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森 章太郎先生所创作 出来的充满悲剧色彩 的改造人英雄系列。
Kaman rider: It is filled by Mr ShiSen created a tragedy of reform hero series.
This is from 1971, the seventeenth-century taken series. About classical human by strengthening with various personae riders for combating Weirdos story.
假如心中仍抱著「特摄只不过是幼稚的儿童节目」 这种想法,很遗憾,你将无法体验到特摄的乐趣。
Thank You !

“特摄”,原义泛 指为各种电影拍摄 的特殊技。现在的 特摄片是特指由日 本拍摄的“穿着皮 质戏服在模型街道 中打斗”的影片. 特摄和动画本质区 别是特摄由真人表 演,动画则是2d或 者3d画面 .

株式会社制作的怪兽 电影系列,描述受到 辐射污染的海域中产 生一只身高高达100米 的恐龙型怪兽哥斯拉。

社拍摄的科学空想特 摄电视连续剧。

Ultraman is the
science round valley filmed idealistic LYD taken TV series.

他们是巨大化的宇宙英 雄,或来自M78星云, 或诞生于地球。为人类 伸张正义,保护着地球 不受怪兽和宇宙人的侵 扰。

它的出现,代表着世 界大战的伤痕与核污 染的凶狠。背鳍发光, 口发热线,人类文明 瞬间化成一片火海。
It's appearing, representing world war wounds and nuclear pollution vicious. Shine, and mouth hair hotline dorsal, human civilization instantly into flames.

For Japan's Godzilla dongbao Co., made by monster movie series, describe the radiation pollution produced a height seas a 100m dinosaur type godzilla monster.

They are big the universe of heroes, or from M78 nebula, or was born in the earth. For human justice, to protect the earth from cosmic people of monsters and harassment.
中国近几年的特摄也有了很大的 发展, In recent years, Chinese special effects also made a big development.
Special effects children's programs nature actually only that surface, the meaning is not connotation of other cartoons‟ works throughout. If in the heart still embraced "special effects is just naive children's program" the idea, unfortunately, you will not be able to experience the fun of the special effects.
Maybe all of students here had ever watched animes
Or had ever watched cartoons
Do you have ever heard of SPECIAL EFFECTS?

“SPECIAL EFFECT” , the original meaning photograph taken for various movie tuyuhun special ski. Now„s special effects is referring to the “shot by Japan in model dressed in costumes street in the cortical fighting” films。 Special effect and animation, essential difference is taken by the live-action, animation is 2d or 3d picture。