A Rose for Emily Outline 提纲


A Rose For Emily(献给艾米丽的玫瑰花)

A Rose For Emily(献给艾米丽的玫瑰花)












a rose for emily解读与译赏

a rose for emily解读与译赏

a rose for emily解读与译赏《A Rose for Emily》是美国作家威廉·福克纳的短篇小说,被认为是福克纳最杰出的作品之一。














《A Rose for Emily》是福克纳对南方社会的批判,揭示了社会对个人的限制和破坏力量。



总之,《A Rose for Emily》是一部充满象征主义和深度的文学作品,通过描述一个女性的孤独和精神崩溃,揭示了社会对个体的压迫和摧毁。



• Another aspect of the Southern Gothic style is appropriation and transformation. Faulkner has appropriated the image of the damsel in distress and transformed it into Emily, a psychologically damaged spinster. Her mental instability and necrophilia恋 尸癖 have made her Southern Gothic heroine.
• It reflects the decline of the southern society. In this background, due to the restriction of the traditional ideas, some people are imprisoned in the past and ignore the passage of time.
• 门砰地一下踹开了,顿时屋里好像弥漫着灰尘。房间好像 曾是一间装饰一新旳新房,如今如坟墓一般发出淡淡旳、 呛人旳气味,到处渗透出阴森森气氛:褪色了旳玫瑰色窗 帘,阴暗旳玫瑰色灯光,梳妆台,一排精细旳水晶饰品, 还有白银底色旳盥洗用具,但是白银制品已经失去旳光泽, 连刻在上面旳笔迹也都看不清了。其中有一条硬领和领带, 好像是从身上取下来旳,然后提起来,在台面上留下淡淡 旳月牙形尘埃痕迹。椅子上挂着一套精心折叠旳衣服;椅 子下是两只寂寞旳鞋子,还有一双丢弃旳袜子。
• 此段对爱米丽旳卧室环境进行了细节描写。文学 作品中一切环境描写都具有一定旳意图,此段描 写也烘托出一种悲情气氛,并点出小说旳主题: 玫瑰(—爱情—婚姻—死亡)(171)。此处是整篇 小说中玫瑰唯一出现旳地方。

A Rose for Emily主题分析资料讲解

A Rose for Emily主题分析资料讲解
A Rose for Emily主题分析
After the independence of United States, North and south developed along different paths. Since the 1820s, the industrial revolution developed in north and Central states, While in the south, was the black slavery. Since the 19th century, the contradictions between North and south had became increasingly fierce. Then, The American civil war broke out. As is known to all, victory belongs to the north,After the Civil war, slavery was eliminated, but the black still under various exploitation and discrimination. So that’s the background of this story.
Reflect the changes of southern society, social conflicts and confrontations, and the relationship between the black and white after the civil war.
southern traditional moral constraints, and social 的崇拜是美国南方清教妇道思想所极力

A rose for Emily outline 教案

A rose for Emily outline 教案

The Conflicts in A Rose for Emily姓名:王新月班级:13英本1班学号:130411119I.Introduction.II.Conflicts in A Rose for EmilyA.Definition of conflicts.B.The influences of conflicts.C.Conflicts in A Rose for Emily.1.Conflicts between Emily and Homer Barron2.Conflicts between the old south values and the newvalues.3.Conflicts between Emily and her fatherIII.Conflicts in Miss Emily’s lifeA.Conflicts on paying taxesB.Conflicts on her marriageC.Conflicts on the bad smellIV.ReferenceV.ConclusionExplaination:A Rose for Emily is a world-famous short story, which is written by an American writer: WilliamFaulkner.Miss Emily Grierson was the offspring of a decaying aristocracy of the old southernAmerica, and she was respected and supported by the local people. But in her life, there are many conflicts. This paper attempts to analyze the conflicts in A Rose for Emily. It can help us to have a good understanding for Miss Emily's tragic fate. This thesis is launched describing from three aspects:the first one is the introduction of the conflicts inandits influence in the literature; the second one is from the conflicts in A Rose for Emily, analyzing the conflicts between Emily and Homer Barron, the old south values and the new values and Emily and her father; the last one focuses on the conflicts in Miss Emily’s life, analyzing the conflicts on paying taxes, her marriage and the bad smell. So the reader can realize Miss Emily’s tragedy lies in the traditionalaristocrat values in the old southern America. The conflicts, in essential, are the conflicts between the new system in the south and the old system in the south. Through the series of the specific analysis, the readers can are able to make full comprehension of the story.。



福克纳的写作风格独特,语言细腻、 刻画深入,对人物心理和南方社会的 描绘尤为出色。
福克纳的写作技巧使得故事情节紧凑 、引人入胜,人物形象鲜明,为读者 带来了深刻的阅读体验。
小说主题包括孤独、执着、爱情和社会冷漠等,这些主题在故事中交织在一起 ,引发读者深思。
福克纳的语言风格独特,质朴自然,贴近生活,让读者感受到浓 厚的生活气息。
福克纳在《A Rose for Emily》中通过将过去与现在交织在一起, 展现了时间的流逝和变迁。
福克纳通过细腻的描写,构建了一个具体而富有象征意义的场景, 为故事的发展提供了背景和舞台。
福克纳善于运用隐喻和象征手法,通过具体的意象和事物暗示抽象的概念和情感,使作品 更具艺术感染力。
福克纳在作品中运用了大量的方言和土语,展现了当地人的生活 和语言习惯,增强了作品的地域色彩。
福克纳善于运用长句和复杂句,使语言更加丰富和有层次感,同 时表达了人物内心的复杂情感。
Emily成长在一个严格的 家庭环境中,受到父母和 家族长辈的管束和期望。
Emily接受了传统的南方 教育,注重礼仪、文化和 家族荣誉。
Emily与Homer在一次社 交场合相识,两人彼此吸 引,开始秘密交往。
随着时间的推移,两人的 感情逐渐加深,但Homer 的性格和家庭背景让他们 的恋情充满曲折。



A Rose for EmilyWilliam Faulkner【故事梗概】爱米莉•格瑞尔生死了,镇里的人都参加了她的葬礼。



























A rose for Emily

A rose for Emily

Colonel Sartoris Emily‟s father After his death, Emily will not let the townspeople take his dead body from her home for three days.
Homer Barron A Yankee (Northerner) brought to town to fix the sidewalks. His relationship with Miss Emily is not approved of because he has no intention of marrying her. He is a typical man: loves to hang out with the guys and drink.
A Rose for Emily”
Out line:
Title analysis Introduction of each section Plot analysis Characters and conflict between characters Writing style Appreciation Theme
General Information: Plot
is non-chronological Non-linear plot encourages growing pity for Emily The non-linear plot also serves to hide Emily’s crimes (just as the town does) by discouraging attention to any single event

A Rose for Emily大纲

A Rose for Emily大纲

A Rose for Emilyby William Faulkner Emily died, our whole town went to her funeral: the men and the women. They are for the different purpose.Miss Emily's house was a big, squarish frame house in the style of the seventies. left its stubborn and coquettish decay.Alive, Miss Emily had a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town. The mayor remitted her taxes, invented a tale to the effect that Miss Emily's father had loaned money to the town.When the next generation had grown up, they dissatisfied with that decision. They mailed her a notice without reply. They wrote again to call her. Then the mayor offered to call her, and only to receive that she no longer went out at all.A deputation came to her house which no visitor had passed many years. They were admitted by the old Negro. It smelled of dust and disuse. The leather was cracked, and it was dus ty. It’s an old house furnished with old things.She was a small, fat woman, pallid hue. And she refused the taxes.After her father's death she went out very little; after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at all.Some neighbors complained about the smell from her house, but the mayor thought nothing serious. And the situation became worse and worse.Four men crossed Miss Emily's lawn and slunk about the house like burglars. They broke open the cellar door and sprinkled lime there, and in all the outbuildings. After a week or two the smell went away. When her father died, the house was left to her. People were glad that she had become humanized.She refused to admit her father’s death. We did not say she was crazy then. She has been sicken for a long time.The town had just let the contracts for paving the sidewalks, and in the summer after her father's death they began the work, foreman named Homer Barron.At first we were glad that Miss Emily would have an interest.She carried her head high enough--even when we believed that she was fallen. Like when she bought the rat poison. That was over a year after they had begun to say "Poor Emily," and while the two female cousins were visiting her.Emily went to buy some poison.We all said, "She will kill herself"; and we said it would be the best thing. When she had first begun to be seen with Homer Barron, we had said, "She will marry him."Then some of the ladies began to say that it was a disgrace to the town and a bad example to the young people. The ladies thought some methods, but it doesn’t take effect. Then we were sure that they were to be married.Homer Barron departed and got back in town. A neighbor saw the Negro man admit him at the kitchen door at dusk one evening. And that was the last we saw of Homer Barron. The Negro man went in and out with the market basket, but the front door remained closed. For almost six months she did not appear on the streets.When we next saw Miss Emily, she had grown fat and her hair was turning gray. During the next few years it grew grayer and grayer.From that time on her front door remained closed, when she was about forty, during which she gave lessons in china-painting. The daughters and granddaughters of Colonel Sartoris' contemporaries were sent to her to learn. Meanwhile her taxes had been remitted.Then the newer generation became the backbone and the spirit of the town, they did not send their children to her. Miss Emily alone refused to free postal delivery.Daily, monthly, yearly we watched the Negro grow grayer and more stooped, going in and out with the market basket.And so she died, with only a doddering Negro man to wait on her. We had had no information about her for many years.The Negro walked right through the house and out the back and was not seen again.They held the funeral on the second day, with the town coming to look at Miss Emily funeral.There was one room in her house which no one had seen in forty years, and which would have to be forced. To our surprise, the man himself lay in the bed. Then we noticed that in the second pillow was the indentation of a head. One of us lifted something from it, we saw a long strand of iron-gray hair.。



献给艾米丽的玫瑰概要写作英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: A Rose for Emily Summary WritingA Rose for Emily is a short story written by William Faulkner that explores the life of the reclusive and mysterious Emily Grierson, set in the fictional town of Jefferson, Mississippi. The story is told from the perspective of the townspeople, who recount Emily's life in a non-linear narrative.The story begins with the funeral of Emily Grierson, who is portrayed as a respected and wealthy woman in the town. The townspeople remember her as a relic of the past, with a tragic and troubled history. As the story unfolds, the reader learns that Emily was once a young woman who lived with her overbearing father in a decaying mansion in the old southern tradition.Emily's father passes away, leaving her alone and isolated in the town. Despite the changing times, Emily refuses to accept the reality of her father's death, keeping his body in the house for three days before finally allowing him to be buried. After hisdeath, Emily becomes even more reclusive and withdrawn from society.Emily's only connection to the outside world is a man named Homer Barron, a northerner who comes to town to work on a construction project. Emily and Homer begin a courtship, and the townspeople are surprised by the relationship, as Homer is seen as beneath Emily's social status. However, their relationship takes a dark turn when Homer mysteriously disappears, and Emily is seen buying arsenic from the local druggist.In the final twist of the story, it is revealed that Emily has been keeping Homer's body in her bedroom for years, preserving it with arsenic. The townspeople discover the truth after Emily's death and are both shocked and saddened by the tragic fate of the once-respected woman.A Rose for Emily is a haunting and thought-provoking story that explores themes of tradition, isolation, and obsession. Faulkner's masterful storytelling and complex characters make the story a timeless classic that continues to captivate readers to this day.篇2Title: A Rose for Emily SummaryThe short story "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner follows the life of an eccentric and reclusive woman named Emily Grierson. The story is narrated by members of the town who reflect on Emily's life and mysterious behavior.The story begins with Emily's death and the town's curiosity about her life. The narrator describes how Emily's father kept her isolated from society, leading to her becoming a recluse after his death. Despite her seclusion, Emily still held a high social status in the town.The narrative then delves into Emily's relationship with a man named Homer Barron. The town is shocked when they begin seeing Emily and Homer together, as they believe Homer is beneath her social standing. However, their relationship takes a dark turn when Homer mysteriously disappears.As the story progresses, it is revealed that Emily had been keeping Homer's body in her house for years after his death. The town is horrified by this revelation, but Emily continues to live in denial and refuses to acknowledge his death.Ultimately, "A Rose for Emily" is a haunting tale of love, loss, and the destructive power of isolation. The story explores themes of tradition, obsession, and the consequences of living in the past. Faulkner's rich and evocative language captures theenigmatic character of Emily Grierson and the complexities of her relationship with the town.In conclusion, "A Rose for Emily" is a powerful and thought-provoking story that continues to resonate with readers today. Faulkner's masterful storytelling and intricate characterization make this a timeless classic in American literature.篇3Title: A Tribute to Emily - A Summary of "The Rose for Emily""The Rose for Emily" is a short story written by American author William Faulkner. It was first published in 1930 and has since become a classic in American literature. The story is set in the fictional town of Jefferson, Mississippi, and follows the life of a reclusive and mysterious woman named Emily Grierson.The story begins with the death of Miss Emily Grierson, a prominent figure in the town. The townspeople gather for her funeral, and the narrator reflects on Emily's life and her eccentric behavior. The story then flashes back to Emily's youth, when she was a beautiful and charming young woman. However, as time passes, Emily becomes increasingly isolated from the world around her.One of the most intriguing aspects of Emily's character is her refusal to change with the times. Despite the changing world around her, Emily remains stuck in the past, clinging to traditions and customs that have long been forgotten. This refusal to adapt ultimately leads to her downfall.As the story unfolds, we learn of Emily's troubled relationship with her father, who controls every aspect of her life. After his death, Emily becomes even more reclusive, shutting herself off from the outside world. She develops a scandalous relationship with a Yankee laborer named Homer Barron, which further isolates her from society.The story reaches its climax when Emily is found dead in her bed, next to the rotting corpse of Homer Barron. The townspeople discover that Emily had been keeping Homer's body in her house for years, refusing to accept his death. This shocking revelation exposes the extent of Emily's madness and obsession with the past.In the end, "The Rose for Emily" is a haunting and tragic tale of a woman who became a prisoner of her own memories. Faulkner's masterful storytelling and richly drawn characters make this story a timeless classic that continues to captivate readers to this day.。



Xiao, Lingke12/31/12Summary for A Rose For EmilyThe story is a first person narrative from the perspective of a town person. When Miss Emily Grierson dies, the whole town goes to her funeral: the men through a sort of respect, the women out of curiosity to see the inside of Emily’s house.Then the story dates back to the time when Emily is young. Every December, the town government miles her tax notice, but Emily never pays the tax. So some aldermen visit her house to collect the tax, but Emily insists she has no tax in Jefferson since her father loaned money to the town long ago. Her father dies when Emily is about thirty; she refused to accept that he was dead for three days. After her father’s death, she goes out very little. The mayor of the town once receives complains about the smell in Emily’s lawn. This problem is solved by people intruding her lawn to clean.In the summer after Emily’s death, the town contracts for paving the sidewalks. Emily begins to get closer with the foreman, Homer Barron. Their affair surprises the town because Homer’s status is far below Emily’s. However, after seeing they drive the buggy together for several times, town people believe Emily is fallen, even though she keeps her head high. Emily goes to the druggist to buy poison. She orders arsenic without giving any reason. People think she will kill herself, since Homer once says he is not a marring man. Nevertheless, people later witness that Emily buys man’s toilet set and man’s clothing, and they are sure that they are going to marry. Homer leaves for few days, during which the town people believe he goes to prepare Emily’s coming. In one evening, a neighbor sees Homer is back and Emily’s Negro servant admits him in her house.That is the last time people see Homer. And since then Emily hardly comes out her house. When people next see Emily, she grows fat and her hair is turning gray. From that time her front door remains closed, except she gives several china-painting lessons when she is about forty. Daily, monthly, yearly people watch the Negro grows grayer and morestooped, going in and out with the market basket. Eventually, Miss Emily passes away.Emily’s two cousins come and hold the funeral. After Emily is buried, people come to her house. The black servant lets them in through the front door, and then disappears forever. People come across a room on the second floor which no one had seen in 40 years, and break the door down. They discover a dusty room strangely decorated as a bridal room. Among the items Emily buys for the wedding, a man lies in the bed, rotted beneath the nightshirt. It is Homer’s corpse. On the pillow beside him are the indentation of a head, and a long thread of Emily's iron-gray hair.。



A_rose_for_Emily赏析Ⅰ、Introduction“A Rose for Emily”is a classic story representing Faulkner’s favorite subject, theme and style、The story is set in the town of Jefferson in his imaginary Yoknapatawpha County, the “mythical kingdom”、The story begins with a funeral of the eponymous Miss Emily、It does not follow a particular order of chronological time、The narration flows backwards or forwards in a line of reality, revealing signifi cant details of Emily’s life and the murder of the Homer Barron by Emily, which are suspended till the end of the story、The narrative is also divided into five parts, allowing for flexible shifts in time and displays of Emily’s image at various stages of her life、Through the story about Emily, the author tries to pinpoint an unavoidable fate of the aristocracy and various changes in the South America after the Civil War、In this story, Emily Grierson, the main character, is a victim、Dominated by her father and his rigid ideas of social status, she has been prevented from marrying during her lifetime、One year after her father’s death, she falls in love with a northerner、When she finds that her lover is not going to get married with her, she poisons him so that she can keep him with her forever、Though the plot of the story is not complicated, yet it can be considered as a minor program of his works、In it are examples of Faulkner’s artistic preoccupations and techniques: the exploration of psychological reality, the social structure and mores of a southern community, the nature of time, and the relation of the past to the present、This paper will approach the story from the following aspects: analysis of Emily’s character,the root causes of her characters and her destiny、Ⅱ、Analysis of Emily’s charactersEmily is the main character, the protagonist of the story、In this story, the author mainly focuses and reveals the main characte r—Emily、In order to analyze Emily’s character, some question s have at first to be answered: What type is this story or what kind of theme this story plans to reveal? When answering these questions, itbecomes much easier to analyze her character、Miss Emily is kind of quiet and perverse, proud and aloof, haughty, brave and tough, a representative of traditional convention and so forth、The followings are going to expatiate on them、2、1Miss Emily’s haughty characterAt the very first, Emily is easy to be regarded as a haughty woman、In the story, the writer not only reveals the abnormal pheno menon of Emily’s grotesque character and her ill-sexed psychology, but also lively portrays her as a strong figure of haughtiness、Miss Emily Grierson is the socialite of her town、Naturally with this status there is a certain reputation she has to withhold、She not only represented her family name but, in a sense the people of her town、Because she was such a dominant figure the townspeople had put her on a pedestal and were very attentive to her actions、During the time in which her father was alive Emily was seen as a figure to be admired but never touched、Many wooers she had but according to her father’s standard, none were suitable enough、2、2 Miss Emily’s isolated and eccentric characterBesides, Miss Emily is isolated and eccentric、From the whole story, there is no doubt that she was an isolated one from the beginning of the story to the surprising end、All her life isthe town people’s topic after meals、They regard her as a monster、And because of her family, in particular, her father, she nearly get separated from her neighbors, which adds more pressure to her personal affairs to fall in love with the Yankee, Homer Barron, which, at last, creates the tragedy、On the other hand, she is eccentric at thesame time、When the men from the government want to tax her after her father’s death, but they are refused by Emily、The reason is quite simple, that is, when her father is alive, in Jefferson, they need not to pay taxes、She just tells the government that she has no taxes in Jefferson、What she said was the matter several years ago、And there was once a man called Colonel Sartoris explained it to her about her tax-free privilege、She does not respect the truth, that is, her so-called Colonel died ten years ago and new policy comes into practice、The narrator arranges the specific detail on her behavior of buying Arsenic、The druggist can not imagine her purpose in buying the poison and just thinks that she might use it for rat and such things、Miss Emily just stares at him, her head tilts back in order to look him eye for eye, until he looks away and goes and gets the arsenic and wraps it up for her、How strange and eccentric she is、She does not allow anyone to ask about her matter, even though it isa dangerous affair which is forbidden by law、2、3 Miss Emily’s necrophiliaMiss Emily is a necrophilia, too、Greatly surprised at the sight of the last paragraph of Faulkner’s short-story “A Rose for Emily”, the town people find that Miss Emily is not only a murderer, but also sleeps with Homer Barron after she kills him、Then it is noticed that in the second pillow is the indentation of a head、One of the townspeople lifts something from it, andleans forward, finding the faint and invisible dust dry and acrid in the nostrils, and a long strand of iron-gray hair、Horribly, she kills her lover and sleeps next to him for a long time until being found out、As for the whole passage, the narrator refuses to dismiss Emily as simply mad or to treat her life as merely a grotesque, sensational horror story、Instead, his narrative method brought us into her life before we hastily rejectedher, and doing so offered us a complex imaginative treatment of fiercedetermination and strength coupled with illusions and shocking eccentricities、4 2、4 Miss Emily’s braveness and toughnessShe is brave and tough as well、As a woman, Emily is normal、She just tries her best to pursue her happiness、In this story, the most attractive part for a great number of people is Emily’s brave pursuit of love、Only after her father’s death, she begins to have the right to love、“In the summer after her father’s death, she has her hair cut short and looks like a little girl、Soon she falls in love with Homer, who is a Yankee, a northerner and a day labor as well、” She holds her head high in her dignity as she is the last Grierson of her family though the townspeople think she has fallen because she is with a man who is different from her、However, Emily’s love affair is not affected by the townspeople and her two female cousins’ interference、What’s more,Ⅲ、Intrinsic and extrinsic Reasons3、1 Intrinsic reasons3.1.1 FamilyIt is her family, especially her father that influences her somuch、Emily, the heroine in the story, is a victim、Dominated by her father and his rigid ideas of social status, she has been prevented from marrying during his life time and therefore after。



aroseforEmily写作技巧分析A Rose for Emily------Writing TechniqueA Rose for Emily is one of the most famous works written by Faulkner. He is expert in time reversed.The first time I went through this article, I thought the order of plots is out of logic because it wasn’t established in time of something. It seemed that the author wrote down the stories according to which story came into his mind first. However, after reading the article again with the help of my teacher, I got a better understanding of why the author established it in that way. It was deliberate of the author to do so.There are all the plots.1.Miss Emily died and the whole town went to her funeral.2.She didn’t want to pay the tax so she got into trouble with the new mayor.3.Her house gave off a bad smell. The mayor had to send four men to sprinkle lime in the cellar. It was two years after her father’s death and a short time after her sweetheart had deserted her. Later, we knew that the smell came from the dead body of……4.She refused to bury her father’s dead body until three daysafter his death.5.She fell in love with Homer regardless of others’ discussion and criticism.6.She bought poison in the drug store.7.It seemed that she was going to marry the Yankee. However, he disappeared without any trace.8.She gave lessons in china-painting for six or seven years when she was about forty. Save for that, she seldom showed up.9.Since then, she never went out until she died silently in her seventy’s.10.People found the skeleton of the missing Homer.The story ended. I felt surprised and scared. However, I have to say that the ending is beyond expectation but reasonable, since the author did adequate foreshadowing for it.So, the whole story was ordered according to people’s memories. Although it may be enological, it really left me a deep impression.I think it is exactly how this kind of writing technique works and what time reversed works for.PS (something that is not about the writing skills):In my opinion, it is wrong and stupid to keep those who don’t love us but we love around us forcefully. If I really love him, the only thing I want about him is to make sure that he is happy. I don’tmind he loves me or not. Over-love can also be hurtful.。


















A rose for EmilyThis story happens after the American Civil War, in Jefferson Town. It’s a story about an eccentric spinster named Emily Grierson whose marriage is totally manipulated by her father. Two years after her father’s death, poor Emily is acquainted with a northerner called Homer Barron, a day laborer and she falls in love with him. However, their relation is short-lived as Homer becomes tired of her and intends to get rid of her. In order to keep Homer at hand, Emily kills him with arsenic and “obtain” him, thus, she sleeps with his corpse for decades. This is the truth that villagers find after her death. From my own perspective, this masterpiece reflects the decline of the southern society and reveals the conflicts between the two different value systems and two societies after the American Civil War. Then, I will explain my opinions from the following three aspects: character, symbol and setting.Emily is an embodiment of the south, the old and tradition. At the very beginning of this story, the writer recounts the decoration of her house which is still 1870s style, isn’t change any more. Besides, she is also obstinate. When the new government compel the taxes on her,she refuses to pay the tax and even ridiculously mentions a colonel who has been dead almost ten years. Another example is that she prevents people from installing mail-box on the wall. She keeps the traditional views all the long,but resists to change anything. However, poor Emily is a determined woman. Regardless of people’s criticism, she insists on marrying a northerner whose social position is apparently lower than her. It is known that in that period of time, hierarchy is prevailing and deep-rooted through out the society. It particularly has a profound influence on marriage. When someone chooses a partner, he or she must consider the social position of the other party to the marriage. However, Emily chooses to disobey the convention and challenges tradition. Given this situation, her failure is quite expectable. However, she cannot get rid of the shackles of the Southern conventions. After all, she captures her lover in her own way and the love is treated with honor.Her father, the old Grierson, is also an incarnation of the South, patriarchy and tradition. He was very fastidious about her daughter’s marriage and drove away every man who caught the fancy of her. “When she got to thirty and was still single”. Obviously, both her body and mind are enslaved by her father’s traditional concept. Therefore, she feels released when her father is dead, and there is no “trace of grief on her face”.In this novel, Emily symbolizes the South, old and tradition, the Yankee represents the North, new and modern. Both young guys might be interested in each other when they first meet. But they possess altogether different values or concept of lives. So they inevitably separated before long. The conflict between the two partners symbolizes the conflict between the South and the North. And the absurd murder aggravates the contradictions.The “Rose”, that is never mentioned in this novel, is always interpreted conventionally as a symbol of love. It might be used as the love Emily gets from her lover. But in my opinion the rose mainly represents decay and death. At the time the villagers went to her room and found the valance curtains of faded rose color and the rose-shaded lights in the room. Actually, the author plays a trick on Miss Emily. In fact, she doesn’t really get any love from any man whether it is from her lover or her father. Emily could have a favorable marriage but for her father’s interference. She could have got her deserved love from Homer. But on account of her obstinacy and pride, she receives tiredness and indifference, instead of affection---rose, from him. Thus, as an outsider, the author or the villagers, they give a rose as a tribute to Emily. Besides, the rose also stands for the author’s and villager s’pity, sympathy and lament for Emily, whose mind is imprisoned in the past and fails to adapt to the change. What’s more, the author, “William Faulkner objectifies his complicated and emotionalinvolvement in the South and in the people who grow up and live there ever since”.The story teller begins his story when it is post-civil war. In Jefferson Town, in the South, which is defeated by the North, everything including concept and some sense of value is gradually replaced by the new concepts from the North. In this background, due to the restriction of the traditional ideas, some people are imprisoned in the past and ignore the passage of time. And Miss Emily is one of them. The whole story is set in Emily’s house. But the story has a time span of over two scores. Her house is depicted as old but grand. Seen from the outside, the house is really outdated and is not in accord with other residential buildings—it’s really an eyesore. The house perfectly mirrors Emily’s isolation from the outside world. From the inner decoration of her house, everything is covered with dust and the air is humid. Besides,there is a crayon portrait of Miss Emily’s father. The description of the house paves a way for the development of scenario. As a reader, I might feel ghastly. Therefore, it’s conceivable that the spine-chilling story happens there. At the end of the story, out of curiosity, people go into her chamber,seeing faded rose color curtains, the rose-shaded lights and delicate array of crystal and the man's toilet things backed with tarnished silver. The whole room speaks the life Emily goes through and indicates the decay of the Southern aristocrat.When I finished reading the story, a sincere sympathy emerges in my mind. Emily is totally a tragedy of the old traditions. She is a prisoner of the past, of the social and moral taboos of the South. Not only because she is purely a woman, but also the stubborn conventions manacle her that result in her frustrated life. Even so,she could have a better life after her father’s death. However, she doesn’t get out of the tower her father built for her. On the contrary, she builds another one, and locks her soul. In our daily life, everything is changing everyday. As an individual, we can only adapt ourselves to the protean environment and should learn to accept new things. Only when we keep learning everyday can we survive in this world which is full of competition.2.艾米丽是一个体现了南方,旧传统。

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A Rose for Emily Outline
Ⅰ.Emily herself
A. The yearning for her dead dad
B. The insecurity in her mental
C. The enclosed in her house
D. The kill of Homer Barron
Ⅱ. the conflicts between person and community.
A. The middle class starts.
B. The town doubts Emily
C. The town did not accept Emily and Homer’s
D. The Emily’s tradition
Ⅲ.The significance
IV. Conclusion
Abstract :
A rose for Emily is a masterpiece of Faulkner's short stori es and is of great significance for researching ,analyzed b y many scholars from different angles , this essay start with the Emily’scharacteristics,war of the social vicissitu
de as the background to analyses the causes of Emily's tr agic life,besides, The conflicts between person and community also cause the tragedy of Emily, It csn be divided into five parts.The the first part introduces Emily is an example of it where she stayed in the past Pre-civil war self, the second part is to introduces the characteristics of Emily, the third part introduces the conflicts between person and community, the forth part takes a deep interpretation from a combination of the society and characteristics herself, and the last part made a conclusion and deepen the understanding. Faulkner has the idea that evolution and change in the wold through time is good and essential since people and community can change for the better for example the outcome like abolition of slavery.。
