VW01055 21 基准点系统
共 13 页第 1 页从该坐标系的3个轴出发,可撑开与轴平行的网络线,这些网络线按100 mm的距离从理论上穿透汽车。
2.2 基准点系统接收的标准值规格/标准值标记多次应用的精度要求很高的接收孔必须设计得相当稳定。
表格1:推荐的标准值其他标准值数值参见VW 010 77表格2推荐的标准值其他标准值数值参见VW 010 783 3-2-1法则每个刚性体在三维空间里具有6个自由度,3个转换器的自由度平行于基准系的轴和3个转子的自由度绕轴旋转,参见图2。
低场核磁t2值1. 什么是低场核磁?低场核磁(Low-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)是一种现代化的分析技术,主要利用反应质子(或核)特有的磁性,通过施加外部磁场和辐射磁场,激发其能级变化并进行记录和数据分析,从而获取样品的物性和化学性质的信息。
2. 核磁T2值的含义核磁T2值是低场核磁技术中的一个重要参数,是指样品的自旋进动回弹时间(或称为横向自旋网络弛豫时间),反映了样品中自旋之间的相互作用和分子动力学运动情况。
3. 影响核磁T2值的因素核磁T2值的影响因素相当复杂,主要与样品的化学成分、分子结构、形态特征、温度、pH值、溶剂、外部磁场强度等参数有关。
以下是一些常见的影响因素:- 样品分子量:分子量越大,T2值越长,因为分子间的相互作用越弱。
- 样品构象特征:分子构象特征也会影响分子速率和自旋相互作用,从而改变T2值。
- 样品温度:晶体、玻璃等无定形物质分子运动缓慢,T2值较长;而液体、溶液等则因为分子动力学活跃,T2值较短。
- 样品pH值:酸或碱性条件下,分子的结构稳定性不同,对T2值也会有不同的影响。
- 外部磁场强度:磁场强度越强,T2值越长。
- 样品溶剂:样品的溶剂极性、氢键等也会对样品分子间的相互作用和速率产生影响。
4. 低场核磁T2值的应用低场核磁T2值的应用主要集中在材料学、环境科学、生物医药等领域。
ASTM E 1025-05 孔型像质计
B 166 Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys (UNS N06600, N06601, and N06690) and NickelChromium-Cobalt-Molybdenum Alloy (UNS N06617) Rod, Bar, and Wire
0.750 60.030
0.250 60.015 0.250 60.015
... 0.375 60.030
FIG. 1 IQI Design
0.500 60.015 0.500 60.015
... 1.000 60.030
E 746 Test Method for Determining Relative Image Quality Response of Industrial Radiographic Film
E 747 Practice for Design, Manufacture, and Material Grouping Classification of Wire Image Quality Indicators (IQI) Used for Radiology
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 1025 – 05
NOTE 1—All dimensions in inches (Note 6). NOTE 2—Tolerances for IQI thickness and hole diameter. NOTE 3—XX identification number equals T in .001 inches. NOTE 4—IQIs No. 1 through 9 are not 1T, 2T, and 4T. NOTE 5—Holes shall be true and normal to the IQI. Do not chamfer. NOTE 6—To convert inch dimensions to metric, multiply by 25.4.
CSB典型事故案例分析—T2反应器冷却失效爆炸事故给我们的启示唐彬 1 天津市居安企业管理咨询有限公司何琛2 上海于睿商务咨询有限公司关键词: 危害识别、PHA、工艺设计及放大、美国化学品安全与危害调查委员会(CSB)摘要本文结合美国化学品安全与危害调查委员会对T2反应器冷却系统失效导致爆炸事故的分析,从反应危害识别、工艺危害分析、员工危险性教育等方面深刻分析产生爆炸事故的原因,并提出改进措施。
1.介绍1.1事故简介2007年12月19日下午1:33,在佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔北部的一家小型化学品制造工厂(T2 Laboratories, Inc,以下简称T2)因化工装置反应失控发生了一场爆炸事故,导致四名T2员工死亡,另有4名T2员工及28名附近其他工厂的工作人员共计32人受伤。
图1:2007年12月20日T2事故现场1.2 T2公司简介T2公司是一家位于佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔的小型私有企业,它于1996年由一位化学工程师和一位化学家合作成立共同拥有直到事故发生,主要从事溶剂混溶业务。
1.3 MCMT介绍MCMT是有机锰化合物,作为增加汽油辛烷值的添加剂使用,最早是由Ethyl公司于20世纪50年代末研发制造的。
pm2.5临界达标 -回复
三、如何实现PM2.5临界达标?1. 控制源头排放:主要是通过加强工业、交通、燃煤等领域的环保监管,推动使用清洁能源和低污染排放设备,减少排放物的释放。
2. 改善空气质量:通过建设污染治理设施、改善燃煤和汽车尾气排放控制等措施,改善空气质量,降低PM2.5浓度。
3. 着重治理重点区域:重点治理大城市、工业区、城市副中心等高污染区域,通过改善重点区域的空气质量,促进周边地区的PM2.5的降低。
4. 提高公众环保意识:通过加强环境宣传教育,提高公众对PM2.5危害的认识,增强个人环保意识,减少个人排放。
四、需要注意的问题:1. 多学科合作:实现PM2.5临界达标需要经济、环境、社会等多个领域的合作,需要政府、企业、科研机构和公众的共同努力。
2. 长期性和系统性:实现PM2.5临界达标是一个长期的任务,需要持续改善和治理,不能急功近利。
3. 国际合作:空气污染是跨界别、跨国界的环境问题,需要国际合作共同应对,共享治理经验和技术。
中国认证认可协会质量管理体系审核员注册准则(GB/T 27024认可项目)第2版文件编号:CCAA-108发布日期:2007年1月18 日实施日期:2007年6月1日©版权2007-中国认证认可协会质量管理体系审核员注册准则类别本准则为中国认证认可协会(CCAA)人员注册规范类文件。
批准编制:CCAA 日期:2006年10月25日批准:CCAA 日期:2007年1月18日实施:CCAA 日期:2007年6月1 日信息所有CCAA文件都用中文发布。
本准则由CCAA依据《中华人民共和国认证认可条例》、国家质量监督检验检疫总局《认证及认证培训、咨询人员管理办法》(质检总局令第61号)制定,遵循了IPC《QMS和EMS 审核员认证制度开发规范第四版》(BD-05-007)、GB/T 27024-2004《合格评定人员认证机构通用要求》和GB/T 19011-2003《质量和(或)环境管理体系审核指南》,是建立质量管理体系(GB/T19001)审核员国家注册制度的基础性文件。
郑州新郑国际机场二期扩建工程T2航站楼工程T2SG-05标段施工组织设计编制人:审核人:审批人:编制时间:审批时间:目录第一章编制依据及编制说明........................................ - 1 -1.1编制依据 (1)1.2编制说明 (2)第二章工程概况 .................................................. - 3 -2.1编制依据 (3)2.2工程建筑概况 (3)2.3工程结构概况 (3)2.4装饰装修工程概况 (3)2.5机电及设备安装概况 (4)2.6工程主要施工图 (5)2.7工程施工条件 (5)2.8工程管理概况 (6)2.9工程特点、重点、难点分析及应对措施 (6)2.9.1 工程特点、重点、难点分析................................. - 6 -2.9.2 应对措施................................................ - 8 - 2.10关键和特殊过程及危险性较大的分部分项工程. (9)第三章施工部署 ................................................. - 10 -3.1项目管理总目标 (10)3.2项目管理组织机构 (10)3.2.1 项目组织机构........................................... - 10 -3.2.2 项目管理岗位及职责权限................................. - 11 - 3.3施工流程安排.. (12)3.4施工区段划分 (13)3.4.1 基础施工阶段........................................... - 14 -3.4.2 主体结构施工阶段....................................... - 14 -3.4.3 安装阶段............................................... - 14 -3.4.4 装饰阶段............................................... - 14 - 3.5新技术应用要求 (15)3.5.1 建筑业10项新技术应用................................... - 15 -3.5.2 自创新技术应用.......................................... - 15 - 第四章施工进度计划 ............................................. - 16 - 4.1工程总体工期安排. (16)4.2主要工期节点计划 (16)4.3专业分包工程进度计划 (16)4.4施工网络计划 (16)第五章施工准备与资源配置计划 ................................... - 17 -5.1施工准备计划 (17)5.1.1 施工准备计划........................................... - 17 -5.1.2 现场准备............................................... - 26 - 5.2资源配置计划.. (27)5.2.1 施工准备计划........................................... - 27 -5.2.2 专业分包进出场计划..................................... - 28 -5.2.3 主要原材料需要量计划................................... - 28 -5.2.4 主要周转材料配制计划................................... - 29 -5.2.5 主要施工机械、机具配置计划............................. - 30 -5.2.6 主要测量、计量、试验器具配置计划....................... - 31 - 第六章主要施工方案 ............................................. - 33 - 6.1关键工序施工方案与技术措施 (33)6.1.1 混凝土供应商和配合比的选择............................. - 33 -6.1.2 大体积混凝土施工方案与技术措施......................... - 34 -6.1.3 高大模板施工方案....................................... - 34 -6.1.4 高大空间机电安装方案................................... - 36 -6.1.5 管沟机电安装方案....................................... - 37 - 6.2专项技术措施.. (37)6.2.1 管沟施工技术措施....................................... - 37 -6.2.2 高性能纤维混凝土质量控制措施........................... - 38 - 6.3一般工序施工方案与技术措施 (40)6.3.1 施工测量方案与技术措施................................. - 40 -6.3.2 钢筋工程施工方案及技术措施............................. - 47 -6.3.3 模板工程施工方案与技术措施............................. - 47 -6.3.4 混凝土工程施工方案与技术措施........................... - 49 -6.3.5 脚手架工程施工方案及技术措施........................... - 50 -6.3.6 防水工程施工方案与技术措施............................. - 51 -6.3.7 砌体工程施工方案与技术措施............................. - 53 -6.3.8 预留预埋及封堵施工方案与技术措施....................... - 54 -6.3.9 设备基础施工方案与技术措施............................. - 55 -6.3.10 保温工程施工方案与技术措施............................ - 57 -6.3.11 装饰工程施工方案与技术措施............................ - 59 -6.3.12 给排水工程施工方案与技术措施.......................... - 62 -6.3.13 电气工程施工方案与技术措施............................ - 65 -6.3.14 钢结构施工方案与技术措施.............................. - 68 -6.3.15 金属屋面施工方案与技术措施............................ - 68 -第七章施工现场平面布置 ......................................... - 69 -7.1施工现场及周围环境概况 (69)7.2平面布置原则 (69)7.2.1 现场布置总体原则....................................... - 69 -7.2.2 现场临时用地规划....................................... - 69 - 7.3主体结构施工阶段平面布置方案. (70)7.3.1 主体结构包括基础施工阶段现场总平面布置................. - 70 -7.3.2 现场围挡、道路和消防应急通道布置....................... - 70 - 现场围挡及出入口..................................... - 70 - 施工道路布置......................................... - 73 -7.3.3 生活设施布置........................................... - 74 -7.3.4 生产设施布置........................................... - 74 - 塔吊布置............................................. - 74 - 临时堆场及加工场..................................... - 75 - 试验、标养室布置..................................... - 76 - 临时厕所布置......................................... - 77 - 标识标牌布置......................................... - 78 - 施工区监控布置....................................... - 78 - 施工样板展示区....................................... - 78 - 安全教育厅布置....................................... - 78 -7.3.5 消防设施布置........................................... - 79 - 7.4平面协调及管理 (79)7.5现场临时用水临时用电布置 (79)7.5.1 现场临时施工用水、消防用水布置......................... - 79 -7.5.2 施工现场临时用电布置................................... - 81 - 7.6施工现场平面布置图.. (83)第八章进度管理计划 ............................................. - 84 -8.1项目管理机构和职责分工 (84)8.2进度管理制度 (84)8.2.1 施工进度计划管理制度................................... - 84 -8.2.2 进度检查、协调制度..................................... - 85 -8.2.3 进度计划调整制度....................................... - 85 -8.2.4 进度报告制度........................................... - 85 - 8.3进度管理措施.. (85)第九章质量管理计划 ............................................. - 88 -9.1工程质量目标 (88)9.2工程质量管理组织机构及职责 (88)9.3现场质量管理制度 (89)9.4施工过程控制要点 (90)9.5主要分部分项工程质量控制要点 (93)9.6质量通病预防措施 (94)第十章安全管理计划 ............................................ - 101 -10.1职业健康安全管理目标 (101)10.2安全管理组织机构、安全管理职责和权限 (101)10.2.1 安全管理组织机构..................................... - 101 -10.2.2 安全管理职责和权限................................... - 101 - 10.3施工现场安全生产管理制度 (103)10.4职业健康安全重大危险源 (105)10.5职业健康安全资源配置计划 (106)10.6消防管理措施 (106)10.6.1 方针目标............................................. - 106 -10.6.2 组织管理............................................. - 106 -10.6.3工作制度 .............................................. - 107 -10.6.4不同阶段的消防工作重点 ................................ - 107 - 10.7施工现场保安管理措施.. (108)10.7.1 治安保卫教育.......................................... - 108 -10.7.2 治安保卫措施.......................................... - 108 -10.7.3 现场保卫定期检查制度.................................. - 109 -10.7.4 门卫值班制度.......................................... - 109 -10.7.5 现场电子协同管理...................................... - 110 - 10.8各分项工程安全管理技术措施. (110)10.8.1 土方工程工程安全管理技术措施......................... - 110 -10.8.2 钢筋工程安全管理技术措施............................. - 111 -10.8.3 模板工程安全管理技术措施............................. - 112 -10.8.4 混凝土工程安全技术措施............................... - 113 -10.8.5 预应力工程安全技术措施............................... - 114 -10.8.6 钢结构工程安全技术措施............................... - 114 -10.8.7 防水工程安全技术措施................................. - 117 -10.8.8 砌体工程安全技术措施................................. - 118 -10.8.9 幕墙工程安全技术措施................................. - 119 -10.8.10 装饰工程安全技术措施................................ - 120 -10.8.11 机电安装工程安全技术措施............................ - 122 -第十一章环境管理计划 .......................................... - 125 - 11.1环境管理目标 (125)11.2环境管理组织机构 (125)11.3重大环境因素识别 (125)11.4环境保护资源配置计划 (125)11.5环境管理规则制度 (126)11.6施工环境保障措施 (126)11.6.1 大气污染控制措施..................................... - 126 -11.6.2 固体废弃物控制措施................................... - 126 -11.6.3 水处理及循环控制措施................................. - 126 -11.6.4 噪声污染控制措施..................................... - 126 - 第十二章成品保护计划 .......................................... - 128 -12.1成品保护组织机构与职责 (128)12.2成品保护的管理制度 (129)12.3主要分项工程成品保护措施 (130)11.4成品保护一般措施 (134)第十三章信息化管理计划 ........................................ - 135 - 13.1信息管理目标 (135)13.2梦龙项目管理系统 (135)13.2.1 梦龙项目管理系统概述................................. - 135 -13.2.2 进度计划管理......................................... - 135 -13.2.3 实现信息化管理规范化................................. - 135 - 13.3现场对讲机系统. (135)13.4视频监控系统 (136)13.5BIM技术的应用 (136)第十四章节能降耗管理计划 ...................................... - 137 -14.1用水管理 (137)14.2用电管理 (137)14.3材料管理 (138)14.4办公用品管理 (138)第十五章绿色施工管理计划 ...................................... - 139 -。
上海农业科技李多丹,等:脑电双频指数在猪腹腔镜手术麻醉监测中的应用2021(2):49—51,58•养殖业•脑电双频指数在猪腹腔镜手术麻醉监测屮的应用李多丹华修国**收稿日期:2020-11-05 *为通信作者(上海交通大学农业与生物学院,上海200240)摘要:选用12头“约克夏”白猪(24〜29kg),对脑电双频指数(BIS)在实验猪麻醉深度监测中的应用进行了探索。
时间点时,BIS值均在80左右;T2~T5时间点,对照组与异氟烷低剂量组(ISO 1.5%)实验猪在各时间点的BIS平均值均维持在60以上,异氟烷中剂量组(ISO 2.0%)实验猪在各时间点的BIS平均值维持在40-50之间,异氟烷高剂量组(ISO 2.5%)实验猪在各时间点的BIS 平均值维持在30以下。
表明BIS值能够用于猪的麻醉深度监测,且与异氟烷浓度存在相关性,猪腹腔镜手术时以中剂量异氟烷(ISO 2.0%)吸入麻醉最为合理,BIS值可控制柱理想范围内。
关键词:脑电双频指数;猪;麻醉深度;腹腔镜手术中图分类号:S828脑电双频指数(Bispectral Index,BIS)是在脑电图(ElectroEncephaloGraph,EEG)的基础上,将脑电图的功率和频率经双频分析作出的混合信息拟合成一个最佳数字(用0~100表示),即BIS值5一般认为,BIS值为100表示清醒状态,处于80~ 100之间为正常活动状态,处于60-80之间表示镇静状态,处于40-60之间为理想的麻醉状态,小于40则大脑可能出现爆发抑制,当脑部的电活动完全消失时则BIS值为0。
PI-RADS V2.1评分标准是用于评估前列腺病变的磁共振成像(MRI)评分标准,它分为5个等级,从1分到5分,代表恶性程度的不同。
1. 1分:表示高度怀疑良性病变,没有恶性病变的特征。
2. 2分:表示可能为良性病变,但仍需进一步评估。
3. 3分:表示病变具有一定的恶性可能性,但不足以确定是否为恶性肿瘤。
4. 4分:表示病变具有较高的恶性可能性,需要进一步的检查和评估。
5. 5分:表示高度怀疑为恶性肿瘤,具有典型的恶性病变特征。
需要注意的是,PI-RADS V2.1评分标准只是一种辅助诊断工具,最终的诊断仍需要结合临床资料和病理检查结果进行确认。
2.1.3 代数式的值(课件)沪科版(2024)数学七年级上册
1.已知x= -2,y=202,则代数式 1 xy 的值为 ___2_0_2__. 2
2.若x2 +3x=7,则x2 +3x-2的值为___5___. 3.已知 a,b互为相反数,c,d互为倒数,则 a-cd+b=__-_1___.
【选自教材P70练习 第1题】
15 4
20 3 60
2 (2)当t=10s时,下落高度为 1 9.8102 49(0 m).
当t=10时,h 1 9.8 t2 1 9.8102 490
像这样,用数值代替代数式里的字母,按照代数式 中字母的运算关系计算得出的结果叫作代数式的值.
运算关系:先乘方,后 乘除,再加减;如有括 号,先进行括号内运算.
例 7 某堤坝的横截面是梯形. 测得该梯形的上底a=18m, 下底b=36m,高h=20m. 求这个堤坝的横截面面积.
解 梯形的面积公式是 S 1 a b h
将a=18m,b=36m,h=20m代入上面 的公式,得
S 1 a b h 1 18 36 20 540 m2
≈3.14×25-3.15×4 =65.94(cm2).
【选自教材P71练习 第3题】
6.设甲数是x,乙数是y. (1)用代数式表示甲、乙两数和的平方; (2)用代数式表示甲、乙两数的平方和; (3)当x= -2,y= -1时,计算上面(1)和(2)两题 所列代数式的值.
注意:代数式中的字 母在取值时必须保证 取值后代数式有意义.
Series PMT2 粒子传感器规格与安装运行说明书
The Series PMT2 Particulate Transmitter is designed to measure particulate emission levels from dust collector discharge. Using DC coupled electrostatic induction sensing technology, the transmitter monitors a pA current that is generated as particulate passes near the probe; a 4-20 mA signal will vary based on the particulate level. The PMT2 offers 6 sensitivity ranges allowing the user to choose the range that will best fit the application. The range and test selector switch can also be set to output a 4 mA or 20 mA signal to assist with set up or trouble shooting. Averaging time setting can be used to dampen the signal if desired.FEATURES/BENEFITS• Simple 2-wire installation for PLC and control panels• Non-stick PTFE coated probe to prevent false readings from moist and conductive dusts, condensate, and dust buildup• Remote zero calibration helps to decrease maintenance timeOPERATING PRINCIPLETechnologyThe PMT2 utilizes a highly reliable DC coupled electrostatic induction sensing technology. The sensor probe is mounted in an airflow stream such as a pipe, duct or stack. The inductive effect takes place when particulate passes near the probe transferring a charge from the particulate to the probe. A microprocessor filters and processes the signal into a output that is linear to the mass concentration of particulate. The PTFE coated probe ensures reliable operation with all types of particulate including moist powders and highly conductive dusts. The PTFE coated probe eliminates the need for an air purge and keeps maintenance to a minimum.Particulate MonitoringThe PMT2 is specifically designed to continuously monitor the particulate levels in air flow from stacks or other emission points being passed through a filter within an air filtration system. The transmitter should be installed in the exhaust ductwork and can be used in conjunction with various types of bag, ceramic, cartridge or cyclone filters. When the PMT2 is first installed a baseline reading must be measured and noted. This baseline reading is application dependent and should be measured independently for each installation. From this baseline the operator will monitor output signal from the PMT2. The increase in mA output indicates a rising level of particulate in the air stream which indicates that filters are either wearing out or broken.The PMT2 is designed to give a proportional output based on the particulate levels in a duct or pipe, it is not designed to output a signal based on the particulate volumetric flow. Different types of particulate carry different charges, meaning that two particulates flowing at the same volumetric flow rate could have different output response. The PMT2 is designed to find a baseline under ideal operating conditions and allow an operator to watch the output signal for increases that would signify the bags or filters are starting to wear or break. The six sensitivity ranges allow the PMT2 to monitor particulates with low charge properties or high charge properties. As a reference, Table 1 lists particulate charge properties and the suggested range.INSTALLATIONUnpackingRemove the PMT2 from the shipping carton and inspect for damage. If damage is found, notify the carrier immediately.LocationThe following factors should be considered when determining the installation location for the PMT2:• Make sure the transmitter is rated for the area classification it will be mounted in. • Mount the transmitter in a location that will not exceed the temperature and pressure ratings listed in the specifications. The process pressure should not exceed 30 psi (2 bar).• Make sure the 4-20 mA signal wires are not sharing the same conduit with high voltage power wires.• Make sure the location the transmitter is mounted in meets the NEMA or IP rating for the enclosure.• Locate the transmitter in a location were it can be accessed in case service isrequired.The PMT2 should be mounted in a grounded metal stack, pipe or duct. It should not be mounted in fiberglass or plastic stacks, pipes or ducts. The sensing probe should reach 1/2 to 2/3 the way across the stack, pipe or duct to ensure accurate readings. For the most stable and accurate readings it is recommended to mount the PMT2 in a location where the air flow is as laminar as possible. Avoid mounting the transmitter close to blowers and dampers that cause turbulence. It is ideal to mount the PMT2 in an area with two upstream duct diameters and one down stream duct diameter that are free of turbulent causing objects. The sensing probe is coated in a non-stick PTFE preventing material from coating the probe reducing the need for cleaning or an air purge.Table 1: Suggested rangesCONTROL DRAWING UL LISTED INTRINSIC SAFETY (SUFFIX U2):UL Listed Intrinsically Safe for use in Class I Div. 1 Groups C and D; Class II Div. 1Groups E, F and G; Class III Div. 1; Class I Zone 0 AEx ia IIB T4 Ga; Class I Zone 0 Ex ia IIB T4 Ga; T4@63°C when installed in accordance with Control Drawing 001744-48on page 6 of this document.ATEX COMPLIANT (SUFFIX A2)II 1 G Ex ia IIB T4 Ga (-40°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 63°C) (-40°C ≤ T Process ≤ 120°C) / II 1 D Ex iaIIIC T120°C Da (-40°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 63°C) (-40°C ≤ T Process≤ 120°C) when installed inaccordance with Control Drawing 001744-81 on page 7 of this document.IECEx COMPLIANT (SUFFIX A2)Ex ia IIB T4 Ga (-40°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 63°C) (-40°C ≤ T Process ≤ 120°C) / Ex ia IIIC T120°CDa (-40°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 63°C) (-40°C ≤ T Process ≤ 120°C) when installed in accordancewith Control Drawing 001744-81 on page 7 of this document.INTRINSIC SAFETY INPUT PARAMETERS:4-20 mA Signal, Vmax (Ui) = 28 V; Imax (li) = 93 mA; Ci = .022 μF; Li = 0.373 mH;Pmax (Pi) = 651 mWRemote Zero, Vmax (Ui) = 28 V; Imax (li) = 93 mA; Ci = Negligible; Li = 0 mH; Pmax(Pi) = 651 mWPOWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS The maximum DC power supply is 28 VDC. The minimum required DC power supply is based upon the following:1. Minimum DC voltage requirement of the Model PMT2.2. Total load resistance.3. Total leadwire resistance.4. Zener barrier voltage drop (Model PMT2-XX-X-X2 only).The formula for calculating the DC Power Supply is:VDC = VPMT2 + VLOAD + VLEADWIRE + VBARRIER Where VPMT2 = 9.5 V VLOAD = Total load resistance X 20 mA VLEADWIRE = Total leadwire resistance X 20 mA VBARRIER = 8.1 V (Typical zener barrier voltage drop for this application)Example 1: Calculate minimum DC power supply for intrinsically safe models Step 1 VPMT2 = 9.5 V Step 2 Calculate VLOAD. Using the industry standard 250 Ω conversion resistor, VLOAD = 250 X 20 mA = 5 V.Step 3 Calculate VLEADWIRE. For this example assume a leadwire resistance of 10 Ω, VLEADWIRE = 10 X 20 mA = 0.2 V Step 4 VBARRIER = 8.1 V Step 5 VDC = VPMT2 + VLOAD + VLEADWIRE + VBARRIER = 9.5 + 5 + 0.2 + 8.1 = 22.8 V CONTROLS Zero Switch (see Figure 2)Press and hold the switch for 3 seconds and the PMT2 will digitally re-zero. It is recommended to re-zero after a filter failure or filter changes. Re-zeroing should only be done when there is no air flow in the duct.Averaging Time Selection Switch The PMT2 will average the output for the selected amount of time. This will dampen output spikes caused during normal filter cleaning cycles. Range and Test Selection Switch There are 6 sensitivity ranges that can be selected based on the material the PMT2 will be sensing (see Table 1). There is also an option to output a 4 mA or 20 mA signal, these options can assist in the installation of the transmitter or trouble shooting. is neededINTRINSIC SAFETY SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF USETo maintain Intrinsic Safety the following cautions should betaken:• 4-20 mA signal and remote zero must be treated as separate circuits• Enclosure parts are constructed of aluminum. Enclosure must be protected fromignition hazard due to impact or friction• All openings to enclosure must be sealed using suitable glands and/or plug main-taining a minimum IP rating of IP66 for UL Listed models and IP65 for ATEX/IECExcompliant models• Substitution of parts may impair Intrinsic Safety.LIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE Live maintenance of Zero, Averaging Time, Range and Test controls cannot be performed when a flammable or combustible atmosphere is present.Figure 1: General installation wiring (non-IS)REMOTE ZERO SWITCH (IF USED)4321REMOTE ZERO 4-20 mA Figure 2Zero switch Range and test Averaging time Grounding screwSET UPMountingMake sure the PMT2 is securely mounted to the stack, pipe or duct to prevent vibrationduring operation. Make sure the transmitter is grounded properly.Control Signal Set UpCheck the power supply wiring to make sure the polarity is correct before poweringthe PMT2. Turn the power on to the transmitter and turn the Range and Test selectorswitch to 4 mA (position 2). The PMT should output 4 mA, check the output with amulti-meter or at the device (PLC, Display, etc.) receiving the output signal. Once it isverified the 4 mA signal is being received, switch the Range and Test selector switch to20 mA (position 1) and repeat the process. If the output is 0 mA, make sure the powersupply is on and check for loose wires.Range and Test SelectionWhen selecting one of the 6 available ranges, the baseline and maximum peak signalsthat take place during filter cleaning must be taken into account. The selected rangesshould have enough resolution to monitor the baseline and capture the maximumpeaks during a cleaning cycle. The four linear ranges output 4 mA at 5 pA and 20 mAat maximum range. The two logarithmic ranges have finer resolution at the low end ofthe ranges and less at the high end.LOGARITHMIC RANGE The logarithmic ranges offer a prolonged low-end of the scale while the high-end of the range is compressed. This offers better resolution for the baseline monitoring and still allows the operator to see the particulate spikes during cleaning cycles. Logarithmic ranges are recommended for filter bags since they have a greater tendency for particulate spikes during cleaning cycles.LOGARITHMIC RANGE EQUATIONS pA = Measured (pA) Picoamps M = Measured (mA) Milliamps from the PMT2R = 2 (for Logarithmic Range 5 to 500 pA)R = 3 (for Logarithmic Range 5 to 5000 pA)Example 1: Logarithmic Range 5 to 500 pA with current output of 12 mA:Example 2: Logarithmic Range 5 to 5000 pA with current output of 14 mA:SETTING EMISSION LEVEL ALARMS The PMT2 will provide a 4-20 mA signal based on the range selected at set up. Alarms can be programmed in the PLC or control system based on the 4-20 mA signal from the particulate transmitter. It is suggested to set two alarm set points. One alarm set point to monitor the emission spikes and the second alarm to detect an increase in the baseline. The alarm monitoring the emission spikes should be set to identify changes in the spikes caused by the cleaning cycles. As filters become worn, the spike’s height and duration will increase. The emission spike frequency will also increase because the filters will require more frequent cleaning as they wear out. If there is a continuous output above the emission spike alarm, it is more than likely a filter has torn and should be changed right away. The baseline alarm should detect an increase in the baseline reading. The type of dust collector and facility regulations will dictate where the baseline alarm has to be set. Typically the baseline alarm should be set 4 to 5 times over the initial baseline reading measurement when filters are first installed. So, if the baseline is 10 pA the base line alarm should be set between 40 pA and 50 pA. It is recommended to set a time delay in the PLC or control panel alarm to prevent false alarms during cleaning cycles. When the output signal from the PMT2 is continuously above baseline alarm it is time to replace the filters. If the emission spikes have increased yet the baseline remains unchanged, it’s an early indication that the filters are starting to wear out andwill need to be changed soon.Table 2: Range and test switchFigure 3: Typical filter emissionsTIMEpA = 10 x R + 0.699(M-4)16()pA = 10 x 2 + 0.699pA = 50(12-4)16()pA = 10 x 3 + 0.699pA = 375(14-4)16()AVERAGING SELECTION The PMT2 offers a digital averaging function because of the irregular flow of particulatesand the spikes during cleaning cycles. There are ten options for averaging rangingfrom 1 to 360 seconds. The digital averaging takes a running average of the readingsfor the selected amount of time. This will dampen output spikes from particulatefluctuations that could trip alarm settings. It is important to select an averaging settingthat will allow the operator to see the cleaning cycles. It is recommended to monitor the baseline trend and peak to peak trend between cleaning cycles.ZERO CALIBRATION Even though the PMT2 will come zeroed from the factory it is recommended to zerothe transmitter after installation to ensure the best accuracy. When zeroing the PMT2, make sure the dust collector is shut down and there is no air flow in the duct, stack orpipe the transmitter is monitoring. It is recommended to re-zero the PMT2 once every12 months for optimal performance. Please check your local laws and regulations asclean air standards may require zero calibration on a certain time schedule basedon application. There are two ways the PMT2 can be zeroed. The first method iswith the zero button on the front of the transmitter. Press and hold the button for 3seconds and the transmitter will begin zeroing. The second method is the remote zero.Supply DC voltage as shown in Figure 4 across the zero terminals on the back ofthe transmitter for at least 3 seconds for the transmitter to start zeroing. While thetransmitter is zeroing, the PMT2 will output about 3.5 mA. The zero function will takeapproximately 3 minutes. When zeroing is complete the output will return to a normaloutput signal and the transmitter is ready for operation.Figure 4: Remote zero and zero switchNote: Do not zero the PMT2 while the dust collector is in operation.Remote zero10-28 V -+MAINTENANCE/REPAIR Upon final installation of the Series PMT2, no routine maintenance is required. The Series PMT2 is not field serviceable and should be returned if repair is needed. Field repair should not be attempted and may void warranty.WARRANTY/RETURN Refer to “Terms and Conditions of Sales” in our catalog and on our website. Contact customer service to receive a Return Goods Authorization number before shipping the product back for repair. Be sure to include a brief description of the problem plus anyadditional application notes.NOTES__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________©Copyright 2021 Dwyer Instruments, Inc.Printed in U.S.A. 8/21FR# 444122-00 Rev. 3。
t2材料标准T2 材料是一种常见的铜合金材料,广泛用于制造电器、电子设备、汽车零部件、轴承、工具、管道等领域。
T2 材料标准是一系列规定,规定了 T2 材料的成分、力学性能、物理性能、化学性能等指标,是保证 T2 材料质量的重要基础。
本文将分步骤阐述 T2 材料标准的相关内容。
第一步,了解 T2 材料的成分要求。
按照 GB/T 5231-2012《无缝铜管》标准,T2 材料的成分要求为铜含量不少于 99.90%,余量为其它金属元素。
这个成分要求非常严格,以保证 T2 材料的纯度和质量。
第二步,了解 T2 材料的力学性能要求。
按照 GB/T 5231-2012《无缝铜管》标准,T2 材料的力学性能要求包括抗拉强度、屈服强度、伸长率等。
其中,T2 材料的抗拉强度不得低于 215 MPa,屈服强度不得低于 205 MPa,伸长率不得低于 40%。
这些力学性能指标是保证 T2 材料强度和韧性的基本要求。
第三步,了解 T2 材料的物理性能要求。
按照 GB/T 5231-2012《无缝铜管》标准,T2 材料的物理性能要求包括密度、热导率、电导率等。
其中,T2 材料的密度为8.9 g/cm³,热导率为 380 W/(m*K),电导率为 58 MS/m。
这些物理性能指标是保证 T2 材料导热、导电性能的基本要求。
第四步,了解 T2 材料的化学性能要求。
按照 GB/T 5231-2012《无缝铜管》标准,T2 材料的化学性能要求包括耐腐蚀性、耐氧化性等。
其中,T2 材料的耐腐蚀性不得低于等于 MPA,耐氧化性不得低于12小时。
这些化学性能指标是保证 T2 材料耐腐蚀、耐氧化的基本要求。
总之,T2 材料标准是保证 T2 材料质量的重要基础,其中包括成分、力学性能、物理性能、化学性能等指标。
了解 T2 材料标准对于保证 T2 材料质量、选择适合的 T2 材料具有重要意义。
紫铜 T2典型用途用作导电、导热、耐腐蚀器材,如电线、电缆、导电螺钉,化工用蒸发器,电气开关、垫圈、汽车水箱,无线电元件,接线柱等.艾 荔 艾 T2 国家标准 T2 美国标准 C11000 日本标准C1100导电率 97 %IACS 电导率 57 MS/m 热导率 388 W/(m.K) 热膨胀系数 17.64 10-6/K 密度 8.89 g/cm 3 弹性模量 115 GPa 比热容 0.386 J/(g.K) 泊松比 0.34—工艺性能 冷加工性能 优良 切削性 一般 电镀性 优良 热镀锡性 优良 软钎焊性 优良 电阻焊 不适合 气体保护焊不适合状 态 抗拉强度(MPa)延伸率(A 11.3,%)维氏硬度 M O60 ≥195 ≥30 ≤70 Y4 H01 215-275 ≥25 60-90 Y2 H02 245-345 ≥8 80-110 Y H04 295-380 ≥3 90-120 TH06≥350—≥110厚度(mm)0.08-0.15 >0.15-0.20 >0.2-0.3 >0.3-0.4 >0.4-0.6 >0.6-0.8 公差(mm)±0.0025 ±0.004 ±0.005 ±0.0075 ±0.01 ±0.0125 厚度(mm)>0.8-1.2 >1.2-1.5 >1.5-2.0 >2.0-2.6 >2.6-3.0 >3.0-4.0 公差(mm)±0.015 ±0.02 ±0.025 ±0.03 ±0.04 ±0.05厚度(mm)0.08-0.5 >0.5-1.0 >1.0-1.8 >1.8-3.0 >3.0-4.0宽度及公差(mm)5-50 ±0.05 ±0.08 ±0.1 ±0.2 ±0.3 >50-100 ±0.075 ±0.1 ±0.15 ±0.2 ±0.3 >100 ±0.1 ±0.15 ±0.2 ±0.3 ±0.5侧边弯曲度h(mm/m)宽度(mm)厚度(mm)0.08-0.6 >0.6-2.0 >2.0-4.0≤9≤1.0≤1.0 —>9-13≤1.0≤1.0 —>13-25≤1.0≤1.0 —>25-50≤1.5≤1.0 —>50-100≤1.5≤1.5 —>100-625≤1.5≤1.5 —横向弯曲度宽度L(mm)5-50 >50-200 >200-625 横向弯曲度h(mm),不大于0.01×L 0.015×L 0.02×L纵向平整度(蛇形)宽度(mm)5-100>100-625纵向平直度h(mm/m)≤3 ≤5扭曲度宽度(mm)≤30>30-100>100-625 扭曲度(°)≤10 ≤5—翘曲度宽度(mm)≤100>100-300>300-625翘曲度h(mm/m)≤50 ≤100—扭曲度检测方法横向弯曲度检测方法纵向平整度检测方法翘曲度检测方法侧边弯曲度检测方法。
定位焊缝采取气保焊断续焊缝焊接,焊缝长度60mm,间距300mm,如下图所示:垫板焊接,保证根部间隙将箱型柱腹板置于平台上3.3.3在装配胎架上把划好线的下翼板置于组立机平台上,把已装配好的各隔板定位在下翼板上,隔板与下翼板之间的装配间隙不得大于0.5㎜,定位好后,检验隔板垂直度,隔板与下翼板的垂直度不得大于1㎜;定位焊要求如下图所示:内隔板注:箱型柱内隔板与腹板点焊长度60-90mm ,定位焊点距 离零件端头距离为20mm ,其分布如上图。
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Timo Leukefeld Soli fer Solardach GmbH
Zuger Strasse 7 B, D-09599 Freiberg, Germany
The “Energetikhaus100” is the first all-year solar house affordable for average income earners in Germany. The sun provides 95 percent of annual energy for heating and hot water. A wood-burning fireplace covers the remainder. There is no need for gas, oil or heat pump. Low-temperature underfloor heating ensures optimum utilisation of the solar heat supply. The dwelling was developed jointly by Soli fer , Fasa , Eder and the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg
Fig. 1: The sun provides 95 percent of annual energy for
heating and hot water in this all-year solar house.
The target was to achieve at minimum cost a high solar
coverage rate of 95%. University experts screened all components for their contribution in relation to cost, specifically the collector area, storage tank volume and various thicknesses of its thermal insulation, augmented by insulation properties of structural elements and the windows' heat transfer coefficient. The remaining 5% heating requirement are covered most economically by a wood-burning fireplace stove including a heat exchanger,
doubling up as an emergency heating system.
Fig. 2: The principal of the all year solar heating system.
Centrepiece of the building is the long-term heat storage tank, 7.40 metres high, containing 28,000 litres of water, extending three storeys high from cellar through first floor, made by Swiss Jenni Energietechnik . At minimal heat loss the tank retains summer solar heat for the winter season.
Proceedings of ISES Solar World Congress 2007: Solar Energy and Human Settlement
all year solar house.
Fig. 3.2: The position of the seasonal storage in the all year
solar house at the ground floor.
Fig. 4: The erection of the seasonal storage.
Unlike the Passive House , this Energetikhaus100 is made entirely of natural materials, it is brick-built and insulated with flax. For the sake of healthy living the house can be ventilated normally without a dedicated ventilation system. A further cost reduction is achieved by substituting the roof tiles with a solar roof.
For each contract the optimum roof shape, its orientation and the positioning of windows get calculated to accommodate conditions on site. The first "Energetikhaus 100" in Berthelsdorf, Germany, has a 68-degree pitched roof facing due south with of 69 square metres of collectors. Experts from the University and partnering companies have tweaked technical fittings to bare necessities, thereby also minimising failure probability and cost of maintenance.
The basic model of “Energetikhaus100” has 130 square metres living area on ground floor and first floor at a turnkey cost of 220,000 Euros vs. 350,000 Euros for comparable medium range active solar dwellings . The first two such houses were erected in 2006. Energetikhaus100 has received numerous innovation awards including the “German Solar Prize 2006”. The first comparative analysis data will be presented at the Solar World Congress in
Fig. 5: “Energetikhause100”.
(1) Leukefeld T.: “Solar roof instead of roof tiles – the solar
roof as multifunctional construction and design element.” June 2003, Göteborg, Sweden, ISES 2003 Solar World Congress
(2) K udish I., Evseev G., Walter G., Leukefeld T.:
“Simulation study of solar collector with a selectively coated polymeric double walled absorber plate.” 25.
April 2001, Energy Conversation & Management, Article No. 1517
(3) Kudish I., Evseev G., Rommel M., Köhl M., Walter G.,
Leukefeld T.: “Research and development of solar collectors fabricated from polymeric material.” July 1999, Jerusalem, Israel, ISES 1999 Solar World Congress
(4) Leukefeld T., Walter G., …Comparative evaluation at
solar collectors with various construction.” October 1998, Slovakia Solar Society。