python numical(numpy库)
例如:•弧度制转化函数:deg2rad()和rad2deg()•三角函数:sin(), cos(), tan(), arcsin(), arccos(),arctan()•指数函数:exp()•对数函数:log(), log10()•取整函数:ceil()和floor()2、NumPy中的线性代数函数NumPy还提供了许多线性代数函数,如求解线性方程组、矩阵求逆、特征值和特征向量等。
例如:• dot()函数:用于矩阵乘法• inv()函数:用于求矩阵的逆• eig()函数:用于求解特征值和特征向量• solve()函数:用于求解线性方程组二、SciPySciPy是Python中另一个流行的数学库。
例如:• minimize()函数:用于最小化一个目标函数• minimize_scalar()函数:用于在一个区间内最小化一个一元函数• minimize_constrained()函数:用于优化带有约束条件的函数2、SciPy中的插值函数SciPy还提供了许多插值函数,用于估计函数在任意点的值。
NumPy的主要功能包括:1. 多维数组对象:NumPy中最重要的对象是ndarray(N-dimensional array),它是一个多维数组,可存储相同类型的数据。
2. 数组操作:NumPy提供了丰富的数组操作函数,包括数组的创建、索引、切片、重塑、合并等。
3. 数学函数:NumPy内置了许多数学函数,如三角函数、指数函数、对数函数等。
4. 线性代数运算:NumPy提供了线性代数相关的函数,如矩阵乘法、特征值计算、矩阵求逆等。
二、SciPy库介绍SciPy是基于NumPy的一个开源的科学计算库,它提供了一系列高效、稳定的数值计算工具和算法,包括:1. 最优化:SciPy提供了常用的最优化算法,如线性规划、非线性规划、全局优化等。
2. 插值:SciPy提供了插值函数,用于对一组离散数据进行插值估计。
3. 积分:SciPy提供了多种数值积分算法,包括定积分、二重积分、三重积分等。
4. 信号处理:SciPy包含了一系列信号处理的函数和工具,如滤波器设计、频谱分析、信号重建等。
它是Numerical Python的缩写,是Python中数值计算的核心库之一。
它是Panel Data analysis的缩写,是Python中的一个数据分析工具库。
它是Scientific Python的缩写,提供了比NumPy更高级的数学和科学计算功能。
数组对象、复杂的(广播)函数、矩阵运算、集成C/C++ 和Fortran 代码的工具等。
以下是Numpy库函数的一些常用功能:1. 创建数组:Numpy库提供了多种函数用于创建不同类型的数组,如np.array()、np.arange()、np.zeros()、np.ones()等。
2. 数学运算:Numpy库提供了丰富的数学运算函数,如加法、减法、乘法、除法、指数运算等。
3. 矩阵运算:Numpy库提供了矩阵乘法、矩阵转置、矩阵求逆等函数,可以帮助开发者进行复杂的矩阵运算,如线性代数、统计建模等。
以下是Pandas库函数的一些常用功能:1. 数据结构:Pandas库提供了Series和DataFrame两种重要的数据结构,可以帮助开发者高效地处理结构化数据。
2. 数据清洗:Pandas库提供了多种函数用于数据清洗,如去重、缺失值处理、异常值处理等。
3. 数据可视化:Pandas库提供了丰富的数据可视化函数,如绘制折线图、柱状图、散点图、热力图等。
安装⽅法:pip3 install numpy1. ndarray数组基础python中⽤列表保存⼀组值,可将列表当数组使⽤。
使⽤前先导⼊Numpy模块import numpy as np#或from numpy import *1)数组的创建及使⽤(在shell界⾯下)>>> x=np.array([[1.0,0.0,0.0],[0.,1.,2.]]) #定义了⼀个⼆维数组,⼤⼩为(2,3)>>> xarray([[1., 0., 0.],[0., 1., 2.]])>>> x.ndim #数组维度数2>>> x.shape #数组的维数,返回的格式(n,m),其中n为⾏数,m为列数(2, 3)>>> x.size #数组元素的总数6>>> x.dtype #数组元素类型dtype('float64') #64位浮点型>>> x.itemsize #每个元素占有的字节⼤⼩8>>> #数组元素的缓冲区<memory at 0x00000205227DAC18>。
python numpy库用法
python numpy库用法Python是一种功能强大的编程语言,而NumPy是Python中常用的库之一。
一、什么是NumPy库及其安装NumPy是Numerical Python的简称,它是Python中用于科学计算的基础库之一。
NumPy的主要功能包括:1. 快速的数值运算:NumPy中的数组操作是以底层C语言实现的,因此非常高效。
2. 多维数组对象:NumPy的ndarray可以存储不同类型的元素,并且支持快速的元素访问和切片。
3. 广播功能:NumPy可以对不同形状的数组进行数学运算,它会自动进行维度匹配和扩展。
要安装NumPy库,可以使用pip命令,在终端中输入以下命令:pip install numpy二、创建NumPy数组在使用NumPy之前,需要先导入numpy模块。
可以使用`import numpy as np`语句来导入NumPy库,并将其命名为`np`,方便后续调用。
例如,可以使用以下代码创建一个一维数组:pythonimport numpy as nparr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])print(arr)输出:[1 2 3 4 5]除了`np.array()`函数之外,NumPy还提供了一些其他函数来创建特定类型的数组,例如:- `np.zeros()`:创建一个全是0的数组。
- `np.ones()`:创建一个全是1的数组。
- `np.empty()`:创建一个未被初始化的数组。
一、numpy(Numerical Python)numpy是Python中的一个核心库,提供了大量用于数值计算的功能。
1. 安装numpy首先,我们需要安装numpy库。
打开终端或命令行窗口,执行下面的命令:pip install numpy安装完成后,就可以在Python脚本中导入numpy库了。
2. 导入numpy要使用numpy的功能,首先需要在脚本中导入numpy库。
在Python 脚本的开头添加以下语句:import numpy as np这里,通过`import`关键字将numpy库导入,并为其取一个别名np。
3. 创建numpy数组numpy的核心数据类型是ndarray(N-dimensional array),即N维数组。
例如,我们可以使用numpy的`array`函数创建一个一维数组:a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])这样就创建了一个包含1、2、3、4、5的一维数组。
我们可以使用`print`函数输出数组的内容:print(a)输出结果为:[1 2 3 4 5]还可以使用numpy的`ndarray`类型的`shape`属性获取数组的形状(即维度):print(a.shape)输出结果为:(5,)这表示该数组是一个具有5个元素的一维数组。
python中numpy的用法NumPy(Numerical Python)是Python编程语言的一个开源数值计算库。
1. 导入NumPy库在使用NumPy之前,需要先导入NumPy库。
下面是导入NumPy库的语句:```import numpy as np```2. 创建NumPy数组可以使用NumPy提供的函数来创建数组,常用的函数有:- `np.array()`:根据输入的列表或其他可迭代对象创建数组。
- `np.zeros()`:创建指定形状的全0数组。
- `np.ones()`:创建指定形状的全1数组。
- `np.arange()`:创建一个一维数组,包含一个序列的值。
- `np.linspace()`:创建一个一维数组,包含一个等间隔序列的值。
- `np.random.rand()`:创建指定形状的随机数组。
下面是创建数组的示例代码:```pythonarr1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])arr2 = np.zeros((3, 3))arr3 = np.ones((2, 2))arr4 = np.arange(1, 10, 2)arr5 = np.linspace(0, 1, 5)arr6 = np.random.rand(3, 3)```3. 数组的基本操作NumPy数组可以进行多种操作,包括索引、切片、重塑等。
- 索引:使用下标来获取数组中的元素。
首先是Numpy 数组对象(ndarray)。
例如,下面的代码创建了一个简单的一维Numpy数组:import numpy as npa = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])这个数组可以进行简单的数学操作,例如:print(a*2) #输出[ 2 4 6 8 10]可以使用shape属性查看数组的形状:print(a.shape) #输出(5,)我们可以使用reshape方法来改变数组形状:b = a.reshape(5,1)print(b.shape) #输出(5,1)Numpy数组与Python列表的比较与Python中的列表相比,Numpy数组拥有更多的功能。
例如,以下代码演示了如何对数组所有元素执行平方运算:print(np.square(a)) #输出[ 1 4 9 16 25]另一个例子是数组与标量运算的不同于Python中的列表,Numpy 数组可以与标量执行操作,允许您轻松更改数组中的所有值。
numpy数值计算相关概念和工作原理NumPy(Numerical Python)是Python语言的一个扩展库,主要用于进行数值计算和科学计算。
NumPy的核心是ndarray(n-dimensional array,多维数组)对象。
在NumPy中,ndarray对象具有以下特点:1. 支持多维数组:ndarray可以是一维、二维或者更高维的数组,可以表示向量、矩阵以及更高维的张量。
2. 元素类型固定:ndarray中的元素类型是固定的,通常为整数、浮点数、复数或者布尔值。
3. 内存占用小:ndarray中的元素是连续存储的,因此它的内存占用更小,而且访问元素的速度更快。
4. 矢量化操作:ndarray支持在整个数组上进行矢量化的操作,而不需要使用for循环。
NumPy的工作原理可以简单概括为以下几个步骤:1. 创建数组:使用NumPy库中的函数或者方法创建一个ndarray对象,可以指定数组的形状、元素类型等参数。
2. 存储数据:将数据存储到ndarray对象中的连续内存块中,可以直接赋值或者通过一些数值计算得到。
3. 数值计算:使用ndarray对象提供的方法和函数进行数值计算,例如加法、减法、乘法、除法、矩阵运算等。
4. 结果输出:将计算结果输出为ndarray对象,可以返回给用户,或者保存到文件中。
Python进阶-Numpy科学计算库(简单⼊门)Numpy简介NumPy(Numerical Python) 是 Python 语⾔的⼀个扩展程序库,⽀持⼤量的维度数组与矩阵运算,此外也针对数组运算提供⼤量的数学函数库。
NumPy 的前⾝ Numeric 最早是由 Jim Hugunin 与其它协作者共同开发,2005 年,Travis Oliphant 在 Numeric 中结合了另⼀个同性质的程序库 Numarray 的特⾊,并加⼊了其它扩展⽽开发了 NumPy。
NumPy 为开放源代码并且由许多协作者共同维护开发。
安装因为我使⽤的是python3,因此需要⾃⼰⼿动来安装Numpypip3 install numpy⼀般来说这条命令就可以安装成功了如果失败的话可能是因为权限的问题可以尝试在命令前加⼀个’sudo’,即sudo pip3 install numpy然后按照提⽰输⼊密码就可以了现在numpy就安装成功了⾸先对将numpy引⼊1import numpy as np # np就相当于numpy的别名了基础的属性创建⼀个矩阵的语法为1name = np.array([[...]...])例如,要创建⼀个3x1的矩阵,矩阵名为array1 2 3 4array = np.array([[123],[456],[789]])# 3x3矩阵的建⽴⽅法array = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])打印出来看下1 2 3 4>>> print(array) [[123][456][789]]其他的⼀些简单的属性1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8>>> print(array.ndim) # 矩阵的维度2>>> print(array.shape) # 矩阵的形状(3, 1)>>> print(array.size) # 矩阵的⼤⼩(元素个数) 3>>> print(array.dtype) # 矩阵中元素类型int64创建array在创建的同时声明元素类型使⽤上⽂中的⽅法的话,我们并没有办法制定元素的类型,因此我们可以通过在创建时声明元素类型来解决这个问题1 2a = np.array([1,2,3],dtype = np.int32)b = np.array([2,3,4],dtype = np.float)特殊矩阵如果我们需要⼀个元素全为0的矩阵的话,可以使⽤numpy中的zeros()1 2 3 4>>> zero = np.zeros((2,3)) # 创建⼀个2x3的零矩阵>>> print(zero)[[0,0,0][0,0,0]]同理,我们还可以⽣成全为1的制定⼤⼩的矩阵1one = np.ones(3,4)empty矩阵1 2 3 4>>> empty = np.empty((2,3)) >>> print(empty)[[0,0,0][0,0,0]]需要注意的是empty所创建出来的矩阵所有元素都不为0,但是⾮常接近于0.因此在我们需要使⽤⼀个矩阵来除以empty矩阵的时候,就不会出错了。
NumPy这个词来源于两个单词-- Numerical和Python。
他有以下⼏个特点:1. numpy内置了并⾏运算功能,当系统有多个核⼼时,做某种计算时,numpy会⾃动做并⾏计算。
2. Numpy底层使⽤C语⾔编写,内部解除了GIL(全局解释器锁),其对数组的操作速度不受Python解释器的限制,效率远⾼于纯Python代码。
3. 有⼀个强⼤的N维数组对象Array(⼀种类似于列表的东西)。
4. 实⽤的线性代数、傅⾥叶变换和随机数⽣成函数。
安装通过pip install numpy即可安装。
Numpy数组和Python列表性能对⽐:例如可以使⽤⼀个Numpy数组和Python列表中每个元素进⾏求平⽅,代码如下:# Python列表的⽅式t1 = time.time()a = []for x in range(100000):a.append(x**2)t2 = time.time()t = t2 - t1print(t)#花费时间:0.27529239654541016t3 = time.time()b = np.arange(100000)**2t4 = time.time()print(t4-t3)# 花费时间:0.028918027877807617。
Python数据清洗⼯具之Numpy的基本操作⽬录1. Numpy(Numberical Python)1.1 这库的安装⽅法2.Numpy的基础操作2.1 数组的创建:np.arrary()2.2 N维数组的创建2.3 常⽤数组2.4 线性数组的⽣成2.5 数组的运算2.6 数组的形状变换3. 数组的索引4.⼴播功能1. Numpy(Numberical Python)Anaconda中已经集成了NumPy,可以直接使⽤。
如果想要⾃⾏安装的话,可以使⽤流⾏的Python包安装程序 pip 来安装 NumPy,⽬前使⽤的是Anaconde的环境进⾏学习和使⽤这个库1.1 这库的安装⽅法import numpy as npnp.__version__其实很多其他库也可以⽤这个⽅法进⾏查看库的版本2.Numpy的基础操作Numpy的操作对象是⼀个ndarray,所以在使⽤这个库进⾏计算的时候需要将数据进⾏转化2.1 数组的创建:np.arrary()np.array 可以把 list,tuple或者其他的序列模式的数据转创建为 ndarray,默认创建⼀个新的ndarray我们会发现原来数据⾥⾯有int, float型的数据都被转换成相同的类型了,统⼀转变成float型的数据了,因为Numpy是要求array⾥⾯的数据类型是⼀致的2.2 N维数组的创建Numpy不仅可以⽣成⼀维数组,也可以⽣成多维数组。
⽐如,可以⽣成如下的⼆维数组:2.3 常⽤数组2.4 线性数组的⽣成2.5 数组的运算数组的运算时对应位置的元素进⾏简单的四则运算这⾥需要注意的是,数组x和数组y的元素个数是相同的(两者均是元素个数为3的⼀维数组)当两者元素个数相同时,可以对各个元素进⾏算术运算。
此外,Numpy数组不仅可以进⾏对应元素的算术运算,还可以和单⼀的数值(标量)组合起来进⾏运算(这个功能也被称为⼴播,后⾯会详细介绍),⽐如:会把数据转成数组默认的float的数据类型2.6 数组的形状变换我们先定义⼀个数组如果数组的量级⽐较⼤,对于计算的时候只知道其他的⼀个维度数字,则可以使⽤下⾯的-1,作为占位符,会⾃动帮你补齐另外⼀个维度的信息除此之外,还有⼀种⽐较常⽤的数组拉平⽅法, m.flatten()以及m.ravel(),这两种⽅法类似3. 数组的索引可以将这个⼆维的数组看成⼀个矩阵,3⾏四列,通过数字的下标索引进⾏提取数字,这⾥的切⽚操作还是左闭右开的4.⼴播功能术语⼴播是指 NumPy 在算术运算期间处理不同形状的数组的能⼒。
python numpy 应用场景
python numpy 应用场景
1. 数值计算:NumPy提供了许多基本的数值计算功能,如矩阵运算、线性代数、随机数生成等。
2. 数据处理:NumPy的数据结构(如数组和矩阵)具有良好的内存管理和高性能计算能力,适用于大规模数据的处理。
3. 图像和信号处理:NumPy可以应用于图像和信号处理领域,例如图像缩放、滤波、特征提取等。
4. 机器学习和深度学习:NumPy在机器学习和深度学习领域有着广泛的应用。
5. 数据可视化:通过与其他可视化库(如Matplotlib和Seaborn)结合使用,NumPy可以方便地创建各种图形和图表。
6. 科学和工程领域:在许多科学和工程领域,如物理、化学、生物学、金融等,NumPy都发挥着重要作用。
numpy科学计算库原理NumPy(Numerical Python)是Python科学计算的核心库,用于处理大型多维数组和矩阵,以及针对这些数据进行数值计算的函数。
NumPy的原理可以分为以下几个方面:1. 多维数组对象:NumPy的核心是一个名为ndarray的多维数组对象。
2. 数组操作:NumPy提供了许多用于数组操作的函数和方法,包括数组的创建、切片、重塑、重新排序和运算等。
3. 数值计算函数:NumPy提供了大量的数值计算函数,包括数学函数(如平方根、对数、三角函数等)、线性代数函数(如矩阵乘法、矩阵求逆等)、统计函数(如均值、方差、协方差等)、随机数函数等。
4. 广播机制:NumPy的广播机制使得不同形状的数组可以进行计算,而无需显式地进行形状转换。
5. 内存管理:NumPy通过使用连续的内存块来存储数组数据,以提高计算性能。
6. C语言实现:NumPy的核心功能是使用C语言实现的,对于一些性能关键的操作,它会调用底层的C语言函数来实现。
Python中的Numeric包和Numarray包使⽤教程要了解 Numerical Python 软件包的第⼀件事情是,Numerical Python 不会让您去做标准 Python 不能完成的任何⼯作。
它只是让您以快得多的速度去完成标准 Python 能够完成的相同任务。
实际上不仅仅如此;许多数组操作⽤ Numeric 或者Numarray 来表达⽐起⽤标准 Python 数据类型和语法来表达要优雅得多。
不过,惊⼈的速度才是吸引⽤户使⽤ Numerical Python 的主要原因。
其实,Numerical Python 只是实现了⼀个新的数据类型:数组。
与可以包含不同类型元素的列表、元组和词典不同的是,Numarray 数组只能包含同⼀类型的数据。
Numarray 数组的另⼀个优点是,它可以是多维的 -- 但是数组的维度与列表的简单嵌套稍有不同。
Numerical Python 借鉴了程序员的实践经验(尤其是那些有科学计算背景的程序员,他们抽象出了APL、FORTRAN、MATLAB 和 S 等语⾔中数组的最佳功能),创建了可以灵活改变形状和维度的数组。
在 Numerical Python 中对数组的操作是按元素进⾏的。
虽然⼆维数组与线性代数中的矩阵类似,但是对它们的操作 (⽐如乘)与线性代数中的操作 (⽐如矩阵乘) 是完全不同的。
在纯 Python 中,您可以这样创建⼀个“⼆维列表”:清单 1. Python 的嵌套数组>>> pyarr = [[1,2,3],... [4,5,6],... [7,8,9]]>>> print pyarr[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]>>> pyarr[1][1] = 0>>> print pyarr[[1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 6], [7, 8, 9]]很好,但是您对这种结构所能做的只是通过单独的 (或者多维的) 索引来设置和检索元素。
1. NumPy:NumPy是Python的一个数值计算库,被广泛用于数据处理和科学计算。
2. Pandas:Pandas是一个数据分析和处理库,提供了快速、灵活、易于使用的数据结构,使得数据的导入、转换和操作变得简单明了。
3. Scikit-learn:Scikit-learn是一个开源的机器学习库,提供了丰富的机器学习算法和工具,供用户进行分类、回归、聚类、降维等任务。
4. TensorFlow:TensorFlow是由谷歌开发的一个开源的深度学习框架,被广泛应用于神经网络的构建和训练。
5. Keras:Keras是一个高级神经网络API,基于TensorFlow等后端实现,提供了简洁的接口和丰富的模型库,用于快速构建和训练深度学习模型。
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Numerical PythonDavid AscherPaul F. DuboisKonrad HinsenJim HuguninTravis OliphantLawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94566 UCRL-MA-128569Legal NoticeCopyright (c) 1999. The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy or modifi-cation of this software and in all copies of the supporting documentation for such software.This work was produced at the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under con-tract no. W-7405-ENG-48 between the U.S. Department of Energy and The Regents of the University of Cali-fornia for the operation of UC LLNL.DISCLAIMERThis software was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the University of California nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or use-fulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately-owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or the University of California. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or the University of California, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.2Table of Contents1. Introduction (9)Acknowledgments (10)2. Installing NumPy (11)Testing the Python installation (11)Testing the Numeric Python Extension Installation (11)Installing NumPy (11)On Win32 (12)On Unix (12)3. The NumTut package (13)Testing the NumTut package (13)Possible reasons for failure: (13)Win32 (13)Unix (14)4. High-Level Overview (15)Array Objects (15)Universal Functions (16)Convenience Functions (16)RandomArray (17)FFT (17)LinearAlgebra (18)5. Array Basics (19)Basics (19)Creating arrays from scratch (20)array() and typecodes (20)Multidimensional Arrays (21)Creating arrays with values specified `on-the-fly' (25)zeros() and ones() (25)arrayrange() (25)Creating an array from a function: fromfunction() (26)identity() (28)Coercion and Casting (28)Automatic Coercions and Binary Operations (28)Deliberate up-casting: The asarray function (29)The typecode value table (29)Consequences of silent upcasting (30)Deliberate casts (potentially down): the astype method (30)Operating on Arrays (31)Simple operations (31)Getting and Setting array values (32)Slicing Arrays (33)6. Ufuncs (35)What are Ufuncs? (35)Ufuncs can operate on any Python sequence (36)Ufuncs can take output arguments (36)Ufuncs have special methods (36)The reduce ufunc method (36)The accumulate ufunc method (37)The outer ufunc method (37)The reduceat ufunc method (38)Ufuncs always return new arrays (38)Which are the Ufuncs? (38)Unary Mathematical Ufuncs (take only one argument) (38)Binary Mathematical Ufuncs (38)Logical Ufuncs (38)Ufunc shorthands (39)7. Pseudo Indices (41)8. Array Functions (43)take(a, indices, axis=0) (43)transpose(a, axes=None) (44)repeat(a, repeats, axis=0) (45)choose(a, (b0, ..., bn)). (45)ravel(a) (45)nonzero(a) (45)where(condition, x, y) (46)compress(condition, a, axis=0) (46)diagonal(a, k=0) (46)trace(a, k=0) (46)searchsorted(a, values) (46)sort(a, axis=-1) (47)argsort(a, axis=-1) (47)argmax(a, axis=-1), argmin(a, axis=-1) (48)fromstring(string, typecode) (48)dot(m1, m2) (48)matrixmultiply(m1, m2) (48)clip(m, m_min, m_max) (48)indices(shape, typecode=None) (49)swapaxes(a, axis1, axis2) (49)concatenate((a0, a1, ... , an), axis=0). (50)ivinnerproduct(a, b) (50)•array_repr() (50)array_str() (50)resize(a, new_shape) (50)diagonal(a, offset=0, axis1=-2, axis2=-1) (51)repeat (51)convolve (51)where(condition, x, y) (51)identity(n) (51)sum(a, index=0) (51)cumsum(a, index=0) (51)product(a, index=0) (51)cumproduct(a, index=0) (52)alltrue(a, index=0) (52)sometrue(a, index=0) (52)9. Array Methods (53)itemsize() (53)iscontiguous() (53)typecode() (53)byteswapped() (53)tostring() (53)tolist() (54)10. Array Attributes (55)flat (55)real and imaginary (55)11. Special Topics (57)Code Organization (57) and friends (57) (57) (57) (57) (57) (57)bartlett(M) (57)blackman(M) (57)corrcoef(x, y=None) (58)cov(m,y=None) (58)cumprod(m) (58)cumsum(m) (58)diag(v, k=0) (58)diff(x, n=1) (58)eig(m) (58)eye(N, M=N, k=0, typecode=None) (58)fliplr(m) (58)flipud(m) (58)hamming(M) (58)hanning(M) (58)kaiser(M, beta) (58)max(m) (58)vmean(m) (58)median(m) (59)min(m) (59)msort(m) (59)prod(m) (59)ptp(m) (59)rand(d1, ..., dn). (59)rot90(m,k=1) (59)sinc(x) (59)squeeze(a) (59)std(m) (59)sum(m) (59)svd(m) (59)trapz(y,x=None) (59)tri(N, M=N, k=0, typecode=None) (59)tril(m,k=0) (59)triu(m,k=0) (60)The multiarray object (60)Typecodes (60)Indexing in and out, slicing (61)Ellipses (62)NewAxis (62)Set-indexing and Broadcasting (62)Axis specifications (63)Textual representations of arrays (63)array2string(a, max_line_width = None, precision = None,suppress_small = None, separator=' ', array_output=0): (63)Comparisons (65)Pickling and Unpickling -- storing arrays on disk (65)Dealing with floating point exceptions (65)12. Writing a C extension to NumPy (66)Introduction (66)Preparing an extension module for NumPy arrays (66)Accessing NumPy arrays from C (66)Types and Internal Structure (66)Element data types (67)Contiguous arrays (68)Zero-dimensional arrays (68)A simple example (68)Accepting input data from any sequence type (69)Creating NumPy arrays (70)Returning arrays from C functions (70)A less simple example (70)13. C API Reference (72)ArrayObject C Structure and API (72)Structures (72)The ArrayObject API (73)Notes (76)UfuncObject C Structure and API (76)C Structure (76)UfuncObject C API (78)vi14. FFT Reference (81)•Python Interface (81)fft(data, n=None, axis=-1) (81)inverse_fft(data, n=None, axis=-1) (81)real_fft(data, n=None, axis=-1) (81)inverse_real_fft(data, n=None, axis=-1) (82)fft2d(data, s=None, axes=(-2,-1)) (82)real_fft2d(data, s=None, axes=(-2,-1)) (82)C API (82)Compilation Notes (83)15. LinearAlgebra Reference (84)Python Interface (84)solve_linear_equations(a, b) (84)inverse(a) (84)eigenvalues(a) (84)eigenvectors(a) (85)singular_value_decomposition(a, full_matrices=0) (85)generalized_inverse(a, rcond=1e-10) (85)determinant(a) (85)linear_least_squares(a, b, rcond=e-10) (85)C API (85)Compilation Notes (85)16. RandomArray Reference (86)Python Interface (86)seed(x=0, y=0) (86)get_seed() (86)random(shape=ReturnFloat) (86)uniform(minimum, maximum, shape=ReturnFloat) (86)randint(minimum, maximum, shape=ReturnFloat) (86)permutation(n) (86)C API (87)17. Glossary (88)18. Known Bugs and Limitations (89)Bugs (89)Limitations (89)viiviii1. Introduction•IntroductionThis chapter introduces the Numeric Python extension and outlines the rest of thedocument.The Numeric Python extensions (NumPy henceforth) is a set of extensions to the Python programming lan-guage which allow Python programmers to efficiently manipulate large sets of objects organized in grid-like fashion. These sets of objects are called arrays, and they can have any number of dimensions: one dimensionalarrays are similar to standard Python sequences, two-dimensional arrays are similar to matrices from linear al-gebra. Note that one-dimensional arrays are also different from any other Python sequence, and that two-dimen-sional matrices are also different from the matrices of linear algebra, in ways which we will mention later in thistext.Why are these extensions needed? The core reason is a very prosaic one, and that is that manipulating a set ofa million numbers in Python with the standard data structures such as lists, tuples or classes is much too slow.Anything which we can do in NumPy we can do in standard Python – we just may not be alive to see the pro-gram finish. A more subtle reason for these extensions however is that the kinds of operations that programmerstypically want to do on arrays, while sometimes very complex, can often be decomposed into a set of fairlystandard operations. This decomposition has been developed similarly in many array languages. In some ways,NumPy is simply the application of this experience to the Python language – thus many of the operations de-scribed in NumPy work the way they do because experience has shown that way to be a good one, in a varietyof contexts. The languages which were used to guide the development of NumPy include the infamous APLfamily of languages, Basis, MATLAB, FORTRAN, S and S+, and others. This heritage will be obvious to usersof NumPy who already have experience with these other languages. This tutorial, however, does not assumeany such background, and all that is expected of the reader is a reasonable working knowledge of the standardPython language (as of this writing the current Python release is 1.5.1).This document is the “official” documentation for NumPy. It is both a tutorial and the most authoritative sourceof information about NumPy with the exception of the source code. The tutorial material will walk you througha set of manipulations of simple, small, arrays of numbers, as well as image files. This choice was made because1) a concrete data set makes explaining the behavior of some functions much easier to motivate than simplytalking about abstract operations on abstract data sets 2) every reader will at least an intuition as to the meaningof the data and organization of image files, and 3) the result of various manipulations can be displayed simplysince the data set has a natural graphical representation. All users of NumPy, whether interested in image pro-cessing or not, are encouraged to follow the tutorial with a working NumPy installation at their side, testing the examples, and, more importantly, transferring the understanding gained by working on images to their specific domain. The best way to learn is by doing – the aim of this tutorial is to guide you along this “doing.”Chapter 2 provides information on testing Python, NumPy, and compiling and installing NumPy if necessary.Chapter 3 provides information on testing and installing the NumTut package, which allows easy visualizationof arrays.Chapter 4 gives a high-level overview of the components of the NumPy system as a whole.Chapter 5 provides a detailed step-by-step introduction to the most important aspect of NumPy, the multidi-mensional array objects.Chapter 6 provides information on universal functions, the mathematical functions which operate on arrays andother sequences elementwise.9Chapter 7 covers pseudo-indices.Chapter 8 is a catalog of each of the utility functions which allow easy algorithmic processing of arrays. Chapter 9 discusses the methods of array objects.Chapter 10 presents the attributes of array objects.Chapter 11 is a collection of special topics, from the organization of the codebase to the mechanisms for cus-tomizing pringint.Chapter 12 is an tutorial on how to write a C extension which uses NumPy arrays.Chapter 13 is a reference for the C API to NumPy objects (both PyArrayObjects and UFuncObjects). Chapter 14 is a reference for the Fast Fourier Transform moduleChapter 15 is a reference for the Linear Algebra moduleChapter 16 is a reference for the RandomArray random number generator moduleChapter 17 is a glossary of termsChapter 18 is a listing of known bugs and documentation tasks left undone.AcknowledgmentsNumerical Python is the outgrowth of a long collaborative design process carried out by the Matrix SIG of the Python Software Activity (PSA). Jim Hugunin, while a graduate student at MIT, wrote most of the code and initial documentation. When Jim joined CNRI and began working on JPython, he didn’t have the time to main-tain Numerical Python so Paul Dubois at LLNL agreed to become the maintainer of Numerical Python. David Ascher, working as a consultant to LLNL, wrote most of this document, incorporating contributions from Kon-rad Hinsen and Travis Oliphant, both of whom are major contributors to Numerical Python.Many other people have contributed to Numerical Python by making suggestions and sending in bug fixes. Nu-merical Python illustrates the power of the open source software concept. We hope that readers will also send in “bug fixes” for this manual. We have made this early first release of the manual in the belief that such a pro-cess is the fastest way to improve it. Please send comments about the manual to support@ or to Paul Dubois, L-264, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94566, U.S.A.10•Installing NumPy2. Installing NumPyThis chapter explains how to install and test NumPy, from either the source distribution orfrom the binary distribution.Before we start with the actual tutorial, we will describe the steps needed for you to be able to follow along the examples step by step. These steps including installing Python, the NumPy extensions, and some tools and sam-ple files used in the examples of this tutorial.Testing the Python installationThe first step is to install Python if you haven’t already. Python is available from the Python website’s download directory at /download . Click on the link corresponding to your platform, and follow the instructions described there. When installed, starting Python by typing python at the shell or double-clicking on the Python interpreter should give a prompt such as:Python 1.5.1 (#0, Apr 13 1998, 20:22:04) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam>>>If you have problems getting this part to work, consider contacting a local support person or emailing python-help@ for help. If neither solution works, consider posting on the ng.python newsgroup (de-tails on the newsgroup/mailing list are available at /psa/MailingLists.html#clp ).Testing the Numeric Python Extension InstallationThe standard Python distribution does not come as of this writing with the Numeric Python extensions installed,but your system administrator may have installed them already. To find out if your Python interpreter has NumPy installed, type import Numeric at the Python prompt. You’ll see one of two behaviors (throughout this document, bold Courier New font indicates user input, and standard Courier New font indicates output):>>> import NumericTraceback (innermost last):File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?ImportError: No module named Numeric>>>indicating that you don’t have NumPy installed, or:>>> import Numeric>>>indicating that you do. If you do, go on to the next step. If you don’t, you have to get the NumPy extensions. Installing NumPyThere are currently two distributions available.On Win32For Microsoft Windows 95, 98 and NT, a binary installer is available at ftp:///pub/python/ NumPy.exe. This installer is simple to use (simply double-click on the NumPy.exe file and answer each screen in turn). Running this installer will perform all the needed modifications to your Python installation so that NumPy works.On UnixFor both Unix and other platforms, NumPy must be compiled from the source. The source distribution for NumPy is available as part of the LLNLPython distribution, which is available at ftp:///pub/py-thon/LLNLPython.tgz. This is a gzipped tarfile. It should be uncompressed using the gunzip program and un-tarr’ed with the tar program:csh> gunzip LLNLPython.tgzcsh> tar xf LLNLPython.tarFollow the instructions in the toplevel directory for compilation and installation.The standard Python installer for the Macintosh (available at /download/ download_mac.html) also optionally installs the NumPy extensions, although these are typically not the most up-to-date. .If you have problems getting this part to work, consider contacting a local support person or emailing python-help@ . Alternatively, you can send a description of your problem to the Matrix-SIG (a special in-terest group devoted to the NumPy extension – details are available at /sigs/matrix-sig/). For a more targeted audience, the email address support@ provides technical support for the LLN-LPython distribution, of which NumPy is a part.Just like all Python modules and packages, the Numeric module can be invoked us-ing either the import Numeric form, or the from Numeric import ...form. Because most of the functions we’ll talk about are in the Numeric module, allAs with any other Python module, the Numeric module can be imported one of twoways, using either the “import Numeric”or the “from Numeric import *” form. Inthis document, all of the code samples will assume that they have been preceded bya statement:from Numeric import *•The NumTut package3. The NumTut packageThis chapter leads the user through the installation and testing of the NumTut package,which should have been distributed with this document.Testing the NumTut packageThis tutorial assumes that the NumTut package has been installed. This package contains a few sample images and utility functions for displaying arrays and the like. To find out if NumTut has been installed, do:>>> from NumTut import *>>> view(greece)If a picture of a greek street shows up on your screen, you’re all set, and you can go to the next chapter.Possible reasons for failure:>>> import NumTutTraceback (innermost last):File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?ImportError: No module named NumTutThis message indicates that you do not have the NumTut package installed in your PythonPath. NumTut is dis-tributed along with this document, so it should be available wherever you obtained this document. The main distribution site for this document (and NumTut) is: ftp:///pub/python . To installation NumTut,simply untar the NumTut.tar.gz file so that it is in your PythonPath. For example, on Win32, it can be placed in the main directory of your Python installation. On Unix, it can be placed in the site-packages directory of your installation.Win32>>> import NumTut Traceback (innermost last):[...]ConfigurationError: view needs Tkinter on Win32, and either threads or the IDLE editor"or:ConfigurationError: view needs either threads or the IDLE editor to be enabled.On Win32 (Windows 95, 98, NT), the Tk toolkit is needed to view the images. Additionally, either the Python interpreter needs to be compiled with thread support (which is true in the standard win32 distribution) or you need to call the NumTut program from the IDLE interactive development environment.If you do not wish to modify your Python installation to match these requirements, you can simply ignore the references to the demonstrations which use the view() command later in this document. Using NumPy does not require image display tools, they just make some array operations easier to understand.UnixOn Unix machines, NumTut will work best with a Python interpreter with support (not true in the default con-figuration), with the Tkinter GUI framework available and optionally with the tkImaging add-on (part of the Python Imaging Library). If this is not the case, it will try to use an external viewer which is able to read PPM files. The default viewer is ’xv’ a common image viewer available from ftp:///pub/xv. If xv is not installed, you will get an error message similar to:>>> import NumTutTraceback (innermost last):[...]ConfigurationError: PPM image viewer ’xv’ not foundYou can configure NumTut to use a different image viewer, by typing e.g.:>>> import NumTut>>> NumTut.view.PPMVIEWER = ’ppmviewer’>>> from NumTut import *>>> view(greece)If you do not have a PPM image viewer, you can simply ignore the references to the demonstrations which use the view() command later in this document. Using NumPy does not require image display tools, they just make some array operations easier to understand.•High-Level Overview4. High-Level OverviewIn this chapter, a high-level overview of the extensions is provided, giving the reader thedefinitions of the key components of the system. This section defines the concepts used bythe remaining sections.Numeric Python consists of a set of modules:• (and its helper modules multiarray , umath and fast_umath )This module defines two new object types, and a set of functions which manipulate these objects, as well as convert between them and other Python types. The objects are the new array object (technically called multiarray objects), and universal functions (technically ufunc objects).• (and its helper module ranlib )This module provides a high-level interface to a random-number generator.• (and its helper module fftpack )This module provides a high-level interface to the fast Fourier transform routines implemented in the FFT-PACK library if it is available, or to the compatible but less optimized fftpack library which is shipped with Numeric Python..• (and its helper module lapack_litemodule )This module provides a high-level interface to the linear algebra routines implemented in the LAPACK li-brary if it is available, or to the compatible but less optimized lapack_lite library which is shipped with Numeric Python.Array ObjectsThe array objects are generally homogeneous collections of potentially large numbers of numbers. All numbers in a multiarray are the same kind (i.e. number representation, such as double-precision floating point). Array objects must be full (no empty cells are allowed), and their size is immutable. The specific numbers within them can change throughout the life of the array. The shape of an array is the set of numbers which describe the number of indices of the array in each dimension. The total number of dimensions of an array is called its rank,and is the number of numbers which make up the shape. A vector is a rank-1 array (it has only one dimension along which it can be indexed). A matrix as used in linear algebra is a rank-2 array (it has two dimensions along which it can be indexed). There are also rank-0 arrays, which can hold single scalars -- they have no dimension along which they can be indexed, but they contain a single number. Mathematical operations on arrays return new arrays containing the results of these operations performed elementwise on the arguments of the operation.The size of an array is the total number of elements therein (it can be 0 or more). It does not change throughout the life of the array.The shape of an array is a description of the number of dimensions of the array and its extent in each of these dimensions (it can be 0, 1 or more). It can change throughout the life of the array.The rank of an array is the number of dimensions along which it is defined. It can change throughout the life of the array.The typecode of an array is a single character description of the kind of element it contains (number format,character or Python reference). It determines the itemsize of the array.The itemsize of an array is the number of 8-bit bytes used to store a single element in the array. The total mem-ory used by an array tends to its size times its itemsize, as the size goes to infinity (there is a fixed overhead per array, as well as a fixed overhead per dimension.Here is an example of Python code using the array objects (bold text refers to user input, non-bold text to com-puter output):>>> from Numeric import array>>> vector1 = array((1,2,4,5))>>> print vector1[1 2 3 4 5]>>> matrix1 = array(([0,1],[1,3]))>>> print matrix1[[0 1][1 3]]>>> print vector1.shape, matrix1.shape(5,) (2,2)>>> print vector1 + vector1[ 2 4 6 8 10]]>>> print matrix1 * matrix1[[0 1]# note that this is not the matrix[1 9]]# multiplication of linear algebra Universal FunctionsUniversal functions (ufuncs) are functions which operate on arrays and other sequences. Most ufuncs perform mathematical operations on their arguments, also elementwise.Here is an example of Python code using the ufunc objects:>>> from Numeric import greater, add>>> print greater([1,2,4,5], [5,4,3,2])[0 0 1 1]>>> print add([1,2,4,5], [5,4,3,2])[6 6 7 7]>>> print add.reduce([1,2,4,5])12# 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5Ufuncs are covered in detail in “Ufuncs” on page35.Convenience FunctionsThe Numeric module provides, in addition to the functions which are needed to create the objects above, a set of powerful functions to manipulate arrays, select subsets of arrays based on the contents of other arrays, and other array-processing operations.>>> from Numeric import arange, where, greater>>> data = arange(10)# convenient homolog of builtinrange()>>> print data[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]>>> print where(greater(data, 5), -1, data)[ 0 1 2 3 4 5 -1 -1 -1 -1]# selection facility>>> data = resize(array((0,1)), (9, 9))>>> print data[[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0][1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]•High-Level Overview [0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0][1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1][0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0][1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1][0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0][1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1][0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]]All of the functions which operate on NumPy arrays are described in “Array Functions” on page 43.RandomArrayThe RandomArray module provides a high-level interface to the ranlib number generator. It provides a uni-form distribution generator of pseudo-random numbers, as well as some convenience functions:>>> from RandomArray import random, uniform, randint, permutation>>> print random((5,5))[[ 0.45456091 0.53438765 0.72412336 0.12156525 0.79255972][ 0.14763653 0.93401444 0.38913983 0.97293309 0.45860398][ 0.57528652 0.9801351 0.19893601 0.3396503 0.12224415][ 0.9067847 0.37667559 0.71613152 0.24334284 0.68907028][ 0.9655151 0.29746972 0.42734603 0.72314573 0.66344323]]>>> print uniform(-1.0,1.0, (5,))[-0.2637264 0.12331069 0.11497829 -0.25969645 0.36571342]>>> print randint(10, 20, (4,2))[[19 14][14 11][13 11][13 11]]>>> print permutation(10)[0 5 9 4 2 1 6 8 3 7]>>> print permutation(10)[3 7 1 2 9 0 4 8 5 6]The reader should also be aware that LLNL provides an alternative random number generator, called RNG,which also provides normal, log-normal and exponential distribution number generators (XXX other differenc-es?). It is available at ftp:///pub/python/XXX . See “RandomArray Reference” on page 86 for de-tails.FFTThe FFT module provides a high-level interface to the fast Fourier transform routines which are implemented in the FFTPACK library. It performs one and two-dimensional FFT’s, forward and backwards (inverse FFTs),and includes efficient routines for FFTs of real-valued arrays. It is most efficient for arrays whose size is a pow-er of two.>>> from FFT import fft, inverse_fft>>> data = array((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))>>> print data[ 1. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0.]>>> print fft(data)[ 2.+0.j 0.+0.j 2.+0.j 0.+0.j 2.+0.j 0.+0.j 2.+0.j 0.+0.j]>>> print inverse_fft(fft(data))[ 1.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 1.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j]See “FFT Reference” on page 81 for details.。