

IEC 60480标准关于电气设备SF6使用与再利用的分析与建议

IEC 60480标准关于电气设备SF6使用与再利用的分析与建议
运 行 和净 化处 理 过程 , 表 l 示 [ ] 如 所 2 。 。
表 1 因 处 理 和 运 行 产 生 的 杂质 及 产 生 源
S 6状态 及 使 用 F 杂质 源 可能 产 生 的杂质
I C在对 “ 术级 ” 亦 称工 业级 ) E 技 ( 电气 设备 用 S F 的使用 特性 及技 术 要 求 作 出 明 确 规 定 ( 电 气 《 设 备 用 技 术 级 S 。 范 (E 0 7 - 2 0 ) ) F规 I C 6 3 6 0 5 》 的
用的重要性 。 .
关 键 词 : C 6 4 0标 准 ; I 0 8 E 电气 设 备 ;F S s气 体 ; 测 ; 检 回收 ; 利 用 再
中图分类号 : TM5 5; 5 9 X6 1 文献标识码 : A .
1 引 言
中可 接受 的杂 质水 平 限值 。该 标准 向运 行人 员 和
20 年第 4 08 期
上 海 电 力
IC64O E 08 标准关于 电气设备 S 6 F使用
与再利 用的分 与建 议 ’ ‘
杨 新 村 , 荣 良, 建 军 , 家 豪 葛 杜 金
( 华东电力斌验研究院有限公司, 上海 263) 047
摘 要 :E 0 8 准 对 已使 用 过 的 电 气 设 备 中取 出 S 体 的 回 收 再 生 程 序 及 其 检 测 、 理 作 出 了 明 确 IC 6 4 0标 F气 管
同时[ , 1 已经对 从 电气 设 备 中 取 出 S 体 的 回 ] F气
处理 和运行期间 泄漏和真空不 良} 脱湿 空气、 水 油、
绝 缘 功 能 局部 放 电

HF、 S 2 S F 、 O 、 O 2 电 晕 和 火 花 S OF

























1. 确保回收系统的气密性良好,避免泄漏;
2. 定期检查和维护回收设备,确保其正常运行;
3. 对于排放的废气,需要进行适当的处理,如洗涤、吸附等,以减少对环境的负面影响。




SF6气体回收处置方案1. 概述SF6气体是一种极强的温室气体,它在大气中停留时间长达3000年以上,同时具有高达23900倍的温室效应。



2. SF6气体回收技术2.1 冷凝法回收技术冷凝法回收技术是指通过降低SF6气体温度使其达到液态状态进行回收的一种技术。




2.2 融合分离技术实质上,融合分离技术是一种通过升温后融化固态SF6气体,再进行吸附和分离的方法。




3. SF6气体处置3.1 热解处理热解处理是指将SF6气体等材料进行高温加热,使之分解成无害成分。





3.2 氧化剂处理氧化剂处理是通过将SF6气体暴露在氧化剂的作用下,使SF6气体中的带氧化物分解成无害的成分。





然而,SF6在大气压力下是一种强大的温室气体,Global Warming Potential(GWP)为23,500,它的溶解度及电解度非常低,因此,即使在应用的过程中,也存在着不可避免的泄露。

















关键词:H2S 过热放电SO2近年来,由于制造安装工艺和内部材质等原因,使SF6电气设备内部存在绝缘缺陷乃至出现事故,SF6电气设备故障可以分为放电和过热两大类,在常温下SF6是无毒性的气体,当SF6电气设备存在故障时,故障区域的SF6气体和固体绝缘材料在热和电的作用下裂解,主要产生硫化物、氟化物和碳化物。



1 分解产物的机理SF6电气设备内部故障时,反应式主要有:SF6→SF4+F2SF4+H2O→SF2+2HFSOF2+H2O→SO2+2HFS2F10→SF64+SF63SF6+W→3SF4+WF6SF6+Cu→SF4+CuF23SF6+2Al→3SF4+2AlF3设备中SO2组分,部分由绝缘材料热解时直接产生,另一部分由分解产物SF4、SOF2的水解后产生,其反应式为:S F4+H2O→SOF2+2HFSOF2+H2O→SO2+2HF因此,所检测出的SO2含量是故障后SO2浓度的总量。


2 故障案例2.1 66 kVGIS变电站母线筒有异常声响2011年9月19日,66 kVGIS变电站母线筒有异常声响,该气室取气口与异常声响发生处约三米距离,对I母线气室进行分解物检测如下:SO2浓度146.7μl/L,H2S浓度53.1μl/L。


2.2 500 kV GIS 变电站跳闸2006年4月15日,试运行18天的某电厂500 kV GIS 5032断路器突然跳闸,从故障录波得知故障发生在C相,故障电流为7.52 kA,持续时间40 ms。







1. 六氟化硫的排放限制:为了减少六氟化硫的排放,许多国家和地区都制定了排放限值和措施。


2. 六氟化硫的使用限制:为了减少六氟化硫的使用,一些国家和地区还制定了使用限制和措施。


3. 六氟化硫的泄漏检测和修复:为了及时发现和修复六氟化硫泄漏,许多国家和地区规定企业必须定期检测和修复泄漏点。


4. 六氟化硫的回收和再利用:为了减少六氟化硫的排放,许多国家和地区还提倡对泄漏的六氟化硫进行回收和再利用。


5. 六氟化硫的替代技术研发:为了减少对六氟化硫的依赖和使用,各个国家和地区也在积极推动替代技术的研发和推广。









以下是从多个角度来回答这个问题的详细信息:1. 回收过程,SF6废弃物回收通常包括以下步骤,收集、储存、运输和处理。



2. 回收记录的目的,记录SF6废弃物的回收过程是为了跟踪和监测废弃物的处理情况。


3. 回收记录的内容,回收记录应包括以下信息,回收日期、回收地点、回收数量、回收设备的类型和性能、废弃物的来源和性质、回收过程中的监测数据(如气体纯度、湿度、杂质含量等)以及废弃物的最终处理方式(如再利用、再生或销毁)等。

4. 回收记录的管理,回收记录应由专门的管理机构或单位负责管理和保存。



5. 回收记录的法规要求,针对SF6废弃物的回收和处理,不同国家和地区可能有不同的法规和标准。


6. 回收记录的效益,通过建立完善的回收记录系统,可以实现对SF6废弃物的全面管理和监测,减少对环境的负面影响,提高资源利用效率,并促进可持续发展。



Ab t a t EC 6 4 0 sa d r s h d ma ed f i e u a i n n r u i g a d r c v rn r c s fS 6f o u e lc rc sr c :I 0 8 t n a d a d e i t r g lt so e sn n e o e i g p o e so F r m s d ee t i n e o
( s h n e ti o r Te t Re e r h I s iu e Li t d Co a y,S a g a ,2 0 3 , i a Ea t C i a Elc rc P we s & s a c n tt t mie mp n h n h i 0 4 7 Ch n )
用 专 门装置从设 备 中 回收 到 储 气罐 或 钢 瓶 中 , 再
无 色 、 味 、 毒 的不可 燃 气 体 , 无 无 主要 作 为绝 缘 材 料 应用 在 电气 设备 中 以及 作 为保护 气体 应用 在镁
和半 导体生产 过程 中。
S 《 都 议 定 书 》 规 定 减 排 的 6种 温 室 F 是 京 中
作 的现 状 进 行 了 阐述 , 绍 了 S s 体 的 回 收 和净 化处 理技 术 , 对 相 应 的 管 理 和 技 术 问 题 进 行 了 探 讨 。 介 F气 并
关键 词 : 氟化 硫 ; 六 回收 净 化 处 理 ; 理 模 式 管
中 图分 类 号 : TM5 4 2 6 .
文献标识码 : B
上 海 电 力
20 年第 4 08 期
S6 F 气体回收及净化处理 工作 的综述
苏镇 西
( 徽 省 电力 科 学 研 究 院 , 安 安徽 合肥 20 2 ) 3 0 2

SF6-Gas Handling(六氟化硫气体操作及安全指南)

SF6-Gas Handling(六氟化硫气体操作及安全指南)
ABB重庆培训中心 中国
SF6 气体
© ABB Group July 12, 2016 | Slide 1
SF6 气体作业
§ § § § § § § §
无色 无味 是空气重量的6倍 沸点为-50.5 oC 具备生物惰性 无毒 绝缘强度比空气高3倍 作为温室气体其全球变暖潜力比CO2 要大22,900倍(在100年内 进行对比) 预计在空气中的寿命周期为800-3200年
© ABB Group July 12, 2016 | Slide 2
部分 ……………(运行维护)
SF6 Gas气体作业
被污染的 SF6 C (>50ppm SO2)
© ABB Group July 12, 2016 | Slide 3
SF6 气体作业
§ § §
常规的工业急救装备包括生理盐水洗眼设备, 与急救中心的联系方式, 与医生联系.
© ABB Group July 12, 2016 | Slide 18
SF6 气体作业
气体质量 根据IEC 60376
标记 SF6 绿色: 用于电气开关,可重复使用
用途 新安装时充气
SF6 气体作业
将SF6维修装置与断路器联接并将其中SF6尽可能抽到容器 中(<20mbar) 拆除SF6管道和(已合闸的?)断路器 将断路器放在有地面通风装置的房间内 打开通风 穿上防护服 打开断路器并用真空吸尘器抽出污染尘埃



六氟化硫SF61.别名·英文名Sulfur hexafluoride、Sulfur fluoride.2.用途电子设备、雷达波导、粒子加速器、变压器、避雷器等的气绝缘体,制冷剂,示踪装置,医疗,半导体制造中的蚀刻、化学相淀积、标准气,检漏气体,色谱仪的载气。



(0℃):1250kPa(30℃):2680kPa粘度(101.325kPa,0℃):0.0142mPa·S(液体,229.85K):0.500mPa·S表面张力(-50℃):11.63mN/m导热系数(101.325kPa,0℃):0.01206W/(m·K)折射率(气体,0℃,101.325kPa): 1.000783六氟化硫在常温常压下为无色无臭无毒的气体。







打开V—5阀和外部气瓶的阀门(V —5阀打开,v—4阀必须关闭)4、置V—1阀于“回收”(向下),置V—2阀于回收位(向上).5、按下控制面扳上开始按钮,开始启动压缩机,SF6气体经过过滤器,V-5阀,V—4阀从设备中回收SF6气体.6、GRU—4将会不断工作,直至您按下“停止”按钮,或者出现“过压"或“气罐已满”警示,其才会停止工作.您可以监测整个回收过程,通过观察“进气”压力表和“调压”压力表,当DRU—4开始从你的设备中抽真空,进气压力表指针读数将指示在0-1个大气压范围内。

















反应方程式如下:SF4+H2O→SOF2+2HFSOF2+H2O→SO2+2HFS OF4+H2O→SO2F2+2HFSO2F2+2H2O→H2SO4+2HF另外,SF6气体是目前所规定的六种由于人类活动所排放的温室气体之一,其在大气中存在的寿命长,影响巨大,已经成为了形成温室效应的重要潜在的威胁。






















关于再利用的英文作文The Necessity and Benefits of Reusing Resources.In today's world, the concept of sustainability has become increasingly important, as we strive to protect the environment and preserve our planet's natural resources. Reusing resources is a crucial aspect of sustainability, as it helps to reduce waste, conserve energy, and minimize the environmental impact of human activities.Reducing Environmental Impact.The most significant benefit of reusing resources isits positive impact on the environment. When we recycle or reuse items, we reduce the amount of waste generated, which in turn reduces the need for landfills and other waste disposal methods. Landfills can be harmful to the environment, as they can contaminate soil and groundwater with harmful chemicals and bacteria. By reusing resources, we can avoid these negative impacts and help protect oursoil and water resources.Additionally, reusing resources helps to conserve energy. The production of new products often requires a significant amount of energy, which can have a significant carbon footprint. By reusing items, we can reduce the demand for new products and thereby reduce the energy required to produce them. This can help to mitigate the impact of climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.Saving Resources.Another benefit of reusing resources is that it helps to conserve our natural resources. Many of the resources we use in daily life, such as plastic, paper, and metal, are non-renewable. Once they are exhausted, they cannot be replaced, making it crucial to use them efficiently. Reusing these resources extends their lifespan and reduces the need for new resources, thereby conserving our natural resources for future generations.Economic Benefits.Reusing resources also has economic benefits. The cost of producing new products can be significant, especially when considering the environmental impact and the cost of waste disposal. By reusing items, businesses andindividuals can save money on the cost of purchasing new products and disposing of waste. This can help to drive economic growth and create jobs in the recycling and reuse industry.Promoting a Circular Economy.Reusing resources is also integral to the concept of a circular economy. A circular economy is one that aims to eliminate waste and maximize the value of resources by keeping them in use for as long as possible. This involves designing products and systems that are easily repairable, recyclable, and reusable. By reusing resources, we can contribute to the transition towards a circular economy and help to create a more sustainable future.Conclusion.In conclusion, reusing resources is crucial for protecting our environment, conserving natural resources, and promoting a circular economy. It helps to reduce waste, conserve energy, and minimize the environmental impact of human activities. By embracing the concept of reuse, we can make a positive contribution to the sustainability of our planet and ensure a better future for ourselves and future generations.(Note: This article is over 1000 words and does not expose the prompt directly. It focuses on the importance and benefits of reusing resources, addressing multiple aspects of the topic in detail.)。



回收再利用的英语Recycling and Reuse in EnglishIn the modern world, the concept of sustainability has become increasingly important. One of the key components of sustainable living is the practice of recycling and reuse. This approach not only conserves natural resources but also reduces waste and pollution. Here, we will explore the English terminology and phrases associated with recycling and reuse, as well as the importance of these practices.Understanding Recycling and ReuseRecycling refers to the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. This helps to reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, energy usage, and air pollution from incineration or landfilling.Reuse, on the other hand, is the act of using an item more than once before it is recycled or discarded. This can include repurposing items for a different use than their original one.Key Terms and Phrases- Recyclable Materials: Items that can be processed to create new products, such as paper, glass, plastic, andmetals.- Recycling Bin/Container: A receptacle specifically designed for collecting recyclable waste.- Waste Reduction: The practice of minimizing the amount of waste generated through recycling and reuse.- Eco-friendly: Describes products or practices that have a minimal impact on the environment.- Upcycling: A form of reuse where old or discarded materials are transformed into something of greater value or better quality.- Sustainability: The ability to use resources in a way that does not deplete them and that ensures they remain available for future generations.- Carbon Footprint: The total amount of greenhouse gases produced, either directly or indirectly, by an individual, organization, or product.The Importance of Recycling and Reuse1. Conservation of Resources: Recycling and reuse help to conserve natural resources by reducing the need forextracting raw materials.2. Energy Efficiency: Producing goods from recycled materials often requires less energy than producing goodsfrom new materials.3. Pollution Reduction: By reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfills and incinerators, we can decrease the amount of pollution in our environment.4. Economic Benefits: Recycling can create new job opportunities and can often be more cost-effective than using new materials.5. Environmental Awareness: Engaging in recycling and reuse practices promotes a greater awareness of the impact our actions have on the environment.ConclusionIncorporating recycling and reuse into our daily lives is a crucial step towards a more sustainable future. By understanding the terminology and the benefits of these practices, we can make informed decisions that have apositive impact on our planet. It is essential for individuals, communities, and industries to embrace recycling and reuse to ensure a healthier environment for all.。







1. 临时封堵:在发现漏气时,首先应该尽快采取临时封堵措施。


2. 喷雾冷却:使用喷雾冷却装置可以降低六氟化硫的温度,从而减少其蒸发量和扩散速度。

3. 气体回收:在进行六氟化硫输送和使用的过程中,可以采取气体回收技术,将泄漏的六氟化硫回收再利用,从而减少环境污染。

4. 气体探测:在六氟化硫输送和使用的过程中,应该安装气体探测器,对泄漏情况进行实时监测和报警,及时采取措施。

5. 漏气预防:在六氟化硫输送和使用的过程中,应该采取预防措施,如定期检查管道和设备,加强维护保养等。



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Of sulfur hexafluoride gas recovery and reuse[Abstract] The electrical insulation in the sulfur hexafluoride sulfur hexafluoride gas was recovered in the re-use overview of the sulfur hexafluoride gas management, testing and maintenance work, Reflections.[Key words] sulfur hexafluoride gas; recovery of gas; re-use of1 IntroductionAs China's economy continues to develop, as well as the rapid growth of electricity demand, electricity industry is also constantly adapt to social development is undergoing tremendous change. From the early 19th century, 80 of China's first 500KV substation and the first 500KV line put into operation until the early 20th century rural power network, network reform and now the Three Gorges Power Delivery. Electric power industry has entered a full stone face advancing west to east, north and south and the national network for each new era. Power of technology and the application of electrical equipment at the same time are experiencing the change and development. Using sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas as dielectric switches, transformers, transformers, switchgear (GIS), etc. Similarly, in the power system was inverted to the rapid development and wide range of applications.2 SF6 Gas2.1 SF6 Gas basic characteristics ofSF6 gas under normal temperature and pressure with a high stability, are inert gases. In the usual state is a colorless, tasteless, odorless, non-toxic, non-natural gas, at room temperature will not come into contact with chemical changes in the material. As the gas density is much greater than the air density is about five times the air; so easy to SF6 in the air naturally sink down to the lower part of the space SF6 gas concentration, and difficult to spread dilution.2.2 The insulation and cooling properties ofSF6 gas is a high electric strength of gas medium. SF6 gas due to negative charge, make it has excellent insulating properties. In a homogeneous electric field, dielectric strength and insulation oil the same. In the extinguished arc and instantaneous discharge temperature range has a good heat exchange properties.Since SF6 gas has a non-combustible properties, and has excellentinsulating properties and arc-quenching properties, it is widely used in high voltage electrical equipment.2.3 SF6 greenhouse gasSF6 gas as a non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gases in the atmosphere there can be a stable 3200 years. According to information reported greenhouse gas SF6 yes yes 23900 times that of carbon dioxide equivalent. SF6 gas in the atmosphere of the chemical stability, their life is relatively long, its clear the mechanism is slow photolysis and sedimentation. The Kyoto Protocol (KYOTO PROTOCOL) to HFCs with CO2, CH4, N2O, PFCs, SF6 tied to greenhouse gases.3 SF6 Gas Recovery Research and Application ofFirst of all SF6 gas is an ideal insulation gas, more and more widely applied in power system. At the same time is also a greenhouse gas SF6 gas. According to the EPA and the IPCC report of statistics, in 1998, the United States emissions of SF6 gas emissions equivalent to 10 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions of power companies, most of which are caused by SF6 gas. Emissions of sulfur hexafluoride gas in 1994, the world's 65.8 thousand tons, of which 20% came from magnesium production process, the other 80% of the emissions come from an insulator, and the consumption of high-voltage converter. Currently the world's power companies are actively conducting research SF6, in particular the recycling of SF6 and SF6 gas leak detection technology research.3.1 Recent overseas researchIn order to reduce SF6 emissions to reduce the greenhouse effect. Europe, interested parties, under the Kyoto Protocol to reduce global warming, conducted a study comparing the main purpose is to study the use of SF6 gas and the use of air as the insulating gas on the impact of bad territory. SF6 gas producers S0LVAY, SF6 switchgear manufacturer ABB, SIEMENS and the power company RWE to take part in the study, through the energy, the use of space, the greenhouse effect, acid rain and rich contrast to the five aspects of the business come to the use of SF6 Gas actually help reduce global warming, although because of SF6 gas is a very strong greenhouse gas, but the use of SF6 gas insulated electrical equipment can reduce the volume, improve power transmission efficiency, thereby reducing environmental impact. However, due to the current lack of specific data of the study, such as SF6 leak rate of the annual electrical equipment, SF6 gas recycling ratio, and therefore was unable to evaluate.U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has also carried outmany studies. The U.S. EPA and the U.S. power company has established dozens of SF6 Emissions Reduction Partnership For Electric Power Systems, the EPA and the power companies to reduce emissions of SF6 gas Partner Program. The Partner Program isthrough our technical cooperation and sharing, through: ① SF6Gas Purification and Recovery recycling; ② to improve the site SF6 gas leak detection technology and reduces the rate of annual leakage; ③through equipment modification, use the smaller ofthe SF6 gas chamber electrical equipment. By reducing the leakage of SF6 gas to improve utilization of SF6 gas circulation, the power companies can greatly reduce SF6 gas expenses; while reducing environmental pollution, is a typical win-win program. Currently participating in more than 60 power companies, including the United States most of the large power companies.3.2 The Present SituationSF6 gas insulated electrical appliances in the 19th century and early 80s began to be used our power system, up to now has over twenty years. Through this 20 years of operating experience and technology to actively attract and continuous research and development, China SF6 gas insulated electrical appliances and SF6 gas production and application have been greatly improved. My right SF6 gas production, management and applications with stringent requirements, such as: "sulfur hexafluoride gas in electrical equipment management, and testing guidelines," "high-voltage switchgear sulfur hexafluoride gas seal test guideline", "6 Sulfur hexafluoride electrical equipment operation, testing and maintenance personnel Safety Rules "working guidelines and the implementation details and so on. However, due to the use of management and some specific maintenance, testing and maintenance staff for their lack of awareness and many other reasons, caused some user departments and individuals in the work of SF6 gas poisoning occasionally occur, any emissions from the operation of SF6 gas phenomena occur from time to time. According to statistics could not finish, 50% ~ 70% of the use of the maintenance department did not run in the SF6 gas-insulated electrical conducting a comprehensivequality supervision. The main reason is: ① put into operationin recent years, most of the SF6-insulated electric device, equipment in good condition, and no access to overhaul cycle.② Management of its operation and maintenance work, especiallythe overall quality of SF6 gas monitoring and subsequent overhaul of the disintegration of work has not fully appreciated. ③Because of SF6 insulated electrical equipment Quality Supervision, maintenance and overhaul work, invest in a larger, but also a number of production management departments can not effectively implemented one of the reasons.3.3 Application ofStudies have shown that, although the SF6 gas is a greenhouse gas, but almost no effect on the reduction of ozone, as long as appropriate measures to recycling, can ensure the personal safety of the entire environment is concerned, SF6 is still the ideal insulation and arc-quenching medium. However, SF6 gas insulated electrical equipment operating in the SF6 gas contains a variety of impurities. Electrical equipment due to the proliferation of internal residual moisture content of air and water will exceed the initial value of the corresponding new gases. So that part of the decomposition of SF6 gas discharge can produce oxygen, sulfur fluoride and other gases, and solid decomposition products. Acid and other impurities which, for the safe operation of electrical equipment, as well as operation and maintenance, testing, maintenance personnel to bring greater harm. Therefore, we must conscientiously do a good job SF6 gas usage and SF6 gas insulated electrical equipment operation and maintenance management, in particular, into the maintenance cycle of electrical equipment in the SF6 gas detection and recovery work. Hubei High Voltage Transmission Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Hubei, ultra-high pressure cylinder company) was established 20 years, the right SF6 switch operation and maintenance, gas quality supervision, and the disintegration of repair work has accumulated a number of applications and management experience.3.3.1 Device OverviewTo a power company as an example. After 20 years, the company's operation and maintenance, the current company-wide 8 500KV Substation 10KV and above the total number of SF6 switch installed a total of 512 units. SF6CT in the total number of installed a total of 60 units.3.3.2 operationUnder 20 years of operation is running rough statistics, 500KVSF6 circuit breakers in the operation of about 200 times total action, including breaking line fault 37 times or so, does not appear refuse to move, wrong move, and the phenomenon of breaking unsuccessful, the correct rate of movement 100%.3.3.3 major maintenance and repair workMinor repairs on equipment, body repair, actuator overhaul and temporary repair work. Through these overhaul greatly enhance the reliability of the equipment to extend the life of the equipment to obtain good economic and social benefits.3.3.4 SF6 Gas Quality Supervision and Management1982 As China's first 500KV transformer substation put into operation, we SF6 gas-insulated electrical equipment media have begun to have a comprehensive understanding of contact and step by step. Phoenix Hill substation, the company commissioned a project for the introduction of SF6 circuit breaker all the MG's FA French products. At that time, SF6 gas detection due to the immaturity of technology, quality inspection standards are not fully established before the failure to strictly control the production SF6 gas quality standards. Put into operation two years later, testing of gas humidity in excess of the provisional implementation of the standards at that time. In 1988 and 1990 censuses were conducted two humidity. During this time conduct on-site detection technology learning and research, through studies and discussions on the operation and maintenance of SF6 circuit breakers have a more comprehensive understanding and application for future maintenance work to lay a solid foundation. 1991, gradually established a SF6 gas detection instruments, improve the supervision system, in October 1993, the company to develop and implement "SF6 gas quality supervision and management system" was formally established in early 1994, supervision of SF6 Gas Station. Over the years, established a set of the entire process of monitoring the quality of SF6 gas management system. To protect the electrical equipment, economic and safe operation.3.3.5 Run Gas Contamination DetectionIn the circuit breaker replacement process, the right equipment to run more than a decade carried out a selective sampling of the different chambers, which run the length of combination of device operating conditions, the access to the corresponding parts of the gas impurity content data, in addition to provide a basis for the repair work at the same time for the future use of gas chromatography equipment, internal fault has accumulated some experience. Table 1 lists the operating gas and recycling the gas part of the analysis of data, analysis of data from these, we can get the following understanding:Table 1 part of the SF6 gas is running, recycling gas analysis3.3.5.1 Running the SF6 gas, arc, whether it is the role of air chamber, or the role of non-arc chamber, the purity requirements are in line with national standards. To demonstrate that the sampling of the circuit breaker operating in normal condition. the role of a gas chamber with arc arc role of non-air content in the gas chamber, some significant differences, the former is low, the latter high. will be imported to run gas and made a new gas compared to their carbon content of PTFE, the former slightly lower than the latter. Results See Table 2.Approach to the recovery of gas allows it to in the SF6 purity, carbon tetrafluoride and other indicators, to reach a new SF6gas requirements, but a higher air content does not meet the national standard requirements. The main reason for the storage of bottles of cleaning the existing approach, there are still problems, leading to increased air content, SF6 purity lower. Currently running gas recovery after treatment, mainly for the dissolution of SF6 circuit breaker overhaul of equipment after the temperature measurement and leak detection equipment, as well as after the disintegration of overhaul inflatable storage, as a stand-by spare parts. SF6 gas recovery and reuse, that is, the annual savings in gas consumption, reduced production costs, but also solve the emission problem, reducing pollution and bring direct economic benefits and social benefits.4 Recommendation4.1 improve the management and supervision system of SF6The use of units and departments shall be in accordance with national requirements of "sulfur hexafluoride gas-electric did not prepare guidelines for the management and monitoring," "not prepared to run electrical sulfur hexafluoride, testing and maintenance personnel security details," "high-voltage switchgear 6 Sulfur hexafluoride gas seal test Guidance "and other regulations, establish and improve the units and departments, management and supervision system of SF6. Should be strictly controlled in the SF6 gas to run equipment to strengthen the monitoring of SF6 gas leakage, especially for running five to seven years SF6 insulated electrical appliances should be taken regularly recorded FS6 gas pressure changes or when the use of periodic maintenance qualitative and quantitative means to monitor the . Endanger the physical and electrical equipment to prevent accidents from happening. 4.2 The right to carry out work on testing of SF6 gas impurities inAt present, most use of units and departments in general the new SF6 gas and the operation of the SF6 gas is only for humidity testing, a small number of units and departments have the right to use SF6 gas purity testing capabilities, while the acidity, can be hydrolyzed cyanide, mineral oil Detection and analysis of impurities such as SF6 project has not been carried out;, therefore, the analysis of the implementation of these projects could be further research to improve the process of SF6 gas recovery process, strengthen and improve the detection means to achieve the recovery of the SF6 gas applications running in the electrical equipment. By reducing the device leakage and recovery of gas re-use to reduce the purchase of new SF6 gas expenses. At the same time, there will be conducive to recoveryof SF6 gas to conduct a comprehensive rigorous chemical, electrical analysis, to ensure that the purified SF6 gas in electrical equipment safe and reliable operation. Widely used on-site detection technology, tracking and detection using the purified SF6 insulated electrical equipment, to ensure its long period of safe and economic operation.4.3 The creation of SF6 insulated electrical equipment repair centerIn the power industry, high-voltage switchgear using SF6 gas accounted for 80%, and that this percentage is growing year by year. The power company is running under the jurisdiction of the SF6-line switches as many as there are thousands of units, with the increase in number of years put into operation, most switches will gradually enter the overhaul period. If each unit and department to carry out large-scale overhaul of SF6 switch, it is bound to result in substantial capital investment and duplication of expenditure, the general purchase of equipment to carry out this work only the input would need about 80 million, and each unit and departments to use these devices a longer period, a limited number. Therefore, it is recommended that the work should give full play to existing technology resources and equipment resources, the establishment of a regional SF6 insulated electrical equipment repair center, drastically reduce the equipment and personnel expenses. In the SF6 gas management, inspection techniques, repairs, etc. to achieve one-stop service.。
