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Model 2460 SourceMeter SMU 电源电阻表设备测量低电阻设备高流量介绍说明书
Measuring Low Resistance Devices with High Current Using the Model 2460 SourceMeter® SMU InstrumentIntroductionLow resistance measurements offer a good way to identify resistance elements that have changed over time. Often,these types of measurements are used to evaluate if a deviceor material has degraded due to environmental factors like heat, fatigue, corrosion, vibration, etc. For many applications, these measurements are typically lower than 10Ω. A changein resistance value is often the best indicator of some form of degradation between two points of contact. Low resistance measurements performed using high currents are commonly used to evaluate high power resistors, circuit breakers, switches,bus bars, cables and connectors, and other resistance elements.Most digital multimeters (DMMs) lack the ability to make low resistance measurements with high currents. A DMM combined with a power supply will work, but these instruments must first be integrated into a system in order to automatethe measurement process, then the resistance must be calculated manually.Source Measure Unit (SMU) instruments or SourceMeter®instruments can simplify making low resistance measurements with high current stimulus. A SourceMeter instrument is capable of sourcing and measuring both current and voltage. Keithley’s Model 2460 High Current SourceMeter SMU Instrument has the flexibility to source/sink high current and measure voltage and current, making it a perfect solution for measuring low resistance devices that require stimulus currents up to 7A. The Model 2460 automatically calculates the resistance, so there’s no need to make the calculation manually. Built-in features such as remote sensing and offset compensation help optimize low resistance measurements. The Model 2460 offers <1mΩ resolution.Low resistance measurements can be made using eitherthe Model 2460’s front-panel or rear-panel terminals, as shown in Figures 1 and 2. Note that either the front-panel terminalsor rear-panel terminals must be used—the connectionscan’t be mixed.When the leads are connected to the device under test (DUT), note that the FORCE LO and SENSE LO connectionsare attached to one of the DUT leads and the FORCE HI and SENSE HI connections are attached to the other lead. The sense connections should be connected as close to the resistor under test as possible. This four-wire measurement cancels out the resistance of the test leads in the measurement.Figure 1 illustrates the front-panel connections, which can be made with four insulated banana cables that are rated to the maximum current (7A), such as two sets of Keithley’s Model 8608High-Performance Clip Lead Set.Figure 1. Model 2460 front-panel connections for low resistance measurementsFigure 2 illustrates the rear-panel connections, which can be made with either the Model 2460-KIT Screw-Terminal Connector Kit (included with the Model 2460) or a Model 2460-BAN BananaTest Leads/Adapter Cable with appropriate cabling.Figure 2. Model 2460 low resistance connections on rear panel Common sources of error for lowresistance measurementsLow resistance measurements are subject to errors from a variety of sources, including lead resistance, non-ohmic contacts, and device heating.Number 3282 Application NoteSe r iesLead ResistanceAs shown in Figure 3, all test leads have some level of resistance, some as high as hundreds of milliohms. This can result in an incorrect measurement if the lead resistance is high enough. Thermoelectric VoltagesThermoelectric EMFs or voltages are generated when different parts of a circuit are at different temperatures and when conductors made of dissimilar materials are joined together. A few microvolts can be generated by temperature gradients in the test circuit caused by fluctuating temperatures in the lab or a draft near the sensitive circuitry.Non-Ohmic ContactsNon-ohmic contacts are evident when the potential differenceacross the contact isn’t linearly proportional to the current flowing through it. Non-ohmic contacts may occur in a low voltage circuit as a result of oxide films or other non-linear connections. To prevent non-ohmic contacts, choose an appropriate contact material, such as indium or gold. Make sure the SMU instrument’s compliance/limit voltage is high enough to avoid problems due to source contact non-linearity. To reduce error due to voltmeter non-ohmic contacts, use shielding and appropriate grounding to reduce AC pickup.Refer to the latest edition of Keithley’s Low Level Measurement Handbook for further information on non-ohmic contacts.Device HeatingThe test currents used for low resistance measurements are often much higher than the currents used for high resistance measurements, so power dissipation in the device can be a consideration if it is high enough to cause the device’s resistance value to change. Power dissipation in a resistor is given bythe formula:P = I2R.From this relationship, we can see that the power dissipated in the device increases by a factor of four each time the current doubles. Therefore, one way to minimize the effects of device heating is to use the lowest current possible while still maintaining the desired voltage across the DUT. If the current level cannot be reduced, consider using a narrow current pulse rather than a DC signal.How to make low resistance, highcurrent measurements successfully• Lead resistance and the four-wire (Kelvin) method Resistance measurements are often made using the two-wire method shown in Figure 3. The test current is forced through the test leads and the resistance (R) being measured. The meter then measures the voltage across the resistance through the same set of test leads and computes the resistance value accordingly.The main problem with using the two-wire method for low resistance measurements is that the total lead resistance(R LEAD) is added to the measurement. Given that the test current (I) causes a small but significant voltage drop across the lead resistances, the voltage (V M) measured by the meter won’t be exactly the same as the voltage (V R) directly across the test resistance (R), resulting in considerable error. Typical lead resistances range from 1mΩ to 10mΩ, so it’s very difficult to obtain accurate two-wire resistance measurements when the resistance under test is lower than 10Ω to 100Ω (depending on lead resistance).Due to the limitations of the two-wire method, the four-wire (Kelvin) connection method shown in Figure 4 is generally preferred for low resistance measurements. With this configuration, the test current (I) is forced through the test resistance (R) through one set of test leads, while the voltage (V M) across the DUT is measured through a second set of leads called sense leads. Although some small current may flow through the sense leads, it is usually negligibleand can generally be ignored for all practical purposes.Figure 4. Four-wire resistance measurement with a SMU instrumentFigure 3. Two-wire resistance measurement with a SMU instrumentThe voltage drop across the sense leads is negligible, so the voltage measured by the meter (V M) is essentially the same as the voltage (V R) across the resistance (R). Consequently, the resistance value can be determined much more accurately than with the two-wire method. Note that the voltage-sensing leads should be connected as close to the resistance under test as possible to avoid including the resistance of the test leads in the measurement.• Thermoelectric Voltages (EMFs) and Offset-Compensated Ohms MethodThe offset-compensated ohms method is a technique used to minimize thermoelectric EMFs. As shown in Figure 5a, the source current is applied to the resistance being measured during only part of the cycle. When the source current is on, the total voltage measured by the instrument (Figure 5b) includes the voltage drop across the resistor as well asany thermoelectric EMFs. During the second half of the measurement cycle, the source current is set to zero amps and the only voltage measured by the meter (Figure 5c) is any thermoelectric EMF present in the circuit. Given that V EMF is accurately measured during the second half of the cycle, it can be subtracted from the voltage measurement made during the first half of the cycle, so the offset-compensated voltage measurement becomes:V M = V M1 – V M2V M = (V EMF + I R) – V EMFV M = I Rand,R = V M / IAgain, note that the measurement process cancels the thermoelectric EMF term (V EMF).Instrument LimitationsEven hardware like SMU instruments that can supply DC currents as high as 7A has limits on the total amount of powerit can output, which can impact the resistance value that can be measured. This limit is a function of the inherent equipment design and is typically dependent on design parameters, suchas the maximum output of the power supply internal to the instrument itself, the safe operating area (SOA) of the discrete components used in the instrument, the spacing of the metal lines on the instrument’s internal printed circuit board, etc. Some of these design parameters are constrained by maximum current limits, some by maximum voltage limits, and some by maximum power limits (I×V).Figure 6 shows the Model 2460’s maximum DC current and power at various operating points. For example, the maximum current in the SMU power envelope is 7A (point A in the figure) and a maximum voltage of 100V (point D). The maximum power the SMU can output is 100W, which is achieved at point D (1A×100V). At point A, the power is lower at 49W.Measuring low resistance deviceswith the Model 2460 SourceMeter Instrument’s high current capabilityLow resistance measurements can be made from the front panel or over the remote interface using SCPI code or TSP code. This involves these steps:• Reset the instrument.• Select the source current and measure resistance function.• Set the current source value.• Select four-wire (remote sense) mode. This eliminates the effect of lead resistance on measurement accuracy.Figure 5. Offset-compensated ohms methodFigure 6. Model 2460 high current SMU instrument power envelope• Enable offset compensation. This reduces offsets caused by thermoelectric voltages.• Turn on the source output and start making measurements.• Generate readings from the front panel or the remote interface.• Turn the source output off.Set up the measurement from the front panelTo set up the application from the front panel:Make connections from the Model 2460 to the device under test.1. Reset the instrument:a. Press the MENU key.b. Under System, select Manage.c. Select System Reset.d. Select OK.2. Press the FUNCTION key.3. Under Source Current and Measure, select Resistance.4. Press the HOME key.5. In the SOURCE CURRENT area, select the button next toSource. Select the source value.6. Press the MENU key. Under Measure, select Settings.7. For Sense Mode, select 4-Wire Sense.8. Next to Offset Comp, select On.9. Press the HOME key.10. Press the OUTPUT ON/OFF switch to enable the output andstart making measurements.11. Press the OUTPUT ON/OFF switch to disable the output andstop making measurements.The instrument displays the measurements in the MEASURE VOLTAGE area of the Home screen.View the measurements on the front panel,TREND swipe screen, and full GRAPH screenBoth the resistance measurement result and the current being sourced can be viewed via the front panel.Resistance measurements can be viewed as a function of time on the TREND swipe screen. To access this screen, swipe the bottom part of the Home screen to the right. A graph similar to the one in Figure 8will appear.Figure 8. Model 2460 TREND swipe screenTo see the graph on the full screen, swipe up on the TREND swipe screen to open the Graph screen.View the buffer statistics on the front panelThe Model 2460 front-panel STATISTICS swipe screen displays a variety of measurement statistics, including:• Buffer name• Minimum, maximum, and average reading values•Standard deviationFigure 9. Model 2460 STATISTICS swipe screenSet up the low resistance application using SCPI commands The following sequence of SCPI commands makes 100 low resistance measurements by sourcing current and measuring resistance. In this example, the source current magnitude and limit voltage are set automatically. Remote commands are used to change the front-panel display to display the TREND swipe screen, which allows viewing numeric data at the top of thescreen and graphic data at the bottom of the screen. Figure 7. Model 2460 Home screen front panel viewSome changes may be required for this code to run ina specific programming environment. Send the following commands for this example application:Command Description*RST Reset the Model 2460.TRIG:LOAD:LOOP:SIMP 100Configure Simple Loop trigger modeltemplate to make 100 readings. SENS:FUNC “RES”Set to measure resistance.SENS:RES:RANG:AUTO ON Turn on auto range.SENS:RES:OCOM ON Enable offset compensation. SENS:RES:RSEN ON Set to use 4-wire sense mode. DISP:SCR PLOT Show the TREND swipe screen. OUTP ON Turn on the output.INIT Initiate readings.*WAI Wait until finished.TRAC:DATA? 1, 100, “defbuffer1”, READ, REL Read the resistance and time values from defbuffer1.OUTP OFF Turn off the output.Set up the low resistance application using TSP commands The following TSP code is designed to run from Keithley’sTest Script Builder (TSB). TSB is a software tool available via Keithley Instruments’ website. Once installed, TSB can be used to write code and develop scripts for TSP-enabled instruments. Information on how to use this tool is available in TSB’s online help file and in the “Introduction to TSP operation” section of the Model 2460 Reference Manual.To use other programming environments, it may be necessary to modify the example TSP code. By default, the Model 2460 is configured to use the SCPI command set. Always select the TSP command set before sending TSP commands to the instrument.To enable TSP commands:1. Press the MENU key.2. Under System, select Settings.3. For Command Set, select TSP.4. At the prompt to reboot, select Yes.This sequence of TSP commands makes 100 low resistance measurements by sourcing current and measuring resistance. In this example, the source current magnitude and limit voltage are set automatically. It uses remote commands to change the front-panel display to the TREND swipe screen. This allows viewing numerical data at the top of the screen and graphical data at the bottom of the screen. After the code executes, the data is displayed in the Instrument Console of Test Script Builder.Send the following commands for this example application:--Reset the instrument to the default settingsreset()--Configure the Simple Loop trigger model template to make 100 readings.trigger.model.load("SimpleLoop", 100)--Change the view on the front panel to the TREND swipe screen.display.changescreen(display.SCREEN_PLOT_SWIPE)--Set to measure resistance, use 4-wire sense,--and offset compensation.smu.measure.func = smu.FUNC_RESISTANCEsmu.measure.sense = smu.SENSE_4WIREsmu.measure.offsetcompensation = smu.ON--Turn on the outputsmu.source.output = smu.ON--Initiate trigger model and wait until finished. trigger.model.initiate()waitcomplete()--Turn off outputsmu.source.output = smu.OFF--Read the resistance and time values fromdefbuffer1.print("Resistance:\tTime:")for i = 1, 100 doprint(string.format("%f\t%f", defbuffer1[i], defbuffer1. relativetimestamps[i]))endConclusionThe Model 2460 SourceMeter SMU Instrument is an idealtool for characterizing high current, low resistance devices and components because of its four-quadrant design, high power output, and ability to measure both current and voltage accurately. Using a single instrument to perform such tests simplifies test setup, reduces programming time, and saves rack space.Specifications are subject to change without notice. All Keithley trademarks and trade names are the property of Keithley Instruments.All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective companies.KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS ■28775 AURORA RD. ■CLEVELAND, OH 44139-1891 ■440-248-0400 ■Fax: 440-248-6168 ■1-888-KEITHLEY ■A Greater Measure of ConfidenceBENELUX+31-40-267-5506 www.keithley.nlBRAZIL55-11-4058-0229 CHINA86-10-8447-5556 KINGDOM+44-1344-39-2450For further information on how to purchase or to locate a sales partner please visit /buy© Copyright 2014 Keithley Instruments Printed in the U.S.A No. 3282 11.6.14。
SignalTEK 10G 10G Ethernet Troubleshooter and Band
Why do I need a10G Ethernet T ester?ProblemLAN networks are at risk Solution SignalTEK 10G willAvoid network downtimeTroubleshoot Ethernet connectivity issues faster using diagnostic tools.Pinpoint bottlenecks fasterDiscover which part of your network is causing the bottleneck.Validate network upgradesVerify Multi-Gigabit switch upgrades to 1/2.5/5 and 10Gb/s speeds.Prove the maximum bandwidthProvide “proof of performance” PDF reports to the client.The new SignalTEK 10G measures the maximum bandwidth of the network cabling up to 10 Gigabits per second. Bysimulating actual network traffic users can test, troubleshoot and document network and data cable performance up to 10 Gigabit Ethernet standards.SignalTEK 10G has built-in Wi-Fi connectivity to connect seamlessly to the free AnyWARE Cloud test management system. AnyWARE Cloud offers pre-configuration to eliminate errors on-site, label printer connectivity to save time and “proof of performance” PDF reports for the clients.SignalTEK 10G10G Ethernet Troubleshooter and Bandwidth TesterIncrease your network speedfrom 1Gb/s to 10Gb/sProblemThere are 111 billion metres of Cat5e/Cat6 cabling installed globally that is limited to 1Gb/s bandwidth speeds due to the current switches deployed. Upgrading to Multi-Gigabit switches could increase speed but it is unclear what bandwidth the existing cabling will support.SolutionUse SignalTEK 10G to verify what the data cabling will support (up to 10Gb/s) before spending moneyon new Multi-Gigabit switches delivering2.5/5/10Gb/s speeds. Use the SignalTEK 10G again following the upgrade to prove performance to the client with the “proof of performance” PDF reports.As simple as 1-2-3Easy to understand traffic light status - The simple traffic lightindicator displays Good, Marginal or Poor power level based onIEEE 802.3 1G/10G limits.Max throughput test - The SignalTEK 10G will prove the maximumavailable bandwidth over the fibre link up to 10Gb/s.Discover a faulty SFP – The SFP temperature is measured to helpunderstand if it has become faulty.Will my existing cablinginfrastructure supportMulti-Gigabit technology?10G/Multi-Gigabit Performance90W PoE for AV and Digital SignageTest copper and fibrevertical cablingVoIP testing and troubleshootingMeets your network needs today and tomorrow.The SignalTEK 10G will help to increase network bandwidth without replacing expensive cableinfrastructure, troubleshoot PoE and Ethernet issues and prove the maximum bandwidth up to 10 Gigabits per second.6Testing through Network testing andConduct preventative maintenance testing, audit network capabilities and Prove performance of new cableinstallations up to 10GNetwork T estingThe SignalTEK 10G is also a network tester for troubleshooting and maintenance of active and passive copper and fibre networks.Port & network summary info Press the Autotest button to display summary information and allow for detailed inspection of networkparameters.VLAN detection & operationAutomatic detection of VLAN IDsallows the user to configure SignalTEK10G for operation on a VLAN.Custom WiremapUse a list of wiremap templates forcommon Ethernet cable types aswell as non-Ethernet cables, such asProfinet and ISDN.CDP/LLDP/EDP port informationShow port information using Cisco Discovery Protocol (CPD). Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) and Extreme Discovery Protocol (EDP).NetscanDisplay list of IP and MAC addressesof every device connected tothe network.72-hour event logFind rogue devices and intermittentissues using the 72-hour event log.SignalTEK 10G logs all network eventsover a 72-hour period to help diagnose connectivity issues faster, reducing hours onsite and reducing trips to the site. Leave the tester onsite, connect remotely tomonitor network activity, view the event log and control all functions of the tester from the office.The SignalTEK 10G will log all network eventsover a 72-hour period to help diagnose connectivity issues faster, reducing hoursonsite and reducing trips to site.72-hour event log captures network events down to the second eliminatingguessworkNo more trial and errorAccurately measure the maximum power available Supports PoE up to 90W (PoE++)Test all PoE Classes (0-8) and Types (af/at/bt)Identifies the powered pairsDetermine whether power is from a switch or mid-span injectorVerify the PoE installationPass / Fail indication to IEEE standards Extended power testSome switches may provide power exceeding their IEEE Class rating. Measure the maximum available power up to 90 watts.PoE T esting.Eliminate GuessworkThe SignalTEK 10Geliminates guesswork when installing, maintaining and troubleshooting wherePoE is deployed up to 90W (PoE++).10Adoption of Power over Ethernet (PoE)In just a few short years we have seen many different applications increasing adopt PoE, such as monitors, digital signage, phones, security cameras, lighting and access control.Previously technicians had to understand all the various standards, device power outputs and cable lengths to be sure a device will operate successfully.The SignalTEK 10G identifies the Class of the PoEsource and power available up to 90W to a PoE device regardless of cable length, cable quality or other factors. A clear pass/fail is provided to IEEE 802.3af/at/bt standards.The SignalTEK 10G identifies the Class of the PoE source and power available up to 90W to a PoE deviceregardless of cable length, cablequality or other factors.11Proof of PerformanceCloud software• Operates anywhere with a web browser – AnyWARE Cloud operates on a PC, Mac and tablet devices (Android and iOS)• Free storage – No need for separate servers or backup systems.• Easy to find project files – Attach all project filesincluding cable layout drawings, videos, and photos into the AnyWARE Cloud. Everything you need in one place. • Share reports easier – Use AnyWARE Cloud to share links to the test reports eliminating the need to manually email large attachments.• Reduce training time with WalkMe – AnyWARE Cloud is embedded with the WalkMe digital adoption platform providing proactive, step-by-step guidance on all key tasks.Fleet management• Easily manage the certifier fleet – Fleet manager allows you to see who has the SignalTEK 10G when the software was last updated and when the results were last synced. Allowing you to manage tester downtime and ensuring results are transferred back to the office and not lost or deleted.Professional PDF reporting• Customer profiles – Create a profile for each of thecustomers with their company logo, address and contact details. This information is automatically pulled through to the reports, saving time.Report formats• Summary report – This is a report showing multiple tests per page.• Detailed report – This is a comprehensive report with all the measurement results with one page per test. Reports can be generated on the SignalTEK 10G or on the free IDEAL AnyWARE Cloud.The AnyWARE Cloudmanagement system allows real time collaboration between Project Managers and Field Technicians. There is no need for Field Technicians to setup the SignalTEK 10G, Project Managers pre-configure thejobs and tests in the AnyWARE Cloud, eliminating potential mistakes and compressing the time taken to prepare reports for customers.Test Management SoftwareIDEAL AnyWARE Cloud Jobs screenIDEAL AnyWARE Cloud Test Result report12ax throughput test up to 10GComplete ConnectivityWi-Fi connectivity to the AnyWARE Cloud management system. USB connection for transferring test dataBuilt-in PDF ReportingReports can be generated directly from the SignalTEK 10G as well as the CloudPartner FinderProvides audible tone and visible indicator when connected tothe remote unitTouchscreenHigh resolution impact resistant touchscreenfor ease of useInternal LoadspeakerAudible tones assist theuser when testingIntuitive UserInterfaceSimplified user interfacefor easy setup andoperationRugged DesignRubberised housing, protected screenand protected measurement portLabel Printer ConnectivityEasily send label IDs to printers for fast and accurate labellingSignalTEK 10GPart NoDescriptionUPGRADE10GFIB UPGRADE SignalTEK 10G - Fibre testing option UPGRADE10GNETUPGRADE SignalTEK 10G - Network testing optionSignalTEK 10G is a future-proof investment as additional features can be unlocked with a simple license key when required. There are two upgrade options to choose from: fibre testing and advanced network testing.Future-proof the investment14Who is SignalTEK 10G designed for?SolutionSignalTEK 10GCT R157000SignalTEK 10GFT R157001SignalTEK 10GNT R157002SignalTEK 10GPRO R157003CategoryDisplays voltage and which pairs have PoEPass / Fail to PoE IEEE standardsMax power available (up to 90 watts)Type (af/at/bt) and Class (1 to 8)P o EF i b r eo p t i o n a lC o p p e rUptime efficiency and 72 hour event log Switch Speed - 100M, 1G, 2.5G, 5G, 10G Testing with packet loss, jitter and delay VLAN, PING, TraceRoute, Hub blink, NetScanProve network performance up to 10GCDP/LLDP/EDP port information N e t w o r ko p t i o n a lPass / Fail to fibre IEEE standards Wiremap, distance to fault, length Optical Tx/Rx power indication Max bandwidth test up to 10Gb/s SFP temperature, vendor and model Cable tracing (with compatible probe)Max bandwidth test up to 10Gb/sData transmission test 1/2.5/5/10GbSupports SFP/SFP+ (MM&SM)Pass / Fail to copper IEEE standardsData transmission test 1/10Gb NbaseT/Multi-Gigabit test 1/2.5/5/10Gb 15Proof of PerformanceIDEAL NETWORKS, SignalTEK and the IDEAL AnyWARE logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of IDEAL INDUSTRIES NETWORKS LIMITED.IDEAL INDUSTRIES NETWORKS LIMITEDStokenchurch House, Oxford Road, Stokenchurch, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP14 3SX, UK.Tel. +44 (0)1925 428 380 | Fax. +44 (0)1925 428 381********************Specification subject to change without notice. E&OE© IDEAL INDUSTRIES NETWORKS LIMITED 2020Publication no.: 157805 Rev.1SignalTEK 10G10G Ethernet Troubleshooterand Bandwidth TesterOrdering informationOptional Accessories。
飞 Fish 电气测试设备 FCC-LISN-50-25-2 电源电压稳定网络测试设备说明书
1981Line Impedance Stabilization Networks (LISN) are specialized low pasfrom power lines. Fischer Custom Communications, Inc. has developedcompliance testing requirements and custom customer needs. FCC LISwith CISPR, VDE, IEC, DO-160 and Mil-Std. 461/462 Rev D.Fischer Custom Communications, Inc. develops and manufactures Lincovering the frequency range from 6 kHz to 1,000 MHz.A prime example of this type of LISN is the 50?50 µH configuration defined in Cthe transfer impedance for this LISN are shown below. The CISPR 16-1 limit linThe model FCC-LISN-50-25-2 is produced in accord with the required schem requirements. The impedance versus frequency curve of this LISN is superim configuration. The 50Ω50Ω µH configuration is often used for Mil Std conduct specific details refer to Mil Std 461/462 D.In addition to this LISN there are 50Ωversions used to test both to lower and require conducted emission measurements on electronic devices from 9 kHz a 250 µH inductor and additional resistor and capacitance networks are added defines this LISN as 50Ω50Ω µH + 5 W. This type of LISN is often used when In contrast the aerospace, automotive and aircraft industries require conducte MHz. To achieve the higher bandwidth a 5 µH inductor is used.Voltage and current rating of the LISN are the second characteristic. It is impo to operate as intended. Fischer Custom Communications, Inc. offers LISN's line and current ratings from 16 A to 200 A..The third parameter is the number of power conductors or lines. EMI specifica leads to be tested for conducted emissions. Any neutral or ground wires not c tested. DC and AC single phase power circuits must be tested using LISN mo power network requires tests to be conducted with a LISN's containing three p system must be tested with LISN modules having four lines. To maximize flex LISN modules containing one, two and four power conductors.Fischer Custom Communications Inc. offers over twenty connectors. The ke in compliance with IEC 1010, not cause the impedance of the LISN to vary an Fischer Custom Communications Inc. LISN's come with transfer impedance We strongly recommend that IEC 320 or NEMA connectors be used to elimina All of Fischer Custom Communications, Inc. LISN's are easily mounted to th Additional grounding is available.LISN Selection Guide CodesConnector Code01020304050607080910111213 Multi-Contact Satety SocketSuperior Plug and Jack Safety SocketIEC 320, 10 A / 16A PowerIEC 320, 10 A / 16A PowerFrench /Belgium 16 A PowerBS 1363 13 A British PowerCEE 7/7 16A Schuko Berman PowerNema 5-15, 15 A US PowerNema 5-15, 15 A US PowerIEC 309, 16 A 3-Wire PowerIEC 309, 16 A 3-Wire PowerHubbel 330P6W, 30 A 3-Wire US PowerHubbel 330P6W, 30 A 3-Wire US PowerT010203040506070809CFFMMDSTV141516171819 Hubbel 330P6W, 30 A 3-Wire US Power Hubbel 330P6W, 30 A 3-Wire US Power IEC 309, 32 A 5-Wire PowerIEC 309, 32 A 5-Wire PowerIEC 309, 32 A 5-Wire PowerLC Coaxial for TempestFiltered LISN's remotely switched LISN's and low profile LISN's for under turn GHz are now available.Remotely switched LISN's may be controlled by the remote control or via a pe output 0-5 volt DC logic levels. The remote control and 50 foot cable are supp remote connector is filtered to prevent external noise from entering the LISN e LISN Selection GuideModel MaximumFrequencyNetworkInductanceMaximumCurrent*StandardMaximumVoltageFCC-LISN-5-50-10.1-100MHz50Ω/5µH50 A240FCC-LISN-5-50-1-DO-1600.1-400MHz50Ω/5µH50 A240FCC-LISN-5-50-1-T 0.1-1,000MHz50Ω/5µH50 A240FCC-LISN-5-100-10.1-65 MHz50Ω/5µH100 A240FCC-LISN-50-50-10.15-100MHz50Ω/50µH50 A240FCC-LISN-50-100-10.15-30MHz50Ω/50µH100 A240FCC-LISN-50-200-10.15-30MHz50Ω/50µH200 A240FCC-LISN-57-50-10.01-10MHz50Ω/57µH50 A240FCC-LISN-50-25-20.15-100MHz50Ω/50µH25 A240FCC-LISN-50-32-20.15-100MHz50Ω/50µH32 A240FCC-LISN-50-50-20.15-100MHz50Ω/50µH50 A240FCC-LISN-50-32-40.15-100MHz50Ω/50µH32 A240FCC-LISN-50-50-40.15-100MHz50Ω/50µH50 A240FCC-LISN-50-100-40.15-30MHz50Ω/50µH100 A240FCC-LISN-50/250-25-20.009-100MHz50Ω/50µH +5Ω50/250 µH25 A240FCC-LISN-50/250-32-20.009-100MHz50Ω/50µH +5Ω50/250 µH32 A240FCC-LISN-50/250-32-40.009-100MHz50Ω/50µH +5Ω50/250 µH32 A240FCC-LISN-50/250-50-20.009-100MHz50Ω/50µH +5Ω50/250 µH50 A240FCC-LISN-50/250-50-40.009-100MHz50Ω/50µH +5Ω50/250 µH50 A240FCC-LISN-50/250-100-20.009-30MHz50Ω/50µH +5Ω50/250 µH100 A240。
≤–153 dBm Displayed Average Noise Level T ypical @ 1GHzUnprecedented in handheld battery powered spectrum analyzers, the sensitivity of the MS2721A delivers the ability to measure very low level signals. Coupled with a wide range of resolution bandwidth choices, you can configure the Spectrum Master to meet your most challenging measurement needs.As the spectrum becomes more and more congested,the ability to measure low level signals becomes more and more important not only for interference detectionbut also for wireless system planning.Soft Key Active Function BlockHeadset 2.5 mmSpeakerLAN ConnectorSoft KeysBattery Charger InputOn/Off ButtonDirectional ButtonsDual FunctionKeypadRotary KnobUSB Jack31981Measurement Area Wide RBW & VBW RangeAM/FM DemodChannel PowerACPROBWField StrengthC/ICellular Measurements yes yes yes yes yes WiFi Measurements yesyesyesyesSpectrum Monitoring yes yes Interference DetectionyesyesyesEthernet connection.Commonly needed measurements are built in. These include field strength,occupied bandwidth, channel power, adjacent channel power ratio,AM/FM/SSB demodulation and carrier to interference (C/I) ratio measurements.The MS2721A Spectrum Master has a very wide dynamic range, allowing measurement of very small signals in the presence of much larger signals.These pictures show a measurement of a –114 dBm signal with and without the presence of a –22 dBm signal only 20 kHz away.Measuring a Small SignalWide Dynamic Range — Measuring a small signal in the presence of a very large signal4a signal source removes any question as to the source of the sidebands.Powerline related sidebands on a synthesized signal generatorTypical Phase Noise PerformanceContinuous frequency coverage from 100 kHz to 7.1 GHz gives the wireless professional the performance needed for the most demanding measurements.Whether your need is for spectrum monitoring, WiFi and WiFi5 installation and testing, RF and microwave signal measurements or cellular signalmeasurements, the MS2721A Spectrum Master gives you the tools you need to make the job easier and more productive. The built-in AM/FM/SSB demodulator simplifies the job of identifying interfering signals.5Remote T oolsImagine sitting at your desk while controlling an MS2721A that is miles away,seeing the screen display and operating with an interface that looks exactly like the instrument itself. That is what Remote Tools lets you do.Local Language SupportThe MS2721A features eight languages English, Spanish, German, French,Japanese, Chinese, Italian and Korean, two custom user-defined languages can be uploaded into the instrument using Master Software Tools, supplied with the instrument.Fast Sweep SpeedThe MS2721A can do a full span sweep in ≤900 milliseconds, and sweep speed in zero span can be set from 50 microseconds up to 4294 seconds. This is faster and more flexible than any portable spectrum analyzer on the market today, simplifying the capture of intermittent interference signals.+43 dBm Maximum Safe Input LevelBecause the MS2721A can survive an input signal of +43 dBm (20 watts)without damage, you can rest assured that the MS2721A can survive in even the toughest RF environments.Spectrum MonitoringA critical function of any spectrum analyzer is the ability to accurately view aportion of the RF and microwave spectrum. The MS2721A performs this function admirably thanks to the wide frequency range and excellent dynamic range. A built-in 64 MB compact flash memory module allows thousands of traces to be stored. The external compact flash connector allows additional compact flash memory to expand the trace storage without limit.Limit LinesThe MS2721A includes two types of limit lines, lower limit lines and upper limit lines. Limit lines may be used either for visual reference or for pass/fail criteria by implementing limit alarms. Limit alarm failures are reported if a signal is above the upper limit line or below the lower limit line. Each limit line may consist of up to 40 segments.AM, FM and SSB DemodulationMultiple Language Support6Segmented Limit Linesa standard feature of the MS2721A.Frequency Counter MarkersThe MS2721A Spectrum Master has frequency counter markers withresolution to 1Hz. Tie this capability to an external precision time base to get complementary accuracy.Functions Multiple Marker Display up to six markers on screen, each marker includes a delta marker. Marker TableDisplay a table of up to six marker frequency and amplitude values plus delta marker frequency offset and amplitude.Upper/Lower Limit Fixed and SegmentedEach upper and lower limit can be made up of between one and 40 segments.Smart Measurements Occupied Bandwidth Measures 99.99% to 1% power bandwidth of a spectrum.Channel Power Measures the total power in a specified bandwidth.C/I Measures the carrier to interference ratio in a specified bandwidth.ACPR Measures power levels in the channels immediately above and below the center channel.Field StrengthUses antenna calibration tables to measure dBm/meter or dBmV/meter.AM/FM/SSB DemodulationAllows the user to listen to interfering signals. De-emphasis is included for narrow-band FM and wideband FM. Upper Sideband and Lower Sideband demodulation includes a BFO that can be tuned ±10 kHz from the center frequency.Multiple Markers plus Multiple Delta Markers7simplifying the capture of intermittent interference signals.Carrier to Interference MeasurementAs more 802.11 access points are installed, there is an increasing level ofinterference in the 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands occupied by this service and other devices such as cordless telephones. This measurement capability makes it simple for an access point installer to determine if the level of interference is sufficient to cause difficulty for users in the intended service area, and can show the need to change to another access channel. The wide frequency coverage of the MS2721A makes this the only spectrum analyzer you need to install and maintain 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g wireless networks.Occupied BandwidthThis measurement determines the amount of spectrum used by a modulated signal.You can choose between two different methods of determining bandwidth: the percent of power method or the “x” dB down method, where “x” can be from 3dB to 100 dB down the skirts of the signal.Adjacent Channel Power RatioA common transmitter measurement is that of adjacent channel leakagepower. This is the ratio of the amount of leakage power in an adjacent channel to the total transmitted power in the main channel, and is used to replace the traditional two-tone intermodulation distortion (IMD) test for system non-linear behavior.The result of an ACPR measurement can be expressed either as a power ratio or a power density. In order to calculate the upper and lower adjacent channel values, the MS2721A allows the adjustment of four parameters to meet specific measurement needs: main channel center frequency, measurement channel bandwidth, adjacent channel bandwidth and channel spacing. When an airinterface standard is specified in the MS2721A, all these values are automatically set to the normal values for that standard.Occupied Bandwidth8Tuning Resolution 1 HzFrequency Reference Aging±1 ppm/yearAccuracy±1 ppm (25°C ±25°C) + long term driftFrequency Span10 Hz to 7.1 GHz plus 0 Hz (zero span)Span Accuracy Accuracy±1 ppm (25°C ±25°C) + long term driftSweep Time minimum 100ms, 50µs in zero spanSweep Time Accuracy±2% in zero spanSweep Trigger Free run, Single, Video, ExternalResolution Bandwidth(–3 dB width) 10 Hz to 3 MHz in 1-3 sequence ±10%, 8 MHz demodulation bandwidthVideo Bandwidth(–3 dB) 1 Hz to 3 MHz in 1-3 sequenceSSB Phase Noise–100 dBc/Hz max at 10, 20 and 30 kHz offset from carrier–102 dBc/Hz max at 100 kHz offset from carrierInput Damage Level≥10 dB attenuation, >+43 dBm, ±50 Vdc<10 dB attenuation , >+23 dBm, ±50 VdcInput protection relay opens at >30 dBm with ≥10 dB input attenuationand at approximately 10 to 23 dBm with <10 dB attenuationRF Input VSWR 2.0:1 maximum, 1.5:1 typical (≥10 dB attenuation)Reference Level Adjustable over amplitude rangeESD Damage Level>10 kV ≥10 dB attenuationAbsolute amplitude accuracyPower levels ≥–50 dBm, ≥35 dBinput attenuation, preamp off100 kHz to ≤10 MHz ±1.5 dB>10 MHz to 4 GHz ±1.25 dB>4 GHz to 7.1 GHz ±1.75 dBSecond Harmonic Distortion(0 dB input attenuation, –30 dBm input)–50 dBc, 0.05 to 0.75 GHz–40 dBc, >0.75 to 1.05 GHz–50 dBc, >1.05 to 1.4 GHz–70 dBc, >1.4 to 2 GHz–80 dBc, >2 GHz9Displayed Average Noise LevelDANL in 10 Hz RBW, 0 dB attentuationreference level –50 dBmFrequency Preamp OnTypical Max10 MHz to 1 GHz–153dBm–151dBm>1 GHz to 2.2 GHz–150dBm–149dBm>2.2 GHz to 2.8 GHz–146dBm–143dBm>2.8 GHz to 4.0 GHz–150dBm–149dBm>4.0 GHz to 7.1 GHz–148dBm–146dBm Noise Figure (Derived from DANL measurement)0 dB attenuation, reference level–50 dBm, 23°C, preamp onFrequency Typical10 MHz to 1.0 GHz11 dB>1 GHz to 2.2 GHz14 dB>2.2 GHz to 2.8 GHz18 dB>2.8 GHz to 4.0 GHz14 dB>4.0 GHz to 7.1 GHz16 dBDisplay Range 2 to 15 dB/div in 1 dB steps. Ten divisions displayed.Amplitude Units Log Scale modes: dBm, dBV, dBmv, dBµVLinear Scale modes: nV, µV, mV, V, kV, nW, µW, mW, W, kW Attenuator Range0 to 65 dBAttenuator Resolution 5 dB stepsInput-Related Spurious–60dBc max*, (<–70 dBc typical), –30 dBm input, 0 dB RF attenuation *Exceptions:Input Frequency Spur Level1674MHz–46 dBc max (–56 dBc typical), 0 to 2800 MHz>1674 to 1774 MHz–50 dBc max (–60 dBc typical) at (F input– 1674 MHz)Residual Spurious, Preamp Off(RF input terminated, 0dB RF attenuation)–90 dBm max**, 100 kHz to <3200 MHz–84 dBm max**, 3200 to 7100 MHz**Exceptions:Frequency Spur Level250, 300 and 350 MHz–85 dBm max~4010 MHz–80 dBm max (–90 dBm typical)~5084 MHz–70 dBm max (–83 dBm typical)~5894 MHz–75 dBm max (–87 dBm typical)~7028 MHz–80 dBm max (–92 dBm typical)Residual Spurious, Preamp On: –100 dBm max(RF input terminated, 0dB RF attenuation)10DisplayBright Color Transmissive LCD, Full SVGA, 8”LanguagesBuilt-in English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Italian and Korean. Theinstrument also has the capability to have customized languages installed from Master SoftwareTools.Marker ModesSix Markers, Seven Modes: Standard, Delta, Marker to Peak, Marker to Center, Marker toReference Level, Next Peak Left, Next Peak Right, All Markers Off, Noise Marker, FrequencyCounter Marker (1 Hz resolution)SweepsFull span, Zero span, Span Up/Span DownDetectionPeak, RMS, Negative, SampleMemoryTrace and Setup storage is limited only by the capacity of the installed Compact Flash card.For a 256 MB card, storage is greater than 5000 traces and 5000 setups.T racesDisplayed Traces: Three traces with trace overlay. One trace is always the live data, two tracescan be either stored data or traces which have been mathematically manipulated(such as C=A–B).InterfacesType N female RF ConnectorBNC female connectors for external frequency reference and external triggerMini-B USB 2.0 for data transfer to a PCRJ45 connector for Ethernet 10/100-BaseT2.5mm 3-wire headset connectorSize and WeightSize: 12 x 7 x 2.4 in. (313 x 211 x 77mm)Weight: <6.4 lbs. (2.9kg) (typical)EnvironmentalMIL-PRF-28800F Class 2Operating: –10°C to 55°C, humidity 85% or lessStorage: –51°C to 71°CAltitude: 4600 meters, operating and non-operatingSafetyConforms to EN 61010-1 for Class 1 portable equipment.Electromagnetic CompatibilityMeets European Community requirements for CE marking.Specifications are subject to change without notice.11Ordering InformationModel: MS2721A - Handheld Spectrum Analyzer100 kHz to 7.1 GHzStandard Accessories10580-00103User’s Guide61382Soft Carrying Case40-168AC – DC Adapter806-62Automotive Cigarette Lighter/12 Volt DC Adapter 2300-498Master Software Tools CD ROM2000-1360USB A-mini B cable2000-1371Ethernet Cable633-44Rechargeable battery, Li-Ion2000-135864 MB Compact Flash Memory Module64343Tilt Bail1091-172Adapter, N(m) to B(f), 50Ω1091-27Adapter, N(m) to SMA(f), 50ΩOne Year WarrantyCertificate of Calibration and ConformanceOptional Accessories42N50A-3030 dB, 50 Watt, Bi-directional, DC to 18 GHz,N(m)to N(f) Attenuator34NN50A Precision Adapter, DC to 18 GHz, 50Ω,N(m) to N(m)34NFNF50Precision Adapter, DC to 18 GHz, 50Ω, N(f) to N(f) 15NNF50-1.5B Test port cable, armored, 1.5 meter N(m) to N(f)18 GHz15ND50-1.5C Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to7/16 DIN(m), 6.0 GHz15NDF50-1.5C Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to7/16 DIN(f), 6.0 GHz510-90Adapter, 7/16 DIN(f) to N(m), DC to 7.5 GHz, 50Ω510-91Adapter, 7/16 DIN(f)-N(f), DC to 7.5 GHz, 50Ω510-92Adapter, 7/16 DIN(m)-N(m), DC to 7.5 GHz, 50Ω510-93Adapter, 7/16 DIN(m)-N(f), DC to 7.5 GHz, 50Ω510-96Adapter 7/16 DIN(m) to 7/16 DIN(m),DC to 7.5 GHz, 50Ω1030-86Band Pass Filter, 800 MHz band, 806-869 MHz,Loss = 1.7 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)1030-87Band Pass Filter, 900 MHz band, 902-960 MHz,Loss = 1.7 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)1030-88Band Pass Filter, 1900 MHz band, 1.85-1.99 GHz,Loss = 1.8 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)1030-89Band Pass Filter, 2400 MHz band, 2.4-2.5 GHz,Loss = 1.9 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)510-97Adapter 7/16 DIN(f) to 7/16 DIN(f), 7.5 GHz61382Soft carrying case40-168AC/DC adapter806-62Automotive Cigarette Lighter/12 Volt DC Adapter 760-229Transit Case for Anritsu MS2721A HandheldSpectrum Analyzer2300-498Anritsu Master Software Tools CD ROM10580-00103Anritsu HHSA User’s Guide, Model MS2721A 10580-00104Anritsu HHSA Programming Manual,Model MS2721A10580-00105Anritsu HHSA Maintenance Manual,Model MS2721A633-44Rechargeable battery, Li-Ion2000-1374Dual External, Li-Ion charger with universalpower supply2000-1030Portable antenna, 50Ω, SMA(m) 1.71-1.88 GHz 2000-1031Portable antenna, 50Ω, SMA(m) 1.85-1.99 GHz 2000-1032Portable antenna, 50Ω, SMA(m) 2.4-2.5 GHz2000-1035Portable antenna, 50Ω, SMA(m) 896-941 MHz 2000-1200Portable antenna, 50Ω, SMA(m) 806-869 MHz 2000-1361Portable antenna, 50Ω, SMA(m) 5725-5825 MHz 2000-135864 MB Compact Flash Memory ModuleDirectional Antennas2000-1411Portable Yagi antenna, 10 dBd, N(f) 822-900 MHz 2000-1412Portable Yagi antenna, 10 dBd, N(f) 885-975 MHz 2000-1413Portable Yagi antenna, 10 dBd, N(f) 1.71-1.88 GHz 2000-1414Portable Yagi antenna, 9.3 dBd, N(f) 1.85-1.99 GHz 2000-1415Portable Yagi antenna, 10 dBd, N(f) 2.4-2.5 GHz 2000-1416Portable Yagi antenna, 10 dBd, N(f) 1.92-2.23 GHzDiscover What’s Possible®©Anritsu January 2005. All trademarks are registered trademarks of their respective companies.Data subject to change without notice. For more recent specifications visit 11410-00332, Rev. CSALES CENTERS:United States (800) ANRITSUCanada (800) ANRITSUSouth America 55 (21) 2527-6922Europe 44 (0) 1582-433433Japan 81 (46) 223-1111Asia-Pacific (852) 2301-4980Microwave Measurement Division490 Jarvis Drive, Morgan Hill, CA 95037-2809。
Azbil ACTIVAL 流量计和控制值阀显示面板说明书
© 2015–2016 Azbil Corporation All Rights Reserved.Display Panelfor ACTIVAL ™ Flow Measurement and Control ValveStandalone ModelGeneralDisplay Panel Model QY5010S1000 is the data indicator for ACTIVAL Flow Measurement and Control Valve ModelFVY513X. Display Panel displays data measured by Model FVY513X (flow pressure, flow temperature, flow) and valve position.Besides, the setting buttons on the Display Panel allow you to set and change various data.Features∙Multiple data in a single displayYou can check flow temperature of AHU inlet/outlet, flow pressure of valve inlet/outlet, and flow measured by Model FVY513X and the valve position at one time. ∙Installable 164 ft (50 m) away from Model FVY513XDisplay panel is connected to Model FVY513X with AWG 22 (0.3 mm²), 4-core cable, and max. cable length is 164 ft (50 m).∙ Continuous displayDisplay Panel displays data all the time. You can thus check flow conditions and valve position at any time. ∙Compact and lightweightSmall and light body facilitates installation on an AHU panel or inside a control panel cabinet.∙ Easy wiringSince Display Panel main unit is connected to the base plate with the connector inside, wiring to Display Panel is complete only by connecting the wires to the base plate. ∙Parameter setting and error code check availableDisplay Panel allows you to set parameters and check error codes of Model FVY513X.∙CE Marking certifiedThis product conforms to all the applicable standards of CE Marking.AB-7358-USafety InstructionsPlease read instructions carefully and use the product as specified in this manual. Be sure to keep this manual nearby for quick reference.Usage RestrictionsThis product is targeted for general air conditioning. Do not use this product in a situation where human life might be affected. Also, do not install this product in an atmosphere containing explosive gas or flammable gas.If this product is used in a clean room or a place where particularly high reliability or control accuracy is required, please contact our sales representative. Azbil Corporation will not bear any responsibility for the results produced by the operators.Warnings and CautionsWARNING Alerts users that improper handling may cause death or serious injury.CAUTION Alerts users that improper handling may cause minor injury or material loss.SignsAlerts users possible hazardous conditions caused by erroneous operation or erroneous use. The symbol inside I indicates the specific type of danger.(For example, the sign on the left warns of the risk of electric shock.)Notifies users that specific actions are prohibited to prevent possible danger. The symbol inside Q graphically indicates the prohibited action.(For example, the sign on the left notifies that disassembly is prohibited.)Instructs users to carry out a specific obligatory action to prevent possible danger. The symbol inside d graphically indicates the actual action to be carried out.(For example, the sign on the left indicates general instructions.)WARNINGBefore wiring or maintenance, be sure to turn off the power to the product.Failure to do so might cause electric shock or device failure.CAUTIONInstall and use the product under the operating conditions (for temperature, humidity, power, vibration, shock, mounting direction, atmospheric condition, etc.) as listed in the specifications.Failure to do so might cause fire or device failure.Installation and wiring must be performed by qualified personnel in accordance with all applicable safety standards. All wiring must comply with applicable codes and ordinances.Take anti-lightening measures based on regional and building characteristics.Lightening might cause fire or critical damage to the products without the anti-lightening measures.If more than the rated power voltage is applied to the product, replace the product with new one for your safety.Failure to do so might cause device failure or overheating.Do not disassemble the product.Doing so might cause device failure.Dispose of the product as industrial waste in accordance with your local regulations.Do not reuse all or part of this product.AB-7358-U IMPORTANT:In case an Azbil Corporation product fails, you are required to provide your Equipment with safety design suchas fool-proof design*1, and fail-safe design*2 (anti-flame propagation design, etc.), whereby preventing anyoccurrence of physical injuries, fires, significant damage, and so forth. Furthermore, fault avoidance*3, faulttolerance*4, or the like should be incorporated so that the said Equipment can satisfy the level of reliability andsafety required for your use.*1. A design that is safe even if the user makes an error.*2. A design that is safe even if the device fails.*3. Avoidance of device failure by using highly reliable components, etc.*4. The use of redundancy.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when theequipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which casethe user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.Model NumberModel number DescriptionQY5010 Base model number of Display Panel for Model FVY513XS1000S-001 Power supplied from ACTIVAL Flow Measurement and Control Valve standalone model (Model FVY513X)SpecificationsItem Specification Power supply 12 V DC ± 1 V (supplied from Model FVY513X)Power consumption Max. 0.1 VACable AWG 22 (0.3 mm2) , 4-core cableEnvironmental conditions Rated operatingcondition*1Ambient temperature 32 ︒F to 122 ︒F (0 ︒C to 50 ︒C)Ambient humidity 10 % RH to 85 % RH (non-condensing)Vibration 19.4fps2 (5.9 m/s2), 10 Hz to 150 Hz Transport/storageconditionsAmbient temperature -4 ︒F to 158 ︒F (-20 ︒C to 70 ︒C)Ambient humidity 10 % RH to 85 % RH (non-condensing)Vibration 32.2fps2 (9.8 m/s2), 10 Hz to 150 HzEnclosure rating IEC IP40 (dustproof)Display*2Device Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)Items to display Pvin Valve inlet pressure (psig)Pvout Valve outlet pressure (psig)Q Actual flow (GPM)T1 Coil inlet temperature (︒F)T2 Coil outlet temperature (︒F)HC Heat/CoolE ErrorOpening Actual valve position (% in bar graph)Flowrate Actual flow rate (% in bar graph) Communication Transmissionsystem AP-bus (RS-485 communication)Transmission speed 4800 bpsTransmission distance Max. 164 ft (50 m)Number of Display PanelconnectableOne per single Model FVY513XMaterials Case Modified polyphenylene ether (PPE)Base plate Modified polyphenylene ether (PPE)Face plate Polyester (PET)Accessory - Two tapping screws (M4) for mounting- Two 'kPa' unit stickersWeight 0.33 lb (150 g)Notes:*1 LCD service life may shorten if Display Panel is used in an environment with high temperature and humidity. *2 For display accuracy, refer to specification data of Model FVY513X.AB-7358-URecommended Wire SpecificationsCable typeWiring lengthAWG 22 (0.3 mm 2), 4-core(Cable is not supplied with Display Panel.)164 ft (50 m)OptionItem Note Waterproof boxPart No. 83170324-001 Required when Display Panel is installed outdoors.CE Marking ConformityThis product complies with the following Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).EMC : EN61326-1 Class A Table 2 (For use in an industrial electromagnetic environment)DimensionsOutside dimensionsFigure 1. Outside dimensionsMounting dimensions of the base plateFigure 2. Mounting dimensions of the base plate1.89" (48 mm) 1.89" (48 mm)1.30" (33 mm)0.59" (15 m m )2.60" (66 m m )Mounting holesCable conduitHook to remove the casefrom the base plate0.59" (15 m m )2.03" (51.5 m m )3.78" (96 mm)3.78" (96 m m )Base plate CaseAB-7358-U Parts IdentificationFigure 3. Parts identification from the base plate Face plateInsertion guide (female)LCD Insertion guide (male)AB-7358-UItems to be displayed on LCDAnalog values such as pressure, flow, and temperature are displayed on the LCD. Setting buttons set/change various parameters and display error description (when an error occurs). Be sure to enable the parameter setting (Parameter 60) before changing any parameters. For details, see AB-7363-U Instruction Manual of ACTIVAL Flow Measurement and Control Valve Standalone Model .Analog values display screenAnalog values display screen appears on the LCD when you turn on the Display Panel.Figure 4. Analog values display screenDisplay areaDescriptionDisplay rangeUnit Item Display Panel connected to: Range 1 Pvin Valve inlet pressure Model FVY5137 0 to 160 psig Model FVY513E 0 to 320 psig 2PvoutValve outlet pressureModel FVY5137 0 to 160 psig Model FVY513E0 to 320psig 3 QActual flow0.000 to 999.9 GPM 4 T 1Coil inlet temperature 14 to 212 °F 5 T 2Coil outlet temperature14 to 212°F Opening Valve position indicated in a bar graph 0 to 100 (with every 10 % increment) % Flowrate Flow indicated in a bar graph 0 to 100 (with every 10 % increment) % E Error occurred ([E] flashes.)− − H C AHU operation mode ([H]: Heat / [C]: Cool)−−Setting buttonsFunction[→] Cursor button Not used in the analog values display screen.[∨] Down button Press this button to switch to the error display screen when the error indicator [E] flashes. [∧] Up buttonPress this button to switch to the error display screen when the error indicator [E] flashes. [ENT] Enter buttonPress and hold this button to switch to the parameter setting screen.Heat/Cool operation modeindicatorDisplay area 1Enter buttonError indicatorDisplay area 2Display area 3 Display area 4Display area 5Up button Down button Cursor button Valve position in bar graphFlow rate in bar graphAB-7358-U● Parameter setting screenPress and hold the [ENT] button to switch to the parameter setting screen from the analog values display screen.Figure 5. Parameter setting screenDisplay area Display item1indicating the parameter setting screen2 Parameter number3 Current setpoint set for the parameter shown in thedisplay area 2.4 No item displayed5 No item displayedSetting buttons Function [→] Cursor button Press this button to select the digit of theparameter number and of the setpoint. The selected digit flashes.[∨] Down button Press this button to change the selected digit.[∧] Up button Press this button to change the selected digit.[ENT] Enter button Press this button to finally set the changedparameter.Press and hold this button to go back to the analog values display screen.Note:No button operation for continuous 10 minutes on the parameter setting screen will automatically switch from the parameter setting screen to the analog values display screen.● Error display screenFigure 6. Error display screenDisplay area Display item [E] Error occurred 1indicating the error display screen2 Error code3 No item displayed4 No item displayed5 No item displayedSetting buttons Function [→] Cursor button Not used in the error display screen. [∨] Down button Press this button to go back to the analogvalues display screen.[∧] Up button Press this button to go back to the analogvalues display screen.[ENT] Enter button Not used in the error display screen. Note:For details of the error codes, refer to AB-7363-U Instruction Manual of ACTIVAL Flow Measurement and Control Valve Standalone Model .Display area 1Display area 2Display area 1Display area 2Display area 3AB-7358-UWiring and InstallationWARNINGBefore wiring or maintenance, be sure to turn off the power to the product.Failure to do so might cause electric shock or device failure.Wiring1) Press the hook on the bottom of the base plate and detach the case.2) Use 0.22" Dia. to 0.24" Dia. (5.5 mm Dia. to 6.0 mm Dia) cable (AWG 22 (0.3 mm2) , 4-core cable recommended) forconnection. Strip 0.20" to 0.24"(5 mm to 6 mm) sheath of each lead wire. (See Fig. 7.)3) Refer to the wiring label (attached to the base plate) and insert stripped lead wires to each terminal.TerminalsarrangementTerminal number Type Lead wire color*1 12 V DC (+) Red (RED)2 0 V Black (BLK)3 AP-bus (+) White (WHT)4 AP-bus (-) Green (GRN)Note: Lead wire color shown in the above table is the wirecolors of the recommended cable.4) Lock each lead wire with lever lock provided on each terminal. Use a tool such as slotted screwdriver to slide the lever lock.Figure 8. Lead wire connection5) Insert the cable into the slit and fix the cable on the base plate with a cable tie.Figure 9. Cable fixed on the base plate0.20" to 0.24"CableAB-7358-UInstallationIMPORTANT:∙ Do not install this product in an atmosphere containing corrosive gas or explosive gas.∙ Do not install this product in a location exposed to direct sunlight. Direct sunlight accelerates LCD degradation.∙ Waterproof box (optional) is required for the product to be installed outdoors. Ask our sales personnel for the waterproof box.Procedure1) Make two holes for two M4 tapping screws (one for upper and the other for lower sides) on a mounting location, such as anAHU side plate or a panel cabinet. Distance between the centers of upper and lower M4 screws is 2.6" ± 0.08" (66 ± 2 mm). 2) Lead the cable (connected to the base plate terminals) out of the base plate through the base plate conduit (on the bottomright), and mount the base plate on the mounting location with the two M4 tapping screws (accessory of Display Panel).Figure 10. Mounting of the base plate with two M4 tapping screws3) Assemble the case with the base plate by inserting the male insertion guide of the case into the female insertion guide of thebase plate. Four insertion guides are provided on the right and left sides (Two on each side). Press the case well so that the case is completely assembled with the base plate. The case is connected to the base plate with the internal connector.Figure 11. Case assembly with the base plateTwo M4 tapping screwsCable conduit(female)Insertion guides (male)CaseAB-7358-U4) Arrange the cable connected to Display Panel.Cautions for arranging the cable: ∙ Do not pull the cable. ∙ To prevent water from flowing down to Display Panel through the cable, let the cable sag, as Fig. 12 shows. ∙ When installing Display Panel on an AHU side plate, seal the wiring hole on the AHU side plate, as Fig. 12 shows. Damp or dew condensation may damage the Display Panel, otherwise.Figure 12. Cable arrangement5) Film is attached to the front surface (face plate) of Display Panel for protection before shipment. Remove the film beforeactivating Display Panel.6) Display Panel is generally installed on a visible position such as on a wall in a machine room or on a control panel cabinet.However, it may possibly be installed outdoors or in a ceiling. In such a case, install the Display Panel as shown in Figs. 13 and 14. Consider the conditions and requirements of your Display Panel installation and decide the location.Figure 13. Display Panel installed outdoors (in a rainproof box)Display PanelSealing materialCableLet the cable sag.Cable led out of the rear side of Display PanelCable led through the conduit of Display Panel 2" (50 mm) stanchionDisplay Panel in a protection boxDisplay Panel in a protection box directly on a wall2" (50 mm) stanchion Display Panel in a plastic box(commercially available)AB-7358-U If Display Panel needs to be installed in a ceiling, install it near the ceiling access panel. Mount Display Panel in a dustproof box to install in a dusty area in a ceiling.Details of AFigure 14. Display Panel installed in a ceilingWiring to Model FVY513XIMPORTANT:Do not pull the cable connected from the terminals of Display Panel to the terminals of Model FVY513X. Display Panel is used in combination with Model FVY513X. To connect the cable to Model FVY513X, refer to Specification/Installation of Model FVY513X.- AB-7350-U: ACTIVAL Flow Measurement and Control Valve Standalone Model Models FVY5137J (PN10/GG-20)- AB-7354-U: ACTIVAL Flow Measurement and Control Valve Standalone Model Models FVY513EJ (JIS 20K/SCPH2)MaintenanceFor replacement of Display Panel, whole unit must be replaced. Display Panel cannot be partially replaced.Care for the face plateClean the face plate with dry soft cloth. Never use detergent or organic solvent to clean the screen. Otherwise, LCD screen will get scratched, discolored, or deformed.AB-7358-URev. 3.0 Jun. 2016 AB-7358-U。
宝马的缩写模块名称常用缩写已翻译中文公司标准化编码 [QQX96QT-XQQB89Q8-NQQJ6Q8-MQM9N]?AAustauschbar可替换通过零件号码下一行ABAirbag安全气囊ABEAllgemeine Betriebserlaubnis普通操作许可证ABSAnti-Blockiersystem防抱死系统ACAir Conditioning空调器ACCAdaptive Cruise Control自适应定速控制ACEAAssociation des Constructeurs Européens 结构工程师协会ACMAccessory Control Menu备件操作面板ACSMAdvanced Crash- and Safety Management 被动安全性ADBAktive Differential Bremse主动差速制动器ADSAdaptive Drosselklappen-Steuerung自适应节气门控制系统AEAustauschbar/Entfallen更换 / 取消标记AEGSAutarke Elektronische Getriebesteuerung自给自足的电子变速箱控制系统AFSActive front steeringD SteeringAGDAnsauggerschdmpfer进气消音器AGMAbsorbing Glas Material铅-无纺布蓄电池AGRAbgasrückführung废气再循环AGSAdaptive Getriebesteuerung自适应变速箱控制系统AHKAnh?ngerkupplung挂车挂钩AHLAdaptive Head Light自适应转向大灯AHMAnh?nger-Modul电子模块AHPSAdvanced Head Protection System扩展型安全气囊系统AKAusgelagerter Kühler清空的水箱AKFAktiv-Kohle-Filter活性碳过滤器AKKSAutomatische Kühlklappensteuerung冷却风门控制AKLAdaptives Kurvenlicht自适应转向大灯AKSAnpress-Kraft-Steuerung (Wischer)压紧力控制 (刮水器)ALCAdaptive Light Control自适应转向大灯AMAmplituden-Modulation调制程序AMBAmbientes Licht车内照明灯AMOeKAusgelagerter Motor?lkühler热量管理APMAuxiliary Power Module 辅助功率电子装置ARIAutoradio-Info-System交通无线电ARSAktive Rollstabilisierung侧倾补偿ASAAussensternangriff螺栓技术ASCAutomatische-Stabilit?ts-Control自动稳定控制ASC+TASC plus TraktionshilfeASC + 牵引力辅助系统ASDActive Sound Design音色设置ATAustauschteil翻新件ATCActive torque control分动器名称ATFAutomatic Transmission Fluid规格用于齿轮油AUCAutomatische Umluft Control自动车内空气循环控制AVMAutomatischer Video-Multiplexer 驾驶员辅助系统AWArbeitswert工时单位AWEAbweichungserlaubnis误差许可BBreite宽度BCBordcomputer旅程电脑BCUBattery Change UnitDC 变压器BDCBody Domain Controller主控制单元BEVbattery powered electric vehicle蓄电池驱动的电动车BFBeifahrer前座乘客侧BFABeifahrerairbag前乘客安全气囊BFDBrake Force Display制动力显示器BKSBremsenkühlschacht制动冷却通道BMS-CIIBMW-Motorsteuerung C-Motor发动机管理BMS-EBMW Motorsteuerung E-Motor发动机管理BMS-KBMW Motorsteuerung K-Motor发动机管理BPSBMW Premium SelectionBMW Premium Selection (Marketing) BRBabyracerBobbycarBSDbit-serielle Datenschnittstelle 二氧化碳措施BTBildtafel图表BTEBild-Text-Einheit图像带零件使用信息BVABremsverschleiss-Anzeige制动摩擦片磨损显示BVMBeh?lterverpackungsmenge容器包装数量Bi-XenonAbblend- und Fernlicht近光和远光灯CAKCrash Aktive Kopfstütze碰撞主动式头枕CANDatenleitung-Bordelektronik数据导线车载电子装置CASCar Access System便捷上车功能CBCCornering Brake Control转弯制动控制系统CBUCompletely built up部件范围本地已补充CCCCar Communication ComputerCar Communication Computer CDCompact Disc光盘CFCompact Flash存储卡规格CFKKohlefaserverst?rkter Kunststoff 碳纤维CHAMPCentral Headunit Multimedia PlattformyCICCar Infotainment ComputerCommunication CenterCIDCentral Information Display中央信息显示器 (CID) CIMChassis Integration Module控制单元转向柱CISCapacitive Interior Sensing座位占用识别装置CKDCompletely Knocked Down完全分解的车辆CLComfort LineComfort LineCOPCentral Ordering Process 中央订购流程CSCCell Supervision Circuit电池监控电子装置CSICCarbon fiber reinforc. Silikon CarbideCarbon 陶瓷制动系统CTMCabrio-Top-Modul电子模块CVMCabrio-Verdeck-Modul控制单元CVTContinuously Variable Transmission自动变速箱CoCCertificate of ConformityEG 合格证书DDurchmesser直径D1Xenon-Licht氙气灯DABDigital Audio Broadcasting数字收音机DBCDynamic Brake Control动态制动控制DCDirect Current直流电DC/DCGleichspannungswandler转换器DDCDynamic Damping Control半主动式底盘DDEDigitale Diesel Elektronik数字式柴油发动机电子伺控系统DFBSDieselfehlbetankungsschutz防止错误的油箱加油DFKDoppel-Flachfederkontakt插接系统DINDeutsche Industrienorm德国工业标准DKGDoppelkupplungsgetriebe变速箱 M3DMEDigitale Motor Elektronik数字式发动机电子伺控系统DOTDepartment of Transportation美国交通部DPCDynamik Performance Control驱动扭矩分配DPFDieselpartikelfilter炭烟微粒过滤器DSDichtungssatz密封组件DSCDynamische Stabilit?ts Control动态稳定控制DSPDigital Sound Processing数码音响处理器DTCDynamische Traktions Control防滑调节装置DVDDigital Versatile Disc数字化多功能光盘DVGDeutsche Vergaser Gesellschaft制造商DWADiebstahlwarnanlage防盗报警系统DXCDynamic X Control四轮驱动汽车上的动态行驶调节EEntfallen取消 (不再提供)E-Masch.E-Maschine电动机EASElectronic Active SteeringEBAEinbauanleitung安装说明ECElektrochrom电致变光技术ECEEconomic Commission for Europe特殊的目录版本EDCElectronic Damper Control电子减震控制装置EDHElektrischer Durchlauferhitzer加热器EG-BEEurop. Gesamt-BetriebserlaubnisEU 使用许可证EHElektro-Hydraulisch电动液压控制EKKElektrischer Klimakompressor压缩机EKMVElektr. K?ltemittelverdichter空气调节装置EKPElektrische Kraftstoffpumpe燃油泵ELAEinzelleiter Abdichtung防潮插头ELVElektrische Lenks?ulenverriegelung电动转向柱锁EMA-AEElektr, Motorantrieb-Antriebseinheit电动驱动单元EMCDElectro-Magnetic Control Device悬挂离合器EMEElektromaschinen-Elektronik电动马达混合动力车辆EMFElektromechanische Feststellbremse电动机械式驻车制动器EMLElektronische Motorleistungs Regelung发动机功率电子控制系统EMVElektromagnetische Vertr?glichkeit抗干扰滤波器EPBElektrische Parkbremse电动驻车制动器EPROMErasable Programmable Read Only Memory存储芯片 (控制单元) EPSElectronic Power Steering电动支持的转向系ESAElectronic Suspension Adjustment电子减震器调节ESDElectrostatic Discharge静电放电ESGEinscheibensicherheitsglas安全玻璃ESLEinschichtlackierung油漆ETCElectronic Toll Collection高速公路费用记录ETKElektronischer Teilekatalog计算机管理零件目录EU2Europ?ische Abgasnorm 2欧洲废气排放标准 2EU3Europ?ische Abgasnorm 3欧洲废气排放标准 3EU4Europ?ische Abgasnorm 4欧洲废气排放标准 4EU5Europ?ische Abgasnorm 5欧洲废气排放标准 5EU6Europ?ische Abgasnorm 6欧洲废气排放标准 6EVOEvolution进一步发展EWBExtended Wheel Base加长型EWPElektrische Wasserpumpe电动水泵EWSElektronische Wegfahrsperre电子防驶离装置FAKRANormenausschuss Kraftfahrzeuge车辆专业技术标准委员会FBASFarbbild-Austast Sychronsignal彩色画面信号FBDFernbedienung遥控器FBMFunctional Bookmarks可设置的功能按钮FCDFloating Car Data实时交通引导系统FCKWFluorchlorkohlenwasserstoff -->R12氯氟烃FDCFahrdynamik Control驱动系统FEMFront Electronic Module控制单元FGFunktionsgruppe功能组FG ->Ab Fahrgestellnummer底盘号码FGSFussg?ngerschutz行人碰撞保护装置FHFensterheber车窗升降机FLAFernlichtassistent驾驶员辅助系统FMFrequenz-Modulation调制程序FPMFluorpolymer-Kautschuk弹性体FRMFussraum Modul车身功能控制单元FRUFlat Rate Unit工时单位FSCFreischaltcode启用代码FUFrisch-/Umluft出风口FZDFunktionszentrum Dach车身控制单元FunkFunkfernbedienung后视镜功能utst?rkeregelung根据车速音量自动调节GHASGeregelte Hinterachssperre 差速锁GMGrundmodul基本模块 (GM)GOeKGetriebe?lkühler变速箱油冷却器GPSGlobal Positioning System导航系统GSMGlobal System for Mobile Communication 通信系统GTOGate Turn Off车库开门器GWSGangwahlschaltung自动H2Wasserstoff氢气HAHinterachse后桥HAGHinterachsgetriebe后驱动桥HCHeading Control辅助系统HDHeavy Duty恶劣的工作条件HDCHill-Descent-Control下坡行驶辅助HDPHochdruckpumpe直接喷射系统HFHochfrequenz高频HFMHeissfilm-Luftmassenmesser空气质量计HGHauptgruppe总成分组HODHandsoffdetection控制单元HPHigh PerformanceHigh PerformanceHPSHead Protection Sytem安全气囊系统HSHandschaltungHand switchHSDHigh Speed Data 快速数据传输HSG Hr-Sprech-Gert对话装置HSRHinterachs-Schr?glaufregelung 底盘HSSH?henstandssensor用于大灯光线水平调整HU-BHeadunit basic继任型号 CICHU-HHeadunit high继任型号 CICHUDHead-Up Display位于头上方的显示器HVHigh Voltage高压系统HVSHochvoltspeicher高压储能器HWSHinweisschildSchildIübersetzungsverh?ltnis齿轮齿数比I-ABSIntegral ABS防抱死系统IBOCIn Band On Channel数字收音机美规IBSIntelligenter Batteriesensor蓄电池管理系统ICAMIntegrierte Kamera摄像系统ICMIntegrated Chassis Management 控制单元ICOMIntegrated Comminication Optical ModuleIntegrated Comminication Optical ModuleICSIndoor communication system Indoor communication system (Marketing) IHKAIntegrierte Heiz-Klima-Automatik集成的冷暖自动空调IHKAFIntegrierte Heiz-Klima-Automatik + MF集成的冷暖自动空调 + MFIHKRIntegrierte Heiz-Klima-Regelung集成的冷暖空调器调节IHKRFIntegrierte Heiz-Klima-Automatik + MF集成的冷暖自动空调 + MF IHRIntegrierte Heizungs-Regelung集成式暖风器控制IHRFIntegrierte Heizungs-Regelung plus MF集成式暖风器控制正极 MF IKTInformations-/KommunikationstechnologieInformation/communications technology IMIBIntegrated Measurement Interface Box 测量系统 ISPAIMSInstant Mobility System瞬时机动性系统ISAInnensternangriff螺栓技术ISISIntegrated Service Information ServerEPC 和保养数据硬件基础ISOIsolationsüberwachung绝缘监控ISPAIntegrated Service Processes Application修理厂计划系统ITSInflatable Tubular Structure头部安全气囊IWTInnerer W?rmetauscher 热量管理Indi.Individual个性化JCWJohn Cooper WorksJCWJPTJunior Power Timer插头接点系统KAKlimaanlage空调器KAFASKamerabasierende Fahrerassistenzsysteme 驾驶员辅助系统KATKatalysator废气触媒转换器KBKraftbegrenzer安全带系统KBAKraftfahrt-Bundesamt联邦车辆局KBBKabelbaum电线束KGKurbelgeh?use曲轴箱KKBKomplettkabelbaum整套导线束KLEKomfort Lade Elektronik控制单元KMKühlmittel冷却液KSKKundenspezifischer Kabelbaum客户专用电线束KWKilowatt千瓦KaFASKamerabasierende Fahrerassistenzsysteme 辅助系统KompassDigitale Kompassanzeige后视镜功能LL?nge长度LAZLagerzeit存放时间LBVLehnenbreitenverstellung靠背宽度调整动态LCILife Cycle Impulse改型LCPALIN-Controlled Power Amplifier功率放大器LDML?ngsdynamik-Management 四轮驱动汽车上的动态行驶调节LEDLight Emitting Diode发光二极管LHLeft HandLeft sideLHDLeft-Hand-Drive 左座驾驶型LHTLeft Hand Traffic左侧行驶LIMLade-Interface-Modul充电模块LINLocal Interconnection Network控制单元联网LMRLeichtmetallrad轻质合金轮辋LOMLicht-Optik-Modul蓄电池监控LRRLong Range Radar雷达系统LSCLeichtbauweise-Stahl-Compact轻型结构LSKLaststrom-Kontakt插接系统LTELong Term Evolution移动无线电标准LVDSLow Voltage Differential Signal快速数据传输LVMLagerverpackungsmenge仓库包装数量LWLLichtwellenleiter光缆LWRLeuchtweitenregulierung大灯光线水平调整MManuelles Getriebe手动变速箱MAKModular Automobil Kontakt插接系统MAMMindestabnahmemenge最小定购量MASKMultimedia Audio System Kontroller多媒体音频系统控制器MCONMulticontakt插接系统MCPMulti Contact Point插接系统MDKMiniatur Doppelflachfeder Kontakt插头接点系统MFMikrofilter微尘滤清器MFLMultifunktionslenkrad多功能方向盘MFSMultifunktions-Sitz 内饰MFTMultifunktionstr?ger架梁MIDMulti Information Display多功能信息显示器MLKMini Lamellen Kontakt触点插接系统MMCMultimediachangerDVD 转换匣MOSTMedia Oriented System Transport 总线系统MOeKMotor?lkühler发动机油冷却器MPQMicro-Power-Quadlock插接系统MPVMultiple Purpose Vehicle多功能轿车MQSMicro-Quadlock-System插接系统MSAMotor-Start/Stop-Automatik二氧化碳措施MTBMountainbike山地车MTFMulti-Transmission-FluidLangzeit-Getriebe?lde-/Freisprecheinrichtung充电设备 / 免提通话设备Mü?Modellüberarbeitung改型NAFTANorth Atlantic Free Trade Agreement 自由贸易区美国、加拿大和墨西哥NASNorth American Standard美国解决方案 AHKNBGNext Bike Generation新一代车架NBKNytril-Butadien-Kautschuk弹性体NFCNear Field Communication无线通信技术NOXStickoxid废气NSDNachschalld?mpfer后消音器NSLNebelschlussleuchte车辆照明系统NSWNebelscheinwerfer车辆照明系统NVCNight Vision Camera夜视照相机NoSNo Stock部件未集中安置OBDOn-Board-Diagnose诊断系统OC3Occupancy mat座椅座垫OCS Outdoor communication system Outdoor communication system (Marketing) OGWOnboard-Diagnostic-Gateway诊断接口PAV/PAXPneu Acrosach Vertical轮胎防爆胎辅圈PCAPassive Car Access便捷上车功能PCMPhase change materials FunktionsmaterialPDParis-Dakar汽车拉力赛PDCPark Distance Control泊车辅助系统PDMPower Distribution Module供电PEBPower Electonic Box 功率电子装置PEUPower Electronics Unit总成分电器及主电线束PGSPassive Go Steuerger?t 驾驶员识别系统PIProduktinformation产品信息PKPower Kit动力工具包PLATOPlanungstool备件计划工具PLCDPermanentmagnetLinearContactlessDisplace传感器怠速识别PMPartikelmass质量相关的颗粒极限值PMAParkman?ver-Assistent驾驶员辅助系统POIPoints of Interest兴趣点PPSPaint Preparation System一次性混合烧杯油漆PT-Schr.Markenname攻螺纹螺栓用于塑料PTCPositive Temperature Coefficient热敏电阻PTOPower take off分动器名称PTSPressure Tube Sensor压力软管传感器PTTpush to talk 语音输入QLQuer- und L?ngsdynamik 动态行驶调节QMVQuermomentverteiler后驱动桥RRechtslenker右座驾驶型R12FCKW-haltiges K?ltemittel含氟氯化碳的制冷剂R134AFCKW-freies K?ltemittel不含氟氯化碳的制冷剂RALReichsauschuss für Lieferbedingungen颜色标准RDCReifen-Druck-Control轮胎压力监控RDMERange Extender DME 发动机电子系统 REX RDSRaddrehzahlsensor车轮转速传感器REMRemote Equipment Module控制单元REMAReversibler Elektromotorischer Aufroller自动收卷器REMERange Extender E-Motor Elektronik电动马达电子装置REPReparatursatz修理套件REXRange Extender 增程装置RFKRückfahrkamera倒车摄像机RFTRun Flat Technologie轮胎带紧急运行系统RHRight HandRight sideRHDRight-Hand-Drive右座驾驶型RHTRetractable Hardtop硬车顶 (可收放式) RKLERundumkennleuchte旋转式标志灯RLSRegen-/Lichtsensor照明ROCRoll Over Control 翻车保护ROZResearch-Oktanzahl燃油等级RPAReifen-Pannen-Anzeige轮胎失压显示RPSRapaid Preparation System一次性混合烧杯油漆RSRegensensorRegensensorRSCRunflat System Component 轮胎带紧急运行系统RSERear Seat Entertainment加装套件后座区视听设备RSIRear Seat Infotainment加装套件后座区视听设备RTTIReal-Time Traffic Information 远程信息处理系统RTTMReal-Time Tracking Modul 远程信息处理系统RWSRichtwinkelsatz车身矫直系统RZVRuhende Zündspannungsverteilung单独的点火线圈RoWRest of World如非 ECESASonderausstattung特殊装备SAFSynthetic Axle Fluid后驱动桥用油SAF.Semiaktives Fahrwerk动态行驶调节SAP SIM Access Profile传输协议蓝牙SASSA-Steuerger?t集成控制单元SAVSports Activity VehicleSports Activity VehicleSAWShielded access to Wireless LAN Shielded Access to Wireless LAN SAZSonderausstattung Zubeh?r接近批量生产的备件SBASensotronic Brake Actuation用于混合动力车的制动系统SBKSicherheitsbatterieklemme蓄电池接线柱SBTService-Information BMW Technik维修信息技术SCASoft-Close-Automatik自动软关闭装置SCRSelective Catalytic Reduction废气净化氮氧化物SDARSSatellite Digital Audio Radio Service卫星接收SDBSicherheitsdatenblatt安全数据单SGSteuerger?t控制单元SGSSitzintegriertes Gurtsystem座椅集成式安全带系统SIService-Information服务信息SIPSchulungs- und Informationsprogramm培训自学程序SKRSommerkomplettrad夏季完整车轮SLESpeicher Lade Elektronik控制单元混合动力车辆SLISpeed Limit Info驾驶员辅助系统SLKSensor Lamellen Kontakt触点插接系统SLPStromlaufplan电路图SLSSekund?rluftsystem二次空气系统SMBSubminiatur Version B插接系统天线导线SMESpeicher Management Elektronik控制单元蓄能器管理SMGSequenzielles Manuelles Getriebe自动换档控制的手动变速箱SMLSeitenmarkierungsleuchte示宽灯SOPStart of Produktion批量使用开始SPEGSmart Power Electronics Gateway 车身功能控制单元SPnMSitz Pneumatik Modul控制单元座椅舒适功能SRAScheinwerferreinigungsanlage大灯清洗装置SRDSupply and Replenishment Dealership部件补给系统SRPService-Reparatur-Pakete售后服务维修附件包SRRShort Range Radar雷达系统SRSSafety Restraint System / Airbag安全制动系统 / 安全气囊SRTSun Reflective Technology红外线反射皮革SSGSonnenschutzglas茶色玻璃SSRSonnenschutzrollo遮阳卷帘SSTStart Stop Taste车辆起动STVSitztiefenverstellung座椅深度调整SWSchlüsselweite扳手开口度SZSonderzubeh?r特殊附件SZLSchaltzentrum Lenks?ule开关中心转向柱SZTSchaltzentrum Türe控制单元Stg.Steuerger?t控制单元TCBTelematics Communication Box控制单元电话TCUTelematics Control Unit电子信息系统控制单元TFLTagfahrleuchten车辆照明系统TITechnische Information技术信息TISTechnisches Informations System技术信息系统TLCTime to Line Crossing驾驶员辅助系统TLEVTransitional Low Emission Vehicle许可等级低废气值TLLTeilelebenslauf零件寿命周期TMCTraffic Message Channel交通无线电TPATelematik Plattform. Accessory远程信息处理平台附件TRSVTop Rear Side View控制单元TTSTarget tracking system Ziele-VerfolgungssystemTüVTechnischer überwachungs Verein制造商证明UBSUnterbodenschutz底部保护层UCXUnit Charging Extension控制单元充电 ACDCUERSSüberrollschutz翻车保护UGUntergruppe分总成ULFUniverselle Lade- u. Freisprecheinricht.通用充电和免提通话设备UPEUnverbindliche Preisempfehlung不具有约束效力的建议价格USBUniversal Serial Bus通用 PC 接口USISUltraschall Innenraumschutz车内防盗监控传感器VAVorderachse前桥VDCVertical Dynamic Control 行走机构技术VDPVertikaldynamikplattform四轮驱动汽车上的动态行驶调节VFVerkehrsfunk交通无线电VGSGVerteilerGetriebeSteuerGer?t控制单元VHTVersenkbares Hardtop硬车顶 (可收放式)VICSVehicle Information&Communication System车辆信息系统VINVehicle Identification Number底盘号码VMSVehicle Management System控制单元 BEVVOCVolatile Organic Compounds挥发性有机溶剂VSGVehicle Sound Generator发动机噪声模拟VVMVorverpackungsmenge预包装数量VVTVariabler Ventiltrieb可调式阀门控制WAPUWasserpumpe水泵WBAWarnblinkanlage闪烁报警装置WEBAWerkstatt-Einbauanleitung关于 ASAP 的安装说明WKRWinterkomplettrad整套冬用轮胎WPWinterpaket特殊装备 S4T9AWSAWechselsprechanlage双向通话装置ZBEZentrales BedienelementiDrive ControllerZEBeidseitig austauschbar/Entfallen更换 / 取消标记ZFEZentrale Fahrzeug-Elektronik控制单元ZGMZentrales Gateway Modul网关模块ZKEZentrale Karrosserie-Elektronik车身功能控制单元ZKWZizala Karl Wien供货商照明系统ZSGZweischeibensicherheitsglas安全玻璃ZVZentralverriegelung中控锁ZWSLZweischichtlackierung油漆gHASgeregelte Hinterachssperre差速锁。
050-7632 R e v A 8-2008TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVESMAXIMUM RATINGSAll Ratings: TC = 25°C unless otherwise speci fi ed.STATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSCharacteristic / Test ConditionsCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage (V GE = 0V, I C = 4mA)Gate Threshold Voltage (V CE = V GE , I C = 2400μA, T j = 25°C)Collector-Emitter On Voltage (V GE = 15V, I C = 150A, T j = 25°C)Collector-Emitter On Voltage (V GE = 15V, I C = 150A, T j = 125°C)Collector Cut-off Current (V CE = 600V, V GE = 0V, T j = 25°C) 3Collector Cut-off Current (V CE = 600V, V GE = 0V, T j = 125°C) 3Gate-Emitter Leakage Current (V GE = ±20V)Intergrated Gate ResistorSymbol V (BR)CES V GE(TH)V CE(ON)I CES I GES R G(int)UnitsVoltsμA nA ΩSymbol V CES V GE I C1I C2I CM SSOA P D T J ,T STGT LAPT150GN60J600±30220123450450A @ 600V536-55 to 175300UNIT VoltsAmpsWatts °CParameterCollector-Emitter Voltage Gate-Emitter VoltageContinuous Collector Current @ T C = 25°C 1Continuous Collector Current @ T C = 110°C Pulsed Collector Current 2Switching Safe Operating Area @ T J = 175°C Total Power DissipationOperating and Storage Junction Temperature RangeMax. Lead Temp. for Soldering: 0.063" from Case for 10 Sec.CAUTION: These Devices are Sensitive to Electrostatic Discharge. Proper Handling Procedures Should Be Followed.Utilizing the latest Field Stop and Trench Gate technologies, these IGBT's have ultralow V CE(ON) and are ideal for low frequency applications that require absolute minimum conduction loss. Easy paralleling is a result of very tight parameter distribution and a slightly positive V CE(ON) temperature coef fi cient. A built-in gate resistor ensures extremely reliable operation, even in the event of a short circuit fault. Low gate charge simpli fi es gate drive design and minimizes losses.• 600V Field Stop• Trench Gate: Low V CE(on) • Easy Paralleling• Intergrated Gate Resistor: Low EMI, High ReliabilityApplications : Welding, Inductive Heating, Solar Inverters, SMPS, Motor drives, UPSMIN TYP MAX 6005.0 5.86.5 1.05 1.45 1.85 1.65251000 6002APT150GN60B2(G)Microsemi Website - 050-7632 R e v A 8-2008APT150GN60B2(G)1 Continuous current limited by case temperature.2 Repetitive Rating: Pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature.3 For Combi devices, I ces includes both IGBT and FRED leakages4 See MIL-STD-750 Method 3471.5 E on1 is the clamped inductive turn-on energy of the IGBT only, without the effect of a commutating diode reverse recovery currentadding to the IGBT turn-on loss. Tested in inductive switching test circuit shown in fi gure 21, but with a Silicon Carbide diode.6 E on2 is the clamped inductive turn-on energy that includes a commutating diode reverse recovery current in the IGBT turn-on switchingloss. (See Figures 21, 22.)7 E off is the clamped inductive turn-off energy measured in accordance with JEDEC standard JESD24-1. (See Figures 21, 23.)8 R G is external gate resistance, not including R G(int) nor gate driver impedance. (MIC4452)Microsemi Reserves the right to change, without notice, the speci fi cations and information contained herein.DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSSymbol C ies C oes C res V GEP Q g Q ge Q gc SSOA t d(on)t r t d(off)t f E on1E on2E off t d(on)t r t d(off)t f E on1E on2E offTest Conditions Capacitance V GE = 0V, V CE = 25Vf = 1 MHz Gate Charge V GE = 15V V CE = 300V I C = 150AT J = 175°C, R G = 4.3Ω 8, V GE =15V, L = 100μH,V CE = 600V Inductive Switching (25°C)V CC = 400V V GE = 15V I C = 150A R G = 1.0Ω 8T J = +25°CInductive Switching (125°C)V CC = 400V V GE = 15V I C = 150A R G = 1.0Ω 8T J = +125°CCharacteristic Input Capacitance Output CapacitanceReverse Transfer Capacitance Gate-to-Emitter Plateau Voltage Total Gate Charge 4 Gate-Emitter ChargeGate-Collector ("Miller") Charge Switching Safe Operating Area Turn-on Delay Time Current Rise Time Turn-off Delay Time Current Fall TimeTurn-on Switching Energy 5Turn-on Switching Energy (Diode) 6Turn-off Switching Energy 7 Turn-on Delay Time Current Rise Time Turn-off Delay Time Current Fall TimeTurn-on Switching Energy 54Turn-on Switching Energy (Diode) 65Turn-off Switching Energy 67MIN TYP MAX9200 350 300 9.5 970 65510 45044110 430608810 8615 429544110 480958880 9735 5460UNITpFV nC Ans μJnsμJTHERMAL AND MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Characteristic / Test ConditionsMinTypMaxUnitR θJC Junction to Case (IGBT)--0.28°C/WRθJCJunction to Case (DIODE)--N/AV Isolatio nRMS Voltage (50-60Hz Sinsoidal Waveform from Terminals to Mounting Base for 1 Min.) 2500W TPackage Weight- 6.1-gm050-7632 R e v A 8-2008APT150GN60B2(G)TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVESV G S (T H ), T H R E S H O L D V O L T A G EV C E , C O L L E C T O R -T O -E M I T T E R V O L T A G E (V )I C , C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T (A )I C , C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T (A )(N O R M A L I Z E D )I C , D C C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T (A ) V C E , C O L L E C T O R -T O -E M I T T E R V O L T A G E (V ) V G E , G A T E -T O -E M I T T E R V O L T A G E (V )I C , C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T (A ) -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150-50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 17530025020015010050V CE , COLLECTER-TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE (V)V CE , COLLECTER-TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE (V)FIGURE 1, Output Characteristics(T J = 25°C) FIGURE 2, Output Characteristics (T J = 125°C) V GE , GATE-TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE (V)GATE CHARGE (nC)FIGURE 3, Transfer CharacteristicsFIGURE 4, Gate ChargeV GE , GATE-TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE (V) T J , Junction Temperature (°C)FIGURE 5, On State Voltage vs Gate-to- Emitter VoltageFIGURE 6, On State Voltage vs Junction Temperature T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)T C , CASE TEMPERATURE (°C)FIGURE 7, Threshold Voltage vs. Junction TemperatureFIGURE 8, DC Collector Current vs Case Temperature050-7632 R e v A 8-2008APT150GN60B2(G)S W I T C H I NG E N E R G Y L O S S E S (μJ ) E O N 2, T U R N O N EN E R G Y L O S S (μJ ) t r , R I S E T I ME (n s ) t d (O N ), T U R N -O N D EL A Y T I M E (n s )S W I T C H I N G E N E R G Y LO S S E S (μJ ) E O F F , T U R N O F F E N E R G Y LO S S (μJ ) t f , F A L L T I M E (n s ) t d (O F F ), T U R N -O F F D E L A Y T I M E (n s )I CE , COLLECTOR TO EMITTER CURRENT (A) I CE , COLLECTOR TO EMITTER CURRENT (A)FIGURE 9, Turn-On Delay Time vs Collector Current FIGURE 10, Turn-Off Delay Time vs Collector Current I CE , COLLECTOR TO EMITTER CURRENT (A) I CE , COLLECTOR TO EMITTER CURRENT (A)FIGURE 11, Current Rise Time vs Collector CurrentFIGURE 12, Current Fall Time vs Collector CurrentI CE , COLLECTOR TO EMITTER CURRENT (A)I CE , COLLECTOR TO EMITTER CURRENT (A)FIGURE 13, Turn-On Energy Loss vs Collector CurrentFIGURE 14, Turn Off Energy Loss vs Collector CurrentR G , GATE RESISTANCE (OHMS) T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)FIGURE 15, Switching Energy Losses vs. Gate ResistanceFIGURE 16, Switching Energy Losses vs Junction Temperature605040302010040035030025020015010050040,00035,00030,00025,00020,00015,00010,0005,00070,00060,00050,00040,00030,00020,00010,00040,00035,00030,00025,00020,00015,00010,0005,000050-7632 R e v A 8-2008APT150GN60B2(G)TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVESZ θJ C ,T H E R M A L I M P E D A N C E (°C /W )RECTANGULAR PULSE DURATION (SECONDS)Figure 19a, Maximum Effective Transient Thermal Impedance, Junction-To-Case vs Pulse Duration500400300200100C , C A P A C I T A N C E (PF )I C , C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T (A )V CE , COLLECTOR-TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE (VOLTS) V CE , COLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE Figure 17, Capacitance vs Collector-To-Emitter VoltageFigure 18,Minimim Switching Safe Operating Area0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700FIGURE 19b, TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE MODELF M A X , O P E R A T I NG F R E Q U E N C Y (kH z )I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) Figure 20, Operating Frequency vs Collector Current0.007700.300RC MODELJunction temp. (°Case temperature. (°050-7632 R e v A 8-2008APT150GN60B2(G)Figure 22, Turn-on Switching Waveforms and De fi nitionsFigure 23, Turn-off Switching Waveforms and De fi nitionsT J = 125°CCollector CurrentCollector VoltageGate VoltageSwitching Energy5%10%t d(on)90%10%t r5%T J = 125°CCollector Voltage Collector CurrentGate VoltageSwitching Energy90%t d(off)10%t f90%Figure 21, Inductive Switching Test Circuit VDimensions in Millimeters and (Inches)T-MAX ® Package Outline。
主要用于制造骨架线圈(Bobbin) 主要填充物为磨制玻纤以及矿物
主要用于制造连接器(Connector) 主要填充物为磨制玻纤、短切玻纤以 及矿物,(亦可根据客户需要)
Optical Pickup级、Relay级LCP也将于不久开始生产。
* 如果加热套的设定温度和树脂实际温度有差别时,成型时需以实际的树脂温度为准.
将30%的回收三星LCP加入到全新料中,在最初的几次回收中,整体强度指标只 有轻微的变化。即使是100%的回收材料使用到四次之内,热性能基本上没有变 化,强度也可以保持在90%以上。
Agilent IDP-15Dry Scroll Vacuum PumpData SheetThe new Agilent IDP-15 dry scroll vacuum pump is designed for extremely quiet (<50 dBA)and low vibration operation, delivering a peak pumping speed of 15.4 m3/h at 60 Hz and12.8 m3/h at 50 Hz.The hermetic design, with the vacuum space completely isolated from the motor andbearings, provides a clean gas path through the pump; therefore eliminating any risk of oilor grease contamination.Dimensions: millimeters [inches]Safety EN/IEC 61010 3rd Edition certifiedIDP-15 dry scroll pumps and accessories DescriptionPart number IDP-15 dry scroll vacuum pump X3815-64000IDP-15 dry scroll vacuum pump with inlet isolation valve X3815-64010Service PartsIDP-15 tip seal replacement kit X3815-67000Accessory Parts Shipping box set X3815-67001Exhaust silencer kit EXSLRSH110Inlet trapSCRINTRPNW25Power cords for IDP-3 AC motor,IDP-7, IDP-10, and IDP-15 vacuum pumps DescriptionPart number Europe, 10 A/220-230 V, 2.5 m 656494220Denmark, 10 A/220-230 V, 2.5 m 656494225Switzerland, 10 A/230 V, 2.5 m 656494235UK/Ireland, 13 A/230 V, 2.5 m 656494250India, 10 A/220-250 V, 2.5 m 656494245Isreal, 10 A/220-230 V, 2.5 m 656494230Japan, 12 A/100 V, 2.3 m 656494240North America, 15 A/125 V, 2.0 m 656458203North America, 10 A/230 V, 2.5 m656494255Ordering informationFor Research Use Only.Not for use in diagnostic procedures.This information is subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2017Published in USA, March 24, 20175991-7604ENNorth and South America Agilent Technologies121 Hartwell Avenue, Lexington MA 02421, USA Tel: +1 781 861 7200 Fax: +1 781 860 5437 Toll free: +1 800 882 7426 vpl-customerservice@ Europe and other countries Agilent Technologies Italia SpAvia F.lli Varian 54, 10040 Leini, (Torino), Italy Tel: +39 011 9979 111 Fax: +39 011 9979 350 Toll free: 00 800 234 234 00vpt-customerservice@048121614106218P u m p i n g s p e e d (m 3/h )60 Hz N 2 speed (m 3/h)50 Hz N 2 speed (m 3/h)Inlet pressure (Torr)1.0E-021.0E-011.0E+001.0E+011.0E+021.0E+03IDP-15 air/N 2 pumping speed。
4.1 业务节点接口 4.1.1 1000BASE-LX/100BASE-FX 接口
1000BASE-LX/100BASE-FX接口的测试方法见YD/T XXXX-2001《高端路由器设备检验方法》。 4.1.2 ATM 接口
ATM 155 520kbit/s电接口、155 520kbit/s光接口、622 080kbit/s光接口的测试方法见YD/T XXXX-2001《高端路由器设备检验方法》。 4.1.3 POS 接口
3 基于以太网技术的宽带接入网网络结构
×× ××××—×××× 基于以太网技术的宽带接入网网络结构见图1 。
核心网 社区服务器
计算机 1
计算机 n
用户驻地网 1
用户驻地网 n
SNI 基于以太网技术的宽带接入系统 UNI
图1 基于以太网技术的宽带接入网网络结构图 基于以太网技术的宽带接入系统由局侧设备和用户侧设备组成。在面向小区或商业用户的应用中, 局侧设备一般考虑放在小区内,用户侧设备一般位于居民楼内;或者局侧设备位于商业大楼内,而用户 侧设备位于楼层内。而对于其它区域密集型用户的接入,局侧设备和用户侧设备的放置根据具体情况而 定。 局侧设备与用户侧设备推荐采用星型拓扑,局侧设备与核心网设备之间的拓扑结构可以是星型,也 可以是环型。 局侧设备和用户侧设备的技术要求见YD/T 1160-2001。
1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 9 9 9 9 9 11 11 11 12 13 17 18 18 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 48 48
6.2 第01组参数:负载/电动机
6.3 第02组参数:制动功能
6.4 第03组参数:设定值/加减速
6.5 第04组参数:极限/警告设置
内部故障或保护。 ● 请勿自行拆装更改变频器内部连接线或零部件。 ● 严禁私自改装,更换控制板及零部件,否则有触电,发生爆炸等
危险。 ● 请防止儿童或无关人员接近变频器。
1.2 送电中
● 送电中绝不可插拔变频器上的任何连接器(操作面板除外),以 避免变频器损坏并造成人员伤亡。
● 送电前请盖好面盖,以防触电,造成人身伤害。
● 实施配线前,请务必切断电源。 ● 请将变频器安装于金属类等不可燃材料上,以防止发生火灾。 ● 请不要把变频器安装在含有易燃易爆气体的环境里,否则有引
高灵敏度接收机 ENA 采用混频方式接收机 接收机噪声电平与其接收带宽有关 网络分析仪要求大测试动态范围 对被测件输出杂波/谐波有抑制作用 接收机带宽在测试动态范围和测试速度间 折衷
8.5 GHz
输入信号与输出信号同频率 输出信号幅度和相位会发生变化
输入/输出信号不同频率 产生新的频率成份
page 10
= f(t)
V 输出 = a f( t - to)
Error (dB, deg)
magn error
0.001 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -55 -60 -65 -70
Interfering signal (dB)
T/R vs S-Parameter Test Sets
page 21
源 功率分配/开关
参考接收机 衰减器
参考接收机 衰减器
•信号源 •信号分离装置 •接收机 •处理显示单元
Port 1
MDM;Mdme. = Madame
MDPE = Medium-density polyethylene
mdse.;MDSE= merchandise
MED.;M = medium
Medit = MediteraneanSea
Memo.;memo = memorandum
lt. = light
L.T.;L/T;Lt.; l.t. = long ton
LT; L.T.; L/T = letter telegram
LTCLeast Total Cost
LTD;Ltd. = Ld. = limited
mo.;mos.= month(s)
MOQ= minimum order quantuty
M/P = months after payment
M.P. =①Member of Parliament
②military police
M.pack = missing package
MPF = Melamine/phenol-formaldehyde
M/L Cause; m/l clause = more or less clause
Mlle. = Mlledemoiselle
M.M. = merchant marine
M/a;MA= my account
MA = Maleio Anhydride
Recom 低功耗 LED 驱动器说明书
FeaturesLED Driver• Low profile case (13mm height max.)• 350mA to 700mA constant current outputs • Terminal block input/output with cable clamps • Fully protected (OLP , SCP , OCP , OTP)• Suitable for Class I and Class II luminaires • Low costDescriptionThese low profile constant current LED drivers have been designed for cost-sensitive applications. The SELV outputs are suitable for both independently supplied or built-in power-supply LED luminaires. Their low profile design allows them to be invisibly built into furniture, discreetly mounted under shelves or integrated in space-restricted applications such as coving lighting, strip lighting or troffer lighting sys-tems. The power supplies are short circuit and overload protected and come with a full 3-year warranty.RACD20-LP AC/DC Converter20 WattConstantCurrentSingleOutputIEC/EN61347-1 certified IEC/EN61347-2-13 certified ENEC certified CB reportEN55015 compliantBASIC CHARACTERISTICSParameterCondition Min.Typ.Max.Input Voltage Range 198VAC230VAC264VAC Inrush Current 8.0A Start-up Time 500ms Input Frequency Range 47Hz63Hz No Load Power Consumption 0.5W Power Factorfull load, 230VAC0.55Internal Operating Frequency full load45kHz 140kHz Output Ripple Current (1)50mAp-pSpecifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, 240VAC and rated load)REGULATIONSParameterCondition ValueOutput Accuracy ±5% max.Line Regulation 5% max.Load Regulation5% max.Notes:Note1: Measured at 20MHz Bandwidth using 0.1µF & 47µF parallel capacitorSelection GuidePart I nput I nput Output Output Efficiency Output Number Voltage Range Current Voltage Range Current typ. Power max.[VAC] [mA] [VDC] [mA] [%] [W]RACD20-350-LP 198-264 210 2-59 350 86 21W RACD20-500-LP 198-264 210 2-40 500 85 20W RACD20-700-LP 198-264 210 2-31 700 85 22WAll LED Drivers may not be used without a load. They must be switched on the primary side only.Noncompliance may damage the LED or reduce its lifetime.Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, 240VAC and rated load)PROTECTIONParameterConditionValueInput Fuseexternal fuse is recommendedT1AOpen Circuit Protection (OCP)auto recovery after fault condition is removed Over Load Protection (OLP)auto recovery after fault condition is removed Over Voltage Protection (OVP)auto recovery after fault condition is removed Over Temperature Protection (OTP)110°C Tcase auto recovery after fault condition is removedIsolation VoltageI/P to O/P3.75kVAC / 1 minuteMaximum loading of automatic circuit breakersCircuit BreakerCircuit Breaker CurrentTyp 10A 16A 20A 25A B 11182329C24394961* @ 230VAC, 1Ohm, 90° phase angle and max. load ENVIRONMENTALParameterCondition ValueOperating Temperature Range -20°C to +45°CMaximum Case Temperature +85°C Operating Altitude 2000m Operating Humidity non-condensing5% to 85% RHIP Rating IP20Pollution Degree PD2Design Lifetime30 x 10³ hoursDerating Graph-20-10102030405045601008060409070503020100O u t p u t L o a d [%]Ambient Temperature [°C]Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, 240VAC and rated load)DIMENSION and PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSParameterTypeValueMaterial caseplastic (UL94V-2)Dimension (LxWxH) 128.0 x 50.0 x 13.0mm Weight75gcontinued on next pageSAFETY AND CERTIFICATIONSCertificate Type (Safety)Report NumberStandard Lamp controlgear Part 1: General and safety requirements (CB Scheme)374931IEC61347-1:2015+A1:2017, 3rd Edition Lamp controlgear Part 2-13: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED modules (CB Scheme)IEC61347-2-13:2014+A1:2016, 2nd EditionLamp controlgear Part 1: General and safety requirements (LVD)EN61347-1:2015Lamp controlgear Part 2-13: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED modules (LVD)EN61347-2-13:2014 + A1:2017Lamp controlgear Part 1: General and safety requirements374931EN61347-1:2015Lamp controlgear Part 2-13: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED modulesEN61347-2-13:2014+A1:2017DC or AC supplied electronic control gear for LED modules Performance requirements 374931IEC62384:2006 1st Edition + A1:2009DC or AC supplied electronic control gear for LED modules Performance requirements EN62384:2006 + A1:2009EAC RU-AT.49.09571TP TC 004/2011RoHS 2RoHS 2011/65/EU + AM2015/863EMC ComplianceConditionStandard / CriterionLimits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment374931EN55015:2013 + A1:2015Equipment for general lighting purposes – EMC immunity requirementsEN61547:2009Assessment of lighting equipment related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields EN62493:2015ESD Electrostatic discharge immunity test±8kV Air Discharge,±4kV Contact DischargeEN61000-4-2:2009, Criteria ARadiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test 3V/m EN61000-4-3:2006 + A2:2010, Criteria AFast Transient and Burst Immunity ±0.5kV (DC Output) ±1kV (AC Input)EN61000-4-4:2012, Criteria ASurge Immunity±0.5kV (AC Input)EN61000-4-5:2014 + A1:2017, Criteria AImmunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields AC Power Port 3V EN61000-4-6:2014, Criteria AVoltage Dips and Interruptions Voltage Dips >95% EN61000-4-11:2004 + A1:2017, Criteria B Voltage Dips and Interruptions Voltage Dips 30%EN61000-4-11:2004 + A1:2017, Criteria BLimits of Harmonic Current Emissions EN61000-3-2:2014, Class C Limits of Voltage Fluctuations & FlickerEN61000-3-3:2013, Clause 5Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, 240VAC and rated load)The product information and specifications may be subject to changes even without prior written notice.The product has been designed for various applications; its suitability lies in the responsibility of each customer. The products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications without RECOM’s explicit written consent. A safety-critical application is an application where a failure may reasonably be expected to endanger or cause loss of life, inflict bodily harm or damage property. The applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless RECOM, its affiliated companies and its representatives against any damage claims in connection with the unauthorizeduse of RECOM products in such safety-critical applications.PACKAGING INFORMATIONParameterTypeValuePackaging Dimension (LxWxH) cardboard box265.0 x 139.0 x 62.0mmPackaging Quantity 10pcsStorage Temperature Range -20°C to +70°C Storage Humiditynon-condensing5% - 85% RHwire preparation。
BB/T 0002-2008 双向拉伸聚丙烯珠光薄膜
BB/T 0024-2004 运输包装用拉伸缠绕膜
CB/T 3457-1992 液压拉伸器
CSM 01 01 02 01-2006 金属材料室温拉伸试验测量结果不确定度评定
CSM 01 01 02 02-2006 金属拉伸杨氏模量(静态法)测量结果不确定度评定
DB13/T 1355-2010 锦纶6棕丝拉伸性能的测定
DB15/T 456-2009 牧草拉伸膜裹包青贮技术规程
DB37/T 2263-2012 硫化橡胶拉伸弹性模量的测定
DB53/T 644-2014 烟叶抗张强度的测定恒速拉伸法
DB53/T 80-2008 烟用双向拉伸聚丙烯薄膜
FZ/T 01034-2008 纺织品机织物拉伸弹性试验方法
FZ/T 01114-2012 织物低应力拉伸性能的试验方法
FZ/T 50006-2013 氨纶丝拉伸性能试验方法
FZ/T 60037-2013 膜结构用涂层织物拉伸蠕变性能试验方法FZ/T 60041-2014 树脂基三维编织复合材料拉伸性能试验方法FZ/T 70006-2004 针织物拉伸弹性回复率试验方法
FZ/T 75004-2014 涂层织物拉伸伸长和永久变形试验方法。
Parker Hannifin 15 Proportional Poppet Valve Serie
Catalog HY15-3502/USProportional Poppet Valve Series FAP161N(1)(2)(2)(1)Flow (Q)75.6201133037.810GPM13135P r e s s u r e D r o p (P )Hydraulic Oil 150 SSU @ 100°F (32 cSt)Pressure Drop vs.Flow (Through cartridge only)Hydraulic Oil 150 SSU @ 100°F (32 cSt)10207026515118922711437.975.7F l o w405060LPM 30Current (%)60204080Flow vs.Input Current250 PSI 500 PSI1500 PSI3000 PSITechnical InformationRated Flow 117 LPM (31 GPM)De-Energizedat ∆P 34.5 Bar(500 PSI)Maximum Input 210 Bar (3000 PSI) Pressure atPort 2Minimum Pressure 21 Bar (300 PSI) Differential Maximum Internal 5 drops/min. (.33 cc/min.) Leakage @ 210 Bar (3000 PSI) Hysteresis @ <15%100 Hz PWM NOTE: Current regulatedPWM recommended Cartridge Material All operating parts hardened steel.Operating Temp. -34°C to +121°C (Nitrile) Range/Seals (-30°F to +250°F)-26°C to +204°C (Fluorocarbon)(-15°F to +400°F)FluidMineral-based or synthetic with Compatibility/ lubricating properties at viscosities Viscosity of 45 to 2000 SSU (6 to 420 cSt) Filtration ISO Code 18/16/13,SAE Class 4 Approx. Weight .41 kg (.90 lbs.)Cavity C16-2(See BC Section for more details)General Description2 Way, Normally Open, Proportional Poppet Valve. For additional information see T echnical Tips on pages PV1-PV6.Features• Adjusted at factory for low variation• Coil: Waterproof, hermetically sealed, requires no O’Rings; Symmetrical coil can be reversed without affecting performance.• Industry common cavity • External surfaces plated•Excellent low flow metering capabilityPerformance CurvesSpecificationsAll performance data with CAS coil. Maximum current, 70% recommended. Hydraulic oil 150 SSU @ 40°C (32 cSt)Catalog HY15-3502/USProportional Poppet Valve Series FAP161NTechnical Information CoilTypeCoilTerminationCoil VoltageFAP16116 Size Proportional Valve StyleCode StyleNNormally Open DimensionsMillimeters (Inches)Ordering InformationCode Seals / Kit No.N Nitrile / Buna-N (Std.) (SK16-2)V Fluorocarbon /(SK16-2V)SealsNBody MaterialPort Size* Add “A” for aluminum, omit for steel.Code Port Size Body Part No. Omit Cartridge Only 12T SAE-12 (B16-2-*12T) 16TSAE-16 (B16-2-*16T)Code Body Material Omit SteelA Aluminum Code Coil Voltage Omit Without Coil D012 12 VDC D024 24 VDCCode Coil Termination Omit Without Coil D DIN Plug Face A Amp Jr. Timer* S Dual Spade* W Dual Screw* L Dual Lead Wire* H Molded Deutsch* PF Dual Lead Wire with Packard Female Weather Pack Connector 1201 5792*PM Dual Lead Wire with Packard Male Weather Pack Connector 1201 0973*See Super Coil 5/8″ I.D.*DC OnlyCode Coil Type Omit Without CoilSS Super Coil - 18 WattsHex.ft.)ft.)。
通常情况下,海上油气田仪控系统由以下主要的几大部分组成:•过程控制系统PCS(PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM);包括中央控制室内的控制集成网络、人机接口设备、对外通信接口等等;•紧急关断系统ESD(EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN SYSTEM);•火灾和可燃气探测控制系统F&GS(FIRE AND GAS CONTROL SYSTEM);•各类大型专用设备所自带的现场就地控制盘(LCP);•井口控制盘(WELLHEAD CONTROL PANEL—WCP);•各类现场检测仪表和控制仪表;•必要的原油或天然气外输计量系统;通过对它们进行有机的设计,从而集成在一起,构成了海上油气田功能完整而强大的仪控系统。
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Performance MeasurementMetrics for the Lean EnterpriseEnterprise MeasuresStrategic IntentKey Success Factors⇓⇓DriversFunctional & Individual MeasuresCustomer Service ProcessOrderFulfillmentProcess(Manufacturing & Logistics)Engr. & Design Process Sales Order ProcessResponsiveness QualityOutputResource ProductivityCapital Human QualityResponsiveness Supplier Total----------------------------Process Metrics3VALUE STREAM MANAGEMENT FOUNDATIONSLEAN MANUFACTURINGDEMAND MGMTSUPPLY CHAINSIX SIGMALEAN BUSINESS Emerson Electric ConfidentialCopyright ©Emerson Electric, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000Key Success FactorszExamples:–Technologically advanced products –Lowest Cost (compared to competition)–Quickest Delivery (compared to competition)–Highest Delivered Quality (compared to competition)–Reliable Products -Longest life (or) minimum latent failures (as measured and compared)–Highest possible (99%) delivery to commitment (as measured)–Solution Offerings4VALUE STREAM MANAGEMENT FOUNDATIONSLEAN MANUFACTURINGDEMAND MGMTSUPPLY CHAINSIX SIGMALEAN BUSINESS E MERSON L EAN E NTERPRISEEmerson Electric ConfidentialQuick Look at Enterprise MetricszCustomer Satisfaction zProfitability zReturn on Capital zMarket Share zGrowth5VALUE STREAM MANAGEMENT FOUNDATIONSLEAN MANUFACTURINGDEMAND MGMTSUPPLY CHAINSIX SIGMALEAN BUSINESS Emerson Electric ConfidentialCopyright ©Emerson Electric, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000Notes on Performance Measurementz Few better than many (max. 12)z Product family focus z “Roll-up”capabilityzKey Issue @ EMR -“We measure andcontrol profitability at the division level.”“We measure performance at the plant level (often).”However, we must measure the “metrics and “drivers”at the product family level.6VALUE STREAM MANAGEMENTFOUNDATIONSLEAN MANUFACTURINGDEMAND MGMTSUPPLY CHAIN SIX SIGMALEAN BUSINESS E MERSON L EAN E NTERPRISEEmerson Electric ConfidentialPrimary Focus TodayzOrder Fulfillment Process–Different businesses, different strategies, key success factors and business measures –Order fulfillment has some commonality –“Portfolio”Approach -choose from alternativesWe are looking at Process MetricszExamples:–Customer Acquisition Process (Marketing)–Revenue Acquisition Process (Sales)–Sales Order Process (Customer Service)–Order Fulfillment Process (Manufacturing & Logistics)•Manufacturing Process •Logistics Process–Engineer and Design Process (Engineering)–Customer Service Process (Service)–Others8VALUE STREAM MANAGEMENTFOUNDATIONSLEAN MANUFACTURINGDEMAND MGMTSUPPLY CHAIN SIX SIGMALEAN BUSINESS E MERSON L EAN E NTERPRISEEmerson Electric ConfidentialProcess MetricszFocus on:–Output•Responsiveness (time and reliability)•Quality–Resource Productivity•Capital (fixed and working)•Human •Quality•Responsiveness •Suppliers •Total9VALUE STREAM MANAGEMENT FOUNDATIONSLEAN MANUFACTURINGDEMAND MGMTSUPPLY CHAINSIX SIGMALEAN BUSINESS E MERSON L EAN E NTERPRISEEmerson Electric ConfidentialCopyright ©Emerson Electric, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000Focus on Manufacturing ProcesszMany metrics available to measure the various input and output factors. This presentation offers many, the key is to pick the best ones that drive behavior and decisions that best address the key success factors and business (enterprise) measures.zThis section will provide various measurements for consideration and discussion.z Must repeat ----focus on product familyzThose that are part of the Focus 12 suggested “Lean Metrics”will be highlighted with10VALUE STREAM MANAGEMENT FOUNDATIONSLEAN MANUFACTURINGDEMAND MGMTSUPPLY CHAINSIX SIGMALEAN BUSINESS E MERSON L EAN E NTERPRISEEmerson Electric ConfidentialKey Business Results and LeanzProfitzAsset EfficiencyzSalesLean Delivers in support¾Human Productivity ¾Process Quality ¾Space Productivity ¾Equipment Productivity ¾Inventory Efficiency ¾Shorter Lead Times ¾Reliable Delivery / Fill ¾Customer QualityNeed aLean Metric or more to Assessimprovement progressAvg. # products per dayAvg. # products built/sold per monthzResponsiveness–Time–Reliability–FlexibilityStart with Output MeasuresQuoted LTCustomer LT RatioLead Time -Order to Ship Manufacturing Cycle Time Execution Ratio OTD Request OTD Promise Fill Rate ()# Orders per dayEffective Capacity Range (upper % + lower %) without adding or deleting resources(Ex: Capacity = 1000; upper = +12%, lower = -15% Effective Range = 27%)RatioMore on TIME MetricszAlmost all TIME ratios are based on some form of “Execution ratio”; the time it takes for us to execute an order compared to the prevailing Customer Expected Lead Times. Overall, we will call it a “P/D”ratio (planning lead time divided by Customer Lead Time). The closer to “1”and preferably “less than 1”the ratios get, you are less dependent on forecasts and finished goods for production planning and maintaining high levels of customer service.zThe attached summary of potential ratios by type of business use several measures; these are:–CELT –Customer Expected Lead Time; from the time of Order to the planned and expected ship date.–OECT –Order Entry Cycle Time –how long it takes from the time the customer submits and order or release until it is turned into instructions that production can use to schedule; for configured products, this includes time to flow through Engineering.–MCT –Manufacturing Cycle Time; as derived from the Value Stream Map and “WIP/Exit Rate”tracking –from when materials enter the process until there is a finished product ready to ship.–PCT –“Pacemaker”Cycle Time; this is the MCT of the farthest downstream continuous flow cell; it assumes most other materials and parts are “pulled”to this cell and mixed model scheduling can occur at this cell–PB –Production backlog; overdue and current backlog stated in days of production (excludes any orders far out in the future).–LLTS –Longest Lead Time Special material which is ordered ONLY when there is a known demand for that material. Might be most common in a PROJECT business.13VALUE STREAM MANAGEMENT FOUNDATIONSLEAN MANUFACTURINGDEMAND MGMTSUPPLY CHAINSIX SIGMALEAN BUSINESS E MERSON L EAN E NTERPRISEEmerson Electric ConfidentialCopyright ©Emerson Electric, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000Possible Execution RatioszThe Execution Ratio chosen for a Product Familydepends on the “primary”style of business for that family. The Primary types are:–Project: Production of a specific solution to meet the customer’s requirements; often configured to order; often has longer Lead Time expectations –Make-to-Order: Production of products with fairly high mix due to options or size ranges; respond to customer expected or quoted lead times –Assemble-to-Order: Production of a mix of products that can be assembled to customer request; sub assemblies and sub components are “pulled”to the point of assembly –Make-to-Stock: Production “fills”Finished Goods from where customers “pull”desired mix and quantityPossible Execution RatiosBusiness dependent; always shrinkingFinished Goods Inventory VelocityMCTMake-to-StockIf >1; may requiresome FG; if close to 1; little chance for level loading<1OECT + PCTCELTAssemble-to-Order If >1; some production based on forecast<1OECT + MCT(actual or planned)CELT Make-to-Order If > 1; productionbased on forecast; less chance for level-loading<1*OECT + MCT (actual or planned) + LLTSCustomer Expected Lead Time Project CommentsGoalMetric* Less than 1.00 is first goal; continuing to shrink this number offersopportunities for excellence in delivery, minimal expediting; level loading; “drop in orders”; premium service.Possible Execution RatiosAdditionally, another useful Metric that can be used across most business environments is the measure of a Product Lines (PL) Current Backlog position expressed in days (PB) to CustomerExpected Lead Time (CELT). This measure is used to “proactively”manage a PL’s backlog position to both maintain a high level of delivery performance and the flexible capacity to respond to Customer requests for order inserts.Note: Can also be used to manage potential bottleneck cellsPB CELT= <1=Past Due and Current Backlog / capacityCELTPossible Execution RatiosExamples and indications:Note:Determine the amount of flexible capacity that is appropriate for each Product Line, manage the backlog to that number.•PL1: PD 400 units + 1800 due units, line rate of 100/day, CELT of 15 daysPB/CELT = (2200/100) / 15 = 22/15 = >1.Indications-carrying 7 days in PB over and above PL’s capacity; indicating overtime required to get the PL into an on-time position, line rate may need to be increased, Customer inserts disrupt production.•PL2: PD 10 units + 1200 due units, line rate of 100/day, CELT of 15 daysPB/ CELT = (1220/100) / 15 = 12/15 = <1.Indications-PL in an on-time position with a flexible capacity of 3 daysPB CELT= <1=Past Due and Current Backlog / capacityCELT17VALUE STREAM MANAGEMENTFOUNDATIONSLEAN MANUFACTURINGDEMAND MGMTSUPPLY CHAIN SIX SIGMALEAN BUSINESS Emerson Electric ConfidentialCopyright ©Emerson Electric, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000Output Measures (Cont.)zQuality–Delivered Orders–Delivered Product–ReliabilityPPM on all shipped orders (all reasons)% rejects not product (shipping errors, etc.)PPM on all units shippedWarranty $ as a % of Sales $ under warranteeLife tests results vs. Competition Infant Failures %Resource ProductivityzCapital –Fixed –Working z Human z Qualityz Responsiveness z Supply Chain zTotal*Key Point; Preferred Output Measure = “Value Added”which is sales revenue -material content ; the only real financial measure of conversion activityKey Point (#2); some operations prefer to measure UNITS; must determine EU’S (equivalent units)19VALUE STREAM MANAGEMENTFOUNDATIONSLEAN MANUFACTURINGDEMAND MGMTSUPPLY CHAIN SIX SIGMALEAN BUSINESS Emerson Electric ConfidentialCopyright ©Emerson Electric, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000Resource ProductivityzCapital–Fixed (Facilities & Equipment)–Working (Primary Inventory)–ROI (Possible by Product Family)V-A per fixed $Units/square space (ft. or meter)ITO -total for product family RAW ITO (using mat’l content)WIP ITO (using factory content)FG ITO (using cost of sales)Inventory TurnoverRaw Material Turns =Annual Material Cost Material Inventory $WIP Turns =Annual Mat’l Cost + ½(Labor + O/H Cost)WIP Inventory $Finished Goods Turns =Annual COGS FG Inventory $Total Turns =Annual COGSRaw + WIP + FG Inventory $100/10 = 10.0(100+.5(30+50))/5= 28.0180/12 = 15.0180/27 = 6.75.2 weeks1.8 weeks3.5 weeks7.8 weeksCost of SalesInventory–$180M–Material = $10M •Materials = $100M –WIP = $5M •Labor + Overhead = $80M–FG= $12M21VALUE STREAM MANAGEMENT FOUNDATIONSLEAN MANUFACTURINGDEMAND MGMTSUPPLY CHAINSIX SIGMALEAN BUSINESS E MERSON L EAN E NTERPRISEEmerson Electric ConfidentialCopyright ©Emerson Electric, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000Inventory Velocityz This Year, Exhibit 245Az Future Planning –Velocity Exhibitsz“Velocity”–How long it takes for the average material purchase to “flow”from Receiving Dock to Shipment to Customer–Velocity through Raw –Velocity through WIP –Velocity through FGUNIT NAME:EMERSON ELECTRIC CO.Example Div isionINVENTORY PLANNING EXHIBIT ($000)IN VE N TORY VE LOCITYDate:LINE1st QTR2nd QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR 1st QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR Total Year NO.1COGS (AVG ANNUALIZED)280,000 290,000 290,000 300,000 310,000 310,000 310,000 315,000 325,000 2MATERIAL CONTENT (Mfg)150,000155,000 155,000 160,000 160,000 165,000 165,000 170,000 175,000 3LABOR + OVERHEAD (Calculated)120,000 125,000123,000128,000138,000133,000132,000132,000137,000INVENTORY EXPECTED (AVG)4Raw Inventory 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,500 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 5WIP Inventory 8,000 8,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,250 7,000 6,500 6,000 6FG Inventory 14,000 14,000 13,700 13,400 15,000 14,000 13,500 13,000 12,500 7Total Inventory 39,000 39,000 38,200 38,400 39,500 38,250 37,500 36,500 35,500 8RAW Velocity Turns 8.82 9.12 9.12 9.14 9.41 9.71 9.71 10.00 10.29 9Velocity in Days 41 40 40 40 39 38 38 37 35 10WIP Velocity Turns 26.25 27.19 28.87 29.87 30.53 31.93 33.00 36.31 40.58 11Velocity in Days 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 12FG Velocity Turns 20.00 20.71 21.17 22.39 20.67 22.14 22.96 24.23 26.00 13Velocity in Days 18 18 17 16 18 16 16 15 14 14TOTAL VELOCITY 74 71 70 68 68 66 65 62 58 15TOTAL ITO7.18 7.44 7.59 7.81 7.85 8.10 8.27 8.63 9.15 16Inventory Days in Cas h Cycle 51494847 47454442 40 12 MONTH AVG7.5012 MONTH AVG8.209.1517PRIOR YEAR ITO 7.187.447.597.818.2018%BETTER/(WORSE)0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%9.3%9.0%8.9%10.5%11.6%Year-Year ImprovementFrom recent 245 exhibitCalculated9.3%11.6%SUMMARY:CURRENT YEAR AVG ITO 7.50CHANGE OVERALL 22%YEAR 3 EXPECTED ITO9.15CAGR10.5%EQUIV INVENTORY7,815 19Material Content Input (Mfg)150,000 155,000155,000160,000160,000 165,000165,000170,000175,000 20"Buy-Out" Content in Materials 10,000 10,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 numbers21TOTAL Material160,000165,000167,000172,000172,000177,000178,000183,000188,000FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006UNIT NAME:EMERSON ELECTRIC CO.Example Div ision SUPPORTING DATA($000)INVE NTORY VE LOCITYFY 2004FY 2005FY 2006 Date:LINE1st QTR2nd QTR3rd QTR4th QTR1st QTR2nd QTR3rd QTR4th QTR Total Year NO.1FINANCIAL ITO (FROM PRIOR PAGE)7.187.447.597.817.858.108.278.639.15 2INVENTORY $ (PRIOR PAGE)39,00039,00038,20038,40039,50038,25037,50036,50035,500 3DELTA INVENTORY $ (FROM ITO)-1,3938001,1171801,2507501,6054,113 4TOTAL VELOCITY747170686866656258 INVENTORY NOTES OF IMPORTANCEOBSOLETE5Raw600600600300300150150150100 6WIP505050507FG1,0001,0001,000750750500500500250 8TOTAL1,6501,6501,6501,1001,050650650650350SLOW MOVING9Raw1,2001,2001,2001,0001,000900900900500 10WIP11FG2,0002,0001,5001,5001,5001,2001,000800500 12TOTAL3,2003,2002,7002,5002,5002,1001,9001,7001,00013OPERATING INVENTORY $34,15034,15033,85034,80035,95035,50034,95034,15034,150 14OPERATING ITO8.208.498.578.628.628.738.879.229.5212 MONTH AVERAGE8.4712 MONTH AVERAGE8.869.52Year-Year Improvement 4.6%7.4%SUMMARY:(OPERATING)CHANGE OVERALL12%CURRENT YEAR AVG ITO8.47CAGR 6.0%YEAR 3 EXPECTED ITO9.52EQUIV INVENTORY 4,220UNIT NAME:EMERSON ELECTRIC CO.Example Div ision RAW DETAIL($000)INVE NTORY VE LOCITYFY 2004FY 2005FY 2006 Date:LINE1st QTR2nd QTR3rd QTR4th QTR1st QTR2nd QTR3rd QTR4th QTR Total Year NO.1FINANCIAL ITO (FROM PRIOR PAGE)8.829. 2INVENTORY$(PRIOR PAGE)17,00017,00017,00017,50017,00017,00017,00017,00017,000 3DELTA INVENTORY $ (FROM ITO)na567-48500531-515500 4TOTAL VELOCITY414040403938383735 INVENTORY NOTES OF IMPORTANCE5OBSOLETE600600600300300150150150100 6SLOW MOVING1,2001,2001,2001,0001,0009009009005007WRITE-OFF/SELL-OFF---500-250--450 8OPERATING ITO9.8710.2010.209.8810.1910.3410.3410.6610.67 9OPERATING VELOCITY373636373635353434 10EXPECTED CONSIGNMENT11NET DELTA AF TER CONSIG NMENT na567-48500531-515500 12PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT NA567-(452)500281-51550 (AFTE R CONSIGNME NT AND WRITE-OFFS / SE LL-OFFS)PROJECTS/EVENTS CONTRIBUTING TO IMPROVEMENT13e-kanban (US facility)NA10015020025014e-kanban (Mex facility)NA5010012015015e-kanban (China facility)NA406010016Joint Lean with Mach Parts NA10017Outsource Plastics NA10010018Last Time Buys - interconnects NA(200)(700)19Hedge - Supplier X negot NA(200)20Joint Lean with Packaging NA15021internal Hedge NA(100)(100)(100)22NA23NA24NA25NA26UNIDENTIFIED NA67483041401550 TOTAL367-(552)500281-1550UNIT NAME:EMERSON ELECTRIC CO.Example Div ision WIP DETAIL($000)INVE NTORY VE LOCITYFY 2004FY 2005FY 2006 Date:LINE1st QTR2nd QTR3rd QTR4th QTR1st QTR2nd QTR3rd QTR4th QTR Total Year NO.1FINANCIAL ITO (FROM PRIOR PAGE)26.2527.1928.8729.8730.5331.9333.0036.3140.58 2INVENTORY$(PRIOR PAGE)8,0008,0007,5007,5007,5007,2507,0006,5006,000 3DELTA INVENTORY $ (FROM ITO)na286463260167332234652707 4TOTAL VELOCITY14131312121111109INVENTORY NOTES OF IMPORTANCE5OBSOLETE50505050-----6SLOW MOVING---------7WRITE-OFF/SELL-OFF----50----8OPERATING ITO26.4227.3629.0630.0730.5331.9333.0036.3140.58 9OPERATING VELOCITY1413131212111110910OPERATING WIP11INTRADIVISIONAL WIP12PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT NA286463260117332234652707 (AFTE R WRITE-OFFS / SE LL-OFFS)PROJECTS/EVENTS CONTRIBUTING TO IMPROVEMENT13MCT - Plant A - Line 1NA20010014MCT - Plant A - Line 2NA5020010015MCT - Plant B - Line 1NA10010016MCT - Plant B - Line 2NA10010010017MCT - Plant B - Line 3NA100300100 18IntraP Kanban - 3 phases NA150200200200 19Outsource Harness NA-300 20NA21NA22NA23NA24NA25NA26UNIDENTIFIED NA36136017323452107 TOTAL286463260117332234652707UNIT NAME:EMERSON ELECTRIC CO.Example Div ision FINISHED GOODS DETAIL($000)INVE NTORY VE LOCITYFY 2004FY 2005FY 2006 Date:LINE1st QTR2nd QTR3rd QTR4th QTR1st QTR2nd QTR3rd QTR4th QTR Total Year NO.1FINANCIAL ITO (FROM PRIOR PAGE)20.0020.7121.1722.3920.6722.1422.9624.2326.002INVENTORY $ (PRIOR PAGE)14,00014,00013,70013,40015,00014,00013,50013,00012,5003DELTA INVENTORY $ (FROM ITO)na500300772(1,153)1,0005007189134TOTAL VELOCITY181817161816161514 INVENTORY NOTES OF IMPORTANCE5OBSOLETE1,0001,0001,0007507505005005002506SLOW MOVING2,0002,0001,5001,5001,5001,2001,0008005007WRITE-OFF/SELL-OFF--500250-5502002005508OPERATING ITO25.4526.3625.8926.9124.3125.2025.8326.9227.669OPERATING VELOCITY14141414151414141310OPERATING FG14,00014,00013,20012,90013,00012,00012,00012,00011,50011CUSTOMER CONSIGNMENT--5005002,0002,0002,0001,5001,50012PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT NA500(200)522(1,153)450300518363 (AFTE R WRITE-OFFS / SE LL-OFFS)PROJECTS CONTRIBUTING TO IMPROVEMENT13"A Item" Flow Through NA50050050014Cus tomer Contract (XYZ)NA(700)(300)(1,800)15ATO Conversion - Line 1NA20030040016Cus tomer Kanban NA20020020020017Distr Ctr Cons olidation NA20035018NA19NA20NA21NA22NA23NA24NA25NA26UNIDENTIFIED NA12214715010011813 TOTAL500(200)522(1,153)750300518363Resource Productivity (Cont.)zHuman–Total –Employee Satisfaction –SafetyMight look at Direct and Indirect but can lead to some strange actionsValue-Added* / Total Headcount*Some facilities may use “equivalent units”instead of value-addedResults of last survey (specific process)Lost Time accident rate -or-occurrence rate28VALUE STREAM MANAGEMENT FOUNDATIONSLEAN MANUFACTURINGDEMAND MGMTSUPPLY CHAINSIX SIGMALEAN BUSINESS E MERSON L EAN E NTERPRISEEmerson Electric ConfidentialCopyright ©Emerson Electric, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000Resource Productivity Cont.zTotal ProductivityValue-Added Revenue for Product Family -Matl. Content Cost of Value-AddedCost for product Family. -Matl. Content=29VALUE STREAM MANAGEMENT FOUNDATIONSLEAN MANUFACTURINGDEMAND MGMTSUPPLY CHAINSIX SIGMALEAN BUSINESS E MERSON L EAN E NTERPRISEEmerson Electric ConfidentialCopyright ©Emerson Electric, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000ExampleSales = $100,000COS = $70,000Material = $40,000Labor & Ovhd= $30,000Fixed Assets= 50,000Square Ft. = 200,000Direct Employees = 700Indirect = 100Value-Added =100,000 -40,000=60,000VA/$Assets = 60k/50k = 1.2VA/SqFt = 60k/200k = 0.3VA/Direct = 60k/700 = $85,700VA/Indirect = 60k/100 = $600,000VA/Person = 60K/800 = $75,000Total Productivity =VA / Cost of VA =60k/30k = 2.0All measures can have trend linesResource Productivity (Cont.)zQuality (Internal)–InternalzResponsiveness–InternalFTTScrap and Rework $(%)Total cost of quality (too controversial for today!)Schedule Adherence (Linearity)Shortages (Causing schedule changes)Schedule AdherenceDaily Schedule Daily BuildA 100 130B 200280C15050D300300 E200150 D100120 Tot1050103030+80+100+0+50+201050280/1050 = 73%1 -1 -Schedule Adherence= Volume/Mix Perf*Sequence Perf(note) Volume/MixNote: Sequencing Performance important in selected businesses; will discuss next.Volume Only = 98%!Schedule AdherenceDaily Sch Daily Build SequenceA 100 1301B 2002802C150504 D3003005 E2001503 D1001206 Tot1050103030+80+100+0+50+201050280/1050 = 73%1 -1 -Schedule Adherence= Volume/Mix Perf*Sequence Perf(note) Volume/MixSequence Integrity:4/6 = 67% Schedule Adherence = 49%Resource ProductivityzSupplier–Responsiveness–Quality–CostAvg. inventory held by EMR Avg. inventory held by supplierAvg. ITO (total purchases (year) ÷Avg. Inv. held by EMR)•Excellent•Good •Fair/PoorTotal lead time (range)OTD to Request OTD to Promise (Possible) FlexibilityPPM for orders PPM for unitsPrice as % of “World Best”price % cost reduction offered past year34VALUE STREAM MANAGEMENTFOUNDATIONSLEAN MANUFACTURINGDEMAND MGMTSUPPLY CHAIN SIX SIGMALEAN BUSINESS E MERSON L EAN E NTERPRISEEmerson Electric ConfidentialCopyright ©Emerson Electric, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000SummaryzThe “Lean”process focuses on the “drivers”of performance which eventually leads to results z Picking key metrics is an important task z Few better than many (max. 12) -Dashboard z Product family focus!!!!!z “Roll-up”capability -to Plant, etc.zKey Issue @ EMR -“We measure and control profitability at the division level.”“We measure performance at the plant level (often).”However, we must measure the “metrics”and “drivers”at the product family level.。