2005年9月国家三级(数据库技术)笔试真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 选择题 2. 填空题选择题(每小题1分,共60分)下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂写在答题卡相应位置上。
A.SMTPB.POP3C.IMAPD.MIME正确答案:A解析:电子邮件软件向邮件服务器发送邮件时使用的协议是SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)。
2009年5月三级理论真题职业道德理论知识参考答案:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10C C B A AD A C BCD AB11 12 13 14 15 16 17~25题参考答案:A,D,C,B,C,C,C,A,B。
ACD ABC ABC ABC CD BCD26-35 B B C B A B C C B A 36-45 C C C B A C B D D C 46-55 A D B A D B A C C B 56-65 A B C A A B A D D B 66-75 C A B C C B A A C B 76-85 C B D B D A A D A C 86-95 ABD ABC ABCD ABCD AC ABCD ABD BD ABC ABC 96-105 BC ABC ABD BCD ACD ABC AC ABCD BD AB 106-115 AC CD AB ACD AC ABC AD ABC BC BCD 116-125 AD AD AB ACD BCD BD ACD AC ABCD ACD2009年11月三级理论真题职业道德理论知识参考答案:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10A D D DBC B B BCD ABC11 12 13 14 15 16 17~25题参考答案:D,B,C,B,A,C,B,C,D。
ABC ABC ABC ABC AB AB26-35 B A D C B C B C C A 36-45 C C B A C B A B C B 46-55 D C A B B A A A A C 56-65 A D A B A B C B A C 66-75 B C D A B A A A A B 76-85 A A C D B C D C B B 86-95 AC ABD AB AC ABD ABC ABC ABCD ACD AC 96-105 BD AC BCD AC ABC ABC ABC ABC ACD BD 106-115 ABC BC ABD ABCD BD BC BD AB ABC ABC 116-125 BC CD AD ABC AC ABCD AC BCD BC ACD2010年5月三级理论真题职业道德理论知识参考答案:职业道德部分一、单项选择题1,B 2,B 3,D 4,B 5,A 6,C 7,A 8,C二、多项选择题9,BC 10,ACD 11,BCD 12,ACD 13,ABC 14,BCD 15,ABC 16,ABC 三、个人表现17,C 18,B 19,C 20,D 21,D 22,B 23,C 24,B 25,A。
每小题只有一个最恰当的答案,请在答题卡上将所选答案的相应字母涂黑)26、劳动力市场的客体是( )(A)劳动力市场关系 (B)劳动者的劳动力(C)劳动力的所有者个体 (D)使用劳动力的企业27、关于就业的说法不正确的是( )(A)就业主体必须有劳动能力(B)就业者所从事的劳动是有酬劳动(C)就业主体的所得不能是经济收入(D)就业者所参加的劳动属于杜舍劳动28、关于劳动法的监督检查制度的说法不正确的是( )。
(A)它规定了劳动关系的调整规则(B)它是实施劳动监督检查的职权划分和行为规则(C)它规定了以何种手段实现和保证各项劳动法律制度的实施(D)各项劳动法律制度的范围与劳动监督检查制度的范围是一致的29、劳动法律关系的构成璺素不包括( )。
(A)主体 (B)内容 (C)客体 (D)原则30、组织市场的类型不包括( )(A)垄断者市场(B)产业市场 (C)转卖者市场(D)政府市场3l、在投入期不适宜采取的营销策略是( )。
(A)快速掠取策略 (B)缓慢渗透策略 (C)快速渗透策略 (D)公益宣传策略32、满足成就需要的行为不包括( ).(A)发现和使用更好的方法完成工作(B)比竞争者更出色(C)影响他人并改变他们的态度和行为 (D)解决一个复杂问题33、组织公正与报酬分配的原则不包括( )(A)法律公平 (B)分配公平 (C)互动公平 (D)程序公平34、( )把下属作为权变的变量,即认为下属的成熟水平是选择领导风格的依赖条件(A)参与模型 (B)领导情境理论(C)费德勒的权变模型 (D)路径-目标理论35、以下有关人力资本投资的表述错误的是( )。
(A)投资主体可以是国家或个人 (B]投资对象是人(C)投资直接提高人的劳动生产能力 (D)是一种非生产性投资36、员工的基本特征不包括( )(A)生理性行为与生理性需要 (B)社会性行为与社会性需要(C)道德性行为与道德性斋耍 (D)自我性行为与自我性需要37、现代人力资源管理以( )为中心。
(09-05 三级)(A)焦虑情绪(B)强迫观念(C)抑郁情绪(D)强迫行为【参考答案】AB【考察重点】考查初步诊断中求助者症状的诊断。
(09-05 三级)(A)强迫行为(B)回避行为(C)强迫观念(D)冲动行为【参考答案】AB【考察重点】考查初步诊断中求助者症状的诊断。
(09-05 三级)(A)睡眠困难(B)内心冲突(C)想去算命(D)性格内向【参考答案】B【考察重点】考查求助者心理问题产生的原因。
0905人力资源管理师三级真题卷册一答案1 A P27 39 A P8 68 D P184 97 ABCD P252 B P35 40 B P17 69 A P197 98 BCDE P473 D P62 41 D P26 70 D P207 99 ABDE P494 B P75 42 D P30 71 A P210 100 ABE P595 B P81 43 B P32 72 A P214 101 ABCD P676 B P22 44 A P37 73 B P218 102 ABCDE P707 A P107 45 A P43 74 B P227 103 AC P758 A P137 46 C P51 75 A P241 104 ABE P799 ABC P42 47 B P62 76 D P243 105 ADE P8410 ACD P61 48 D P65 77 C P270 106 BCDE P12511 BD P64 49 D P67 78 B P275 107 ACDE P13012 BCD P87 50 D P74 79 A P278 108 ABCDE P13613 ABCD P169 51 A P83 80 C P283 109 ADE P14614 ABC P199 52 D P81 81 B P291 110 ABCE P15315 CD P222 53 B P91 82 A P293 111 ACDE P16416 AD P247 54 D P103 83 C P302 112 AB P16826 B P11 55 A P108 84 C P312 113 ABCDE P17827 C P18 56 C P117图3-1 85 B P313 114 ABCD P18928 A P38 57 C P120 86 CE P4 115 ABCD P20229 D P42 58 D P123 87 ACE P25 116 BCDE P21130 A P77 59 A P141 88 ABCE P32 117 AC P21631 D P87 60 C P144 89 ABCDE P39 118 CD P22732 C P105 61 A P147 90 ABE P68 119 ABCD P25533 A P106 62 D P152 91 ABDE P76 120 ABDE P27234 B P125 63 B P156 92 BCDE P126 121 ABE P27335 D P153 64 B P157 93 ABDE P137 122 ABCDE P28136 D P190 65 D P171 94 ABCE P5 123 ACD P28837 D P183 66 B P174 95 ACD P6 124 ACE P28838 D P7 67 A P179 96 ABE P15 125 BCE P3120905人力资源管理师三级真题卷册二答案一、简答题1、P110答:1)、个人填写《劳务人员申请表》,进行预约登记。
每小题只有一个最恰当的答案,请在答题卡上将所选答案的相应字母涂黑)26、劳动力市场的客体是()(A)劳动力市场关系(B)劳动者的劳动力(C)劳动力的所有者个体(D)使用劳动力的企业27、关于就业的说法不正确的是()(A)就业主体必须有劳动能力(B)就业者所从事的劳动是有酬劳动(C)就业主体的所得不能是经济收入(D)就业者所参加的劳动属于社会劳动28、关于劳动法的监督检查制度的说法不正确的是()(A)它规定了劳动关系的调整规则(B)它是实施劳动监督检查的职权划分和行为规则(C)它规定了以何种手段实现和保证各项劳动法律制度的实施(D)各项劳动法律制度的范围与劳动监督检查制度的范围是一致的29、劳动法律关系的构成要素不包括()(A)主体(B)内容(C)客体(D)原则30、组织市场的类型不包括()(A)垄断者市场(B)产业市场(C)转卖者市(D)政府市场31、在投入期不适宜采取的营销策略是()(A)快速掠取策略(B)缓慢渗透策略(C)快速渗透策略(D)公益宣传策略32、满足成就需要的行为不包括()(A)发现和使用更好的方法完成工作(B)比竞争者更出色(C)影响他人并改变他们的态度的行为(D)解决一个复杂问题33、组织公正与报酬分配的原则不包括()(A)法律公平(B)分配公平(C)互动公平(D)程序公平34、( )把下属作为权变的变量,即认为下属的成熟水平是选择领导风格的依赖条件。
2009年11月助理企业培训师三级考试试题:国家职业资格认证:2009年11月助理企业培训师三级考试试题理论试卷第一部分职业道德(第l `25 题,共25 道题)一、职业道德基础理论与知识部分答题指导:.该部分均为选择题.每题均有四个备选项,其中单项选择题只有一个选项是正确的,多项选择题有两个或两个以上选项是正确的。
(一)单项选择题(第l -- 8 题)l 、道德与法律的关系可以形象地比作()。
( A )阴阳相和(B )鸟之两翼( C )主仆相随(D )众星拱月2 、在市场经济条件下.从业人员处理义利关系的正确态度是() .( A )得利弃义(B )先义后利( C )唯利而行(D )重利轻义3 、作为职业活动内在的道德准则,“审慎”要求从业人员要做到() .( A )凡事请示之后再做(B )少说多做( C )以最佳手段实现最优绩效(D )避免职场陷阱4 、“敬业”概念包含的基本内容是() .( A )格尽职守、勤奋努力、享受工作、精益求精( B )守土有责、勤奋工作、按劳分配、自享其乐( C )勤奋努力、用心工作、等价交换、劳有所得( D )热爱岗位、敬畏工作、一心一意、不求回报5 、在工作过程中,员工为求速度、不顾质量的做法违背了() .( A )诚实劳动的要求(B )公平公正的要求( C )善于合作的要求(D )甘于奉献的要求6 、倡导从业人员“换位思考”的道德意义在于( ) .( A )深入了解,严加防范(B )知己知彼,斗而不殆( C )把握情况,有效利用(D )和谐相处,互利双班7 、在职业活动中,“诚信”的特征包括() .( A )通识性、智慧性、止损性、资质性(B )目的性、前置性、合作性、功利性( C )通识性、表象性、目的性、习惯性(D )通识性、智慧性、目的性、经验性8 、从业人员做到“平等待人”.最根本的要求是() .( A )无差别地均等(B )按照相同的程序服务( C )热情、文明、礼貌(D )不歧视服务对象的人格(二)多项选择题(第9 ? 16 题)9 、坚持集体主义的要求是() .( A )把集体利益放在第一位(B )集体利益高于个人利益( C )为集体利益而放弃个人利益(D )必要情况下为集体利益而牺牲个人利益10 、从业人员践行“勤勉”这一职业活动内在的道德准则的基本要求是() . ( A )按照计划开展工作(B )先易后难,将困苦留到后面( C )经常加班加点工作(D )善始善终.不虎头蛇尾11 、加强职业道德修养的基本要求是() .( A )端正职业态度(B )强化职业情感( C )历练职业意志(D )提高转行能力12 、“坚守工作岗位”的要求是() .( A )遵守规定(B )履行职责( C )临危不俱(D )机智灵活13 、从业人员相互之间建立起信赖关系,要求做到() .( A )不说同事的坏话(B )开诚布公地与同事相处( C )彼此看重对方(D )不随便批评同事的言行14 、我国遏制和惩戒违反公平交易原则行为的法规有() .( A )《反不正当竞争法》(B )《不当赠品及不当表示防止法》 ( C )《关于禁止商业贿路行为的暂行规定》(D )《谢尔曼法》请根据下述事例,回答第15 、16 题.1995 年,比尔·盖茨宣布,徽软将不涉足互联网领城,不研发互联网产品.盖茨的这一决定招致一些同事的反对,几个员工写信给盖茨,批评他做出了一个错误的决定.后来,技术和市场的发展使盖茨认识到了自己的错误,于是,他修改决策.扭转了公司的发展方向.那些当时批评盖茨的人不但没有受到处分.反而得到了重用.IBM 公司的沃森与盖茨的见解相同.沃森也认为.能够提出不同见解的员工对公司的发展来说更为有利.他甚至说:最容易使人上当受骗的是言听计从、唯唯诺诺的人,我宁愿用那种脾气不好,但取于讲真话的人.作为领导,你身边这样的人越多,办成的事也越多."15 、根据上述事例.你认为()。
2005年9月全国英语等级考试第三级真题SECTION I Listening Comprehension(25 minutes)Directions:This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are TWO parts in this section, Part A and Part B.Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto ANSWER SHEET 1.If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.Now look at Part A in your test booklet.Part AYou will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answerA, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.Example:You will hear:W:Could you please tell me if the Beijing flight will be arriving on time?M:Yes, Madam. It should be arriving in about ten minutes.You will read:Who do you think the woman is talking to?[A] A bus conductor.[B] A clerk at the airport.[C] A taxi driver.[D] A clerk at the station.From the dialogue,we know that only a clerk at the airport is likely to know the arrival time of a flight,so you should choose answer[B]and mark it in your test booklet.Now look at question 1.1.What does the man want to do?[A] See the movie before eating.[B] See the movie with the woman.[C] Hurry to the cinema.[D] Stay in town for a while.2.Why did the man feel sorry?[A] He had lied to his wife.[B] The house was a mess.[C] The plates and cups were broken.[D] He failed to stay at home as required.3.What does the woman give the man?[A] A tourist guide.[B] A flight schedule.[C] A magazine.[D] A newspaper.4.How does the woman feel at the end of the conversation?[A] Disappointed.[B] Relieved.[C] Puzzled.[D] Pleased.5.Where does the conversation probably take place?[A] At a department store.[B] In a restaurant.[C] At a post office.[D] In an office.6.What’s the man’s problem?[A] He has no time to talk with the boss.[B] He can’t tell a good story.[C] He has trouble collecting the data.[D] He hasn’t finished his work.7.Which of the following is true about the woman?[A] She sings very well.[B] She’s a popular musician.[C] She is interested in music.[D] She’s good at playing the piano.8.Why doesn’t the woman like the clothes?[A] She prefers old fashioned clothes.[B] Everyone’s wearing them.[C] The colors are bright.[D] The style is wild.9.What are the speakers talking about?[A] The school library.[B] A project about Canada.[C] The money the woman found.[D] An old book the man is reading.10.What do we learn from this conversation?[A] The old car is in good condition.[B] His wife is tired of the old car.[C] The man is fed up with the old car.[D] The man cares much about his wife’s feelings.Part BYou will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, youwill have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening,answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE.Questions 11~13 are based on the following dialogue between a customer and a shop assistant.11.What does the woman want the man to do?[A] Give her money back.[B] Have the spoiled chicken replaced.[C] Tell her the way to a shop.[D] Look for her lost receipt.12.Why does the man reject the woman’s request?[A] The company won’t recall goods already sold.[B] There isn’t anything wrong with the chicken.[C] The chicken isn’t sold at Brown’s.[D] The company policy does not allow this.13.Why does the woman apologize to the man?[A] For her rude behavior.[B] For her mistake.[C] For her spoiling the man’s clothes.[D] For her misunderstanding the man.Questions 14~17 are based on the following job interview.14.How long exactly has the man been out of work?[A] Two years.[B] Two years and three months.[C] Three years.[D] Three years and two months.15.What was the man’s last job?[A] A cook.[B] A waiter.[C] A repairman.[D] A cowboy.16.Why did he leave his last job?[A] He couldn’t bear the boss.[B] He couldn’t stand the heat.[C] He didn’t earn a lot of money.[D] He was fired.17.What can we assume about the man?[A] He is well educated.[B] He has rich experiences.[C] He has many skills.[D] He is a lazy man.Questions 18~21 are based on a conversation about renting an apartment.18.What is the living room like?[A] It’s small but bright and airy.[B] It’s big, bright and airy.[C] It’s bright but small and not airy.[D] It’s big, airy but not bright.19.What’s true about the heating?[A] It’s only available during the day.[B] It’s only available for bedrooms.[C] It’s not in good condition.[D] It’s available all day.20.How far is the nearest market?[A] Ten minutes by bike.[B] Ten minutes by car.[C] Ten minutes by underground.[D] Ten minutes on foot.21.What does the man decide to do?[A] To talk it over with his wife.[B] To consult with his friend.[C] To see another apartment.[D] To move in within a week.Questions 22~25 are based on the following weather forecast.22.What was the weather like today?[A] Sunny.[B] Cloudy.[C] Rainy.[D] Windy.23.What was the high temperature for most of the state today?[A] 97℉.[B] 95℉.[C] 90℉.[D] 77℉.24.What is Saturday evening’s weather forecast for the state?[A] Light rain over the entire state.[B] Heavy showers over the northern part.[C] Some rain in parts of the state.[D] Strong wind from a storm front.25.What should the weather be like for Sunday night?[A] Cool.[B] Rainly.[C] Windy.[D] Fair.Now you have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1. That is the end of the listening comprehension section.SECTION II Use of English(15 minutes)Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.TextMany years ago when the summers seemed longer and life was less complicated, we had rented a cottage 26 a river in the heart of the country 27 the whole family was going to 28 a three week holiday. There were four of us: me, Mum and Dad, and Mum’s sister, Auntie June. Oh, and I mustn’t forget to 29 Spot, our little dog. I was 30 to go off by myself all day, 31 I promised to be careful and took Spot with me for 32 .One day I was out fishing with Spot when we heard a lot of shouting in the 33 followed by a scream and splash. I was a bit 34 so I called Spot and we both hid 35 a bush where we could see but not be 36 . After a few moments,a straw hat came drifting down the river, followed by an oar, a picnic basket and37 oar. Then came the rowing boat itself, but it was 38 upside down! A few seconds later my Dad and Auntie June came running 39 the river bank, both wet 40 . Spot started barking so I came out of hiding and said hello. My Dad got really angry 41 me for not trying to catch the boat as it went past. luckily, 42 , the boat and both the oars had been caught by an overhanging tree a little further downstream, but not the hat or picnic basket. So I had to let them 43 my sandwiches. Dad and Auntie June both made me 44 not to tell Mum what had happened 45 she would be worried.26.[A] on [B] by [C] in [D] across27.[A] where [B] that [C] which [D] when28.[A] plan [B] manage [C] consume [D] spend29.[A] mention [B] bring [C] send [D] lead30.[A] forced [B] ordered [C] allowed [D] encouraged31.[A] even if [B] provided [C] lest [D] as if32.[A] instruction[B] inspection[C] protection [D] supervision33.[A] place [B] space [C] sky [D] distance34.[A] scared [B] amused [C] excited [D] disturbed35.[A] beside [B] before [C] behind [D] beneath36.[A] seen [B] viewed [C] watched [D] observed37.[A] the other [B] each other[C] another [D] one another38.[A] rolling [B] floating [C] circling [D] sinking39.[A] down [B] beside [C] to [D] on40.[A] within [B] over [C] under [D] through41.[A] at [B] against [C] with [D] to42.[A] moreover [B] then [C] therefore [D] however43.[A] spare [B] share [C] borrow [D] divide44.[A] agree [B] decide [C] guarantee [D] promise45.[A] except that[B] in case [C] in order that[D] on condition thatSECTION III Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)Part ADirections:Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Text 1Earthquakes may rightly be ranked as one of the most destructive forces known to man: since records began to be written down, it has been estimated that earthquake related fatalities have numbered in the millions, and that earthquake related destruction has been beyond calculation. The greater part of such damage and loss of life has been due to collapse of buildings and the effects of rockslides, floods, fire, disease, tsunamis (gigantic sea waves), and other observable events resulting from earthquakes, rather than from the quakes themselves.The great majority of all earthquakes occur in two specific geographic areas. One such area covers the Pacific Ocean and its bordering landmasses. The other extends from the East Indies to the Atlas Mountains, including the Himalayas, Iran, Turkey, and the Alpine regions. It is in these two great belts or zones that ninety percent of all earthquakes take place; they may, however, happen anywhere at any time.This element of the unknown has for centuries added greatly to the dread and horror surrounding earthquakes, but in recent times there have been indications that earthquake forecast may be possible. By analyzing changes in animal behavior, patterns of movements in the earth’s shell, variations in the earth’s force of attraction, and the frequency with which minor earth shakes are observed, scientists have shown increasing success in expecting when and where earthquakes will strike. As a result, a worldwide earthquake warning network is already in operation and has helped to prepare for (and thus lessen)the vast destruction that might otherwise have been totally unexpected.It is doubtful that man will ever be able to control earthquakes and get rid of their destructiveness altogether, but as how and why earthquakes happen become better understood, man will become more and more able to deal with their possible damage before they occur.46.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?[A] Earthquake destruction is declining.[B] Earthquake forecast is improving.[C] Man is no longer fearful of earthquakes.[D] Man is capable of conquering earthquakes.47.We can infer from the passage that quakes .[A] may happen anywhere at any time[B] mostly strike in oceans and mountains[C] are unobservable in masses of land[D] are hardly the direct cause of fatalities48.The phrase “this element of the unknown” (Paragraph 3) refers to .[A] the extension of earthquake zones[B] the percentage of earthquake occurrences[C] when and where earthquakes may occur[D] what big damage earthquakes may cause49.Man’s research on earthquake forecast at present is to .[A] reduce the loss from earthquake disasters[B] lower the frequency of earthquakes[C] release the energy that causes earthquakes[D] analyze the relationship between different earthquakes50.Which of the following describes the author’s purpose in writing the passage?[A] Inform the reader.[B] Entertain the reader.[C] Disprove a concept.[D] Question a concept.Text 2The rate of population growth is fastest in underdeveloped countries. In these countries a high birthrate is accompanied by a lowered death rate thanks to improved standards of public health. Ideally it should be possible to counter balance the effect of a reduced death rate by an increased use of family planning. In practice, however, population control is a complex matter. Throughout history people have determined the size of their families according to the cultural values of their societies.Population control has long been a subject of discussion among researchers. Some have argued that the supply of good land is limited. In order to feed a large population, bad land must be cultivated and the good land overworked . As a result, each person produces less in a given amount of time and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population. Other researchers have argued that a large population gives more scope for the development of facilities such as sports, roads and railways, which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand to justify them. Similarly, it can be argued that the public costs of society will not be so heavy to each individual if they are shared among the members of a large population.One of the difficulties in implementing birth control lies in the fact that official attitudes to population growth vary from cuntry to country. In underdeveloped countries where a large population is pressing hard upon the limits of food, space and natural resources, it will be the first concern of government to place a limit on the birthrate. In a well developed society the problem may be more complex. A declining birthrate may lead to unemployment because it results in a shrinking market. Cities with a declining population may have to face the prospect of a shrinking tax base and a fall in land values. If there are fewer children going to school, teachers may be thrown out of work. When the pressure of population onhousing declines, prices also decline and the building industry is weakened. Faced with considerations such as these, the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline.51.One reason for quick population increase in underdeveloped countries is that .[A] those countries encourage people to have large families[B] people can get government support if they have more kids[C] improved public health standards have reduced death rate greatly[D] those countries have enough resources to support a large population52.The writer suggests that policy makers should consider cultural values .[A] in carrying out family planning[B] in producing birth control drugs[C] in improving public health standards[D] in introducing birth control techniques53.A large population in an underdeveloped country may lead to .[A] a rise in work efficiency[B] a shortage of farm workers[C] a decline in grain production[D] a reduction in average income54.Some peole believe that population control in developed countries may .[A] increase market demand[B] lower unemployment rate[C] slow down economic growth[D] create more job opportunities55.According to the writer, developd countries prefer .[A] a strandstill population[B] a fast increasing population[C] a slowly growing population[D] a steadily decreasing populationText 3Everyone knows how the story of Cinderella ends, but did you ever really think about how she spent her days before she met the prince? Her daily routine was not fascinating. She did everything from sweeping the floor to cooking the meals. If someone had asked Cinderella, “Are there any kinds of household work that you particularly hate?” she probably would have answered, “Why, none, of course. Housework is my duty!” In the real world, however, most people have definite dislikes for certain sorts of household work. Two of these tasks are ironing clothes and washing dishes.Ironing clothes is most hated because it is not a task that can be completed quickly or thoughtlessly. Each piece of clothing must be handled individually, so ironing a basket of laundry can take hours! After ironing a piece of clothing withgreat caution, which requires smoothing out the fabric, and following the seams, you need to place it on a hanger as soon as possible. If you do not follow these directions carefully, it might become wrinkled and you have to start over. Perhaps that is why ironing is not a favorite thing to do. It calls for extreme attention to detail from beginning to end.Another household job that many people dislike is washing dishes. Of course, some people claim that this work is no longer a problem because we have dishwashers now! However, no one would argue that dishes, silverware, and especially pots and pans washed in a dishwasher don’t come out as clean as they do when washed by hand. For this reason, many of us continues to wash our dishes by hand, but we are not necessarily happy doing it. Cleaning dishes is a job that not only takes a lot of energy but also requires the patience to wash and dry them. In addition, unlike ironing clothes, washing dishes is a thing that usually must be done every day. I don’t know how Cinderella felt about this particular task, but I believe that most people hate it as much as I do.56.For Cinderella, doing household work is .[A] an assignment[B] a compulsion[C] an obligation[D] a burden57.Most people hate to do clothes-ironing because .[A] it has to be done by one person[B] it must be handled skillfully[C] it involves careful planning[D] it is time-consuming58.To avoid ironing the clothes over again, one should .[A] know how to iron certain clothes material[B] spare no care through all the procedures[C] find some proper hangers for the ironed[D] pay special attention to the seams59.Many people still prefer washing dishes by hand to machine washing because .[A] hand-washed dishes are cleaner[B] dishwashers are not so easily handled[C] some dishes cannot be machine washed[D] washing dishes by hand is cheaper60.Ironing is different from dishwashing in that .[A] it requires patience[B] it is not a daily routine[C] it is not laborious[D] it demands less carePart BDirections:Read the texts from a newspaper article in which five people talk about wherethey played when they were children. For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each people(61 to 65) to one of the statements(A to G)given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Peter:My favorite childhood play area was the back garden. Back in the days when I was growing up on a large housing estate, the ‘goals’ would be a pair of garage doors or two jackets laid out in the garden. I would spend hours kicking a ball about with my dad, learning how to control, dribble or kick it.Simon:The playground was quite small. The floor was covered with flat bricks and there were many that were cracked or broken or missing, and a few weeds struggled through. It was totally enclosed on one side by the school and on the other by high brick walls. It was more like a prison yard on top of the walls was a layer of concrete into which pieces of broken glass had been stuck. After school was finished my friends and I would climb a lamppost outside the school and sit on top of the wall, slowly breaking off the bits of glass.Alan:I come from an area of terraced houses, pavements and streets. There were no gardens. My first school was Prince’s Street Primary and the room in which I received my first lessons had large, folding glass doors that opened onto a small playground that had grass, bushes and flowers. my amazement at seeing these items, which are normal to most of the world, has stayed with me all my life.Nick:I was strictly forbidden from the obvious playground a long, overgrown ditch running through waste ground, mainly built to take away the rain. It was irresistible to us local schoolchildren. Its charm, compared with the surrounding tennis courts, football pitches and farmland, was purely because it was out of bounds. That area was truly where I grew up, more than in the rest of the little town’s correct and neat suburbia, where my house was.Julle:Until I was twelve I was brought up on airforce camps and each camp had a small playground in the middle of the houses. It was always a great meeting place and I remember sitting with my friends on the swings many evenings until dark. You would often go out and swing for hours until someone else came out. I always liked swinging.Now match each of the persons (61 to 65)to the appropriate statement.Note:there are two extra statements.Statements61. Peter [A]I developed sporting skills there.62. Simon [B]I never went straight home from school.63. Alan [C]I enjoyed the feeling of flying.64. Nick [D]My play area was just outside my classroom.65. Julle [E]I enjoyed both being alone and with friends.[F]I played in a place dangerous in others’eyes.[G]There were some playground equipment around my play area./SECTION IV Writing(40 minutes)Directions:You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section on ANSWER SHEET 2.Part A66.Suppose you have made an appointmen with your friend at 5 p.m., but you have some urgent business to attend to and have to cancel your appointment. Write a note to your friend,1.explaining why you have to cancel your appointment2.making an apology for that3.telling him how you plan to make up for itYou should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your note. Use “Wang Lin” instead.Part B67.Look at the pictures below and write an essay of about 120 words making reference to the following two points:1. a description of these two pictures2.your comment on themTHIS IS THE END OF THE TEST.。
(一)单项选择题(第1~8题)l、道德与法律的关系可以形象地比作( )。
(A)阴阳相和 (B)鸟之两翼(C)主仆相随 (D)众星拱月2、在市场经济条件下,从业人员处理义利关系的正确态度是( )。
(A)得利弃义 (B)先义后利(C)唯利而行 (D)重利轻义3、作为职业活动内在的道德准则,“审慎”要求从业人员要做到( )。
(A)凡事请示之后再做 (B)少说多做(C)以最佳手段实现最优绩效 (D)避免职场陷阱4、”敬业”概念包含的基本内容是()。
(A)恪尽职守、勤奋努力、享受工作、精益求精(B)守土有责、勤奋工作、按劳分配、自享其乐(C)勤奋努力、用心工作、等价交换、劳有所得(D)热爱岗位、敬畏工作、一心一意、不求回报5、在工作过程中,员工为求速度、不顾质量的做法违背了( )。
(A)诚实劳动的要求 (B)公平公正的要求(C)善于合作的要求 (D)甘于奉献的要求6、倡导从业人员“换位思考”的道德意义在于( )。
(A)深入了解,严加防范 (B)知己知彼,斗而不殆(c)把握情况,有效利用 (D)和谐相处,互利双赢7、在职业活动中,“诚信”的特征包括( )。
(A)通识性、智慧性、止损性、资质性(B)目的性、前置性、合作性、功利性(C)通识性、表象性、目的性、习惯性(D)通识性、智慧性、目的性、经验性8、从业人员做到“平等待人”,最根本的要求是( )。
(A)无差别地均等 (B)按照相同的程序服务(C)热情、文明、礼貌 (D)不歧视服务对象的人格(二)多项选择题(第9~16题)9、坚持集体主义的要求是( )。
每小题只有一个最恰当的答案,请在答题卡上将所选答案的相应字母涂黑)26、个人理财规划要解决的首要问题是( )。
(A)财务预算 (B)收支相抵 (C)财务安全 (D)财务自由27、在表示收入与支出的坐标轴中,当( )位于支出线的上方时,我们说该客户实现了财务安全。
(A)总收入 (B)投资收入 (C)工资收入 (D)其他收入28、理财规划师进行任何理财规划前首先考虑和重点安排的目标是( )。
(A)投资规划 (B)养老保障 (C)教育保障 (D)现金保障29、应对客户家族的亲友出现生产、生活、教育、疾病等重大事件需要的紧急支援储备属于( )。
(A)日常生活覆盖储备 (B)意外现金储备 (C)投资资金储备 (D)风险覆盖储备30、会计信息的目的在于使用,只有清楚地反映经济活动的各种比例关系,反映经济业务的来龙去脉,才能有助于会计信息使用者获得必要的会计信息,所以关于会计信息质量要求,必须坚持( )。
(A)真实性原则 (B)相关性原则 (C)明晰性原则 (D)可比性原则3l、对会计要素中资产理解正确的是( )。
(A)资产只能是预期可以为企业带来经济利益的资源 (B)未来交易或事项可能形成的资产应当予以确认(C)企业对其资产负债表中的所有资产都拥有所有权 (D)不能用货币计量的人力资源也应当作为企业资产入账32、一定时期内商品或产品销售收入净额与应收账款平均余额的比值是指企业财务比率分析中的( )。
(A)应收账款周转天数 (B)应收账款周转率 (C)总资产周转率 (D)存货周转天数33、在企业财务比率分析中,不属于反映偿债能力指标的是( )。
2009-05-三级技能真题技能选择参考答案:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AB AB B C BCD AB BCD BD BCD BD 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ABCD D C ACD AC C C BC ACD D 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 BCD AD BD AD AB CD B AC ACD C 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 BD ABCD D AB ABC C A ABCD C BC 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ABC ABC BC AC BD D C D BD B 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 BD AC AC ACD BD ABC A ABCD BCD BD 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 ABCD C B AC D C AB CD D D 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 ACD AC D A D CD ABD B AD D 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ABCD D AC AB D C AC B BCD AC91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100D B BD AD D D C B C ABC案例问答参考答案:一、与该求助者进行摄入性谈话时应注意哪些内容?(20分)答:与该求助者进行摄入性谈话时,应注意:1、态度必须保持中立(4分)2、提问中避免失误(4分)3、不能讲题外话(3分)4、不能用指责、批判性语言阻止或扭转求助者的会谈内容(3分)5、在摄入性会谈后不应给出绝对性的结论(3分)6、结束语要诚恳、客气(2分),不能用生硬的话做结束语,以免引起求助者的误解。
2005年9月国家公共英语(三级)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1.In common with many countries, Britain has serious environmental problems. In 1952, more than 4,000 people died in London because of the smog. The government 【26】______ new laws to stop smog from coal fires and factories and the 【27】______ improved a lot. Today, London is much cleaner 【28】______ there is a new problem: smog from cars. In December 1991, there was very 【29】______ wind in London and pollution 【30】______ a lot, which led to 160 deaths in just four days. 【31】______ of the problem is the new “out of town” shopping centers. In the past, people often 【32】______ to shops near their homes or went by bus. Today, many people drive to the new shopping centers. 【33】______ , the small shops have 【34】______ and more people have to go a long way to 【35】______ their shopping. Critics say that Britain needs better and cheaper public 【36】______ . Many people are trying to 【37】______ the use of cars in Britain. Some cities now have special bicycle 【38】______ and many people ride to work. Some people also 【39】______ to work together in one car to reduce the pollution and the 【40】______ . Sometimes people take “direct 【41】______ “. In 1995, for example, many people wanted to 【42】______ a new road near Newbury. They built houses 【43】______ trees and lived there for many months. It 【44】______ a long time to force the people out of the trees 【45】______ work on the road could continue.1.【26】A.embracedB.comprehendedC.introducedD.deduced正确答案:C解析:本题考查词义辨析。
(一)单项选择题(第l~8题)1、《公民道德建设实施纲要》提出的从业人员部应该遵循的基本要求是( )。
(A)爱岗敬业、诚实守信、办事公道、服务群众、奉献社会(B)敬业奉献、诚实守信、崇尚科学、开拓创新、服务人民(C)热爱祖国、热爱人民、热爱劳动、热爱科学、热爱集体(D)以人为本、全面协调、持续发展、岗位成才、服务社会2、职业活动内在的道德准则是( )。
(A)守法、自律、严谨 (B)忠诚、审慎、勤勉(C)科学、民主、自由 (D)自由、平等、博爱3、下列关于创新的说法中,正确的是( )。
(A)创新需要勇气,要敢于冒天下之大不韪(B)创新非人人可为,只有高级专业技术人才才能做到创新(C)创新是对前人的继承和发展,既要崇拜前人又要不断否定前人(D)创新需要发散性思维,敢于标新立异4、下列关于“慎独”的理解中,正确的是( ).(A)克制自己不要沉湎于某一事物之中,以免玩物丧志(B)越是无人监督,越要严格要求自己(C)要时刻保持谦虚谨慎的作风(D)保持自己的独立人格5、IBM公司招聘员工时,最为看重的职业道德素质是( )。
(A)公道意识 (B)敬业精神 (C)合作精神 (D)服务意识6、我国社会主义道德的核心是( )。
(A)集体主义 (B)为人民服务 (C)爱岗敬业 (D)开拓创新7、诚信的基本特征是( )。
(A)通识性、智慧性、止损性、资质性 (B)双向性、对等性、资质性、惩罚性(C)社会性、共识性、双向性、对等性 (D)单向性、前置性、智慧性、要约性8、从业人员践行“公道”规范的基本要求是( )。
(2分)二、计算题(20分)某公司毛利金额为5400万元,公司中推销人员月工资1860,一年发13个月工资,公司为推销人员花费的总费用如表1所示①该推销员年度目标销售毛利是多少?(16分)解:推销人员人工费用总额=员工工资总额+社会保险费用+福利费用+教育费+住房费用+招聘费用+解聘费用(3分)=532+151+59+13+28+10+7=800(万元)(3分)推销人员人工费用率=推销人员人工费用总额÷毛利额(2分)=800÷5400=14.81% (3分)该推销员年目标销售毛利=某推销人员工资÷推销员人工费用率(2分)=1860×13÷14.81%=163 268(元)(3分)综上计算可得,该推销员年度目标销售毛利是163 268元。
②该推销员月目标销售毛利是多少?(4分)解:该推销员月目标销售毛利=该推销员年目标销售毛利÷12 (2分)=163268÷12=13605(元)(2分)综上计算可得,该推销员年度目标销售毛利是13 605元。
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A.大义凛然、视死如归 B.毫不利己、专门利人C.君子获利、取之有道 D.两肋插刀、义不容辞3.马克思主义指导思想、中国特色社会主义共同理想、以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神、社会主义荣辱观共同构成了()。
A.社会主义和谐社会理论体系 B.社会主义核心价值体系C.社会主义精神文明建设体系 D.社会主义发展道路体系4.“忠诚、审慎、勤勉”是职业活动的()。
A.内在道德准则 B.基本原则 C.外在舆论要求 D.行为规范5.根据职业道德理论,实施职业化管理将更加注重员工职业活动的()。
A.非个性化规范 B.去过程性转化C.无流程化改造 D.反标准化建设6.在我国,正确处理不同利益矛盾之间的关系应该坚持的基本原则是()。
A.个人主义 B.和谐观念C.爱国主义 D.集体主义7.古人所谓在无他人监督的情况下,个人依然能够按照道德的规划和要求做人、做事的修养境界是()。
A.慎独 B.内省 C.三思 D.内敛8.有人说:“认真做事,只能把事情做对;用心做事,才能把事情做好”。
A.主观规定性 B.形式多样性C.相对稳定性 D.利益相关性10.下列说法中,属于世界500强企业关于优秀员工核心标准的是()。
A.良好的人际关系 B.注重细节,追求完美C.善于对工作的失误进行合理化解释 D.个性化的执行能力11.诚信对于企业发展的意义在于()。
A.择业信用 B.岗位责任信用C.离职信用 D.朋友情感信用13.从业人员坚持“平等待人”的要求,应树立()。
A.市场面前顾客无差异的观念 B.按照贡献取酬的观念C.按德才谋取职位的观念 D.等价服务的观念14.下列属于“纪律”范畴的是()。
A.办事规程 B.行为准则 C.制度规定 D.朋友约定15.“节约”作为职业道德规范,其特征包括()。
A.人为号召性B.身份特定性 C.价值差异性 D.社会规定性16.“奉献”作为职业道德规范,其对从业人员的基本要求是()。
A.不怀任何动机 B.积极尽职尽责C.充分尊重集体 D.努力服务人民二、职业道德个人表现部分(第17~25题)单选17.在日常工作中,你最不能接受的观念是()。
A.给多少钱,办多少事 B.上班干不完的话,下班接着干C.有困难,就去找领导 D.出头的橼子先烂18.某地政府实行消费券制度,规定只要人们到该地农村旅游,就将配给一定消费券,可抵现金使用。
A.反对,这是变相套取人们的现金 B.反对,应该改为直接发给人们现金C.支持,这种规定能够减少旅游者的支出 D.支持,这能够帮助农村致富19.你正忙于工作,这时一个同事的机器突然发生故障,请你过去帮忙。
A.吃喝等生活保障用品 B.防治生病的药品C.要去考察的相关资料 D.领导喜欢的东西22.领导在全体职工大会上讲话,你突然发现领导讲话中所引用的某个重要指标在数字上是错误的。
A.立即给领导指出来 B.装作没有发现C.写个纸条递给领导 D.会后单独告诉领导23.你在野外长途旅行,烈日炎火、饥肠辘辘,而你口袋里的钱已所剩无几。
A.主动上前打招呼 B.等对方先招呼然后自己再作反应C.会注意对方,但不会主动打招呼 D.尽量不打招呼25.每天上班时,你的心情一般是()。
A.上了班就盼着下班 B.忙忙碌碌,感觉时间过得特快C.始终处于兴奋状态D.要做的事情很多,有点六神无主第二部分理论知识(26~125题,共100道题,满分为100分)一、单项选择题(26~85题,每题1分,共60分)26.调节睡眠与觉醒的神经结构是()。
A.小脑 B.脑干网状结构C.丘脑 D.下丘脑27.注意离开了心理活动所要指向的对象,而被无关对象吸引过去的现象,称为()。
A.注意转移 B.分心C.注意分配 D.注意集中28.社会行为公式B=f(P,E)中,P指()。
A.行为 B.个体所处的情境C.个体 D.函数关系29.自我概念的形成与发展大致经历三个阶段,即()。
A.获得勤奋感,克服自卑感 B.获得完善感,避免厌恶感C.获得自主感,克服羞耻感 D.获得亲密感,避免孤独感31.第一反抗期发生的时间大约是()。
A.1~2岁 B.3~4岁C.7~8岁 D.13~14岁32.心理咨询对精神障碍患者的作用是()。
A.消除症状B.系统治疗C.预防复发 D.精神分析33.强大自然灾害后的心理反应可以经历以下阶段()。
A.警觉期—恢复期—康复期 B.警觉期—搏斗期—恢复期C.惊吓期—恢复期—康复期 D.惊吓期—衰竭期—恢复期34.以50为平均数、以10为标准差表示的标准分数叫()。
A.标准九分数 B.T分数C.离差智商D.Z分数35.以再测法或复本法求信度,两次测验相隔时间越短,其信度系数越()。
A.大 B.低 C.小 D.不确定36.关于感性反应,错误的说法是()。
A.自然的血缘关系 B.人伦道德关系C.教养与服从的关系 D.法定的赡养关系38.会谈中使用情感的反射时应该注意尽量()。
A.不要体现咨询师情绪 B.不要刺激求助者情绪C.不在初次会谈中使用 D.不在后续治疗中使用39.心理诊断中为确定非情景性症状的性质,应使用()。
A.态度量表 B.人格问卷C.智力量表 D.焦虑量表40.心理咨询师的共情是指体验求助者的内心要做到()。
A.如同体验自己 B.就是体验自己C.以自己为参照 D.以社会为参照41.癔症型多话的求助者主要的目的()。
A.证明自己 B.心事能够倾听C.获得赞赏 D.情绪得到宣泄42.心理咨询“助人自助”的含义是()。
A.是智能活动的能量 B.可通过非言语测验评估C.是智能活动的质量 D.可以通过言语测验测量44.16PF施测时的时间限制是()。
A.30分钟 B.40分钟C.50分钟 D.无严格规定45.SAS包括的反向评分项目数是()。
A.15 B.10C.5 D.2046.詹姆士强调情绪与()的关系。
A.机体变化 B.动机过程C.意志过程 D.认知过程47.信息的编码、储存、提取方式和信息储存时间的长短是划分()的标准。
A.记忆过程 B.图象记忆和声象记忆C.思维过程 D.三个记忆系统48.人脑对物质现象的延续性和顺序性的反映叫()。
A.运动知觉 B.时间知觉C.似动知觉 D.方位知觉49.社会心理学经验描述阶段的特点是在()的基础上,对人类的心理活动和行为方式进行客观的描述和分析。
A.观察 B.实验C.思辩 D.归纳50.角色承担者不得不退出舞台,放弃原有角色,这属于()。
A.角色冲突 B.角色不清C.角色中断 D.角色失败51.刻板印象使人的社会知觉过程简化,因此它具有()的作用A.概括化 B.社会适应C.抽象化 D.消极52.相互作用论的代表人物是()。
A.皮亚杰 B.普莱尔C.吴伟士 D.班杜拉53.幼儿期儿童的主导活动是()。
A.饮食 B.睡眠C.游戏D.学习54.精神疾病患者错觉的特点是()。
A.能够进行自我校正 B.感知综合障碍C.不能接受现实检验 D.感觉功能障碍55.一组直接阻碍和破坏个体生存与种族延续的事件是()。
A.灾难性压力 B.生物性压力源C.叠加性压力 D.精神性压力源56.随机号码表法是()。
A.简单随机抽样 B.系统抽样C.分组抽样D.分层抽样57.检验测验分数能否有效地划分由效标所定义的团体的一种方法是()。
A.相关法 B.区分法C.命中率法 D.失误法58.有效实施会谈法的关键是心理咨询师能否()。
A.现实的临床表现 B.成熟的治疗理论C.丰富的临床经验 D.异常行为的原因60.不属于共情的含义是()。