1906英国海上保险法(中英文对照版).txt我的人生有A 面也有B面,你的人生有S面也有B 面。
1906海上保险法海上保险(Marine Insurance)第1条:海上保险的定义(Marine insurance defined)A contract of marine insurance is a contract whereby the insurer undertakes to indemnify the assured, in manner and to the extent thereby agreed, against marine losses, that is to say, the losses incident to marine adventure.海上保险合同,是一种保险人按照约定的方式和范围,对与海上冒险有关的海上灭失,向被保险人承担赔偿责任的合同。
第2条海陆混合风险(Mixed sea and land risks)2.(1) A contract of marine insurance may, by its express terms, or by a usage of trade, be extended so as to protectthe assured against losses on inland water or on any land risk which may be incidental to any sea voyage.(2) Where a ship in course of building, or the launch of a ship, or any adventure analogous to a marine adventure, iscovered by a policy in the form of a marine policy, theprovisions of this Act, in so far as applicable, shall apply thereto;but, except by this section provided, nothing in this Act shall alter or affect any rule of law applicable to anycontract of insurance other than a contract of marineinsurance as by this Act defined.(1)海上保险合同,得用明示条款或经由某种贸易习惯,扩展保障被保险人在与海上航程有关的内河或任何陆地风险中的损失。
1906英国海上保险法(中英文对照版)海上保险(Marine Insurance)第1条:海上保险的定义(Marine insurance defined)A contract of marine insurance is a contract whereby the insurer undertakes to indemnify the assured, in manner and to the extent thereby agreed, against marine losses, that is to say, the losses incident to marine adventure.海上保险合同,是一种保险人按照约定的方式和范围,对与海上冒险有关的海上灭失,向被保险人承担赔偿责任的合同。
第2条海陆混合风险(Mixed sea and land risks)2.(1) A contract of marine insurance may, by its express terms, or by a usage of trade, be extended so as to protect the assured against losses on inland water or on any land risk which may be incidental to any sea voyage.(2) Where a ship in course of building, or the launch of a ship, or any adventure analogous toa marine adventure, is covered by a policy in the form of a marine policy, the provisions of this Act, in so far as applicable, shall apply thereto;but, except by this section provided, nothing in this Act shall alter or affect any rule of law applicable to any contract of insurance other than a contract of marine insurance as by this Act defined.(1)海上保险合同,得用明示条款或经由某种贸易习惯,扩展保障被保险人在与海上航程有关的内河或任何陆地风险中的损失。
电力事业营建阶段 - 运输风险 (1)
Loading & Unloading 装卸货 Physical Loss or Damage 财产损失 General Average 共同海损 Delay in Start-Up 延迟运转 Extra/Expedite Expenses 额外/加急费用 Concealed Damage 隐藏性损失 Seizure/Barratry 扣押/船长船员非法行为
施工进度 成本 施工品质 变更设计 利率上升 Consequential damages 不可抗力因素(Force majeure) 汇率波动
融资项目保险应考虑的事项 (2)
保险顾问的选择: 顾问承做类似计划的经验 能否提供最符合客户需求的各项合约中所需的保险 条款 谁最有与融资银行和统包商谈判的经验 谁能提供最具成本效益的保险计划 谁才能符合发电站的最大利益
大型电力项目建筑工程的 风险与保险
大型电力项目建筑工程风险 大型电力项目建筑工程保险 大型电力项目建筑工程保险的采购 项目风险管理与保险服务
Avoid 避免风险 Transfer 转移风险 Assume 自留风险
1906海上保险法海上保险(Marine Insurance)第1条:海上保险的定义(Marine insurance defined)A contract of marine insurance is a contract whereby the insurer undertakes to indemnify the assured, in manner and to the extent thereby agreed, against marine losses, that is to say, the losses incident to marine adventure.海上保险合同,是一种保险人按照约定的方式和范围,对与海上冒险有关的海上灭失,向被保险人承担赔偿责任的合同。
第2条海陆混合风险(Mixed sea and land risks)2.(1) A contract of marine insurance may, by its express terms, or by a usage of trade, be extended so as to protectthe assured against losses on inland water or on any land risk which may be incidental to any sea voyage.(2) Where a ship in course of building, or the launch of a ship, or any adventure analogous to a marine adventure, iscovered by a policy in the form of a marine policy, theprovisions of this Act, in so far as applicable, shall apply thereto;but, except by this section provided, nothing in this Act shall alter or affect any rule of law applicable to anycontract of insurance other than a contract of marineinsurance as by this Act defined.(1)海上保险合同,得用明示条款或经由某种贸易习惯,扩展保障被保险人在与海上航程有关的内河或任何陆地风险中的损失。
海上保险(ppt 37)
• 保险货物的损失有时是由于第三者(如 承运人)的过失或疏忽所造成的,被保 险人从保险人处取得保险赔款时,应当 把对该第三者的损害赔偿请求权转让给 保险人,由保险人代位行使被保险人的 一切权利和追偿要求,就是代位权
• 1、表示允诺的担保,即被保险人保证要做某 种事情或不做某种事情,或保证履行某种条件, 或保证某种事情的存在或不存在
• 2、是指保险合同的一项条款,根据此条款, 保险人对某种损失可不承担赔偿责任
• 海上保险的“担保”一般是指第一种含义。如 果被保险人违反其担保,保险人对于违反担保 之后所发生的损失可解除一切责任。
• 无论全部损失或部分损失,保险人 均有 权取得代位权
• 委付仅适用于推定全损,它是在保险标 的物发生推定全损时,由被保险人把保 险标的物的所有权转让给保险人,而向 保险人请求赔付全部保险金额
• 代位权是对有过失的第三者的追偿权, 它既适用于全部损失,也适用于部分损 失
• 一份CIF合同,出售可可共15吨,卖方投 保(仓至仓),保险单抬头为卖方。货 物从卖方仓库到码头装船前发生损失。 当买方凭卖方转让的保险单向保险公司 索赔时,保险公司以买方对这批货物不 具有保险利益为由,拒绝赔偿。试问在 上述情况下,买方能否有权凭保险单向 保险公司索赔?为什么?
• 每批货物的价值应从货物的总价值中减除,逐 笔累计,直至总价值保尽为止,保单即告终止
预约保单 (open cover)
• 又称开口保单,是经常从事进出口业务的外贸 公司为了简化投保手续而采用的保单
1906英国海上保险法(中英文对照版)来源:更新时间:1906海上保险法海上保险(Marine Insurance)第1条:海上保险的定义(Marine insurance defined)A contract of marine insurance is a contract whereby the insurer undertakes to indemnify the assured, in manner and to the extent thereby agreed, against marine losses, that is to say, the losses incident to marine adventure.海上保险合同,是一种保险人按照约定的方式和范围,对与海上冒险有关的海上灭失,向被保险人承担赔偿责任的合同。
第2条海陆混合风险(Mixed sea and land risks)2.(1) A contract of marine insurance may, by its express terms, or by a usage of trade, be extended so as to protect the assured against losses on inland water or on any land risk which may be incidental to any sea voyage.(2) Where a ship in course of building, or the launch of a ship, or any adventure analogous to a marine adventure, is covered by a policy in the form of a marine policy, the provisions of this Act, in so far as applicable, shall apply thereto;but, except by this section provided, nothing in this Act shall alter or affect any rule of law applicable to any contract of insurance other than a contract of marine insurance as by this Act defined.(1)海上保险合同,得用明示条款或经由某种贸易习惯,扩展保障被保险人在与海上航程有关的内河或任何陆地风险中的损失。
海洋运输货物保险英语Marine Cargo Insurance: A Comprehensive GuideMarine cargo insurance is a crucial aspect of international trade, protecting shippers and consignees from the risks associated with transporting goods by sea. This insurance covers losses or damages to cargo that may occur during the voyage, whether due to natural disasters, accidents, or other unforeseen events. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the essentials of marine cargo insurance, including its types, coverage, exclusions, and the process of obtaining it.Types of Marine Cargo InsuranceThere are several types of marine cargo insurance available, each designed to address specific risks and needs. The most common types include:1. $$All Risks Insurance$$: This type of insurance covers all risks of loss or damage to the insured cargo, except for those specifically excluded in the policy. It provides the broadest coverage and is often recommended for high-value or perishable goods.2. **Named PerilsInsurance**: This insurance covers losses or damages to cargo arising from specific, named perils such as fire, piracy, stranding, and other listed events. The coverage is narrower than all risks insurance but may be sufficient for certain types of cargo and voyages. 3. **Total Loss Insurance**: This insurance covers only the total loss of the insured cargo, either by sinking or disappearance of the vessel. It does not cover partial losses or damages.Coverage and ExclusionsThe coverage provided by marine cargo insurance typically includes losses or damages to cargo arising from various causes such as fire, explosion, theft, piracy, collision, stranding, and natural disasters like hurricanes or earthquakes. However, there are certain exclusions that are typically applied to marine cargo insurance policies. These exclusions may vary depending on the type of insurance and the specific terms of the policy, but common exclusions include:* Losses or damages caused by inherent vice or nature of the cargo * Losses or damages arising from delay in transit * Losses or damages caused by inadequate packagingor labeling * Losses or damages due to war or acts of terrorismIt is crucial to carefully review the policy terms and conditions to understand the specific coverage and exclusions applicable to your cargo.Process of Obtaining Marine Cargo InsuranceObtaining marine cargo insurance involves several steps. Here is a general outline of the process:1. **Determine the Need for Insurance**: Evaluate the risks associated with your cargo and determine the level of coverage you require. Consider the type of cargo, its value, the route of transportation, and any potential hazards or exposures.2. **Contact an Insurance Provider**: Contact a marine cargo insurance provider or broker to discuss your insurance needs. Provide information about your cargo, including its nature, quantity, and destination.3.**Obtain Quotations and Compare Policies**: Obtain quotations from different insurance providers and compare the coverage, exclusions, premiums, and other terms and conditions. Choose the policy that best suits your needsand budget. 4. **Complete the Application Process**:Provide the required information and documents to the insurance provider to complete the application process.This may include details about the shipper, consignee, vessel, and voyage. 5. **Receive the Insurance Policy**: Once the application is approved, you will receive the insurance policy, which outlines the coverage, exclusions, and other terms and conditions of the insurance. Keep this policy in a safe place and refer to it in case of anyclaims or disputes.Claims HandlingIn the event of a loss or damage to your cargo, it is crucial to promptly notify your insurance provider andfollow the claims handling procedure outlined in the policy. Typically, you will be required to provide evidence of the loss or damage, such as photos, survey reports, and other relevant documents. The insurance provider will then evaluate the claim and determine the extent of coverage and compensation.It is important to note that claims handling can be a complex and time-consuming process, so it is advisable tocooperate fully with the insurance provider and provide all necessary information and documentation in a timely manner. ConclusionMarine cargo insurance is a crucial aspect of international trade, providing shippers and consignees with protection against the risks associated with transporting goods by sea. By understanding the types of insurance available, their coverage and exclusions, and the process of obtaining it, you can make informed decisions and ensure that your cargo is adequately protected. Remember to carefully review the policy terms and conditions, and be prepared to cooperate fully with the insurance provider in the event of a claim.。
1906海上保险法海上保险(Marine Insurance)第1条:海上保险的定义(Marine insurance defined)A contract of marine insurance is a contract whereby the insurer undertakes to indemnify the assured, in manner and to the extent thereby agreed, against marine losses, that is to say, the losses incident to marine adventure.海上保险合同,是一种保险人按照约定的方式和范围,对与海上冒险有关的海上灭失,向被保险人承担赔偿责任的合同。
第2条海陆混合风险(Mixed sea and land risks)2.(1) A contract of marine insurance may, by its express terms, or by a usage of trade, be extended so as to protect the assured against losses on inland water or on any land risk which may be incidental to any sea voyage.(2) Where a ship in course of building, or the launch of a ship, or any adventure analogous to a marine adventure, is covered by a policy in the form of a marine policy, the provisions of this Act, in so far as applicable, shall apply thereto;but, except by this section provided, nothing in this Act shall alter or affect any rule of law applicable to any contract of insurance other than a contract of marine insurance as by this Act defined.(1)海上保险合同,得用明示条款或经由某种贸易习惯,扩展保障被保险人在与海上航程有关的内河或任何陆地风险中的损失。
海洋运输货物保险条款(附英文)Ocean Cargo Insurance PolicyThis policy sets out the terms and conditions of coverage for ocean cargo shipments.Insured PerilThis policy covers loss or damage to the insured goods caused by risks of transport, including but not limited to: fire, explosion, stranding, sinking, collision, piracy, theft and non-delivery.CoverageCoverage is provided from the time the goods leave the warehouse or place of storage of the insured, until the actual or constructive delivery at the final destination. In-transit storage is also covered.ExclusionsThe following losses or damages are excluded from coverage:1. Loss or damage caused by defective or inadequate packaging or stuffing2. Loss or damage caused by inherent vice or nature of the goods3. Loss or damage caused by delay or loss of market4. Loss or damage caused by insolvency or financial default of any party5. Loss or damage resulting from war, civil commotion orterrorism6. Loss or damage caused by nuclear radiation or contamination7. Loss or damage caused by willful misconduct or fraudulent acts by the insured.ValuationThe value of the goods shall be the invoice value plus all freight, insurance and other charges required to deliver the goods to the final destination.DeductibleThe deductible for each loss is specified in the policy.SubrogationThe insurer shall be subrogated to all the rights and remedies of the insured in respect of any loss or damage covered by this policy.Cancellation and TerminationThe insured may cancel the policy by written notice to theinsurer at any time. The insurer may cancel the policy by written notice to the insured in the event of fraud, misrepresentation ornon-payment of premium.Jurisdiction and Governing LawThis policy is subject to the laws and jurisdiction of the place where the insurer has its principal place of business.。
沿海内河保赔险 英文条款
沿海内河保赔险英文条款Coastal and Inland Marine Insurance (CIMI)是沿海内河保赔险的英文名称。
以下是该保险的一般条款的解释:1. Coverage: The CIMI policy provides coverage forgoods and property transported by waterways, including coastal and inland waterways. It covers risks such as loss, damage, theft, and any other perils specified in the policy.2. Insured Property: The policy covers a wide range of property, including cargo, equipment, machinery, and any other goods or materials being transported by water. It may also include coverage for vessels, boats, and other watercraft used for transportation.3. Geographical Scope: The policy covers both coastal and inland waterways, which means it provides protectionfor goods transported along the coastlines as well as those transported on rivers, lakes, and other inland water bodies.4. Perils Covered: The policy typically covers perils such as fire, explosion, sinking, collision, capsizing, theft, piracy, jettison, and other similar risks. However, it is important to review the specific policy to understand the exact perils covered.5. Exclusions: Like any insurance policy, the CIMI policy also has exclusions. Common exclusions may include losses due to war, nuclear hazards, intentional misconduct, wear and tear, inherent vice, delay, and certain natural disasters. It is crucial to carefully review the policy to understand the specific exclusions.6. Valuation: The policy may specify the method of valuation for the insured property. It could be based on the actual cash value, replacement cost, or a predetermined agreed value. The valuation method can significantly impact the claim settlement process.7. Deductibles and Limits: The policy may have deductibles, which are the amounts the insured needs to pay before the insurance coverage kicks in. It may also havecoverage limits, which are the maximum amounts the insurer will pay for a covered loss. These deductibles and limits can vary depending on the policy and should be carefully reviewed.8. Claims Process: In the event of a covered loss, the insured needs to promptly notify the insurer and provideall necessary documentation and evidence to support the claim. The insurer will then assess the claim and determine the appropriate compensation based on the policy terms and conditions.It is important to note that the above information is a general overview of the typical provisions found in a CIMI policy. Actual policy terms and conditions may vary depending on the insurance company and the specific policy chosen. It is always advisable to carefully review the policy documents and consult with an insurance professional to fully understand the coverage and any specific terms and conditions.。
Insurance保险Propety insurance 财产保险Personal insurance 人身保险Marine insurance 海上保险(水险)non- marine insurance非水险Risk 风险pure risk 纯粹风险Perils insurance against 保险事故Original insurance 原始保险Reinsurance 再保险Insurance contract 保险合同Insurer 保险人Insured,assured 被保险人Cover 承保范围Subject-matter insured 保险标的Beneficiary 保险受益人Application 投保单for insurance 投保人Policy 保险单Benefits from the employment of ship 承包营运收入Seamen’s wage & other award 船员工资和其他报酬Liability to third party 对第三人的责任Other subject-matter insurance 其他海上保险的标的Insured amount 保险金额Insurance cercificate 保险凭证Duration of insurance 保险期间Insurance agent 保险代理人Insurance broker 保险经纪人Insurance surveyor 保险公证检验人Average adjuster 海损理算人General average 共同海损Lloy’s劳合社Foreign-related contract 涉外合同Contract of indemnity 保险合同Princeple of indemnity 赔偿原则Deductible 免赔额Under-insurance 不足额保险Subrogation 代位求偿权Double insurance 重复保险Contribution 分摊Contract of qualified indemnity 限制性赔偿合同Cover 赔偿责任范围Perils insured against 承保危险Losses covered 承保损失Principle of causation 因果关系原则Causa proxima 禁因原则Ordinary wear and tear 通常磨损Ordinary breakage、Leakage or loss 通常损耗Inherent vice or nature 本身的的缺陷和自然特性Intentional act 故意行为Exclusion 除外责任War risks 战争险Strike risks 罢工险Named risks 列明风险All risks 一切险Total loss only 全损险speculation 射倖合同Pinciple of insurance interest 保险利益原则Measurement of indemnity 财产保险赔偿的限度Contract on morality 对人合同Contract for economy assurance 经济保障合同Principle of good faith 诚实信用原则Duty of disclosure 告知义务Utmost good faith 最大诚信Contract of adhension 随意合同Contract proferemtem rule 逆利益解释法则Insurance interest 保险利益Premium 保险费Consideration 对价Call会费Scope of cover保险人的赔偿责任范围Risks covered 承包风险Warehouse to warehouse clause 仓库到仓库条款Transit clause 运送条款Priciple of insurable interest 保险利益原则Princeple of indemnity 赔偿原则Moral hazard 道德风险V alued insurance 定值保险Outsourcing 外包Lien holder 海事请求人Ship’s apparels 船舶属具Stores 物料Spare parts 备件Provisions 给养Dunnage 垫舱物料Ballast 压载物Living animals 活牲畜Deck goods 甲板货On deck risks 舱面险Co-insurance 共同保险Loss of hire insurance 运费保险Freight collected 待收运费Advanced freight 预付运费Anticipated freight 预期运费Chartered freight 租船运费Collision liability 船舶碰撞责任P&I club 船东互保协会Mortgagee 抵押权人Mortgagor 抵押人The particular object 特定物Under-insurance不足额保险Time insurance 定期保险V oyage insurance 航次保险Mixed insurance 混合保险Port of departure 起运港Slip 承包条Lien on policy 留置权Underwriting agent 签单代理人Survey agent 检验代理人Claim agent 理赔代理人Offer 要约counter-offer反要约Acceptance 承诺Warranty 保证Renewal 续订revival 恢复Cover note 暂保单Floating policy 浮动保险单Single policy 单一保险单Collective policy 集合保险单Fleet insurance船队保险Cancelation clause 解约条款Pre-contracted duty 合同前义务Prudent insurance 谨慎的保险人Automatic termination 自动终止Endorsement in blank 空白背书Assignor 让与人Assighee 受让人In good faith 善意Intention 合意Duty of disclosure 告知义务Ship’s seaworthiness 船舶适航Duty of sue & labour Abandonment 委托Limitation of time for claims 索赔时限Proximate cause 近因Chain of causation 因果链Total loss only 全损险Salvage charges 救助费用Docking expenses 干坞费用FPA –free from particular average 平安险W A-With average 水渍险Successive losses 连续损失Constructive total losses 推定全损Actual total losses 实际全损Reansonably necessary 合理必要的Special compensation 特别补偿共同海损:GA sacrifice 共同海损牺牲GA expenditure 共同海损费用Contribution value 分摊价值Improper packing 包装不当Latent defect 潜在缺陷Indirect loss 间接损失Correspondence 通信代理人Sisiteship clause 姐妹船条款Rateable proportion clause 比例分担条款Excess of loss insurance clause 超额责任保险条款Inchmaree clause 殷其玛瑞条款Perils of the seas 海上灾害Piracy 海盗Stranding 搁浅Grounding 擦浅Contact with FFO 触碰其他固定或浮动物体或其他物体Civil war 内战Revolution 革命rebellion 叛乱insurrection 造反Hostitle act 敌对行为Warlike operation 类似战争行为Seizure 扣押Confiscation 没收Strikes 罢工Malicious acts 恶意行为Deviation 绕航Forced discharge 被迫卸货Reshipment /transshipment 重新装载/转载一般附加险:Theft ,pilferage&non-delivery clause value EPND 偷窃、提货不着险Fresh water &/or rain damage clause 淡水、雨淋险条款Shortage clause 短量险条款Intermixture & contamination clause 混杂、玷污险条款Leakage clause 渗漏险条款Klash & breakage clause 破损、破粹险条款Tain of odour clause 串味险条款Sweat & heating clause 受潮、受热险条款Hook damage clause 够损险条款Breakage of packing clause 包装破裂险条款Rust clause 锈损险条款特别附加险Import duty clause 进口关税险条款On dece clause 舱面货物条款Aflatoxin clause 黄曲霉素险条款Rejection clause 拒收险条款Risks for frozen products 冷藏险All risks for frozen products 冷藏一切险Both to blame collision clause 双方有责任碰撞条款Defend 抗辩Hull insurance clauses 船舶险条款Leading underwriters 首席保险人Princeple of subrogation 代位求偿原则Open policy 预约保险单Floating policy 流动保险单Original policy 保险单正本Packing list 装箱单Weight memo 磅码单Survey report 检验报告Sea protest 海事报告Ceitification of loss or damage 货损货差证明Statement of claim 索赔清单Single liability principle 单一责任原则‘Cross liability principle 交叉责任原则。
IV. Organization, design and process of presentation
1. General introduction of text by teacher. Before the process, the teacher asks students if they have any difficult during the preview.
·to understand the expressions of marine insurance in international trade
·to learn some basic knowledge of marine insurance in international trade
·require students to remember all the terms and expressions
伦敦保险协会海运货物保险条款的英文简称为 ICC,该条款有六种保险险别:(ICC(A)、 ICC(B)、ICC(C)、战争险、罢工险和恶意 损害险,其中除恶意损害险不能单独投保外,其 余五种险别都可以单独投保。保险公司的承保范 围:ICC(A)相当于我国海运货物保险的一切险、 ICC(B)相当于我国海运货物保险的水渍险、 ICC(C)相当于我国海运货物保险的平安险。以 上三种险别,保险公司的承保责任起讫适用于 “仓至仓条款”。我保险公司可根据客户的要求, 酌情按ICC条款的有关规定承保。
(6) Institute of London underwriters and institute transit clause伦敦保险协会海运货物保险条款
(7) Major types of policy (8) Endorsement of the insurance policy (9) Premium (10) Cargo insurance claims
永安财产保险股份有限公司伦敦协会定期船舶保险条款1 航行1.1 保险船舶在任何时候按本保险的各项规定承保,允许在有或没有引航员的情况下开航或航行、试航、和协助、拖带遇难船舶,但保证保险船舶不得被他船拖带,除非是习惯性的或需要协助被拖至第一安全港口或地点,也不得根据被保险人、船东、船舶管理人和/或租船人事先安排的合同从事拖带或救助服务,但本款不排除与装卸有关的习惯拖带。
1.2 保险船舶用于在海上装卸到另一条船或从另一条船装卸到本船的商业行为(不包括另一船为港口或近岸的小船),由于此种装卸作业,包括两船驶近、并排停靠和驶离,造成保险船舶的损失或损害以及对他船的责任,本保险不负责赔偿,除非船舶在从事这种作业前,已事先通知了保险人,并且双方同意了修改的承保条件和增加保险费。
1.3 如果保险船舶的开航(不论有无载货)旨在(a)拆船或(b)为拆船而出售,那么对保险船舶在如此开航后发生损失或损害的任何赔偿,应限于船舶发生损失或损坏时报废船舶的市场价值,除非已事先通知了保险人,并已同意了修改承保条件、保险价值和保险人要求的保险费。
2 延续本保险期满时,如果保险船舶尚在海上,或在避难中,或在避难港,或在中途港,那么只要事先通知保险人,并按月比例支付超期保险费后,本保险继续负责承保至抵达其目的港为止。
除非保险人书面同意作相反的同意,本保险在下列情况下自动终止:4.1 保险船舶的船级社变更,或者其船级变更、暂停、中止、撤回或期限届满,但如果船舶尚在海上航行,该自动终止可延迟至船舶抵达下一个港口时。
第六章海上保险条款§6-1 中保船舶险PICC Marine Insurance (Hull Insurance Clauses)The subject matter of this insurance is the vessel, including its hull, lifeboats, machinery, equipments, instruments, tackles, bunkers and stores.This insurance is classified into Total Loss Cover an All Risk Cover.I. Scope of Cover1. Total Loss CoverThis insurance covers total loss of the Insured vessel caused by:1) earthquake, volcanic eruption, lightning or other natural calamities;2) grounding, collision, contact with any object, fixed, floating or otherwise, or other perils of the sea;3) fire or explosions;4) violent theft by persons from outside the vessel or piracy;5) jettison;6) breakdown of or accident to nuclear installations or reactors;7) this insurance also covers total loss of the Insured vessel caused by:(1) accidents in loading, discharging or shifting cargo or fuel;(2) any latent defect in a machinery or hull of the vessel;(3) wrongful acts will fully committed by the master or crew to the prejudiceof the Insured interest;(4) negligence of the master crew or pilots repairers or charterers;(5) acts of any governmental authority to prevent or minimize a pollutionhazard resulting from damage to the vessel caused by risks insured against,provided such loss has not resulted from want of due diligence by theInsured, Owners or Managers.2. All Risks CoverThis insurance covers total loss of or partial loss of or damage to the Insured vessel arising from the causes under the Total Loss Cover and also covers the under-mentioned liability or expense:1) Collision Liabilities(1) This insurance covers legal liabilities of the Insured as a consequenceof the Insured vessel coming into collision or contact with any othervessel, or any object, fixed, floating or otherwise. However, this clausedoes not cover any liabilities in respect of: loss of life, personal injuryor illness; cargo or other property on or engagements of the Insured vessel;removal or disposal of obstructions, wrecks, cargoes or any other thingwhatsoever; pollution or contamination of any property or thing whatsoever(including cost of preventive measures and clean-up operations) exceptpollution or contamination of the other vessel with which the Insuredvessels is in collision or property on such other vessel; indirect expensesarising from delay to or loss of use of any object, fixed, floating orotherwise.(2) Where the Insured vessel is in collision with another vessel and bothvessels are to blame, then unless the liability of one or both vesselsbecomes limited by law, the indemnity under this clause shall be calculatedon the principle of cross liabilities. This principle also applies whenthe Insured vessel comes into contact with an object.(3) The insurer’s liability (including legal costs) under this clause shallbe in addition to his liability under the other provisions of thisinsurance but shall not exceed the Insured amount of the vessel herebyinsured in respect of each separate occurrence.2) General Average and Salvage(1) This insurance covers the Insured vessel’s proportion of general average,salvage or salvage charges, but in case of general average sacrifice of thevessel, the Insured may recover fully for such loss without obtainingcontributions from other parties.(2) General average shall be adjusted in accordance with the relative contractand of governing law and practice. However, where the contract of affreightment or carriage does not so provide, the adjustment shall be according to the Beijing Adjustment Rules or similar provisions of other rules.(3) Where all the contributing interests are owned by the Insured, or whenthe Insured vessel sails in ballast and there ate no other contributing interests the provisions of the Beijing Adjusting Rules (excluding Article5), or similar provisions of other rules if expressly agreed, shall applyas if the interests were owned by different persons. The voyage for this purpose shall be deemed to continue from the port or place of departure until the arrival of the vessel at the first port or place of call for bunkering only. If at any such intermediate port or place there is an abandonment of the adventure originally contemplated the voyage shall thereupon be deemed to be terminated.3) Sue and Labour(1) Where there is loss or damage to the vessel from a peril insured againstor where the vessel is in immediate danger from such a peril, and as a result reasonable expenditure is incurred by the Insured in order to avert or minimize a loss which would be recoverable under this insurance, the Insurer will be liable for the expenses so incurred by the Insured. This clause shall not apply to general average, salvage or salvage charges or to expenditure otherwise provided for in this insurance.(2) The insurer’s liability under this clause is in addition to his liabilityunder the other provisions of this insurance, but shall not exceed an amount equal to the sum insured in respect of the vessel.II. ExclusionsThis insurance does not cover loss, damage, liability or expense cause by:1. Unseaworthiness including not being properly manned, equipped or loaded, providedthat the Insured knew, or should have know, of such unseaworthiness when the vessel was sent to sea;2. Negligence or intentional act of the Insured and his representative;3. Ordinary wear and tear, corrosion, rottenness or insufficient upkeep, or defectin material which the Insured should have discovered with due diligence, or replacement of or repair to any part in unsound condition as mentioned above.4. Risks covered and excluded in the Hull War and Strikes Clauses of this Company.III. Deductible1. Partial loss caused by a peril insured against shall be payable subject to thedeductible stipulated in the policy for each separate accident or occurrence (excluding claims under collision liability, salvage and general average, and sue and labour).2. Claims for damage by heavy weather occurring during a single sea passage betweentwo successive ports shall be treated as being due to one accident.This clause shall not apply to a claim for total loss of vessel, and the reasonable expense of sighting the bottom after grounding, if incurred specially for that purpose.IV. ShippingUnless previously approved by the insurer and any amended terms of cover and additional premium required have been agreed, this insurance does not cover loss, damage, liability and expense caused under the following circumstances:1. towage or salvage service undertaken by the Insured vessel;2. cargo loading or discharging operation at sea from or into another vessel (not being a harbor or inshore craft) including whist approaching, lying alongside and leaving;3. the Insured vessel sailing with an intention of being broken up or sold for breaking up.V. Period of InsuranceThis insurance is classified into Time Insurance and Voyage Insurance.1. Time Insurance: Longest duration is one year, the time of commencement andtermination being subject to the stipulation in the policy. Should the Insured vessel at the expiration of this insurance be at sea or in distress or at port of refuge or of call, she shall, provided previous notice be given to the insurer, be held covered to her port of destination with the payment of an additional pro rata daily premium. However, in case of a total loss of the vessel during such period of extension, an additional six moths premium shall be paid to the insurer.2. Voyage Insurance: to be subject of the voyage stipulated in the policy. The timeof commencement and termination to be dealt with according to the following provisions:1) With no cargo on board: to commence from the time of unmooring or weightinganchor at the port of sailing until the completion of casing anchor or mooring at the port of destination.2) With cargo on board: to commence from the time of loading at the port of sailinguntil the completion of discharge at the port of destination, but in no case shall a period of thirty days be exceeded counting from midnight of the day of arrival of the vessel at the port of distination.VI. Termination1. This insurance shall terminate automatically in the event of payment for totalloss of the Insured vessel.2. Unless previously agreed by the Insurer in writing, this insurance shall terminateautomatically at the time of any change of the Classification Society of the Insured vessel, change or cancellation or withdrawal of her Class therein, change in the ownership or flag, assignment or transfer to new management, charter ona bareboat basis, requisition for title. If the vessel has cargo on board or isat sea, such termination shall, if required, be deferred until arrival at hernext port or final port of discharge or destination.3. In case of any such breach of warranty as to cargo, voyage, trading limit, towage,salvage services or date of sailing, this insurance shall terminate automatically unless notice be given to the Insurer immediately after receipt of advice and any amended terms of cover and any additional premium required be agreed.VII. Premium and Returns1. Time Insurance: Full premium shall be due and payable on attachment, and if agreedby the Insurer payment may be made by installments, but in the event of total loss of the Insured vessel, any unpaid premium shall be immediately due and payable. Premium is returnable as follows:1) If this insurance is cancelled or terminated, premium shall be returned prorata daily net for the uncommenced day, but this clause shall not be applicable to clause .2) Where the Insured vessel is laid up in a port or a lay-up area approved bythe Insurer for a period exceeding thirty consecutive days irrespective of whether she is under repairs in dock or shipyard, loading or discharging, 50% (fifty percent) of net premium for such period shall be returned pro rata daily but in no case shall such return of premium be recoverable in the event of total loss of the vessel.In the event of any return recoverable under this clause being based on thirty consecutive days which fall on successive insurance effected for the same Insured, such return of premium shall be calculated pro rata separately for the number of days covered by each insurance.2. Voyage insurance: In no case shall voyage insurance be cancelable and the premiumthereof be returnable once it commences.VIII. Duty of Insured1. Immediately upon receipt of advice of any accident or loss to the Insured vessel,it is the duty of the Insured to give notice to the Insurer within 48 hours, andif the vessel is abroad, to the Insurer’s nearest agent immediately, and so take all reasonable measures for the purpose of averting or minimizing a loss which would be recoverable under this insurance.2. Measures taken by the Insured or the Insurer with the object of averting orminimizing a loss which would be recoverable under this insurance shall not be considered as waiver or acceptance of abandonment or otherwise prejudice the rights of either party.3. The Insured shall obtain prior agreement of the Insurer in determining theliabilities and expenses in respect of the Insured vessel.4. In submitting a claim for loss, the Insured shall transfer to the Insurer allnecessary documents and assist him in pursuing recovery against the third party in case of third party liabilities or expenses being involved.IX. Tender1. Where the Insured vessel is damaged and repairs are required, the Insured shalltake such tenders as a diligent uninsured owner would take to obtain the most favourable offer for the repairs of the damaged vessel.2. The Insurer may also take tenders or may require further tenders to be taken forthe repair of the vessel. Where such a tender is accepted with the approval of the Insurer, the allowance in respect of fuel and stores and wages and maintenance of the master and crew shall be made for the time lost between the dispatch of the invitations to tender required by the Insurer and the acceptance of a tender, but the maximum allowance shall not exceed the rate of 30% per annum on the Insured value of the vessel.3. The Insured may decide the place of repair of the damaged vessel, however, ifthe Insured in making such decisions does not act as a diligent uninsured owner, then the Insurer shall have a right of veto concerning the place of repair ora repairing firm decided by the owner or deduct any increased costs resultingtherefrom from the indemnity.X. Claim and IndemnityIn case of accident or loss insured against, no claim shall be recoverable should the Insured failed to submit claim document to the insurer within two years following the accident or loss.Total Loss1) Where the Insured vessel is completely destroyed or so seriously damaged asto cease to be a thing of the kind insured or there the Insured is irretrievably deprived of the vessel, it may be deemed a actual total loss, and the full insured amount shall be indemnified.2) Where no news is received of the whereabouts of the Insured vessel over aperiod of two months after the date on which she is expected to arrive at the port of destination it shall be deemed an actual total loss and the full insured amount shall be indemnified.3) Where an actual total loss of the Insured vessel appears to be unavoidableor the cost of recovery, repair and/or salvage or the aggregate thereof will exceed the Insured value of the vessel, it may be deemed a constructive total loss and the full insured amount shall be indemnified after notice of abandonment of the vessel is given to the Insurer irrespective of whether the Insurer accepts the abandonment. Once the Insurer accepts the abandonment, the subject matter insured belongs to the Insurer.Partial loss1) Claims under this insurance shall be payable without deduction new for old;2) In no case shall a claim be admitted in respect of scrapping derusting orpainting of the vessel’s bottom unless directly related repairs of plating, damaged by an insured peril;3) Where repairs for owner’s account necessary to make the vessel seaworthyand/or a routine drydocking are carried out concurrently with repairs covered by this insurance, then the cost of entering and leaving dock and the dock dues for the time spent in dock shall be divide equally.4) Where it is necessary to place the vessel in drydock for repair of the damagecovered by this insurance, the Insurer’s liability for the cost of docking shall not be reduced, should the Insured has surveys or other work carried out while the vessel is in dock provided the time for the work for the Insured’s account is not prolonged in dock or the cost of docking is not in any way increased.In no case shall any sum be allowed under this insurance either by way of remuneration of the Insured for time and trouble taken to obtain and supply information or documents or in respect of the commission or charges of any manager, agent, managing or agency company or the like, appointed by or on behalf of the Insured to perform such services, unless prior agreement has been obtained.Where the Insured amount is less than the agreed value or the contributory value in respect of general average or salvage, then the Insurer is only liable to pay that proportion of any loss or expense covered by this insurance that the amount insured bears to the agreed or contributory value.Where the Insured vessel comes into collision with or receives salvage services from another vessel owned by the Insured or under the same management, the Insurer shall be liable under this insurance as if the other vessel were owned by a third party.XI. Treatment of DisputesShould disputes arise between the insured and insurer and it is necessary to submit to arbitration or take legal action, such arbitration or legal action shall be carried out at the place where the defendant is domiciled.注释tackle, 索具。
marine insurance policy or certificate
Marine Insurance Policy or CertificateIntroductionMarine insurance plays a crucial role in protecting the interests ofship owners, cargo owners, and other stakeholders involved in maritime trade. A marine insurance policy or certificate is a legal contract that provides coverage for risks associated with the transportation of goods by sea. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects ofmarine insurance policies and certificates, including their purpose, types, coverage, and claims process.Types of Marine Insurance Policies1. Voyage PolicyA voyage policy provides coverage for a specific voyage or journey. It protects the insured party against risks such as loss or damage to the cargo, liability for damage to third parties, and other perils relatedto the voyage. This type of policy is suitable for one-time shipments or when the frequency of shipments is relatively low.2. Time PolicyA time policy provides coverage for a specified period, usually one year. It is commonly used by ship owners to cover multiple voyages during the policy period. This type of policy offers flexibility and convenience as it eliminates the need to obtain separate policies for each voyage.3. Mixed PolicyA mixed policy combines the features of both voyage and time policies.It provides coverage for a specific voyage as well as for a specified period. This type of policy is ideal for situations where the insured party engages in both one-time shipments and regular shipping activities.Coverage under Marine Insurance PoliciesMarine insurance policies or certificates typically cover the following risks:1.Loss or damage to the cargo due to perils of the sea, such asstorms, collisions, or sinking of the vessel.2.General average, which refers to the proportionate sharing oflosses and expenses incurred for the common benefit of all parties involved in a maritime adventure.3.Salvage charges, which are the costs incurred for the rescue andrecovery of the insured property.4.Liability for damage to third parties, including bodily injury andproperty damage caused by the insured vessel.5.War risks, which include acts of war, terrorism, piracy, and otherhostile activities.6.Strikes, riots, and civil commotions that may result in damage orloss to the insured cargo.7.Theft, pilferage, or non-delivery of the cargo during transit. Claims ProcessWhen a loss or damage occurs, the insured party must follow the claims process outlined in the marine insurance policy or certificate. The process usually involves the following steps:1.Notification: The insured party must notify the insurer as soon aspossible after the occurrence of the loss or damage. Promptnotification is essential to ensure a smooth claims settlementprocess.2.Documentation: The insured party must provide all necessarydocuments to support the claim, including the policy orcertificate, bill of lading, survey reports, and any otherrelevant evidence.3.Survey: In most cases, a surveyor appointed by the insurer willassess the extent of the loss or damage. The surveyor’s report is an important document in the claims process.4.Loss Adjustment: Once the survey is complete, the insurer willreview the claim and determine the amount payable based on theterms and conditions of the policy. The insured party may need to provide additional information or clarification during this stage.5.Settlement: If the claim is approved, the insurer will make asettlement payment to the insured party. The payment may cover the cost of repairs, replacement value, or compensation for the loss, depending on the policy terms.ConclusionMarine insurance policies or certificates are essential tools for mitigating the risks associated with maritime trade. They provide coverage for various perils and liabilities that may arise during the transportation of goods by sea. Understanding the different types of policies, coverage options, and the claims process is crucial for all parties involved in maritime trade. By having adequate insurance coverage, ship owners, cargo owners, and other stakeholders can protect their financial interests and ensure smooth operations in the event of a loss or damage.。
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Project Start up Date
© Lloyd’s Starr Marine
Loss Prevention and Loss Minimization
Assess moral hazard
Selection of forwarders, carriers, shipping companies
© Lloyd’s Starr Marine
Factors affecting MDSU Exposure
Leeway for Delay
Project Shipment Commen Date -cement Date
Shipment Arrival Date
Installation Testing
Increase in cost of working, not exceeding the sum produced by applying the rate of standing charges to the amount of reduction thereby avoided
© Lloyd’s Starr Marine
September 2008
劳合社中国 Starr承保部 Starr承保部
•What is Marine Delay in Startup Insurance •Coverage of Marine Delay in Startup Insurance •Measure of Indemnity •Factors affecting the Exposures •Loss Prevention and Loss Minimization • Role of the Assured
© Lloyd’s Starr Marine
Factors affecting MDSU Exposure
Leeway for Delay
Estimate arrival day Estimate installation date Estimate start up date Examination of conditions at End of transit
Inspection and superintendent surveys for preparation and handling of cargoes by experience personnel Examine internal and external alternatives
© Lloyd’s Starr Marine
Due to reduction in production ( production during indemnity period fall short of standard production ) as a result of loss of or damage to or delay in the delivery of the insured cargoes caused by
© Lloyd’s Starr Marine
MDSU usually covers:
Loss of standing charges - fixed expenses not linked to sales Increase in cost of working - costs incurred to avoid or minimize loss of profit
Role of the insured
• • • Duty of disclosure Duty to keep book of account Notification of accident or loss
• Act as if uninsured to avoid and minimize loss
Cargo losses, damages recoverable under the cargo policy Loss of, mechanical breakdown of or damage to the carrying vessel, aircraft or conveyance.
© Lloyd’s Starr Marine
Measure of Indemnity
Reduction in Production
Rate of standing charges x short fall in production
( The proportion expressed as a percentage of standing charges to annual production)
= US$5,000,000
© Lloyd’s Starr Marine
Factors affecting MDSU Exposure
Details of cargoes
-Size, weight, dimension, type, nature, use, -Manufactured value, market value, Conditions (new/used/repaired/in need of repair), sum insured (packing list with value breakdown) -Prototype / Special manufacturer product or mass/series product
© Lloyd’s Starr Marine
What is Marine Delay in Startup Insurance
MDSU insures the loss of profit or standing charges e.g. rent, tax, interest payment and the increase in the cost of working etc., during the indemnity period, due to the production period falling short of the projected schedules as a result of insured physical loss or damage to the insured cargo.
© Lloyd’s Starr Marine
Factors affecting MDSU Exposure
Any reserve stocks Type, quality and suitability of packing and cargo protection Contractor Logistic providers Shipping and logistics arrangement Suitability and quality of carrying conveyance
© Lloyd’s Starr Marine
Factors affecting MDSU Exposure
Availability of replacement Replacement time Repair possibilities, if yes, where, by whom and how much time required Basis of proof Extent of under-insurance Operation Alternative Leeway for delay
Measure of Indemnity
An Exampleቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Standing Charges Annual Production US$ 10,000,000 US$100,000,000 US$10,000,000 Rate of standing charges : 10% US$100,000,000 Shortfall in production Loss of Standing Charges : US$50,000,000 (50%) US$50,000,000 x 10%
© Lloyd’s Starr Marine