














A.不存在通货膨胀 B.存在抑制性的通货膨胀C.存在恶性的通货膨胀 D.存在温和的通货膨胀D2.在充分就业的情况下,()最可能导致通货膨胀。


A.造成收入结构的变化 B.使收入普遍上升C,使债权人收入上升 D.使收入普遍下降D4.菲利普斯曲线说明()。

A.通货膨胀由过度需求引起 B.通货膨胀导致失业C.通货膨胀与失业率之间呈正相关D.通货膨胀与失业率之间呈负相关C5.通货膨胀会()。

A.使国民收入上升 B.使国民收入下降C.与国民收入没有必然联系D.经济处于潜在的产出水平时,会促进国民收入的增长C 6.由于经济萧条而形成的失业,属于()。

A.永久性失业 B.摩擦性失业C.周期性失业 D.结构性失业。

C 7.如果实际通货膨胀率低于预期的水平,则()。

A.债务人和债权人都受损 B.债务人和债权人都受益C.债务人受损,债权人受益 D.债权人受损,债务受益D8.通货膨胀的主要负效应()A.收入再分配 B.破坏效率标准C.政治动荡 D.以上都包括C 9.以下()会增加失业。



第七单元经济周期理论本单元所涉及到的主要知识点:1.经济周期的含义、阶段与种类; 2.经济周期的原因;3.卡尔多经济周期模型; 4.乘数-加速数模型一、单项选择1.经济周期中的两个主要阶段是()。

a.繁荣和萧条; b.繁荣和衰退; c.萧条和复苏; d.繁荣和复苏。


a.复苏,繁荣,衰退,萧条; b.复苏,繁荣,萧条,衰退;c.复苏,萧条,衰退,繁荣; d.复苏,衰退,萧条,繁荣。


a.摩擦性失业; b.结构性失业;c.周期性失业; d.自然失业。








a.资本品的生产; b.农产品的生产; c.日用消费品的生产; d.a和c。


a.净投资; b.总投资; c.更新投资; d.存货的投资。


a.1200亿美元; b.2400亿美元; c.2000亿美元; d.0。




Economic Growth I
The production function
Output per worker, y f(k)
MPK = f(k +1) – f(k)
Note: this production function exhibits diminishing MPK.
Capital per worker, k
income per person:
consumption per person:
y = f(k)
c = (1–s) f(k)
Economic Growth I
The steady state
k = s f (k ) – k
If investment is just enough to cover depreciation [sf(k) = k ], then capital per worker will remain constant: k = 0.
1. K is no longer fixed:
investment causes it to grow, depreciation causes it to shrink 2. L is no longer fixed: population growth causes it to grow 3. the consumption function is simpler
Economic Growth I
The consumption function
s = the saving rate, the fraction of income that is saved (s is an exogenous parameter) Note: s is the only lowercase variable that is not equal to its uppercase version divided by L

沈坤荣《宏观经济学教程》课后习题详解(第七章 经济周期)【圣才出品】

沈坤荣《宏观经济学教程》课后习题详解(第七章 经济周期)【圣才出品】
































微观经济学从这两个基本假定出发对上述问题的解决就构成了它的主要内容,具体地,它包括:① 供求规律;② 消费者行为理论,它构成消费品价格决定的需求方面;③ 生产者行为理论或厂商理论,它构成消费品价格决定的供给方面;④ 生产要素的价格决定理论或分配理论;⑤ 一般均衡理论;⑥ 福利经济学;⑦ 市场失灵和微观经济政策。








第七单元经济周期理论本单元所涉及到的主要知识点:1.经济周期的含义、阶段与种类; 2.经济周期的原因;3.卡尔多经济周期模型; 4.乘数-加速数模型一、单项选择1.经济周期中的两个主要阶段是()。

a.繁荣和萧条; b.繁荣和衰退; c.萧条和复苏; d.繁荣和复苏。


a.复苏,繁荣,衰退,萧条; b.复苏,繁荣,萧条,衰退;c.复苏,萧条,衰退,繁荣; d.复苏,衰退,萧条,繁荣。


a.摩擦性失业; b.结构性失业;c.周期性失业; d.自然失业。








a.资本品的生产; b.农产品的生产; c.日用消费品的生产; d.a和c。


a.净投资; b.总投资; c.更新投资; d.存货的投资。


a.1200亿美元; b.2400亿美元; c.2000亿美元; d.0。


宏观经济学 斯蒂芬威廉森chap07

宏观经济学 斯蒂芬威廉森chap07

Macroeconomics, 3e (Williamson)Chapter 7 I ncome Disparity Among Countries and Endogenous Growth1) I ncome per worker has beenA) c onverging in both the rich countries and the poor countries.B) c onverging in the rich countries, but not converging in the poor countries.C) c onverging in the poor countries, but not converging in the rich countries.D) c onverging in neither the poor nor the rich countries.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition2) F or the Solow model to accurately explain the observed divergence of growth experiencearound the world would requireA) d ifferences in savings rates across countries.B) d ifferences in population growth rates across countries.C) b arriers to the introduction of new technologies.D) i nadequate educational opportunities in poor countries.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition3) I n the Solow growth model, countries with identical total factor productivities, identicallabor force growth rates, and identical savings ratesA) a lways have identical levels of capital per worker and output per worker.B) i n equilibrium, have identical levels of capital per worker and output per worker.C) i n equilibrium, have identical levels of capital per worker but not necessarily identicallevels of output per worker.D) i n equilibrium, have identical levels of output per worker but not necessarily identicallevels of capital per worker.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition4) S uppose that two countries share identical levels of total factor productivity, identical laborforce growth rates and identical savings rates. According to the Solow modelA) t he country with the greater initial level of output per worker will grow more rapidlythan the country with the smaller initial level of output per worker.B) t he country with the smaller initial level of output per worker will grow more rapidlythan the country with the greater initial level of output per worker.C) b oth countries will have the same growth rates of output per worker, even if they startout with different levels of output per worker.D) i f both countries start out with different levels of income per worker, both countriesmay have different growth rates of output per worker, but we cannot be certain whichcountry will have the higher growth rate of output per worker.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition5) I n the context of the Solow growth model, so-called growth miracles, such as Japan, SouthKorea, Singapore, and Hong Kong, are most easily explained byA) r eductions in the population growth rate.B) i ncreases in the savings rate.C) r emoval of barriers to technology.D) i mprovements in public health.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition6) S uppose a poor economy inches towards the steady state in Solow's exogenous growthmodel. What happens?A) C onsumption per capita decreases.B) S aving per capita decreases.C) T he depreciation rate increases.D) T he growth rate of output decreases.Answer: DQuestion Status: N ew7) S uppose a poor economy inches towards the steady state in Solow's exogenous growthmodel. What happens?A) C apital grows faster than population.B) C apital grows slower than population.C) C apital grows as fast as population.D) I t depends.Answer: AQuestion Status: N ew8) W hat happens to a poor economy in Solow's exogenous growth model?A) I t becomes poorer.B) I t does not change.C) I ts consumption per capita decreases.D) I ts saving per capita increases.Answer: DQuestion Status: N ew9) W hat happens to a very rich economy in Solow's exogenous growth model?A) I t becomes poorer.B) I t does not change.C) I ts consumption per capita increases.D) I ts saving per capita increases.Answer: AQuestion Status: N ew10) A ccording to Solow's exogenous growth theory, what happens to a country at steady statethat suffered extensive capital destruction due to a war or climate event?A) I t will stay poor forever.B) I t will grow back to be richer than before.C) I t will get back to its original status.D) A nything can happen.Answer: CQuestion Status: N ew11) B arriers to Riches, by S. Parente and E. Prescott, emphasizes the importance ofA) b arriers to technological adoption.B) b arriers to the development of natural resources.C) p ublic education.D) e ndogenous growth.Answer: AQuestion Status: P revious Edition12) T he importance of barriers to the adoption of technologies is supported by research byA) P. Romer.B) R. Lucas.C) S. Parente and E. Prescott.D) G. Glomm and B. Ravikumar.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition13) I n the endogenous growth models of Lucas and Romer, an increase in a worker's level ofhuman capitalA) i ncreases the amount of additional human capital she can produce, but does notincrease the amount of output she can produce.B) i ncreases the amount of additional output she can produce, but does not increase theamount of human capital she can produce.C) i ncreases both the amount of additional human capital she can produce and theamount of output she can produce.D) i ncreases neither the amount of additional human capital she can produce nor theamount of output she can produce.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition14) I n the endogenous growth models of Lucas and Romer, workers divide their time betweenmarket work andA) a ccumulating physical capital.B) a ccumulating human capital.C) t rying to invent new production processes.D) w ork at home.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition15) E ndogenous growth theory is aboutA) t he welfare of indigenous people.B) e xplaining growth.C) s tudying fertility choices.D) g iving more importance to capital accumulation.Answer: BQuestion Status: N ew16) I n the endogenous growth models of Lucas and Romer, human capital accumulation is bestdescribed as a form ofA) c onsumption.B) i nvestment.C) g overnment spending.D) n one of the aboveAnswer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition17) H uman capital isA) k nowledge found in books.B) k nowledge found in people.C) w ealth.D) m achines owned by people.Answer: BQuestion Status: N ew18) W hich of the following statements best describes the characteristics of accumulatingphysical capital and human capital?A) B oth physical capital accumulation and human capital accumulation are characterizedby decreasing marginal returns.B) P hysical capital accumulation is subject to decreasing marginal returns, but humancapital accumulation is not.C) H uman capital accumulation is subject to decreasing marginal returns, but physicalcapital accumulation is not.D) N either physical capital accumulation nor human capital accumulation ischaracterized by decreasing marginal returns.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition19) P aul Romer argues that a key feature of knowledge isA) d ivisibility.B) p rivate ownership.C) n onrivalry.D) d urability.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition20) W hat is a characteristic of human capital?A) r ivalryB) r apid accumulationC) p rivate ownershipD) c oncavityAnswer: CQuestion Status: N ew21) W hat characteristic of human capital is crucial in giving the possibility of sustained growth?A) I t is embodied in people.B) I t has constant returns to scale in production.C) I t takes time to accumulate it.D) I t grows at the same rate as consumption.Answer: BQuestion Status: N ew22) W hat characteristic do human and physical capital share?A) B oth are controlled by the government.B) C urrent costs are incurred for future benefits.C) T heir growth depends crucially on the growth of total factor productivity.D) T he use of both exhibits rivalry.Answer: BQuestion Status: N ew23) W hich of the following is best characterized as being nonrivalrous?A) c onsumption goodsB) s ervicesC) p hysical capitalD) k nowledgeAnswer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition24) A key characteristic of the production function in the endogenous growth model presentedin the text is thatA) t here are increasing returns to scale in human capital.B) t here are decreasing returns to scale in human capital.C) t here are constant returns to scale in human capital.D) a t low levels of human capital, there are increasing returns to scale in human capital,while at high levels of human capital, there are decreasing returns to scale in humancapital.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition25) I n the endogenous growth model presented in the text, suppose that u represents thefraction of time spent working (as opposed to accumulating human capital), b represents the efficiency of human capital accumulation, H represents the amount of human capital, and z represents the marginal product of efficiency units of labor. Consumption equalsA) b uH.B) z uH.C) b uz.D) b uzH.Answer: BQuestion Status: R evised26) I n the endogenous growth model presented in the text, suppose that u represents thefraction of time spent working (as opposed to accumulating human capital) and b represents the efficiency of human capital accumulation. The growth rate of human capital equalsA) u(1- b) - 1.B) 1+b(1 -u).C) (1 +b)(1 -u).D) b(1 -u) - 1.Answer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition27) I n the endogenous growth model presented in the text, suppose that u represents thefraction of time spent working (as opposed to accumulating human capital) and b represents the efficiency of human capital accumulation. The growth rate of consumption equalsA) u(1- b) - 1.B) 1+b(1 -u).C) (1 -b)(1 -u).D) b(1 -u) - 1.Answer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition28) I n the endogenous growth model presented in the text,A) c onsumption grows faster than human capital.B) h uman capital grows faster than consumption.C) b oth consumption and human capital grow at the same rate.D) n either consumption nor human capital grows in the steady state.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition29) I n the endogenous growth model presented in the text, an increase in the efficiency ofhuman capital accumulationA) i ncreases the growth rate of human capital and increases the growth rate of output.B) i ncreases the growth rate of human capital and decreases the growth rate of output.C) d ecreases the growth rate of human capital and increases the growth rate of output.D) d ecreases the growth rate of human capital and decreases the growth rate of output.Answer: AQuestion Status: P revious Edition30) I n the endogenous growth model presented in the text, an increase in the fraction of timeaccumulating human capitalA) i ncreases the growth rate of human capital and increases the growth rate of output.B) i ncreases the growth rate of human capital and decreases the growth rate of output.C) d ecreases the growth rate of human capital and increases the growth rate of output.D) d ecreases the growth rate of human capital and decreases the growth rate of output.Answer: AQuestion Status: P revious Edition31) A n example of an increase in b, the efficiency of human capital accumulation, isA) m ore mandatory school years.B) b etter teachers.C) b etter school material.D) b etter total factor productivity.Answer: CQuestion Status: N ew32) W hich of the following policies would increase the growth rate of an economy in theendogenous growth model with human capital?A) M andatory schooling.B) M inimum wages.C) R edistributive taxation.D) L ump-sum taxation.Answer: AQuestion Status: N ew33) A ccording to the endogenous growth model with human capital, what can we say aboutcountries with more efficient schools?A) T hey are richer.B) T hey are richer and grow faster.C) T hey are richer and grow more slowly.D) T hey grow faster.Answer: DQuestion Status: N ew34) T he idea that contact with others with high levels of human capital increases ones ownhuman capital is called human capitalA) c ontagion.B) e xternality.C) t ransference.D) c onvergence.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition35) S chooling is subsidized in the United States in partA) s o that the golden rule capital level can be reached.B) b ecause otherwise people would not get educated.C) b ecause there is a constitutional right to education.D) b ecause there is a positive externality from schooling.Answer: DQuestion Status: N ew36) A n improvement in school quality translates into an increase in which model parameter?A) HB) zC) bD) 1-uAnswer: CQuestion Status: N ew37) E vidence suggests that income per worker and education areA) n egatively correlated.B) p ositively correlated.C) u ncorrelated.D) p ositively correlated in the richer countries and negatively correlated in the poorercountries.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition38) W hat immediate consequence does an increase in education time have in the endogenousgrowth model with human capital?A) l ower outputB) l ower output in the futureC) l ower wagesD) l ower human capitalAnswer: AQuestion Status: N ew39) A study by Gerhard Glomm and B. Ravikumar suggests that relying more on privateeducation relative to public education results inA) m ore income inequality and higher per-capita income in the long run.B) m ore income inequality and lower per-capita income in the long run.C) l ess income inequality and higher output per worker in the long run.D) l ess income inequality and lower output per worker in the long run.Answer: AQuestion Status: P revious Edition。



宏观经济学习题册+本科+参考答案(总29页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除第一章国民收入核算一、单项选择题概念中最终产品包括()A.有形产品B.无形产品C.自我服务品D.有形产品和无形产品2.用收入方法测算的国内生产总值可以表示为()。

A.GDP=C+I+T B.GDP=C+I+S C.GDP=C+S+T D.GDP=C+I+G和NI之间的差额是()A.公司利润B.工资C.间接税D.利息4.用出售最终商品和劳务获得的收入来测算GDP的方法是()。


A.研究社会经济各有关总量的决定及其变动 B.研究单个经济单位、单个经济行为或活动及其经济变量C.研究整个社会的国民收入以及失业和通货膨胀等问题D.着眼于经济政策,为政府的宏观经济政策提供理论依据6.个人从经济活动中所获得的收入,被称为()。

A.国内生产净值B.国民收入C.个人收入D.个人可支配的收入7.在通过国内生产净值计算个人可支配收入时,不能够()A.扣除未分配的公司利润B.加上政府转移支付 C.扣除企业的间接税D.扣除折旧8.应计入我国2006年GDP的是()A.2005年生产而在2006年销售出去的汽车 B.2006年中国人投资于美国的厂商所生产汽车C.2006年美国人投资于中国的厂商所生产汽车 D.某人2006年自制自用的汽车9.国民收入是()A.国内生产总值减资本折旧B.国内生产净值减间接税C.一个国家生产的最终产品的总价值D.个人从经济活动中获得的收入10.在两部门经济中,总供给等于总需求的均衡条件是()A.I=S B.I+G=S+T C.I+G+X=S+T+M D.C+I+G+(X-M)=C+S+T11.在国民收入核算体系中,一定时期内一国生产的所有最终产品和劳务的市场价值总和是指()A.国民收入B.国内生产总值C.国内生产净值D.可支配收入总和与NDP之间的差额是()A.间接税B.折旧C.直接税D.净出口13.经济学上的投资是指( )。



第七章计算题参考答案第1题a) 联立IS 和LM 曲线方程,即G n d Y n d m t b n d g e a R ++++---+++=1)1(1和PM h Y h k R 1-= 得到总需求曲线: )())1(1(/)()(n d k m t b h P M n d G g e a h Y +++--+++++=代入900=M ,1200=G ,1=P 后,得到6000≈Y 。

b) 收入Y 没有给定,不能确定利率R 。

若利用a 的收入Y ,利率05.0≈R 。

c) 消费:4000)1(=-+=Y t b a C ;投资:90020001000=-=-=R dR e I ;政府支出:1200=G ;净出口:100-=--=nR mY g X ;d) 成立600010012009004000=-++=Y 。

e) 若1300=G ,6115≈Y ,068.0≈R 。

第2题a) 政府储蓄:600=-G tY ;私人储蓄:200)1(=--C Y t ;其他国家储蓄:100=-X 。

成立100200600++=I 。

b) 政府储蓄:5.534=-G tY ;私人储蓄:208)1)(1()1(=---=--=a Y t b C Y t S p ;其他国家储蓄:5.120=-X 。

864=I 。

c) 政府支出增加导致GDP 增加,由a Y t b C Y t S p ---=--=)1)(1()1(可知,私人储蓄增加。

第3题a) IS 曲线的斜率为nd m t b ++---)1(1,d 由原来的2000提高到4000,斜率值增加,即IS 曲线比原来平缓。

因为投资对利率更为敏感,致使GDP 对利率敏感性提高。

b) 总需求曲线为)())1(1(/)()(n d k m t b h P M n d G ge a h Y +++--+++++=,不考虑价格水平的影响,不难看出:Pk n d A n d k A P n d M Y ])/([1)(/)(++=+++=∂∂, 式中0))1(1(>+--=m t b h A ,显然当d 增大时M Y ∂∂/也增大。



习题库第一章导论一、名词解释宏观经济学、总量分析、非均衡分析、凯恩斯革命二、简答题1、宏观经济学有什么特点?2、宏观经济学主要研究哪些问题?3、现代宏观经济学是如何产生与演变的?第二章国民收入核算一、名词解释GDP、GNP、NDP、NI、PI、PDI、名义GDP、实际GDP、GDP紧缩指数二、选择题1、下列那些项目应计入GDP?( )。

A. 政府转移支付B. 购买一辆用过的卡车C. 购买普通股票D. 购买一块地产2、已知某一经济中的消费额为6亿元,投资额为1亿元,间接税为1亿元,政府用于物品和劳务的支出额为1.5亿元,出口额为2亿元,进口额为1.8亿元,则()。

A. NDP=8.7亿元B. GDP=7.7亿元C. GDP=8.7亿元D. NDP=5亿元3、所谓净出口是指()。

A. 出口减进口B. 进口减出口C. 出口加进口D. GNP减出口4、在三部门经济中,如果用支出法来衡量,GDP等于()。

A. 消费+投资B. 消费+投资+政府支出C. 消费+投资+政府支出+净出口D. 消费+投资+进出口5、GDP与NDP之间的差别是()。

A. 直接税B. 折旧C. 间接税D. 净出口6、按最终使用者类型,将最终产品和劳务的市场价值加总起来核算GDP的方法是()。

A. 支出法B. 收入法C. 生产法D. 增加价值法7、在统计中,社会保险税增加对()有影响?A. GDPB. NDPC. NID. PI三、简答题1、指出下列各项中,哪些是中间产品,哪些是最终产品?①小王购买一本杂志②某电脑公司购买一批英特尔公司生产的芯片③某政府机构购买一批红旗轿车④旅游时付给入住酒店的房租⑤律师支付租用办公室的房租⑥家庭支付的水电费⑦美国公司向中国购买的农产品2、GDP的统计口径是否忽视了对中间产品生产的核算?3、在证券市场购买股票和债券属于经济学意义上的投资活动吗?4、为什么政府转移支付不能计入GDP?5、为什么间接税应该计入GDP?6、GDP指标有哪些缺陷或不足?7、为什么要区分名义国内生产总值和实际国内生产总值?8、国内生产总值与国民生产总值关系如何?四、计算题1、若某国GDP为8800单位,总投资为1150单位,净投资为292单位,消费为5800单位,政府购买的产品和劳务价值为1500单位,间接税为620单位,政府财政盈余为44单位,求该国NDP、净出口、个人可支配收入、个人储蓄各为多少。



第19 章:总需求总供给模型、名词解释总需求总供给生产函数古典的总供给曲线凯恩斯的总供给曲线古典的AD-AS 模型理性预期劳动市场均衡二.判断题1.在古典模型中,需求并不影响就业水平和实际工资率。


3 在古典模型中,劳动力需求仅仅取决于劳动力的边际生产率。













三、单项选择(选择一项正确或最好的答案) 。

1. 价格水平的变化对下面哪个变量的影响是不存在的( )A 投资支出B 政府支出C .答案A 和BD 以上都不对2.下面哪一种效应使价格水平的变化对投资支出产生反方向的影响:( )A 利率效应B 信贷约束效应C .厂商财富效应 D.以上都对3.假定其他条件不变,下面哪一个因素的变化不会导致总需求曲线向左移动:( )A •消费支出减少B 净出口减少C 所得税率提高 D.投资增加4. 在接近充分就业水平时,总供给曲线所以变得陡峭,因为( )A •价格水平的上升难以带动社会产品总供给的增加B 价格水平的上升易于带动社会产品总供给的增加C 格格水平的下降导致社会产品总供给迅速减少D •价格水平的下降导致社会产品总供给迅速增加5. 假定其他条件不变,下面哪个因素的变化不会导致总供给曲线向右移动:( )A .风调而顺B .厂商敢于冒投资的风险C.货币工资率的增长快于劳动生产率的增长D •资源利用效应上升6. 在下面哪种情况下对国民收入的影响是不确定的:( )B 总供给减少而总需求增加C 总供给和总需求同时减少7.理性预期意味着 ( )A 人们能够确预测未来B 人们会利用一切可以获得的信息进行合理的分析C .人们会根据以前的预期的误差来修正现在的预期D .以上都对 8.下面哪种说法正确解释了总需求曲线向下倾斜的原因?( )A •物价水平的下降增加了实际余额。






















解答: IS与LM两条曲线相交决定的均衡收入不一定就是充分就业的
平衡预算乘数:KTK Tt1 r 1 1 1 0 . 8 00. .88 44
K B K G K T 5 ( 4 ) 1
由 IS=LM可知:1300-25r=1K0G00,得 r=12,则此时I=140-5×12=80
(3)从上述可知,当政府支出增加△G=20时,投资△I=-20,存在“挤出效应”。 (4)草图表示上述情况如下所示:
在IS和LM两条曲线相交时所形成的均衡收入是否就是充分就业的国 民收入?为什么?
(3)IS 曲线图形:
4. 假定货币需求为L=0.2Y-5r。
8.设某一三部门的经济中,消费函数为C=200+0.75Y,投资函数为I= 200-25r,货币需求函数为L=Y-100r,名义货币供给是1 000,政府购买 G=50,求该经济的总需求函数。

第七章 国民收入核算和简单的宏观经济模型章节练习及答案

第七章 国民收入核算和简单的宏观经济模型章节练习及答案







用(A)核算国内生产总值即是通过核算在一定时期内全部经济单位(居民、企业、政府、进出口部门),对最终产品的支出总量相加得出总支出来计量GDP 的方法。











See the following figures.
a. Foreign output decreases. Answer: IS shifts left, DR shifts down: Y ↓, i ↓, E ↑, C ↓, I ↑, TB ↑
Exogenous increase in investment demand when investment demand is interest elastic (more sensitive to change in interest rates)
D2 D1 B i2
Y1 Y2
b. Now assume that domestic investment is very responsive to the interest rate so that U.S. firms will cancel their new investment plans if the interest rate rises. How will this affect the answer you gave previously?
a. How will this increase in investment affect output, interest rates, and the current account? Answer: This is an exogenous increase in investment demand. This leads to an increase in the demand for goods, shifting the IS curve to the right.This leads to an increase in output and the interest rate. The increase in the interest rate implies an appreciation in the Home currency that decreases the current account. This is illustrated in the following figure.



宏观经济学习题第一章导论一、选择题1.持续市场出清假设似乎最不适用于以下哪个市场( C )A.股票市场B.小麦市场C.劳动力市场D.国债市场2.下列变量都是流量,除了( C )A.个人可支配收入B.消费支出C.个人财富D.国内生产总值3.下面各种现象都会降低失业率,除了:CA.失业人口数减少。









根据奥肯定律,下面哪项陈述是错误的:D A.如果这一年的失业率不变,实际GDP将会升高3%。




6.如果一个美国公民被一家在巴西经营的美国公司雇用,那么她的收入:D A.是美国GDP的一部分,巴西GNP的一部分。




C C C AD D二、名词解释1.经济周期2.失业3.失业率4.结构性失业5.摩擦性失业6.周期性失业7.充分就业8.自然失业率9.经济增长10.流量11.存量1.经济周期:经济周期指的是经济运行过程中出现的阶段性的不规则的上下波动。














《宏观经济学》章节习题及答案分析第二章公民收入核算1、以下项目能否计入GDP,为何?(1)政府转移支付(2)购置一辆用过的卡车(3)购置一般股票(4)购置一块地产【解答】(1)政府转移支付不计入 GDP,因为政府转移支付不过简单地经过税收(包含社会保障税)和社会保险及社会救援等把收入从一个人或一个组织转移到另一个人或另一个组织手中,并无相应的货物或劳务发生。


(2)购置一辆用过的卡车不计入 GDP,因为在生产时已经计入过。

(3)购置一般股票不计入 GDP,因为经济学上所讲的投资是增添或代替资本财富的支出,即购置新厂房,设施和存货的行为,而人们购置股票和债券不过一种证券交易活动,其实不是实质的生产经营活动。

(4)购置一块地产也不计入 GDP,因为购置地产不过一种所有权的转移活动,不属于经济意义的投资活动,故不计入 GDP。

2、假如甲乙两国并成一个国家,对GDP 总和会有什么影响(假定两国产出不变)?【解答】假如甲乙两国归并成一个国家,对 GDP 总和会有影响。

因为甲乙两国未归并成一个国家时,两方可能有贸易来往,但这类贸易只会影响甲国或乙国的 GDP,对两国 GDP 总和不会有影响。

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Macroeconomics, 8e (Parkin) Testbank 1Chapter 7 At Full Employment: The Classical Model7.1 The Classical Model: A Preview1) R eal variablesA) a re those that determine the cost of living.B) a re those that determine economic well-being.C) i nclude variables such as the price level and inflation rate.D) N one of the above answers is correct.Answer: BTopic: R eal VariablesSkill: R ecognition2) A ll of the following are real variables, exceptA) t he price levelB) s avingC) e mploymentD) i nvestmentAnswer: ATopic: R eal VariablesSkill: C onceptual*3) A n example of a nominal variable isA) t he level of unemployment.B) t he price level.C) a ggregate working hours.D) t he real wage rate.Answer: BTopic: N ominal VariablesSkill: R ecognition4) N ominal variables are expressed in terms ofA) d eflated values.B) c onstant values.C) d ollar values.D) b ase year values.Answer: CTopic: N ominal VariablesSkill: R ecognition5) T he classical dichotomy is a discovery that statesA) r eal and nominal variables are actually the same thing.B) w hen the economy is at full employment, the forces that determine the real variables areindependent of those that determine the nominal variables.C) t hroughout the business cycle, the forces that determine the real variables areindependent of those that determine the nominal variables.D) o nly nominal variables cause business cycles.Answer: BTopic: C lassical DichotomySkill: R ecognition6) T he classical dichotomy holds trueA) w hen there is full employment.B) o nly if there is inflation.C) w hen the economy is not at full employment.D) o ver all parts of the business cycle.Answer: ATopic: C lassical DichotomySkill: R ecognition7) T he classical dichotomy applies when the economy only when the economyA) i s at full employment.B) h as less than full employment.C) i s in a recession.D) h as more than full employment.Answer: ATopic: C lassical DichotomySkill: R ecognition8) T he classical dichotomy does not applyA) w hen the economy is at full employment.B) w hen the economy is in a business cycle recession.C) a t any time in the real world.D) None of the above answers is correct because the classical dichotomy always applies.Answer: BTopic: C lassical DichotomySkill: R ecognition9) I f we want to compare why real GDP is vastly different between two nations, the classicaldichotomy means that we have to examineA) o nly the differences in the price levels and inflation rates of the two nations.B) o nly the differences in the real parts of the two nations.C) b oth the real parts and the nominal variables of the two nations.D) N one of the above answers is correct.Answer: BTopic: C lassical DichotomySkill: C onceptual10) T he classical dichotomy means that the factors that determine the inflation rate areindependent of the factors that determineA) r eal economic growth.B) n ominal GDP.C) t he nominal wage rate.D) a ll nominal variables.Answer: ATopic: C lassical DichotomySkill: C onceptual7.2 Real GDP and Employment1) W hich of the following correctly describe the PPF between leisure and real GDP?I) The PPF shows the boundary between amounts of goods and services that can beproduced versus those that cannot be produced.II) The PPF displays decreasing opportunity costs.A) I onlyB) I I onlyC) b oth I and IID) n either I nor IIAnswer: ATopic: P PFSkill: C onceptual2) C onsider the nation's production possibilities frontier between leisure and GDP. A decreasein leisure will causeI) an increase in labor input.II) a movement along the production possibility frontier.A) I onlyB) I I onlyC) b oth I and IID) n either I nor IIAnswer: CTopic: P PFSkill: C onceptual3) A long a production possibilities frontier for real GDP and the quantity of leisure time, asleisure time increases, real GDPA) d ecreasesB) i ncreasesC) s tays the sameD) c ould increase, decrease or stay the sameAnswer: ATopic: P PFSkill: C onceptual*4) B ecause the leisure-real GDP production possibilities frontier is bowed outward, thenA) e ach additional unit of real GDP costs a decreasing amount of forgone leisure.B) a s more real GDP is produced, increasingly more productive labor is being used.C) t he marginal product of labor increases as real GDP increases.D) t he slope of the economy's production function decreases as real GDP increases.Answer: DTopic: P PFSkill: C onceptual5) M oving along the production function shows the relationship between ________, holding allelse constant.A) c apital input and real GDPB) l abor input and real GDPC) l abor input, capital input and real GDPD) t echnology and real GDPAnswer: BTopic: P roduction FunctionSkill: R ecognition6) A long the production function, as the quantity of labor rises, real GDPA) r isesB) f allsC) s tays the sameD) m ay fall, rise, or stay the sameAnswer: ATopic: P roduction FunctionSkill: R ecognition*7) T he production function shows how ________ varies with ________.A) r eal GDP; laborB) leisure; laborC) labor; capitalD) labor; leisureAnswer: ATopic: P roduction FunctionSkill: R ecognition*8) A movement along the production function is the result of a change inA) t he quantity of laborB) t echnologyC) c apitalD) i nterest ratesAnswer: ATopic: P roduction FunctionSkill: C onceptual*9) T he production function shows that an economy increases its real GDP in the short run byA) d eveloping new technologies.B) i ncreasing its physical capital stock.C) u sing more labor.D) e xploring for new deposits of natural resources.Answer: CTopic: P roduction FunctionSkill: C onceptual10) M oving along the production function, all of the following are held constant EXCEPTA) l aborB) c apitalC) h uman capitalD) t echnologyAnswer: ATopic: P roduction FunctionSkill: R ecognition*11) A n increase in labor hours will lead toA) a shift of the production function but no movement along it.B) a movement along the production function but no shift in it.C) b oth a movement along and a shift in the production function.D) n either a movement along nor a shift in the production function.Answer: BTopic: P roduction FunctionSkill: C onceptual12) S uppose that in a particular factory, holding other things equal, when employment increasedfrom 100 to 110 workers, output increased from 100 to 200 units. If employment wasincreased from 110 to 120 workers holding other things equal, then output wouldA) i ncrease by more than 100 because of higher labor force participation.B) i ncrease by less than 100 because of a rising price level.C) i ncrease by less than 100 because of diminishing returns.D) i ncrease by more than 100 because of increasing opportunity cost.Answer: CTopic: T he Production FunctionSkill: C onceptual13) I n the illustration above, which figure shows a production function?A) F igure AB) F igure BC) F igure CD) F igure DAnswer: ATopic: P roduction FunctionSkill: R ecognition14) I n the illustration above, Figure A shows the ________ and Figure B shows the ________.A) l abor demand curve; production functionB) p roduction possibilities frontier; production functionC) p roduction function; production possibilities frontierD) a ggregate supply curve; production functionAnswer: CTopic: P roduction FunctionSkill: R ecognition15) T he ________ shows how real GDP varies as the quantity of labor employed varies, otherthings remaining the same.A) l abor supply curveB) p roduction functionC) s hort-run aggregate supply curveD) l abor demand curveAnswer: BTopic: P roduction FunctionSkill: R ecognition16) W hen the quantity of labor hours increases with no change in labor productivity, ________.A) t he PPF between real GDP and leisure shifts outwardB) t he PPF between real GDP and leisure shifts inwardC) a movement up along the production function occursD) a movement down along the production function occursAnswer: CTopic: P roduction FunctionSkill: R ecognition17) W hen the amount of time that people spend on leisure changes with no change in laborproductivity ________.A) a movement along the PPF between real GDP and leisure as well as a movement alongthe production function occurB) t he PPF between real GDP and leisure shifts outward and the production function shiftsoutwardC) t he PPF between real GDP and leisure shifts outward and a movement along theproduction function occursD) a movement along the PPF between real GDP and leisure occurs and the productionfunction shifts outwardAnswer: ATopic: P roduction PossibilitiesSkill: R ecognition18) T he country of Kemper is on its production function at point W in the above figure. Thegovernment of Kemper passes a law that makes 4 years of college mandatory for all citizens.After all citizens have their education, the economy willA) m ove to point such as Y.B) r emain at point W.C) m ove to point such as X.D) m ove to point such as Z.Answer: DTopic: P roduction FunctionSkill: C onceptual19) T he country of Kemper is on its production function at point W in the above figure. If thepopulation increases with no change in capital or technology, the economy willA) m ove to point such as Y.B) r emain at point W.C) m ove to point such as X.D) m ove to point such as Z.Answer: CTopic: P roduction FunctionSkill: C onceptual20) W hen the quantity of labor employed increases with no change in the nation's productionfunction, the marginal product of laborA) r emains the sameB) d iminishesC) i ncreasesD) m ight change but more information is needed to determine if it increases or diminishes.Answer: BTopic: P roduction FunctionSkill: C onceptualProgress. The citizens of Progress have 400 billion hours each year to spend between leisureand labor. If the quantity of labor increases from 150 billion hours to 200 billion hours a year, real GDP ________.A) d ecreases by $1.5 trillionB) i ncreases by $8.0 trillionC) i ncreases by $1.5 trillionD) e quals $9.0 trillionAnswer: CTopic: P roduction PossibilitiesSkill: A nalytical22) T he table above shows the relationship between leisure and real GDP in the country ofProgress. The citizens of Progress have 400 billion hours each year to spend between leisureand labor. When the citizens of Progress decide to decrease leisure, the marginal product oflabor ________.A) d oes not changeB) i ncreasesC) m ight increase or decreaseD) d ecreasesAnswer: DTopic: P roduction PossibilitiesSkill: A nalytical7.3 The Labor Market and Potential GDP1) T he money wage rate measures theA) c onstant dollar level of real disposable income.B) 2000 dollar value of a unit of labor supplied by a worker.C) q uantity of goods and services that can be bought with an hour of labor.D) n umber of dollars earned by an hour of labor.Answer: DTopic: M oney WageSkill: C onceptual2) T he real wage rate measures theA) q uantity of goods and services that an hour of work will buy.B) a verage weekly earnings in dollars of a worker.C) d ollar value of an hour of work.D) d ollar value of what a worker could earn in another job.Answer: ATopic: R eal WageSkill: C onceptual3) T he real wage rate equalsA) (100) × (money wage rate)/(price level).B) (100) × (price level)/(money wage rate).C) (money wage rate) × (price level).D) (money wage) + (number of hours worked)/(price level).Answer: ATopic: R eal WageSkill: R ecognition4) I f the money wage rate is $15.00 per hour and the price level is 120, the real wage rate isA) $8.50 per hour.B) $10.75 per hour.C) $12.50 per hour.D) $15.00 per hour.Answer: CTopic: R eal WageSkill: A nalytical5) I f the money wage rate is $10.00 per hour and the price level is 60, the real wage rate isA) $16.67 per hour.B) $18.75 per hour.C) $10.00 per hour.D) $12.50 per hour.Answer: ATopic: R eal WageSkill: A nalytical6) I f the real wage rate is $10.00 per hour and the price level is 60, the money wage rate isA) $16.75 per hour.B) $18.50 per hour.C) $10.00 per hour.D) $6.00 per hour.Answer: DTopic: R eal WageSkill: A nalytical7) I f the real wage rate is $15.00 per hour and the price level is 180, the money wage rate isA) $16.67 per hour.B) $18.75 per hour.C) $27.00 per hour.D) $20.50 per hour.Answer: CTopic: R eal WageSkill: A nalytical8) I f the real wage rate is $12.50 per hour and the price level is 90, the money wage rate isA) $11.25 per hour.B) $13.88 per hour.C) $23.75 per hour.D) $13.40 per hour.Answer: ATopic: R eal WageSkill: A nalytical9) I f the real wage rate is $25.00 per hour and the price level is 115, the money wage rate isA) $26.15 per hour.B) $23.00 per hour.C) $21.75 per hour.D) $28.75 per hour.Answer: DTopic: R eal WageSkill: A nalytical10) T he real wage rate falls if the money wage rate ________.A) r ises more rapidly than the price levelB) r ises more slowly than the price levelC) i s constant and the price level fallsD) a nd the price level change by the same proportionAnswer: BTopic: R eal WageSkill: A nalytical11) T he real wage rate rises if the money wage rate ________.A) a nd the price level change by the same proportionB) r ises and the price level rises by the same percentageC) r ises more slowly than the price levelD) r ises more rapidly than the price levelAnswer: DTopic: R eal WageSkill: A nalytical12) W hich pieces of information do you need to calculate the marginal product of labor?I) the change in real GDP.II) the change in the quantity of money.III) the change in the amount of labor input.A) I and IIIB) I onlyC) I II onlyD) I I and IIIAnswer: ATopic: M arginal Product of LaborSkill: R ecognition13) T he marginal product of labor is diminishing because as labor hoursA) i ncrease, capital and technology are fixed.B) i ncrease, output increases.C) d ecrease; output falls very little.D) d ecrease, capital will decrease.Answer: ATopic: M arginal Product of LaborSkill: R ecognition14) T he marginal product of labor curve shows a ________ relationship between ________.A) p ositive; the marginal product of labor and capitalB) p ositive; the marginal product of labor and the quantity of laborC) n egative; the marginal product of labor and capitalD) n egative; the marginal product of labor and the quantity of laborAnswer: DTopic: M arginal Product of LaborSkill: R ecognitionA) 9 units.B) 8 units.C) 16 units.D) 7 units.Answer: DTopic: T he Marginal Product of LaborSkill: A nalytical16) T he marginal product of labor is assumed to decrease as more labor is employed becauseA) e ach extra hour is less skilled than the previous hour.B) t he more labor employed, the more productive the workers become.C) c apital and technology are fixed at any particular point in time.D) l abor is assumed to be not equally suited for all types of alternative productive activities.Answer: CTopic: D iminishing ReturnsSkill: C onceptual17) I n the figure above, what is the marginal product of labor between points a and b?A) 3B) 9C) 30D) 5Answer: ATopic: M arginal Product of LaborSkill: A nalytical*18) I n the figure above an increase in the number of working-age immigrants leads to amovement from pointA) a to point bB) b to point cC) b to point aD) c to point bAnswer: ATopic: P roduction FunctionSkill: C onceptual*19) I n the figure above, which of the following could lead to a movement from point b to point d?A) a n increase in technologyB) a n increase in employmentC) a decrease in technologyD) B oth answers A and B are correct.Answer: ATopic: P roduction FunctionSkill: C onceptual*20) I n the figure above, if new technology increases labor productivity and thereby increases thedemand for labor, the economy moves from pointA) a to point cB) c to point bC) a to point bD) b to point aAnswer: ATopic: M arginal Product of LaborSkill: A nalytical*21) F irms' demand for labor is based onA) t he marginal product of laborB) t he supply of laborC) t heir desire to provide households with jobs and income.D) t he demand for leisureAnswer: ATopic: D emand for LaborSkill: R ecognition*22) W hich of the following statements are TRUE regarding the demand for labor?I) The quantity of labor demanded depends on the real wage rate.II) If the money wage rate increases and the price level remains the same, the quantity of labor demanded decreases.III) If the money wage rate and the price level increase in the same proportion, thequantity of labor demanded decreases.A) IB) I and IIC) I I and IIID) I, II, and IIIAnswer: BTopic: D emand for LaborSkill: C onceptual23) T he relationship between the labor employed by a firm and the real wage rate is shown bytheA) s upply of labor curve.B) s upply of jobs curve.C) d emand for jobs curve.D) d emand for labor curve.Answer: DTopic: D emand for LaborSkill: R ecognition24) T he quantity of labor demanded depends on theA) m oney wage rate not the real wage rate.B) r eal wage rate not the money wage rate.C) p rice of output not the money wage rate nor the real wage rate.D) l evel of income.Answer: BTopic: D emand for LaborSkill: R ecognition25) B ecause the marginal product of labor decreases as the quantity of labor employed increases,the quantity of labor a firm demandsA) r ises as the real wage rate falls.B) r ises as the money wage rate rises.C) c an either rise or fall as the real wage rate changes depending on what is happening tothe money wage rate.D) N one of the above because the marginal product of labor is independent of the quantityof labor demanded.Answer: ATopic: D emand for LaborSkill: C onceptual26) I f the price level falls by 5 percent and the money wage rate remains constant, firms'A) q uantity of labor demanded will decrease.B) q uantity of labor demanded will increase.C) q uantity of labor demanded will not change.D) s upply of jobs will increase.Answer: ATopic: D emand for LaborSkill: A nalytical27) I f the price level falls by 5 percent and workers' money wage rates remain constant, firms'A) q uantity of labor demanded will decrease.B) q uantity of labor demanded will increase.C) s upply of jobs will increase.D) N one of the above answers are correct.Answer: ATopic: D emand for LaborSkill: A nalytical28) I f the price level rises by 5 percent and workers' money wage rates remain constant, firms'A) q uantity of labor demanded will decrease.B) q uantity of labor demanded will increase.C) s upply of jobs will decrease.D) N one of the above answers are correct.Answer: BTopic: D emand for LaborSkill: A nalytical29) S uppose there is a rise in the price level, but no change in the money wage rate. As a result,the quantity of labor demandedA) i ncreases.B) d ecreases.C) d oes not change because there is no change in the real wage rate.D) d ecreases only if the money wage rate also decreases.Answer: ATopic: D emand for LaborSkill: A nalytical30) S uppose there is a rise in the real wage rate. As a result, the quantity of labor demandedA) i ncreases.B) d ecreases.C) d oes not change because there is no change in the money wage rate.D) i ncreases only if the price level also decreases.Answer: BTopic: D emand for LaborSkill: A nalytical31) S uppose the money wage rate and the price level both fall by 5 percent. As a result,A) t he quantity of labor demanded increases.B) t he quantity of labor demanded decreases.C) t he quantity of labor demanded does not change because there is no change in the realwage.D) p eople are worse off and there is more unemployment.Answer: CTopic: D emand for LaborSkill: A nalytical32) T he demand for labor curve slopes downwards becauseA) a s more workers are hired, the marginal product of labor increases.B) a s more workers are hired, the marginal product of labor decreases.C) o utput increases as more workers are hired.D) a s more workers are hired, output decreases.Answer: BTopic: D emand for Labor CurveSkill: R ecognition33) T he demand for labor curve is plotted with the ________ on the vertical axis and is ________.A) p rice level of goods and services; upward slopingB) p rice level of goods and services; downward slopingC) r eal wage rate; upward slopingD) r eal wage rate; downward slopingAnswer: DTopic: D emand for Labor CurveSkill: R ecognition34) T he demand for labor curveA) s lopes upward.B) i s horizontal.C) s lopes downward.D) i s vertical.Answer: CTopic: D emand for Labor CurveSkill: R ecognition35) T he labor demand curve slopes downward becauseA) t he firm maximizes profits by hiring more labor when the real wage rate rises.B) w orkers supply more hours of work when the real wage rate rises.C) t he firm maximizes profits by hiring more labor when the real wage rate falls.D) w orkers supply fewer hours of work when the real wage rate rises.Answer: CTopic: D emand for Labor CurveSkill: C onceptual36) I f the nation's capital stock increases so that workers become more productive, theA) d emand for labor will increaseB) s upply of labor will increaseC) d emand for labor will decreaseD) s upply of labor will decreaseAnswer: ATopic: D emand for Labor CurveSkill: A nalytical*37) W hich of the following statements is correct?A) W hen workers become more productive, the demand for labor curve shifts rightward.B) W hen technology decreases, the supply of labor curve shifts leftward.C) W hen labor force participation increases, the supply of labor curve shifts leftward.D) W hen human capital increases, the demand for labor curve shifts leftward.Answer: ATopic: D emand for Labor CurveSkill: A nalytical*38) T he supply of labor represents theA) n umber of hours all households in the economy plan to work during a given timeperiod.B) n umber of labor hours hired by all firms in the economy during a given time period.C) m arginal product of laborD) v alue of goods and services produced during a given time periodAnswer: ATopic: S upply of LaborSkill: R ecognition*39) T he quantity of labor supplied depends on theA) m oney wage rate not the real wage rate.B) r eal wage rate not the money wage rate.C) p rice of output not the money wage rate nor the real wage rate.D) l evel of profits.Answer: BTopic: S upply of LaborSkill: C onceptual40) W hen the real wage rate rises,A) p eople supply less labor and take more leisure.B) p eople supply more labor because the opportunity cost of leisure increases.C) s ome people are likely to enter the labor force.D) B oth answers B and C are correct.Answer: DTopic: S upply of LaborSkill: R ecognition41) I f the real wage increases, theA) o pportunity cost of not working increases and so people will want to work more.B) o pportunity cost of not working decreases so people will want to work less.C) i ncome effect causes people to want to work more.D) i ncome effect causes people to maintain their current level of work.Answer: ATopic: S upply of LaborSkill: R ecognition42) I f workers' money wage rates increase by 5 percent and the price level remains constant,workers'A) q uantity of labor supplied will decrease.B) q uantity of labor supplied will increase.C) q uantity of labor supplied will not change.D) d emand for jobs will decrease.Answer: BTopic: S upply of LaborSkill: A nalytical43) T he relationship between the hours of labor supplied and the real wage rate is shown by theA) s upply of labor curve.B) s upply of jobs curve.C) d emand for jobs curve.D) d emand for labor curve.Answer: ATopic: S upply of Labor CurveSkill: R ecognition44) T he supply of labor curveA) s lopes downward.B) i s horizontal.C) s lopes upward.D) i s vertical.Answer: CTopic: S upply of Labor CurveSkill: R ecognition45) T he supply of labor curve slopes upward, in part, becauseA) t he opportunity cost of taking leisure rises when the real wage rate increases.B) h ouseholds' incomes increase when the real wage rate increases.C) f irms will demand more labor when the real wage rate falls.D) w orkers are better off when the money wage rate falls and the price level rises.Answer: ATopic: S upply of Labor CurveSkill: C onceptual46) W hich of the following statements is correct?A) W hen the real wage increases, the labor supply curve shifts rightward.B) W hen the real wage increases, the labor supply curve shifts leftward.C) W hen the real wage decreases, the labor supply curve shifts leftward.D) N one of the above statements are correct.Answer: DTopic: S upply of Labor CurveSkill: R ecognition47) W hich statement concerning the labor supply curve is correct?A) F or most individuals, a higher real wage rate leads to a decrease in the quantity of laborsupplied.B) L abor force participation decreases when the real wage rate rises.C) T he quantity of labor supplied responds strongly to changes in the money wage rate.D) A small percentage change in the real wage rate brings a small percentage change in thequantity of labor supplied.Answer: DTopic: S upply of Labor CurveSkill: C onceptual48) S uppose there is an increase in the price level and no change in the money wage rate. As aresult,A) t here is an upward movement along the labor supply curve.B) t here is a downward movement along the labor supply curve.C) t he labor supply curve shifts leftward as people demand higher wages.D) t he labor supply curve shifts rightward as people demand higher wages.Answer: BTopic: S upply of Labor CurveSkill: C onceptual49) I f the real wage rate is such so that the quantity of labor supplied equals the quantity of labordemanded,A) a full-employment equilibrium occurs.B) r eal GDP is at potential GDP.C) t he opportunity cost effect of not working equals the income effect.D) B oth answers A and B are correct.Answer: DTopic: L abor Market EquilibriumSkill: R ecognition。
