Failure Analysis of RTP for Natural Gas Transportation in Changqing Oilfield
为了提高我国制药行业的发展水平,满足《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020)》和《国家中长期人才发展规划纲要(2010—2020)》中“强调要培养一大批创新能力强、适应经济社会发展需要的高质量各类型工程技术人才,为国家走新型工业化发展道路、建设创新型国家和人才强国战略服务”的需求,本书编者团队基于多年从事验证工作的丰富经验,为帮助普通高等院校和国内制药企业快速而高效地培养一批验证工程技术人员,秉承“推动行业进步”的发展使命,依据中国、欧盟、WHO和美国等国家和组织的GMP和监管要求,参考ICH、ISO、ISPE、PIC/S等有关实践指南,基于以下重要原则编写本书:•强调“生命周期”概念;•强调“质量源于设计”(Quality by Design,QbD);•强调对产品和工艺需求的理解;•强调产品保护;•强调关键质量属性(Critical Quality Attribute,CQA)和关键工艺参数(Critical Process Parameter,CPP)的重要性;•采用基于风险评估的方法;•综合国际现行GMP法规对确认与验证的要求;•包含良好工程管理规范(Good Engineering Practice,GEP)概念;•贯穿全书的最新验证案例分析。
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a structured approach used to identify potential failure modes in a system, process, or product, and to assess the potential impact of those failures. It is a proactive tool that helps organizations anticipate and prevent problems before they occur, ultimately improving overall performance and reliability. FMEA is a critical component of quality management and risk assessment, as it allows organizations to prioritize and address potential risks based on their likelihood and severity. One of thekey benefits of conducting an FMEA is the ability to identify and prioritize potential failure modes. By systematically analyzing each step of a process or component of a system, organizations can identify weak points and vulnerabilities that may lead to failures. This proactive approach allows organizations to address issues before they escalate, saving time and resources in the long run. Additionally, by prioritizing failure modes based on their potential impact, organizations can focus their efforts on addressing the most critical risks first. Another important aspect of FMEA is the ability to assess the potential effects of failures. By considering the potential consequences of a failure, organizationscan develop contingency plans and mitigation strategies to minimize the impact on operations. This proactive approach not only helps organizations respond more effectively to failures when they occur but also helps prevent failures from happening in the first place. By understanding the potential effects of failures, organizations can make informed decisions about how to allocate resources and prioritize risk management efforts. In addition to identifying and assessing potential failure modes, FMEA also helps organizations improve communication and collaboration within teams. By involving cross-functional teams in the FMEA process, organizations can leverage the diverse expertise and perspectives of team members to identify and address potential risks more effectively. Thiscollaborative approach not only improves the quality of the analysis but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and shared responsibility for risk management. Furthermore, FMEA can help organizations comply with regulatory requirements and industry standards. Many industries, such as healthcare, automotive, and aerospace, have strict regulations and standards that requireorganizations to identify and mitigate potential risks. By conducting FMEA, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to quality and safety, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. This proactive approach not only helps organizations avoid costly fines and penalties but also enhances their reputation and credibility in the marketplace. Overall, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis is a powerful tool that can help organizations improve performance, reliability, and safety. By systematically identifying and assessing potential failure modes, organizations can proactively address risks, improve communication and collaboration, and comply with regulatory requirements. Ultimately, FMEA helps organizations build a culture of continuous improvement and risk management, ensuring long-term success and sustainability.。
Failure Analysis of Gas Turbine Blades涡轮叶片疲劳分析
Paper 120, ENG 108 Failure Analysis of Gas Turbine BladesMehdi Tofighi Naeem, Seyed Ali Jazayeri, Nesa RezamahdiK. N. Toosi University of Technologym.tofighinaeem@, sajazayeri@, nesa.rezamahdi@ AbstractThe failure analysis of gas turbine blades made of nickel-base alloy was carried out in two discrete sections:•Mechanical analysis•Metallurgical analysisUsing ANSYS Workbench 11.0 software (advanced CFD section), a steady state gas flow analysis was carried out, and the pressure and temperature distributions and velocity vectors and streamlines were delineated. Then, by mapping these results on the other section of it (simulation section), equivalent stresses and total deformation were determined.The metallurgical investigation was carried out using visual examination, photographic documentation, non destructive testing (NDT), optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The surface of the blades are diversely colored, which may have represented the presence of some metal oxides, sodium, and sulfur. Also, these blades suffered both types of corrosion and erosion. DPI testing showed that there was a crack on both sides of a failed blade coating.A detailed microstructural analysis of all elements that had influence on the failure initiation were carried out. Namely, micro-cavities were found on fracture surfaces that served as an origin of a creeping failure mechanism (the appearance of the fracture surfaces in the failed blade resembles a dimple-like fracture); decreasing of alloy ductility and toughness due to carbides precipitation in grain boundaries (formation of continuous films and dispersed particles of carbides); and degradation of the alloy γ′phase (irregular growing ofγ′particles). It is found that the cracks in the coating act as an initiator for the thermal fatigue crack. The substrate intergranular crack initiation and propagation were due to a creep mechanism. Also, due to operation at high temperatures, many annealing twins were observed at different regions.IntroductionBlade failures can be caused by a number of mechanisms under the turbine operating conditions of high rotational speed at elevated temperatures. In general, blade failures can be grouped into two categories: (a) fatigue, including both high (HCF) and low cycle fatigue (LCF) [1–6]; and (b) creep rupture [6–8]. Researches on evaluating the thermomechanical behavior for turbine blade materials that are made up of Ni base superalloys have garnered increased interest in recent years. These superalloys are the standard material for hot stagesof gas turbines, where vanes and blades are subjected to high mechanical stresses and aggressive environments [9–23]. In Ni base superalloys, the presence of chromium is essential to assure high-temperature oxidation resistance, whereas other alloying elements are important to guarantee high-temperature strength, especially creep resistance. Other elements, such as aluminum and titanium, enable the precipitation of the γ′phase ()()during heat treatment, which strengthens the face centered cubic matrix (γNiTiAl,3phase) [24–27]. Another kind of phase is also very important for the mechanical properties of nickel base superalloys (carbides). These particles are present in these alloys because it is very difficult to remove carbon during refining and because carbon is added on purpose to form carbides, which improve creep properties [24, 27].The aim of this work is to evaluate the creep-fatigue properties of the first and second stage blades under cycling duty. To identify this, a complete metallurgical investigation with mechanical analysis was carried out.BackgroundThe blades used in a gas turbine were damaged during servicing. The accumulated service time of the blades is more than 10 years. The blade material is specified as IN738LC alloy (Cr: 16; Co: 8.5; Ti: 3.4; Al: 3.4; Fe: 0.3; Mo: 1.75; W: 2.6; Ta: 1.7; Si: 0.1; balance: Ni). Figures 1 and 2 show the rotor and stator of this turbine, respectively. The first stage blades were badly damaged, while the second stage blades remained relatively whole.Visual InspectionThe macroscopic features of the blades were observed by visual examination and photographic documentation. These inspections showed the different regions on the surface of the blades at the convex and concave sides.Figure 1: Deformation of Rotor BladesFigure 2: Failed Stator BladesAs can be seen from Figure 3, in the vicinity of the platform both sides of the blades were rough and exhibited diverse colors, especially reddish, greenish, and dark brownish regions. Using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Khajavi et al. found that these colors represented the presence of iron oxides, 32O Cr and NiO, as well as Na and S [28–31]. Loss of materials and thickness (that may have been caused by interaction of differentmechanisms such as hot corrosion, or erosion, and creep or fatigue [30]) was observed at the whole of the blades. Also, dye penetrant inspection (DPI) testing found that there was a crack on both sides of the failed blade coating.Experimental ProcedureThe chemical composition of the material was determined by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The microstructure of the blades was observed by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). For these investigations, we prepared several longitudinal and transverse sections from the blades. These specimens were polished by standard techniques and were etched by solution of 5ml 4CuSO , 50ml O H 2, and 50ml HCl.Microstructural EvaluationMetallographic prepared sections were initially examined in an optical microscope and, subsequently, evaluated in a scanning electron microscope equipped with an EDS spectrometer.Figure 4 shows that the coarsening of grain boundary precipitates in the top section of service exposed second stage blades because of creeping degradation that was taken by optical microscopy. The distribution and morphology of strengthening phase γ′ precipitates in the top section of the second stage blade, as shown in Figure 5. As can be seen from this figure,µin this section. Moreover, the large size the coarsened γ′ size is in the range of 0.5–2mcoarsened γ′ precipitates are surrounded by the γ′ denuded zone (darker regions), devoid of secondary γ′ precipitates. Figures 6 and 7 show carbides precipitation in grain boundaries that is represented in the formation of continuous films (including 39.8 percent Cr) and dispersed particles (include 9.6 percent Ti) of carbides, respectively. Carbides precipitation results in decreasing of alloy ductility and toughness.Figure 3: The Rough Surface Shows Diversely ColoredFigure 4: Coarsened Grain Boundary Precipitates (×200)Crack EvaluationThere were a large number of cracks at different regions of blades because of operation at high temperatures and stresses over a long period of time. Some of these cracks are shown in Figures 8–11. In Figure 8, we observe an intergranular crack on fracture surface. The appearance of the fracture surface in Figure 9 resembles a dimple-like fracture. The dimple-like appearance can be attributed to the microcavities, which could be related to intergranular decohesion of carbides [29, 32]. These microcavities serve as the origin of a creep failure mechanism [29, 33, 34].Figure 5: The Large Size of Coarsening-Coalescence ofγ′ PhaseFigure 6: Continuous Films of Carbides PrecipitatesFigure 7: Dispersed Particles of Carbides PrecipitatesFigure 8: Intergranular Fracture Morphology (There is a crack on fracture surface.) Also, we observed an intergranular crack on the first stage blade coating (Figure 10) and several intergranular cracks that were located on transverse section of the blade surface (Figure 11). The coating crack initiation was probably due to a thermal fatigue mechanism, as a result of high thermal transient loads (i.e., trips, start-ups, and slow-downs) and crack grain boundary initiation and propagation in the substrate by a creep mechanism (high steady state loads) [33].Figure 9: Dimple-like Microcavities Found on Fracture SurfaceFigure 10: Intergranular Crack on the CoatingAs the other result of the creep failure mechanism, we found grain detachment in the second stage blade that is shown in Figure 12. As seen in this figure, there were several macrocracks on grain boundaries.One of the important deformations in metals is the process known as twinning. Twins may be produced by mechanical deformation or as the result of annealing following plastic deformation. The first type is known as mechanical twins, and the latter are called annealingtwins [35]. In this study, many annealing twins (Figure 13) were observed at different regions.Figure 11: Several Intergranular Cracks on Transverse Section of the Blade SurfaceFigure 12: Several Macrocracks on Grain Boundaries Due to Creep Mechanism Mechanical AnalysisA steady state gas flow analysis was carried out by means of Advanced CFD, which is a section of the ANSYS Workbench 11.0 software; then, by mapping these results on the simulation section, the stress analysis was carried out. Since the rotor and stator of this turbine had 83 and 76 blades, respectively, a complete modeling solution took a long time, so we modeled two blades of rotor and stator with consideration of correct boundary conditions.Temperature and pressure contours showed consistence with real conditions (Figures 14, 15, 16, and 17). Note that at these figures, the stator and rotor blades were located left to right, respectively. Figures 18 and 19 show the magnitude and direction of flow velocity by use of velocity vectors and streamlines, respectively. The stress analysis simulated the steady state behavior of the rotor first stage blade under service conditions where the centrifugal load, gas pressure load, and thermal expansion are present. The equivalent stresses and total deformation plots for a blade are shown in Figures 20 and 21, respectively. The peak stress of the blade occurred at the bottom firtree, not at the topsection of the blade where failure occurred. It is, therefore, unlikely that blade failure was directly related to centrifugal and gas loading.Figure 13: Annealing Twins Taken by Optical Microscopy (×200)Figure 14: Fluid Flow Temperature Distribution around the First Stage BladesThe cause of the rotor blade failure may be increases in blade length and contact between blade tip and casing as a consequence of creep after an extended period in service.Figure 15: Fluid Flow Temperature Distribution on the Stator and Rotor BladesFigure 16: Fluid Flow Pressure Distribution around the First Stage BladesFigure 17: Fluid Flow Pressure Distribution on the Stator and Rotor BladesFigure 18: Fluid Flow Velocity VectorsFigure 19: Fluid Flow Velocity StreamlinesFigure 20: Resultant Stress Distribution for the Rotor BladeFigure 21: Total Deformation of the Rotor BladeConclusionThe failure analysis of a gas turbine with first and second stage blades made of nickel-based alloy was investigated. The accumulated service time of these blades is more than 10 years. This investigation was carried out by mechanical and metallurgical analysis.After visual examination and photographic documentation, it is found that the surface of the blades exhibit diverse colors that may have represented the presence of iron oxides, 32O Cr and NiO , Na, and S. Also, in the vicinity of the platform, both the convex and concave sides of these blades were very rough and appeared to have corrosion and erosion. Themicrostructural investigation of the blades revealed the presence of continuous and dispersed films of carbides in grain boundaries and coarsened γ′ precipitates resulting from exposure to extreme temperatures and subsequent operation. There were a large number of cracks at different regions of blades because of operation at high temperatures and stresses for a long period of time. An intergranular crack was found on the failed blade coating; there were some micro-cavities on the fracture surface that served as the origin of a creep failure mechanism; there were several intergranular cracks on transverse section of the first stage blade surface. Also, due to operation at high temperatures, many annealing twins were observed.A steady state gas flow analysis was carried out by means of Advanced CFD, which is a section of Workbench ANSYS 11.0 software. Then, by mapping these results on the simulation section of this software, the stress analysis was carried out. Temperature and pressure contours and the magnitude and direction of flow velocity showed consistency withreal conditions. It is found that the blade failure was not directly related to centrifugal and gas loading. 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A Comparative Analysis of Protected Area Planning ang Management Frameworks 自然保护区管理模型对比
49In: McCool, Stephen F.; Cole, David N., comps. 1997. Proceedings—Limits of Acceptable Change and related planning processes: progress and future directions; 1997 May 20–22; Missoula, MT. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-371.Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.Per Nilsen is Head of Appropriate Activities and Risk Management, Parks Canada, Department of Canadian Heritage, 4th Floor, 25 Eddy St., Hull, QC,Canada, K1A 0M5. Grant Tayler is a Visitor Management Consultant and a recently retired coordinator of the Visitor Activity Planning Program,National Parks, Parks Canada, 7 Centrepark Drive, G loucester, ON, Canada,K1B 3C2.Abstract —A comparative analysis of the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS), Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC), a Process for Visitor Impact Management (VIM), Visitor Experience and Re-source Protection (VERP), and the Management Process for Visitor Activities (known as VAMP) decision frameworks examines their origins; methodology; use of factors, indicators, and standards;appropriate application; and relationships. While many areas in the frameworks can be improved, the most pressing needs are integra-tion of principles among the frameworks and with other planning processes that emphasize ecosystem-based management and an evaluation of their effectiveness, particularly with the profound organizational changes taking place in all protected area agencies.Since the mid 1970’s, a variety of planning and manage-ment frameworks have been developed for protected areas to address issues such as recreation carrying capacity; human use that causes stress for ecosystems; methods to determine appropriate types, levels, and conditions of use; and methods to inventory and manage an appropriate mix of visitor opportunities. These frameworks include the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS), the Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) framework, the Process for Visitor Impact Management (VIM), the Visitor Experience and Resource Protection (VERP) framework, and the Management Pro-cess for Visitor Activities (known as VAMP). While each framework or “pre-formed decisionmaking structure” (Meis 1990) has a unique origin, these frameworks also share many similarities. Considerable effort has been devoted to describing what the individual frameworks seek to accom-plish, the steps involved, and how they have been applied to individual sites.Until recently, few comparative analyses have been un-dertaken for these contemporary frameworks. Recent ex-amples include: a comparative analysis of the formula-based carrying capacity approaches, as well as of ROS and LAC (Graefe and others 1990); a comparative analysis of ROS,A Comparative Analysis of Protected Area Planning and Management FrameworksPer Nilsen Grant TaylerLAC, VIM, and VAMP (Payne and G raham 1993); two workshops on visitor management (Graham and Lawrence 1990; Rickson and others 1995); and studies on the use of these frameworks (Giongo and others 1993; Schneider and others 1993).As part of a project to define a spectrum of appropriate National Park opportunities and in response to numerous staff inquiries about the various planning and management tools, a summary description of 11 approaches was pre-pared for Parks Canada (Tayler 1996). Five of these frame-works are described and compared here. After an extensive literature review, each of the five frameworks was described and analyzed in terms of origins; methodology; use of factors, indicators, and standards; appropriate applica-tions; and relationships (see table 1). These variables were chosen to create a practical snapshot of the selected frame-works for Parks Canada field staff. Field staff could then decide which approach would be appropriate to address the issues they were dealing with. The comparative analysis then led to the identification of a number of common themes,issues, and recommendations for future research.Results of the ComparativeAnalysis _______________________OriginsThe circumstances and the parties involved in developing each approach are unique and have been described in detail in the literature (Graham and Lawrence 1990; Rickson and others 1995). A comparison of their origins (Tayler 1996)revealed that each approach:•Originated from a collaboration between researchers and Federal agency staff or between researchers and national nongovernmental organizations (VIM, for ex-ample, was developed in conjunction with the U.S.National Parks and Conservation Association).•Benefited from advances in recreation research, par-ticularly in the late 1970’s with the work of Driver and Brown (1978), and Clark and Stankey (1979) on ROS,and in the mid-1980’s with the development of LAC (Stankey and others 1985) and VAMP (Parks Canada 1985).•Was a response to both legislative and policy require-ments, as well as to increasing recreation demands,impacts, and conflicts.•Recognizes the origins and deficiencies of the tradi-tional carrying capacity model for recreation manage-ment and strives to move beyond it.Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS)Developed by researchers working for the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management in response to concerns about growing recreational demands and increasing conflict over use of scarce resources, and a series of legislative directives that called for an integrated and comprehensive approach to natural resource planning. The process comprised six land classes to aid in understanding physical, biological, social and managerial relationships, and to set parameters and guidelines for management of recreation opportunities.Steps of the Process1.Inventory and map the three setting perspectives that affect theexperience of the recreationalist, namely the physical, social andmanagerial components.plete analysis:a)identify setting inconsistencies;b)define recreation opportunity classes;c)integrate with forest management activities; andd)identify conflicts and recommend mitigation.3.Schedule.4.Design.5.Execute projects.6.Monitor.The end product is a definition of the opportunity for experience expected in each setting (six classes—primitive to urban), the indicators of the experience, and the parameters and guidelines for management. Factors, Indicators and Standards:Seven setting indicators have been identified. They represent aspects of recreation settings that facilitate a range of experiences that can be influenced by managers.1.Access2.Remoteness3.Visual Characteristics4.Site Management5.Visitor Management6.Social Encounters7.Visitor ImpactsCriteria have been developed by the U.S. Forest Service for each of the indicators and for each of the six land classes, e.g., distance guidelines, remoteness, user density in terms of capacity and frequency of contact, and degree of managerial regimentation required.Applications Best Suited forThis process can be employed in almost all landscape planning exercises. However, the nature of the spectrum, the indicators and their criteria depend on the purpose of the area, the mandate of the organization and the responsibilities of management.RelationshipsThis management matrix approach has been incorporated into the LAC system and can be used with VIM. It has been recognized within VAMP, but is hindered by the current use of zoning in Parks Canada. Strengths: It is a practical process with principles that force managers to rationalize management from three perspectives:•protection of the resource;•opportunities for public use; and•the organization’s ability to meet preset conditions.It links supply with demand and can be readily integrated with other processes. It ensures that a range of recreation opportunities are provided to the public.Weaknesses: The recreation opportunity spectrum, its setting indicators and their criteria must be accepted in total by managers before any options or decisions can be made. Disagreement will affect the rest of the planning program. ROS maps need to be related to the physical and biophysical characteristics of each area.Process for Visitor Impact Management (VIM)Developed by researchers working for the U.S. National Parks and Conservation Association for use by the U.S. National Park Service. The process addresses three basic issues relating to impact: problem conditions; potential causal factors; and potential management strategies. Steps of the Process1.Conduct pre-assessment database review.2.Review management objectives.3.Select key indicators.4.Select standards for key impact indicators.pare standards and existing conditions.6.Identify probable causes of impacts.7.Identify management strategies.8.Implement.Factors, Indicators and StandardsThe list of possible indicators of impact includes:Physical impacts:•soil density, pH, compaction, drainage, chemistry, productivity •amount and depth of litter and dust•area of barren core and of bare ground•area of complete campsites•number and size of fire rings•number of social trails•visible erosionBiological impacts:•soil fauna and microfauna•ground-cover density and loss of ground cover•diversity and composition of plant species•proportion of exotic plant species•plant species height, vigour and diseases•trees—mutilation, seeding regeneration, exposed roots•wildlife species—diversity, abundance, sightings•presence or absence of indicator species•reproduction successSocial Impacts:•number of encounters•by activity type with other individuals/day•by size of group•with other groups/day•by mode of transport•by location of encounter•visitor perception of crowding•visitor perception of impact on the environment•visitor satisfaction•visitor complaints•visitor reports of undesirable behavioursStandards are established for each indicator based on the management objectives that specify acceptable limits or appropriate levels for the impact.Applications Best Suited forThis is a flexible process parallel to LAC that can be applied in a wide variety of settings. It employs a similar methodology to assess and identify existing impacts and particularly the causes.RelationshipsLike LAC, this process has been incorporated into the VERP system. Strengths: Process provides for a balanced use of scientific and judgemental considerations. It places heavy emphasis on understanding causal factors to identify management strategies. The process also provides a classification of management strategies and a matrix for evaluating them.Weaknesses: The process does not make use of ROS, although it could. It is written to address current conditions of impact, rather than to assess potential impacts.Table 1—Comparative Analysis of Planning and Management Framework.(con.)50Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC)Developed by researchers working for the U.S. Forest Service in response to concerns about the management of recreation impacts. The process identifies appropriate and acceptable resource and social conditions and the actions needed to protect or achieve those conditions.Steps of the ProcessA nine-step process, normally illustrated as a circle of steps:1.Identify area concerns and issues.2.Define and describe opportunity classes (based on the concept ofROS).3.Select indicators of resource and social conditions.4.Inventory existing resource and social conditions.5.Specify standards for resource and social indicators for eachopportunity class.6.Identify alternative opportunity class allocations.7.Identify management actions for each alternative.8.Evaluate and select preferred alternatives.9.Implement actions and monitor conditions.Factors, Indicators and StandardsFactors will depend on issues identified in Step 1 above. Examples: Resource:•trail conditions•campsite conditions•water quality•air quality•wildlife populations•range condition•threatened/endangered speciesSocial:•solitude while travelling•campsite solitude•conflicts between visitors•conflicting travel methods•conflicts with party size•noiseExamples of indicators and standards are in the literature. Standards are the measurable aspects of the indicators and are the basis for judging whether a condition is acceptable or not. Standards describe acceptable and appropriate conditions for each indicator in each opportunity class. Applications Best Suited forThe process is a good vehicle for deciding the most appropriate and acceptable resource and social conditions in wilderness areas. It has been applied to wild and scenic rivers, historic sites and tourism development areas.RelationshipsThe process incorporates opportunity classes based on concepts of ROS and a means of analysis and synthesis. It is built into the U.S. National Park Service VERP framework.Strengths: The final product is a strategic and tactical plan for the area based on defined limits of acceptable change for each opportunity class, with indicators of change that can be used to monitor ecological and social conditions.Weaknesses: The process focuses on issues and concerns that guide subsequent data collection and analysis. Strategic and tactical direction may not be provided on management topics where there are no current issues or concerns.Visitor Experience Resource Protection (VERP)Created by the U.S. National Park Service. It is a new framework dealing with carrying capacity in terms of the quality of the resources and thequality of the visitor experience. It contains a prescription for desired future resource and social conditions, defining what levels of use are appropriate, where, when and why.Steps of the Process1.Assemble an interdisciplinary project team.2.Develop a public involvement strategy.3.Develop statements of park purpose, significance and primaryinterpretive themes; identify planning mandates and constraints.4.Analyse park resources and existing visitor use.5.Describe a potential range of visitor experiences and resourceconditions (potential prescriptive zones).6.Allocate the potential zones to specific locations within the park(prescriptive management zoning).7.Select indicators and specify standards for each zone; develop amonitoring plan.8.Monitor resource and social indicators.9.Take management actions.Factors, Indicators and StandardsThe following factors are considered in the planning process:•park purpose statements•statements of park significance•primary interpretation themes•resource values, constraints and sensitivities•visitor experience opportunities•resource attributes for visitor use•management zonesResource and social indicators, as well as associated standards, weredeveloped for each zone at Arches National Park, where the process was first tested.Applications Best Suited forThe VERP framework was conceived and designed to be part of the U.S.National Park Service’s general management planning process. Thisanalytical, iterative process attempts to bring both management planning and operational planning together as one exercise. The emphasis is on strategic decisions pertaining to carrying capacity based on qualityresource values and quality visitor experiences. The product is a series of prescriptive management zones defining desired future conditions with indicators and standards.RelationshipsThis framework refers specifically to both LAC and VIM. No mention ismade of ROS or VAMP. VERP parallels the basic processes of VAMP and ROS, and is seen as a component of LAC.Strengths: Like VAMP, VERP is a thought process that draws on thetalents of a team and is guided by policy and the park purpose statement. It guides resource analysis through the use of statements of significance and sensitivity, and visitor opportunity analysis is guided by statements defining important elements of the visitor experience. Zoning is the focus formanagement.Weaknesses: Additional work is required to pilot the approach in different environments. “Experience” is not defined and the indicators for it areabsent beyond the examples for Arches National Park. The will and ability to monitor sufficiently to provide information to guide management actions must also be tested.Table 1 (Con.)(con.)5152Steps of the ProcessAll of the frameworks follow the steps of standard rational planning: terms of reference, database develop-ment, situation analysis, synthesis, objectives, alternatives,final plan, and implementation. Each approach, therefore,recognizes, in varying degrees, a hierarchy of decisions that need to be made, ranging from inventory and analysis to development of a management concept (strategic decisions),and, subsequently, implementation and operations (tactical decisions).ROS, VIM, and VAMP are rational-comprehensive plan-ning approaches (Payne and Graham 1993). The recently developed VERP (Hof 1993) can be added to this list. LAC was originally developed as a rational-comprehensive or synoptic planning process, but has been applied using the theory of transactive planning to produce plans for areas such as the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex (McCool 1990).Factors, Indicators, and StandardsStankey and McCool (1990) make a distinction between factors, indicators, and standards. Factors are “broad cat-egories of issues or concerns” (such as trail conditions), from which one or more indicators can be identified that reflect the overall condition of the factor. “Indicators are specific variables” (such as soil compaction) “that singly, or in com-bination, are taken as indicative of the conditions of the overall opportunity class” or “factor.” “Standards are meas-urable aspects of indicators” that “provide a base against which a particular condition can be judged as acceptable or not” (Stankey and McCool 1990: 225-26).The five approaches vary considerably in the language they use and the degree of emphasis they place on factors,indicators, and standards. These differences reflect varia-tions in the questions being asked, the type of research and analysis that follows, and the decisions that are being made.VAMP and VERP share the greatest similarities, with their emphasis on a broad range of factors at the strategic level of planning and management. With these strategic decisions in place, there is a basis for developing indicators and standards. Each approach addresses the issue of in-dicators and standards differently. In VERP, both resource and social indicators are described; however, all the social indicators relate to levels of crowding (USDI 1995). VAMP emphasizes social indicators and standards (levels of ser-vice) from a visitor’s perspective and is complemented by a natural resource management and an environmental im-pact assessment process that address resource factors, indi-cators, and standards. The results of applying these pro-cesses are integrated during management planning.LAC and VIM identify issues and concerns (factors) at the outset of the process, then define management objec-tives. The issues and management objectives guide the selection of indicators and standards. This issue-driven approach leads to a narrow range of factors being considered and more emphasis on choosing appropriate indicators and standards, followed by monitoring. Graefe and others (1990:232) note that “VIM includes an explicit step aimed at identifying probable causes of impact conditions, while LAC places greater emphasis on defining opportunity classes and developing alternative class allocations.”Management Process for Visitor Activities (VAMP)Created by Parks Canada as a companion process to the NaturalResources Management Process within the Parks Canada Management Planning System. The process provides guidance for planning and management of new parks, developing parks and established parks.Steps of the ProcessThe process uses a model based on a hierarchy of decisions within the management program. Management plan decisions relate to the selection and creation of opportunities for visitors to experience the park’s heritage settings through appropriate educational and recreational activities.Decisions about managing and delivering support services for each activity are reflected in the service plan. The basic principles of VAMP are within three Parks Canada documents:•Guiding Principles and Operational Policies ;•Management Planning Manual ; and •Visitor Activity Concept Manual .General steps of the management plan process are:1.Produce a project terms of reference.2.Confirm existing park purpose and objectives statements.anize a database describing park ecosystems and settings,potential visitor educational and recreational opportunities, existing visitor activities and services, and the regional context.4.Analyse the existing situation to identify heritage themes, resource capability and suitability, appropriate visitor activities, the park’s role in the region and the role of the private sector.5.Produce alternative visitor activity concepts for these settings,experiences to be supported, visitor market segments, levels of service guidelines, and roles of the region and the private sector.6.Create a park management plan, including the park’s purpose and role,management objectives and guidelines, regional relationships, and the role of the private sector.7.Implementation—set priorities for park conservation and park service planning.Factors, Indicators and StandardsFactors that are considered in developing indicators and standards include:•visitor activity profiles •kind•quantity, diversity, location •experiences/benefits sought•support services and facilities required at all stages of trip cycle •stakeholder profiles•interpretation theme presentation•resource values, constraints and sensitivities•existing legislation, policy, management direction, plans•current offer of services and facilities at all stages of trip cycle •regional activity/service offer •satisfaction with service offer Applications Best Suited forThe detailed process is specific to the planning program of Parks Canada and is parallelled by the Natural Resources Management Process. The basic VAMP concept incorporates the principles of ROS. The framework will benefit from and can easily incorporate the principles of VIM, LAC and VERP. The focus is assessment of opportunity, while the more precise impact question is left to the Natural Resources Management Process.RelationshipsThe overall process provides a comprehensive framework for the creation and management of opportunities for visitors within the Parks Canada Management Planning Program.Strengths : Comprehensive decision-making process based on a hierarchy.It benefits from the structured thinking required to analyse both opportunity and impact. It combines social science principles with those of marketing to focus on visitor opportunities.Weaknesses : Although well-developed at the service planning level,VAMP does not yet have the clout it should have at the managementplanning level, mainly because the “opportunities for experience” definition has not been built into management plans or into the zoning.Table 1 (Con.)Figure 1—Evolution of the frameworks.ROS seems to fall between the two subgroups. ROS does consider physical (resource), social, and managerial factors that contribute to strategic decisions about the supply of recreation opportunities; however, indicators are used dif-ferently than in the other frameworks. ROS has seven groups of setting indicators and standards that inventory the supply and demand of recreation opportunities, assist in monitoring over time, identify impacts, and determine the effectiveness of management actions (USDA 1981, 1990). Once the ROS class designations are agreed on during the planning process, they can be used to guide tactical decisions related to day-to-day operations.Appropriate ApplicationsThe appropriate application of each framework depends on which questions are being asked, and in which contexts or settings. ROS, VERP, and VAMP are more comprehen-sive and holistic. They are particularly useful for establish-ing a broad direction for the management of human use in protected areas. VIM and LAC are primarily issue-driven and narrower in focus. ROS, VERP, and VAMP also address the issue of interpreting natural and cultural resources directly, whereas LAC and VIM require a conscious mana-gerial decision to consider interpretation (Pugh 1990). ROS is for macro or regional planning in a variety of different settings (Driver 1990). It is designed to integrate information about the supply and demand for outdoor recreation opportunities into other forms of planning (such as land and resource planning in the U.S. Forest Service). ROS can also be used to estimate the effects of management decisions on the provision of recreation opportunities. Its underlying concepts and principles can be applied to almost all landscape planning exercises.VIM is reactive and best suited to more site-specific problems. It was derived from an extensive review of the recreation carrying capacity literature (Kuss and others 1990). For the impact of recreation on the environment and the quality of the visitor experience, VIM addresses three basic issues: problem conditions, potential causal factors, and potential management strategies. VIM emphasizes identifying probable causes of impact conditions given the scientific evidence that exists to date about the nature of recreation impacts.LAC is “an extension of the ROS concept applied specifi-cally to wilderness area management,” but “could be applied to any natural areas used for recreation purposes” (Graefe and others 1990: 93). The “LAC concept provides a frame-work within which the appropriate amount and extent of change can be identified. It also can alert managers to the need for action when changes exceed standards” (Stankey and McCool 1990: 220). LAC is a good vehicle for addressing specific factors in a transactive planning approach, to define the limits of acceptable change. It relies on the use of indicators, standards, and monitoring to identify unaccept-able impacts.VERP builds on the experience of VAMP and the other previously mentioned frameworks, and to date has been applied to some U.S. National Parks. It was first applied at Arches National Park in response to the General Manage-ment Plan (USDI 1989), “to help National Park planners and managers address visitor carrying capacity and make sound decisions about visitor use” (USDI 1995: 3). Although VAMP is designed to complement Parks Canada’s existing planning frameworks, its associated prin-ciples can be readily applied in a variety of management contexts, from large protected areas to specific facilities. It combines a marketing approach to management of public opportunities with the constraints of managing heritage resources, focusing on the visitor requirements for enjoyable experiences through appropriate activities. VAMP is par-ticularly useful for making strategic and operational deci-sions about target markets, market position, appropriate educational and recreation activities in selected heritage settings, and the kind, quantity, and quality of supporting services and facilities (Parks Canada 1985, 1988, 1991).53RelationshipsEach framework builds successively on the experiences of the development and application of previous approaches. For example, elements of ROS have been built into each of the succeeding approaches (fig. 1). LAC calls for the identi-fication of opportunity classes, whereas VAMP and VERP use management zones that are unique to each National Park. Since VIM was developed as a result of a comprehen-sive literature review in the late 1980’s, it incorporates elements of ROS, LAC, and VAMP as they existed at that time (Kuss and others 1990).VERP refers specifically to LAC and VIM, incorporating many of the same elements and techniques. Its comprehen-sive, strategic nature and recognition that the “Park Service should manage visitor use continuously, the same way it manages resources” (USDI 1995: 54) mirrors the basic con-cepts of VAMP. VAMP, however, places more emphasis on the factors that lead to a successful National Park experi-ence through the selection of appropriate visitor activities, the conditions under which they are offered, profiles of visitor markets, and the kind, quality, and quantity of services and facilities.VAMP draws heavily on the principles of ROS and the associated recreation production process model. The basic VAMP concept is based on the four levels of demand in the ROS model, namely demand for activities, setting at-tributes, experience opportunities, and benefits (Driver and Brown 1978). VAMP also draws from and easily incorpo-rates many of the principles of VIM, LAC, and VERP. Common Themes_______________ All the approaches include:•Interdisciplinary planning teams•A focus on management of human-induced change•A need for sound natural science and social science information•Formal and informal data gathered over time•The establishment of clear, measurable management objectives•The definition of recreation opportunity settings as a “combination of biological, social and managerial condi-tions that give value to a place” (Clark and Stankey 1990: 127)•The hierarchy of demand and the link between activi-ties, settings, experiences, and benefits (Driver and Brown 1978)•Recognition that “there is no single, predictable envi-ronmental or behavioural response to recreation use”(Graefe 1990: 214)•Recognition that “most impacts do not exhibit a direct linear relationship with user density,” and a variety of situational factors must be considered (G raefe 1990: 214)•Recognition that it is important to provide a diversity of recreation and educational opportunities•A focus on elements of the recreation setting, because these are the components of the recreation opportunity that managers can readily influence•A range of direct and indirect management strategies(Graefe and others 1990), in particular, zoning or land-scape classification along a spectrum•Ongoing monitoring and evaluationReference to the indicators (particularly resource indica-tors) and standards in LAC, VERP, and VIM have made these approaches appealing to recreation planners and managers using a scientific natural resource management perspective. The use of indicators and standards also makes these approaches attractive to those interested in ecosystem-based management and monitoring. The em-phasis on monitoring helps managers understand the con-sequences of recreation use and impact. However, in the future, more emphasis on understanding the probable causes of impacts (such as Step 6 of VIM) is needed, rather than just the impacts themselves, if the source of the impacts is to be influenced.VIM is the only approach analyzed that specifically em-phasizes understanding the probable causes of visitor im-pact. It also suggests a range of management strategies, and includes a framework for evaluating alternatives.Finally, all of the approaches recognize that “effective management involves both scientific and judgemental considerations…and [effective management] is more than carrying capacity and use limits” (Graefe 1990: 216).Issues and Recommendations____ Lack of IntegrationWhile some integration among the frameworks has occurred, there is considerable room for improvement.Each framework could benefit from a thorough review and integration of the key principles of the other frame-works and the lessons learned through application, where appropriate. The LAC Workshop (this proceedings) in Missoula, MT (May 1997), represents an important first step in this direction. Similarly, additional research is necessary on the degree of success that has been experienced in the integration of these frameworks with other planning and management frameworks and concepts. A particular gap to be addressed is the integration of these frameworks with planning exercises that emphasize ecosystem-based management.Matching Frameworks to ProblemsManagers and planners continue to struggle to identify which planning frameworks and associated research tools and techniques should be used to address specific problems.The first step is to decide which questions they are trying to answer, since each framework tries to answer different types of questions.To balance the complex issues of outdoor recreation man-agement with the reality of dwindling financial and human resources, managers and planners must look to fields such as risk management for techniques to help prioritize which problems should be addressed and on what scale.For example, Cole and Landres suggest considering criteria such as “the intensity, longevity and areal extent of impacts54。
dependent failure analysis
dependent failure analysis Introduction:In any system or process, failures can occur due to various reasons. One crucial aspect of failure analysis is understanding the relationship between failures that are dependent on each other. This analysis helps identify the root cause of failure, the relationship between failure events, and their impact on the overall system. In this article, we will delve into the concept of dependent failure analysis, its importance, and its applications.Understanding Dependent Failure Analysis:Dependent failure analysis is the examination and study of failures that are influenced or caused by other failures within a system. It involves identifying the relationships and dependencies between these failures, analyzing their effects, and determining the underlying causes. By understanding these interdependencies, organizations can take proactive measures to prevent, mitigate, or recover from such failures.Importance of Dependent Failure Analysis:1. Identifying Critical Failure Points: By tracing the dependencies between failures, organizations can identify critical points within a system where failures can have a profound impact. This allows them to allocate resources and implement strategies to strengthen these points and reduce the likelihood of cascading failures.2. Improving System Reliability: Dependent failure analysis helps in improving the reliability of a system by identifying the weakest links. By addressing these vulnerabilities, organizations can minimize the impact of failures and enhance overall system performance.3. Risk Assessment and Mitigation: By understanding how dependent failures can occur, organizations can conduct risk assessments to evaluate the probability and impactof such events. This enables them to develop robust mitigation strategies and contingency plans to minimize the potential damage caused by dependent failures.4. Enhancing System Resilience: Dependent failure analysis helps organizations build resilient systems that can withstand and recover from failures. By identifying the dependencies and potential failure paths, organizations can design backup systems, implement redundancy measures, or develop alternative strategies to ensure continuous operation.Applications of Dependent Failure Analysis:1. Aerospace and Aviation: Dependent failure analysis plays a crucial role in the aerospace and aviation industry. Understanding the interdependence of failed components helps engineers design safer aircraft systems, identify critical failure modes, and develop effective maintenance and inspection programs.2. Power Grids: Power grids are highly complex systems with multiple interdependent components. Dependent failure analysis allows operators to identify critical nodes, evaluate the impact of failures on the grid, and implement preventive measures to maintain uninterrupted power supply.3. Medical Devices: Medical devices, such as pacemakers or infusion pumps, need to operate reliably without failures. Dependent failure analysis helps manufacturers identify the vulnerabilities in these devices, design fail-safe mechanisms, and improve patient safety.4. Software Systems: In software development, dependent failure analysis is crucial for identifying potential software bugs, vulnerabilities, or compatibility issues. Understanding the dependencies between modules, libraries, or APIs improves system stability and performance.Conclusion:Dependent failure analysis is a powerful tool for understanding the relationships between failures in a system. By uncovering the dependencies and root causes,organizations can enhance system reliability, mitigate risks, and build resilient infrastructures. From aerospace to medical devices, this analysis has extensive applications in various industries. By investing in dependent failure analysis, organizations can prevent catastrophic failures, reduce downtime, and ultimately enhance safety and performance.。
Failure Analysis (FA) Introduction
Failure AnalysisFailure Analysis (FA) Introduction (Failure Analysis Concept)Tung-Bao Lu1 of 18Failure Analysis Failure Analysis (FA) Failure Analysis (FA)FA Definition: To identify the failure mechanism of failed product. FA Concept: Not only to confirm the failure, but trace the root causes. FA Attitude: 1) Why/What/Who/When/How it failed. 2) What should we do now. 3) How do we improve better.時時留意處處小心水 落 石 出 也 要 明 察 秋 毫 真 相 大 白 仍 須 鐵 證 如 山FA Value: 1) Identification of material-related defects. - Failure mode 2) Solving manufacturing problems. - Failure mechanism 3) Solving service-related problem. - Root cause 4) Providing corrective or prevention measures. 5) Providing manufacturers’ insurance or legal defense/claim cases 6) To improve product design, production yield and reliabilityTung-Bao Lu2 of 18Failure Analysis Failure Analysis Elements Failure Analysis Elements• Current Status (Failure rate) • Failure Mode (EFA) • Failure Mechanism (Possible) • Failure Analysis Technology (Tools) • FA Procedure (Flowchart) • Result Consistence (Date Speak) • Time Pressure (Resource Limit)Tung-Bao Lu3 of 18Failure Analysis IC Failure Mechanism/Property IC Failure Mechanism/Property Overstress Wear-outThermomechanical -Large Elastic Deformation -Yield -Buckling -Brittle Fracture -Ductile Fracture -Interfacial De-adhesionElectricalChemical and Radiation -Ionic Contamination -Single Event Upset -Soft ErrorThermomechanical -Fatigue Crack Initiation -Fatigue Crack Propagation -Creep -WearElectricalChemical and Radiation -Diffusion -Interdiffusion -Corrosion -Stress Corrosion -Dendritic Growth -Soft Error -Excessive Leakage Currents -Radiation Induced Thermal Breakdown-Electromagnetic Interference Damage -Electrical Overstress -Gate Oxide Breakdown Discharge -Second Breakdown-Gate Oxide Breakdown Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown -Slow Trapping -Surface charge Spreading -Hot electrons -Hillock Formation -Contact Spiking -ElectromigrationTung-Bao Lu4 of 18Failure Analysis Electrical Analysis Electrical Analysis DC (Direct Current): Assembly related EFA AC (Alternative Current): Device related EFADC -- Open/Short: Pin Continuity/ESD Test -- Leakage: Input Buffer High/Low Current Test -- ICC: Standby/Dynamic/Refresh Current Test AC -- High/Low Voltage Applied -- Data High/Low (1/0) Applied -- Pattern (Scan/Checkerboard/March) Applied -- Timing (Speed) TestTung-Bao Lu 5 of 18Failure Analysis Parameter Defect Parameter Defect- Open (開路) - Short (短路) - Leakage (漏電) - Idd (靜態電流)Vcc IO1 IO2 IO3 IO4 VccVLSI CircuitVss Vss IO16 IO15 IO14 IO131 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10V53C16258Vcc I/O 1 I/O 2 I/O 3 I/O 4 Vcc I/O 5 I/O 6 I/O 7 I/O 8 Vss I/O 16 I/O 15 I/O 14 I/O 13 Vss I/O 12 I/O 11 I/O 10 I/O 9 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 3513 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22NC NC WE RAS NC Ao A1 A2 A3 VccNC LCAS UCAS OE A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 Vss32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23Gold-wire Lead Lead-frame bond-pad Compound ChipPhysical Package DiagramPin Names (V53C16258) A0-A8 Address Inputs RAS Row Address Strobe UCAS Column Address Strobe /Upper Byte Control LCAS Column Address Strobe /Lower Byte Control WE Write Enable OE Output Enable I/O1~I/O 16 Date Input, Output Vcc +5V Supply Vss 0V Supply NC No ConnectTung-Bao Lu6 of 18Failure Analysis Open/Short Open/ShortCircuit Diagram (ESD Protection)Vdd EDSPin connection- Sink 0.1 mA - Measure V - All pinsEInput Output+E1 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 98 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 2040 40 39 39 38 38 37 37 36 36 35 35 34 34 33 33 32 32 31 31 30 30 29 29 28 28 27 27 26 26 25 25 24 24 23 23 22 22 21 21-Vss=0VICVssCJudgementForce current I (0.1mA) to measure voltage V 0.2V 2V Short I (mA) 0.1 0.7 V I (mA) 0.1 0.7 V Pass Open I (mA) 0.1 0.77 of 18VTung-Bao LuFailure Analysis Leakage LeakagePin connection- Force 0V and 5V (3.3V) - Measure I - All pins Vdd=5V/3.3V Vss=0V1 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 98 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 40 40 39 39 38 38 37 37 36 36 35 35 34 34 33 33 32 32 31 31 30 30 29 29 28 28 27 27 26 26 25 25 24 24 23 23 22 22 21 21Circuit DiagramLeakage LoEDS 0 - 5/3.3V Output Vdd=5/3.3VAUXCVss=0VAUXELeakage HiEJudgementForce voltage V (Lo=0V, Hi=5V) to measure current I 10uA (depend on spec.) Pass LeakageCTung-Bao Lu8 of 18Failure Analysis Idd Current Idd CurrentPin connection- Force Vdd=5V(3.3V) - Measure I - Vdd and Vss Vdd=5V/3.3V measure IddEDS InputCircuit DiagramVdd=5/3.3VCIddOutputVss=0V1 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 98 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 40 40 39 39 38 38 37 37 36 36 35 35 34 34 33 33 32 32 31 31 30 30 29 29 28 28 27 27 26 26 25 25 24 24 23 23 22 22 21 21CEVss=0VEJudgementForce voltage V (5V) to measure current IPassIdd failTung-Bao Lu9 of 18Failure Analysis I-V Curve I-V Curve Curve Tracer DC TesterTest socket TSOP II 54L Feature Feature-- Socket test Socket test -- O/S test O/S test -- Leakage test Leakage test -- Idd test Idd testFeature Feature-- Pin to pin test Pin to pin test -- O/S test O/S test -- Leakage test Leakage test -- Idd test Idd testTektronix 370A curve tracer spec. Range Resolution V -500V ~ +500V 5mV I -2A ~ +2A 100pA AUX -40V ~ +40V 20mAChipMOS DC tester spec. Range Resolution V -110V ~ +110V 100µV I -1A ~ +1A 100fANormalOpenShortLeakageTung-Bao Lu10 of 18檢測產品內部金線連接, 金線傾斜及銀膠氣洞等(wire connection, wire sweep, epoxy void)檢測產品內部脫層, 氣洞, 晶片傾斜等(delamination, void, chip tilt) Brand: SONIXModel: HS-1000Brand: FEINFOCUS Model: FXS-100.23去除產品封膠材料以便觀察金線及晶片等(Move away EMC to observe wire and chip)Brand: NIPPON / Model: PS101產品內部結構及尺寸分析, 缺陷檢測(Internal structure and dimension)LiquidPowderBrand: EXTEC Model: 14560 (p)14565 (l)Brand: BUEHLERModel: ECOMET 3Brand: BUEHLERModel: ISOMETOM Appearance: Package crack XRM: Cannot find abnormalityP45P46P47P48P49P50P51P52P48P49SEM: Find 2nd stitch bond crackcompoundAu-wireAg-plating Cu-leadframeFailure mode: 2nd bond crack/brokenMeasurescopyBrand: NIKONModel: MM-60/L3UStereoscopy Brand: NIKON Model: SMZ-10AH.M. Optical Microscopy Brand: NIKONModel: OPTZPHOT-200Brand: HITACHI Model: S-3500N(Chemical Analysis, FTIR, Auger, EDX, AA…)SAT PictureHot Spot (Defect)LCM PhotoDC Tester(Tektronix 370A)(Fein focus FXS 100.23)(HITACHI S-3500N)Tomograph(SONIX HS-1000)(Pin to Pin)(Socket, all pins)Reference Crime Scene Investigation。
Z. Lv, M. N. Wangids Can Mobilize Oil Remaining after Water-Flood by Force Parallel to the Oil-Water Interface. SPE Asia Pacific Improved Oil Recovery Conference, Kuala Lum-pur, 8-9 October 2001, SPE-72123-MS. https:///10.2118/72123-MS[2]Southwick, J.G., Shell Development Co. and Manke, C.W. (1988) Molecular Degra-dation, Injectivity, and Elastic Properties of Polymer Solutions. SPE Reservoir En-gineering,3, 1193-1201. https:///10.2118/15652-PA[3]Marshall, R.J. and Metzner, A.B. (1967) Flow of Viseoelastic Fluids through PorousMedia. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals, 6, 393-400.https:///10.2118/1687-MS[4]Hass, R. and Durst, F. (1981) Viscoelastic Flow of Dilute Polymer Solutions in Reg-ularly Packed Beds. Rheologica Acta, 21, 566-571.https:///10.1007/BF01534349[5]Han, X.-Q. (1988) Viscoelastic Coefficient of Polymer Molecules Trapped in PorousMedia. Journal of Southwest Petroleum Institute, 10, 54-59.[6]Mohammad (1992) Quantification and Optimization of Viscoelastic Effects of Po-lymer Solutions for Enhanced oil Recovery. SPE Journal, 24, 2731-2757.[7]Cao, R.-Y. and Cheng, L.-S. (2007) A Mathematical Model for Viscoelastic PolymerSolution Seepage. Journal of Xi’an Petroleum University (Natural Science Edition),22, 107-109.[8]Wang, X.-H. and Zhao, G.-P. (1998) Shear Rate of Power-Law Fluid in Porous Me-dia. Xinjiang Petroleum Geology, 19, 312-314.[9]Yan, F. (2016) Properties and Demulsification Laws of Crude Oil Emulsions in Hy-drophobically A ssociating Polymer Flooding System. A cta Petrolei Sinica (Petro-leum Processing Section), 32, 546-552.[10]Zhang, J.-H. and Yan, F. (2014) Relationship between Structure of Polyether and theDemulsification of Fractured Emulsion. Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum ProcessingSection), 30, 548-554.World Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2023, 11, 281-292 Array https:///journal/wjetISSN Online: 2331-4249ISSN Print: 2331-4222Shear Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete (RC) with FRP Sheets Using Different GuidelinesBashir H. OsmanCivil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Sinnar, Sinnar, Sudan/licenses/by/4.0/and mechanical strengths of structures repair or rehabilitation ([1][2][3]).Over the last two decades, many researches were carried out on the streng-thening of RC beams using FRP composites using different methods such as ex-ternally strengthening, near-surface mounted (NSM) strengthening, and em-bedded section (internal strengthening) ([4][5][6][7][8]). Furthermore, someB. H. Osmanstudies [9] [10] [11] [12] investigate the flexural behavior of pre-damaged rein-forced concrete (RC) beams repaired by using grids and engineered cementi-tious composite (ECC) and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) under sus-tained load. Their results showed that most of the beams failed by debonding. Furthermore, the proposed repairing technique was effective in enhancing the flexural stiffness and bearing capacity of pre-damaged RC beams. Moreover, they proposed a mathematical model to calculate the flexural capacities of the repaired beams and the results were in accordance with excremental results. Six RC beams strengthened with CFRP sheets under static and fatigue loading were studied by Min, et al. [13] to show the failure mechanism. The results showed that acceleration the fatigue failure of the specimens is due to coupling of stresses between accumulated fatigue damage in the steel reinforcement and fa-tigue debonding of the CFRP plate. Jia, J., et al. [14] used the novel models of Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) in co-operation with Particle Swarm Opti-mization (PSO), Teaching-Learning based Optimization (TLBO), and gray wolf optimizer (GWO) to investigate the debonding strength of FRP. The results pre-dicted from ELM-GWO showed the best performance compared with ELM-PSO and ELM-TLBO.2. Material Properties and Codes of Practice Used in This StudyBased on this study, a prediction model was proposed by considering all common parameters that influence the ultimate shear capacity of a strengthened beam in-cluding concrete strength (c f ′), effective height of the beam (d ), FRP thickness (t f ), and strengthening configuration (completely wrapped, U-jacketing, and side bonding). The obtained results were compared with that recommended design guide given by different guidelines ([13] [14] [15] [16] [17]). Beam geometry andmaterials properties were illustrated in Figure 1 and Table 1, respectively.Figure 1. Geometrical details of proposed RC beams.Table 1. The properties of materials used in this study.y f yv f f w c F ′ f E f S f d fu εfu f b46025010035223,500503000.0183000120B. H. Osman3. FE Model DescriptionNumerical ModelingA finite element analysis (FEA ) by using A NSYS [18] computer program was used to analysis the reinforced concrete beams. SOLID65 element, was used to model the concrete as this element is capable of modeling cracking in tension and crushing in compression. An eight nodes three degrees of freedom at each node: translations of the nodes in x, y, and z-directions used to define the ele-ment.Steel reinforcement was modeled using link 8 element and which consists of two nodes with three degrees of freedom in each node. The FE model for the re-bar was assumed to be a bilinear isotropic, elastic-perfectly plastic material, and identical in tension and compression. Solid element with an eight-node, solid 45, was used to simulate the plates in the supports and the loading points. This ele-ment has defined with eight nodes of three degrees of freedom at each node translation in the nodal y -, x -, and z -directions.FRP sheet was modeled using Shell41 element. This element allows for differ-ent material layers with different orientations and orthotropic material proper-ties in each layer. Since the FRP materials considered as orthotropic materials, they showed different properties in each direction. The relationship betweenxy v and yx v is illustrated in Equations (1) and (2) ([15] [18] [19]):22212Positive y zzzxy yz xz xy yz xz xyxx E E E E v v v v v v E E E E−−−−=(1) ()or ,and 221x yz yy xy xzyzyxxy x y xy xxyz E E E E E G G G v v E E v E E v ====+++ (2)In this study, Poisson’s ratios of: 0.22, 0.22 and 0.30 are used for xy v , xz v ,and yz v , respectively, which are widely used in the related published literature based on this subject. Contact elements TARGE170 and CONTA174 are used to model the contact between concrete and FRP. To study the contact between two elements, the surface of one element is considered as a contact surface (e.g. FRP) and the other body surface considered as a target surface (e.g. concrete). The contact and target pair concepts has been widely used in finite element models. As used in this study, the FRP was considered as the contact surface which is as-sociated with the deformable body; the concrete was considered as the target surface which must be the rigid surface [20].4. Comparison of Different Method with Design GuidelinesFollowing the previous discussion on the behavior of FRP shear-strengthened beams, it is of interest to see how the measured shear capacity compares with the predictions from available design guidelines. Three design guidelines are consi-dered in this study which compared with A merican Concrete Institute (A CI)(2008) such as Traintafillou and Anton 2000, carolin and taljsten 2005 and Zhi-B. H. Osmanchao and cheng 2005. The equations used in this part of this study related with below guides:4.1. ACI EquationSimplified method: the above equation is not so simple to use as a design equa-tion, the ACI code permits use of below equation:c w Vd =(3)For beams with shear reinforcement, the ACI consider nominal shear strength,n V as flow:nc s V V V =+ (4) Which c V = shear strength of concrete; s V = shear strength of shear rein-forcement. Shear strength for inclined stirrup at an angle α with horizontal sug-gested as:()sin cos v yv s A f dV sαα+=(5)Which v A , yv f are area of shear reinforcement in distance s and is the yieldstrength of shear reinforcement respectively.When α = 90˚ (vertical stirups are used) the above equation reduces tov yv s A f d V s=, but s s V V ∅≥ (6)The nominal shear strength of an FRP-strengthened concrete member can be determined by adding the contribution of the FRP external shear reinforcement to the contributions from the reinforcing steel (stirrups, ties, or spirals) and the concrete. A n additional reduction factor f ψ is applied to the contribution of the FRP system.()n c s f f V V V V ϕϕψ=++ (7)The reduction factor f ψ of 0.85 is recommended for the three-sided FRP U-wrap or two-opposite-sides strengthening schemes. Insufficient experimental data exist to perform a reliability analysis for fully-wrapped sections; however, there should be less variability with this strengthening scheme as it is less bond independent, and therefore, the reduction factor f ψ of 0.95 is recommended. Figure 2 illustrates the dimensional variables used in shear-strengthening calcu-lations for FRP laminates. The contribution of the FRP system to shear strength of a member is based on the fiber orientation and an assumed crack pattern. The shear strength provided by the FRP reinforcement can be determined by calcu-lating the force resulting from the tensile stress in the FRP across the assumed crack. The shear contribution of the FRP shear reinforcement is then given by:()sin cos f fv fe fv f V A f d s αα=+ (8)where: 2fv f fA nt w =B. H. OsmanFigure 2. Illustration of the dimensional variables used in shear-strengthening calculations for repair, retrofit, or strengthening using FRP laminates.For reinforced concrete column and beam members completely wrapped by FRP0.0040.75fe fu εε=≤ FRP systems that do not enclose the entire section (two- and three-sidedwraps) have been observed to delaminate from the concrete before the loss of aggregate interlock of the section. For this reason, bond stresses have been ana-lyzed to determine the usefulness of these systems and the effective strain level that can be achieved. The effective strain is calculated using a bond-reduction coefficient v κ applicable to shear: 0.004fe v fu εκε=≤, The bond-reduction coefficient can be computed from:12119000.75v e fu K k k L ε=≤ The active bond length Le is the length over which the majority of the bondstress is maintained. This length is given by:()0.5823300e f f f L n t E = The bond-reduction coefficient also relies on two modification factors, k 1 and k 2, that account for the concrete strength and the type of wrapping scheme used, respectively. Expressions for these modification factors are given in:23127c f k ′ =, 1for U warps 2for two sides bondedfv efv yve yv d L d k d L d− =−4.2. Traintafillou and Anton 2000 Equation for FRP Contribution()()0.3220.17for full warp 2f f f ffe c f ffu f f f f fe ffw t b s f E V w t E d s ρερεε===∗∗B. H. Osman()230.04310.56230.72e for three or two sides or 0.00065ff f f c fe fu c fef fa E f d f E ρεεερ−Γ== Γ= (9) 4.3. Carolin and Taljsten 2005 Equation()cos sin ,0.6,,,fcrf f f fe cr f f f fecr V E t r z r b s ηεθαεηεηεε===== (10) 4.4. Zhichao and Cheng 2005 Equation()()()()()())0.748820.58232,1.4871or0.5(2)/ 1.21622which is smal 880.7780.004l2f f f f fe ff fe fuf f f f f f c f f f f c ff ffu fV w t E d s R w t bs E f E E R f w E t d R R εεερρρρε−======−+ (11)4.5. Zhichao and Cheng 2005()()()())()0.50.5822,60.0042,2fff f fe ff cc c ffffu ffe fu ffffV wt E d V f b d Rf w E t d R p w t b sεεεε=∗∗∗∗=∗∗=∗∗∗∗=∗=∗∗ (12)5. Results and DiscussionThe main goal for this work is to study the influence of fiber reinforcement po-lymer (FRP) on shear behavior of RC beams with various guidelines. The pur-pose was also to study the strength parameters such as, FRP thickness, beam depth and concrete strength at ultimate load.5.1. FRP ThicknessTable 2 shows the effect of FRP thickness on the shear strength, which plotted in Figure 3.Table 2 and Figure 3 show that the FRP thickness has a grater effects on con-crete strength, the results predicted from Carolin equation showed under esti-mation compared with those from FE program. Furthermore, the ACI guideline showed acceptable differences compared with the other guidelines when com-pared with FE.5.2. Effect of Concrete StrengthTable 3 shows the effect of FRP thickness on the shear strength, which plotted in Figure 4.B. H. Osman5.3. Effect of Beam DepthFigure 3. Effect of FRP thickness on beams strength using different con-figurations (a) Full warp (b) U-warp (c) 2 sides warp.B. H. OsmanTable 2. Effect of FRP thickness on the strength.Full U Side t f0.08 0.1 0.2 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.08 0.1 0.2 Numerical 179.22 201.34 270 115 119.6 131.54 100 108.13 122.15 ACI 150.94 174.59 239.99 86.52 90.43 104.99 79.4 83.589 98.8666 Traintaf. 76.35197 87.15745 141.1848 66.83981 75.26725 117.4044Carolin 43.85954 46.54191 59.95377Zhichao 114.8425 122.8709 153.1969Table 3. Effect of concrete strength on shear strength.Full U Side Strength 40 30 20 40 30 20 40 30 20 Numerical 165.2 160.3 154.6 108.5 89.4 77.32 93.67 85.08 69.5 ACI 154.83 146.764 137.195 93.2211 79.393 63.371 85.467 72.993 58.485 Traintaf. 78.63943 73.89438 68.26588 69.12727 64.38222 58.75372Carolin 46.147 41.40195 35.77345Zhichao 124.7377 104.4046 81.31203Table 4. Effect of beam depth on shear strength.Full U SideDepth 250 280 320 250 280 320 250 280 320 Numerical 150.1 163.5 185.4 82 98.5 108.34 76.25 91 107.3 ACI 134.77 150.94 172.51 76.49 86.52 99.894 69.397 79.43 92.8 Traintaf. 68.1714 76.35197 87.25939 59.6784 66.83981 76.38835Carolin 40.30989 43.85954 48.5924B. H. Osmantions (a) Full warp (b) U-warp (c) 2 sides warp.6. ConclusionsBased on the results of analysis using A NSYS software and different design guidelines on reinforced concrete RC beams strengthened with fiber reinforce-ment polymer (FRP) and reported in literature the following conclusions are: 1) The use of FRP strengthening has greater effect in the stiffness of the con-crete.2) The finite element models were able to accurately predict the load capaci-ties for the simulated RC beams. This confirms the validity of the developed FE models and reliability of the FE simulation.3) For the FRP shear contribution, the ACI equation is believed to be the most appropriate for practical design. However, for the fully wrapped scheme, the ACI method appears to predict the FRP shear contribution with a relatively high discrepancy.4) The ACI model predicted the ultimate capacity of RC beams based on the beam geometry and concrete compressive strength without considering the ef-B. H. Osman fect of the longitudinal reinforcement.5) The theoretical prediction of ultimate shear strength on the basis of me-thods used in this study gives results over estimate compared with the other de-sign guidelines values in most of the beams.6) Use ACI assumptions because it gives results with more reliable safety fac-tors than other theorems according to results on the previous literature of RC beams in case of using analytical theorems in RC beams analysis. Conflicts of InterestThe author declares no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this pa-per.References[1]Barnes, R.A. and Mays, G.C. (1999) Fatigue Performance of Concrete BeamsStrengthened with CFRP Plates. Journal of Composites for Construction, 3, 63-72.https:///10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0268(1999)3:2(63)[2]Aboutaha, R.S. 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failure analysis全英文解释
failure analysis全英文解释
5. Failure prevention: Recommendations and corrective actions are proposed to prevent similar failures in the future. This may involve design changes, process improvements, or enhanced maintenance procedures.
2. Data collection: Relevant data, such as operating conditions, maintenance records, anollected to provide insights into the failure.
4. Failure mode determination: The specific failure mode, such as fatigue, corrosion, or manufacturing defect, is determined based on the analysis of the failed component.
Failure Analysis
Failure Analysis,Dimensional Determination And Analysis,ApplicationsOf CamsINTRODUCTIONIt is absolutely essential that a design engineer know how and why parts fail so that reliable machines that require minimum maintenance can be designed.Sometimes a failure can be serious,such as when a tire blows out on an automobile traveling at high speed.On the other hand,a failure may be no more than a nuisance.An example is the loosening of the radiator hose in an automobile cooling system.The consequence of this latter failure is usually the loss of some radiator coolant,a condition that is readily detected and corrected.The type of load a part absorbs is just as significant as the magnitude.Generally speaking,dynamic loads with direction reversals cause greater difficulty than static loads,and therefore,fatigue strength must be considered.Another concern is whether the material is ductile or brittle.For example,brittle materials are considered to be unacceptable where fatigue is involved.Many people mistakingly interpret the word failure to mean the actual breakage of a part.However,a design engineer must consider a broader understanding of what appreciable deformation occurs.A ductile material,however will deform a large amount prior to rupture.Excessive deformation,without fracture,may cause a machine to fail because the deformed part interferes with a moving second part.Therefore,a part fails(even if it has not physically broken)whenever it no longer fulfills its required function.Sometimes failure may be due to abnormal friction or vibration between two mating parts.Failure also may be due to a phenomenon called creep,which is the plastic flow of a material under load at elevated temperatures.In addition,the actual shape of a part may be responsible for failure.For example,stress concentrations due to sudden changes in contour must be taken into account.Evaluation of stress considerations is especially important when there are dynamic loads with direction reversals and the material is not very ductile.In general,the design engineer must consider all possible modes of failure,which include the following.——Stress——Deformation——Corrosion——Vibration——Environmental damage——Loosening of fastening devicesThe part sizes and shapes selected also must take into account many dimensional factors that produce external load effects,such as geometric discontinuities,residual stresses due to forming of desired contours,and the application of interference fit joints.Cams are among the most versatile mechanisms available.A cam is a simple two-member device.The input member is the cam itself,while the output member is called the follower.Through the use of cams,a simple input motion can be modified into almost any conceivable output motion that is desired.Some of the common applications of cams are——Camshaft and distributor shaft of automotive engine——Production machine tools——Automatic record players——Printing machines——Automatic washing machines——Automatic dishwashersThe contour of high-speed cams (cam speed in excess of 1000 rpm) must be determined mathematically.However,the vast majority of cams operate at low speeds(less than 500 rpm) or medium-speed cams can be determined graphically using a large-scale layout.In general,the greater the cam speed and output load,the greater must be the precision with which the cam contour is machined.DESIGN PROPERTIES OF MATERIALSThe following design properties of materials are defined as they relate to the tensile test.Static Strength.The strength of a part is the maximum stress that the part can sustain without losing its ability to perform its required function.Thus the static strength may be considered to be approximately equal to the proportional limit,since no plastic deformation takes place and no damage theoretically is done to theStiffness.Stiffness is the deformation-resisting property of a material.The slope of the modulus line and,hence,the modulus of elasticity are measures of the stiffness of a material.Resilience.Resilience is the property of a material that permits it to absorb energy without permanent deformation.The amount of energy absorbed is represented by the area underneath the stress-strain diagram within the elastic region.Toughness.Resilience and toughness are similar properties.However,toughness is the ability to absorb energy without rupture.Thus toughness is represented by the total area underneath the stress-strain diagram,as depicted in Figure 2.8b.Obviously,the toughness and resilience of brittle materials are very low and are approximately equal.Brittleness. A brittle material is one that ruptures before any appreciable plastic deformation takes place.Brittle materials are generally considered undesirable for machine components because they are unable to yield locally at locations of high stress because of geometric stress raisers such as shoulders,holes,notches,or keyways.Ductility. A ductility material exhibits a large amount of plastic deformation prior to rupture.Ductility is measured by the percent of area and percent elongation of a part loaded to rupture.A 5%elongation at rupture is considered to be the dividing line between ductile and brittle materials.Malleability.Malleability is essentially a measure of the compressive ductility of a material and,as such,is an important characteristic of metals that are to be rolled into sheets.Hardness.The hardness of a material is its ability to resist indentation or scratching.Generally speaking,the harder a material,the more brittle it is and,hence,the less resilient.Also,the ultimate strength of a material is roughly proportional to its hardness.Machinability.Machinability is a measure of the relative ease with which a material can be machined.In general,the harder the material,the more difficult it is to machine.COMPRESSION AND SHEAR STATIC STRENGTHIn addition to the tensile tests,there are other types of static load testing thatprovide valuable information.Compression Testing.Most ductile materials have approximately the same properties in compression as in tension.The ultimate strength,however,can not be evaluated for compression.As a ductile specimen flows plastically in compression,the material bulges out,but there is no physical rupture as is the case in tension.Therefore,a ductile material fails in compression as a result of deformation,not stress.Shear Testing. Shafts,bolts,rivets,and welds are located in such a way that shear stresses are produced.A plot of the tensile test.The ultimate shearing strength is defined as the stress at which failure occurs.The ultimate strength in shear,however,does not equal the ultimate strength in tension.For example,in the case of steel,the ultimate shear strength is approximately 75% of the ultimate strength in tension.This difference must be taken into account when shear stresses are encountered in machine components.DYNAMIC LOADSAn applied force that does not vary in any manner is called a static or steady load.It is also common practice to consider applied forces that seldom vary to be static loads.The force that is gradually applied during a tensile test is therefore a static load.On the other hand,forces that vary frequently in magnitude and direction are called dynamic loads.Dynamic loads can be subdivided to the following three categories.Varying Load.With varying loads,the magnitude changes,but the direction does not.For example,the load may produce high and low tensile stresses but no compressive stresses.Reversing Load.In this case,both the magnitude and direction change.These load reversals produce alternately varying tensile and compressive stresses that are commonly referred to as stress reversals.Shock Load.This type of load is due to impact.One example is an elevator dropping on a nest of springs at the bottom of a chute.The resulting maximum spring force can be many times greater than the weight of the elevator,The same type of shock load occurs in automobile springs when a tire hits a bump or hole in the road.FATIGUE FAILURE-THE ENDURANCE LIMIT DIAGRAMThe test specimen in Figure 2.10a.,after a given number of stress reversals will experience a crack at the outer surface where the stress is greatest.The initial crack starts where the stress exceeds the strength of the grain on which it acts.This is usually where there is a small surface defect,such as a material flaw or a tiny scratch.As the number of cycles increases,the initial crack begins to propagate into a continuous series of cracks all around the periphery of the shaft.The conception of the initial crack is itself a stress concentration that accelerates the crack propagation phenomenon.Once the entire periphery becomes cracked,the cracks start to move toward the center of the shaft.Finally,when the remaining solid inner area becomes small enough,the stress exceeds the ultimate strength and the shaft suddenly breaks.Inspection of the break reveals a very interesting pattern,as shown in Figure 2.13.The outer annular area is relatively smooth because mating cracked surfaces had rubbed against each other.However,the center portion is rough,indicating a sudden rupture similar to that experienced with the fracture of brittle materials.This brings out an interesting fact.When actual machine parts fail as a result of static loads,they normally deform appreciably because of the ductility of the material.Thus many static failures can be avoided by making frequent visual observations and replacing all deformed parts.However,fatigue failures give to warning.Fatigue fail mated that over 90% of broken automobile parts have failed through fatigue.The fatigue strength of a material is its ability to resist the propagation of cracks under stress reversals.Endurance limit is a parameter used to measure the fatigue strength of a material.By definition,the endurance limit is the stress value below which an infinite number of cycles will not cause failure.Let us return our attention to the fatigue testing machine in Figure 2.9.The test is run as follows:A small weight is inserted and the motor is turned on.At failure of the test specimen,the counter registers the number of cycles N,and the corresponding maximum bending stress is calculated from Equation 2.5.The broken specimen is then replaced by an identical one,and an additional weight is inserted to increase the load.A new value of stress is calculated,and the procedure is repeated until failure requires only one complete cycle.A plot is then made of stress versus number of cycles to failure.Figure 2.14a shows the plot,which is called the endurance limit or S-N curve.Since it would take forever to achieve an infinite number of cycles,1 million cycles is used as a reference.Hence the endurance limit can be found fromFigure 2.14a by noting that it is the stress level below which the material can sustain 1 million cycles without failure.The relationship depicted in Figure 2.14 is typical for steel,because the curve becomes horizontal as N approaches a very large number.Thus the endurance limit equals the stress level where the curve approaches a horizontal tangent.Owing to the large number of cycles involved,N is usually plotted on a logarithmic scale,as shown in Figure 2.14b.When this is done,the endurance limit value can be readily detected by the horizontal straight line.For steel,the endurance limit equals approximately 50% of the ultimate strength.However,if the surface finish is not of polished equality,the value of the endurance limit will be lower.For example,for steel parts with a machined surface finish of 63 microinches ( μin.),the percentage drops to about 40%.For rough surfa ces (300μin.or greater),the percentage may be as low as 25%.The most common type of fatigue is that due to bending.The next most frequent is torsion failure,whereas fatigue due to axial loads occurs very seldom.Spring materials are usually tested by applying variable shear stresses that alternate from zero to a maximum value,simulating the actual stress patterns.In the case of some nonferrous metals,the fatigue curve does not level off as the number of cycles becomes very large.This continuing toward zero stress means that a large number of stress reversals will cause failure regardless of how small the value of stress is.Such a material is said to have no endurance limit.For most nonferrous metals having an endurance limit,the value is about 25% of the ultimate strength.EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON YIELD STRENGTH AND MODULUS OF ELASTICITYGenerally speaking,when stating that a material possesses specified values of properties such as modulus of elasticity and yield strength,it is implied that these values exist at room temperature.At low or elevated temperatures,the properties of materials may be drastically different.For example,many metals are more brittle at low temperatures.In addition,the modulus of elasticity and yield strength deteriorate as the temperature increases.Figure 2.23 shows that the yield strength for mild steel is reduced by about 70% in going from room temperature to 1000o F.Figure 2.24 shows the reduction in the modulus of elasticity E for mild steel as the temperature increases.As can be seen from the graph,a 30% reduction in modulus of elasticity occurs in going from room temperature to 1000o F.In this figure,we alsocan see that a part loaded below the proportional limit at room temperature can be permanently deformed under the same load at elevated temperatures.CREEP: A PLASTIC PHENOMENONTemperature effects bring us to a phenomenon called creep,which is the increasing plastic deformation of a part under constant load as a function of time.Creep also occurs at room temperature,but the process is so slow that it rarely becomes significant during the expected life of the temperature is raised to 300o C or more,the increasing plastic deformation can become significant within a relatively short period of time.The creep strength of a material is its ability to resist creep,and creep strength data can be obtained by conducting long-time creep tests simulating actual part operating conditions.During the test,the plastic strain is monitored for given material at specified temperatures.Since creep is a plastic deformation phenomenon,the dimensions of a part experiencing creep are permanently altered.Thus,if a part operates with tight clearances,the design engineer must accurately predict the amount of creep that will occur during the life of the machine.Otherwise,problems such binding or interference can occur.Creep also can be a problem in the case where bolts are used to clamp tow parts together at elevated temperatures.The bolts,under tension,will creep as a function of time.Since the deformation is plastic,loss of clamping force will result in an undesirable loosening of the bolted joint.The extent of this particular phenomenon,called relaxation,can be determined by running appropriate creep strength tests.Figure 2.25 shows typical creep curves for three samples of a mild steel part under a constant tensile load.Notice that for the high-temperature case the creep tends to accelerate until the part fails.The time line in the graph (the x-axis) may represent a period of 10 years,the anticipated life of the product.SUMMARYThe machine designer must understand the purpose of the static tensile strength test.This test determines a number of mechanical properties of metals that are used in design equations.Such terms as modulus of elasticity,proportional limit,yield strength,ultimate strength,resilience,and ductility define properties that can be determined from the tensile test.Dynamic loads are those which vary in magnitude and direction and may require an investigation of the machine part’s resistance to failure.Stress reversals may require that the allowable design stress be based on the endurance limit of the material rather than on the yield strength or ultimate strength.Stress concentration occurs at locations where a machine part changes size,such as a hole in a flat plate or a sudden change in width of a flat plate or a groove or fillet on a circular shaft.Note that for the case of a hole in a flat or bar,the value of the maximum stress becomes much larger in relation to the average stress as the size of the hole decreases.Methods of reducing the effect of stress concentration usually involve making the shape change more gradual.Machine parts are designed to operate at some allowable stress below the yield strength or ultimate strength.This approach is used to take care of such unknown factors as material property variations and residual stresses produced during manufacture and the fact that the equations used may be approximate rather that exact.The factor of safety is applied to the yield strength or the ultimate strength to determine the allowable stress.Temperature can affect the mechanical properties of metals.Increases in temperature may cause a metal to expand and creep and may reduce its yield strength and its modulus of elasticity.If most metals are not allowed to expand or contract with a change in temperature,then stresses are set up that may be added to the stresses from the load.This phenomenon is useful in assembling parts by means of interference fits.A hub or ring has an inside diameter slightly smaller than the mating shaft or post.The hub is then heated so that it expands enough to slip over the shaft.When it cools,it exerts a pressure on the shaft resulting in a strong frictional force that prevents loosening.TYPES OF CAM CONFIGURATIONSPlate Cams.This type of cam is the most popular type because it is easy to design and manufacture.Figure 6.1 shows a plate cam.Notice that the follower moves perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the camshaft.All cams operate on the principle that no two objects can occupy the same space at the same time.Thus,as the cam rotates ( in this case,counterclockwise ),the follower must either move upward or bind inside the guide.We will focus our attention on the prevention of binding and attainment of the desired output follower motion.The spring is required to maintain contact between the roller of the follower and the cam contour when the follower ismoving downward.The roller is used to reduce friction and hence wear at the contact surface.For each revolution of the cam,the follower moves through two strokes-bottom dead center to top dead center (BDC to TDC) and TDC to BDC.Figure 6.2 illustrates a plate cam with a pointed follower.Complex motions can be produced with this type of follower because the point can follow precisely any sudden changes in cam contour.However,this design is limited to applications in which the loads are very light;otherwise the contact point of both members will wear prematurely,with subsequent failure.Two additional variations of the plate cam are the pivoted follower and the offset sliding follower,which are illustrated in Figure 6.3.A pivoted follower is used when rotary output motion is desired.Referring to the offset follower,note that the amount of offset used depends on such parameters as pressure angle and cam profile flatness,which will be covered later.A follower that has no offset is called an in-line follower.Translation Cams.Figure 6.4 depicts a translation cam.The follower slides up and down as the cam translates motion in the horizontal direction.Note that a pivoted follower can be used as well as a sliding-type follower.This type of action is used in certain production machines in which the pattern of the product is used as the cam.A variation on this design would be a three-dimensional cam that rotates as well as translates.For example,a hand-constructed rifle stock is placed in a special lathe.This stock is the pattern,and it performs the function of a cam.As it rotates and translates,the follower controls a tool bit that machines the production stock from a block of wood.Positive-Motion Cams.In the foregoing cam designs,the contact between the cam and the follower is ensured by the action of the spring forces during the return stroke.However,in high-speed cams,the spring force required to maintain contact may become excessive when added to the dynamic forces generated as a result of accelerations.This situation can result in unacceptably large stress at the contact surface,which in turn can result in premature wear.Positive-motion cams require no spring because the follower is forced to contact the cam in two directions.There are four basic types of positive-motion cams: the cylindrical cam,the grooved-plate cam ( also called a face cam ) ,the matched-plate cam,and the scotch yoke cam.Cylindrical Cam.The cylindrical cam shown in Figure 6.5 produces reciprocatingfollower motion,whereas the one shown in Figure 6.6 illustrates the application of a pivoted follower.The cam groove can be designed such that several camshaft revolutions are required to produce one complete follower cycle.Grooved-plate Cam.In Figure 6.8 we see a matched-plate cam with a pivoted follower,although the design also can be used with a translation follower.Cams E and F rotate together about the camshaft B.Cam E is always in contact with roller C,while cam F maintains contact with roller D.Rollers C and D are mounted on a bell-crank lever,which is the follower oscillating about point A.Cam E is designed to provide the desired motion of roller C,while cam F provides the desired motion of roller D.Scotch Yoke Cam.This type of cam,which is depicted in Figure 6.9,consists of a circular cam mounted eccentrically on its camshaft.The stroke of the follower equals two times the eccentricity e of the cam.This cam produces simple harmonic motion with no dwell times.Refer to Section 6.8 for further discussion.CAM TERMINOLOGYBefore we become involved with the design of cams,it is desirable to know the various terms used to identify important cam design parameters.The following terms refer to Figure 6.11.The descriptions will be more understandable if you visualize the cam as stationary and the follower as moving around the cam.Trace Point.The end point of a knife-edge follower or the center of the roller of a roller-type follower.Cam Contour.The actual shape of the cam.Base Circle.The smallest circle that can be drawn tangent to the cam contour.Its center is also the center of the camshaft.The smallest radial size of the cam stars at the base circle.Pitch Curve.The path of the trace point,assuming the cam is stationary and the follower rotates about the cam.Prime Circle.The smallest circle that can be drawn tangent to the pitch curve.Its center is also the center of the camshaft.Pressure Angle.The angle between the direction of motion of the follower and the normal to the pitch curve at the point where the center of the roller lies.Cam Profile.Same as cam contour.BDC.Bottom Dead Center,the position of the follower at its closest point to the cam hub.Stroke.The displacement of the follower in its travel between BDC and TDC.Rise.The displacement of the follower as it travels from BDC to TDC.Return.The displacement of the follower as it travels from TDC or BDC.Ewell.The action of the follower when it remains at a constant distance from the cam hub while the cam turns.A clearer understanding of the significance of the pressure angle can be gained by referring to Figure 6.12.Here F T is the total force acting on the roller.It must be normal to the surfaces at the contact point.Its direction is obviously not parallel to the direction of motion of the follower.Instead,it is indicated by the angle α,the pressure angle,measured from the line representing the direction of motion of the follower.Therefore,the force F T has a horizontal component F H and a vertical component F V.The vertical component is the one that drives the follower upward and,therefore,neglecting guide friction,equals the follower F load.The horizontal component has no useful purpose but it is unavoidable.In fact,it attempts to bend the follower about its guide.This can damage the follower or cause it to bind inside its guide.Obviously,we want the pressure angle to be as possible to minimize the side thrust F H.A practical rule of thumb is to design the cam contour so that the pressure angle does not exceed 30o.The pressure angle,in general,depends on the following four parameters:——Size of base circle——Amount of offset of follower——Size of roller——Flatness of cam contour ( which depends on follower stroke and type of follower motion used )Some of the preceding parameters cannot be changed without altering the cam requirements,such as space limitations.After we have learned how to design a cam,we will discuss the various methods available to reduce the pressure angle.附录二故障的分析、尺寸的决定以及凸轮的分析应用前言介绍:作为一名设计工程师有必要知道零件如何发生和为什么会发生故障,以便通过进行最低限度的维修以保证机器的可靠性。
药品生产常用词汇中英文对照表环境,健康,平安environment , health, safety, E H S质量风险管理 quality risk management, Q R M风险评估 risk assessment风险控制 risk control事先危害分析 preliminary hazard analysis, P H A失败模式效果分析failure mode effects analysis,F M E A危害分析及主要控制点 hazard analysis and critical control points, H A C C P 过失树分析 fault tree analysis, FTA两次失败之间的平均时间mean time between failure, M T B F主题事务专家 subject matter expert, S M E缎带式混合机 ribbon blender在线清洗 clean in place,CIP锥型混合机 conical screw blender辊压制粒 roller compaction压片能力 compressibility导流管 wurster column中间过程控制 in process control, IPC物料桶 intermediary bulk containers, IBCs关键工艺参数 critical process parameters, CPP工艺验证 process validation前验证 / 前瞻性验证 prospective validation同步验证 concurrent validation回忆性验证 retrospective validation个人防护设备 personal protective equipment, PPE职业暴露限值 occupational exposure limit, O E L职业暴露等级 occupational exposure bands, O E B口服固体制剂 oral solid dosage, OSD人流 / 物流 person flow / material flow药物活性成分 active pharmaceutical ingredients,API中间体 intermediate products需氧细菌 aerobic bacteria安瓿瓶 ampoule厌氧细菌 anaerobic bacteria空态洁净区 as - bulit clean room无菌生产 aseptic processing静态 at - rest灭菌釜‘ autoclave微生物污染水平 bioburden生物指示剂 biological indicators吹灌封 blow/fill/seal玻璃瓶 bottle轧盖 capping洁净区 clean area洁净级别 cleanliness level在线清洗 clean in place, CIP洁净室 clean room菌落数 colony forming unit, C F U组分 component压缩气体 compressed gas污染 contaminant关键区域 critical areas关键外表 critical surfaces菌种保藏 culture preservation脱水培养基 dehydrated media隧道烘箱 depyrogenating tunnel消毒 disinfection直接接种法 direct inoculation method干热灭菌法 dry heat sterilization染色浴 dye bath混悬剂 emulsion内毒素 endotoxin环氧乙烷 ethylene oxide面罩 face mask灌装 filling硫乙醇酸盐流体培养基fluid thioglycollate medium词汇表脆碎性 friability真菌 fungi着装 gowning热分布 heat distribution热穿透 heat penetration供热通风与空气调节 heating, ventilation and air conditioning, H V A C 高效空气过滤器 high efficiency particulate air filter, H E P A 高压电检漏 high frequency crack test高风险操作 high risk operations疏水性 hydrophobic behaviour卫生 hygiene完整性 integrity干预 intervention辐射 irradiation隔离器 isolator层流 laminar flow缓冲容器 level vessel培养基灌装 media filling微生物学 microbiology微生物 microorganism含多种溶剂的混合溶剂mixtures of various solvents改进马丁培养基 modified Martin medium监测方案 monitoring program阴性对照 negative control软膏剂 ointments眼用制剂 ophthalmic preparation参数放行 parametric release未完全密封状态 partially closed state微粒 particulate悬浮粒子 particle增塑剂 plasticizer日允许接触剂量 permitted daily exposure, PDE极化过滤器 polarisation filter阳性对照 positive control内包装材料 primary package materials非无菌单元的概率 probability of non - sterile unit, PNSU无菌工艺模拟试验 process stimulation test保护性眼罩 protective goggle热原 pyrogen无菌药品 Aseptic drug快速传递口 rapid transfer ports, RTPs即灭菌胶塞 ready for sterilization stoppers,RFS 即用胶塞 ready for use stoppers, R F U回收测试 recovery test冗余过滤 redundant filtration储料罐 reservoir限制进出隔离系统 restricted access barrier system, R A RS 清洁 sanitization沉降碟法 settle plates区域隔离 sit - over大豆胰蛋白胨培养基soybean - casein digest medium质量标准 specifications孢子 spore杀孢子剂 sporicidal标准操作规程 standard operation procedure, SOP无菌保证水平 sterility assurance level, SAL无菌检査 sterility test无菌药品 sterile pharmaceutical products灭菌 sterilization在线灭菌 sterilization in place, SIP储液罐 storage vessel外表取样法 surface sampling最终灭菌 terminal sterilization总有机碳 total organic carbon, T O C透明度 transparency紊流 turbulence单向流 unidirectional airflow用户需求标准 user requirement specifications ,URS西林瓶 vial目检 visual inspection定量空气法 volumetric air称量箱 weighing boxes最差条件 worst case根本设计 basic design按批次生产 batch - based production混合 blending混批 blending batches阶段性生产 campaign - based production清场 cleanance or site cleaning在线清洗 clean in place, CIP概念设计 concept design连续生产 continuous production委托生产 contract manufacture委托检验 contract analysis关键偏差 critical deviation关键工艺参数 critical process parameter, CPP关键操作步骤 critical processing step交叉污染 cross contamination设计确认 design qualification,DQ详细设计 detailed design设备使用日志 equipment logbook预期收率 expected yield有效期 expiry date良好工程实践 good engineering practice, GEPC存期 holding time杂质档案 impurity profile过程控制 in _ process control过程取样 in _ process sampling安装确认 installation qualification, IQ中间体 intermediate维护根本实践 maintenance basic practice维护最正确实践 maintenance best practice,维护良好实践 maintenance good practice维护方案 maintenance plan维护管理程序 maintenance program主细胞库 master cell b a n k,MCB主生产和控制记录 master production and control record, MP&CR 不合格 non - conformance运行确认 operation qualification, OQ原料药续表超标 out of specification , OOS性能确认 performance qualification, PQ原始细胞库 preliminary cell b a n k,PCB 质量协 . quality agreement质量审核 quality review快速传递接口 rapid transfer port,RTP物料平衡 reconciliation拒收 reject复验期 retest date环境、健康及平安 safety, environment, health, EHS 半连续生产 semi - continuous production质量标准。
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Failure analysis system, failure analysis method,
专利名称:Failure analysis system, failure analysismethod, and program product for failureanalysis发明人:Tetsuichi Satonaga,Koki Uwatoko,KojiAdachi,Kaoru Yasukawa申请号:US11652531申请日:20070112公开号:US20070237399A1公开日:20071011专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A failure analysis system includes an obtaining portion that obtains read-inimage information that is image information obtained by reading an output image, a memory that stores fundamental image reduction information that is information in which an information amount of fundamental image information is reduced, the fundamental image information serving as a fundamental of the output image, a calculating portion that calculates a characteristic value of a projecting waveform by use of differential information between read-in image reduction information and the fundamental image reduction information, the read-in image reduction information being information in which the information amount of the read-in image information obtained by the obtaining portion is reduced, the fundamental image reduction information being stored in the memory; and a determining portion that determines a defect type group that is a group of defect types of elements included in the output image by use of a clustering process.申请人:Tetsuichi Satonaga,Koki Uwatoko,Koji Adachi,Kaoru Yasukawa地址:Kanagawa JP,Kanagawa JP,Kanagawa JP,Kanagawa JP国籍:JP,JP,JP,JP更多信息请下载全文后查看。
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附件c:读书报告评价标准姓名:???? 科室:???? 工号:????入院时间:?????? 题目:?????????????????????附件4 寻找“最美护士”摄影比赛方案值2014年“国际护士节”来临之际,医院决定在全院范围内寻找我院最美护士、捕捉护士最美瞬间摄影比赛,旨在倡导、弘扬我院护理人员甘于奉献、救死扶伤、勇于献身的人道主义精神,具体活动方案如下:一、参选方式:科室推荐、同事推荐、个人自荐。
doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-2550.2024.01.012 收稿日期:2023-09-26某电动车低温散热器排气管断裂分析Array张冲子(重庆赛力斯新能源汽车设计院有限公司增程系统部,重庆 401335)摘 要:本文以某电动车低温散热器排气管在路试过程中断裂为例进行故障分析,通过对排气管断口电镜分析确定了裂纹性质及断裂初步原因。
关键词:低温散热器;断裂;电镜分析;故障树分析法;红外光谱检测;应力模拟分析中图分类号:U465 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-2550(2024)01-0070-06 Fracture Analysis of Exhaust Pipe of Low-temperature Radiator ofan Electric VehicleZHANG Chong-zi( Chongqing SERES New Energy Vehicle Design Institute Co., Ltd. Range Extender SystemDepartment, Chongqing 401335, China)Abstract: This paper takes the failure analysis of the fracture of the exhaust pipe ofa low-temperature radiator of an electric vehicle during the road test process,the fractureelectron microscopy analysis of the exhaust pipe was used to determine the crack propertiesand the preliminary cause of the fracture.then, using the fault tree analysis (FTA) tool,the cause of the risk of external collision was determined through the production processtroubleshooting;through infrared spectroscopy, ash detection and electron microscopyanalysis of raw materials, the reason for the use of recycled materials was determined;through the stress simulation analysis of the exhaust pipe of the radiator and the axialstrength test of the radiator, the cause of the structural defect was determined. In view ofthe above reasons, corresponding corrective measures were formulated to solve the faultproblem of broken radiator snorkel. It has certain guiding significance for automobilepractitioners in the design, raw material use and failure analysis of similar nylon structureson the whole vehicle.Key Words: Low T emperature Radiator; Fracture; Electron Microscopy Analysis; FaultTree Analysis; Infrared Spectroscopy Detection; Stress Simulation Analysis702024年第1期71引 言传统汽车上,散热器是水冷发动机冷却系统的重要部件, 其性能的好坏会影响发动机的散热效果及其动力性、经济性和可靠性, 乃至正常工作和行驶安全。
Failure Analysis on Reheater Tube Boiler FurnaceBase on Tensile and Impact TestNovi Sukma Drastiawati1,* R. Soekrisno21Mechanical Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia2Mechanical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia*Corresponding author. Email:ABSTRACTFailure on reheater tube was rupture. Scale latched on the outer surface and progressively thinning thickness with a minimum thickness of tube rupture at the nearest corner. An analysis of this research is to find the cause fracture mechanism and prevent similar failure. The mechanical analysis used tensile and impact test on failure and replacement tubes. Quantitative data analysis used descriptive methods. Characteristic of tube SUS347HTP with tensile strength standard 550N/mm2. The yield strength obtained on replacement tube, temperature 300 (399.55Mpa), 1600 (234.09 Mpa), 2900C (198.13Mpa), 4200C (136.26 MPa), 5000C (102.10Mpa), 5500C (80.75 Mpa), 5800C (67.94Mpa), and 6000C (59.40MPa) and on failure tube, temperature 300C (244.45MPa), 1600C (206.93MPa), 2900C (158.70 MPa), 4200C (118.14Mpa), 5000C (91.9MPa), 5500C (75.5MPa), 5800C (65.66MPa), 6000C (59.10MPa). Tensile test aimed that pressure of failure tube decreased. Impact test showed that low toughness of failure tube. The Combining tensile and impact data analyzed, the result shows ruptured the reheater tube at this location because it decreased in mechanical strength and hardness value. It shows material (tube) could not hold up the allowable pressure.Keywords: Reheater tube, rupture, scale, tensile test, impact test1. INTRODUCTIONBoiler is a place also referred to as steam generator, it a closed vessel in which water is converted into steam or water and steam above the atmospheric pressure by the application of heat. Two types of boiler are fire tube and water tube [1]. Both are specially designed to change water fluid into steam or steam and water and to control steam outlet temperature. Superheaters and reheaters are part of boiler, divided into multiple parts to optimize heat recovery, to help control steam temperature, and to maximize the heating temperature of the fluid flowing in the tube. The design and location is dependent on the heat absorption, outlet temperature, fuel ash characteristics and cleaning equipment. The main components are manufactured from steel alloys and and resistant to high temperatures. Steam boilers must be able to infiltrate heat produced from the combustion process effectively. The thermal from combustion in a boiler is emitted by radiation, convection, and conduction [2].Failure analysis in boiler tubes have been discussed by Drastiawati and Agustin. As summarized this research emphasizes of failure based on stress and changes in thickness occurred on waterwall tube of boiler furnace. A protective layer in the form of layers as Fe3O4 on the inner surface tube is exfoliate and on the inner surface there is inherent attachment from failure product with shapes like scratch and flow. Micro visual analysis showed that crystal grains size become larger on the inner surface and smooth crystal grains in the tangential direction. Macro visual observation showed that progressively the tube decreases in thickness here thickness is increasingly showing a minimum when approaching the peak of the tube curvature. The top point of the curvature tube had a thick crust attached to the outer surface [3].It was shown that the plastic deformation occurred in the material due to the inside of the tube was experiencing tension pressure experienced and a relatively high temperature increase. The combination of stress, changes of thickness dimension, and changes of grains size caused failure of the tube. These factors can cause a decrease in mechanical properties of the tube to hold up pressure although it is in accordance with the operational standard, and fracture occurs before the strength limit is exceeded. Combining all these factors, failure of the tube at waterwall furnace caused the cross-section could notwhitstand the pressure [3]. International Joint Conference on Science and Engineering (IJCSE 2020)Other analysis has been reported investigated on reheater pendent tube due to external scale exfoliation and internal scale formation base on visual inspection, internal oxide scale and tube wall thickness measurements, microscopic examinations, and creep analysis. Investigation of failure focused on reheater pendent type SA213-T22. Analysis showed that it had scale exfoliation on fire-side tube and significant on the steam side. Failure of reheater pendent tube caused the interaction occurrence of significant scale formation on steam side was produced in the higher metal temperature and fire-side peeled of scale as a product of high temperature corrosion [4].The analysis paper on superheater tubes of coal based reported and summarized about of critical failure mechanism On the inside failure of the tube wall, macro visual observation showed reducing thickness. Micro visual observation indicated spheroidization of alloy carbides, it contains excessive oxidation corrosion and the coarsening of precipitate along grain boundary. Other analysis described intergranular cracking in material through area covered with thick scales. Micro visual showed creep formation along the grain boundary and loss of stiffness. Mechanical properties analysis of the tube showed hardness reduction lower than 200Hb. Macro visual observation from outer surface tube described thin lip fish mouth fracture occurs at both the failed locations, cause failure [5].Paper research on coal fired power plant analysis of the rear pass tube boiler base on effect of high temperature reported that the presence of higher temperature from economizer, intermediate temperature superheater and temperature at reheater tubes are lower. Heat transfer resulting in temperature changed and metallography observation describes no creep cavities. Mechanical properties observation analysis used the data from hardness test results. Hardness test indicated that strength of the tubes was also maintain as shown by the data. Supporting data used results of LMP parameter and graphitization process could be analyzed by TT (time temperature) diagram for carbon steel to find out the phase change [6]. An increase in inlet steam temperature gives a steady improvement in cycle efficiency and reduces water content as a reheater function and thus increases the turbine internal efficiency. However; operational temperature must be in accordance with material capability standards. The optimum temperature of boilers and tubines materials is limited, maintain 4500 C for steam temperature [7].Steam superheater tubes stress analysis of a high pressure boiler indicated the hardness results illustrated that the mechanical resistance of the material has been maintained. Dimensional measurements as macro visual observation and Non Destructive Testing (NDT) did not show existence of creep failure. The micro visual analysis of internal layer indicated the presence of deposits stick from water fluid or steam exceed to the first superheater. The thickness of the layer not indicate that the material has decreased in properties, especially mechanical properties and efficiency on the boiler is not optimal. The micro visual data analysis summarized some spheroidization with phase cementite and pearlite indicating an initial state of high temperature material. Pores or micro cracks were not found in the samples checked. These indicate that twenty-three years’ period of service, it showed that the material still had the ability to withstand a pressure. Simulation analysis used ANSYS 5.4 software indicated the sources for deformations observed on the fatigue life related with heating and cooling cycles [8]. Failure of the tube boiler indicated the serious problem, if left uncorrected. Managing of failures tube boiler can help reducing forced outages and increasing availability and reliability. Power Plant which implement an effective tube failure prevention program can minimize the risk of failures. There are certainly many factors that need to be identified in order to implement a successful BTF (Boiler Tbe Failure) prevention program. This paper provides a comprehensive review about the various root causes of boiler tube failure, generating the need for determining the requirement corrective measurement to minimize similar occurrence in the future. The case study presented recognizes the failure area and also emphasis on the factors which increase for type failure mechanism [9].This analysis of the failure of reheater tube boiler aims on the combining impact of those factors causing the ability to decrease stress received. It limits the material of reheater tube from withstand the stress and furthermore will generate fractures base on tensile and impact test.2. RESEARCH METHOD2.1Sample Material TubeMaterial tube: SUS347 HTP tube no 47length: 1260mmreplacement tube length: 620mmFigure 1.Material tube no 47.Figure 2. Material of replacement tube.2.2 Step of ResearchThe mechanical analysis used tensile and impact test on failure and replacement tubes. Quantitative data analysis used descriptive methods. Identification of the problem failure of reheater tube outlet to the PLTU Unit 3. Tube no47. Collecting sample tubes failure and replacement tubes. Sample collection is used to identify failure and data retrieval. Failure investigation and testing. An investigative process needs to be carried out to find out why failure can occur and to categorize problems and cause more specific failures. The test functions to get the data to be analyzed. Formulate the problem and identification of problems. The results of the identification are examined again with the initial hypothesis. Analysis. The analysis is performed after the data obtained that can support the initial hypothesis. The results of the analysis are adjusted to the initial hypothesis, if it is not appropriate to do a review of the initial hypothesis. The review can allow that an error has occurred against the initial hypothesis, so it needs to be re-analyzed until it is in accordance with the initial hypothesis. Conclusion. Based on the data and analysis results obtained, it can be seen the cause of the damage and the mechanism of failure to the tube.2.3Testing MethodThis research used quantitative descriptive analysis and describe data to analyze the causes of failure tube. The method of the test is:a.Tensile TestTensile test at various temperature near theworking temperature of the material (580 0C- 6000 C)Tensile test temperature: 300C, 1600C, 2900C,4200C, 5000C, 5500C, 5800C, and 6000C.b.Impact testdimension of material: 10x2.5mm. 2.4Chemical Composition of Tube Material Table 1. Chemical composition tube SUS347Table 2. Boiler steam power plant designThe table source from PLTU Unit 3.Figure 3. Tensile test specimen tube no 47 [11] Figure 4.Tensile test specimen replacement tube [11]Figure 5. Impact test specimen tube no 47 [11]Figure 6. Impact test specimen of replacement tube [11]3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONSStrength is the ability of a material to accept stress without causing failure. One of the mechanical properties that can show the strength value of a material is the tensile strength. Tensile strength is obtained by conducting a tensile test on the material.Table 3. Tensile strength of replacement tubeTable 4. Tensile strength tube standardThe results of these tests indicate that the replacement tube has a value of tensile strength with tube standard thus material can be operated for a period of time in accordance with design standards. The tube is expected to be able to hold up pressure at operating, that the failure rate can be minimized because it is still in the safe category with a value of permission still below the tube yield strength. Table 5. Tensile test result of replacement tubeavg=average extp = extrapolationTable 6. Tensile test result tube no 47Table 7. Impact energy conversion based on thickness [12]Table 8. Impact test result failure tube no 47Table 9. Impact test results of replacement tubeThe failure can be explained as follows break with a tear in the direction of fluid flow. The broken area is located at the bottom with a horizontal position when the tube is in the reheater circuit, where in that part is the path of the combustion process and the path in the water jet cleaning process. The ruptured tube is located at the bottom with the position parallel to the fluid flow.Failure tube in the reheater tube outlet circuit is in the form of a rupture in the direction of parallel to the fluid flow and thickness changes. On the outer surface there is crust attached. The crust that attaches to the part is very hard and sticks to the material so it is called hard slag. The outer protective layer of the tube has also disappeared. On the inner surface the protective layer is still visible even though there are some peeling parts (there are spots on the surface). Visually the form of failure is shown in Fig. 1. The visual appearance of a failing tube is very different from the replacement tube. On the outer surface area still looks smooth and uniform thickness when viewed from a side view. This shows that in plain view the failure tube has changed in terms of dimensions.Mechanism of decreasing tensile and impact strength occurred because the tube is used at high temperatures for long periods of time. In the process on power plant, the steam boiler is operated for twenty-four hours a day. Steam boilers experience shut down process when failure or maintenance process. The operation process on tube is the same as the operation process in a steam boiler. During the operation process the tube changes, including changes in dimensions. Changes in these dimensions include, thickness reduction and reduction in outer diameter. Dimension change, in area of the tube becomes increasingly diminished. This is the liner with the tube area in receiving the pressure. This is the liner with the tube area in receiving the pressure as in the following equation:P = F / A [13]With: P is the pressure received by the tubeF is the operating pressureA is a tube areaTensile strength decreased is also proportional to the decrease in impact strength. During the operation process the tube changes, including changes in dimensions. Changes in these dimensions include, thickness reduction and reduction in outer diameter. With the changes in the shape of dimensions, the area of the tube becomes increasingly diminished. Dimensions that are supported by intergranular creep fracture indicate that the impact strength and tensile strength of the tube have decreased. This is comparable to the ability of the tube to accept pressure even though the pressure was below the yield [14].Compared to previous study and to prevent the failure, the recommendations listed are regular inspections coupled should be implemented on a fundamental of frequent basis and re-inspection plan determined for developing during condition assessment. Initial inspection needs to be carried out on equipment that does not occur failure while inspections carried out on equipment that is often carried out failure. The wide range of causes that failures may occur in the registered the critical components, the categorize and total of inspection will be determined on a unit to unit basis. A comprehensive initial inspection adhered by frequent location and specific inspection should result in increased availability, reliability, safety, and efficiency of the unit [15].4.CONCLUSIONSFailure of material reheater tube occurs due to the combination of stress and toughness. Results of tensile and impact testing shown those factors can cause a reduce in the strength of the tube to hold up the stress and fracture occurs before the strength limit is reached. The data results of impact and tensile strength on a failure tube compared to a standard tube due to the tube being unable to withstand loading even though the force applied it is in accordance with the procedure. ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors gratefully appreciate to Universitas Negeri Surabaya for supporting this paper and PLTU unit 3 crew for sharing their pearls of wisdom with us during the course of this research. We are also immensely grateful to reviewers for their comments on an earlier version of the manuscript.REFERENCES[1]Vinu, V. T., Gowda, J., Sankar, S. 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Failure Analysis and Prevention
Failure Analysis and Prevention Failure analysis and prevention is a crucial aspect of any industry, as it helps to identify the root cause of a failure and prevent it from happening again. In this essay, we will explore the importance of failure analysis and prevention, and how it can benefit different industries.One of the most significant benefits of failure analysis and prevention is that it helps to reduce costs. When a failure occurs, it can result in significant financial losses for a company. These losses can be in the form of repair costs, replacement costs, or even legal fees if the failure results in injury or damage. By identifying the root cause of the failure, companies can take steps to prevent it from happening again, which can save them a significant amount of money in the long run.Another benefit of failure analysis and prevention is that it helps to improve safety. When a failure occurs, it can put people's lives at risk. By identifying the root cause of the failure and taking steps to prevent it from happening again, companies can ensure that their employees and customers are safe. This is especially important in industries such as aviation, where a failure can have catastrophic consequences.In addition to reducing costs and improving safety, failure analysis and prevention can also help to improve product quality. When a failure occurs, it can be a sign that there is a problem with the product design or manufacturing process. By identifying the root cause of the failure and making changes to the design or process, companies can improve the quality of their products and increase customer satisfaction.Failure analysis and prevention can also help to improve efficiency. When a failure occurs, it can cause downtime, which can result in lost productivity. By identifying the root cause of the failure and taking steps to prevent it from happening again, companies can minimize downtime andimprove efficiency. This is especially important in industries such as manufacturing, where downtime can have a significant impact on production.Finally, failure analysis and prevention can help to build trust with customers. When a company takes steps to identify the root cause of a failure and prevent it from happening again, it shows that they are committed to quality and safety. This can help to build trust with customers and improve the company's reputation.In conclusion, failure analysis and prevention is a crucial aspect of any industry. It can help to reduce costs, improve safety, improve product quality, improve efficiency, and build trust with customers. By taking a proactive approach to failure analysis and prevention, companies can ensure that they are providing the best possible products and services to their customers while minimizing risk and maximizing profitability.。
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Failure Analysis of RTP for Natural Gas Transportation in Changqing Oilfield Xuehua Cai 1, Dongtao Qi2, Nan Ding3, Jiajia Fu4, Milin Yan51 Engineer, Research Institute of Tubular Goods of CNPC, NO.32 Dianzier Road, Xi’an Shannxi, 710065, caixh@2 NO.32 Dianzier Road , Xi'an, Shannxi, CHN3 NO.32 Dianzier Road , Xi'an, Shannxi, CHN4 NO.32 Dianzier Road , Xi'an, Shannxi, CHN5 NO.32 Dianzier Road , Xi'an, Shannxi, CHNABSTRACTReinforced thermoplastic pipes (RTPs) are being increasing used in China National Petroleum Corporation(CNPC), owing to their good corrosion resistance and easily installation technique. Several thousand kilometers of RTPs has been deployed in natural gas transporting system in Changqing Oilfield since 2007. After one year serving of PET fiber reinforced polyethylene pipe, several failures happened. Therefore, it is necessary to study the effects of environmental factors, including temperature and installation damages, on the strength of PET fiber and RTPs. The primary failure modes of RTP pipe are analyzed and the residual strength tests of RTP pipes, which are cut from the pipes near the failure spot, are carried out. The result shows that the strength of RTP pipe decreases with increase of temperature from 0℃ to 65℃. The damages of the protective layer (the outer layer) have little influence on the strength of pipe, while those damages of reinforced fiber layer have much influence. Finally, some suggestions are given for future application of RTPs in Oilfield(Jerry,2000).INTRODUCTIONReinforced thermoplastic pipes(RTPs) is a kind of product with flexible, light weight, low thermal conductivity, good corrosion resistance, long-length (thousands of feet) and easily installation technique, which make it much different to traditional steel pipes used in oil and gas transportation. The concept for designing RTPs first came out in late 1960’s, the process including continuous manufacture of a tubular product with multilayer structure as a liner inside and wrapped with fiber as reinforced layer and one outside protecting layer. Moreover, besides various advantages of RTPs to steel pipe, the composite pipe can be designed as required which is particularly technique advantage to traditional pipes, it was 1980’s when the newly designed pipes turned to be feasibility for application. From 2000, RTPs began widespread application to oil and gas field in CNPC. Strong corrosion resistant behavior both to the flowing oil or gas and the outside environment, fewer connections and fittings, and ease of installations made RTPs popular in oil and gas field for flow line application.Reinforce thermoplastic pipes first deployed in Changqing oilfield for gas transporting system since 2007 and rapidly developed to several thousand kilometers. During one year serving of PET fiber reinforced pipe for natural gas transportation in the oilfield, the gas flow lines had failures frequently, which made the gas producer disturbed and resulted to reduce the productivity of gas(William et al., 2001). Therefore, few study on fiber reinforce thermoplasticpipes had operated, less knowledge about the failure modes of the newly special pipes wasavailable. It’s a necessity to analyze the factors which effect the pipe’s serving ability.Figure 1. sketch of structure about RTP and example application in sandhills(from indipipe 2006 conference & exhibition. indonesis, 2006: 1-11)FAILURE ANALYSISRtp pipe description. As pipe producer providing, the information about the pipes used inChangqing gas field as followed: PET fiber reinforced thermoplastic pipe used polyethylene pipe as inner pipe, PET fiber as the reinforced layer wrapped outside the liner pipe, and the outerlayer used polyethylene for environmental protect. It was 100m long of single with outerdimension of 68mm, 9mm thickness(protective layer for 1mm, reinforced layer for 3mm and5mm for inner pipe) and normal inner dimension was 50mm. Best service temperature should be from -50℃ to 80℃, the yield work strength was 6.4MPa.Short term burst test of normal pipes. The short term burst strength of RTPs was conducted to determine the actual response of pipe specimens according to different environmentaltemperatures to simulate the actual condition of serving pipes in Changqing Oilfield.After analyzing of the results from short term burst test of RTPs at four temperature conditions, the values of the four different picked environmental temperatures showed the strength of RTPs dropping followed the increasing of atmosphere temperature levels. Moreover, it’s obviousphenomenon that low temperature of environment influent pipe’s quality little to which at room temperature, however, the high temperature working condition made the strength of pipedropped dramatically.Table 1. Short Term Burst Test of RtpsOuter protective layer liner Fiber Reinforced layerEnvironmental Temperature 0℃ 25℃ 65℃Value of Short term burst pressure 29 MPa 27 MPa 17 MPaFiber tensile strength test. As the results received from short term burst test of pipes, the environmental temperature had significant influence on the quality of pipe, which indicated that it was necessary to discover the performance of fiber in the specified environment. Four environmental temperatures chose to simulate the actual condition fibers faced. The samples were conducted in the same procedure except the temperature surrounding them. The results achieved from the tensile strength test of PET fiber correlated with burst strength of pipes for varied conditions. The figures showed a decreasing trend. The quality of PET fiber decreased obviously at high temperature(65℃) while fibers had good character at -20℃, 0℃ and 25℃. Table 2. Short Term Burst Test of Rtps Scratch Failure SimulationScratch styles Outerlayerscratch Little fiberbreakageMuchfiberbreakageLiner pipedefectValue of Short term burstpressure29 MPa 12.5 MPa 1.5 MPa 28 MPa SIMULATION OF FAILURE MODES ABOUT PIPESDuring pipes operating at fieldwork, scratches happened sometimes by worker or by environment. The project simulated several scratched failure modes to achieve information about how scratches affected and learned which breakage style should pay attention to. Firstly, scratch in outer protective layer was common existing example when tools knocked the pipes during installation of careless mistake or rubbing pipes on rough wall of digging channel. Secondly, the experiments simulated deeper cuts caused by stiff tools occasionally, which broke fibers through the outer layer to different extents of breakages. Thirdly, the behavior of liner pipe with defects occurred by flowing media’s brushing pipe or the defects made by liner production process as for pulling section, if extruding not controlled properly minor pores might hidden in the product. All the three possibilities of failure modes carried on short term burst tests to discuss what kind of scratches would result to pipe failure(Tom et al., 2002).The experiments indicated that outer protective layer had less contribution to pressure ability of RTPs. Moreover, small defects in liner pipe would not make obvious changes on pressure ability of RTPs. PET fibers as the reinforced layer mastered RTPs performance toughly, more fibers cut resulted to less pressure ability remained of product.Figure 2. Simulation of scratch on RTPTable 3 – Tensile Strength Test of Pet FibersEnvironmental Temperature -20℃0℃ 25℃ 65℃81 N 80 N 72 N 59 NValue of tensile strength test ofPET fiberFAILURE SAMPLE FROM FIELDWORKFailure sample from field work. There were three gas leak accident happened in one week at March recently. All of them were served by PET fiber reinforced thermoplastic pipes as natural gas transportation line, serving period of them during 1 to 2 years. The accidents were quite similar, several bursts along the pipelines up to several kilometers long and about 50mm long ruptures appeared.It was necessary to know whether the pressure ability had declined already of leaking pipes. Samples picked out from the part near to ruptures of leak pipes. The outer protective layer had some scratches on, they were not smooth. The pipes bended some places, the pipes did not keep natural status. The result of short term burst test of the samples conducted at room condition was 20MPa. The value was more than 3 times security modulus. Experiments showed the value of pressure did not declined much, the pipe remained the pressure quality. The accident pipe was in good condition from pressure test judging.From the research on fiber character, low environmental temperature influent PET fibers weekly. And low temperature had little changes on RTPs performance. The burst value achieved from leak pipe samples showed the fibers in RTPs remain well and the fiber breakages hypothesis could be abandoned. The analysis of simulating scratches on pipes helped to conclude that some small cuts on outer layer would not result to RTPs failure. Ignoring the small mistake on outer layer during installation for the gas leak accidents in Changqing oilfield was acceptable.The accidents pipes had curled and bending for some extent at the gas field during transportation service. Bending easily occurred stress gathering at the bend point when pressure applied. The bending part was the weakness to the pipe. The phenomena gave us reflection that curled and bending appeared in installation might the answer for the failure accidents.Figure 3. failure appearance at accident gas field locationThe gas field is a place full of sand hills and bottom lands. The lowest temperature in winter reaches to -29℃ and highest temperature in summer is 37℃. The temperature variation is in the carrying capacity of PET fiber reinforced thermoplastic pipes. Though digging channels for RTPs, the lowest environmental condition could reach -15℃. RTPs lied in digging channels and went along sand hills or bottom lands. For some lower spots, some liquid flowing with gas would gather at the spots which might froze at critical winter and make the spots as weak point. The frozen liquid could block the normal transportation work and result to pipe’s failure.CONCLUSIONSReinforced thermoplastic pipes are increasing application in China recently for their good corrosion resistance and easily installation method. Oil and gas industries are eager to seeking failures solution after the application. From the project on failure analysis of RTP for natural gas transportation in Changqing oilfield, it concludes that environmental temperature and installation damage must be considered on RTPs application. During research, the pressure performance of PET reinforced thermoplastic pipe decreases with increasing environmental temperature from 0℃ to 65℃. Furthermore, deflects in outer protective layer and liner pipe do little change for pipe’s strength quality while fiber breakages of installation damages drop down pipe’s behavior dramatically.SUGGESTIONSPET fiber appears weak at relative high temperature, serving limit must be paid attention to. Unlike traditional steel pipe, installation should operate at careful method. We suggest that the producer carry on projects for training specified worker to RTPs installation in order to reduce failures made by human carelessness.REFERENCES" Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipes. " R.DET NORSKE VERITAS Technical Report, NO.2001-1078.Jerry G. Williams (2000) ."Composite Spoolable Pipe Development, Advancements, and Limitations." J. offshore technology conference , NO 12029, 327-342.Tom Zimmerman, Gary Stephen, Alan Glover (2002). "Composite Reinforced Line Pipe(CRLP) for Onshore Gas Pipelines." C.International Pipeline Conference , 467-473.Willam D. Stringfellow, Tomas Walsh, Harris Reynoldsl (2001). "Application of Spoolable Composite Pipe to Oil & Gas Industry Flowlines." J. Southwest Petroleum Short Course, 239-245.。