



diffusion模型解读## Diffusion Models Explained.Diffusion models are a type of generative model that has gained popularity in recent years for their ability to generate high-quality images, text, and other data from scratch. They work by gradually "denoising" a random input, adding details and structure until a coherent output is produced.Diffusion models are based on the idea of diffusion, a process that spreads out a substance over time. In the context of generative modeling, diffusion is used to spread out the noise in a random input, making it gradually more uniform. By reversing the diffusion process, the model can then learn to generate data that is increasingly structured and detailed.The training process for a diffusion model involves two main steps:1. Forward diffusion: In this step, a random input is gradually "denoised" by adding noise to it over multiple iterations. This process makes the input increasingly uniform and unstructured.2. Reverse diffusion: In this step, the model learns to reverse the diffusion process, generating data that is increasingly structured and detailed. The model is trained on a dataset of real data, and it learns to generate data that matches the distribution of the real data.Diffusion models have several advantages over other generative models. First, they can generate high-quality data that is visually appealing and realistic. Second, they are relatively easy to train, and they can be used to generate a wide variety of data types. Third, they are computationally efficient, and they can be used to generate large amounts of data quickly.However, diffusion models also have some limitations. First, they can be slow to generate data, especially forlarge datasets. Second, they can be difficult to control, and it can be difficult to generate data with specific properties.Despite these limitations, diffusion models are a promising new approach to generative modeling. They havethe potential to revolutionize the way we generate data,and they could be used to create new applications in a wide range of fields.## 中文回答:扩散模型通俗解释。

diffusion 模型原理

diffusion 模型原理

diffusion 模型原理Diffusion model,也叫扩散模型,是一种用来描述信息、影响力、疾病等在人群中的传播和扩散方式的模型。


Diffusion 模型原理主要是基于三种主要因素的相互作用:创新、传播者和接受者。



Diffusion 模型的本质是一个动态过程,它可以分为几个阶段,具体如下:1. 接触阶段:创新与潜在的接受者第一次接触,接触可以通过各种渠道实现,如广告、口碑等。

2. 学习阶段:接触之后,接受者开始了解和了解创新,包括了解其功能、特点、价格、优缺点等信息。

3. 评估阶段:接受者对创新进行评估,评估其是否适合自己,是否可以满足需求等。

4. 采纳阶段:如果评估结果为积极,接受者会采纳创新。

5. 维持阶段:接受者会继续使用和维护创新,并通过推荐等方式将其传播给其他人。

Diffusion 模型的价值在于,它可以帮助企业和组织更好地理解人们的行为和需求,从而更好地推广自己的产品和服务;同时,它也可以帮助政府和社会组织更好地推广公益事业和社会价值观。

例如,在推广一个新的环保理念时,可以通过Diffusion 模型对目标用户进行分类、进行传播策略制定等有针对性的工作,从而更有效地实现绿色环保理念的传播与普及。

总之,Diffusion 模型是一种可以用来描述信息、影响力、疾病等在人群中的传播和扩散方式的模型。




大模型diffusion原理英文回答:Diffusion is a fundamental principle in large-scale modeling that describes the process of how substances or information spread through a system. It is commonly used in various fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, and social sciences to understand how different entities interact and propagate.In physics and chemistry, diffusion refers to the movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. This is driven by the random motion of particles, which leads to a net flow of particles down the concentration gradient. For example, if you open a bottle of perfume in one corner of a room, the scent molecules will diffuse and spread throughout the entire room over time.In biology, diffusion is essential for variousbiological processes. For instance, oxygen and carbondioxide are exchanged in the lungs through the process of diffusion. Oxygen molecules move from the air sacs in the lungs to the bloodstream, where they are transported to different parts of the body. Similarly, carbon dioxide molecules produced as waste in cells diffuse from the bloodstream to the lungs, where they are exhaled.In social sciences, diffusion is used to study the spread of ideas, innovations, or behaviors within a population. It is often referred to as "cultural diffusion" or "social diffusion." For example, the adoption of new technologies, such as smartphones or social media platforms, can spread rapidly through a population through social networks and word-of-mouth. The diffusion of these innovations can be influenced by factors such as social influence, communication channels, and individual characteristics.Large-scale modeling of diffusion involves representing the system as a network of interconnected nodes. Each node represents a location, individual, or entity, and theconnections between nodes represent the pathways through which diffusion occurs. Mathematical models, such as the diffusion equation or network models, are used to simulate and analyze the spread of substances or information in the system.In conclusion, diffusion is a fundamental principle in large-scale modeling that describes how substances or information spread through a system. It is a universal phenomenon that can be observed in various fields, from physics and chemistry to biology and social sciences. Understanding diffusion is crucial for predicting and managing the spread of substances, ideas, or behaviors in complex systems.中文回答:扩散是大规模建模中的一个基本原理,描述了物质或信息在系统中的传播过程。



弥散张量成像(diffusion tensor imaging,DTI)技术综述(转)磁共振弥散成像技术是⽬前在活体上测量⽔分⼦弥散运动与成像的唯⼀⽅法,最常⽤的主要包括弥散加权成橡(diffusion weighted imaging,DWI)和弥散张量成像(diffusion tensor imaging,DTI)。



⼀、概念 1. Diffusion 是指分⼦的随机移动,即布朗运动。

2. DWI 利⽤组织中⽔分⼦弥散运动的特性进⾏成像。




3. DTI 利⽤组织中⽔分⼦弥散的各向异性(anisotropy)来探测组织微观结构的成像⽅法。




表观弥散系数(Apparent Diffusion Coefficient,ADC) 反映体内⽔分⼦向各个⽅向弥散的平均值,⽔分⼦弥散运动越明显,ADC值增⾼。


(2) 对于钢铁材料进行渗碳处理时,x与t的关系是 t∝x²。
例题4:假设对-Wc=0.25%的钢件进行渗碳处理, 要求渗层0.5㎜处的碳浓度为0.8%,渗碳气体浓度为 Wc=1.2%,在950ºC进行渗碳,需要7小时,如果将层 深厚度提高到1.0㎜,需要多长时间?(需要28小时)
4/1/2020 1:40:30 AM
4/1/2020 1:40:30 AM
(1)对于同一扩散系统、扩散系数D与扩散时间t 的乘积为一常数。
例 题 3 : 已 知 Cu 在 Al 中 扩 散 系 数 D , 在 500ºC 和 600ºC分别为4.8×10-14m²s-1和5.3×10-13m²s-1,假 如一个工件在600ºC需要处理10h,若在500ºC处理 时,要达到同样的效果,需要多少小时?(需110.4小 时)
2、时间(t)要足够长 扩散原子在晶格中每一次最多迁移 0.3~0.5n m的距离,要扩散1㎜的距离,必须迁移近亿次。
3、扩散原子要能固溶 扩散原子在基体金属中必须有一定的 固溶度,能溶入基体组元晶格,形成固溶体,才能进行固态扩 散。
4、扩散要有驱动力(driven force) 实际发生的定向扩散 过程都是在扩散驱动力作用下进行的(化学势差:在等温等压 条件下,只要两个区域中各组元存在化学势差,就能产生扩散, 直至化学势差为零)。
表达式: J = -Ddρ/dx
扩散系数D(diffusion coefficient):描述扩散速 度的物理量。它等于浓度梯度(concentiontration gradient)为1时在1秒内通过1㎡面积的物质质量或 原子数。D越大,则扩散越快.

第七章 固体中的扩散

第七章  固体中的扩散

(1)直接换位机制(interstitialcy mechanism), 即相邻两原子直接交换位臵。这会引起很大的点阵瞬时 畸变,需要克服很高的势垒,只能在一些非晶态合金中 出现。
(2) 环形换位机制(crowdion configuration) 同一平面上的数个原子同时进行环形旋转式交换 位臵。这种机制具有较低的势垒,不过需要原子 之间有大量的合作运动,也不容易实现。
7-4 扩散系数
7.3.2 非稳态扩散和Fick第二定律
(1)非稳态扩散(non—steady state diffusion) : 各处的浓度和浓度梯度随时间发生变化的扩散过程 (∂C/∂t≠0,∂J/∂x≠0)。
大多数扩散过程是非稳态 扩散过程,某一点的浓度 是随时间而变化的,这类 过程可由Fick第一定律结合 质量守恒条件进行分析。
C C D t x x
C 2C D 2 t x
它反映扩散物质的浓度、通量和时间、空间的关系。 这是Fick第二定律一维表达式。 对于三维方向的体扩散:
C C C C ( Dx ) ( Dy ) ( Dz ) t x x y y z z
(7.7) 误差函数解 适用条件:无限长棒和半无限长棒。 如:恒定扩散源的渗碳过程。
把总量为M的扩散元素沉淀成非常薄的薄层, 夹在两个厚度为“无限”的全同试样之间进行扩散 近似取沉淀层的厚度为零,则方程的初始、 边界条件为:
x0 x0
C C 0
C 0

材料化学动力学 扩散.

材料化学动力学 扩散.

1.恒定源扩散 以一维扩散为例,讨论两种边界条件,扩散动力 学方程的解,如图: 初始条件:t=0, x ≥0,c(x,o)= 0 边界条件:t>0,x=0, c(x,0)= C0 x 2 用菲克第二定律: C 引入新变量: u C D t 2 则有: t x
dc u D d c . . 2 du 2t t du
因此上述扩散过程可方便地用通过玻璃的气 体量表示:
F Jx A
Dk ( P
1 2
P 1) A l
1 2
引入金属的透气率表示单位厚度金属在单位压 差下、单位面积透过的气体流量
式中D 为扩散系数,S为气体在金属中的溶解 度,则有

p2 )
– 浓度梯度与温度; – 外场作用力(电场、磁场、应力场等),密 度梯度等
• Phenomenological theory • 用数学方法描述一些基本规律
3.1.2 扩散动力学方程(菲克定律)
1、 Fick第一定律(1858,Fick’s first law) 设一单相固溶体,横截面积为A,浓度C不均匀,在dt时间内,沿 方向通过处截面所迁移的物质的量与该处的浓度梯度成正比:
m J x A J xx At
2、 Fick第二定律
C C 2C (D ) D 2 t x x x
C 2C 2C 2C 三维表达式为: D( 2 2 2 ) t x y z
注:第二定律适用于不稳定扩散。 • 用途: • 适用于不同性质的扩散体系;
• • • • 1)扩散通量具有方向性,J为矢量 2)“-” 表示逆浓度梯度方向扩散 3)只适用于稳定扩散 稳定扩散: 扩散质点浓度不随时间变化


这样导致,临床DWI序列及图像有以下特点: 1.分辨率受限; 2.图像有变形(而且变形发生在相位编码方向); 3.化学位移也发生在相位编码方向(传统序列化学位移发生在频率编码方向); 4.对磁化率敏感,易产生磁敏感伪影; 5.序列扫描过程中,梯度震荡,频率高,噪音大。
弥散,英文Diffusion,可以翻译为:弥散、扩散。弥散、扩散运动是指分子(磁共振中主 要是指水分子)在温度的驱使下无规则、随机的、相互碰撞的过程,即布朗运动。
磁共振中水分子的弥散运动遵循什么规律(规则)呢?爱因斯坦提出了一个方程: <X>2=2DTd。方程中,分子弥散或者叫扩散位移的距离(大小)与弥散的时间(测量 时间)和组织弥散系数成正相关。D大约为10-3mm2/s,Td为50ms,x=10μm,即自由水的弥散 距离大约为10μm,这与人体的很多结构是同一个数量级的。当然,弥散还会受到温度大小 的影响。但是在活体磁共振检查中,这个因素可以相对不考虑。
弥散技术可以检测活体水分子的弥散情况,来评估组织情况和推测反映微观形态及结 构特点。
和常规的加权序列相比,弥散序列由于要检测水分子的弥散情况,所以在传统序列 的基础上,施加了一个弥散梯度场。
这个弥散梯度又叫双极梯度。什么意思呢?就是这个梯度的相关是相反的,通过这 个双极梯度,可以检测水分子弥散情况。
B值的公式,如上图所示。B值 反映了施加的弥散梯度的大小 (效能)。公式中,G代表弥 散梯度的幅度,δ代表了一个 梯度施加的持续时间,Δ代表 两个弥散梯度之间的时间。
B值的公式,如上图所示。B值反映了施加的弥散梯度的大小(效能)。公式中,G代表弥散梯度的幅度,δ代表 了一个梯度施加的持续时间,Δ代表两个弥散梯度之间的时间。



为了做好DWI序列,我们要考虑降低EPI factor,还要防止DWI序列相关的伪影。
另外,DWI序列一般都要做脂肪抑制。因为脂肪和水有化学位移,弥散序列 又容易变形。如果不抑制脂肪组织,则DWI序列的化学位移伪影和图像变形会更严重,影响图像诊断。
DWI序列由于其序列特点及原理,容易产生很多伪影。首先是图像变形,如上面我们说的。另外还有一些 弥散序列特有的伪影。 N/2 ghost伪影:这种伪影目前在新型机器上很少出现了。原因是由于采用不足造成的,DWI-EPI序列中, 双极梯度快速切换,采集信号,导致相位信息不能精准。
弥散,英文Diffusion,可以翻译为:弥散、扩散。弥散、扩散运动是指分子(磁共振中主 要是指水分子)在温度的驱使下无规则、随机的、相互碰撞的过程,即布朗运动。
磁共振中水分子的弥散运动遵循什么规律(规则)呢?爱因斯坦提出了一个方程: <X>2=2DTd。方程中,分子弥散或者叫扩散位移的距离(大小)与弥散的时间(测量 时间)和组织弥散系数成正相关。D大约为10-3mm2/s,Td为50ms,x=10μ m,即自由水的弥散 距离大约为10μ m,这与人体的很多结构是同一个数量级的。当然,弥散还会受到温度大小 的影响。但是在活体磁共振检查中,这个因素可以相对不考虑。 弥散技术可以检测活体水分子的弥散情况,来评估组织情况和推测反映微观形态及结 构特点。
前列腺DWI,三个B值,分别为:700,1000,2000。可以发现,B值2000的时候, 前列腺正常腺体的信号均被压下去,对小病灶的检测敏感度增加。
另外,也有医院常规做脊柱DWI扫描的,采用矢状位。推荐B值为500-800这个范围,这样能够权衡 信噪比和敏感度。



What should you be able to do after studying this chapter?
Grasp the the definition of diffusion and have basic understanding of how diffusion takes place.
Fig.6.2 (a) A copper-nickel diffusion couple after a high-temperature heat treatment, showing the alloyed diffusion zone. (b) Schematic representations of Cu (colored circles) and Ni (gray circles) atom locations within the couple. (c) Concentrations of copper and nickel as a function of position across the couple.
Chapter 5 Diffusion
Photograph of a steel gear has been “case hardened”(表面硬 化). The outer surface layer was selectively hardened by a high temperature heat treatment during which carbon from the surrounding atmosphere diffused into the surface. The “case” appears as the dark outer rim (边缘)of that segment (piece, 段)of the gear that has been sectioned(剖开).



Examples hones (as do most new technologies) diffused hierarchically. iPhones, though cheaper, may still be too expensive for most consumers to buy; therefore diffusing hierarchically • Fashion trends tend to diffuse from URBAN to URBAN area (begin in NYC, LA, Milan, Paris rest of world) • McDonalds to every country ever. Ok. Not Really. Only 123/195 Countries have a McDonalds.
innovations are not acceptable/adoptable in a particular culture – e.g. pork, alcohol, contraceptives…
• PHYSICAL BARRIERS – physical barriers on the
surface may prohibit/inhibit adoption
1. With your best friend, think of 3 examples of Contagious diffusion, write them down, and select the best one to share with the class (make it UNIQUE!) 2. Draw a picture that represents Contagious Diffusion do you.



diffuse名词形式Diffusion refers to the process of particles spreading out evenly in a given space. It is a crucial phenomenon that occurs in various natural and artificial systems, ranging from biology to chemistry to physics. Diffusion plays a significant role in the movement of substances in cells, the mixing of gases in the atmosphere, and the dissolution of solutes in solutions.In biological systems, diffusion is essential for the transport of nutrients, gases, and other essential molecules within and between cells. For example, oxygen diffuses from the alveoli in the lungs to the bloodstream, where it is transported to tissues for cellular respiration. Similarly, nutrients such as glucose and amino acids diffuse into cells to provide energy and support growth and repair.In chemistry, diffusion is a key process in the mixing of substances. When a drop of food coloring is added to a glass of water, the dye molecules diffuse throughout the liquid, eventually leading to a uniform color. This process is driven by the random motion of the dye molecules, which results in their spreading out to achieve a state of equilibrium.In physics, diffusion is also observed in the movement of particles in gases and liquids. For instance, the diffusion of perfume molecules in the air leads to the gradual spread of the fragrance throughout a room. This diffusion occurs because the perfume molecules move randomly and collide with air molecules, eventually becoming evenly distributed in the space.Diffusion can be influenced by various factors, including temperature, concentration gradient, and the medium through which the particles are diffusing. Higher temperatures generally increase the rate of diffusion, as the particles have more energy to move and collide with one another. A steeper concentration gradient, or difference in concentration between two regions, also promotes faster diffusion, as particles tend to move from areas of high concentration to low concentration.The medium through which diffusion occurs can also impact the rate of diffusion. For example, diffusion in gases is typically faster than in liquids, as gas particles move more freely and quickly. Similarly, the size and shape of the particles can affect diffusion, with smaller and lighter particles diffusing more rapidly than larger and heavier ones.Overall, diffusion is a fundamental process that drives the movement of particles in a wide range of systems. Its importance in biological, chemical, and physical contexts highlights the universal nature of this phenomenon and its essential role in the functioning of the natural world. By understanding the principles of diffusion, scientists and researchers can better predict and control the movement of substances, leading to advancements in various fields of study.。

simple diffusion名词解释

simple diffusion名词解释

simple diffusion名词解释
简单扩散(Simple diffusion)是指在生物体内,无需使用能量,通过生物膜上的非特异性通道,使物质从高浓度区域自由地向低浓度区域移动的过程。








生成式diffusion扩散模型 -回复

生成式diffusion扩散模型 -回复

生成式diffusion扩散模型-回复生成式扩散模型(Generative Diffusion Model)是一种用于生成数据的机器学习模型。

























材料物理双语课件(8)_Chapter 4 Diffusion

材料物理双语课件(8)_Chapter 4 Diffusion
crystal lattice very time 0.3~0.5 nm,1 nm distance require about one hundred million of transportation
Atoms Soluted in metals: a solid solubility for the atoms in
(3) Divided by the appearance of the new phase or not
Atomic diffusion:crystal lattice invariable, no new phase Reaction diffusion:element concentration of the metals
The diffusion couple with the component of the two ends not affected by diffusion
welding process: determine the initial and boundary condition → inducing middle variable and error function →obtain the whole solve→ using the boundary and initial condition → obtain the special solve
a) Effect of elasticity stress. uphill diffusion decrease the energy induced by elasticity deformation.。 b) Absorb at interface. Decrease the free energy of the whole system c) Different chemical potential. Dominating factor d) Forming compouds. e.g. Fe3C e) Special condition. e.g. eletric field, magnetic field。 e.g. eutectic transformation for liquid alloy; new phase formation and growth in solution solids



基于单细胞表达矩阵的降维方式有很多,例如UMAP,t-SNE,PCA等,而Diffusion Map 是基于非线性的降维模式。

对于单细胞表达谱而言,该降维方法有利于降维出“枝干形状”的效果:文中提到的URD软件既是基于Diffusion Map算法而制作的,Diffusion Map又称为扩散映射,其原理是将空间距离转换为一种状态转移的概率,从而确定随机游走的方向,从而确定细胞发育轨迹该算法分为确定细胞转移方向(Markov矩阵)和降维(Markov矩阵特征值分解降维)两块如图所示,红色为我们的目标细胞,在目标细胞周围有一些细胞,那么Diffusion Map首先计算这些细胞两两之间的距离,进而Affinity化,即如果两个细胞距离较大,那么其概率就小,如果两个细胞距离较小,那么其概率就大。

再将其转换为Markov矩阵,Markov 矩阵表示某细胞向其他细胞转移的概率,因此在网络图中,边的权重可以用Markov矩阵中的元素表示:那么我们的单细胞矩阵形如:每一行代表一个基因(一共m个基因)。


首先,该算法先计算两两细胞之间的距离,转换为距离矩阵D:之后根据一些核函数,例如高斯核函数进行转化,这一步称为Affinity,转移后的矩阵简称为A矩阵, i为行, j为列,其中Dij代表上述的距离矩阵:再之后将A矩阵按行标准化以后,转化为Markov矩阵:将Markov矩阵简称为M矩阵:比方说,cell_1和cell_2对应的值表示cell_1向cell_2转移的概率;而Markov矩阵为实对称矩阵,一定能分解为n个秩为1的方阵乘它们各自的特征值λ然后相加的结果接着我们需要把M矩阵给对角化分解:ψ矩阵为n×n的特征向量方阵那么t表示多重转移的次数,转移多次后可以达到平稳状态;这个对角矩阵的主对角线表示的是M矩阵的特征值(这里只展示3个):此时重构数据点new:容易得到:ψ×M代表将特征向量重新做旋转拉伸,变换后的特征向量带有M矩阵的特征,即细胞间距离的特征。










二、步骤半导体diffusion工艺一般包括以下几个步骤:1. 清洗:将半导体晶片放入酸性或碱性溶液中进行清洗,去除表面的杂质和污染物。

2. 氧化:将半导体晶片放入高温氧气环境中进行氧化处理,形成一层薄膜氧化物(如SiO2),用于保护表面和调控掺杂过程中的扩散速率。

3. 掺杂:使用掺杂源(如磷、硼等)将杂质原子引入半导体晶体,改变其电学性质。



4. 扩散:在高温下,使掺杂材料中的原子在半导体晶体中自由迁移,形成掺杂区域。


5. 清洗和退火:在扩散完成后,需要进行清洗和退火处理,去除残留的杂质和应力,提高晶体的质量和稳定性。






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Chapter 9 Diffusion
I. Diffusion Mechanism 1. Interstitial Diffusion 2. Substitutional Diffusion 3. Interstitialcy diffusion 4. Simplified model of diffusivity II. Diffusion Equation and Distribution of Impurities 1. Fick’s Law & diffusion equation 2. Diffusion coefficient 3. Predeposition (constant surface concentration diffusion) 4. Drive-in Diffusion (constant total dopant diffusion) III. Diffusion impurities and sources IV. Field aided extrinsic diffusion V. Concentration dependence and atomistic model of diffusion VI. Diffusion coefficient and depth profile of B, As, P VII. Oxidation effect on diffusion VIII. Diffusion in Poly Si
“创造行为往往是瞬间发生的事 但它却需要 创造行为往往是瞬间发生的事, 创造行为往往是瞬间发生的事 对研究客体的艰苦工作和全面深入了解。 对研究客体的艰苦工作和全面深入了解。” “创造性还需要一种能在不同思路间建立连 接的奇异能力。 接的奇异能力。” 我说‘奇异能力’ “我说‘奇异能力’,因为其过程往往显得 不合逻辑。 不合逻辑。” 我说‘瞬间发生’ 因为往往是在逝瞬间, “我说‘瞬间发生’,因为往往是在逝瞬间, 偶然触发建立起那种连接。 偶然触发建立起那种连接。”
Substitutional diffusion depends on two factors: A vacancy (called also Shottky defect) at the neighboring position Impurity atom has enough energy to overcome the potential barrier ( Ea)
For Si lattice, each lattice site has four tetrahedral situated neighbors A single jump has projections of length d/31/2 along each of the crystal axes
The net flow of atoms across the plane p in x-direction
∆n ( n1 − n2 ) / 2 f Ad = = ( N1 − N 2 ) ∆t 1/ f 2 3
In a single jump period of time 1/f, 1/2 of the moving atoms jump right while the other 1/2 jump left, on the average (f-probability for an impurity atom to complete a translation)
I. Diffusion Mechanism
Interstitial diffusion (Li, K, Na, Ar, H, …--I, VIII Group elements in Si) Substitutional diffusion (B, P, As, Sb…)
Diffusion coefficient: DS<< DI
Kick-out diffusion (填隙式扩散)
Interstitialcy diffusion (推填式扩散)
4. Simplified model of diffusivity (or called diffusion coefficient)
*For substitutional diffusion: -- by jump motion between tetrahedral site of spacing d
E0 ν exp(− ) kT
( v– Frequency of atom vibration)
*Total probability for an impurity atom to complete a translation
Eo Es Eo + E s f = zν exp(− ) exp(− ) = zν exp(− ) kT kT kT
Z -- Number of neighbors (Z=4 for Si)
Eo ~ E m
Eo + Es > Em
∴ f << f m
∴ l assisted diffusion
Combined interstitial-substitutional motion-An interstitial Si atom displaces a substitutional impurity atom, driving it to an interstitial site where it diffuses some distance before it returns to a next substitutional site. Therefore, the Si interstitials play a role in controlling diffusion together with Si vacancies B and P atoms may diffuse by both substitutional and interstitialcy mechanisms in dependence on the processing condition; interstitialcy diffusion particularly important at T>1000°C °
Some words of William G. Pfann
“The creation act is an ephemeral thing, which requires first of all hard work and total absorption in the project” “Creativity also requires an uncanny ability to connect disparate ideas.” “I say uncanny because the process certainly does not appear logical” “And I say ephemeral because there’s just fleeting moment, triggered by accident, in which the connection is made”
Diffusion for ULSI technology:
As an impurity doping method—less important than before; it is replaced by ion implant in IC fabrication As an effect in junction and device structure formation process— still important Combination of implant and diffusion Main technique for doping engineering of Si IC devices
Diffusion as a doping method
Diffusion technique for semiconductor device was invented by Pfann in 1952
Pfann’s patent (1952) – Diffusion technique for Si, Ge, to alter the type of conductivity
*Concentration of Schottky defects at certain T in crystal
by statistics:
Es ns = N exp(− ) kT
N – Number of Lattice Positions Es -- Activation Energy of Schottky Defects
Certain interstitial positions in crystals, especially the impurity with smaller atomic radius can occupy such interstitial positions and move from one to another neighboring interstitial position. There is an energy barrier between two interstitial positions ( Em ~ 1 eV) Probability of an interstitial atom to jump:
Advantage and problem of diffusion
Diffusion doping---no damage created as it in ion implantation Diffusion doping limited to solid solubility and difficulty in controlling impurity profile