BEC商务英语 The Career Forum
商务英语BEC高级阅读题精讲商务英语BEC高级阅读题精讲(1)In the last few years, managers throughout industry have seen more changesthan many of them could have expected to see in their entire working liveshaving to municate information which often leads to feelings of insecurityhas bee a key activity. From being regarded as relatively unimportant in manypanies , management employee munication has bee a central corporateneed.Concordia International provides a good exle of a pany that hasadjusted well to the changing needs for munication . since 1995 , Concordiahas been turned inside-out and upside-down, to ensure that it is a marketing–led, customer-responsive business, one that looks outwards at customers andpetitors, rather than inwards at its own processes and the way things weredone in the past. In the last eight years, Concordia has reduced its workforceby more than 80.000 people - or 35% -on a voluntary basis, with furtherdownsizing anticipated.From being an engineering pany, Concordia is now remaking itself as aservice pany. The role of employee munication in such a context is tobuild people’s self-confidence, to persuade them that, although it is inevitablethat the changes will go ahead, they also bring with them new opportunities foremployees. However, this is not an easy task. People tend to be skeptical ofthese claims and to feel that they are losing touch with the pany they haveworked for over many years. This is understandable, since many of the oldcertainties are being swept away , including the core activities of the panythey work for. Above all , they have had to faceup to the fact that they nolonger have a job for life.Research indicates that people respond to this predicament in a variety ofways. The bulk of employees fall into two main categories in terms of theirresponse to the new situation: on the one hand there are the “ pragmatists” andon the other “ the highly anxious” the formersee their job as a means to an endand have a relatively short-term perspective, with strong loyalty to their localterm , rather than the pany as a whole . The second category, usually themajority, may respond to threatened changes with a feeling of having been letdown, and even feel anger at the pany for what they see as changing the termsof their employment.` The employee munication process needs to be capable of accuratelydirecting its messages at a variety of employee groups and departments withinthe workforce . this is why middle managers and line managers are so key tomunication. They are the people who know about the full rage of concernsamong the workforce. The problem in the past was that this crucial area wasoften the responsibility of a separate, relatively isolated unit. Concordia putsresponsibility for munication firmly on line managers. All their researchpoints to the same conclusion: people prefer to get their informationface-to-face from their line managers. That is the key relationship and wherearguments and hearts and minds –are lost.The general rule in pany munication is to tell employees as much asyou can as soon as you can. If you can’t provide details, then at least put thenews in context and mit yourself to providing greater detail when it beesavailable another rule of pany munication is that there must be a fitbetween what the pany is telling its employees and what it is telling itsshareholders.15 In the last eight years, Concordia has15 A made over 80.000 employees reduncdantB pleted a period of downsizingC reduced its workforce of 80.000 by 35%D given 35% of departing employees voluntary redundancy16 From Concordia’s point of view, the role of munication is toA win employee support before going ahead with the changesB change the pany’s core activities.C emphasise the positive aspects of the changesD explain the need for the changes17 what does research show about most employees’ response to change?A they expect it to have a bad effect on the panyB they feel pletely powerlessC they bee less loyalD they fell they have been treated unfairly18 Concordia’s munication process mainly relies onA printed municationB departmental headsC personal municationD a separate, specialized unit19 According to the writer, what is the guiding principle about givinginformation within an organization?A Never make promises about future developmentsB Give people an overall view at the earliest possible stageC always include plenty of hard informationD Hold back until all the details can be provided20 which of the following would be the most suitable title for thearticle?A employee attitudes to pany municationB making pany munication more effectiveC Researching pany mmucationD Making employees feel less powerless文章取材自一本管理手册,说的是一个组织里的有效沟通问题。
剑桥BEC商务英语中级阅读真题及参考答案推荐文章BEC中级阅读真题答案解析热度: BEC商务英语中级阅读真题及参考答案热度: BEC商务英语中级阅读真题精讲热度: BEC中级阅读真题详解:TroublewithTeamwork 热度:BEC中级阅读真题解析热度:bec中级其实不算特别难,只要我们认真备考就会通过的,为了方便大家的备考,下面小编给大家带来剑桥BEC商务英语中级阅读真题及参考答案。
剑桥BEC商务英语中级阅读真题及参考答案1Personal Assistant of the Year0 Anne-Marie Garrard was shocked when it was announced that she had won the00 Personal Assistant of the Year award. ‘The other candidates seemed me34 to be very strong, and I have to say I found that the selection procedure really35 hard,' she says. 'I didn't think I had any chance of winning. When I heard my36 name, my legs were so weak I could only hardly stand up,' she laughs. So37 how is 'the best' personal assistant chosen from a group of so extremely good38 and very different individuals? The final decision was reached after a39 day-long session of the tests, interviews and exercises. Garrard believes40 the skills she uses in her job helped her how to perform well. For instance, although41 most of her work is for her company's Managing Director, she works for six bosses42 in all, so she always tries out to be prepared for anything that might happen.43 As for the future, her firm has closed for its summer break now; as soon as44 they will open again, there is a pay rise waiting for her. But Garrard is not45 going to be relax. She says, 'There's always room for personal development.You must keep trying to improve.这篇文章讲的是一个女生获得个人助理奖后的情况。
bec 中级口试答案篇一:bec 中级口语考试:基础篇】xt>1.1 第一部分考试形式(test format of part 1) 在第一部分考试中,考官就考生的个人情况或工作、学习情况向其提问,考生作答。
考官一般会对每个考生进行两轮提问,每一轮三至四个问题,随后转向另一名考生,在两名考生间交替进行,直到规定时满为止,一般大约 3 分钟。
这部分考试的特点是:话题涵盖的范围一般比较简单、浅显,不会超出日常会话的范畴,而且大部分话题都比较类似,是由主考官从剑桥大学考试委员会印发的question list 上随机挑选的。
而且在第一部分考核过程中,考官提问的问句大部分都是简单句,一般不超过15 个单词,清晰易懂。
1.2 应试建议(tips on how to cope with part 1)(1) greet upon entering the exam room. 进入考场后,考生应当充满自信,自然大方地向考官问候致意。
常用的问候语包括:good morning, sir / miss / madam.good afternoon, sir / miss / madam.nice to meet you.(注:有两位男老师在场,可以称呼gentlemen. 有两位女老师在场,可以称呼misses. 有一位男老师和一位女老师在场,可以干脆免去后面的敬呼语,或直接采纳上面第三种问候方式,以免去敬呼语太长、太繁琐的尴尬。
madam 一般用于明显很年长的女教师,否则改用miss ,因为女性对年龄认可度比较敏感。
)(2) relax yourself, yet do avoid over relaxing yourself. 大部分考生都有过这样的经历:平时跟同伴一起练口语的时候说得挺流畅的,但一到课堂上回答老师问题时,或是一进入口语考试房间时,所有头脑中的思路都不翼而飞,头脑一片空白。
商务英语高级必备口语资料:职业进展1. Career development: the importance of being willing to acquire new skills throughout your careerWith the unceasing development of science and technology the workplace is now undertaking profound changes. The way you do your work and the equipment you use in your work will definitely change or upgrade in the future, which means you have to learn new skills to deal with these changes. Remember: you are never too old to learn. New skills will make you keep up with the latest technology and help develop yourself throughout your work life.2. International sales: how to research foreign markets effectivelyYou should notice the difference between foreign and domestic market and set your target according to specific situation of foreign market. For example: given the different state of living standard the purchasing power of your target market may be higher or lower than the domestic market. If you ignore the difference you are likely to make mistakes in products’ pricing in foreign market.You should ensure that your research team is excellent at carrying out research in a foreign country. That means every member of the team should mater the native language and be familiar with the specific culture of the target market.3. Production management: how to implement an effectivejust-in-time systemWhat is a JIT production system?? JIT is an approach to achieving excellence in a manufacturing company based on the continuing elimination of waste (waste being considered as those things that do not add value to the product).? A repetitive production system in which both the movement of goods during production, and deliveries from suppliers, are carefully timed so that at each step of the process, the next (usually small) batch arrives for processing just as needed.? The logic behind JIT: Nothing will be produced until it is needed.商务英语高级必备口语资料:商务报告Business PresentationA local college has asked your company to give a short presentation to a group of young business students about the work of one of the departments in your company. You are in charge of organizing the presentation.●Which department would be the most interesting for the students to hear about●Which methods or aids could be used to make the presentation interesting for young peopleStaff TurnoverThe managing director of your company is keen to reduce the number of staff leaving after a short time. You have been asked to suggestways of encouraging staff to stay in the company.●What kinds of incentives might help to retain staff●How to ensure that staff satisfaction is maintainedMarket ResearchYour company is considering introducing a new product and wants to assess the market potential. You have been asked to suggest ways of doing this.●What kinds of information would be useful to obtain●How to decide whether to go ahead with the productProduct RecallYour company has discovered a design fault in a new product and needs to recall this product from customers. You have been asked to make recommendations about the best way to handle this incident.●What would be the most effective method of informing customers of the product recall●How to ensure the company’s reputation remains undamaged by the incident商务英语高级必备口语资料:teamworkTeamworkYour company is keen to encourage staff to work together in teams. You have been asked to suggest ways in which this could be implemented.●How to convince staff of the advantage of teamwork●How to evaluate the results of the companys policyStaff FitnessYour company is keen to have a fit and healthy workforce. You have been asked to suggest ways in which this could be achieved.●What the advantages are to a company of having a fit and healthy workforce●What facilities a company should provide in order to encourage staff to be fit and healthyInvesting in Staff TrainingYour company has recently had a problem with staff leaving the company shortly after completing training courses. You have been asked to write a report for senior management on this situation.●How to encourage staff who have undertaken training courses to stay with the company●How to ensure that a company benefits from providing a range of facilities for its workforceCorporate EntertainmentYour company is keen to establish a policy for entertaining important clients.You have been asked to make recommendations for a policy forcorporate entertainment.●What are the advantages and disadvantages to a company of entertaining clients●What are the criteria for selecting entertainment for clientsStaff RetirementYour company wants to introduce a program to help staff prepare fully for retirement.●What practical preparations staff need to make for their retirement●What the advantages and disadvantages are to a company of staff retiringWorking from HomeYour company is considering allowing some employees to work from home for part of the working week. Your managing director has asked you to write a report on this proposal.●Which employees this system would be most suitable for●How technology could help to make the system of working from home effectiveExport OfficeYour company has decided to open an export office in order to deal with an increase in orders from abroad. This office will be responsible for the company’s exports and will be visited by foreign representative.●What kinds of jobs will be available in the new office●What training will be needed for these jobsNew FactoryYour company is expanding and wants to open a new factory in another area. You have been asked to consider where the best place would be to locate it.●What factors need to be considered in choosing a good location●Which of these factors are the most important to consider商务英语高级必备口语资料:顾客投诉Cost cuttingYour company has decided to try to reduce costs. You have been asked to investigate the possibility of cutting the financial costs of operating your department.●Which are the areas where costs could be cut?●What problems might arise from cutting costs?Customer complaintsYour manager is not satisfied with the way staff reacts to complaints from clients about products or services. You have been asked to suggest how this could be improved.●How the company can make effective use of will be available in the new office?●What training will be needed for these jobs?Staff recruitmentYour factory urgently needs to recruit a large number of temporary staff in order to fulfill an unexpected order. The staff needs to be ready to start work as soon as possible.●What you need to do in order to find suitably skilled staff?●What type of induction program the new staff will need before they start work?Modernization ProgramYou work for a large company which has decided to introduce a program of modernization and improvement. You are involved in setting up this program.●How to prepare staff for major changes within the company●What other factors have to be considered when introducing major changes in a companyLanguage Courses AbroadYour company has offered you the opportunity of attending asix-month English language course abroad. You have to decide whether to accept, and are therefore going to attend a meeting to find out more about the offer.●What the advantages are of learning languages abroad●What plans you will have to make for work and home if you go away for a long periodPotential SupplierA potential supplier will soon be visiting you at your workplace. You think this supplier and the products or services they offer could be very important for the future of your company.●What you need to find out about the supplier and the products or services before the visit●How you could entertain the supplier the negotiationsForeign Business TravelYour company has decided that it needs to introduce a clear policy on foreign business travel. You have been asked to help draw up the guidelines.●What the various reasons are why members of a company make business trips abroad●In what ways a company might be affected if the number of foreign business trips was reducedCompany DirectoryYour company is going to be included in an international directory of all the types of businesses operating in your country. You have been asked to write a brief profile of your company for the directory.●What information you will include about your company●How the directory would be useful to companies商务英语高级必备口语资料:一分钟简短发言一分钟简短发言。
BEC中级第二辑真题口语Part-3-discussion解析第二辑Test 1Work experience programmeThe manufacturing company you work for has decided to offer a two-day week work experience programme for a small group of students from a local business college.You have been asked to help with the preparations for this programmeDiscuss the situation together, and decide:●What kind of work experience the company might offer●How the participants should be selected●What feedback and evaluation should take place after the programme has finished【题目分析】工作实习计划你所在的制造公司决定为当地一所商学院的一组小学生提供一个两周的工作实习计划。
你们一起讨论当前的状况,并决定:●公司可以提供哪方面的工作经验●如何挑选项目参与者●项目结束后,如何对学生进行反馈并做出评价主题讨论要点讨论结果原因Work experience programmeKinds of workexperienceWork experience in after-saledept.No technical knowledgeneededSelection of participantsJunior:no similar former experienceProficient in English,disciplinedHaving time & knowledge;English-speaking clients;Novelty of the programme;Demanding work environment Feedback and evaluationRegular meetings on workingdays, report, grade awardedHelp students improve theirwork, gain experience【词汇、短语】专业的professional 售后服务after-sale service监督、管理supervise 大三学生junior熟练的,精通的proficient 要求高的、吃力的demanding 例会regular meetings 反馈feedback【句型点击】●赞同他人观点Let me see, well, I suppose that ….It’s like this, you see….That’s exactly my opinion●委婉同意As far as I’m concernedFrom my point of view, …Let me put it this way, …【参考范例】A:Hi, Jason and Mark, shall we discuss the work experience programme for a while?B: No problem, I heard that the students were from a local business college and had no technical knowledge in manufacturing. So I wonder whether they could fit it here. After all, our company manufactures mobile phones.C: No worries, our company can provide work experience that doesn’t require professional skills.A: That’s right, I have decided to carry out the programme in the after sale department. Students should take a two days training before they their work and the after sale department will arrange several experienced staff to supervise their work, the students are expected to develop their skills in customer service and learn to deal with customers’ complaints and help the companies to improve their products image and service.B: It seems you have got everything settled down.A: Not yet.C: Then what shall we do next?A: The selection of participants. The company can offer the working experience for 20 students. Could you give me some suggestions on selecting the ideal participants for the programme?B: In my opinion, ideal participants should be junior students because they have time to take part in this programme and have been trained formally in business college for more than two years.Students should also be proficient in English because a number of our clients speak English. Mark, what do you think?C: I agree wi th you. What’s more, potential participants will be asked to take an English speaking test before the programme starts. In addition, students should have a good attendance record and academic performance in school because they are in a demanding work environment which requires them to follow strict discipline and work as a team.A: Thank you very much to your advice. Now, there just one thing left, the feedback and evaluation of the programme.B: I think after the sale department should have meetings for students at the end of every working day to help them conclude their work.C: And after the programme ends, students are required to write a report of their work experience in our company, the report should include the arrangement of the programmme, the training classes in the after sale department, work experience during the two weeks, the things they have learned and the problems, troubles they have met. They are encouraged add anything they want to the report. A: Good ideas. Finally, I think the supervisors will give each student a grade for the programme based on their performance and other standards of evaluation.第二辑Test 2English language trainingYour company is planning to offer 30 hours of English language training to employees.You have been asked to help with the planning and organization of the training.Discuss the situation together, and decide:●Which staff would benefit most from English language training●How to encourage employees to take part in the training●What kind of schedule will be suitable for the training?英语语言培训你所在的公司计划为员工提供30个小时的英语语言培训,公司要求你协助策划和组织这次培训。
以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的商务英语BEC高级口试真题,希望能给大家带来帮助!Career Planning3、Career Planning: how to assess the career opportunities provided by different types of companiesCareer PlanningEven after a job is offered and accepted, career decisions must be made. On-the-job experience may affect the desired path. Aspiring to achieve a position above the present position is natural. The planned career path to that position may involve either a series of promotions within the firm or switching to a different firm. While planning a career path is a useful motivator, the plans should be achievable. If everyone planned to be president of a company, most plans would not be achieved. This can cause frustration. A preferable career path would include short-term goals, since some ultimate goals may take twenty years or longer. The use of short-term goals can reinforce confidence as goals are achieved.Career Development: the importance of acquiring a range of skills throughout your careerIt is important a person to have a range of skills in the course of his career development. When he has a range of skills, he is obviously more competitive than those who don’t and therefore has more chances of promotion. And it will be easier for him to find a job outside his company if he is not satisfied with his present job. In addition, a person with a range of skills ismore likely to work his way up to the top of the corporate ladder.4、Human Resources: how to provide effective support for new members of staffTraining: The importance of a continuous programme of staff training within a companyStaff Management: how to achieve and maintain high motivation among a workforceMotivating Employees: Employees tend to be more satisfied with their jobs if they are provided (1) compensation that is aligned with their performance, (2) job security, (3) a flexible work schedule, and (4) employee involvement programs. Firms should offer job security, compensation that is tied to employee performance, more flexible work schedules, and more employee involvement programs. To the extent that job satisfaction can motivate employees to improve their performance, firms may be able to a higher production level by providing greater job satisfaction.5、Marketing ResearchManagers cannot always wait for information to arrive in bits and pieces from the marketing intelligence system. They often require formal studies of specific situations. For example, Toshiba wants to know how many and what kinds of people or companies will buy its new superfast laptop computer. Or Barat College in Lake Forest, Illinois, needs to know what percentage of its target market has heard of Barat, how they heard, what they know, and how they feel about Barat. In such situations, the marketing intelligence system will not provide the detailed information needed. Managers will need marketing research.We define marketing research as the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevantto a specific marketing situation facing an organization. Every marketer needs research. Marketing researchers engage in a wide variety of activities, ranging from market potential and market share studies, to assessments of customer satisfaction and purchase behavior, to studies of pricing, distribution, and promotion activities.A company can conduct marketing research in its own research department or have some or all of it done outside. Although most large companies have their own marketing research departments, they often use outside firms to do special research tasks or studies. A company with no research department has to buy the services of research。
bec高级模拟试题及答案解析BEC高级模拟试题及答案解析一、听力部分1. 根据对话,以下哪项是正确的?A. 会议将在下午三点开始。
B. 会议将在上午十一点结束。
C. 会议将在下午三点结束。
D. 会议将在上午十一点开始。
2. 根据对话,男士建议女士采取什么行动?A. 重新安排会议。
B. 推迟会议。
C. 取消会议。
D. 立即参加会议。
二、阅读部分1. 根据文章内容,以下哪项不是公司今年的主要目标?A. 提高市场份额。
B. 增加产品线。
C. 减少员工数量。
D. 扩大国际市场。
2. 文章中提到的新产品开发策略是什么?A. 快速迭代。
B. 长期研究。
C. 市场调研。
D. 技术引进。
三、写作部分1. 根据题目要求,写一封商务邮件,询问产品报价。
2. 根据题目要求,写一份市场分析报告摘要。
四、口语部分1. 描述一次商务会议的经历,并说明会议的结果。
2. 讨论并提出改进公司内部沟通的方法。
第三辑Test 1 Topic A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……? Trying to attract new staff●Competitive wages●Company reputation【思路点拨】主题要点原因Trying to attract new staff 已给要点Competitive wages 竞争力的价格Determination 决定因素Company reputation 公司声誉Belief 信念补充要点Career opportunity 职业发展前景Self-development 个人发展Working environment 工作环境Stimulus 诱因【词汇&短语】招聘recruitment 合作精神,团队精神team spirit根据…….调整tailor to 灵活福利flexible benefits受聘后的福利待遇employment packages 求职者job seeker 目标群target group 职位空缺job vacancies准雇员potential employee【句型点击】●表示提出建议Let’s…..Why not……?I suggest that we……My advice would be…….●对观点不予评价I don’t know what to say.I can’t say I have any views on……It’s not something I have considered a lot, I’m afraid.●要求重复Pardon?What did you say just now?Do you mind say it again?【参考范例】When it comes to attacking new staff for your organization, effective recruitment strategies and techniques contribute to successful appointment. Employment packages should be tailored to draw attention of the potential employees. Offering an attractive competitive wages with flexible benefits would be a determining factor in hunting new talents.A company’s reputation is among its most important and valuable assets, which is essential to attracting and retaining employees. It is often the cause that a good image of a company gains people’strust and affinity and greatly influences thei r decisions in considering job vacancies.What’s more, better opportunity for promotion is another consideration for those that are some way along their career path. Any career opportunities to grow within the organization will be a highlight to be preferred in the target groups.In addition, nothing will impress the applicant more than knowing he or she will be an integral part of a successful team. Creation of a positive and stimulating working environment prompts the team spirit and buoyant response from the job seekers.Topic B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Preparing to go away on a business trip●Informing colleagues and clients●Delegating essential tasks【思路点拨】主题要点原因Preparing to go away on a business trip 已给要点Informing colleagues and clients通知同事和客户Involvement 参与Delegating essential tasks 分派必要的任务Efficiency 效率补充要点Setting goals 设定工作目标Productivity 生产力Creating checklist for packing 列出行李清单Equipment 设备【词汇&短语】同事colleague 完成accomplish旅程、行程itinerary 目的地destination预约booking 时间管理time management预订reservation 清单check list投影仪projector 麦克风microphone【句型点击】●要求解释What does … mean?Could you explain it please?When you say…. What do you mean?Would you mind telling me the meaning of….Do you mean ….. by saying…?【参考范例】Preparing to go away on a business trip involves a lot of things to be planned well in advance, first of all, inform colleagues traveling with you and clients you will visit of the business itinerary. Doing this gives you an opportunity to share responsibility and make surethat your business trip runs as smoothly as possible.If possible, pass on the travel arrangements to people involved when you don’t have enough time and energy to manage. Everything from flight bookings to hotel reservation, even to technical support such as projectors and microphones can be delegated as essential tasks.Furthermore, it is important for you to set your goals before leaving for your business trip, what you would like to accomplish when you arrive at your destination. Time management may help your trip to be as productive as possible within such a short time to meet your goals.And it is a good idea to create a checklist in your schedule to list the item that need to be packed for your business trip, packing your luggage with essential items makes the trip much easier. Topic C: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Planning corporate hospitality●Guest list●Type of event【思路点拨】主题要点原因Planning corporate hospitality 已给要点Guest list 客人清单Attendance 出席Type of event 活动的种类Diversity 多样性补充要点Location 地点Accessibility 可行性Significance 好处Benefits 益处【词汇&短语】商务社交corporate hospitality 演示、展示demonstration 交往socialize 士气morale有益的beneficial 容易到达的accessible出席者attendee 职场workplace受控环境controlled environment 专注的dedicated研讨会seminar 联系,关系网networking发布launch 人际的interpersonal【句型点击】●询问他人意见Any comment on…….?How do you think of……?What do you say about….?What’s your attitude to…..?Do you have any idea about…..?【参考范例】Several components come into play concerning corporate hospitality that allows opportunities for colleague and clients to socialize, relax, and work toward valuable professional and business connections in a positive and beneficial way. When planning corporate hospitality events of all sorts, create a guest list first to ensure the attendees and accommodation.Corporate hospitality provides a controlled environment for seminars, meetings, conventions conferences, and even product launches or demonstrations. Types of event are rendered in the forms of a sporting event, concert, outdoor gathering or other team building event, which add fun and enhance morale.Location is another important consideration in terms of corporate hospitality, which can be a warm and memorable venue to ensure maximum success and exceed all expectations. And y ou’d better select a location easily accessible by your event attendees.The significance of socializing with colleagues and clients outside of the workplace is dedicated to driving sales, building your company’s image, keeping ahead of your competitors in client hospitality and achieving specific marketing objectives, as well as motivating networking and promoting interpersonal skill development.第三辑Test 2Topic A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Writing a newspaper advertisement for a job vacancy●Description of the work●Experience needed by applicants【思路点拨】主题要点原因Writing a newspaper advertisement for a job vacancy 已给要点Description of the work 工作性质描述Attention 关注Experience needed by applicants应试者的工作经验Relevance 参照条件补充要点Salary range and benefits 工资幅度及福利待遇Attraction 有吸引力Response and contact details 回复与联系方式Instruction 介绍【词汇&短语】求职者job seeker 空位vacant position联系方式contact details 工资幅度salary range确切地阐述formulate 福利,津贴benefit细节specific 职业前景Career path申请求职者candidate 包含incorporate需要entail 目标对象target audience 【句型点击】●句子语义关系,表示转折But / Yet / While / Whereas, .... 然而……However / Nevertheless, ...然而……... Rahter than ... 而不是……... Instead of ... 而不是……... On the other hand, ... 另一方面,……【参考范例】A good and effective job newspaper advertisement should be clear and informative enough to produce efficient reading for job seekers. In formulating the advert content, several specifics are expected of the candidate. The first on the list is a detailed description of the work, mainly including an overview of the responsibilities, tasks and general scope of work entailed in the vacant position, which calls for attention from potential applicants.Next, indicate the qualifications you require such as work experience, education, computer skills, organization skill and communications skills needed by applicants, which serves as attraction of relevant interest.As a rule, most employers or corporations do not advertise pay information. However, if you list a salary range, you will get a greater response. If any benefits, training and career path are available, do incorporate in the advertisement; for they can create desire to pursue what looks like a great opportunity among the target audience.Lastly, be sure to include a clear instruction for the response and application with the contact details such as address, email, fax or phone on the bottom of your ads.Topic B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Delegating work to others●Clear instructions●Choice of person for the task【思路点拨】主题要点原因Delegating work to others 已给要点Clear instructions 清楚的任务指示Direction 方向Choice of person for the task 承担任务人的选择Quality 质量补充要点Hands-on assistance 身体力行Motivation 动机Monitor and feedback 监控与反馈Assessment 可行性【词汇&短语】企业职阶corporate ladder 亲身动手的hands-on合同工contract worker 激发motivate详述的、明确的explicit 分派allocate保证guarantee 反馈feedback最大值maximum 暗示、含义implication【句型点击】●句子语义关系:表示原因Because of …..Due/owing to….Since…The reason for…. Is…Given the fact that …., we…..【参考范例】Anyone on the corporate ladder probably has some opportunities to delegate work to the team staff or to contract workers, which is one way to manage work time more effectively. Clear and explicit instructions should be give in the first place to decide and explain the targets, responsibilities and limits of the work that you delegate, for sufficient information guarantees the work to be done with a maximum of direction.Then choose the people who have the necessary ability or potential to work on the task and can be relied on to perform the task satisfactorily and responsibly. Choice of person for the task also depends on the development needs of the people involved. Additionally, advice, support and training such as providing information , possible solutions and giving hands-on assistance in a way motivates progress and inspires encouragement, commitment, enthusiasm and creative thinking in the people concerned.And allocating and monitoring the progress and quality of work are in delegate’s area of responsibility. Delegated work should be checked regularly whether agreed targets are met with thefeedback to identify the implication of necessary revisionsto targets. Achievements of targets are assessed to ensure whether someone is performing well, and credit and praise for the successful completion of the task should be given.Topic C: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Designing a company website●Type of information to include●Different language versions【思路点拨】主题要点原因Designing a company website 已给要点Type of information to include包罗的信息类型Knowledge 知识Different language versions 不同的语言版本Interaction 交流补充要点Ready-made website template 现成的网站设计模版Economy 经济Effective navigation 有效的导航系统Accessibility 可行性【词汇&短语】定制、定做customize 流量traffic搜索引擎search engine 常惠顾客existing customers潜在顾客potential/prospective customer 布局,设计layout营业范围line of business 现成的ready-made强有力的potent 电子商务e-commerce信息源information source 模板template使用多语言的multi-lingual 导航navigation目标用户target user 菜单menu【句型点击】●句子语义关系,表示结果As a result,Accordingly/consequently…In a consequence..Therefore/ thus……, hence…. 因此【参考范例】Type of information to conclude in website designing is customized for your needs to attract search engines, increase traffic and provide useful information to existing and potential customers. Well-written content in your website informs your prospective customers what is the line of business you are in, what you stand for, how you operate, the services and products you offer and the benefits in relation to competition.As a potent information sources, your website serves as a glo bal “online marketplace”, which is enhanced with multi-lingual website content. Different language versions are designed to help people from home and abroad to read online and facilitate the interactionsbetween the target users and the site.Another important thing is the layout of the website. Your online presence is very crucial, which should be strategically designed to communicate the unique character of your business or organization. Ready-made e-commerce website templates are recommended, for the templates cut down design and production time and have a full package of functions.Effective web navigation makes sure that your customers and clients can easily and quickly find what they are looking for under different categorizes. To make clear and consistent navigation, it’s better to use navigation menus to organize your links according to the order of importance.第三辑Test 3Topic A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Meeting foreign clients for the first time●Foreign language skills●Knowledge of cultural differences主题要点原因Meeting foreign clients for the first time 已给要点Foreign language skils 精通外语Fluent communication 交流Knowledge of cultural differences了解文化差异Appropriate response 合适的举止补充要点Business etiquette 商务礼仪Good impression 良好的印象Participation in communication积极参与交流Great rapport 和谐一致【词汇&短语】记住bear in mind 多文化的multicultural本族语、母语native tongue 澄清、净化clarification过失、出丑gaffe 敏感、敏感度sensitivity攻读、熟读read up 双赢win-win谦恭有礼courtesy 关系,一致,和谐rapport名片business card【句型点击】●如何询问对方意见Do you mind …?Would you like…?Could you ….., please?I was wondering if you could…?【参考范例】There are certain points to bear in mind when interacting with foreign clients for the first time. First, since many international clients prefer to deal in their native tongue, to grasp some foreign language skills can be greatly helpful sometimes we need to make a conscious effort to slow down to produce a fluent communication. And in communication, gaffes arise due to differences in cultures. For an extensive discussion with a foreign client, you’d better take the effort to read up about their country and know common things about their culture. It usually takes quite some time to comprehend the knowledge of cultural differences and respond appropriately. What’s more, you need to ensure that you make the best impression on potential foreign clients and fine busin ess etiquette helps in a good impression. Simple courtesies such as shaking hands firmly and exchanging business card can make multicultural clients feel comfortable.Additionally, asking questions and seeking clarifications will help you understand the goals, concerns and overall needs of the foreign clients participation in communication and cultural sensitivity is all takes to create a win-win situation and build a great rapport with your foreign client.Topic B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Deciding whether to buy or rent office equipment●Cost●Speed of technological change【思路点拨】主题要点原因Deciding whether to buy or rent office equipment 已给要点Cost 价格First priority 首要因素Speed of technological change技术变化的速度Improve efficiency and boost productivity提高效率和产出补充要点Tax 课税Fully tax deductible and a tax write-off 免税Useful life 使用寿命Save you a lot of time and money 省时经济货币因素monetary factor 纳税优惠tax benefit最优先权first priority 加速折旧accelerated depreciation提升,更新upgrade 税金控除tax write-off可扣除的deductible【句型点击】●如何澄清观点Don’t ge t me wrong. 不要误会我My attitude to….. is……What exactly I’m trying to say is…I’m afraid you’ve misunderstood me.【参考范例】Generally speaking, when getting office equipment, either to buy or to rent have its merits. However, monetary factor is given first priority. Cost should be considered to make sure that you can afford it. Even though either choice would be acceptable for you, it’s necessary to weigh whether or not the cash advantages of buying is greater to the service benefits o f renting.With the high speed of technological change, some office equipments are easy to become outdated and it’s indispensable to upgrade those equipments every couple of years to improve efficiency and boost productivity in this respect, buying new office equipments can be a better solution.Another way to decide to buy or rent comes from the tax. The renting of office equipments can be fully tax deductible if you use the rented asset in your business. But with a rent, you may have a risk of losing tax benefits for accelerated depreciation. While buying equipments is better as a tax write-off, but both renting and buying can be used on your taxes beneficially.Last but not least one is useful life. Getting the right equipment foryour office not only involves whether it can keep you comfortable, organized and productive, but takes into account the useful life of office equipment , presented as a fundamental financial question which can save you a lot of time and money.Topic C: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Aiming to increase staff productivity●Offering bonuses●Creating a pleasant environment【思路点拨】主题要点原因Aiming to increase staff productivity 已给要点Offering bonuses 提供奖金Enhance the performance of employees提高员工表现Creating a pleasant environment创造愉快的工作环境More energy, less mistakes, and better decisions精力充沛,少犯错误,更好的做决定补充要点Career advancement事业发展前景Increase employee job satisfaction and productivity提高员工对工作的满意度Staff training员工培训Cultivate loyalty, maintain workplace productivity andgive a strong competitive edge 培养忠诚感【词汇&短语】决策层executive suite竞争优势competitive edge举止优雅的,改良的,精致的refined 【句型点击】●中途打断对方…. Sorry, but….Just a moment, but…Sorry to interrupt, but…Excuse me, may I interrupt?【参考范例】There are some tips about how to motivate staff and boost employee productivity. First of all, offering bonuses is a commonly-used way of praise, recognition and reward for achievements and successes, which will enhance the performance of employee greatly. Money satisfies needs and it can stimulate people to work harder.A pleasant working environment is created to allow employees to take the initiative to get things done their way, while still working together as a team for the overall good of the company. Working happily and freely is equipped with more energy, less mistakes and better decisions.Another way to motivate employees is to ensure the employees feel that they have an important role in the overall outcome of a company’s goal and have a big chance for advancement in their career to climb the corporate ladder until they reach the executive suite, which is an effective way to increase employee job satisfaction and productivity.Besides, staff training can help all staff develop their own skills and understand the importance of their duties in the company. Well-trained staff with refined skills will cultivate loyalty through satisfied employees, maintain workplace productivity and give the company a strong competitive edge.第三辑Test 4Topic A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Aiming to keep good staff●Promotion opportunities●salaries【思路点拨】主题要点原因Aiming to keep good staff 已给要点Promotion opportunities晋升机会Top talents retention 留住人才Salaries 工资薪水 A key attraction 吸引力补充要点Recognition and praise认可和奖励A sense of pride and boost up morale培养自豪感Workplace culture 职场文化Trust for successful two-way communication双赢的沟通【词汇&短语】高级人才top talent 骄傲感a sense of pride提高工资pay increase 扶助,增强boost up分红制profit sharing 士气,斗志morale出勤attendance 双向的two-way【句型点击】●表示附和Let’s hope soI feel confident to.Sounds great.【参考范例】One of the key secrets to retaining valued staff is offering good prospects for promotion opportunities. Continuing professional development opportunities should be scheduled and given to help employees to develop skills and advance their careers within the organization, which can ensure that top talents stay with you. Financially-based incentives could be a attraction. Competitive salary with pay increases, bonuses, profit sharing, etc. enhances good staff retention. And those monetary initiatives can be based on productivity, suggestions or ideas, and even attendance. Don’t miss the occasions where you can express your appreciation your recognition to your staff for their dedic ation and contributions to the success of the practice, for showing recognition and praise to your valuable employees can stir a sense of pride and boost up morale among employees, thus motivating more improvements in their performance.Additionally, a harmonious workplace culture fosters trust for successful two-day communication. The companies who build animage in the minds of existing and potential employees that your business is an enjoyable place to work will be in a better position to recruit and retain good staff.Topic B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Organizing a conference●Conference speakers●Facilities at conference centre【思路点拨】主题要点原因Organizing a conference 已给要点Conference speakers 会议报告人Inspiration 鼓舞力Facilities at conference centre会议设备Sound effects 明显的效果补充要点Time allocation 会议时间分配Order and efficiency 井然有序Budget 会议经费Crucial support 关键支持【词汇&短语】激发性的motivational 播音public address演讲嘉宾guest speaker 事先in advance耗时的time consuming【句型点击】●表示同意Absolutely!Exactly!You betYou got itThat’s for sure.【参考范例】It is wise to keep in mind that it is better to invite motivational guest speakers to do conference presentations. Good professional conference speakers can inspire attendees, create the whole atmosphere and drive for the conference. But make sure their presentation will be of interest to everyone.A suitable venue is a hard decision of conference organizing, but the most time consuming part is to determine what equipment is include in the venue booking. Facilities at conference centre, especially the public address system must be test in advance to ensure that attendees throughout the room can hear what the speaker is saying.Time allocation determines the most appropriate topics that will best achieve your conference goals. That means how much time is required to select activities and presenters can help address the conference purpose. However, the conference agenda, order andcontent of conference activities will go through many changes until the actual conference is fun.In addition, an effective budget is crucial to the success of the conference. In the first place, work out your costs to plan your budget and try as best as possible to cover overall expenses within your budget. Make sure to keep a file of all invoices and receipts. Topic C: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Producing a marketing plan●Identifying target customers●Setting a budget【思路点拨】主题要点原因Producing a marketing plan 已给要点Identifying target customers 确定目标客户Marketing needs and objectives市场需求与目标Setting a budget 制定预算开支Financial balances and priorities财务收支平衡补充要点Marketing strategies 市场战略Marketing direction and action市场方向Environmental factors各种环境因素Impact on the market growth potential潜在增长市场的影响【词汇&短语】收入,税收revenue 明显的measurable图表tables and graphs 政府行动government action管理工具managerial tool 文化变迁cultural changes定价pricing 营销信息marketing message市场分割market segmentation【句型点击】●表示反对No way.Not really.Of course not.Not a chance.门都没有【参考范例】Producing a dynamic marketing plan will focus attention on your ideal customers. Identifying target customers is the first step in your marketing plan, which defines the needs of the market your products or services satisfy and states the objectives your company aims at.The purpose of setting a marketing budget is to lay out spendingrequirements necessary for meeting the plan’s objectives by gathering all the revenues and costs involved in marketing into one comprehensive document with tables and graphs, as a managerial tool, it balances what is needed to be spend against what can be afforded , and helps make choices about financial priorities. Marketing strategies are concerned with pricing , distribution, promotion, advertising and market segmentation, effective marketing strategies are indispensable for high-standard and action-oriented marketing plans, which provide the direction the product will take and usually result measurable actions. Besides, various environmental factors such as government actions, emerging technology, and even cultural changes may have a positive or negative impact on the market growth potential of your products or services. So developing your marketing message about those factors makes it easy to plan and carry out the marketing activities you need to grow your business.。
Test2Part one:《Successful Time Management》,成功的时间管理。
答案是C段的最后一句话,而且这句话同时是第一题和第四题的答案所在:Unless you have spare time, do not spend extrahours on an activity in an effort to cover absolutely everything.除非你有空闲的时间,否则不要在一件事情上花费额外的时间去努力涉及到所有事情。
cover absolutely everything可以对应于deal with every detail。
答案是B段的最后一句,有点绕:This may require you to be firm and avoid agreeing to more than is realistic.这需要你变得坚定,避免答应超出现实的工作。
more than is realistic,也就是眼前无法完成的工作,即workin the future。
A 段整个就是讲的计划的重要性,有计划,才能合理安排时间。
答案是这么一句:you may need to experiment to find what suits you best-findsome way of fitting the activity into your schedule.你必须去试验寻找到最适合你的——寻找将这个活动融入到你的时间表的某种方法。
要让计划融入进你的时间表,也就是说计划要成为你的日程的固定部分,即题目说的take place on a regular basis。
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目录第一单元公司运作与管理Teamwork 团队合作 1 Reducing Production Cost 降低生产成本12 Internal Communications 内部沟通8 Reducing Overheads 减少管理费用18 How to Deal with a Heavy Workload 如何应对繁重的工作23 Work Environment工作环境27 Logistics物流32 Business Ethics 商业道德第二单元人力资源管理37 Recruiting & Selecting 人员招聘42 Employee Training 员工培训48 Career Development 职业发展53 Promotion 晋升59 Staff promotion 激励员工65 Staff turnover 员工流失71 Appraising and Improving Performance 绩效考核与改进绩效76 Pay and benefits 薪酬与福利80 Labor relations劳动关系85 Work place safety and health 工作安全与职业保健90 Time management 时间管理95 Managing stress 缓解压力第三单元市场营销101Product development 产品开发106 Setting price 产品定价110 Product promotion 产品推广114 Advertising 广告118 Packaging 包装122 Branding 品牌126 Customer satisfaction 顾客满意度130 Keeping Customers 留住顾客134 Marketing channels 营销渠道第四单元商务旅行138Travel and transport 出行与交通工具142 Travel and accommodation 差旅与住宿148 Domestic travel 国内差旅154 Travelling abroad 国际差旅第五单元企业公关160 Corporate culture 企业文化166 Company image 公司形象172 Corporate gifting 公司送礼178 Corporate sponsorship 企业赞助183 Dress code 着装要求189 Entertaining business clients 招待客户第六单元公司发展195Site location and relocation 公司选址和迁址200 Going global 全球营销205 Franchise 特许经营209 Meeting competition 应对竞争第七单元商务电子化与新型工作方式213 Office automation 办公自动化217 Setting up company website 建立公司网站224 Internet marketing 互联网促销230 Flexible patterns of work 弹性工作方式第八单元商务会议235Staging a meeting/conference 举办会议241 Attending a meeting/conference 参加会议247 Giving a presentation 大会发言251 Trade fair and exhibitions 会展257 PRACTICE TEST ONE 练习1 263 PRACTICE TEST TWO 练习2 271 PRACTICE TEST TWO 练习3 278UNIT ONE Company Operation and Management 第一单元公司运作与管理1.1Teamwork 团队合作Teamwork 团队合作,团队精神Team-based 以团队为基础的Horizontal organization structure 横向企业结构Corporate goals 企业目标Charter 规章,章程Be accountable for 对…负有责任Creative innovation 创新改革,创新发明创新精神Reward system 奖励制度Pay back 回报,报偿Individuality 个性Independent thinking 独立的思想Group decision-making 集体决策Managerial skill 管理技能Coordinate 使协调,调整Interpersonal relationship 人际关系Mutual trust 相互信任Bring out the potentials 充分发挥潜能Closely-knit (关系)密切的Keep track of 跟踪,追踪Time-consuming 花费时间的Line manager 部门经理,业务经理(与行政经理相对)Pre-building 团队建设Nurture 培养,教育,发展Nurture team dynamics 培养团队活力Promote team spirit 提倡团队精神Drive team success 驱使团队成功Minimize 将…减少到最少,最小化Inhibit 约束,抑止Liven up 使…有生气Training session 一场训练,培训课期Rafting 漂流Rock climbing 攀岩Teammate 队友Impact 影响,效果Complementary 补充的,互补的Revitalize 使新生,给予新的活力Trait (个人性格方面的)特征,显著的特点Commitment 敬业精神Interpersonal communication skills 人际交际技能,亦作interpersonal skillsAddress 处理(事情)Creative innovation 创新精神How to Make Teams Effective 如何组建精锐的团队People in every workplace talk about building the team, working as a team, and my team, but few understand how to create the experience of teamwork or how to develop an effective team.在各种工作场合,人们都在谈论团队建设、团队合作、自己的团队,但是却很少有人真正理解如何体验团队合作以及如何组建一支精锐的团队。
bec商务英语高级口语考试(合集13篇)bec商务英语高级口语考试第1篇well 做好充分准备是成功的基本保障,这包括对考试风格,模式,题型和最新动态的熟悉,更包括大量的,有针对性的口语练习。
在考官看来,Using a prepared answer is similar to cheating! 所以给准备雅思考试的考生一个忠告:Over prepared is often as harmful as underan easy but concentrated state of 心态对于任何事的成功都是至关重要的,语言测试,尤其是一对一的口语测试更是如此。
on your English instead of your 考官在考察我们的英文而不是我们的思想,没有必要为了一个我认为“闪光”的思想强迫自己说那些说不清的英文句子,重要的是把我有把握的英文说清楚。
商务英语(BEC)考试高级阅读真题及答案题目PART ONEQuestions 1 – 8Look at the statements below and at the five reports about companies onλ the opposite page from an article giving advice to self-employed consultants about negotiating fees for their services.Which book (A, B, C,D or E) dose each statement 1 –8 refer to ?λFor each statement ! – 8, make one letter (A, B, C,D or E) on your Answerλ Sheet .You will need to use some of these letters more than once .λExample :0 Lack of self-confidence will put you at a disadvantage in a negotiation .0 A B C D E1. This company has been involved in diversifying its business activities.2. Although this company is doing well, it has a number of internal difficulties to deal with3. This company has reduced the profits it makes on individual items4. One statistic is a less accurate guide to this company’s performance than another5. The conditions which have helped this company are likely to be less favourable in the future6. This company’s share price has been extremely volatile over the last twelve months7. This company is likely to be the subject of a takeover bid in the near future8. This company’s performance exemplifies a widely held beliefAChemical CompanyMasterson’s interim pre-tax profits growth of 20% was somewhat inflated as a result of the income received from the disposal of several of the company’s subsidiaries. The underlying 8% rise in operating profits is a more realistic gauge of the company’s true progress. However, Masterson’s impending merger with Bentley and Knight and its appointment of a new chief executive should mean that the company will be able to sustain growth for the foreseeable fut5ure. The share price has varied little during the course of the year and now stands at £ 6.75BHotel GroupDuring the past year the Bowden Hotel Group has acquired 77 new properties, thus doubling in size . last week the group reported pre-tax profits of £ 88 million in the first six months of the year, ahead of expectations and helped by a strong performance from its London-based hotels and newly expanded US business. However. There is still some way to go. Integration of the new acquisitions is still not complete and, while the share price has risen recently, major problems with integration have yet to be solved.CHigh-tech CompanyThis time last year a share in Usertech was worth just over £ 1. six months ago it was worth £ 40. today it is priced at under £ 8 . if proof were need, here is an illustration of how much of a lottery the technology market can be. But some technology companies are fighting back and Usertech is one of them . What has renewed excitement in the company is the opening of its new American offices in Dallas and its ambitious plans to expand its user base in both North and Latin America.DBuilding CompanyRenton’s share price has risen gradually over the past year from £2.4 to £ 3.8 . The company has been successful in choosing prime location for its buildings and has benefited from the buoyant demand for housing. Whilst this demand is expected to slow down somewhat during the next year, investors are encouraged by the company’s decision to move into buildingsupermarkets. Work has already begun on two sites in London, and the company is expected to sign a contract within the next month for building four large supermarkets in Scotland.EPottery ManufacturerMilton Dishes has been through a shake-up over the past year. The group, which has been cutting margins and improving marketing, may post a small profit this year. The many members of the Milton family, who between them own 58 per cent of the business, have been watching the share price rise steadily and several are looking to sell. Trade rival Ruskin has bought up just over 17 percent of the shares and could well be spurred into further action by the signs of a recovery at the firm.[NextPage]答案:1 D2 B3 E4 A5 D6 C7 E8 C这种类型的题不过是一个句子换一种说法,关键是看对每一段话的理解。
PART ONE问答对话常考话题(1)个人注:family name指姓;first name指“名字”,不包括姓,放在姓前。
如在Peter Smith中,Smith为姓,Peter为名字;在Kathleen Anne Stone中Anne Stone为姓,Kathleen为名字。
但在Mary Anne Stone中,Mary Anne一起作为教名。
商务英语BEC高级考试试题及答案一、阅读理解(每题2分,共40分)Part 1: 人力资源策略1. What is the main challenge faced Company X's human resources department?A. Attracting skilled workersB. Managing employee performanceC. Implementing new training programsD. Restructuring the department答案:APart 2: 市场营销策略6. What is the primary goal of Company Y's new marketing strategy?A. To increase brand awarenessB. To target an older demographicC. To reduce marketing costsD. To expand into new markets答案:A二、写作(共20分)Part 1: 商务报告Part 2: 商务邮件三、听力理解(每题2分,共20分)Section A: 短对话理解1. Listen to the following conversation and choose the best answer:M: I think we should invest in new software to streamline our operations.W: ________. Let's discuss it at the next board meeting.B. That's a great ideaC. We don't need any changesD. I'm not sure about that答案:BSection B: 长对话理解1. Listen to the following conversation and answer the question:What is the main topic of the conversation between the two speakers?A. Company restructuringB. Employee benefitsC. Marketing strategiesD. Product development答案:A四、口语表达(共20分)Part 1: 角色扮演场景:你是一家咨询公司的项目经理,你的同事John因为个人原因无法参加即将到来的客户会议。
bec商务英语高级短文Business English is an essential skill for professionals in today's globalized economy. As companies expand their operations into international markets, the ability to communicate effectively in English is crucial for success. In this advanced short text, we will explore some important themes in business English.One vital aspect of business English is professional communication. This includes written communication such as emails, reports, and presentations, as well as oral communication in meetings, negotiations, and networking events. Strong written communication skills are necessary to convey ideas, proposals, and instructions clearly and effectively. On the other hand, excellent oral communication skills enable professionals to articulate their thoughts, persuade others, and build strong relationships with clients and colleagues.Furthermore, business English requires a good understanding of business terminology and vocabulary. Professionals need to be familiar with industry-specific terms and phrases in order to communicate effectively with their peers and clients. This includes an understanding of financial and accounting terms, marketing and sales vocabulary, as well as legal and regulatory concepts. By using appropriate vocabulary, professionals can convey their expertise and credibility to others.In addition, cross-cultural communication is another crucial aspect of business English. As companies increasingly do business with partners and clients from different countries and cultures, it is important to understand and respect cultural differences. Thisincludes being aware of different business customs, etiquette, and communication styles. By adapting one's communication style to suit the cultural norms of the target audience, professionals can build trust and rapport with their international counterparts.Moreover, business English proficiency provides opportunities for career advancement and international job prospects. Companies seek professionals who are fluent in English, as it enables them to communicate and collaborate with colleagues and clients from around the world. A strong command of business English opens doors to diverse career opportunities and allows professionals to engage in global projects and assignments.To enhance one's business English skills, continuous learning and practice are essential. Professionals can take English courses, attend workshops or seminars, and engage in language exchange programs to improve their language proficiency. Reading business publications, listening to podcasts or TED talks, and actively participating in business-related discussions can also contribute to language development.In conclusion, business English is a critical skill for professionals in today's global business environment. Effective communication, mastery of business vocabulary, understanding of cross-cultural communication, and the ability to adapt to diverse contexts are all important factors when it comes to achieving success in the international business arena. By continuously improving their language skills, professionals can gain a competitive edge and advance in their careers.。
B E C剑桥商务英语(中级)真题答案-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIANTest 11.Coaching CABDABC2.buffet zone to market yourself DACBBC4.planning 19-23 BADAC 24-28 CDABC 29-33 DBCBB5.customer services director: itself in c while seen from c those forwith that cTest 21.good listener, better manager BCADDBC2.finding the right people CBEAD3.department store magic DCAACB4.managing upwards 19-23DDACA 24-28CBAAD 29-33 CACDB5.personal assistant of the year: that c only so c the how c out c will beTest 31.manage your boss CDABABC2.sell,sell,sell DFCEA3.trouble with teamwork DBCABC4.human resources policy 19-23 DCACD 24-28 CACAB 29-33 DAABB5.meetings that work: too c results by c so concerning c ones thatabout cTest 41.T he Birmingham Alliance CABDABD2.S taff apperaisals a director DFBAC3.M arket entry-the pioneer AABCCB4.B usiness meetings 19-23 CABDA 24-28 BDBAD 29-33 CACBD5.W hen to recruit for c the of with c such c so type around itTest11.flacks is a UK-based BDCABCA2.evaluating the performance of the board BAFDE3.british companies cross the atlantic ABCBAD4.promise of jobs 19-23 ACDDA 24-28 CBDCD 29-33 CCABDC5.consumer behaviour :with c to c so these about although having c toothatTest21.Successful time management CBACDBD2.staff appraisals good preparations CFAED3.problems in the it industry ABBACD4.chairman’s report 19-23 CDACD 24-28 DBADC 29-33 DAACB5.the career forum : up advertising c being the something out c closelymaking put cTest31.businessman of the year’award BDACABC2.setting up an appraisal scheme DACEF3.sheer genius-or a waste of time BCDACB4.who benefits most from company training 19-23 CBCDB 24-28 DCCBA29-33 DBCBA5.get better at keyboarding: some c by if c given c far such than upeitherTest41.four markets experts offer BADBCBD2.human resource management BAFEC3.achieving a successful merger CADDBB4.the bank with ideas 19-23 CCDCB 24-28 AADCA 29-33 BCBAB5.dealing with expenses: when such if try been for with c are to c everyTest11.the stars of the future CDBDABC2.acquisition FCEAD3.creativity in the workplace BCDBAC4.the secret of success for online business 19-23 DBCCA 24-28 BDCAB29-33 BCDBC5.client meetings: have which from unless is c c in only both c asTest 21.when a business decides BDACBCD2.the best person for the job CFDAE3.critical path BADDCB4.fighting it 19-23 BCDBA 24-28 DACCA 29-33 DCBDB5.lebrun steel facing up to tough times: which c on c but uo thoseadditionally both too much whileTest 41.mergers and acquisitions BABDCAC2.when two brands are better than one EBDFA3.speaking your customer’ language BABBCA4.another successful year 19-23 BADDC 24-28 ABCDD 29-33 BACCA5.the myth of the paperless office: the c and for up it c of c have whobetween。
Reading 阅读练习 1. Read the article blew which is about using English for international business. Think of a title for each paragraph. 2. Answer these questions about the article. 1 Why does Ericsson use English as its official language? 2 What can native English speakers do to communicate more effectively? 3 Why are native English speakers unaware of the difficulties of listening to foreign languages? 4 How does Ericsson make its employees more aware of these difficulties? Is YOUR ENGLISH TOO ENGLISH? English may be the language of international business but, as Alison Thomas reports, it's not only non-native speakers who need to learn how to use it effectively. 1 Ask a Swedish Ericsson executive 'Talardu Svenska?' and he may well reply' Yes. But only at home. At work I speak English.' Ericsson is one of a growing number of European companies that use English as their official corporate language. These companies recognise and, at the same time, increase the dominance of English as the language of international communication. Soon the number of speakers of English as a second language will exceed that of native English speakers. 2 Although a company might use English as its official language, its employees are unlikely to be bilingual. Language trainer Jacquie Reid thinks we consistently over-estimate the fluency of non-native speakers. 'We always assume that because their language skills are better than ours, they understand everything we say.' 3 So how should we adapt our use of language and what are the common problems? 'Simplify it,' is Reid's advice.'Don't over-complicate the message. Reduce what you're saying to manageable chunks.' Reid always tells people to limit themselves to one idea per sentence. 'It's also important to slow down and not raise your voice.' 4 Dr Jasmine Patel, a language consultant at Europhone, says different languages also have their own approach to dialogue. 'The British start with idiomatic expressions such as So, should we get down to it? and understate important issues with phrases such as There could be a slight problem. They also say That's a good idea, but ...when they mean No and they repeatedly use the word ,get with different meanings. And worst of all, they insist on using humor which is so culture-specific that no-one understands it.' 5 The majority of English native 5 speakers are insensitive to the stress of trying to understand a foreign language in a work environment because they rely on the business world speaking their language. At Ericsson, however, this is not the case. At the UK subsidiary, Ericsson Telecommunications, management training courses include seminars on both language and cross-cultural issues. A frequent comment made in follow-up evaluations is that increased awareness has improved communication and, more importantly, given participants a better understanding of their own language and how others might interpret it. Suggested answer:参考答案 1. 1 Communicating internationally 2 Assuming too much 3 Keeping it simple 4 Understanding cultural differences 5 Raising awareness 2. 1 Because English is the dominant language of international communication. 2 Make their message simple, use shorter chunks, keep one idea per sentence, speak more slowly, not raise their voice. 3 As English is spoken in their work environment, they do not have to understand other languages themselves. 4 Through language and cultural awareness seminars.。
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The Career Forum
If you work in the city centre then a visit to the Career Forum, the city's most successful recruitment exhibition, will give you the information you need to determine whether you are making the most of yourself. Currently, there are many new vacancies on the job market. With good skills and a healthy work record in greater demand than ever, it is the ideal time to ensure that your career is on the right track. The Career Forum has been responsible for helping many thousands of people improve their job potential, and it can do the same for you. Some of the best jobs in town never reach the advertising pages, so to be considered for one of these top jobs as they become available, you will need to make contact with the employers' agents. The Career Forum is the perfect opportunity. It is set in an informal atmosphere and there is no pressure; you can choose which agents you talk to. So if you are looking for a new job, come and join us at the Career Forum.
determine vt.决定
vacancy n.空职
potential n.潜力,潜能
making the most of 最大限度地利用
in great demand 需要量很大
on the right track 走上正轨
make contact with 与……取得联系
If you work in the city centre then a visit to the Career Forum, the city's most successful recruitment exhibition, will give you the information you need to determine whether you are making the most of yourself.
With good skills and a healthy work record in greater demand than ever, it is the ideal time to ensure that your career is on the right track.
Some of the best jobs in town never reach the advertising pages, so to be considered for one of these top jobs as they become available, you will need to make contact with the employers' agents. 一些镇上最好的职位从来没有登上广告宣传版面,而现在可以开始考虑这些最顶级的职位了。