



【词性】 【例句】
the whole physical structure that forms a person or animal (n.) (人或动物的)躯体;身体 Plenty of exercise will help you to keep your body healthy.
curly /ˈkɜːli/
(n.) 家,家庭
live /lɪv/
【释义】 【词性】
to have your home somewhere
(n.) 住,居住
Where do you live? We live in Kingston.
friend /frend/
【词性】 【例句】
a person who you know well and who you like a lot, but who is usually not a member of your family
(n.) (尤指用于对儿童说话时)大人,成年人
arm /ɑːm/
【词性】 【例句】
either of the two long parts of the upper body that are attached to the shoulders and have the hands at the end
(n.) 臂,手臂;上肢 She put/threw her arms round me and gave me a hug.
front/back teeth 前/后牙
false teeth
【例句】 Brush/Clean your teeth


pronominal forms (most commonly found): thou (you, singular and subjective case), thee (you, singular and objective case), thy (your), thine (yours), ye (you, plural)
Week 2 Classification of English Vocabulary
Contents I. Classified by origin: native words, loan words II. Classified by level of usage: common, literary (archaic古代的,古老的 and poetical), colloquial, slang, technical jargon III. Classified by notion: function (or structural) words and content (or full) words
9. Active in collocation, e.g. at first hand; hand in hand (Nearly 90 set phrases with ‘hand’ in them are found in a dictionary.)
08词汇学week 2 Classification of English lary
Other words: aught (anything), betwixt (between), naught (nothing), main (mainland), vale (valley), yon (over there)
08词汇学week 2 Classification of English vocab.ulary

week 2-英语__各种运算表达

week 2-英语__各种运算表达

square (angular) brackets braces
intersection union is member of set is a subset of empty set therefore because
பைடு நூலகம்

{}或 ∴ ∵
∑ ∏ factorial x the sum of the terms indicated; summation of; sigma the product of the terms indicated infinity
1/100 a (one) hundredth
1/1000 a (one) thousandth 1/1234 one over a thousand two hundred and thirty-four 3/4 4/5 113/300 three fourths 或 three quarters four fifths 或 four over five one hundred and thirteen over three hundred
(the increment of x) delta x (an increment of x considered as tending to zero) dee of x; dee x; differential x the differential coefficient of y with respect to x; the first derivative of y with
Wb T C N
Weber Tesla Coulomb newton

degree Fahrenheit Kelvin

week 2 奥斯卡相关知识

week 2 奥斯卡相关知识

最佳剪辑奖(BEST EDITING AWARD) 该奖项从1934年设立以来,一直没有变 动。其评选方法与摄影奖相同。从第52届起, 又出现最佳音响剪辑奖和最佳音响效果剪辑 奖。 最佳化妆奖(BEST MAKE-UP AWARD) 该奖项从第54届开始设置。 最佳外语片奖(BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM AWARD) 该奖项授予非英语国家制作的大型有声 故事片。但一个国家只能提名一部。评选提 名作品用秘密投票方式进行,每届提名5部, 被提名者可派一名代表参加颁奖仪式。英语 国家的影片均不许参加该项评选。
科技成果奖(SCIENTIFIC OR TECHNICAL AWARD) 该奖项从1930--1931年第四届创设 以来,一直没有变动。它授予的对象包 括对电影艺术与电影科技有特别价值, 并在电影产业中采用先进的工艺、公式、 发明与发现的影片。该奖项又分为一、 二、三等奖。
首届奥斯卡颁奖的项目跟现在不同, 只有七项:①最佳影片②最佳男演员③ 最佳女演员④最佳导演⑤最佳编剧⑥最 佳摄影⑦最佳美术设计。以及另外两项 特别奖:艺术品质奖及技术效果奖,但 这两项只颁了一次,第二届就取消了。 首届的金像奖得主在一九二九年二月十 八日产生,于五月十六日在好莱坞罗斯 福大饭店颁奖,出席人数约二百五十位。
最佳音响奖(BEST SOUND AWARD) 该奖项从第1届至第30届期间,一律称为录音奖。 自1958年第30届起,改为音响奖。 最佳音乐奖(BEST SCORE AWARD) 由于美国的公众崇尚歌舞,在奥斯卡的各奖项中 是比较突出的。 该奖项又分为最佳作曲、最佳配乐、最佳歌曲等 3项。其中歌曲分项从1934年设立以来,一直未变。 它授予的对象是为大型故事片创作的一首主题歌,包 括词与配曲。 最佳美工奖(BEST ART DIRECTION-SET DECORATION AWARD) 最佳美工奖全称最佳艺术指导——布景装置奖, 所谓艺术指导,是指影片的布景、道具等设计。该奖 一度有黑白彩色之分,但1967年起两奖合并,仅设一 项。

week 2 答案及原文

week 2 答案及原文

Answer:Part 11 Joan is an academic counselor at Manchester University.2 She is talking to a presenter and callers for a radio program.3 It is important, because their choices of subject are likely to have an impact on their future careers.4 He wants to work in IT.5 Not at all. (In Britain each university has a different mixture of courses; some courses can only be found in a few universities.)Part 21 strengths; weaknesses; personality; like; subjects; organized; confident; outgoing; a team; working alone2 future careers; into a particular area of work; chosen field; related industries; leading3 vocational; graduates; high-flyers; career; practical; transferable; recruitmentScriptTony: Talking to us today in our Life Choices series is Joan Robinson, an academic counselor atManchester University. She gives advice to schoolstudents on choosing the right subject to study atuniversity. Joan, welcome to the show.Joan: Thanks Tony.Tony: So Joan, what do our listeners need to think about when choosing a course? It’s a huge, potentiallylife-changing decision, isn’t it?Joan: Yes. I generally give students advice in two areas.Firstly, know yourself, and secondly, think to thefuture.Tony: When you say “know yourself” what do you mean?Joan: Basically, I mean evaluate your own personal strengths and weaknesses, your personality traitsand the things you like.Tony: I see…So how can our listeners do this?Joan: Well, start by asking yourself questions to help reflect on your life so far. For example, whatsubjects are you good at? Are you an organizedand self-disciplined person? Are you confident andoutgoing? Do you like working with others in ateam or do you prefer working alone? These kindsof questions will help you discover more aboutyourself.Tony: Sounds like good advice. How about your second point regarding the future?Joan: Well, your choice of major subject is likely to havea significant impact on your future career so it’simportant to look into this carefully. I recommendyou check not only which academic subjects willhelp you get into a particular area of work, but alsolook carefully at what universities offer. Eachuniversity has its strengths so try to choose onethat is the best in your chosen field. Find out whatlinks the department has to related industries andleading companies in it.Tony: Good point. Now I’d like to take some calls from our listeners. First up we have James on the line.Hi, James! How can we help?James: Hi. I’m interested in career in IT and I’d like to ask Joan whether she thinks it’s better to go to ahighly respected university, like Oxford, or tostudy somewhere that has more of a vocationalfocus?Joan: Well, James, you know it really depends on what you expect to get out of a university and how yousee your future. Basically a handful of the brightestgraduates are picked from the top universitiesaround the world to join the leading IT companies.So I’d say if you’re a high-flyer then this is theroute that might be for you. But if you are lookingfor a more mainstream career then you shouldconsider a course that helps you acquire practical,transferable skills that you can use in theworkplace…and look at which universities havethe best levels of graduate recruitment for the kindof job you are aiming for.James: I see! Thanks a lot. That really helps me out…Conversation 2Answer1 F2 T3 T4 F5 T6 F7 T8 FScriptSharon: Hey, Karen, is that you?Karen: Sharon, w ow! I can’t believe it! Yes, it's me. Gosh, it’s good to see you!Sharon: You, too! What’s it been? Something like 20 years?!?Karen: Yeah, I can’t believe we’re that old already.Sharon: Life sure has treated well. You look great!Karen: Thanks yo u do too! What’ve you been doing all this time? I remember you couldn’t wait to marry Jim and start a family.Sharon: Hah! I never did get married. I was too busy with school and then my job. I don’t even know what happened to Jim.Karen: So what do you do?Sharon: I have my own advertising agency.Karen: Come on, Sharon! You?Sharon: Really. I majored in marketing in college and afterwards got a job with an advertising agency. Iworked my way up, and when I felt I understood the business really well, I left to start my own agency.Karen: Wow, that’s pretty impressive. No wonder you haven’t had any time to get married.Sharon: Yeah. So, anyway, what about you? You were the one who was going to travel the world and do your own thing. You didn’t want to get stuck being a housewife.Karen: Hah! You’re gonna laugh, but I AM a housewife, and a mother of three.Sharon: Oh, come on, Karen, you’re not serious, are you? What happened to the travel?Karen: Well, I did travel around Europe for a year with some friends. But then I met Stan, and we got married right away. I helped put him through medical school, and then we had our children. I love being able to focus on my family, and when they leave home, I'm going to start my career—if it's not too late!Sharon: It's never too late.Passage 1Answers11. C 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. BScriptThere was a man who was determined to become a public servant. He ran for legislature but lost. He ran for Congress and also lost. He ran for the Senate twice and lost both times. After all these failures, he even tried for a political appointment as a state land officer, something like a Justice of the peace, and he was flatly rejected. Yet this guy held to his vision of public service, and in 1860 he was elected President of the United States. The man, of course, was Abraham Lincoln.Look at this guy. At 40, he tried to establish two car companies. Both went bankrupt, and he was flat broke. Yet the automobile was his bliss. By 50, he was the world’s leading automaker, and was well on his way to becoming the first billionaire. That man was Henry Ford.Consider the baseball player who held the record for many years as having struck out more than any ball player in history. In his career, he struck out 1330 times. Yet what we remember about Babe Ruth is not the 1330times he failed, but the 714 times he hit a home run.11. What career did Abraham Lincoln want to choose?12. How many times did Lincoln run for the Senate?13. When was Abraham Lincoln elected President of the United States?14. Who was Henry Ford?15. What do we learn about Babe Ruth from the speaker?Passage 2Answers26 B 27 D 28 AScriptMen sometimes say: “We are better and cleverer thanwomen. Women never invent things. We do.” It is true that men have invented a lot of useful things: the alphabet, machines, rockets and guns, too. But scientists and archeologists now agree that women invented one very important thing. It has changed history. They invented agriculture. Before the invention of agriculture men were hunters. They went out every day. Sometimes they killed animals. Sometimes animals killed them. Life was difficult and dangerous. Women had to go out every day, too. They collected roots, fruits and grasses. Then, one day, more than 10,000 years ago, a woman dropped some grass seeds. She dropped them near her home in the Middle East. They grew —and the first wheat was born. The idea grew, too. Women planted roots and fruit trees. Then they could stay at home and look after the children and the animals. Women like baby animals. Archeologists think that women kept the first domestic animals: dogs, cows, sheep and goats. That idea grew, too. Then their husbands did not have to go hunting for meal. They stayed at home. They built villages and cities. Civilization began.Men began civilization after women invented agriculture.26. What is the passage mainly about?27. What was the woman’s invention?28. What did the men and women do before the invention of agriculture?Passage 3AnswersIf America had an official snack food, it certainly might be M&M's. Approximately 11)fifty billion are produced annually, most of them consumed right here in the U.S. 12)On average, each of us eats about twenty thousand of them in a lifetime. some of us, of course, will eat a lot more than that.M&M's were the brainchild of Forrest Mars and Bruce Murries, who began selling them in 1941 13)as an alternative to chocolate bars that would get sticky in the summer heat. Protected by a hard, sugary shell, M&M's milk chocolate melts "in your mouth … not in your hand," 14)as the slogan goes.M&M's have many interpersonal uses. They are great atparties and don't 15)interfere much with conversation. A wise, socially active young man will slip a package of M&M's into his jacket pocket before going out on a date. They 16)take the unease out of long waits in ticket lines and seating delays at restaurants. Managers keep jars of M&M's on their desks waiting to disarm any angry employee or executive who might suddenly 17)burst into their office.Although they originally came only in chocolate brown, colors were added to M&M's during the 1960's. 18)To this day brown remains the most common color, but of course we may also choose from red, yellow, green, and the rarely encountered orange. Recently the M&M/Mars company 19)created a stir by introducing a new color: blue. Newspapers nationwide reported on the decision to add blue to the mix. This may seem 20)unimportant as a news story, but consider: More people are likely to be eating blue M&M's than will ever vote in a presidential election.Passage 4Answers1. in your imagination; think into the future; possibilities;a positive way;the starting point2. expect to win; fulfill the vision3. opportunity; recognize; grab; a risk taker4. do something else; prosper; a joyful experience; job requirements5. other people; the support; friends; achievement; watch; apply6. Everyone can succeed; to discover and develop; hard workScriptNo one sets out in life to fail. The reality is that many do. Why do some prosper while others struggle just to exist? There is no simple answer to that question but here are a few thoughts that might shed some light onto this very complex issue.1. The future is in your imaginationHumans are blessed with the ability to think into thefuture. We can use our imagination to see possibilities. Use this unique gift in a positive way. Build a vision of what you want to be, have or do. It is the starting point of all successful activities.2. To win, you must expect to winOnce we imagine our future, we must wrap that vision with a belief system that encourages us to fulfill the vision.3. We are surrounded by opportunityAs we move through time, opportunities are abound. All we have to do is recognize them and reach out to grab them. Capturing opportunity demands risk. Are youa risk taker?4. Like what you do or do something elseLow achievers usually don't like to work or don't like the work they are doing. Those who don't want to work will never prosper. For those who work, it is critically important that their work be a joyful experience. Match your skills to your job requirements. The closer the match, the more enjoyable the experience.5. Your success depends on other peopleNo man is an island. We must interact with andreceive the support of others. Build a network of friends. Get to know people of achievement. Listen to their words, watch their actions and apply what works for you.6. Everyone can succeedWe are all born with enough abilities to experience success. Our task is to discover and develop those abilities. Nothing comes easily. Success demands hard work. Are you willing to work that hard?。



Structure, Reward system, Staffing, Leadership, Support systems
Strategic Management Concept
Definition Strategic management consists of the analysis, decisions, and actions an organization undertakes in order to create and sustain competitive advantages.
• Unique and valuable • Difficult for competitors to copy or substitute
Coherence in Strategic Direction
Company Vision
• • • • • Inspiring Overarching Long-term Driven by and evokes passion Fundamental statement of the organization’s • Values • Aspiration • Goals
Company vision Mission statements Strategic objectives
Strategic Objectives
• • • • Operationalize the mission statement Provide guidance on how the organization can fulfill or move toward the “higher goals” Measurable; Specific; Appropriate; Realistic; Timely Yardstick for rewards and incentives 6



WEEK 2 兴趣爱好(2)一、阅读理解(共14小题;共28分)AMany people think they should wait until they have free time before they get into a new hobby, but I think that's a mistake. There are many benefits to already having an established hobby when you retire. Here's why you shouldn't wait until retirement to figure out how you will spend your time.Interest in a new hobby might not be sustainable. You may find you don't actually want to spend as much of your retirement time with the activity as you first thought. I've done many activities in my life, including baseball, soccer, biking, golf and many more. Only a few of these will remain my hobbies in retirement. Part of this is due to my interests, while other hobbies have been dropped due to my physical ability.I like going to the golf course and hearing the sound of the ball going in the cup, but it took me a few years of consistently playing to realize that I enjoy the game more when I don't play that often. When I play too much, I tend to lose focus. I just don't try as hard, because the score doesn't matter to me as much as when I frequently play the same holes.It's easier to switch hobbies when you have a job. Switching hobbies is often expensive. When I first got into road biking, I knew about the costs of the bike and helmet. But that's just the beginning of the costs of being a road bike owner. The costs of a nice road bike alone can be thousands of dollars. Then, there are shorts with shoes, pedals, pumps, tools to make bike adjustments. There was so much I needed to buy just to get the bike going, and then I needed water bottles while I ride.I still love biking, and one of the main reasons is due to its health benefits. But if I started after I retired, I don't know if there would be enough in the budget to try a new hobby like this.1. What does the author want to say in the passage?A. Develop a hobby before you retire.B. Save plenty of money for your future.C. Live a free and happy life when you retire.D. Enjoy the benefits of your hobbies.2. Which can replace the underlined word "sustainable"?A. defensibleB. continualC. availableD. accessible3. If you often play football .A. you will take the game lightly in a wayB. you will play better than anyone elseC. you will realize the importance of the gameD. you will focus much more attention on it4. What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?A. Road biking isn't suitable for the retired.B. The author wasted too much on his hobby.C. Developing a hobby means a sum of money.D. It is not a good idea to change your hobby.BThere are basically three breeds of tropical fish and they are classified by their temperament.Social breeds: These fish will get along with other types offish. Examples of such fish are Danios, Tetras, Guppies, Swordtails, Mollies, and Corydoras.Semi-social breeds: These fish get along with other fish that are approximately the same size and are not aggressive. Examples are Barbs, Angelfish, and Gouramis.Aggressive breeds: You do not want to mix these fish with other breeds. Just keep them in pairs with more fish of the same breed. These fish include Male Bettas, Oscars, and Jewelfish.Good pet stores can always supply you with more detailed information about what kinds of fish you can keep together.An important factor while purchasing tropical fish is the color. You should opt for fish with well defined and solid colors. In case the fish has patterns instead of solid color then make sure the pattern does not have any color fading.Aquariums are the next concern and these require a lot of work. The water in an aquarium must always be clean. Fish must always be supplied with ample food. In case you add plants they must get sufficient light and nourishment.For people who are thinking of keeping tropical fish for the first time you need to purchase certain essential items. These are:● Aquarium. Naturally, you need a place to keep the fish.● Aquarium hood. This is to prevent water evaporation and also to keep the fish safe from pets.● Water filters. These can be chemical, mechanical, or biological.● Lights. Plants in indoor aquariums need a source of light.● Plants. Many marine plants are available today. You can purchase live plants (better but they need extra care) or plastic imitations.● Heater. Remember that tropical fish come from warm climates so they need the water temperature to be slightly higher than the typical room temperature in cold places.● Thermometer. This is to check the water temperature.● Food. If you keep fish in a tank then they need to be fed.Keep these in mind while taking proper care of your tropical fish.5. We learn that the Angelfish is .A. mildB. wildC. cruelD. aggressive6. Which of the following kinds of fish can be kept in the same aquarium?A. Barbs and Oscars.B. Danios and Jewelfish.C. Corydoras and Male Bettas.D. Guppies and Swordtails.7. You are advised to choose fish with .A. patternsB. spotsC. solid colorsD. mixed colors8. The aquarium hood can prevent .A. dogs from falling into waterB. cats from catching fishC. water from being pollutedD. fish from escaping9. The underlined word "tropical" means .A. found in cold weatherB. coming from warm weatherC. related to seaD. connected with salt waterCLawmakers in Taiwan make it illegal for children under the age of two to use iPads and demand that those under the age of 18 do not use digital media for "a period of time that is not reasonable".Parents who fail to comply with the new "Child and Youth Welfare Protection Act" may be fined 50,000 Taiwan dollars ($1,576).As a parent of two children, I feel relieved. My children are addicted to iPads for some years. Of course, there are obvious problems with the new law. For a start, it fails to define a "reasonable" length of time, leaving its application open to interpretation and abuse. Moreover, how can the law possibly be carried out? The government can hardly install some sort of spyware(监视软件) on every computer and games sold in the island. The measures also seem to violate personal privacy. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but feel that as a symbolic gesture, the new Taiwanese legislation is important.The fact is that doctors' advice on screen-time has been clear for years. And for years, it has been ignored by most parents. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that "television and other entertainment media should be avoided for infants and children under age two"."A child's brain develops rapidly during these first years, and young children learn best by interacting with people, rather than screens," it says. For older children, screen-time should be limited to two hours per day.The National Library of Medicine also points out that "despite what ads may say, videos that are aimed at very young children do not improve their development".Depressingly, however, the vast majority of parents are either unaware of the guidelines and dangers, or they simply disregard them.The AAP guidelines are vitally important. Dismissing them, researchers believe, can cause children to have impaired brain development; an increased risk of attention problems, anxiety and depression; behavioral difficulties; obesity; sleep loss; and poor academic performance.Yet many parents continue to ignore the AAP guidelines. Partly, the option of a digital babysitter is simply too tempting. In addition, there is a false belief that electronic media can be beneficial or educational for children. However, as one study put it, "the immediate practical advantages and educational benefits of entertaining children with screen media often override(掩盖) the long-term harm".So it is high time to ban iPads for kids.10. According to the new legislation, Taiwan bans iPads for kids under .A. twoB. fiveC. tenD. eighteen11. According to the writer, which of the following is NOT the problem with the new law?A. Not defining a reasonable length of time.B. Lacking specific implementation measures.C. Limiting the freedom of children.D. Violating personal privacy.12. According to AAP, it is better for children to interact with .A. animalsB. humansC. screensD. videos13. Many parents continue to ignore the AAP guidelines partly because they believe .A. electronic media can benefit childrenB. the AAP guidelines are not scientificC. electronic media are important toolsD. electronic media can replace education14. What is the writer's attitude towards Taiwan's new legislation?A. Negative.B. Doubtful.C. Positive.D. Unknown.二、完形填空(共20小题;共30分)Hate football and want to quit? Wish you'd never joined the chess club?More than 80 percent of high school students 15 at least one extracurricular activity. Beyond simple 16 , one reason is that involvement in the school play or the soccer team looks good on a college 17 . Colleges want to know that you'll be a(n) 18 member of the campus community outside of class. But how 19 should parents be in their kids' extracurricular choices?During the Olympics, I watched a TV show called"Thank you, Mom". What really 20 me most was a swimming champion who thanked her mom for not letting her 21 at will.My wife and I let our daughters 22 a range of extracurricular activities and don't allow them to quit halfway. 23 they sign up at the beginning of the school year, they have to 24 with it until the end. Sure, they can re-evaluate over the summer. But 25 , they've made a(n) 26 to the other players or performers, and they can't give up halfway.This has come up twice recently. First, when my kids lost 27 in soccer, they stopped trying during games. I gave them a big speech about lack of effort. They 28 for a few weeks, then we agreed to drop it next season. They later had a 29 time in playing the piano, thinking of quitting again. But this time, I wouldn't back down (退却) and a few months later they regained 30 . Now, they are crazy about playing the piano.The latest research shows that kids who practice making their own 31 —with the help of parents—actually 32 important skills like setting their own schedules and evaluating their own work. Kids can have a 33 , but parents must direct. If parents let kids have their own way in the terms of their hobbies, they will end up achieving 34 .15. A. take in B. turn inC. hand inD. participate in16. A. improvement B. enjoyment C. argument D. settlement17. A. application B. entrance C. study D. preparation18. A. official B. professional C. active D. famous19. A. amazed B. involved C. interested D. absorbed20. A. impressed B. delighted C. confused D. shocked21. A. swim B. chat C. rest D. quit22. A. design B. evaluate C. choose D. compare23. A. If B. Since C. Because D. Though24. A. agree B. deal C. play D. stick25. A. for the time being B. for the first timeC. in the long termD. on the other hand26. A. achievement B. commitment C. contribution D. difference27. A. heart B. hope C. patience D. interest28. A. hanged on B. lived on C. took on D. focused on29. A. good B. fun C. hard D. nice30. A. confidence B. trust C. strength D. energy31. A. promises B. wishes C. livings D. decisions32. A. lose B. develop C. produce D. ruin33. A. voice B. toy C. room D. ball34. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing三、短文7选5(5选5等)(共5小题;共10分)Do you have a hobby? Something you look forward to spending your time with? Something you love to do? 35. Or making model airplanes. Sketching. Or making useful things out of waste material. It could be a musical instrument that you love playing. Or singing and dancing.There are many things that a hobby can give you, apart from an enjoyable time. Sashay was a shy boy but through his interest in model airplanes he learned the value of sticking to a task until it was finished. His model airplane club brought him to get into touch with similar souls.36.Having a hobby helps you relax and get away from the routines of school. 37. You really need this well deserved one, too! It gives you focus, self dependence, confidence and builds your personality. This is an opportunity to lose yourself in an enjoyable activity, away from the pressure of school, so at the end of it, you feel relaxed and yet, mentally charged.Your hobby defines you. 38. And it also shows you what you are good at, and how far you can go, when you apply yourself.So go ahead. 39. For a hobby is: Happiness: something which you look forward to doing. Opportunity: to nurture and develop your special and unique skills and celebrate them. Believe in yourself: makes you understand your strong advantages and improves your confidence. Best in you: brings out your best—for in each one of us there is a best that is only ours. YOU gives you a unique character, and makes you YOU!A. Develop a hobby.B. It proves your ability.C. It gives you a break.D. It could be collecting something.E. Hobbies show your character.F. It showcases your special skills.G. He learned to make friends for the first time. 答案一、阅读理解1. A2. B3. B4. C5. A6. D7. C8. B9. B 10. A11. C 12. B 13. A 14. C二、完形填空15. D16. B 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. A21. D 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. A26. B 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. A31. D 32. B 33. A 34. D三、短文7选5(5选5等)35. D36. G 37. C 38. F 39. A。

Week 2 Writing_WritingParagraph_UnityandCoherence

Week 2 Writing_WritingParagraph_UnityandCoherence

my life at home.
B. Coherence:

It means that the sentences should be organized in a logical manner and should follow a definite plan of development. Exercise 2: I live in a house in Izmit. It isn't old or modern. It's a normal Turkish house. We can say it is near the sea. It takes about 10 minutes to go to the seaside on foot. We have one bedroom, one living room. We also have two other rooms, too. We use them as a dining room. Naturally, we have a kitchen, a bathroom, and a toilet. I live with my parents. And our house has a little garden; my parents spend their time there to grow vegetables and fruits. First, let's see the order of the ideas: 1. Where the house is 2. Type of the house 3. The location 4. The rooms in the house 5. The fact that he lives with his parents 6. The garden



W EEK 2 : 以后后来
xujingning@ 中级汉语语法







判断对错(True or false)


Week 2 主谓一致 student(附答案版)

Week 2 主谓一致 student(附答案版)


一、符合语法一致的几种情况:1、由with, as well as, together with, no less than, like, but, except,besides等连接的名词或代词,不参与主语的单复数。

即:当主语后面跟有由as much as, rather than , more than, no less than等引导的从属结构,或跟有由as well as, in addition to ,with, along with, together with, except等引导的词组时,其后的动词形式取决于前面的主语的单复数形式。

例如:John, rather than his roommates, is to blame.Tom, as well as his two sisters, is vacationing in Hainan this summer.Some of the employees as much as the manager were responsible for the failure.My husband, more than anyone else in the family, is longing to go there again.The teacher together with two students was in the lab.Man, no less than the lower forms of life, is the product of the evolutionary process(进化过程).The furniture, in addition to the house, was sold.No one except two girls was late for dinner.2、表示成双的东西的名词前有a pair of 等单位词来修饰时,谓语动词根据单位词的单复数来决定。

精简英国文学教案Week 2

精简英国文学教案Week 2

Week 2目的:了解小说的基本知识。



Poetry is the honey of all flowers, the Quintessence of all sciences, the marrow of wit , and the very phrase of angels.5. What is p oetry? 看诗歌视频Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.Poetry is imaginative literature written in verse.Poetry is the art of representing human experiences.The Elements of Poetry1). Imagery(意象)*I magery is the senses the poem evokes in the reader. Imagery puts the reader in the poem. It helps the reader to “see” the poem.*T he tools of imagery are*Senses : sound, sight, touch, smell,taste, and emotion.*Figurative language : metaphor,simile, personification, hyperbole,etc.Contrast Those Winter SundaysThose Winter Sundays Sundays too my father got up earlyand put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,then with cracked hands that achedfrom labor in the weekday weather made banked fires(压火,堆积) blaze. No one ever thanked him.I’d wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking.When the rooms were warm, he’d call, and slowly I would rise and dress, fearing the chronic(长,恶劣)angers of that house,Speaking indifferently to him,who had driven out the coldand polished my good shoes as well. What did I know, what did I knowof love’s austere and lonely offices?Robert HaydenIn “Those Winter Sundays” Hayden has caused us to experience several senses. “…[B]lueblack cold” certainly makes us feel how cold it was. When the father’s hands are described as “cracked hands that ached” we can feel the roughness. He describes the cold “splintering and breaking.” We can hear the trees and ice crack. And then the rooms “were warm” when the boy got up. We know how that feels on a cold day. When the boy fears “the chronic angers of that house” and when he speaks “indifferently to him”we know what emotions the boy is feeling. Hayden has caused us to feel cold, cracked hands and warm rooms. We hear splinteringand breaking and feel anger and indifference. These sensory details make the poem come alive to us and help us to feel what the boy felt on those winter Sundays.I feel that this poem is a poem about a father and sons relationship in life. The father was all the boy had, although the boy did not realize how important his father was to him. It m akes you think that we should appreciate not only our fathers but orguardians who watch upon us.Man Remembering ChildhoodThe speaker in Robert Hayden’s sonnet is a man looking back at his childhood; he dramatizes an event that made him realize that he had not treated as father with as much love and respect as the father deserved. But instead of allowing himself to wallow in guilt and self-recrimination, he offers a rhetorical question that puts his attitude in proper perspective: he just did know any better. If he had known better, he could have done better. And that is a useful attitude that we all need.First Stanza –“Sundays too”The first line, “Sundays too my father got up early,” implies that the father did not sleep in because it was Sunday, but rather he continued his duty to his family. The father had to get dressed in the cold—“blueblack cold” is such a marvelous description for bitter, biting cold of an unheated house on winter mornings—because no one else would get up before the house was warm.The father had worked all week in the cold weather, possibly outside, until his hands were “cracked,” and even though his hands ached, he made the fire to warm the house for his family. Another wonderful image that adds its magic to this nearly perfect sonnet is [he] “made / banked fires blaze.” The phrase “banked fires” refers to the piles of wood that were heaped to keep a low glow during the night to make starting the fire again easier in the morning.This kind of fresh language is what makes poetry so alluring; instead of merely reporting that the father got up early as usual and started the fire in the stove so his family would be warm, the poet has fashioned a little drama filled with intriguing images that make us see and hear the events.The simple, literal line following these skillfully crafted images, delivers a blast: “No one ever thanked him.” The speaker has shown us a caring man who did so much for others, yet no oneappreciated it.Second Stanza –“the cold splintering, breaking”The speaker would lie in his warm bed listening while his father was rekindling the fire in thestove or fireplace to warm the house. He would hear “the cold splintering, breaking”—another image that contributes to fabulous dramatic quality of this poem. Literally, the father was splintering the wood, but figuratively while almost literally to the child listening, it would sound as if the cold itself were breaking up. Then when the house was warm enough, the father would call his son to get up, and the son would reluctantly comply. He would “rise and dress.”The line, “fearing the chronic angers of that house,” is the line that requires some interpretive power. Some readers have been led astray by this line, thinking that the poem is about child abuse by a father. If the angers are literal and belong to people, they not only refer to the father but to “that house,” meaning anyone else living the residence.Instead of assigning anger to people, however, one might argue that the angers belong to the house; perhaps the house has leaky, noisy pipes, broken windows, dilapidated furniture, rodent infestation, an abusive landlord, or any number of dangerous things that might cause the occupants discomfort.It is this vague line that detracts from the perfection of this sonnet. This vagueness motivates critics to peer into the poet’s life for po ssibilities for meaning. While looking at the biography of poets can certainly enrich the poet’s work for readers, it is a flaw if the reader feels the biography a necessity in understanding any part of the work.Third Stanza –“What did I Know?”One cou ld read this question as an excuse: “I was just a kid, what did I know?” But the fact is he did not know, because he was a kid. We are all in that same situation. None of us understands the sacrifices our parents make for us while they are making them. And the strength of this repeated question is that it provides the accurate reason for our failure to recognize the love, service, and attention that parents offer to protect their children.That love should have “austere and lonely offices” escapes the aware ness of children, because they do not have the insight and experience that adults who have served those offices have. The term “offices” might cause some confusion if one thinks only of business offices or rooms.Here the term refers to positions of authority and duty, especially those held in a sacred trust. The old adage that “it is lonely at the top” gives a sense of the meaning of the term. The poet could have used the term “duties,” but “offices” broadens the meaning to include the responsibilities of authorities, including parents.A Spiritual PoemThe sonnet reaches heights of reason and feeling that are rare in poetry, especially poetry written in the twentieth-century and particularly in secular poetry. This poetry qualifies as a spiritual poem, a nd except for the line “fearing the chronic angers of that house,” reaches nearly spiritual perfection.For information about various forms of sonnets, please see American, Petrarchan, Shakespearean.The copyright of the article Hayden‟s …Those Winter Sundays‟ in American Poetry is owned by Linda Sue Grimes. Permission to republish Hayden‟s …Those Winter Sundays‟ in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.Author: Robert E(arl) Hayden (1913-1980)Genre: poetryDate: 1962IntroductionRobert Hayden possessed amazing skill with language and the structure of the poem. Though he is perhaps best known for his poems that explore and express the African-American experience, from the days of slavery, to the Civil War, to that of his own time, poems like Middle Passage, or The Ballad of Nat Turner, he also wrote shorter, arguably more lyric poems that capture personal or religious moments. "Those Winter Sundays," a poem about a son remembering his father, is an excellent example of one of these shorter poems as it displays Hayden's incredible control of language and intricate understanding of human experience. It is clear that there was distance between them and little communication or even warmth. It is discovered though, in recollection, that love actually was present. It was just communicated subtly in the father's effort, specifically by building fires in the early morning that "dr[ove] out the cold." The poem seems to be a lament of the fact that the son, who at the time could not perceive such subtle expressions of love, never returned them. Though subjects and speakers of poems do not necessarily correlate with the poet who writes them, it is interesting to note that Hayden was not actually raised by his real mother and father, but by their neighbors to whom he was given at the age of eighteen months.ExplicationLines 1-2:The poem begins with a very simple line that nonetheless establishes the subject and the tone of what will follow. The title has already suggested the quiet cold of "winter Sundays" and this first line adds to it the notion of the early morning. The speaker's father is also introduced which leads one to believe that he will figure centrally in the poem. The simple action of the man getting up and dressing is sharpened as an image by the use of the interesting and striking adjective "blueblack," which describes a darkness that will soon be contrasted by the image of fire. This beginning might also be seen to suggest something of the father's character as well, as he is up before daybreak, and is the one to confront the cold darkness of the home.Lines 3-5:The father's effort and suffering are then focused upon. His hands, a particularly human reference, are dry and pained from weekday work. Y et this is not enough to keep him from the necessary task of making a fire. The element of self-sacrifice is clear in this description as the man disregards his own pain to warm and light the home for his family. The first stanza comes to a close with a quiet but surprising admission: "no one ever thanked him." This addition seems to further the implied isolation of the father as we learn that his suffering and effort go unacknowledged by the others. This last line also adds the element of lament or regret on the part of the speaker to the poem as it shifts from the father to the son and anonymous others.This first stanza also serves as an excellent example of Hayden's meticulous skill with language. Notice the sounds that he compiles as he tells the beginning of this simple story. He first establishes the cold dark with "blueblack." Then, consistent with the sound of a hard "c," he adds the element of pain: "cracked hands that ached." When certain consonant sounds repeat in close proximity it is called consonance and its use here is part of what holds the stanza together. The sounds are very subtle, but as each new hard "c" is uttered, it evokes some recollection of those that came before. So as one continues through the first stanza and hears "weekday," "banked," and "thanked," the poem coheres almost without notice. It could also be argued that this hard "c" was chosen to resemble the sound of a fire just starting, the cracking and popping of the dry wood. Finally, Hayden uses alliteration, the repetition of words beginning with the same consonant sound, with "weekday weather" and "banked fires blazed" to add to the smoothness of the lines and their sound.Line 6:Here, as the focus shifts to the speaker's role in this Sunday morning experience, the consonance continues. Though it is described as the speaker hearing the "cold splintering, breaking," the sounds continue to carry the connotation and sound of the fire started in the first stanza. The image of the fire affecting the cold also begins the progression from dark and cold to light and warm that seems to flow through the poem.Lines 7-8:Here, once warmth is established, the father calls to the son, who then performs the same act as the father in lines one and two by rising and dressing. This could be seen as a parallel between the two, to make a subtle connection that adds weight to the speaker's lament. It is possible, the parallel suggests, that the speaker has come to understand this childhood experience by eventually finding himself in the role of the father.Line 9:The second stanza then ends as the first did with an unexpected and powerful line. The idea of "chronic angers" is introduced into the calm scene in which the father makes the house warm and comfortable for his family. More specific information is not offered however, and the reader is left to guess who the source of the anger is, and what its causes might be. It is clear though that anger was a constant in the house, as much a part of the mornings as the fire itself. Hayden uses another hard "c" sound to express this, with the word "chronic," which connects this idea of anger to the earlier description of the fathers painful hands, and the fire blazing. One could argue that this introduces complexity psychological and structural that makes the poem much more accurate a description of such familial interaction.Lines 10-12:The third and final stanza begins with an image of emotional distance. This seems a fairly natural extension of the previous line's mention of the presence of anger in the house. The next two lines, however, imply that as much as the indifference may have been self-protective, it was also ungrateful. There is no judgment made about whether or not the indifference was justified, or could have been helped. There is only the admission that, in addition to possibly being the source of "chronic angers," the father also tended to his child. The images offered are clear and strong as first we are reminded of the building of the fire which drives out the cold, and then are given themore austere and sharper image of the man polishing shoes. Both of these images carry the connotations of the actions of a servant more than a father.Lines 13-14:After establishing the complex emotional sense of the remembered ritual, the speaker poses a striking rhetorical question that will end the poem. Line 13 provides, with an almost pleading repetition, the admission of ignorance on the part of the speaker. Then Line 14 reveals what it is that the speaker was ignorant about, what he has discovered looking back on those mornings. It is the nature of love, more specifically the love of the father. The first key adjective to offer insight into this is "austere." This means simple, or unadorned, but also removed from the ideas of pleasure. All of this we see in the description of the father who neglects his own comfort and confronts the cold and pain of his hands, in order to foster the comfort of his family. The second adjective, "lonely," then adds to this the element of isolation, which the father experienced each morning as he built the fire.All of this seems to point to the fact that when the speaker was young he doubted his father's love; as a child he assumed love was expressed in certain, more obvious ways. It is not until the speaker has grown significantly older that he realizes that love is often expressed silently and indirectly, and he is then able to recognize it in the early morning gestures of his father. Though there is still a sadness at the end of the poem, a lament for the opportunity to thank the father, or treat him better, there is also a feeling of resolution. It is as if homage is being paid finally in the making of the poem.Source: "`Those Winter Sundays'," in Poetry for Students, V ol. 1, Gale Research, 1997.2.Metre or Meter格律,Meter is rhythm in poetry. It is the means by which rhythm is measured and described. The two units of meter are foot (韵脚)and line(verse诗行).1. f oot:a. I ambic, The iamb is a disyllabic foot containing an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one.Examples in words: adore,excite, attack,Examples in verse:A thing↓of beau↓ty is ↓a joy ↓forev↓erb.trochee ,is a disyllabic foot containing a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed one.Examples in words: happy, many, upper, trochee.Examples in verse:Go and ↓catch a ↓falling↓starc. anapaest: Like a child from the womb, like a ghost from the tomb.d. dactyl : Touch her not ↓scornfully ↓Think of her ↓mournfully ↓gently and ↓humanly2. line: a. monometerb.dimeterc. trimetred. tetrameterf. pentameter :The pentameter is a line of five feet.P118 3. Rhyme and rhyme scheme: Exact rhyme are words that have the exact same-sounding ending, like cat and hat Slant rhyme words sound similar, but aren’t exact, like one and down.A rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyming words.Look at the following poem and identify the rhyme scheme. P118 or P148 LettersRepetitive initial consonant sounds in a poem are called alliteration. Repetition of other consonant sounds is called consonance.(辅音韵)Repetitive vowel sounds are called assonance.(元音韵)Stanza*A stanza in poetry is like a paragraph in prose. The author divides the poem by grouping words into stanzas. We can often see the structure of the poem by the author’s use of stanza.P59Sonnet*I t is fourteen lines of rhymed iambic pentameter.*T he first 12 lines pose a problem, ask a question, or set up a situation.The couplet at the end solves the problem, answers the question or settles the situation.Assignments:How do you account for the iamb being the commonest kind of English meter?枫桥夜泊月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。

week2 单词翻译

week2 单词翻译

单词翻译丑陋的_____________ 美丽的_____________ 帅气的_____________ 单身的_____________ 已婚的_____________ 有魅力的_____________ 善良的_____________年轻的_____________ 年长的_____________ 热心肠的_____________ 冷血的_____________ 有魄力的_____________ 可爱的_____________ 肥胖的_____________ 瘦的_____________ 吵闹的_____________ 安静的_____________ 害羞的_____________ 外向的_____________ 高大的_____________ 矮小的_____________ 富有的_____________ 贫穷的_____________ 昂贵的_____________ 便宜的_____________ 大的_____________ 小的_____________容易的_____________ 困难的_____________粉刷车库_____________ 修理单车_____________ 清洗汽车_____________ 打扫后院_____________ 查阅邮件_____________ 刷牙_____________ 洗脸_____________ 锻炼身体_____________ 洗头发_____________ 做功课_____________ 听录音_____________ 读报纸_____________ 玩吉他_____________ 洗澡_____________ 沐浴_____________句子翻译1.今天天气真好。



______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Smith一家在干什么呢?他们在自家的饭厅里吃晚饭。

雅思口语week2 Sports and Excercise

雅思口语week2 Sports and Excercise

often do you go jogging? -Well, I try to go quite often, but somБайду номын сангаасtimes I just feel like sleeping instead!
you study English much at home? -Not very much. I always forget my homework.
would like to try
play basketball with my friends every day after school. I’m not very good at soccer, but I love it. I don’t watch rugby very much because it’s not very popular in China. In my free time, I often like watching tennis matches on television. On the weekends, I play table tennis with my dad.
a lot of fun to Playing~~~ is good for me It is really relaxing to / Playing~~~/ doing sports is really relaxing Competitive Keeps me fit Interesting Helps me relax
Week 2
球类项目 Go 需要场所 Do athletics [æ θ'letiks] gymnastics[dʒim'næ stiks]

八年级英语时文阅读~Week 2--兴趣爱好~有答案

八年级英语时文阅读~Week 2--兴趣爱好~有答案

WEEK 2 兴趣爱好(2)ClozeADear Tony,Glad to hear from you!I am very excited now because I have the same 1 as you! I like playing volleyball, too. I think it's fun to play volleyball. And it is fun to 2 volleyball match on TV.I went to my first volleyball game with my uncle 3 I was nine years old. It was really interesting and wonderful. I was happy to be with my 4 . He taught me carefully and he made me love the game. Later, my parents knew that I loved volleyball, and they gave me a nice 5 as my birthday gift on my ninth birthday. At the age of 13, I 6 the school volleyball team with my best friend, Jack. From then on, I began to learn more about volleyball. I practiced a lot and learned 7 to play better.My favorite 8 is Kerri Lee Walsh Jennings. She was born on August 15, 1978 and is an American professional(职业的) beach volleyball player. Walsh Jennings and his teammate(队友) were the gold medalists in beach volleyball at the 2004, 2008, and 2012 Summer Olympics. They are 9 "the greatest beach volleyball team of all time".Our school will 10 a volleyball match on May Day. I hope you can come and join us.Yours,Mark1. A. hobby B. age C. problem D. dream2. A. see B. watch C. read D. play3. A. but B. when C. while D. because4. A. volleyball B. uncle C. parent D. friend5. A. it B. that C. this D. one6. A. played B. made C. joined D. got7. A. what B. how C. why D. where8. A. teacher B. singer C. player D. writer9. A. called B. made C. worked D. played10. A. make B. do C. take D. hadBWith many beautiful hanging baskets of flowers in the garden, Joe Robinson's garden is the envy(羡慕) of his neighbors.Joe Robinson's efforts got compliments(赞美) from friends and strangers. But to our surprise, Joe will never see the fruits of his labors—Joe lost his sight 22 years ago. And now Joe Robinson is 76 years old.Joe Robinson creates his pride and joy in the village of Crook, County Durham, England, using only his sense of smell and touch. He said, "I won't give up my garden. Although I can't see what I'm doing, I work by sense of touch and smell. At first, I was worried that I wouldn't be ableto grow flowers so well but people come from all over to see the garden." Joe says that he is often out in the garden late at night but looking after the flowers made him very happy and relaxed. He added, "I often go around my garden and people think I can see. And I hope I could see one day and I want to make my garden more beautiful."Joe's wife, Heather, 70, said, "I am very proud of him. I am allergic to (对......过敏) flowers so I can't help him in the garden, but our grandson, Jamie hangs the baskets and helps him tidy the garden every week."11. Joe's neighbors envy him because .A. he is an old and kind manB. he has a garden with many beautiful hanging baskets of flowersC. he creates his pride and joy in the village of CrookD. he can look after the flowers well but they can't12. From the passage we can know that .a. Joe was blind 22 years agob. Joe was from Englandc. Joe's wife is the same age as himd. Joe has a grandsonA. a, bB. b, cC. a, b, dD. b, c, d13. How does Joe work in his garden?A. He works by the sense of touch and smell.B. He works with his wife and grandson.C. He works with his neighbors.D. He works by his feet.14. What does Joe Robinson think of looking after his flowers?A. Happy but tired.B. Happy and relaxed.C. Happy but lonely.D. Worried and tired.15. Why doesn't Joe's wife help him to look after the garden?A. Because she is too old.B. Because she has to look after her grandson.C. Because she is allergic to flowers.D. Because she is blind.CLook at the fantastic photos. They were taken by Zev Hoover in 2013. Do you want to know how Zev Hoover made it?In Zev Hoover's photo album, people in the photo are of very small size. One image(图像) shows a boy is flying with a leaf that is much larger than them. In another image, a boy is playing cards, and his body is the same size as the cards.Zev Hoover is a talented young photographer who comes from America. Today, the 16-year-old boy becomes very famous because of his Little Folk photo album. Zev Hoover came up with the idea to make these photos, when he was walking in the woods with his sister. After that hebegan to take photos of the background and the people. Then he used Photoshop to shrink down images of the people."It is fun to imagine little people peeking at you behind the leaves in the woods, I think," Zev said, "I like making these photos, because I can put my eye near the ground and imagine a world from the angle(角度) of people much smaller than me."Sometimes, when you see the world from a different angle, you may find beauty in life.16. What are the people like in Zev Hoover's photo album?A. They are very thin.B. They are of very small size.C. They are of very large size.D. They are very fat.17. The article described photos of Zev Hoover's.A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 418. Where does Zev Hoover come from?A. China.B. Japan.C. America.D. England.19. What's the meaning of "shrink down"?A. 粘贴B. 缩小C. 复制D. 放大20. Which of the following is true?A. The fantastic photos were taken when Zev Hoover was very young.B. The boy who is flying with a leaf in Zev's photo is the same size as the cards.C. Zev made much money by making his Little Folk photo album.D. Zev thinks seeing the world from different angles may find beauty in life.DHelping your child choose a hobby is very good for them. They can learn a lot when they are enjoying themselves. To help your child choose a hobby for fun, here are a few tips that may help:●Match your child's interests. If she likes to cook, buy her a cookbook. Show your interest in and support of their interests.●Try something different. Introduce a new hobby as a birthday or holiday gift. In trying something completely different, your child may become interested in it or at least get to know a new thing.●Share a hobby with them. Take an art class as a family. Go for a mountain climbing together. Spending family time doing fun things can make a healthy and nice relationship.●Take it to next level. If they prefer pop music, visit a singer star's website. Take in a concert. Make it fun for everyone.●Don't push hobbies that interest you. Let kids choose their own interests, though you can always introduce them a new one. Don't show your disappointment if they choose something different from what you thought of.Hobbies are a great way for kids to learn new things. From kite building to song writing, help your children to try different interests until they choose one they want to learn more.21. Who is the passage written for?A. Parents.B. Doctors.C. Teachers.D. Students.22. Which tips(建议) can improve the family relationship?A. Match your child's interests.B. Share a hobby with your child.C. Try different hobbies.D. Don't push your interests to your child.23. The main idea of the passage is .A. spending family time doing fun things can make a healthy and nice relationshipB. helping your child choose a hobby is very good for themC. hobbies are not a great way for kids to learn new thingsD. letting kids choose their own interestsEMany students have hobbies, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables in their gardens, looking after animals, and collecting. Some hobbies are relaxing and creative. I like collecting best. I think collecting can open new worlds for us, but this is only one of the reasons to collect. Here are some more.●Collecting tells storiesThere is a story behind every collection. This is the story: when and where you get each collection and what it means to you. The collections themselves also tell stories. If a collection is old, it may tell the stories of other people who once owned or used it. If it's new, it can tell you a lot about its own time and place.●Collecting teaches you many thingsHistorical collections teach us important events, great heroes and everyday life in the past. New collections show today's technology and our way of life. Plants, animals and stones teach us about nature.●Collecting lets you share your knowledge with othersWhen you show your collections to your family and friends, you teach them new and interesting things. Kids all over the world are collectors, so while you're having fun learning about your collections, you can also make new friends and share your knowledge.So, you can see, collecting is very important and useful for us. Have you collected anything? If your answer is "no", please do it right now!答案一、完形填空1. A2. B3. B4. B5. D6. C7. B8. C9. A 10. D 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. C16. B 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. D二、阅读理解21. A 22. B 23. B三、阅读与表达(表格式)24. The story25. New collections26. Plants, animals and stones27. share your knowledge28. all over the world。



我喜欢的星期二作文英语Title: My Favorite Tuesday。

Introduction:Tuesday, the second day of the week, holds a special place in my heart. Although it may seem like an ordinary day to many, for me, it is filled with unique experiences, cherished memories, and a sense of anticipation. In this essay, I will delve into the reasons why Tuesday holds such significance in my life, exploring various aspects such as routine, personal achievements, and the joy it brings.Body:1. Routine and Structure:Tuesday is a day that brings a sense of routine and structure to my life. As a student, I have a set schedule that includes attending classes, engaging inextracurricular activities, and completing assignments. On Tuesdays, I wake up with a clear plan and a sense of purpose, ready to tackle the day's challenges. This structure provides a sense of stability and helps me stay organized throughout the week.2. Productivity and Personal Growth:Tuesday is a day when I often accomplish significant tasks and experience personal growth. It is a day when I strive to go beyond my limits and push myself to achieve more. Whether it be completing a challenging assignment, participating in a debate competition, or working on a personal project, Tuesday offers me the opportunity to showcase my abilities and realize my potential. The satisfaction of accomplishing these goals on a Tuesday fuels my motivation and propels me forward.3. Social Connections and Friendships:Tuesdays are also a day when I get to connect with friends and strengthen my relationships. After a long dayof classes, I eagerly look forward to meeting my friends during lunch breaks or after school. These interactions not only provide a much-needed break from academic pressuresbut also serve as a source of support and happiness.Sharing laughter, stories, and experiences with my friends on a Tuesday brings immense joy and helps me build lasting friendships.4. Creative Pursuits:Tuesday is a day when I indulge in my creative pursuits. Whether it be writing, painting, or playing a musical instrument, I find solace and inspiration in these activities. Tuesdays offer me the time and space to explore my creative side, allowing me to express myself and tapinto my imagination. Engaging in these artistic endeavorson a Tuesday helps me unwind, de-stress, and find a senseof fulfillment.5. Physical Well-being:Tuesdays are a day when I prioritize my physical well-being. Engaging in regular exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are essential components of my routine. On Tuesdays, I make it a point to engage in physical activities such as going for a run, attending a yoga class, or playing a sport. These activities not only keep me physically fit but also contribute to my mental well-being, helping me stay focused and energized throughout the week.6. Reflection and Relaxation:Tuesday evenings provide me with an opportunity for reflection and relaxation. After a busy day, I take the time to unwind and reflect on my accomplishments, challenges, and goals. This self-reflection helps me gain clarity and perspective, enabling me to make necessary adjustments and improvements. Whether it be reading a book, listening to music, or meditating, Tuesday evenings allow me to recharge and prepare for the rest of the week.Conclusion:In conclusion, Tuesday holds a special place in myheart due to the sense of routine, personal achievements, and joy it brings to my life. It is a day filled with productivity, social connections, and opportunities for personal growth. Engaging in creative pursuits,prioritizing physical well-being, and taking time for reflection and relaxation are all integral parts of my favorite Tuesday. Through embracing the uniqueness of this day, I have learned to appreciate the value of each moment and make the most out of my experiences.。

My Week(2)

My Week(2)

• 单词
Monday /'mʌndeɪ/ 星期一 Tuesday /'tjuːzdeɪ/星期二 Wednesday /'wenzdeɪ/ 星期三 Thursday /'θɜːzdeɪ/ 星期四 Friday /'fraɪdeɪ/ 星期五 Saturday /'sætədeɪ/ 星期六 Sunday /'sʌndeɪ/ 星期日
• 单词
weekend /'wi:k'end/ 周末 wash /wɒʃ/ 洗 wash my clothes 洗我的衣服 watch /wɒtʃ/ 看 watch TV 看电视 do /də; duː/ 做;干 do homework 做作业 read /riːd/ 看;读 read books 看书
• 单词
should /ʃəd; ʃʊd/ (常用于纠正别人)应该,应当 every /'evri/ 每一个,每个 day /deɪ/ —天;一日 schedule /'ʃedjuːl/ 工作计划;日程安排
句型 Here is my schedule. 这是我的日程表。 What do you have on Monday? 你周一有什么课? I have English and music. 我有英语课和音乐课。
句型 What do you often do on the weekend? 你周末经常做什么? I read books on the weekend. 我周末经常读书。 Do you often wash your clothes on the weekend? 你经常在周末洗衣服吗? Yes, I do. 是的,我是。 No, I don’t. 不,我不是。




想刷⼀个⼩游戏的⾼分,但是⼿动刷未免太单调,如何让电脑帮你完成这⼀切呢?⾃动!374分!酷不酷炫!想不想学!我们这周的任务不是深⼊了解原理,⽽是先⽤起来,要是⽤的好再想办法调参,达到我们的⽬的~~1. 程序原理简介程序采⽤遗传算法来逐步优化⼩恐龙的⾏为,跳过尽可能多的仙⼈掌,获得更⾼的分数。


恐龙蹲下,然⽽只能卖萌 - -#2)>0.55:按“上”键。




2. 安装建议在linux下安装,win7的安装艰难且存在延迟过⾼的问题(见项⽬issue)。

我⽤的是ubuntu 14.04 LTS,安装贼容易:1)sudo apt-get install nodejs nodejs-legacy npm2) 将IAMDinosaur git clone下来3) 在IAMDinosaur⽬录内 npm install4) node index5.5) chrome dinosaur game⾥有个bug:随着游戏多次进⾏,恐龙会逐渐向右漂移。

解决⽅法:在F12开发者视图中的Console内输⼊:setInterval(function (){Runner.instance_.tRex.xPos = 21}, 2000)6)激活终端页⾯,在屏幕上同时显⽰终端和chrome页⾯,按s开始训练据说有些安装失败的原因是C++编译问题,请务必安装gcc/g++和sudo apt-get install build-essentials3. 加速当你发现,为什么⾃⼰的恐龙就只会傻傻的蹲下或者瞎跳呢?这和每个个体的初始化情况相关,⼀开始就有⼀个能跳过仙⼈掌的个体实在是运⽓爆棚。


F = {q0 , q3 }
转 移 表 表 示 的 DFA
q0 q2 q1 q1 q3 q0 q2 q0 q3 q3 q1 q2
Q = {q0 , q1 , q2 , q3 } T = {0, 1 }
(q0 ,0) = q2 , (q0 ,1) = q1 (q1 ,0) = q3 , (q1 ,1) = q0 (q2 ,0) = q0 , (q2 ,1) = q3 (q3 ,0) = q1 , (q3 ,1) = q2
Start q0
q2 1
1 q1
定义: DFA是一个五元组 M=(Q,T,δ,q0,F) Q: 有限的状态集合 T: 有限的输入字母表 δ: 转换函数(状态转移集合): Q×T Q q0: 初始状态, q0 Q F: 终止状态集, F Q
Start q偶a偶b
例2:构造有限自动机M, 识别{0,1}上的语言
L={x000y | x,y∈{0,1}*}
MG-WC (处于左岸的子集- 处于右岸的子集)
人(M) 狼(W) 羊(G) 菜(C)
具有离散 输入 输出系统的一种数学模型 (可以没有输出,比较特殊的也可以没有输 入).
有限的状态 状态+输入状态转移 每次转换的后继状态都唯一 DFA 每次转换的后继状态不唯一 NFA
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• the most important festival of the Christian Church, commemorating the Resurrection (复活) of Christ: falls on the Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox. The date of Easter varies between March 22 and April 25.
• Characters
– Goofy
Vocabulary and expressions
• Assignment
– A duty or piece of work that is given to a particular person (分配,指派的)工作,任务
• Commit oneself to doing
• Effort
– Something made or done as the result of trying 努力的成果,结果
• Read…into
– Believe to be meant though not expressed by 认为暗含某种意义 – E.g. Don’t read more into her letter than she intended.
– Promise to a certain cause, position, or course of action 致力于,使自己承担,承诺 – E.g. The government has committed itself to improving health and education.
Pictures taken in Walt Disney World
Tommy Tucker’s Tooth
• Release date
– Dec 6, 1922
• Producer and director
– Walt Disney
• Format
– black and white, and without sound
Week One
Passage 1 and 4 in Speed Reading
Walt Disney
• The person
– an American film producer, director, screenwriter(电影剧 本作家), voice actor(配音演 员), animator(动画设计师), entrepreneur, entertainer, international icon and philanthropist(慈善家) – the co-founder (with his brother Roy O. Disney) of Walt Disney Productions
Freewayphobia(The Art of Driving the Super High Way)
• The name: freeway (expressway) + phobia (fear, anxiety) • Release Date
– February 13, 1965
• Format
The New Spirit
• Release Date:
– January 7, 1943
• Synopsis
– A companion piece to “The New Spirit” has Donald struggling with two sides of his personality, one a spendthrift(挥霍者), the other a tightwad(吝啬鬼), and, in the end, deciding to show the proper spirit and pay his income tax.
• Among his first efforts in this area was “Tommy Tucker’s Tooth”(1922), a short combining live action and animation made on assignment for a local dentist. • This film contributed to Disney’s being presented with an award of merit, for his contribution to public safety, by the Automobile Club of Southern California.
• An equinox occurs twice a year, when the tilt of the Earth’s axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun, the center of the Sun being in the same plane(水平) as the Earth’s equator(赤 道). The name “equinox” is derived from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night), because around the equinox, the night and day are approximately equally long. It may be better understood to mean that latitudes(纬度)+L and -L north and south of the Equator experience nights of equal length.
– live action and standard animation
• Length: 15:38 • Synopsis
– Goofy assays(研究,分析) a number of roadway characters in showing the proper and polite way to drive on the freeway.
• If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts he shall end in certainties. • Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, writing an exact man. • Read not to contradict and confute, not to believe and take for granted, not to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider. • Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper. --by Francis Bacon
• Contribute to
– Join with others in giving money or help 贡献, 捐献 – Help in causing a situation, event or condition 导致,促使,促成,有助于 – Write and send to a magazine, newspaper, etc. 撰稿,投稿
The Gregorian calendar
• also known as the Western calendar or the Christian calendar, is now internationally accepted. It was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 and adopted later that year. The motivation for the Gregorian reform was that the Julian calendar assumes that the time between vernal equinoxes is 365.25 days, when in fact it is about 11 minutes less. The accumulated error between these values was about 10 days when the reform was made, resulting in the equinox occurring on March 11 and moving steadily earlier in the calendar. Since the equinox was tied to the celebration of Easter, the Roman Catholic Church considered that this steady movement was undesirable.
The Julian calendar
• a reform of the Roman calendar, was introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC, and came into force in 45 BC. It has a regular year of 365 days divided into 12 months, and a leap day is added to February every four years. Hence the Julian year is on average 365.25 days long.