Strength of the d_{x^2-y^2} pairing in the two-leg Hubbard ladder


Strength of Rock and Rock Mass

Strength of Rock and Rock Mass

Strength of Rock and Rock MassDesigning with rocks and rock masses bears many similarities to techniques that have been developed for soils. There is however a number of major differences:(1)The scale effect is overwhelming in rocks. Rock strength varies widely with sample size. Atone end, we have the intact rock (homogenous, isotropic, solid, continuous with no obvious structural defects) which really exists only at the hand-specimen scale. At the other end is the rock mass that is heterogeneous and anisotropic carrying all the defects that is characteristic of the rock mass at the field scale. In the design of engineering structures in rock, the size of interest is determined by the size of the rock mass that carries the stresses that are imposed on it.(2)Rock has tensile strength. It may have substantial tensile strength at the intact rock scale, butmuch smaller at the scale of the rock mass. Even then only in exceptional circumstances can the rock mass be considered as a “tensionless” material. Intact ro ck fails in tension along planes that are perpendicular to maximum tension (or minimum compression) and not along shear planes as suggested by the Coulomb theory).(3)The effect of water on the rock mass is more complex.(a)Pore space in most intact rocks is very small and so is the permeability. The watercontained in the pore space is not necessarily free water. The truly free water existsonly in the rock mass, in fractures, where water may flow at high rates.(b)In contrast to soils, water is more compressible (by about one order of magnitude)than intact rock. The difference would be smaller when compared with thecompressibility of the rock mass (especially close to the free surface where loose rockcommonly found).Note that in the derivation of the effectivesmall. This is not so for rocksincreasing the grain-to grain contactsignificant degree. The assumption ofwater controls the way anstress (total stress) is distributedconditions, the effective stressconcept passes the whole externalin rock, because water is more include its effect separately as a “water force” rather than mix its effect with the rock response (as in the effective stress theory).(4)In compression, intact rock does not fail according to the Coulomb theory. It is true, that itsstrength increases with confining pressure, but at failure there is no evidence for theappearance of a shear fracture as predicted by the Coulomb theory. Furthermore the “envelope “ is usually nonlinear following a y 2=x type of parabolic law. Interestingly, shear fractures do form, but not at peak stress; they form as part of the collapse mechanism, usually quite late in the post-failure history.Strength of Intact RockIntact rock has both tensile and compressive strength, but the compressive to tensile strength ratio is quite high, about 20. In uniaxial tension, failure follows the maximum principal stress theory:σ3=T owhich would suggest that the other two principal stresses have no influence. At failure a fractureplane forms that is oriented perpendicular to the σ3(Figure 28) Note that the Coulomb theory would predict shear failure in uniaxial tension at 45-φ/2with σ3. There was a suggestion to combine theCoulomb theory with the maximum stress theory (the tension cutoff) which would predict the properorientation of the failure plane for both tension andcompression. Others would rather replace both witha y 2=x type of parabola (Figure 29). As discussedearlier, the shear fracture does not appear at point of failure, so that this aspect of the Coulomb theory is meaningless. In fact, there is little point in using theMohr’s diagram. In rock mechanics, failure conditions are more meaningfully presented in theσ3-σ1 space using a nonlinear function for strength. Although there are many variations of this function, the most popular one is due to Hoek and Brown (1980) which has the general form of σσσσσ1332f c c m s =++This is shown in Figure 30. H ere σc is the uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock, m is aconstant (characteristic of the rock type) and s is arock mass parameter. s =1 for intact rock. Typicalvalues of the m parameter can be found in the first row of Table 1. The s parameter is significant only in extending the strength function to the strength ofthe rock mass. The same diagram is often used to define the safety factor for an existing state of stress (σ3,σ1):τσSafety Factor f =σσ11where both σ1 and σ1f are measured at the value of σ3Strength of the Rock MassThe strength of the rock mass is only a fraction of the strength of the intact strength. The reason for this is that failure in the rock mass is a combination of both intact rock strength and separation or sliding along discontinuities. The latter process usually dominate. Sliding ondiscontinuities occurs against the cohesional and/or frictional resistance along the discontinuity. The cohesional component is only a very small fraction of the cohesion of the intact rock.Table 1. Finding the parameters m and s from classification parameters.In designing with the rock mass, two different procedures are used. When a rock block is well defi ned, its stability is best evaluated through a standard “rigid -body” analysis technique. All the forces on the block are vector-summed and the resultant is resolved into tangential and normal components with respect to the sliding plane. The safety factor becomes the ratio of the available resistance to sliding to the tangential (driving) force. This is the technique used in slope stabilityanalysis. The second technique is stress rather than force-based. Here the stresses are evaluated (usually modeled through numerical procedures) and compared with available strength. The latter is expressed in terms of the Hoek and Brown rock mass strength function. This is where the s parameter becomes useful. s=1 for intact rock and s<1 for the rock mass. Essentially, what we are doing is simply to discount the intact rock strength. The difficult question is what value to assign to s? There is no test that will define this value. In theory, its is possible to do field tests of the rock mass, but it is expensive and not necessarily very reliable. Hoek and Brown however have compiled a list of s values depending on the rock type and the rock classification ratings.A simplified version of this is presented in Table 1. To make use of this Table, one needs only the rock type and one of the ratings from either the CSIR or the NGI classification. Ratings that are not listed will have to be interpolated. User’s of this Table are however warned that this approach is given here as a guide and its reliability is open to question. Nevertheless, the given s values are so small that they would tend to under rather than overestimate thestrength of the rock mass. Problems however could arise when failure occurs along a single weak discontinuity (slope stability), in which case the stress-based approach is obviously invalid.We are going to show how design engineering structures in rocks through two examples. One will use the rock mass design using the Hoek and Brown approximation for strength and the other the technique of applying the block theory to designing rock slopes.In earlier discussions, we have worked an examplewith rock mass classification. Now let us assumethat we are going to build a twin-tunnel roadsystem at some depth in the worked rock mass.The plan is two make two inverted-U shapedtunnels, each tunnel to be 3 m high and 4 m wide.The tunnels are to be separated by a pillar (rockleft in place), preferably no more than 4 m wide.The safety factor for the pillar should be 1.5 orbetter. The depth of siting for the roadway has notbeen established yet, but it could range anywherebetween 100 and 300 m, the deeper the better.Your job is to find the appropriate depth withinthis range. This is an example for pillar design.The loading condition is determined by assuming that the weight of the overlying rock mass, as shown in Figure 31, is distributed evenly across the width of the pillar at AA (this is not quite true, the stresses are usually higher at the tunnel perimeter than at the center, but the high safety factor should take care of this). You follow this procedure now:(1)Find the rock mass strength using your classification and the strength table give above.(2)Find the volume and the weight of the overlying rock using 100 m for depth (check if youhave a unit weight for the rock in the report).(3)Distribute the total weigh over the cross sectional area AA. This is the average vertical stresson the cross section(4)Formulate the safety factor asSfStrength Vertical Sress(5) Check the safety factor at 300 m(6) See if you can get an algebraic expression for the safety factor using h as a variable.(7) What is the story you are going to tell the boss?In the second example, we are going to examine the stability of a block of rock found on a slope. Although this is going to be a simple problem, it will still illustrate the procedure involved in analyzing rock slope stability. Pay particular attention how the effect of ground water is incorporated into the stability analysis. We use block analysis when we expect the block to slide on a single or a combination of discontinuities and we have pretty good control over the geometry. This means that we have good knowledge of the size and through this the weight of the block and the geometry of the slope. In the simple two-dimensional case, which we are to discuss, the geometry is simply the slope angle. The biggest problem is how to get a decent estimate of the resistance to slide. In this regard, conditions are similar to rock mass analysis, where we had to come up with an estimate of the rock mass strength. Again, we will have to use a lot of judgement. There are two ways to proceed. One is to accept the definition of shear resistance as in the Coulomb theory. This means that the discontinuity shear strength is made up of two components, a cohesion and a frictional resistance. The cohesion supposed to represent the strength of "solid rock bridges" that may exist at the base and will have to be sheared off to let the block move. This is the hardest part to estimate, because it may vary between zero and the strength of the solid rock (no bread at the base). Usually, it is a very small fraction of the solid strength. The frictional part is simply the normal force times the tangent of the friction angle. We use forces rather than stresses here and the resistance force according to the Coulomb specification becomes:Discontinuity shear strength Cohesive force N =+tan φThe Coulomb type of specification is useful only in the "back analysis" of slope failures. In theconsulting business, a common chore is toredesign slopes that have either failed orshowed signs of instability (tension crack at the back of the slope). In cases like this, thea good estimate of the frictionand find the value of theshear strength. Having this,force is practically impossible. discontinuity strengthby the same author who wasinvolved in constructing the NGIw a t e r w a t e r t h r u s tclassification (reference). The Coulomb theory proposes a linear law for discontinuity strength, the Barton specification advances a non-linear law:τσσφ=⎛⎝⎫⎭⎪+⎛⎝⎫⎭⎪nnbJRCJCStan log10Here stress rather than force units are used. σn and τ would refer to the average normal stress and the unit shear strength respectively. For comparison with the Coulomb specification, τ and σn are obtained by dividing the shear resistance force and the normal force by the area of contact. The Barton strength uses three material parameters: JRC (joint roughness coefficient), JCS (joint compressive strength) and φb (basic friction angle). JRC varies between 0 (very smooth, planar joint) and 20 (rough undulating surface). JCS is a fraction of the compressive strength of the rock. The compressive strength should be discounted depending on the condition of the rock walls on the two sides of the joint. Usually the surface is weathered and altered and may carry soft filling. In the latter case, the strength would be very small indeed. The basic friction angle is what we would normally call the friction angle determined on a flat surface rubbing against another flat surface of the same rock.Besides needing three parameters as opposed to Coulomb's two, the nonlinear strength is different from the Coulomb law that it has no strength at zero normal stress. Essentially, the Barton specification is defined in terms of a friction angle that is adjusted for joint roughness and the strength of rock.Being armed with some knowledge of discontinuity strength, we can now attempt to find the safety factor for the problem shown in Figure 32. We are looking at the stability of the dark-shaded mass of rock. There is the possibility of sliding down along joint plane sloping at angle α. First, we should establish the forces that act on this block of rock. Weight is an obvious one. The water forces are based on the assumption that water flows along the slide plane and perhaps along other joints or as in this case in a tension crack as well. If there was no tension crack, we would have an uplift force alone arising from the fact that water would normally flow in at the high-elevation end and flow out at the low elevation. The head of water at the intake and discharge points is zero. It would normally maximize between. Here we assume a triangular distribution, assuming that the maximum head occurs at midpoint and its value is one half of the elevation difference between intake and the discharge points. The uplift force itself is equal to the area of the pressure distribution diagram (light-shaded area) and acts perpendicular to the slide surface. With a tension crack, there could be a slope-parallel water thrust due to water accumulating in the tension crack. Its value would be calculated from the upper (small) light-shaded triangle. For this the maximum head would occur at the base, with the maximum head being equal to the elevation difference between the top and the bottom of the tension crack.With the loads now defined, we can go and get an estimate to the shear resistance that could develop along the sliding surface. Let us use the Coulomb specification. Furthermore, let us put in an extra little story here. Imagine that you are a consulting engineer who was called to this site, because the people below that rock block claim that the block almost came down on them during the last big rainfall. This story would justify the assumption that the safety factor is close to unity. So do this:(1)Assume that the elevation difference between the intake and discharge points is 20 m and theslope angle is 30︒. Find the weight of the block of rock (hint: turn it into a triangle to ease thepain of calculation) using a width of 1 m in the third direction. Assume 25 kN/m3 for the unit weight.(2)Compute the uplift force and the water thrust(3)Resolve all the forces into components, normal and parallel with the slide plane(4)Sum the parallel (tangential) forces to get the Driving Force(5)Sum the normal forces and get the total frictional resistance by multiplying it with tan φ (use30︒)(6)Define the cohesive force as unit cohesion times the total area of contact; the unit cohesionwill stay as a variable now(7)Add the cohesive force to the total frictional force(8)Formulate the safety factor, equate it with 1 and compute the friction angle.After this operation, you have all the strength parameters defined and are ready to redesign the slope. In practice, you would get rid of the water by drilling drainage holes to intersect and drain the slide plane. Assuming that the drainage works, do the last thing:(9) Find now the safety factor for the slope with the water effect gone! If it is greater than about 1.25, tell the people that the slope is safe as long as they have the drainage holes clean. Otherwise you would have to install and anchor system to increase the safety factor (changing the weight of the block by shaving it would result in a minor improvement only, you can try this analysis too.)。

The strength of the Inner Model Hypothesis

The strength of the Inner Model Hypothesis
Equivalently: If ϕ is internally consistent in some outer model of V then it is already internally consistent in V . This is formalised as follows. Regard V as a countable model of Go¨del-Bernays class theory, endowed with countably many sets and classes. Suppose that V ∗ is another such model, with the same ordinals as V . Then V ∗ is an outer model of V (V is an inner model of V ∗) iff the sets of V ∗ include the sets of V and the classes of V ∗ include the classes of V . V ∗ is compatible with V iff V and V ∗ have a common outer model.
The Inner Model Hypothesis (IMH): If a statement ϕ without parameters holds in an inner model of some outer model of V (i.e., in some model compatible with V ), then it already holds in some inner model of V .
Hugh Woodin (Berkeley)

小学英语 英语故事(名人故事)成龙的尖峰时刻

小学英语 英语故事(名人故事)成龙的尖峰时刻

本文由一线教师精心整理,word 可编辑1 / 1成龙的尖峰时刻The Rush Hour Of Jackie ChanA hero is being hung down from a helicopter some 200 feet above. As the sun bets down, he swings about. Suddenly, a top needle of a skyscraper is pressing toward him. He fails to dodge and bumps heavily on the concrete needle.This stimulating shot impressed in numerous Jackie Chan fans. Now it ’s the “ rush hour ” to be repaid for that devotion for him. As an Asia ’s favorite action hero, he has finally conquered Hollywood. Rush Hour, Chan ’s new made-in-America blockbuster, rocketed to the top of the charts on its opening weekend in the United States, winning an unexpected cross-over audience. In three days, the box-office tally was $33 million —the highest weekend gross ever for New Line Cinema. Now in its sixth week in American theatres, the film, directed by Brett Ratner, has so far taken in more than $117 million.Chan had already scored when such films as Rumble in the Bronx and First Strike were released in mainstream theatres in the U. S., and not just in Chinatown and specialty video stores. Now Rush Hour has turned Jackie Chan into a household name the way Enter the Dragon made a legend of Bruce Lee.The bi-racial pairing and good cop/bad cop storyline are predictably formulaic — Chan is Chinese and co-star Chris Tucker is black — similar to such films as the Lethal Weapon series starring Mel Gibson and Danny Glover. Yet the producers have wisely focused on the strengths of the two stars: Tucker ’s hilarious, rapid-fire jive-talk, and Chan ’s nimble derring-do in tight spaces and high places.The film begins in Hong Kong on the eve of the hand-over as Han, a mainland Chinese diplomat, is dispatched to Los Angeles as consul general. A gangster promptly kidnaps Han ’s darling daughter — and demands $50 million as ransom.Though the vaunted Federal Bureau of Investigation gets called in. Han sends for his own man from Hong Kong, Lee(Chan), a Hong Kong detective with specialties to Han ’s family. The FBI doesn ’t like this one bit, and the stereotypical operation chief barks: “This is an FBI assignment, and I don ’t need and help from the LAPD ” —Los Angeles Police Department — “or some Chungking cop!” When Lee arrives, LAPD Detective James Carter(Tucker) is assigned to keep him out of the real investigation. The dynamic duo inevitably team up, getting into one scrape after another. For example, they pursue one suspect through a building, nearly catching up with him until their collective weight sends them crashing through a rotting bridge. Fortunately, much of the lame storyline is played for laughs. Tucker, an arrogant cop more interested in grabbing glory than in police teamwork, delivers his politically incorrect pronouncements on women, Asians, and anyone else, in a rambling, high-pitched voice. In one of the funniest scenes, Tucker takes Chan to mingle with other tourists in front of the famous Hollywood landmark, Mann ’s Chinese Theatre — built as a fantasy interpretation of “Chinese ” during the Art Deco period. He says: “Look familiar? Just like home, ain ’t it ” You might see one of your cousins walkin ’ around here.”At first, Chan seems to be a hapless patsy to Tucker ’s bullying. Ultimately, he proves himself by making a getaway in the inimitable Jackie Chan way — deftly leaping from the top of adouble-decker tour bus to a street sign suspended overhead, dropping onto a passing flat-bed truck, then into the motor-home of startled American vacationers, before somersaulting into a taxi.The climax of the film comes when Chan is seen tip-toeing across five-storey-high beams inside the Los Angeles Convention Centre.Long-time Jackie Chan fans may find his antics too familiar and the film ’s slick editing relying more on camera tricks than real stunts. After all, Chan is almost 44 years old and Hollywood insurance codes prohibit actors from performing some of the outrageous stunts for which Hong Kong films are famous. Still, Chan has always been considered one of the most popular and respected stars in the Chinese film world. Given the typical typecasting of Asians as hookers or triads (witness Jet Li ’s Western debut in Leathal Weapon 4), Jackie Chan ’s relaunch as an action hero in the West is a resounding triumph.在距地面约200英尺的上空,一勇士被绑在一架直升机上倒悬着。

Strength and Stiffness of Masonry-Infilled Frames

Strength and Stiffness of Masonry-Infilled Frames

Strength and Stiffness of Masonry-In filled Frames with Central Openings Based on Experimental ResultsMajid Mohammadi 1and Farzad Nikfar 2Abstract:An extensive statistical analysis is conducted on experimental data to achieve a formula for the strength and stiffness of masonry-in filled frames having central openings.For this,most of the available experimental data were collected and categorized based on their con fining frames and opening types.The reliability of existing empirical relations was investigated,in which a reduction factor was suggested that shows the ratio of strength or stiffness of perforated in fill to a similar solid one.The study shows that the relation recommended by the literature is the most accurate,among others,to estimate the lateral strength and stiffness of perforated in filled frames.Modi fied formulas derived from trend analysis of collected experimental data were proposed to determine the mechanical properties of perforated in filled frames.It is also shown that the reduction factor of the ultimate strength of in filled frames caused by the presence of openings depends highly on the material of the con fining frames (steel or concrete),but the reduction factor of stiffness is not affected by the frame type.Therefore,different equations are proposed for the strength and stiffness of in fills with openings.DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000717.©2013American Society of Civil Engineers.CE Database subject headings:Stiffness;Masonry;Frames;Seismic design;Lateral loads;Experimentation;Openings.Author keywords:Strength;Stiffness;Masonry;In filled frame;Central opening;Seismic design;Lateral loads.IntroductionIt has been reported that addition of masonry walls in steel or RC frames raises the in-plane stiffness and strength of the structure because of the in fill-frame interaction.The resulting system is re-ferred to as an in filled frame,and it acts signi ficantly differently from each constitutive parts (frame and in fill wall),which highly affects the dynamic response of the structure.Regarding the complexity of modeling and shortcomings in en-gineering knowledge,in particular for in filled frames with openings,engineers rarely consider in fills in their structural analysis and de-sign.Such an assumption may lead to substantial inaccuracy in predicting the lateral stiffness,strength,and ductility of a structure.Given the widespread application of masonry-in filled frames in urban areas (Mosalam 1996)and the great variety in structural parameters,extensive studies have been performed on the lateral-load behavior of in filled frames both experimentally and analytically since the 1950s.Stafford-Smith (1962,1966)conducted experi-mental investigations on behavior of masonry-in filled steel frames.Polyakov (1960)suggested that an equivalent diagonal strut can be used to consider the effects of in fill panels.Subsequently,Holmes (1961)pursued this idea and proposed using diagonal struts with the same properties as the in fill panel and width equal to one-third the diagonal length.Stafford-Smith (1969)linked the width ofequivalent diagonal strut to the contact length between the frame and in fill panel and employed this model to investigate the behavior of in filled frames.Mainstone (1971,1974)performed a series of experiments similar to those of Stafford-Smith and proposed a set of empirical equations for equivalent strut stiffness.Liauw and Kwan (1983)carried out a series of small-model microconcrete-in fill tests.Based on this experimental work,they developed a plastic collapse theory for masonry in fills.A comprehensive review of research studies on masonry-in filled frames has been reported by Moghaddam and Dowling (1987).Although there have been many experimental investigations on the lateral behavior of solid masonry-in filled frames,few tests have been conducted on in filled frames with openings despite the fact that door or window openings are provided in many masonry panels for archi-tectural reasons.It has been shown by many studies that openings change the behavior of in filled frames and make it more complicated.The presence of openings in in fill panels normally reduces the stiffness and strength of the in fill.An increase in the dimensions of an opening results in a decrease in the strength and effective stiffness of the in filled frame (Mosalam et al.1997;Polyakov 1952;Benjamin and Williams 1958;Holmes 1961;Coul 1966).Mallick and Garg (1971)experi-mentally investigated the effects of opening positions on the lateral stiffness of in filled frames with and without shear connectors.They concluded that if the opening is at either end of the loaded diagonal of an in filled frame without shear connectors,the strength and stiffness are reduced by about 75and 85–90%,respectively,compared with those of a similar solid in fill.It also has been recommended that the best location for a window or door opening is at the center of the in fill panel (Dawe and Seah 1989;Mallick and Garg 1971).Liauw (1972)pre-sented the concept of an equivalent element for the analysis of in filled frames with or without openings.This concept was developed by transforming the in filled framed into an equivalent frame whose members have the properties of the composite sections of the actual structure.A comparison between the experimental and analytical results showed good agreement when the openings were more than 50%of the full in fill area.1Assistant Professor,International Institute of Earthquake Engi-neering and Seismology,No.21,Arghavan Gharbi,Dibaji Shomali,1953714453Tehran,Islamic Republic of Iran (corresponding author) 2Ph.D.Student,Dept.of Civil Engineering,McMaster Univ.,Ham-ilton,ON,Canada L8S 4L8.E-mail:nikfarf@mcmaster.caNote.This manuscript was submitted on April 1,2012;approved on August 30,2012;published online on September 3,2012.Discussion period open until November 1,2013;separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers.This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engi-neering ,Vol.139,No.6,June 1,2013.©ASCE,ISSN 0733-9445/2013/6-974–984/$25.00.974/JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ©ASCE /JUNE 2013D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y U n i v e r s i t y O f S y d n e y o n 01/16/14. C o p y r i g h t A S CE .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .Schneider et al.(1998)conducted an experimental program to investigate the in-plane seismic behavior of steel frames with un-reinforced masonry in fills having large window openings.Test parameters included the masonry pier width and the number of wythe.The conclusion was that narrow piers and double-wythe in fills tend to be more ductile than wide piers.Furthermore,the experimental results established that for an imposed drift of 0.2%,the effective stiffness deteriorated to about 30%of the initial stiffness.Amplitudes of drift larger than 0.75%produced excessive splitting and crushing of the bricks in the masonry in fill.The stiffness continued to deteriorate uniformly until no stiffness remained.This occurred at a 2.0%drift.Kakaletsis and Karayannis (2007)con-ducted an experimental program to find the effect of window and door openings on the hysteretic characteristics of in filled RC frames and studied the relative advantages and disadvantages of different positions for windows and doors.They found that the presence of in fills,even with eccentric openings,improves the performance of concrete frames in terms of strength,stiffness,ductility,and energy dissipation.Based on their experimental results,and in contrast with those of some other researches,the location of the opening must be as near to the edge of the in fill as possible to provide an improvement in the performance of the in filled frame.Furthermore,Kakaletsis and Karayannis (2008)experimentally investigated the effect of masonry-in fill compressive strength and openings on failure modes,strength,stiffness,and energy dissipation of in filled RC frames under cyclic loading.They found that in fills with openings can signi ficantly improve the performance of RC frames.In addition,they presented an analytical approach based on the equivalent di-agonal strut to predict the lateral strength of the studied in filled RC frames with openings.In another research effort,they reported the results of an experimental study on eight in filled RC frames in-vestigating the in fluence of masonry opening shape and size on the seismic performance of the frames.The results show the signi ficance of opening properties on the reduction of stiffness,strength,and energy-dissipation capability of the tested in filled frames (Kakaletsis and Karayannis 2009).The collective results of the experiments have been employed to present a continuous force-deformation model for masonry-in filled panels with openings (Kakaletsis 2009).Further-more,they proposed a continuous force-deformation model for non-linear analysis of masonry-in fill panels with openings.Mosalam et al.(1997)carried out a series of experimental tests on gravity load –designed steel frames with semirigid connections in filled with unreinforced masonry walls subjected to cyclic lateral loads.The ex-perimental tests were conducted to evaluate the effects of the relative strength of the concrete blocks and mortar joints,the number of bays,and the opening con figuration of the in fill on the performance of single-story reduced-scale in filled frames.The experimental results demonstrated that the compressive strength of the concrete blocks determines the mode of failure,such as corner crushing or mortar cracking of the in fill panels.Also,the ultimate load for the two-bay specimen is about double the capacity of the single-bay specimen,and the presence of openings reduces solid-in fill panel stiffness values by about 40%for lateral loads below the cracking-load level.Moreover,openings in in fills lead to a more ductile behavior.A simple iterative FEM was proposed by Achyutha et al.(1986)to investigate the in filled frames with openings and with or without stiffeners around the openings.The analytical results demonstrated that for cases of window-opening areas greater than 50%of the solid-in fill area,the contribution of the in fill panels with openings can be neglected when compared with that of solid-in filled frames.The effect of location and size of the opening on the behavior of in filled frames is normally investigated by FEM.By this method,Asteris (2003)proposed graphs to estimate the stiffness-reduction factor corresponding to the size and location of the opening.The analyticalresults demonstrated that for the samples considered,a 20–30%opening reduces the stiffness of the solid-in filled frame by about 70–80%.The addition of in fills to frames normally results in improving the mechanical characteristics of the system,but it is necessary to consider the interaction effects,such as the short-column effect in partially in filled frames and the increasing column forces due to the increase in stiffness.Chiou el al.(1999)investigated the necessity of controlling these effects when using in filled frames with or without openings.The results of the most intensive experimental program conducted on perforated masonry-in filled steel frames were reported by Dawe and Seah (1989).In this study,the effects of a doorway in the panel on the stiffness and strength of the in filled frames were examined.Yáñez et al.(2004)investigated the effect of the opening as well as masonry panel materials (e.g.,clay and concrete blocks)on in filled frames by examining 16specimens.Tasnimi and Mohebkhah (2011)studied the behavior of steel frames with masonry-in fill panels by examining six full-scale one-story,one-bay specimens with central openings.Cyclic tests show that contrary to previous studies,perforated in fills do not always increase the ductility of the frames,and this matter depends more on the failure mode of the in fill.Furthermore,in this research,a simple analytical method based on the equivalent-diagonal-strut concept is introduced to estimate maximum shear strength of in filled frames with central openings.Moreover,a new relation to determine the equivalent strut ’s width-reduction factor is proposed.The effects of openings on stiffness and strength of in filled frames are primarily taken into consideration by reduction factors (Tasnimi and Mohebkhah 2011;Al-Chaar et al.2003;Al-Chaar 2002;New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering 2006;Durrani and Luo 1994;Mondal and Jain 2008;Asteris 2003).The reduction factor shows the ratio of stiffness or strength of a perfo-rated in fill to that of a similar solid one.The proposed relations for the reduction factor are based on the statistical analysis of a limited number of experimental test results and therefore is valid just for similar specimens.The main purpose of this paper is to determine the accuracy of the suggested relations as well as to propose new formulas for reduction factors based on all experimental data from previous studies.For this,almost all available experimental data were collected and classi fied based on such effective parameters as the type of surrounding frame and the type of opening (i.e.,door or window).In this paper,common empirical relations are introduced,and their parameters are explained.Average errors of these relations in predicting stiffness and strength of perforated in filled frames are determined.New modi fied relations are proposed by means of statistical analysis on classi fied experimental data.Analytical MethodsThe equivalent-strut concept is one of the simplest and most prac-tical methods to consider the effect of masonry in fills in structural analyses.This method takes into account the effect of in fill panels on the global dynamic response of a structure by means of replacing an in fill panel with two diagonal struts each acting in compression.One of the dif ficulties that practicing engineers may face is the reliability of models for in filled frames with openings.The single-strut model accurately takes into account the in fluence of solid-in fill walls on a structure,but for in fill walls with openings,it must be calibrated by FEM analyses (FEMA 2000).As mentioned earlier,some empirical relations are recommended in the literature to determine the re-duction factor for the effect of openings on in fill panels,in which the effective width of the in fill with opening W eo is considered to be the result of multiplying the effective width of the corresponding solid in fill W e by a reduction factor R F ;thereforeJOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ©ASCE /JUNE 2013/975D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y U n i v e r s i t y O f S y d n e y o n 01/16/14. C o p y r i g h t A S CE .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .W eo ¼R F ÂW e ð1ÞIt is worth noting that the reduction factor just accounts for the re-duction in the stiffness and strength of the in filled frame caused by the opening and does not represent the stress distributions likely to occur.In other words,applying the reduction factor is proposed for evaluation of the global structural capacity.Local effects caused by the presence of openings,including the stress fields,should be considered by other methods such as FEM modeling.In the following section,some empirical relations for the re-duction factor and their parameters are introduced.Tasnimi and MohebkhahTasnimi and Mohebkhah (2011)proposed a reduction factor R F given by Eq.(2)based on regression analysis of lateral peak-load ratio H o =H t versus the opening ratio A o =A P of specimens with openings.The correlation factor of the regression analysis for their specimens was obtained as 0.99R F ¼1:49AoA P222:238 Ao A Pþ1for A o ,0:4A Pð2Þwhere A o and A P 5area of the opening and in fill panel,respectively.For in fills with A o .0:4A P ,the value of R F is zero;thus,the stiffening and strengthening effect of the perforated-in fill panels with large openings is ignored (Tasnimi and Mohebkhah 2011).Therefore,to evaluate the maximum shear capacity of masonry-in filled frames with openings,Eq.(3)is proposedH o ¼R F ÂHð3Þwhere H o and H 5peak-load capacity of in filled frames with and without openings,respectively.Al-Chaar et al.In an effort to study the effects of door and window openings on lateral strength and stiffness of in filled frames,Al-Chaar et al.(2003)conducted a series of tests.Experimental results,supported by analytical studies,were used to estimate overall reductions in the strength and stiffness because of the presence of openings in panels.In this respect,a reduction factor given by Eq.(4)was proposed to account for the effect of openingsR F ¼0:6AoA P221:6 Ao A Pþ1ð4ÞIt can be seen from the Eq.(4)that if the area of the openings A o is greater than or equal to 60%of the area of the in fill panel A P ,then the effect of the in fill should be neglected (Al-Chaar 2002).New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering The New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering (NZSEE)(2006)recommends a simpli fied approach based on the work of Dawe and Seah (1989).According to this code,if an in fill is pierced with either a door or window opening,then the strength and stiffness may be reduced by the factor shown in Eq.(5)R F ¼121:5ÂL oL iR F $0ð5Þwhere L o and L i 5maximum widths of the opening and the in fill,measured across a horizontal plane,respectively.This equation implies that if the opening exceeds two-thirds of the bay width,it may be assumed that the in fill has no in fluence on system perfor-mance.Contrary to other equations,this equation determines the reduction factor by the opening width and does not consider the effect of opening height.Durrani and LuoDurrani and Luo (1994)proposed an empirical equation given by Eq.(6)to determine the strength and stiffness reduction factor of an in fill with length and width of l and h having a central opening with length and width of l o and h oR F ¼12A d h Âl2ð6ÞwhereA d ¼h Âl 2½ðR sin 2u Þ2R o Âsin ðu þu o Þ 22Âsin 2uð7ÞR o ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffih 2o þl 2o q ð8ÞR ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffih 2þl 2p ð9ÞIn Eq.(7),u and u o are the angles whose tangents are the in fill and opening aspect ratios (height to length),respectively.When the opening within the in fill extends across the full width or height of the panel,the effective width should be taken as zero.Eq.(6)was developed numerically by FEM analyses only and was not veri fied with experimental results.Mondal and JainIn this study,a FEM model is calibrated with previous experimental data.Subsequently,a parametric study was carried out to investigate the effects of openings.It was concluded that only the area of the opening is important regardless of the aspect ratios,and further,the number of stories does not play an important part.Therefore,Mondal and Jain (2008)proposed a reduction factor [Eq.(10)]for the effective width of a diagonal strut over that of the solid RC in filled frame to calculate its initial lateral stiffness when a central window opening is present.This study is based on initial lateral stiffness,which is taken at 10%of the lateral strength of the in filled framesR F ¼122:6 AoA Pð10ÞIt can be conclude from Eq.(10)that the stiffness contribution of the in fill should be neglected when the opening area is greater than 40%of the in fill area (Mondal and Jain 2008).AsterisAsteris (2003)proposed diagrams to determine the effect of size and location of openings on lateral stiffness of masonry-in filled frames using FEM ing this technique,a parametric study lead to the following relation [Eq.(11)]for the in fill wall stiffness-reduction factor (Asteris et al.2011):976/JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ©ASCE /JUNE 2013D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y U n i v e r s i t y O f S y d n e y o n 01/16/14. C o p y r i g h t A S CE .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .R F ¼122 AoA P0:54þA o A P1:14ð11ÞIn this equation,for an opening percentage greater than 50%,the stiffness-reduction factor approaches zero.Applications of the empirical methods mentioned are summa-rized in Table 1.These applications were concluded based on the details and recommendations of the corresponding researchers.As can be seen in the table,the applications of reduction factors may be speci fic or general.For example,the equation proposed by Tasnimi and Mohebkhah (2011)[Eq.(2)]is derived for the ratio of ultimate strength of in filled frames,and the equations recommended by Mondal and Jain (2008)[Eq.(10)]and Asteris (2003)[Eq.(11)]are derived just for the ratio of initial stiffness of in filled frames.However,reduction factors proposed by Al-Chaar et al.(2003)[Eq.(4)],the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering (2006)[Eq.(5)],and Durrani and Luo (1994)[Eq.(6)]are rec-ommended for both initial stiffness and ultimate strength.This distinction is made when comparing analytical methods with ex-perimental results.Experimental results presented in following section will be used to evaluate the reliability and accuracy of the proposed equations indicated in Table 1.Experimental StudiesAs shown in preceding section,the proposed empirical equations introduced the effects of openings using a reduction factor R F .Most of the proposed equations [Eqs.(2),(4),(10),and (11)]depend only on the opening area ratio A o =A P ,whereas others depend on other geometric properties of the opening.Experimental results can be employed to verify these empirical equations and determine their accuracies.In each case,stiffness and strength of a perforated-in fill specimen are compared with a similar reference solid-in fill frame.Hence,experimental programs that have the following conditions are chosen in this study:1.Both solid and perforated specimens are tested;2.Almost the same materials are used in both solid and perforatedspecimens;3.Ultimate strength or initial stiffness of the specimens ismentioned;and4.Testing models should be as similar to real structures aspossible (nonrealistic specimens in material,shape,and scal-ing are ignored).A brief description of each chosen experimental study is pre-sented in the following subsections,and the study is summarized in Table 2:Dawe and YoungDawe and Young (1985)investigated the effect of joint re-inforcement,mortar strength,interface condition,and doorwayopening on lateral strength and stiffness of masonry-in filled steel frames using 12full-scale specimens.The panels consisted of concrete blocks.A horizontal monotonic load was applied at the beam level.The measured ultimate strength and initial stiffness of Specimens 3B and 4B (in which the doorways are centrally located)and Specimen 3A (which is the reference solid-in filled frame)have been used in this study.Dawe and SeahThe effect of doorway openings on the behavior of masonry-in filled steel frames was one of the objectives of Dawe and Seah ’s (1989)experimental study.Five of their 28large-scale specimens had doorway openings,all with moment-resisting frames.Panels were made of concrete blocks.All the specimens were tested mono-tonically until failure.Specimens WC3and WC4contained central openings.Specimens WB2and WB3were the reference specimens used for calculating strength and stiffness ratio of the corresponding solid-in filled frames.These specimens were constructed with little differences in strength of masonry material.Mosalam et al.Mosalam et al.(1997)tested single-story one-and two-bay in filled steel frames under quasi-static loading.Concrete blocks were used for the in fill panels.Specimen S2-SYM is only the applicable specimen used in this study.It is a two-bay model with a window opening located at the center of each bay.Specimen S2-N-II is the reference solid-in filled frame that followed the same pattern of cyclic loading.Ya´n ˜ez et al.Sixteen full-scale specimens were tested in this experimental pro-gram to investigate the effect of window and doorway openings on strength and stiffness of in filled RC frames (Yáñez et al.2004).Eight specimens were of concrete masonry and eight of hollow clay-brick masonry units.There were four patterns of specimen,each of them constructed with the masonry materials mentioned.There were two specimens for each pattern.A horizontal cyclic load was applied along the axis of the top beam and controlled by displacement.Pattern 2and 3specimens contained central window openings.Pattern 4had a doorway opening located just 9%of the panel length away from the center of the panel and thus is considered a central opening.Pattern 1was the reference solid-in filled frame used for the determination of opening reduction factors.Among the specimens tested,the first specimen of Pattern 3,which has a central window opening,gave higher capacity than the solid-in filled specimen.This may be attributed to construction or measuring errors;therefore,the result has not been included in the comparisons.The averages of the maximum loads in the directions of loading and unloading are considered the ultimate strength of the specimens.Table 1.Applications of the Proposed Empirical EquationsParameter Opening typeTasnimi and Mohebkhah (2011)Al-Chaar et al.(2003)NZSEE (2006)Durrani and Luo (1994)Mondal and Jain (2008)Asteris (2003)F UWindow √√√√——Door √√√√——K 1Window —√√√√√Door —√√√——Note:F U 1JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ©ASCE /JUNE 2013/977D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y U n i v e r s i t y O f S y d n e y o n 01/16/14. C o p y r i g h t A S CE .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .Kakaltesis and KarayannisKakaletsis and Karayannis (2007,2008,2009)conducted a series of one-third-scale experimental tests to determine the effect of open-ings on cyclic behavior of masonry-in filled RC frames.Kakaletsis and Karayannis (2009)summarized the results of whole tested specimens to provide data for developing an analytical model.Eight of 15specimens contained central window and doorway openings of different sizes.Tasnimi and MohebkhahIn this study,five large-scale,single-story,single-bay steel-frame specimens were tested under in-plane cyclic loading applied at the roof level (Tasnimi and Mohebkhah 2011).Three out of five specimens contained central window openings (PW1,PW2,and PW3),and one with a doorway opening (PW4),all of which wereconstructed by clay-brick masonry.Specimen SW is the reference solid model used for comparisons.Veri fication of Proposed Formulas by Experimental Test ResultsThe proposed analytical methods and experimental programs were explained in previous sections.In this section the accuracy of the proposed analytical methods is studied by implementing the results of the experimental tests.Thus,the veri fications have been per-formed for initial stiffness and ultimate strength of perforated-in filled frames of Table 2.The ratio of experimental reduction factor R experiment divided by predicted reduction factor R predicted is calculated using Eq.(12).This ratio,which is used in the comparisons,shows how a method performsTable 2.Test Specimens and Results ResearcherSpecimen nameIn fill panelOpening typeFraming typeH inf (m)L inf (m)h o (m)l o (m)K 1(kN/mm)F U (kN)Dawe and Young (1985)3A Concrete block Solid Steel 2.8 3.6——43.85563B Door 2.8 3.6 2.20.834.22854B Door 2.8 3.6 2.20.834.2335Dawe and Seah (1989)WB2Concrete block Solid Steel 2.6 3.1——74556WC4Door 2.6 3.1 2.20.834335WB3Solid 2.6 3.1——67538WC3Door 2.6 3.1 2.20.834285Mosalam et al.(1997)S2-N-II Concrete block Solid Steel 0.9398 1.8034——8.9342.7S2-SYM Window 0.9398 1.80340.3050.3054.433Yáñez et al.(2004)Pat.1-CB1Concrete block Solid RC 2.05 3.25——44116.5Pat.2-CB1Window 2.05 3.25 1.23 2.0642373.5Pat.4-CB1Door 2.05 3.25 2.050.64530109Pat.1-CB2Solid 2.05 3.25——49130Pat.2-CB2Window 2.05 3.25 1.23 2.0642582.5Pat.3-CB2Window 2.05 3.25 1.230.82542112.5Pat.4-CB2Door 2.05 3.25 2.050.6453594.5Pat.1-BB1Brick block Solid 2 3.2—60162Pat.2-BB1Window 2 3.2 1.125 2.0052886Pat.3-BB1Window 2 3.2 1.1250.78557146Pat.4-BB2Door 2 3.220.4850113.5Pat.1-BB2Solid 2 3.2——82191Pat.2-BB2Window 2 3.2 1.125 2.0052998Pat.3-BB2Window 2 3.2 1.1250.78566146.5Pat.4-BB3Door 2 3.220.4848136.5Kakaletsis andKarayannis (2007,2008,2009)S Brick block Solid RC 0.8 1.2——20.7181.46W02Window 0.8 1.20.3330.314.5566.56W03Window 0.8 1.20.3330.45614.6166.3W04Window 0.8 1.20.3330.616.6265D02Door 0.8 1.20.640.313.161.56D03Door 0.8 1.20.640.45615.0356.8D04Door 0.8 1.20.640.615.0355IS Ceramic block Solid 0.8 1.2——21.8772.92IWO2Window 0.8 1.20.3330.320.8868.13IDO2Door 0.8 1.20.640.314.4559.06Tasnimi and Mohebkhah (2011)SW Brick block Solid Steel 1.87 2.4——20.84201.5PW1Window 1.87 1.87 1.87 2.40.6 1.219.21137PW4Door 1.87 2.4 1.450.717.38116.5Note:H inf inf o o 1U 978/JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ©ASCE /JUNE 2013D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y U n i v e r s i t y O f S y d n e y o n 01/16/14. C o p y r i g h t A S CE .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .。

Can the strengths of AIC and BIC be shared

Can the strengths of AIC and BIC be shared
B YUHONG YANG School of Statistics, University of Minnesota, 224 Church Street S.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, U.S.A.
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S A traditional approach to statistical inference is to identify the true or best model first with little or no consideration of the specific goal of inference in the model identification stage. Can the pursuit of the true model also lead to optimal regression estimation? In model selection, it is well known that is consistent in selecting the true model, and is minimax-rate optimal for estimating the regression function. A recent promising direction is adaptive model selection, in which, in contrast to and , the penalty term is data-dependent. Some theoretical and empirical results have been obtained in support of adaptive model selection, but it is still not clear if it can really share the strengths of and . Model combining or averaging has attracted increasing attention as a means to overcome the model selection uncertainty. Can Bayesian model averaging be optimal for estimating the regression function in a minimax sense? We show that the answers to these questions are basically in the negative: for any model selection criterion to be consistent, it must behave suboptimally for estimating the regression function in terms of minimax rate of covergence; and Bayesian model averaging cannot be minimax-rate optimal for regression estimation.



5 Output from T¯ I MIT 5.1 Hydrostatic Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.1 The format of the hydrostatic output . . 5.2 Time Domain Hydrodynamic Quantities . . . . . 5.2.1 Format of the time domain hydrodynamic 5.3 Frequency Domain Hydrodynamic Quantities . . 5.3.1 Format of the frequency domain output .
A panel-method program for transient wave-body interactions.
VERSION 4.0: For zero and forward speed analysis of a single body with any number of waterlines, arbitrary wave heading, generalized modes, and infinite or finite depth.
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The development of T¯ I MIT has been supported by the Office of Naval Reseach, the Joint Industry Project “Wave Effects on Offshore Structures”, the Consortium for Numerical Analysis of Wave Effects on Offshore Structures, and the Naval Ship Warfare Center.

高考英语单词变形速记精练:专题05 巧记派生词(字母s-y) (原卷版)

高考英语单词变形速记精练:专题05 巧记派生词(字母s-y) (原卷版)

专题05 速记派生词(字母s-y)养成良好的答题习惯,是决定高考英语成败的决定性因素之一。


一关联背诵1. store v. --- n. 储存storage2. strong adj. 强壮的,强大的--- n. 力量,力气strengthv. 加强strengthen3.stress n. 压力,强调,重读v. 使紧张,重读,强调--- adj. 感到压力大的stressed4.adj. 令人有压力的stressful4. succeed v. 成功success n. 成功--- adj. 成功successful5. suit v. 适合--- a. 合适的suitable6. survive v. 存活--- n. 存活survivaln. 幸存者survivor7. sympathy n. 同情--- adj. 同情的sympathetic8. system n. 体系;系统--- adj. 系统的systematic9. taste v. 品尝n. 品味--- adj. 无滋味的tastelessadj. 味道好的tasty10. technical adj. 技术的--- n. 技术technique11. terrify v. 使人感到恐怖--- adj. 可怕的terriblen.恐怖terror12.thank v.感--- a. 感谢的,感激的thankful13. thief n. 窃贼--- n. 盗窃theft形近词:信任belief, 宽慰:relief14. thirst n. 口渴--- adj. 口渴的thirsty15. thought n. 思想--- adj. 沉思的,考虑周到的thoughtful16. tolerate v. 容忍--- adj容忍的tolerantn. 容忍tolerance联想:appear--n. appear--appearance ;perform-- n. performance;易错词:prefer--n. preference17.tour n. 旅行--- n. 旅游业tourismn. 旅行者tourist18. tradition n. 传统--- adj. 传统的traditional19. translate v. 翻译--- n. 翻译translationn. 译者translator ; 口译者interpreter20. treat v. 对待(词义:v.治疗;款待; n.款待,请客)---n. 对待treatment21. true a. 真实的--- ad. 真实地trulyn. 真理,事实truth (易错重点词)22.urge v. 敦促---adj. 紧急的urgentadv.紧急地urgently---n.紧急情况urgency23.value n. 价值--- adj. 有价值的valuableadj. 没价值的valueless24.vary v. 变化--- n. 种类variety(名词复数varieties );形近词:焦急的(anxious)--n.焦虑anxietya. 各种各样的various25. warm adj. 温暖的--- n. 温暖warmth ;联想:growth, health, wealth, width, depth; length; truth; strength26. weak adj. 弱的--- n. 弱点,软弱weakness27. wealth n. 财富---adj. 富有的wealthy28. week n. 星期,周--- adj. 每周的weekly29. weigh v. 称……的重量--- n. 重量weight30. wide adj. 宽阔的--- n. 宽度width(易错词)31. willing adj. 愿意的--- a. 不情愿的unwilling;32. wise adj. 聪明的--- n. 智慧wisdom;33. wood n. 木头--- adj. 木制的wooden34. write v. 写--- 现在分词writing(易错重点词)过去分词written(易错重点词)35. young a. 年轻的--- n. 青春;青年youth对比warm-warmth二速记练习1. store v. --- n. 储存___________2. strong adj. 强壮的,强大的--- n. 力量,力气___________v. 加强___________3. stress n. 压力,强调,重读v. 使紧张,重读,强调--- adj. 感到压力大的___________ adj. 令人有压力的___________4. succeed v. 成功--- n. 成功___________adj. 成功___________5. suit v. 适合--- a. 合适的___________6. survive v. 存活--- n. 存活___________ --- n. 幸存者survivor___________7. sympathy n. 同情--- adj. 同情的___________8. system n. 体系;系统--- adj. 系统的___________9. taste v. 品尝n. 品味--- adj. 无滋味的___________adj. 味道好的___________10. technical adj. 技术的--- n. 技术___________11. terrify v. 使人感到恐怖--- adj. 可怕的__________n.恐怖___________12.thank v.感--- a. 感谢的,感激的___________13.thief n. 窃贼--- n. 盗窃___________ ;形近词:信任belief, 宽慰:relief14. thirst n. 口渴--- adj. 口渴的___________15. thought n. 思想--- adj. 沉思的,考虑周到的___________16. tolerate v. 容忍--- adj容忍的___________n. 容忍tolerance ___________tour n. 旅行--- n. 旅游业___________n. 旅行者___________18. tradition n. 传统--- adj. 传统的___________19. translate v. 翻译--- n. 翻译___________ ---n. 译者___________20. treat v. 对待(词义:v.治疗;款待; n.款待,请客)---n. 对待___________21. true a. 真实的--- ad. 真实地___________--- n. 真理,事实___________truth(易错重点词)22. urge v. 敦促---adj. 紧急的____________adv.紧急地___________n. 紧急情况___________23. value n. 价值--- adj. 有价值的___________adj. 没价值的___________24.vary v. 变化--- n. 种类___________;25.warm adj. 温暖的--- n. 温暖___________;26. weak adj. 弱的--- n. 弱点,软弱___________27. wealth n. 财富--- adj. 富有的___________28. week n. 星期,周--- adj. 每周的___________29. weigh v. 称……的重量--- n. 重量___________30. wide adj. 宽阔的--- n. 宽度___________31. willing adj. 愿意的--- a. 不情愿的;___________32. wise adj. 聪明的--- n. 智慧___________33. wood n. 木头--- adj. 木制的___________34. write v. 写--- 现在分词_____________ ; ___________过去分词35. young a. 年轻的---- n. 青春;青年___________三真题演练1.(2023年新高考I卷作文改编)To begin with, ________(random) pairing up students may lead to unbalanced language abilities within the groups.2.(2023年浙江卷1月)In the Ming Dynasty, the center was the Forbidden City,______ (surround)in concentric(同心的)circles by the Inner City and Outer City.3.(2022全国乙卷)In 1916, two girls of ____________(wealth) families, best friends from Auburn, N. Y.—Dorothy Wood ruff and Rosamond Underwood—traveled to a settlement in the Rocky Mountains to teach in a one-room schoolhouse.4.(2022全国乙卷)To____________(strength)the connection with young people, the event included a number of public promotional activities on social media, inviting twenty-nine tea professionals from around the world to have thirty-six hours of uninterrupted live broadcasts.5.(2022全国乙卷)The first group participated in a program of nonaerobic (无氧) exercise — balance training and _____________(weigh) training — three times a week.6.(新课标全国II卷)Which can be a ____________(suit)title for the text?7.(江苏卷)Later, he worked in Africa, where many people suffered from blindness for lack of proper ____________(treat).8.(新课标全国I卷)When the explorers first set foot upon the continent of North America, the skies and lands were alive with an astonishing ____________(various) of wildlife.9.(北京卷)There is a whole range of other health issues that turning up the radio could be beneficial for, which is what makes music so ____________( value ) .10.(湖北卷)Poetry written from the perspective of the urban ____________(young) tends to reveal their anxiety over a lack of sense of belonging.四模拟演练1.We must preserve (vary) of Chinese traditional customs for future generations. (所给词的适当形式填空)2.The player is under good (treat) and the chances are that he will recover from his injury in time for the next game. (所给词的适当形式填空)3.When they saw their task finished,a sense of achievement and (satisfy) welled up in their hearts. (所给词的适当形式填空)4.Besides, on some occasions, it is more convenient (use) English words. (所给词的适当形式填空)5.A basketball coach must know the (strengthen) and weaknesses of his players. (所给词的适当形式填空)6.When in trouble, I never mind (seek) outside help, like parents or teachers. (所给词的适当形式填空)7.Some people work better under (press). (所给词的适当形式填空)8.The exercises are designed to (strong) your stomach muscles. (所给词的适当形式填空)9.With the (intend) of celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival, a dragon boat race will be held. (所给词的适当形式填空)10.I could hardly recognize the town; It has changed beyond (recognize).(所给词的适当形式填空)。

strengthofweak.pdfThe strength of weak learnability

strengthofweak.pdfThe strength of weak learnability

I. Introduction
Since Valiant's pioneering paper (1984), interest has flourished in the so-called distributionfree orprobably approximately correct (PAC) model of learning. In this model, the learner tries to identify an unknown concept based on randomly chosen examples of the concept. Examples are chosen according to a fixed but unknown and arbitrary distribution on the space of instances. The learner's task is to find an hypothesis or prediction rule of his own that correctly classifies new instances as positive or negative examples of the concept. With high probability, the hypothesis must be correct for all but an arbitrarily small fraction of the instances. Often, the inference task includes a requirement that the output hypothesis be of a specified form. In this paper, however, we will instead be concerned with a representation-independent model of learning in which the learner may output any hypothesis that can be used to classify instances in polynomial time. A class of concepts is learnable (or strongly learnable) if there exists a polynomial-time algorithm that achieves low error with high confidence for all concepts in the class. A weaker model of learnability, called weak learnability, drops the requirement that the learner be able to achieve arbitrarily high accuracy; a weak learning algorithm need only output an hypothesis that performs slightly better (by an inverse polynomial) than random guessing. The notion of weak learnability was introduced by Kearns and Valiant (1988; 1989) who left open the question of whether the notions of strong and weak learnability are equivalent. This question was termed the hypothesis boosting problem since showing the notions are equivalent requires a method for boosting the low accuracy of a weak learning algorithm's hypotheses.



1.DNA Denaturation(变性) When duplex DNA molecules are subjected to conditions of pH ,temperature,or ionic strength that disrupt base-paring interactions, the DNA molecule has lost its’native conformation, and double helix DNA is separated to single strand DNA as individual randome coils.That is, the DNA is denatured.2.Renaturation(复性)Removing the denaturation factors slowly or in proper conditions, the denaturedDNA (ssDNA) restore native structure (dsDNA) and functions. This process is dependent on both DNA concentration and time.3.Hybridization (核酸分子杂交)when heterogeneous DNA or RNA are put together, they will become toheteroduplex via the base-pairing rules during renaturation if they are complementary in parts (not completely). This is called molecular hybridization.4.Hyperchromic effect (增色效应)The absorbance at 260 nm of a DNA solution increases when thedouble helix is separated into single strands because of the bases unstack.5.Ribozyme (核酶)are the RNA molecules with catalytic activity. The activity of these ribozymes ofteninvolves the cleavage of a nucleic acid.6.De novo synthesis (从头合成)De novo synthesis of nucleotides begins with their metabolic precursors:amino acids, ribose-5-phosphate, one carbon units, CO2. mostly in liver.7.Salvage pathways (补救合成)Salvage pathways recycle the free bases and nucleosides released fromnucleic acid breakdown. Mostly in brain and marrow.8.Semi-conservative replication (半保留复制)DNA is synthesized by separation of the strands of aparental duplex, each then acting as a template for synthesis of a complementary strand based on the base-paring rule. Each daughter molecule has one parental strand and one newly synthesized strand. 9.Telomere(端粒):Specialized structure at the end of a linear eukaryotic chromosome, which consists ofproteins and DNA, tandem repeats of a short G-rich sequence on the 3 ' ending strand and its complementary sequence on the 5' ending strand, allows replication of the extreme 5' ends of the DNAwithout loss of genetic information and maintains the stability of eukaryote chromosome.10.Telomerase(端粒酶)An RNA-containing reverse transcriptase that using the RNA as a template, addsnucleotides to the 3 ' ending strand and thus prevents progressive shortening of eukaryotic linear DNA molecules during replication.11.Reverse transcription (逆转录)Synthesis of a double-strand DNA from an RNA template.12.Reverse transcriptase (逆转录酶)A DNA polymerase that uses RNA as its template.activity: RNA-dependent DNA polymerase; RNAse H;DNA-dependent DNA polymerase13.The central dogma (中心法则)It described that the flow of genetic information is from DNA to RNA andthen to protein. According to the central dogma, DNA directs the synthesis of RNA, and RNA then directs the synthesis of proteins.14.asymmetric transcription(不对称转录)1..Transcription generally involves only short segments of aDNA molecule, and within those segments only one of the two DNA strands serves as a template.2.The template strand of different genes is not always on the same strand of DNA. That is, in anychromosome, different genes may use different strands as template.15.template strand (模板链)The DNA strand that serves as a template for transcription. (The relationshipbetween template and transcript is base paring and anti-parallel)16.non-template strand (or coding strand)(编码连)The DNA strand that opposites to the templatestrand.(Note that it has the same sequence as the synthesized RNA, except for the replacement of U with T )17.promoter i s the DNA sequence at which RNA polymerase binds to initiate transcription. It is alwayslocated on the upstream of a gene.18.Split genes (断裂基因)Split genes are those in which regions that are represented in mature mRNAs orstructural RNAs (exons) are separated by regions that are transcribed along with exons in the primary RNA products of genes, but are removed from within the primary RNA molecule during RNA processingsteps (introns).19.Exon(外显子) can be expressed in primary transcript and are the sequences that are represented inmature RNA molecules, it encompasses not only protein-coding genes but also the genes for various RNA (such as tRNAs or rRNAs)20.Intron(内含子)can be expressed and be the intervening nucleotide sequences that are removed fromthe primary transcript when it is processed into a mature RNA.21.Spliceosome(剪切体)A multicomponent complex contains proteins and snRNAs that are involved inmRNA splicing.22.Translation(翻译)The process of protein synthesis in which the genetic information present in anmRNA molecule (transcribed from DNA) determines the sequence of amino acids by the genetic codons.Translation occurs on ribosomes.23.genetic codon(密码子)The genetic code is a triplet code read continuously from a fixed starting pointin each mRNA, also called triplet. Genetic code defines the relationship between the base sequence of mRNA and the amino acid sequence of polypeptide.24.Degeneracy of code(密码子简并性)One codon encodes only one amino acid;More than 2 codons can encode the same amino acid;Most codons that encode the same amino acid have the difference in the third base of the codon.25.ORF(开放阅读框架)The nucleotideacids sequences in mRNA molecule from 5’AUG to 3’stop codon(UAA UAG UGA). It consists of a group of contiguous nonoverlapping genetic codons encoding a whole protein. Usually, it includes more than 500 genetic codons.26.Shine-Dalgarno sequence(SD)is a sequence upstream the start codon in prokaryotic mRNA that canbase pairs to a •UCCU•sequence at or very near the 3' end of 16S rRNA, thereby binding the mRNA and small ribosomal subunit by each other.27.Polyribosome(多聚核糖体)Ribosomes(10~100) are tandemly arranged on one mRNA and move in thedirection of 5’to 3’.Such a complex of one mRNA and a number ofribosomes is called polyribosome.28.signal peptide(信号肽)It is a short conservative amino terminal sequence (13~36AA) that exists ona newly synthesized secretory protein. It can direct this protein to a specific locationwithin the cell. It is subsequently cleaved away by signal peptidase; also called signal sequence and targeting sequence.29.Operon(操纵子): Bacteria have a simple general mechanism for coordinating the regulation of geneswhose products are involved in related processes: the genes are clustered on the chromosome and transcribed together. Most prokaryotic mRNAs are polycistronic. The single promoter requi red to initiate transcription of the cluster is the point where expression of all of the genes is regulated. The gene cluster, the promoter, and additional sequences that function in regulation are together called an operon. Operons that include 2 to 6 genes transcribed as a unit are common; some operons contain 20 or more genes.30.Housekeeping gene(管家基因)Genes that are expressed at a fairly consistent level throughout the cellcycle and from tissue to tissue. Usually involved in routine cellular metabolism. Often used for comparison when studying expression of other genes of interest.31.Trans-acting factors(反式作用因子):Usually considered to be proteins, that bind to the cis-actingsequences to control gene expression. The properties of different trans-acting factors:subunits of RNA polymerasebind to RNA Polymerase to stabilize the initiation complexbind to all promoters at specific sequences but not to RNA Polymerase (TFIID factor which binds to the TATA box)bind to a few promoters and are required for transcription initiation32.Cis-acting elements(顺式作用元件):DNA sequences in the vicinity of the structural portion of a genethat are required for gene expression. The properties of different cis-acting elements:contain short consensus sequencesmodules are related but not identicalnot fixed in location but usually within 200 bp upstream of the transcription start sitea single element is usually sufficient to confer a regulatory responsecan be located in a promoter or an enhancerassumed that a specific protein binds to the element and the presence of that protein is developmentally regulated33.Southern blotting:Genomic DNA (from tissues or cells) are cut by RE, separated by gelelectrophoresis and denatured in solution, then transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane for detecting specific DNA sequence by hybridization to a labeled probe. It can be used to quantitative and qualitative analyze genomic DNA, or analyze the recombinant plasmid and bacteriophage (screening DNA library).34.Northern blotting: RNA samples (from tissues or cells) are separated by gel electrophoresis anddenatured in solution, then transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane for detecting specific sequence by hybridization to a labeled probe. It can be used to detect the level of specific mRNA in some tissues (cells) and to compare the level of same gene expression in different tissues (cells) or at different development period.35.Western blotting:rotein samples are separated by PAGE electrophoresis, then electro-transferred to NCmembrane. The proteins on NC membrane hybridize with a specific antibody (1st antibody ), then the target protein binding with antibody is detected with a labeled secondary antibody (2nd antibody).Also called immunoblotting. It can be used to detect the specific protein, semi-quantify specific protein, etc.36.PBlotting technique(印迹):Transfer (blot) biological macromolecules separated in the gel and fix themto nitrocellulose/nylon membrane by diffusion, electro-transferring or vacuum absorption, then detectit.37.Nucleic acid probe(探针):DNA or RNA fragment labeled with radioisotope, biotin orfluorescent, is used to detect specific nucleic acid sequences by hybridization38.PCR: PCR is a technique for amplifying a specific DNA segment in vitro. The reaction system includeDNA template, T aq DNA pol, dNTP,short oligonucleotide primers, buffer containing Mg2+. The process including 3 steps: denature, annealing, extension39.DNA coloning(克隆):T o clone a piece of DNA, DNA is cut into fragments using restriction enzymes. Thefragments are pasted into vectors that have been cut by the same restriction enzyme to form recombinant DNA. The recombinant DNA are needed to transfer and maintain DNA in a host cell. This serial process and related technique are called DNA coloning or genetic engineering.40.Genomic DNA library(基因组DNA文库) A genomic library is a set of clones that together representsthe entire genome of a given organism. The number of clones that constitute a genomic library depends on (1) the size of the genome in question and (2) the insert size tolerated by the particular cloning vector system. For most practical purposes, the tissue source of the genomic DNA is unimportant because each cell of the body contains virtually identical DNA (with some exceptions).41.cDNA library(cDNA文库):A cDNA library represents a sample of the mRNA purified from a particularsource (either a collection of cells, a particular tissue, or an entire organism), which has been converted back to a DNA template by the use of the enzyme reverse transcriptase. It thus represents the genes that were being actively transcribed in that particular source under the physiological, developmental, or environmental conditions that existed when the mRNA was purified.42.α-complementation(α互补):Some plasmid vectors such as pUC19 carry the alpha fragment of the lacZ gene. The alpha fragment is the amino-terminus of the beta-galactosidase. Typically, the mutant E. coli host strain only carry the omega fragment, which is the carboxy-terminus of the protein. Either omegaor alpha fragment alone is nonfunctional. When the vector containing lac Z introduced into mutant E.coli, both the alpha and omega fragments are present there is an interaction and a functionally intact beta-galactosidase protein can be produced. This interaction is called alpha complementation.43.Secondary messenger(第二信使) are some small signal molecules that are generated in the cell inresponse to extracellular signals. They can activate many other downstream components. The most important second messengers are: Ca2+, cAMP, cGMP, DAG, IP3, Cer, AA and its derivatives, etc.44.Adaptor protein(衔接蛋白)A specialized protein that links protein components of the signalingpathway, These proteins tend to lack any intrinsic enzymatic activity themselves but instead mediate specific protein-protein interaction that drive the formation of protein complexes.45.Scaffolding protein(支架蛋白)A protein that assembles interacting signaling proteins intomultimolecular, it recruits downstream effectors in a pathway and enhances specificity of the signal. 46.Oncogene(癌基因)A gene whose product is involved either in transforming cells in culture or ininducing cancer in animals including virus oncogene(v-onc)and cellular-oncogene(c-onc )。

龙飞虎 高频英语单词

龙飞虎 高频英语单词

龙飞虎高频英语单词Dragons, tigers, and the blending of these two powerful creatures make up a fascinating part of Chinese culture. 龙,虎,以及这两只强大生物的结合构成了中国文化中令人着迷的部分。

The dragon, representing power, strength, and prosperity, is one of the most revered mythological creatures in Chinese folklore. 龙代表力量,力量和繁荣,在中国传说中是最受尊敬的神话生物之一。

Tigers, on the other hand, symbolize courage, protection, and bravery, also holding a significant place in Chinese history and culture. 而另一方面,老虎象征勇气,保护和勇气,在中国历史和文化中也占有重要的位置。

The combination of dragons and tigers, often referred to as "Lung Fu Hu", is seen as a symbol of ultimate power and protection. 龙虎的结合,经常被称为“龙虎”,被视为终极力量和保护的象征。

This pairing embodies the perfect balance of yin and yang, representing the harmonious coexistence of these two majestic creatures. 这种配对体现了阴阳的完美平衡,代表着这两种威严生物的和谐共存。



怎样为老年人消除数字鸿沟英文英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1How to Bridge the Digital Divide for the ElderlyThe rapid pace of technological advancement has brought about immense changes in the way we live our lives. From communication and entertainment to banking and shopping, nearly every aspect of modern living is now deeply intertwined with digital technology. However, this digital revolution has left a significant portion of our society behind – the elderly. Many senior citizens struggle to keep up with the ever-evolving digital landscape, leading to a widening gap known as the "digital divide."As a concerned student, I believe it is imperative to address this issue and find ways to bridge this divide, ensuring that our elderly population is not left behind in the digital age. The consequences of being digitally excluded can be severe, including social isolation, limited access to information and services, and a diminished quality of life.To understand the root causes of this problem, we must first examine the barriers that prevent the elderly from fully embracing digital technology. One of the primary challenges is a lack of familiarity and confidence with digital devices and platforms. For many seniors who grew up in an analog world, the complexity of modern gadgets and software can be overwhelming. The fear of making mistakes or breaking something can create a reluctance to engage with technology, further exacerbating the divide.Another significant barrier is the cognitive and physical limitations that often accompany aging. Declining vision, hearing, and dexterity can make it challenging for the elderly to use digital devices and interfaces designed with younger users in mind. Additionally, age-related cognitive changes, such as memory loss or diminished problem-solving abilities, can compound the difficulties in learning and adapting to new technologies.Socioeconomic factors also play a role in the digital divide among the elderly. Those with limited financial resources may not be able to afford the latest devices or internet connectivity, further widening the gap. Similarly, individuals living in rural orunderserved areas may have limited access to reliable internet infrastructure, compounding the challenge.To bridge this divide, a multifaceted approach is necessary, involving efforts from various stakeholders, including governments, technology companies, educational institutions, and community organizations. Here are some potential strategies that could be implemented:Accessible and Inclusive Design: Technology companies and developers should prioritize designing user interfaces, devices, and software that are intuitive, easy to navigate, and accommodating of age-related limitations. This could include features such as larger text, high-contrast displays, voice commands, and simplified navigation. By making technology more accessible and user-friendly for the elderly, we can lower the barriers to adoption and promote greater engagement.Targeted Training and Education Programs: Educational institutions and community centers should offer specialized training programs tailored to the needs and learning styles of the elderly. These programs could cover basic digital literacy skills, such as using smartphones, tablets, and computers, as well as more advanced topics like online banking, social media, and accessing government services. Hands-on, practical guidancefrom knowledgeable instructors can help build confidence and demystify the digital world for seniors.Intergenerational Mentoring and Support: Encouraging intergenerational collaboration and mentoring can be a powerful tool in bridging the digital divide. By pairing tech-savvy youth with elderly individuals, we can foster knowledge transfer and create a supportive environment for learning. Young people can share their expertise and provide patient guidance, while seniors can impart their wisdom and life experiences, fostering mutual understanding and respect.Affordable Access and Subsidies: Governments and service providers should explore ways to make digital devices and internet connectivity more affordable for the elderly population. This could include subsidies, discounted rates, or low-cost equipment rental programs. By reducing the financial barriers, we can ensure that access to technology is not limited by economic constraints.Public Awareness and Advocacy: Raising awareness about the importance of digital inclusion for the elderly is crucial. Public campaigns, community outreach programs, and advocacy efforts can help highlight the benefits of embracing technology and the risks of being left behind. By fostering a supportive societalattitude, we can encourage the elderly to engage with the digital world without fear or stigma.Collaborative Efforts and Partnerships: Bridging the digital divide requires a collaborative effort between various stakeholders, including government agencies, technology companies, non-profit organizations, and community groups. By forming strategic partnerships and leveraging each other's strengths and resources, we can create more comprehensive and effective solutions.As students and future leaders, we have a responsibility to champion digital inclusion and ensure that no one is left behind in the digital age. By implementing these strategies and fostering a more inclusive digital landscape, we can empower the elderly to embrace technology, remain connected, and enjoy the benefits of the digital world without compromising their dignity or quality of life.In conclusion, the digital divide among the elderly is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. By prioritizing accessible design, providing targeted education and training, fostering intergenerational mentoring, ensuring affordable access, raising public awareness, and fostering collaborative efforts, we can bridge this gap and create a moreinclusive digital society. It is our collective duty to ensure that the elderly are not marginalized but rather empowered to navigate and thrive in the digital age.篇2How to Bridge the Digital Divide for the ElderlyThe rapid pace of technological advancements has left many elderly individuals struggling to keep up, creating a significant digital divide between them and the younger, tech-savvy generations. This divide not only impacts their ability to access vital information and services but also contributes to social isolation and a diminished quality of life. As a student deeply concerned about this issue, I believe it is crucial to address the barriers preventing the elderly from fully embracing the digital world and to provide them with the necessary tools and support to bridge this divide.One of the primary obstacles faced by the elderly is a lack of familiarity and confidence with digital technologies. Many seniors grew up in an era where computers and the internet were not yet prevalent, and the concept of constantly evolving technologies can seem daunting and overwhelming. Thisunfamiliarity often leads to apprehension and reluctance to engage with digital platforms, further exacerbating the divide.Additionally, physical and cognitive limitations that often accompany aging can make it challenging for the elderly to navigate and comprehend digital interfaces. Small fonts, complicated menu structures, and counterintuitive designs can create barriers that discourage them from fully utilizing these technologies. It is essential to recognize these challenges and prioritize the development of user-friendly, accessible interfaces tailored specifically to the needs and capabilities of the elderly population.Economic factors also play a significant role in perpetuating the digital divide. Many seniors live on fixed incomes, making the cost of purchasing and maintaining digital devices and internet services a significant burden. Moreover, the perceived need for frequent upgrades and replacements can make the investment seem unjustifiable, further deterring them from embracing these technologies.To bridge this divide, a multifaceted approach is required, involving collaboration between various stakeholders, including government agencies, technology companies, educationalinstitutions, and community organizations. Here are some strategies that could be implemented:Affordable Access: Ensuring that the elderly have access to affordable digital devices and internet services is crucial. Governments could explore subsidies or funding programs to make these technologies more accessible to seniors, particularly those with limited financial means.User-Friendly Design: Technology companies should prioritize the development of user interfaces and devices specifically designed with the elderly in mind. Larger fonts, simplified menus, and voice-controlled features can significantly enhance the usability and appeal of these technologies for seniors.Digital Literacy Programs: Educational institutions and community centers could offer free or low-cost digital literacy programs tailored to the learning needs of the elderly. These programs should cover not only basic computer skills but also introduce seniors to various online services and applications that can enhance their daily lives, such as telemedicine, online banking, and video conferencing.Intergenerational Mentoring: Encouraging intergenerational mentoring programs can be highly effective in bridging thedigital divide. By pairing tech-savvy youth with elderly individuals, a mutual exchange of knowledge and skills can occur, fostering understanding and confidence on both sides.Age-Friendly Public Spaces: Public spaces, such as libraries and community centers, should be designed with the elderly in mind, offering comfortable and accessible spaces equipped with technology stations and knowledgeable staff to assist seniors in navigating the digital world.Ongoing Support: Providing ongoing support and resources is crucial to ensuring that the elderly remain engaged andup-to-date with evolving technologies. This could include helplines, online forums, and regular workshops or seminars to address emerging digital trends and concerns.Bridging the digital divide for the elderly is not only a matter of empowerment and inclusivity but also a critical step towards promoting their overall well-being and quality of life. By embracing digital technologies, seniors can access a wealth of information, services, and social connections that can significantly enhance their independence, mental stimulation, and social engagement.Moreover, addressing this divide has broader societal implications. As our population continues to age, the integrationof the elderly into the digital realm becomes increasingly important for fostering intergenerational understanding and cohesion. By enabling seniors to participate fully in the digital world, we can break down barriers, foster communication, and promote a more inclusive and equitable society for all ages.In conclusion, bridging the digital divide for the elderly is a pressing challenge that requires a collaborative effort from various sectors of society. By implementing strategies such as affordable access, user-friendly design, digital literacy programs, intergenerational mentoring, age-friendly public spaces, and ongoing support, we can empower seniors to embrace digital technologies and reap the countless benefits they offer. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that no one is left behind in the digital age, and that the elderly can fully participate in and contribute to the digital world we inhabit.篇3How to Bridge the Digital Divide for the ElderlyAs technology continues to advance rapidly, the digital divide between the younger and older generations is becoming increasingly apparent. The elderly often find themselves struggling to keep up with the latest gadgets and software,leading to a sense of exclusion and isolation from the digital world. However, bridging this gap is crucial for ensuring that the elderly can fully participate in modern society and maintain their independence. In this essay, I will explore the challenges faced by the elderly in adopting new technologies and propose practical solutions to help them overcome these obstacles.The first and most significant challenge faced by the elderly is the lack of familiarity with digital devices and platforms. Many older adults grew up in a time when computers and the internet were not yet widely available, making it challenging for them to grasp the concepts and functionalities of these technologies. Moreover, the constant updates and changes in software and hardware can be overwhelming, leading to frustration and a reluctance to engage with new technologies.Another barrier is the physical limitations that often accompany aging. Conditions such as poor eyesight, hearing loss, and reduced dexterity can make it difficult for the elderly to operate devices with small buttons or intricate interfaces. Additionally, cognitive impairments like memory loss or diminished problem-solving abilities can hinder their ability to learn and adapt to new technologies.Fear and apprehension also play a significant role in preventing the elderly from embracing digital tools. Many older adults are concerned about online privacy and security, particularly regarding sensitive information like financial data or personal details. They may also worry about the perceived complexity of technology, fearing that they will not be able to understand or use it effectively.To bridge the digital divide for the elderly, a multifaceted approach is necessary, involving education, accessibility, and support. One crucial step is to provide targeted training programs tailored to the needs and learning styles of older adults. These programs should be conducted in a patient and supportive environment, allowing participants to progress at their own pace and ask questions without feeling intimidated.Instructors should focus on practical applications that are relevant to the daily lives of the elderly, such as using video conferencing tools to stay connected with family members, accessing online health resources, or managing finances through digital banking platforms. By demonstrating the tangible benefits of technology, older adults may be more motivated to learn and embrace these tools.Additionally, technology companies and developers should prioritize accessibility when designing products and services. This includes incorporating features like larger text and button sizes, voice commands, and simplified interfaces that cater to the specific needs of the elderly. Assistive technologies, such as screen readers or magnifiers, can also help mitigate physical limitations and enhance the user experience for those with visual or dexterity challenges.Furthermore, establishing a supportive network of volunteers or tech-savvy individuals can significantly aid in bridging the digital divide. These individuals can provideone-on-one guidance, troubleshoot issues, and offer ongoing support to the elderly as they navigate the digital landscape. Community centers, libraries, or senior living facilities could host regular workshops or drop-in sessions where seniors can seek assistance and ask questions in a safe and welcoming environment.Governments and policymakers also have a role to play in promoting digital inclusion for the elderly. Initiatives such as subsidized internet access, affordable devices, and tax incentives for businesses that offer digital literacy programs can helpremove financial barriers and encourage wider adoption of technology among older adults.Moreover, it is crucial to address the psychological barriers and misconceptions surrounding technology. Public awareness campaigns can help dispel myths and highlight the potential benefits of technology for enhancing quality of life, independence, and social connectedness for the elderly. By normalizing the use of digital tools and fostering a positive attitude towards embracing new technologies, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for older adults.In conclusion, bridging the digital divide for the elderly is a pressing issue that requires a collaborative effort from various stakeholders, including technology companies, educators, policymakers, and community members. By providing tailored training, prioritizing accessibility, offering ongoing support, and fostering a positive mindset towards technology, we can empower the elderly to overcome the barriers they face and fully participate in the digital world. Embracing technology not only enhances the independence and well-being of older adults but also creates a more inclusive and connected society for all.。



成对的英文短语1. "Two peas in a pod" - This phrase is used to describe two people who are very similar or have a close relationship. It implies that the two individuals are inseparable and often do things together.2. "Birds of a feather flock together" - This phrase means that people with similar interests, characteristics, or backgrounds tend to group or associate with each other. It suggests that like-minded individuals naturally gravitate towards one another.3. "Double trouble" - This phrase is used to describe a situation or two people who are causing or likely to cause twice as much mischief or problems. It implies that when these two individuals come together, their actions or behavior may have a greater impact.4. "Two sides of the same coin" - This phrase means that two things or people may appear different or opposite, but they are actually closely related or interconnected. It suggests that both sides are necessary to fully understand or appreciate the whole.5. "Dynamic duo" - This phrase refers to a pair of individuals who work together exceptionally well and complement each other's strengths. It implies that when these two people team up, they become a powerful and effective force.6. "Match made in heaven" - This phrase is used to describea couple or pairing that seems perfect or ideal for eachother. It suggests that the two individuals are meant to be together and have a harmonious relationship.7. "Two heads are better than one" - This phrase means that two people working together or collaborating can come upwith better ideas or solutions than one person alone. It implies that the combined knowledge, skills, and perspectives of two individuals can lead to better outcomes.8. "Inseparable duo" - This phrase describes two people who are always together or have a strong bond that cannot be easily broken. It suggests that the two individuals rely on each other and are rarely seen apart.9. "Lovebirds" - This phrase refers to a couple who are deeply in love and affectionate towards each other. It implies that their relationship is filled with warmth, tenderness, and romance.10. "Two peas in a pod, but different as night and day" - This phrase is used to describe two individuals who arevery similar in some ways, but also have distinct differences. It suggests that while they share commonalities, they also have unique qualities or characteristics that set them apart.。

发掘员工潜能 英文

发掘员工潜能 英文

发掘员工潜能英文Unlocking Employee Potential: A Comprehensive Guide for Organizations.The modern workplace is characterized by fierce competition, rapid technological advancements, and an ever-changing market landscape. In this dynamic environment, organizations that prioritize employee development and empowerment stand out as frontrunners. Employee potential, when harnessed effectively, serves as a catalyst for innovation, productivity, and organizational success. This comprehensive guide presents a holistic approach to uncovering and cultivating the untapped potential within every employee.Uncovering Hidden Strengths: Assessment and Identification.The journey towards unlocking employee potential begins with a thorough assessment of their strengths, skills, andaspirations. Organizations should implement robust talent assessment frameworks that combine objective data gathering with subjective evaluations. This multi-faceted approach encompasses:Performance Reviews: Regular performance evaluations provide valuable insights into employee strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth. Managers can leverage these assessments to identify patterns and pinpointspecific abilities that may be underutilized.Skill Inventories: Skill inventories compile a comprehensive list of each employee's technical and soft skills. They serve as a valuable resource for identifying hidden talents and potential areas of specialization.360-Degree Feedback: Gathering feedback from peers, superiors, and subordinates offers a well-rounded perspective on an employee's performance and development needs. This holistic approach uncovers blind spots and provides valuable insights for career planning.Self-Assessments: Empowering employees to conduct self-assessments encourages self-reflection and fosters a growth mindset. By articulating their strengths and areas for improvement, employees take ownership of their development journey.Tailoring Development Programs: Personalized Growth Pathways.Once employee potential has been identified, organizations must design customized development programs that align with individual needs and aspirations. This requires a shift from one-size-fits-all training initiatives to personalized learning pathways. Effective development programs incorporate:Mentoring and Coaching: Pairing employees with experienced mentors or coaches provides personalized guidance and support. Mentors can share their expertise, offer career advice, and help employees navigate organizational challenges.On-the-Job Training: Practical, hands-on experience is invaluable for developing skills and building confidence. Organizations should provide opportunities for employees to assume new responsibilities and tackle challenging projects.Formal Training and Education: Formal training programs, including workshops, conferences, andcertification courses, supplement on-the-job training and enhance theoretical knowledge.Self-Directed Learning: Encouraging employees topursue self-directed learning empowers them to take control of their development. Organizations can provide resources such as online learning platforms and subscriptions to industry publications.Fostering a Culture of Empowerment and Growth.Cultivating a work environment that values and supports employee growth is essential for unlocking potential. This requires organizations to shift their mindset and embrace a culture of empowerment and learning. Key elements of such aculture include:Clear Communication: Transparent communication about development opportunities and career paths empowers employees to make informed decisions about their future within the organization.Recognition and Rewards: Recognizing and rewarding employees for their growth and contributions fosters a sense of accomplishment and motivates them to continue developing their skills.Flexible Work Arrangements: Offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours, allows employees to balance their work and personal lives, creating a more conducive environment for growth.Psychological Safety: Creating a psychologically safe workplace where employees feel comfortable taking risks and sharing ideas encourages experimentation and innovation, leading to the emergence of hidden potential.Measuring and Evaluating Progress: Continuous Improvement.To ensure that employee development efforts are effective and aligned with organizational goals, regular measurement and evaluation are crucial. This involves:Goal Setting: Establishing clear development goals for each employee fosters accountability and provides a benchmark for progress tracking.Performance Monitoring: Continuous performance monitoring, beyond formal performance reviews, allows organizations to track employee development and identify areas for additional support.Return on Investment Analysis: Quantifying the return on investment (ROI) from employee development programs provides evidence of their impact and helps justify future investments.Conclusion: A Transformative Investment.Unlocking employee potential is not merely an HR initiative but a strategic investment in the future of the organization. By identifying hidden strengths, tailoring development programs, and fostering a culture of empowerment and growth, organizations can transform their workforce into a reservoir of innovation, productivity, and engagement. Embracing the principles outlined in this guide empowers employees to reach their full potential, driving organizational success and creating a vibrant, future-ready workplace.。

A Compulsory Course in the Comprehensive Review of

A Compulsory Course in the Comprehensive Review of

Brain function
A healthy die improves brain function by providing essential
nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, antibiotics, and B vitamins
02 03
Concentration and focus
Colorful fruits and vegetables
eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables to get a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antibiotics
Cultural and seasonal foods
Students will be required to actively participate in class discussions, complete assigned readings and writing tasks, and take practice tests to assess their progress Additionally, they will be expected to maintain a high level of attention and functionality
A balanced die can improve concentration and focus by regulating blood sugar levels and promoting the brain with a constant supply of energy



Grain boundary networks:Scaling laws,preferred cluster structure,and their implications for grain boundary engineeringMegan Frary,Christopher A.Schuh*Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,77Massachusetts Avenue,Cambridge,MA 02139,USAReceived 10January 2005;received in revised form 19May 2005;accepted 28May 2005Available online 18July 2005AbstractWithin the context of grain boundary engineering,where grain boundaries are classified as special vs.general,grain boundary networks are known to have non-random topologies and percolation thresholds which differ from randomly assembled networks.This non-random structure is due to crystallographically imposed local correlations among boundaries.In the present work,we sim-ulate crystallographically consistent grain boundary networks and measure four network properties:the cluster mass distribution,the average radius of gyration,the connectivity length and the strength of the percolating cluster.We find that for very large lattices,behavior of the crystallographically consistent networks is well described by the scaling laws of standard percolation theory.How-ever,at shorter length scales,the cluster mass distributions and radii of gyration are significantly non-random for both special and general boundaries as a result of the local correlations.In this regime,we observe strong preferences for some magic cluster struc-tures,and the scaling laws of percolation theory fail.The critical length scale separating these two classes of behavior is on the order of three grain diameters;this represents a new critical length scale for the statistical description of microstructures,and may figure into many microstructure–property relationships.Ó2005Acta Materialia Inc.Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Grain boundaries;Triple junctions;Percolation;Scaling laws1.IntroductionGrain boundary structure has long been known to play a critical role in many material properties,such as intergranular cracking and corrosion resistance [1–6],and the field of ‘‘grain boundary engineering’’is centered on improving properties by tailoring the character of grain boundaries.However,it has frequently been sug-gested that the properties of a material may depend not only upon the character of individual boundaries,but also on the connectivity of those boundaries most sus-ceptible to damage.The importance of grain boundary clusters,or connected paths,has been proposed in the context of stress corrosion cracking [7,8],intergranularfracture [9–11],grain boundary sensitization [12],super-conductivity [13–16],and wetting of internal interfaces [17].In fact,it has been proposed that constitutive rela-tions which depend on grain size could be adapted to incorporate a new length scale that depends on the char-acteristic length of grain boundary connectivity [18–20].As studies of grain boundary network topology and connectivity begin to emerge,the complexity of such networks is generally recognized as extreme given a five-parameter crystallographic description of each indi-vidual boundary in the network.Accordingly,a binary classification scheme is often applied to simplify the problem,where boundaries are labeled as ‘‘special’’or ‘‘general’’depending on their structure.This classifica-tion method is property-specific;for example,bound-aries with high misorientation angles are known to be detrimental to superconductivity [21–23],so in this case,1359-6454/$30.00Ó2005Acta Materialia Inc.Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2005.05.030*Corresponding author.E-mail address:schuh@ (C.A.Schuh).Acta Materialia 53(2005)4323–4335a binary low-angle vs.high-angle approach is used to differentiate special from general boundaries,respec-tively.Another example is for the case of intergranular cracking,where high-angle boundaries with coinci-dence-site lattice(CSL)relationships have been shown to resist damage[4,11].In the CSL framework,bound-aries whose misorientations are within an allowable tol-erance of an ideal CSL relationship are deemed special, with all other boundaries general.One of the emerging themes of grain boundary net-work science is the presence of non-random correlations among special and general grain boundaries.These cor-relations and their effects on network structure have been studied primarily at two scales to date:First,studies of correlations at the local level have focused on the triple junction distribution(TJD), which gives J i,the fraction of triple junctions coordi-nated by i(=0–3)special boundaries for a given glo-bal fraction of special boundaries.Fig.1illustrates a typical TJD for crystallographically consistent grain boundary networks[24],as well as the expectation curves for a random network.As compared to ran-domly assembled networks,J1and J3junctions are more abundant in crystallographically consistent grain boundary networks,while the population of J2junctions is decreased.These correlations are now well understood in terms of crystallographic constraints required to maintain consistency of grain orientations around triple junctions[24–26].We have also recently extended the study of local boundary correlations to the case of quadruple nodes[27].Second,the connectivity of grain boundary networks has been explored at quasi-infinite length scales through determination of the percolation thresholds for special and general grain boundaries.Due to the local correlations induced by crystallography,thepercolation thresholds are always shifted from the expectations of standard percolation theory,as has been demonstrated in two-dimensional(2D)as well as in three-dimensional(3D)networks with several different types of microstructures[24,26–28].Similar shifts in the percolation threshold are observed in a wide range of more typical‘‘correlated percolation’’problems[29–34],but in these problems the correla-tion is arbitrarily imposed,not inherent to the under-lying lattice as in grain boundary networks.Although the studies reviewed above have estab-lished the origin of correlations in the grain boundary network and demonstrated a shift in the percolation threshold,they have not yet explored the length scales between the local and infinite scales.In particular,there is nofirm understanding of how grain boundaries clus-ter at medium-and long-range below the percolation threshold,although such clustering behavior will cer-tainly be determinant in the structure–property relation-ships for the various problems described above.For example,the connectivity length n,a characteristic lin-ear dimension for grain boundary clusters,may be con-sidered a‘‘mean free path’’for potential intergranular damage[20].The purpose of this work is to explore the structure of grain boundary networks at medium and long-range length scales,with the following specific goals:1.To simulate very large boundary networks,whichapproximate infinite lattices in the thermodynamic limit,and to determine their lattice properties near the percolation threshold.In particular,network scal-ing relationships are assessed,offering a statistical description of any large microstructure given that the fraction of special boundaries is known.2.To investigate lattice properties at decreasing lengthscales down to the nearest neighbor level,where cor-relations are known to exist at triple junctions.This analysis is relevant for many materials problems where sample sizes are small enough that they may no longer be approximated as infinite lattices(e.g., in integrated circuits or microdevices).3.To identify the critical length scale below which localcorrelations dominate the lattice statistics;i.e.,to determine the scale at which a statistical description of the grain boundary network becomes feasible. 2.Simulation proceduresIn the present work,we have simulated both two-and three-dimensional microstructures,where orientations are assigned to each grain and grain boundary misorien-tations are determined from the orientations oftheneighboring grains,similar to the procedure used in [35].In 2D,most of the simulations were performed on microstructures where all grain boundaries had the same length and all grains had six sides (i.e.,a hexagonal lat-tice).Figs.2(a)and (b)illustrate two examples of these networks where only the general boundaries are shown and the global fraction of special boundaries is 0.5.Sim-ulations in 2D were also performed on irregular lattices like those in Figs.2(c)and (d),where the number of sides per grain was allowed to vary (although the aver-age number of sides was still equal to six).A Monte Carlo algorithm was used to create these structures by randomly inducing grain neighbor-switching events via the procedure illustrated in Fig.3.Beginning with a per-fect hexagonal lattice and sequentially applying these topological changes to randomly chosen boundaries,the distribution of grain shapes (i.e.,the number of sides per grain)could be controlled.Finally,to study 3D microstructures,grains were modeled as 14-sided tetra-kaidecahedra in a space-filling configuration [35–37].For any of these simulations in either 2D or 3D,all of the grains had a cubic crystal structure and unless noted otherwise,the 2D networks had 1500grains per side (2,250,000total grains)and the 3D networks had 100grains per side (1,000,000total grains).Crystallographic grain orientations were assigned with the same procedure,regardless of the lattice shape or dimension.To begin,all grains were initially assigned a common orientation,following which each grain wasrandomly rotated to within a prescribed tolerance about the Æ100æaxis;this procedure produces microstructures ranging from ideal cube to ideal fiber textures.Grain boundaries were classified as general or special based so-lely on their disorientation,with low-angle boundaries being labeled as special,and high-angle boundariesasFig.2.Representative grain boundary networks with 30grains per side,where p =0.5and only the general boundaries are shown.(a)and (b)are regular hexagonal lattices,while (c)and (d)are irregular lattices in which 30%of the grains have six sides.In (a)and (c),the boundaries were randomly assigned character.In (b)and (d),grain orientations were assigned and grain boundary misorientations calculated,resulting in crystallographically consistentnetworks.general.The fraction of special (or general)boundaries was varied by changing the allowed rotation of each grain (i.e.,the strength of the texture).The details of the resulting microstructures are described in greater de-tail in [24,27].This method for assigning grain boundary character was chosen because it produces networks with the strongest nearest-neighbor correlations studied to date [24,27,38].Realistic microstructures are expected to exhibit non-random behavior between that of a per-fectly random lattice and the microstructures simulated here;the present case is a limiting one.As we will see la-ter,the present results also directly extend to other,more complex cases such as twin-based grain boundary engineered structures.Once the character of each grain boundary was deter-mined,clusters of special (or general)boundaries were tracked and labeled using the Hoshen–Kopelman algo-rithm [39].In order to determine the percolation thresh-old more exactly for 2D crystallographically consistent hexagonal lattices,we also simulated lattices with 5000grains per side,where the Enhanced Hoshen–Kopelman technique [40],which is less memory-intensive,was used to identify and label grain boundary clusters.After all clusters were labeled,the mass and radius of gyration of each cluster was determined.The mass of a grain boundary cluster,s ,is simply the total number of grain boundaries comprising the cluster.For s <1000,the number of clusters with mass s was tracked explicitly during the simulation to find n s ,the number of clusters of a given mass per lattice site.1The radius of gyration of an individual cluster,R g ,is given byR 2g ¼P s i ¼1A i j r i Àr 0j 2P s i ¼1A i ;ð1Þwhere r i is a vector pointing to the center of the i thboundary in the cluster,and r 0points to the center of mass of the cluster,defined asr 0¼P si ¼1A i r iP si ¼1A i .ð2ÞIn these equations,A i is the area of the i th grain bound-ary.For the 2D networks,which represent the largest fo-cus of this work,all boundaries have an area (length)of2units.The average radius of gyration for clusters with mass s ,R s ,is found by averaging the radius of gyration of individual clusters,R g ,over all clusters with mass s .Using n s and R s ,the connectivity length,n ,is defined asn 2¼2P s R 2s s 2n sP s s 2n s.ð3ÞFinally,the strength of the largest,or ‘‘infinite’’,cluster,P ,was found for percolating systems by dividing the mass of the lattice-spanning cluster by the total mass of all clusters.3.Scaling laws for grain boundary networks in the thermodynamic limitIn line with our prior work [24,27,28],we will exam-ine the properties of the grain boundary network in the context of percolation theory.For such an exercise,the first step is to identify the percolation threshold,p c ,and our prior work has in fact assessed p c in both two and three dimensions for a variety of common microstruc-tural textures [24,26–28].The next step,which is re-quired to predict the structure of the network at or near p c ,is to determine the scaling behavior of the sys-tem.In this article,we will consider the scaling behavior of four network properties,each of which is a function of either the mass of a grain boundary cluster or the sys-tem Õs proximity to the percolation threshold (|p Àp c |).The four properties explored here are the average ra-dius of gyration of grain boundary clusters,R s ,the num-ber of clusters of a given mass per lattice site,n s ,the connectivity length,n ,and the strength of the ‘‘infinite’’or lattice-spanning cluster,P .These properties are rele-vant to the structure–property linkage in grain bound-ary engineered materials,and experimental tools to extract these properties from electron backscattered dif-fraction data are already available [20].At or near the percolation threshold,each of these properties exhibits a characteristic power-law dependence on s or |p Àp c |R s ¼C R s 1=D ðat p ¼p c Þ;ð4Þn s ¼C n s Às ðat p ¼p c Þ;ð5Þn ¼C n j p Àp c j Àm;ð6ÞP ¼C P j p Àp c j b ;ð7Þwhere the coefficients C x are amplitude prefactors that can vary with,e.g.,texture,and may give some physical insight on differences between microstructure types.The scaling exponents D ,s ,m ,and b are constants,and for a standard percolation problem depend only on the dimensionality of the lattice,regardless of the lattice shape;the scaling exponents for 2D and 3D lattices are given in Table 1from [41].In some correlated percolation problems with long-range correlations,the scaling exponents are changed [34,42,43],and such systems are said to be in a different universality class than standard percolation problems.However,provided the correlations act only over a short-range,the scaling exponents remain unchanged,even though the percolation thresholds may differ from those of standard percolation theory [30–32,44,45].As described in the introduction,grain boundary networks1It is important to note that n s is counted and not binned;when a binning procedure is used to find the cluster size distribution,the scaling exponent changes,owing to the integration over s that is implicit in binning.4326M.Frary,C.A.Schuh /Acta Materialia 53(2005)4323–4335are known to exhibit correlations at the local level,and their percolation thresholds are in fact shifted from those of a random network.It is not expected that the correlations exist over a particularly long-range[27,38], so in principle,we expect that the scaling exponents for grain boundary networks should be the same as those given in Table1for standard percolation prob-lems.In this section,we confirm this expectation andidentify the numerical values of the amplitude prefactors for these scaling laws.To begin,we verify that grain boundary networks are in the same universality class as random percolation problems in the thermodynamic limit through a study of the scaling laws,Eqs.(4)–(7). Although subsequent sections will consider the proper-ties of3D as well as irregular2D grain boundary net-works,for the purposes of this section we will consider only2D hexagonal networks.In standard percolation theory,where boundaries are randomly assigned character,the networks of special and general boundaries have perfectly complementary behavior around composition-symmetric percolation thresholds.However,in crystallographically consistent grain boundary networks,this symmetry is broken as special and general boundaries are not interchangeable. Therefore,the behavior of special and general boundary clusters in crystallographically consistent networks must be considered separately.Accordingly,we discuss three different cases in what follows:(i)special boundary clus-ters in randomly assembled networks;(ii)special bound-ary clusters in crystallographically consistent networks, and(iii)general boundary clusters in crystallographi-cally consistent networks.These three cases will hereaf-ter be referred to as random networks,special boundary networks,and general boundary networks,respectively. For each of the three cases,the percolation threshold, p c,will refer to the population of the particular type of boundary at which a percolation event occurs(i.e.,for random and special boundary networks,p c refers to the fraction of special boundaries,while in general boundary networks,p c refers to the fraction of general boundaries).Similarly,the fraction of boundaries p will simply refer to the global fraction of the relevant type of boundaries.In Fig.4,the average radius of gyration is plotted as a function of s at p c for all three types of networks.The different data sets are offset from one another by a factor of10in R s for clarity of presentation,and the solid lines represent the bestfit according to Eq.(4)using the value of D given in Table1.In Fig.4,we see that the crystal-lographically consistent networks are well described by the same scaling exponent as in standard percolation theory,although closer inspection reveals that each type of network has a different amplitude;from the bestfit, the values of C R were determined and are presented in Table2.For general boundary networks,C R=1.0, while in random networks,C R is found to be0.95;this indicates that clusters of the same mass will have a larger spatial extent in general boundary networks that in ran-dom networks.The cluster mass distribution at p c is also a function of cluster mass,as shown in Fig.5,where n s is plotted as a function of s for random networks,general Table2The percolation thresholds,p c,for special and general boundary networks determined on lattices with5000grains per sideProperty RandomnetworksGeneral boundarynetworksSpecial boundarynetworksp c0.65270.6012±0.00050.6888±0.001C R(at p c)0.95 1.00.93C n(at p c) 3.3·10À2 3.6·10À2 3.3·10À2CÀn0.890.88 1.29Cþn0.280.360.43C P 1.47 1.47 1.41For random and special boundary networks,p c is the fraction of special boundaries at which a percolation event occurs,while for general boundary networks,p c is the critical fraction of general boundaries.The other properties,C x,are the amplitude prefactors for the scaling laws which describe the average radius of gyration(C R, Eq.(4)),cluster mass distribution(C n,Eq.(5)),connectivity length(C n, Eq.(6)),and strength of the lattice-spanning cluster(C P,Eq.(7)).The values of C x were found byfitting the data in Figs.4–7to the scaling laws described in Eqs.(4)–(7).Table1Scaling exponents for standard percolation theory in2D and3Dlattices from[41]Exponent2D3DD(p=p c)91/48 2.53s(p=p c)187/91 2.18m4/30.88b5/360.41Values given as fractions of integers are assumed exact,while theothers are numerical estimates.M.Frary,C.A.Schuh/Acta Materialia53(2005)4323–43354327boundary networks and special boundary networks.The different data sets are again offset from one another by a factor of ten,and the lines represent the best fit accord-ing to Eq.(5)using the value of s given in Table 1.In this case,the data are again well described by the same scaling exponents as in standard percolation theory,and the fitted amplitude prefactors for all three types of net-works are also almost identical (Table 2).The connectivity length (Eq.(3))depends on both n s and R s and is defined both above and below the perco-lation threshold,as long as the lattice-spanning cluster is not included in the summation above p c .In Figs.6(a)and (b),the connectivity length on both sides of the per-colation threshold is shown as a function of |p Àp c |for all three networks,where the different data sets are offset by a factor of 10in n .As before,the amplitudes,C Àn be-low the percolation threshold and C þn above it,are found by fitting Eq.(6)to the data in Fig.6using the value of m given in Table 1,and the results are compiled in Table 2.On either side of the percolation threshold,C n for special boundary networks is higher than it is for random networks.Physically,this means any net-work of special boundaries will have a larger spatial ex-tent in crystallographically constrained networks than standard percolation theory would have predicted.Finally,the strength of the lattice-spanning cluster is plotted as a function of |p Àp c |in Fig.7,where the data sets are offset from one another by a factor of three in P .The lines represent the best fit according to Eq.(7)using the value of b given in Table 1,and in this case,the val-ues of C P tabulated in Table 2are very close,regardless of network type.In the case of crystallographically con-sistent networks,there is more scatter of the simulation data at low values of |p Àp c |;this is primarily due to uncertainty in the value of p c for these cases,as com-pared to the case of a random network for which p c is known exactlyanalytically.Fig.6.The connectivity length n as a function of |p Àp c |both below (a)and above (b)the critical point (given in Table 2)for random networks (diamonds),general boundary networks (squares,offset in n by a factor of 10),and special boundary networks (circles,offset in n by a factor of 100).Above the percolation threshold,the contribution of the lattice-spanning cluster is not included in the determination of n .These simulations used 2D hexagonal lattices,and the lines represent the best fit of Eq.(6)using the value of m given in Table 1.In the preceding discussion,the four network proper-ties werefitted to Eqs.(4)–(7)using the exponents given in Table1to determine the effects of crystallographic constraint on the amplitude prefactors.Anotherfitting exercise was also performed with these data,in which both the amplitude prefactors and the exponents in Eqs.(4)–(7)were allowed to vary.In every case,thefit-ted exponent was within6%of that for standard perco-lation theory(Table1)and in many cases was within1% of the tabulated exponent.These errors are in line with those cited by other researchers using simulations to determine scaling exponents[31,46,47]and are on the order of the uncertainty in these slope measurements due to noise from thefinite system size.Therefore,it is reasonable to conclude from these data that crystallo-graphically consistent2D grain boundary networks obey the same scaling laws as standard percolation the-ory.By extension,we conclude that the correlations in grain boundary networks act only overfinite length scales,since these systems are in the same universality class as standard percolation theory.This implies that for reasonably large microstructures,only p must be known and the relationships of standard percolation theory may be applied to determine lattice properties using Eqs.(4)–(7)as well as the other derivative scaling relationships for percolation problems[41];it is possible to infer the entire structure of a grain boundary net-work,including the cluster mass distribution and con-nectivity length,without recourse to a complex experimental analysis.However,a note of caution is re-quired in this regard.Although the scaling exponents in grain boundary networks are the same as those in ran-dom networks,the amplitude prefactors may be ex-pected to shift from system to system.In general,a shift in the percolation threshold is expected to herald a shift in the amplitudes C x,and p c is found to be depen-dent on the lattice geometry[41],definition of special boundaries[24,26,27],and the type of texture in the microstructure[24,27].We have looked at a very specific example,i.e.,an ideal,2D hexagonal lattice with idealized textures rang-ing fromfiber to cube,and where special vs.general boundary character is based on disorientation angle alone.Because this family of microstructures is the most correlated system studied to date at the nearest-neighbor level,we expect that it represents a limiting case for studies of physically realistic grain boundary networks. However,the main result here,namely that grain boundary networks are in the same universality class as standard percolation problems,allows an even broad-er conclusion to be drawn:the scaling behavior of any grain boundary network will follow Eqs.(4)–(7),as well as other standard scaling laws of percolation theory[41], with the power-law exponents in Table1.Due to the principle of universality,this assertion holds indepen-dently of many variables,including:1.The shape of the lattice,including any distribution ofgrain sizes or shapes.2.The crystallographic texture of the microstructure.3.The dimension of the grain boundary network;although our results in this section are for2D lattices, the scaling exponents for3D percolation problems are also tabulated[41],and will apply to any grain boundary network in3D.4.The definition of special vs.general boundaries;future developments with regard to the grain bound-ary structure–property relationship in the fullfive-parameter space[48,49]may refine the definition of boundary‘‘specialness’’,but the scaling behavior of the grain boundary networks are invariant to such refinements.5.Additional local correlations present in the micro-structure;here,we have considered only correlations among neighboring boundaries,although other local correlations can exist in microstructures(e.g.,grain to grain correlations among texture components which arise through recrystallization processes).Pro-vided such correlations act over afinite range,the scaling exponents in Table1will not be changed. 4.Medium-range effects of crystallographyIn the previous section,we showed that large(infi-nite)grain boundary networks obey the scaling laws of standard percolation theory.However,we expect that these laws must fail at the nearest-neighbor level,where the non-random correlations of crystallography alter the character of the TJD(cf.Fig.1).For example,the clus-ter mass distribution(Fig.5)is a function of s,and it must be affected by local correlations as s decreases to the nearest-neighbor level.This is explored in Fig.8, where the cluster mass distribution is plotted forrandomand special boundary networks;these are the same data from Fig.5,but we now focus on small values of s approaching the nearest-neighbor level.We see in Fig.8 that in this limit,the number of clusters with a given mass no longer decreases monotonically in special boundary networks as predicted by Eq.(5).Instead, small clusters with even values of s are up to10times less prevalent than expected,leading to an oscillatory cluster mass distribution.This breakdown of scaling behavior at small cluster masses is significant because real microstructural systems cannot always be approxi-mated as infinite;as the system size is reduced,the lo-cal-level crystallographic correlations will have a larger relative influence on the structure–property relation-ships.Obvious scenarios where such local effects may dominate include microscale systems,or the process zone around an advancing crack tip.For these reasons, it is of interest to consider how grain boundary networks behave on a smaller scale(e.g.,belowfifty grain diame-ters);it is the purpose of this section to explore correla-tions in grain boundary networks at medium-range through a study of grain boundary cluster structure.In order to appreciate how local correlations influ-ence the frequency and geometry of clusters with low mass,it will be useful to develop a taxonomy for grain boundary clusters(Fig.9).To begin,a cluster isfirst identified by its mass;the left column of Fig.9shows sample clusters with s=8,9,10and11that are formed on hexagonal lattices.Clusters with a given mass may assume different topological configurations which are called animals.Animals are labeled here a–b–c,where a is the number of J1triple junctions,b the number of J2triple junctions,and c the number of J3triple junc-tions that comprise the animal.To clarify this labeling scheme,several different example animals with s=9 are shown in the middle column of Fig.9.These animals have different topologies and are labeled as5–2–3,4–4–2, and1–7–1,based on the triple junctions in the animal. Finally,for any given animal,several different conforma-tions,i.e.,animals of the same topology but with differ-ent spatial configurations,are possible.An example of a few of the conformations with decreasing radius of gyra-tion of the2–8–0(s=9)animal are shown in the right column of Fig.9;645more conformations of this animal are also possible on a hexagonal lattice and are not shown.The most noticeable effects of crystallographic constraint on grain boundary clusters are evident when considering the distribution of animals of the same mass.Such a distribution is given by the fraction of animals,F,with each possible topology a–b–c for a given mass.For example,in a regular hexagonal lattice, there are eight topologically unique animals with s=9, and Figs.10(a)and(b)show the animal distributions for special boundary networks(F SB)and for random networks(F R),respectively,at p=0.55.In the random network case,the animal distribution is dominated by configurational entropy considerations;those animals with more possible configurations are present more often in the microstructure.In the case of special bound-ary networks,the crystallographic constraints compete with entropy and significantly shift the animal distribu-tion.In Fig.10(c),the value F SB is normalized by F R to illustrate the relative abundance of each animal directly induced by crystallographic constraint.As thefigure shows,6–0–4animals are more than100times more likely to occur in special boundary networks,while 2–8–0animals are nearly100times less prevalent.In other words,we see that compact,branched animals are preferred by four orders of magnitude as compared to elongated structures.This result can be understood on the basis of crystallographic constraints at the triple-junction level.As seen earlier in Fig.1,the popu-lation of J2junctions is suppressed in crystallographi-cally constrained networks,while J1and J3junctions are more abundant.Therefore,animals with fewer J2 triple junctions should be preferred to those with many J2triple junctions,and close inspection of Fig.10(c) shows that this is indeed the case;in thefigure,the data are sorted according to the number of J2junctions required to construct the animal.The above example for s=9clusters illustrates how short-range correlations lead to preferred cluster struc-ture at medium-range in grain boundary networks. However,we expect that this trend,i.e.,the predomi-nance of animals with fewer J2junctions,will persist for all values of s,even to very largestructures.。



Atomic Energy,Vol. 99,No.3,2005SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL COMMUNICATIONSSTRENGTH PROPERTIES AND IDIOSYNCRASIES OFTHE DEFORMATIONAL BEHA VIOR OF 15Kh2NMFA-ASTEEL AT TEMPERATURES 20–1100°CUDC 620.1:621.039.5;539.214 V. D. Loktionov,1O. V. Sosnin,2and I. V. Lyubashevskaya2 ArrayTranslated from Atomnaya Énergiya,V ol. 99,No. 3,pp. 229–232,September,2005. Original article submitted July 21, 2004.1063-4258/05/9903-0665©2005 Springer Science+Business Media,Inc.665Since the time baseline was relatively short,the tests were performed in air,which made it possible to determine accurately the degree of oxidation of the surface of the samples at various temperatures. Heating with duration up to the pre-scribed regime from 45 to 60 min was performed in the furnace space of the testing machines. The temperature during heat-ing and the tests was maintained to within 2°C,using a VRT regulator. Stretching diagrams of the samples during the tests were recorded in a continuous mode using a X–Y automatic plotter,the signal from which was fed into a DST force-mea-surement sensor. A more complete description of the testing procedure is presented in [5].Short-time Stretching Tests.The main purpose of these tests was to determine Young’s modulus,the conditional yield point,the ultimate rupture strength,the relative elongation,and the linear thermal expansion coefficient of the steel 6660204060801601208040ε, %σ, MPa800°C 825850875900930950100002004006008001000800600400200T , °Cσ, MPa312Fig. 1. Stretching diagram for 15Kh2NMFA-A steel in the range 800–1000°C.Fig. 2. Ultimate rupture strength (1) and conditional yield point (2) of 15Kh2NMFA-Asteel versus temperature:3– data from the Physics and Power-Engineering Institute [4].being investigated in the experimental temperature range. Since the initial phase of the stretching diagram is of greatest inter-est for determining the elastic modulus and the conditional yield point,two series of tests were conducted:stretching with deformation not more than 3% with a subsequent stage of unloading and stretching up to rupture in order to determine the complete stretching diagrams. To determine the influence of the rate of stretching on the short-time mechanical properties of the experimental material,a series of stretching tests with different velocity of the grips of the testing machines was con-ducted:a loading cycle of several seconds (velocity ~ 20 mm/min) and slow stretching of samples for 5 h. As expected,the difference between the deformation diagrams of the samples was substantial for all cut-out directions [5]. Consequently,the subsequent stretching tests to determine the short-time mechanical properties of 15Kh2NMFA-A steel were conducted with the grips of the testing machine moving with a velocity of 20 mm/min.A series of tests with uniaxial stretching was conducted to study the anisotropy of the mechanical properties of the experimental steel. It was found that the stretching diagrams of all samples are identical in the experimental temperature range. However,an anisotropy of the mechanical properties is observed at a testing temperature of 750°C:the samples cut out along the normal to the surface of the bottom were found to be strongest,their ultimate rupture strength was 20 MPa high-er than the value obtained for samples cut out along the other two directions (in the tangential plane to the surface of the bot-tom) [5]. This can probably be attributed to the technological idiosyncracies of the fabrication of the bottom (the character of formation,forging,and heat treatment) and structural transformations in the experimental steel in this temperature range.The deformation diagram for 15Kh2NMFA-A steel at 950°C (Fig. 1) was obtained in tests over several loading and unloading cycles. Evidently,the deformation of the steel at 800°C has a certain idiosyncrasy:the ultimate rupture strength is much lower than that observed at 825–900°C. Additional tests performed at 800°C confirm the initial results. It is evident in Fig. 2 that at 800–830°C similar changes are observed in the mechanical properties studied. Investigation of the behavior of Young’s modulus in the experimental temperature range showed that the steel softens at a temperature near 800°C (Fig. 3).The modulus of elasticity was determined along the unloaded sections of the deformation diagrams obtained in the first series of tests (with the limiting deformation of the samples not exceeding 3%). The results of the tests were analyzed in accordance with GOST 1497–84 (ISO 6892–84) and 9651–84 (ISO 783–89).The longitudinal elongation of one of the experimental samples heated up to 1200°C in the absence of an external load (see Fig. 3) was measured to determine the temperature coefficient of expansion of the experimental steel. The average temperature coefficient of expansion of 15Kh2NMFA-A steel in the range 20–800°C,obtained by a least-squares fit of the 667040080010002402001601208040252015105T , °C E , GPa α, 106 1/°C 12Fig. 3. Variation of the modulus of elasticity (1) and the average thermal expansioncoefficient (2) of 15Kh2NMFA-A steel in the range 20–1200°C.experimental data,is 18·10–61/°C [5]. It should be noted that during the stretching tests at temperatures above 1050°C intense oxidation of the sample material,accompanied by the formation and cracking of scale during stretching,was observed.It is of interest to estimate the contribution of the viscous component in the total deformation on the initial section of deformation during short-term stretching of the sample. Specifically,for a testing temperature of 1000°C and velocity of the grips of the testing machine 20 mm/min it was found that the creep deformation does not exceed 5% of the total defor-mation of the sample 1 sec after stretching starts. The viscous component of the deformation was calculated by numerical simulation of creep with boundary conditions corresponding to the test being considered,taking account of hardening at the 66811010010010ξ, %/h σ, MPa850°C800900950100010500.1110100100010010τ, h σ, MPa850750600°C80065070090095010001050Fig. 4. Minimum creep rate of 15Kh2NMFA-A steel versus stress during tests of samples in the range 800–1050°C.Fig. 5. Time to rupture of 15Kh2NMFA-A steel versus stress for differenttemperatures of the creep tests.initial stage of deformation. The constants in the creep model were determined by statistical analysis of the test results for creep of 15Kh2NMFA-A steel at 1000°C and refined iteratively using a specially developed procedure. This procedure included numerical simulation of the creep of the sample,comparing the results of simulation with experimental data,and subsequent iteration correction of the constants in the creep model.Creep Tests.Creep tests in the range 600–1100°C with an interval of 50 degrees were conducted on a time baseline up to 7 h. For several experiments,the time baseline was expanded to 24 h [5]. The stresses in the sample during the tests were maintained constant by adjusting the instantaneous load. As a result of intense oxidation at 1100°C,only one creep curve at a stress of 20 MPa was obtained. The stress level during the tests was varied from 280 MPa at 600°C to 20 MPa at 1050°C.Mathematical analysis of the test results made it possible to obtain some generalized characteristics of creep of the experimental steel in the experimental temperature range. Analysis of the dependence of the normal creep rate on the stress and temperature of the tests (Fig. 4) showed that,specifically,creep at 800–1100°C is a thermally activated process:on the average,increasing the testing temperature by 50°C with the same stress level in the sample results in more than doubling of the rate of steady creep. The minimum creep rate was determined by statistical analysis of the time dependences of the rate of creep deformation which were obtained from the initial diagrams. An almost linear relation is obtained between the act-ing stress and the time to rupture with creep of VVÉR vessel steel (Fig. 5).The tests made it possible to construct a stretching diagram and determine the short-time mechanical properties of 15Kh2NMFA-A steel in the range 20–1100°C:Young’s modulus,the ultimate rupture strength,the conditional yield point, and the temperature coefficient of expansion. It was determined that internal structural transformations are observed in the region 775–820°C. This is reflected in the mechanical characteristics of the steel. Creep tests at 600–1100°C with a time base-line up to 7 h made it possible to determine the dependence of the time to rupture on the stress,the constants in the equation for the minimum creep rate,and the dependence of the minimum creep rate on the stress at different testing temperatures. The results obtained are the basis for future investigations of the mechanical properties of 15Kh2NMFA-A steel at tempera-tures above 1100°C and with a time baseline of at least 50 h,and they can be used to substantiate VVÉR safety during an unanticipated accident with partial or complete destruction of the core.We thank A. S. Sidorov (Design-Construction Affiliate,Rosénergoatom concern) and Yu. V. Il’in (Komplekt-Atom-Izhora) for assistance and support in performing this work.REFERENCES1. Mid-term Review Symposium on Shared-Cost and Concerted Actions in Reactor Safety FISA-97,EU Research inReactor Safety,November 17–19,1997,Luxembourg (1998).2. Conclusion Symposium on Shared-Cost and Concerted Actions FISA-99,EU Research in Reactor Safety,November29–Decmber 1,1999,Luxembourg (2000).3. In-Vessel Coolability and Retention of a Core Melt,DOE/ID-10460,Center for Risk Studies and Safety (1996),V ol.1.4. Yu. N. Likhachev,É. A. Ershov,V. N. Korolev,and V. M. Troyanov,“Computational-experimental investigations ofthe thermomechanical processes in a reactor vessel,”in:Problem of Confining Core Melt in a Reactor Vessel, Obninsk (1994),pp. 118–177.5. Determination of Short-Time Mechanical Properties and Creep Parameters of the Alloy 15Kh2NMFA-A atTemperatures 20–800°C,MÉI Report (TU),No. Gos. Reg. 010********,Inv. No. 022********,Moscow (2003).669。



The Empirical Econometrics and Quantitative Economics LettersISSN 2286 – 7147 © EEQEL all rights reservedVolume 2, Number 2 (June 2013), pp. 97 – 100. Strength of investor protection and competition in ICT industry: A focus on internet and telephony markets inAsian countriesEkaphak Amornmekin and Komsan SuriyaFaculty of Economics, Chiang Mai UniversityE-mail:********************ABSTRACTInvestor protection is controversial in ICT industry such that the high investor protection may harm the industry, prevent new comers to enterinto the market and induce collusions among dominant firms. This study provides another evidence of the relationship between strength of investor protection and competition in ICT industry. It uses OLS and Tobit to analyze the data from 144 countries. The findings reveal that the higher investor protection will induce higher competition. It means that potential investors prefer to enter into a market where they are well protected. Therefore, the number and quality of investors in these markets are high. They tend to compete rather than collude with other firms in the same market. However, this relationship is weakened in Asian countries. It means that even though the investor protection is goodbut the Asian markets are still risky by other uncontrollable factors suchas politics. Therefore, quality investors may hesitate to enter into these markets and consequently the competition is not so high.Keywords:ICT industry, Investor protection, Competition, Internet,Teleph ony98 EEQEL Vol. 2, No. 2 (June 2013) E. Amornmekin and K. Suriya1. IntroductionInvestor protection is controversial in ICT industry such that the high investor protection may harm the industry, prevent new comers to enter into the market and induce collusions among dominant firms. This study provides another evidence of the relationship between strength of investor protection and competition in ICT industry. It focuses on the internet and telephony markets in Asian countries.2. Methodology and modelsIt uses OLS and Tobit to analyze the data from 144 countries around the world. The data of competition in ICT industry are from the Networked Readiness Index (NRI) in 2012 provided by World Economic Forum (WEF) and the strength of investor protection are from the World Bank in 2012.The OLS and Tobit models are set as follows:Competition= α+β1Protection+β2(Asia*Protection)where Competition = Competition index (ranges from 0 – 2)Protection = Strength of investor protection (ranges from 0 – 10)Asia = Dummy variable indicating being an Asian country3. ResultsThe results from Ordinary Least Squares with robust estimator (Suriya, 2010) shows that the higher strength of investor protection leads to higher competition in the internet and telephony markets (Table 1).Tobit estimation which limits the dependent variable within 0 and 2 also confirms that the investor protection plays a significant role in welcoming competition among firms (Table 2).Both models present that the effect is weakened in Asian countries. The level of competition reduces around a half for ICT markets in Asia. However, the net effect is still positive for the relationship between the investor protection and competition.The Empirical Econometrics and Quantitative Economics Letters 99 Table 1: OLS estimations of the relationship between strength of investor protection and competition in internet and telephony marketTable 2: Tobit estimations of the relationship between strength of investor protection and competition in internet and telephony market100 EEQEL Vol. 2, No. 2 (June 2013) E. Amornmekin and K. Suriya4. ConclusionsThis study reveals that the higher investor protection will induce higher competition. It means that potential investors prefer to enter into a market where they are well protected. Therefore, the number and quality of investors in these markets are high. They tend to compete rather than collude with other firms in the same market. However, this relationship is weakened in Asian countries. It means that even though the investor protection is good but the Asian markets are still risky by other uncontrollable factors such as politics. Therefore, quality investors may hesitate to enter into these markets and consequently the competition is not so high.Further studies should be conducted by introducing more controllable variables into the model. Moreover, it should provide more choices of the dependent variable that represents the protection in ICT industry. An interesting issue for the next research work is the relationship between market protection from foreign share holding and competition in ICT industry.REFERENCESSuriya, Komsan. 2010. Econometrics for Development Economics. Chiang Mai: Center for Quantitative Analysis, Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University.World Economic Forum. 2012. The Global Information Technology Report. Geneva: SRO – Kundig.Below is given annual work summary, do not need friends can download after editor deleted Welcome to visit againXXXX annual work summaryDear every leader, colleagues:Look back end of XXXX, XXXX years of work, have the joy of success in your work, have a collaboration with colleagues, working hard, also have disappointed when encountered difficulties and setbacks. Imperceptible in tense and orderly to be over a year, a year, under the loving care and guidance of the leadership of the company, under the support and help of colleagues, through their own efforts, various aspects have made certain progress, better to complete the job. For better work, sum up experience and lessons, will now work a brief summary.To continuously strengthen learning, improve their comprehensive quality. With good comprehensive quality is the precondition of completes the labor of duty and conditions. A year always put learning in the important position, trying to improve their comprehensive quality. Continuous learning professional skills, learn from surrounding colleagues with rich work experience, equip themselves with knowledge, the expanded aspect of knowledge, efforts to improve their comprehensive quality.The second Do best, strictly perform their responsibilities. Set up the company, to maximize the customer to the satisfaction of the company's products, do a good job in technical services and product promotion to the company. And collected on the properties of the products of the company, in order to make improvement in time, make the products better meet the using demand of the scene.Three to learn to be good at communication, coordinating assistance. On‐site technical service personnel should not only have strong professional technology, should also have good communication ability, a lot of a product due to improper operation to appear problem, but often not customers reflect the quality of no, so this time we need to find out the crux, and customer communication, standardized operation, to avoid customer's mistrust of the products and even the damage of the company's image. Some experiences in the past work, mentality is very important in the work, work to have passion, keep the smile of sunshine, can close the distance between people, easy to communicate with the customer. Do better in the daily work to communicate with customers and achieve customer satisfaction, excellent technical service every time, on behalf of the customer on our products much a understanding and trust.Fourth, we need to continue to learn professional knowledge, do practical grasp skilled operation. Over the past year, through continuous learning and fumble, studied the gas generation, collection and methods, gradually familiar with and master the company introduced the working principle, operation method of gas machine. With the help of the department leaders and colleagues, familiar with and master the launch of the division principle, debugging method of the control system, and to wuhan Chen Guchong garbage power plant of gas machine control system transformation, learn to debug, accumulated some experience. All in all, over the past year, did some work, have also made some achievements, but the results can only represent the past, there are some problems to work, can't meet the higher requirements. In the future work, I must develop the oneself advantage, lack of correct, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, for greater achievements. Looking forward to XXXX years of work, I'll be more efforts, constant progress in their jobs, make greater achievements. Every year I have progress, the growth of believe will get greater returns, I will my biggest contribution to the development of the company, believe inyourself do better next year!I wish you all work study progress in the year to come.。




strength的用法总结大全strength的意思n. 力量,优点,长处,(光、声、色等的)力度,人力[数]strength用法strength可以用作名词strength的基本意思是“力”,可指具体人的“力气”或“体力”,也可指抽象的“精力”“意志力”“经济实力”等,还可指“人力,兵力”。


at full strength的意思是“未稀释的,定额”; go from strength to strength的意思是“不断壮大”; in strength的意思是“大量地”; on the strength的意思是“在编”; on the strength of的意思是“基于,依据,凭着”。

strength用作名词的用法例句I have hardly enough strength left to move my feet.我连移动双脚的力气都几乎没有了。

In this game, you need more science than strength.在这项比赛中,技巧比力气更重要。

By doing so, you can test the strength of steel.这样做,你可以试验一下钢的强度。

strength用法例句1、The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.当你从内心深处找到一种可以忍受一切痛苦的坚强力量时,你的成长历程就会出现飞跃。



健身器材英语作文Fitness equipment plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and achieving physical fitness goals. In this essay we will explore various types of fitness equipment and their benefits.Cardiovascular MachinesCardiovascular machines are essential for improving heart health and burning calories. They include1. Treadmills These are used for walking jogging or running in a controlled environment. They often come with features like incline and speed adjustments to vary the intensity of the workout.2. Elliptical Trainers These machines mimic the motion of running but reduce the impact on joints. They provide a fullbody workout engaging both the upper and lower body.3. Stationary Bikes Also known as spin bikes these are great for lowimpact workouts. They can help improve leg strength and cardiovascular health.4. Rowing Machines These provide a total body workout focusing on the muscles in the arms legs and core. They are excellent for building strength and endurance.Strength Training EquipmentStrength training is vital for building muscle and increasing metabolism. Common strength training equipment includes1. Dumbbells These are versatile and can be used for a wide range of exercises targeting different muscle groups.2. Barbells Used for compound movements like bench presses squats and deadlifts barbells are essential for building overall strength.3. Resistance Bands These are portable and offer variable resistance levels making them ideal for travelers or those with limited space.4. Weight Machines These machines are designed for specific exercises providing support and guidance for proper form.Balance and Flexibility ToolsImproving balance and flexibility can prevent injuries and improve overall physical performance. Some tools for this include1. Yoga Mats Essential for yoga and stretching exercises they provide a comfortable surface for various floorbased workouts.2. Bosu Balls Half ball half platform Bosu balls are used to improve balance and core strength.3. Stability Balls These can be used for a variety of exercises including core workouts and balance training.4. Foam Rollers Used for myofascial release foam rollers help with muscle recovery and flexibility.Functional Training EquipmentFunctional training equipment is designed to mimic everyday movements and improve overall body function. Examples include1. Kettlebells These are used for a variety of dynamic exercises that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously.2. Sleds Pulled or pushed sleds can be used for intense strength and conditioning workouts.3. Battle Ropes These long ropes provide a highintensity workout that engages the entire body particularly the core.4. Suspension Trainers Systems like TRX use body weight to perform hundreds of exercises that build strength flexibility and balance.In conclusion a wellrounded fitness routine incorporates a variety of equipment to target different aspects of physical health. Whether youre a beginner or a seasoned athleteunderstanding the purpose and proper use of fitness equipment is key to achieving your fitness goals safely and effectively.。

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a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0508019v 2 [c o n d -m a t .s t r -e l ] 21 A u g 2005Strength of the d x 2−y 2pairing in the two-leg Hubbard ladderN.Bulut and S.MaekawaInstitute for Materials Research,Tohoku University,Sendai 980-8577,JapanCREST,Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST),Kawaguchi,Saitama 332-0012,Japan(Dated:August 21,2005)In the ground state of the doped two-leg Hubbard ladder there are power-law decaying d x 2−y 2-type pairing correlations.It is important to know the strength and the temperature scale of these correlations.For this purpose,we have performed determinantal Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC)cal-culations of the reducible particle-particle interaction in the Hubbard ladder.In this paper,we report on these calculations and show that,at sufficiently low temperatures,resonant particle-particle scat-tering takes place in the d x 2−y 2pairing channel for certain values of the model parameters.The QMC data presented here indicate that the d x 2−y 2pairing correlations are strong in the Hubbard ladder.PACS numbers:71.10.Fd,71.10.Li,74.20.RpIt is generally accepted that the high-T c cuprates [1]are d x 2−y 2-wave superconductors [2,3].It is also known that the spin-fluctuation exchange in electronic models [4,5]and an electron-phonon interaction which has its largest coupling at small wavevectors [6,7,8]can lead to an effective electron-electron interaction which is at-tractive in the d -wave Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS)pairing channel.However,it is not yet clear what is the pairing interaction responsible for superconductivity in the high-T c cuprates.Within this context,it is im-portant to determine the maximum possible strength of the d x 2−y 2pairing correlations which one can obtain in a purely electronic model such as the Hubbard model.Unfortunately,the ground state of the two-dimensional (2D)Hubbard model remains beyond the reach of the exact many-body techniques [9].However,in the case of the two-leg Hubbard ladder,the Density Matrix Renor-malization Group (DMRG)calculations found power-law decaying d x 2−y 2-type pair-field correlations [10,11].This is probably the only model where it is known from exact calculations that the pairing correlations get enhanced by turning on an onsite Coulomb repulsion in the ground state [11,12].Hence,it is important to determine the maximum possible strength and the temperature scale of the d x 2−y 2pairing correlations in the Hubbard ladder,which is the main motivation of this paper.Here,we present Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC)results on the reducible particle-particle interaction Γin the BCS channel,which is illustrated in Fig.1.The reducible Γserves as a powerful probe of the pairing correlations.For example,in the case of an s -wave superconductor,Γat the Fermi surface would diverge to −∞due to repeated particle-particle scatterings in the BCS channel,whenthe superconducting transition is approached,T →T +c .In this paper,we investigate the strength of thed x 2−y 2pairing in the Hubbard ladder by making use of the exact QMC data on Γ.In the following,we show that the reducible particle-particle interaction Γin the Hubbard ladder exhibits di-Γp−pp’FIG.1:Feynman diagram for the reducible particle-particle interaction Γ(p ′|p )in the BCS channel.Here,p denotes (p ,iωn )with Matsubara frequency ωn .In this diagram,the incoming fermions at states p with up spin and −p with down spin scatter to states p ′with up spin and −p ′with down spin by exchanging q =p ′−p .verging behavior as the temperature is lowered for cer-tain values of the model parameters.We find that,on the Fermi surface,Γcan become strongly repulsive (attrac-tive)for q ≈(π,π)(q ≈0)momentum transfers,which correspond to backward (forward)scatterings.In partic-ular,near half-filling and for Coulomb repulsion U =4t and temperature T =0.1t ,where t is the hopping ma-trix element,the backward and forward scattering am-plitudes can become an order of magnitude larger than the bare Coulomb repulsion or the bare bandwidth.This type of momentum dependence of Γimplies that reso-nant particle-particle scattering is taking place in the BCS channel already at T ≈0.1t .For U =8t ,we observe similar behavior at about twice higher temperatures.The temperatures studied in this paper are lower than those reached in previous QMC calculations of Γfor the 2D [13]and the two-leg [14]Hubbard models.In addition,we present results on the solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation in the BCS channel,which quantitatively de-termines the strength of the pairing correlations.The QMC data shown in this paper imply that the d x 2−y 2-type pairing in the two-leg Hubbard ladder is strong for certain values of the model parameters.We begin by briefly describing the previous studies of d x 2−y 2pairing in the Hubbard ladder.The DMRG cal-culations found that the rung-rung pair-field correlation function decays as power law in the ground state of the2doped Hubbard ladder[10].The mean-field calculations suggested thed x 2−y 2type of symmetry for pairing in doped spin ladders [15].The exact-diagonalization [12]and the DMRG [11]calculations found that the d x 2−y 2pairing correlations are most enhanced when the inter-chain hopping t ⊥is greater than the intrachain hopping t ,in particular,for t ⊥≈1.5t in the intermediate cou-pling regime and near half-filling.In this case,the QMC calculations showed that the irreducible particle-particle interaction peaks for momentum transfers near (π,π)due to antiferromagnetic fluctuations [14].The two-leg Hubbard model is defined byH =−t i,λ,σ(c †i,λ,σc i +1,λ,σ+h .c .)−t ⊥i,σ(c †i,1,σc i,2,σ+h .c .)+Ui,λn i,λ,↑n i,λ,↓−µi,λ,σn i,λ,σ,(1)where t is the hopping parameter parallel to the chains(along ˆx ),and t ⊥is for hopping perpendicular to the chains (along ˆy ).The operator c †i,λ,σ(c i,λ,σ)creates (an-nihilates)an electron of spin σat site i of chain λ,and n i,λ,σ=c †i,λ,σc i,λ,σis the electron occupation number.As usual,U is the onsite Coulomb repulsion,and µis the chemical potential.In addition,periodic boundary conditions were used along the chains,and t ⊥denotes interchain hopping for open boundary conditions.In obtaining the data presented here,the determinan-tal QMC technique described in Ref.[16]was used.The calculation of the reducible interaction Γfollows the pro-cedure described in Ref.[13]for the 2D case.The BCS component of the reducible particle-particle interaction Γ(p ′|p )is illustrated in Fig.1,where p =(p ,iωn )with Matsubara frequency ωn =(2n +1)πT .In the following,results will be shown for the reducible interaction in the singlet channel,Γs (p ′|p )=1πIm G (p ,ω+iδ),where G is the single-particle Green’s function,and discuss the location of the Fermi-surface crossing points.We have obtained A (p ,ω)from the QMC data on the single-particle Green’s function along the Matsubara-time axis by using the maximum-entropy analytic con-tinuation method.Figure 2shows A (p ,ω)versus ωfor T =0.1t ,U =4t ,t ⊥=1.6t and n =0.94.Here,we see that the Fermi level crossing for the antibond-FIG.2:(color online)Single-particle spectral weight A (p ,ω)versus ωat various p .The solid and dotted curves represent the bonding (p y =0)and antibonding (p y =π)bands,re-spectively.These results are for T =0.1t ,U =4t ,t ⊥=1.6t and n =0.94.The arrows denote the quasiparticle positions for the U (p y =π)band occurs for p x between π/8and π/4,while for the bonding (p y =0)band there is spectral weight pinned near the Fermi level for 3π/4≤p x ≤πat this temperature.These results for A (p ,ω)are sim-ilar to those presented in Refs.[11,14].In the fol-lowing,Γs (p ′,iπT |p ,iπT )versus p will be shown for p ′=(π/4,π)near the Fermi level and for p ′=(0,π)at the saddle point.Figure 3(a)shows Γs (p ′,iπT |p ,iπT )versus p while p ′is kept fixed at (π/4,π).In the left panel,p x is scanned from −πto πfor p y =0,while in the right panel p x is scanned for p y =π.Here,it is seen that repulsive and attractive peaks develop in Γs ,as T de-creases from 0.25t to 0.1t .In particular,in the left panel it is seen that,when p ≈(−3π/4,0),a repulsive peak develops in Γs ,which corresponds to a scattering pro-cess with momentum transfer q ≈(π,π).In addition,in the right panel it is observed that a dip develops in Γs when p ≈p ′=(π/4,π)corresponding to zero mo-mentum transfer.This dip is due to resonant scattering in the d x 2−y 2-wave BCS channel.In a three-dimensional infinite system,when a d x 2−y 2-wave superconducting in-stability is approached,Γs (p ′,iπT |p ,iπT )at the Fermi level diverges to +∞for backward scattering,and to −∞for forward scattering,which will be further discussed be-low.In Fig.3(a),it is seen that Γs is developing this type of repulsive and attractive peaks at T of order 0.1t .Figure 3(b)shows Γs (p ′,iπT |p ,iπT )versus p while p ′is kept fixed at the saddle point (0,π).In this case,ΓsFIG.3:Reducible particle-particle interaction in the singlet channelΓs(p′,iπT|p,iπT)versus p x.Here,p x is scanned for p y=0(left panel)and for p y=π(right panel).In(a),p′is keptfixed at(π/4,π),while in(b),p′=(0,π).Here,Γs is shown in units of t for U=4t,t⊥=1.6t and n =0.94. develops a peak when p=(±π,0),corresponding to scat-tering with q=(π,π)momentum transfer.The magni-tude of this peak is comparable to that seen in the left panel of Fig.3(a).However,the behavior for q=0 momentum transfer is different.As observed in the right panel of Fig.3(b),Γs for q=0scattering remains pinned near zero for T down to0.125t,and becomes attractive only below this temperature.Hence,at the saddle point (0,π),the resonant scattering inΓs for q=0momentum transfer is weaker compared to that at(π/4,π).Figure4shows the T dependence of the backward and forward scattering components ofΓs.Here,Γs is plotted as a function of the inverse temperatureβfor momentum transfers q=(π,π)and(π/8,0),while p′is keptfixed at(π/4,π).Thisfigure shows that,near the Fermi level, the backward and forward scattering amplitudes increase rapidly at low T,becoming an order of magnitude larger than the bare Coulomb repulsion at T≈0.1t.Figures3and4display the main features ofΓs,which can be summarized as follows:At low T,there are strong q≈(π,π)scatterings over the whole Brillouin zone,while the q≈0scatterings are most attractive near the Fermi surface.These features were observed at n =0.94and0.875,and for U=4t and8t.The FIG.4:Reducible particle-particle interaction in the singlet channelΓs(p′,iπT|p,iπT)versus the inverse temperatureβfor backward(q=(π,π))and forward(q=(π/8,0))scatter-ings.Here,p=p′+q and p′is keptfixed at(π/4,π).These results are for U=4t,t⊥=1.6t and n Renormalization-Group(RG)technique is also utilized to obtain the momentum dependence ofΓin the Hubbard model[17,18].It would be useful to make comparisons of the QMC and the RG results for the mo-mentum dependence ofΓin the ladder case.In order to determine the strength of the pairing cor-relations,the Bethe-Salpeter equation for the reducible particle-particle interaction in the BCS channel,λαNp′Γ(p|p′)|G(p′)|2φα(p′),(2)was solved forλαand the corresponding eigenfunctions φα(p,iωn)by using QMC data onΓand the single-particle Green’s function G(p).For a three-dimensional infinite system,when the maximumλαreaches1,this signals a BCS instability to a state where the pair wave function has the form of the corresponding eigenfunc-tion.For a one-dimensional system,λα’s will always be less than1,however,the T dependence ofλα’s gives in-formation about the characteristic temperature scale of the pairing correlations.For instance,if the maximum eigenvalue reaches0.9at some temperature,then this means that the leading pairing correlations are enhanced by a factor of10through repeated particle-particle scat-terings in the BCS channel.Hence,at this temperature, the system would exhibit strong pairingfluctuations.At low temperatures,the maximumλαof the Bethe-Salpeter equation corresponds to an eigenfunction φd(p,iωn)which has d x2−y2type of symmetry in the sense that it changes sign as p goes from(π,0)to(0,π)in the Brillouin zone[14].The temperature evolution of the d x2−y2-wave irreducible eigenvalueλd is shown in Figure 5(a)for U=4t and t⊥=1.6t.As T decreases,λd grows monotonically reaching0.75at T=0.1t for n =0.94. The simple extrapolation of these results suggests that λd will reach0.9at T>0.05t for n =0.94.At the temperatures where these calculations were performed,FIG.5:d -wave irreducible eigenvalue λd of the Bethe-Salpeter equation versus T (a)for U =4t and t ⊥=1.6t ,and (b)for U =8t and t ⊥=1.4t .Here,the errorbars are smaller than the size of the symbols.λd decreases upon doping ton =0.875.Because of the QMC “fermion sign problem”[19],these data were ob-tained by using parallel computers.Also shown in Fig.5(b)is λd for U =8t and t ⊥=1.4t .We find that,at T ≥0.25t ,λd takes larger values for U =8t than for U =4t .These results indicate that the d x 2−y 2pairing correlations are strong in the Hubbard ladder.An important feature of the QMC data presented here is that,at sufficiently low T ,Γs near the Fermi level be-comes strongly attractive for q ≈0momentum transfers.This is due to resonant scattering in the d x 2−y 2-wave BCS channel.In order to demonstrate this effect,consider the case of an irreducible interaction ΓI which is independent of frequency and separable in momentum,ΓI (p ′|p )= αV αg α(p ′)g α(p )(3)where αdenotes the various pairing channels.In thiscase,the reducible interaction is given byΓ(p ′|p )=αV α2(cos p x−cos p y ).If the d x 2−y 2component ofΓI is attractive and gets sufficiently enhanced,here it is observed that Γfor q =p ′−p ≈0can become attrac-tive.When a d x 2−y 2-wave BCS instability is approached,then,at the Fermi surface,Γs diverges to −∞for q ≈0scatterings and to +∞for q ≈(π,π)scatterings.The important point is that the exact QMC data for Γs also exhibit this type of momentum dependence in the Hub-bard ladder at temperatures which are not low.In summary,we have presented QMC data on the re-ducible particle-particle interaction Γs in order to de-termine the strength and the temperature scale of the d x 2−y 2pairing correlations in the two-leg Hubbard lad-der.We found that Γs displays diverging behavior as the temperature decreases.In particular,Γs exhibits reso-nant scattering in the d x 2−y 2pairing channel as it would be expected for a system near a d x 2−y 2BCS instabil-ity.We have also shown results on the solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation to quantitatively determine the strength of the d x 2−y 2pairing.The QMC data presented in this paper indicate that the d x 2−y 2pairing correlations in the Hubbard ladder are strong for certain values of the model parameters.We note that,for comparison,it would be useful to investigate the strength of d x 2−y 2pairing for a two-leg ladder system which includes both onsite Coulomb and electron-phonon interactions.The authors thank C.Honerkamp,Z.X.Shen,and T.Tohyama for helpful discussions.Part of the numerical calculations reported in this paper were carried out at the ULAKBIM High Performance Computing Center at the Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council.One of us (N.B.)would like to thank the International Frontier Center for Advanced Materials at Tohoku Uni-versity for its kind hospitality,and gratefully acknowl-edges support from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and the Turkish Academy of Sciences (EA-TUBA-GEBIP/2001-1-1).This work was supported by Priority-Areas Grants from the Ministry of Education,Science,Culture and Sport of Japan,NAREGI Japan and NEDO.[1]J.G.Bednorz and K.A.M¨u ller,Z.Phys.B 64,189(1986).[2]D.J.Scalapino,Phys.Rep.250,330(1994).[3]C.C.Tsuei and J.R.Kirtley,Rev.Mod.Phys.72,969(2000).[4]K.Miyake,S.Schmitt-Rink and C.M.Varma,Phys.Rev.B 34,R6554(1986).[5]D.J.Scalapino,E.Loh,and J.E.Hirsch,Phys.Rev.B34,R8190(1986).[6]R.Zeyher and M.L.Kulic,Phys.Rev.B 53,2850(1996).[7]N.Bulut and D.J.Scalapino,Phys.Rev.B 54,14971(1996).[8]Z.B.Huang,W.Hanke,E.Arrigoni,and D.J.Scalapino,Phys.Rev.B 68,220507(R)(2003).[9]N.Bulut,Adv.Phys.51,1587(2002).[10]R.M.Noack,S.R.White and D.J.Scalapino,Phys.Rev.Lett.73,882(1994).[11]R.M.Noack,N.Bulut,D.J.Scalapino and M.G.Zacher,Phys Rev.B 56,7162(1997).[12]K.Yamaji and Y.Shimoi,Physica C 222,349(1994).[13]N.Bulut,D.J.Scalapino and S.R.White,Phys.Rev.B47,R6157(1993);Physica C 246,85(1995).[14]T.Dahm and D.J.Scalapino,Physica C 288,33(1997).[15]S.Gopalan,T.M.Rice and M.Sigrist,Phys.Rev.B 49,8901(1994).[16]S.R.White et al.,Phys.Rev.B 40,506(1989).[17]N.Furukawa,T.M.Rice and M.Salmhofer,Phys.Rev.Lett.81,3195(1998).[19]E.Y.Loh et al.,Phys.Rev.B41,9301(1990).[18]C.Honerkamp,M.Salmhofer,N.Furukawa and T.M.Rice,Phys.Rev.B63,035109(2001).。
