Wall Street
华尔街Wall Street
Wall street1概述(Summary)It runs east from Broadway to South Street on the East River , through the historical center of the Financial District . It is the first permanent home of the New York Stock Exchange ; over time Wall Street became the name of the surrounding geographic neighborhood. Wall Street is also shorthand for the "influential financial interests" of the American financial industry, which is centered in the New York City area. Several major US stock and other exchanges remain headquartered on Wall Street and in the Financial District, including the NYSE , NASDAQ , AMEX , NYMEX , and NYBOT .华尔街是一个街头曼哈顿下城,纽约市,纽约,美国。
2 历史(History)The name of the street derives from the 17th century when Wall Street formed the northern boundary of the New Amsterdam settlement. In the 1640s basic picket(原木)and plank fences(木板围墙)denoted(记为)residences(居留)in the colony. Later, on behalf of the Dutch West India Company, in part using African slaves, the Dutch led in the construction of a stronger stockade.(寨子)There was a strengthened 4 meters wall against attack from various Native American tribes(美[traɪb]). In 1685 surveyors laid out Wall Street along the lines of the original stockade(寨子). The wall was dismantled (美[dɪs'mæntl])by the British colonial government in 1699. In the late 18th century, there was a buttonwood(梧桐)tree at the foot of Wall Street under which traders and speculators(投机商,美['spɛkjə,letɚ]) would gather to trade informally. In 1792, the traders formalized(使…成为正式;使具有一定形式,美['fɔrmə,laɪz])their association with the Buttonwood Agreement. This was the origin of the New York Stock Exchange. In 1789, Federal Hall and Wall Street was the scene of the United States' first presidential inauguration (美[ɪn,ɔɡjə'reʃən]). George Washington took the oath of office(宣誓就职) on the balcony of Federal Hall overlooking Wall Street on April 30, 1789. This was also the location of the passing of the Bill Of Rights. In 1889, the original stock report, Customers' Afternoon Letter, became The Wall Street Journal(华尔街日报), named in reference to(参照)the actual street, it is now an influential international daily business newspaper published in New York City.该街道的名称源自17世纪时,华尔街形成了北部边界的新阿姆斯特丹定居。
Wall Street介绍华尔街英文PPT
The History of Wall Street
Early years Nineteenth Century
Twentieth Century Regulation Twenty-first Century
Early years
• In the 1640s, basic picket and plank fences denoted plots and residences in the colony.[13] Later, on behalf of the Dutch West India Company, Peter Stuyvesant, using both African slaves[14] and white colonists, collaborated with the city government in the construction of a more substantial fortification, a strengthened 12-foot (4 m) wall. In these early days, local merchants and traders would gather at disparate spots to buy and sell shares and bonds, and over time divided themselves into two classes— auctioneers and dealers.[16] The rampart was removed in 1699. • In the late 18th century, there was a buttonwood tree at the foot of Wall Street under which traders and speculators would gather to trade securities. In 1792, traders formalized their association with the Buttonwood Agreement which was the origin of the New York Stock Exchange • In 1789, Wall Street was the scene of the United States' first presidential inauguration when George Washington took deral Hall on April 30, 1789. This was also the location of the passing of the Bill Of Rights.
1.《华尔街》(Wall Street)(1987)内部交易是违法的,不违法怎么能够发财,关键看如何违法的同时可以掩盖。
不看这个影片怎么能够随便进入股市?2.《拜金一族》(Glengarry Glenn Ross)(1992)当房地产进入萧条的时候,美国房屋中介的销售顾问都在忙什么?看他们如何利用数据库,如何门到门地将房地产销售出去,如何在萧条期包装房地产,如何瞄准新婚家庭的住房需求。
3.《颠倒乾坤》(Trading Places)(1983)经济是交易行为的代名词。
4.《锅炉房》(Boiler Room)(2000)难以想象的是违法交易几乎与证券市场形影不离。
5.《硅谷传奇》(Pirates of Silicon Valley)(1999)比尔?盖茨与斯蒂夫?乔布斯几乎在所有方面的看法、观点都是对立的,他们只有在一个事情上是共同的,那就是尽一切可能封杀这个影片。
6.《可口可乐小子》(The Coca—Cola Kid)(1985)这是一个男孩用可乐创造一项事业的故事。
关于英语中道路的几种说法大家好,欢迎来到饰途英语的“留言回答”节目,我是Jay 。
Question街道在英语中有好几个单词,怎么去分辨Answer英语中常用的街道主要是Street,Road,Avenue,Boulevard,Drive,Court,Lane,以下是对这几个单词的分析➢ Street主要是指村落或都市中两边有房屋的街道或马路街道,偏向于市区(一般是东西走向)简称St,最著名的就是Wall Street了。
同样在华盛顿D.C.,东西街道是以Street A、Street B、Street C命名;南北街道以Street 1、Street 2、Street 3命名.在日本,在新加坡,Street、Road 的使用,完全没有分别。
在新加坡,最有名的路是Orchard Road(乌节路),是在最繁华的地方。
➢∙Avenue,旁有着华丽的住宅或林立的建筑物主要是指大街,多车道有绿化带的,简称Ave,偏向于市郊,但是没有一定,如美国首都华盛顿宾西法尼亚大道Philadelphia Avenue,是接待外国元首最隆重的街道,是一定要张挂两国国旗的。
还有第五大道Fifth Avenue,是美国纽约市曼哈顿一条重要的南北向干道,景点众多,由南至北有帝国大厦、纽约公共图书馆、洛克菲勒中心、圣帕特里克教堂以及中央公园等。
➢ Boulevard,也可指大道,但更多是指林荫大道,简称Blvd。
Wall Street介绍
Wall Street (1987 film)Wall Street is a 1987 American drama film released by 20th Century Fox. It was directed by Oliver Stone and stars Michael Douglas, Charlie Sheen, and Daryl Hannah. The screenplay was written by Stanley Weiser and Stone. The film tells the story of Bud Fox (Sheen), a young stockbroker desperate to succeed who becomes involved with his hero, Gordon Gekko (Douglas), a wealthy, unscrupulous corporate raider.Stone made the film as a tribute to his father, Lou Stone, a stockbroker during the Great Depression. The character of Gekko is said to be a composite of several people, including Owen Morrisey, Dennis Levine, Ivan Boesky, Carl Icahn, Asher Edelman, Michael Ovitz, Michael Milken, and Stone himself. Originally, the studio wanted Warren Beatty to play Gekko, but he was not interested, and Stone wanted Richard Gere, though Gere passed on the role. Stone went with Douglas even though he had been advised by others in Hollywood not to cast him.The film was well-received among major film critics including Roger Ebert. Douglas won the Academy Award for Best Actor, and the film has come to be seen as the archetypal portrayal of 1980s excess, with Douglas's character memorably declaring that "greed, for lack of a better word, is good". It has also proven influential in inspiring people to work on Wall Street with Sheen, Douglas, and Stone commenting over the years how people still approach them and say that they became stockbrokers because of their respective characters in the film.Stone, Douglas, and Sheen have reunited for a sequel titled Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, which was released theatrically on September 24, 2010.PlotIn 1985, Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen), a junior stockbroker at Jackson Steinem & Co., is desperate to get to the top. He wants to become involved with his hero, the corporate raider Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas), a ruthless and legendary Wall Street player whose values could not conflict more with those of Bud's father Carl (Martin Sheen), a blue-collar airline maintenance foreman and union president. Bud visits Gekko on his birthday and, granted a brief interview, pitches him stocks, but Gekko is unimpressed. Realizing that Gekko may not do business with him, a desperate Bud provides him some inside information about Bluestar Airlines, which Bud learned in a casual conversation from his father. Gekko tells him he will think about it. A dejected Bud returns to his office where Gekko places an order for Bluestar stock, becoming one of Bud's clients.Gekko gives Bud some capital to manage, but the shares Bud selects—by honest research—lose money. Instead, Gekko takes Bud under his wing but compels him tounearth new information by any means necessary, including unethical and illegal means. One of his first assignments is to spy on British corporate raider Sir Lawrence Wildman (Terence Stamp) and discern the Brit's next move. Through Bud's spying, Gekko makes big money, and Wildman is forced to buy Gekko's shares off him to complete his control of a steel company.Bud becomes wealthy, enjoying Gekko's promised perks, including a penthouse on Manhattan's Upper East Side and a trophy blonde, interior decorator Darien (Daryl Hannah). Still employed by Jackson Steinem, Bud is promoted as a result of the large commission fees he is bringing in from Gekko's trading, and is given a corner office with a view. He continues to maximize insider information and use friends as straw buyers to get rich.Bud pitches a new idea to Gekko, to buy Bluestar Airlines and expand the company, with Bud as president, using savings achieved by union concessions. Bud persuades his father, Carl, who dislikes Gekko, to get union support for the plan and push for the deal. Things change when Bud learns that Gekko, in fact, plans to sell off Bluestar's assets, leaving Carl and the entire Bluestar staff unemployed. Although this would leave Bud very rich, he is angered by Gekko's deceit, and racked with the guilt of being an accessory to Bluestar's destruction. Bud chooses his father over his mentor and resolves to disrupt Gekko's plans. He angrily breaks up with Darien, who refuses to plot against Gekko, her former lover and the architect of her career.Bud creates a plan to manipulate Bluestar's stock value downwards. Gekko, realizing that his stock is plummeting, finally dumps his remaining interest in the company, only to learn on the evening news that the shares have been picked up at a lower price by Sir Lawrence Wildman, who will become the airline's new majority shareholder. Gekko realizes that Bud engineered the entire scheme. Bud triumphantly goes back to work at Jackson Steinem & Co. the following day, where he is confronted by the police and the Securities and Exchange Commission. He is then placed under arrest for securities fraud and insider trading.Sometime later, Bud confronts Gekko in Central Park. Gekko berates him for his role with Bluestar. He then assaults Bud, berating his ingratitude for several of their illegal business transactions. Following the confrontation, it is revealed that Bud was wearing a wire to record his encounter with Gekko. He turns the wire tapes over to the federal authorities, who suggest that his sentence will be lightened in exchange for his help. Later on, Bud's parents drive him to the courthouse, and Carl tells him he did right in saving the airline, but he'll most likely go to jail. The film ends with Bud going up the steps of the Supreme Court to face his crimes.ThemesThe film has come to be seen as the archetypal portrayal of 1980s excess, with Douglas advocating "greed, for lack of a better word, is good".[17]Wall Street definesitself through a number of morality conflicts putting wealth and power against simplicity and honesty.[18]Carl's (Martin Sheen's) character represents the working class in the film: he is the union leader for the maintenance workers at Bluestar. He constantly attacks big business, money, mandatory drug screening and greedy manufacturers and anything that he sees as a threat to his union. The conflict between Gekko's relentless pursuit of wealth and Carl Fox's leftward leanings form the basis of the film's subtext.[18] This subtext could be described as the concept of the two fathers battling for control over the morals of the son, a concept Stone had also used in Platoon. In Wall Street the hard-working Carl Fox and the cutthroat businessman Gordon Gekko represent the fathers. The producers of the film use Carl as their voice in the film, a voice of reason amid the creative destruction brought about by Gekko's unrestrained free-market philosophy.[18]A significant scene in the film is a speech by Gekko to a shareholders' meeting of Teldar Paper, a company he is planning to take over. Stone uses this scene to give Gekko, and by extension, the Wall Street raiders he personifies, the chance to justify their actions, which he memorably does, pointing out the slothfulness and waste that corporate America accumulated through the postwar years and from which he sees himself as a "liberator".[18] The inspiration for the "Greed is good" speech seems to have come from two sources. The first part, where Gekko complains that the company's management owns less than three percent of its stock, and that it has too many vice presidents, is taken from similar speeches and comments made by Carl Icahn about companies he was trying to take over.[18] The defense of greed is a paraphrase of the May 18, 1986, commencement address at the UC Berkeley's School of Business Administration, delivered by arbitrageur Ivan Boesky (who himself was later convicted of insider-trading charges), in which he said, "Greed is all right, by the way. I want you to know that. I think greed is healthy. You can be greedy and still feel good about yourself".[18]Wall Street is not a wholesale criticism of the capitalist system, but of the cynical, quick-buck culture of the 1980s.[18] The "good" characters in the film are themselves capitalists, but in a more steady, hardworking sense. In one scene, Gekko scoffs at Bud Fox's question as to the moral value of hard work, quoting the example of his (Gekko's) father, who worked hard his entire life and died in relative mediocrity. Lou Mannheim as an archetype old man mentor, says early in the film, that "good things sometimes take time", referring to IBM and Hilton—in contrast, Gekko's "Greed is Good" credo typifies the short-term view prevalent in the 80s.[18]。
华尔街(Wall Street)
华尔街(Wall Street)是一条位于美国纽约市下曼哈顿的狭窄街道。
而后,为了有效控管来自非洲的奴隶,荷属西印度公司的代表彼得·斯特伊弗桑特(Peter Stuyvesant),领导来自荷兰的移民团建造更坚固的栅栏。
Wall Street的由来
街 约 要 的金 融和 股 票 交 易 中心 。然 而 , 于 它 的 由来 却 鲜 为 人 知 。 关 10 6 9年 , 国 探 险 家 亨 利 ・ 得 逊 ( nyH do) 荷 属 东 印 度 英 哈 Her u sn为
公 司第 三 次 出 航 , 达 今 哈 得 逊 河 ( d o ie) 带 。据 说 , 用 酒 到 Hu snR v r 一 他
将 印第安人 代表灌 醉 , 用了 6 只 O盾 ( 种 货 币 单 位 ) 一 的代 价 就 从 印 第 安 人 处 买 下 了 曼 哈 顿 ( n atn 在 印 第 安 易 洛 魁 语 中 意 为 “ 酊 之 Maht , a 酩 地 或 受 人 哄 骗 的地 方 ”。此 后 , 兰 殖 民 者 在 此 建 立城 堡 , 名 为 “ ) 荷 命 新 阿 姆 斯 特 丹 (e tra ” N wAms d m) e 13 6 4年 ,羽 翼 渐 满 的 荷 兰 殖 民 者 开 始 屠 杀 曾 有恩 于 他 们 的 印 第
地 。英 国人 占领 后 , “ 阿 姆 斯 特 丹 ” 名 为 “ 约 ( e r ) , 将 将 新 更 纽 N w Yok” 并 围墙拆 除 , 建 了一 条 1 改 1米 宽 的 街 道 , 为 “ 尔 街 MI t e)。 称 华 r t Se ”
“ 尔 ” 英 语 “ l墙 )的 音 译 ,华 尔 街 ” 华 是 Wa ( ” l “ 由此 而得 名 。后 来 , 国通 美
安 人 , 而 招 致 对 方 的 报 复 。印 第 安 入 的 不 断还 击 给 荷 兰 殖 民 者 的安 从
全 造 成 了 一 定 的威 胁 。 于 是 , 了 自 己 的安 宁 , 兰 总 督 下 令在 东 河 为 荷 以西 、 老汇 以东 , 百 围绕 殖 民 区 用 树 木 筑 起 一 道 栅 栏 , 防 御 印 第 安 以 人 , 来 又将 栅 栏 改 成 围墙 。 后 16 6 4年 爆 发 了 英荷 争 夺 殖 民 地 之 战 。 兰 人 惨 败 , 迫 退 出 殖 民 荷 被
1.《华尔街》(Wall Street)(1987)内部交易是违法的,不违法怎么能够发财,关键看如何违法的同时可以掩盖。
不看这个影片怎么能够随便进入股市?ed2k://|file|%E5%8D%8E%E5%B0%94%E8%A1%97.Wall.Street.1987.BD-RMVB.rmvb| 764685257|94C7E199E0E0C417553C8F564F2E7851|/ed2k://|file|%E5%8D%8E%E5%B0%94%E8%A1%97-%E9%87%91%E9%92%B1%E6 %B0%B8%E4%B8%8D%E7%9C%A0.rmvb|808910429|F67285916C9C5194FD307E64E CBBB609|/2.《拜金一族》(Glengarry Glenn Ross)(1992)[经济是交易行为的代名词。
ed2k://|file|%5B%E6%8B%9C%E9%87%91%E4%B8%80%E6%97%8F-%E6%A0%BC %E4%BC%A6%E5%8A%A0%E9%87%8C.%E6%A0%BC%E4%BC%A6.%E7%BD%97 %E6%96%AF%5D%5B1992%E5%B9%B4%E7%BE%8E%E5%9B%BD%E5%89%A7% E6%83%85%5D%5B%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E5%AD%97%E5%B9%95%5D.rmv b|909873506|8E563FC7DE91F08C30B59FA0DFD03DD6|/3.《颠倒乾坤》(Trading Places)(1983)经济是交易行为的代名词。
华尔街 Wall Street
华尔街Wall Street华尔街的剧情简介· · · · · ·Bud是纽约大学的毕业生,华尔街的失意经济人。
他为G ekko寻找内幕消息,成功获知了另一位投资人Lerry要收购ANC Steel的信息,帮助Gekko赚了一大笔钱。
最后在收购他父亲工作了一辈子的Blue St ar Airline一案中,Bud和Gekko产生了“兴趣上的严重冲突”。
以其人之道还其人之身,Bud用Gekko教的反击了Gek ko,并挽救了Blue Star。
wall street(history)
●IntroductionWall Street refers to the financial district of New York City,[1] named after and centered on the eight-block-long street running from Broadway 百老汇to South Street on the East River in lower Manhattan. Over time久而久之, the term has become a financial markets of the United States as a whole, or signifying Newheadquarters 总●History1.Nineteenth centuryIn the first few decades, both residences and businesses occupied the area, but increasingly business predominated. "There are old stories of people's houses being surrounded by the clamor of business and trade and the owners complaining that they can't get anything done," according to a historian named Burrows.[11] The opening of the Erie Canal 伊利运河in the early 19th century meant a huge boom in business for New York City, since it was the only major eastern seaport which had direct access by inland waterways to ports on the Great Lakes. Wall Street became the "money capital of America.In the 1840s and 1850s, most residents moved north to midtown because of the increased business use at the lower tip of the island.[11] The Civil War had theIn 1889, the original stock report, Customers' Afternoon Letter, became The Wall Street Journal. Named in reference to the actual street, it became an influential international daily business newspaper published in New York City.[24] After October 7, 1896, it began publishing Dow's 美国陶氏expanded list of stocks.[23] A century later, there were 30 stocks in the average.2.Twentieth centuryWall Street has had changing relationships with government authorities. In 1913, for example, when authorities proposed a $4 tax on stock transfers, stock clerks 仓库管理人员protested.[25] At other times, city and state officials have taken steps through tax incentives 捐税鼓励to encourage financial firms to continue to do business in the city.In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the corporate culture of New York was a primary center for the construction of skyscrapers, and was rivaled only by Chicago草地保龄球场area was described as "Wall Street's back yard" with city."[26] As a result of the construction, looking at New York City from the east, one can see two distinct clumps of tall buildings—the financial district on the left, and the taller midtown district on the right.falling prices.[33] During this era, development of the financial district stagnated 停滞, and Wall Street "paid a heavy price" and "became something of a backwater in American life."[33] During the New Deal罗斯福新政there was much less focus on Wall Street and finance. The government clamped down 施压on the practice of buying equities based only on credit, but these policies began to ease.In 1987, the stock market plunged[20] and, in the relatively brief recession following, lower Manhattan lost 100,000 jobs according to one estimate.3.Twenty-first centuryIn the first year of the new century, the Big Board纽约证券交易所, as some termed the NYSE, was described as the world's "largest and most prestigious有声望的stock market."[45] But when the World Trade Center世界贸易中心was destroyed on September 11th, it left an architectural void as new developments since the 1970s had played off the complex aesthetically. The attacks "crippled使残废" the communications network.[45] One estimate was that 45% of Wall Street's "best office space" had been lost.Still, the NYSE was determined to re-open on September 17, almost a week after the attack.[46] The attack hastened a trend towards financial firms moving tomidtown and contributed to the loss of business on Wall Street, due to temporary-to-permanent relocation to New Jersey and further decentralization with establishments transferred to cities like Chicago, Denver, and Boston.By 2010, the investment community was worried about proposed legal reforms, including the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 消费者保护法which dealt with matters such as credit card rates and lending requirements.[53] The NYSE closed two of its trading floors 交易场所in a move towards transforming itself into an electronic exchangeWall Street as a financial center1.Wall Street in the New York economyWall Street pay, in terms of salaries and bonuses and taxes, is an important part of the economy of New York City, and the United States. In 2008, after a downturn in the stock market, the decline meant $18 billion less in taxable income, with less money available for "apartments, furniture, cars, clothing and services".[47] A falloff in Wall Street's economy could have "wrenching effects on the local and regional economies".Estimates vary about the number and quality of financial jobs in the city. One estimate was that Wall Street firms employed close to 200,000 persons in 2008.[47] Another estimate was that in 2007, the financial services industry which had a $70 billion profit became 22 percent of the city's revenue.2.Wall Street versus Midtown ManhattanA requirement of the New York Stock Exchange was that brokerage firms 经纪商had to have offices "clustered 成群的around Wall Street" so clerks 办事员could deliver physical paper copies of stockindications that midtown had beendealings even by 1911.[63] But asdecades of the 20th century, computers and telecommunications replaced paper notifications, meaning that the close proximity极为贴近requirement could be bypassed 忽视in more situations.[20] Many financial firms found that they couldmove to midtown Manhattan four miles away[11] or elsewhere and still operate effectively.Nevertheless, a key magnet for the Wall Street remains the New York Stock Exchange. Some "old guard" firms have remained "fiercely loyal to the financial district" location, and new ones have chosen office space in the district.[20] So-called "face–to–face" trading between buyers and sellers remains a "cornerstone" of the NYSE, with a benefit of having all of a deal's players close at hand, including investment bankers, lawyers, and accountants.[20]In 2011, the Manhattan Financial District金融区is one of the largest business districts in the United States, and second in New York City only to Midtown in terms of dollar volume of business 商业额transacted.3.Wall Street as a neighborhoodDuring most of the 20th century, Wall Street was a business community with practically only offices which emptied out腾空at night. During the past two decades there has been a shift towards greater residential living areas in the Wall Street area, with incentives from city authorities in some instances. Many empty office buildings have been converted to lofts and apartments.By 2010, the residential population had increased to 24,400 residents with crime statistics showing no murders in 2010.[70] The area is growing with luxury high-end 高档的apartments and retailers零售商[52]4.Wall Street as a tourist destination旅游日程. One report describedcamera-carrying tourists".Tour guides highlight places such as Trinity Church堂, the Federal Reserve 美联储level (worth $100 billion), and the NYSE. is a walking were adept at finding ways around finance laws or loopholes 漏洞through them". Occasionally artists make performances.The New York Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange also spent money in the late 1990s to upgrade facilities for visitors.[76] Attractions include the gold vault beneath the Federal Reserve and that "staring down at the trading floor was as exciting as going to the Statue of Liberty."[76]。
《华尔街》剧组汇集了中国中央电视台及国际知名导演、拍摄制作人员,诚邀Brown University等国际知名大学人士担任国际制片工作,建立了良好的国际制片保障体系,确保了该片在央视2010年经济开篇之作中的卓越水准。外景摄制组前往纽约、华盛顿、洛杉矶、底特律、费城、芝加哥、达拉斯、斯托克顿,阿姆斯特丹、鹿特丹、伦敦等国际重要金融城市,分别拍摄代表性的金融家、学者、企业家、政治家等。
纪录片《华尔街》—— 以华尔街金融危机为契机,梳理两百多年来,以证券市场为中心的现代金融来龙去脉;是中央电视台站在华尔街,在历史坐标中,探寻、发现资本市场兴衰与经济起伏的规律;为中国决策者提供依据,为资本市场的实践者提供镜鉴,为中国大众提供关于资本市场的启示。
华尔街是英语“Wall Street”的中文音译,它起初就是一道墙,是由最先买下纽约曼哈顿的荷兰人建立的。因为成功打通了北美和亚洲海上贸易通道,世界上的第一个金融中心在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹诞生,他们发明了股票,创造了股票交易模式,并建立起了现代银行体系。但因为郁金香泡沫而引发的人类历史上的第一次金融危机,使世界金融中心的航船开始起航,在绕道伦敦后,奔向纽约。华尔街的历史完全可以代表纽约的历史,华尔街墙的建立与消失,以及后来成为世界金融中心的核心,都在着力塑造着纽约这座资本之城。
华尔街变迁史英文版The Evolution of Wall StreetWall Street, the epicenter of global finance, has undergone a remarkable transformation over the past century, evolving from a local stock exchange to a dynamic hub of international commerce and investment. This storied avenue in lower Manhattan has witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the birth of new industries, and the shaping of economic fortunes that have reverberated across the world.The origins of Wall Street can be traced back to the 17th century when the Dutch colonists established a wall to protect their settlement from the British and Native American threats. This wall eventually gave way to a bustling marketplace where merchants and traders gathered to exchange goods and currencies. As the American colonies grew in economic and political significance, Wall Street emerged as the natural center for financial activity, with the establishment of the New York Stock Exchange in 1792.The 19th century saw the rapid industrialization of the United States, and Wall Street played a pivotal role in financing the growth of thenation's burgeoning industries. The rise of the railroad, the steel industry, and the oil and gas sector all benefited from the influx of capital and investment channeled through Wall Street's financial institutions. This period also witnessed the emergence of powerful financial titans, such as J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller, whose influence and wealth shaped the course of the American economy.The early 20th century brought both prosperity and peril to Wall Street. The roaring 1920s saw a frenzy of speculative investment, with the stock market reaching unprecedented heights. However, this period of exuberance was followed by the devastating Wall Street Crash of 1929, which triggered the Great Depression and sent shockwaves through the global economy. In the aftermath of this crisis, the federal government enacted a series of regulatory measures, including the creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission, to restore confidence in the financial markets and prevent similar catastrophic events from occurring.The post-World War II era ushered in a new era of growth and innovation on Wall Street. The rise of institutional investors, such as pension funds and mutual funds, provided a steady influx of capital, while the emergence of new financial instruments, like derivatives and securitization, expanded the scope and complexity of Wall Street's operations. The 1980s saw the deregulation of the financial industry, leading to a wave of mergers and acquisitions thattransformed the landscape of Wall Street.The 21st century has brought both challenges and opportunities to Wall Street. The global financial crisis of 2008, triggered by the subprime mortgage meltdown, exposed the vulnerabilities of the financial system and led to a renewed focus on risk management and regulatory oversight. However, the rise of new technologies, such as algorithmic trading and fintech, has also transformed the way financial transactions are conducted, creating new avenues for innovation and growth.Today, Wall Street remains at the forefront of global finance, serving as a hub for international investment, trading, and the development of cutting-edge financial products. The district's skyline is dominated by the towering headquarters of the world's leading banks, investment firms, and financial technology companies, each vying for a piece of the ever-evolving financial landscape.The story of Wall Street's evolution is one of resilience, adaptability, and the relentless pursuit of profit. From its humble beginnings as a colonial marketplace to its current status as a global financial powerhouse, Wall Street has weathered numerous storms, reinventing itself time and again to meet the changing demands of the modern economy. As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of the 21st century, the future of Wall Street remainsuncertain, but its enduring significance as a central pillar of the global financial system is undeniable.。
华尔街(Wall Street)除了百老汇(Broadway),华尔街也许是纽约市最知名的大道了。
华尔街可以说是曼哈顿下城金融业的代名词,这条仅包括八个街段长的金融街,其最初的名字是“德瓦尔路('de Waal Straat')”,由曼哈顿的早期荷兰移民命名。
该墙的建筑者名叫彼得·史岱文森(Peter Stuyvesant),他曾是新阿姆斯特丹(New Amsterdam)在荷兰殖民地的最北端边境抗击对手英国殖民者定居的最后一任总干事。
后来沿墙形成了一条街,得名Wall Street。
史岱文森除了纽约市一些机构外,他还将他的名字借给曼哈顿的东村(Manhattan's East Village)的一条短短的延展街道和布碌仑的一条大道使用。
你猜猜它是荷兰语中的哪个词翻译过来的,是'Breedeweg'还是' broad road'呢?非常有趣的事实是,百老汇不仅只在曼哈顿,它还继续通往布朗士(Bronx),甚至延伸至18公里以外的城市,一直到纽约州的断头谷(Sleepy Hollow)。
wall-street - 副本
Wall Street(Drama) ( 1987)© 2000 by Raymond WeschlerMajor CharactersBud (Buddy ) Fox…………………………………….Charlie SheenA young, smart and very motivated stock broker(seller) who dreams of making millions of dollars.Gordon Gekko………………………………………….Michael DouglasA very rich, ruthless and immoral stock trader and “corporate raider,”which is a person who buys and sells companies, often with horribleresults for company workers.Darien Taylor……………………………………………Daryl HannahA young and beautiful interior decorator with very expensive taste,who is a friend of Gekko’s, and who soon becomes Bud’s girlfriend. Carl Fox…………………………………………….………Martin SheenBud’s father, a very honest and good man, who is an airplanemechanic and labor union leader at Blue Star Airlines.Sir Larry Wildman……………………………………Terence StampAn extremely rich British corporate raider, who often findshimself fighting against Gekko for control of various companies.Lou Mannheim………………………………………….Hal HolbrookAn older trader at the brokerage (stock trading firm) where Bud works. Roger Barnes……………………………………………..James SpaderA corporate lawyer and old friend of Bud’s, who has inside(secret) information on many companies, thanks to his job. Marv……………………………………………….………..John C. McGinteyA fellow trader and friend of Bud’s. Duncan……………………………………………………..William G. KnightThe leader of the pilot’s union at Blue Star airlines.Plot SummaryThis movie is the story of a young and ambitious Wall Street stock broker named Bud Fox, who is determined to become rich like his hero, a stock trader and corporate raider named Gordon Gekko. Gekko is one of the richest,most ruthless and immoral businessmen in the country, who routinely uses inside (secret) corporate information to make deals, even though this is completely illegal. He also buys companies cheap, only to destroy them and their workers’ jobs in order to sell off the company’s assets (such as planes, land, office buildings, etc). For Gekko, “greed is good.”After trying for several weeks, Bud gets to meet Gekko, and with a little luck, he is soon working with him, making investments with an account Gekko has set up for him. Gekko promises Bud lots of “perks” (benefits) if he does well with the money, and those benefits soon arrive. He also meets Darien at a party that Gekko is throwing, and now that he is starting to make so much money, he can afford to go out with her, despite her very expensive taste. Unfortunately, though Bud soon learns the dark side of Gekko’s trading world, including his willingness to break any law, or for that matter, destroy any company, to make more and more money. This includes even the company where Bud’s father is the leader of the labor union, and for Bud, that is a bad deal that is just too close to home.This movie, which was made in 1987, does a good job of capturing the ambiance, and more specifically, the greed, that was a big part of the American scene during the 1980s. In fact, the character of Gordon Gekko is based loosely on a real corporate raider named Ivan Boesky, who was fined $100,000,000 and sentenced to several years in jail for his part in the insider trading scandals that shook Wall Street during that decade. Of course, wealth and money are relative; By the end of the 1990s, dozens of people in the US had accumulated fortunes in the billions of dollars, making the sums discussed in this movie seem almost insignificant!This is the act of trading stock after acquiring information from executives or other high officials inside a company. It is illegal, because it is believed the person who has this information has an unfair advantage over those who don’t. Of course, it is difficult to prove, and in the real world, many people often come very close to breaking this law.The Three Most Important Companies in this Film (All Fictional):Blue Star Airlines: The airline where Bud’s dad is a mechanic and union leader, which is facing bankruptcy because it cannot compete with bigger airlines. Bud feels he can save it, but Gekko has other ideas.Teldar Paper: A huge paper company that Gekko wants to buy, forcing outall of their management. Obviously, the management tries to resist this.A steal company that Larry Wildman wants to buy and save, and in theory, make profitable for the long run. It becomes harder for Larry to do this when Gekko begins to buy stock in it, thus driving up the price.Some Words and Expressions that You May not KnowBud has a bad day at the office, losing $7,000 for all his hard work.How are you doing? :: Doing any better, and it would be a sin.A silly way of saying things are going very well(A “sin” is an immoral act of which God disapproves).Get out while you’re young, kid.Lou’s way of telling Buddy to leave the brokering business.?“Pal” is an alternative word to friend (It is heavily used in this movie).today.A slangy way of saying to make a lot of money.Jesus, you can’t make a in this market.“Jesus” is a common way of showing emotion such as anger orfrustration. A “buck” is a widely used way of saying a dollar.faster than whenthat son of a bitch Roosevelt was in charge.If a person or country is “going to hell,” it is becoming bad or weak.A “son of a bitch “ is a vulgar way to refer to a mean or abusive person.In this case, for a company to “come around”means to become strong and profitable again.Stick to the fundamentals. That’s how IBM and Hilton were built.In this case, a type of business advice that says companies shouldconcentrate on doing what they do best (Building computers for IBMand running hotels for Hilton)..To “look sharp” is to look professional, or like you know what you’redoing. A “rookie” is a person who just started working in a new job. Utilities are our top priority today.The companies that deliver gas and electricity.Research just put thrifts on the recommended.A “hot lead” is a piece of information that could be very valuable.“Thrifts” are a type of small lending bank (The research departmentis recommending to buy the stocks of certain thrift banks)..“To dump” a stock is to sell it, often very quickly before it continues to go down in price. A very important verb in this film! “For Christ’ssake” is a common way of expressing frustration or other emotion Jack, 30,000, 38 tops.A short way of telling Jack to buy 38,000 shares of aparticular stock, but to pay no more than $38 per share.We are in the middle of the biggest thatour generation or any other has everA “bull market” is a stock market in which prices are going up (A “bearmarket” is when prices are going down). “To witness” something is to see or observe it.An “extraordinary opportunity” is a very rare chance, in this case tomake a lot of money. “To emerge” is to appear or become known.The “debt market” is investments in corporate or government bonds(Debt is the money owed by one person or institution to another).In 10 minutes it’s history, at 4:00 I’m a dinosaur!Marv’s way of saying that stocks must be sold extremely quickly,because their value changes dramatically in just a few seconds(If something “is history,” it’s old and useless, and “dinasours”are the huge monsters that ruled the earth millions of years ago).Sure it’s gone down, but you got the , I didn’t.A “tip” is a useful piece of information or advise.Oh !was Isupposed to know you were in surgery?“Give me a break” is an excellent way of telling someone to stop saying nonsense, or to stop acting in a ridiculous way. “The hell” is added toWh questions in order to show emotion such as frustration.and get back to you.An “account executive” is a prestigious or fancy way ofreferring to a salesman, or in this case, stock broker.You tell me that he’ll DK you for a lousy1/4 point?o n ow” them, so that you don’t have to pay for a stock that has gone down in price since youbought it! “Lousy” is a good word for bad, or here, insignificant.me to this guy and youknow he has a history of this kind of .“To assign” a client to a broker is to give them that person’s business.“Bullshit” is a vulgar but excellent word for lies, nonsense, or in thiscase, unethical or immoral behavior.Howard the on me.A “jerk” is a widely used word for an idiot, bastard, ass, etc…“To reneg” on a person is to refuse to do what you had promised them..“To cover a person’s losses” is to pay for them. “To the tune of”is a way of saying “that are equal to…” A “grand’ is $1,000., Marv. American Express has a hit man looking for me.In this context, if a person is “tapped out,” they no longer have anycredit left with their credit card company (Here, American Express).A “hit man” is a person paid to kill somebody.to you.A “c-note” is a $100 bill. “To make it up” to somebody is topay them back for a favor they have done.30 seconds after the Challenger blows up, Gekko’son the phone selling NASA stocksThe “Challenger” was the space craft the blew up in 1986, killing all the astronauts on board. To “sell a stock short” is to buy investments thatgo up in value when the stock goes down. NASA is the NationalAeronautics and Space Administration of the federal government. And he had an ethical by-pass at birth.A funny line. “Ethical” is another word for moral, and a “by-pass” is aserious heart operation. This is a way of saying that Gekko was bornwithout morals or ethics, or that that were by-passed at birth.Bud sees his dad, and then after 39 days of calling, gets to meet Gekko.in Florida next Christmas.Short for a “condominium,” which is an apartment that people own. You look like you’ve grown another inch, but .An inch is a unit of measurement, about the length of a thumb.If a person “doesn’t look so hot,” they often look sick or weak(In other context, this could be referring to physical beauty).You’re starting to get bags under your eyes, like your old man.A person’s “old man” is their father. Very slangy.I had a tough day.A “tough” day is a difficult one.DK: He didn’t know who I was when the options he bought took a bath.An “option” is an investment that bets on whether a stock will go up or down. If an investment “takes a bath,” it goes down in value.. You could have been a doctor.A “racket” is a very negative word for a profession in whichpeople make money by cheating or manipulating others.If you stayed at Blue Star, you could havebeen a supervisor, instead of a salesman.A person who is in charge of others at a business or office.50K doesn’t get you to“50 K” is $50,000. In this case, “first base” is the most minimumamount of money needed to live decently in New York. “The bigapple” is a common nickname for New York City.Come back home and live rent free, instead ofplace you’re living in.A “roach” (or “cockroach”) is an unpleasant insect, common in poorapartments. If a place is “infested” with insects, it is filled with them. Jesus Christ, the whole world is off it’s rocker.If a person is “off their rocker,” they are acting crazy.That’s Queens, dad. A 5% and you rent the top room.“Queens” is a borough (section) of New York City, not on the island of Manhattan, which is where Wall Street is located. A “mortgage” is the monthly amount that a home owner pays a bank on a home loan.I got to live in Manhattan to be a player;anymore.In this case, “a player” is a person with huge amounts of money thatcan effect the future of stocks and companies. “Nobility” is anotherword for honor or dignity, and “poverty” is the state of being very poor.$300?A common verb meaning to lend or give away, most frequently heardon American streets in the question “Can you spare a quarter?”drug tests are driving my men crazy.“Damn” is a filler adjective that expresses anger or other emotion.If something is “mandatory,” it is legally required (In this case, drugtests on the job to test for marijuana and other illegal drugs).The FAA is going to it was a manufacturingerror on the door latch mechanism.The FAA is the Federal Aviation Administration, which regulates allairplane traffic in the US. A “latch mechanism” is a part of a door thatallows it to swing open and shut.. It’s thoseGod damn greedy manufacturers in Cincinnati.In this case, “maintenance” refers to the mechanics at the airline thatmake sure the airplanes are safe. “God damn” is a stronger and morevulgar version of damn. Cincinnati is a major city in Ohio.This gets us out from under suspension. We canget new routes to Boston and Pittsburgh now.If a company is “under suspension,” they are legally required to follow certain rules, often until an investigation is completed. Airline“routes” are the pathway between two cities that it’s allowed to fly. You’ve got that mischievous look in your eyes.An excellent word to describe a young boy who looks like theyare about to do something that is wrong or not permitted.I’ll give you a You’re thinking seriously about marrying me.Another good word for a useful piece of information.You can’t just come barging in here….andwhat makes you think it’s his birthday?“To barge in” to an office is to quickly and forcefully enter it,often without knocking or warning the person inside.Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.If life “all comes down to” a few moments, it means thatthese few moments will dramatically effect life in the future.I loved it at 40; It’s an insult at 50.This is Gekko’s way of saying the stock price was good at40 dollars a share, but too expensive at 50 dollars a share.Their analysts don’t knowA funny play on words. In this context, “stock analysts” are peoplewho study the true value of stocks and companies. “Preferred stock”is a type of company stock, while “livestock” is another word for cows!,” kid.“Persistence” is the act of continuing to try for an extendedperiod of time, despite an early lack of success.I’m looking for 30, 35%, just enough to block anybody else’s mergerA corporate “merger” is the act of two companies joining to becomeone. If a company’s “books are cooked,” the accounting numbers theyuse to show profits are misleading or even false. Gekko is saying hewants to buy enough stock in the company so that he can get inside ofcorporate offices to investigate for himself.If it looks as good on paper, we’re inIf something looks good “on paper,” it looks good when studiedcarefully. In this context, if a stock price is in “the kill zone,” it is at aprice that is worth buying.Lunch?! Lunch is for wimps!A funny slang word for a weak or fragile person.I’ve got to monitor my blood pressure, so whatever you do, don’t upset me.“To monitor” a medical condition is to observe it over a period of time.Less than one visit to a doctor.A computerized “readout” is a printed copy of information. Ifsomething is “cost-effective,” it saves more money than it costs.Jacob-Steinham. :: They’re going places, good department.Jacob-Steinham is the investment firm where Bud works. If it is “going places,” they are going to grow and become more successful. A “junkbond” is a high-risk corporate bond that pays a high interest rate.on that Janson investment?The “financing” of a business deal is the act ofgetting together the money that is needed.What are you? 12th man on the deal team, last to know?This is Gekko’s way of making fun of Bud for not knowingthe details of a business deal that he supposedly involved in., couple of 5% holders. ::If a company has “explosive earnings,” it is making a huge amount ofmoney. If a company stock sells at 30% “discount from the book value,”it is believed to be worth at least 30% more than what the stock isvalued at. A “5% holder” is a person who owns 5% of the stock.For Gekko, if a company is “a dog,” it is a bad or stupid investment.If this guy owned a funeral parlor, no onewould die. This turkey is totally brain dead.A “funeral parlor” is a building where funerals occur for those whohave recently died. All of this is Gekko’s way of saying the company isrun by people who are stupid or have no business skills.the son of a bitch. I wantin his fucking body flowing red.“To dilute” a stock holder is to reduce the percentage of stock that they own in the company. An “orifice” is a body hole (mouth, nostrils,etc…). This is Gekko’s very vulgar way of saying he wants anotherstock trader to lose control of a company he wants to buy...“Piece of cake” is a common way of saying something is very easyto do. “The street” is a widely used way of referring to Wall Street.The “breakup value” of a company is how much money can be madeby selling all of its assets, such as its property, technology, etc. The“market price” of a company is how much all of its stock is worth. That’s a dog with different fleas. Tell me something I don’t know.A “flea” is a type of winged insect that live on dogs and cats.Gekko’s way of saying that this company has its own big problems.somewhere, so what?If something “rings a bell,” it sounds familiar,but you can’t quite remember what it is.It’s a comer….great slots in major cities.In this context, a “comer” is a slangy way of referring to a growingcompany with a good future. “Slots” are the gates that individualairlines have access to at airports.on a lawsuit.Even the plaintiffs don’t know about it.A “favorable ruling” in a lawsuit means that a judge has agreed withyour side. A “plaintiff” is a person who sues for damages in court.for new planes and route contracts.If a legal decision “clears the way,” it eliminatesall the obstacles or road blocks to moving forward.. :: The Terminator!A “share” is a unit of stock, and in this case, if they are “in the bag,”they have just been bought. The Terminator is the character from theArnold Schwarzenegger movie (To terminate something is to end it)., Ollie!In this case, to “blow away” somebody is to kill them.I look at 100 deals a day. I one.A “deal” is a business agreement, and to “close” a deal is to agree to it. We’re going over 5% in Teldar…and we don’t buy anything over 22.Gekko’s way of saying that he’s going to own over 5% of Teldar PaperCompany, but all the stock he buys will be no more than $22 a share.Bud gets to trade for Gekko, and soon enters his world.I’m here. I’ve got all those damn newhere.If a person is “in a bind,” they are in a difficult situation. If you are“edged out” by another person, you are being beaten by them (To “have an edge” at a skill is to be just a little more talented than the other)..“To see through” a person is to see how they really are,and not how they want you to think they are.Plenty of six-figure names in thatA “six figure name” has an income of over $100,000 a year. A zip codefile has people listed by their postal zip code (which helps mailmendeliver the mail). When a salesman “cold-calls” a potential client, they call without that client ever having been contacted before.Got tickets to the Knicks game tonight.Go out and cruise some chicks afterwards?The Knicks are the New York City basketball team. “To cruise chicks”is a very slangy and ridiculous way of saying to try and meet girls.It’s going to be What do you say?A wonderful adjective meaning excellent, fantastic, great, etc.Come on, forget charts.Here, “come on” means “be reasonable,” but dependingon the context, it can mean everything from hurry up to stop.In this case, “financial charts” are sheets of paper with lots ofgraphs and other important information.managers! Churn them and burn them!A “mutual fund” is an investment which owns many separatecompany stocks, which helps individual investors diversify.“To churn” something is to move it around violently, so this isMarv’s way of saying he wants to buy and sell stocks quickly.but he’s a loser. He lost allin the recession of ’71.“Swell” is a somewhat dated adjective meaning nice or admirable, anda “fella” is a guy. “Equity” is the value of real estate or stock that aperson owns, and when a business firm goes “belly up,” it goesbankrupt and closes down. A “recession” is a bad economic down turn.I want you to buy 20,000 shares of Blue Star at 15 1/8th, 3/8th tops,and don’t Sport. Think you can that?“3/8th tops” is Gekko’s way of saying he won’t pay more than 15 and3/8th per share of Blue Star stock. “To screw up” something is to do itbadly. In this case, to be able to “handle” something is to be able to do it.in 1984 Crash [Headline].If a person or company is “exonerated” of a crime,they are found not guilty of having committed it..If a person is an “electronics freak,” they love electronicdevices such as computers, wireless phones, TVs, etc.Did you buy any for yourself?:: No Sir, that wouldn’t have been legal.If a company stock is “shooting up,” it is quickly rising in value.Note that Bud is still worried about using inside information.on you.“To blow the whistle” on a person is to go to the police or otherauthorities and report that they have been involved in a crime.Use a stop-loss so your is $100,000, and buy a suit.A “stop-loss” is a computer program that automatically sells a stockwhen it falls to a certain level. The “down side” risk of an investment is the amount that could be lost. A “decent” suit is socially acceptable.will ya? It’s obvious.A reference to the fact that Bud always appears like he is tryingto sell something, even when he is pretending that he is not.Nothing ruins my day more than losses. Now youdo good, and you get perks. Lots and lots of perks.“To ruin” something is to destroy it. In this case, “losses” refers tofinancial losses. “Perks” are additional benefits that employees getbeyond their usual salary, such as a company car or vacations.“To drive around” is to drive with no particular paceto go. “To work up an appetite” is to become hungry.This guy who should know tells me to buyHewlett Packard, but I’ve been burned on tips.If you get “burned on tips” you lose money byfollowing the advice or suggestion of another person., rising profits, strong balance sheets.The “yield” is the rate of return, or interest, on an investment.A “balance sheet” is a list of all the assets and debts that a company has.on that ugly bitch.If a stock goes down the toilet, it loses most of its value. This isGekko’s vulgar and silly way of referring to the Teldar stock.boy.A local school for adults, often called a community college.I bought my way in, and now all those IvyLeague schmucks are sucking my knee caps.“Ivy League” schools are the best universities on the East coast, andinclude such famous institutions as Harvard and Yale (Ivy is a greenplant that grows on the walls of many of these schools’ buildings).“Schmuck” is an excellent Jewish word for a jerk, idiot, ass, etc..The “board” of a corporation or other institution is the group thatmeets every few months to set general policies. The Bronx is one of the five boroughs (sections) of New York city. A “mil” is a million dollars.WASPs,The thing you got to remember aboutthey love animals and they people.WASPs are White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, or generally speaking,white Americans of Western European origin. If you “can’t stand”something, you hate or detest it. Very common and useful.I know of is information.A commodity is a product of trade or commerce, especiallybasic materials like wood or rubber, or crops such as wheat.The public is out there throwing darts at a board, Sport.“Darts” are small sharp pointed objects that are thrown at boards as agame. This is Gekko’s way of saying people don’t know how to invest.The S&P 500 refers to the 500 largest companies in the stock market.It is known that most mutual funds are not as good an investmentas investing money in a mutual fund that invests in all the S&P 500. These Harvard MBA types don’t add up to dog shit.An MBA is a Masters in Business Administration. This is Gekko’s way of saying even the most educated business people do not know how to invest well.out there, pal.This is the type of horribly violent warfare in which armies face eachother while shooting from trenches, which are long ditches dug in the ground. For Gekko, the buying and selling of companies is as bloody.. Just one more chance, Mr. Gekko.“To go the extra mile” for a person is to doeverything you absolutely can to help them.You want another chance? :: Fucking A!A rather strange and certainly vulgar expression which means Yes. Like all Brits, he thinks he was born with a better pot to piss in.A “Brit” is a British person, and “to piss” is to urinate or go to thebathroom. Gekko thinks British people are snobby or arrogant.an old secretary of mine to open her mouth.“To bribe” a person is to offer them money to do something that isillegal or immoral. “To steal a company right from under” a person isto seize or take it quickly. A “pharmaceutical” company makes drugs.Sport.A colloquial way of saying that it is time to get revengeon somebody who has done something bad to you.in Wildman’s operation.In this case, a “mole” is a spy, and Wildman’s “operation”is his business offices, where business deals are decided on.Wildman is in town. Something big is going down.A very slangy way of saying something important is going to happen. If the SEC found out, I could go to jail. That’s inside information, isn’t it?The SEC is the Securities and Exchange Commission, which regulatesthe sale of stocks. “Inside information” is a key legal term which refers to information that is not allowed to be passed on by companyexecutives or employees to others, since it could effect stock prices. Unless your father is on the board of directors of another company,you and I are going to have a very doing business together.The “Board of Directors” of a company sets general policies for thatcompany. If you have a “tough time” doing something, it is hard to do. I’m not talking about some $400,000 a yearflying first class.A “working stiff” is a slang term for a middle class guy who works hardto survive. For Gekko, $400,000 a year (in 1985!) was a small salary!. Rich enough to have yourown jet. $100,000,000 dollars. A player…or nothing.In this context, if a person is “liquid,” they have so much money theycan effect the future of entire companies. “A player” is that wealthy.to get into my office; Thequestion is if you have what it takes to stay there.If a person “has what it takes” to do something, they have theskill and determination to do it, even if it is extremely difficult.Bud begins to spy for Gekko, meets Darien at a party,and sees Gekko and Larry in a classic corporate raider’s battle.He had lunch at Les Circus with a group.If a person is “heavy set,” they are physically big. A “bean counter” is aslang term for an accountant, or a person who counts profits and losses. He later stopped off at Morgan, and from all the palm pressinggoing on, I’d say Larry got himself some nice fat financing.“Morgan Stanley” is a very big investment bank. “Palm pressing” isa silly way of referring to a handshake, and some nice “fat financing”is Bud’s way of referring to a large amount of investment money. Bright, but not bright enough, Sherlock.Let’s roll the dice and play a little monopoly.“Bright” is a common way of saying intelligent. “Sherlock” is areference to Sherlock Holms, the fictional but very smart privatedetective. “Monopoly” is a famous board game in which players landon individual squares in hopes of buying the real estate they represent. What box will land in Eerie, Pennsylvania?An industrial town in Western Pennsylvania where Anacott Steelis located, which is the company that Wildman wants to buy.Call the Wall Street Chronicle, extension1605, and you tellthe man “Blue Horseshoe loves Anacott Steal.” You got that?An “extension number” is the one that links you to the phone of aparticular person within a company, after you reach the company itself.“You got that?” is a common way of asking “Do you understand?”Start buying Anacott Steal across the boards.Use the off-shore accounts and keep it quiet.In this case, to buy something “across the boards” is to buy it usingmany different accounts. An “off-shore” account is one that is locatedoutside the US, often in small island-nations like the Cayman Islands.。
各国风情—Wall Street English
WORDS FROM WALL STREET ENGLISHCHINA (DO YOU KNOW T HE TALE OF “NIAN”?)The Spring festival, commonly referred to as “Guo Nian” in Chinese, is the most important traditional festival for the people of China. Do you know t he story of ”Guo Nian” ? Wall Street English will reveal all.A long time ago, there lived an ancient monster called “Nian”. It remained in seclusion for many years under the sea, but every New Year’s Eve it would come ashore and devour livestock and peopl e. Thus villagers had to flee to the mountains every New Years Eve to escape from the “Nian”. On one particular New Year’s Eve, a white-haired old man appeared wearing a red robe frightened the “Nian” away using firecrackers, with their explosive sounds and bursts of fire. The villagers realized that the old man was in fact a god who had come to the aid them against the monster. The god then showed them three magic weapons to chase the “Nian” away. Ever since, families put up red luck charms and set off fir ecrackers every New Year’s Eve, as well as staying up all night with bright lights. The custom spread and eventually became the most revered, traditional festival amongst all Chinese - Guo Nian.Guo Nian means a time for reuniting family, happiness and wellbeing for the Chinese, so they will journey home and spend time with their loved ones during the Spring Festival at all costs. To make up for a wholeyear’s hard work, the Chinese faithful will take particular care when it comes to food during the Sprin g Festival. New Year’s Eve dinner is the most important meal, and dumplings are both a uniquely Chinese and indispensable part of the Spring feast. The shape of dumplings are made to resemble gold or silver ingots of ancient China, hence the Chinese believe eating dumplings can bring great fortune. As is custom families sit together eating dumplings while watching the Spring Festival Gala show on TV, which is a time of much celebration and joy.香港(你知道Hong Kong的由来吗?)香港,因绝大多数货品没有关税而成为购物人士的最爱,不论是铜锣湾与尖沙嘴,还是旺角和油麻地,总能看到正在交易的繁荣景象。
Wall Street childhood period is from 1653 华尔街的童年期是从1653年到十九世 to the end of the nineteenth Century. 纪末期。 Early New York and the rapid development of 纽约早期的迅速发展和金融业在 finance industry in New York is arisen, and 纽约的兴起,与荷兰人的商业精神有 the commercial spirit there is considerable 相当大的关系。尽管资本主义的早期 relationship.Despite the earlye Renaissance began in 萌芽是从文艺复兴时期的意大利开始, Italy, however, the true sense of the 但是,真正意义上的资本主义,是到 capitalist, is to the middle of the 了17世纪中叶在荷兰逐渐完善的。当 seventeenth Century in Holland gradually 时的荷兰形成了一套非常完整的金融 perfect.When Holland formed a very integrity of the financial system, including banks, 体系,包括银行、股票交易所、信用、 stock exchange, credit, insurance, such as 保险、有限责任公司等,金融体系的 limited liability companies, financial system 发展催生了荷兰的经济起飞,使得这 development hastened the birth of Holland take off the economy, making the area very 个面积很小的欧洲国家,一度成为了 small European country, became a strong 世界强国之一。当荷兰人移民到北美, country in the world.When the Dutch 他们将资本主义的商业精神带到了新 immigrants to North America, they will be capitalist commercial spirit to Newamsterdam. 阿姆斯特丹。 In 1664, Newamsterdam was the British 在1664年,新阿姆斯特丹被英国 capture, this city from the hand to the hands 人攻陷,这个城市从荷兰人手里转到 of the English, and was named the New York County (New York, referred to as New York), 英国人手里,并被命名为新约克郡 dedicated to the British king Charlie S's (New York,简称纽约),以献给当时的 brother and heir, the Duke of York (Duke of 英国国王查理二世的弟弟和继承人, York) 约克公爵(Duke of York)
谈奥巴马演讲中的Main Street的翻译
谈奥巴马演讲中的Main Street的翻译力镔若水在奥巴马的获胜演讲中有一句话是:Let us remember that, if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers.这句话的中文译文各不一样,归纳起来,主要有以下几种译法:新东方:让我们牢记这场金融危机带来的教训:不能允许商业街挣扎的同时却让华尔街繁荣。
这句话的翻译因涉及到Wall Street和Main Street两个概念,往往不同译者都采用不同的译法。
Wall Street 和 Main Street这里的 Wall Street直接含义是指位于纽约金融区的一条名叫“华尔街”的街道,泛指包括金融、投资在内的美国的巨型企业,也指美国富有人的阶层及他们的生活,Main Street直接含义是指小城镇的主街,人们在那里购物,喝咖啡聊天,参加社交活动,泛指小企业,小作坊和平民百姓,也指平民阶层及他们的生活。
Main Street一语的来源及内涵演变Main Street一语首先出自美国小说家、美国第一个诺贝尔文学奖获得者辛克莱·刘易斯发表于1920年的同名小说,中文翻译为《大街》。
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Personalities: players and deal-makers
• Several well known Wall Street individuals include John Meriwether, John Briggs, Michael Bloomberg, and Warren Buffett (All affiliated at one time or another with the firm Salomon Brothers), as well as Bernie Madoff, and numerous others.
1. Widely regarded as one of the most successful investors in the world. 2. Often introduced as "legendary investor, Warren Buffett", 3. Primary shareholder, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. 4. Ranked as the world's Warren Edward Buffett wealthiest person in 2008 (born August 30, 1930) and is the third wealthiest person in the world as of 2011.
• a pool of money to lend or invest • a decent legal framework • high-quality human resources
• But over the past few decades, with the rise of a multipolar world (多极世界) with new regional powers and global capitalism, numerous financial centers have challenged Wall Street's predominance, particularly from Asia like Shanghai in China, Japan, Singapore and so on, which some analysts believe will be the focus of new worldwide growth.
2008 Wall Street Crisis
• September 15, 2008, the world focus on the U.S. Wall Street. On this day, the fourth largest U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers(莱曼兄 弟) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, and the third largest investment bank Merrill Lynch(美林证券公司 agreed to a purchase by 美林证券公司) Bank of America. Affected by this, the index of the three major New York stock market abruptly fell in the space of 15 days, which was thought to be the biggest one-day drop since the 9.1 1 attack.
• In 1792, traders formalized their association with the Buttonwood Agreement which was the origin of the New York Stock Exchange. In 1789, Wall Street was the scene of the United States‘ first presidential inauguration(总统就职典 礼) when George Washington took the oath of office on the balcony of Federal Hall on April 30, 1789.
• Between 1860 and 1920, New York was second only to London as the world's financial capital. In 1889, the original stock report, Customers' Afternoon Letter, became The Wall Street Journal.
• A Bull Market is one in which investors are optimistic and are trading securities heavily. There is even a bronze sculpture of a charging bull that has become a popular tourist attraction in Wall Street.
New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所
A generally accepted version is that the name of the street name was derived from an earthen wall on the northern boundary of the New Amsterdam settlement, perhaps to protect against English colonial encroachment or incursions by native Americans.
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The Wall Street Journal
A crowd at Wall and Broad streets after the 1929 crash.
In the 20th century, Wall Street has been changing relationships with government authorities.
In 1685 surveyors laid out Wall Street along the lines of the original stockade. In these early days, local merchants and traders would gather at disparate spots to buy and sell shares and bonds, and over time divided themselves into two classes—auctioneers (拍 卖商) and dealers (经销 商).
Wall Street refers to the financial district of New York City, named after and centered on the eightblock-long street running from Broadway to South Street on the East River in lower Manhattan.
Wall Street in the New York economy
• Wall Street pay, in terms of salaries, bonuses and taxes, is an important part of the economy of New York City, the tri-state metropolitan area, and the United States. The U.S. banking industry employs 1.86 million people and earned profits of $22 billion in the second quarter of 2010, up substantially from previous quarters.
Michael Rubens Bloomberg
(born February 14, 1942)
1. Since 2002, Mayor of New York City. 2. With a net worth of $18.1 billion in 2011. 3. The 13th-richest person in the United States. 4. Founder and eighty-eight percent owner of Bloomberg L.P., a financial news and information services media company.