


“Ten measures of sadness descended on the world – nine were taken by Jerusalem, one by the rest of the world. There is no sadness like the sadness of Jerusalem.”
(NUAA Group 2)
Wailing Wall (哭墙)
Chosen People Vs “False Prophet”
Jesus cursed the jews, “I will scatter you among the peoples. You shall become a horror, and a taunt among all the people. There will be no resting place for the sole of your foot. You will be in dread night and day, and shall have no assurance of your life. Both young man and virgin, The nursling with the man of gray hair.”
凝聚世界十分之九美丽和哀愁的 Jerusalem(耶路撒冷)
“Ten measures of beauty descended on the world – nine were taken by Jerusalem, one by the rest of the world. There is no beauty like the beauty of Jerusalem.” (Talmud塔木德经)


华南师范大学 张习明
华南师范大学旅游学系 中华世界遗产保护协会 世界遗产网络教学适用
世界三大宗教--犹太教、基督教、伊斯兰教都曾先后长期统治 该城,其中犹太教500多年,基督教400多年,伊斯兰教 1200多年。三大教在城内留下了不同时期建造的宗教遗迹有 200余处,最著名的如犹太教圣殿唯一的残迹哭墙、基督教的 圣墓教堂、伊斯兰教的阿克萨清真寺和萨赫莱清真寺。三大宗 教都把耶路撒冷视为本教的圣地。
耶路撒冷市 (Jerusalem) 位于巴勒斯坦中部犹地亚山的四座山 丘上,是一座举世闻名的历史古城,距今已有5000多年的 历史。自三千年前大卫王的王国建都于此以来,取名耶路撒冷, 意即“和平之城”。即为犹太人国家与精神生活的中心所在。
城区分4个居民区犹太居民 区、穆斯林居民区、亚美尼 亚和基督教居民区。
Hale Waihona Puke 传说穆罕默德登天脚踩的那块圣石所在地的地方
圣殿山上的萨赫莱清真寺, 规模要比阿克萨小,穹顶为绿 色。二者同属人类历史文化遗产的范畴
传说基督教“救世主”耶稣生于耶路撒冷南郊的小镇伯利恒,在传 播福音時被犹太教当局拘送罗马总督,被钉死在十字架上。公元335 年,罗马皇帝君士坦丁一世之母海伦娜,在巡游耶路撒冷时,下令在 耶稣蒙难安葬和复活之地建造圣墓教堂,又名复活教堂
每天都有大批信徒面对西墙感悟教义,缅怀先宗。在西 墙祈祷必须男女分开,中间有道栏杆隔着,男左女右
耶路撒冷是伊斯兰教的第三圣地,《古兰经》17章1节记载着穆罕 默德夜行前往耶路撒冷的事迹,为纪念此事件在圣殿山上建造了2 座清真寺,就是今日的阿克萨清真寺和圆顶清真寺。阿克萨清真寺 位于耶路撒冷老城东部,主要标志是金色的穹顶,是回教仅次于麦 加圣寺和麦地那先知寺的第三圣寺。


希伯来大学全称为耶路撒冷希伯来大学 (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)是以色列最著名的高等学府,也是世界上首屈一指的综合性大学之一。
大学学制本科为3~4年,医学为6年。 世界最富有的犹太企业家和杰出的犹太科学家组成。其次是大学行政委员会,根据董事会的旨意制定办校方针与政策。再次是大学校长领导的行政委员会管理董事会,负责大学日常工作的运行。主持处理大学学术事务的最高机构是大学理事会。大学的年经费预算约为1.5亿美元,其中42%来自政府拨款,13%为学费收入,其余为各种捐款和受托的研究课题费等。


• The land currently occupied by the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is considered one of the top candidates for Golgotha and thus has been a Christian pilgrimage site for the past 2000 years.
• Jerusalem has been sacred to the Jews since King David proclaimed it his capital in the 10th century B.C.
• Jerusalem was the site of Solomon's Temple and the second temple. Today, the Western Wall, a remnant of the wall surrounding the Second Temple,is a Jewish holy site second only to the Holy of Holies on the Temple Mount itself .
• Jews pray three times a day at least, in some special occasions, such as the Sabbath, will increase the frequency of prayer.Many Jews sway their body back and forth during praying.Jews around the world are using a unified prayer prayer book (siddur犹太 教祷告书).



耶路撒冷(英语:Jerusalem;希伯来语: 、拉丁化:Yelushalayim或Yelushalaim;阿拉伯文: 、拉丁化:al-Quds、汉化:古德斯,或☆渀恋猀瀀;、拉丁化:Bayt-al-Muqaddas)是位于近东黎凡特地区的一座历史悠久的城市,在地理上位于犹大山地,介于地中海与死海之间,被誉为三大宗教的圣城(犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教)为以色列最大城市。























the hebrew university of jerusalem的简称 -回复

the hebrew university of jerusalem的简称 -回复

the hebrew university of jerusalem的简称-回复"The Hebrew University of Jerusalem的简称"为HUJI。

引言:The Hebrew University of Jerusalem是以色列最古老且最杰出的大学之一。




第一部分:历史与背景(500字)第一段:引言历史背景The Hebrew University of Jerusalem成立于1918年,是以色列的第一所大学。











例如,亨里埃特·斯沃泽(Henrietta Szold)在HUJI创立了爱的儿童,该机构救助了数千名幼童的性命。





















这里的犹太人从年轻到年老 都对着哭墙述说着对神的盼望
Hale Waihona Puke 犹太人认为 哭墙的上方就是上帝 并且认为只要把愿望写在纸条上 放入哭墙的石缝当中 上帝就会看到 为了回到“上帝应许之地”, 历史上的犹太民族面对多次毁灭性的灾难和逼害 两千多年仍不忘初心。
哭墙是犹太人心灵的家园 耶稣的苦路则是基督教徒们的朝圣之路
耶路撒冷老城分为4个宗教和种族聚居区 犹太区 基督徒区 亚美尼亚区 穆斯林区
“悲剧产生伟大 耶路撒冷正是一个充满悲情的地方 一砖一瓦都令人黯然神伤 其中最心酸的地方当属苦路和哭墙” × 歌德
与金顶清真寺隔墙向往的是犹太心中的圣地 哭墙 这堵墙曾是犹太王国第二圣殿围墙的一部分 罗马人在毁城之时 为了留下自己胜利的证据故意留下的 以后千年流落异乡的犹太人 一想到这堵墙就悲愤难言 现代战争中 犹太士兵抵达这堵墙时仍然号啕一片 一个大家族流离失所 最后回来时只见一截断墙 如何能不跪地失声?
苦路 是耶稣从被审判
钉在十字架 直到死亡所经过的最后一段人生路
在这条弯弯曲曲的小路上 耶稣背负着十字架游街示众 走向刑场 其间经历了14件事 因而苦路也有14站
圣墓教堂 东正教中称其为“复活教堂” 也是苦路的最后一站
基督徒中普遍认为 圣墓教堂建在《新约》中描述的耶稣基督被钉死的地方 据说耶稣的“圣墓”也在其中 即入口处的石棺 当然 石棺中“应该”是空的 因为耶稣已经复活了 从公元4世纪起 此处即已成为基督教中的朝圣重地
犹太圣经中的一句话 被经常用来描述这个国家 世上若有十分美 九分都在耶路撒冷 世人说 世界若有十分哀愁 九分也在耶路撒冷 耶路撒冷 Jerusalem 起点开始,就是归程
耶路撒冷(Jerusalem) 希伯来语的意思是“和平之城” 这个名字从没有为她带来和平 反而让她成为世界上经受苦难最多的地方 数千年的战火中 她曾18次被毁灭成废墟 但又一次次奇迹般的重建 她凝聚着世上最狂热的爱与恨 使全世界超过35亿的信徒魂牵梦萦

















耶路撒冷英文介绍作文模板Title: Discovering Jerusalem: An English Introduction。

Introduction:Jerusalem, a city steeped in history and spirituality, stands as a beacon of cultural significance and religious diversity. In this essay, we embark on a journey to explore the wonders of Jerusalem, delving into its rich past, vibrant present, and promising future.1. Historical Overview:Jerusalem's history dates back thousands of years, with its roots entrenched in antiquity. As one of the oldest cities in the world, it has witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the confluence of civilizations, and the birth of major religions. From the ancient Canaanites to the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, eachcivilization left its mark on the city's landscape andculture.2. Religious Significance:Jerusalem holds profound religious significance for three major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. For Jews, it is the holiest city, home to the Western Wall, the last remnant of the Second Temple. Christians revere Jerusalem as the site of Jesus Christ's crucifixion, burial, and resurrection, with iconic landmarks such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Likewise, Muslims cherish Jerusalem for the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque, believed to be the third holiest site in Islam.3. Cultural Heritage:The cultural fabric of Jerusalem is woven from a diverse tapestry of traditions, languages, and customs. Its Old City, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a labyrinth of narrow streets, bustling markets, and sacred sites.Visitors can wander through the ancient quarters of Jewish,Christian, Armenian, and Muslim communities, each preserving its distinct heritage and architectural marvels.4. Modern Jerusalem:Beyond its ancient walls, modern Jerusalem pulsates with life, innovation, and creativity. The city serves as the capital of Israel, a thriving hub of technology, entrepreneurship, and cultural exchange. Its vibrant neighborhoods, from the hipster cafes of Mahane Yehuda to the trendy boutiques of Mamilla, offer a glimpse into contemporary Israeli society.5. Challenges and Opportunities:Despite its allure, Jerusalem grapples with complex political and social challenges. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict casts a shadow over the city, fueling tensions and hindering efforts for peace and reconciliation. Yet, amid adversity, Jerusalem remains a beacon of hope and resilience, with grassroots initiatives and interfaith dialogue paving the way for a more inclusive and harmoniousfuture.Conclusion:In conclusion, Jerusalem stands as a testament to the enduring power of human spirit and faith. Its ancient stones bear witness to the trials and triumphs of civilization, while its vibrant streets echo with the voices of diversity and coexistence. As we navigate the complexities of this timeless city, let us embrace its heritage, celebrate its diversity, and strive to build a future worthy of its legacy.。

耶路撒冷 英文介绍

耶路撒冷 英文介绍

Jerusalem, also known as the Holy City or the City of David, is a city located in the Middle East, at the crossroads of Asia, Africa, and Europe. It is considered one of the most sacred cities in the world by Jews, Christians, and Muslims, and has been a focal point of religious and political conflict for centuries.Jerusalem is steeped in history and culture, with a rich heritage that dates back thousands of years. The city is home to numerous religious sites and landmarks, including the Western Wall (also known as the Wailing Wall), the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and the Dome of the Rock. These structures are important pilgrimage destinations for believers from around the world.In addition to its religious significance, Jerusalem is also known for its vibrant arts and music scene. The city has a long tradition of poetry, literature, and folk music, and hosts several cultural festivals and events throughout the year.Despite its rich history and cultural significance, Jerusalem has also been the site of significant conflict and tension between different groups over the years. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has resulted in ongoing violence and unrest in the region, making it a challenging place to visit.Overall, Jerusalem is a complex and multifaceted city that offers visitors a unique blend of history, culture, and spirituality. Whether you are interested in exploring its ancient landmarks or experiencing its vibrant contemporary scene, Jerusalem is sure to leave a lasting impression on your heart and mind.。



耶路撒冷英文介绍作文素材英文:Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world, with a rich history dating back thousands of years. It is considered a holy city by three major religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This makes it a unique and culturally diverse place to visit.One of the most iconic landmarks in Jerusalem is the Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall. It is a remnant of the ancient Jewish Temple and is considered the holiest site in Judaism. People from all over the world come to pray and leave notes in the crevices of the wall.Another must-see attraction in Jerusalem is the Dome of the Rock, an Islamic shrine located on the Temple Mount. It is a beautiful and ornate structure, with a golden domethat can be seen from many parts of the city.In addition to its religious significance, Jerusalem is also a vibrant and modern city. The bustling markets of the Old City offer a glimpse into daily life, while the trendy cafes and restaurants of the newer neighborhoods showcase the city's contemporary culture.Overall, Jerusalem is a fascinating and complex city that offers something for everyone. Whether you are interested in history, religion, or modern culture, thereis something to discover in this ancient and diverse city.中文:耶路撒冷是世界上最古老的城市之一,历史悠久,可以追溯到数千年前。



耶路撒冷英文介绍作文素材1. Jerusalem is a city of contrasts, where ancient history meets modern life in a vibrant and dynamic blend of cultures and traditions.2. The Old City of Jerusalem is a UNESCO World Heritage site, with its narrow streets, ancient walls, and historic sites such as the Western Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.3. The city is a melting pot of religions, with significant sites for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, making it a place of pilgrimage and spiritual significance for millions of people around the world.4. Beyond its religious significance, Jerusalem is alsoa center of art, culture, and innovation, with a thriving arts scene, museums, and galleries showcasing thecreativity and diversity of the city.5. The food in Jerusalem is a reflection of its diverse population, with a wide range of culinary delights from traditional Middle Eastern dishes to modern fusion cuisine, making it a paradise for food lovers.6. The surrounding landscape of Jerusalem is stunning, with the Judean Hills and the Dead Sea providing breathtaking views and opportunities for outdoor adventures such as hiking, biking, and swimming.7. The energy of Jerusalem is palpable, with bustling markets, lively nightlife, and a sense of community that is both rooted in tradition and open to new ideas and experiences.8. Whether you are exploring the ancient history, experiencing the religious significance, indulging in the culinary delights, or simply soaking up the vibrant atmosphere, Jerusalem offers a truly unique and unforgettable experience for visitors.。



耶路撒冷地图介绍英文作文英文:Jerusalem is a city with a rich history and culture, and its map reflects this diversity. The city is divided into four quarters: the Jewish Quarter, the Muslim Quarter, the Christian Quarter, and the Armenian Quarter.The Jewish Quarter is located in the southeastern part of the Old City and is home to many important religious sites, such as the Western Wall and the Hurva Synagogue. It is also a hub for Jewish businesses and restaurants.The Muslim Quarter is the largest quarter in the Old City and is located in the northeastern part. It is home to the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, two of the most important sites in Islam. The streets are lined with bustling markets and shops selling traditional Middle Eastern goods.The Christian Quarter is located in the northwestern part of the Old City and is home to many important Christian sites, such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Via Dolorosa. It is also a popular area for tourists, with many souvenir shops and restaurants.The Armenian Quarter is the smallest quarter and is located in the southwestern part of the Old City. It is home to the St. James Cathedral and the Armenian Patriarchate.Each quarter has its own unique character and atmosphere, and exploring the city's map can be a fascinating and enriching experience.中文:耶路撒冷是一座拥有丰富历史和文化的城市,其地图反映了这种多样性。

the hebrew university of jerusalem的简称 -回复

the hebrew university of jerusalem的简称 -回复

the hebrew university of jerusalem的简称-回复题目:以“the hebrew university of jerusalem”的简称为主题的一篇1500-2000字文章,一步一步回答导论:位于以色列的耶路撒冷城的希伯来大学(The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)是以色列最古老、最杰出的高等教育机构之一。




它于1918年由以色列第一任总统魏茨曼(Chaim Weizmann)筹建,是一所非常重要的建国之初的教育工程。











以色列的首都是哪里?1. 以色列的首都是哪里?以色列的首都是耶路撒冷(Jerusalem),被誉为世界文化和宗教中心之一。


2. 耶路撒冷的历史和文化耶路撒冷早在公元前4000年就有人类活动迹象。





3. 耶路撒冷的经济和旅游在当今的现实生活中,耶路撒冷也是以色列重要的经济和旅游中心。




4. 耶路撒冷的政治地位虽然耶路撒冷是以色列的首都,但是这个城市的政治地位一直很争议。




5. 结束语最后,众所周知,耶路撒冷是以色列的首都。



the hebrew university of jerusalem的简称 -回复

the hebrew university of jerusalem的简称 -回复

the hebrew university of jerusalem的简称-回复希伯来大学是以色列的一所顶尖大学,位于耶路撒冷市中心的基兹鵰拉山上。






HUJI是希伯来大学英文名称"The Hebrew University of Jerusalem"的首字母缩写,这个简称在大学内部和外部都被广泛使用。















al-Aqsa Mosque
The major controversial religion holy land
• Jewish west wall and the temple mount
• The Dome of the Muslim mosque (the Dome of the Lock) and the alaqsa mosque
• Islam - Founded in Arabia by Muhammad between A.D. 610 and A.D. 632
Relations between religions and Jerusalem • Significance on Judisam • Significance on Christianity • Significance on Islam
Jerusalem (/dʒəˈruːsələm/), located on a plateau in the Judean Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, is one of the oldest cities in the world.
• Introduction of Jerusalem • Three major religion in Jerusalem
• Relations between religions and Jerusalem
• Praying ways of each religion
Significance on Judisam
• Jerusalem has been sacred to the Jews since King David proclaimed it his capital in the 10th century B.C.

黑布林海滩 全本翻译

黑布林海滩 全本翻译

黑布林海滩全本翻译黑布林海滩(Jerusalem Beach)位于以色列的海滨城市特拉维夫,是以色列最受欢迎的海滩之一。
























【实战英语听力】lesson50: 耶路撒冷 Jerusalem

【实战英语听力】lesson50: 耶路撒冷   Jerusalem

lesson50:耶路撒冷 Jerusalem (以色列)原文:G: Guide T: TouristT: Can you tell me something of Jerusalem’s history?G: Well, it was founded by King David about 3000 years ago.T: So if Jerusalem eas a Jewish city why it is also regarded as a Christian and Arab city too?G: That’s a difficult question! Christians regard Jerusalem as a Christian city because Jesus lived and died here. Arabs regard Jerusalem as an Arab city because of the Done of the Rick which is a sacred temple for Muslims.T: How did the Arabs come to build their temple here?G: Many wars and crusades were fought here by Christians during the eleventh and twelfthcenturies because they felt that because of the Jesus connection that Jerusalem should be a Christian city.T: I can understand that but how did the Arabs make it their city in the first place?G: When the Christians killed all the Jews in the city they occupied it for a while but the Arabs finally captured it and held it for many centuries until the British captured it in 1917 and then Israel was created a new nation in 1947.T: So how do all these religions live happily together、G: To be honest they don’t . But Jerusalem is divided into three sections. There’s the Old City. New City (West Jerusalem),and East Jerusalem. The walled Old City, in the center, contains Muslim, Jewish, Christian, and Armenian quarters.T: I see. Can you tell me something about the Wailing Wall?G: The Western Wall is a remnant of the supporting wall of the Second Temple and now is the most sacred place of Judaism.T: You call it the Western Wall but it’s more commonly known as the Wailing Wall Why is that?G: The second Temple was built by Herod and although not as magnificent as Solomon’s temple yet it was a wonderful temple. Unfortunately it was totally destroyed by the Romans in AD 70 and only this section remains.T: So the Jews are wailing because of the loss of their temple, right?G: Yes,and because they cannot rebuild it because the Dome of the Rock stands in the very site where the temple used to be.译文:G:导游 T: 游客T: 你能给我讲讲耶路撒冷的历史吗?G: 好的,它是3000年前由大卫王兴建的。

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A Large-Scale Gaussian Belief Propagation Solver forKernel Ridge RegressionDanny Bickson School of Engineering andComputer ScienceThe Hebrew University ofJerusalemGivat Ram,Jerusalem91904,Israeldanny.bickson@Elad Y om-TovIBM Haifa Research LabHaifa University CampusHaifa31905,Israelyomtov@Danny DolevSchool of Engineering andComputer ScienceThe Hebrew University ofJerusalemGivat Ram,Jerusalem91904, introduce an efficient parallel implementation of a Kernel Ridge Regression solver,based on the Gaussian Belief Propagation algo-rithm(GaBP).Our approach can be easily used in Peer-to-Peer and grid environments,where there is no central authority that allocates work.Empirically,our solver has high accuracy in solving classifi-cation problems.We have tested our distributed implementation on large scale datasets using up to1,024CPUs of an IBM Blue Gene supercomputer.1.KERNEL RIDGE REGRESSIONKernel Ridge Regression(KRR)implements a regularized form of the least squares method useful for both regression and classifi-cation.The non-linear version of KRR is similar to the Support-Vector Machine(SVM)problem.However,in the latter,special emphasis is given to points close to the decision boundary,which is not provided by the cost function used by KRR.Given training dataD={x i,y i}l i=1,x i∈R d,y i∈Rthe KRR algorithm determines the parameter vector w∈R d of a non-linear model(using the“kernel trick”),via minimization of the following objective function:[2]:minλ||w||2+li=1(y i−w TΦ(x i))2whereλis a tradeoff parameter between the two terms of the op-timization function,andΦ(˙)is a(possible non-linear)mapping of the training patterns.One can show that the dual form of this optimization problem is given by:max W(α)=y T a+1/4λαT Kα−1/4αTα(1) where K is a matrix whose(i,j)-th entry is the kernel function K i,j=Φ(x i)TΦ(x j).The optimal solution to this optimization problem is:α=2λ(K+λI)−1y The corresponding prediction function is given by:f(x)=w TΦ(x)=y T(K+λI)−1K(x i,x).2.SOLVING A KRR PROBLEM USING GABP The contributions of this paper are twofold:First,we utilize Gaus-sian Belief propagation,an efficient distributed algorithm that has been shown to converge empirically faster[6]than other methods proposed in the literature for solving this kind of problem.These methods are those used for solving Gaussian Processes(for a re-view see[8])and include block Gauss-Seidel,Conjugate Gradient, and others.Additionally,we present a very large scale implantation (tested up to1,024computing nodes)of the parallel GaBP solver and demonstrate its applicability for solving support vector regres-sion and classification problems.The GaBP algorithm is a special case of the sum-product algorithm when the underlying distribution is Gaussian.Our aim is tofindα,a solution to the quadratic cost function1.As the kernel matrix Kis symmetric we can define a jointly Gaussian probability p(α)= exp(W(α))and infer max p(α)which is an optimal solution for the KRR problem.The formulation above allows us to shift the rating problem from an algebraic to a probabilistic domain.Instead of solving a deter-ministic vector-matrix linear equation,we now solve an inference problem in a graphical model describing a certain Gaussian distri-bution function.The move to the probabilistic domain calls for the utilization of belief propagation as an efficient inference engine.In[6]we demonstrated how to derive the GaBP update rules by substituting Gaussian distributions in the continuous BP equations. The output of this derivation are update rules that are computed locally by each node,thus allowing an efficient distributed imple-mentation.3.CONVERGENCE OF THE GABP ALGO-RITHMA sufficient condition for the convergence of the GaBP algorithm[1], is for the matrix J=(K+λI)to be diagonally dominant:∀i J ii>Σk=i|J ik|Under these conditions the GaBP algorithm converges to the right mean and approximated variance.Number of CPUsS p e e d u p (R e l a t i v e t o 2 C P U s )Figure 1:Speedup of the GaBP algorithm vs.2CPUSWe force the algorithm to converge by adding a small constant λto weight the main diagonal.Our empirical results shows that this modification did not significantly affect the error in classifications on all tested data sets.4.EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSTo compare our algorithm performance,we used two algorithms:Sequential SVM (SVMSeq)[7]and SVMlight [5].We used the Sequential SVM implementation provided within the IBM Parallel Machine Learning (PML)toolbox [3].Each node is assigned a subset of the data points.Then,the kernel matrix K is computed by the nodes in a distributed fashion,i.e.each node computes the rows of the kernel matrix related to its assigned data points.After computing a subset of the kernel matrix K ,the nodes tune the parameter λ.Then the GaBP algorithm is run.We have set the number of rounds empirically to 3rounds,for reaching convergence.Dataset E RROR (%)GaBP Sequential SVMlight Isolet 7.06 5.8449.97Letter 2.06 2.06 2.3Mushroom 4.16 5.290.02Pageblocks 3.86 4.08 2.74Pen digits 1.66 1.37 1.57Spambase16.316.5 6.57Table 1:Error rates of the GaBP solver versus those of the parallel sequential solver and SVMlightTable 1describes the seven datasets we used to compare the al-gorithms and the classification accuracy obtained.These computa-tions were done using five processing nodes (3.5GHz Intel Pentium machines,running the Linux operating system)for each of the par-allel solvers.All datasets were taken from the UCI repository [4].All algorithms were run with an RBF kernel.The parameters of the algorithm (kernel width and misclassification cost)were optimized using a line-search algorithm.Figure 1shows the speedup results of the algorithm when running the GaBP algorithm on a Blue Gene supercomputer.The speedupDatasetDim NRun time (sec)Covertype 54150,000468MNIST 78460,000756Table 2:Running times of the GaBP solver for large data sets using 1024CPUs on an IBM Blue Gene supercomputerwith N nodes is computed as the run time of the algorithm on a single node,divided by the run time using N nodes.Obviously,it is desirable to obtain linear speedup,i.e.,doubling computational power halves the processing time,but this is limited by the com-munication load and by parts of the algorithm that cannot be paral-lelized.Since Blue Gene is currently limited to 400MB of mem-ory at each node,most datasets could not be run on a single node.We therefore show speedup compared to two nodes.As the figure shows,in most cases we obtain linear speedup up to 256CPUs,which is considered a very broad range of computing power.When using 512-1024CPUs,the communication overhead reduces the efficiency of the parallel computation.We identified this problem as an area for future research into optimizing the performance for larger scale grids.We tested the ability to build classifiers for larger datasets.Table 2shows the run times of the GaBP algorithm using 1024CPUs on two larger datasets,both from the UCI repository.Due to mem-ory restrictions of Blue Gene we used only the first 150,000sam-ples of the Covertype dataset.The execution times obtained us-ing the proposed algorithm are relatively short (under 15minutes).This demonstrates the ability of the algorithm to process very large datasets in a reasonably short amount of time.We believe that our preliminary results are exciting and demon-strate the feasibility of our approach.We plan to extend our work by implementing kernel matrix caching and selection of active sub-sets as done suggested by Zanni et al.[9].5.REFERENCES[1]Y .Weiss and W.T.Freeman.Correctness of beliefpropagation in Gaussian graphical models of arbitrary topology.In NIPS-12,1999[2]Nello Cristianini and John Shawe-Taylor.An Introduction toSupport Vector Machines and Other Kernel-based Learning Methods.Cambridge University Press,2000.ISBN 0-521-78019-5.[3]/tech/pml [4]Catherine L.Blake,Eamonn J.Keogh,and Christopher J.Merz.UCI repository of machine learning databases,1998.URL /$\sim$mlearn/MLRepository.html .[5]T.Joachims.Making large-scale svm learning practical.In”B.Sch¨o lkopf,C.Burges,A.Smola”(Editors),Advances in Kernel Methods -Support Vector Learning ,[6]Danny Bickson,Danny Dolev,Ori Shental,Paul H.Siegeland Jack K.Wolf.Linear Detection via Belief Propagation.In the 45th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication,Control,and Computing,Allerton House,Illinois,Sept.07’.[7]Sethu Vijayakumar and Si Wu,Sequential Support VectorClassifiers and Regression.Proc.International Conferenceon Soft Computing(SOCO’99),Genoa,Italy,pp.610-619.[8]Carl Edward Rasmussen and Christopher K.I.Williams.Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning.MIT Press,2006.ISBN0-262-18253-X.Chapter2.1.1.[9]L.Zanni,T.Serafini,G.Zanghirati,Parallel Software forTraining Large Scale Support Vector Machines onMultiprocessor Systems,JMLR7(Jul),1467-1492,2006.。
