2019高三英语分类阅读练习(3)AAmericansocietyisnotnap(午睡)-friendly.Infact,saysDavidDinges,asleepspecialistattheUniversityofPennsylvan iaSchoolofMedicine,“There’sevenaprohibitionagainstadmittingweneedsleep”.Nobodywantstobecaughtnappingorfo undasleepatwork.Toquoteaproverb:“Somesleepfivehours,naturerequiresseven,lazinessnineandwickednesseleven.”Wrong.Thewaynottofallasleepatworkistotakenapswhenyouneedthem.“Wehavetototallychangeourattitudetowardnapping,”saysDr.WilliamDementofStanfordUniversity,thegodfatherofsleepresearch.LastyearanationalcommissionledbyDementidentifiedan“Americansleepdebt”whichonemembersaidwasasimportantasthenationaldebt.Thecommissionwasconcernedabou tthedangersofsleepiness:peoplecausingindustrialaccidentsorfallingasleepwhiledri ving.ThismaybewhywehaveanewsleeppolicyintheWhiteHouse.Accordingtorecentreports, PresidentClintonistryingtotakeaha1f-hoursnooze(瞌睡)everyafternoon.About60percentofAmericanadultsnapwhengiventheopportunity.Weseemtohave “amidafternoonquietphase,”alsocalled“asecondarysleepgate.”Sleeping15minutestotwohoursintheearlyafternooncanreducestressandmakeusrefreshed .Clearly,wewereborntonap.WeSuperstarsofSnoozedon'tnaptoreplacelostshut-eyeortoprepareforanightshift. Rather,we“snack”onsleep,whenever,whereverandatwhatevertimewefeellikeit.Imyselfhavenappedinbuses ,cars,planesandonboats;onfloorsandbeds;andinlibraries,officesandmuseums.4l.ItiscommonlyacceptedinAmericansocietythattoomuchsleepis.A.unreasonableB.criminalC.harmfulD.costly42.TheresearchdonebytheDementCommissionshowsthatAmericans________.A.don'tliketotakenapsB.areterriblyworriedabouttheirnationaldebtC.sleeplessthanisgoodforthemD.havecausedmanyindustrialandtrafficaccidents43.Thepurposeofthisarticleisto.A.warnusofthewickednessofnappingB.explainthedangerofsleepinessC.discussthesideeffectsofnappingD.convincethereaderofthenecessityofnapping44.Theunderlinedphrase“Americansleepdebt”inPara.3istheresultof.A.thetraditionalmisconceptiontheAmericanshaveaboutsleepB.thenewsleeppolicyoftheClintonAdministrationC.therapiddevelopmentofAmericanindustryD.theAmericans'worryaboutthedangerofsleepiness45.Thesecondsentenceofthelastparagraphtellsusthatitis.A.preferabletohaveasoundsleepbeforeanightshiftB.goodpracticetoeatsomethinglightbeforewegotobedC.essentialtomakeupforcostsleepD.naturaltotakeanapwheneverwefeeltheneedforitBViolinprodigies(神童),Ilearned,havecomeindistinctwavesfromdistinctregions.Mostofthegreatperformer softhelate19thandearly20thcenturieswerebornandbroughtupinRussiaandEasternEurope .IaskedIsaacStern,oneoftheworld’sgreatestviolinists,thereasonforthisphenomenon.“Itisveryclear,”hetoldme.“TheywereallJews(犹太人)andJewsatthetimewereseverelyoppressedandill-treatedinthatpartoftheworld.They werenotallowedintotheprofessionalfields,buttheywereallowedtoachieveexcellenceon aconcertstage.”Asaresult,everyJewishparent'sdreamwastohaveachildinthemusicschoolbecauseitwasap assporttotheWest.Anotherelementintheemergenceofprodigies,Ifound,isasocietythatvaluesexcellen ceinacertainfieldandisabletonurture(培育)talent.Nowadays,themostnurturingsocietiesseemtobeintheFarEast.“InJapan,amostcompetitivesocietywithstrongerdisciplinethanours,”saysIsaacStern,“childrenarereadytotesttheirlimitseverydayinmanyfields,includingmusic.WhenWest ernmusiccametoJapanafterWorldWarII,thatmusicnotonlybecamepartoftheirdailylives, butitbecameadisciplineaswell.”TheKoreansandChinese,asweknow,arejustashighlymotivatedastheJapanese.That'sagoodthing,becauseevenprodigiesmustworkhard.Nexttohardwork,biological inheritanceplaysanimportantroleinthemakingofaprodigy.J.S.Bach,forexample,wasthe topofseveralgenerationsofmusicians,andfourofhissonshadsignificantcareersinmusic .46.JewishparentsinEasternEuropelongedfortheirchildrentoattendmusicschoolbecause .A.itwouldallowthemaccesstoabetterlifeintheWestB.JewishchildrenarebornwithexcellentmusicaltalentC.theywantedtheirchildrentoenterintotheprofessionalfieldsD.itwouldenablethefamilytogetbettertreatmentintheirowncountry47.Nurturingsocietiesasmentionedinthepassagerefertosocietiesthat.A.enforcestrongdisciplineonstudentswhowanttoachieveexcellenceB.treasuretalentandprovideopportunitiesforitsfulldevelopmentC.encouragepeopletocompetewitheachotherD.promisetalentedchildrenhighpositions48.Japanisdescribedinthepassageasacountrythatattachesimportanceto.A.all-rounddevelopmentB.thelearningofWesternmusicC.stricttrainingofchildrenD.varietyinacademicstudies49.Whichofthefollowingcontributestotheemergenceofmusicalprodigiesaccordingtothe passage?A.Anaturalgift.B.Extensiveknowledgeofmusic-C.Veryearlytraining.D.Aprejudice-freesociety.50.Whichofthefollowingtitlesbestsummarizesthemainideaofthepassage?A.JewishContributiontoMusic.B.TrainingofMusiciansintheWorld.C.MusicandSociety.D.TheMakingofProdigiesCPsychologistGeorgeSpilichandcolleaguesatWashingtonCollegeinChestertown,Mar yland,decidedtofindoutwhether,asmanysmokerssay,smokinghelpsthemto “thinkandconcentrate.”Spilichputyoungnon-smokers,activesmokersandsmokersdeprived(被剥夺)ofcigarettesthroughaseriesoftests.Inthefirsttest,eachsubject(试验对象)satbeforeacomputerscreenandpressedakeyassoonasheorsherecognizedatargetletter amongagroupingof96.Inthissimpletest,smokers,deprivedsmokersandnon-smokersperfor medequallywell.Thenexttestwasmorecomplex,requiringalltoscansequencesof20identicallettersa ndrespondtheinstantoneoftheletterstransformedintoadifferentone.Non-smokersweref aster,butunderthestimulationofnicotine,activesmokerswerefasterthandeprivedsmoke rs.Inthethirdtestofshort-termmemory,non-smokersmadethefewesterrors,butdeprive dsmokerscommittedfewererrorsthanactivesmokers.Thefourthtestrequiredpeopletoreadapassage,thenanswerquestionsaboutit.Non-s mokersrememberedl9percentmoreofthemostimportantinformationthanactivesmokers,and deprivedsmokersbestedthosewhohadsmokedacigarettejustbeforetesting-Activesmokers tendednotonlytohavepoorermemoriesbutalsohadtroubleseparatingimportantinformatio nfrominsignificantdetails.“Asourtestsbecamemorecomplex.”sumsupSpilich,”non-smokersperformedbetterthansmokersbywiderandwidermargins”.Hepredicts,'smoke rsmightperformadequatelyatmanyjobs—untiltheygotcomplicated.Asmokingairlinepilotcouldflyadequatelyifnoproblemsarose ,butifsomethingwentwrong,smokingmightdamagehismentalcapacity.”5l.ThepurposeofGeorgeSpilich'sexperimentsis.A.totestwhethersmokinghasapositiveeffectonthementalcapacityofsmokersB.toshowhowsmokingdamagespeople'smentalcapacityC.toprovethatsmokingaffectspeople'sregularperformanceD.tofindoutwhethersmokinghelpspeople'sshort-termmemory52.GeorgeSpilich'sexperimentwasconductedinsuchawayasto.pelthesubjectstoseparatemajorinformationfromminordetailsB.putthesubjectsthroughincreasinglycomplextestsC.checktheeffectivenessofnicotineonsmokersD.registerthepromptresponsesofthesubjects53.Theunderlinedword“bested”inPara.5mostprobablymeansA.beatB.enviedC.caughtupwithD.madethebestof54.Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrue?A.Activesmokersingeneralperformedbetterthandeprivedsmokers.B.Activesmokersrespondedmorequicklythantheothersubjects.C.Non-smokerswerenotbetterthanothersubjectsinperformingsimpletasks.D.Deprivedsmokersgavetheslowestresponsestothevarioustasks.55.Wecaninferfromthelastparagraphthat.A.smokersshouldnotexpecttobecomeairlinepilotsB.smokinginemergencycasescausesmentalillnessC.noairlinepilotssmokeduringflightsD.smokersmayproveunequaltohandingemergencycases,Key:41-45ACDAD46-50ABCAD51-55ABACD。
Unit 3The Million Pound Bank-Note Ⅰ.单词拼写1.How many________(场)are there in the play?2.I think it is time we________(寻求)legal advice.3.The________(冒险)of Tom Sa w yer is written by Mark Twain.4.Learning to walk again after his accident required great________(耐心).5.We discovered a secret________(通道)behind the wall.6.The news was so u________that he stood there speechless for a long time.7.His exam results were not very good, but we must take his long illness into a________.8.They were s________by the police as they were entering the bank.9.Everyone b________as the Queen walked into the room.10.Why should I say sorry when it is not my f________?答案:1.scenes 2.sought 3.Ad v entures 4.patience5.passage 6.unbelievable7.account8.spotted9.bowed10.faultⅡ.完成句子1.Bad weather________ ________(导致)the long delay.(account) 2.Even in New York you still see________ ________ ________________(很多人穿得破破烂烂).(rags)3.________ ________ ________ ________(关于我的过去), I'm not telling you anything.(as)4.Whether________ ________(偶然)or on purpose, he arrived too late to help us.(accident)5.Everyone stupidly turned________ ________(盯着……看)us.(stare)答案:1.accounted for 2.many people in rags 3.As for/to my past 4.by accident 5.to stare atⅢ.单项填空1.—Aren't you tired of practicing playing the piano day after day?—________,I enjoy every minute of it.A.On the other hand B.On the contraryC.Now and then D.For one thing答案:B考查介词短语辨析。
高三英语 词汇专题训练三
领兑市安插阳光实验学校中学高三高中英语词汇专题训练三1. 单项选择:1) At the beginning of the party, ______ of the guests was given a piece of paper.A. everyoneB. eachC. everyD. all2) People were pushing each other out of the way________ to get to the front.A. eagerB. eagernessC. hopeD. hopeless3) Keep ______ hours is a very good habit and it will keep you healthy.A. easyB. quickC. eagerD. early4) I gave him a warning, ________ he, to my disappointment, turned a deaf ear.A. of whichB. at whichC. to whichD. to it5) ---Oh, dear! You appear so worried. What ______ has happened to you? ---Well, Mum. It's a long story.A. in the factB. on the earthC. in factD. on earth6) Small cars are ______ of fuel, so they have more appeal for consumers.A. freeB. shortC. economicD. economical7) The new law will come into ________ on the day it is passed.A. effectB. useC. effortD. being8) Showing some sense of humor can be a (n) _____ way to deal with some stressful situation.A. favorableB. efficientC. effectiveD. favorite9) The secret of his success is that he does everything _______.A. efficientlyB. effectivelyC. anxiouslyD. sufficiently10) The lady dressed in fashionable clothes is _____ in her appearance, but rude in her speech.A. evidentB. considerateC. elegantD. innocent11) The ______on his face told me that he was angry.A. impressionB. expectationC. appearanceD. expression12) This dictionary is available in _______ form in this library.A. electricB. electronicC. electricalD. electricity13) --- I hear they aren't pleased with the house you've chosen for them. --- Well, ________ could they live in such comfort?A. where elseB. what elseC. howD. why14) The next morning there was always something in anyone else'sstockings. Only mine hung there _______.A. endlessB. nothingC. fullD. empty15) The tourist industry should be _______ to supply a variety of jobs.A. enrichedB. inventedC. producedD. encouraged16) When the meeting was _____, they all rose and left.A. at the endB. at an endC. at the end ofD. at an end of17) Yesterday, we held a meeting about English study. The meeting ____ failure.A. ended withB. ended inC. ending withD. ending in 18) The poor driver telephoned the police and ______what had happened. A. told B. talked C. expressed D. explained 19) Drinking too much will _________ drivers’ lives.A. endangerB. threatenC. enableD. harm20) My grandfather is as ________ as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.A. enthusiasticB. energeticC. talkativeD. sensitive21) To gain their _____ after an exhausting game, the players 1ay in the grass.A .forceB .energyC .powerD .excuse 22) _____ in writing letters, he had no time to notice me.A. EngagedB. EnlargedC. InterestedD. Surprised23) Although she did not know Boston well, she made her way________ to the Home Cirele Building.A. easy enoughB. enough easyC. easily enoughD. enough easily24) To the child’s quick recovery, five doctors took turns looking after him day and night.A. ensureB. enrichC. promiseD. indicate 25) Broadly speaking, I would agree with Shirley, though not _______ . A. widely B. thoroughly C. entirely D. extensively 26) Fitness is important in sport, but of at least importance are skills.A. fairB. equalC. reasonableD. especially 27) Though the weather was _____cold and windy, I came _____ to see you.A .specially; speciallyB .especially; especiallyC .especially; speciallyD .specially; especially28) Mr. Smith appealed to his friends to _______ his stolen car. A. keep an eye out for B. keep an eye on C. keep an eye on D. keepan eye for 29) Everyone was on time for the meeting, _______ Chris, who's usually ten minutes late for everything.A. especiallyB. evenC. onlyD. yet 30) Sometimes we just believe what we see ______ the reality may bedifferent. A. now that B. even so C. as long as D. even if31) Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost , their political influence should be very great.A. As a resultB. As usualC. Even soD. Even if32) In the of rain, the opening ceremony of the book fair will have to be held indoors.A.face B.event C.end D. course33) On New Year's Eve, New York City holds an outdoor _____________ whichattracts a crowd of a million or more people.A. affair C. endB. incident D. event34) There was so long a queue for drinks at the interval that they _______ gave up.A. unfortunatelyB. eventuallyC. generouslyD. evidently35) I thought she was famous, but none of my friends have heard of her.A. everB. evenC. justD. never36) --- Shall we go skating next Saturday?--- Can we make it ______ other day, John? I'll have to finish my term paper next week.A. anyB. oneC. everyD. each37) --- The exam was easy, wasn't it? --- Yes, but I don't think_________ could pass it.A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobodyD. everybody38) The class are going to be _____on everything they have learned this year. A. checked B. examined C. equaled D. graded39) ---Do you think the Opera House in Sydney makes you think of seashells?--- Of course. Some modern architecture _____ from nature.A. takes examplesB. take exampleC. give examplesD. set an example40) Mary has done many interesting things . She should write a book about her _____.A. experienceB. experiencesC. an experienceD. some experiences41) The boy has a handsome face _____ the scar on his forehead.A.except B.except for C.except that D.besides42) He was so ______ that he could say nothing but hold his sister’shands firmly. His sister said nothing, either, _______ tears coming into her face.A. exciting; excitedB. exciting; excitingC. excited; excitedD. excited; exciting43)To be understood, the foreigner had to _______ himself in body language.A. enjoyB. admireC. attractD. express44) --- I’m sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was very tired.--- There is no _____ for this while you are on duty.A.reason B.excuse C.cause D.explanation45) The more one is ________ the English-speaking environment, the betterhe or she will learn the language.A. exposed toB. experienced inC. caught onD. kept up46) --- Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?---Yes. They have better players, so I ______ them to win.A. hopeB. preferC. expectD. want47) I really do not know whether we can succeed,so do not expect ______.A. us too muchB. us of too muchC. too much of usD. of us too much48) The performance "the 1,000-hand Kwan-yin", an unusual dance, is somoving and perfect that it is almost beyond all the viewers' _______.A. expectationB. wishC. hopeD. expression49) My _____ sister is two years _____ than me and doesn’t look her age.A. older; olderB. elder; olderC. elder; elderD. older; elder2. 根据英文释义选用下列单词填空:1) ______ beautiful, attractive, or graceful2) _________ to give someone the courage or confidence to do something3) ________ a question you ask in order to get information4) _____________ things that are intended to amuse or interest people 5) ___________feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about something6) ___________ a situation in which people have the same rights, advantages etc7) _________ to judge how good, useful, or successful something is [= assess]8) ________ facts or signs that show clearly that something exists or is true9) ________ expressed in a way that is very clear and direct10) _________ to show something that is usually covered or hidden3.选用下列词的适当形式填空:Part 11) Plans to build a chemical factory could threaten the __________ of the island.2) Shenzhen, which is one of the earliest special ___________ zones inChina, has become a modern city.3) Keep away from the _________ of the cliff or you might fall.4) His wife is the _________ of a local newspaper.5) No country can afford to neglect the ___________ of its young people.6) ___________ measures should be taken to educate the pupils to obey school rules.7) We're looking for young people with _________ and creativity.8) You can do it if you want to, but in my opinion it’s not worth the ________it involves.9) ________ you apologize for what you’ve just said or it is all over between us.10) How well Mary speaks Chinese! Her pronunciation is better than anybody ____ in her class.Part 211) There is a failure in the ___________ system, so there is no electricity.12) The solar cell can change the energy of sunlight into ________ energy.13) He was trying to __________ me by asking me questions I couldn't answer.14) My most ________________ moment was trying to introduce a woman whose name I couldn't remember.15) Remember, dial 110 in case of an ___________.16) In school most children need _______________ rather than punishment.17) After it seemed an ________ wait, it was now his turn to be examined.18) Jack was full of ________ as if he had never known tiredness when he was at work.19) The office is quite bright and airy--- it’s a pleasant working_____________.20) After months of _________ we finally discovered the truth.Part 321) Not only did they bring snacks and drinks, but they also brought cardsfor ____________ when they had a picnic in the forest.22) When it comes to the _________ of men and women, we can’t but admit that nowadays many girl university students still haven’t got equal employment opportunities.23) It's always difficult being in a foreign country, ___________ if you don't speak the language.24) After many years’ waiting, Chinese people ______________ realized their dream to hold the Olympic Games.25) The ability to store knowledge makes computers different from every other machine ____ invented.26) How often do you have PE lessons?--- ________ other day, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.27) As we know, collecting _________ from some witness is one part of policemen’s job.28) Ted couldn’t remember the ________ date of the storm, but he knew it was a Sunday because everybody was at church.29) However much advice I gave him, he did __________ what he wanted to.30) Do you know about the __________ of a seed into a plant?Part 431) A lot of new cars will be shown in the car ____________.32) The argument remains extremely heated whether there are necessary conditions of ________ such as water on the Mars.33) The waste can be reduced by at least one third using _________ technologies and methods.34) He will make an ___________ to the tropical rain forest of South America to photograph wild animals there.35)Industries have often shown an unwillingness to find ways to deal with dangerous waste because of the related ___________.36) I have never had the ____________ of traveling, for I just can’t afford the expenses of it.37) Can you give me any reasonable ____________ about your absence from work yesterday?38) Wool is one of the chief __________ of Australia.39) Her _____________ on her face suggested that she was not telling the truth.40) She is ___________ beautiful. Everyone admires her.41) If a person's lifestyle is destroyed, they can do __________ things.42) I think there are only a few sports that are both ____________ and relaxing.43) The directions he gave me were so ________ that I found the place easily.44) _________ of the injured arm was painful.45) Once thereis a fire, get out of the building from the fire _______.4.选用下列动词的适当形式填空:Part 11) Children of today should be _________ to be co-operative and get on well with others.2) If, as they would have you believe, gun-carrying and killing improve human-character, then perhaps we should ____________ war.3) In this time, modern technology has ________ doctors to developed new surgical techniques.4) Knock at the door before _________, please.5) The public ________ their concern about the accident.6) Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, which, of course, made the others _______ him .7) Liu Xiang, in the 2005 Olympic Games, __________ the 110 hurdle world record.8) Smoke and flames came out of the volcano as it ________.9) In the face of the big fire in October in California, many people inthe fire-stricken areas moved out to _________ being burned10) It is impossible to __________ these results without knowing more about the research methods employed.Part 211) --- Can you see what the teacher has written on the blackboard?--- No. I think I need to have my eyes __________ and perhaps I need to wear glasses.12) With the graduation time drawing near, they started to __________ photos and words.13) The police had the photograph of the missing girl __________ in order to see it clearly.14) She is a laid-off worker; She hasn't been _____________ for six months now.15) You will __________ me for not recognizing you at once.16) Wide differences of intelligence and character _______ even in children of the same family.17) After the Arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on ___________ education, with girls as well as boys being encouraged to go to school.18) People in the future will be able to _______ a longer and healthierlife and remain active even in old age.19) His eyes shone brightly when he finally received the football player’s signature he had long been ____________.20) Our country has ____________ great changes in the last 30 years.21) You should understand the traffic rule by now. You've had it _________ often enough.22) Only by ________ the unknown world continuously can we have discoveries and inventions.23) Being __________ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.24) We must _______ our rich natural resources for the development of our agriculture.5.选用下列短语及词组的适当形式填空:Part 11) Don't boast too much.You will be forced to ___________________ one day.2) It was nearly half an hour before the medicine ____________.3) The new law has _______________; surely it will have effect on industry of the country.4) What is learned in books cannot ______ the same deep ___________ a child’s character as what is learned through experience.5) Great _______ to increase agricultural production must be ______ iffood shortage is to be avoided.6) ---What about the party?---It was a success. We sang and danced until it _____________ at midnight.7) At the dinner we usually begin with soup and ______________ fruit.8) Such is the kindness of the nurse that the patient _________ be thankful _______ to her.9) Many competitors have ______________ the high jump which they are good at.10) The scholar has knowledge and ability as well. He ___________ the research work.Part 211) __________ modern facilities(设施),today’s libraries differ greatly from those of the past.12) Mr. Zhang is mild in character. He never shouts __________ he isangry.13) There are a lot of spelling mistakes;___________ it’s quite a goodarticle.14) Parents should __________________ their children in behavior.15) I know nothing about that young girl ______________she is an actress.16) I know nothing about the earthquake _____________ I read in thenewspaper.17) Since the foreigner came, we have been giving her Chinese lessons_____________ her teaching us English.18) Mom, I lost the diamond ring you bought for me as my birthday present. Could you ___________________ it when you clean my bedroom?6. 选用下列词的适当形式填空:1) Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind andother ______ of energy.2) If he continues like this, he will end up _______ a stone only to haveit _____ on his own foot, just as the old saying ______.3) Mr. White, our chief engineer, usually goes to work on his bike except _____ it rains.4) Money plays an important role in the _________ world. But expectingmoney to give happiness may be ___________ the meaning of life.5) Few _________ can equal that of a cool drink on a hot day.6) She ___________ a scarf (围巾) to wear with the dress.7) Medical evidence _____ that men are more likely to have heart attacksthan women.8) We need a spirit of enterprise if we are to ________ our difficulties.9) A scientist must ________ evidence in support of a theory.7.翻译:1) 我们热切这项计划能早日着手进行。
Green exercise is a term used to describe any type of physical exercise that takes place in a natural environment, rather than in a health club or gym.____1____Instead, it relies on the use of natural means of taking part in activities that improve strength and endurance with as little reliance on equipment as possible.___2_For example, some consider a truly natural exercise experience requires that the individual wear clothing only made from natural fibers. Others consider barefoot (赤脚的) running or walking would be greener and thus be more desirable than running or walking with shoes.A slightly different approach to green exercise puts more stress on fresh air, sunshine, and involvement with the natural world, rather than the equipment or clothing____3___In like manner, climbing a mountain using standard used during the exercise. equipment and protective clothing would also be considered green exercise.Many consider green exercise helps to reconnect human beings with the natural world. The interaction with nature helps to lower people’s blood pressure, refresh their mind, and actually improve their self-esteem (自尊).____4___Not everyone believes that green exercise is more beneficial than working out in a health club or gym.____5___Meanwhile, the use of fitness devices may result in more challenging workouts, which help strengthen the heart and lungs in ways that more simplistic exercise in a natural setting would be difficult to manage.A. Spirits are also believed to be positively affected.B. A green gym uses aslittle equipment as possible.C. All forms of green exercise are good for you.D. Opinions on what truly green exercise means differ.E. Besides, it usually doesn’t use fitness equipment tha t is normally found in a gym.F. So riding a bicycle in a forest can be called a type of green exercise.G. Some point out that many health clubs are constructed to make full use of natural light.。
Unit 3 A taste of English humour Ⅰ.单词拼写1.________(不幸的是), his car got caught in the snowstorm.2.Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be________(咀嚼)and digested.3.It's hard for her to decide what to buy because she is quite________(挑剔)about the things she buys.4.Whoever comes, my mother will________(招待)him the best food of our family.5.He made a big________(发财)during the stay in South Africa.6.As long as we are united, there is no difficulty we cannot________(克服).7.French has many________(多山的)regions for skiing in winter.8.Lincoln is one of the________(杰出的)presidents of the American history.9.What are you two________(低语)about?10.It seems that he is quite________(满意的)with what he has got.答案:1.Unfortunately 2.chewed 3.particular 4.entertain5.fortune 6.overcome7.mountainous8.outstanding9.whispering10.contentⅡ.完成句子(根据A句意义完成B句)1.A:Y ou shouldn't complain so much. Other people are not richer than you.B:Y ou shouldn't complain so much. Other people are______ ________than you.2.A:After the power failed, she had to deliver the baby in the darkness.B:After the power was________ ________,she had to deliver the baby in the darkness.3.A:Do you know who will be the main actor in this film?B:Who do you think will________ ________this film?4.A:We are satisfied with the excellent achievement you have made.B:We________ ________ ________the excellent achievement you have made.5.A:There are so many models on sale that I don't know which one to choose.B:There are so many models on sale that I don't know which to________ ________.6.A:Having a walk along the street, I came across one of my friends who were working in the same city.B:When I walked along the street, I________ ________one ofmy friends who were working in the same city.答案:1.worse off 2.cut off 3.star in 4.are content with 5.pick out 6.knocked intoⅢ.单项填空1.The experiment is________failure.But do remember that,in the face of________failure,you should still keep up______good state of mind.A./;the;the B.a;/;theC.the;/;the D.a;/;a答案:D考查冠词。
1.Where does the girl usually listen to English?A.At school.B.On the bus.C.At home.2.Why was the woman angry?A.The waiter was rude.B.The meal took too long.C.The food was terrible.3.What does the man mean?A.His Spanish was pretty good.B.His Spanish teacher helped him a lot.C.He had trouble with some words of the book.4.What kind of party will the speakers have tomorrow?A.A birthday party.B.A wedding party.C.A going-away party.5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.A French exam.B.An interpreter course.C.A job opportunity.第二节听下面几段材料。
1.How many children does the woman have?A.Two. A daughter and a son.B.Three. Two sons and a daughter.C.Three. Two daughters and a son.2.Where does the dialogue most probably take place?A.In the office building.B.In the hospital.C.In the department store.3.How does the man like the skirt?A.He doesn’t like it very much.B.He likes it very much.C.He has no idea about it.4.What is the woman most possibly?A.A clerk.B.A librarian.C.A waitress.5.What’s the most probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Shop assistant and customer.B.Teacher and student.C.Mother and son.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。
2012年10月18 高三英语限时训练3
2012学年丽水中学高三英语限时训练(三)第一部分完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Ever since I was little I loved doing things for other people. As I got older I began doing random things for people. For example, during holidays, such as Christmas, I would make an extra 1 along with the ones for my relatives. Then I would go and find someone in the grocery store and just hand it to them and walk away. It was so much fun. I admit, 2 , the first time I did it I was so 3 . I didn’t know who to give the card to. So I said a little prayer and knew that the 4 person would just appear. About that time an elderly man ran 5 me with his shopping cart. It was an accident, and he 6 a million times. We smiled and he walked away, and I knew that he was the one. Later I found him in a different isle(过道), handed him the card, and smiled. I said Happy Holidays, and then walked away. It was so great, and the 7 I had afterwards was unexplainable.Then one day I came across your website (the coolest website ever) and 8 some Smile Cards. When they came in, I started a new project. When I go into a store, I locate a person who I think needs a 9 . Then, I buy a flower, a carnation, to be exact, and 10 it in the most beautiful paper they have. I tie lots of ribbons on it to make it 11 , and then slip the smile card into an envelope and 12 it to the flower. After that, I pay for it and explain to the cashier 13 it is to go to (I live in a pretty small town so it’s easy to get the help of the cashiers). They then give it to that person when they come through.. Once in a while I’ll buy the flower and then just leave it for the cashier. That gets smiles.My favorite time was when I picked out this elderly woman who was walking around the 14 somewhat confused. I had come across her numerous times and she only smiled slightly once. When she came to the check out (I was watching from outside) her face 15 and the smile was the biggest I had ever seen. Later that week the cashier whom I had had 16 me told me that the lady had been so surprised and while she was walking out with the grocery bag to her car, she was planning what she was going to do for someone else. It was awesome.I absolutely love the random acts of kindness cards. I 17 at least two in my purse and others in my car, locker and everywhere I go. As I mentioned, my club, STARS, is doing a Random Acts of Kindness Project with the smile cards so they also are using them. I look forward to hearing about their success. It’s really great. I 18 used them in school. I bought my entire math class cans of pop after lunch one day. They came in from lunch anda can of pop and a smile card were setting 19 that day. It totally lightened the mood in the class that day20 we were studying for a test. Thank you for all of the help that you provide. The smile cards are a great program that brings smiles into the lives of many!1. A. present B. card C. wish D. promise2. A. therefore B. anyway C. moreover D. however3. A. excited B. disappointed C. nervous D. cautious4. A. only B. elderly C. right D. lucky5. A. into B. across C. after D. for6. A. thanked B. apologized C. forgave D. admired7. A. chance B. action C. reward D. feeling8. A. ordered B. copied C. downloaded D. saved9. A. gift B. smile C. help D. comfort10. A. hide B. cover C. put D. wrap11. A. expensive B. natural C. unique D. diverse12. A. devote B. attach C. submit D. join13. A. how B. where C. who D. what14. A. restaurant B. hotel C. school D. store15. A. lit up B. put up C. got up D. made up16. A. help B. deliver C. promise D. remind17. A. arrange B. need C. take D. keep18. A. hardly B. somehow C. even D. ever19. A. in their baskets B. on their desks C. in their bags D. in their drawers20. A. because B. unless C. after D. whenever第二部分:阅读理解(满分50分)ANew York City Hotels1. The Plaza Midtown, New York, New YorkHotel class CHECK RATES FROM $866/NIGHTNot what was expected By Walt, 8/10/10Well the Plaza is the only way to go right? Wrong. The room was incredibly tiny and we even upgraded to a larger room. I would hate to see what the smaller rooms were like. Wehad to wait over 3 hours to get checked in as they were running behind… MoreMap Details Add to Trip Reviews(117)2. Doubletree Guest Suites Times Square-New York City Theatre District, New York, NewYorkHotel class CHECK RATES FROM$507/NIGHTTime of our lives By A Yahoo!Contributor,2/14/11We loved it here, it is close to everything. This was the first timemy family had been to NYC and can not wait to go back. I have highly recommended this hotel to all my friends. It was definitely worth the time and m oney…MoreMap Details Add to Trip Reviews(70)3. The Benjamin Turtle Bay, New York, New YorkHotel class CHECK RATES FROM $511/NIGHTTerrible Service from their Accounting Department By Todd, 8/2/10While we enjoyed the stay at this hotel, we have been disputing a bogus charge on our credit card that they insisted is not their problem but Yahoo's. Yahoo clearly charged us thecorrect amount on both…MoreMap Details Add to Trip Reviews(319)4. Jet Luxury Resorts At St. Regis, New York Midtown, New York, New YorkHotel class CHECK RATES FROM $595/NIGHTIncredible! By BillC, 8/23/08We came here for our 5 year anniversary and stayed for the weekend. We were treated like royalty. The manager of the hotel arranged a special suite for us withchampagne waiting for us. The bed was amazingly comfortable and the food service wasout of the world… MoreMap Details Add to Trip Reviews(28)21. This advertisement is most probably taken from __________.A. B. C. D. 22. Which hotel is the most expensive?A. The PlazaB. Doubletree Guest Suites Times SquareC. The BenjaminD. Jet Luxury Resorts At St. Regis23. How many visitors really enjoy their stay in these hotels according to their reviews?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 424. Where is The Benjamin exactly located?A. New YorkB. MidtownC. Theatre DistrictD. Turtle BayBIn 1974, the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) adopted a new policy. WHO tried to encourage developing countries to develop their own traditional forms of medicine, instead of turning to Western medicine for expensive cures to medical problem. There were many people who looked down on this new policy, but WHO felt it was the most reasonable solution to the large health problems facing poor countries. Today, WHO estimates that a third of the global population lack easy access to modern drugs, and that in the poorest parts of Africa and Asia, that figure rises to fifty percent. WHO believed that the people in developing countries who could not afford or find modern medical doctors were better off using traditional medicine rather than no medicine at all.Today, traditional medicine and treatments are not only used in developing countries, but are increasing in popularity in North America and Europe. In the United Kingdom, for example, $230 million is spent on traditional remedies annually. In China, traditional herbal medicines account for thirty to fifty percent of all medicines used. The global market for traditional medicines is estimated to be $60 billion, and growing every year.Twenty-five percent of modern medicines are made from plants that were first used in traditional medicine, and scientists believe they have just scratched the surface. For example, one Chinese herbal remedy, which has been used for two thousand years, has recently been found to be effective against varieties of malaria that have resistance to other drugs. This herb could end up saving a million lives a year, mostly among children. In South Africa, another traditional plant is being used to treat patients with AIDS.Recognizing the importance of traditional medicines, in 2003 WHO launched a Traditional Medicine Strategy. Among the recommendations of this strategy, there were several areas of concern. The first area of concern is safety. WHO recommends more scientific testing on traditional medicine—not all traditional medicines are as helpful as the two mentioned above, and some can actually be harmful.For example, in the United States, a traditional Chinese herb, Ma Huang, was sold as a diet drug. It was to blame for many heart attacks and at least a dozen deaths. In Belgium, at least seventy people received liver damage when they took herbal remedy made from the wrong species of plant.Another area of concern is biodiversity and sustainability(生物多样性和持续性). Some people are worried that as herbal medicines become more popular, the plants that these medicines are made from may become endangered as they are over-harvested. For example, in eastern and southern Africa a species of wild potato has become endangered because of reports that it is effective in the treatment of AIDS.There is also the problem of rights to drugs created from traditional remedies. Research into traditional remedies is increasingly being done by large drug companies, mostly based in Western countries. There is a fear that as these companies produce drugs they will claim to have the rights to the medicine. WHO recognizes that there is a need to make sure that any profits from drugs produced from traditional medicines are shared with the local culture from which the medicine originated.Traditional treatments don’t only include medicines, they also include such treatments as acupuncture (using needles to treat illnesses) and aromatherapy (which, as the name suggests, uses types of smell as therapy). Acupuncture, for example, started in China, but is now performed in more than seventy countries around the world. There are at least 50,000 acupuncturists in Asia alone, and another 15,000 in Europe, and 12,000 in the United States. Even conventional doctors have come to recognize the benefits of acupuncture to stop pain and to eat some illnesses. In the United Kingdom, almost half of all conventional doctors either recommend acupuncture in some cases, or will perform acupuncture themselves. In fact, several British soccer players have used acupuncture to treat injuries that, in the past, would have required surgery, or that they would have just had to put up with.25. What is this passage mainly about?A. why traditional medicine is so effectiveB. a program to increase the use of alternative medicine around the worldC. the main differences between traditional and conventional medicinesD. the history and future of the World Health Organization26. Why does WHO encourage developing countries to use traditional medicines?A. Non-traditional medicines are often too expensive.B. Traditional medicine is usually more effective.C. Western countries shouldn't have to supply drugs to developing countries.D. The populations of developing countries prefer traditional medicines.27. According to the passage, which of these can be treated by acupuncture?A. Being overweightB. AIDSC. MalariaD. pain28. Which of these statements would WHO probably agree with?A. Herbal remedies are much safer than conventional medicine.B. In the future, more Western drugs will be based on traditional plants.C. Western companies should own any species they produce drugs from.D. Conventional doctors should avoid using traditional medicine.29. Which of these does the p assage NOT mention as one of WHO’s main concerns?A. species protectionB. sharing of profits with local culturesC. drug safetyD. problems caused by acupunctureCWhen looking for love, people may go to some extreme lengths. They might go on blind dates set up by family and friends. They might write personal ad to place in newspapers. Or they might use a computer to help them in their search for a soul mate by joining an online dating service. Some people have even tried to find their perfect match through game shows on television. Many of these TV dating shows, including The Bachelor and Who Wants to Marry Multimillionaire?, have proved to be rating blockbusters, with millions of viewers watching each week to find out which of the contestants will find true love.Of all these game shows, perhaps the one with the most unexpected ending was Mr. Right, which was shown in England in 2002. On the show, a bachelor, thirty-five-year-old Lance Gerrard-Wright, dated fifteen women to find the one who was his ideal partner. The host of the show was Ulrika Jonsson, an English celebrity originally from Sweden. For seven weeks on the show, Gerrard-Wright took turns going on dates with each of the women, taking them to expensive restaurants and exotic locations. He even met the women's families and introduced them to his own. Then at the end of each episode, he would choose between one and three of the contestants with whom he had felt the least compatible(相容的), and say goodbye to them.At one p oint during the series, one contestant volunteered to leave because she said she didn’t find him attractive. After two dates she said she had had enough, and she couldn’t see it working, “He wasn’t my cup of tea.” In another episode the woman he was on a d ate with burst into tears when he called her by another contestant’s name. “You called me by another girl’s name. I can’t believe you did that. I really liked you,” she sobbed.But in the final episode, the woman he eventually chose decided she didn’t want to marry him after all. “I think you’ve chosen me because you have to choose someone,” she said. Maybe this was because she already knew he had fallen in love with the show’s host!After leaving the show, Gerrard-Wright and Jonsson were seen dining together and attending parties around London more and more often. Finally, on May 1, 2003, Gerrard-Wright proposed to Jonsson on the steps of St. Paul’s Cathedral. And she accepted his proposal right away, although it was a conditional acceptance. Jonsson has two children from previous relationships—an eight-year-old son, Cameron, and a two-year-old daughter, Bo. She had to make sure that they agreed to the marriage. Luckily, they did. Gerrard-Wright said, “In the end the show did work for me. I grabbed an opport unity to get a girlfriend and I did. Ulrika's gorgeous.”The happy couple finally got married at Jonsson’s home in Sweden on the island of Varmdo. They wanted tokeep the ceremony small, so only forty people were invited, including family and friends. There was some gossip at the time that Jonsson’s friends who did not receive invitations to the wedding felt snubbed by her. But the bride and groom did not let that ruin their wedding day.Has Ulrika Jonsson finally found Mr. Right? Only time will tell. But none of the guests at the wedding could deny the happiness in the couple’s eyes as the bride and groom left the wedding ceremony with the music of Stevie Wonder playing in the background, “Seen a lot of things in this old world. When I touched them, they di d nothing, girl. Ooh baby, here I am, signed, sealed, delivered, I’m yours.”30. What is this passage mainly about?A. how a famous couple met and got marriedB. the best way to meet a husband or wifeC. why the show Mr. Right was a big hitD. how to act on a date with a stranger31. What happened after seven weeks of doing the show?A. All of the women won prizes.B. Lance asked one of the women to marry him.C. One of the women on the show started to cry.D. Ulrika asked Lance to marry her.32. Which of the following did NOT happen during the series?A. Lance went on dates with several women.B. The candidates went to some very good restaurants.C. Lance and Ulrika started dating each other.D. The women met Lance’s family.33. Why did some of Ulrika’s fri ends feel upset?A. T hey didn’t agree with the marriage.B. Th ey weren’t asked to com e to the wedding.C. Th ere weren’t enough guests at the wedding.D. T hey didn’t like Lance.34. In St evie Wonder’s song, what is he comparing himself to?A. A blind manB. A letterC. A groomD. A babyDIf you are researching your family tree, you’re not alone. Genealogy is currently one of the most popular pastimes on the Internet, which is increasingly being used to trace distant relatives. Some of the most popular Web sites deal with thousands of enquiries and emails every month.“The progressive breakdown of traditional family values, economic factors and freedom to travel have all spread families out more widely than was once common, and many relatives have lost touch with each other,” explains Gordon Johnson, an author and genealogy expert. “Most people now interested in genealogy start by looking for family connections a few generations back, or even relatives alive today, and then get hooked on it as a hobby.”Getting started requires little more than knowing who your parents are. Then it's a simple case of tracing back your lineage(家族) generation by generation. Although several beginners’ guides can be found online to help, Johnson advises that you make contact with a family history society in the area which your ancestors are from. Many of these publish helpful booklets of local history, gravestone inscriptions(碑文) or census indexes(人口普查索引).One of the most common mistakes made by amateur genealogists is failing to get in touch with living relatives. These relatives can provide vital information on people, dates and places. Relative accounts can be misleading, but they are the most current source of family history available. Other common errors include not knowing the history of the area in which your research is being conducted or assuming that your surname has never been spelled a different way.Another common mistake is for researchers to assume they are the only person researching a particular family line. This is unlikely: any family group spanning several generations will probably contain a few thousand living members. This means that contacting distant cousins can be a timesaving and helpful resource. This is where the Web’s strength lies. As a ch eap means of communicating across oceans and time zones, the Net issecond to none, and thousands of family hunters log on daily to request help and information in the pursuit of their goal.It is also important that researchers keep careful notes of their information sources. A simple filing(文件归档) system for accessing the data they collect is also vital. This will help to avoid confusion once the information begins to pile up. A number of specialist programs are available to help with this. If you decide to use one of these programs, shop around and choose the one which most closely matches your needs.The problem with the Internet is that it is a very recent medium. The huge resources it offers only serve to highlight the enormous amounts of vital information that have yet to make it into digital format. For the foreseeable future, it is likely that much of the information you need will be found only in books in libraries or in national and local record offices. The online sources are growing fast, but it will be a long time before they completely replace more traditional methods.35. Many people have become interested in genealogy _______.A. because of Web sites on the InternetB. because people travel more nowadaysC. because they want to make contact with relativesD. because it is an interesting hobby36. The writer suggests that starting to research your family tree ______.A. can be difficultB. is best done by speaking to your parentsC. is easyD. should begin by using the Internet37. Many genealogists make the mistake of ______.A. believing everything that their relatives tell themB. not contacting their relativesC. misspelling their relatives’ namesD. ignoring very important information38. The writer thinks that it is unlikely that _______.A. only one person is researching a particular family lineB. any family group will have lots of living membersC. any family group will have few family membersD. contacting distant cousins is timesaving39. Which of these problems with the Internet is mentioned by the writer?A. It contains too much information.B. It is hard to keep up with new developments on the Internet.C. Lots of information still is n’t available on the Internet.D. Many libraries and record offices don't have Web sites.40. In general, the writer feels that the Internet ______.A. will soon be the most popular way of researching your family treeB. contains a large amount of information for researchersC. has become the best way of tracing your family treeD. will eventually take the place of more traditional methods of research第二节:任务型阅读阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。
现吨市安达阳光实验学校高三英语阅读理解专练(47)AWind—even the slightest of winds can prevent frost (霜冻).T hat’s because wind is like a spoon in your cup of tea: it stirs (搅起)things down and brings down a lot of warm air that often floats just above housetops and trees .It may seem strange , but ice itself sometimes can protect crops from frost . Some growers actually spray their crops with water on a freezing night . Water freezes quickly on plants and then a strange thing happens . As long as ice stays wet , it can’t ge t colder than 32°F, a temperaure many plants can stand . By continual spraying water on the ice , the growers keep it from going below 32 degrees even if the air is much colder . This may defeat frost and saves plants .This strange kind of “ice blanket” works only on plants that are strong enough to stand the weight of frozen spray . This is used even to protect banana plants on some Central American farms .1.If the ice became entirely frozen and dry , suppose what might happen .A.The plants might be frozen to death . B.The plants might benefit from it .C.It might save the plants . D.It might make the plants grow slowly .2.Ice can save plants rather than destroy them on condition that they are .A.sprayed regularly B.quickly frozen C.not strong enough D.used to frost3.The best title would be .A.Frost Saves crops B.Ice Battle C.Ice Can Be Nice D.Ice Is Good4.In which of the following sentences “stand” has the same meaning as in the last paragraph ?A.He could hardly stand . B.This house stands the test of time .C.The train stood for an hour . D.He stands in terrible danger .BBuild the highway and watch the town grow . At first a few shops appear and maybe a restaurant . Then a hotel opens . Eventually new houses are built . A village is born .This is also how the virtual world has developed . Think of the Internet as the road carrying information between two computers . Think of the World Wide Web as the village . At first it is just a place on the virtual road where travelers meet . More travelers come bringing new kinds of information . New villages are started .Every village has a founder . Tim Berners Lee is the man who wrote the software program that led to the foundation of the World Wide Web .How did he get the idea ? He tells us on his own website : “ One of the things computers were not able to do was store contacts from different sources . The dream behind the Web is of a common space in which we communicate by sharing information.”Tim Berners Lee could have followed the Microsoft route by forming a company to sell the programs he invented . Or he could have joined an existing company . But in his view the Web is a language , not a product . Charging a fee for using his programs would have slowed the growth of the Web . And other companies would make similar products to compete . Instead of one World Wide Web there would be several smaller Webs . Each would use incompatible (不相容的)software . The Web is valuable because it uses a common computer language to reach people and share information . Competing Webs would lose this value .Imagine if somebody sent you a bill every time you spoke a word of English .In 1994 Tim Berners Lee formed World Wide Web Consortium , or W3C. More than 200 leading companies and laboratories are represented by W3C. Together they make sure that everyone no matter what their equipment or software is can work equally on the Web .“The Web can help people to understand the way that others live and love . It hel ps us understand the humanity of people ,” he says . 5.Which appeared first , the Web or the Internet ?A.The Web . B.The InternetC.They appeared at the same time . D.There is no clue in the passage .6.What does the underlined part “ the virtual world” refer to ?A.The computer system . B.Scientific research C.All the information on the Web and the Internet .D.People working on the Web and the Internet7.What can be inferred from the sentence “Imagine if somebody sent yo ua bill every time you spoke a word of English ?A.The information on the Web should be shared by all .B.The Web is where all kinds of information are stored .C.People can get all kinds of information on the Web . D.People can communicate on the Web .8.Which is the main idea of the passage ?A.How Tim Berners Lee founded the World Wide Web .B.The advantage of working on the World Wide Web .C.Why Tim Berners Lee wanted to found the World Wide Web .D.The building of World Wide Web is similar to the building of highways .CFOREIGN EXCHANGEA CLASS OE THEIR OWN9.The students who refer to both the good time and the bad time include .A.Susan Lane and Sara Small B.Linda Marks and David Links C.Tom Jennings and Linda Marks D.Leanne Smythe and Tom Jennings 10.The writing above would probably be .A.the records of students’ activities B.the foreign students’ name cardsC.the notice about a visit to foreign countriesD.the advertisement from an international travel service 11.The student who valued learning another language is .A.Linda Marks B.Sara Small C.Tom JenningsD.Leanne Smythe12.How many students mention the culture difference they have experienced ?A.Three . B.Four . C.Five . D.Six .DTake care about those who use the truth to deceive. When someone tells you something that is true , but leaves out important information that should be included , he can make a false impression . For example , someone might say, “I just won a hundred do llars on the lottery . It was great .I took that dollar ticket back to the store and turned it in for one hundred dollars !”This guy is a winner , right ? Maybe , maybe not . We then discovered that he bought two hundred tickets , and only one was a winner .He is really a big loser ! He didn’t say anything that was false , but he intentionally left out important information . That’s called ahalf-truth . Half truths are not technically lies , but they are just as dishonest .Untrustworthy candidates(候选人)in political campaigns often usethis trick . Let’say that during Governor Smith’s last term , her state lost one million jobs and gained three million jobs . Then she seeks another term . One of her opponents (对手) runs and ad. saying , “During Governor Smi th’s term , the state lost one million jobs !” That’s true . However ,an honest statement would have been , “During Governor Smith’s term, the state had a net gain of two million jobs .”Advertisers will sometimes use half-truths . It’s against the law to make false statements so they try to mislead you with the truth . An ad might boast (吹嘘), “Nine out of ten-doctors recommend Yucky Pills to cure nose pimples.” It fails to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Yucky Corporation .This kind of trick happens too often . It’s a sad fact of life: Lies are lies ,and sometimes the truth can lie as well .13.Which of the statements is true according to the article ?A.All advertisements are lies .B.You can’t trus t anyone who tells the truth .C.The truth can be used in dishonest ways .D.Whenever people tell the truth , they are really lying . 14.What does the underlined word “deceive” probably mean ?A.tell B.explain C.fool D.win15.The writer suggests in this article that people should .A.believe in nobody B.vote for female candidatesC.stay away from political campaigns D.think carefully about what they read and hear16.What is the best title for this article ?A.Everyone Lies at PresentB.Lying With the TruthC.Try to Be Honest to the PeopleD.Don’t Believe People Who Tell the TruthEA new study says one part of the human brain may become smaller as the result of a condition known as jet lag . Jet lag results from flying long distances in an airplane . People with jet lag may feel extremely tired for several days . They may also have problems thinking clearly and remembering .Recently a researcher at the University of Bristol in Britain reported the findings of his jet lag study , which involved twenty young women who worked for international airlines . They had served passengers on airplanes for five years . These flight attendants flew across many countries and at least seven time zones . In the study , the flight attendants had different amounts of time to recover from jet lag . Half the women spent five days or fewer in their home areas between long flights . The other half spent more than fourteen days in their home areas .The researcher took some saliva from the women’s mouths to measure levels of a hormone (荷尔蒙)that increases during stress(紧张). He tested them to see if they could remember where black spots appeared on a computer screen . And he took pictures of their brains to measure the size of the brain’s temporal lobes (脑叶).It was found that the women who had less time between flights had smaller right temporal lobes . This area of the brain deals with recognizing and remembering what is seen . The same group performed worse and had slower reaction times on the visual memory test . And their saliva samples showed higher levels of stress hormones .The researcher believes the brain needs at least ten days to recover after a long trip . He says airline workers told him their ability to remember got worse after working on planes for about four years . Other studies have shown that increased feelings of stress can cause a loss of cells in the part of the brain that controls memory .Scientists say more tests are needed to study the effects of jet lag on the brain . They want to find out if too much jet lag could permanently (永久性的)affect memory .17.According to the text , jet lag .A.can cause difficulties in speakingB.can make people feel tired for a few weeksC.can be only found in flight attendantsD.can be caused by flying over several time zones18.It can be inferred from the text that .A.the conclusion is refused by many scientistsB.scientists fear that this research is not done properlyC.every scientific conclusion needs the support from many tests D.the women who were examined in the research were not healthy 19.From the result of the research we can see that .A.the women who have longer rest at home show better memoryB.the women who fly in short time have smaller right temporal lobes C.the women who have longer flights fail the memory testD.the women who rest more than 14 days produce less hormones 20.What is the subject discussed in the text ?A.The cause of jet lag .B.A story of a group of flight attendants .C.The importance of having enough rest after flights .D.A research about the effects of jet lag on the brain .参考答案AACBB CACCA BACCD BDCAD。
2024年一般高等学校招生全国统一考试高三英语全真模拟考试试题(三)(满分150分 120分钟)留意事项:1.全卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。
1.What are these two people talking about?A.A lightweight shirt.B.Things to wear.C.The warm weather.2.What is the woman’s job?A.Cook. B.Waitress. C.Saleswoman.3.How is the man getting to work?A.Riding. B.By bus. C.Driving.4.What does the man mean?A.The woman’s uncle will come for a visit.B.He thinks the woman should visit her uncle.C.He asks the woman to go over to his place.5.What will the weather in Arizona be like in the coming week?A.Rainy. B.Warm. C.A bit cold.其次节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
天津市耀华中学2022届高三寒假英语综合练习 (三)I. 单选1. —Oh, my God, I left my portable computer in the taxi!—________. Let’s call the taxi company first.A.Pray for itB.Cheer upC.Forget itD.Calm down2. The experts’ suggestion is that cats should always have ________ to fresh and clean water.A.connectionB.choiceC.assessmentD.access3. For our future generation, we must show respect for ________ nature, increasing ________ amount of waste we recycle.A.the;theB./;anC.the;anD./;the4. Interest rates were cut and, ________, share prices rose.A.in returnB.in particularC.in nameD.in turn5. —Can you believe Kim’s got fired from work?—________.She was always late or calling in sick. But I hope she will find a new job.A.God bless herB.It can’t hurtC.It serves her rightD.No worries6. A child should be receiving either meat or eggs daily, preferably ________.A.neitherB.noneC.eitherD.both7. There are many inconveniences that have to be ________ when you are camping.A.put up withe up withC.kept up withD.caught up with8. A law can’t be ________ for anyone, even for those in power.A.turnedB.bentC.beatenD.meant9. —Long time no see!Where have you been?—I went to Ningxia and ________ there for one year, teaching as a volunteer.A.stayedB.stayC.had stayedD.am staying10. This winter, one of the largest ________ snowstorms hit many areas.A.recordingB.recordedC.being recordedD.to record11. You ________ feel all the training a waste of time, but I’m a hundred percent sure later you’ll be grateful you did it.A.shouldB.needC.shallD.may12. —You should have told her about the meaning of the gesture.—I meant ________, but I had some unexpected guests.A.toB.to haveC.to do soD.doing so13. —How are things going, Mr.White?—Well, they have set out to deal with the present situation ________ they think deserves their immediate attention.A.whatB.whereC.whenD.which14. ________ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.A.No matter whatB.No matter whichC.WhateverD.Whichever15. I’m sorry to say I failed to meet the deadline. With better equipment, I ______ the task on schedule.A.would accomplishB.could accomplishC.must have accomplishedD.might have accomplishedII. 完形填空One day, while I was walking to work, I decided to bring some flowers that I had picked from my garden that morning. On the way, I __16__ a stranger and presented the bunch to him with a smile card. __17__ by the sense of joy, I felt from giving flowers to another person, and may be __18__ his day, I wanted to do it again.When I got to my office, I had the __19__ of anonymously (匿名) leaving flowers around the workplace. The impersonal (无人情味的) __20__ of the building where I work makes me __21__. It just feels a little boring sometimes, __22__ it’s a nice building with great light. I __23__ lots of people might feel the same way, so why not put a little __24__ there, and throw in an inspirational quote while I’m at it? __25__, who doesn’t like flowers?So, for the past month, I’ve been putting flowers in a little cup on the sink in the __26__. Each week, I __27__ the flowers and the quote. It always feels __28__ for me to read quotes like Henry David Thoreau’s “If one advances __29__ in the direction of his dreams, he will meet with a __30__ unexpected in common hours.” and Gandhi’s “The fragrance (香味) always __31__ on the hand that gives the rose.” If anything, I figured, it at least makes me __32__ each time I visit the bathroom.Then today, when I walked in, I __33__ new flowers in the cup, and a quote that someone else had written! It said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”—Gandhi.The little act __34__ that at the end of the day, we’re all just people with hearts, __35__ the various roles and different hats we may wear in the workplace.I did a little dance and I am smiling wide for the rest of the day!16.A.picked out B.came across C.called up D.pointed at17.A.Struck rmed C.Surprised D.Honored18.A.calming B.determining C.reflecting D.brightening19.A.belief B.way C.idea D.aim20.A.design B.atmosphere C.decoration D.regulation21.A.uncomfortable B.impolite C.impatient D.unconscious22.A.when B.unless C.because D.though23.A.concluded B.considered C.doubted D.expected24.A.mystery B.adventure C.beauty D.courage25.A.More or less B.After all C.At most D.In no case26.A.kitchen B.office C.bathroom D.dining-hall27.A.count B.check C.clean D.change28.A.refreshing B.interesting C.satisfying D.puzzling29.A.confidently B.surprisingly C.quickly D.effectively30.A.prize B.truth C.success D.shock31.A.holds B.attaches C.remains D.focuses32.A.strong B.happy C.exciting D.shocked33.A.noticed B.found C.enjoyed D.put34.A.introduces B.warns C.suggests D.reminds35.A.regardless of B.in terms of C.in addition to D.instead ofIII. 阅读理解APastime is a bi-monthly magazine for curious young minds.Many of the topics we write about won’t be covered in the classroom.All the articles are written in a lively style, and each one is paired with drawings by some of the country’s most talented artists.◆History focuses on archaeological(考古的) sites around the world where archaeologists work to unearth important finds.◆World includes stories about daily life, folk tales, history and traditions of the people and places.◆Sport includes nutrition tips, information about up-and-coming young athletes, and sports events.◆Art stimulates a child’s cultural life, from film to theatre through to writing and music.On top of all that, Pastime is packed with items to stimulate a youngster’s imagination,including pages of puzzles and a step-by-step guide to creating their own impressive-looking drawings.In every issue, we review the latest books top authors write for youngsters.There are also short works of fiction written especially for Pastime by some of our best writers.We know that children at this age are dealing with many emotions and sometimes difficult feelings, so we have a personal advice page to reply to questions dealing with personal and moral problems.Unlike many of today’s throwaway comics, Pastime is written and designed to be kept and treasured.We know children love going online — but we also know how much they enjoy holding a printed magazine in their hands, and the excitement they get when each new issue drops through the letterbox personally addressed to them.SubscriptionPastime is published six times a year.An annual subscription costs just £20 and makes a great gift for any child aged eight to twelve.To order by phone: Dial 1-800-821-0156 and use Offer Code WEBSA VE86 for print-only subscriptions.You can cancel at any time for magazines that haven’t been shipped yet.36. According to the passage, the magazine is published ________.A.every monthB.every two monthsC.three times a monthD.six times a month37. If a reader is interested in festivals, he can read ________.A.HistoryB.WorldC.SportD.Art38. What does the magazine provide?A.Photos of talented artists.B.Stories created by children.C.Suggestions on readers’ problems.D.Book reviews written by students.39. How do the children react to the printed magazine?A.Favorable.B.Critical.C.Unconcerned.D.Confused.40. Subscribers of Pastime need to know that the magazine ________.A.offers electronic copiesB.costs £20 for each copyC.is for kindergarten childrenD.can be cancelled before shippingBA few months ago, I decided that I was going to treat myself to a 4-day getaway from Los Angeles and visit Chicago. I got a free airplane ticket, but had to pay the hotel in cash, which I really couldn’t afford. I found a travel website where a discounted 3-night stay was purchased from a recently opened hotel.About three weeks before the trip, I had to regretfully cancel and only then did I realize the room, while transferable to another person, couldn’t be changed to a later date and wasn’t refundable. For the next two weeks, I tried selling it on Craig’s list with no success. Five days before the “big weekend”, I gave up trying to get any money back and decided I’d contact some acquaintances who live in Chicago and offer someone a free “staycation”. After trying a handful of people, all of whom already had their own plans, I was determined to have the room not go to waste.That’s when it suddenly occurred to me that I was looking at the rooms in the wrong way. Instead of viewing them for vacation purposes, surely there must be a way to put them to good use, and that was when the idea that some sort of shelter might be able to use it hit me. I eventually found one whose focus is aiding victims of domestic violence. This particular onewas willing to listen to my out-of-left-field story and made it easier to transfer the rooms. The shelter was working with a desperate woman and her daughter, who were fortunately able to make use of the room. I was later told by the shelter “they had a blast”.41. We can learn from Paragraph 1 that the author ________.A.had a tight budget for his holidayB.bought his flight ticket using cashC.planned to go on business in ChicagoD.ordered a 4-day getaway from a website42. What was the author’s first choice when he realized the situation?A.Making the trip himself.B.Doing a favor to a friend.plaining to the authority.D.Getting his money back.43. What did the author finally do with his room reservation?A.He sold it to someone on vacation.B.He donated it to needy strangers.C.He put it off to a later holiday time.D.He used it for domestic violence.44. From the underlined sentence in the last paragraph, we can infer that ________.A.the author was unhappy with the resultB.the program was shocked by the eventC.the women were grateful for the roomD.the shelter was asking for more rooms45. What do you think of the author?A.Rich and considerate.B.Fortunate and humorous.C.Kind-hearted and determined.D.Modest and optimistic.CA recent study led by researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has found a clear link between the color of a taxi and its accident rate. An analysis of 36 months of detailed taxi, driver and accident data from two fleets of yellow and blue taxis in Singapore suggested that yellow taxis have fewer accidents than blue taxis. The higher visibility of yellow makes it easier for drivers to avoid getting into accidents with yellow taxis, leading to a lower accident rate.The study was led by Professor Ho. To test whether there was a causal relationship between the color of a taxi and the number of accidents the taxi had, the research team analyzed data collected by the largest taxi company in Singapore. The researchers found that yellow taxis have about 6.1 fewer accidents per 1,000 taxis per month.The researchers also studied the economic effect of changing the color of the entire fleet of taxis to yellow. The Singapore taxi company involved in the study owns about 16,700 taxis in a ratio(比例) of one yellow to three blue taxis. If a commercial decision is made to switch from blue to yellow taxis, 76.6 fewer accidents would occur per month or 917 fewer accidents per year. Assuming an average repair cost of $1,000 per car and a downtime of six days, switching the color of all taxis to yellow could produce an annual savings of $2 million.“We are eager to continue to validate (证实) the findings of our study by looking at the use of yellow in other types of public transport, such as school buses. For instance, we hope to compare the accident rates of yellow school buses against other colors to find out if yellow is indeed a safer color for school buses. Besides, we are also interested to look at private-hire vehicles and do a comparison of the accident rates of vehicles that are of different colors,” explained Professor Ho.46. Why do yellow taxis result in fewer accidents?A.Because yellow can be seen more easily.B.Because yellow signals a warning of danger.C.Because drivers tend to be more careful in yellow taxis.D.Because people act more quickly in yellow surroundings.47. The underlined word “fleets” in Paragraph 1 probably means ________.A.colorsB.typesC.brandsD.groups48. What’s Professor Ho’s study based on?A.Physical risks taxi passengers experience.B.The economic effect of changing taxi color.C.Data from Singapore’s largest taxi company.D.Personal reports from taxi drivers worldwide.49. What do Professor Ho’s words in the last paragraph suggest?A.School buses should be painted yellow.B.Their findings are worth popularizing.C.Yellow should be widely used in public transport.D.Their study will be furthered.50. What can be the best title for the text?A.Caution: Yellow Taxis AheadB.Safer to Ride in Yellow TaxisC.The Preferred Color — YellowD.Colors and AccidentsDWhen you eat out in a restaurant, it is not unusual to hear people yelling, “Let me get this one!”and sometimes see them pushing or arm wrestling to fight for the privilege of paying the bill.These fights are often very loud and active. Each person involved shows an honest desire to pick up the bill, and in the end, all the people at the table give the winner praise and gratitude.In fact, figuring out who will get the bill is always a headache for Chinese people at formal meals. Although the people hosting the meal are very likely to pay the check, it is a common practice to make a token (象征性的) effort to pay the bill, but you will embarrass them if you do end up actually chipping in (凑) some cash.In recent years, going Dutch has been accepted by many young people. But older generations who fear “losing face” still find it embarrassing and mean to calculate each person’s share of the bill. As travel guide brand Lonely Planet noted, it is considered “the height of unsophistication (不懂人情世故)”.But these days, thanks to digital payment apps, splitting the bill electronically is becoming a widely-accepted idea. Even people from older generations would like to do so.By scanning a QR code and paying their share via social networking tool WeChat and e-commerce app Alipay on their smartphones in one easy click, urban Chinese are finding it easier to save them the embarrassment of figuring out each person’s payment when they order a meal.“This function has made going Dutch less trouble and more fun in China”, CNN noted.“Because of their convenience, many of us are never without our phones. And person-to-person mobile payment services are incredibly easy to use and save the trouble of dealing with change,” said an 18-year-old student in China.“You can also leave funny notes using emoji (表情符号) like a bowl of rice or a cup of tea to describe a meal that you have shared.”51. What is the passage mainly about?A.The Chinese tradition of dining out with friends.B.A new trend of splitting the bill in China.C.How social networking tools have influenced our daily lives.D.Why people in China argue over who pays the bill when dining out.52. Splitting the bill at formal meals was considered to be a(an) ________ task.A.hardB.easyC.excitingD.funny53. Many Chinese people make a taken effort to pay the bill because ________.A.they don’t want to be considered unsophisticatedB.they want praise and gratitude from their friendsC.they consider it an honor to host the meal and pay the billD.they find it hard to work out how much each person needs to pay54. The underlined phrase “going Dutch” (in Paragraph 4) probably means ________.A.figuring out the total paymentB.taking turns to pay the billC.fighting for the privilege of paying the billD.each person paying their own expenses55. According to the passage, which is NOT the advantage of using digital payment apps to split the bill?A.They’re easier to use and more interesting.B.They save the trouble of dealing with change.C.They make it easier to figure out how much money each person has to pay.D.They make people less embarrassed to split the bill.IV. 阅读表达A daughter complained to her father about her life and how things have been so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and she wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed that just as one problem was solved another arose.Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen, filled three pots with water and placed the fire on a high fire. Soon the three pots came to a boil. In one he placed carrots, in the other he placed eggs, and the last he placed ground coffee beans. He let them sit and boil, without saying a word.The daughter impatiently wondered what he was trying to do. In half an hour he walked over to the stove and turned down the fire. He pulled the carrots out and placed them in the bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in the bowl. Then he ladled (盛) the coffee out and placed it in a cup. Turning to her, he asked, “Darling what do you see?” “Carrots, eggs, and coffee, ”she replied.He brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. She smiled, as she tasted its rich aroma (芳香). Humbly, she asked, “What does it mean, Father?”He explained, “Each of them faced the same adversity, however each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard. But after going through boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg was fragile. A thin outer shell protected a liquid center. But after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The coffee beans are unique however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.”“Which are you, ”he asked his daughter, “When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond?Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?”56. How did the daughter feel about her life?(no more than 10 words)57. Why did the father take his daughter to the kitchen?(no more than 12 words)58. What does the underlined word “adversity” in the last paragraph probably mean in English?(no more than 5 words)59. What advice did the father give his daughter?(no more than 10 words)60.What kind of man do you think the father was and why?(no more than 25 words)I. 单选1.D本题考查情景交际。
高中英语《非谓语动词》专题精选练习3(含答案)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.His food______,the man had to come out of his hiding place.A.run out B.was run outC.running out D.using up2.Every minute is made full use of______our lessons before the exam.A.studying B.being studied C.to study D.to be studying 3.With a lot of difficult problems________,the newly-elected president is having a hard time.A.settled B.settlingC.to settle D.being settled4.Nervously______challenges,I know I will whisper to myself the two simple words“Be yourself”.A.faced B.facing C.to face D.is facing 5.(2018·天津)I need a new passport so I will have to have my photographs___________. A.taking B.takenC.being taken D.take6.I watched Mike's adolescence,_____he ran into trouble,_____things at the wrong time and misunderstood by many people.A.when;saying B.which;said C.when;said D.which;saying 7.---Do you know anything about War of Seven Kingdoms,the Chinese Game of Thrones? ---Sure.Although each event_____a well-known actor playing the key roles,it has all its plots well_____on established historical records and archaeological findings. A.features;grounded B.characteristics;witnessed C.stars;depended D.displays;commented8.There are lots of places of interest_____in our city.A.needs repairing B.needing repaired C.needed repairing D.needing to be repaired9.In2015,China won the bid to host the Winter Olympics,________Beijing the first city in the world to host both the Summer and Winter Games.A.make B.making C.to make D.made 10.In the New Year speech____by our headmaster,he summarized the progress we made in 2019.A.clarified B.restored C.underlined D.delivered 11.____with global vision and the spirit of innovation is crucial to China's young generation. A.Being equipped B.Equipping C.Equipped D.Having equipped12.The scientist found a cure for the disease,____approximately600clinical cases. A.studying B.to study C.having studied D.to have studied 13.With food and drink____,they couldn’t_____much longer.A.running out;hold out.B.being run out;hold on.C.had been run out;hold on.D.ran out of;hold up.14.AIDS is said_______the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area in the past three years.A.that it is.B.to be.C.that it has been.D.to have been.15.Don't you think it is time you______the plan?It is_______the managers wanted to see________soon.A.set out discussing;that;to be carried outB.should set about discussing;that;to carry outC.should set out to discuss;what;to be carried outD.set about discussing,what;carried out16.The silver moon was high overhead,and there was a gentle breeze down the valley.A.playing B.to play C.played D.having played 17.I ran all the way to the post office,only___that it had closed.A.finding B.having found C.to find D.to be found 18.Mike gave me a lovely kitty and told me that it required___carefully.A.being looked after B.looked after C.looking after D.to look after 19.The professor_____out the project made a comment on the report.A.was opposed to carry B.opposed to carry C.opposed to carrying D.opposed carrying20.A total of19Golden Rooster Awards______,The Wandering Earth took home the award the Best Picture.A.to present B.having presented C.being presented D.presented 21.—Did Jackson mend the computer himself?—He________,because he knows nothing about computers.A.mended it B.had mended it C.had it mended D.has it mended 22.By no means____when we ty to create a global brand.A.the cultural factor is to neglectB.is the cultural factor to neglectC.the cultural factor is to be neglectedD.is the cultural factor to be neglected23.________upon his years of experience in the business,ZhangYong,Alibaba’s newly appointed CEO,came up with a novel idea for increasing sales.A.To draw B.Being drawn C.Drawing D.Drawn 24.(2015·北京)___________the early flight,we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.A.Catching B.CaughtC.To catch D.Catch25.(2015·四川)Little Tom sat________watching the monkey dancing in front of him. A.amaze B.amazingC.amazed D.to amaze26.The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,_______that he had enjoyed his stay here.A.having added B.to add C.adding D.added27.I suggested the person______to be put into prison.A.refers B.referring C.referred D.refer28.I feel like_________a long walk.Would you like_______with me?A.taking;going B.taking;to go C.to take;to go D.to take;going 29.Don’t forget__________the letter for me when you pass by the post office. A.post B.to post C.posted D.posting 30.Mark often attempts to escape_______whenever he breaks traffic regulations. A.having been fined B.being finedC.to have been fined D.to be fined31.She apologized for____to come.A.not her being able B.her being not ableC.not being able D.that she's not able to32.They haven’t decided when__________for Shanghai.A.to be leaving B.to leave C.leaving D.leave 33.The thief took away the woman's wallet without____.A.being seen B.seeing C.him seeing D.seeing him 34.It is no use____me not to worry.A.you tell B.your telling C.to have told D.having told二、用所给词的正确形式填空单句语法填空35.Watch out!Don’t get close to the building________walls are being painted. 36.Dinosaurs lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago,long________humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time.37.From tomorrow,children younger than12________(allow)only to play the game for a maximum of one hour a day.38.Great attention should be paid to________(protect)the water from being polluted. 39.They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house________(decorate).40.The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music,most of________ was based loosely on the Beatles.41.The container contains many kinds of fruits,apples________(include). 42.English in this story________(simplify)several times so far to make it easier for children to understand.43.The farm________(hand)down from his father to him last year.44.The ancient Olympic Games were first held in Athens,in which only men from Greece had the right________(compete).阅读下面的句子,请在空白处填出适当的内容。
一、听力选择题二、听力选择题1. Where is the bike now?A .Under the stairs.B .In the garden.C .At the gate.2. What are the speakers mainly talking about!?A .Their tutors.B .Their books.C .Their essays.3. What is the man’s attitude about the suggestion?A .He thinks that is a good idea.B .He accepts it willingly.C .He accepts it unwillingly.4. Why does the woman apologize to the man?A .She lost his bags.B .She ran into him.C .She forgot his name.5.A .A faraway village.B .A delicious breakfast.C .A beautiful view.D .A terrific morning.6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What job may the man want?A .A waiter.B .A science tutor.C .A lab assistant.2. Where can the man get information about the jobs?A .From his teachers.B .In his school lab.C .On the university website.7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does the woman think of the coat she has been given?A .It’s too big.B .It is out of fashion.C .It isn’t worth the money.2. What does the man mean in the end?A .The woman has to pay the price difference.B .He doesn’t want to sell the coat to the woman.C .He refuses to exchange the coat for the woman.8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
高考英语词汇同近义、相似词精选练习(三)1.Pigeon is often considered a(n)________ of peace.A. exampleB. signC. markD. symbol2.If you spend enough money advertising, your product sales will surely_________.A. expandB. enlargeC. extendD. increase3.We volunteered to collect money to help the ______ of the tsunami.A. victimsB. folksC. fellowsD. villagers4.By 1909, Picasso had______ himself as a painter of great talent in Paris.A. madeB. recognizeC. admittedD. established5.If you do n’t take away all your things from the desk, there won’t be enough_____ for my stationery.A. areaB. placeC. roomD. surface6.We akk write________, even when there’s not much to say.A. now and thenB. by and byC. step by stepD. more or less7._________ most students, she was always well prepared and never came to class late.A. LikeB. AsC. ForD. To8.Everyone should fight for the_______ of their own country.A. favourB. rewardC. honourD. prize9.The policema n saved the little girl from the gangs. He’s never afraid of them.I think he is a man of _________.A. importanceB. useC. courageD. value10.It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to________.A. rewardsB. prizesC. awardsD. results11.The surgeon_______ his excellent skill in carrying out the operation.A. representedB. instructedC. demonstratedD.exhibited12. I wrote him a letter to show my______ of his thoughtfulness.A. achievementB. agreementC. attentionD. appreciation13.Ben has not the least_______ of giving up his research.A. intentionB. attemptC. aimD. desire14.We decided not to climb that mountain because it wasraining_________.A. badlyB. hardlyC. stronglyD. heavily15.One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high-rise is that you can get a good ________.A. sceneryB. sceneC. viewD. look16.________ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.A. AsB. ForC. WithD. Though17.Parents try to _______ their children of their bad habits.A. cureB. treatC. recoverD. heal18.My cousin worked all winter vocation, saving money to______ his hobby of collecting stamps.A. searchB. huntC. seekD. pursue19.Many moving stories of that time remain______ in people’s heart to this day.A. deeplyB. stronglyC. strongD. deep120.The finance minister has not been so _____ since he raised taxes to such a high level.A. popularB. well-knownC. favorableD. preferable21.The computer was one of the greatest______ in the 20th century.A. inventionsB. discoveriesC. findingsD. explorations22. —Excuse me, may I ask you some questions?---Sorry, I’m too busy and haven’t even a minute to________.A. spendB. spareC. shareD. stop23.At the______ of the century, Shanghai is developing at a rapid speed.A. turnB. changeC. ageD. time24.The church has______ quite a few changes over the years.A. watchedB. witnessedC. viewedD. observed25.The tragedy of the innocent young Brazilian boy killed by the British police has put the British police in a difficult________.A. occasionB. caseC. situationD. background26. We all knew from the very _____ that the plan would fail.A. outcomeB. outsetC. incomeD. output27.Eye_______ is very important when delivering a speech in public.A. touchB. sightC. signD. contact28.Such people shouldn’t be_______ into the party.A. permittedB. admittedC. allowedD. agreed29.Carine is not in the ______ for going to the ball tonight.A. conditionB. temperC. moodD. motion30.—Why haven’t you bo ught any butter? —I_____ to but I forgot about it.A. likedB. wishedC. meantD. expected31.Shopping-centres provide us with a large_____ of goods to choose from.A. typeB. rangeC. varietyD. sort32.Coffee is said to have_____ effects.A. promotingB. stimulatingC. encouragingD. enhancing33.The police officers here do not usually_____ guns.A. bringB. carryC. takeD. hold34.If you want to get the driver’s_______ you should take some courses first in the traffic school.A. licenseB. certificateC. passportD. permission35.John was asked to_____ the man who stole his wallet.A. recognizeB. claimC. confirmD. identify36.When will the new driving laws come into________?A. useB. effectC. serviceD. existence37.Model as a career_____ to many young girls because of the fascinating T-stage.A. attractsB. appealsC. callsD. pulls38.The environmentalists said wild tiger’s______ on the Thai mountain was a good indication of the better environment.A. escapeB. absenceC. attendanceD.appearance39.I hope they will finish the project in time, but they themselves are very_____ that it will.A. certainB. confidentC. doubtfulD. suspicious40.The result of the election has not been__________.A. announcedB. declaredC. claimedD. maintained41.Honesty is the most important______ a man can have.A. habitB. mannersC. qualityD. effect42.Although the working mother is very busy, she still_____ a lot of time to her children.A. devotesB. spendsC. offersD. provides43.After three months, these young students finally became used to the ______ of life in a big city abroad.A. speedB. paceC. rateD. frequency44.When I opened the door, a parcel on the floor_____ my eye.A. metB. caughtC. drewD.attracted45.After the president made an official announcement, she expressed her_____ opinion.A. personalB. privateC. singleD. individual46.The new method he suggested sounded good in_______,but is not practical in use.A. opinionB. policyC. theoryD. principle47.When you are going upstairs, please_____ your head.A. attendB. noticeC. mindD. observe48.We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are out of________.A. workB. reachC. stockD. practice49.In Shanghai, people______ thousand tons of watermelon every summer.A. swallowB. eatC. consumeD. exhaust50.Some of the traditional industries have lost their_____ with the rise of the new ones.A. energyB. strengthC. vigorD. power51. Lawyers often make higher _____ for their work than they should.A. billsB. chargesC. pricesD. costs52.It takes a lot of______ to become a good swimmer.A. trainB. exerciseC. practiceD. performance53.Alice laid her baby on the sofa_____ and wrapped it with a blanket.A. silentlyB. tenderlyC. friendlyD. comfortably54.Several cars are available within this price________.A. areaB. filedC. landD. range55.Every classroom in this modern school is_______ with a new computer.A. equippedB. replacedC. fixedD. place56.Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise,______ our minds developed by learning.A. probablyB. likelyC. similarlyD. generally57.She bought the painting at a much higher______ than itsreal_______.A. value, priceB. price, valueC. value, valueD. price, price58.He holds an important posit ion in the company;_______, I don’t quite trus t him.A. thusB. furthermoreC. otherwiseD. nevertheless59.There’re more Olympic______ winners per head of population in Australia than in other countries.A. metalB. modelC. medalD. modal60.Thanks to the modern electrical_____, housework nowadays has been made easier and easier.A. facilitiesB. instrumentsC. appliancesD. tools1.Pigeon is often considered a(n)________ of peace.A. exampleB. signC. markD. symbolD.象征。
200句高考词汇背诵及练习3 高三英语一轮复习
新200句高考词汇背诵 331.Over time, both of you will benefit -----your partner will be able to lift more weights and you will become more physically fit.随着时间的推移,你们都将受益-----你的伴侣将能够举起更多的重量,你将变得更健康。
32.When he got older, John started to wonder if this process could be used to clean up the messes people were making.长大后,约翰开始思考这个过程是否可以用来清理人们制造的混乱。
33.The task John set for himself was to remove harmful substances from some sludge (污泥).约翰给自己定的任务是去除污泥中的有害物质。
34.You'll hear these participants' stories and learn what strategies worked well for them, and what trap s they encountered that you should avoid.你将听到这些参与者的故事,了解哪些策略对他们有效,以及他们遇到的你应该避免的陷阱。
35.In fact, do n't wait until you've made a mistake to try this --- it's a great way to boost self-confidence at any time.事实上,不要等到你犯了错误才去尝试——这是一个在任何时候都能增强自信的好方法。
36.Once there, Lenoue was assessed and later taken to a hospital, where she learned that she had serious injurie s in one of her knees.勒诺在那里接受了检查,后来被送往医院,在那里她得知自己的一个膝盖受了重伤。
Unit 3ComputersⅠ.单词拼写1.With the development of science and________(技术),a new robot is on the way.2.Our dream is to________(探索)the universe.3.It was a________(合情理的)conclusion from the child's point of view.4.My________(目标)in life is to help others.5.The train must stop when the________(信号)is red.6.I'm going to visit my n________.7.He is clever enough to s________the maths problem.8.The invention can be put to use in our daily life. In other words, it has a________value.9.Unexpected difficulties a________in the course of their experiment.10.What t________of house would you prefer to live in?答案:1.technology 2.explore 3.logical 4.goal 5.signal6.niece7.solve8.application9.arose10.typeⅡ.完成句子1.天气那么好,我们决定去游泳。
(so...that...)________was________ ________ ________ ________ ________we decided to go swimming.2.事故随时可能出现,因此要求警察全天候值班。
线练学校高三英语 精选百道 单选题练习(三)
始驾州参艰市线练学校四师六十二团中学高三英语精选百道单选题练习(三)1. ----______you did?----No, in fact I didn’t need to.A.Is that whatB. Is what thatC. What is thatD. Is what2. He was seriously ill. That is______he didn’t come yesterday.A. the reasonB. whyC. becauseD. for what3. He didn’t come yesterday. That is_______he was ill.A. whyB. the reason whyC. becauseD. for what4.Things were not________they had been before.A. as ifB. as likeC. asD. like5._______the old man’s sons wanted to know was_______the gold had been hidden.A.What ; thatB. That; whereC.What; whereD. What; whether6.Our city is quite different from _______ ten years ago.A.what it isB. which it wasC. that it wasD. what it was7.The little boy is wondering_______to visit Disneyland.A. how it is likeB. how is it likeC. what it is likeD. what is it like8._______was telling a lie.A.Anyone who tells youB.Whoever told you thatC.Those who told you thatD.Whoever told you9.All of the boys went out to see_______with their trainer.A.what wrong wasB. what the matter wasC. what was the matterD. what was the wrong10.Mother made a promise_______I passed the final exam she would buy me a compueter.A. ifB.that whetherC.whetherD.that if11._____we will go outing depends on_______it will be a fine day tomorrow.A.If ; whetherB. Whether ; ifC. Whether ; whetherD. If ; if12.We don’t doubt________he is suitable for the jobA. whetherB.thatC.whether or notD. if13.I still remember the promise_______he made_______he would give me a gift for my birthday.A. what; thatB.that ; thatC. that ; whichD.which; which14.I have no idea_______he will come back from work.A.whereB.thatC. whenD.which15. Is that the reason______you can’t tell us?A. for whichB.whyC.thatD.what16.-----I’d like to invite you to a concert this evening.-----Thank you ,but_______I’ ll be free I am not sure at the moment.A. whileB.ifC.whenD.whether17.I kept looking at the man, wondering________.A.whether I have seen him beforeB.where I had seen him beforeC.that I had seen him beforeD.when I had seen him before18.America was________was first called “India” by Columbus.A. thatB. whereC. whatD. the place19.Is there a shop around_________I can get a pack of cigarettes?A. whichB. whereC. thatD.what20.The soldiers soon reached _______ was once an old temple________the villagers used as a school.A.which ; whereB.what ; whichC. where ; whichD.what; where21.----I rang you at about ten, but there was no reply.----Oh, that was probably______I was seeing the doctor.A. whenB. whyC.whatD.that22.Helen is much more kind to her youngest child than to the others,______,of course, makes the others unhappy.A.whoB.whichC. sheD.that23.Why don’t you bring________to his atteention that you are too busy to do it?A. thisB. whatC.thatD. it24._______she was invited to the party made her very happy.A.IfB.ThatC.WhenD.Because25.Whether ways wiill be found to stop pollution or not is just________worries the public.A .why B.which C.that D.what26.-----Do you have anything in mind________you ’d like for supper?-----Well,_______is okey with me.A. that ;anythingB. which; everythingC.what; whateverD. where; something27.The boy dived into the water and after________seemed to be a long time, he came up again.A. whatB.thatC. itD.which28.Please tell me_________you want your coffee, black or white?A.whatB.whenC.whetherD.how29.These two areas are similar_______ they both have a high rainful during this seasonA. besides thatB.in thatC.except thatD. so that30.The writer has wrriten quite a few books now,_______his teachers and parents didn’t expect.A.thatB. asC.of whichD.which31.He noticed that the straight part of the dance was different in the afeternoon from_______it had been in the morning.A. thatB. whatC.whereD. which32.Actually, girls can be________they want to be just like boys, whether it is a pilot, a nurse, or a general manager.A.whoB. whichC.wharteverD.no matter what33.He is no longer the man________he was.A. whoB. thatC. whomD. as34.----How do you like the book?----It’s quite different from ________I read last month.A. thatB. whichC. the oneD. the one what35.A harvester is machine_______ we harvest crops or a person_______ in harvestingA. which; whoB. which; thatC. with it ; whoD. with which; that36.I will hire the man________they say is a good English speaker.A. whoB. thatC.whichD. whom37.Those who_______seen the film think highly of it.A. hasB. haveC.hadD. is38.The beautiful dress,________she went to the ball was borrowed from a friend.A. whomB. on whichC. in whichD.with which39.Is_______some German friends visited last week?A.this schoolB.this the schoolC. this school oneD.this school where40.I show you a store________you may buy all________you need.A. in which; thatB.where; whichC.which; thatD. that; that41.This is one of the largest factories________been built since last year.A. which haveB. that haveC.which hasD.that has42.Our table, one of________legs is broken, needs repairing.A.itsB.itC. whichD. whose43.She likes to use the words______ is not very clear.A.the meaning of whomB. of whose meaningC. of which the meaningD.meaning of which44.You can go out,_______you promise to be back before lunch.A. so as toB. so long asC. so thatD. so far45._______clearly so that your teacher_________you correctly.A. writing; will understand BTo write; could understandC. Having written; can understandD.Write; can understand46.It was________he was ill that he was absent yesterday.A. now thatB.sinceC.asD.because47.Japan has taken a more independent stand________.A. than it did beforeB. as it does beforeC. as it did beforeD.than it does a few years ago48.The climate of Asia can hardly be spoken of as a whole_______Asia is too large.A. because ofB. asC. becauseD. since49._______what may happen, I won’t change my mind.A. WhateverB. No matterC. HoweverD.Though50.I wonder if he_______us, and I think if he_______us we’ll be able to complete the task ahead of time.A. will help; will helpB. helps; will helpC. will help; helpsD.helps; helps51.I was about to leave my house________the phone rang.A.whileB.whenC.asD. after52._____,he has never spent a dollar on books.A.Rich as he isB.Rich as is heC.He is as richD. As he is rich53.If you________this experiment you will understand the theory better.A.will be doingB.have doneC.will have doneD.would do54.It takes________time to go there buy plane than by ship.A.far fewerB.far lessC.much fewerD.more less55.Not a single song________at yesterday’s party.A. she sangB. sing sheC.did she singD.she did sing56.Just after putting away the dishes,_________.A.the doorbell rang loudB.Nancy heaed the doorbell ringC.someone knocked at the doorD.the doorbell was rung57.Among thre high-risk group of heart disesase_______people with a preference for fatrich foods.A.there areB. areC. they areD. who are58. -----_________seems to be something wrong with the machine.-----Yes,_______got a lot of noise.A.It ;it’sB. There; it ’s CIt ; there’s D.There; there’s59.-----The problem wasn’t difficult for him, was it?-----______.He should have been given a more differicult one.A. No, it wasB.Yes, it wasC. Yes, it wasn’tD.No, it wasn’t60._______entered the office he realized that he had forgotten his report.A.He hardly hadB. Had he hardlyC.Hardly had heD.Hardly he had61.Was it 8 o’clock_________you heard someone________at the door?A.When ;knockingB.when ;knockC.that ;knockingD.that ;knock62.----It was careless of you_______your clothes outside all night.----My God!________.A.to leave ;So did IB.Leaving; So do IC.to have left;So I did Dhaving left; So do I63.Nowhere else________such perfect silence________in these mountainsA. there is; likeB. there is; asC.is there; asD. is there ;like64.So seriously ________in the accident that he was sent to hospital at once.A. he was woundedB. was he hurtC. he did injureD. did he hurt65._______to have a talk with those humorous persons.A.What a fun it isB.How funnyC.It ’s such a funD.What fun it is66.Do you expect________to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the particular furniture we need?A. ItB. thereC. thatD.one67.Is ______three hours______the boy_______family is poor to come to school on foot?A. it ;that ;whosem Bit; when ;that C.it for ;that it takes; whose Dit ;that it takes; whose68.I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life_______so happy!A.did I feltB.I feltC.I had feltD.had I felt69.Not a single word________at the meeting.A. did he sayB.has he saidC. he saidD. he has said70.Is that the letter you got yesterday_______makes you so sad?A. whichB.whatC. thatD. when71.----Don’t you think Jack’s health has been ruined by over drinking?----Yes, he told me______himself.A.the thingB.itC.soD.the fact72.----I wonder if I can get a raise in salary.----You have been paid enough.______do you want?A.How muchB.What moreC.What elseD.How much more73. _______the expense, I________to Italy.A. If it were not; goB.Were it not for ;would goC. Weren’t it for; willgoD. If it hadn’t been ;would have gone74.----I have great difficuly working out this problem.-----________to me., you_____less difficulty with such problems.A. If you had listened ; would have hadB.If you listened; would haveC. Had you listened; would haveD. If you listen; will have75. -----Did you remember him of the meeting?-----No, if I_______at home, I would have.A. wereB. had beenC. wasD. should be76._______it would stop snowingA. If onlyB. Only ifC. Even ifD. But for77. Neither is that________.A. your nor is that mineB.youres nor is that meC. yours nor that is mineD. yours nor is that mine78.In such a hurry________to the schoolyard that he was out of breath.A. ran heB. he ranC. did he runD. he was running79.______before, but I have been ill.AHad written B.Have written C.Would have written D.Did write80.His illness was too srerious ,othwerwise he________saved.A.could beB.couldn’t have beenC.could haveD.could have been81.How I wish it________! If it_______in a few days, the crops would be saved.A. will rain; raiedB.would rain ; should rainC.should rain ;rainsD. would rain; had rained82.Gone________when we were oppressed.A. are the daysB. the days areC.there were daysD. were there days83._______,I will not buy it.A. I like it muchB. Like as I it muchC. Much do I like itD. Much as I like it84.Rarely______ such a good thing.A.have I heard ofB.I have heard ofC.had I heard ofD. have I been heard of85.__________ received law degree as today.A. Never so many women haveB.Never have so many womenC. The women aren’t everD.Women who have ever86.Across the river_______.A.lies a new built bridgeB.lies a newly built bridgeC.a new built bridge liesD.a newly built bridge lies87.We were lucky, for no sooner________home ________it rained.A.we returned; andB.did we return; whenC.after we returned; andD. had we returned; than88.Not a single mistake________in the exam yesterdayA.is make by himB.did he makeC. he madeD.had been make by him89._______comfortable than at home.A. No where do we feel moreB. No other places do we feel muchC. No where we felt moreD. No place do we feel more90.Up into the sky______.A. does the light blue smoke goB. the light blue smoke goC. go the light blue smokeD. went the light blue smoke91.We waited and waited, ______ we had been looking forward to.A.then the day cameB. then did the day comeC.then came the dayD.the day then came92.-----you’ ve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Wang.-----________.A.Oh, I am afraid I didn’t cook very well.B.I am glad you enjoyed ite again when you are freeD. It’s not necessary for you to say so93.-----Shall I help you with that suitcase?-----_______.A. It’s all right, thanks.B. Yes, go ahead pleaseC. I don’t want to trouble you too muchD. No, please don’t do it94.-----Waiter!-----________.-----I can’t eat this. It’s too salty.A. Yes, sir?B. What ?C. All right?D.Pardon?95.-----Mum, I ‘ve cut my finger. It’s bleeding.-----________.A. Let me seeB.Don’t worryC.Be carefulD. Let me have a look96.----Can I get you a cup of tea?-----_______.A.Oh,t hat’s very nice of youB.CongratulationsC. I t’s a pleasureD. Oh, I ’m glad to hear that97.It would be a good idea to use a plastic bottle,______cut off, as a container to growyoung plants in.A. of which the topB. the top isC. the top of whichD. with its top98.Word came_______a terrible storm would take place in Hainan.A.whichB.thatC.whatD. why99.----Do_______you think is right,_______others say.----Yes, I_________.A.as, what, doB. as, whatever ,willC. what ,what., canD.what, whatever, will100.She wondered_______she could have the opportunity to spend_______here______she could learn more about the city.A. if; sometime; so thatB. how; sometime;so thatC. when; some times; thatD.if;some time;such thatⅠ.单词拼写1.What life will be like in the future is difficult to ______(预测).答案:forecast2.To ______(保证) safety,the gate guards are on duty day and night.答案:ensure3.She was a ______(终身) member of the Democratic Party.答案:lifelong4.We should be ______(准备好的) for whatever the future may have in store.答案:well-prepared5.We need a () to weaken the exam oriented education.答案:reform6.We should protect the rights of c by forbidding low-quality goods.答案:consumers7.I don’t enjoy u life.It’s too noisy and crowded.答案:urban8.The smoke from the chimney i that someone was in the house.答案:indicated9.These ideas may seem strange to you,but scientists are working hard to turn them into r .答案:realities10.In the future teaching can be controlled by an advanced computer s .答案:systemⅡ.用所给词的正确形式填空1.We live in a boarding school and we go home at weekend _______(regular).答案:regularly2._______ (hopeful),the weather will turn out to be better tomorrow.答案:Hopefully3.There was not much _______(indicate) that the next few years would be peaceful.答案:indication4.The doctor asked us not to call him during the night except in case of _______ (necessary).答案:necessity5.Before you join the company,you will have to have a _______ (medicine)examination.答案:medical6.Parents should _______ (educator) their children to behave well.答案:educate7.To give a (definite) of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its uses.答案:definition8.The little boy bought some candies using his _______ (remain) 2 dollars.答案:remaining9.The house stands on a hill and can be seen from a _______ (distant) of two miles.答案:distance10.The government has already paid more attention to the _______ (important) of compulsory education.答案:importanceⅢ.句型转换1.A.What life will be like in the future is difficult to predict.B. _______ _______ _______ to predict what life will be like in the future.答案:It is difficult2.A.A good example of how transportation is changing is the new maglev train,which is environmentally friendly.B.A good example of _______ _______ _______ is the new maglev train,which is environment.答案:the changing transportation;good to3.A.It won’t be business as usual in the future.B.In the future,there will be _______ _______ _______ what it is now.答案:different business from4.A.Put the coat where you got it.B.Put the coat _______ _______ _______ _______ you got it.答案:in the place where5.A.People will use smart cards,which contain a tiny computer,instead of cash.B.People will _______ _______ use cash, smart cards, a tiny computer.答案:no longer;but;containingⅣ.用本单元出现的短语填空1.The runner kept some money _______ _______ for the end line.答案:is store2.Americans like to _______ business _______ pleasure.答案:combine;with3.Despite that it was raining hard,the students came to school on time _______ _______.答案:as usual4.We _______ _______ _______ _______ each other by writing letters once a week.答案:keep in touch with5.Some strange ideas at that time have now _______.答案:come true6.Don’t scold the boy any more. _______ _______he is only a boy of nine.答案:After all7.News that some soldiers were killed last night is _______ _______ _______ now.答案:on the air8.Eating too much sugar can _______ _______ health problems.答案:led to9.We don’t know how she _______ _______ looking after her family and doing a full-time job.答案:deals with10.Now I can drive to work _______ _______ going on foot.答案:instead ofⅤ.单句改错1.I have done everything that was required me.答案:required 后加of2.It is sure that some mistakes will occur.百道单选题答案(三)1----5 ABCCC 6---10 DCBCD 11----15 CBBCC 16---20DBCBB21---25 ABDBD 26---30 AADBD 31---35 BCBBD 36---40ABCBA41----45 BDCB D 46---50DACBC 51-----55 BABBC 56-----60BBBDC 61----65 ACCBD 66-----70BDDAC 71-----75 CDBCB 76----80ADCCD 81----85 BADAB 86----90BDBAD 91----95 CBAAD 96---100ADBDA。
A.Self-control increased with age.
B.Success at work needed great self-control.
C.Doing chores would improve children’s self-control.
D.By interviewing children in person.
10.What does the underlined word “dumbfounding” in paragraph 3 mean?
His death came just two months after the operation Jan 7. He was ineligible (不合格的) for the heart transplant list and xenotransplantation was, his only option. The fact that he was able to get two more months of life with the surgery proves its success.
8.What can we say about Damian’s finding?
A.It would stand the test of time.B.It challenged a popular belief.
C.It changed her research goals.D.It confirmed her assumptions.
高三英语模拟试题三“Look, it’s Baldy!” A boy shouted in my direction across the playground. Even though I was used to regular insults(侮辱)because of the 11 on my head, it was 12 horrible to hear. I sighed as I headed back to the class. When I was just 20 months old, I suffered serious 13 after a bowl full of hot oil feel on my head. I was 14 to hospital and had to stay there for weeks while the doctors 15 to save my life. “Holly’s very 16 to be alive,” they told Mum and Dad. “But she’ll be 17 with scars on her head, and of course her hair won’t grow there.”As a child, I cared much about my scars, so I 18 wore a scarf to cover them up when I left home. 19 I didn’t, people would call me horrible names like Baldy. Although my friends were always comforting me, they never 20 understood how it felt.Then through the hospital I was 21 to a children’s burns camp, where children like me can get any help. There I 22 14-year-old Stephanie, whose burns are a lot more serious than mine. But she is so 23 that she never lets anyone put her down. “You shouldn’t 24 what people say about what you look like because we’re not different from anyone else, Holly, ” She 25 me. “And you don’t need to wear a scarf because you look great 26 it!” For the first time in my life I could speak to someone who’d been through something 27 . So weeks later, at my 13th birthday party, 28 by her bravery, I gave up my scarf and showed off my scars. It felt amazing not having to 29 away behind my scarf.Now, I am 30 of what I look like and much happier, because I have realized it is your personality(个性)that decides who you are. 11. A. hat B. scarf C. scars D. cuts 12. A. still B. just C. never D. seldom13. A. hunger B. cold C. defeats D. burns 14. A. rushed B. led C. invited D. forced15. A. learned B. fought C. returned D. decided 16. A. happy B. lucky C. lonely D. poor17. A. pressed B. occupied C. left D. painted 18. A. possibly B. usually C. finally D. nearly19. A. Although B. Since C. If D. Before 20. A. correctly B. roughly C. easily D. really21. A. promoted B. introduced C. reported D. carried 22. A. met B. recognized C. remembered D. caught23. A. honest B. strong C. active D. young 24. A. write down B. agree with C. pass on D. listen to25. A. promised B. encouraged C. ordered D. Calmed 26. A. in B. for C. without D. beyond27. A. similar B. strange C. hard D. important 28. A. allowed B. required C. guided D. inspired29. A. hide B. give C. keep D. put 30. A. sick B. awake C. tired D. proud阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分),从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
高三英语九月月考试题3第一部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分)第一节语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,1 hostestA.honestB.hourC.exhibitD.husband D2. overcoatA.oceanB.possibleC.positionD.offer A3.accountA.touchB.mouthC.soulD.cough B4.cheerA. wearB.requireC.appearanceD.share C5.c hargeA.ch efB.chemistC.chewD.choir C第二节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
21.—You must obey every word of mine!—I don’t? (B)A.How about B. What if C.So what D.what about22.The major world powers are afraid of in the weapon race.A.falling behind B.falling downC. being left alone D.being left behind (A)23.The rich only themselves with making money and had no eye for the needs and welfare of their workers.A.occupied B.concerned C.enjoyed D.devoted (A)24.Let’s hope the sunny weather for Saturday’s tennis match.(A)A. keeps up B.picks up C.closes up D.clears up25.When the whole area was by the flood, the government sent food there by helicopter. (D)A.cut away B.cut down C.cut up D.cut off26.I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and in a neighborhood.A.all in all B.above all C.after all D.in all (B)27.He looked at us hopefully and said“all of you succeed this time.I will be waiting for good news from you.”A.wish B.hope C.may D.will (C)28.After floods had destroyed crops and houses,the farmers in the village were food and shelter.A.in favour of B.in hope of C.in charge of D.in want of (D)29.The results of this research can to new developments in technology. (A)A.be applied B.be appealed C.be accustomed D.be added30.Why she wants to go and live there alone is quite me. (C)A.over B.out of C.beyond D.up to31.He ran back into the room to see if he had anything behind. (D)A.forgotten B.laid C.remained D.left32.I can't tell you the exact time when I’ll get there,maybe at eight or at nine or later. ,I’ll be there as early as I can.A.anyhow B.However C.Thus D.Therefore ( A) 33.Jane and Tim still remember that it was , their parents, who encouraged them to continue the education. A.those B.who C.they D.whom ( C) 34.Children under six are not to school except those of extraordinary intelligence. A.permitted B.admitted C.accept D.received (B)35.Paper produced every year is three times the world’s production of vehicles.A.as heavier as B.more heavier C.of the weight of D.the weight of (D)第三节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21---40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
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When your friend yawns(打哈欠) as you chat, don’t be angry. For, far from being a sign of boredom, yawning may signal empathy (同感).Scientists believe that contagious(容易感染他人的) yawning —yawning 1 someone else does —is a sign of being very 2 in the first person’s thoughts and feelings.This is the theory of Italian researchers who 3 more than 100 men and women from four continents as they went to work, ate in restaurants and sat in waiting room.When one of the 4 yawned, the researchers noted whether anyone within 10 feet yawned within the next three 5 .Their results showed that race and 6 had no effect on whether the uncontrollable urge to yawn was 7 . But how well the two people knew each other did.A reciprocal(相互的) yawn was most 8 to occur among family members, then 9 , then acquaintances(认识的人). The phenomenon was 10 common among strangers, the journal PLOS ONE reports.The University of Pisa team concluded that contagious yawning is driven by how emotionally 11 we are to someone and so how likely we are to 12 the same feeling with them.They say there are other reasons to link yawning with empathy. 13 , we start to “catch” yawns from the age of four or five, around the time when we 14 the ability to identify each other's emotions 15 .Studies also show that those easily 16 by contagious yawning are better at knowing 17 others are thinking about from their faces.Most animals, including snakes and fish, yawn, 18 it is only contagious in humans and chimps(猩猩) and, according to a recent study, dogs.The researchers, from the University of London’s Birbeck College, put 29 19 in a room with a yawning man and found that 21, or 72%, also started to yawn. They said the skill may allow the pet to build stronger 20 with their owners.1. A. when B. before C. after D. while2. A. absorbed B. interested C. concerned D. disappointed3. A. saw B. observed C noticed D. watched4. A. workers B. customers C. researchers D. volunteers5. A. days B. weeks C. hours D. minutes6. A. sex B. age C. profession D. health7. A. passed by B. passed on C. passed away D. passed through8. A. likely B. possible C. normal D. probable9. A. classmates B. friends C. teachers D. strangers10. A. most B. least C. less D. more11. A. close B. different C. distant D. fond12. A. mix B. hurt C. lack D. share13. A. That is B. For example C. In a word D. To begin with14. A. develop B. lose C. control D. need15. A. exactly B. quickly C. particularly D. properly16. A. disturbed B. influenced C. caught D. interrupted17. A. who B. which C. how D. what18. A. but B. and C. so D. otherwise19. A. snakes B. fish C. dogs D. cats20. A. beliefs B. bonds C. basis D. bodies二:阅读理解(共9小题;每小题2分,满分18分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
AFuel Cell Technology for CarsFill her up with hydrogen? That’s what some California motoristsmay be saying soon, as car makers try to speed up production of zeroemission(零排放) cars to meet state requirements in the near future.Beneath the skin of this ordinary looking Hondas FCX ConceptVehicle sits an electro-chemical reactor: a hand built, astronomicallyexpensive power plant known as a fuel cell. It’s expected to be runningordinary family cars on California’s roads within three years.So what exactly is a fuel cell, anyway? Why are governments, private businesses and academic institutions cooperating to develop and produce them? A fuel cell, very simply described, is a power generator, making electricity through the combination of hydrogen and oxygen. Fuel cells generate electrical power quietly and efficiently, without pollution. Unlike power sources that use fossil fuels, the only by-products from an operating fuel cell are heat and water. To be more technical about it, a hydrogen atom with its one electron(电子), attempts to pass through a fuel cell membrane(膜) to unite with an oxygen atom. The membrane allows only the hydrogen proton(质子) to pass through, forcing its electron to run around the membrane to catch up with the proton on the other side. This creates electricity, water, and heat, but no exhaust emissions.If the fuel cell is powered with pure hydrogen, it has the potential to be up to 80-percent efficient, That is, it turns 80 percent of the energy content of the hydrogen into electrical energy. However, we still need to turn the electrical energy into mechanical work. This is accomplished by the electric motor. A reasonable number for the efficiency of the motor is about 80 percent. So we have 80-percent efficiency in generating electricity, and 80-percent efficiency turning it into mechanical power. That gives an overall efficiency of about 64 percent. Honda’s FCX concept vehicle reportedly has 60-percent energy efficiency, which is twice or even three times more efficient than usual cars.But in spite of all the advantages described above, experts say, “We still have technical challenges getting this extremely complex system to work properly, the way customers expect it to work. There are challenges in using new fuels, and providing the new fuel basic facilities. And before fuel cell vehicles hit the road, there will have to be a network of hydrogen stations that will allow drivers to fill up with the flammable gas, under 36-hundred pounds of pressure.”21. What can be inferred from California’s “zero emissions policy”?A. New cars with fuel cell technology will surely become much cheaper.B. By carrying out the policy, traffic will not be so busy as it is now.C. The quality of life in California will improve once this policy is in effect.D. With facilities of new kinds, more local employment will be created.22. What does the phrase “power plant” refer to?A. A power device generating electricity.B. A power station providing electricity.C. A power component consuming electricity.D. A power engine using electricity.23. One of the reasons why fuel cell powered vehicles are superior is that _________.A. they give out almost no water or heatB. they run faster and more smoothlyC. they give out almost no noiseD. they turn 64% of the energy into electricity24. What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph?A. Customers will not think it a good idea to develop fuel cell technology.B. It is still not very easy to speed up production of zero emission cars.C. We can't ignore the financial problems to build a network of hydrogen stations.D. We still have much difficulty turning all the chains of the business into reality.BAttitudes toward new technologies often along generational lines. That is, generally, younger people tend to outnumber older people on the front end of a technological shift.It is not always the case, though. When you look at attitudes toward driverless cars, there doesn't seem to be a clear generational divide. The public overall is split on whether they'd like to use a driverless car. In a study last year, of all people surveyed, 48 percent said they wanted to ride in one, while 50 percent did not.The face that attitudes toward self-driving cars appear to be so steady across generations suggests how transformative the shift to driverless cars could be. Not everyone wants a driverless car now-and no one can get one yet-but among those who are open to them, every age group is similarly engaged.Actually, this isn't surprising. Whereas older generations are sometime reluctant to adopt new technologies, driverless cars promise real value to these age groups in particular. Older adults, especially those with limited mobility or difficulty driving on their own, are one of the classic useeases for driverless cars.This is especially interesting when you consider that younger people are generally more interested in travel-related technologies than older ones.When it comes to driverless cars, differences in attitude are more pronounced based on factors not related to age. College graduates, for example, are particularly interested in driverless cars compared with those who have less education, 59 percent of college graduates said they would like to use a driverless car compared with 38 percent of those with a high-school diploma or less.Where a person lives matters, too. More people who lives in cities and suburbs said they wanted to try driverless cars than those who lived in rural areas.While there's reason to believe that interest in self-driving cars is going up across the board, a person's age will have little to do with how self-driving cars can be becoming mainstream. Once driverless cares are actually available for safe, the early adopters will be the people who can afford to buy them.25.What happens when a new technology emerges?A.It further widens the gap between the old and the young.B.It often leads to innovations in other related fields.C.It contribute greatly to the advance of society as a whole.D.It usually draws different reactions from different age groups.26.What does the author say about the driverless car?A.It does not seem to create a generational divide.B.It will not necessarily reduce road accidents.C.It may start a revolution in the car industry.D.It has given rise to unrealistic expectations.27.Why does the driverless car appeal to some old people?A.It saves their energy.B.It helps with their mobility.C.It adds to the safety of their travel.D.It stirs up their interest in life.28.What is likely to affect one's attitude toward the driverless car?A.The location of their residence.B.The amount of their special interestC.The amount of training they received.D.The length of their driving experience.29.Who are likely to be the first to buy the driverless car?A.The senior.B.The educated.C.The weaIthy.D.The tech fans.三.任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填上一个最恰当的词。