【最新2019】12大银行遭遇首宗Libor操纵集体诉讼-word范文 (1页)

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A 65- year - old woman whose home was repossessed is taking on some

of the world & rsquo ; s leading banks in the first known class

action lawsuit claiming alleged Libor manipulation made mortgage repayments for thousands of Americans more expensive than they should have been .

一位住所因欠款被收回的65岁妇女向全球主要银行发起已知的首个集体诉讼,指责这些银行对伦敦银行间同业拆借利率( Libor )的操纵行为导致数以千计美国人的抵押贷款偿付金额高于应有水平。

The subprime mortgages of Annie Bell Adams and her four co - lead plaintiffs were securitised into Libor - based collateralised debt obligations and sold by banks to investors .

安妮& middot ;贝尔& middot ;亚当姆斯( Annie Bell Adams )以及其他四位

共同参与诉讼的原告的抵押贷款,被银行通过证券化打包为基于 Libor 的债务抵押债券( Collateralised Debt Obligations ,简称 CDO ),并出售给投资者。

The class action , filed in New York , alleges that traders at 12 of the biggest banks in Europe and North America & ndash ; including Barclays , Bank of Americaand UBS & ndash ; were incentivised to manipulate the London interbank offered rate to a higher rate on certain dates on which adjustable mortgage interest rates were reset . This resulted in homeowners paying more between 201X and 201X, according to the complaint .


mdash ;& mdash ;包括巴克莱( Barclays )、美国银行( Bank of America )以及瑞银( UBS )在内& mdash ;& mdash ;被激励在设定浮动抵押贷款利率的某些特定日子操纵 Libor 升至较高水平。该诉讼声称,利率操纵行为导致房屋所有人在201X至201X年间的偿付金额高于正常水平。
