Respiratory Mechanics During Sevoflurane Anesthesia in Children With and Without Asthma
第 32 卷 第 12 期Vol.32,No.12126-1382023 年 12 月草业学报ACTA PRATACULTURAE SINICA 卫宏健, 贺文员, 王越, 等. 丛枝菌根真菌与褪黑素对多年生黑麦草耐热性的影响. 草业学报, 2023, 32(12): 126−138.WEI Hong -jian , HE Wen -yuan , WANG Yue , et al . The effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and melatonin on the heat tolerance of perennial ryegrass. Acta Prataculturae Sinica , 2023, 32(12): 126−138.丛枝菌根真菌与褪黑素对多年生黑麦草耐热性的影响卫宏健,贺文员,王越,唐明,陈辉*(华南农业大学林学与风景园林学院, 岭南现代农业科学与技术广东省实验室, 广东 广州 510642)摘要:高温胁迫是限制冷季型草生长发育的主要因素。
为探究单独接种丛枝菌根真菌(AMF )和外源褪黑素以及联合应用对多年生黑麦草生长和耐热性的影响,采用盆栽试验测试分析高温胁迫下丛枝菌根真菌和外源褪黑素处理对多年生黑麦草的生长,内源褪黑素含量及其合成基因的表达,抗氧化能力和渗透调节物质含量的影响。
结果表明,高温胁迫明显抑制多年生黑麦草的生长,而外源褪黑素处理提高了AMF 在多年生黑麦草根系中的定殖率。
接种AMF 和/或褪黑素处理均能促进高温胁迫下多年生黑麦草的生长,增加多年生黑麦草根系内源褪黑素含量和上调褪黑素合成基因的表达,降低相对电导率(EL )、丙二醛(MDA )含量和多酚氧化酶(PPO )活性,同时提高根系抗氧化酶(SOD 、POD 、CAT 和APX )和苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL )活性,以及类黄酮、脯氨酸、总酚、可溶性糖和甜菜碱的含量。
Internal environment:内环境refers to the liquid surrounding the cells in the body of multicellular animals, that is extracellular fluid.Homeostasis稳态: refers to a state of relatively constant of physical and chemical properties of internal environment, such as temperature, pH, osmotic pressure and all kinds of liquid ingredients in the body, and so on.positive feedback正反馈: A change in a condition leads to responses from the effectors which a mplifies that changenegative feedback负反馈: A change in a condition leads to responses from the effectors which counteracts that changefacilitated diffusion via carrier经载体易化扩散: Water soluble small molecules and ions under the carrier protein mediated, cross the plasma membrane follow concentration gradientfacilitated diffusion via ion channel经通道易化扩散: All kinds of charged ions under the channel proteins mediated, cross the plasma membrane follow concentration gradient and potential gradientPrimary active transport原发性主动转运:making direct use of energy derived from ATP to transport the ions across the cell membraneSecondary active transport次级主动转运:The ion gradients established by primary active transport permits the transport of other substances against their concentration gradientsresting potential静息电位: A potential difference across the membranes of inactive cells, with the inside of the cell negative relative to the outside of the cellaction potential动作电位: Some of the cells (excitable cells) are capable to rapidly reverse their resting membrane potential from negative resting values to slightly positive values. This transient and rapid change in membrane potential is called an action potential Excitation-contraction coupling兴奋收缩耦联: the mediation process of striated muscle cells generate action potentials and muscle filament contraction and relaxation. Hematocrit血细胞比容: The capacity percentage of the blood cells in the blood erythrocyte sedimentation rate红细胞沉降率: The distance that red blood cells settle in a tube of blood in one hourHemostasis止血: Small damaged blood vessels stop bleeding after a few minutes automaticallyBlood coagulation血凝固: blood change from sol to illiquid gel stateBlood group血型: The type of specific antigen on the surface of blood cellseffective refractory period:premature systole期前收缩: if ventricle is stimulated after ventricular muscle effective refractory period, before The next sinoatrial node excitement arrive, it will produce a contraction in advance.compensatory pause代偿间歇: A longer ventricular diastolic after premature systole. Atrioventricular delay房室延搁: Excitement slowly spread in atrioventricular junction and take longer time.Cardiac cycle心动周期: A cycle of heart contraction and relaxationStroke volume每搏输出量: One side of the ventricular injection volume of blood by a heart throbEjection fraction射血分数: The percentage stroke volume account for ventricularend-diastolic volumeCardiac output心输出量: The blood volume inject by one side of the ventricular per minuteCardiac index心指数: calculate cardiac output by unit surface areasystolic pressure收缩压: The highest blood pressure at mid ventricular systolic .diastolic pressure舒张压: The lowest blood pressure at ventricular end-diastolic.pulse pressure脉压: Systolic blood pressure minus diastolic blood pressurecentral venous pressure中心静脉压: The blood pressure in right atrium and chest cavity vena cavaMicrocirculation: Blood circulation between arteriole and micro veinEffective filtration pressure有效滤过压:the pressure difference between filtration and reabsorptionRespiration: The process of gas exchange between the body and its environmentvital capacity肺活量: After inhalation complete, the largest gas exhaled from the lungs forced vital capacity用力肺活量: After inhalation complete, exhale the largest gas from the lungs as fast as possibleforced expiratory volume用力呼气量: After inhalation complete, the gas exhaled from the lungs in a certain timeAlveolar Ventilation肺泡通气量: amount of inhaled the fresh air in the alveoli per minute. Pulmonary stretch reflex牵张反射: The reflection of inspiratory inhibit or inhale excited caused by pulmonary inflation and pulmonary deflation.Digestion消化: break down of food into small molecular components small enough to absorb.Mechanical digestion and chemical digestion.Absorption吸收: the small molecules that formed by digestion across the digestion tract mucosa go into blood and lymph.Small wave小波: the spontaneous rhythmic, subthreshold depolarization of the cell membrane of the gastrointestinal tract that characterizes the underlying electrical activity of the bowel.胃液主要成分1.HCl,parietal cell ,acid sterilization. Activation of pepsinogen, promotion of secretin secretion. Assisted effect of Fe and Ca absorption.2.Pepsinogen胃蛋白酶, chief cell, active in stomach, initially by H ions and then by active pepsin, autocatalytic activation. Pepsin an endopeptidase, which attacks peptide bonds in the interior of large protein molecules.3.Mucus粘液, neck cell and goblet cell, lubrication of the mucosal surface. Protection of the tissue from mechanical damage by food particle.4.intrinsic factor内因子, parietal cell. The intrinsic factor binds to vit B12 and facilitated its absorption.Stimulate gastric secretion刺激胃液分泌ACH gastrin histamine/ somatostatin Digestion phase gastric secretion消化期胃液分泌Cephalic gastric intestinal phase Regulation inhibitory gastric juice secretion胃液分泌抑制性调节1.HCl:inhibite G cell release gastrin;stimulate D cell release somatostatin;in the gastric antrum,inhibition of G cells,release of SST;in the duodenum ,release of secretin,bulbogastrone.2,fat:initiating release of enterogastrone.3,hepertonic solution:entero-gastric reflex.Receptive relaxation 容受性舒张:stimulation of receptor reflex muscle relax in the f undus and stomach body when chew and swallow.Pancreatic juice composition effect胰液成分作用:pancreatic amylase,pancreatic lip ase, trypsin,chymotrypsin,HCO3 bicarbonate balance the HCl in duodenum. Protect i ntestinal mucosa TPS and chymolase, pancreatic lipase, pancreatic amylase.Enteroh epatic circulation of bile salt.Bile salts were emptied into the small intestine with hepatic bile, about 95% is absorbed into the blood in the terminal ileum, and then synthesizing bile again after the hepatic vein to the liver, then empty into intestine.Physiological functions of bile胆汁生理作用1.Emulsifying or detergent function of bile salts.2.Help in the absorption of: fatly acid, lmonoglycerides, cholesterol, other lipids Peristalsis蠕动: the rhythmic waves of muscular relaxation and contraction are called peristalsis.Receptive relaxation 容受性舒张: stimulation of food on pharynx and esophagus produce relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter and stomach.Gastric emptying胃排空: the process that the gastric contents are delivered to the duodenum.Thermal equivalent of food热价: calories liberated by 1g food oxidized in body. (kJ/g) Thermal equivalent of oxygen氧热价: heat production by consuming one liter of oxygen to oxidize a specific type of blood. (kJ/L)Respiratory quotient(RQ)呼吸商: in the process of oxidizing food, the ratio of CO2 produced to O2 used。
77第22卷 第8期 2020 年 8 月辽宁中医药大学学报JOURNAL OF LIAONING UNIVERSITY OF TCMVol. 22 No. 8 Aug .,2020摘要:缺血性脑卒中已经成为严重影响人类身体健康的重要疾病之一,而脑缺血再灌注损伤则会直接影响到脑血管疾病的预后和转归。
关键词:内质网应激;自噬;脑缺血再灌注;中医药中图分类号:R277.7 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-842X (2020) 08- 0077- 05Exploration of Cerebral Ischemia-reperfusion Injury and Prevention and Treatment ofTraditional Chinese Medicine Based on Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-autophagy PathwayXIANG Yuzhen,ZHU Meizhen,LIU Qianjing,YU Rui(Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Nanning 530200,Guangxi,China)Abstract:Ischemic stroke has become one of the important diseases that seriously affect human health,and cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury will directly affect the prognosis and outcome of cerebrovascular disease. In recent years,research has found that there is a close correlation between the endoplasmic reticulum stress-autophagy pathway and cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Studies on the intervention of endoplasmic reticulum stress-autophagy pathway by Chinese medicine on cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury have been obtained preliminary progress,this article summarizes this related research.Keywords:endoplasmic reticulum stress;autophagy;cerebral ischemia-reperfusion;traditional Chinese medicine基于内质网应激-自噬途径探究脑缺血再灌注损伤及中医药防治进展向昱臻,祝美珍,刘倩菁,俞睿(广西中医药大学,广西 南宁 530200)基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81460725);广西特色实验动物病证模型重点实验室项目(J14049);广西一流学科建设重点项目(2018XK004); 广西中医药大学研究生科研创新重点项目(YCSZ2019003)作者简介:向昱臻(1992-),女,四川攀枝花人,硕士研究生,研究方向:脑血管疾病证治的客观化及规范化研究。
医学英语术语解密_福建医科大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.The combining form indicating a collection of capillaries in the kidneyis_______.答案:glomerul/o2.At the end stage of renal failure, there would be little or no production ofurine. This condition is termed _________.答案:anuria3.The outer part of the kidney is called_______________.答案:cortex4. A ____________ is a surgical incision into the kidney to remove stones.答案:nephrolithotomy5.The temporary reservoir for urine in the body is___________.答案:bladder6.Surgical repair of the rectum is called__________.答案:rectoplasty7. A dangerous twisting of the colon is called__________.答案:volvulus8.The condition known as stomatitis occurs in the __________.答案:mouth9.Paralytic obstruction is also known as_____________ obstruction.答案:Adynamic10._________ thermometer can be used in taking temperature for achild.答案:Rectal11.What is the test used to examine the nasal passages and the pharynx todiagnose structural abnormalities?答案:Nasopharyngoscopy.12.The air sacs through which gases are exchanged in the lungs are the___________.答案:alveoli13.The membrane surrounding the lungs is ___________.答案:pleura14.The term for the measurement of the movement of air in and out of the lungsduring various breathing maneuvers is ___________, which is the mostimportant pulmonary function test.答案:spirometry15.The __________ is the inner lining of the heart.答案:endocardium16.The two upper receiving chambers of the heart are called the right and left_________.答案:atria17.The mitral valve has __________ cusps or leaflets that open and close.答案:two18.__________ refers to the contraction phase of the ventricles in the heartbeatcycle.答案:Systole19.__________ is any irregularity of heart rhythm, such as an altered heart rate,extra beats, or a change in the pattern of the beat.答案:Arrhythmia20.The word "osteorrhaphy" should be pronounced as ________.答案:/ˌɔsti'ɔrəfi/21.Which of the following the correct pronunciation of "stomatoplasty"?答案:/ˈstəʊmətəˌplæstɪ/22.Which suffix indicates stopping, controlling?答案:-stasis23.Which suffix indicates discharge?答案:-rrhea24.Which prefix indicates between, among?答案:inter-25. A ______ is the smallest meaningful unit of a language.答案:morpheme26.How to pronounce the word peritonitis?答案:/ˌperɪtəˈnaɪtɪs/27.An orthodontist a dentist specializing in the prevention or correction ofirregularities of the teeth.答案:正确28.Etymology refers to the study of the origins of words.答案:正确29. The rod of Asclepius, a snake-entwined staff, remains a symbol of medicinetoday.答案:正确30.The plural form of "metastasis" is "metastases".答案:正确31.The terminology for the surgical removal of a kidney and a ureter isnephroureterectomy.答案:正确32.Jennie complained of painful urination. The medical term for this ishematuria.答案:错误33.Urethritis is the inflammation of urethra due to injury or infection.答案:正确34.Any minute globular particle is called corpus.答案:错误35. A dilatation of a calix of the kidney, usually due to obstruction or infection isnamed caliectasis.答案:正确36. A cell that engulfs and digests debris and invading microorganisms is knownas phagocyte.答案:正确37.Appendectomy is the surgical removal of appendix.答案:正确38.The combining form for “arteriole” is “arteri/o”.答案:错误39.“Thrombectomy” means excision of a clot from a blood vessel.答案:正确40.The word meaning pertaining to the pericardium is “pericardiac”.答案:错误41.The synonym for spir/o is hal/o.答案:正确。
中国组织工程研究与临床康复第15卷第21期 2011–05–21出版Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research May 21, 2011 Vol.15, No.21 ISSN 1673-8225 CN 21-1539/R CODEN: Z LKHAH3905 Department of Cardiac Surgery, the First AffiliatedHospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, Liaoning Province, ChinaWang Chun☆, Doctor, Attending physician, Department of Cardiac Surgery, the First AffiliatedHospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, Liaoning Province, Chinadoctorchun@ Correspondence to: Gu Tian-xiang, Doctor, Professor, Department of Cardiac Surgery, the First AffiliatedHospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, Liaoning Province, Chinacmugtx@ Supported by: the Funding Program of Liaoning Educational Committee, No.2004C050*; Science and Technology Planof Liaonign Province, No.2006401013-2* Received: 2011-02-18 Accepted: 2011-04-23中国医科大学附属第一医院心脏外科,辽宁省沈阳市 110001王春☆,男,1979年生,山东省陵县人,汉族,2007年中国医科大学毕业,博士,主治医师,主要从事成人心血管疾病的外科治疗研究。
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue
Fracture mechanics and fatigue are crucial concepts in the field of materials science and engineering. Fracture mechanics deals with the study of how materials behave when subjected to stress, particularly focusing on the initiation and propagation of cracks. On the other hand, fatigue is the phenomenon where materials fail due to repeated loading and unloading cycles, leading to the gradual growth of cracks until catastrophic failure occurs. Understanding these phenomena is essential for designing safe and reliable structures in various industries, such as aerospace, automotive, and civil engineering. One of the key aspects of fracture mechanics is the concept of stress intensity factor, which quantifies the stress field near the tip of a crack and predicts the likelihood of crack propagation. By analyzing the stress distribution around a crack, engineers can assess the critical conditions under which a crack will grow and ultimately lead to failure. This knowledge is crucial for determining the safety margins of structures and components, ensuring that they can withstand the expected loading conditions throughout their service life. Fatigue, on the other hand, poses a different challenge for materials engineers. Unlike static loading, fatigue loading involves cyclic stress variations that can lead to crack initiation and propagation even at stress levels below the material's ultimate strength. This phenomenon is particularly critical in applications where components are subjected to repeated loading, such as aircraft wings, automotive suspension systems, and offshore structures. By studying the fatigue behavior of materials, engineers can predict the fatigue life of a component and implement strategies to mitigate fatigue failure, such as improving material quality, introducing surface treatments, or redesigning the component geometry. In practice, fracture mechanics and fatigue analysis are often combined to assess the structural integrity of complex systems. Engineers use advanced modeling techniques, such as finite element analysis and computational simulations, to predict the behavior of materials under different loading conditions. By incorporating experimental data and theoretical models, engineers can optimize the design of structures and components to minimize the risk of failure due to fracture or fatigue. This integrated approach allows engineers to balance performance, cost, and safetyconsiderations in the design process, ensuring that structures meet the required standards and regulations. Despite the advancements in materials science and engineering, challenges still exist in predicting and preventing fracture and fatigue failures. The complex nature of material behavior, combined with the variability of loading conditions and environmental factors, makes it difficult to accurately predict the lifetime of structures and components. Moreover, unexpected failure events can have catastrophic consequences, leading to injuries, financial losses, and damage to the environment. As such, ongoing research and development efforts are focused on improving the understanding of fracture mechanics and fatigue behavior, developing new materials with enhanced durability and reliability, and implementing advanced testing and monitoring techniques to detect early signs of damage. In conclusion, fracture mechanics and fatigue are fundamental concepts in materials science and engineering that play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and reliability of structures and components. By studying the behavior of materials under different loading condition likelihood of crack initiation and propagation, assess the fatigue life of components, and optimize the design of structures to minimize the risk of failure. While challenges exist in predicting and preventing fracture and fatigue failures, ongoing research and development efforts are aimed at improving our understanding of material behavior and developing innovative solutions to enhance the durability and performance of engineering systems. By addressing these challenges, engineers can continue to push the boundaries of materials science and engineering, creating safer and more sustainable structures for the future.
Unit 4 Text A传统中医和现代西医的融通人们对传统医学和补充医学的兴趣正在引起医疗界、政府部门、媒体和公众等美国社会各界的关注。
针刺基于1997年美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)专家共识会议审查的证据,NIH 专家共识发展小组保守建议针刺可以作为多种疾患的辅助疗法、替代疗法或综合管理方案的一部分。
超声增强的输送的物料进入并通过皮肤翻译Ultrasound-enhanced delivery of materials into and through the skinA method for enhancing the permeability of the skin or other biological membrane to a material such as a drug is disclosed. In the method, the drug is delivered in conjunction with ultrasound having a frequency of above about 10 MHz. The method may also be used in conjunction with chemical permeation enhancers and/or with iontophoresis.图片(11)权利要求(21)We claim:1. A method for enhancing the rate of permeation of a drug medium into a selected intact area of an individual's body surface, which method comprises:(a) applying ultrasound having a frequency of above 10 MHz to said selected area, at an intensity and for a period of timeeffective to enhance the permeability of said selected area;(b) contacting the selected area with the drug medium; and(c) effecting passage of said drug medium into and through said selected area by means of iontophoresis.2. The method of claim 1, wherein said ultrasound frequency is in the range of about 15 MHz to 50 MHz.3. The method of claim 2, wherein said ultrasound frequency is in the range of about 15 to 25 MHz.4. The method of claim 1, wherein said period of time is in the range of about 5 to 45 minutes.5. The method of claim 4, wherein said period of time is in the range of about 5 to 30 minutes.6. The method of claim 1, wherein said period of time is less than about 10 minutes.7. The method of claim 1, wherein said intensity of said ultrasound is less than about 5.0W/cm.sup.2.8. The method of claim 7, wherein said intensity of said ultrasound is in the range of about 0.01 to 5.0 W/cm.sup.2.9. The method of claim 8, wherein said intensity of said ultrasound is in the range of about 0.05 to 3.0 W/cm.sup.2.10. The method of claim 1, wherein said area of the stratum corneum is in the range of about 1 to 100 cm.sup.2.11. The method of claim 10, wherein said area of the stratum corneum is in the range of about 5 to 100 cm.sup.2.12. The method of claim 11, wherein said area of the stratum corneum is in the range of about 10 to 50 cm.sup.2.13. The method of claim 1 wherein said drug medium comprises a drug and a coupling agent effective to transfer said ultrasound to the body from an ultrasound source.14. The method of claim 13 wherein said coupling agent is a polymer or a gel.15. The method of claim 13 wherein said coupling agent is selected from the group consisting of glycerin, water, and propylene glycol.16. The method of claim 1 wherein said drug medium further comprises a chemical permeation enhancer.17. The method of claim 1, wherein steps (a) and (b) are carried out approximately simultaneously.18. The method of claim 1, wherein step (b) is carried out before step (a).19. The method of claim 1, wherein step (a) is carried out before step (b).20. The method of claim 1, wherein the ultrasound is applied continuously.21. The method of claim 1, wherein the ultrasound is pulsed.说明This application is a division of application Ser. No. 07/844,732 filed Mar. 2, 1992, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,231,975 which is a divisional of application Ser. No. 07/484,560, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,115,805, filed Feb. 23, 1990.TECHNICAL FIELDThis invention relates generally to the field of drug delivery. More particularly, the invention relates to a method of enhancing the rate of permeation of topically, transmucosally or transdermally applied materials using high frequency ultrasound.BACKGROUNDThe delivery of drugs through the skin ("transdermal drug delivery" or "TDD") provides many advantages; primarily, such a means of delivery is a comfortable, convenient and non-invasiveway of administering drugs. The variable rates of absorption and metabolism encountered in oral treatment are avoided, and other inherent inconveniences--e.g., gastrointestinal irritation and the like--are eliminated as well. Transdermal drug delivery also makes possible a high degree of control over blood concentrations of any particular drug.Skin is a structurally complex, relatively impermeable membrane. Molecules moving from the environment into and through intact skin must first penetrate the stratum corneum and any material on its surface. They must then penetrate the viable epidermis, the papillary dermis, and the capillary walls into the blood stream or lymph channels. To be so absorbed, molecules must overcome a different resistance to penetration in each type of tissue. Transport across the skin membrane is thus a complex phenomenon. However, it is the stratum corneum, a layer approximately 5-15 micrometers thick over most of the body, which presents the primary barrier to absorption of topical compositions or transdermally administered drugs. It is believed to be the high degree of keratinization within its cells as well as their dense packing and cementation by ordered, semicrystalline lipids which create in many cases a substantially impermeable barrier to drug penetration. Applicability of transdermal drug delivery is thus presently limited, because the skin is such an excellent barrier to the ingress of topically applied materials. For example, many of the new peptides and proteins now produced as a result of the biotechnology revolution cannot be delivered across the skin in sufficient quantities due to their naturally low rates of skin permeability.Various methods have been used to increase skin permeability, and in particular to increase the permeability of thestratum corneum (i.e., so as to achieve enhanced penetration, through the skin, of the drug to be administered transdermally). The primary focus has been on the use of chemical enhancers, i.e., wherein drug is coadministered with a penetration enhancing agent (or "permeation enhancer"). While such compounds are effective in increasing the rate at which drug is delivered through the skin, there are drawbacks with many permeation enhancers which limit their use. For example, many permeation enhancers are associated with deleterious effects on the skin (e.g., irritation). In addition, control of drug delivery with chemical enhancement can be quite difficult.Iontophoresis has also been used to increase the permeability of skin to drugs, and involves (1) the application of an external electric field, and (2) topical delivery of an ionized form of drug (or of a neutral drug carried with the water flux associated with ion transport, i.e., via "electroosmosis"). While permeation enhancement via iontophoresis has, as with chemical enhancers, been effective, there are problems with control of drug delivery and the degree of irreversible skin damage induced by the transmembrane passage of current.The presently disclosed and claimed method involves the use of ultrasound to decrease the barrier function of the stratum corneum and thus increase the rate at which a drug may be delivered through the skin. "Ultrasound" is defined as mechanical pressure waves with frequencies above 20,000 Hz (see, e.g., H. Lutz et al., Manual of Ultrasound: 1. Basic Physical and Technical Principles (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1984)).As discussed by P. Tyle et al. in Pharmaceutical Research 6(5):355-361 (1989), drug penetration achieved via "sonophoresis" (the movement of drugs through skin under theinfluence of an ultrasonic perturbation; see D. M. Skauen and G. M. Zentner, Int. J. Pharmaceutics 20:235-245 (1984)), is believed to result from thermal, mechanical and chemical alteration of biological tissues by the applied ultrasonic waves. Unlike iontophoresis, the risk of skin damage appears to be low.Applications of ultrasound to drug delivery have been discussed in the literature. See, for example: P. Tyle et al., supra (which provides an overview of sonophoresis); S. Miyazaki et al., J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 40:716-717 (1988) (controlled release of insulin from a polymer implant using ultrasound); J. Kost et al., Proceed. Intern. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater.16(141):294-295 (1989) (overview of the effect of ultrasound on the permeability of human skin and synthetic membranes); H. Benson et al., Physical Therapy 69(2):113-118 (1989) (effect of ultrasound on the percutaneous absorption of benzydamine); E. Novak, Arch. Phys. Medicine & Rehab. 45:231-232 (1964) (enhanced penetration of lidocaine through intact skin using ultrasound); J. E. Griffin et al., Amer. J. Phys. Medicine 44(1):20-25 (1965) (ultrasonic penetration of cortisol into pig tissue); J. E. Griffin et al., J. Amer. Phys. Therapy Assoc.46:18-26 (1966) (overview of the use of ultrasonic energy in drug therapy); J. E. Griffin et al., Phys. Therapy 47(7):594-601 (1967) (ultrasonic penetration of hydrocortisone); J. E. Griffin et al., Phys. Therapy 48(12):1336-1344 (1968) (ultrasonic penetration of cortisol into pig tissue); J. E. Griffin et al., Amer. J. Phys. Medicine 51(2):62-72 (1972) (same); J. C. McElnay, Int. J. Pharmaceutics 40:105-110 (1987) (the effect of ultrasound on the percutaneous absorption of fluocinolone acetonide); and C. Escoffier et al., Bioeng. Skin 2:87-94 (1986) (in vitro study of the velocity of ultrasound in skin).In addition to the aforementioned art, U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,767,402 and 4,780,212 to Kost et al. relate specifically to the use of specific frequencies of ultrasound to enhance the rate of permeation of a drug through human skin or through a synthetic membrane.While the application of ultrasound in conjunction with drug delivery is thus known, results have for the most part been disappointing, i.e., enhancement of skin permeability has been relatively low.SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThe present invention provides a novel method for enhancing the rate of permeation of a given material through a selected intact area of an individual's body surface. The method comprises contacting the selected intact area with the material and applying ultrasound to the contacted area. The ultrasound preferably has a frequency of above about 10 MHz, and is continued at an intensity and for a period of time sufficient to enhance the rate of permeation of the material into and through the body surface. The ultrasound can also be used to pretreat the selected area of the body surface in preparation for drug delivery, or for diagnostic purposes, i.e., to enable non-invasive sampling of physiologic material beneath the skin or body surface.In addition to enhancing the rate of permeation of a material, the present invention involves increasing the permeability of a biological membrane such as the stratum corneum by applying ultrasound having a frequency of above about 10 MHz to the membrane at an intensity and for a period of time sufficient to give rise to increased permeability of the membrane. Once the permeability of the membrane has been increased, it is possible to apply a material thereto and obtain an increased rate of flowof the material through the membrane.It is accordingly a primary object of the invention to address the aforementioned deficiencies of the prior art by providing a method of enhancing the permeability of biological membranes and thus allow for an increased rate of delivery of material therethrough.It is another object of the invention to provide such a method which is effective with or without chemical permeation enhancers.It is still another object of the invention to minimize lag time in such a method and provide a relatively short total treatment time.It is yet another object of the invention to provide such a method in which drug delivery is effected using ultrasound.It is a further object of the invention to enable sampling of tissue beneath the skin or other body surface by application of high frequency (>10 MHz) ultrasound thereto.A further feature of the invention is that it preferably involves ultrasound of a frequency greater than about 10 MHz.Additional objects, advantages and novel features of the invention will be set forth in part in the description which follows, and in part will become apparent to those skilled in the art upon examination of the following, or may be learned by practice of the invention.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGSFIGS. 1A, 1B and 1C are theoretical plots of energy dissipation within the skin barrier versus frequency of applied ultrasound.FIGS. 2, 3 and 4 are graphic representations of the amount of salicylic acid recovered from the stratum corneum after ultrasound treatment at different frequencies.FIGS. 5 and 6 represent the results of experiments similar to those summarized in FIGS. 2, 3 and 4, but with a shorter treatment time.FIGS. 7, 8, 9 and 10 are plots of enhancement versus "tape-strip number," as described in the Example.FIG. 11 illustrates the effect of ultrasound on the systemic availability of salicylic acid following topical application.DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTSBefore the present method of enhancing the rate of permeation of a material through a biological membrane and enhancing the permeability of membranes using ultrasound are disclosed and described, it is to be understood that this invention is not limited to the particular process steps and materials disclosed herein as such process steps and materials may, of course, vary. It is alto to be understood that the terminology used herein is used for purpose of describing particular embodiments only and is not intended to be limiting since the scope of the present invention will be limited only by the appended claims.It must be noted that as used in this specification and the appended claims, the singular forms "a", "an" and "the" include plural reference unless the context clearly dictates otherwise. Thus, for example, reference to "a drug" includes mixtures of drugs and their pharmaceutically acceptable salts, reference to "an ultrasound device" includes one or more ultrasound devices of the type necessary for carrying out the present invention, and reference to "the method of administration" includes one or more different methods of administration known to those skilled in the art or which will become known to those skilled in the art upon reading this disclosure.In one aspect of the invention a method is provided forenhancing the permeation of a given material such as a drug, pharmacologically active agent, or diagnostic agent into and/or through a biological membrane on an individual's body surface, which method comprises: (a) contacting the membrane with the chosen material in a pharmacologically acceptable carrier medium; and (b) applying ultrasound of an intensity and for a treatment time effective to produce delivery of the material through the membrane. The material is preferably a drug and it is preferable to obtain a desired blood level of the drug in the individual. The ultrasound is of a frequency and intensity effective to increase the permeability of the selected area to the applied drug over that which would be obtained without ultrasound. The ultrasound preferably has a frequency of more than 10 MHz, and may be applied either continuously or pulsed, preferably continuously. The ultrasound may be applied to the skin either before or after application of the drug medium so long as administration of the ultrasound and the drug medium is relatively simultaneous, i.e., the ultrasound is applied within about 6, more preferably within about 4, most preferably within about 2 minutes of drug application.The invention is useful for achieving transdermal permeation of pharmacologically active agents which otherwise would be quite difficult to deliver through the skin or other body surface. For example, proteinaceous drugs and other high molecular weight pharmacologically active agents are ideal candidates for transdermal, transmucosal or topical delivery using the presently disclosed method. In an alternative embodiment, agents useful for diagnostic purposes may also be delivered into and/or through the body surface using the present method.The invention is also useful as a non-invasive diagnostictechnique, i.e., in enabling the sampling of physiologic material from beneath the skin or other body surface and into a collection (and/or evaluation) chamber.The present invention will employ, unless otherwise indicated, conventional pharmaceutical methodology and more specifically conventional methodology used in connection with transdermal delivery of pharmaceutically active compounds and enhancers.In describing the present invention, the following terminology will be used in accordance with the definitions set out below.A "biological membrane" is intended to mean a membrane material present within a living organism which separates one area of the organism from another and, more specifically, which separates the organism from its outer environment. Skin and mucous membranes are thus included."Penetration enhancement" or "permeation enhancement" as used herein relates to an increase in the permeability of skin to a material such as a pharmacologically active agent, i.e., so as to increase the rate at which the material permeates into and through the skin. The present invention involves enhancement of permeation through the use of ultrasound, and, in particular, through the use of ultrasound having a frequency of greater than 10 MHz."Transdermal" (or "percutaneous") shall mean passage of a material into and through the skin to achieve effective therapeutic blood levels or deep tissue therapeutic levels. While the invention is described herein primarily in terms of "transdermal" administration, it will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that the presently disclosed and claimed methodalso encompasses the "transmucosal" and "topical" administration of drugs using ultrasound. "Transmucosal" is intended to mean passage of any given material through a mucosal membrane of a living organism and more specifically shall refer to the passage of a materialfrom the outside environment of the organism, through a mucous membrane and into the organism. "Transmucosal" administration thus includes delivery of drugs through either nasal or buccal tissue. By "topical" administration is meant local administration of a topical pharmacologically active agent to the skin as in, for example, the treatment of various skin disorders or the administration of a local anaesthetic. "Topical" delivery can involve penetration of a drug into the skin but not through it, i.e., topical administration does not involve actual passage of a drug into the bloodstream."Carriers" or "vehicles" as used herein refer to carrier materials without pharmacological activity which are suitable for administration with other pharmaceutically active materials, and include any such materials known in the art, e.g., any liquid, gel, solvent, liquid diluent, solubilizer, or the like, which is nontoxic and which does not interact with the drug to be administered in a deleterious manner. Examples of suitable carriers for use herein include water, mineral oil, silicone, inorganic gels, aqueous emulsions, liquid sugars, waxes, petroleum jelly, and a variety of other oils and polymeric materials.By the term "pharmacologically active agent" or "drug" as used herein is meant any chemical material or compound suitable for transdermal or transmucosal administration which can either (1) have a prophylactic effect on the organism and prevent an undesired biological effect such as preventing aninfection, (2) alleviates a condition caused by a disease such as alleviating pain caused as a result of a disease, or (3) either alleviates or completely eliminates the disease from the organism. The effect of the agent may be local, such as providing for a local anaesthetic effect or it may be systemic. Such substances include the broad classes of compounds normally delivered through body surfaces and membranes, including skin. In general, this includes: anti-infectives such as antibiotics and antiviral agents; analgesics and analgesic combinations; anorexics; antihelminthics; antiarthritics; antiasthmatic agents; anticonvulsants; antidepressants; antidiabetic agents; antidiarrheals; antihistamines; antiinflammatory agents; antimigraine preparations; antinauseants; antineoplastics; antiparkinsonism drugs; antipruritics; antipsychotics; antipyretics; antispasmodics; anticholinergics; sympathomimetics; xanthine derivatives; cardiovascular preparations including potassium and calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, and antiarrhythmics; antihypertensives; diuretics; vasodilators including general coronary, peripheral and cerebral; central nervous system stimulants; cough and cold preparations, including decongestants; hormones such as estradiol and other steroids, including corticosteroids; hypnotics; immunosuppressives; muscle relaxants; parasympatholytics; psychostimulants; sedatives; and tranquilizers. By the method of the present invention, both ionized and nonionzed drugs may be delivered, as can drugs of either high or low molecular weight.Proteinaceous and polypeptide drugs represent a preferred class of drugs for use in conjunction with the presently disclosed and claimed invention. Such drugs cannot generally be administered orally in that they Are often destroyed in the G.I.tract or metabolized in the liver. Further, due to the high molecular weight of most polypeptide drugs, conventional transdermal delivery systems are not generally effective. It is also desirable to use the methodof the invention in conjunction with drugs to which the permeability of the skin is relatively low, or which give rise to a long lag-time (application of ultrasound as described herein has been found to significantly reduce the lag-time involved with the transdermal administration of most drugs).By a "therapeutically effective" amount of a pharmacologically active agent is meant a nontoxic but sufficient amount of a compound to provide the desired therapeutic effect. The desired therapeutic effect may be a prophylactic effect, in preventing a disease, an effect which alleviates a system of the disease, or a curative effect which either eliminates or aids in the elimination of the disease.As noted above, the present invention is a method for enhancing the rate of permeation of a drug through an intact area of an individual's body surface, preferably the human skin. The method involves transdermal administration of a selected drug in conjunction with ultrasound. Ultrasound causes thermal, mechanical and chemical alterations of biological tissue, thereby enhancing the rate of permeation of a given material therethrough.While not wishing to be bound by theory, applicants propose that the use of higher frequency ultrasound as disclosed herein specifically enhances the permeation of the drug through the outer layer of skin, i.e., the stratum corneum, by causing momentary and reversible perturbations within (and thus short-term, reversible reduction in the barrier function of) the layer ofthe stratum corneum. It will be appreciated by those skilled in the art of transdermal drug delivery that a number of factors related to the present method will vary with the drug to be administered, the disease or injury to be treated, the age of the selected individual, the location of the skin to which the drug is applied, and the like.As noted above, "ultrasound" is ultrasonic radiation of a frequency above 20,000 Hz. As may be deduced from the literature cited above, ultrasound used for most medical purposes typically employs frequencies ranging from 1.6 to about 10 MHz. The present invention, by contrast, employs ultrasound frequencies of greater than about 10 MHz, preferably in the range of about 15 to 50 MHz, most preferably in the range of about 15 to 25 MHz. It should be emphasized that these ranges are intended to be merely illustrative of the preferred embodiment; in some cases higher or lower frequencies may be used.The ultrasound may be pulsed or continuous, but is preferably continuous when lower frequencies are used. At very high frequencies, pulsed application will generally be preferred so as to enable dissipation of generated heat.The preferred intensity of the applied ultrasound is less than about 5.0 W/cm.sup.2, more preferably is in the range of about 0.01 to 5.0 W/cm.sup.2, and most preferably is in the range of 0.05 to 3.0 W/cm.sup.2. The total treatment time, i.e., the period over which drug and ultrasound are administered, will vary depending on the drug administered, the disease or injury treated, etc., but will generally be on the order of about 30 seconds to 60 minutes, preferably 5 to 45 minutes, more preferably 5 to 30 minutes, and most preferably 5 to 10minutes. It should be noted that the aforementioned ranges represent suggested, or preferred, treatment times, but are not in any way intended to be limiting. Longer or shorter times may be possible and in some cases desirable. Virtually any type of device may be used to administer the ultrasound, providing that the device is callable of producing the higher frequency ultrasonic waves required by the present method. A device will typically have a power source such as a small battery, a transducer, a reservoir in which the drug medium is housed (and which may or may not be refillable), and a means to attach the system to the desired skin site.As ultrasound does not transmit well in air, a liquid medium is generally needed to efficiently and rapidly transmit ultrasound between the ultrasound applicator and the skin. As explained by P. Tyle et al., cited above, the selected drug medium should contain a "coupling" or "contacting" agent typically used in conjunction with ultrasound. The coupling agent should have an absorption coefficient similar to that of water, and furthermore be nonstaining, nonirritating to the skin, and slow drying. It is clearly preferred that the coupling agent retain a paste or gel consistency during the time period of ultrasound administration so that contact is maintained between the ultrasound source and the skin. Examples of preferred coupling agents are mixtures of mineral oil and glycerine and propylene glycol, oil/water emulsions, and a water-based gel. A solid-state, non-crystalline polymeric film having the above-mentioned characteristics may also be used. The drug medium may also contain a carrier or vehicle, as defined alone.A transdermal patch as well known in the art may be used in conjunction with the present invention, i.e., to deliver the drugmedium to the skin. The "patch", however, must have the properties of the coupling agent as described in the preceding paragraph so as to enable transmission of the ultrasound from the applicator, through the patch, to the skin.As noted earlier in this section, virtually any chemical material or compound suitable for transdermal, transmucosal or topical administration may be administered using the present method. Again, the present invention is particularly useful to enhance delivery of proteinaceous and other high molecular weight drugs.The method of the invention is preferably carried out as follows. The drug medium, i.e., containing the selected drug or drugs in conjunction with the coupling agent and optionally a carrier or vehicle material, is applied to an area of intact body surface. Ultrasound preferably having a frequency greater than about 10 MHz may be applied before or after application of the drug medium, but is preferably applied immediately before application of the drug so as to "pretreat" the skin prior to drug administration.It should also be pointed out that the present method may be used in conjunction with a chemical permeation enhancer as known in the art, wherein the ultrasound enables the use of much lower concentrations of permeation enhancer--thus minimizing skin irritation and other problems frequently associated with such compounds--than would be possible in the absence of ultrasound. The permeation enhancer may be incorporated into the drug medium or it maybe applied in a conventional transdermal patch after pretreatment of the body surface with ultrasound.The present invention may also be used in conjunction with。
reservoir stimulation英文书籍
reservoir stimulation英文书籍Reservoir Stimulation: Enhancing Productivity of Oil and Gas WellsIntroduction:Reservoir stimulation plays a crucial role in enhancing the productivity of oil and gas wells. It involves a set of techniques aimed at increasing the flow of hydrocarbons from the reservoir to the wellbore. This article explores the various methods utilized in reservoir stimulation and their significance in improving well productivity.1. Hydraulic Fracturing:Hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, is one of the most widely used reservoir stimulation techniques. It involves injecting fluid at high pressure into the reservoir, creating fractures in the rock formations. These fractures serve as pathways for the hydrocarbons to flow more easily into the wellbore. The success of hydraulic fracturing lies in optimizing fluid composition, injection rate, and proppant selection, leading to increased reservoir contact and enhanced productivity.2. Acid Stimulation:Acid stimulation involves injecting acids, such as hydrochloric acid, into the reservoir to dissolve or etch the rock formations. This technique is particularly beneficial for carbonate reservoirs, where acid reacts with the rock mineralogy, enlarging existing pores and fractures. Acid stimulation helps to increase permeability and porosity, enabling better fluid flow and consequently enhancing the productivity of the well.3. Matrix Acidizing:Matrix acidizing is a form of acid stimulation that targets the well matrix rather than creating fractures. It aims at dissolving or removing damaging materials, such as scale and formation damage, from the reservoir rock. Matrix acidizing improves the reservoir's permeability by removing the obstructing substances, thus allowing efficient flow of hydrocarbons to the wellbore.4. Proppant Placement:Proppant placement is a technique associated with hydraulic fracturing. It involves choosing and positioning proppants, such as sand or ceramic particles, within the created fractures. Proppants keep the fractures open, preventing them from closing under pressure, and ensuring the flow of hydrocarbons. Optimizing proppant size and concentration is crucial for achieving efficient proppant placement and maximizing the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing.5. Chemical EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery):Chemical enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques represent an important aspect of reservoir stimulation. These techniques include polymer flooding, surfactant flooding, and alkaline flooding. Polymer flooding involves injecting polymers into the reservoir to increase the viscosity of injected water, enabling better sweep efficiency. Surfactant flooding focuses on reducing interfacial tension between oil and water, enhancing oil recovery. Alkaline flooding adjusts the pH of injected water, altering the wettability of the reservoir rock and improving oil displacement. Thesechemical EOR methods significantly contribute to reservoir stimulation and maximize oil recovery.6. Thermal Stimulation:Thermal stimulation methods, such as steam injection and in-situ combustion, are widely employed in reservoir stimulation, particularly for heavy oil reservoirs. Steam injection heats the reservoir, reducing the oil's viscosity and improving its mobility. In-situ combustion involves burning a portion of the reservoir's oil, which generates heat, expands gas, and creates pressure, enhancing oil displacement and flow. Thermal stimulation techniques enable the extraction of heavy oil resources, thereby enhancing reservoir productivity.Conclusion:Reservoir stimulation is an essential aspect of the oil and gas industry. Techniques such as hydraulic fracturing, acid stimulation, proppant placement, chemical EOR, and thermal stimulation significantly contribute to increasing well productivity. Understanding and optimizing these methods play a crucial role in maximizing hydrocarbon recovery and ensuring the efficient utilization of reservoir resources. Continual advancements in reservoir stimulation techniques continue to shape the industry, enabling the extraction of valuable oil and gas resources.。
Lapière's ExperimentIn the field of linguistics, Lapière's experiment, also known as the Lapière brothers' experiment, was a groundbreaking study conducted by French linguists Jean and Henry Lapière in the early 20th century. The aim of the experiment was to investigate the relationship between language and social class.The experiment was conducted in Paris, where the Lapière brothers collected data by asking passersby for directions. They did this in two different ways: first, by using the formal language of the upper classes, and then by using the informal language of the lower classes. They found that when they used the formal language, they were more likely to receive directions from upper-class individuals, while when they used the informal language, they received directions from lower-class individuals.This experiment demonstrated that language use is influenced by social class and that different social groups have distinct linguistic patterns. It also highlighted the importance of language in maintaining social boundaries and distinctions between different groups.The Lapière brothers' exper iment has had a significant impact on the study of linguistics, particularly in the field of sociolinguistics. It has helped to shape our understanding of the role of language in social identity and interaction, and has provided valuable insights into the complex relationship between language and society.。
NSS Mastering Biology Suggested Answer Book 1B (eng)
Suggested answers to Exercise and Reading to learn(Note: The overseas examination boards bear no responsibility for the suggested answers contained in this publication. Answers for HKCEE and HKALE questions are not available due to copyright restrictions.)Chapter 7 Gas exchange in humansExerciseMultiple-choice questions (p. 7-26)1 D2 B3 C4 C5 C6 B7 B8 A9 C10 C11 DShort questions (p. 7-28)12The dust particles and bacteria from the air cannot be filtered by cilia or trapped by mucus.1m They can go directly into our lungs. 1m The dust will block the air passage and the bacteria will cause respiratory infection. 1m13 a Air sacs 1mb Nasal cavity 1mTrachea 1mBronchi 1mBronchioles (except the smallest ones) 1mc Intercostal muscles 1mRibs 1mDiaphragm 1m 14 a In sequence:upwards / outwards 1mdownwards / flatten 1mb i On diagram:Oxygen arrow to blood from air and CO2 arrow to air from blood 1mOxygen arrow to red blood cell 1mCO2 arrow from plasma 1m ii Diffusion 1miii Large surface area 1m 15 HKCEE Biology 2005 I Q416Structured questions (p.7-29)17 a B and C 2mMucus traps dust. 1mCilia beat mucus up the trachea,preventing it from entering the lungs. 1mb F, G and H 3mc E, air sac 1m x 2It is the site of gas exchange between air and blood. 1m 18 a General description of pressure changesDecreases to a minimum of –0.29 / –0.3 / –0.31 kPa 1mat 0.8–0.9 s 0.5mThen returns to zero at the end of inspiration 1mat 1.62–1.7 s 0.5mb Changes from –0.29 / –0.3 / –0.31 kPa to 0.29 / 0.3 / 0.31 kPa 1mOverall change of 0.58–0.62 kPa 1mc i Contraction of diaphragm and intercostal muscles 1mIncreased volume in thorax / chest, decreased pressure 1mPressure rises as air moves in 1m ii Relaxation of diaphragm and intercostal muscles 0.5m Reference to elasticity / elastic fibres 0.5mDecreased volume in thorax / chest, increased pressure 1mPressure decreases as air moves out 1m 19HKCEE Biology 2001 I Q4b20HKCEE Human Biology 1999 I Q1b21 a1mb Hydrogencarbonate indicator / lime water 1mc A: Hydrogencarbonate indicator changes to yellow / lime water turns milky 1mB: Hydrogencarbonate indicator remains orange / lime water remains clear 1md i Collect a jar of atmospheric air as inhaled air. 1mCollect a jar of exhaled air by blowing slowly into a gas jar over water. 1mLower a burning candle into the jar of inhaled air and the jar of exhaled air. 1mRecord how long the candle can burn in each jar. 1m ii The candle can burn longer in the jar of inhaled air. 1mIt is because some oxygen of the inhaled air is absorbed in the lungs and theexhaled air contains less oxygen. 1m 22 a i Arrow at peak of curve 1mii Intercostal muscles contract 1m Diaphragm contracts / flattens / moves down 1mRibs move upwards and outwards 1m iii Line goes up 1mb i Bronchiole 1mii Mucus traps dust / microorganisms 1m Cilia sweep mucus away from air sacs 1m iii Any two from: 1m x 2 Stimulates mucus-secreting cells / excess mucus producedInhibits ciliaLeads to cancerEssays (p. 7-31)23CartilageIn trachea / bronchi 0.5mHolds airway open / prevents collapse 0.5mLow resistance to air movement 0.5m Ciliated epithelium / ciliaSweep mucus 0.5mRemove particles from lungs 0.5m Mucus-secreting cellsSecrete mucus 0.5mTrap bacteria / dust / pollen / particles 0.5m Blood vesselsSupply oxygen / nutrients to tissues of lung 0.5mSurround air sacs / good blood supply to air sacs 0.5mDeliver carbon dioxide / pick up oxygen 0.5mReference to wall of capillary being thin 0.5mEase of / rapid gaseous exchange OR short diffusion pathway 0.5m Smooth muscleAdjust size of airways in exercise 0.5m EpitheliumThin wall of air sacs 0.5mEase of / rapid gaseous exchangeOR short diffusion pathway 0.5mReference to larger surface area of numerous air sacs 0.5m Quality of written communication 2m24Any three from: 1m x 3 Inhaled air contains more oxygen than exhaled airInhaled air contains less carbon dioxide than exhaled airInhaled air contains less water vapourRelative amount / percentage of nitrogen also changesExplanation:Respiration results in lower blood oxygen / higher blood carbon dioxide 1m Oxygen enters blood / carbon dioxide leaves blood in air sacs 1m by diffusion 1m Water vapour diffuses from moist surface 1m Breadth of knowledge 2m max Quality of written communication 1m max Reading to learn (p. 7-32)1During inhalation,diaphragm muscles and intercostal muscles contract. 1m Diaphragm flattens and rib cage moves upwards and outwards. 1m Volume of thoracic cavity increases and pressure decreases. 0.5m Air rushes into the lungs. 0.5m During exhalation,diaphragm muscles and intercostal muscles relax. 1m Diaphragm returns to dome shape and rib cage moves downwards and inwards.1m Volume of thoracic cavity decreases and pressure increases.Air is forced out of the lungs. 1m2The iron lung was connected with a pump which changed the pressure inside. 1m When the pressure inside the iron lung is lower than that inside the lungs of the patient, air rushes into the lungs. 1m When the pressure inside the iron lung is higher than that inside the lungs of the patient, air inside the lungs is forced out of it. 1m3Advancement in the making of artificial joint 1m Reduces risk of allergy allows patients to move more flexibly 1m (Accept other reasonable answers)Chapter 8 Transport in humansExerciseMultiple-choice questions (p. 8-31)1 C2 D3 B4 A5 B6 B7 A8 B9 C10 B11 B12 BShort questions (p. 8-33)13 a i Haemoglobin 1mii Carries oxygen / forms oxyhaemoglobin 1m from lungs to tissues 1mb No nucleus / biconcave disc 1m14 HKCEE Biology 2006 I Q115 a Blood flows twice through heart 1mper one full circulation 1mORPulmonary circulation / to lungs 1mSystemic circulation / to the body 1mb Any one from: 1mMore oxygen reaches tissues / cells OR more efficient supply to tissues / cellsHelps sustain high blood pressureLess resistance to flowEasier to return blood to heartMore rapid circulationGreater activity possibleToo high a pressure does not damage lungs16HKCEE Biology 2001 I Q3bStructured questions (p. 8-34)17 HKCEE Biology 2005 I Q8a18 HKCEE Biology 2004 I Q3c19 a As the total cross-sectional area of vessels increases (due to branching of arteries intoarterioles) / large number of capillaries 1mResistance to blood flow increases and blood pressure falls 1mORFormation of tissue fluid at the arterial end of capillary beds 1mDecreases blood volume and therefore decreases blood pressure within the capillarybeds 1mORGreater distance from heart 1mPressure gradually reduces with distance from heart / pressure is maintained by smalllumen of the arteries 1mORVeins have a larger lumen 1mLarger volume equals decreased pressure 1mb Any two from: 1m x 2The arteries have a thick wall (particularly the tunica media) to resist pressureThe arteries contain numerous elastic fibresElastic fibres allow expansion under pressureSmall arterial lumen ensures high pressurec Any two from: 1m x 2The veins have a large lumen to reduce the resistance of blood flowing into themVeins rely on the movement of surrounding muscle tissue to move blood alongThey possess valves to prevent backflowDescription of how valves workd i Tissue fluid forms at the arterial end of capillary networks because of the highblood pressure. 1m ii Reabsorption at the venule end is brought about osmotically because of the lower solute potential provided by the retained proteins. 1m20 a Pulmonary artery 1mb S ➝ D ➝ C ➝ P ➝ X ➝ Q ➝ B ➝ A ➝ R(2m for all correct answers or no marks)c R has a thicker wall than S. 1mR has a smaller lumen than S. 1md Blood in R has more oxygen / less carbon dioxide / more glucose than in S. (any 2)1m x 2e The semilunar valves are closed. 1mThe cardiac muscle of A and C relaxes. 1mThe pressure inside A and C is lower than the pressure in P and R. 1m Essay (p. 8-35)21Any 10 from: 1m x 10 Highest pressure is in the aorta / arteries / closest to heart, where there is rhythmic rise and fall / pulse.Pressure drops progressively from arteries to arterioles.Pressure drops further through capillaries / progressive drop with increased distance from heart.Pressure in veins is low.(Marks of the above points may be awarded on annotated graph)Rise and fall in aorta or arteries corresponds to contraction of ventricles.Friction with walls causes pressure drop.Arterioles have large total cross sectional area. Capillaries give even greater crosssectional area.Few vessels subdividing into many smaller vessels, causing substantial pressure drop from arterial values / narrow lumen increases friction so pressure drops.Effect depends on whether arterioles are dilated or constricted / reference to elastic recoil in artery walls / maintains pressure.Pressure also drops in capillaries because of leakage of fluids into tissues.Pressure in veins / away from heart is non-rhythmic because influence of ventricles has been dissipated.Pressure in veins can be increased by squeezing action of (skeletal) muscles.This works because of the presence of valves in veins.Reading to learn (p. 8-36)1Blood is returned to the heart from different organs through blood vessels, instead of being used up as suggested by Galen. 1m Blood cannot flow from one ventricle to the other through pores in the septum of the heart, because there is no pore in the septum. Blood flows from one ventricle to the other through blood vessels. 1m 2Some of the deoxygenated blood in the right atrium and ventricle will bypass the lungs.1m Blood in the right atrium and ventricle directly goes to the left atrium and ventricle and pumped to different parts of the body. 1m Organs and tissues cannot get enough oxygen supply from the blood. 1m 3Harvey used careful calculations and repeated experiments to show blood was not used up, but flowed in a closed loop. 1m He dissected the septum of the heart to show it contained no pores. 1m 4Yes, scientists should be skeptical of other people’s findings. 1m Though Galen’s idea remained unchallenged for over 1000 years, Harvey was skeptical of the idea and did experiments to prove that it was wrong. Because of his skeptics and hard work, he finally worked out the correct theory of blood flow 1mChapter 9 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants ExerciseMultiple-choice questions (p. 9-23)1 C2 B3 C4 D5 D6 C7 C8 D9 A10 AShort questions (p. 9-25)11 a photosynthesis, autotrophs 0.5m x 2b Minerals, deficiency diseases 0.5m x 2c photosynthesis, respiration 0.5m x 2d Oxygen, carbon dioxide 0.5m x 2e compensation point, respiration 0.5m x 212 HKCEE Biology 2005 I Q8b13 a Any one from: 1mLongThin cell wallLack of waterproof layer / cuticleLarge surface areaPresent in large numbersMembrane proteins / carriers / channelsMany mitochondriab Active transport / diffusion 1mc The water potential of soil water is usually higher than that of the root cells.0.5mWater moves down the water potential gradient into the root cells by osmosis 0.5mthrough the channel proteins / differentially permeable cell membranes and 0.5mthe freely permeable cell walls. 0.5m 14 a D (mesophyll cell), E (air space) and F (guard cell) 0.5m x 3There are many air spaces to allow diffusion of gases on the moist surfacesof mesophyll cells. 1mGuard cells control the opening of stomata, which allow diffusion of gases. 0.5mb A (cuticle) and F (guard cell) 0.5m x 2Cuticle is impermeable to water. 0.5mGuard cells control the opening of stomata, which allow diffusion ofwater vapour. 0.5m 15 a Area of the field of view= 0.1 mm (height) ⨯ (5.7 cm / 3.4 cm ⨯ 0.1 mm) (length)= 0.0168 mm21mStomatal density= 4 stomata / 0.0168 mm2≈ 238 stomata per mm2 of the leaf surface 1mb Sorghum grows in dry conditions. 1mIt loses water through the stomata rapidly. 1mHaving few stomata can reduce water loss and hence conserve more water. 1m16 a To carry out photosynthesis. 1mT he cells locate near the top of the leaf so that they can trap the maximum amount oflight for photosynthesis. 1mThe cells are densely packed and contain many chloroplasts. 1mb BuoyancyStorage of oxygen / carbon dioxide / gasesAllows rapid diffusion of gases(any 2) 1m x 2c To enable exchange of gases. 1mIt would let in water if stomata are in lower epidermis. 1m Structured questions (p. 9-26)17 HKALE Biology 1998 I Q9a18 HKCEE Biology 2004 I Q4c19 HKCEE Biology 2005 I Q9Essay (p. 9-27)20Plants need to obtain oxygen and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for respiration and photosynthesis respectively.They also need to obtain water and minerals from the soil for the production of different substances they need. 1m Carbon dioxide and oxygen:Plants exchange gases with the environment by diffusion. In terrestrial plants, gasexchange takes place through leaves, stems and roots.In leaves, gases from the environment diffuse into the air space through the stomata. Gases dissolve in the moist surface of the mesophyll cells. They then diffuse to the neighbouring cells. 1m Gases diffuse from the leaves to the environment in the reverse way.In woody stems, gas exchange takes place through the lenticels. 1m In roots, gas exchange takes place all over their surfaces. 1m Water and minerals:The water potential of the soil water is usually higher than that of the cytoplasm of the root hairs, water moves into the root hairs by osmosis. 1m Water passes across the cortex from cell to cell by osmosis or moves along the cell walls.1m Water is drawn up the xylem vessels by transpiration pull. 1m Most minerals are absorbed into the root cells by active transport. They are taken upagainst a concentration gradient using energy from respiration. 1m Some dissolved minerals are absorbed along water. 1m Communication max 3mReading to learn (p. 9-28)1Certain plants can make use of toxic substances as their nutrients. 1m 2It is cost-effective. 1m 3The toxic substances absorbed by the plants may escape from the leaves and pollute the air.The plants containing the toxic substances may affect the environment if they are notproperly disposed of.The clean-up process is slow because the plants take months to grow.(any 2) 1m x 2 4When the plants decay, the toxic substances absorbed by the plants may return to the soil.Animals living in soil may be harmed by the toxic substances. 1mChapter 10 Transpiration, transport and support in plants ExerciseMultiple-choice questions (p. 10-23)1 D2 C3 A4 C5 BShort questions (p. 10-24)6 HKCEE Biology 1997 I Q17 HKCEE Biology 2001 I Q38 HKCEE Biology 2006 I Q99 a Xylem cells have thick cell walls which contain a hard substance called lignin as wellas cellulose. This makes the xylem strong enough to provide support to the plants.2m The cortex cells have thin cell walls only. Support is provided by their turgidity.When the cells are turgid, they become rigid and press against each other. 2mb Diagram: The stem bends greatly and the leaves drooped 1mReason:The non-woody stem contains little xylem tissue. 1mIts support is mainly by the turgidity of cells. The cells become flaccid when there isnot enough water. 1mc The buoyancy of water provides much support to the submerged plant. 1m10 a i Water flow is not restricted. / Transpiration stream is maintained. 1mii Provides support / Waterproof to prevent water loss 1mb i The rate of water flow in xylem decreases as the total area of the stomatalopenings decreases. 1m ii Increasing temperature leads to higher rate of evaporation / transpiration. 1miii Lower plateau (start and finish at same point) 1m 11 HKCEE Biology 2002 I Q3Structured question (p. 10-26)12 a The dye had travelled 9 cm up the stem in two hours. 0.5mRate of water movement = 9/2 0.5m= 4.5 cm per hour 1mb Any two of the following: 1m x 2Increase the light intensity around the plant.Decrease the relative humidity around the plant.Use a fan to increase ventilation around the plant.c Prepare several Coleus plants with different numbers of leaves. 1mPut them under the same condition and start the experiment at the same time. 1mEstimate the total surface area of leaves in each plant by tracing all the leaves ongraph paper and counting the number of squares. 1mThe rate of water movement is expected to increase with the surface areaof leaves. 1mThe relationship may not be a directly proportional one since the surface areas ofstems are not included but transpiration occurs through the cuticle of stems as well.2m Essay (p. 10-27)13Light intensity:The rate of transpiration increases with an increase in light intensity. 1m As the light intensity increases, the stomata open wider. 1m More water vapour in the air space diffuses out through the stomata. 1m In darkness, the stomata close, so that the rate of transpiration decreases.1m Wind:The rate of transpiration increases in windy conditions. 1m In still air, the water vapour that diffuses out of the leaves accumulates around the stomata.1m Wind blows away the water vapour and prevents the decrease in the concentration gradient of water vapour between the air space in the leaves and the surrounding air. 1m Relative humidity:The rate of transpiration decreases with an increase in the relative humidity of thesurrounding air. 1m Since the air space in the leaves is saturated with water vapour, a higher relative humidity of the surrounding air will decrease the concentration gradient of water vapour between the air space and the surrounding air. 1m Therefore, less water vapour from the air space will diffuse out through the stomata. 1m (Or correct answers for other factors, e.g. air temperature, availability of soil water, air pollution, air pressure, etc.)14 HKALE Biology 2005 II Q5aReading to learn (p. 10-28)1Plants lose water rapidly under hot, dry conditions 1m when the stomata open for gas exchange. 1m The availability of water to plants is low. 1m2The needle shape greatly reduces the surface area of leaves. 1m Less water evaporates from the leaf surface. 1m3The needle-like leaves contain few chloroplasts. 0.5m The amount of food produced by photosynthesis in the leaves is small. 0.5m Instead, the epidermal cells of the stems contain many chloroplasts. 0.5m They can carry out photosynthesis to produce sufficient food for the plant.0.5m 4The swollen stems of cacti store a lot of water. 1m The turgidity of cells provides support for the plant. 1m。
126第23卷 第2期 2021 年 2 月辽宁中医药大学学报JOURNAL OF LIAONING UNIVERSITY OF TCMVol. 23 No. 2 Feb .,2021临床观察[ J ] .辽宁中医药大学学报,2019,21 ( 3 ):155-157.[ 2 ] 王进,秦明芳,周红海.寰枢关节半脱位的中医治疗进展[ J ] . 中国中医骨伤科杂志,2010,18 ( 9 ):69-70.[ 3 ]D'Addio SM,CHAN JOHN GAR YAN,KWOK PHILIP CHI LIP. Constant size variable density aerosol particles by ultrasonic spray freeze drying[ J ] . International Journal of Pharmaceutics,2012,427 ( 2 ):1157.[ 4 ] 杨子明.寰枢关节是否存在半脱位及其相关问题[ J ] .中华外科杂志,2006,44 ( 20 ):1369-1375.[ 5 ] 谭明生,ATUL GOEL,KUNIYOSHI ABUMI,等.寰枢椎脱位中西医结合诊治指南(2019)[ J ] .中国骨伤,2020,33 ( 1 ):27-38.[ 6 ] 邵开超,查和萍,范志勇,等.寰枢关节错位所致颈性眩晕机制探讨[ J ] .辽宁中医药大学学报,2014,16 ( 1 ):161-163.[ 7 ]常宝琴.经方中药治疗颈椎病3案浅析[ J ] .医学食疗与健康,2020,18 ( 5 ):29-30.[ 8 ] 程宏亮.针刺穴位诱导颈椎复位[ J ] .中国针灸,1996,16 ( 11 ):58.[ 9 ] 张素钊,袁军,薛维华,等.针刺加颈椎矫正配合桂枝加葛根汤治疗寰枢关节错位的临床研究[ J ] .辽宁中医杂志,2019,46 ( 3 ):608-611.[ 10 ] 管俊,崔瑛.桑寄生药理作用及临床应用研究进展[ J ] .河北中医,2017,39 ( 3 ):460-463.[ 11 ] 张蔷,高文远,满淑丽.黄芪中有效成分药理活性的研究进展[ J ] .中国中药杂志,2012,37 ( 21 ):3203-3207.[ 12 ] 卢大地.浅谈正骨调脊手法[ J ] .中国民间疗法,2018,26 ( 2 ):27-30.[ 13 ] 李倩,程浩,高扬,等.坐位颈椎旋转复位法联合推拿及牵引治疗寰枢关节半脱位源性眩晕的疗效观察[ J ] .湖北中医杂志,2019,41 ( 12 ):46-49.[ 14 ] 刘景昊,吕立江,谢云兴,等.吕立江教授治疗寰枢关节半脱位经验[ J ] .浙江中医药大学学报,2017,41 ( 11 ):901-903.槲皮素治疗肺间质纤维化作用机制研究进展李珂珂1,葛春蕾1,张兴彩2(1.山东中医药大学,山东 济南 250014;2.山东中医药大学附属医院,山东 济南 250014)基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81641190);山东省医药卫生科技发展计划项目(2015WS0139);泰山学者岗位专项基金(ts201712096)作者简介:李珂珂(1994-),女,山东济南人,硕士研究生,研究方向:中医肺病专业研究。
商务英语词汇 - 医学寄生虫学英语词汇翻译_外贸商务英语四级六级考研雅思英语翻译写作作文听力单词在线字典,learn english dictionary,spkcn首页英语听力词汇学习英语童话英语演讲 ESL资源 Delphi 站内搜索联系我们设为首页您的位置:商务英语词汇 > 医药卫生 > 医学寄生虫学英语词汇翻译医学寄生虫学英语词汇翻译2006-09-27 spkcn 点击: 14Medical Parasitology 医学寄生虫学Aedes 伊蚊alternation of generations 世代交替amastigote 无鞭毛体AmoebiasisAncylostoma duodenale 十二指肠钩口线虫Anopheles 按蚊ascariasis 蛔虫病ascaris lumbricoides 似蚓蛔线虫arthropod 节肢动物bradysporozoite 迟发型子孢子bradyzoite 缓殖子Brugia malayi 马来布鲁线虫capsule 荚膜,被膜,囊胞carrier 携带者,载体,载流子,带虫者cercaria 尾蚴cercarial dermatitis 尾蚴性皮炎daughter cyst 子囊ectopic parasitism 异位寄生egg 卵elephantiasis 象皮肿enterobiasis 蛲虫病Enterobius vermiculariserythrocytic stage 红细胞内期facultative parasite 兼性寄生虫fasciolopsiasisfasciolopsis buskifertile egg 受精卵filaria 丝虫filariasis 丝虫病filariform larvae 丝状蚴final host 终宿主flea 蚤fly 蝇gametocyte 配子体Giardia lamblia 蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫Giardiasis 贾第虫病gravid proglottid 孕节helminth 蠕虫helminthiasis 蠕虫病hemimetabola 不全变态hexacanth 六钩蚴hookworm disease 钩虫病host 宿主human parasitology 人体寄生虫学hydatid cyst 棘球蚴囊hydatid diseaseimmature proglottid 幼节immune evasion 免疫逃避infective stage 感染阶段infertile cyst 不育囊larva 幼虫larva migrans 幼虫移行症Leishmania donovani 杜氏利什曼原虫Leishmaniasis 利什曼病life cycle 生活史louse 虱macrogametocyte 大配子体malaria 疟疾malaria pigment 疟色素mature proglottid 成节medical arthropodology 医学节肢动物学merozoite 裂殖子metacercaria 囊蚴microfilaria 微丝蚴microgametocyte 雄配子体,小配子体miracidium 毛蚴mosquito 蚊myiasis 蛆病Necator americanus 美洲板口线虫Nematode 线虫nocturnal periodicity 夜现周期性nymph 若虫obligatory parasite 专性寄生虫onchosphere 六钩蚴oocyst 卵囊ovum 卵,卵细胞Pagumogonimus skrjabini 斯氏狸殖吸虫paragonimiasis 肺吸虫病parasite 寄生虫parasitic zoonosis 人兽共患寄生虫parasitism 寄生paratenic host (transport host) 转续宿主plerocercoid (sparganum) 裂头蚴Pneumocystis carinii 卡氏肺孢子虫premunition 带虫免疫procercoid 原尾蚴promastigote 前鞭毛体protoscolex 原头蚴protozoon (protozoa) 原生动物pseudocyst 假包囊pupa 蛹recrudescence 再燃redia 雷蚴relapse 复发reservoir host 保虫宿主sandfly 白蛉sarcoptes mites 疥螨Sarcoptes scabiei 人疥螨scabies 疥疮Schistosoma haematobium 埃及血吸虫Schistosoma japomicum 日本血吸虫Schistosoma mansoni 曼氏血吸虫Schistosomiasis 血吸虫病schistosomule (schistosomula) 童虫schizont 裂殖体Schuffners dots 薛氏小点scolex 头节soft ticks 软蜱somatic antigen 虫体抗原sparganosis 裂头蚴病Spirometra mansoni 曼氏迭宫绦虫sporocyst 胞蚴sporozoite 子孢子sterilizing immunity 消除性免疫surface antigen 表面抗原tachysporozoite 速发型子孢子tachyzoite 速殖子taeniasis 带绦虫病tapeworm 绦虫Copyright © 2005-2010 商务英语词汇, Inc. All Rights Reserved.版权声明:未经本站许可,任何人不得复制本站内容。
当小麦秸秆被用作牲畜饲料,预处理通常需要提高消化率(Jackson, 1977;Flachowsky 等人,1996;Karunanandaa 和V arga,1996)。
(Garde等人,2002年; Berndes等人,2001年;Chum和Overend,2001年; Kaylen等人,2000年;Lee,1997年)。
由于木质纤维素的材料在其天然形式是仅部分消化,许多机械,化学和生物预处理工艺已经提出了扣除易受到酶和微生物的作用,如蒸汽爆破(Montane等,1998),稀酸水解(Grohmann等,1985),湿法氧化(Klinke等,2002),热水预水解(Lawther等,1996; Kubikova等,1996)和有机溶剂法(Jimenez等,1997;Sun 等,1997)。
学术英语 医学 Unit 6 Text A 翻译
Unit 6 Text A寻求临终护理数十年前,大多数人在自己家中去世,但是医疗方面的进步已经改变了这一情况。
关于核雕的研究介绍英语Nuclear engraving, also known as nuclear carving, is a cutting-edge technology that involves using high-energy ion beams to sculpt and etch materials at the atomic level. This innovative technique has gained significant attention in recent years for its potential applications in various fields, including materials science, nanotechnology, and even art.The process of nuclear engraving begins with the acceleration of ions to high speeds using particle accelerators. These ions are then directed towards a target material, where they penetrate the surface and cause controlled damage at the atomic level. By carefully controlling the energy and direction of the ion beam, researchers can precisely sculpt and etch the material with incredible precision and resolution.One of the key advantages of nuclear engraving is its ability to create intricate patterns and structures with dimensions on the nanometer scale. This level of precision is difficult to achieve with traditional machiningtechniques, making nuclear engraving a valuable tool for creating advanced materials and devices with unique properties.In materials science, nuclear engraving has been usedto create nanostructures with tailored mechanical, electrical, and optical properties. For example, researchers have used this technique to fabricate superhydrophobic surfaces that repel water, as well as nanostructured materials with enhanced strength and durability.In the field of nanotechnology, nuclear engraving has enabled the fabrication of nanoscale devices and sensors with unprecedented sensitivity and resolution. By sculpting materials at the atomic level, researchers can create novel structures and functionalities that were previously impossible to achieve.Beyond its scientific and technological applications, nuclear engraving also holds promise in the field of art and design. Artists and craftsmen have begun to explore the use of ion beams to create intricate patterns and textures on various materials, opening up new possibilities forcreative expression and innovation.Overall, nuclear engraving represents a cutting-edge technology with vast potential for advancing research and innovation in a wide range of fields. As researchers continue to explore its capabilities and refine its techniques, we can expect to see even more exciting developments in the future.。
DOI :10.15972/ki.43-1509/r.2020.03.015㊃论著:泌尿系统疾病㊃收稿日期:2019-11-18;修回日期:2020-01-07∗通信作者,E-mail:dongdada1818@.超声引导下经皮球囊扩张术在尿毒症患者动静脉内瘘狭窄治疗中的应用朱㊀珏∗,许建国,谢㊀胜,陈㊀涛,吴㊀倩,史兰英(溧阳市人民医院肾内科,江苏溧阳213300)摘㊀要:㊀探讨超声引导下经皮球囊扩张术(PTA )在尿毒症患者动静脉内瘘(AVF )狭窄治疗中的应用,选本院肾内科接受超声引导下PTA 治疗的AVF 狭窄患者30例作为观察组,选取同期在本院肾内科接受外科手术治疗的AVF 狭窄患者40例作为对照组;观察两组临床效果;对比两组术后狭窄处内径㊁透析血流量和内瘘自然流量;统计术后3个月内的并发症和再狭窄发生情况㊂结果显示,与术前相比,术后两组术后疗效显著提高㊂AVF 狭窄处血管内径㊁透析血流量㊁内瘘自然流量均较术前均显著增加,且观察组各指标显著优于对照组;术后3个月内,观察组并发症发生率和内瘘再狭窄率均显著低于对照组㊂结果说明,超声引导下PTA 治疗AVF 狭窄比外科手术治疗的并发症和再狭窄率少,安全有效㊂关键词:㊀超声引导下经皮球囊扩张术;㊀动静脉内瘘狭窄;㊀临床疗效;㊀安全性中图分类号:R58文献标识码:AApplication of ultrasound-guided percutaneous transluminal angiography in the treatment of arteriovenous fistula stenosis in uremic patientsZHU Jue,XU Jianguo,XIE Sheng,CHEN Tao,WU Qian,SHI Lanying(Department of Renal Medicine ,Liyang People s Hospital ,Liyang 213300,Jiangsu ,China )Abstract :㊀To explore the applying of undergoing ultrasound-guided percutaneous transluminal angiography (PTA)inthe treatment of arteriovenous fistula(AVF),30patients with AVF stenosis who underwent ultrasound-guided PTA in ourhospital were enrolled as the observation group,40patients with AVF stenosis who underwent treatment by surgical opera-tion as the control group.The clinical effects,the internal diameter of the stenosis,dialysis blood flow and internal sputum flow were compared.The results showed,compared to operation before,after operation,the clinical effects were significant improved,and the vascular diameter,dialysis blood flow,and internal sputum flow rate of AVF stenosis were significantlyincreased,which was super in observation pared to the control,the rates of complication and stenosis were sig-nificantly lower within 3months after operation.In conclusion,ultrasound-guided PTA is safe and effective in the treatment of AVF stenosis than that of surgical operation.Key words :㊀ultrasound-guided percutaneous balloon dilatation;㊀arteriovenous fistula stenosis;㊀clinical efficacy;safety㊀㊀尿毒症是泌尿系统常见疾病,是慢性肾功能衰竭的终末阶段㊂血液透析是尿毒症患者的主要治疗方法,良好的血管通路不仅给维持性血液透析带来可能,同时也是提高患者生活质量和长期生存的生命线[1]㊂目前,动静脉内瘘(arteriovenous fistula,AVF)是多国指南推荐血液透析的首选通路方式[2],但随着透析时间延长,血栓和内瘘狭窄是造成AVF 失功的重要并发症,严重影响内瘘的使用寿命[3]㊂与传统外科手术重建相比,血管腔内治疗具有血管损伤小的优点,是临床治疗的首选方法㊂尤其是近年来,血管腔内治疗在动静脉内瘘狭窄中的地位日益凸显[4]㊂本文研究超声引导下经皮球囊扩张术在尿毒症患者动静脉内瘘狭窄治疗中的应用,为临床应用提供指导㊂All Rights Reserved.1㊀资料与方法1.1㊀一般资料㊀㊀选取2016年1月至2019年1月本院肾内科接受超声引导下经皮球囊扩张术(percutaneous trans-luminal angiography,PTA)治疗的AVF狭窄患者30例作为观察组㊂选取同期在本院肾内科接受外科手术治疗的AVF狭窄患者40例作为对照组㊂两组患者的原发病包括慢性肾炎15例,糖尿病肾病11例,高血压肾病14例;左侧23例,右侧17例㊂患者及其家属均完全同意治疗过程,且签署知情同意书㊂两组两组患者性别㊁年龄㊁透析年限㊁内瘘狭窄发生时间,均无明显统计学差异(P>0.05)(具体见表1)㊂表1 两组患者一般临床资料对比组别n 性别(%)男性女性年龄(年)透析年限(月)内瘘狭窄发生时间(周)观察组3063.33%(19/30)36.67%(11/30)53.5ʃ5.520.5ʃ5.8 3.8ʃ1.2对照组4052.50%(21/40)47.50%(19/40)54.2ʃ5.719.6ʃ6.2 3.5ʃ1.5 t/χ20.0045 1.682 2.5690.148 P>0.05>0.05>0.05>0.051.2㊀纳入标准内瘘手术吻合方式均为自体桡动脉-头静脉端或端侧吻合;动静脉内瘘狭窄诊断标准符合‘美国肾脏病协会血液透析血管通路指南(第6版)“[5];B 超或CT血管成像显示,较狭窄处血管狭窄>50%,且满足举臂试验阳性,或透析所需血量<200mL/ min超过2次㊂1.3㊀排除标准合并心功能障碍,左室射血分数<30%;合并动静脉内瘘感染者;合并凝血功能异常者;合并精神类疾病者㊂1.4㊀超声引导下PTA治疗1.4.1㊀仪器设备㊀超声检查仪(索诺声公司,型号: M Turbo),球囊(美国Brad公司,型号:28812040),超滑导丝(美国Brad公司,型号:J形0.035英寸),导管鞘(美敦力公司,型号:AMD020150152)㊂1.4.2㊀治疗方法㊀根据患者血管狭窄处内径㊁长度选择合适粗细和长度的球囊导管㊂患者取仰卧位,常规消毒㊁铺巾,2%利多卡因麻醉,超声引导下选择距狭窄处5~8cm处的内瘘血管为穿刺点,即近静脉端狭窄,从远心端向狭窄处穿刺,动脉端狭窄从近心端向狭窄处穿刺;见回血后置入导丝,沿导丝置入导管鞘,超声引导下将球囊导管沿导管鞘置入,并推送至狭窄部,至完全覆盖狭窄段,注入肝素生理盐水(肝素20mg加入250mL生理盐水);扩张压力泵内冲入适量生理盐水,使球囊缓慢升压至5个大气压,扩张狭窄血管,保持1min,反复扩张3 ~4次,超声确认狭窄消失㊁血流通畅后,取出球囊㊁超滑导丝及穿刺鞘,缝扎穿刺口,无菌敷料覆盖㊂1.5㊀外科手术治疗常规消毒㊁铺巾,2%利多卡因局部麻醉,原手术疤痕处切开,暴露吻合口处动静脉,血管钳夹闭吻合口近端和远端桡动脉,切断吻合口近端头静脉,结扎远心端头静脉,游离吻合口及动㊁静脉,止血钳夹闭动脉近心端和远心端,切开原吻合口前壁,清理原血管缝线,取出血栓,用肝素盐水冲洗静脉端管腔,夹闭静脉近端,缝合原吻合口前壁,移走静㊁动静脉血管夹,逐层关闭手术切口㊂1.6㊀观察指标1.6.1㊀临床效果㊀手术成功标准[6]:球囊扩张后,血管超声显示残余狭窄<30%,初次血液透析血流量>200mL/min㊂临床成功标准:可触及震颤,听诊血管杂音响亮,可进行有效血透2~3次/周,维持>1个月㊂1.6.2㊀内瘘相关指标㊀测量术前㊁术后即刻时内瘘血管的狭窄处内径㊁透析血流量和内瘘自然流量㊂1.6.3㊀术后并发症及再狭窄发生情况㊀记录术后3个月内并发症(如出血㊁水肿等)发生情况及内瘘再狭窄情况㊂1.7㊀统计学分析采用SPSS19.0数据处理软件进行统计学分析㊂计量资料以xʃs表示,治疗前后对比采用配对t 检验㊂P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义㊂2㊀结㊀㊀果2.1㊀动静脉内瘘血管超声显示两组患者术前血管超声显示内瘘狭窄;术后血管超声显示动静脉内瘘原狭窄段残余狭窄率均小All Rights Reserved.于30%,听诊杂音响亮,内瘘触诊搏动良好,彩色多普勒超声检查未见狭窄㊂见图1㊂2.3㊀两组术后狭窄处内径㊁透析血流量和内瘘自然流量术前,70例患者内瘘原狭窄处狭窄均<30%㊂术后,血管超声显示两组AVF 狭窄处血管内径㊁透析血流量㊁内瘘自然流量均较术前增加(均P <0.05),且观察组比对照组各指标增加幅度显著,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)㊂见表2㊂图1㊀动静脉内瘘狭窄术前及术后照片(A:术前内瘘狭窄;B:术后狭窄明显缓解消失)表2㊀狭窄处内径㊁透析血流量和内瘘自然流量组别n狭窄处内径(mm)术前术后内瘘自然流量(mL /min)术前术后透析血流量(mL /min)术前术后对照组40 1.59ʃ0.38 2.27ʃ0.39a 165.57ʃ22.26517.75ʃ28.36a 229.45ʃ39.17402.52ʃ59.57a 观察组301.65ʃ0.352.50ʃ0.43ab160.25ʃ25.35542.45ʃ30.45ab235.50ʃ41.25425.35ʃ62.65ab㊀㊀与术前相比,a P <0.05;与对照组相比,b P <0.052.4㊀术后并发症及再狭窄情况随访3个月,观察组患者术后出现1例局部出血,使用弹力绷带加压包扎后完全消退,未出现术后感染,并发症发生率为3.33%㊂对照组患者术后出现3例出血,使用弹力绷带加压包扎后完全消退,对照组出现2例术后感染,经抗感染治疗后能完全康复,并发症发生率为12.5%㊂观察组并发生发生率显著低于对照组(P <0.05)㊂具体见表3㊂表3㊀两组并发症发生情况(例,%)组别n 出血感染再狭窄对照组403(7.50%)2(5.00%)5(12.50%)观察组301(3.33%)0(0.00%)1(3.33%)3㊀讨㊀㊀论AVF 因能显著降低血液透析导致的并发症发生率和费用,改善患者生活质量,减轻患者痛苦,是目前维持性血液透析的首选方式[7];血管通路是维持性血液透析患者的生命线,血管狭窄是动静脉内瘘最常见的并发症,狭窄和狭窄后血栓形成是导致内瘘失功的重要原因,导致透析血流量不足,严重时威胁患者生命[8-9]㊂治疗AVF 狭窄的方法主要包括外科手术重建㊁PTA 等,其中外科手术重建又分为常规型和改良型㊂研究显示,改良型较常规手术方式的吻合成功时间㊁吻合成熟时间㊁一次性吻合成功率㊁1年内瘘管的通畅率均有明显优势,且术后并发症的发生率低[10]㊂PTA 具有创伤小㊁操作简单方便㊁安全㊁节约血管资源㊁可进行多点扩张等优点,成为治疗AVF 狭窄的主流手术方式,且成功率较高达96.3%[11-12]㊂PTA 治疗的引导方式主要有传统数字减影血管造影引导方法和超声引导法㊂既往PTA 多由数字减影血管造影引导,但该法为有创性检查,可能诱发穿刺处水肿㊁出血,而造影剂外渗导致的过敏或将加重患者的肾功能损害和透析负担,且血管造影机器工作时存在一定辐射,可能对患者及医务人员造成一定的损伤[9]㊂相比于传All Rights Reserved.统数字减影血管造影引导方法,超声引导下经皮球囊扩张术可以有效避免射线及造影剂对人体的伤害,且对患者创伤小㊁手术费用低等优点[13],能直观地显示狭窄的位置㊁残留的血管内径㊁扩张所需的球囊大小以及操作中导丝和球囊的行进状况㊂另外,超声引导下PTA对设备和场地的要求低,可随时观察内瘘的血流情况,且术后还可立即评估有无再狭窄情况,可重复性高[9]㊂超声引导下PTA治疗AVF狭窄的成功率为97.1%[14]㊂值得注意的是,超声引导下PTA同样存在术中严重并发症及副损伤,如静脉撕裂或静脉断裂,主要由球囊压力过高引起,一旦发生血管破裂,应及时阻断血管并采用外科手术修补[15]㊂本文研究显示,两种术式治疗AVF狭窄后,患者血管狭窄消失,听诊杂音响亮,内瘘震颤良好;术后狭窄处内径㊁透析血流量和内瘘自然流量均显著高于术前㊂透析流量是血透的重要因素,血流量越大越有利于提高溶质清除率,临床上对透析血流量要求为200~300mL/min,透析血流量>300mL/min时可有效提高溶质清除率[16]㊂本研究显示,超声引导下PTA术后透析血流量为(425.35ʃ62.65)mL/ min,显著高于对照组,达到了透析血流量要求,说明超声引导下PTA治疗AVF狭窄的效果优于外科手术治疗㊂同时,本研究发现,超声引导下PTA治疗AVF狭窄的术后并发症发生率和再狭窄发生率均显著低于外科手术治疗㊂但本研究依然存在诸多不足:(1)缺乏长期随访;(2)本研究样本量较少,仍需扩大样本量减少选择偏倚㊂总之,本研究将超声引导下经皮球囊扩张术和外科手术治疗作比较,发现超声引导下PTA能有效治疗AVF狭窄,操作方便简单㊁安全㊁创伤小㊁不消耗自身血管㊁保持自身血管解剖的完整性㊁缩短术后首次内瘘开通时间,且术后并发症和再狭窄发生率较低,可以作为动静脉内瘘狭窄的首选治疗方式㊂参考文献:[1]㊀陈昊路,冯剑.血管通路的建立与维护现状简述[J].临床肾脏病杂志,2018,18(3):132-4.[2]㊀中国医院协会血液净化中心管理分会血液净化通路学组.中国血液透析用血管通路专家共识(第1版)[J].中国血液净化,2014,13(8):549-58.[3]㊀刘杨东,傅麒宁,胡良柱.中国血液透析血管通路现状与展望[J].临床肾脏病杂志,2016,16(8):452-6.[4]㊀潘辑,王雷,柳标,等.超声引导下经皮球囊扩张在血液透析患者自体动静脉内瘘狭窄中的应用[J].齐齐哈尔医学院学报,2018,39(24):2863-4.[5]㊀RICHARD F,MICK K.Renal association clinical practice guide-line on vascular access for haemodialysis[J].Nephron Clin Pract,2011,118(1):225-40.[6]㊀汪汉东,周忠荣.组合型人工肾治疗维持性血透中远期并发症观察[J].现代临床医学,2016,42(3):195-7.[7]㊀黄佳,唐惠芳,李柳军,等.RT-3DE定量评价心梗患者PCI术前后左室功能的变化[J].中南医学科学杂志,2019,47(1): 15-9.[8]㊀赵蕊,张东亮,贾建文,等.彩色多普勒超声评价血液透析患者自体动静脉内瘘的应用价值[J].中国超声医学杂志,2017, 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Respiratory Mechanics During Sevoflurane Anesthesia in Children With and Without AsthmaWalid Habre,MD*,Pietro Scalfaro,MD†,Craig Sims,FANZCA‡,Katrina Tiller,BMath†,and Peter D.Sly,MD,FRACP†*Division of Anaesthesia,Geneva Children’s Hospital,Geneva,Switzerland;†Division of Clinical Sciences,Institute for Child Health Research,Perth,Australia;and‡Department of Anaesthesia,Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth,Western AustraliaWe studied lung function in children with and without asthma receiving anesthesia with sevoflurane.Fifty-two children had anesthesia induced with sevoflurane (up to8%)in a mixture of50%nitrous oxide in oxygen and then maintained at3%with children breathing spontaneously via face mask and Jackson-Rees modifi-cation of the T-piece.Airway opening pressure and flow were then measured.After insertion of an oral en-dotracheal tube under5%sevoflurane,measurements were repeated at3%,as well as after increasing to4.2%. Respiratory system resistance(Rrs)and compliance during expiration were calculated using multilinear re-gression analysis of airway opening pressure and flow, assuming a single-compartment model.Data from44 children were analyzed(22asthmatics and22normal children).The two groups were comparable with re-spect to age,weight,ventilation variables,and baseline respiratory mechanics.Intubation was associated with a significant increase in Rrs in asthmatics(17%Ϯ49%), whereas in normal children,Rrs slightly decreased (Ϫ4%Ϯ39%).At4.2%,Rrs decreased slightly in both groups with almost no change in compliance system resistance.We concluded that in children with mild to moderate asthma,endotracheal intubation during sevoflurane anesthesia was associated with increase in Rrs that was not seen in nonasthmatic children.Impli-cations:Tracheal intubation using sevoflurane as sole anesthetic is possible and its frequency is increasing. When comparing children with and without asthma, tracheal intubation under sevoflurane was associated with an increase in respiratory system resistance in asthmatic children.However,no apparent clinical ad-verse event was observed.(Anesth Analg1999;89:1177–81)S evoflurane is a volatile anesthetic often used for anesthesia in children(1–3).It provides rapidand smooth inhaled induction(4,5)because of a low blood:gas solubility coefficient,and maintains blood pressure and heart rate during induction and maintenance of anesthesia(6).With the world-wide increase in asthma prevalence (7,8),more asthmatic children are likely to require anesthesia for surgical procedures.Asthmatics are prone to bronchospasm induced by different irritant stimuli.Tracheal intubation can induce an increased release of acetylcholine from postganglionic cholin-ergic nerves and produce bronchospasm via vagal reflex pathways(9).Clinically,halothane has been the volatile anesthetic of choice in asthmatics because of its bronchodilator actions.Recently,we demonstrated that sevoflurane was as effective as halothane in pre-venting methacholine-induced increase in lung resis-tance in an animal model(10).The safety of the use of sevoflurane in asthmatic children has not yet been reported.This study was designed to measure lung function in asthmatic and nonasthmatic children receiving sevoflurane for induction of anesthesia and endotra-cheal intubation.Measurements were performed be-fore and after intubation to determine if sevoflurane would limit the increase in airway resistance that may occur under these circumstances.MethodsPatientsAfter institutional ethics committee approval and pa-rental written consent,we studied52children aged2 to12yr.All children were ASA physical status I or IIThis work was achieved in the Department of Anaesthesia,Prin-cess Margaret Hospital for Children,Perth,Western Australia.Presented in part at the annual meeting of the American Societyof Anesthesiology Orlando,FL,October17,1998.Accepted for publication July1,1999.Address correspondence and reprint requests to Walid Habre,MD,Division of Paediatric Anaesthesia,Geneva Children’s Hospi-tal,6,rue Willy Donze,1205Geneva,Switzerland.Address e-mail©1999by the International Anesthesia Research Society0003-2999/99Anesth Analg1999;89:1177–811177and were scheduled for elective surgery under general anesthesia requiring tracheal intubation.Children were classified during the preoperative anesthetic as-sessment into two groups:1)children with a history of physician-diagnosed asthma,and2)children with normal lungs and no history of asthma or atopy(hay fever,allergy,eczema).All asthmatic children had a history of multiple asthma episodes in the last12mo diagnosed clinically and treated by their physician, but none was symptomatic at the time of enrollment into the study.Children with recent upper respiratory infection in the previous2weeks were excluded,as well as children scheduled for adenotonsillectomies or having obstructive apnea disorders.Anesthetic ManagementNo premedication or2-agonist or other asthma med-ication was given as per our routine.All children had anesthesia induced with sevoflurane(up to8%)in a mixture of50%nitrous oxide in oxygen then main-tained at3%sevoflurane(1.2minimum alveolar anes-thetic concentration[MAC])with children breathing spontaneously via face mask and Jackson-Rees modi-fication of the T-piece.Airway opening pressure(Pao) and flow(VЈ)were then measured.Sevoflurane was delivered at a concentration of5%to obtain the95% effective dose for tracheal intubation(4.68%with95% confidence interval[CI]of3.91%–12.74%)(11).After insertion of an oral endotracheal tube(ETT),regular spontaneous respiration was reestablished under3% (1.2MAC)sevoflurane in a mixture of50%nitrous oxide in oxygen,and measurements of respiratory mechanics were repeated.Sevoflurane was then in-creased to4.2%(1.7MAC)and a final set of mea-surements was collected after allowing the patient to reach a new steady state.All measurements were achieved under the same concentration of carrier gas, 50%nitrous oxide in oxygen.During preliminary studies,sevoflurane concentration was measured us-ing an AS3Datex monitor.In the setup,a steady state, as judged from end-tidal gas concentration,was achieved after3min of initiating sevoflurane or changing the concentration.EquipmentA pressure port and transducer were used to measure Pao and a heated screen pneumotachograph(Hans Rudolph,Inc.,Kansas City,MO)to measure VЈ.This equipment was placed between the patient’s facial mask or tracheal tube and the Jackson-Rees modifica-tion of the T-piece.The Pao and VЈsignals were sam-pled at100Hz and low-pass filtered using scientific respiratory equipment(amplifier and signal condi-tioner SC-14C,pressure transducers TG-40and TD-05; SCIREQ,Inc.,Montreal,Quebec,Canada)and stored through a12-bit AD converter on a PC computer(Data Translation,DT2801-A).All data were collected and analyzed using a data acquisition software package (Anadat&Labdat,RHT Infodat,Montreal,Quebec, Canada).Measurement of Respiratory Mechanics Respiratory mechanics were calculated by apply-ing a single-compartment model using multilinear re-gression analysis to calculate dynamic compliance (Crs,dyn)and respiratory system resistance(Rrs)dur-ing the expiration phase only,based on:PaoϭV/Crs,dynϩVЈRrsϩP A,EE.V is the volume and P A,EE reflects the end-expiratory alveolar pressure(12).The Crs,dyn is the reciprocal of respiratory system elastance(Ers).To allow for venti-lation up to the nonlinear portion of the volume-pressure curve,elastance was allowed to vary by the inclusion of a volume-dependent term(E2⅐V).Thus, 1/CrsϭErsϭE1ϩE2⅐V.The multilinear regression(MLR)analysis calcu-lates the coefficients Crs,dyn,Rrs,and P A,EE by fitting the equation of motion of the model to Pao,V,and VЈmeasured at the airway opening.The quality of fit of the model to the data is judged by the coefficient of determination r2(Fig.1).We only included data ep-ochs in which r2Ն0.96.The MLR produces a weighted average for Crs and Rrs throughout the respiratory cycle.We used data collected in expiration only to avoid influence of leak around the tracheal tube and as subjects were spontaneously breathing. During spontaneous breathing,the pressure during inspiration is the transpulmonary pressure,requiring measurement of the esophageal pressure.However, during expiration,the Pao is the pressure applied to the respiratory system and can be used to calcu-late respiratory mechanics using the MLR without measuring esophageal pressure when expiration is passive.StatisticsA difference of25%in Rrs between asthmatic and nonasthmatic children would be considered clinically significant.Based on our previous study in normal children under muscle relaxation(13),a group size of 20–23subjects would have85%–90%power to detect such a difference.Unpaired two-tailed t-tests were used to compare demographic data and respiratory variables between asthmatic and nonasthmatic chil-dren,and paired two-tailed t-tests were used to compare respiratory mechanical outcomes between children at different times.A multilevel modeling ap-proach was then used to analyze differences in respi-ratory mechanics between asthmatics and nonasth-matics,and before and after oral tracheal intubation.1178PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA HABRE ET AL.ANESTH ANALG SEVOFLURANE AND RESPIRATORY MECHANICS1999;89:1177–81The two outcomes analyzed were Rrs and Crs.The models were fitted using Mln v1.0(14).Separate and combined effects for group (asthmatic/control)and time were considered for inclusion in the models.Time was treated as a categorical variable with three levels:baseline (3%before ETT),3%after ETT,and 4.2%after ETT.The significance level was taken as 5%.Data are presented as means Ϯsd .ResultsBaselineData from eight patients could not be used (five asth-matics and three children with normal lungs)because they failed to satisfy the inclusion criteria or the fitting in the multilinear regression analysis model.Four of the eight patients had a coefficient of correlation less than 95%,the other four had either clinical evidence of active expiration or technical problems.Thus,the analysis was performed using data from 44children (22in each group).The two groups of patients were comparable with respect to age,weight,gender,and size of ETT (Ta-ble 1).Among the 22asthmatics,8had salbutamol on demand,1had beclomethasone,and 7had both.In addition,cromoglycate was prescribed to 1patient,combined with beclomethasone to 2patients and with salbutamol to 3other patients.Ventilation variables and respiratory mechanics were comparable between asthmatics and children with normal lungs when breathing spontaneously via face mask at 3%sevoflurane in a mixture of 50%nitrous oxide in oxygen (Table 2).Changes with IntubationVentilation Variables.After intubation,there was a significant decrease in Vt in both children with and without asthma (respectively,Ϫ10.8%[95%CI:Ϫ23.1%,ϩ1.4%,P ϭ0.019]and Ϫ14.7%[95%CI:Ϫ23.9%,Ϫ5.4%,P ϭ0.001]).There was no differencein the mean tidal volume between groups (respec-tively 4.2Ϯ1.2mL ⅐kg Ϫ1vs.4.7Ϯ1.2mL ⅐kg Ϫ1,P ϭ0.85).There was a change in breathing pattern (ex-pressed by an increase in Ti/Te,with Ti and Te being,respectively,inspiratory and expiratory times)with no changes in frequency.At 4.2%,we observed further decreases in tidal volume values in both groups,with a significant increase in respiration rate in both groups (Table 2).Respiratory Mechanics.After intubation under 3%sevoflurane,there was a statistically significant in-crease in Rrs in children with asthma,whereas in normal children,Rrs decreased slightly (but did not reach statistical significance).The percentage change in Rrs was ϩ17%Ϯ49%(95%CI for mean:Ϫ4.4%,ϩ39.1%)in asthmatics and Ϫ4%Ϯ39%in children with normal lungs (95%CI for mean:Ϫ21.2%,ϩ13.5%)(Fig.2).After intubation,the mean value in Rrs was signif-icantly higher in the asthmatics compared with nor-mal children (0.49Ϯ0.2Pa ⅐mL Ϫ1⅐s Ϫ1vs 0.40Ϯ0.15,P ϭ0.042).There were no systematic changes in Crs in either group.The changes in individual children in both groups varied widely after intubation.Ninety-five percent CI for means were (Ϫ19.7%,ϩ265%)for normal children and (ϩ14%,ϩ219%)for asthmatic children.The increase in sevoflurane concentration to 1.7MAC resulted in a small decrease in Rrs in both groups (Ϫ4.1%Ϯ0.18%in children with asthma vs Ϫ5%Ϯ0.15in children without asthma,P ϭ0.865),and no systematic changes in the Crs.DiscussionIn our study,before intubation,respiratory mechanics were comparable after inhaled induction of anesthesia with sevoflurane in normal children and children with asymptomatic asthma.Endotracheal intubation under sevoflurane was followed by a small but significant increase in Rrs in children with asthma that was not seen in the nonasthmatic group,suggesting that sevoflurane did not prevent this increase in resistance after intubation.This increase in Rrs was reversed once anesthesia wasdeepened.Figure 1.Example of a model fit:airway opening pressure during expiration.Table 1.Anthropometric DataControl (n ϭ22)Asthma (n ϭ22)P value Age (mo)57.9Ϯ2571.9Ϯ310.1(24–118)(32–132)Weight (kg)18.6Ϯ4.622Ϯ7.60.08(12.4–30.5)(13.1–45)Gender (male/female)9/1311/110.54ETT size (median ϮIQR)5.5Ϯ0.55.5Ϯ10.2Data are expressed as means Ϯsd (range).ETT ϭendotracheal tube,IQR ϭinterquartile range.ANESTH ANALG PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA HABRE ET AL.11791999;89:1177–81SEVOFLURANE AND RESPIRATORY MECHANICSOur anesthetic management was that which would be used clinically in children with asthma (15).The major departure from normal practice was that neu-romuscular blocking drugs were not administered prior to intubation.This was done to avoid the con-founding effect of comparing respiratory mechanics during spontaneous breathing prior to intubation,with measurements taken during positive pressure ventilation postintubation.We would not expect our results to have been different if muscle relaxants had been used (16).The increase in Rrs after intubation seen in asth-matic children in the present study is at odds with the findings of Rooke et al.(17),who reported that sevoflurane (1.1MAC)decreased Rrs after intubationin a group of normal adults.The nonasthmatic chil-dren in our study also showed a small decrease (ap-proximately 4%)in Rrs after intubation,which,al-though it approached statistical significance,was clinically insignificant.In contrast,the increase in Rrs after intubation in the asthmatic group was larger (approximately 18%)and was statistically significant.This difference also approached our a priori definition of clinical significance (25%).These children had sta-ble mild to moderate asthma.One might expect the increase in Rrs after intubation to be greater in chil-dren with less stable asthma.No systematic changes were seen in Crs after endo-tracheal intubation in either group.The lack of effect of sevoflurane in both groups on the compliance may be explained by the fact that changes in functional residual capacity occur immediately after induction of anesthesia (before our first set of measurements),with no further effect of the depth of anesthesia (18,19).The second part of our study was designed to es-tablish whether an increase in sevoflurane concentra-tion to 1.7MAC induced further changes in res-piratory mechanics.Increasing the concentration of sevoflurane was followed by a similar decrease in Rrs in both groups.There was also a reduction in tidal volume with increased sevoflurane,which may be related to a great depression of intercostal muscle function with increasing depth of anesthesia (20).There was a significant tachypnea in both groups,which has recently been reported after induction of sevoflurane in adults (21).Whether the tachypneic properties of sevoflurane result,like halothane,from the effect of the anesthetic on the suprapontine struc-tures is unknown (22).Table 2.Changes in Ventilation Variables and Respiratory Mechanics After Endotracheal Intubation with Sevoflurane at 3%and 4.2%3%on mask3%on ETT 4.2%on ETT Tidal volume (mL/kg)Control 5.8Ϯ1.8 4.7Ϯ1.2* 3.2Ϯ0.7†Asthma5.0Ϯ1.8 4.2Ϯ1.2* 2.9Ϯ0.7†Respiration rate (breaths/min)Control 35Ϯ636Ϯ641Ϯ7†Asthma 33Ϯ532Ϯ635Ϯ7†Ti/TeControl 0.48Ϯ0.090.51Ϯ0.08*0.52Ϯ0.08Asthma0.46Ϯ0.090.49Ϯ0.110.49Ϯ0.11Compliance (mL/Pa)Control 1.86Ϯ1.66 1.82Ϯ0.92 1.79Ϯ1.23Asthma2.00Ϯ2.39 1.90Ϯ1.80 1.91Ϯ2.30Resistance (Pa ⅐mL Ϫ1⅐s Ϫ1)Control 0.44Ϯ0.120.40Ϯ0.150.38Ϯ0.15Asthma0.42Ϯ0.090.49Ϯ0.20*‡0.45Ϯ0.15Data are expressed as means Ϯsd .ETT ϭendotracheal tube.*Significance at 3%before and after ETT.†Significance between 3%and 4.2%with ETT.‡Significance between bothgroups.Figure 2.Point estimates and standard errors for Rrs in children with and without asthma.(*Significance between value before and after intubation in asthmatics;‡significance at 1.2minimal alveolar anesthetic concentration after intubation between both groups.)1180PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA HABRE ET AL.ANESTH ANALG SEVOFLURANE AND RESPIRATORY MECHANICS 1999;89:1177–81Among the different techniques used to measuredynamic respiratory mechanics that have been vali-dated for use in children under anesthesia,MLR tech-niques are the most easily implemented(13,23,24).Because the children in our study were spontaneouslybreathing,we limited our analysis to the expiratoryphase only.This does not imply that respiratory me-chanics are the same during inspiration and expira-tion;however,measurements made during expirationcan be used to follow changes in lung function(25).We did not correct Rrs for the resistance of the ETT,because this required exact knowledge of the tuberesistance.As demonstrated by Chang and Mortola(26),the tube resistance measured in vitro often over-estimates its resistance in vivo.This is particularly truefor small tubes.Because the ages of the children andthe size of the tubes used were the same in bothgroups,we felt it was preferable not to attempt tocorrect Rrs for the tube resistance.We considered only children with a definite historyof physician-diagnosed asthma with at least one epi-sode of wheezing requiring the use of-adrenergic agonist in the last12mo.This pattern is generallyassociated with bronchial hyperresponsiveness whenassessed by a physiological test such as exercise(27).Because none of the children received a-adrenergic agonist on the day of surgery,we can conclude that changes in respiratory patterns and mechanics are only related to the effect of sevoflurane.In conclusion,in asymptomatic children with mildto moderate asthma,endotracheal intubation undersevoflurane followed by maintenance at1.2MAC,wasassociated with an increase in Rrs(18%)during spon-taneous breathing.Although this increase was notassociated with any clinically apparent adverse event,one should be cautious when using sevoflurane forendotracheal intubation in asthmatic children,espe-cially those with more severe or unstable asthma.Further investigation is being performed to evaluatethe ability of pretreatment with a-adrenergic agonist to prevent the increase in Rrs seen after tracheal intu-bation under sevoflurane in asthmatic children.References1.Naito Y,Tamai 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