外院论文封面、扉页、摘要、目录、谢辞模版 - 副本






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上海师范大学外国语学院英语本科毕业论文格式要求(英语副修专业学士学位参照执行)(2008年5月修订)一、项目论文应依次包括以下各项内容:1. 封面(学校统一的中文封面和学院的英文封面)2. 致谢(Acknowledgements)3. 英文摘要(Abstract)4. 中文摘要5. 目录(Contents)6. 正文(包括引言、论文主体和结语)7. 尾注(Endnotes)(如有必要)8. 参考文献(Bibliography)9. 附录(Appendix)(如有必要)二、封面页具体格式参见论文样式。


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学位论文作者签名: 签字日期: 年月日学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解西南政法大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定。


(保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书)学位论文作者签名: 导师签名:签字日期:年月日签字日期:年月日TRANSLATION: A CASE STUDY OF THE ENGLISHVERSION OF GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF THE CIVILLAW OF THE PEOPLE ’S REPUBLIC OF CHINABy LI Xiaoming A Thesis Submitted to Graduate School,Southwest University of Political Science and LawIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements forthe Degree of Master of Arts inForeign Linguistics and Applied LinguisticsSupervisor: Professor LIU MingMarch, 2014 Times New Roman 三号加粗,居中,作者姓全部大写,名首字母大写。










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使用A4规格的纸张,双面打印,上下左右边距为A4纸标准边距,论文正文为1.5倍行距,Times New Roman 12 字体。






2.论文题目(Title)英文题目Times New Roman,26号字体,黑体,中文标题宋体,小二号,黑体;英文实词首字母一律大写,书名要斜体。






2008 级
单位代码 :10452源自 中文题目(居中) 英文题目(居中)
姓名 专业 指导教师
临沂大学 二〇一一年五月
深的入精贯习神彻中部和落纪选。要实委拔深锋求中机任入队,为央关用学员”特的和、工习装的别情省组中作《、标本是形、织央坚条中统准质“和市原组守例源国一和九处委则织为、》,共思条使个分关、部人遵等标 弘产想件命严规于优《做守法准 扬党行章;,禁定从良关事党规和 党地动党学进止。严作于的章制条 的方个,规习一、治风加基县、度件 优委全认。党步九党动,强准处维,。 良员面真着规明个的实牢换和级护学认 传会”学,眼确一重效记届底以党习教真 统工战习充明要“律大;入风线上章市育学 和作略习中分确掌四”决要党气。党,委、习 作条布近、展基握个纪策在充誓监员坚加全理《 风例局平五示本廉服律部学分词督领定强体论中 ;》、总中共标洁从要,署,发的导理领党武国 深《贯全全产准自”求做。关挥牢通(干想导员装共 刻中彻市会党、律的,合键机记知川部(区信班学。,产 汲国落X精人树准要重格在关党》委要二X域念子习根进党 取共实年神的立则求点党系做党的和办学)中;思党据一廉 违产五在,优行规掌员统。组宗中〔深学心认想章省步洁 纪党大全进良为定掌握”先要织旨央2一系全 关”真政,委坚自 违党0发体一风规的握“学深战,、1层列体 于提学治要办定律 法组6展党步貌范“四习〕入斗深省,讲党 在供习建深公理准 反工理题员巩和,四的个教1学堡入委系话员 全坚党设入4厅想则 面作念学中固时组个领廉育号习垒领、统。讲 体强的领个印信》 典条,习开拓代织必导洁实)贯作会市学着定党保历实会专。发念《 型例实讨展精和须干”施和彻用党委习眼理课 员证史施党题的,中(现一”论“党神引部方《习和员有领加想, 中。意的组《提国 的试X、学 制,的;导“必四案中近党条关悟强X信支 开学见性织关高共 教行二总习 度按党群要广四须个〉共事平员件严党理念部 展习等质讨于党产 训)、体讨 要照章众带大个具自的X业总先和肃章论,书 “革制、论照在性党 ,》主X要论 求“党路着坚备觉通“书锋义换,武学明记命度市宗,入全觉纪 自《要求” ,四规线问员持的知十记模务届深习确给 党先文委旨每党省悟律 觉内。 党个、教题逐”六,》三头开系范、纪刻教政支 章辈件办、个志党;处 讲政容,以 小讲学育条项(五落展列作权律把育治部 党和,公指专愿员要分 政领带党 组(系实,逐掌基X”于实“重用利握动方党 规先学室导题谈中坚条 治导X头组 每课一列践针句握本发“全两要,“委员向、进关思集理开持例 、干观严中 月”)讲活对通各条展七面学讲领明两办部”讲 学典于想中想展学》 讲,守心 底要学话动问读类件良定个从一话导确个〔署、党 系型印学、“用等 规温在政组求党,和题违好共有严做,带先2,“课 列发奋习谈学结党 矩入推0关治形 织,做“改章纪开产之治”全头合1以坚,用〈斗讨信党合内 、讲动6键纪式 一开合三,行局党”学面、格〕华党持邀好关目论念章、法 守话志改时律, 次展格严进明和人“责习贯以党2民支根请红于标不,党创规 纪愿革8刻和定 党三一确“性理五任教彻上号族部本党色在、得对规先, 律做和发保站政期 员组实步做决锻想个。育落率)优为宗校教全少照、争尊 ,合入展持得治组 集班”坚合胜,炼信必实下,三秀单旨教育市于入学优崇格党稳公出规织 中子学专持格全向和念须基党,结、,传位师资党1党系,誓定仆,矩集 学成习题问党天面党道,”础的为合主站统开敢、员讲誓列进章员词实情危,中 习员教题。小的德牢等十协我要稳美展于专中规词讲一”,践怀险带学 。到育导的康理修固重八调”局(措政德一担家开矩找话步学交中精,时头习 支联(成向、论养树要大推中实三施治,次当学展、标,强习流建神牢候, 部系以果建和,立论进奋际)全立筑主作者“有(准做化教思功,记豁固每区下;注成路心党述十“发,开面场牢题为给学国纪一、合宗育想立推共得树次 季县简要重线存的,八四有现展从,拒党”特律)找格旨实体业动产出立确 度X称突活方敬意认届为制“严把腐日、员章X色,开差党观施会。X党,和定 召“出述针畏识真三、定四局治理防活“干党X社讲展距员念方。《员在贯1开两正县,政、践中加建如个带个党想变动坚部规会道“。”案党永X彻一学面(处领策手党行、快功下讲头专等信的,守讲、X主德两党学干委远落次党一二级会看握员“四发立实党事讲题方念防组纪党学义、重支习部会是实全中做)以贯齐戒意三展业施课党开新面时线织律课系道有温部教要读的劳五体央”开上穿,尺识严、。方”“课展要的时;党底,列路品两书育讲本工动大党决学展其认,三科案。十,交中求深处始员线鼓讲全、行对记方话)作人发员定习“中真廉强实学习党三局流国,刻处终重励话体“,照作案精》方民展会,教三领的贯洁化”发系支五党研特坚内体保温树普党建五讲”学》神为法的理议2育个导马彻从党要展列部”组讨0理 情色持涵现入立通员位奉主习。基1》普念,)干克省政的求、讲要规书6。念 怀社以和为干党清要与一献题动本纳通,分县部思委、宗和话结划记按怎 、会知要行事志风员坚全体、党员教入一带别处要主、从旨好谐,合开给照么 务主促求动创愿正、持面”有日,材学员头围级义市严意干发要专局“办 实义行。的业、气学建总作活领,习,攻绕以做立委治识部展重起三、 思要力重”做成体为动导深内密坚“上结场决家,标。点步会新 想“知着量开温3结小的布。干入容切克坚党合观策,积准学、一战 作四行重;拓入(合康要局合4部学。联难员,月点部带极,习“课略 风个合学坚进党三,社求、格带习深系、干对底方署头践带《决怎 。全一习定取誓)坚会和“党头《入群敢部照前法,弘行头习胜么 要面,领正的词做相内四员重习领众于要习,做扬社坚近全干 深”做会确精,合适容个。近会,担以近结领政社会定平面” 入战讲习的气对格应;全引平关全当《平合会治主理总小学 领略政近神党、重面导总于心,习总贯上主义想书康习 会布治平,员有点”党书改全带近书穿的义核信记、研 我局、总方平。效学战员记革意平记其明核心念系建讨 国、有书向常着服习略强系发为谈关中白心价列成; 发五信记,时眼务习布化列展人治的人价值重区注 展大念来经候党国近局政重稳民国坚;值要域重 战发,川常看和家平、治要定服理定践体讲中同 略展视主得国治总五意讲、务政信行系话心X机理察动出家书大识话内;》X仰党和读遇念重向,事和记发,读工政加《追的中本、要党业“对展保本作外强习求宗(中社讲的五四理持(“交党近、旨2会话央新位川念政02存国平历,10主和看发一工、治61凭防总年史6义系齐展体年作全本、、书版担核列对”版的面色留治记)当心重党建)系深史党重》意价要员设》列化、治要,识值指的,改资国讲重、观示X要革政治话点真X和将、、事军文领挚全毛育业的章会为面泽人发重选理民从东”展要编想严同的体论(信治志作系领念党用。导、等结中全方合国体面起梦党来、员,学加快




题目要对论文的内容有高度的概括性,简明、易读,字数一般在20 字以内。

(二)中英文、中日文内容摘要和关键词中文摘要应简要说明毕业论文所研究的内容、目的、实验方法、主要成果和特色,一般为150-300 字。


关键词:一般3-5 个。

(三)目录(四)正文正文要符合一般学术论文的写作规范,论文篇幅一般为5000-8000 字。



数字标题从大到小的顺序写法应为“ 1.”“1.1”“1.1.1 ”,二级标题后不要有标点。

(五)毕业论文打印格式1. 打印及纸张毕业论文一律用打印文本呈现。

使用A4 规格的纸张,边距规定如下:左边距2.75cm,右边距及上下边距2.5cm,页眉页脚1.5cm,上方居中,小五号,宋体“海南师范大学外国语学院毕业论文” ,页码打在页下方中间,用-1-、-2 -格式,装订线在左侧,编辑存盘时采用普通视图。

2. 字体及字号见论文范例3. 毕业论文页面要清楚整洁,符合学校统一要求,学生装订后要在答辩前5天提供给答辩小组(一人一册)。

4. 毕业论文工作结束后,学生要向所在学院提交毕业论文的电子版,学院办公室负责分专业、按学生学号顺序统一将毕业论文刻录成光盘,存入系教学档案(电子版)。

5. 学生答辩后,各学院要将有关资料和论文按照封面、独创性声明及授权书、目录、中英文内容、中日文内容摘要及关键词、正文、注释、参考文献、开题报告、中期检查表、指导教师评语 (附评分细则)、复审教师评价表(附评分细则)、答辩记录表、成绩评定表的顺序统一装订成册,存入学院教学档案。




一、论文封皮封皮用宋体四号字填写,院别、专业、年级、姓名及指导教师姓名、职称均用汉字填写,论文标题用4号Tims New Romes(以下称新罗马)字体。


















其中外国语学院英文为:School of Foreign Languages; 导师的英文为:Supervisor; 职称的英文为:Title; 职称分别为:讲师(Instructor),副教授(Associate professor), 教授(Professor)。


英文摘要、关键词首行不空格,“Abstract”、“Key words”均需加粗。



周口师范学院外语学院外语系本科毕业论文格式要求(终稿) 文档 (3)

周口师范学院外语学院外语系本科毕业论文格式要求(终稿) 文档 (3)

题目:论英语的隐喻机制姓名:张三四学号: 0253244 系别:外语系专业:英语年级班级: 2007级3班指导教师:张无忌2007月8月(小四1.5行距状态下,空两行)(Please write the title of your BAdegree paper here)Submitted by (Please write your name here)Student ID number (Please write your ID here) Supervised by (Please write the name of your tutor here)A paper submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of thedegree of Bachelor of ArtsThe Foreign Languages DepartmentZhoukou Normal UniversityMay, 2007毕业论文(设计)作者声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。





论文题目:论隐喻的运作机制作者单位:周口师范学院外语系2007级3班作者签名:张三四2007 月8日Contents摘 要............................................................................................................i Abstract (ii)I . Introduction ............................................................................................1 II. A Historical Retrospection of Metaphor .......................................2 2.1 Aristotelian School: Metaphor —A Device of Rhetoric ........................2 2.2 The Platonic School —Language is Metaphorical .......................................5 2.3 The Study of Metaphor from the 20th Century to the Present .....................6 III. On Similarity .......................................................................................7 3.1 Similarity: A Fundamental Criterion for the Classification of Metaphor ...7 3.2 Similarity and Culture ...........................................................................9 3.2.1 The Cultural Origins of Metaphor ......................................................10 3.2.2 The Applications of Cultural Elements ................................................11 3.2.3 The Effects of Culture .......................................................................12 3.3 Similarity and Category ..........................................................................12 IV . On the Mechanism of Metaphor ....................................................15 4.1 Black’s Interaction Theory .......................................................................15 4.2 Lakoffian Conceptual Metaphor Theory ...................................................19 4.3 Conceptual Integration Theory (29)V. Conclusion ..........................................................................................42 Bibliography (45)Acknowledgements (46)Times New Roman 、三号、加粗、居中空两行、Times New Roman 、小四(小四状态下,空两行)摘 要隐喻研究归根到底是隐喻机制的研究,它是隐喻研究的核心。








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)例如:1)直接引用——Rees said, “As key aspects of …in the process”(1986:241).——The underlying assumption is that language “bound up with culture in multiple and complex ways”(Elli, 1968: 3).2 )间接引用——According to Alun Rees (1986)〔也可位于引语的最后〕, the writers focus on the unique contribution that each individual learner brings to the learning situation 〔(1986〕.——It may be true that in the appreciation of medieval art the attitude of the observer is of primary importance ( Robertson,1987).3 )互联网资料:格式:编号例:“A deconstructive reading is a reading which analyses the specificity of a text’s critical difference from itself” (Net. 2).(注:Net. 1, Net. 2, Net. 3,……只是为了便于注明文内引语的出处,具体格式见下文参考文献中的相关内容)7.参考文献:1)参考文献须另起一页。



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学 院 名 专 业 名 称: 英 语 教 育 年 级 班 别: 2012 级 5 班 姓 名: 刘 海 涛 指 导 教 师: 李 庆 东 年 月
The Use of Linking Adverbials by Chinese College English Learners
A Thesis Submitted
to Faculty of International Studies of
Henan Normal University
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
Liu Haitao
Supervisor:Li Qingdong





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大理学院毕业设计(论文)从《红字》看十七世纪新英格兰清教主义Seventeenth Century Puritanism in New England Reflected inthe Scarlet Letter学院:外国语学院专业:英语年级班级:08级英本4班学生学号:2008123411学生姓名:高丽兰指导教师:顾向阳起止日期:2011-08—2012-03制表日期:2011 年12月03日Seventeenth Century Puritanism in New England Reflected inthe Scarlet LetterGao LilanEnglish 2008-4Gu Xiangyang (Lecturer)December 3, 2011摘要纳撒尼尔·霍桑是十九世纪美国著名的小说家。




关键词:十七世纪新英格兰清教主义;虚伪;摧残;迫害AbstractNathaniel Hawthorne is a famous American novelist of the nineteenth century. His masterpiece, the Scarlet Letter, has received extensive literary attention from the circle of literature since its publication in 1850, and is regarded as one of the most famous novels in the nineteenth century American literary history. To date, domestic and foreign scholars have made a great amount of research about the novel from writing techniques, Hawthorne’s Puritanism view, and the original sin and so on. This thesis consists of five parts. With the help of the domestic and foreign scholar’s research, it aims to illustrate that the Seventeenth century Puritanism in New England reflected in the Scarlet Letter is against human nature and is a great destruction and persecution about human nature by analyzing the characteristics or encounter of Hester, Roger Chillingworth, Dimmesdal, Governor Bellingham, priest Welson and some other characters.Key words:seventeenth century Puritanism in New England; hypocrisy; destruction; persecution英文目录范本1:Contents(居中, Time News Roman,三号粗体)Introduction (1)1.The Verb Phrase (2)1.1 Preliminary C onsideration ........................................... .. (2)1.1.1 Finite and Non-finite (2)1.1.2 Concord (3)1.1.3 Verb C lasses (5)1.2 The A uxiliaries (6)1.2.1 The forms (9)1.2.2 Negation (11)1.2.3 Inversion (13)2. Tense, Phrase and Aspect (14)2.1 Syntax of the Primary A uxiliaries (14)2.1.1 Basic P aradigms (16)2.1.2 Infinitivals, Participials and I mperatives (19)2.2 Tense (21)2.2.1 Time R elations (21)2.2.2 Reported S peech (23)3. Voice (25)3.1 The P assive (25)3.2 Related S tructures (27)3.2.1 “Case” Relations (29)3.2.2 “Pseudo-passives” (32)Conclusion (34)Notes (35)Bibliography................................................................. (36)Acknowledgements…………………………………………. ………………Appendix…………………………………………. …………………………(注:一级小标题四号,其余小标题小四号,所有标题一律用粗体,标题体系应一致。



)IntroductionNathaniel Hawthorne and the Scarlet LetterNathaniel Hawthorne was an American famous writer in the 19th century. Born in 1804 in the city of Salem, Massachusetts, America, Hawthorne was a descendent of a long line of Puritan ancestors, including John Hawthorne, a presiding magistrate in the Salem witch trials. The Puritanism had a great effect on him, and many of his novels are about Puritanism.His masterpiece, the Scarlet Letter, has received extensive literary attention from the circle of literature since its publication in 1850. The story happens in the 17th century. The Scarlet letter mainly tells a love tragedy which happens in the North America colony, New England, during the middle of the seventeenth century. The heroine, Hester is a young beautiful English lady. She marries a frail, pale, deformed, and old scholar, Roger Chillingworth. On their way immigrating to Boston Massachusetts, Roger Chillingworth is captured. In her later windowed life, Hester falls in love with priest Demmisdal and gives birth to a daughter. After the adultery, Hester is regarded as a specimen of reprimanding evil by the Puritans and is punished to wear a scarlet letter “A”(the first letter of the word “Adultery”) on her breast. When Roger Chillingworth comes back to New England, he deliberately plans to torture pastor Demmisdale. In the end, Demmisdale admits his guilt to the public and dies after giving his last sermon. And Hester spends the rest of her life in shame. While Roger Chillingworth dies after the death of Demmisdal because of spirit collapsing.The origin of Puritanism and Seventeenth century PuritanismThe Puritanism is a kind of religious sects derived from the Church of England during the second half of the sixteenth century. It advocates reforming the Church of England basing on the Calvin theory, acknowledges the Bible as the only authority and is against the tyranny of the king and the bishop. The word “Puritanism” derived from the word “Puritan” which is a Latin word “Purus”, and means “clean and pure”.The Puritanism is the generalization of the Puritan thoughts and acts. The Puritanism is not only a concept of faith, but also the ethnical concept of value. The cores of the Puritanism are devoutness, honesty, frugality, diligence, abstinence, and self-improvement. These qualities play a very important role in Americans’ real life.At the beginning of the seventeenth century, a large number of English Puritans immigrated to North America, New England colony. Initially, the Puritanism had played a positive role in Puritans’ life. It was against the tyranny of the Pope and the corruption of society. It advocated people to pay high attention to ration, to pursuit their dreams, to restraint their desire. Therefore, the Puritans always were strict and restraint, rejecting any action which may cause moral corruption. However, by the seventeenth century, the Puritans pursued a strict moral dogma, promoted asceticism, and condemned any pursuit of pleasure to the world. The intolerance and the negative side of the Puritanism began to appear.The writer of this essay tries to analysis the negative side of the Seventeenth century Puritanism in New England reflected in the Scarlet Letter.1. Puritanism reflected in the details1.1 The prison-door and the pillory in the colonyThe writer writes at the very beginning of the novel, “The founders of a new colony, whatever Utopia of human virtue and happiness they might originally project, have invariably recognized it among their earliest practical necessities to allot a portion of the virgin soil as a cemetery, and another portion as the site of a prison”. “The rust on the ponderous iron-work of its oaken door looked more antique than anything else in the New World.”That’s to say, the tragedy in the novel is just an epitome of the age. The colonialists hew out their road with the help of fire and sword. They kill the black, the Indians and also the oppressed of the white. All are Puritans, but there exists class and bureaucracy, with a few pastors having their full swing, and the bulk being partitioned by others at will.About the pillory, the writer says, “It was, in short, the platform of the pillory;and above it rose the framework of that instrument of discipline, so fashioned as to confine the human head in its tight grasp, and thus hold it up to the public gaze.” The machine is so structured that there is no outrage in the world against our common nature- “whatever be the delinquencies of the individual- no outrage more flagrant than to forbid the culprit to hide his face for shame.”However, such an inhuman machine was most of the normal but an agent in the promotion of good citizenship at that time. From this we can see the cruelty of the Puritanism upon people at that time.1.2 The dialogue of the women in the market-placeBefore Hester is punished to wear the scarlet letter to give an exhibition to the parishioners, one dame says, “This woman has brought shame upon us all, and ought to die. Is there not law for it? Truly there is, both in the Scripture and the statute-book.”Seeing Hester comes from the prison with the scarlet letter, another dame said, she was glad to bestow a rag of rheumatic flannel, to make a nicer red letter “A” for Hester. All are women, but facing with the situation when their partner is going to be humiliated in public, they not only don’t show their sympathy, but hope to punish her more severely. These are people who grew up in the upbringing of Puritanism and effected by it day and night.1.3 The mariners in New England festivalIt’s very interesting that, Hester is punished to wear the shameful letter “A”, even nearly be sentenced to death just because she commits adultery, which is against the Puritan rules but doesn’t bring any harm to others. And since then, she has been left out in the cold; no one dares to get close to her. No matter where she goes, she would draw people’s strange stare and find herself the object of preaching. However, the mariners, who quaffed draughts of wine or aqua-vitae or smoke in the street which are also intolerable by the Puritanical rules, who are no doubt guilty of depredation on the Spanish commerce, who can be called pirates, can have a familiar talk with the most reputable citizens. And if they are willing to, at any time, they can give up their career, and become at once, men of probity and piety on land. The Puritanical rulers could be so indulgent to the fierce pirates; however, they couldn’t allow their parishioner to make a small mistake.2.Puritanism reflected on the Puritan rulersIn the novel, there are other persons who are not the protagonists but can catch up readers’ eyeballs easily. They are Governor Bellingham, priest Welson, and some other dignitaries of the church. These people also have nasty souls and disgusting faces as Roger Chillingworth. As Puritan rulers, they should respect the will of God, set an example for their parishioners, and lead their parishioners to abide the Puritanism. However, they do what they wish without restraint relying on the fact that they are rulers. The writer doesn’t use a lot of paper to depict these persons, but the depth of exposure and the power of lash are unprecedented in the history of American literature. And from that we can see, the essence of the Puritanism isn’t what it is any more.2.1 Governor BellinghamGovernor Bellingham, on the one hand, “speak and think of human existence as a state merely of trial and warfare”, and advocates his parishioners to lead a plain life, wear simplely and discipline strictly. On the other one hand, he himself dresses in splendid, “wore a dark feather in his hat, a border of embroidery on his cloak, and a black velvet tunic beneath…” What’s more, he makes an utmost effort to manage the facilities of earthly pleasure. As the writer writes in the novel “there was the freshness of the passing year on its exterior, and the cheerfulness, gleaming forth from the sunny windows, of a human habitation, into which death had never entered. It had, indeed, a very cheery aspect; the walls being overspread with a kind of stucco, in which fragments of broken glass were intermixed; so that, when the sunshine fell aslant-wise over the front of the edifice, it glittered and sparkled as if diamonds had been flung against it by the double handful. The brilliancy might have befitted Aladdin's palace, rather than the mansion of a grave old Puritan”. Artificially, he gives others a rigid and severe impression just like being frost-bitten with more than autumnal age. But actually he tries his best to keep any worldly enjoyment which is close his hand. Except that, he has a servant. As we know, the Puritans advocate theidea that all people are created equal. But Governor Bellingham, the leader and governor of the colonial Puritans, has a “bond-servant; a free-born Englishman, but now a seven years' slave. During that term he was to be the property of his master, and as much a commodity of bargain and sale as an ox, or a joint-stool. The serf wore the blue coat, which was the customary garb of serving-men at that period, and long before, in the old hereditary halls of England.”Up to now, the hypocrisy of the Puritans is showed incisively and vividly.2.2 Priest WilsonAs to John Wilson, the eldest clergyman of Boston, he’s never willing to give up the enjoyment even the extravagance in his grasp. “The old clergyman, nurtured at the rich bosom of the English Church, had a long-established and legitimate taste for all good and comfortable things; and however stern he might show himself in the pulpit, or in his public reproof of such transgressions as that of Hester Prynne, still, the genial benevolence of his private life had won him warmer affection than was accorded to any of his professional contemporaries.”This is extremely sarcastic. Such a hypocritical priest can gain his popularity among people by his hypocrisy. “He looked like the darkly engraved portraits which we see prefixed to old volumes of sermons; and had no more right than one of those portraits would have, to step forth, as he now did, and meddle with a question of human guilt, passion, and anguish.” This is a priest worshiped by the Puritans.2.3 The other eminent charactersAnd to the other eminent characters, by whom Governor Bellingham is surrounded, the writer says, “They were, doubtless, good men, just, and sage. But, out of the whole human family, it would not have been easy to select the same number of wise and virtuous persons, who should be less capable of sitting in judgment on an erring woman's heart, and disentangling its mesh of good and evil, than the sages of rigid aspect towards whom Hester Prynne now turned her face.”That’s to say, it’s impossible to find out villains who are worse than these. They have no rights to judgeHester Prynne.3. Puritanism reflected on the avengerRoger Chillingworth is a deformed old ugly scholar with the left shoulder higher than the other. He knows that young and beautiful Hester doesn’t love him. But he combines with her out of his selfish desire. It’s he who buries Hester’s youth and beauty. Except that, when Hester finds her true lover, Dimmesdale, the pastor, he takes a long-term crazy revenge on Dimmesdale and wrecks his rival’s spirit relentlessly. He cures the pastor carefully instead of killing him directly not because he is kind to him and forgives him but in order to make him suffer more. He knows clearly that it’s better for Dimmesdale to die. Still, he doesn’t give up. He lives to take revenge, just as he himself says, “it was the constant shadow of my presence!-the closest propinquity of the man whom he had most vilely wronged!-and who had grown to exist only by this perpetual poison of the direst revenge! Yea, indeed!- he did not err!- there was a fiend at his elbow! A mortal man, with once a human heart, has become a fiend for his especial torment!” To some extent, he himself is a victim, and should be sympathized. However, he turns himself into a fiend, a real fiend who is filled with revenge that when his rival dies, he lost his aim of life and living fun, withers rapidly and dies before long. Even if Roger Chillingworth is such an ugly and evil man, he is regarded as a good friend by the Puritans. From this we can see the hypocrisy and cruelty of the Puritanism.What’s more when Hester and Roger Chillingworth talk about Dimmesdale near the sea, the later says: “My finger, pointed at this man, would have hurled him from his pulpit into a dungeon- thence, peradventure, to the gallows!” The reason why Roger Chillingworth is so unbridled is not because he has magic power, but because he relies on the dark government of the Puritanism and the ethics made by the Puritans. That’s to say’ Roger Chillingworth is not only a fiend from the hell, but also the incarnation of the criminal Puritan ruling class.4. Puritanism reflected on the victimsHester and Dimmesdale, the protagonists of the love tragedy in the novel, are the victims and preys of the dark domination of Puritans. And they are not the real sinners. Although they are guilty at that time according to the Puritanism, they are definitely not the guiltiest. Roger Chillingworth, the old physician, is guiltier than them. His revenge plan is more evil and darker than their sin. By watching Dimmesdale living in guilt and remorse painfully, he violates a sacred heart. But Hester and Dimmesdale have never done such a thing. In my opinion, although the love between Hester and Dimmesdale is against the commandment of the Puritanism, they show their objection to unreasonable marriage and their pursuit for free and pure love, therefore they are worth being sympathized. What’s more, their devout atonement and tragic end are more than sufficient to compensate for the mistake they make.4.1 Hester’s “A”Originally, it’s human nature to yearn for love and pursuit for it. What’s more, the marriage between Hester and Roger Chillingworth is a mistake. When she has wainted for her husband for two years and at the same time meets the man she loves, everything happened so smoothly. However, what she does is despised and considered unforgivable crime by the Puritans. She is then punished to wear the shameful “A”, which stands for adultery, and endures the great pain the letter bring to her since then.The morning she stood under the gallows, she bears all that nature can endure. The old clergyman is addressing to the parishioners a discourse on sin, and he mentions the ignominious letter now and then. His address is so powerful that the more he mentions the letter; the more terrible the letter is in the heads of the hearers. And it seems that the letter came from the flames of the infernal pit. But, with her intractable character, she doesn’t escape from the shame by a faint. “Her spirit couldonly shelter itself beneath a stony crust of insensibility”. She supports herself by an unnatural tension of the nerves.When she is set free from the prison, she suffers more than what she has suffered when she stands under the gallows and all men are summoned to point their fingers to her. She can’t depend on the future to support her, to help her to go through the grief. There will be another trail again tomorrow, so will the next. Everyday, there is a new trail, and every new trail is unbearable the same. She has to go forward with the great suffering which she can’t escape all through her life. Day in and day out, year after year, she will cumulate her pain in the stigma. She is doomed to devote all her life to sacrifice personality, and becomes the typical who reflects female frailty and evil passion. They will gather the young pure ladies to watch her. She is regarded as the incarnation, the embodiment and the existence of evil.Because of Hester’s scarlet letter, no one dares to go close to her. She doesn’t have a single friend. And her only companion is her little daughter, Pearl. Even so, Pearl, the living scarlet letter, brings to her both happiness and misery. As Hester’s only companion and relative, she doubtlessly gives Hester warmth and joy. But because of her innocence, she often inadvertently asks the meaning of the scarlet letter, and imitates her mother to make a same letter on her breast. And all these touch Hester’s deepest pain. She links Hester and the scarlet letter forever so that when Hester thrown the letter in the forest, the child refuses to recognize her. She gives Hester the living courage, but also punishes her severely. She is Hester’s comfort as well as the most powerful satire to Hester’s sin.Although she is abodoned by society, Hester puts her heart and soul into helping others. She treats the poor as a charity case, and gives them help, but they requite love with hate. When she enters the door of the elevated rank because of her occupation, the women “were accustomed to distil drops of bitterness into her heart; sometimes through that alchemy of quiet malice, by which women can concoct a subtile poison from ordinary trifles; and sometimes, also, by a coarser expression, that fell upon the sufferer's defenceless breast like a rough blow upon an ulcerated wound.” Because ofher letter “A”, she is suffering the sarcasm of others now and then.The insidious Puritan court invents endless trails to torture her so that her pain is in throbbing pain. When the priest stops in the street to release an admonishment to her, there will be a group of people surrounding to watch her with despising smile on their faces. When she enters the church, and think that she can share the Sabbath smile of the Universal Father, “it was often her mishap to find herself the text of the discourse.”Even the most innocent children, because of accepting a fuzzy concept from their parents, scare her. They often let her go first, then make a hullabaloo about far behind.She has once tries to leave the place bravely which brought to her sorrow and pain with the man she beloved. But their plan is destructed by her ex-husband. Her husband-in-law, the one she never loves follows them closely and take revenge on them. What’s more, because of being tortured for a long time, Dimmesdale dies after his giving his last sermon. She lives on strongly, and helpes the poor selflessly and never asks retunes. Finally she changes the meaning of the scarlet letter in people’s heads and is regarded as an angel. However, throughout her life, Hester is depressed and unhappy. And the scarlet letter, which is wore on her breast but gives its pain to her heart, will not only torture her when she is alive, but will also be the only evidence to show that she has once lived in the world and will be engraved on her gravestone.4.2 DimmesdaleThe hero of the novel, Dimmesdale, was a very complex character. He is thought to have double identities. He is the victim of the Puritanism as well as the spokesman of the hypocritical Puritanism. On the one hand, he has suffered a lot from the Puritanism, on the other one hand, he is a Puritan preacher.4.2.1 the clergy’s love tragedyPriest Dimmesdale graduates from a famous university in Britain. His eloquence andreligious zeal makes him a peer in rising above the common herd. His talent is very high, and he has a scholar’s accomp lishment. His sermons, “with a freshness, and fragrance, and dewy purity of thought, which, as many people said, affected them like the speech of an angel.” He racks his brain to complete the parish work. He often has fast and vigils in order not to let the vulgar earthly life cover or tarnish his spirit lamp. Therefore, some people say that if Dimmesdale makes up his mind to die, he has sufficient reason, because the world isn’t worth his feet trampling on. He has achieved prominent fame. He is regarded as a divine miracle. People think he is the mouthpiece to convey the wisdom of God. In their eyes, the land he has trampled is also consecrated. The girls in her parish are full of passion towards him, and this passion is full of religious feelings. He is a priest who is famous for his gifted intellect, knowledge, eloquence and his most flawless private life. And because of this, his religious education is very well. He is a man being deified, and he is regarded as a saint by people.He thinks it’s his responsibility to transform the vulgar commercialized society, and recovery the control of Christian rules over human beings. He regards preaching as his mission, complying his every word and action with the Puritanism. He owns ingrained “divinity”, and tries to use this “divinity”to put out his “human nature”. But when meeting Hester, his “human nature”wakes up. “The young woman was tall, with a figure of perfect elegance on alarge scale. She had dark and abundant hair, so glossy that it threwoff the sunshine with a gleam, and a face which, besides beingbeautiful from regularity of feature and richness of complexion, hadthe impressiveness belonging to a marked brow and deep black eyes.” Dimmesdale eventually overcomes his “divinity”, and falls in love with Hester.However, the Puritanism persecutes on him like opium. The Puritanism ingrained in his mind has killed his desire for love and happiness. As a Puritan preacher, his love story is doomed to be a tragedy from the very beginning.4.2.2 The pain brought by beliefDimmesdale, as a devout religious believer, he undoubtedly acquires all theachievements and praise in the religious area. Some of his enthusiastic admirers think that he can compare with the apostolic appointed by God. And as long as he has the life span of ordinary people, he can make a great contribution to the New England church, just as the ancient saints in early Christianity do.However, a serious sin intrudes his fragile body and soul every hour and moment. As a priest, he is a devout who has received the early Christian baptism. Fasting and prayer have been his spiritual light. God once was the whole of his life. His every word and action is completely in accordance with the dogmas. Unfortunately, God plays a big jock on him. He takes a step that a priest should not take——having an affair with Hester and becomes the carrier of evil. This totally betrays his soul and the Puritanism he believes. Since then his heart is every hour and moment stabbed by the invisible sword of belief, and also be stimulated by the miserable situation of love. On the one hand, either to acclaim to the public or to continue to camouflage, but in any case he cannot accept the idea to be hypocritical. On the other one hand, he dare not acknowledge his sin. On the trial of the general assembly presided by governor Bermiham, he hypocritically persuades Hester to tell the name of the adulterer in order to maintain his divine status as a priest. When he is make “admonition”to Hester publicly, he is suffering from the complex state of mind: on the one hand, he feels guilty for his escaping from the duty; on the other hand, he feels sorrow because his lover is being condemned. Being at a loss between flesh and spirit, God and love, submission and rebellious glen, he suffers from the double tortures of physical pain and heart disease. The pain of his heart drives him to lock himself in a secret chamber, and to whip his shoulder with a bloody whip. He regards hunger strike as a behavior of penance and introspection. And he doesn’t stop until his knees shake. He always stays up, being companied by a dim light. Except that, he engraves a scarlet letter “A”on his chest, hoping that this self ——conscious introspection can clear his shame and thus gain a moral redemption. The pain he suffers makes him try to commit suicide in order to escape from the mental damage and persecution the Puritanism brought to him.Originally, “Mr. Dimmesdale was a true priest, a true religionist, with thereverential sentiment largely developed, and an order of mind that impelled itself powerfully along the track of a creed, and wore its passage continually deeper with the lapse of time. In no state of society would he have been what is called a man of liberal views; it would always be essential to his peace to feel the pressure of a faith about him, supporting, while it confined him within its iron framework.” Just because so, he always refuse the diagnosis and treatment of the doctor in an elegant and refined manner. When the suburban deacon tells him that it’s a sin to reject the rescue which is so clearly showed by God, he just agrees to have a talk with the doctor. When the posing doctor persuade him that the person who believes in God will step into the golden avenue of Jerusalem, there is a flush of pain appears on his face, and he puts one of his hands on his chest, he says, if he has the qualifications to there, he is willing to work harder. So far, we can see that Dimmesdale has always believed in God and the Puritanism blindly. However, his belief destines that he can only be the slave of Puritanism, at the mercy of it and being teased by it. And this is also the reason why he cannot live with Hester in daily life and is subjected to the condemnation and lashing of discarding the classics and rebelling against orthodoxy.4.2.3 The spokesman of the hypocritical PuritanismDimmesdale, on the one hand, is a covert priest full of repentance, on the other one hand; he is a hypocritical speaker harboring dark designs. From the novel, we can see the inconsistence of the appearance of the saints and their inner essence. For an example, priest Dimmesdale is seemingly pious but actually leads a life of hypocritical saint. He is the typical of hidden criminals. He not only doesn’t have the courage to stand up to admit his guilt, but also deceive himself and others that although he has hidden his evil, he warmly embraces the glory of God and human happiness. He dare not acknowledge his darkness and filth to the public, because if he does so, he will never be able to do good deeds in the name of God or not be able to atone for his previous sin. Although he has escaped from the moral and legal sanction temporarily, he is subjected to punishment of God in his heart, and is filled with evil spirit. And at last, his spirit is completely destroyed.。
