2γ23=3βi (t )αi (t )2) 采用改进型自适应多尺度STW 控制器(26), 对应的控制器相关参数为: , ,, , , . ,, , . , , , , , . 自适应增益 , 为:图2为在自适应多尺度STW 控制器(8)作用下的四旋翼无人机的姿态角状态轨迹曲线. 从中可以看出无人机集群系统的姿态角在有限时间内实现状态同步. 图2(d)为自适应增益变化曲线, 可以看出, 自适应增益持续增加直至无人机姿态角协同.图3表明: 在改进型自适应多尺度STW 控制器(26)作用下, 也能够使得无人机集群系统姿态角在有限时间内达到一致. 两种控制算法下系统的性能指标如表1所示, 主要从平均收敛时间、平均稳态误差这两个指标进行比较. 由表1可知, 在改进型自适应多尺度STW 算法控制下的无人机集群系统的快速性明显增加, 准确性略微减弱. 相对于文献[30]提出的控制算法, 本文提出的这两种算法在收敛时间上更短, 控制的准确性更高.6 结论本文针对四旋翼无人机系统中具有的多时间尺度特性, 以及存在未知边界非线性的问题, 设计了一种自适应多尺度STW 滑模算法.将无人机快慢系统“分而治之”, 实现了分尺度精确控制. 并且通过该算法在有效削减滑模动态抖振的同时, 还保证了无人机集群系统在有限时间内的一致性. 本文还t /s−−R o l l a n g l e /r a d(a) 无人机横滚角变化曲线(a) Quadrotors roll anglechange curvet /s(b) 无人机俯仰角变化曲线(b) Quadrotors pitch anglechange curve t /s(c) 无人机偏航角变化曲线(c) Quadrotors yaw anglechange curvet /s (d) 自适应增益 a i (t ) 变化曲线(d) Adaptive gain a i (t )variation curve −−Y a w a n g l e /r adA d a p t i v e g a i n图 2 自适应多尺度STW算法控制下的无人机姿态历时曲线Fig. 2 Trajectories of attitudes under the adaptivemulti-scale STW controllert /s(a) 无人机横滚角变化曲线(a) Quadrotors roll anglechange curvet /s(b) 无人机俯仰角变化曲线(b) Quadrotors pitch anglechange curve t /s(c) 无人机偏航角变化曲线(c) Quadrotors yaw anglechange curve t /s (d) 自适应增益 a i (t ) 变化曲线(d) Adaptive gain a i (t )variation curve−−−R o l l a n g l e /r a d−Y a w a n g l e /r a d A d a p t i v e g a i n图 3 改进型自适应多尺度STW 算法控制下的无人机姿态历时曲线Fig. 3 Trajectories of attitudes under the modifiedadaptive multi-scale STW controller1664自 动 化 学 报49 卷设计了一种改进型自适应多尺度STW 滑模算法,增加了系统的快速性. 最后通过仿真验证了两种控制方法的有效性, 实现了无人机集群系统的姿态协同.ReferencesXu J, 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His research interest covers sliding modecontrol, multi-agent, and UAV control .)许 璟 华东理工大学信息科学与工程学院副教授. 主要研究方向为高阶滑模观测与控制, 无人机系统建模与控制, 智能优化算法和人工智能技术.本文通信作者.E-mail: ****************.cn(XU Jing Associate professor atthe College of Information Science and Engineering,East China University of Science and Technology. Her research interest covers high-order sliding mode obser-vation and control, UAV system modeling and control,intelligent arithmetic optimization, and artificial intel-ligence technology. Corresponding author of this paper .)牛玉刚 华东理工大学信息科学与工程学院教授. 主要研究方向为随机控制系统, 滑模控制, 无线传感网络和微电网能量管理.E-mail: *****************.cn(NIU Yu-Gang Professor at the College of Information Science andEngineering, East China University of Science and Technology. His research interest covers stochastic control system, sliding mode control, wireless sensor network, and microgrid energy management .)1666自 动 化 学 报49 卷Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。
Design of Adaptive Fuzzy PID Controller for Speed control of BLDC Motor(无刷直流电机控制英文文献)
system. Tuning PID control parameters is very difficult, poor robustness, therefore, it's difficult to achieve the optimal state under field conditions in the actual production. In this paper an Adaptive-fuzzy PID control is introduced in speed regulation system of BLDC motor. Parameter can be adjusted real time under adaptive fuzzy PID control. In order to improve the performance of the Adaptive-fuzzy PID controller system an increase in the number of inputs and membership functions was necessary, at the same time the individual set of rules are formed for each Kp, Ki and Kd. By using individual set of rules, the controller can be adapt to any change of parameter. But in Fuzzy PID controller only common set of rule are formed for Kp, Ki and Kd. The aim of this paper is that it shows the dynamics response of speed with design the Adaptive-fuzzy PID controller to control a speed of motor for keeping the motor speed to be constant when the load varies. The simulation result show that the performance of the Adaptive Fuzzy PID controller has been has better control performance than the both Fuzzy PID controller and conventional PID controller.
目录1、电力设计基本术语2、给水排水设计基本术语3、水泵专业英语词汇4、阀门种类英汉术语对照5、阀门专用英语词汇6、照明术语7、工程结构设计基本术语电力设计基本术语abrasion-Proof component of burner 燃烧器耐磨件arm-brace 撑脚ash conditoner 调灰器basket removal panel 元件盒检修护板BDV blow down valve 疏水阀,排污阀blind 堵板blind flange 法兰堵板/盲板法兰(盖calling 催交campell diagram 叶片埃贝尔曲线dado 墙裙daily service fuel tank level switch 日用油缸液位掣damage 损毁damper 挡板damper linkage 风闸联动装置damper motor 风闸马达damping mat 阻尼垫dangerous earth potential 危险性对地电势dashpot 减震器data transmission 数据传输DC/AC converter 直流电/交流电转换器dead 不带电dead weight 自重decanter 沉淀分取器declaration of conformity 符合标准声明decommissioning 解除运作;停止运作decompression chamber 减压室decorative lighting 装饰照明;灯饰deep bore well pump 深钻井泵defect liability period 故障修理责任期;保用期defectograph 钢缆探伤仪;故障检查仪defence in depth 纵深防御definite sequence 固定次序deflection 偏转;挠度deflector sheave 折向轮;导向轮defrost timer 防霜时间掣defrost unit 溶雪组合dehumidifier 抽湿机deleterious substance 有害物质delivery and return air temperature 送风及回风温度delivery connection 出油接头delivery pressure 输出压力demand side management 用电需求管理demand side management agreement 用电需求管理协议demand side management programme 用电需求管理计划dent 凹痕dental instrument 牙科仪器dental scaler 洗牙具Departmental Administration Division [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 行政部〔机电工程署〕Departmental Safety Unit [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 部门安全组〔机电工程署〕deposition 沉积物depth measuring facility 深度测量装置derating factor 额定值降低因子derust 除锈descale 清除氧化皮design current 设计电流design parameter 设计参数designated employee 指定雇员detachable grip 可拆除的夹扣Details of Branch Offices of Registered Electrical Contractors 注册电业承办商分行详情申报deterioration 变质;变坏Deutsche Industrie Normen [DIN] 德国工业标准device 器件;装置dewatering 脱水;排水diaphragm 膜片;隔板dielectric strength test 电介质强度测试diesel fuel tank 柴油燃料缸diesel oil 柴油differential gasket 差速器衬垫differential lock 差速器锁differential oil 差速器机油diffuser 透光罩;扩散器dilute 稀释dim sum trolley 点心手推车dim transformer 光暗变压器diminution of value 减值dimmer 调光器;光暗掣;光暗器dip tube 液位探测管Diploma in Electrical Engineering 电机工程学文凭dipstick 量油尺direct current [DC] 直流电direct current control 直流控制direct current electric drive 直流电电力驱动direct current reactor 直流电抗器direct drive 直接驱动direct purging 直接驱气direct-acting lift 直接驱动升降机direct-fired vaporizer 明火直热式汽化器direction arrow 方向箭头direction arrow plate 方向指示板direction indicator 方向指示器Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services 机电工程署署长Directory of Accredited Laboratories 认可实验所名册Directory of Quality System Registration Bodies 品质系统注册团体指南disassemble 拆散discharge 放电;卸载discharge lamp 放电灯;放电管discharge lighting 放电照明设施discharge of electricity 释电;放电discharge valve 排水阀disciplinary board 纪律审裁委员会disciplinary board panel 纪律审裁委员团disciplinary tribunal 纪律审裁小组disciplinary tribunal panel 纪律审裁委员团;纪律审裁委员会discolouring 变色disconnection 截断;截离steam hamerring analysis 汽锤分析steam packing unloading valve 汽封卸载阀steam purity 蒸汽纯度steam seal diverting valve 汽封分流阀steam seal feed valve 汽封给水阀steam water mixture 汽水混合物steel bar 扁钢steel supporting 钢支架steel wire brush 钢丝轮steel works 钢结构step load change 负荷阶跃still air 蒸馏气体stirrup 镫形夹stoikiometric ratio 化学当量比stopper 制动器、塞子storage vessell 贮水箱stppage alarm 停转报警stranded copper cable 铜绞线电缆strength 强度strong backs 支撑stud bolt 柱头螺栓、双头螺栓sub cooling line 欠热管submerged arc welding 埋弧焊substation 配电装置substation island 电气岛superficial corrosion 表面腐蚀superheat 过热度supersaturation 过饱和supervisory instrument 监测装置supply transformer 供电变压器support trunnion 支撑端轴surfactant 表面活性剂surge 喘振suspended diode 中断二极管suspended particles 悬浮颗粒switch board 开关柜switch gear 开关柜sychronization 并网sychroscope 同步指示器、同步示波器T square 丁字尺T/G transformer 发变组tackling system 起吊系统tamped/compacted backfill 夯实回填土tanks and accessories 箱罐和附件taper land thrust bearing 斜面式推力轴承tar epoxy paint 柏油环氧漆tarpaulin 防水布temperature digital display meter 温度数显表tensile test 拉伸试验tension test 拉伸试验,张力试验tensioning rod 拉杆terminal box 接线盒terminal poit 接口termination flange 接口法兰tertiary air 三次风test connection 试验接头test permition 试验合格the expansion coordinate system 热膨胀系统theodilite\transit instrument 经纬仪thermal insulatiion for tuebine casing 汽缸保温thermo resistor 热电阻thermostat 恒温器、恒温调节器thinner 稀释剂threaded flange 螺纹法兰throudh type 直通式、穿入式through bolt 贯穿螺栓、双头螺栓thrust plate 推力板tier tube 间隔管tilting pad 可倾瓦块tilting pad bearing 可倾瓦块轴承tip shroud 围带、环形叶栅外柱面tip speed 叶顶速度toe board/plate (kick plate) 踢脚板top crown plate seal 高冠板式密封装置top girder 顶板top penthouse 顶部雨棚top plan view 俯视图torquemeter 扭矩测量仪totalnumber of welding 焊口总数trajectory 轨道、轨迹transducer board 变送器屏transfer pipe 引出管transition piece 过渡连接件transtion piece 过渡段transverse strength 弯曲强度、抗挠强度transverse stress 横向应力、弯曲应力transverse test 抗弯试验trapezoid corrugated plate seperater 梯形波形板分离器、顶帽travelling crab 小车起重机travelling hoist 移动卷扬机tread width 踏步宽度trestle 组合支架trim and grind the welding 修磨焊点trisector air preheater 三分仓空预器trunk cable pair 主电缆对trunnion air seal assembly 端轴空气密封tube exchanger 管式热交换器tubing stress analysis 管系应力分析turbidity analyser 浊度分析仪turbine lube oil and conditioning system 汽机润滑油及净化系统turning oil 循环油twisted pair conveyer 双绞线传送器undercut 坡口underflow 地流、潜流、下溢union 活接头、管节unit control 单元控制unloadding spout vent fan 卸料口通风风机unloading valve 卸载阀urgent need equipment 急需设备urgtented need equipment 急需设备u-shape hanger chains u形曲链片吊挂装置UT ultrasonic testing 超声波探伤UTS ultimate tensible strength 极限抗拉强度vacuum belt filter 皮带真空吸滤器valve opening chart at load rejection 甩负荷阀门开启阀valve seat body seat 阀座valve spindle 阀轴、阀杆valve stem 阀杆vapor proof 防水灯variable inlet guide vane centrifugal fan 进口可调导叶离心式风机variable moning blade axial flow fan 动叶可调轴流式风机variable moving blade double stage axial fan 动叶可调双级轴流式风机variable speed driver 变速马达variables 变量vent capacity 排放量vent line 放气管ventilator valve 通风阀vernier caliper 游标卡尺vertical deflection 垂直挠度vertical movement 垂直位移vertical spindle coal pulveriser 立式磨煤机vibration isolation 隔振装置viewing lamp 观察指示灯viscosity 粘滞度、内摩擦viscous fluid 粘性液体visual examination of coating 外观质量vlve body 阀体void 无效volatily 挥发分voltage class 电压等级vortex gasket 涡流垫片wall type and retractable soot blower 墙式、伸缩式吹灰器warm air curtain 热风幕rwarming line 加热管water balance 水平衡water induction prevent control 防进水控制water level gauge 水位计water stop flange 止水法兰water supply facility island 水工岛wear hardness 可抗磨能力wear template 防磨板wearing bush 防磨套wearing plate 防磨板、护板weigh feeder 重量计量进料器weld bolt 焊接螺栓weld contamination 焊接杂质weld groove 焊缝坡口weld pass 焊道weld penetration 熔深weld preparation 焊缝坡口加工weld with shop beveled ends 工厂加工坡口焊接welder helment 面罩welding line 焊缝welding plate flange 焊接板式法兰welding rod 焊条welding rods dryer barrel 焊条保温筒welding run 焊道welding seam 对接焊缝welding technological properties 焊接工艺性能welding tool 电焊钳welding torch 焊枪welding wire 焊丝welds counting quantity 焊口统计数量wellington boot 防水长统靴whirl plate 折流板wide column 宽立柱winding resistance 绕组电阻wire feed speed 送丝速度wire netting/metal mesh 铁丝网wire wool 擦洗用的)钢丝绒,百洁丝withstand voltage test 耐压试验working medium 工质worm hole (焊缝)条虫状气孔yield strength 屈服强度yoke 磁轭、人孔压板、座架联板firproof paint 防火漆manifold valve 汇集阀saw trace 锯痕tapping point 取样点bushing current transformer 套管式电流互感器light gauge plate/sheet 薄钢板notch 槽口、凹口holding strip 压板straight edge 校正装置trailing edge 后缘lance 喷枪lighting off 点火gaseous fuel 气体燃料entrain 夹带、传输combustion air 助燃风hot stand by 热备用行波travelling wave模糊神经网络fuzzy-neural network神经网络neural network模糊控制fuzzy control研究方向research direction副教授associate professor电力系统the electrical power system大容量发电机组large capacity generating set输电距离electricity transmission超高压输电线supervltage transmission power line 投运commissioning行波保护Traveling wave protection自适应控制方法adaptive control process动作速度speed of action行波信号travelling wave signal测量信号measurement signal暂态分量transient state component非线性系统nonlinear system高精度high accuracy自学习功能selflearning function抗干扰能力antijamming capability自适应系统adaptive system行波继电器travelling wave relay输电线路故障transmission line malfunction仿真simulation算法algorithm电位electric potential短路故障short trouble子系统subsystem大小相等,方向相反equal and opposite in direction 电压源voltage source故障点trouble spot等效于equivalent暂态行波transient state travelling wave偏移量side-play mount电压electric voltage附加系统add-ons system波形waveform工频power frequency延迟变换delayed transformation延迟时间delay time减法运算subtraction相减运算additive operation求和器summator模糊规则fuzzy rule参数值parameter values可靠动作action message等值波阻抗equivalent value wave impedance附加网络additional network修改的modified反传算法backpropagation algorithm隶属函数membership function模糊规则fuzzy rule模糊推理fuzzy reasoning样本集合sample set给定的given模糊推理矩阵fuzzy reasoning matrix采样周期sampling period三角形隶属度函数Triangle-shape grade of membership function 负荷状态load conditions区内故障troubles inside the sample space门槛值threshold level采样频率sampling frequency全面地all sidedly样本空间sample space误动作malfunction保护特性protection feature仿真数据simulation data灵敏性sensitivity小波变换wavelet transformation神经元neuron谐波电流harmonic current电力系统自动化power system automation继电保护relaying protection中国电力China Power学报journal初探primary exploration标准的机组数据显示(Standard Measurement And Display Data) 负载电流百分比显示Percentage of Current load(%)单相/三相电压Voltage by One/Three Phase (Volt.)每相电流Current by Phase (AMP)千伏安Apparent Power (KVA)中线电流Neutral Current (N Amp)功率因数Power Factor (PF)频率Frequency(HZ)千瓦Active Power (KW)千阀Reactive Power (KVAr)最高/低电压及电流Max/Min. Current and Voltage输出千瓦/兆瓦小时Output kWh/MWh运行转速Running RPM机组运行正常Normal Running超速故障停机Overspeed Shutdowns低油压故障停机Low Oil Pressure Shutdowns高水温故障停机High Coolant Temperature Shutdowns起动失败停机Fail to Start Shutdowns冷却水温度表Coolant Temperature Gauge机油油压表Oil Pressure Gauge电瓶电压表Battery Voltage Meter机组运行小时表Genset Running Hour Meter怠速-快速运行选择键Idle Run – Normal Run Selector Switch运行-停机-摇控启动选择键Local Run-Stop-Remote Starting Selector Switch其它故障显示及输入Other Common Fault Alarm Display and input给水排水设计基本术语一、通用术语给水排水工程的通用术语及其涵义应符合下列规定:1、给水工程water supply engineering 原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程。
永磁同步电机调速系统的伪微分反馈控制李光泉;葛红娟;刘天翔;马春江【摘要】永磁同步电机是一个多变量、非线性、强耦合的复杂系统,对外界扰动及内部参数变化敏感,为改善系统动静态性能,提高系统鲁棒性,本文引入了一种新的速度调节方法--伪微分反馈(Pseudo Derivative Feedback,PDF)控制策略.文章首先介绍了基于PDF调节器的矩阵变换器一永磁同步电机调速系统,推导出了系统的传递函数和微分方程,根据推导结果绘制了系统的博德图,并对系统的动静态性能和抗干扰能力进行了理论分析.在同等条件下对两种调节器(PDF与PI)下的调速系统分别进行了仿真和实验研究,结果表明:采用PDF调节器时,系统的输出响应速度更快、无超调和振荡,有效地提高了系统的动静态性能和鲁棒性.【期刊名称】《电工技术学报》【年(卷),期】2010(025)008【总页数】6页(P18-23)【关键词】伪微分反馈控制;速度调节;PI控制;鲁棒性;永磁同步电机【作者】李光泉;葛红娟;刘天翔;马春江【作者单位】南京航空航天大学自动化学院,南京,210016;南京航空航天大学自动化学院,南京,210016;南京航空航天大学自动化学院,南京,210016;南京航空航天大学自动化学院,南京,210016【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM301.2;TM3521 引言永磁同步电机(PMSM)具有结构简单、功率密度高、效率高等优点,在高精度数控机床、机器人、特种加工等场所得到了广泛的应用。
传统PMSM控制器大多采用 PI调节器,PI控制算法简单,能满足一定范围内的控制要求,但其设计依赖于精确数学模型。
lengthꎬ and the number of turning points of the algorithms givenꎬ which verifies the effectiveness
第44 卷 第8 期
2023 年 8 月
东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 )
Journal of Northeastern University( Natural Science)
Vo l. 44ꎬNo. 8
Aug. 2 0 2 3
doi: 10. 12068 / j. issn. 1005 - 3026. 2023. 08. 001
evolutionꎬ the global exploration ability and convergence speed are improved. Meanwhileꎬ by
introducing the PSO algorithm with strong optimization ̄seeking ability into the exploitation stage
始解ꎬ增强了算法跳出局部最优的能力. 最后ꎬ将 PSO - AWOA 算法应用到的栅格地图仿真环境中进行机器
人最佳路径求解. 通过对比给定算法的耗时、规划路径长度以及拐点数ꎬ结果表明ꎬ提出的 PSO - AWOA 算法
关 键 词: 混合优化算法ꎻ粒子群优化ꎻ鲸鱼优化算法ꎻ自适应权重ꎻ路径规划
Fuzzy Systems and Control
Fuzzy Systems and Control Fuzzy systems and control are essential components of modern engineering and technology, providing a flexible and adaptive approach to dealing with complex and uncertain systems. Fuzzy logic allows for the representation of vague andimprecise information, enabling systems to make decisions based on incomplete or uncertain data. This flexibility is particularly useful in situations where traditional binary logic may not be sufficient to accurately model the system. One of the key advantages of fuzzy systems is their ability to handle uncertainty and variability in a more natural and intuitive way. By using linguistic variables and fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic can capture the imprecision and ambiguity inherent in many real-world problems. This allows for more robust and reliable control systems that can adapt to changing conditions and unforeseen events. In the field of control systems, fuzzy logic is often used to design controllers that can effectively regulate complex systems with nonlinear dynamics. Traditional control methods, such as PID controllers, may struggle to cope with the nonlinearities and uncertainties present in many systems. Fuzzy controllers, on the other hand, can provide better performance and stability by taking into account a wider range of input variables and operating conditions. Moreover, fuzzy systems have been successfully applied in a wide range of applications, including automotive systems, consumer electronics, robotics, and industrial automation. For example, fuzzylogic is commonly used in anti-lock braking systems (ABS) to improve vehicle stability and control during emergency braking situations. By incorporating fuzzy logic into the control algorithm, the ABS can adjust braking pressure in real-time based on road conditions and driver input, leading to safer and more efficient braking performance. Another area where fuzzy systems excel is in decision-making and expert systems. Fuzzy logic can be used to model human reasoning and decision-making processes, allowing for more intuitive and human-like interactions with intelligent systems. This has led to the development of fuzzy expert systems that can provide expert-level advice and recommendations in a wide range of domains, from medical diagnosis to financial forecasting. In conclusion, fuzzy systems and control offer a powerful and versatile approach to dealing with complex and uncertain systems. By embracing the inherent vagueness and imprecision of real-world problems, fuzzy logic can provide more robust and adaptive solutions that outperform traditional methods in many applications. As technology continues to advance and systems become increasingly complex, the importance of fuzzy systems and control will only continue to grow, making it an essential tool for engineers and researchers in a wide range of fields.。
Fuzzy Logic and Systems
Fuzzy Logic and SystemsFuzzy logic and systems have become increasingly popular in various fields, including engineering, artificial intelligence, and decision-making processes. However, they also present a range of challenges and limitations that need to be addressed. One of the primary issues with fuzzy logic is its inherent complexity, which can make it difficult to understand and apply in practical situations. Additionally, the lack of a standardized methodology for developing fuzzy systems can lead to inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the results. Moreover, the interpretation of fuzzy logic outputs can be subjective, leading to potential misunderstandings and misinterpretations. These challenges highlight the need for further research and development in the field of fuzzy logic and systems to improve their effectiveness and reliability. From an engineering perspective, fuzzy logic has been widely used in control systems to model and control complex and nonlinear processes. The ability of fuzzy systems to handle imprecise and uncertain data makes them well-suited for such applications. However, the complexity of fuzzy logic can also lead to challenges in designing and implementing fuzzy control systems. Engineers often struggle with defining appropriate fuzzy sets and rules, as well as tuning the system parameters to achieve the desired performance. Additionally, the lack of a systematic approach to designing fuzzy control systems can result in suboptimal solutions and performance issues. These challenges underscore the need for standardized methodologies and tools to support the design and implementation of fuzzy control systems. In the field of artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic has been used to model human reasoning and decision-making processes. Fuzzy systems can capture the vagueness and uncertainty inherent in human cognition, making them suitable for applications such as expert systems and pattern recognition. However, the subjective nature of fuzzy logic outputs can lead to challenges in interpreting and validating the results. Furthermore, the lack of transparency in fuzzy systems can make it difficult to understand the underlying reasoning process, which is crucial for building trust and confidence in AI applications. These challenges highlight the need for developing interpretable and explainable fuzzy systems to enhance their reliability and acceptance in AI applications. From a decision-making perspective, fuzzy logic has been applied in various fields, including finance, marketing, and risk management. Fuzzy systems can handle imprecise and ambiguous information, making them valuable for making complex decisions under uncertainty. However, the lack of a standardized framework for developing fuzzy decision support systems can lead to inconsistencies and biases in the decision-making process. Additionally, the subjective nature of fuzzy logic outputs canlead to potential misunderstandings and misinterpretations, which can have significant implications for decision outcomes. These challenges emphasize the need for developing robust and transparent fuzzy decision support systems to improve their effectiveness and reliability in real-world applications. In conclusion, while fuzzy logic and systems offer valuable capabilities for handling imprecise and uncertain information, they also present a range of challenges and limitations that need to be addressed. From engineering, artificial intelligence, and decision-making perspectives, the complexity, lack of standardization, and subjective nature of fuzzy logic outputs can lead to inconsistencies, inaccuracies, and misunderstandings. To overcome these challenges, further research and development are needed to improve the effectiveness, reliability, and transparency of fuzzy logic and systems. By addressing these challenges, we can unlock the full potential of fuzzy logic and systems in various applications and enhance their value in addressing real-world problems.。
introduction samples
The synthesis of flexible polymer blends frompolylactide and rubberIntroduction1Polylactide (PLA) has received much attention in recent years due to its biodegradable properties, which offer important economic benefits. 2 PLA is a polymer obtained from corn and is produced by the polymerisation of lactide. 3 It has many possible uses in the biomedical field 1 and has also been investigated as a potential engineering material.2,34However, it has been found to be too weak under impact to be used commercially. 45 One way to toughen polymers is to incorporate a layer of rubber particles 5 and there has been extensive research regarding the rubber modification of PLA. 6For example, Penney et al. showed that PLA composites could be prepared using blending techniques6 and more recently, Hillier established the toughness of such composites.77 However, although the effect of the rubber particles on the mechanical properties of copolymer systems was demonstrated over two years ago,8 little attention has been paid to the selection of an appropriate rubber component.8 The present paper presents a set of criteria for selecting such a component. 9 On the basis of these criteria it then describes the preparation of a set of polymer blends using PLA and a hydrocarbon rubber (PI). 10This combination of two mechanistically distinct polymerisations formed a novel copolymer in which the incorporation of PI significantly increased flexibility.sample2.Optimal location discrimination of two multipartite pure statesINTRODUCTIONEntanglement lies at the heart of many aspects of quantum information theory and it is therefore desirable to understand its structure as well as possible. One attempt to improve our understanding of entanglement is the study of our ability to perform information theoretic tasks locally on non-local states, such as the local implementation of non-local quantum gates [2], telecloning [3], the remote manipulation and preparation of quantum states [4] or the recently studied question of the local discrimination of non-local states by a variety of authors. In [1] it was shown that any two orthogonal pure states can be perfectly discriminated locally, whereas in [5] examples of two orthogonal mixed states were presented which cannot be distinguished perfectly locally. Another surprising development is that there exist bases of product orthogonal pure states which cannot be locally reliably discriminated, despite the fact that each state in the basis contains no entanglement [6]. Here we discuss the issue of discriminating two non-orthogonal pure states locally, and show that in this regime the optimal global procedure can be achieved.Design and Implementation of PLC-Based Monitoring Control System for Induction MotorMaria G. Ioannides, Senior Member, IEEEIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 19, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2004IntroductionS INCE technology for motion control of electric drives became available, the use of programmable logic controllers (PLCs) with power electronics in electric machines applications has been introduced in the manufacturing automation [1], [2]. This use offers advantages such as lower voltage drop when turned on and the ability to control motors and other equipment with a virtually unity power factor [3]. Many factories use PLCs in automation processes to diminish production cost and to increase quality and reliability [4]–[9]. Other applications include machine tools with improved precision computerized numerical control (CNC) due to the use of PLCs [10]. To obtain accurate industrial electric drive systems, it is necessary to use PLCs interfaced with power converters, personal computers, and other electric equipment [11]–[13]. Nevertheless, this makes the equipment more sophisticated, complex, and expensive [14], [15].Few papers were published concerning dc machines controlled by PLCs. They report both the implementation of the fuzzy method for speed control of a dc motor/generator set using a PLC to change the armature voltage [16], and the incorporation of an adaptive controller based on the self-tuning regulator technology into an existing industrial PLC [17]. Also, other types of machines were interfaced with PLCs. Thereby, an industrial PLC was used for controlling stepper motors in a five-axis rotor position, direction and speed, reducing the number of circuit components, lowering the cost, and enhancing reliability [18]. For switched reluctance motors as a possible alternative to adjustable speed ac and dc drives, a single chip logic controller for controlling torque and speed uses a PLC to implement the digital logic coupled with a power controller [19]. Other reported application concerns a linear induction motor for passenger elevators with a PLC achieving the control of the drive system and the data acquisition [20]. To monitor power quality and identify the disturbances that disrupt production of an electric plant, two PLCs were used to determine the sensitivity of the equipment [21].Only few papers were published in the field of induction motors with PLCs. A power factor controller for a three-phase induction motor utilizes PLC to improve the power factor and to keep its voltage to frequency ratio constant under the whole control conditions [3]. The vector control integrated circuit uses a complex programmable logic device (CPLD) and integer arithmetic for the voltage or current regulation of three-phase pulse-width modulation (PWM) inverters [22].Many applications of induction motors require besides the motor control functionality, the handling of several specific analog and digital I/O signals, home signals, trip signals, on/off/reverse commands. In such cases, a control unit involving a PLC must be added to the system structure. This paper presents a PLC-based monitoring and control system for a three-phase induction motor. It describes the design and implementation of the configured hardware and software. The test results obtained on induction motor performance show improved efficiency and increased accuracy in variable-load constant-speed-controlled operation. Thus, the PLC correlates and controls the operational parameters to the speed set point requested by the user and monitors the induction motor system during normal operation and under trip conditions.。
DB33∕T 1136-2017 建筑地基基础设计规范
地基计算 ....................................................................................................................... 14 5.1 承载力计算......................................................................................................... 14 5.2 变形计算 ............................................................................................................ 17 5.3 稳定性计算......................................................................................................... 21
主要起草人: 施祖元 刘兴旺 潘秋元 陈云敏 王立忠 李冰河 (以下按姓氏拼音排列) 蔡袁强 陈青佳 陈仁朋 陈威文 陈 舟 樊良本 胡凌华 胡敏云 蒋建良 李建宏 王华俊 刘世明 楼元仓 陆伟国 倪士坎 单玉川 申屠团兵 陶 琨 叶 军 徐和财 许国平 杨 桦 杨学林 袁 静 主要审查人: 益德清 龚晓南 顾国荣 钱力航 黄茂松 朱炳寅 朱兆晴 赵竹占 姜天鹤 赵宇宏 童建国浙江大学 参编单位: (排名不分先后) 浙江工业大学 温州大学 华东勘测设计研究院有限公司 浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 杭州市建筑设计研究院有限公司 浙江省建筑科学设计研究院 汉嘉设计集团股份有限公司 杭州市勘测设计研究院 宁波市建筑设计研究院有限公司 温州市建筑设计研究院 温州市勘察测绘院 中国联合工程公司 浙江省电力设计院 浙江省省直建筑设计院 浙江省水利水电勘测设计院 浙江省工程勘察院 大象建筑设计有限公司 浙江东南建筑设计有限公司 湖州市城市规划设计研究院 浙江省工业设计研究院 浙江工业大学工程设计集团有限公司 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究院 华汇工程设计集团股份有限公司
A Neuro-Fuzzy Based Adaptive Set-Point Heat Exchan
Nov. 2012, Volume 6, No. 11 (Serial No. 60), pp. 1584–1588Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, ISSN 1934-7359, USAA Neuro-Fuzzy Based Adaptive Set-Point Heat Exchanger Control Scheme in District Heating SystemLiang Huang1, Zaiyi Liao2 and Zhao Lian11. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto M5B2K3, Canada2. College of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443003, ChinaAbstract: The control of heat exchange stations in district heating system is critical for the overall energy efficiency and can be very difficult due to high level of complexity. A conventional method is to control the equipment such that the temperature of hot water supply is maintained at a set-point that may be a fixed value or be compensated against the external temperature. This paper presents a novel scheme that can determine the optimal set-point of hot water supply that maximizes the energy efficiency whilst providing sufficient heating capacity to the load. This scheme is based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inferential System. The aim of this study is to improve the overall performance of district heating systems.Key words: District heating system, neuro-fuzzy, inferential sensor, energy efficiency, control.1. IntroductionDistrict heating systems are considered energy efficient and widely used in Canada. Hot water from CHP (combined heat and power) carries heat to the heat exchangers, in which heat is transferred to the water in secondary loops. At individual buildings, appropriate operation of the heat exchangers is essential for harnessing the benefits made possible by district heating systems. The temperature of hot water supply in the secondary loop is conventionally controlled to fluctuate around a set-point, which may be constant for certain period of time or compensated against the external air temperature. Previous studies have shown that these two methods are likely to cause energy waste and/or discomfort [1]. A new approach is to change the set-point according to a measurement of thermal comfort at the buildings using temperature sensors [1]. However, using a lot of temperature sensors in a building can be practically infeasible and unstable. Liao and Dexter [1] proposed a simplifiedCorresponding author: Liang Huang, master, research fields: neuro-fuzzy network, artificial intelligence, building automation system, and control system. E-mail: **********************.physical model for estimating the average indoor air temperature by using measurable variables, such as outdoor temperature, solar radiation, and the power supplied to terminal. This model makes it possible to estimate heating load based on the outputs of simple sensors that are easily available to the controller in practice. In recent years, fuzzy logic [2] and neural networks have been proposed as alternatives to traditional statistical ones in building technology, in terms of improvement of indoor comfort and energy conservation. Researchers extensively applied fuzzy logic to the built environment to improve the performance and to reduce energy consumption [2–6], while neural networks are used for improving performance of built environment [7, 8] and estimate the operative temperature in a building [9, 10] designed an ANFIS based inferential sensor model, which estimates the average air temperature in the buildings that heated by a hydraulic heating system.In this paper, we present a neuro-fuzzy based control scheme that can estimate the heating load and according determine optimal value for the set-point of hot water supply in the secondary loop. When thesystem is operated with such set-point, the energyAll Rights Reserved.A Neuro-Fuzzy Based Adaptive Set-Point Heat Exchanger Control Scheme in District Heating System 1585efficiency can be maximized whilst desired indoor thermal environment is maintained.2. Research MethodsIn the conventional heat exchanger, the heat from the heat source is transferred to the water in secondary loops (Fig. 1) and the required flow rate of hot water from the heat source depends on required heating load, water temperature, and heating transfer sssr ( - )*m ( - )*T T T T M η∙∙=(1)where, η is the heating transfer rate of the heatexchanger, m and T s are the water flow rate and temperature at hot-fluid outlet, M and T ss are the hot water flow rate and temperature at hot-fluid inlet, and T sr and T r are the water temperatures at hot fluid inlet and cold-fluid inlet.In this paper, two parameters are used to define the performance of a heating system: overall performance of the heating system and a measure of the thermal comfort in the zone [11]. A comfort range is defined as Φref = [T min , T max ]. The total energy consumption (E) in secondary loop is normalized to the total energy supplied to heat exchanger when the set-point is constant.100%*/o e E E = (2)A measure of the overall performance of the heating system is given by(1)1e e w w γγγγξ-+=+ (3)where, W γ is a weighting constant, which determines the importance of thermal comfort in assessing the overall performance. It should be noted that the largerFig. 1 Shell-and-tube heating exchanger [12]. the value of overall performance, the higher is the overall performance of the heating system [11].The impact of heat exchanger control on the overall performance of heating systems has been studied in simulation. Two types of heat exchanger controllers are studied:• Type I: the constant set-point controller. The supply water temperature set-point is fixed at a constant level specified during commissioning. This is a most commonly used heat exchanger controller because of its simplicity;• Type II: the adaptive set-point controller. The supply water temperature set-point in secondary loop is varied in inverse proportion to a moving average of the external environment in a certain time interval. During the test period, the temperature set-point of Type I is a constant, however the set-point changing of Type II varies based on the required heating load and the capacity of supplied heating load. The adaptive set-point in Type II cannot be varied frequently, since the profile of the control system. The temperature set-point changing time point is decided by estimating the time of instantaneous indoor air temperature equals to the average indoor temperature in one day. To look for a suitable set-point of supplied water temperature in every interval in the test period, indoor temperature comfort is considered firstly, and then, energy efficient. Liao’s simply physical model and Jassar’s [10] model is used in calculating optimal required energy. This optimal set-point need satisfy the system has a lowest energy cost when the indoor temperature in comfortable range during a certain period. The optimal required heating load is⎰1t t d Q Min (4)S.T. 0>sol Qmax min a a a T T T <<max min o o o T T T <<Once the required heating load is decided, the temperature set-point can be calculated byAll Rights Reserved.A Neuro-Fuzzy Based Adaptive Set-Point Heat Exchanger Control Scheme in District Heating System1586)()(t m Q T T dr s =-∙(5)Therefore, the temperature set-pointT QT r ds mt +=)((6)Then, an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inferential heat exchanger control scheme (illustrated in Fig. 2) is proposed and its control process is simulated. The impact of adaptive set-point heat exchanger control scheme on the overall performance of energy efficiency is studied in simulation. The experimental data used to estimate set-point temperature is obtained from a laboratory heating system monitored in an EU CRAFT project [13].3. ResultsIn the proposed control scheme, the temperature set-point estimator estimates the optimal set-point temperature of the hot water in the secondary loop and optimal set-point changing time. The thermalcomfortable range in test period is between 18︒C and 21︒C in our simulation and indoor air temperature is estimated by using adaptive neuro-fuzzy based inferential sensor model [10]. The supplied hot water temperature in the secondary loop is also sensed and the corresponding control signals is generated in heat exchanger operation module, which includes a PID (proportion integration differentiation ) controller, is sent to heat exchanger. In this case, the supplied hot temperature can follow the set-point temperature by controlling the flow rate of the hot water from CHP.In this scheme, the set-point changes twice a day at the 7.58th hour and the 18.67th hour that the indoor air temperature equals to average air temperature of the day.Fig. 3 shows a good performance of adaptive set-point in controlling indoor air temperature in thermal comfortable range. Comparing to constant set-point control heating, the indoor air temperature controlled by adaptive set-point satisfies the desired comfortable temperature range which is between 18︒C and 21︒C.Not only the adaptive has a good performance in keep indoor thermal comfortable, but also it has a good energy cost performance. Fig. 4 shows the adaptive set-point temperature control fulfill the indoor thermal comfort requirement. At the same time, the energy efficiency is also higher than constant set-point control.4. DiscussionThe neuro-fuzzy based adaptive set-point heat exchanger control scheme has a very good performance in maximizing the energy efficiency whilst providing sufficient heating capacity to the load. Jassar’s neuro-fuzzy based inferential sensor model is based on three inputs, power supplied to terminals Q in (derived from temperature difference between hot-fluid inlet and hot-fluid outlet), solar RadiationFig. 2 All Rights Reserved.A Neuro-Fuzzy Based Adaptive Set-Point Heat Exchanger Control Scheme in District Heating System1587Fig. 3 Thermal comfort performances of two types of control.Fig. 4 Impacts of heat exchanger control on the performance of heating systems.Q sol, and external temperature T O. Also, Liao’s simplified physical model for estimation of air temperature is based on the same variables. Therefore, the estimated average air temperature by Jassar’s model is possible to be used in deduction of the optimal set-point of supplied water estimation in secondary loop by using Liao’s model. Although the heating source of the proposed scheme in this paper is heat exchanger not a boiler, they are both hot-water space heating systems.In Fig. 4, the performance of Type I is far below that of the Tpye II, the reasons for the poor performance are as follows:Once commissioned the set-point is fixed for the entire test period.All Rights Reserved.A Neuro-Fuzzy Based Adaptive Set-Point Heat Exchanger Control Scheme in District Heating System 1588•If too high a value of the set-point is selected, more energy will be consumed and the room temperature is more frequently above the upper level of the desired range, resulting in lower overall performance;•If too low a value for the set-point is selected, the benefit of lower energy consumption is at the cost of significant discomfort because the room temperature is more frequently below the lower level of the desired range. Consequently the overall performance remains low.The performance of the Type II controllers is such better than Type I controller. Less energy is consumed and the room temperature is more frequently in the desired comfortable range when the controller is commissioned, such that too high a set-point is used at high external temperatures. As a result the overall performance improved in both energy consumption and comfort ratio.5. ConclusionA neuro-fuzzy based adaptive control scheme is developed to control the heat exchangers in district heating systems for maximize the energy efficiency whilst providing sufficient heating capacity to the load that the indoor temperature is controlled in a thermal comfortable range.In the future, an estimation model which can keep high robustness and high accuracy of the prediction in the indoor temperature estimation will be researched, so that the set-point estimator will have better performance and the robustness of the heat exchanger will be further improved.References[1]Z. Liao and A. L. Dexter, A simplified physical model forestimating the average air temperature in multi-zoneheating systems, Building and Environment 39 (9) (2004)1013–1022.[2]L. Zadeh, Outline of a new approach to the analysis ofcomplex systems and decision processes, in: IEEETransactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics, BrowseJournals & Magazines 3 (1) (1973) 28–44.[3] A. L. Dexter and D. W. 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式中, 为车道组每车平均控制延误,s/辆; 为假定车辆均匀到达时的控制延误,s/辆; 为均匀延误行进的调整参数; 为 考虑随机到达和过饱和排队影响的增加延误,s/辆; 为初始排队延误,s/辆。
图1 延误计算结果图 从图1和表3的结果分析数据可知: (1)点样本法基于现场数据调查,其计算所得到的是停车延误,故计算结果小于HCM2000法计点样本法停车延误得到的控制延误 值。由图2可知,点样本法停车延误与HCM2000控制延误曲线有相似性,所以点样本法停车延误可以乘以一定的转换系数,通过适当修正 得到控制延误。 (2)由于南进口道的停车百分比较大,在点样本法实际调查中不能准确的在15s的时间间隔内统计出停车车辆数,所以在南进口道, 点样本法在计算停车延误时与VISSIM仿真有较大的偏差,其他进口道的点本法停车延误与VISSIM仿真的停车延误误差不大。 (3)VISSIM仿真得到的控制延误数据与HCM2000法计算的延误在允许范围内存在一定的误差。这主要是因为HCM延误模型是针对美 国城市交叉口交通流特征建立的,而我国的交叉口交通流特性与美国的存在一定的差异,所以不能直接利用HCM延误模型分析我国城市交 叉口的延误。由图1可见,HCM2000延误模型计算曲线与VISSIM仿真延误曲线变化趋势相似,可以近似认为两者存在一定的线性关系,可 以适当修正HCM2000模型使之适合我国混合交通流条件下的信号交叉口的延误计算。 (4)VISSIM7.0仿真软件提供了一个虚拟的平台,通过详细地描述交通主体的行为,设定相应参数来反应实际交通状况,因此利用 VISSIM仿真软件得到的交叉口延误数据准确度比较高。 5小结 本文着重论述了交叉口延误的点样本法、HCM2000算法以及模拟仿真的计算方法。利用VISSIM 7.0软件建立仿真平台,并运用这3种方 法分别对慈溪市明州路与新城北路交叉口的延误进行了计算。通过实例运用的比较分析可以得到,VISSIM仿真软件在信控交叉口延误计算 的结果与点样本法、HCM2000延误计算结果吻合较好,具有较好的精准度和实用性。 参考文献: [1]杨晓光.城市道路交通设计指南[M].北京:人民交通出版社.2003. [2]邵长桥.平面信号交叉口延误分析[D].北京:北京工业大学交通工程系,2002. [3]陈绍宽,郭谨一,王 漩,等.信号交叉口延误计算方法的比较[J].北京交通大学学报,2005,29(3):77-80. [4]罗美清,隽志才.VISSIM在交叉口交通设计与运行分析中的应用[J].武汉理工大学学报:交通科学与工程版,2004,28(2):232235. [5]王玉鹏.基于VISSIM仿真的交叉口延误分析[J].物流科技,2006(4).25-28. [6]Fu L P.A fuzzy queuing model for real-time adaptiveprediction of incident delay for ATMS/ATIS [J].Transportation Planning and Technology,2004,33(2):19-23. [7]Blue V J,Adler J L.Cellular automata microsimula-tion for modeling bi-directional pedestrian walkways [J].Transportation Research, 2001,35(3):293-312. [8]Cheng T C E,Allam S.A review of stochastic mod-elling of delay and capacity at unsignalized priority in-tersections[J].European Journal of Operational Re-search,1992,60(3):247-259.
一类带有执行器故障不确定线性系统的自适应H∞控制彭晓易;武力兵【摘要】针对一类带有不匹配外部扰动、非线性参数不确定性和执行器故障的线性系统,提出一种基于自适应容错技术的H∞控制方案.所设计的变增益容错控制器既可以对外部扰动具有良好的抑制作用,同时也可以有效补偿系统参数不确定和未知故障的影响,进而保证闭环系统具有期望的优化性能指标.飞行控制系统的数值仿真例子表明了所提出控制方法的有效性.【期刊名称】《辽宁科技大学学报》【年(卷),期】2017(040)004【总页数】6页(P292-297)【关键词】自适应控制;H∞控制;稳定性分析;飞行器模型【作者】彭晓易;武力兵【作者单位】辽宁科技大学理学院,辽宁鞍山 114051;辽宁科技大学理学院,辽宁鞍山 114051【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP273一直以来,容错控制是控制理论研究的热点,可以提高系统的安全性,避免不必要的经济损失和人员伤亡[1-5]。
Neuro-fuzzy Systems(A. Tettamanzi, M. Tomassini)
Fuzzy Neurons
y = g(w.x) y = g(A(w,x))
Instead of weighted sum of inputs, more general aggregation function is used Fuzzy union, fuzzy intersection and, more generally, s-norms and t-norms can be used as an aggregation function for the weighted input to an artificial neuron
Off-line – adaptation On-line – algorithms are used to adapt as the
system operates
– where the two techniques are applied after one another as pre- or post-processing
w ij
An Example: NEFPROX
NEuro Fuzzy function apPROXimator Three-layer feedforward network (no cycles in the network and no connections exist between layer n and layer n+j, with j>1 input variables / hidden layer - fuzzy rules / output variables Hidden and output units use t-norms and tconorms as aggregation functions The fuzzy sets are encoded as fuzzy connection weights and fuzzy inputs
( Ms 2
Ka KtKs k)(Ls
(1. Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130033, China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; 3. Shandong Newclear Power Co. Ltd, Yantai 265116, China;
适应整定控制参数,又能继承传统 PID 控制器便于工程实现。本文对音圈电机(voice coil motor)驱
动的500 mm 大口径快速反射镜进行控制器设计且进行仿真实验,并将其结果与基于传统 PID 控制下
的相比较。结果表明,基于模糊自适应整定 PID 控制的500 mm 大口径快速反射镜的超调量为 5.40%,
根据各部分元器件的物理特性,建立大口径快速 反射镜系统的数学模型如图 6 所示。
图 6 系统数学模型
Fig.6 System mathematical model
各参数的定义如表 1 所示。
表 1 数学模型的参数定义
5515.6 173.8s 3473.2
Table 1 The parameter definition of the mathematical model
VCM inductance
VCM internal resistance
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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOL. 9, NO. 4, AUGUST 2001637The Shape of Fuzzy Sets in Adaptive Function ApproximationSanya Mitaim and Bart KoskoAbstract—The shape of if-part fuzzy sets affects how well feedforward fuzzy systems approximate continuous functions. We explore a wide range of candidate if-part sets and derive supervised learning laws that tune them. Then we test how well the resulting adaptive fuzzy systems approximate a battery of test functions. No one set shape emerges as the best shape. The sinc function often does well and has a tractable learning law. But its undulating sidelobes may have no linguistic meaning. This suggests that the engineering goal of function-approximation accuracy may sometimes have to outweigh the linguistic or philosophical interpretations of fuzzy sets that have accompanied their use in expert systems. We divide the if-part sets into two large classes. The first class consists of -dimensional joint sets that factor into scalar sets as found in almost all published fuzzy systems. These sets ignore the correlations among vector components of input vectors. Fuzzy systems that use factorable if-part sets suffer in general from exponential rule explosion in high dimensions when they blindly approximate functions without knowledge of the functions. The factorable fuzzy sets themselves also suffer from what we call the second curse of dimensionality: The fuzzy sets tend to become binary spikes in high dimension. The second class of if-part sets consists of the more general but less common -dimensional joint sets that do not factor into scalar fuzzy sets. We present a method for constructing such unfactorable joint sets from scalar distance measures. Fuzzy systems that use unfactorable if-part sets need not suffer from exponential rule explosion but their increased complexity may lead to intractable learning laws and inscrutable if-then rules. We prove that some of these unfactorable joint sets still suffer the second curse of dimensionality of spikiness. The search for the best if-part sets in fuzzy function approximation has just begun. Index Terms—Adaptive fuzzy system, curse of dimensionality, fuzzy function approximation, fuzzy sets.I. THE SHAPE OF FUZZY SETS: FROM TRIANGLES TO WHAT?WHAT is the best shape for fuzzy sets in function approximation? Fuzzy sets can have any shape. Each shape affects how well a fuzzy system of if-then rules approximate a function. Triangles have been the most popular if-part set shape but they surely are not the best choice [24], [32] for approximating nonlinear systems. Overlapped symmetric triangles or trapezoids reduce fuzzy systems to piecewise linear systems. Gaussian bell-curve sets give richer fuzzy systems with simple learning laws that tune the bell-curve means and variances. But this popular choice comes with a special cost: It converts fuzzy systems to radial-basis-function neural networks orManuscript received November 19, 1999; revised April 13, 2001. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant ECS-0 070 284 and in part by the Thailand Research Fund under Grant PDF/29/2543. S. Mitaim is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Thammasat University, Pathumthani 12121, Thailand. B. Kosko is with the Department of Electrical Engineering—Systems, Signal and Image Processing Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2564 USA. Publisher Item Identifier S 1063-6706(01) other well-known systems that predate fuzzy systems [3], [17], [20], [27], [28], [30]. These Gaussian systems make important benchmarks but there is no scientific advance involved in their rediscovery. Triangles and Gaussian bell curves also do not represent the vast function space of if-part fuzzy sets. But then which shapes do? This question has no easy answer. A key part of the problem is that we do not know what should count as a meaningful taxonomy of fuzzy sets. We can distinguish continuous fuzzy sets from discontinuous sets, differentiable from nondifferentiable sets, monotone from nonmonotone sets, unimodal from multimodal sets, and so on. But these binary classes of fuzzy sets may still be too general to permit a fruitful analysis in terms of function approximation or in terms of other performance criteria. Yet a taxonomy requires that we draw lines somewhere through the function space of all fuzzy sets. We draw two lines. The first line answers whether a joint fuzzy set is factorable or unfactorable. Consider any fuzzy set with arbitrary set function (or the or some other space slightly more general case where maps into some connected real interval ). The multidimensional nature of fuzzy set presents a structural question that does not arise in the far more popular scalar or one-dimenfactor into a Cartesional case: Is factorable? Does ? sian product of scalar fuzzy sets The general answer is no. Factorability is rare in the space of into numbers. It corresponds all -dimensional mappings of to uncorrelatedness or independence in probability theory. Yet much analysis focuses on the factorable exceptions of hyperrectangles and multivariate Gaussian probability densities. And almost all published fuzzy systems use rules that deliberately factor the if-part sets into scalar sets. This often yields factorable joint set functions of the form or . Consider this rule for a simple air-conditioner controller: “If the air is warm and the humidity is high then set the blower to fast.” A triangle or trapezoid or bell curve might describe the fuzzy subset of warm air temperatures or of high humidity values. A product of these two . But scalar sets forms a factorable fuzzy subset users tend not to work with even simple unfactorable two-dimensional (2-D) sets such as ellipsoids: “If the temperature-humidity values lie in the warm-high planar ellipsoid then set the motor speed to fast.” Few unfactorable fuzzy subsets of the are as simple geometrically or as tractable mathplane or of ematically as ellipsoids [1], [2]. Below we study how well feedforward additive fuzzy systems can approximate test functions for both adaptive factorable and unfactorable if-part fuzzy sets. We first derive supervised learning laws for a wide range of fuzzy sets of different shape and then test them against one another in terms of how accurately they approximate the test functions in a squared-error1063–6706/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE638IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOL. 9, NO. 4, AUGUST 2001Fig. 1. Samples of sinc set functions for one-input and two-input cases. (a) Scalar sinc set function for one-input case. (b) Nine scalar sinc set functions for input x. All sinc set functions have the same width but their centers differ. (c) Product sinc set function for two-input case. The set function has the form a (x) = a (x ). The shadows show the scalar sinc set functions a : R R for i = 1; 2 that generate a : R R. (d) Joint l metrical sinc a (x ; x ) = a (x ) set function: a (x) = sinc(d (x; m )). (e) Joint quadratic metrical sinc set function: a (x) = sinc(d (x; m )).2!!sense. Then we form factorable -dimensional fuzzy sets from the scalar factors and compare them both against one another and against some new unfactorable joint fuzzy sets. Exponential rule explosion severely constrains the extent of the simulations. We also uncover a second curse of dimensionality: Factorable sets tend toward binary spikes in high dimension. Unfactorable sets need not suffer exponential rule explosion. But we prove that some of them also suffer from spikiness in high dimensions. We draw a second line between parametrized and nonparametrized fuzzy sets. We study only parametrized fuzzy sets because only for them could we define learning laws (that tune the parameters). We did not study recursive fuzzy sets such as those that can arise with B-splines [33] or other recursive algorithms. It also is not clear how to fairly compare parametrized if-part set functions with nonparametrized set functions for the task of adaptive function approximation. The simulation results do not pick a clear-cut winner. Nor would we expect them to do so given the ad hoc nature of our choices of both candidate set functions and test functions. But the results do suggest that some nonobvious set functions should be among those that a fuzzy engineer considers when building or tuning a fuzzy system. Along the way we also developed an extensive library of new set functions and derived their often quite complex learning laws. Perhaps the most surprising and durable finding is that the of signal processing often converges sinc function fastest and with greatest accuracy among candidates that include triangles, Gaussian and Cauchy bell curves, and other familiar set shapes. This appears to be the first use of the sinc function as a fuzzy set. We could find no theoretical reason for its performance as a nonlinear interpolator in a fuzzy system despite its well-known status as the linear interpolator in the Nyquist sampling theorem and its signal-energy optimality properties [21]. We also combined two hyperbolic tangents to give a new bell curve that often competes favorably with other if-part set candidates. We call this new bell curve the difference hyperbolic tangent [18].Fig. 1 shows scalar and joint sinc set functions. Fig. 1(a) shows the decaying sidelobes that can take on negative values. This requires that we view the sinc as a generalized fuzzy set [14] whose set function maps into a totally ordered interval that includes negative values: . An exercise shows that such a bipolar set-function range does not affect the set-theoretic structure of in terms intersection, union, or complementation because the corresponding operations of minimum, maximum, and order reversal depend on only the total ordering (with a like result for triangular or -norms [8]). Fig.1(c) shows the 2-D factorable sinc that results when we multiply two scalar sinc functions as we might do to compute the degree to fires the two if-part facwhich a two-vector input is and is then is tors of a rule of the form “If .” Fig. 1(d) and (e) show two new unfactorable 2-D set functions built from the scalar sinc function and a distance metric. Below we derive the supervised learning law that tunes these sinc set functions given input–output samples from a test function. The factorable joint set functions are far easier to tune than are the unfactorable sets because we need only add one more term to a partial-derivative expansion and then multiply the results for tuning the individual factors. Fig. 2 shows how a 2-D factorable or product sinc set evolves as the process of supervised learning unfolds when a sinc-based fuzzy system approximates a test function. The sinc finding raises a broader issue: Does an if-part fuzzy set need to have a linguistic meaning? The very definition of already requires that the sinc set function we broaden our usual notion of “degrees” that range from 0% to 100% to a more general totally ordered scale. But the sinc’s undulating and decaying sidelobes admit no easy linguistic interpretation. We could simply think of the smooth bell-shaped envelope of the sinc and treat it as we would any other unimodal curve that stands for warm air or high humidity or fast blower speeds. That would solve the problem in practice and would allow engineers to safely interpret a domain expert’s fuzzy concepts as appropriately centered and scaled sinc sets. But that would not address the conceptual problem of how to make senseIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOL. 9, NO. 4, AUGUST 2001639Fig. 2. Samples of evolution of a product sinc if-part set function in an adaptive function approximator. Supervised learning tunes the parameters of the product sinc set function such as its center and width on each parameter axis x and x : (a) a sinc set function at initial state, (b) the same sinc set after 10 epochs of learning, (c) after 500 epochs, and (d) the sinc set converges after 3000 epochs.of all those local minima and maxima in such a multimodal set function. A pragmatic answer is that a given if-part fuzzy set need not have a precise linguistic meaning or have any tie to natural language at all. Function approximation is a global property of a fuzzy system. If-part fuzzy sets are local parts of local if-then rules. The central goal is accurate function approximation. This can outweigh the linguistic and philosophical concerns that may have attended earlier fuzzy expert systems. Engineers designed many of those earlier systems not to accurately approximate some arbitrary nonlinear function but to accurately model an expert’s knowledge as the expert stated it in if-then rules. So the real issue is the gradual shift in performance criteria from accuracy of linguistic modeling to accuracy of function approximation. Progress in fuzzy systems calls into question the earlier goal of simply modeling what a human says. That goal remains important for many applications and no doubt always will. But it should not itself constrain the broader considerations of fuzzy function approximation. The function space of all if-part fuzzy sets is simply too vast and too rich for natural language to restrict searches through it. II. FUZZY FUNCTION APPROXIMATION AND TWO CURSES OF DIMENSIONALITY We work with scalar-valued additive fuzzy systems . These systems approximate a function by covering the graph of with fuzzy rule patches and averaging patches that overlap [14]. An if-then rule of is then is ” defines a fuzzy Cartesian the form “If in the input–output space . The rules patch can use fuzzy sets of any shape for either their if-part sets or then-part sets . This holds for the feedforward standard additive model (SAM) fuzzy systems discussed below. Their generality further permits any scheme for combining if-part vector components because all theorems assume only that the . The set function maps to numbers as in general fuzzy approximation theorem [11] also allows any choice of if-part set or then-part sets for a general additive model and still allows any choice of if-part set for the SAM case that in turn includes most fuzzy systems in use [15]. The fuzzy approximation theorem does not say which shape is the best shape for an if-part fuzzy set or how many rules a fuzzy system should use when it approximates a function. The affects how well the feedforward SAM shape of if-part sets approximates a function and how quickly an adaptive SAM approximates it when learning based on input–output samples and the centroids and volfrom tunes the parameters ofumes of the then-part set . The shape of then-part sets does not affect the first-order behavior of a feedforward SAM beyond the effect of the volume and centroid . This holds because the SAM output computes only a convex-weighted sum of the then-part centroids for each vector input (1) and for each as where only through its volume or area defined in (6). depends on (and perhaps through its rule weight). We also note that (1) [14]. But the shape and (2) imply that does affect the second-order uncertainty or conditional of of the SAM output [14] variance(2) where in an SAM is the then-part set variance (3) is an integrable probability denand where is the integrable set function sity function and of then-part set . The first term on the right side of (2) gives an input-weighted sum of the then-part set uncertainties. The second term measures the interpolation penalty that results from in (1) as simply the weighted computing the SAM output sum of centroids. The output conditional variance (2) further have the same shape and thus simplifies if all then-part sets all have the same inherent uncertainty (4) So a given input minimizes the system uncertainty or gives with maximal confidence if it fires the th rule an output ) and does not fire the other 1 rules at dead-on (so for ). This justifies the common practice of all ( at a point centering a symmetric unimodal if-part fuzzy set 1 if-part sets have zero membership degree. where the other It does not justify the equally common practice of ignoring the and even replacing thickness or thinness of the then-part sets them with the maximally confident choice of binary “singleton” spikes centered at the centroid . The second-order structure of640IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOL. 9, NO. 4, AUGUST 2001a fuzzy system’s output depends crucially on the size and shape of the then-part sets . and centroids We allow learning to tune the volumes of the then-part sets in our adaptive function-approximation with volume and centroid simulations. A then-part set can have an infinitude of shapes. And again many of these shapes will change the output uncertainty in (2) or (4). But we too shall ignore the second-order behavior that (2) and (4) describe. High dimensions present further problems for fuzzy function approximation. Feedforward fuzzy systems suffer at least two curses of dimensionality. The first is the familiar exponential rule explosion. This results directly from the factorability of if-part fuzzy sets in fuzzy if-then rules. The second curse is one that we call the second curse of dimensionality: factorable if-part sets tend to binary spikes as the dimension increases. Consider first rule explosion for blind function approximation. Suppose we can factor the if-part fuzzy set . Nontrivial if-then rules require that we use at least as in two scalar factors for each of the orthogonal axes in the minimal fuzzy partition of air temperatures into warm and not-warm temperatures or into low and high temperatures. A fuzzy system must cover the graph of the function with rule patches. That entails that the if-part sets cover the system’s domain—else the fuzzy system would not be defined on those regions of the input space. So such a rule-patch cover of the doentails a rule explomain of a fuzzy system where is some compact subset of . sion on the order of We will for convenience often denote functions as or as where we understand that the domain is . only some compact subset of There is a related exception that deserves comment. Watkins [31], [32] has shown that if we not only know the functional form of but build it into the very structure of the if-part sets then we can exactly represent many functions in the sense for all and can do so with a number of rules of that grows linearly with the dimension . This does not apply in blind approximation where we pick the tunable if-part sets in advance and then train them and other parameters based on exact or noisy input–output samples from the approximand function . But it suggests that there may be many types of middle ground where partial knowledge of may reduce the rule complexity from exponential to polynomial or perhaps to some other tractable function of dimension. All factorable if-part sets suffer the second curse of dimensionality. They ignore input structure and collapse to binary-like spikes in high dimensions. The separate factors ignore correlations and other nonlinearities among the input variables [5]. This structure can be quite complex in high dimensions. The product form tends toward a spike in for large when . The Borel–Cantelli lemma of probability theory shows that tends to zero with probability one if the random sequence is independent [9] as and identically distributed. This also holds for any -norm combination of factors because of the generalized -norm . bound Factorable joint set functions degenerate in high dimensions.This curse of dimensionality can combine with the better known curse of exponential rule explosion. The result can be a function approximator with a vast set of spiky rules. Joint unfactorable sets tend to preserve input correlations [5]. They need not collapse to spikes in high dimensions or suffer from the like rotten-apple effect of falling to zero when just one term equals zero. This also suggests that some unfactorable joint fuzzy sets may lessen or even defeat the curse of dimensionality. The second part of this paper shows how to create and tune metrical joint set functions. These joint set functions preserve at least the metrical structure of inputs and do not try to factor a nonlinear function into a product or other combination of terms. The idea is to use one well-behaved scalar set function [18] and apply it to an -dimensional distance funclike sinc rather than multiply of the scalar set functions: tion rather than . Then supervised learning tunes the metrical joint set function as it tunes the metric. The next section reviews the standard additive fuzzy systems that we use to derive parameter learning laws and to test candidate if-part sets in terms of their accuracy of function approximation. III. ADDITIVE FUZZY SYSTEMS AND FUNCTION APPROXIMATION This section reviews the basic structure of additive fuzzy systems. The Appendix reviews and extends the more formal math structure that underlies these adaptive function approximators. stores rules of the word A fuzzy system Then ” or the patch form form “If . The if-part fuzzy sets and then-part fuzzy sets have set functions and . Generalized fuzzy sets . The system can use the [14] map to intervals other than or some factored form such as joint set function or or any other conjunctive form for input vector [10]. An additive fuzzy system [10], [11] sums the “fired” then-part sets (5) Fig. 3(a) shows the parallel fire-and-sum structure of the SAM. These nonlinear systems can uniformly approximate any continuous (or bounded measurable) function on a compact domain [19]. Engineers often apply fuzzy systems to problems of control [4] but fuzzy systems can also apply to problems of communication [22] and signal processing [5], [6] and other fields. Fig. 3(b) shows how three rule patches can cover part of the . The patch-cover strucgraph of a scalar function suffer from rule ture implies that fuzzy systems explosion in high dimensions. A fuzzy system needs on the rules to cover the graph and thus to approxiorder of . Optimal rules can help mate a vector function deal with the exponential rule explosion. Lone or local mean-IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOL. 9, NO. 4, AUGUST 2001641Fig. 4. Lone optimal fuzzy rule patches cover the extrema of approximand f . A lone rule defines a flat line segment that cuts the graph of the local extremum in at least two places. The mean value theorem implies that the extremum lies between these points. This can reduce much of fuzzy function approximation to the search for zeroes x of the derivative map f : f (^) = 0. ^ xIV. SCALAR AND JOINT FACTORABLE FUZZY SET FUNCTIONS measures the degree A scalar set function belongs to the fuzzy or multivalued set to which input . A joint factorable set derives from scalar sets . Any conjunctive operator such as a -norm can combine scalar sets to obtain a joint factorable set. A. Scalar Fuzzy SetsFig. 3. Feedforward fuzzy function approximator. (a) The parallel associative structure of the additive fuzzy system F : R R with m rules. Each input x R enters the system F as a numerical vector. At the set level x acts as a delta pulse (x x ) that combs the if-part fuzzy sets A and gives the m set values a (x ) = (x x )a (x) dx. The set values “fire” or scale the then-part fuzzy sets B to give B . An SAM scales each B with a (x). Then the system sums the B sets to give the output “set” B . The system output F (x ) is the centroid of B . (b) Fuzzy rules define Cartesian rule patches A B in the input–output space and cover the graph of the approximand f . This leads to exponential rule explosion in high dimensions. Optimal lone rules cover the extrema of the approximand as in Fig. 4.2!002We tested a wide range of if-part set functions. Below we list the scalar form of most of these set functions. The sinc function was multimodal and could take on negative values in [ 0.217, 1]. We viewed these negative values as low degrees of set membership. 1) Triangle set function. We define the triangle set function where and . as a three-tuple denotes the location of a peak of the triangle if if else We can also define the symmetric triangle set function and width with two parameters that are its center as if else. 2) Trapezoid set function. We define the trapezoid set where function as a four-tuple . and denote the distance of the support of a function to the left and and . We can view the center as right of (8) (7)squared optimal rule patches cover the extrema of the approximand [13], [14]. They “patch the bumps” as in Fig. 4. The Appendix presents a simple proof of this fact. Better learning schemes move rule patches to or near extrema and then fill in between extrema with extra rule patches if the rule budget allows. gives an SAM. The ApThe scaling choice in (5) pendix further shows that taking the centroid of gives the following SAM ratio [10], [11], [13], [14]:(6) is the finite positive volume or area of then-part Here and is the centroid of or its center of mass. set have the form The convex weights . The convex cochange with each input vector . Sections V efficients and VIII derive the gradient learning laws of all parameters of the SAM for different shapes of if-part sets.if if if else(9)642IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOL. 9, NO. 4, AUGUST 20013) Clipped-parabola (Quadratic) set function. A clippedparabola set function (or quadratic set function) centered and with “width” has the form at if else This quadratic set function differs from the quadratic set function in [26]. 4) Gaussian set function. The Gaussian set function deand standard deviation pends on the mean (11) 5) Cauchy set function. The Cauchy set function is a bell curve with thicker tails than the Gaussian bell curve and with infinite variance and higher order moments [5] (12) (10)where and define the center and the width of the bell curve. and 10) Hyperbolic secant set function. Again define the center and width of this scalar set function (17) 11) Differential logistic set function. The derivative of the logistic function is a bell curve form of probability density holds for a logistic function. . So we define this function new set function as (18) . The factor 4 gives 12) Difference logistic set function. The logistic or sigmoid has the form of function with steepness . We define a symmetric logistic set with width as function centered at (19) ensures that . 13) Difference hyperbolic tangent set function. This new set function has the difference form The normalizer6) Laplace set function. The Laplace set function is an exponential curve (13) is the center and picks the decay rate where of the curve. 7) Sinc set function. We define the sinc set function cenand width as tered at (14) . The sinc set function is a map So the denominator of a sinc SAM can in theory become zero or negative. The system design must take care when these negative set values enter the SAM ratio in (6). We set a logic flag to check if the denominator is zero or negative. 8) Logistic set function. The logistic or sigmoid function . We define has the form of with a symmetric logistic set function centered at as width(20) defines the This results in a bell curve. The term gives “width” of the function and the normalization factor. Fig. 5 plots the scalar set functions for sample choices of parameters. Simulations in Section VI compare how these scalar set functions perform in adaptive fuzzy function approximation in terms of squared error. B. Joint Factorable Sets: Product Set Functions This class includes joint set functions that factor for some function . The popular factorable joint set functions combine the scalar set functions with product (21)(15) . The factor 2 gives 9) Hyperbolic tangent set function. This set function has the form (16)or other -norms such as min (22) . We form the product set for scalar set functions functions from scalar set functions in Section IV-A as in Fig. 6. Section VI compares the results of adaptive function approximation of these set functions for two- and three-input cases.。