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Solaris 10 操作系统说明书

Solaris 10 操作系统说明书

Enterprises are under tremendous pressure to do more with less, roll out new businessservices faster, fit more servers into the same space, and comply with new regulations, all while their budgets are shrinking and headcount is frozen. Can an operating system really help you address these issues and turn IT into a business advantage? The answer is yes, with the Solaris™ Operating System.The Solaris OS is the strategic platform for today’s demanding enterprise. It’s the only open operating system that has delivered proven results, running everything from mission-critical enterprise databases to high performance Web farms, from large-scale SMP systems to industry-standard x86 systems from HP, IBM, Dell, and Sun.For customers facing challenging business and technical requirements — such as lowering costs, simplifying system administration, and maintaining high service levels — the Solaris 10 OS is the ideal cross-platform choice. Its innovative, built-in features deliver break-through virtualization and utilization, high availability, advanced security, and industry leading performance to meet these stringent requirements — all at a great price.Ten things to know about the Solaris OS1. Great productThe constant demonstrated innovation within the Solaris OS pays off by delivering benefits that can save companies time, hardware costs, power and cooling, while preserving investments in software and training. In short: innovation matters, because it saves you money.2. Great priceSolaris 10 support pricing is 20% to 50% lower than equivalent support from other open OS vendors. No-cost end user licensing lowers barriers to entry, while overall efficiency lowers costs of operation.3. Open sourceThe Solaris OS code base is the foundation of the OpenSolaris™ open source community (visit ). In addition, the Solaris OS includes the leading Web 2.0 open source packages, ready to run and optimized for the over 1,000 x64 and SPARC system platforms supported by Solaris 10.4. Application compatibility — guaranteed The Solaris OS delivers binary compatibility from release to release and source compati-bility between SPARC® and x86 processors; with the Solaris Application Guarantee backing it, it’s something you can count on. And for the ultimate in conversion ease, use Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 Containers on Solaris 10, a “Physical to Virtual”way to quickly and easily run your existing application environ-ments on the latest SPARC systems.5. One Solaris — same features on hundreds of systemsWith a single source code base, the Solaris OS runs on x86 and SPARC and processor-based systems — and delivers the same features on all platforms. You can develop and optimize applications on the Solaris OS for use on over 1000 system models from leading vendors such as Sun, HP, IBM, and Dell.<HighlightsThe Solaris™ Operating Systemmeets and exceeds expectations for:•Virtualization: Optimize resourceutilization to deliver predictableservice levels with SolarisContainers•Networking: Attain near-wirespeedthroughput with the open, program-mable Solaris networking stack•Security: Implement a securefoundation for deploying serviceswith Solaris leading-edge securityfeatures•Availability: Increase uptime withPredictive Self Healing6. Designed to run securely all the timeThe leading-edge security features in the Solaris 10 OS help you reduce the risk of intrusions, secure your applications and data, assign the minimum set of privileges and roles needed by users and applications, and control access to data based on its sensitivity label. Solaris 10 has been inde-pendently evaluated at EAL4+ at three Protection Profiles, one of the highest levels of Common Criteria certifications.7. Designed for observabilitySolaris Dynamic Tracing (DTrace) technology makes it fast and easy to identify perform-ance bottlenecks, especially on production systems. System administrators can use this to troubleshoot even the most difficult problems in minutes instead of days; devel-opers can use it to optimize applications, with significant performance gains possible — real-world use has yielded increases up to 50 times previous performance.8. Designed for virtualizationSolaris 10 has powerful virtualization features built in at no additional charge. With Solaris Containers, you can maintain a one application per virtual server deploy-ment model while consolidating dozens or even hundreds of applications onto one server and OS instance. Share hardware resources while maintaining predictable service levels; increase utilization rates, cut system and licensing costs while gaining the ability to quickly provision and move workloads from system to system. Logical Domains and Xen-based paravirtualization support add even more virtualization flexibility.9.Designed for high availabilityPredictive Self Healing is a key feature in the Solaris 10 OS that helps you increase system and service availability. It automati-cally detects, diagnoses, and isolates system and software faults before they cause downtime. And it spans the full range from diagnosis to recovery on SPARC, AMD Opteron™ and Athlon, and Intel® Xeon®and Core Duo processor-based systems.10.Designed for performanceThe Solaris 10 OS has set over 244 priceperformance records since its release,unleashing even more power from existingapplications. Download the latest Sun™Studio compilers and developer tools tobring even greater performance to yourapplications.For business, industry, and developersThe Solaris 10 OS offers the technology, flexi-bility, and versatility you need to get down tobusiness immediately, whether you’re a smalldeveloper, a large enterprise, or anything inbetween.OpenSolaris participation and OS releaseMore than an open source project, OpenSolarisis also a community, a Web site for collabora-tion — and now provides a supported, leadingedge release every six months. The OpenSolarisrelease is available at , andSolaris source code, downloads, developertools, mailing lists, user groups, and events areall available at . OpenSolaristechnology features a single source base forSPARC and x86 platforms. It includes the keyinnovations delivered in the Solaris 10 OS, aswell as providing access to new technologiesas they’re being developed. The OpenSolarisproject and release provide a low-risk optionfor evaluating emerging OS technologies, plusan excellent opportunity to participate inshaping the direction of the Solaris OS.Development toolsDevelopers need integrated, ready-to-use toolsthat are compatible with all the environmentsin which they must deploy applications. Withthat in mind, Sun includes popular softwaretools from the free and open source world andcomplements them with access to key Sundeveloper technologies like the Sun Studiocompilers and tools and unique Solaris 10utilities such as DTrace.Solaris 10 technologiesWith the Solaris OS, you get compelling newfeatures that your applications can take advan-tage of immediately with few, if any, changes.Binary and source compatibility with previousreleases also helps make it easier to move toSolaris 10 from earlier releases of Solaris.DTraceSystem administrators, integrators, and devel-opers can use the dynamic instrumentation andtracing capabilities in the Solaris OS to see what’sreally going on in the system. Solaris DTracecan be safely used on production systems —without modifying applications. It is a powerfultool that gives a comprehensive view of theentire system, from kernel to application, eventhose running in a Java™ Virtual Machine. Thislevel of insight reduces the time for diagnosingproblems from days and weeks to minutes andhours and ultimately reduces the time to fixthose problems.Solaris ContainersSolaris Containers is an OS-level virtualizationtechnology built into the Solaris 10 OS. Usingflexible, software-defined boundaries to isolatesoftware applications and services, this break-through approach allows multiple privateexecution environments to be created withina single instance of the Solaris OS. Each envi-ronment has its own identity, including adiscrete network stack, separate from theunderlying hardware, so it behaves as if it’srunning on its own system — making consoli-dation simple, safe, and secure.By dynamically controlling application andresource priorities, businesses can define andachieve predictable service levels. Systemadministrators can easily meet changingrequirements by quickly provisioning newSolaris Containers or moving them from systemto system or disk to disk within the same systemas capacity or configuration needs change.Containers can be patched in parallel, increasing speed by up to 300% on systems with multiple containers configured. This also raises the bar on the number of contain-ers that can be realistically run on a system. Containers also offer the ability to emulate other environments, prior Solaris releases, such as Solaris 8 and Solaris 9, as well as support for Linux applications.In addition to Solaris Containers, Sun also offers Logical Domains (LDoms), a hardware partitioning technology that allows multiple instances of the Solaris OS to run on a single Sun CoolThreads™ server.Solaris ZFSThe Solaris ZFS file system is designed from the ground up to deliver a general-purpose file system that spans from the desktop to the datacenter. Anyone who has ever lost important files, run out of space on a partition, spent weekends adding new storage to servers, tried to grow or shrink a file system, or experienced data corruption knows the limitations of tradi-tional file systems and volume managers. Solaris ZFS addresses these challenges efficiently and with minimal manual intervention.Predictive Self HealingPredictive Self Healing is an innovative capability in the Solaris 10 OS that automatically diagnoses, isolates, and helps you recover from many hardware and application faults. As a result, business-critical applications and essential system services can continue uninterrupted in the event of software failures, major hardware component failures, and even software config-uration problems.• Solaris Fault Manager continuously monitorsdata relating to hardware and softwareerrors. It automatically and silently detectsand diagnoses the underlying problem andcan automatically take the faulty componentoffline on SPARC, Intel Xeon, and AMD Opteronprocessor based systems. Easy-to-understanddiagnostic messages link to articles in Sun’sknowledge base to help clearly guide admin-istrators through corrective tasks requiringhuman intervention.• Solaris Service Manager (SMF) creates astandardized control mechanism for applica-tion services by turning them into first-classobjects that administrators can observe andmanage in a uniform way. These servicescan automatically be restarted if they’reaccidentally terminated by an administrator,fail as the result of a software programmingerror, or interrupted by an underlyinghardware problem.PerformanceOptimizing performance and efficiency inSolaris 10 is the result of many factors: under-lying technologies, system configuration andutilization, tools, applications, and systemtuning. An enhanced networking stack mini-mizes latency and offers improved networkperformance for most applications out ofthe box.With DTrace, you can delve deeply into today’scomplex systems when troubleshooting systemicproblems or diagnosing performance bottlenecks— in real time and on the fly. Additional built-in technologies that help deliver increasedapplication performance include:• High-performance networking stack• Filesystem performance• Tools and libraries• Multiple page-size support (MPSS)• Memory placement optimization (MPO)SecuritySecurity is more than a mix of technologies;it’s an ongoing discipline. Sun understandsthis and continues its 20-year commitment toenhancing security in the Solaris OS. SolarisUser and Process Rights Management plusSolaris Containers enable the secure hostingof hundreds of applications and multiplecustomers on the same system. Administratorscan use features such as Secure by Default tominimize and harden the Solaris OS even more.Additionally, Solaris Trusted Extensions providestrue multi-level security for the first time in acommercial-grade OS, running all your existingapplications and supported on over 1,000different system models.• Verify your system’s integrity by employingSolaris Secure Execution and file verificationfeatures• Reduce risk by granting only the privilegesneeded for users and processes• Simplify administration and increase privacyand performance by using the standards-based Solaris Cryptographic Framework• Secure your system using dynamic serviceprofiles, including a built-in, reduced-exposurenetwork services profile• Control access to data based on its sensitivitylevel by using the labeled security technologyin Solaris Trusted ExtensionsNetworkingExponential growth in Web connectivity, services,and applications is generating a critical needfor increased network performance. With theSolaris 10 OS, Sun meets current and futurenetworking challenges by significantly improvingnetwork performance without requiring changesto existing applications. The Solaris 10 OS speedsapplication performance via the Network Layer7 Cache and enhanced TCP/IP and UDP/IPperformance. The latest networking techno-logies, such as 10-Gigabit Ethernet and hardwareoff-loading, are all supported out of the box.Additionally, the Solaris 10 OS supports current IPv6 specifications, high availability, streaming, and Voice over IP (VoIP) networking through extended routing and protocol support —meeting the carrier-grade needs of a growing customer base.Platform choiceThe Solaris 10 OS is optimized for Sun and third-party systems running 64-bit SPARC, AMD, and Intel processors. This makes it possible to create horizontally and vertically scaled infra-structures and offers the flexibility to easily add compute resources. The OS runs on hardware ranging from laptops and single-board computers to datacenter and grid installations, while serving applications ranging from military command-and-control systems to telecommunications switch gear and stock trading.InteroperabilityThe Solaris 10 OS provides interoperability from the desktop to the datacenter across a range of hardware systems, operating platforms, and technologies, making it the ideal platform for today’s heterogeneous compute environments. Not only does it interoperate with both Linux and Microsoft Windows, it also supports popular open source applications and open standards such as Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI); Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP); Web Services Description Language (WSDL); and eXtensible Markup Language (XML).• Source and binary compatibility for Linux applications and interoperability with Microsoft Windows systems• Includes Perl, PHP, and other widely used scripting languages• Includes Apache, Samba, sendmail, IP Filter, BIND, and other popular open source software • Supports Java application development and deployment with the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) and Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE)• Includes authentication support for LDAP-based directory servers and Kerberos-based infrastructures© 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Sun, Sun Microsystems, Solaris, OpenSolaris, Java , and CoolThreads are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the US and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. Intel® Xeon® is a trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Information subject to change without notice. SunWIN #420130 Lit. #SWDS12147-4 09/09 Sun Microsystems, Inc.4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA Phone1-650-960-1300 or 1-800-555-9SUN Web 。



SUN solaris 命令大全(1)2007-09-18 10:49一、Sun发展简史(本节不作学习要求)(一)硬件体系·81--89 Sun1/2/3 CISC Motrala 680x0系列·89--94 Sun4/60 sparc1 Risc sparc: 65 sparc1+ ; 70 sparc2; Server : Sun/290/670/690·93--96 Sparc10/20 SuperSparc: Server : 1000/2000·96--97 Solaris-test1(140/170/170E/200E)o Solaris-testSparc SBUS体系结构,UPA接口o Solaris-test2o Server : E150,E3000·98--99 Solaris-test5 ,Solaris-test10 PCI体系结构(IDE外设)o Solaris-test30,Solaris-test60o Server : E250,E450,E3500·00-04 …..(二)软件体系·Solaris 1.x SunOS 4.1.3+OpenWindow 1.x BSD·Solaris 2.x System V 32bit· 2.5.1 SunOS 5.5.1 +OpenWindows· 2.6 SunOS5.6+CDE1.2·Solaris 2.7(7) 64 bit·Solaris 5.8 (Solaris 8)·Solaris 10二、PROM状态命令与参数(本节不作学习要求)(一)指令集格式: OK> 指令1.banner 显示当前机器配置状况,CPU,内存,hostid,EtherNet2.probe-scsi 显示内部SCSI通道所挂接设备3.probe-scsi-all 显示所有SCSI通道及所挂接设备4.probe-ide 显示所有IDE通道及所挂接设备(针对U10,U5) probe-fcal-all5.devalias 显示设备别名,如 cdrom,disk,disk0,disk1等6.printenv 无参数,显示环境变量或参数为环境变量名如: printenvauto-boot?7.setenv 设置环境变量,如: setenv auto-boot? false8.set-default 恢复环境变量预定值如:set-default auto-boot?9.set-defaults 恢复所有环境变量预定值10.boot device [option] 启动主机device :设备别名,如:cdrom,disk,net 或直接设备名。





对于那些有志‎于成为系统管‎理员的人而言‎,掌握如何使用‎v i编辑器是‎非常重要的。




要使vi编辑‎器进入编辑模‎式下,可以采用以下三种‎不同的命令:i插入o打开a 添加最后行模式:当处于命令模‎式下时,通过键入:你可以执行更‎先进的编辑命‎令,键入:后,将使你处于屏‎幕的最后一行‎,这就称为最后‎行模式。




当你完成了文‎本的输入后,按Esc键v‎i将回到命令‎模式下,一旦回到命令‎模式,你可以保存文‎件,退出vi编辑‎器,例如:1、键入vi filena‎m e来创建一‎个文件;2、键入I命令来‎插入文本;3、按Esc键回‎到命令模式;4、键入:wq来保存到‎文件,退出vi编辑‎器。



命令格式vi option‎s filena‎m eview filena‎m e输入命令要插入或者添‎加文本,使用下面的选‎项:命令含义a 在光标右侧输‎入文本A 在光标所在行‎的末尾输入文‎本I在光标左侧‎输入文本I 在光标所在行‎的开头输入文‎本O在光标所在‎行的下一行开‎始新行O在光标所在‎行的上一行开‎始新行备注:vi编辑器是‎大小写敏感的‎,因此,使用命令时注‎意正确的大小‎写。


pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/Product /SUNWTcl pkgrm SUNWTcl
pkginfo:查询软件包 (pkgchk –lp /filename)
pkginfo –l |grep SUNWTcl
补丁就是一些替换现存的文件和目录的文件目录集合。补 丁纠正应用程序的错误或增加功能。 Patch编号

系统每次启动时都会自动运行fsck。如果发现错误,会尝试自动修复, 如果错误非常严重,需要人工修复。这时要进入系统单用户模式,然 后对错误磁盘执行:

# newfs /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s0
rm:删除文件须为空。 mv:更改文件名;移动文件和目录; ln:将一个文件连接到另外的文件上 dd:用指定大小的块拷贝一个文件
- dd if=/dev/fd0 of=disk.img bs=1440k 备份软盘 - dd if=/dev/dsk/c1t0d0s2 of=/dev/dsk/c1t3d0s2 bs=10240k 两个硬盘 对拷
文件系统是一种通常驻留在磁盘上的某一部分的数据 结构。Solaris是一种层次化文件系统。它由一系列相 互关联的文件组成,同时可以允许用户以一种很容易 找到某个特定文件的方式来组织文件。 在一个标准的Solaris系统中.每一个用户都具有自己 的一个目录(宿主目录),在这个目录下用户可以随意 创建自己的新子目录,另外还可以再将子目录分为若 干个子目录。通过这种方式,用户可以将文件结构扩 展到任意的层次以满足自己的需要。



Solaris 操作系统的备份与恢复对于UNIX 平台,一般的灾难恢复准备工作包括维护服务器配置的详细信息。


如果使用ufsdump 将操作系统备份到本地连接的磁带机上,则要保留的信息包括所有备份文件系统、文件系统的备份顺序,以及备份磁带、操作系统级别、修补程序级别、磁盘分区、文件系统布局、第三方驱动程序等信息。

Solaris 9 和10 操作系统发行版提供了一种新的安装功能,称为“ Flash 安装”。

通过Flash 安装,您可以在一个系统(称为“主系统”)上创建Solaris 操作系统的一个引用安装。


虽然Flash 安装旨在克隆主计算机,但我进行了一些测试,发现Flash 安装对于灾难恢复也非常有用。

本文档介绍了我使用flar 命令备份系统,然后使用磁带上的备份恢复系统的过程。

本测试使用了磁盘系统为RSMArray 2000 的Sun Enterprise 4000 服务器,该服务器运行的是安装了最新簇修补程序的Solaris 8 操作系统。

其中有两个16 GB 的内部磁盘。


计算机上连接了数字线性磁带(Digital Linear Tape, DLT) 7000 磁带机。

过程1. 创建归档之前,使计算机处于单用户模式。

执行此操作有两个原因:第一,虽然可以随时运行flarcreate ,但最好还是在系统不繁忙的情况下运行此命令。

第二,使用flarcreate 命令时,从归档中排除多个文件系统会遇到问题。

(可在Solaris 9 操作系统中找到一些解决此问题的修补程序。

)在单用户模式下,flarcreate 仅归档那些在mnttab 中具有条目的文件系统。

# init 0ok> boot -s2. 以超级用户身份登录。


Solaris 操作系统简介
Solaris 简介
Solaris是一种计算机操作系统,它是由Sun Microsystems公司生产的,它是基于Intel 和Sparc处理器的一种操作系统。SUN公司一直掌握着大型UNIX工作站市场,随着90年代 Internet的发展,SPARC/Solaris系统也被广泛地应用于Web站点上。Sun主要强调自己系统 的稳定性,它的设计是面向网络的。它的高可用性指的是如果有了问题此系统不用停机即可 修改错误。它的稳定性甚至可以和IBM十分著名的MVS大型机操作系统一样,每个可能出错 的环节都进行了检查。此操作系统也提供了远程控制的功能。它是为网络计算而设计的,作 为第一个也是最成功的一个网络服务器系统,它在网络功能上花费了不少功夫;在网络安全 方面它支持IPsec,Kerberos,AMI和智能卡。SUN为Solaris提供了三个扩展: Easy Access Server:是用于为同时运行了Windows NT系统的企业级服务器而设计的; Enterprise Server:是为可靠商业运行环境而设计的,支持集簇功能; Internet Service Provider (ISP) Server:这就是一个典型的网站服务器; 因为SUN开发了独立于平台的JAVA语言,因此在所有的操作系统中均包括JAVA虚拟机和 JDK,Solaris代替了SunOS,后者在许多SUN的机器上仍然在使用。
2.5.3 光盘驱动器 光盘不需要volcheck命令支持,退出光盘可以用eject cdrom来实现。 如果光盘不能自动mount,或者卷管理器不可用,可以用以下命令实现: - mkdir /tmp/cdrom - mount -F hsfs /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 /tmp/cdrom - (Work with CD mounted on /tmp/cdrom) - umount /tmp/cdrom - eject /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 2.5.4 可擦写光盘驱动器 在solaris8下可以使用可擦写光盘,这是solaris 8下的一个工具,可以刻录iso的镜像, 可以用mkisofs命令来将solaris系统做成镜像文件。 例子: #! /bin/sh # ./nfscd <PARAMETER1> <PARAMETER2> # PARAMETER1 = Application ID # PARAMETER2 = from where # # ./nfscd SunNetManager /net/center2000/export/pkg/SUNWsnm # set Umask umask 022 # Remove old image rm /data/disk.img # Create image mkisofs -A $1 -d -l -L -o /data/disk.img -P "Sun Microsystems" -p "Solaris SPARC" -r -R -J -V "$1" -v $2 # Burn cdrw -i /data/disk.img (我没有试过,如果有尝试成功的朋友可以共享以下) 2.5.5 USB存储设备 现在很多新的设备都有USB的接口,所以很多USB的存储设备可以在sun的机器上使用。










这个目录下的文件genunix是系统的UNIX kernel 。

虚拟内存操作系统——交换分区(Swap Space)虚拟内存操作系统增大了物理内存,它将硬盘中的一部分空间用于存储暂时不用内存数据。



Solaris 网络地址与掩码/etc/hostname.interfaceInterface是网卡的型号,有le、hme等。




#more /etc/hostname.le0Sunrise# more /etc/hostname.hme0Sunny/etc/hosts文件系统名与IP地址的映射与/etc/hostname.interface 协同工作,配置本机网卡地址# more /etc/hosts127.0.0.1 localhost loghost172.16.255.1 Sunrise172.18.255.1 Sunny系统名不是机器名,机器名是唯一的,要更换机器名,用命令:hostname。




第一章:差别概览1. 默认shell2. 文件系统3. 文件布局4. 命令的位置5. 网络配置文件(revision 1.1)6. 文件系统配置文件7. 邮件8. 日志文件9. 脚本移植10. 帮助文件(new)首先一个区别:默认shellCODE:两个操作系统的默认shell虽然都是/bin/sh,但linux默认shell是bash,/bin/sh仅是一个指向到/bin/bash的符号链接。

而solaris的默认shell是Bourne shell,名为/bin/sh。

第二个区别:文件系统CODE:标准的solaris文件系统格式是UFS,还可以使用VxFS,QFS,从Solaris 10 u2版开始,还可以使用ZFS。

Linux通常使用ext3 or ext2,reiser,JFS,XFS其中一种。




区别4:命令QUOTE:为了保持对System V,BSD,GNU软件的兼容性,除了常规的/bin(/usr/bin)和/sbin(/usr/sbin)目录外,Solaris还使用了一些扩展的命令目录,这些目录如下所示:•/usr/openwin•/bin/usr/dt/bin•/usr/sfw/bin•/opt/sfw/bin•usr/xpg4/bin•usr/ccs/bin•/usr/ucb其中:•/usr/bin 标准的System V命令•/usr/ucb 传统的BSD命令有些命令在这两个目录中都有,但用法可能不同,比如basename df du echo expr fastbootfasthalt file from groups install ldlint ln lpc lpq lpr lprmlptest ls mkstr printenv ps rusagesed shutdown stty sum test touchtr tset users vipw whereis whoami免费软件的部署Linux和Solaris相同,这些GNU的命令在Solaris中通常都以g字母开头,比如gtar。

solaris 常用命令

solaris 常用命令

solaris 常用命令SOLARIS操作系统中区分大小写字母,要注意输入系统的字符的大小写是正确的.在图形界面的CDE环境下,用鼠标的左键可以选定终端中的一个单词或一行字符,用鼠标的中键可以把选定的内容复制到光标当前的位置,十分方便.1、man <要查的命令名字>;给出要查命令所有选项的含义,以及命令的详细说明.2、ls 相当于DOS的dir它的常用选项有-l(显示文件的详细信息),-a(显示包括隐含文件在内),-R(recursive,显示子目录中所有的文件和子目录),-t(依照文件最后修改时间的顺序列出文件名).例如:ls 列出目前目录下的文件名。

ls -a 列出包含以.起始的隐藏文件在内的所有文件名。

ls -t 依照文件最后修改时间的顺序,依序列出文件名。

ls -l 列出目录下所有文件的许可权、拥有者、文件大小、修改时间及名称。

ls -R 显示出目录下,以及其所有子目录的文件名。

内容很多一屏显示不完时,可用管道符连接more命令,每显示一屏暂停,按空格键继续.如: ls -altR | more注意:ls rms*.* 将列出rms.ini这类中间带"."的文件,而不会列出rms这类不带"."的文件,用ls rms* 可以把带"."和不带"."的文件都列出3、clear 相当于DOS的cls,清除屏幕上的内容4、mkdir <目录名>; 相当于DOS的md,新建一个目录5、cd <目录名>;相当于DOS的cd,和DOS的cd不一样的是,只输入cd将回到HOME目录.6、rm <文件名>;相当于DOS的del,支持通配符*和?,例如rm file*, 为了不误删除想要的文件,在用通配符删除之前,先用ls file* 看看是否列出的文件都需要删除.要注意,用命令行删除的文件是无法恢复的,Unix操作系统因为多用户的原因,无法提供DOS下的undelete命令.如果在Solaris的CDE环境下,扔到垃圾箱里的文件是可以恢复的,因为扔到垃圾箱里的文件并没有被真正删除.rm -r <目录名>;相当于DOS的deltree,小心使用.例如:rm file1 删除文件名为 file1 的文件。

Oracle Solaris 11.1 系统升级指南说明书

Oracle Solaris 11.1 系统升级指南说明书

Upgrading to Oracle Solaris11.1 November2012This article details the steps required to upgrade your Oracle Solaris1111/11system to Oracle Solaris11.1 using the Image Packaging System(IPS),a feature of Oracle Solaris.Introduction to Upgrading a System to Oracle Solaris11.1 There are two main approaches for upgrading a system to Oracle Solaris11.1.■Using the Oracle Solaris support repository,for customers with an Oracle support agreement■Using the Oracle Solaris release repository,for customers without an Oracle support agreementUsing the Oracle Solaris Support RepositoryCustomers who have an Oracle support agreement can use the Oracle Solaris support repository as their configured package repository.If you are using the support repository,the package publisher definition should look like the following:%pkg publisherPUBLISHER TYPE STATUS URIsolaris origin online https:///solaris/supportThe release process for Oracle Solaris11was changed to accelerate the release of critical bug fixes.A consequence of this process is that the update might not contain some bug fixes released in a Support Repository Update(SRU)for the preceding release.For example,the most recent SRU for Oracle Solaris1111/11is SRU#12.4.Some packages in SRU#12.4have a version number that is higher than the version number in the Oracle Solaris11.1release.To preserve these bug fixes,the version difference will prevent the upgrade to the Oracle Solaris11.1release.If the upgrade process is not blocked because of the version numbers,some fixes that are part of the SRU will be removed if you upgrade to the Oracle Solaris11.1release.For convenience,these bug numbers are listed in“Bugs Fixed in Later SRUs”on page7.For instructions,see“Upgrading a System With a Support Agreement to Oracle Solaris11.1”on page3. Once an SRU for Oracle Solaris11.1is released,the process is simplified if you want to install the11.1release, as well as the latest SRU.For instructions,see“How to Upgrade a System to Oracle Solaris11.1With the Latest SRU”on page6.Using the Oracle Solaris Release RepositoryUsers who have installed Oracle Solaris11without an Oracle support agreement can use the Oracle Solaris release repository as their configured package repository.If you are using the release repository,the package publisher definition should look like the following:%pkg publisherPUBLISHER TYPE STATUS URIsolaris origin online /solaris/release/For instructions,see“How to Upgrade a System to Oracle Solaris11.1Using the Oracle Solaris Release Repository”on page7.Upgrading From Oracle Solaris10There are no upgrade methods or tools available to transition from Oracle Solaris10to Oracle Solaris11or 11.1.You must either do a fresh installation of Oracle Solaris11or migrate your Oracle Solaris10OS instances or zones to an Oracle Solaris11system.For more information,refer to Transitioning From Oracle Solaris10to Oracle Solaris11.Upgrading to Oracle Solaris11.1and ZonesAll of the zones on your system should automatically be upgraded when you upgrade the global zone.Make sure that you follow any specific instructions to deal with specific packages as noted in the following procedures.Upgrading to Oracle Solaris 11.1and Third-Party Packages In general,third-party packages are not touched during the upgrade process.Third-party services,and the software they deliver,will only be disturbed by the upgrade process when the service shares configuration files with the OS,or when the files are installed in directories that are written over by the upgrade process.Upgrading a System With a Support Agreement to Oracle Solaris 11.1The steps that are required might be different due to some systems running different SRU versions.First,follow the instructions in “How to Verify Which SRU a System Is Running”on page 3.Depending on the SRU that the system is running,perform one of the following procedures:■“How to Upgrade a System Running A SRU Before SRU#10.5”on page 4■“How to Upgrade a System Running SRU#10.5or SRU#11.4”on page 4■“How to Upgrade a System Running at Least SRU#12.4”on page 5Note –The amount of time each procedure takes is dependent on many factors,including system and network resources.▼How to Verify Which SRU a System Is Running Display the information about pkg:/entire .In this example,SRU#10.5is installed.%pkg info entire Name:entire Summary:entire incorporation including Support Repository Update (Oracle Solaris 1111/11SRU 10.5).Description:This package constrains system package versions to the same build.WARNING:Proper system update and correct package selection depend on the presence of this incorporation.Removing this package will result in an unsupported system.For more information see https:///CSP/main/article cmd=show&type=NOT&doctype=REFERENCE&id=1372094.1.Category:Meta Packages/Incorporations State:Installed Publisher:solaris Version:0.5.11(Oracle Solaris 11SRU 10.5)Build Release:5.11Branch: Date:Fri Aug 0318:26:272012Size:5.45kB FMRI:pkg://solaris/**********.11,5.11- Package Information Displayed for Oracle Solaris 1111/11If your system has Oracle Solaris 1111/11installed,without any SRUs,the package information looks like:#pkg info entire Name:entire Summary:Incorporation to lock all system packages to the same build Description:This package constrains system package versions to the same build.WARNING:Proper system update and correct package selection depend on the presence of this incorporation.Removing this package will result in an unsupported system.Category:Meta Packages/Incorporations State:Installed Publisher:solaris Version:0.5.11Build Release:5.11Branch: Date:October 20,201102:38:22PM●Example 1Size:5.45kB FMRI:pkg://solaris/**********.11,5.11-▼How to Upgrade a System Running A SRU Before SRU#10.5You can choose to update to SRU#10.5or to a later SRU release.Note that SRUs starting with SRU#12.4havecertain fixes that will not be present in Oracle Solaris 11.1until the first Oracle Solaris 11.1SRU is available.Verify which Solaris 11SRU you have installed.For instructions,see “How to Verify Which SRU a System IsRunning”on page 3.Become an administrator.For more information,see “How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights”in Oracle Solaris 11.1Administration:Security Services .Update the system.These commands create a new boot environment.■To update to SRU#10.5,use the following command:#pkg update --accept **********.11,5.11-■To update to the latest SRU,use the following command:#pkg update --acceptReboot using the updated boot environment.#rebootFollow the instructions for upgrading the SRU that you installed in Step 2.■“How to Upgrade a System Running SRU#10.5or SRU#11.4”on page 4■“How to Upgrade a System Running at Least SRU#12.4”on page 5▼How to Upgrade a System Running SRU#10.5or SRU#11.4Verify that you have SRU#10.5or SRU#11.4installed.For instructions see “How to Verify Which SRU aSystem Is Running”on page 3.Become an administrator.For more information,see “How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights”in Oracle Solaris 11.1Administration:Security Services .SPARC only:For each zone,remove the ldomsmanager package.For any SPARC based system that has one or more zones installed,you must perform an additional step.Foreach zone installed on the system,remove the pkg:/system/ldoms/ldomsmanager package as follows:#for z in ‘zoneadm list‘;do zlogin $z pkg uninstall ldomsmanager;done Update the IPS package.#pkg update pkg:/package/pkgDue to earlier bugs in some packages,it was possible to incorrectly install those packages on a system.Thiscommand removes the following bad packages,if they are installed:■x86:pkg://solaris ldoms/ldoms-incorporation ■SPARC:pkg://solaris/consolidation/nvidia/nvidia-incorporationpkg://solaris/driver/network/ethernet/elxlBeforeYou Begin 1234BeforeYou Begin 123pkg://solaris/driver/network/ethernet/pcnpkg://solaris/driver/network/ethernet/dnetpkg://solaris/driver/network/ethernet/iprbUpdate the remaining system packages.#pkg update --be-name s11.1ga --acceptReboot using the updated boot environment.#reboot▼How to Upgrade a System Running at Least SRU#12.4If any of the following packages are installed,you must either remove them and add them back after theupdate to Oracle Solaris 11.1,or disassociate them from the constraints on the system (called unlocking ),asdescribed in this procedure:■pkg://solaris/network/dns/bind ■pkg://solaris/service/network/dns/bind ■pkg://solaris/mail/fetchmailFor SRU#13.4,the pkg://solaris/networkdhcp/isc-dhcp package must be removed or unlocked as well.Become an administrator.For more information,see “How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights”in Oracle Solaris 11.1Administration:Security Services .Adjust packaging for the DNS and fetchmail services.If you are not using these packages,you can remove them.If you have dependencies on these packages,youmust unlock them.Only follow this step if one or more of the three packages listed is installed on your server.■To remove the packages,run this command:#pkg uninstall pkg://solaris/network/dns/bind pkg://solaris/service/network/dns/bind\pkg://solaris/mail/fetchmailFor SRU#13.4,also remove pkg://solaris/network/dhcp/isc-dhcp .If you have any zones installed on your system,you must also uninstall these packages in each zone.Forexample:#for z in ‘zoneadm list‘;do zlogin $z pkg uninstall pkg://solaris/network/dns/bind;done■To unlock the packages,run this command:#pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.mail/fetchmail=false #pkg change-facet work/dns/bind=false #pkg change-facet work/dns/bind=falseFor SRU#13.4,also unlock pkg://solaris/network/dhcp/isc-dhcp .Note –To save time,it is possible to combine these commands into one command:#pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.mail/fetchmail=false \work/dns/bind=false \work/dns/bind=falseThe previous commands must be performed in each configured zone with the packages installed.Update the IPS package.#pkg update pkg:/package/pkg45123Update the rest of the packages.#pkg update --be-name s11.1ga --acceptReboot using the updated boot environment.#rebootReverse the changes to the DNS and fetchmail services.■If you removed the packages in Step 2,reinstall them.#pkg install pkg://solaris/service/network/dns/bind #pkg install pkg://solaris/mail/fetchmailNote –The first command installs pkg://solaris/network/dns/bind ,so it is not necessary to install that package.For SRU#13.4,also reinstall pkg://solaris/network/dhcp/isc-dhcp .■If you unlocked the packages in Step 2,when the first SRU is released for Oracle Solaris 11.1,lock thepackages.#pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.mail/fetchmail=true #pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.service/network/dns/bind=true #pkg change-facet work/dns/bind=trueRelocking the packages updates them as required.For SRU#13.4,also lock pkg://solaris/network/dhcp/isc-dhcp .Note –To save time,it is possible to combine these commands into one command:#pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.mail/fetchmil=true \work/dns/bind=true \work/dns/bind=true▼How to Upgrade a System to Oracle Solaris 11.1With the Latest SRUOnce the first SRU for Solaris 11.1is released,use the following procedure to upgrade to Oracle Solaris 11.1with the new SRU.Verify which Solaris 11SRU you have installed.For instructions,see “How to Verify Which SRU a System IsRunning”on page 3.Become an administrator.For more information,see “How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights”in Oracle Solaris 11.1Administration:Security Services .For early SRUs only:Upgrade to the latest Oracle Solaris 11SRU.Perform these steps only on systems running an SRU earlier than 10.5.a.Update the SRU.This command updates the OS to Oracle Solaris 11with the latest SRU.#pkg update --accept b.Reboot using the updated boot environment.#reboot456BeforeYou Begin 12For all SRUs:Update to Oracle Solaris 11.1with the latest SRU.#pkg update --accept --be-name s11.1sruReboot using the updated boot environment.#rebootBugs Fixed in Later SRUsThe following is a list of the bug fixes that have been addressed in SRU#12.4,but not in Oracle Solaris 11.1until SRU#1for 11.1is released.Kernel fixes:■7071362tcp_icmp_source_quench and other tunables may no longer be field modifiable ■7181137sol_umad should allow userland MAD operations in NGZs ■7196540After 7174929integration 0.9.0is shown for first disk in second RAID volumeOther software fixes:■7166132vim should be able to run its test suite ■7190213libibmad and associated files need to be delivered in an NGZ ■7191495mkisofs install is incomplete ■7195687Update fetchmail to version 6.3.2■7195704Problem with utility/fetchmail ■7196234Problem with network/dns ■7197223vim shows high CPU usage when editing dtrace script with syntax highlighting enabledThe following is a list of bugs that have been addressed in SRU#13.4,but not in Oracle Solaris 11.1untilSRU#1for 11.1is released.■15805793SUNBT7186501-11.2net-snmp crashes in net_cpu_arch_load ■15494128assertion failed:zvol_get_stats(os,nv)==0,when encounter i/o error ■15797349Problem with shell/korn93■15800889s11:zonestat core dumps when executed in non-global zone ■15816060update zoneinfo timezones to 2012f (Fiji)■15797515SUNBT7176189-12.0nfs4_write()can dirty too much pages during an unmount attemptUpgrading a System Without a Support Agreement toOracle Solaris 11.1Use the following procedure to upgrade a Oracle Solaris 1111/11system if you do not have a supportagreement,or have no SRUs installed.Note –The amount of time the procedure takes is dependent on many factors,including system and network resources.▼How to Upgrade a System to Oracle Solaris 11.1Using theOracle Solaris Release RepositoryUpgrading to Oracle Solaris 1111/11is a multistep process due to the requirement that certain systempackages must be updated first in order to achieve a successful update for the remaining system packages.34Become an administrator.For more information,see “How to Use Your Assigned Administrative Rights”in Oracle Solaris 11.1Administration:Security Services .Update the system packages.This command creates a new boot environment.#pkg update --acceptNote –For systems that cannot directly connect to Oracle's hosted package repositories,download the Oracle Solaris 11.1Pre-Upgrade Repository Image.This image contains packages that you must update prior toupdating to Oracle Solaris 11.1.See /technetwork/server-storage/solaris11/downloads/index.htm for more information.The ISO image contains a README file that describes thenecessary steps for constructing the repository and updating to Oracle Solaris 11.1.Reboot using the updated boot environment.#rebootSPARC only:For each zone,remove the ldomsmanager package.For any SPARC based system that has one or more zones installed,you must perform an additional step.Foreach zone installed on the system,remove the pkg:/system/ldoms/ldomsmanager package as follows:#for z in ‘zoneadm list‘;do zlogin $z pkg uninstall ldomsmanager;doneUpdate the IPS package.#pkg update pkg:/package/pkgUpdate the rest of the packages.#pkg update --be-name s11.1ga --acceptReboot using the updated boot environment.#reboot1234567Copyright©2012Oracle and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws.Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law,you may not use,copy,reproduce,translate,broadcast,modify,license,transmit,distribute,exhibit,perform,publish,or display any part,in any form,or by any means.Reverse engineering, disassembly,or decompilation of this software,unless required by law for interoperability,is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted 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solaris系统日常维护命令solaris系统日常维护命令(一)一、 Cluster操作命令:1、 scstat -i检查公共网络的状态2、 ccp clustername启动gui控制台3、 click cconsole. crlogin. ctelnet启动管理界面4、 scsetupcli的管理界面5、 showrev -p显示 Sun Cluster 修补程序信息6、 scinstall -pv显示Sun Cluster 发行版本号以及所有Sun Cluster 软件包的版本信息7、 scrgadm –p显示为群集schost 配置的资源类型(RT Name)、资源组(RG Name) 和资源(RS Name)8、 scstat -p群集组件状态信息9、 scconf -p群集配置,10、 sccheck检查配置11、 scshutdown -g0 -y关闭整个cluster 到ok 态12、 boot单系统启动,接着将分配配额13、 scstat -n#验证引导节点时未发生错误,而且节点现在处于联机状态。

scstat(1M) 命令报告节点状态。

-D 列出磁盘设备组的配置14、 scswitch -S -h nodelist-S 从指定的节点中清空所有的设备服务和资源组。

-h nodelist 指定从中切换资源组和设备组的节点。

15、 scswitch -F -D disk-device-group-F 使磁盘设备组脱机。

-D disk-device-group 指定要脱机的设备组。

16、 pnmstat -l检验该NAFO 组的状态17、 scstat –g资源组oracle及其所有资源状态18、 scstat –D磁盘资源ipasdg状态19、 vxdg listvolume状态20、资源组切换命令把C网数据库资源组切换到hnappscswitch -z -g c-ora-rg -h hnapp把C网数据库资源组切换到hnorascswitch -z -g c-ora-rg -h hnora#把c网应用资源组切换到hngorascswitch -z -g c-app-rg -h hngora#把c网应用资源组切换到hnapproot@hnapp # scswitch -z -g c-app-rg -h hnapp #把G网应用资源组切换到hnapproot@hngora # scswitch -z -g g-app-rg -h hnapp#把G网应用资源组切换到hngoraroot@hngora # scswitch -z -g g-app-rg -h hngora #把G网数据库资源组切换到hngoraroot@hngora # scswitch -z -g g-ora-rg -h hngora21、启动/关闭资源组的资源启动G网数据库资源及监控功能# scswitch -e -j g-ora-server-rs# scswitch -e -j g-ora-lsnr-rs# scswitch -e –M –j g-ora-server-rs# scswitch -e –M –j g-ora-lsnr-rs关闭资源# scswitch -n -j g-ora-server-rs# scswitch -n -j g-ora-lsnr-rs# scswitch -n -j g-ora-server-rs# scswitch -n -j g-ora-lsnr-rs22、启动/关闭/重启资源组# scrgadm –Z –g test-ora-rg/ scswitch –F/-R –g test-ora-rg23、 scswitch –Z –g oracle启动资源组oracle24、 pnmstat -p查看NAFO情况。


[option]常用选项: -a (all) 显示包括隐含文件在内的所有文件和目 录
-l (long)以长格式显示当前路径下的文件(10项) d rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 2 July23 11:44 home 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
chown和chgrp命令 功能:修改文件主人和组 形式: chown owner filename chown uid:gid filename
chown -R owner filename
passwd命令 功能:修改用户口令或其它用户信息 形式:passwd passwd username
date命令 功能:显示或修改系统时钟 形式:date date MMDDhhmmyyyy
who命令查看运行级别 # who -r . run-level 3 5月 10 17:03
0 S
可得到的信息:当前运行级别是3,系统启动的时间是5月10日 17:03.
/etc/inittabinittab定义了: 系统缺省运行级别 系统进入新运行级别需要做什么
/etc/init.d目录包含了系统的一些启动脚本 /etc/rc1.d目录包含进入运行级别1所需要运行的一些脚本 /etc/rc2.d目录包含进入运行级别2所需要运行的一些脚本 ... 这些目录下包含两种文件: 以K打头,后面跟两个数字以及一些字符串:表示系统到这个运行级别 时所需要停止的一些服务,系统将以stop调用这个脚本。 以S打头,后面跟两个数字以及一些字符串:表示系统到这个运行级别 时所需要开始的一些服务,系统将以start调用这个脚本。

solaris fcsk命令

solaris fcsk命令

1) 移去一个没有相关文件的目录入口 答Yes或Y来删除该目录入口
2) 重连接一个已分配但不能访问的文件
3) 连接数调整 回答Yes或Y来改正连接数
4) 自由块表不一致 回答Yes或Y来修正超级块
newfs /dev/rdsk/c?t?d?s?
#reboot cdrom -s (从光盘启动,并进入单用户模式)
#mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0 /mnt (将系统根分区挂接到mnt目录下)
print - display the current table
label - write partition map and label to the disk
! - execute , then return
partition> modify

solaris 命令总览-S开头指令

solaris 命令总览-S开头指令

参数pattern是一个可以由任何字符所分隔的正则表达式(用引号将对 shell有特殊含
change。Change指令类似于 Append和Insert,但Change指令可修改被选择行以使
地址范围, Change指令将用一个新文本的具体值来代替整个指定范围中的行。
delete。Delete指令将使 sed命令不写出它所选择的行。该指令还将使 sed命令不结
除非用户指令 sed命令不进行处理,否则它将复制所有行到标准输出中,无论该行是否被 选择。当用户在命令行中使用选项 -n时,sed命令将只复制被选择的行。
接下来的命令行将显示名为 new文件中的所有行, new文件包含单词 line(均为小写)。命 令使用了地址 /line/,以及一个正则表达式。 sed命令将选择包含与该模式相匹配内容的每一行。 Print(p)指令将显示被选择的每一行。
可以包含一个&字符,sed命令将用与其匹配的pattern来替代它。除非用户使用 g标
标志 g (全局global)将使Substitute指令替代pattern在被选择行上所有不重复的出现



Solaris 设备状态检查常用命令标签:solaris硬件设备命令硬件信息查看表1-1 查看服务器硬件配置表1-1 设备状态检查常用命令# prtdiag -v回显信息中“System Configuration”所在的行显示当前服务器的配置,包括服务器类型;“Run”所在的列显示当前服务器的CPU主频,这里CPU主频数值越大版本越高。

System Configuration: Sun Microsystems sun4u Sun SPARCEnterprise M5000ServerSystem clock frequency: 1012 MHzMemory size: 65536 Megabytes==================================== CPUs=================================== =CPU CPURun L2$ CPU CPULSB Chip IDMHz MB Impl. Mask--- ---- ---------------------------------------- ---- --- ----- ----00 0 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 72660 5.5 7 16100 1 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 26605.5 7 16100 2 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 26605.5 7 16100 3 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 26605.5 7 16100 0 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 72660 5.5 7 161solaris Cpu /Linux下如何查看cpu3665阅读0评论2011-09-21 icybay分类:LINUX1.CPU数量hp-unixioscan -C processor | grep processor | wc -lSolaispsrinfo -v | grep Status of processor |wc -llinuxcat /proc/cpuinfo/grep processor|wc -lAIXlsdev -C | grep -i processor|wc -l2) Memery数量solarisprtconf | grep -i memAIXroot>lsdev -C |grep memmemo Available 00-00 Memory可见mem0是该aix设备上的内存设备名称,现在使用lsattr -EI 来查看该服务器上的内存数量root>lsattr -EI memoLINUXfreeHP-UNIX swapinfo -tm///////////////////////////////////////查看linux cpu信息#dmidecode或#cat /proc/cpuinfo查看linux 内存信息#cat /proc/meminfo或#top#free查看linux硬盘大小#df -hl或#fdiskSolaris下查看CPU、内存等信息可以使用下边的命令:#prtdiag -v查看硬盘信息为:#iostat -E内存1、solarissolaris通常使用vmstat命令来查看系统的虚拟内存子系统的状态信息。

solaris 命令总览-M开头指令

solaris 命令总览-M开头指令

当mailx命令处于输入模式时,用户可以运行这个命令。所有的输入模式的命令都以一个 ~ 字符开始。这些被称为 ~ 转义命令( tilde escape ) ,这是因为它们允许用户暂时退出输入模式, 以便给出一条命令。这个 ~必须作为一行中的第一个字符出现。 下面各项描述了一些比较重要的代字号( ~)转义命令。 ~! command 当用户编写一个消息时,给出一个 shell命令。使用一个 shell命令行来代 替command。 ~? 显示所有的 ~转义命令的列表。 ~| command 替代用户使用通过 command (如fmt)运输消息所得结果而编写的消息。 ~b name-list blind。发送邮件无名副本( Bcc) (即匿名发送)到 name-list中,接收到 邮件无名副本的用户将不列在收件人的列表中;而收到普通有名副本 (Cc)的用户则被列出来—参见下面的 ~c。 ~c name-list copy。发送邮件副本( Cc)到name-list中。 ~d dead letter 。在用户的宿主目录下获取 dead.letter 文件以使得用户可以继 续编写或更改它。当编写一个消息时,这个文件在用户退出 m a i l x 命令 时创建。 ~h h e a d e r 。提示用户输入主题到 C c 和B c c 域。每个提示包括该域目前的条 目;用户可以使用删除和行删除键来删除和编辑这些条目,或者加入新 的内容。 ~m [msg-list ] m e s s a g e 。在用户编写的消息中包含有 m s g - l i s t指定的消息,在每行的开 始使用 TAB键。 (参考下面“读取消息”部分对 msg-list 的描述。 )当用户 在读取消息的时候需要发送一条消息,可以使用 ~ m (见“读取消息” 中的m和r命令) 。 ~p print。显示用户目前正在编写的整条消息。 ~q quit。在用户的宿主目录下的 dead.letter文件中保存用户正在编写的消息 后退出。参见 ~d来获取这个文件。 ~r filename read。将 filename文件读入用户正在编写的消息中。 ~s subject subject。设置用户所编写消息的主题域到 subject中,如果主题已经存在, 则用新的主题替代它。 ~t name-list to。增加name-list 中的用户到接收此消息的用户列表中。 ~v vi 。调用vi编辑器,以便用户可以编辑用户正在编写的消息。 读取消息 当用户具有希望读取的邮件时,可以调用不带任何参数的 mailx命令。 mailx 命令显示正在 等用户读取的所有消息主题的列表。显示中的每一行都有如下的格式: >符号表明消息为当前的消息。如果这个消息是新的,那么 status为N;如果这个消息不是 新的但还没有读过它(也就是说,用户以前看过它的标题) ,那么 status为U 。对于用户读过的 旧消息, status则为O。message-#是用户信箱中邮件的序列号。 from-name是发送给用户这条消



Solaris中查看硬件信息常用命令1、如何查看cpu的状态?# psrinfo -v# mpstat 可以列出多cpu负载的状态2、如何查看内存?# prtconf | grep 'Memory' 可以查看内存的多少.# /usr/platform/sun4u/sbin/prtdiag3、如何动态添加swap分区?# $su - root ----- 成为超级用户# mkfile 100m /home/swapfile ----- 创建100m的Swap文件# /usr/sbin/swap -a /path/filename ----- 激活Swap文件# /usr/sbin/swap -l ----- 验证swap文件# /usr/sbin/swap -d /path/filename ----- 取消swap文件# rm -rf /home/swapfile ----- 删除swap文件4、如何查看当前网卡是以何种速率起来的?# dmesg |grep Link5、如何调整x-window的分辨率和刷新频率?字符界面登陆,运行:#/kdmconfig6、如何使用光、软驱?一般情况下用:# /etc/init.d/volmgt start# volcheck以上方法不行,用:# /etc/init.d/volmgt stop# mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 /cdrom --挂接光驱# mount -F pcfs /dev/diskette0 /floppy --挂接软驱solaris定义系统磁盘文件系统说明:ufs – UNIX文件系统。


hsfs –高密度CD-ROM文件系统,是只读文件系统。

pcfs – PC文件系统,支持DOS格式化的软盘7、SCSI设备的命名规则是什么?带有总线控制器的硬盘的使用,下面列出了总线控制器的硬盘命名习惯:cWtXdYsZc Logical controller numbert Physical bus target numberd Drive numbers Slice (or partition) number (0 to 7)例如:/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 该原始接口对应第一个控制器的第一个SCSI目标地址的第一个硬盘的第一片(根)/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2 该原始接口对应第一个控制器的第一个SCSI目标地址上的第一个硬盘的第三片(表示整上硬盘)8、如何查看硬盘的使用情况?# df -k 可以看到已安装的文件系统的空间大小及剩余空间大小。


1.bash-3.00# su - oracle
-sh: PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin::.: 不是一标识符

今天安装了openssh-5.4p1-sol10-sparc-local.gz;tcp_wrappers-7.6-sol10-sparc-local.gz;openssl-1.0.0-sol10-sparc-local.gz工具后,在windows的dos命令框中输入telnet虚拟机配置的IP) Enter后出现login: 输入root Enter后 出现Password: 输入密码后不能登陆虚拟机solaris,查了许多资料,才知道以root用户登录,需要编辑/etc/default/login文件,找到并注释CONSOLE=/dev/console这一行,保存后退出,就可以在使用telnet时以root用户身份登录了。安全考虑,建议使用完后,取消root用户的telnet权限。还有一种和方便的桌面管理软件就是Xmanage,下载安装后,经过简单自动寻找方式就会找到虚拟机,还有一种方法就是配置连接,然后登陆也是成功的,虽然在同一个电脑上用这种远程控制的方法没多大的意义,但是我感觉会在以后的工作中很有帮助。今天很高兴,因为解决了我整日思考的远程控制的实现。但是在安装其他工具时出现了许多问题
2. 安装完top后
bash-3.00# top
bash: /usr/local/bin/top: 无效的自变量
# bash top


将crontab推到一个自定义的 文件上 crontab-l>tmp编辑这个文件,做需要的修改 vitmp推回crontabcrontabtmp
#bpdbjobs –report 检查作业备份情况,返回为0即为正常
#bpps –a 备份进程启动情况
sccli: selected device /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s2 [SUN StorEdge yyyy SN#08472F]
df -k 磁盘使用情况
磁带机的读存数据: tar cpio
磁带机状态 mt -f /dev/rmt/0 status
虚拟文件系统表 /etc/vfstab
ping,netstat -Biblioteka rp,ifconfig –a
压缩解压 tar gzip gunzip
生成新文件或改变文件日期:Touch 文件拷贝 cp 移动文件 mv
组合命令: ; 输出重定向 > 组合命令 |
常用管理命令 man
groupadd ,useradd ,passwd
查看用户/组 more /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow,/etc/group
输出的Status列,所有值正常情况下是” OK”或者” Absent”,其它的值都是不正常的;
#sccli>show FRUs
输出的FRU Status行,所有值正常情况下是”OK”, 其它的值都是不正常的;
#sccli> show peripheral-device-status







# init S停止Solaris操作环境并显示ok提示符# init 0关闭系统电源# init 5关闭系统并且重新启动到多用户模式# init 6/usr/sbin/shutdown命令shutdown命令是一个调用init去关闭,掉电或者重新启动的脚本。





给你可以向用户描述理由的能力命令格式shutdown [-y] [-g 延迟时间] [-I init状态] [描述信息]-y选项是用于提前回答全部shutdown问题。

-g 延迟时间允许root改变默认60秒的数字-i init状态指定init状态,默认是S强行关闭系统的命令下列命令执行系统的强行关闭,而并不处理rc0的kill脚本。


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Solaris ChangeThe essay is divided into 2 contexts:1.The unorthodox mangement practice implemented by Solaris2.The M&A conducted by Super NovaThe Unorthodox management StyleThe unorthodox management style can be seen as a planned and evolutionary change. Planned change refers to situations in which organizations have adequate time to anticipate and formulate a response whilst an evolutionary change describes ongoing minor changes that are incorporated in the existing organizational change. The fact that the unorthodox practice was implemented by management and there is no external environmental and technological changes affecting Solaris, we can make the assumption that the company is undergoing a planned and evolutionary change which results in an adaptive change. Furthermore, Solaris is making only minor changes to their existing organizaitonal structure. This is demonstrated by Kimberley Bell who stated, “work in a call centre can be extremely mundane and monotonous, so we have to make it a rewarding experience in order to be successful”. This further supports the case of evolutionary change.The reason for the change in Solaris management is due to the nature of work. As mentioned by Carr, “ The industry is plagued with high turnover, with under-trained, undermotivated and unenthusiastic staff with no long-term commitment to their jobs”. This is the reason of why Solaris decided to implement a new unorthodox management system.In the context of Solaris, the change agent or the people in power who have the ability to constrain and replace those in power is team leader from the HR department Kimberley Bell and James Carr the CEO and team leader of the management team. The HR Department itself have the power to assist the change by implementing a “cultural program that targets the internal thought process of employees” and help “promulgate the right values and practices so that employees view work more like a party than lifelessness chore”. In essence Solaris is implementing a change in culture.It is evident that Solaris is implementing an ongoing change process in their culture. This process involves unfreezing the organization and continuously changing the organzation.The change in culture can be seen in the following aspects within Solaris implemented by HR: ∙Symbols that capture the companies philosophy such as “Excitement, Attictude.Achievement”.∙Physical layout- consist of the slogan on “training manuals, coffee mugs, poster boards, letterhead”.∙Socilization process- “agents are recrui ted for both their formal skills and, more importantly their personal attitude and outlook on life.Management also has the ability to implement the change by implementing a “flat” organizaitonal design with decentralized power with the aims to empower workers with autonomy.Whenever implementation of change conducted, employees generally view the change as a juxtaposition and consists of 2 forces:∙Those resisting change∙Those promoting changeKris for example is accepted the change as he promoted the culture of Solaris such as”always sings the Sing Song and makes an effort to motivate other if he think they are not pulling his weight”. However, some employees resist the change at Solaris because the unorthodoxed managemnt style did not enhance the their working lives and found it to be fake. This is reflected the attitude of Charlene who described the employees at Solaris as “Solaris Androids”.After the MergeThe M&A at Solaris is seen as a revolutionary change because the merge with SuperNova has put Solaris into disequilibrium as transformations to the structure of the organization is required. There is a conflict in cultures between SuperNova and Solaris.1.Super Nova employees were “working in a more traditional call centreenvironment” as oppose d to Solaris whose working environment was moredynamic (need more information)”. In addition, SuperNova’s job is moremonocuous and took only “inbound calls that concisted of predominantlystraightforward questions and data entries which could easilt be dealt withaccording to predetermined script”.2.Solaris on the other hand had a culture that promoted “creativity, motivationinnovation, trust etc”.Difference between Solaris and SupernovaSolaris∙Took less phone calls between 30-50∙Less punitive∙Encouraged by social events for team bonding∙More fun work environment∙Low turnoverSuper Nova∙Took more phone calls (150 a day)∙More punitive∙High turnover∙More oppressive enironment。
