


(10)授权公告号 CN 305484347 S (45)授权公告日 2019.12.10
( 54 )使用外观设计的产品 名称 项链吊坠(六字真言感悟盒)
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CN 305484347 S
CN 305484347 S
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CN 305484347 S
简 要 说 明
1.本外观设计产品的名称:项链吊坠(六字真言感悟盒)。 2.本外观设计产品的用途:本外观设计产品用于一种穿戴用项链吊坠。 3.本外观设计产品的设计要点:在于产品整体的形状、图案及其结合。 4.最能表明本外观设计设计要点的图片或照片:立体图。
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( 19 )中华人民 共和国国家知识产权局
( 12 )外观设计专利
(21)申请号 201930160584 .2 (22)申请日 2019 .04 .10 (73)专利权人 刘建军
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莫氏连接器生产技术与检验标准crimp guide

莫氏连接器生产技术与检验标准crimp guide

QUALITY CRIMPINGHANDBOOK§ Description§ Operation§ MaintenanceTable of ContentsSECTION1 Introduction2 Purpose3 Scope4 Definitions5 Associated Materials6 Procedure7 Measurement8 Process Control9 Trouble Shooting10 Wire Gauge Chart11 NotesINTRODUCTION TO CRIMP TECHNOLOGYDeveloped to replace the need to solder terminations, crimping technology provides a high quality connection between a terminal and a wire at a relatively low applied cost. The methods for applying crimp terminations depend on the application and volume, and range from hand-held devices to fully automated systems.The application methods include a basic hand tool, a press and die set, a stripper crimper, or a fully automatic wire processing system. However, no matter what method is used, the setup of each tool is critical for achieving a quality crimp.Today, many OEM companies are using Statistical Process Control (SPC) to continuously improve their crimp terminations. Crimp termination is a complex process and to ensure consistent quality it is necessary to understand the variability and inter-relational interactions that the technology involves.Without a thorough understanding of the crimping process, and all the factors that can affect it, the result may not meet expectations. The three key elements in the crimping process are the terminal, the wire, and the tooling.TerminalFor most applications, it is not economically practical for connector manufacturers to design a terminal to accept one wire size, one wire stranding, and one insulation diameter (UL type). Most terminals accommodate many wire sizes, stranding, and a range of insulation diameters, and the terminals are designed to meet acceptable levels over this entire range.WireThe wire stranding and insulation type can vary widely within one wire size. For example, there is more than 18% more material in an 18 AWG by 19-strand wire than an 18 AWG by 16-strand wire. The insulation diameter of an 18 AWG wire can range from 1.78mm (070") to over 4.57mm (180"). Wire strands can be copper, tinned, over coated, or top coated. Wire insulation materials, thickness, and durometers vary from application to application.ToolingWhat type of tooling does the application require? Does the application require hand stripping of the wire or does the volume dictate an automatic wire-stripping machine? Does the application and volume require hand tools, press and die, or fully automatic wire process machines? Crimping with a manual hand tool, semi-automatic press and die, or fully automatic wire processor, all involve different levels of variability. The terminal, wire, and type of application tooling all affect the quality of the completed terminations.PURPOSEThis handbook provides general guidelines and procedures for understanding and achieving acceptable crimp terminations. A glossary in Section 4 lists common terms and definitions. Section 4 lists the tools that are necessary to take accurate measurements and evaluate the crimp's acceptability.The tooling setup is critical in determining the quality of the finished crimp. The attributes that need to be considered include crimp height, conductor brush, bell mouth, and cut-off tab and strip length and insulation position. Variability in one or more of these attributes can reduce the measured pull force. It can be difficult to establish acceptable variability limits because the attributes all interact with one another.For example, a track adjustment for bell mouth also will change the cut-off tab length and the insulation wire position while strip length and wire locations affect the conductor brush and insulation position. Adjusting the insulation crimp height may result in a slight change to the conductor crimp height measurement. It may be necessary for the setup person to make multiple adjustments before establishing an optimal setup.The order the setup is done may help reduce the number of repetitions required for an optimum setup. Section 6 has a flowchart for a process setup while Section 8 is a trouble-shooting guide for common problems. Using Statistical Process Control (SPC) during the crimping process can help minimize the Parts per Million (PPM) reject levels. Section 7 provides a general explanation of the benefits of using SPC.This handbook is structured so that parts, or all, of its contents can be used as a procedural guide for ISO requirements.SECTION 3SCOPEThis handbook is intended for Molex customers who are crimping Molex open barrel crimp terminals and are using Molex tooling, primarily in semiautomatic or automatic wire processing termination methods.The handbook's contents may slightly differ from other connector manufacturers' guidelines or individual company procedures.This handbook provides a basic overview of what to look for in an acceptable crimp. It is not intended to replace individual product and/or tooling specifications.Individual terminals or applications may have special requirements. Tooling limitations also may not permit an attribute to be adjusted to meet optimum requirements.BEND UPSECTION 4Anatomy of a Crimp Termination (Figure 4-1) § Bell Mouth (Flare) The flare that is formed on the edge of the conductor crimp acts as a funnel for the wire strands. This funnel reduces the possibility that a sharp edge on the conductor crimp will cut or nick the wire strands. As a general guideline, the conductor bell mouth needs to be approximately 1 to 2 times the thickness of the terminal material. * § Bend Test One way to test the insulation crimp is by bending the wire several times and then evaluating the movement of the insulation and wire strands. As a rule, the insulation crimp should withstand the wire being bent 60 to 90 degrees in any direction, several times. Use care when working with small wire sizes so the wire at the back of the insulation crimp does not shear. § Conductor Brush The conductor brush is made up of the wire strands thatextend past the conductor crimp on the contact side ofthe terminal. This helps ensure that mechanicalcompression occurs over the full length of the conductorcrimp. The conductor brush should not extend into the contact area.§ Conductor Crimp This is the metallurgical compression of a terminal around the wire's conductor. This connection creates a common electrical path with low resistance and high current carrying capabilities. § Conductor Crimp Height The conductor crimp height is measured from the top surface of the formed crimp to the bottom radial surface. Do not include the extrusion points in this measurement, (See Figure 4-1). Measuring crimp height is a quick, non-destructive way to help ensure the correct metallurgical compression of a terminal around the wire's conductor and is an excellent attribute for process control. The crimp height specification is typically set as a balance between electrical and mechanical performance over the complete range of wire stranding and coatings, and terminal materials and plating. Although it is possible to optimize a crimp height to individual wirestranding and terminal plating, one crimp height specification is normally created. *Consult individual terminal specification requirements§ Cut-off Tab LengthThis material protrudes outside the insulation crimp after the terminal is separated from the carrier strip. As a rule, the cut-off tab is approximately 1.0 to 1.5 times terminal material thickness. * A cut-off tab that is too long may expose a terminal outside the housing or it may failelectrical spacing requirements. In most situations, a tool is setup to provide a cut-off tab that is flush to one material thickness. § Extrusions (Flash)These are the small flares that form on the bottom of the conductor crimp resulting from the clearance between the punch and anvil tooling. If the anvil is worn or the terminal is over-crimped, excessive extrusion results. An uneven extrusion may also result if the punch and anvil alignment is not correct, if the feed adjustment is off or if there is insufficient/excessive terminal drag. § Insulation Crimp (Strain Relief)This is the part of the terminal that provides both wire support for insertion into the housing and allows the terminal to withstand shock and vibration. The terminal needs to hold the wire as firmly as possible without cutting through to the conductor strands. The acceptability of an insulation crimp is subjective and depends on the application. A bend test is recommended to determine whether or not the strain relief is acceptable for each particular application. § Insulation Crimp HeightMolex does not specify insulation crimp heights because of the wide variety of insulation thickness, material, and hardness. Most terminals are designed to accommodate multiple wire ranges. Within the terminal’s range, the strain relief may not completely surround the wire or fully surround the diameter of the wire. This condition will still provide an acceptable insulation crimp for most applications.§ A large strain relief should firmly grip at least 88% of the wire.§ A smaller strain relief should firmly grip at least 50% of the wire and firmly hold the top of the wire.To evaluate the insulation crimp section, cut the wire flush with the back of the terminal. Once the optimum setting for the application is determined, it is important to document the insulation crimp height. Then, as part of the setup procedure, the operator can check the crimp height.§ Insulation PositionThis is the location of the insulation in relation to thetransition area between the conductor and insulation crimps. Equal amounts of the conductor strands and insulation needs to be visible in the transition area. The insulation position ensures that the insulation is crimped along the full length of the insulation crimp, and that no insulation is crimped under the conductor crimp. The insulation position is set by the wire stop and strip length for bench applications. For automatic wire processing applications, the insulation position is set by the in/out press adjustment.§ Strip LengthThe strip length is determined by measuring the exposed conductor strands after the insulation is removed. The strip length determines the conductor brush length when the insulation position is centered. *Consult individual terminal specification requirementsFigure 4-4 Figure 4-3§ ProcessThe combination of people, equipment, tooling,materials, methods, and procedures needed to produce a crimp termination. Process Control is used to track attributes over time to aid in the detection of change to the process. Detecting a process change when it happens helps prevent many thousands of bad crimps. § Pull Force TestingPull force testing is a quick, destructive way to evaluate the mechanical properties of a crimp termination. Whenmaking a crimp, enough pressure must be applied to break down the oxides that may build up on the stripped conductor and the tin-plating on the inside of the terminal grip. This is necessary to provide a good metal-to-metal contact. If this does not occur, resistance can increase. Over-crimping a crimp termination will reduce the circular area of the conductor and increase resistance.Pull force testing is also a good indicator of problems in the process. Cut or nicked strands in the stripping operation, lack of bell mouth or conductor brush, or incorrect crimp height or tooling will reduce pull force. Wire properties and stranding, and terminal design (material thickness and serration design), also can increase or decrease pull force levels. § Shut HeightThe distance (at bottom dead center on a press), from thetooling mounting base plate to the tooling connection point on the ram of the press.§ Terminal Positionthe forming punch and anvils, and the carrier strip cut-offtooling. The tool set-up determines conductor bell mouth, cut-off tab length, and terminal extrusions.SECTION 5ASSOCIATED MATERIALS§ CaliperA gauge, consisting of two opposing blades, for measuringlinear dimensional attributes.§ Eye LoopA magnification tool, normally 10times power or greater, which isused to aid visual evaluation of acrimp termination.§ Crimp MicrometerThis is a micrometer specifically designed to measure crimpheight. The measurement is taken in the center of the crimp sothe conductor bell mouth does not influence it. It has a thinblade that supports the top of the crimp while a pointed sectiondetermines the bottom radial surface.§ Ruler (Pocket Scale)This is used to estimate the five-piece measurement of bell mouth,cut-off tab, conductor brush, wire position, and strip length. Therecommended maximum resolution is 0.50mm (.020”).§ Pull Tester (Reference Figure 5)A device used to determine the mechanical strength of a crimptermination. Most pull testing is done with a device that clampsthe wire, pulls at a set speed, and measures force by means of aload cell. A pull tester also can be as simple as hanging fixedweights on the wire for a minimum of one minute.§ Toolmaker’s MicroscopeThis is used for close visual evaluation and statistical measurementof bell mouth, cut-off tab, conductor brush, wire position and striplength.SECTION 6 PROCEDURESTool Setup (Reference Procedures Flow Chart)1. Check that tooling is clean and not worn. If necessary,clean and replace worn tooling.2. Disconnect power to the press and remove guardingdevices.3. Install the appropriate tooling into the press.4. Load terminals into the tooling so that the first terminal islocated over the anvil.5. Manually cycle the press to help ensure a complete cyclecan be made without interference. If it cannot, removetooling and check press shut height. Go to procedure 3.6. Check that the tooling is aligned. Check the impressionon the bottom of the crimp that was made by the anviltooling. Check that the extrusions and crimp form arecentered. If not, align tooling and go to procedure 5. 7. Check that the terminal feed locates the next terminalover the center of the anvil tooling. If not, adjustterminal feed and feed finger and go to procedure 5. 8. Re-install all safety devices that were removed during theset-up. (Follow all safety requirements listed inindividual press and/or tooling manuals.)9. Crimp sample terminals under power.10. Evaluate cut-off tab length and conductor bell mouth. Ifadjustment is necessary, disconnect power to the pressand remove guarding. Adjust track position. Manuallycycle the press and check the feed finger for feedlocation, go to procedure 7.11. Evaluate conductor brush. If adjustment is necessary,disconnect power to the press and remove guarding.Adjust wire stop for bench applications or press positionon automatic wire processing equipment. Go toprocedure 8. 12. Evaluate insulation position. If necessary, adjust strip length,crimp new samples, and go to procedure 11.13. Loosen insulation crimp height.14. Crimp sample terminals.15. Measure conductor crimp height and compare to specification.If necessary, disconnect power and remove guarding. Adjustconductor crimp height, install guards, connect power, and go to procedure 14.16. Perform a pull force test. Refer to troubleshooting (Section 9)if this test fails.17. Adjust insulation crimp.18. Crimp sample terminals.19. Evaluate insulation crimp. If necessary, disconnect power andremove guarding. Adjust insulation crimp height, installguards, connect power, and go to procedure 18.20. Measure crimp height and compare to specification. Ifnecessary, disconnect power and remove guarding. Adjustconductor crimp height, install guards, connect power, and go to procedure 18.21. Document measurements.Please Work Safely At All Times.PROCEDURES FLOW CHARTSECTION 7MEASUREMENTPull Force Testing1. Cut wire length approximately 152.00mm (6.00”) long.2. Strip one end to 13.00mm (.500”), or long enough so nowire insulation is under the insulation grip, or loosen theinsulation crimp so it has no grip on the insulation of thewire.3. Terminate the appropriate terminal to the wire to thenominal crimp height.4. Visually inspect the termination for bell mouth, wire brushand cut strands.5. Set pull tester to 25.4.00mm per minute (1.00" perminute). For most applications, a higher rate will not havea significant impact on the data. The slower rate prevents asudden application of force or jerking that snaps strands.Verify higher pull rates with data taken at 1.00” perminute.6. If necessary, knot the unterminated end of the wire (Ifinsulation slips on wire).7. Regardless of pull tester type, both wire and terminated endmust be securely clamped. (Note: Clamp terminal contactinterface, do not clamp conductor crimp)8. Activate pull test.9. Record pull force readings. A minimum of five pull forcemeasurements should be done to confirm each set-up. Aminimum of 25 readings should be taken for capability. 10. Compare lowest reading to minimum pull force specification. Note: High variability and lower CpK's are common for double wire applications. The variability is due to more variation in conductor brush, conductor bell mouth and fewer strands of one wire being in contact with the serrations on the terminal barrel. A double crimp application is considered no better than the smallest wire crimped. Higher pull force readings can be seen if both wires are gripped and pulled exactly together. Pulling each wire individually will result in a much lower pull force reading. If both wires are of the same size, the top wire will normally result in a lower reading than the bottom wire due to the effects of the terminal serrations.Wire ChartNote: Pull force has only a minimum specification. For CpK calculations, the average reading is assumed nominal and the upper specification limit is set so CP and CpK are equal. High pull force readings that increase the standard deviation can lower CpK even if the mean and lowest reading are increased.Test Values for Pull Force TestUL486ASize of Conductor Pullout Force*AWG mm2Lb. N30 0.05 1.5 6.728 0.08 2 8.926 0.13 3 13.424 0.20 5 22.322 0.324 8 35.620 0.519 13 57.918 0.823 20 89.016 1.31 30 133.514 2.08 50 222.612 3.31 70 311.510 5.261 80 356.08 8.367 90 400.5Crimp Height Testing1. Complete tool set-up procedure.2. Crimp a minimum of five samples.3. Place the flat blade of the crimp micrometer across the center ofthe dual radii of the conductor crimp. Do not take themeasurement near the conductor bell mouth.4. Rotate the micrometer dial until the point contacts the bottomradial surface. If using a caliper, be certain not to measure the extrusion points of the crimp.5. Record crimp height readings. A minimum of five crimp heightreadings is necessary to confirm each set-up. A minimum of 25 readings is necessary to determine capability.6. Check crimp height every 250 to 500 parts throughout the run. Note: Crimp height is usually control charted because it is a quick, nondestructive measurement and is critical for the termination's electrical and mechanical reliability. There are three primary purposes for control charting. One, the number of setup samples is normally small, and its statistical value is limited. Two, since special cause/effects on a proce ss are irregular and unpredictable; it is necessary to have a means of catching changes in the process as soon as they occur. This prevents having to scrap thousands of terminations after the run is over. Three, and this is most important, the data is necessary to assess and improve the crimp process.Figure 7-3 CALIPERFigure 7-2 CRIMP MICROMETERFigure 7-1 PULL TESTINGSECTION 8CRIMP PROCESS CONTROLThe crimp process is the interaction of a terminal, wire,tooling, personnel, methods and procedures, andenvironmental attributes. When this process is controlled, it will produce a quality termination. Quality control is animportant part of quality crimping. It should not takeexcessive setup or inspection time to do, and it can save aharness manufacturer thousands of dollars in potentialrework or re-manufacturing.Variability is the slight change that occurs from crimp tocrimp. There are two types of variability, common orspecial. Common causes of variation affect the processuniformly and are the result of many small sources.Common variability is inherent tolerances within a reel ofwire or terminals. Common variability also is created by the natural tolerances of the stripping and crimping machines.Reducing variability at the common level typically has tocome from changes to the wire, terminal, and toolingmanufacturer.Special causes of variation occur irregularly andunpredictably. Without checks throughout a run, having atool become loose after the first hundred crimps or a jamresulting from a damaged tool may be undetected untilthousands of crimps are made.Process CapabilityBefore putting a new crimping tool in production, Molexrecommends that each customer do a capability study, using the specific wire that will be used in its process. A capability study, which is based on the assumption of a normaldistribution (bell-type curve), estimates the probability of a measurement being outside of specification.CapabilityCpK +/- Sigma % Yield PPM*0.67 2 95.45 45,5001 3 99.73 2,6991.33 4 99.99 631.67 5 99.99+ 0.572 6 99.99++ 0 A 25 piece minimum sample needs to be taken from the crimping process. Calculate the average and standard deviation for each specification. A capability index is defined by the formula below. Cp may range in value from zero to infinity, with a larger value indicating a more capable process. A value greater than 1.33 is considered acceptable for most applications. Cp is calculated with the following formula.___Tolerance___6*Standard DeviationThe CpK index indicates whether the process will produce units within the tolerance limits. CpK has a value equal to Cp if the process is centered on the mean of specification; if CpK is negative, the process mean is outside the specification limits; if CpK is between 0 and 1 then some of the 6 sigma spread falls outside the tolerance limits. If CpK is larger than one, the 6-sigma spread is completely within the tolerance limits. CpK is calculated with the lesser of the following formulas:__(USL - Mean)__ __ (Mean - LSL)__3*Standard Deviation 3*Standard DeviationUSL = Upper Specification Limit, LSL = Lower SpecificationLimitSix sigma is a goal of many companies because it represents virtually zero defects. The ability of a company to achieve a six-sigma level depends on the amount of common variability in its process. For example, hand stripping the wire produces more variability than a stripping machine; crimping hand tools produce more variability than a press and die set, and bench terminations produce more variability than a wire-processing machine.A part of the variability in crimping will result from the type of instruments that are used to measure the parts and the operator's ability to repeat the measurement. A crimp micrometer will measure more accurately than a dial caliper. An automatic pull force system will measure better than a hook type scale. It is important that the measurement gauge has enough resolution.Two operators may measure the same part differently, or the same operator may measure the part differently whenusing two types of gauges. Molex recommends a gauge capability study to identify what part of the variability is coming from measurement error. Micro-terminals crimped to small wire sizes need a tight crimp height range to maintain pull force. The variability from measurement error can keep CpKs low.The capability of the crimping tools needs to be re-confirmed if the production data is significantly different from the capability study.ProductionBefore the tool is ready for production, the level of capability needs to be established. Many harnessmanufacturers run only a few hundred or few thousand wires at one time. In this case, it is not practical or economical to run a twenty-five-piece capability with every set-up.Visual InspectionIt needs to be standard operating procedure for the operator to manually fan each bundle of crimped wires and visually check bell mouth, conductor brush, insulation position, cut-off tab length, and insulation crimp.Control ChartingCrimp height is typically control charted because it is a quick nondestructive measurement and is critical for the termination's electrical and mechanical reliability. There are three primary purposes for control charting. One, the number of setup samples is usually small, with limited statistical value. Two, since special cause effects on a process are irregular and unpredictable; it is necessary to be able to catch changes in the process as soon as they occur. This prevents thousands of terminations from being scrapped after the run is over. Three, and most important, this data is necessary to assess and improve the crimp process.Once the tooling process is setup and the wire size does not change, keep one control chart for wire color changes, wire length changes, terminal material changes, or setupadjustments. Record the data point on the chart before making a crimp height adjustment. If data is recorded after each adjustment, the process is likely to assume control and provide little data for improving the process. The operator needs to make as many notes as possible on the chart. The only truly effective and economically sensible way to manage a manufacturing process is to understand, monitor and reduce sources of variability that are inherent to the process itself. Every minute required for setup or adjustments is unproductive.What does this sample chart tell us?X and R ChartControl limit for sample of 5 = Avg (Avg of 5readings) + .577 x Avg (Ranges)It indicates that a process shift occurred betweenmeasurement 12 and 13. This type of shift could occur due to a change in wire, a change in terminal lots, a jam in the machine that damaged the tooling, a change in operators, or an adjustment to the insulation crimp. Since the measurements are still within specification, would you stop production to adjust crimp height?A shift in the process due to a change in material may warrant a crimp height adjustment. A shift after a jam would not indicate an adjustment, but a close evaluation of the tooling. A shift in the process between operators would not indicate an adjustment, but an evaluation of measurement capability. The purpose of a control chart is to identify what caused the shift in process to determine if an adjustment to the process is needed.Figure 9-1IRREGULAR INSULATION CUTFigure 9-2CUT STRANDSFigure 9-3PULLED STRANDSFigure 9-4WIRE LENGTH VARIABILITY OR WRONG STRIP LENGTH SECTION 9TROUBLE SHOOTINGWire PreparationSymptom Cause SolutionWorn tooling Replace toolingIrregular insulation cut(Figure 9-1) Wire cut depth too shallow Adjust cut depthDamaged tooling Replace toolingCut depth too deep Adjust cut depthCut or nicked strands(Figure 9-2)Conductor not on wire center Contact wire supplierWorn tooling Replace toolingIrregular conductor cut-pulled strands(Figure 9-3) Wire cut depth too shallow Adjust cut depthWire drive rollers/belts worn Replace belts/rollersInsulation durometer too hard Increase drive pressureWire length variability too high(Figure 9-4)Wire straightener too loose or tight Adjust wire straightenerWrong strip length (Figure 9-4) Incorrect setup Re-setup tooling。

H-C3_摩尔斯 莫尔斯码练习器说明书_(Morse自解码_CW练习_自动信标)_V1.3

H-C3_摩尔斯 莫尔斯码练习器说明书_(Morse自解码_CW练习_自动信标)_V1.3

H-C3 Morse Code Tutor 主要技术指标
支持键体:手键、Bug 键、双桨自动键 发码速度:5~50pwm 解码速度:10~40wpm 显示屏幕:32 字(16 字 2 行) 侧音音频:600/700/800/1000/1200Hz 输出方式:CW 报和带 PTT 控制的 FM 音频报,耳机阻抗 32ohm 或 64ohm 耳机驱动:32~64ohm 自动关机:长开、1~15 分钟关闭 信标定时:1~15 分钟(信标开启时,自动关机功能自动失效) 外部电源:7~12V(大于 300mA),内正外负 3.5mm 插头 内部电源:4.2V(可装入 900mAh 聚合物锂电池,安装空间 48×35×4.5mm) 工作电流:关机(0.1uA)、开机背光灯不亮时(16mA)、开机背光灯亮时(66mA) 尺寸重量:100mm×60mm×25mm 、约 110 克(含电池)
提高收发速度及用于日常通联。H-C3 还是一台摩尔斯代码解码器,可以解自己
拍发的电文或外加电路解接收到的摩尔斯报。H-C3 还是台自动信标器,可以连
接短波电台或 UV 中转台,用于信标定时发射。
菜单 3 自动键发报速度设置 该子菜单可设置自动键发报速度,速度单位为 wpm,新手练习时推荐设置为 10~15wpm; 在拍发或快捷呼叫发射时,短按 K3[▲]键或 K4[▼]按键可快速改变发报速度; Morse 的速度(单位:wpm)解释详见[附录:Morse 的速度问题]
菜单 4 词间隔设置 词间隔是用来设置快捷呼叫或自动信标发射时的词间隔宽度,单位为 Dit 的宽度。 推荐设置为 7,Morse 词间隔见[附录:Morse 字词间隔比示意图]





空气 (不给油*) 双作用 1.0 MPa 0.05 MPa 无磁性开关: -10℃~70℃,带磁性开关: -10℃~60℃ 50~750 mm/s 橡胶缓冲/气缓冲
+1.4 0
1/ 8 1/ 4
C DM2 H L 40 F 150 A J
无杆缸盖上的配管通口方位 缸径 ø6 ø10, ø16 记号 径向 无记号 - R 轴向 轴向
*弹簧压回耳环型仅有径向。 *弹簧压出型无此项。
单作用弹簧压回型 单作用弹簧压出型
缸径 (mm)
6 10 16 15,30,45,60 15,30,45,60,75,100,125,150 15,30,45,60,75,100,125,150,175,200
杆端无螺纹情况 六角对边
st: 气缸行程(毫米)
1.3 1.03
!( !"=E 脚座
): CJP F 法兰
耳轴型: CJPT/无磁性开关
销子直径 C形弹性挡圈
耳轴安装 st: 气缸行程(毫米)
耳轴座 零件号 CP-T006 CP-T010 CP-T015
Y 型双肘节接头
行程 缸径(mm)
S 5 10 15 20
Z 10 15 20
18 23 28 33 51 56 61 66
使用ø4/ø2.5聚氨酯管(TU0425)或 软尼龙管(TS0425)
记号 行程

Morris Magneto M5 Instructions说明书

Morris Magneto M5 Instructions说明书

Morris Magneto M5 Instructions, ’70 -’99 Big Twins, types B, C, and DYour new Morris Magneto kit is a quality precision-built product. Installation should be performed by a qualified mechanic. Loosen or remove pushrods and remove stock gearcase cover. Referring to H-D manual “Engine Specifications” and “Engine Gearcase” sections, check general engine condition, and set cam end play to .001 – .005″. Install new gearcase cover. Cover should fit somewhat freely onto pinion shaft and cam. Set your engine on the correct stroke & position for installation, as follows:motor not completely assembled, use conventional “front valves closed” method;motor fully assembled, you may find the following method easier:a) Remove your rear spark plug only.b) Kick until you feel front cylinder compression; rear piston will be on the way up.c) Continue turning the motor until the rear piston gets to the top. At this point, the correct front cylinder advanced timing mark will be just appearing in the back of the hole. Continue until it is centered.Remove magneto cap (unless it is clear). Set magneto rotor so narrow cam lobe is located counter-clockwise from cam follower as in Picture 2, and breaker points are just opening. This is your correct front cylinder advanced timing position. On the bottom of the magneto, note position of drive lugs in relation to mounting flange. Install the drive gear and pin to the end of cam, meshing the teeth so that either pair of slots on drive is in a similar position, and will engage lugs when installing mag head. Be sure that the pin registers correctly in cam notch.Temporarily install the magneto to check drive alignment. Your cam gear positioning is correct if the advanced timing position is within the range of the flange adjustment. If not, re-mesh gear using other pair of drive slots. When done, securely bolt gear to end of cam using red loctite on threads and mating surface (insure threads are clean and oil-free). Install the gear cover plate and gasket. Install the magneto and gasket, securing with the nuts and heavy washers provided, in the advanced timing position visually as shown and outlined above. Static timing is all that is required. Timing can be dialed in exactly by using Morris Magneto p/n KATT, timing and testing tool. W e do not recommend the ‘cellophane’ method. NOTE: If magneto head was previously installed, you will need to go past your timing mark until magneto clicks, indicating that the impulse spring has been tripped (at approximately 5/16″ or 8mm past rear piston TDC, but on front cylinder compression stroke), then back up the motor in high gear and re-locate timing mark. Install cap if off, making sure coil springs line up, and tighten cap screws 1/8 turn past hand-tight. Stud on side of magneto is used to “kill” magneto with a grounding toggle switch or lever (p/n KSL), do not connect to your battery or 12-volt system. NOTE: Impulse mechanism is intended for starting only. Maintain a high enough idle so that it does not engage while running.Stuff to know: This magneto was designed to start with a moderate kick; hard kicks may actually hamper starting. Unit is also fully compatable with electric start. The long-lasting OEM-type points in your magneto have been set at .015, and will require no attention for years. When replacement is necessary, use Morris p/n P5 and condensor p/n P6. Use only original type cap, gasket, points and condenser. Initial spark plug gap, .025″. Due to the hot spark, you can expect the gap to burn larger somewhat faster than with a battery ignition. Use of a single-fire module, Morris p/n MSF, may help prolong plug life. W e recommend Autolite4275 or 4316 spark plugs for older H-D heads (short reach), or 4265 for long reach, as used on most aftermarket heads, and “76 -up stock H-D heads. Use copper or stainless steel solid core (non-suppression) spark plug wires (Morris p/n MWS).US Patents 4191157; D375509。



EN8000振动监测故障诊断专家系统用户操作手册北京英华达电力电子工程科技有限公司2007年3月目录第一章系统概述 (1)1.1 系统总体结构 (1)1.2 数据采集站 (1)1.3数据服务器 (2)1.4工作站 (2)第二章软件安装 (3)2.1概述 (3)2.2操作系统安装与设置 (3)2.2.1 网络通讯协议 (3)2.2.2 计算机标识 (4)2.2.3 IP地址 (4)独立小型网络 (4)使用已有网络 (5)拨号网络的设置 (5)检查网络是否连通 (6)2.3 EN8000软件安装 (7)2.3.1输入密码 (7)2.3.2确认用户信息 (7)2.3.3选择安装类型 (8)2.3.4选择安装路径 (8)2.3.5复制文件 (9)2.3.6安装完成 (10)2.4 系统备份 (10)2.4.1输入用户名和密码 (10)2.4.2输入用户信息 (10)2.4.3显示系统信息 (11)2.4.4选择目录 (11)2.4.5复制文件 (12)2.4.6完成 (12)第三章参数设置 (14)3.1 概述 (14)3.2 启动参数设置程序 (14)3.3 参数设置主界面 (15)3.3.1主菜单 (15)3.3.2快捷工具栏 (16)3.3.3参数分类栏 (16)3.4打开参数 (17)3.4.1打开本地参数 (18)3.4.2从服务器下载参数 (18)3.5 系统构成 (18)3.5.1系统 (19)3.5.2采集站 (19)3.5.3服务器 (20)3.5.4 机组设备 (21)3.5.5 机组轴系 (22)3.6 采集模块设置 (23)3.6.1 选择采集模块 (24)3.6.2增加或删除采集模块 (25)3.6.3 修改采集模块参数 (25) 键相模块 (25) 振动采集模块 (26) 过程量采集模块 (27) 开关量输入采集模块 (28) 开关量输出采集模块 (28)3.6.4列表 (29)3.6.5全部模块列表 (29)3.7通道参数 (30)3.7.1 参数编辑 (31)3.7.2 复制和粘贴 (31)3.7.3 一般参数 (32)3.7.4 转速通道 (32)3.7.5 振动通道 (33)3.7.6 轴系通道对 (34)3.7.7 过程量通道 (35)3.7.8 开关量输入通道 (36)3.7.9 开关量输出通道 (37)3.8报警参数设置 (38)3.8.1 参数编辑 (38)3.8.2复制和粘贴 (38)3.8.3 转速通道 (38)3.8.4 振动通道 (39)单值报警 (39)逻辑组合 (39)无报警 (41)报警延时 (41)3.8.5 过程量通道 (41)3.9 逻辑组合 (41)3.9.1逻辑通道的增减 (42)3.9.2逻辑表达式节点的增减 (42)3.9.3逻辑通道的修改 (43)3.9.4逻辑表达式的修改 (43)3.10 事件数据存储 (43)3.10.1 启停机事件数据存储 (44)增加和删除启停机事件 (44)设置开停机事件参数 (44)存储通道 (44)3.10.2 报警事件数据存储 (45)增加和删除报警事件 (45)报警事件参数 (45)存储通道 (46)3.11 用户设置 (47)3.12 保存参数 (48)3.12.1 保存 (48)3.12.2 上传 (48)3.12.3 导出 (49)3.13 退出 (49)第四章采集监测 (50)4.1概述 (50)4.2安装采集站软件 (50)4.3启动采集站程序 (51)4.4数据采集 (51)4.5监测分析 (53)第五章监测分析 (54)5.1概述 (54)5.2安装监测分析程序 (54)5.3启动监测分析程序 (54)5.3.1输入用户名和密码 (54)5.3.2输入服务器名称 (55)5.4程序界面概述 (56)5.4.1主菜单 (56)5.4.2分析工具栏 (57)5.4.3画面工具栏 (59)5.4.4状态栏 (59)5.5登录服务器 (59)5.5.1登录 (60)5.5.2断开 (60)5.5.3变更用户 (61)5.6监测画面 (61)5.6.1画面切换 (61)5.6.2 查看画面单元信息 (62)5.6.3 选择画面单元 (62)5.6.4 显示分析图或列表 (62)5.7数据 (62)5.7.1实时数据 (62)5.7.2打开历史数据 (63)时间数值输入模式 (63)鼠标点选模式 (64)5.7.3打开事件数据 (65)5.7.4打开备份数据 (66)5.7.5备份数据 (67)5.8选择通道 (68)5.8.1监测画面点选通道 (68)5.8.2通道列表选择 (69) 选取或取消选取通道 (69) 按归属分类显示 (70) 按通道类型分类 (70) 选择振动特征值 (71)5.9数据分析 (72)5.9.1数据列表 (73)5.9.2趋势图 (75)5.9.3相关趋势图 (80)5.9.4波特图 (81)5.9.5极坐标图 (84)5.9.6轴心位置图 (87)5.9.7振动时域波形 (90)5.9.8轴心轨迹图 (95)5.9.9全息谱图 (98)5.9.10轴系仿真 (100)5.9.11频谱图 (103)5.9.12级联图 (107)5.9.13瀑布图 (110)5.10报警状态和报警记录 (113)5.10.1 当前报警状态 (113)简明状态列表 (114)详细状态列表 (114)分类显示 (115)5.10.2 报警记录 (116)5.10.3报警统计 (116)5.11窗口 (117)5.12打印输出 (118)5.12.1打印 (119)5.12.2输出到Excel文件 (119)5.12.3输出到Bmp文件 (119)5.12.4复制到剪贴板 (120)5.13其他功能操作 (120)5.13.1系统日志 (120)5.13.2网络状态 (121)5.13.3系统时间 (121)5.14退出程序 (121)第六章故障诊断专家系统 (122)6.1 应用故障诊断专家系统的意义 (122)6.2故障诊断知识库的管理 (122)6.3 故障诊断专家系统使用说明 (123)6.3.1 检查相关参数 (124)6.3.2 选择诊断对象 (124)6.3.3 选择数据 (125)6.3.4 自动诊断 (125)6.3.5 再次诊断 (126)6.3.6 对话诊断 (126)6.3.7存储诊断结果报告 (127)6.3.8事故追忆 (127)第七章动平衡计算 (128)7.1 动平衡软件使用说明 (128)7.2最小二乘法影响系数计算 (128)7.3 最小二乘法影响系数动平衡 (129)7.4谐分量法影响系数计算 (130)7.5谐分量法影响系数动平衡 (130)7.6 重量的合成与分解 (131)7.7矢量加减运算 (131)7.8估算剩余振动模块 (132)7.9 文件管理 (132)第八章监测画面组态 (133)8.1 概述 (133)8.2启动画面组态程序 (133)8.3界面 (133)8.3.1工具栏 (134)8.3.2画面页切换按钮工具栏 (135)8.3.3状态栏 (136)8.4 打开和保存画面 (136)8.4.1打开本地磁盘文件 (136)8.4.2打开服务器上的文件 (137)8.4.3保存到本地磁盘 (138)8.4.4保存到服务器 (138)8.5 设置画面数量和标题 (138)8.5.1 画面页数的增加和删减 (138)8.5.2 画面排列先后次序 (139)8.5.3 修改画面标题 (139)8.5.4设置画面有效区域 (139)8.5.5 自动循环设置 (139)8.6 通道显示单元 (140)8.6.1数据显示单元放到画面上 (140)8.6.2修改数据显示单元大小和位置 (140)8.6.3修改数据显示单元外观属性 (141)面板 (142)棒图 (142)数值 (143)指示灯 (144)开关 (145)动画 (145)权限 (146)8.7 图库 (146)8.7.1浏览图库内容 (147)8.7.2将图片放到画面上 (147)8.7.3打开图片文件 (147)8.7.4将图片添加到图库 (147)8.8 绘图 (147)8.8.1绘制和调整折线 (148)8.8.2绘制和调整曲线 (150)8.8.3绘制和调整多边形 (152)8.8.4绘制和调整矩形 (154)8.8.5绘制和调整圆角矩形 (155)8.8.6绘制和调整椭圆 (156)8.8.7绘制和调整三角形 (156)8.8.8绘制和调整弧形 (158)8.8.9绘制和调整文字 (160)8.9 编辑 (161)8.9.1 区域选择 (161)8.9.2 鼠标点选 (162)8.9.3 移动元件 (162)8.9.4 复制与删除 (162)8.9.5撤销 (163)8.9.6整体移动 (163)8.9.7元件清单 (163)8.9.8外观调整 (163)8.9.9通道设置 (164)8.9.10链接 (165)8.9.11文字 (166)8.9.12背景 (166)8.9.13图层的改变 (166)8.9.14排列调整 (167)8.10 选项 (168)8.11 导入和导出 (168)8.11.1导入画面-从画面库 (168)8.11.2导入画面-从文件 (169)8.11.3导出画面-从画面库 (169)8.11.4画面库管理 (170)第九章硬件安装调试 (171)9.1概述 (171)9.2 硬件系统的组成 (171)9.3 组成系统的各种模块 (171)9.3.1 CPU模块 (171)9.3.2 硬盘模块 (171)9.3.3 键相模块 (171)9.3.4 振动板 (173)9.3.5 过程量模块 (176)9.3.6 继电器输出模块 (178)9.4 信号转接模块 (180)9.4.1 键相、四路振动信号转接模块 (180)9.4.2八路振动信号转接模块 (181)9.4.3 缓变量模拟信号转接模块 (182)9.4.4 数字信号转接模块 (183)9.4.5 继电器输出转接模块 (183)9.4.6 3500、3300转接模块 (183)9.5信号连接线 (188)9.5.1 九芯信号连接线 (188)9.5.2 37芯信号连接线 (188)9.5.3 25芯信号连接线 (188)9.6 功能模块 (188)9.6.1低频补偿模块 (188)9.6.2 电压电流变送模块 (188)9.7 EN8000零配件编号目录 (189)9.8 系统安装准备 (190)9.8.1系统需要的各种信号 (190)9.8.2 网络通讯环境 (190)9.8.3安全可靠的电源 (191)9.8.4所需材料 (191)9.8.5开孔尺寸 (191)9.9 采集箱的安装 (193)9.10 上位机的安装 (193)9.11 安装注意事项 (193)9.12 系统接线 (194)9.12.1对信号线的要求 (194)9.12.2对接线工具的要求 (194)9.12.3屏蔽要求(接地) (194)9.12.4对具体接线的要求 (194)9.12.5 接线后的检查 (194)第十章系统维护 (195)10.1网络方面的故障排除 (195)10.2 数据采集方面的故障排除 (196)10.3程序启动方面的故障排除 (199)第一章系统概述1.1 系统总体结构EN8000系统一般由采集站(智能数据采集箱,也称下位机)、数据服务器及工作站(上位机)的多台计算机组成,计算机间通过以太网连接。

NOSHOK 628系列无爆内部安全锤联合传感器技术手册说明书

NOSHOK 628系列无爆内部安全锤联合传感器技术手册说明书

628 Series Intrinsically Safe Hammer Union TransmittersTechnical ManualNOSHOK 628 SeriesIntrinsically Safe Hammer Union Transmitters • Before installation, please read the entire manual.• If you do not observe the appropriate regulations, serious injuries and/or damage can occur.• Do not use the transmitter in any other way than described in these operating instructions, or protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.• Repairs done by the customer will void the warranty and approvals, and may create an explosion hazard.• DO NOT use these products as stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury.• Ensure that the transmitter is only operated in accordance with the provisions as described in the following instructions.Table Of ContentsChapter 1Product Specifications (4)Installation General (5)Removal, Maintenance and Repair (6)Hazardous Location Information (7)Understanding Approval Ratings ..............................................8-9 Chapter 2Intrinsically-Safe Installation (10)Control Drawings for I.S. Applications ..................................11-12 Chapter 3Non-Incendive Installation (13)Installation Drawings for Non-Incendive Applications ..........14-15 Warranty .. (16)Product SpecificationsExcitation Voltage:10-28 VDCOutput:4mA -20mA*Span: 16 mA *Connections: +PWR/SIG: +EXCITATION VOLTAGE-PWR/SIG: - EXCITATION VOLTAGE(This terminal must also be grounded**. This isnormally accomplished in a non-hazardous areaby grounding the supply return terminal percontrol drawings 21076, 21077, 21078, & 21079) Safe overload: ≥150% rated capacityMax. overload: ≥300% rated capacityShunt Calibration Circuit (optional):Units with “-cal” connection but no “+cal”:CONNECT TO NEGATIVE SIDE OF POWER SUPPLY TO ENGAGE the shunt calibration circuit. Do not engage the calibration circuit longer than one minute in a hazardous location.Units with “+cal” & “-cal” connection:To engage shunt, connect negative side of power supply to “-cal” and positive side of power supply to “+cal”. For units with a “+cal” connection, the shunt calibration circuit cannot be used or hooked up in hazardous locations.IP rating:Units are hermetically sealed and have an IP rating of at leastIP54.* Review calibration sheet for any customer specified variations.** For ordinary, non-hazardous locations, the requirement for grounding the “-PWR/SIG” connection can be waived if powered by a class 2 circuit.4Installation, General• See Chapter 2 for additional requirements when installing in hazardous locations.• Ensure that the transmitter is only used within the safe overload limit at all times.• Do not use the transmitter in any other way than described in these operating instructions, or protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.Unpacking:• Inspect the transmitter for possible damage during transportation; should there be any damage, inform thetransport company and NOSHOK right away.• Protection caps removed for inspection should be reinstalled until just before installation.• Never insert objects into the pressure port or press against the sensor to deflect in an attempt to simulate a load; this can cause permanent damage to the diaphragm.Installation:• The Safety of any system incorporating this transmitter is the responsibility of the installer.• Do not install the pressure transmitter if it has any damage.(Mark damaged units to prevent them from accidently beinginstalled).• Some installations require special and/or expert knowledge for safe installation. For example, applications such highpressures, dangerous media, and mounting of heavy loads are beyond the scope of this manual. Trained and knowledgeable persons should be consulted during installation.• A shielded cable is preferred for signal quality. It should be grounded at one end. Grounded at both ends may introduce ground loop problems.5Installation, continued• Verify that process connections are compatible.• Verify that wetted parts are compatible with the media.• Do not use with abrasive media.• When using o-rings, thread tape or sealants, verify that they are compatible with the media, temperature range, andpressure range of the transmitter.• Only tighten on the wrench flats closest to the pressure port.• Do not allow media to freeze in pressure port. Removal, Maintenance and Repair• Transmitters require no maintenance during use.• All adjustments and repairs should be performed by NOSHOK.No disassembly or adjustments are permitted in hazardouslocations.• Recommended recalibration cycle is one year, under normal conditions.• Never attempt to remove the transmitter when it is under load or pressure.• Take precaution with regard to remaining media in transmitter.It may be hazardous, toxic, or flammable.• Repairs done by the customer will void warranty, approvals, and may create an explosion hazard.• Never insert objects into the pressure port or press against the sensor to deflect in an attempt to simulate a load; this can cause permanent damage to the diaphragm.6Hazardous Location Installations• Observe the relevant national regulations (e.g.: IEC 60079-14, NEC, CEC) and observe the applicable standards anddirectives for special applications (e.g. with dangerous media such as acetylene, flammable gases or liquids and toxic gases or liquids and with refrigeration plants or compressors).• If you do not observe the appropriate regulations, serious injuries and/or damage can occur.• Observe the ambient ratings on unit label.• All adjustments and repairs should be performed by NOSHOK.No disassembly or adjustments are permitted in hazardouslocations.• Repairs done by the customer will void warranty, approvals, and may create an explosion hazard.• Protect the diaphragm against any contact with abrasive substances, pressure spikes, and do not touch with tools. If you damage the diaphragm, no intrinsic safety can beguaranteed.• Units meet dielectric strength requirements of 60079-11 paragraph 6.3.12.• Negative terminal, marked “-PWR/SIG”, must be grounded.• Barriers must comply with the entity parameters noted on the control drawings.• Installation not per the appropriate control drawing will invalidate the safety rating. See product label for applicable control drawing. For example, “install per 21076”.• Installation per the control drawing is required but it is not necessarily sufficient to ensure safety. The system in which it is installed must still conform to all applicable national andindustrial standards.78Understanding Approval Ratings• The relevant codes and standards should be consulted forprecise interpretation of the classifications and marking. The definitions below are only for reference.•Units are not rated for mines.9Intrinsically Safe InstallationIntroduction“Intrinsic safety” insures that a circuit operated under normal and specified fault conditions is not capable of causing ignition of the prescribed explosive atmosphere.InstallationThe certification of each testing laboratory is valid when the transmitter has been installed according the installation drawings or certificates of conformity included in this section.101112Non-Incendive InstallationIntroduction“Non-incendive” circuits are designed and constructed so that they are not capable under normal operating conditions or due to opening, shorting, or grounding of field wiring, of causing an ignition of the prescribed flammable gas or vapor.InstallationThe certification of each testing laboratory is valid when the transmitter has been installed according the installation drawings or certificates of conformity included in this section.1314151010 West Bagley Road Berea, Ohio 44017Ph: 440.243.0888Fax: 440.243.3472E-mail:*****************Web: 628TM-14NOSHOK’s Three Year Warranty applies to 628 Series Intrinsically Safe Hammer Union Transmitters.NOSHOK guarantees all products to be free from defects in material and workmanship, to remain within catalogued accuracy specifications, and to operate within the catalogued performance specifications.These products must be operated within the catalogued environmen-tal and application parameters. Determination of failure will be made by NOSHOK, Inc.’s equipment and personnel or a certified test facility specializing in this type of evaluation. Instrument failures determined to be caused by over-range, incompatibility with environment or product media and abuse will not be considered under this warranty. NOSHOK, Inc. will, at its discretion, repair or replace the working parts of the damaged gauge without cost to the customer.。



1. 螺釘 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.1 螺紋標誌及尺寸 1.1.1 米制細牙螺紋 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
............28 ...... ......30
...... ..................32
...... .....................32 ............................35 ...... ....................35
3.2.1 型號為“SO. SON. SOA. SOS. ”的通孔螺柱 一般尺寸
.................38 ....................39 .............40 螺紋規格和螺柱長度
3.2.2 型號為“BSO.BSON. BSOA.BSOS. ”的盲孔螺柱 一般尺寸
硬化層深度 硬度 尺寸
...... ...................16 ...... ...................16 .. ......................17

GOST 俄罗斯认证标准目录

GOST 俄罗斯认证标准目录

GOST俄罗斯标准目录GOST 6999-1968现金出纳机纸GOST 6981-1975工业硫酸亚铁(绿矾)GOST 6979-1954象棋表GOST 6967-1970自动制钉机精度标准GOST 6956-1954管螺纹矫板及板牙GOST 6943.13-1979纺织玻璃纤维材料-硬挺度的测试方法GOST 6943.12-1979纺织玻璃纤维材料-悬垂度的测试方法GOST 6943.11-1979纺织玻璃纤维材料-弯曲硬挺度的测试方法GOST 6943.10-1979纺织玻璃纤维材料-断裂强力和断裂伸长的测试方法GOST 6943.9-1979纺织玻璃纤维材料-动态抗弯性能的测试方法GOST 6943.8-1979纺织玻璃纤维材料-含水量和灼烧损失的测试方法GOST 6943.7-1979纺织玻璃纤维材料-线性尺寸、面积密度和线密度的测定方法GOST 6943.6-1979纺织玻璃纤维材料-密度和难燃性测定方法GOST 6943.5-1979纺织玻璃纤维材料-单丝断裂强度测试方法GOST 6943.4-1979纺织玻璃纤维材料-捻度和捻度平衡指数的测定方法GOST 6943.3-1979纺织玻璃纤维材料-耐磨性测试方法GOST 6943.2-1979纺织玻璃纤维材料-单丝和纤维直径的测试方法GOST 6943.1-1979纺织玻璃纤维材料-线密度测试方法GOST 6943.0-1979纺织玻璃纤维材料-验收规则GOST 6940-1974交换机用白炽灯GOST 6939-1971灌木沼泽犁GOST 6927-1974混凝土外墙装饰技术条件GOST 6926-1975不透光纸GOST 6923-1984工业用辐射温度计一般技术要求GOST 6915-1971间接测量动脉压力的指示式压力仪器GOST 6862-1971永磁合金棒GOST6861-1973彩色书写纸GOST 6860-1968带有电磁式上条机构的汽车钟技术条件GOST 6855-1973框架开榫机主要参数与规格GOST 6854-1977细木工带锯机基本参数与尺寸GOST 6851.3-1977 6MTC-22型铅酸蓄电池技术条件GOST 6851.2-1977 6MTC-9型铅酸蓄电池技术条件GOST 6851.1-1977 3MT-8型铅酸蓄电池技术条件GOST 6851.0-1977摩托车和小型摩托车用铅蓄电池一般技术条件GOST 6850-1976 16mm电影放映机类型、基本参数、技术要求GOST 6826-1978木工四面刨床基本参数与尺寸GOST 6825-1974荧光灯GOST 6810-1974糊墙纸GOST 6809-1970热模锻曲柄压力机基本参数和尺寸GOST 6808-1976空气锤精度标准GOST 6800-1954带有电磁式上条机构的汽车钟技术条件GOST 6787-1980陶瓷地砖技术条件GOST 6787-1969陶瓷地砖GOST 6766-1973剪板机精度标准GOST 6765-1975热轨三层钢板和宽钢带GOST 6756-1957辛香料咸图贡白鲑、索西瓦鲱鱼、欧洲白鲑和高白鲑(桶装)GOST 6749-1974糊墙纸原纸GOST 6746-1975电容量具一般技术条件GOST 6742-1968内封页纸GOST 6727-1980加强钢筋混凝土结构用冷拉低碳钢钢丝GOST 6724-1977拱式和桥式蒸汽空气双作用锻缸精度标准GOST 6723-1972自动切边机精度标准GOST 6722-1975工业过滤纸板GOST 6713-1975桥梁建造用低合金结构钢。












Nady Systems RSM-5 丝绸通道微麦用户指南说明书

Nady Systems RSM-5 丝绸通道微麦用户指南说明书

UNPACKING, INSPECTION, STORAGE AND TRANSPORT Your RSM-5 microphone was carefully packed at the factory, and the shipping carton and internally padded wooden storage case were designed to protect the unit during shipping. Please always store your mic in the wooden case and also retain the shipping container for subsequent transport and in the highly unlikely event that you ever need to return your microphone for servicing. Please note: since the ribbon assembly of the RSM-5, as with all ribbon microphones, is extremely fragile, you must verify immediately upon receipt of your microphone that it has not been damaged during shipment and is operating correctly. The warranty on this microphone does not extend beyond an initial inspection, since these microphones can be so easy damaged during handling and use. If the unit arrived damaged please return it immediately to where you bought it. Units that are damaged in use can be returned to Nady Systems and the ribbon assembly replaced for a fixed charge (see Service section below).STANDARD ITEMS SUPPLIED OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES• RSM-5 ribbon microphone • Padded nylon carrying case • Padded wooden storage box • Shockmount • User Guide • Warranty card FEATURESCongratulations on purchasing the Nady RSM-5 Ribbon Studio Microphone. This superior neoclassic microphone is designed for use in contemporary, state-of-the-art studios, yet offers the unique natural sound previously only available on such classic large ribbon mics as the legendary RCA 44, which is still used to make great recordings today after almost 70 years. Perfect for recording studio vocals, acoustic instruments, strings, horns, orchestras and choral groups, ambient instrument audio, and many live sound applications. Powerful and versatile, and with the unmatched natural sound of classic ribbon mics, the RSM-5 meets the stringent requirements of even the most demanding digital recording and live broadcasting applications. This user guide covers the operation of the RSM-5 microphone and the available optional accessories. To take full advantage of the superb features of your microphone, and to enjoy long and trouble-free use, please read this user’s guide carefully. As ribbon microphones are, by their design, very sensitive to damage from mishandling and use, it is very important to read and observe the precautions below about proper use.• MPF Series Pop Filter (highly recommended, as ribbon micro -phones are very susceptible to damage from strong air blasts, as with percussive sounds during recording)• The unmatched sound of a classic ribbon (velocity) mic — rich, warm and musical• Perfect for close miking of guitar amps and cabinets, brass instruments, strings, piano, percussion, vocals and orchestra ambiance. Unique, compact shape for easy, unobtrusive mic placement anywhere.• Low-tension 45mm long, 2-micron thick aluminum ribbon design with typical “large, mellow” ribbon audio reproduction. Smooth, natural extended low and high ends, and detailed, realistic mids• Unparalleled overall stunning realism with fast, accurate transient response, ultra-high dynamic range and >135 dB SPL • Utmost versatility in dialing in the desired sound by varying the mic placement. Figure-8 audio directional (pickup) pattern for both front and rear side, with extended sweet spots (as compared to large diaphragm condenser mics). Can be used with a second RSM-5 for individual recording volume control of 2 separate sources by placing each source in the principal axis of one mic and the off-axis null of the other. • Manufactured with the finest materials — a machined housing with advanced internal shockmount construction for the highest structural integrity and rugged reliability • Supplied with a shockmount and a carrying bag.SERVICE(U.S.) Should your Nady microphone require service, please contact the Nady Service Department via telephone at (510) 652- 2411 **************************.(INTERNATIONAL) For service, please contact the Nady distributor in your country through the dealer from whom you purchased this product.Date of purchase _____________________________________________________________________________________________Dealer’s Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________Street ______________________________________________________________________________________________________City ____________________________________State _____________________Zip _____________________________________09/20/05Specifications and design subject to change for im­provem­ent purposes without prior notice.SPECIFICATIONSUSING THE OPTIONAL MPF SERIES POP FILTERThe optional MPF Series pop filter should always also be used with your RSM-5. This pop filter should be placed between the sound source and the microphone to prevent percussive sound blasts and air movement from damaging the very fragile ribbon POLAR PATTERN: Figure 8SENSITIVITY: -60dB ±2dB (0dB=1V/Pa.) FREQUENCY RESPONSE: 30~18KHz OUTPUT IMPEDANCE: 200 Ohms RECOMMENDED LOAD IMPEDANCE: 1000 Ohms MAX. SPL (1% THD @1000Hz): 165 dB MIC CABLE: 3-pin XLR standard link cable SIZE: Diameter: 2.125” (54 mm), length 6.5” (165 mm)WEIGHT: 11 oz. (312 g)WARNING / PRECAUTIONS The active element of your microphone is a very thin corrugated aluminum ribbon clamped under light tension and mounted between the poles of a strong magnet. This design enables it to produce the warmest, most natural sound available from any type of studio microphone. However, it also makes this the most sensitive and fragile studio microphone available. All ribbon microphones require special care or they will be seriously damaged. In order to ensure long life for your RSM-5 please always follow these 4 precautions:1. Always protect your RSM-5 from any hard knocks, such as from dropping the mic, or not properly padding in shipment, as such jolts can destroy the ribbon assembly. Always handle with complete care.2. Prevent any sudden or strong blasts of air movement from ever reaching your microphone, as they can tear and destroy the fragile ribbon. Never blow into your RSM-5! When using, always utilize a pop filter, such as the optional Nady MPF Series, to prevent any percussive sounds from damaging the ribbon. Such filters also prevent damage from moisture from mouth spray;3. Never intentionally or accidentally apply any phantom power from your mixer or a phantom power supply to your RSM-5 as it can burn up the ribbon. Please always check carefully before connecting your ribbon mic that there is no phantom power being provided to the RSM-5.4. When not in use, always keep the microphone in the padded soft case provided. Also, always store the mic in a vertical position because, over time, the 2” long ribbons can sag, gradually degrading performance if the mic is stored on its side.Note: damaged ribbons are not covered by warranty and there will be a charge to replace the element.assembly of the RSM-5. It is also useful in keeping mouth spray out of the microphone, which can also degrade or destroy the delicate ribbon.Do not attempt to service this unit yourself as it will void your warranty. Please note that due to the extremely delicate nature of ribbon mics, which can easily be damaged by misuse and mishandling (as noted under Warning / Precautions section above), the ribbon assembly of the RSM-5 is not covered under warranty. Check your unit carefully upon receipt and return to place of purchase immediately if there are any problems with the mic. After that, the standard Nady warranty will only apply to defects in materials and workmanship other than the ribbon assembly. It these are damaged, please contact the Nady Service Department for a quote for replacement of the ribbon assembly.。

Silver Schmidt OS8200 光学回声挞槌技术实时测试生硬度与均匀性的产品说明书

Silver Schmidt OS8200 光学回声挞槌技术实时测试生硬度与均匀性的产品说明书

VersatilityAccurately test the widest range of concrete strength classes. Work with the built-in standards-compliant conversions or yourown custom materialconversions.CollaborationA mobile app that lets you annotate measurements with voice, photos, and comments. Generate reports and share them instantly. Access your datafrom anywhere, anytime.EfficiencyFully assess an entire test region of concrete in less than 10 minutes—saving you days of laborious effort compared with exclusively using coring.Silver Schmidt ®LiveConcrete strength and uniformity evaluation using opticalrebound hammer technologyOS8200Parameters Memory capacity ca. 20'000 impactsImpacts per series Max. 70BatteryRemovable, 1x AAA (alkaline or rechargeable), flight-safeBattery autonomy > 20'000 impacts Operating temperature 0 to 50°C / 32 to 122 °F Operating humidity <95% RH, non-condensing Storage temperature-10 to 70°C / 14 to 158 °FSilver Schmidt ®OS8200Model Type N Type LApplicationsHigh-precision compressive strength estimation andstrength uniformity assessmentMeasurement ranges Ultra-high performance (UHPC)Up to 120 MPa / 17405 psi-Normal and high strength 10 –100 MPa / 1450 –14500 psi Fresh*- 5 –30 Mpa 725 –4351 psiTechnologyOptical Rebound Velocity Quotient Impact angle independent ●●Impact energy 2.207 Nm 0.735 Nm Probe weight 1.08 kg / 2.38 lbs0.84 kg / 1.85 lbsDigital display100 x 100 px, back-litDisplay and processing unit iOS ®or Android ®device (not included)Connectivity Bluetooth ®4.0 EDR Low Energy to iOS ®or Android ®device AccessoriesBluetooth ®printer: optional / included in Print modelMushroom plunger (for Type L only)*with mushroom plungerMeasurements settings Rebound value calculation EN12504-2; ASTM C805; JGJ-T23; JSCE;JIS; MeanUnitsN/mm 2, MPa, psi, kg/cm 2Form factor correction Cube, 2:1 cylinder, 1:1 core, user-definableCarbonation correctionUser-definableReference and custom curvesReference curves for Europe, China and RussiaCustom curves (required by major standards)EN13791 characteristic strengthdetermination using rebound value aloneSoftwareOriginal Schmidt ®Live app & website interfaceWorkflow featuresVoice read-out of each impact (only on iOS ®)Logbook with geolocation, audio, image and text annotations Series statisticsSingle series reporting: PDF, CSVTest-region reporting (multiple series): PDF, CSV, uniformity report, EN13791 characteristic strength reportVerification featuresOptions: EN12504-2, Manufacturer's recommendation, JGJ-T23User reminder when verification check on anvil is requiredUser guidance for verification procedure Cloud features Cloud synchronization Cloud-enabled LogbookCloud-based report generationiOS is a registered trademark of Cisco in the US and is used by Apple under license.。


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