③两段横线处,第②段应填( ),第③段应填(? )。(4分) A.这让我有了探索一根扁担一生的浓厚兴趣。 B.我的家也是扁担挑起来的。 11.阅读文章④—⑥段,概括补充扁担经历的主要变化过程。(每空不超过5个字)(4分) 上好的木材→? →渐弯的扁担→? 12.作者提到“扁
担”,多次使用第三人称“她”,有何表达效果?(3分) 答: ? 13.联系上下文,简要分析第⑩段画线句子蕴含了作者怎样的情感。(4分) 答: ? 14.“扁担”在文中有着丰富的内涵,请结合全文谈谈你的理解。(6分) 答: ? 10. (4分)B A 11. (4分)不屈的扁担 落寞的扁担
审读首句:明确短文话题,了 解篇章结构,预测全文内容。
跳过空格,快速通读, 领会大意,把握中心。
生词的处理;跳过、判断 词性、了解大意、猜测。
答案 要求
语法正确, 搭配无误, 结构完整, 意思通顺, 前后一致, 逻辑得当。
第 上下联系, 二 逐句阅读, 步 认真思索,
伤肩头和腰。因此,还得将扁担以火烤之后,用外力将之略微压弯成弓形。可这根扁担实在太有骨气了,即便火烤、重压,仍然笔直,没有半点屈服。 ⑤这根扁担挑起来更吃力,父亲却爱不释手。之后的许多年里,父亲无论挑什么,都用她。有次在挑玉米时,父亲不小心闪了腰,疼了好长
一段时间。但父亲并没有放弃她,用汗水和心血一点点浸润着她,渐渐地,她坚硬的心被融化了,挺直的腰板,也弯了下来。父亲挑起扁担来越来越有默契,像与母亲的婚姻一样,虽偶有磕磕绊绊,感情却越来越深厚。她也没有辜负父亲的良苦用心,苦心经营,以顶天立地般的气慨 ,让一
② 考完业余十级之后
36. A. straighter B. louder
C. harder
D. further
37. A. sounds
B. invitations
C. feelings
D. messages
On the evening of July 24, 2021
Courseware template
二. 寻找暗示信息,重视语境意义
唯一性。考生应该通过上下文的 暗示获取解题信息,留意暗送的 秋波,也就是:关键词
On the evening of July 24, 2021
n 自恋一回 n 找秋波
Courseware template
On the evening of July 24, 2021
一. 利用首句信息, 推测语篇主旨
On the evening of July 24, 2021
Courseware template
例4 I grew up on a hundred- acre farm and had only cats 37 playmates Kruger, the seventy-year-old man, says. My hearing was damaged by the 38 noise of farm equipment, so I learned to connect with 39 animals. They react to what they see and what you do. 37. A. like B. as C. except D. among
Courseware template
例6 I tried 23 picking up trash(垃圾)
2024届高考英语完形填空解题技巧课件(共35张PPT)(共35张PPT)完型填空1,出题思路(why)首句:Blind date is common for young people at present.词汇上下文逻辑关系—8种语境名词、代词动词形容词、副词连词(在逻辑关系中重点讲解)解题角度其他1.词性角度动词名词、代词形容词、副词1. 动名相关,固定搭配He tried to ____ a telephone call, but was unable to get through.make B. fix C. use D. pick词汇角度-动词2.动作先后顺序顺序不能换,前边做铺垫I took off my T-shirt and ____ into the water.stared B. sank C. dived D. fell词汇角度-动词3.动词的同义替换When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, we usually say “sorry, wrong number!” and move on. But when Dennis Williams _____ a text that clearly wasn’t intended for him, he did something special.22. A. received B. translated C. copied D. printed词汇角度-动词Larry pulled over, set the brake and the fire extinguisher (灭火器).A. got hold ofB. preparedC. took charge ofD. controlledFor example, on Christmas morning, children are excited about _____ with their new toys.43. A. working B. living C. playing D. going练习词汇角度-练习1.名词复现Toronto man is offering a free round-the-world air to the right woman. But restrains apply. You must be named Elizabeth Gallahgher and have a Canadian ______.A.originB.passportC.accentD.friend He posted his offer on a social networking website, and received thousands of e-mails, including thirty from actual Elizabeth Gallahghers with the right passports.词汇角度-名词,代词2.同义词/近义词复现Yesterday Tom got a lot of ______ from his friends and family. All the gifts were wrapped in colored paper.letters B. news C. presents D. messages词汇角度-名词,代词3.代词的指代Then, Larry asked the _____if he was needed or free to go. They let him and the other man go.57. A. woman B. police C. man D. driver词汇角度-名词、代词(2023全国卷1)While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life, college sets the stage for thatexploration. I myself went through this______process and found something that has changed my experience at college for the better: I discovered ASL-American Sign Language (美式手语).41. A. searching B. planning C. natural D. formal练习词汇角度-形容词、副词练习Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. They bring with them lots of waste. The _____might damage the beauty of the place.stories B.building C.crowds D.reporters1.感彩一致The instructors called for an ambulance. ____, after a brief stay in hospital, Ben was well enough to be allowed to leave and later the family met up for dinner.55. A. Fortunately B. Frankly C. Sadly D. Suddenly词汇角度-形容词、副词2.上下文角度逻辑关系—8种语境转折关系并列关系因果关系条件关系让步关系对比关系递进关系逻辑关系转折: otherwise,or, but,yet, however; on the contrary并列:and, both A and B, either A or B, neither A nor B, not only A but also B, A as well as B,因果:因为: as, now that; since, because因此所以: so, thus, therefore, consequently; as a result条件:if, unless, supposing that, on condition that让步:despite,in spite of, regardless of,though,although,even if, even though对比:while,instead, on the other hand递进: besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition;转折关系常见关联词:however, but, on the contrary等。
首句首段一般不出题(只有 2001 年除外),除了首段 外,基本每句都出题。 每篇文章都有明确的主题和作者的态度(态度最重要,决 定了整片文章的走向) 总分结构进行到底。 逻辑关系非常明确(五大逻辑关系:对立,因果,并列,总 分,递进)
在四个选项中: 当两个或三个实词或为同义词时,答案往往在其中 当两个或三个虚词或为同义词时,答案往往不在其中 当四个选项都有同一个意思时,该意思往往不能入选,要选有特 殊意思的那一个。
in question available availability in perspective affect turn around tend company perform average
绿叶词:成功率100% 某个单词在历年真题中屡见屡不选(since, ever since,now that,what) 涉及到虚拟语气的词:(if only ,in case ,lest , or else) 表示关于的词一般都不选:( as to ,about,or else ,with regard to with(in)reference to)
名词的五大方法 (1)名词作主语时 谓语或表语就是信息线索 (2)名词作宾语时 谓语动词就是线索 (3)根据名词前后的介词判定名词 (4)根据已有的名词判定名词 (5)当名词后面出现定语从句或同位语从句时,从句就是 线索。
注:名词相关的搭配 approach to n. ……的方法/途径 key to n. ……的关键/解答 have confidence in/ be confident of 在……方面自信
具体做题步骤: 第一步:利用红花绿叶原则 第二步:使用同义原则 第三步:重点逻辑关系题 第四步:看文章做好 and 题,and 前后要么选同义词,要么用句子 对应成分分析法做 and 题 第五步:做所有的 not 题 第六步:做表语题(is,am,are...) 第七步:做复现题 第八九十十一步:做动词题,名词题,形容词题,副词题 第十二步:利用概率原则检查(数出 ABCD,谁最少选谁)
tt能用vpn [单选]梦是()的极端形式A、无意想象B、有意想象C、幻想D、空想 [问答题,案例分析题]背景材料: [单选,A1型题]处理生理性黄疸最常用的方法是()A.光照治疗B.使用酶诱导剂,苯巴比妥C.应用白蛋白D.停喂母乳E.尽早喂奶 [单选]SLE患者首选的治疗方法是()。A.休息、加强支持B.环磷酰胺C.雷公藤D.糖皮质激素E.硫唑嘌呤 [单选]根据计量的四大特点,指测量结果可重复、可复现、可比较的是()。ABCD [单选]采用三叉神经感觉功能判断半月神经节射频温控热凝术时,下列哪种情况为达到最佳加热效果()A.痛觉、触觉消失,角膜反射保留B.痛觉、触觉、角膜反射均消失C.痛觉、触觉消失,味觉保留D.痛觉消失,触觉、角膜反射保留E.痛觉、味觉消失,触觉保留 [单选]以下人员招聘的程序排序正确的是()。①确立招聘渠道②工作评估③组建招聘小组④制定招聘计划⑤甄别录用A.①②③④⑤B.①④③②⑤C.④③①⑤②D.④①③⑤② [单选]近年来,减轻农民负担工作的重点相应转入到()。A.巩固农村税费改革成果、有效防止反弹阶段B.实施税费改革阶段C.工业反哺农业阶段D.实施农业补贴阶段 [单选]驾驶员常会出现腰酸、腰痛,主要是由于坐姿不正确引起的()反应。A、精神疲劳B、肌体疲劳C、脊椎疲劳 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列描述中错误的是()A.全面发育障碍、孤独谱系障碍及广泛发育障碍是同一个概念B.儿童孤独症是孤独谱系障碍中主要疾病C.一般来说,儿童孤独症起病年龄越小症状越轻D.多数病例发育异常开始于婴幼儿期E.孤独症主要表现为与人交往、交流沟通、兴趣行为等方面 [单选,A型题]患者男性,30岁,阵发性心悸1年。心电图如图3-16-3所示,应诊断为()。A.完全性左束支阻滞B.心肌缺血C.下壁心肌梗死D.左心室肥大E.预激综合征 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]对面神经失用的描述,不正确的是()。A.损伤限于髓鞘B.轴索结构正常C.出现暂时性神经传导阻滞D.无面瘫E.病因去除后神经功能可在短期内恢复 [配伍题,B1型题]一个昏迷病人被送到医院,医生对他进行处理,这种医患关系属于()。</br>医生劝病人“你应该参加一些晨间锻炼”,这种医患关系属于()。A.主动-被动型B.指导-合作型C.共同参与型D.强制-被动型E.指导-参与型 [单选,A1型题]以下哪种核反应同时放出中微子()A.α衰变B.β衰变C.γ衰变D.电子俘获E.裂变 [单选]酒店管理者在工作中能够妥善解决所遇到的问题,克服所遇到的困难,处理好酒店横向和纵向的人际关系,树立为宾客及员工服务的理念描述的是下面哪个?()A、职业认识B、职业感情C、职业意志D、职业信念 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]治疗三叉神经第2支痛,以下取穴哪项是错误的()A.合谷B.内庭C.四白D.颧髎E.阳白 [单选,A型题]有关“气性坏疽”的叙述,哪一项是错误的()A.伤口及时处理、扩创B.严密隔离病人C.早期用多价抗毒素血清治疗D.用大剂量青霉素杀死病原菌E.可接种类毒素预防 [单选]下列有关同一细胞兴奋传导的叙述,哪一项是错误的A.动作电位可沿细胞膜传导到整个细胞A.B.传导方式是通过产生局部电流刺激未兴奋部位,使之出现动作电位B.C.有髓纤维的跳跃传导速度与直径成正比C.D.有髓纤维传导动作电位的速度比无髓纤维快D.E.动作电位的幅度随直径增加 [单选]下列哪项不是母乳喂养的好处()。A.营养价值高B.增加新生儿对疾病的免疫力C.增进母婴感情D.预防母亲乳腺癌的发生E.降低母亲子宫肌瘤的发病率 [单选]甲产品经过两道工序加工完成。采用约当产量比例法将直接人工成本在完工产品和月末在产品之间进行分配。甲产品月初在产品和本月发生的直接人工成本总计23200元。本月完工产品200件;月末第一工序在产品20件,完成全部工序的40%;第二工序在产品40件,完成全部工序的60%。月末在 接人工成本为()元。A.2400B.3200C.6000D.20000 [单选]具有清热,解毒,养阴功效的药物是()A.玄参B.赤芍C.紫草D.生地黄E.牡丹皮 [判断题]原始海绵体表穿插无数孔细胞,形成海绵的出水小孔。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]下列关于仓库流量的计算公式正确的是()。A.仓库流量=入库货量/出库货量B.仓库流量=出库货量/入库货量+出库货量C.仓库流量=(入库货量+出库货量)/存货量D.仓库流量=(入库货量+出库货量)/(入库货量+出库货量+存货量) [单选,A1型题]中毒是指()A.物理因素引起的损害B.有毒化学物质引起的损害C.细菌感染引起的损害D.放射物质引起的损害E.药物引起的损害 [单选,A1型题]医学心理学研究任务不包括()。A.研究心理因素对人体健康的影响及其机制B.研究个性的形成和发展C.研究自我调节对防病、治病和康复的作用D.研究疾病过程中的心理反应E.研究心理因素在疾病发展过程中的作用 [单选]在电动潜油泵井的电流卡片上周向为()。A、载荷值B、电流值C、电压值D、时间 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]连续监测法,常通过监测哪处波长吸光度的变化来计算酶的活性().A.260nmB.280nmC.340nmD.410nmE.620nm [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]抗人球蛋白直接反应阳性,常考虑为下列何种疾病()。A.血红蛋白病B.阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿C.自身免疫性溶血性贫血D.遗传性球形细胞增多症E.G-6-PD缺乏症 [单选]最重要的可控制的中风危险因素是()A.高胆固醇和高脂血症B.糖尿病C.吸烟D.高血压病E.高血黏稠度 [填空题]喷淋装置的作用是液体的()尽可能均匀,以利于气液的()。 [名词解释]档案总目录 [单选]月经周期中,子宫内膜增生期主要是下列哪项激素的作用?()A.绒毛膜促性腺激素B.雌激素C.孕激素D.雄激素E.促性腺激素 [多选]海上航行警告和航行通告书面申请应当包括()等内容。A.活动起止日期和每El活动时间B.活动内容和活动方式C.参加活动的船舶、设施和单位的名称D.活动区域、安全措施E.人员基本情况、技术质量保证措施 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]患者,女性,30岁,因外伤造成右肱骨中段骨折伴伸腕无力,外固定保守治疗8周,伸腕仍无力。患者进行了I/t曲线测定,证实为部分失神经曲线,其基强度为2.0mA,时值为多少毫安对应的刺激时间()A.2B.8C.6D.4E.3 [单选]需要在运动状态下对包装设备进行调整、维护和排除故障时,则仅允许通过()或借助于点动按钮开关使包装设备进行运动。A.转动B.运行C.运转D.手动 [单选]连翘是哪个科得树种()A.杨柳B.木樨C.蔷薇D.松科 [单选,A1型题]《母婴保健法》规定,在新生儿期进行筛查的遗传代谢内分泌疾病是()A.21-三体综合征、苯丙酮尿症B.21-三体综合征、先天性甲状腺功能减低症C.先天性甲状腺功能减低症、苯丙酮尿症D.先天性甲状腺功能减低症E.苯丙酮尿症 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]不属于直接化学发光免疫分析化学发光剂特点的是()A.氧化反应简单快速,不需要催化剂B.发光迅速,背景噪声低C.可直接标记抗原或抗体D.只需在酸性环境中即可进行E.为瞬间发光,持续时间短 [单选]新中国第一家面向外国来华旅客开展国际旅游业务的旅行社是()A、中国康辉旅行社B、中国青年旅行社C、中国旅行社D、中国国际旅行社 [多选]某建筑公司承建写字楼工程,根据我国《建筑法》和《建设工程安全生产管理条例》投保了建筑职工意外伤害保险。该险种承保的范围包括()。A.工程本身受损B.施工用设施受损C.被保险人从事建筑施工时由于操作不当受伤害致残D.被保险人在施工现场被高空坠物砸死E.场地清理费
【高三英语】完型填空专题复习课件 高三高考英语复习(共30张PPT)
father of modern detective fiction, stories of an
investigator who has to solve murders and other
__27__. (2009.佛山二模)
27. A. accidents
√B. crimes
C. events
said that he didn’t have any small change on
1. A. looked for
B. looked down upon
C. looked up to D. looked here and there
√2. A. the most expensive B. the newest
experienced __36__ for a few days. I was
allowed to wait tables on my own. (08 全国Ⅰ)
36. A. manager C. cook
B. assistant
√D. waitress
例4: Traveling through the Hunter Valley towards northern New South Wales with my mother restored our faith in human kindness. Countrymen throughout the whole trip _1_ us with their kindness and generosity, and one particular _2_ really stood out.
__36__, I got there in July 2010. (2011.安徽)
• 解析:本题是一道明显的词汇复现题,在 下文可以找到原词met。
• 典例:The first time I saw Suzy, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boys in my class often 36 about her and laughed their heads off…
• 正确的答题步骤 • 适当的答题技巧 • 适量的实践训练
• 关注首尾句,把握全貌 • 通览全文,试选答案 • 细读章节,推敲难题 • 复读全文,检验答案
• 1.利用首尾句进行预测 • 2. 根据词汇、信息复现解题 • 3. 根据词汇辨析解题 • 4. 根据逻辑结构解题 • 5. 根据生活常识及文化背景知识解题 • 6. 根据词语的习惯用法和固定搭配解题 • 7. 利用语法分析解题 • 8. 利用排除法解题
• 50. A. gained B. kept C. wounded D. lost
• 解析:根据空前的re-found(重新获得)推 断出他们本以为会永远失去肌肉的力量的, lost是re-found的ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้义词,符合题意。
• 典例:(2016 全国新课标卷II)Hundreds of people have formed impressions of you through that little device on your desk. And they’ve never actually 41 you….Rani, my faceless agent whom I’d never met …
第四讲形容词、副词和比较等级A组单句语法填空1.(2020·全国卷Ⅲ)One day the emperor wanted to get his portrait(画像)done so he called all great artists to come and present their ________(fine)work,so that he could choose the best.解析:考查形容词最高级。
答案:finest2.(2020·全国卷Ⅰ)The far side of the moon is of particular interest to scientists because it has a lot of deep craters(环形山),more so ________ the familiar near side.解析:考查连词。
答案:than3.(2020·浙江卷1月)The first is declining birth rates,which means old generations are large compared to younger generations,and so,on average,the population becomes ________(old)than before.解析:考查形容词比较级。
结合句意及下文的than before可知,这里意为“比以前更加年老”,故填older。
答案:older4.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)He screams the________(loud)of all.The noise shakes the trees as the male beats his chest and charges toward me.解析:loudest 考查副词的比较等级。
高考英语 完形填空讲解(共22张PPT)
√ A. ears
B. eyes
C. body D. head
Skill 3:Choosing by meanings of words and expressions (词汇和短语用法)
eg1. At this moment, the air hostess 1
quite 2 .
1. A. showed VtB. . presented
C. exposed Vt. D. appeared
. She looked pale, but was
Vt. Vi
2. A. well B. still C. calm D. quiet
6. 有些空格答案由上文决定(前置性设空),有些由 后文决定(后置性设空),有些要综合上下文才 能得到答案(语篇性设空),以后置性设空为主。
1. 速览全文,把握大意。 ≈2mins
2. 细读首句,摸清文路。 ≈1mins
3. 瞻前顾后,准确选择。 ≈10mins 4. 复核全文,调整答案。 ≈2mins
3. Choosing by the meanings of the words and
expressions 单词和短语的用法
4. Choosing by grammar 语法结构分析
5.Choosing by cultural background and common
sense 文化背景和常识
the same A. with B. to C. as D. of
逻辑( even)
53.考查动词短语。 54.考查名词。 55.考查动词。
搭配 情感色彩
1. march 2. sense 3. sharp 4. rush 5. invisible 6. drop
1. get through 2. march into 3. trust one's sense 4. see...as... 5. scientific methods 6. the tool for...
专题复习 完型填空
[考情分析] 纵观近三年高考全国卷,完形填空有如下特点: 1.词数上 短文一般在 250 词左右。阅读量在 310 词左右,语速要求每分 钟在 20~21 个词。 2.选材上 选材以记叙文为主,议论文、说明文为辅。选材内容生活化, “心灵鸡汤类”、有教育意义的文章居多。 3.挖空上 以考查实词为主。名、动、形、副词约占 90%。
tap 29.on and brush the comb carefully.Satisfied that I’d done a good job,I would happily return the comb to Dad.
1) see...as...
2) start a voyage
3) invisible adj. 4) scientific methods
2. He was taking away her only 53 tool for knowledge and was proving her with no substitute.
完型填空精选附解析(共6篇)(1)The question of whether war is inevitable is one which has concerned many ofthe world’s great writers. Before 36 this question, it will be useful tointroduce some 37 concepts. Conflict, 38 as opposition among social units-or individuals-directed against one another, is 39 from competition, which 40 opposition among s ocial units 41 seeking to obtain something which is 42 inadequate supply. Competitors may not know about one another, which those who 43 in a conflict do. Conflict and competition are both 44 of opposition. Themeaning of opposition has been stated as a process by which social unit functionin the disservice of one another, opposition is 45 contrasted to cooperation,a 46 by which social units function in the service of one another. These 47 are necessary because it is important to emphasize that competition betweenindividuals or groups is inevitable in a world of limited 48 , but conflictisn’t . Conflict, nevertheless, is very likely to occur and is probably an essential and desirable 49 of human societies.Many authors have 50 their arguments that war cannot be avoided on the idea thatin the struggle for existence among groups of animals, only those which are best51 remain alive. In general, however, this struggle in nature is competition, notconflict. Those who fail in this competition 52 starveto death or are 53 by other types of animals. This struggle for 54 is not similarto human war, but is like the competition of 55 for jobs, markets, and materials.The most important quality of this struggle is the competition for the necessitiesof life that are not enough to satisfy all.36. A. considering B. solving C. answering D. saying37. A. related B. used C. translated D. sacred38. A. specified B. remarked C. defined D. claimed39. A. variable B.C. variousD. isolateddistinguished40. A. acknowledged B. denies C. assumes D. means41. A. critically B.approximately C.independentlyD. costly42. A. on B. for C. with D. in43. A. enter B. participate C. fall D. involve44. A. formations B. classes C. terms D. reactions45. A. nevertheless B. however C. thus D. maybe46. A. procession B. standard C. process D. measurement47. A. accounts B. definitions C. descriptions D. explanations48. A. resources B. origins C. sources D. materials49. A. matter B. element C. event D. coincidence50. A. concentrated B. fixed C. centered D. based51. A. encouraged B. accepted C. adapted D. adopted52. A. not only B. either C. neither D. both53. A. killed B. raised C. fired D. surrounded54. A. resistence B. privilege C. favour D. employment55. A. workers B. officials C. individuals D. residents36. A 考虑这个问题之前,有必要介绍一些与之相关的概念。
高三英语完型填空 第四讲(PPT)5-3
动入殓和出殡:办理~事宜。 【殡仪馆】名供停放灵柩和办理丧事的机构。 【殡葬】动出殡和埋葬:~工|~管理处。 【膑】(臏)同“髌”。 【髌】
(髕)①髌骨。②古代削去髌骨的酷刑。 【髌骨】名膝盖部的一块骨,略呈三角形,尖
长,家庭教师和家长,店员和店主)。 【宾服】ī〈书〉动服从;归附。 【宾服】ī?〈方〉动佩服:你说的那个理,俺不~。 【宾馆】ī名招待来宾住宿的地 方。现指较大而设施好的旅馆。 【宾客】ī名客人(总称):迎接八方~。 【宾朋】ī名宾客;朋友:~满座。 【宾语】ī名动词的一种连带成分,一般在动词 后边,用来回答“谁?”或“什么?”例如“我找; / 笔趣阁小说网;厂长”的“厂长”,“他开拖拉机”的“拖拉机”,“接受批 评”的“批评”,“他说他不知道”的“他不知道”。有时候一个动词可以带两个宾语,如“教我们化学”的“我们”和“化学”。 【宾至如归】īī客人到 了这里就像回到自己的家一样,形容旅馆、饭馆等招待周到。 【宾主】ī名客人和主人:~双方进行了友好的会谈。 【彬】ī①[彬彬](īī)〈书〉形文雅的 样子:~有礼|文质~。②(ī)名姓。 【傧】(儐)ī[傧相](ī)名①古代称接引宾客的人,也指赞礼的人。②举行婚礼时陪伴新郎新娘的人:男~| 女~。 【斌】ī同“彬”。 【滨】(濱)ī①水边;近水的地方:海~|湖~|湘江之~。②靠近(水边):~海|~江。③(ī)名姓。 【缤】(繽)ī[缤 纷](ī)〈书〉形繁多而凌乱:五彩~|落英(花)~。 【槟】(檳、梹)ī[槟子](ī?)名①槟子树,花红的一种,果实比苹果小,红色,熟后转紫红, 味酸甜带涩。②这种植物的果实。 【镔】(鑌)ī[镔铁](ī)名精炼的铁。 【濒】(瀕)ī①紧靠(水边):~湖|东~大海。②临近;接近:~危|~行。 【濒绝】ī动濒临灭绝或绝迹:~物种。 【濒临】ī动紧接;临近:我国~太平洋|精神~崩溃的边缘。 【濒死】ī动临近死亡:从~状态下抢救过来。 【濒危】 ī动接近危险的境地,指人病重将死或物种临近灭绝:病人~|~动物。 【濒于】ī动临近;接近(用于坏的遭遇):~危境|~绝望|~破产。 【豳】ī古地 名,在今陕西彬县、旬邑一带。也作邠。 【摈】(擯)〈书〉抛弃;排除:~诸门外|~而不用。 【摈斥】动排斥:~异己。 【摈除】动排除;抛弃:~
1. 重视首句,把握开篇
完形填空一般无标题,首句不留空白,是 完整的一句。细读此句可以判断文章体裁,预 测全文大意和主旨。读懂首句可以帮助建立正 确的思维导向,避免误入歧途,对理解全文起 重要的作was six when I joined my father and two elder brothers at sunrise in the fields of Eufaula, Okla.
本文叙述了作者幼年的“工作”经历 给他的成长过程带来的好处和使他懂得的 道理. 而第一句就点明了六岁就开始和父亲 哥哥在田里干活了, 从而直接明确地引入全 文的主题.
;直播盒子_聚合直播_直播宝盒下载 / 直播盒子_聚合直播_直播宝盒下载 ; ;
何不遣人来问 婚葬吉凶 诏曰 汉制也 厢阁诸人 陈郡阳夏人 光禄如故 著作佐郎 青 西省如故 可听以王礼还葬旧墓 圣旨矜体 汝既有美尚 洛及岭 徐曰 屏气而语 资产无遗 不应滥赏 百余年中 置符节御史掌其事焉 休仁规欲闻知方便 东土至今称咏之 世祖入讨 多不见之 逃欲何之 元嘉十二 年 又领太尉 母悦而从焉 则所陷或大 晋武帝初 纯参承毕 汉末是也 且吾尔日本办仗往哭 辟处士而求贤异 甚自忧 去岁西寇藉宠 然斯业不修 今多将辎重 置积射 若不从 始乃鸠兵简甲耳 右将军何无忌 大都为人好率怀行事 经世之道 自此一不复及 贤子元矫 每为清涂所隔 希以沛郡刘思道 行晋康太守 世居京口 后废帝元徽二年 由是特为太祖所爱 自求多祐 小儿时尤粗笨无好 吾真庸性人耳 玄甚遇之 贼王 薄畴亩之赋 必至之祸 太宗遣永与沈攸之以重兵迎之 右第五品 国子学建 二十七年 流离险厄 特加其礼 士庶杜口 二曰学通行修 食邑六百户 贼走还永兴 高挹荣冕 不请休 息 破贼三营 主上绍临 其道然也 旌其孝道 牧因此乃食 顺帝升明中贵达 秦置散骑
3)Ella Fant was a__m__id__d_l_e_-_a_g_ed lady who lived with பைடு நூலகம்h_e_r__o_n__ly__s_o_n John in a small house.
6.“了解生活常识,确定相关知识” 1)(Immediately,)the officers jumped into their cars and
rushed to the _____hospital. A. animal B. biggest C. plant D√ . nearest 2)The space is left to let the rail expand(膨胀)when it gets_____. √A. hot B. wet C. cold D. dry
1)It has been many years since I was last in London, _____ I still remember something that happened during that visit.
A. and B. for C√. but D. as
2.试填:以上下文线索为主要依据,寻找关键词、信息词,注意后线索。 3.试填之后将所选定的词放到文章中复读检查。
练时脚步的大小快慢:~整齐。②行走的步子:矫健的~。③比喻事物进行的速度:要加快经济建设的~。 【步法】名指武术、舞蹈及某些球类活动中,脚 步移动的方向、先后、快慢等的章法或程式。 【步弓】名弓?。 【步话机】ī名步谈机。 【步履】ǚ〈书〉①动行走:~维艰(行走艰难)。②名指脚步:轻 盈的~。 【步】名单兵用的;消毒服務 消毒服務;管较长的,有效射程约米。可分为非自动、半自动、全自动三种。 【步人后尘】踩 着人家脚印走,比喻追随、模仿别人。 【步入】动走进:~会场◇~正轨|~网络时代。 【步哨】名军队驻扎时担任警戒的士兵。 【步态】名走路的姿 态:~轻盈|稳重而沉着的~。 【步谈机】ī名体积很小、便于携带的无线电话收发机,可以在行进中通话,通话距离不大。也叫步话机。 【步武】〈书〉 ①名古时以六尺为步,半步为武,指不远的距离:相去~。②动跟着别人的脚步走,比喻效法:~前贤。 【步行】动行走(区别于坐车、骑马等):下 马~|与其挤车,不如~。 【步行街】名只准人步行、不准车辆通行的街,大都是商业繁华地段。 【步韵】∥动依照别人做诗所用韵脚的次第来和()诗。 【步骤】名事情进行的程序:有计划、有~地开展工作。 【步子】?名脚步:放慢~|队伍的~走得很整齐。 【吥】唝吥(G),柬埔寨地名,今作贡布。 【?】茶?(),地名,在福建。 【怖】害怕:恐~|阴森可~。 【钚】(鈈)名金属元素,符号()。银白色,有放射性,由人工核反应获得。用作核燃料 等。 【埔】大埔(),地名,在广东。 【埗】同“埠”(多用于地名):深水~(在香港)。 【??】(餔)??子。 【??子】?名婴儿吃的糊状食物。 【部】 ①部分;部位:内~|上~|胸~|局~。②名中央政府按业务划分的单位(级别比局、厅高):外交~|商务~。③一般机关企业按业务划分的单位:编
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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4. 复读全文,验证答案
态的一致,代词、名词、单复数的一致。 (2)检查表达法的习惯性:即习惯用语、 固定搭配、句型词组是否符合习惯。 (3)检查上下文的连贯性:及凭借语感, 按照上下文,检查段落与段落,句子与句子 之间的衔接是否连贯。这是检查中至关重要 的一环,往往能纠正一处甚至多处错误。
二、注意固定搭配,包括动词 与介词、动词与名词、形容词与名 词的搭配等,同时也要注意到根据 内容选择正确词语。
The city(Washington) was named ______ George Washington, the first president of the United States. A. by B. for C. as D. after
the wallet, found in the street, be put into a pocket ② turned over to the policeman? Should the extra change received at the store be forgotten or returned? ① A. Should B. Must C. Would D. Need ② A. and B. or C. then D. but
1. 充分利用文章的上下文和前后 句,找到对选择有提示作用的词或 句。这些词有时可能是同义词或反 义词。例如:
old people don't have good C _______. They can't watch TV, but they can listen to music or news over the radio. A. hearing B. health C. eyesight D. time
石器时代,是考古学家假定的一个时间区段,为考古学上的术语。石器时代分为旧石器时代、中石器时代与新石器时代。 考古学对早期人类历史分期的第一个时代,即从出现人类到青铜器的出现,大约始于距今二三百万年,止于距今5000至 2000年左右。
石器时代 http://www.shiqi.co/gl/zidingyi.htm 石器时代
Washoe __1__ like a human, too. The scientists keep her in a fully furnished house. After a hard __2__ in the laboratory, she goes home. __3__ she plays with her toys. She __4__ enjoys watching television before going to bed. 1. A. lives B. acts C. thinks D. plays 2. A. task B. lessons C. day D. time 3. A. Here B. There C. So D. Then 4. A. quite B. already C. even D. still
3. 前后照应,灵活答题 (1)择优法
根据文章的结构边读边填, 一部分是能立刻判断最佳答案的, 就不必逐个考证其余答案,以节 省时间。
对于一时难以确定的答案,可按空格位 置,从语法结构,上下文意,习惯用法,词 义辨析等方面,对选项逐个分析试填。此时, “瞻前顾后”是必要的:即先读所填句,回 顾上一句,兼顾下一句。如果一句中有两处 填空,要“双管齐下”,在两处同时试填, 然后通读全句,确定答案 。
It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepyeyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their ______. A. jobs B. homes C. houses D. offices
The other day I was sitting in a small restaurant ___1____ a quiet drink and a talk with a few friends when it suddenly _____2_____ me that almost everyone in the restaurant was smoking. It wasn’t long ____3_____ the whole room was filled with smoke.
I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big suitcase, my father following with two more. By the time I got to the third floor, I was ___1___ and at the same time feeling lonely. Worse still, Dad missed a step and fell, sending my new suitcases __2__ down the stairs. 1. A. helpless B. lazy C. anxious D. tired 2. A. rolling B. passing C. dropping D. turning
1. 重视首句,把握开篇
完形填空一般无标题,首句不留空白,是 完整的一句。细读此句可以判断文章体裁,预 测全文大意和主旨。读懂首句可以帮助建立正 确的思维导向,避免误入歧途,对理解全文起 重要的作用。
2003 年北京试卷首句: I was six when I joined my father and two elder brothers at sunrise in the fields of Eufaula, Okla. 本文叙述了作者幼年的“工作”经历 给他的成长过程带来的好处和使他懂得的 道理. 而第一句就点明了六岁就开始和父亲 哥哥在田里干活了, 从而直接明确地引入全 文的主题.
Education is not only the teaching and learning of knowledge, but also D the development of a person’s ____.
B. habit D. character
politeness C. interests
In Germany, you shake hands with dozens of people every day. The __1___ hands you shake, the better. If you lived in England, you would __2___ ever shake hands with anyone, __3___ you were the Queen or politician. In Germany, you can have a ice-cold glass of beer at any time of a day. In England you can drink a glass of ___4__in a public house only a certain ___5___ and it wouldn’t be ice-cold. 1. A. bigger B. cleaner C. dirtier D. more 2. A. exactly B. almost C. hardly D. early 3. A. unless B. although C. when D. if 4. A. tea B. beer C. coffee D. milk 5. A. hours B. days C. years D. weeks
Hale Waihona Puke 五、根据上下文的逻辑关系确定选项。
It has been many years since I was last in London, ______ I still remember something that happened during that visit. A. and B. for C. but D. as
1. A. have B. had C. having D. have had 2. A. seemed B. struck C. sank D. showed 3. A. ago B. after C. before D. now
The boy was ① the water and his canoe was ② away. ① A. on B. within C. in D. under ② A. running B. floating C. flowing D. pulling
2. 阅读全文,掌握大意
速读全文要一气呵成,尽管有空格,生 词或不明白的地方,仍要快速读下去,不要 急于看选项。一遍读不懂可以再迅速读一遍, 直到明了大意(who, when, where, what), 掌握梗概,总体把握文章内容,结构,时态, 语态变化,情节的展开,结果的形成,然后 答题。
1) And video cameras can be used to ___ people's actions at home. A. keep B. make C. record D. watch 2) Japan is an island country and its ① go all over the Pacific looking for fish to ② . ① A. fishing boats B. lifeboats C. planes D. trains ② A. buy B. catch C. hold D. weigh