An example of noncommutative deformations
Generic Noncommutative Surfaces
let R be the subalgebra of S generated by any generic codimension-one subspace of S1 . To give a very explicit example of the surface case, for t = 2 we may take S = k {x, y, z |xz = pzx, yz = qzy, xy = pq −1 yx} for any scalars p, q ∈ k which are algebraically independent over the prime subfield of k . Then let R be the subalgebra of S generated over k by any two linearly independent elements r1 , r2 ∈ S1 such that the k -span of r1 and r2 does not contain x, y , or z . For the rest of this introduction, we assume that all algebras A = ⊕∞ i=0 Ai are N-graded and finitely generated by A1 as an algebra over A0 = k , where k is an algebraically closed field. A point module over A is a cyclic N-graded left module M , generated in degree 0, such that dimk Mi = 1 for all i ≥ 0. In case A is commutative, the isomorphism classes of point modules over A are in natural correspondence with the closed points of the scheme proj A. More generally, for many specific examples of noncommutative graded rings one may show explicitly that the set of point modules is parameterized by a commutative scheme, and the geometry of this scheme often gives important information about the ring itself; for example see [3], [4]. This is a very useful technique, and so it is natural to wonder in what generality the point modules for a ring will form a nice geometric object. Let a k -algebra A be called strongly (left) noetherian if A ⊗k B is a left noetherian ring for all commutative noetherian k -algebras B . A recent theorem of Artin and Zhang (see Theorem 6.2 below) shows that the point modules for any strongly noetherian k -algebra are naturally parameterized by a commutative projective scheme over k . The strong noetherian property holds for many standard examples of noncommutative rings, including all finitely generated commutative k -algebras, all twisted homogeneous coordinate rings of projective k -schemes, and the AS-regular algebras of dimension 3 [1, Section 4]. On the other hand, Resco and Small [19] have given an example of a noetherian finitely generated algebra over a field which is not strongly noetherian. This algebra is not graded, however, nor is the base field algebraically closed, and so the example falls outside the paradigm of noncommutative projective geometry. Artin, Small and Zhang have asked if perhaps every finitely generated N-graded noetherian k -algebra is strongly noetherian. We will prove the following theorem which answers this question in the negative. Theorem 1.2. (Theorem 6.8) The ring R of Definition 1.1 is a connected Ngraded k -algebra, finitely generated in degree 1, which is noetherian but not strongly noetherian. 2 We offer two different proofs that R is not strongly noetherian. First, we will classify the set of point modules for R, from which we can see that R fails to satisfy Artin and Zhang’s theorem (Theorem 6.2). For the second proof, we construct an explicit commutative noetherian ring B such that R ⊗k B is not noetherian. The ring B that works is an infinite affine blowup of affine space, which was defined in [1] and is an interesting construction in itself. In [5], Artin and Zhang describe a categorical approach to noncommutative geometry. Let A -gr be the category of all noetherian graded left A-modules, and let A -tors be the subcategory of all modules with finite k -dimension. If A is commutative, then part of Serre’s theorem states that the category coh X of coherent
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lem has been already attacked by numerous means3 . We follow here another thread, which started in Fliess & SiraRam´ ırez (2004b) and Fliess, Join, Mboup & Sira-Ram´ ırez (2004, 2005): derivatives estimates are obtained via integrations. This is the explanation of the quite provocative title of this paper4 where non-linear asymptotic estimators are replaced by differentiators, which are easy to implement5 .
C´ edric Join
Projet ALIEN, INRIA Futurs & CRAN (CNRS, UMR 7039), Universit´ e Henri Poincar´ e (Nancy I), BP 239, 54506 Vandœuvre-l` es-Nancy, France. E-mail :
Non-linear estimation is easy
Michel Fliess
´ ´ Projet ALIEN, INRIA Futurs & Equipe MAX, LIX (CNRS, UMR 7161), Ecole polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France. E-mail : Michel.Fliess@
Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Argumentation and Machine Learning
1.2.1 Types of Uncertainty
1.2 Representing Uncertainty
Much knowledge about the world is uncertain: however, we can often make statements relating to the truth of some proposition without actually knowing if that proposition is true or not. There are a variety of types of uncertainty, including: Probabilistic: X is probably a Y. Conditionals: if X then Y. Disjuncts: X or Y. Conditional evidence: if X then probably Y. 1
) B implies A ^ C ) B
valid as an axiom for defaults but which is invalid when `)' is taken to mean `are mostly' (In fact, A ) B and A ^ C ) :B are not inconsistent under the probabilistic interpretation). Probabilistic statements (`most birds y') are often used in reasoning, but not all knowledge can be represented in this way. Logical statements are also often used, especially for conveying conventions (`assume normal conditions unless told otherwise'). As an example of this, McCarthy 14] points out that in the missionary-and-cannibals problem we assume the boat is not leaky on the basis of this logical convention rather than a probabilistic analysis of boat leakage likelihood. An ideal system for plausible reasoning should be able to represent both probabilistic and logical statements. We can thus now de ne nonmonotonic reasoning as a particular kind of plausible reasoning, representing plausibility in this logical way (eg. defaults) rather than a probabilistic way. We will discuss ways in which the two can be combined later. In the rest of this paper, we use the term `default' in the logical rather than probabilistic sense. Buntine has formulated a logic for `default' reasoning using a probabilistic interpretation of `by default' to mean `most' 2]. 2
Recommendations for Monoclonal Antibody ProductionMonoclonal antibodies, following the development of this technology in 1975, have become an extraordinarily important resource for medical research, diagnosis, therapy, and basic science. In recognizing the overwhelming importance of this technology to modern medical science, it is also important to recognize that monoclonal antibody production is still largely dependent on the use of experimental animals.In November 1997, The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) at the National Institutes of Health, forwarded a letter to all Public Health Service (PHS) awardee institutions and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs) on avoiding or minimizing discomfort, distress, and pain in the care and use of animals for the production of monoclonal antibodies using mouse ascites method since there is evidence that the ascites method of monoclonal antibody production causes discomfort, distress, or pain. Accordingly, the IACUCs at all Public Health Service awardee institutions must critically evaluate the proposed use of the ascites method. The Committee must determine that a) the proposed use is scientifically justified, b) methods that avoid or minimize discomfort, distress, and pain (including in vitro methods) have been considered, and c) the latter have been found unsuitable. Fulfillment of this three-part IACUC responsibility, with appropriate documentation, is considered central to an institution's compliance with its Animal Welfare Assurance and the PHS Policy.In keeping with the need to minimize both the use and the discomfort and pain inflicted on experimental animals, the following considerations and recommendations in the application of monoclonal antibody technology are proposed.Monoclonal antibody technology relies on experimental animals for two basic steps. The first step involves immunizing mice. Although there are alternatives to this step (either by in vitro immunization steps or using recombinant libraries), these alternatives have not proven to provide the same level of efficiency, specificity, or affinity of antibody available from traditional immunization protocols. In addition, with the advent of alternatives to Freund's adjuvant, less than minimal or slight pain or discomfort accompanies this step and therefore there is no compelling reason to consider alternatives at this time. Careful consideration of the total number of required animals should be the investigators main concern in justification of this step.A second common step that uses animals comes in antibody production. In order to produce large quantities of monoclonal antibody, it has been traditional to grow hybridoma cell lines as an ascites tumor in vivo. In general, this procedure produces antibody titers approximately 1000-10,000-fold higher than those obtained in tissue culture. Since 1-10 ml of ascites fluid containing 1-5 mg/ml specific antibody can be obtained per animal while hybridoma cells in culture produce only 0.5-5µg/ml, one mouse can produce antibody equivalent to between 1 and 100 liters of tissue culture fluid. The main advantages of ascites are the extremely high yield of antibody and that the method is not excessively labor-intensive. However, its main disadvantage is the potential pain and discomfort caused to animals, due to painful peritonitis, abdominal tension, and infiltratively-growing tumors. It should also be noted that the monoclonal antibody produced by this method is contaminated by endogenous immunoglobulin and has the potential for contamination by viruses or bioreactive cytokines that may interfere with later use.There are in vitro alternatives to monoclonal antibody production by ascites. These include standard static or agitated suspension cell cultures, membrane-based and matrix-based culture systems, and high cell-density bioreactors. The disadvantages to these systems include their substantially greater effort and higher labor costs, increased costs due to the components of tissue culture media, and the poor growth and/or antibody secretion of some hybridoma lines in vitro. In particular, high cell-density bioreactors are probably beyond the capability of most laboratories due to the high initial and ongoing material and labor costs and the specialized expertise required.In light of the above considerations, the New York University IACUC requests that investigators consider the following recommendations in designing monoclonal antibody production.In general, in vitro methods for monoclonal antibody production are considered standard and accepted practice. The use of the ascites method requires rigorous and well- documented justification. Justifications based solely on cost or convenience will not be considered adequate.In addition, the NYU IACUC strongly urges the Medical Center to establish a monoclonal antibody core facility with high-density cell culture bioreactor capability that would obviate any need for continued use of the ascites method.1. Most applications require only small quantities and low concentrations of antibodies. Examples of common applications requiring only small quantities of antibody include immunoblots, immunoprecipitations, immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, and small-scale unity columns. Such applications are easily accommodated by use of unpurified tissue culture supernatants or by monoclonal antibodies purified from tissue culture supernatants. For purposes requiring up to approximately 10-50 mg of antibody, standard tissue culture methods involving growth of up to 50 liters of hybridoma cells should be considered the method of choice. Proposed use of ascites for applications of this kind would require specific justification (e.g., use of a hybridoma with unfavorable growth characteristics in vitro) in addition to the considerations described in 3 (below).2. Small-scale membrane-based culture systems are available that facilitate production of monoclonal antibodies in the range of 10-100 mg per culture in 5-30 days. These systems are relatively inexpensive and do not require specialized facilities or expertise. Investigators with applications that require up to 1 g of monoclonal antibody should consider the use of this in vitro alternative for production. Use of ascites production for such applications would require specific justification demonstrating that special circumstances warrant use of the in vivo method. In addition to the considerations described in 3 (below), justification must demonstrate that the disadvantages of ascites production (including pain and discomfort to the animals and potential in vivo contamination) are outweighed by the specific requirements of the individual project.3. Production of greater than 1 g of monoclonal antibody by in vitro methods is probably outside the current capabilities of most laboratories. For these applications, ascites production is presently the only alternative for in-house production. Approval of such projects will require adequate justification for the required amounts of antibody. In addition, the investigator must demonstrate the required expertise for working with tumor-bearing mice, including an adequate daily monitoring system to insure that animals do not experience unnecessary pain or discomfort Assurance must be made that no animal will be allowed to develop tumors larger than 20% of host body weight. Ascites fluid must be harvested on a single occasion only, either under terminal anesthesia or post mortem. Animals must be killed without delay if they show more than mild distress, overt tumor deposits or spread, or significant dehydration or cachexia.4. The specific guidelines for consideration by Principal Investigators when developing animal study proposals and for Animal Care and Use Committees when reviewing proposals involving the mouse ascites method are:a. The volume of the priming agent should be reduced to as small a volume as necessary to elicit the growth of ascitic tumors and at the same time reduce the potential for distress caused by the irritant properties of the priming agent. Although 0.5 ml Pristane has been standard for adult mice, 0.1-0.2 ml has been found to be as effective for many hybridomas.b. The time interval between priming and inoculation of hybridoma cells as well as the number of cells in the inoculum are determined empirically. Inocula range from 105 -107 cells in volumes of 0.1 - 0.5 ml and are usually administered 10 -14 days after priming. Generally, very high concentrations are associated with greater mortality and concentrations < 1 x 105 cells elicit fewer ascitic tumors and these tend to have a smaller volume yield. Cell suspensions should be prepared under sterile conditions in physiological solutions.c. Hybridomas should be MAP (mouse antibody production) or PCR tested before introduction into the animal host to prevent potential transmission of infectious agents from contaminated cell lines into facility mouse colonies and possibly to humans handling the animals.d. Animals should be monitored at least once daily, seven days a week by personnel familiar with clinical signs associated with ascites production and circulatory shock.e. Ascites pressure should be relieved before abdominal distension is great enough to cause discomfort or interfere with normal activity. Manual restraint or anesthesia may be used for tapping. Aseptic technique should be used in withdrawing ascitic fluid. The smallest needle possible that allows for good flowIn accordance with the Animal Welfare Assurance and the Public Health Service Policy, and to appropriately document that investigators proposing the use of monoclonal antibodies have considered alternatives to minimize discomfort, distress, and pain, in future please refer to these recommendations before submitting protocols to the IACUC. Additionally, subsequent to the November 1997 OPRR Letter, the IACUC expects that investigators will incorporate these recommendations into all new applications submitted for funding.。
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Elastic correction of dead-reckoning errors in map building
Matteo Golfarelli Dario Maio DEIS, Università di Bologna Bologna, Italy
A major problem in map building is due to the imprecision of sensor measures. In this paper we propose a technique, called elastic correction, for correcting the dead-reckoning errors made during the exploration of an unknown environment by a robot capable of identifying landmarks. Knowledge of the environment being acquired is modelled by a relational graph whose vertices and arcs represent, respectively, landmarks and inter-landmark routes. Elastic correction is based on an analogy between this graph and a mechanical structure: the map is regarded as a truss where each route is an elastic bar and each landmark a node. Errors are corrected as a result of the deformations induced from the forces arising within the structure as inconsistent measures are taken. The uncertainty on odometry is modelled by the elasticity parameters characterizing the structure. sensors such as sonars, lasers, cameras, etc. [8]. Problems influencing the effectiveness of these techniques in the real world are caused by the imprecision of measurements, which produces metric errors. In particular, odometers typically produce both systematic and non-systematic errors. The former depend entirely on the mobile platform adopted [4]; the latter are due to undesired interactions between the robot and the environment, such as uneven ground. Systematic errors can be predicted; some are deterministic, some can be modelled by a probabilistic distribution (e.g., the encoder finite resolution causes a normally-distributed error). The latter, which we will call dead-reckoning erros, are inherently associated to every sensor, thus they play a significant role in determining the global error; we may assume that they are distributed normally with null mean. Non-systematic errors cannot be predicted, unless some assumptions on the environment can be made or particular sensors are mounted [3]. Our approach to map building can be applied to correct the dead-reckoning errors made by a robot navigating within an environment where landmarks are present; we do not consider topological errors since we assume that the robot is capable of recognizing a landmark it has already met. The environment is modelled by a relational graph whose vertices and arcs represent, respectively, the landmarks sensed and the inter-landmark routes experienced [10]. While exploring the environment, the robot calculates the relative position of each landmark compared to the one met immediately before, by applying dead-reckoning; when it meets a landmark it has already seen, self-positioning and error correction are achieved together by combining the new measurements collected with the knowledge accumulated so far. The original contribution of our approach is to found error correction on an analogy between the graph modelling the environment and a mechanical structure: the map is regarded as a truss where each route is an elastic bar and each landmark a node. Errors are corrected as a result of the deformations induced by the forces arising within the structure as inconsistent measurements are taken. The elasticity parameters characterizing the
Non-associative gauge theory and higher spin interactions
a r X i v :h e p -t h /0412027v 2 10 F eb 2005MCTP-04-64QMUL-PH-04-08hep-th/041202702/12/04Non-associative gauge theory and higher spin interactions Paul de Medeiros 1and Sanjaye Ramgoolam 21Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics,Randall Laboratory,University of Michigan,Ann Arbor,MI 48109-1120,U.S.A.2Department of Physics,Queen Mary University of London,Mile End Road,London E14NS,U.K.pfdm@ ,s.ramgoolam@ Abstract We give a framework to describe gauge theory on a certain class of commutative but non-associative fuzzy spaces.Our description is in terms of an Abelian gauge connection valued inthe algebra of functions on the cotangent bundle of the fuzzy space.The structure of such a gauge theory has many formal similarities with that of Yang-Mills theory.The components of the gauge connection are functions on the fuzzy space which transform in higher spin representations of the Lorentz group.In component form,the gauge theory describes an interacting theory of higher spin fields,which remains non-trivial in the limit where the fuzzy space becomes associative.In this limit,the theory can be viewed as a projection of an ordinary non-commutative Yang-Mills theory.We describe the embedding of Maxwell theory in this extended framework which follows the standard unfolding procedure for higher spin gauge theories.1IntroductionWe formulate gauge theory on a certain class of commutative but non-associative algebras, developing the constructions initiated in[1].These algebras correspond to so called fuzzy spaces which reduce to ordinary spacetime manifolds in a particular associative limit.We find that such gauge theories have a realisation in terms of interacting higher spinfield theories.The non-associative algebra of interest A∗n(M)is a deformation of the algebra of func-tions A(M)on a D-dimensional(pseudo-)Riemannian manifold M.The∗denotes a non-associative product for functions on the fuzzy space whilst n∈Z+provides a quantitative measure of the non-associativity(in particular A∗∞=A).For simplicity,we take M=R D withflat metric.Most of our formulas will be independent of the signature of this metric, though we will take it to be Lorentzian in discussions of gauge-fixing etc.Furthermore, although we focus on the deformation for R D,there is a conceptually straightforward gener-alisation for curved manifolds.For example,the deformation A∗n(S2k)has been used in the study of even-dimensional fuzzy spheres in[2].In section2we define the commutative,non-associative algebra A∗n(R D)which deforms A(R D),and give the derivations of this algebra.In this review,we recall that the associator(A∗B)∗C−A∗(B∗C)of three functions A,B and C on A∗n(R D)can be written as an operator F(A,B)acting on C or as an operator E(A,C)acting on B.These operators have expansions in terms of derivations of the algebra(given in Appendix B)and naturally appear when one attempts to construct covariant derivatives for the gauge theory.Wefind that an inevitable consequence of this structure is that the connection and gauge parameter have to be generalised such that they too have derivative expansions(i.e.they can be understood as functions on the deformed cotangent bundle A∗n(T∗R D)).The infinite number of component functions in these expansions transform as totally symmetric tensors under the Lorentz group.Consequently wefind that this extended gauge theory on A∗n(T∗R D)is related to higher spin gauge theory on A∗n(R D).The local and global structure of this extended gaugetheory is analysed in section3.We observe that the extended gauge theory remains non-trivial even in the limit where the non-associativity parameter goes to zero.In section4we describe certain physical properties in this associative limit.In particular we construct a gauge-invariant action andfield equations for the extended theory using techniques related to the phase space formulation of quantum mechanics initiated by Weyl[20]and Wigner[21].The infinite number higher spin components of the extended gaugefield become just tensors on R D in the associative limit.We describe various aspects of the extended theory in component form in order to make the connection with higher spin gauge theory more explicit.From this perspective it will be clear that the extended theory(as we have presented it)does not realise all the possible symmetries of the corresponding higher spin theory on R D.We suggest that it could describe a partially broken phase of some fully gauge-invariant theory. We then compare the structure wefind with that of the interacting theory of higher spin fields discovered by Vasiliev[14].A precise way to embed Maxwell theory in the extended theory is given.The method is identical to the unfolding procedure which has been used by Vasiliev in the context of higher spin gauge theories[16].It can also be understood simply via a change of basis in phase space under a particular symplectic transformation.In section5we describe how the extended theory in the associative limit described in section 4is related to a projection of an ordinary non-commutative Yang-Mills theory.We also describe connections to Matrix theory.We then discuss how one might generalise the results of section4to construct a gauge-invariant action for the non-associative theory.Section6 contains some concluding remarks.2The non-associative deformation A∗nWe begin by defining the non-associative space of interest.Following[1],we consider the commutative,non-associative algebra A∗n(R D)which is a specific deformation of the commu-tative,associative algebra of functions A(R D)on R D(which is to be thought of as physical spacetime in D dimensions).Another space that will be important in forthcoming discus-sions is the algebra of differential operators acting on A∗n(R D).This algebra is isomorphic to the deformed algebra A∗n(T∗R D)of functions on the(flat)cotangent bundle T∗R D.This correspondence will be helpful when we come to consider gauge theory on A∗n(R D).The space R D has coordinates xµandflat metric.The Euclidean signature metricδµνarises most directly in the Matrix theory considerations motivating[1]but the algebra can be continued to Lorentzian signature by replacing this with Lorentzian metricηµν.The algebraic discussion in this and the next section(and in the appendices)works equally well in either signature,but some additional subtleties related to gauge-fixing discussed in section4are specific to the Lorentzian case.The deformed algebra A∗n(R D)is spanned by the infinite set of elements{1,xµ,xµ1µ2,...}1,where each xµ1...µs transforms as a totally symmetric tensor of rank s under the Lorentz group.The commutative(but non-associative) product∗for all elements xµ1...µs is defined in[1]and Appendix B(this appendix also defines a more general set of products with similar properties to∗).The explicit formula is rather complicated but the important point is that xµ1...µs∗xν1...νt equals xµ1...µsν1...νt up to theaddition of lower rank elements with coefficients proportional to inverse powers of n(for example xµ∗xν=xν∗xµ=xµν+11In[1],the elements x were called z and the deformed algebra A∗(R D)was called B∗n(R D).nnot break Lorentz symmetry.One can define derivations∂µof A∗n(R D)via the rule∂µxµ1...µs=sδ(µ1µxµ2...µs),(1) where brackets denote symmetrisation of indices(with weight1)2.This definition implies that∂µsatisfy the Leibnitz rule when acting on∗-products of elements of A∗n(R D).This Leibnitz property also holds with respect to the more general commutative,non-associative products described in Appendix B.It is clear that composition of these derivations is a commutative and associative operation.In the associative n→∞limit,∂µjust act as the usual partial derivatives on R D.2.1FunctionsFunctions of the coordinates xµ1...µs are written A(x)∈A∗n(R D).Such functions form a commutative but non-associative algebra themselves with respect to the∗multiplication.A quantitative measure of this non-associativity is given by the associator[A,B,C]:=(A∗B)∗C−A∗(B∗C)(2) for three functions A,B and C.Since A∗n(R D)is commutative then the associator(2)has the antisymmetry[A,B,C]=−[C,B,A].The associator also satisfies the cyclic identity [A,B,C]+[B,C,A]+[C,A,B]≡0.An important fact noted in[1]is that such associators can be written as differential operators involving two functions acting on the third.In particular,one can define the two operators E(A,B)and F(A,B)via[A,B,C]=:E(A,C)B=:F(A,B)C.(3) The antisymmetry property of the associator implies E(A,B)=−E(B,A)and the cyclic identity implies F(A,B)−F(B,A)=E(A,B).These operators have the following derivativeexpansions(see[1]or Appendix B)E(A,B)=∞s=11s!(Fµ1...µs(A,B))(x)∗∂µ1...∂µs,(4)where the coefficients Eµ1...µs(A,B)and Fµ1...µs(A,B)are both polynomial functions of the algebra transforming as totally symmetric tensors under the Lorentz group3.The properties quoted above follow for each of these coefficients so that Eµ1...µs(A,B)=−Eµ1...µs(B,A)and Fµ1...µs(A,B)−Fµ1...µs(B,A)=Eµ1...µs(A,B).The reason there are no s=0terms in(4)is that the associators[A,1,C]and[A,B,1]are both identically zero.Thus since(4)are valid as operator equations on any function then including such zeroth order terms in(4)would imply their coefficients are identically zero by simply acting on a constant function.Thefirst non-vanishing s=1coefficients in(4)can be expressed rather neatly as associators,such that Eµ(A,B)=[A,xµ,B]and Fµ(A,B)=[A,B,xµ].In a similar manner,all subsequent s>1coefficients in(4)can also be expressed in terms of(sums of)associators of A and B with coordinates xµ1...µs(though we do not give explicit expressions as they are unnecessary). An important point to keep in mind is that E(A,B)and F(A,B)vanish in the associative limit as expected.The algebra of the differential operators in(4)closes under composition and is non-associative (following non-associativity of A∗n(R D))but it is also non-commutative.Since E(A,B)and F(A,B)vanish in the associative limit the algebra of these operators becomes trivially com-mutative when n→∞.As will be seen in the next subsection,more general differential operators acting on A∗n(R D)also close under composition to form a non-commutative,non-associative algebra.However,this more general algebra remains non-commutative(but as-sociative)when n→∞.For example,the commutator subalgebra of differential operators acting on R D corresponding to sections of the tangent bundle T R D(i.e.vectorfields over R D)is non-Abelian(even though R D is itself commutative).Indeed this is often how oneconsiders simple non-commutative geometries–as Hamiltonian phase spaces of ordinary commutative position spaces(see e.g.[19]).We will draw on this analogy when we come to construct a gauge theory on A∗n(R D).2.2Differential operatorsGeneral differential operators acting on A∗n(R D)are writtenˆA=∞ s=01the algebra of functions is commutative).The definitions(6)obey the identitiesˆE(ˆA,ˆB)≡−ˆE(ˆB,ˆA)andˆF(ˆA,ˆB)−ˆF(ˆB,ˆA)≡ˆE(ˆA,ˆB)+[ˆA,ˆB](where[ˆA,ˆB]:=ˆAˆB−ˆBˆA is just thecommutator of operators).These reduce to the identities found earlier in terms of functions whenˆA=A andˆB=B.In the associative limit,notice thatˆF(ˆA,ˆB)vanishes identically whilstˆE(ˆA,ˆB)reduces to the commutator[ˆB,ˆA].The explicit derivative expansion forˆE(ˆA,ˆB)is given in Appendix A for later reference (the corresponding expression forˆF(ˆA,ˆB)will not be needed).We should just conclude this review of the relevant algebras associated with A∗n(R D)by noting that,unlike(4),the operator expression forˆE(ˆA,ˆB)includes a non-vanishing zeroth order algebraic term.It is easy to see that this is so by considering C in(6)to be the constant function.In this case all derivative terms inˆE(ˆA,ˆB)on the left hand side vanish whilst the right hand side reduces to the non-vanishing functionˆBA−ˆAB(where A and B are the zeroth order parts ofˆA and ˆB respectively).Thus the zeroth order partˆE(ˆA,ˆB)=ˆBA−ˆAB,which vanishes when(0)ˆA=A andˆB=B as expected.3Non-associative gauge theoryWe begin this section by reviewing the subtleties raised in[1]associated with formulating an Abelian gauge theory on A∗n(R D).We show that a naive formulation is not possible on this non-associative space.Instead it is rather natural to consider an extension of such an Abelian gauge theory on the deformed algebra A∗n(T∗R D)of functions on the cotangent bundle.We describe the local and global gauge structure of this non-associative extended theory.We find the structure to be similar to that of a Yang-Mills theory with infinite-dimensional gauge group.We will return to the question of embedding an Abelian gauge theory on A∗n(R D)in this extended structure in later sections.3.1Abelian gauge theory on A∗n(R D)A necessary ingredient in the construction of any gauge theory is the concept of a gauge-covariant derivative.Consider afieldΦwhich is a function of A∗n(R D)and define it to have the infinitesimal gauge transformation lawδΦ=ǫ∗Φ,(7)whereǫis an arbitrary polynomial function of A∗n(R D).(One reason for the choice of(7)is that it is reminiscent of the infinitesimal gauge transformation for afield in the fundamental representation of the gauge group in ordinary Yang-Mills theory.)An operator Dµthat is covariant with respect to(7)must therefore obeyδ(DµΦ)=ǫ∗(DµΦ).(8)Clearly the derivation∂µ(1)alone does not obey this covariance requirement sinceδ(∂µΦ)=ǫ∗(∂µΦ)+(∂µǫ)∗Φ.To compensate we must introduce a gauge connection Aµ,which we take to be a function on A∗n(R D)and which transforms such thatδ(Aµ∗Φ)=ǫ∗(Aµ∗Φ)−(∂µǫ)∗Φ.Clearly the existence of such an Aµwould imply thatDµΦ:=∂µΦ+Aµ∗Φ(9) indeed defines a covariant derivative on functions,satisfying(8).Using(7)then implies that we require Aµto transform such that(δAµ)∗Φ=−(∂µǫ)∗Φ+ǫ∗(Aµ∗Φ)−Aµ∗(ǫ∗Φ).(10) In ordinary gauge theory(10)would allow one to simply read offthe necessary gauge transfor-mation for Aµbut here things are more complicated due to non-associativity.In particular, notice that the last two terms in(10)can be written as the associator[Aµ,Φ,ǫ]and therefore, using(3),we requireδAµ=−(∂µǫ)+E(Aµ,ǫ).(11) This requirement,however,leads to a contradiction since thefirst two terms in(11)are algebraic functions on A∗n(R D)whilst(4)tells us that the third term acts only as a differentialoperator on A ∗n (R D ).Therefore such an A µcan only exist when E (A µ,ǫ)=0, theassociative limit where this would simply be an Abelian gauge theory on R D !As indicated in[1],themost conservative way to proceed is therefore to simply generalise thegauge connection A µfrom an algebraic function to a differential operator ˆAµwith derivative expansionˆA µ=∞ s =01s !ǫα1...αs (x )∗∂α1...∂αs .(13)As noted already,the algebra of such operators is both non-associative and non-commutative.Consequently we must take care when revising the arguments of this subsection in terms of these extended fields.This revised analysis is described,in the next subsection,within the framework of global gauge transformations for the extended theory.In concluding,it is important to stress that the generalisation we have made is a modification of the original theory and therefore the extended theory need not trivially reduce to an Abelian gauge theory on R D in the associative limit.(Notice that the s >0terms in (12)and (13)do not vanish as n →∞.)Indeed we will find it does not though we will give a precise way to embed the Abelian theory in its extension on R D .3.2Global structureConsider again afieldΦwhich is a function of A∗n(R D)but now with infinitesimal gauge transformation lawδΦ=ˆǫΦ,(14) whereˆǫis the extended differential operator(13).Formally this is similar to Yang-Mills theory where one then obtains the global gauge transformation by exponentiating the lo-cal(Lie algebra valued)gauge parameter to obtain a general Lie group element(or more precisely the fundamental representations of these quantities).The main difference here is that the algebra of local gauge transformations(14)is non-associative.Despite this,given a general differential operatorˆǫ,there still exists a well-defined exponential exp(ˆǫ)[18].The construction essentially just follows the power series definition of the exponential map for matrix algebras but here one must choose an ordering for powers ofˆǫ(so as to avoid the potential ambiguities due to non-associativity).We follow[18]and define powers via a‘left action’rule so thatexp(ˆǫ)Φ:=Φ+ˆǫΦ+13!ˆǫ(ˆǫ(ˆǫΦ))+...,(15)for any functionΦ.It is then clear that the exponentiated operatorˆg:=exp(ˆǫ)is also a differential operator acting on the algebra(albeit a rather complicated function ofˆǫ)and we define the‘global’transformation ofΦto beΦ→ˆgΦ.(16)This transformation obviously reduces to(14)in some neighbourhood of the identity where ˆg=1+ˆǫ(the‘identity’here is the unit element of A∗n(R D)).The set of all transformations (16)does not quite form a group under left action composition since it fails to satisfy the associativity axiom(due to non-associativity of the algebra).However,all the other group axioms are satisfied4.The derivation∂µis not covariant with respect(16)since this transformation implies∂µΦ→[∂µ,ˆg]Φ+ˆg(∂µΦ).As noted at the end of the previous subsection,we therefore introduce a gauge connectionˆAµwhich must transform such thatˆAµΦ→−[∂µ,ˆg]Φ+ˆg(ˆAµΦ)in order thatˆDΦ:=∂µΦ+ˆAµΦ(17)µtransforms covariantly under(16).This necessary gauge transformation ofˆAµΦunder(16) can be realised provided the gauge transformation ofˆAµis defined such thatˆAΦ→−[∂µ,ˆg](ˆg−1Φ′)+ˆg(ˆAµ(ˆg−1Φ′))(18)µunder the more general function transformationΦ→Φ′.This gives the desired gauge transformation whenΦ′=ˆgΦ.One can obtain the gauge transformation ofˆAµitself by using the operatorˆF(6)to rearrange the brackets in(18).In particular,notice that the right hand side of(18)can be written−[∂µ,ˆg]+ˆgˆAµ−ˆF(ˆg,ˆAµ) (ˆg−1Φ′)(19) = −[∂µ,ˆg]+ˆgˆAµ−ˆF(ˆg,ˆAµ) ˆg−1 Φ′−ˆF −[∂µ,ˆg]+ˆgˆAµ−ˆF(ˆg,ˆAµ) ,ˆg−1 Φ′. ThereforeˆAµmust have the following gauge transformationˆAµ→ −[∂µ,ˆg]+ˆgˆAµ−ˆF(ˆg,ˆAµ) ˆg−1−ˆF −[∂µ,ˆg]+ˆgˆAµ−ˆF(ˆg,ˆAµ) ,ˆg−1 .(20) Settingˆg=1+ˆǫin(20)leads to the infinitesimal form of the gauge transformationδˆAµ=−[∂µ,ˆǫ]+ˆE(ˆAµ,ˆǫ).(21) Of course,at the infinitesimal level,this transformation equivalently follows by the require-ment thatδ(ˆDµΦ)=ˆǫ(ˆDµΦ)under(14).Notice that(20)and(21)do not quite take the form one would expect by naively following the Yang-Mills analogy(that is they differ from what one might expect by associator terms). This is a consequence of the non-associativity of the underlying algebra of functions.In the following section we willfind that the expected Yang-Mills type structure follows exactly in the associative limit.In the discussion above we have only defined covariant derivativesˆDµon functions and not on differential operators.Although not of the standard Yang-Mills form,(minus)the right hand side of(21)can still be taken as the definition for the action of the covariant derivative on operatorˆǫ,such thatˆDµ·ˆǫ:=[∂µ,ˆǫ]+ˆE(ˆǫ,ˆAµ).(22) This statement is partially justified by the fact thatˆDµthen satisfies the Leibnitz rule ˆD(ˆǫΦ)=(ˆDµ·ˆǫ)Φ+ˆǫ(ˆDµΦ)(for general operatorˆǫand functionΦ)5.µBased on the transformation law found above,we define thefield strengthˆFµνasˆF:=ˆE(ˆDν,ˆDµ)=[∂µ,ˆAν]−[∂ν,ˆAµ]+ˆE(ˆAν,ˆAµ).(23)µνIt is clear from this definition thatˆFµνis indeed a differential operator which transforms as a two-form under the Lorentz group.In addition,since the gauge transformations above imply thatˆDΦ→ˆg(ˆDµ(ˆg−1Φ′)),(24)µunder(18),then it follows thatˆFµνΦ=ˆDµ(ˆDνΦ)−ˆDν(ˆDµΦ)transforms asˆFΦ→ˆg(ˆFµν(ˆg−1Φ′)),(25)µνand is therefore also gauge-covariant whenΦ′=ˆgΦ.The infinitesimal form of the covariant gauge transformation ofˆFµνisδˆFµν=ˆE(ˆFµν,ˆǫ).(26)From the evidence above,it is clear that there are various subtleties related to the non-associative nature of the theory.Indeed the non-associativity complicates matters even further in the description of more physical aspects of the theory like Lagrangians,field equations and the embedding of an Abelian gauge theory in this extended framework.Recall though that this extended theory should have a non-trivial structure,even in the associative limit.We therefore postpone further discussion of the non-associative extended theory to analyse its associative limit in more detail.4Gauge theory on T∗R D and higher spin gauge theory on R DWe begin this section by briefly summarising the results of the previous subsection in the associative limit.We then describe how one can construct a gauge-invariant action and equations of motion for this theory.Writing the extended gaugefieldˆAµin terms of com-wefind that the extended theory describes an interacting theory ponent functions Aα1...αsµinvolving an infinite number of higher spinfields.When written in component form,it will be clear that the extended theory(as we have described it)does not realise all the possible symmetries of the corresponding higher spin gauge theory.We suggest that the extended theory could correspond to a partially broken phase of some fully gauge-invariant higher spin theory.A comparison of the structure wefind with that of the interacting theory of higher spinfields discovered by Vasiliev[14]is then given.We conclude the section by showing how an Abelian gauge theory can be embedded in this extended framework.The embedding is related to the unfolding procedure used by Vasiliev in the context of higher spin gauge theory[16].134.1The associative limitMany expressions found in the previous section retain their schematic form in the associative limit.For example,the gauge transformations for functions are just as in(14),(16)though Φis now simply a function on R D whilst operators likeˆǫin(13)now have the expansionˆǫ=∞ s=01also transforms covariantly.The infinitesimal form of this covariant transformation beingδˆFµν=[ˆǫ,ˆFµν].(32)4.2Action andfield equationsA simple equation of motion to consider for the extended theory in the associative limit is[ˆDµ,ˆFµν]=0.(33)This is thefield equation one would expect from following the Yang-Mills type structure found for the extended theory in the previous subsection.The equation(33)is invariant under the gauge transformation(28).Moreover it is this equation(rather than,say,the also gauge-invariant equationˆDµˆFµν=0)which reduces to the correct Maxwell equation as we will see in section4.5.Following the Yang-Mills analogy further,a natural gauge-invariant action to consider is of the form−1taking the usual gauge-invariant trace(using the Cartan-Killing metric for the gauge group) followed by integrating over spacetime.However,we do not assume a priori that the map(35)can be factorised in thisway6.In the Yang-Mills case the symmetry property of Trsimply follows from the fact that the trace is symmetric.The symmetry of the trace is a rather general property offinite-dimensional representations–as one considers for Yang-Mills theories with compact gauge groups–since such representations can be expressed in terms offinite-dimensional square matrices(and for two such matrices X,Y,the trace of XY is just X i j Y j i=Y i j X j i).For the extended theory we are considering thoughfields are valued in the algebra of differential operators on R D and the situation is very different for the case of such infinite-dimensional representations.For example,in quantum mechanics, if the Heisenberg algebra[ˆx,ˆp]=i had any representations offinite dimension n=0(and hence a symmetric trace)then it would imply the well-known contradiction0=in!The example above is quite pertinent since we will now show thatfields in the extended theory we are considering are related to certain functions in the formulation of quantum mechanics based on the original work of Weyl[20]and Wigner[21]which was later developed by Groenewold[23]and Moyal[24](see[27]for a nice review).Within this framework,there exists a natural concept of the symmetric map Tr.In terms of the abstract canonically conjugate operatorsˆxµandˆpµ,a general operatorˆA of the form(27)is writtenˆA=A(ˆx,ˆp)=∞ s=0i s6As explained in[19],non-commutative gauge theories provide a counter example where such a factori-sation of Tr is not possible.16ordering prescription above7.Given this ordering rule,the Weyl homomorphism[20]says that every operator A(ˆx,ˆp)(37) is naturally associated with an ordinary c-number function˜A on the classical phase space R2D(spanned by coordinates(x,p)),such that1A(ˆx,ˆp)=(2π)2D dy dq dx dp˜A(x,p)yα1...yαs exp(i qµ(ˆxµ−xµ)−i yµpµ).(39) The trace Tr of the operator A(ˆx,ˆp)is defined byTr(ˆA):= dx dp˜A(x,p).(40) This integral is only defined for functions˜A with suitably rapid asymptotic decay properties. We will describe a particular Wigner basis for a class of such integrable functions in the next subsection.The inverse of the relation(38)can then be expressed in terms of this trace,such that˜A(x,p)=1−→∂∂pµ(−i)m ∂∂pµm˜A ∂∂xµm˜B .(43)m!Notice in particular that the m=0term in(43)is just the commutative classical product of functions˜A˜B.The m>0terms are not commutative but are invariant under the combined exchange˜A↔˜B and x↔p.Equation(43)implies that xµ⋆pν=xµpνandpν⋆xµ=xµpν−iδµν,thus confirming that the⋆-product of functions preserves the structureof the Heisenberg algebra.It is also worth noting that partial derivatives(with respect tox or p)act as derivations on the algebra of classical phase space functions with⋆-product since they obey the Leibnitz rule when acting on(43).The definition(43)implies thatdx dp(˜A⋆˜B)(x,p)= dx dp˜A′(x,p)˜B′(x,p)= dx dp(˜B⋆˜A)(x,p),(44)where the primed phase space functions denote˜A′:=exp i∂xµ∂2∂∂pµ ˜B which are just multiplied with respect to the classical product in(44).Thus the trace(40)of the operator productˆAˆB is indeed symmetric,as required.The precise form of the gauge-invariant action(34)is therefore given by−14 dx dp˜F′µν(x,p)˜F′µν(x,p),(45) where the function˜F′µν:=exp i∂xµ∂4.2.1Wigner basis for integrable functionsWe will now briefly describe a particular basis for a class of classical functions which have finite integrals over phase space(a more detailed review of this construction is given in[27]). This will show us how to restrict to the class of Weyl-dual operators for which the trace map Tr is well-defined.Of course,this is necessary so that the gauge-invariant action(45)exists.Consider a complete orthonormal basis of eigenfunctions{ψa}for a given Hamiltonian H. To each such eigenfunctionψa(x)on R D,there is an associated Wigner function1f a(x,p)=proportional to exp −i ∂x µ∂4(2π)4D dxdp dydq dy ′dq ′exp −i 4(2π)2D dy dq exp (−i y µq µ)×Tr exp(−i q µˆx µ)ˆF αβexp(−i y µˆp µ) Tr exp(i q µˆx µ)ˆF αβexp(i y µˆp µ)。
Noncommutative cyclic characters of symmetric groups
Bernard Leclerc, Thomas Scharfyand Jean-Yves Thibonz September 1994
We de ne noncommutative analogues of the characters of the symmetric group which are induced by transitive cyclic subgroups (cyclic characters). We investigate their properties by means of the formalism of noncommutative symmetric functions. The main result is a multiplication formula whose commutative projection gives a combinatorial formula for the resolution of the Kronecker product of two cyclic representations of the symmetric group. This formula can be interpreted as a multiplicative property of the major index of permutations.
L.I.T.P.,Universite Paris 7, 2 place Jussieu, F-75251 Paris cedex 05, France
( then found that the Knj ) , and thus also the L(k) span a subalgebra, and the structure n constants in these two bases are computed (section 5). This gives in particular an explicit formula for the Kronecker product of two cyclic representations of the symmetric group. Finally, this result is given a combinatorial interpretation, in terms of a multiplicative property of the major index of permutations (section 6), and a generalization to a class of non-transitive cyclic subgroups is sketched (section 7). Our notations for commutative symmetric functions are those of 11]. For the noncommutative ones, we use those of 4], which are recalled in the next section.
Discrete and Hybrid Nonholonomy
such as the analysis of reachability and the synthesis of steering control sequences still pose quite challenging problems. This paper attempts at providing a general conceptual framework capable of capturing the notion of nonholonomy for a broad class of systems, allowing for discrete and hybrid (mixed continuous and discrete) configurations and transitions. Upon the analysis of few simple but significant examples, a unique definition encompassing all “intuitively nonholonomic” behaviours in hybrid systems, does not appear to be feasible, or practical. Hence we propose the definition of two different types of nonholonomic behaviours, which we call internal and external, respectively. These two types are not obviously reducible to a single one, and indeed we show examples of simple mechanical systems exhibiting only internal, only external, or both internal and external nonholonomy, respectively. Although our definitions are not always directly computable, we provide equivalent, or sufficient conditions for some specific classes of systems, which allow for practical tests to be applied.
certificate of non-modification -回复
certificate of non-modification -回复Certificate of Nonmodification, also known as a certificate ofnon-alteration, is a legal document that certifies the absence of changes or alterations to a specific item or document. This certificate serves as proof that the item has remained untouched, or in its original condition, since its initial establishment or certification. In this article, we will delve into the concept of a Certificate of Nonmodification, its purpose, and the steps involved in obtaining one.A Certificate of Nonmodification is commonly used in various industries and sectors. For example, in the field of software development, this certificate assures users that the software they are installing or using has not been tampered with and remains free from any unauthorized modifications or alterations. Similarly, in the field of construction, this certificate assures clients that the building or infrastructure project has not undergone any changes or modifications since its last inspection or certification.The first step in obtaining a Certificate of Nonmodification is to identify the item or document that needs certification. Determine whether it is the software, building, contract, or any other relevantitem. Once identified, gather all the supporting documents related to the item, such as the original certification documents, inspection reports, or any other relevant records.Next, it is important to research the laws and regulations governing the specific industry or sector to ensure compliance. Different countries or regions may have different requirements or procedures for obtaining a Certificate of Nonmodification. Familiarize yourself with these regulations to ensure a smooth and efficient process.After acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the applicable laws and regulations, it is time to draft the certificate. The document should clearly state the purpose, as well as the specific item or document being certified. Include details about the item's original certification or establishment, such as the date, location, and any relevant identification numbers.Moreover, it is crucial to include a statement emphasizing that no changes or alterations have been made to the item since its initial certification. This statement should be supported by evidence, such as inspection reports, witness testimonies, or expert opinions. Thecertificate should be comprehensive and transparent, leaving no room for ambiguity or misinterpretation.Once the certificate has been drafted, it is advisable to seek legal advice or consult with professionals in the respective field to ensure its accuracy and compliance with the applicable laws and regulations. They can provide valuable insights and guidance to enhance the document's credibility and validity.After finalizing the certificate, it is necessary to authenticate it. The authentication process may involve submitting the document to a relevant authority, such as a government agency or a certified organization, for further verification and endorsement. This step adds an additional layer of trust and credibility to the certificate.Finally, the certificate should be properly stored and safeguarded. Make multiple copies and store them in secure locations, such as a safe or a digital cloud service. This ensures that the certificate can be accessed and presented whenever required, without the risk of loss or damage.To conclude, a Certificate of Nonmodification is a crucial documentthat certifies the absence of changes or alterations to a specific item or document. It ensures trustworthiness and authenticity, benefiting various industries and sectors. By following the steps outlined in this article, individuals or organizations can obtain a comprehensive and reliable certificate, reinforcing the integrity of their respective items or documents.。
英语非信件类作文模板英文回答:1. Introduction。
A comprehensive discourse on a topic of significance entails an in-depth analysis of its multifaceted aspects. By employing a structured and organized approach, this essay delves into the intricacies of the given topic, presenting a well-rounded examination from various perspectives. Through the utilization of critical thinking and judicious research, this essay aims to provide a nuanced and insightful exploration of the topic at hand.2. Body Paragraphs。
The body of the essay is organized into distinct paragraphs, each addressing a specific aspect or dimension of the topic. Each paragraph begins with a topic sentence that clearly articulates the main idea or argument beingpresented. This is followed by supporting evidence, examples, and analysis that substantiate the claims made in the topic sentence. The evidence and examples are carefully selected to be relevant, credible, and specific. The analysis provides a deeper understanding of thesignificance and implications of the evidence presented.3. Transitions。
高三英语书面表达议论文论证方法单选题30题1.In order to support his argument, the author provided several examples. This is an example of_____.parison and contrastB.exemplificationC.cause and effectD.process analysis答案:B。
选项A“comparison and contrast”是对比论证;选项C“cause and effect”是因果论证;选项D“process analysis”是过程分析。
2.The writer uses specific cases to prove his point. This kind of argumentation is called_____.A.analogyB.exemplificationC.classificationD.definition答案:B。
3.The essayist presents a number of real-life examples to strengthen his argument. This is_____.A.reasoning by analogyB.exemplificationC.deductionD.induction答案:B。
选项A“reasoning by analogy”是类比推理;选项C“deduction”是演绎推理;选项D“induction”是归纳推理。
In the realm of discourse, the act of constructing a compelling argument is a formidable task. To effectively convey one's stance and persuade an audience, a well-structured and logical line of reasoning is paramount. The single-sided argument, a persuasive strategy that presents only one perspective on an issue, offers a straightforward approach to this endeavor. This template will provide a comprehensive guide to crafting a compelling single-sided argument in written form.Body Paragraph 1: Introduction of the Thesis Statement。
Begin by introducing the topic of the argument and stating your claim. This thesis statement should be clear, concise, and directly address the issue at hand.Example: "The single-sided argument is an effective persuasive technique because it allows the writer to focus on a single perspective and present it in a logical and compelling manner."Body Paragraph 2: Supporting Evidence。
Sparse logical terms
1. Introduction Compact representations for data structures are commonly used when certain properties can be exploited to signi cantly reduce the storage space required. As an example, principles of locality are used in data compression techniques. For sparse matrices, the assumption that the majority of elements are zero permits us to retain only the nonzero elements, along with their coordinates. If this assumption holds true, the savings accrued by not explicitly storing the zero elements outweighs the additional cost of storing coordinates for nonzero entries. We propose a similar representation for logical terms, as used in Prolog. A sparse term is a term in which the majority of elements (i.e. functors, atoms and variables) are anonymous variables. Named variables provide coreference between term positions, whereas the only purpose of anonymous variables is to reserve positions, and so they do not contribute to the information content of a term. In Prolog an anonymous variable is represented by an underscore. Applications which work with sparse terms can bene t from our proposal both in terms of space and time. Uni cation with an occurs check needs only to examine the named variables. Uni cation without an occurs check is linear in the sum of the number of atoms, functors and variables of the two terms. This will be more e cient as our sparse representation eliminates the storage of anonymous variables. In this paper, we outline a sparse representation for logical terms and discuss when it may be bene cial. Then we describe variations to our scheme which will permit more exible use of logical terms as well as the incorporation of uncertainty beyond that o ered by variables. 2. Representing Sparse Terms Our representation is modeled after that of sparse matrices. An n m sparse matrix may be stored as a list of coordinate/value pairs for the non-zero elements rather than as an n m array. For example, the following matrix can be stored as (1,2)-1, (2,4)-5, (4,2)-3, (4,5)-4]: 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 60 0 0 5 07 6 40 0 0 0 07 5 0 3 0 0 4 We avoid storing the zeros by using a more space-consuming representation for the non-zero elements. By assuming that most of the elements are zeros we predict a net reduction in storage space. A sparse term representation will relieve us from storing anonymous variables at the expense of a more complex scheme for the named elements (i.e. atoms, functors and named variables). We focus on the surface form of terms. Although the internal representation may be quite di erent from this and is implementation dependent, it is the surface form that users manipulate and
On existentially quantified conjunctions of
University of Catania, Itality of L'Aquila, Italy Abstract
Eugenio Omodeox
University of Catania, Italy
Alessandra Cavarraz
Su cient conditions for an 9 , 89 , or 889 prenex L+ -sentence to be translatable into the variable-free formalism L will be singled out in what follows. An e cient test based on such conditions will also be described. Through minor modi cations of this testing algorithm, one can obtain the translation when the su cient conditions are met.
1 Introduction
L is a ground equational formalism that can compete with rst-order predicate logic
as a support for number theories as well as for full-blown theories of sets (cf. TG87]). Super cially, it resembles the relational languages grown inside the database and knowledge base eld more than the speci cation languages inspired by traditional logic. In analogy with rst-order logic, fragments of which have been endowed with an executable semantics, L has been proposed as a support for programming languages (cf. BL92] and FL94]). From the standpoint of automated deduction, L has the appeal of being devoid of quanti ers|and even of variables: accordingly, performing deductions in L is akin to the process of carrying out algebraic simpli cations, without even the burden of having to instantiate variables. In spite of the power it demonstrates when the aim is to formalize |and to reason inside| a strong theory (i.e. a theory where the operation of pairing and conjugated projections are de nable), L shows limitations when compared with plain predicate calculus. It is easily seen that any formula of L can be translated into a rst-order sentence involving at most three variables; however there are rst-order sentences that have no logically equivalent sentence in three variables (the collection of all such sentences is not even recursive, cf. TG87]), and moreover there are cases when a valid sentence in three variables cannot be proved unless by calling a fourth variable into play.
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An example of noncommutative deformations of a family
Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, let A = k[t], and let D = Diff(A) be the first Weyl algebra over k. We recall that D = k t, ∂ /(∂ t − t ∂ − 1). Let us consider the family M = {M1 , M2 } of left D -modules, where M1 = D/D · ∂ ∼ = A and M2 = D/D · t ∼ = k[∂ ]. We shall compute the noncommutative deformations of the family M. In this example, we use the methods described in Eriksen [1] to compute noncommutative deformations. In particular, we use the cohomology YHn (Mj , Mi ) of the Yoneda complex Y C p (Mj , Mi ) =
D ⊗k H11 D ⊗k H12 D ⊗k H21 D ⊗k H22
where dH = (·∂ )⊗ei − (·1)⊗s12 − (·1)⊗s21 + (·t)⊗e2 . This means that for any P, Q ∈ D , we have that dH (P ⊗ e1 ) = (P · ∂ )⊗e1 − (P · 1)⊗s21 and dH (Q ⊗ e2 ) = (Q · t)⊗e2 − (Q · 1)⊗s12 . We remark that there is a natural algebraization S of the pro-representation hull H , given by s12 S11 S12 ∼ k[s12 s21 ] S= = S21 S22 s21 k[s21 s12 ] 2
Abstract We compute the noncommutative deformations of a family of modules over the first Weyl algebra. This example shows some important properties of noncommutative deformation theory that separates it from commutative deformation theory. MSC2000: 14D15; 13D10
HomD (Lm,j , Lm−p,i )
for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ 2, where (L∗,i , d∗,i ) is a free resolution of Mi , and an obstruction calculus based on these free resolutions. We recall that YHn (Mj , Mi ) ∼ = Extn D (Mj , Mi ). n Let us compute the cohomology YH (Mj , Mi ) for n = 1, 2, 1 ≤ i, j ≤ 2. We use the free resolutions of M1 and M2 as left D -modules given by 0 ←M1 ← D ← −D←0 0 ←M2 ← D ← −D←0 and the definition of the differentials Y C 0 (Mj , Mi ) → Y C 1 (Mj , Mi ) → Y C 2 (Mj , Mi ) = 0 in the Yoneda complex, and obtain YH1 (M1 , M1 ) ∼ = Ext1 D (M1 , M1 ) = 0 1 1 YH (M2 , M1 ) ∼ = Ext (M2 , M1 ) = k · ξ12
Let k be an algebraically closed field and let A be an associative k-algebra. For any left A-module M , there is a flat commutative deformation functor Def M : l → Sets defined on the category l of local Artinan commutative k-algebras with residue field k. We recall that for an object R ∈ l, a flat deformation of M over R is a pair (MR , τ ), where MR is an A-R bimodule (on which k acts centrally) that is R-flat, and τ : MR ⊗R k → M is an isomorphism ′ , τ ′ ) as deformations in Def (R) if there is an of left A-modules. Moreover, (MR , τ ) ∼ (MR M ′ isomorphism η : MR → MR of A-R bimodules such that τ = τ ′ ◦ (η ⊗ 1). Laudal introduced noncommutative deformations of modules in Laudal [2]. For any finite family M = {M1 , . . . , Mp } of left A-modules, there is a noncommutative deformation functor Def M : ap → Sets defined on the category ap of p-pointed Artinian k-algebras. We recall that an object R of ap is an Artinian ring R, together with a pair of structural ring homomorphisms f : kp → R and g : R → kp , such that g ◦ f = id and the radical I (R) = ker(g) is nilpotent. The morphisms of ap are ring homomorphisms that commute with the structural morphisms. A deformation of the family M over R is a (p + 1)-tuple (MR , τ1 , . . . , τp ), where MR is an A-R bimodule (on which k acts centrally) such that MR ∼ = (Mi ⊗k Rij ) as right R-modules, and τi : MR ⊗R ki → Mi is an isomorphism of left A-modules for 1 ≤ i ≤ p. By definition, (Mi ⊗k Rij ) =
where s12 = H11 · s12 · H22 and s21 = H22 · s21 · H11 . In order to describe the versal family MH of left D -modules defined over H , we use Mfree resolutions in the notation of Eriksen [1]. In fact, the D -H bimodule MH has an M-free resolution of the form 0 ← MH ← D⊗k H11 D ⊗k H12 D⊗k H21 D ⊗k H22 ← ∼ = Ext1 D (M1 , M2 ) = k · ξ21 1 YH (M2 , M2 ) ∼ = Ext1 (M2 , M2 ) = 0
D ·1
The base vector ξij is represented by the 1-cocycle given by D − → D in Y C 1 (Mj , Mi ) when 2 2 i = j . Since Y C (Mj , Mi ) = 0 for all i, j , it is clear that YH (Mj , Mi ) ∼ = Ext2 D (Mj , Mi ) = 0 for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ 2. We conclude that Def M is unobstructed. Hence, in the notation of Eriksen [1], the prorepresenting hull H of Def M is given by H= H11 H12 H21 H22 ∼ = k[[s12 s21 ]] s12 s21 k[[s21 s12 ]]
1≤i,j ≤p
Mi ⊗k Rij
with the natural right R-module structure, and k1 , . . . , kp are the simple left R-modules of ′ , τ ′ , . . . , τ ′ ) as deformations in Def (R) dimension one over k. Moreover, (MR , τ1 , . . . , τp ) ∼ (MR M p 1 ′ if there is an isomorphism η : MR → MR of A-R bimodules such that τi = τi′ ◦(η ⊗1) for 1 ≤ i ≤ p.