高二物理上学期期末测试题一、选择题:本题共14小题,每小题4分,共48分.在每个小题给出的四个选项中至少有一个选项符合题目要求,选全的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,选错和不选的得0分.1.如图所示,将两个等量异种点电荷分别固定于A、B两处,AB为两点电荷的连线,MN为AB 连线的中垂线,交AB于O点,M、N距两个点电荷较远,以下说法正确的是()A.沿直线由A到B,各点的电场强度先减小后增大B.沿直线由A到B,各点的电势先上升后降低C.沿中垂线由M到O,各点的电场强度先增大后减小D.将一电荷从M点移到O点,电场力做正功,电荷的电势能削减2.如图所示,两根垂直纸面、平行且固定放置的直导线M和N,通有同向等值电流;沿纸面与直导线M、N等距放置的另一根可自由移动的通电导线ab,则通电导线ab在安培力作用下运动的状况是()A.沿纸面逆时针转动B.沿纸面顺时针转动C.a端转向纸外,b端转向纸里D.a端转向纸里,b端转向纸外3.某带电粒子仅在电场力作用下由A点运动到B点,电场线、粒子在A点的初速度及运动轨迹如图所示,可以判定()A.粒子带正电B.A点的电势低于B点的电势C.粒子在A点的加速度大于它在B点的加速度D.粒子在A点的动能小于它在B点的动能4.如图所示,在两个固定的异种点电荷Q1、Q2的连线上有A、B两点.将一个带负电的摸索电荷q由A静止释放,它从A点运动到B点的过程中,可能()A.先加速运动再减速运动B.加速度始终增大C.电势能先增大后减小D.在B点电势能比在A点的电势能小5.如图中虚线所示为静电场的等势面1、2、3、4,相邻的等势面之间的电势差相等,其中等势面3的电势为0.一带正电的点电荷在静电力的作用下运动,经过a、b点的动能分别为26eV和5eV.当这一点电荷运动到某一位置,其电势能变为-8eV时,它的动能应为()A.8eV B.13eV C.20eV D.34eV6.带电的平行板电容器与静电计的连接如图所示,要使静电计的指针偏角变小,可采纳的方法有()A.减小两极板间的距离B.增大两极板间的距离C.在两板间插入电介质D.将极板B向上适当移动7.如图所示的电路中,电源电动势为E、内电阻为r.在滑动变阻器R1的滑动触片P从图示位置向下滑动的过程中()A.电路中的总电流变大B.路端电压变大C.通过电阻R2的电流变小D.通过滑动变阻器R1的电流变小8.始终流电动机正常工作时两端的电压为U,通过的电流为I,电动机线圈的电阻为r.该电动机正常工作时,下列说法正确的是()A.电动机消耗的电功率为UI B.电动机的输出功率为UI-I2rC.电动机的发热功率为2UrD.I、U、r三个量间满意UIr9.在xoy坐标系中,将一负检验电荷Q由y轴上a点移至x轴上b点,需克服电场力做功W,若从a点移至x轴上c点,也需克服电场力做功W,那么此空间存在的静电场可能是()A.电场强度方向沿y轴负方向的匀强电场B.电场强度方向沿x轴正方向的匀强电场C.处于第Ⅰ象限某一位置的正点电荷形成的电场D.处于第Ⅲ象限某一位置的负点电荷形成的电场10.电源和一个水平放置的平行板电容器、三个电阻组成如图所示的电路.当开关S闭合后,电容器中有一个带电液滴正好处于静止状态.现将开关S断开,则以下推断正确的是()A.液滴仍保持静止状态B.液滴将向上运动C.电容器上的带电量将减为零D.电容器上的带电量将增大11.在电磁感应现象中,下列说法正确的是()A.感应电流的磁场总是跟原来的磁场方向相反B.闭合线框放在改变的磁场中不肯定能产生感应电流C.闭合线框放在匀强磁场中做切割磁感线运动,肯定产生感应电流D.感应电流的磁场总是阻碍原磁通量的改变12.右图是半径为r的金属圆盘(电阻不计)在垂直于盘面的匀强磁场中绕O轴以角速度ω沿逆时针方向匀速转动,电阻R两端分别接盘心O和盘缘,则通过电阻的电流强度大小和方向是()A.2BrIRω=由c到d B.2BrIRω=由d到cC.22BrIRω=由c到d D.22BrIRω=由d到c13.如图所示,在条形磁铁从图示位置绕O1O2轴转动90°的过程中,放在导轨右端旁边的金属棒ab将()A.向左运动B.向右运动C.静止不动D.因不知道条形磁铁的哪一端为N极,也不知道条形磁铁是顺时针转动还是逆时针转动,故无法推断14.一个面积S=4×10-2m2、匝数n=100匝的线圈,放在匀强磁场中,磁场方向垂直于线圈平面,磁感应强度B随时间t改变的规律如图所示,则下列推断正确的是()A.在起先的2 s内穿过线圈的磁通量改变率等于-0.08 Wb/sB.在起先的2 s内穿过线圈的磁通量的改变量等于零C.在起先的2 s内线圈中产生的感应电动势等于0.08 VD.在第3 s末线圈中的感应电动势等于零二、试验题:本题共3个小题,满分18分,把答案干脆填在题中的相应位置。
)1. 关于电解NaCl水溶液,下列叙述正确的是A.电解时在阳极得到氯气,在阴极得到金属钠B.若在阳极附近的溶液中滴入KI溶液,溶液呈棕色C.若在阴极附近的溶液中滴入酚酞试液,溶液呈无色D.电解一段时间后,将全部电解液转移到烧杯中,充分搅拌后溶液呈中性参考答案:B略2. 下列叙述正确的是()A.pH=5的CH3COOH溶液和pH=5的NH4Cl溶液中,水的电离程度相同B.2SO2(g)+O2(g)═2SO3(g)的正、逆反应的平衡常数K随温度的变化可用如图表示C.NO+2CO═2CO2+N2 的△H<0,常温下该反应一定能自发进行D.25°C时,在Mg(OH)2的悬浊液中加入少量的NH4Cl固体,c(Mg2+)减小参考答案:B考点:弱电解质在水溶液中的电离平衡;反应热和焓变;化学平衡常数的含义;难溶电解质的溶解平衡及沉淀转化的本质.专题:基本概念与基本理论.分析:A.酸或碱抑制水电离,含有弱根离子的盐促进水电离;B.同一化学反应的正逆反应平衡常数之积为1,随着温度的升高,如果正反应平衡常数减小,则逆反应平衡常数增大;C.△G<0的反应能自发进行;D.氢氧化镁电离出来的OH﹣与NH4+结合生成弱电解质NH3?H2O,从而促进Mg(OH)2的溶解.解答:解:A.醋酸抑制水电离,氯化铵促进水电离,所以等pH的醋酸和氯化铵溶液中,水的电离程度不同,故A错误;B.同一化学反应的正逆反应平衡常数之积为1,随着温度的升高,如果正反应平衡常数减小,则逆反应平衡常数一定增大,故B正确;C.2NO+2CO═2CO2+N2的△H<0,该反应是气体体积减小的反应,所以是熵减的反应,即△S<0,△G=△H﹣T△S,△G不一定小于0,所以常温下该反应不一定能自发进行,故C 错误;D.氢氧化镁溶液中存在溶解平衡Mg(OH)2?Mg 2++2OH﹣,Mg(OH)2电离出来的OH﹣与NH4+结合生成难电离的弱电解质NH3?H2O,氢氧根离子浓度降低,从而使Mg(OH)2的溶解平衡向右移动,促进氢氧化镁溶解,镁离子浓度增大,故D错误;故选B.点评:本题考查难溶物的溶解平衡、反应方向的判断、弱电解质和含有弱根离子的盐对水电离的影响等知识点,易错点是C,明确能自发进行反应的判断依据是解此选项的关键,难度不大.3. 下列几种微粒中能影响水的电离平衡,且能使水的电离平衡向右移动的是A.HSO4-B. I-C. a X2+D.b X2-参考答案:D略4. 为了减少大气污染,许多城市推广清洁燃料,目前使用的清洁燃料主要有两类,一类是压缩天然气,另一类是液化石油气,这两类燃料的主要成分是A.碳水化合物 B.碳氢化合物 C.氢气 D.醇类参考答案:B略5. (2015?南京校级模拟)实验是化学研究的基础.下列对实验现象的描述错误的是()A.实验①中溶液变黄色B.实验②试管中混合溶液变血红色C.实验③中烧瓶内溶液变红色D.实验④中出现砖红色沉淀参考答案:A考点:化学实验方案的评价;氯、溴、碘及其化合物的综合应用;二价Fe离子和三价Fe 离子的检验;食物中淀粉、蛋白质、葡萄糖的检验;氨的制取和性质.专题:实验评价题.分析:A.氯气与KI反应生成碘单质;B.铁离子与KSCN结合生成络离子;C.氨气极易溶于水,且溶液显碱性;D.葡萄糖中含﹣CHO,与新制氢氧化铜反应生成氧化亚铜.解答:解:A.氯气与KI反应生成碘单质,淀粉遇碘单质变蓝,则观察到溶液变为蓝色,故A错误;B.铁离子与KSCN结合生成络离子,则观察到溶液变为血红色,故B正确;C.氨气极易溶于水,且溶液显碱性,则可观察到红色喷泉,故C正确;D.葡萄糖中含﹣CHO,与新制氢氧化铜反应生成氧化亚铜,则可观察到砖红色沉淀,故D 正确;故选A.点评:本题考查化学实验方案的评价,为高频考点,把握常见物质的性质及离子检验为解答的关键,注意方案的评价性和操作性分析,题目难度不大.6. 下列有关有机物的说法中正确的是:A.凡是含碳元素的化合物都属于有机物;B.易溶于汽油、酒精、苯等有机溶剂中的物质一定是有机物;C.所有的有机物都很容易燃烧;D.有机物所起的反应,一般比较复杂,速度缓慢,并且还常伴有副反应发生。
)1. 患甲状腺肿大是边远山区常见的地方病,下列元素对该病有治疗作用的是()A.钠元素 B.氯元素 C.碘元素 D.铁元素参考答案:C略2. 将c(H+)相同的盐酸和醋酸,分别用蒸馏水稀释至原来体积的m倍和n倍,稀释后两溶液的c(H+)仍相同,则m和n的关系是A. m>nB. m<nC. m=nD. 不能确定参考答案:B3. 下列关于有机物关系的叙述中,完全正确的一组是参考答案:D略4. 下列物质的水溶液能够导电,属于电解质的是A.铁 B.氨 C.氯化氢 D.乙醛参考答案:C略5. 金属钠晶体为体心立方晶格(如图),实验测得钠的密度为ρ(g·cm-3)。
已知钠的相对原子质量为a,阿伏加德罗常数为N A(mol-1),假定金属钠原子为等径的刚性球且处于体对角线上的三个球相切。
则钠原子的半径r(cm)为()A. B. C. D.参考答案:D略6. 卡托普利为血管紧张素抑制剂,其合成线路几各步反应的转化率如下:则该合成路线的总产率是A. 58.5% B.93.0% C.76% D.68.4%参考答案:A7. 将磁性氧化铁放出稀HNO3中可发生如下反应:,下列判断合理的是()A.Fe(NO3)x中的x为2 B.稀HNO3在反应中只表现氧化性C.反应中每还原0.4mol氧化剂,就有1.2mol电子转移D.磁性氧化铁中的所有铁元素全部被氧化参考答案:C略8. 下列各组元素,按原子半径依次减小,元素第一电离能逐渐升高的顺序排列的是A.K、Na、Li B.Al、Mg、Na C.N、O、C D.Cl、S、P参考答案:A略9. 中子俘获治疗癌症(缩写为NCT)是一种新的化疗方法,化疗时用到的药物BSH,合成时必须经过中间体Na2B12H12,它可由B2H6和NaBH4以二甘二甲醚为溶剂,在180℃时合成的。
生物高二测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 细胞膜的主要组成成分是:A. 蛋白质和脂质B. 蛋白质和糖类C. 脂质和糖类D. 蛋白质和核酸答案:A2. 下列哪项是细胞分裂过程中不会出现的现象?A. 染色体复制B. 染色体分离C. 细胞核消失D. 细胞质分裂答案:C3. 光合作用中,光能被转化为化学能的场所是:A. 线粒体B. 叶绿体C. 细胞核D. 内质网答案:B4. 以下哪个选项不是DNA复制的特点?A. 半保留复制B. 双向复制C. 单向复制D. 需要引物答案:C5. 以下哪个激素不是由下丘脑分泌的?A. 促甲状腺激素释放激素B. 促性腺激素释放激素C. 胰岛素D. 抗利尿激素答案:C6. 细胞周期中,DNA复制发生在哪个阶段?A. G1期B. S期C. G2期D. M期答案:B7. 以下哪个选项不是细胞凋亡的特点?A. 程序性死亡B. 细胞核消失C. 细胞质分裂D. 需要基因调控答案:C8. 以下哪个选项不是细胞分化的结果?A. 细胞形态的改变B. 细胞结构的改变C. 细胞功能的改变D. 细胞数量的增加答案:D9. 以下哪个选项不是细胞衰老的特征?A. 细胞体积减小B. 细胞核增大C. 细胞分裂能力增强D. 细胞内水分减少答案:C10. 以下哪个选项不是细胞癌变的原因?A. 遗传因素B. 病毒感染C. 辐射暴露D. 细胞分化答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 细胞膜的流动性主要取决于膜中的_________含量。
答案:脂质2. 细胞分裂过程中,染色体的数目在_________期加倍。
答案:S3. 光合作用中,光能被转化为化学能的第一步是_________的激发。
答案:叶绿素4. DNA复制过程中,新链的合成需要_________的催化。
答案:DNA聚合酶5. 下丘脑分泌的激素通过_________作用于垂体,调节内分泌活动。
答案:垂体门脉系统6. 细胞周期中,G1期的主要特点是_________的合成。
)1. 设想通过原电池反应以H2和Cl2为原料生产盐酸。
关于这种原电池的设想正确的是A.正极反应为H2-2e-=2H+B.在电池工作时,H+移向负极C.电池正极发生氧化反应D.以盐酸作为电解质,并不断补充蒸馏水,以维持溶液一定的pH参考答案:D2. 下列化学反应中水作还原剂的是A.CaO+H2O Ca(OH)2 B.2Na+2H2O2NaOH+H2↑C.Cl2+2H2O HCl+HClO D.2F2+2H2O4HF+O2参考答案:D略3. 某烃的结构简式如图,下列说法不正确的是A.1mol该烃完全燃烧消耗O211mol B.与氢气完全加成后的产物中含2个甲基C.1mol该烃完全加成消耗Br23mol D.分子中一定共平面的碳原子有6个参考答案:B略4. 与CO32﹣不是等电子体的是()A.SO3 B.BF3 C.NO3﹣D.PCl3参考答案:D【考点】“等电子原理”的应用.【分析】根据具有相同原子数和电子数的微粒互称为等电子体来解答.【解答】解:CO32﹣含有4个原子,其价电子数都是24.A.SO3含有4个原子,其价电子数都是24,所以是等电子体,故A正确;B.BF3含有4个原子,其价电子数都是24,所以是等电子体,故B正确;C.硝酸根离子含有4个原子,其价电子数都是24,所以是等电子体,故C正确;D.PCl3含有4个原子,其价电子数都是23,不是等电子体,故D错误.故选D.5. 下列解释实际应用的原理表达式中,错误的是A.用排饱和食盐水法收集CI2 :CI2+H2O H++CI-+HCIOB.0.1mo l·L-1H2S 溶液的pH约为4:H2S S2-+2H+C.足量稀盐酸、稀硫酸分别与一定量NaOH溶液反应放出热量相等:H+(aq)+OH-(aq)=H2O(1) △H=-57.3kJ·mo l-1D.用Na2CO3溶液处理锅炉水垢:CaSO4(s)+CO32-(aq)CaCO3(s)+SO42-(aq)参考答案:B略6. 在铝中加入某种金属可得到低密度,高强度的新型铝合金,可代替常规的铝合金用于制造航天飞机这种金属是A.锂 B.镁 C.铜 D.锰参考答案:7. 在氯化铁溶液中加入过量的铁粉,充分反应后,下列结论错误的是()A.溶液的质量将增大 B.溶液的颜色由棕黄色变成浅绿色C.溶液中的金属离子全部是Fe2+ D.溶液中的金属离子既有Fe3+,又有Fe2+参考答案:D略8. 右图表示反应X(g) 4Y g)+Z g);△H<0,在某温度时X的浓度随时间变化的曲线,下列有关该反应的描述正确的是()A.第6min后,反应就终止了B.若降低温度,v正和v逆将以同样倍数减小C.X的平衡分解率为85%D.若升高温度,X的平衡分解率将大于85%参考答案:C略9. A、B、C是周期表中相邻的三个元素,A和B是同周期,B和C同主族,三种元素最外层电子总数之和为17,核内质子数之和为31,则A、B、C三种元素是()A.Mg、Al、B B.Li、Be、MgC.N、O、S D.O、F、Cl参考答案:C解:A和B同周期,B和C同主族,设A元素的最外层电子数为x,则B、C最外层电子数为x+1或x﹣1,若B、C元素的最外层电子数为x+1,则x+2(x+1)=17,解得x=5,符合题意;若B、C元素的最外层电子数为x﹣1,则有x+2(x﹣1)=17,解得x=,不符合题意,即A处于ⅤA族,B、C处于ⅥA族.三种元素质子数总和为31,平均质子数==10.3,一定有元素处于第二周期,故三元素处于短周期,可以确定B、C为O元素、S 元素,故A的质子数为31﹣8﹣16=7,则A为N元素,由于A与B同周期,故B为O元素、C为S元素,故选C.10. 向盛有硫酸铜水溶液的试管里加入氨水,首先形成难溶物,继续添加氨水,难溶物溶解得到深蓝色的透明溶液。
高二数学空间向量与立体几何测试题第1卷(选择题,共50分)一、选择题:(本大题共10个小题每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1. 在下列命题中:CD若a、b共线则a、b所在的直线平行;@若a、b所在的直线是异面直线,则a、b一定不共面;@若a、b、c三向量两两共面,则a、b、c三向量一定也共面;@已知三向量a、b、c,则空间任意一个向量p总可以唯一表示为p=a+yb+zc,, y, z R.其中正确命题的个数为( )A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 32. 若三点共线为空间任意一点且则的值为()A. lB.C.D.3. 设,且,则等千()A. B. 9 C. D4. 已知a=(2, —1, 3) , b= C—1, 4, —2) , c= (7, 5, 入),若a、b、c三向量共面,则实数入等千()A. B. C.5.如图1,空间四边形的四条边及对角线长都是,点分别是的中点则等千()D.A.C...BD6. 若a、b均为非零向量,则是a与b共线的()A. 充分不必要条件B. 必要不充分条件C. 充分必要条件D. 既不充分又不必要条件7. 已知点0是LABC所在平面内一点满足• = • = • '则点0是LABC的()A. 三个内角的角平分线的交点B. 三条边的垂直平分线的交点C. 三条中线的交点8. 已知a+b+c=O,al =2, bl =3,A. 30°B. 45°D.三条高的交点l e = , 则向量a与b之间的夹角为()C. 60°D. 以上都不对9. 已知, ' ,点Q在直线OP上运动,则当取得最小值时,点Q的坐标为()A.B.10. 给出下列命题:CD已知,则C. D.@为空间四点若不构成空间的一个基底,那么共面;@已知则与任何向量都不构成空间的一个基底;@若共线则所在直线或者平行或者重合.正确的结论的个数为()C. 3A.1B.2D.4 第II卷(非选择题,共100分)二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分)11.已知LABC的三个顶点为A(3, 3, 2) , B (4, —3, 7) , C (0, 5, 1) , 则BC边上的中线长为12. 已知三点不共线为平面外一点若由向量确定的点与共面,那么13. 已知a,b,c是空间两两垂直且长度相等的基底,m=a+b,n=b-c,则m,n的夹角为14. 在空间四边形ABC D中,AC和B D为对角线G为L:.ABC的重心,E是B D上一点BE=3E D, 以{, , }为基底,则=15. 在平行四边形ABCD中,AB=AC=l,乙ACD=90, 将它沿对角线AC折起,使AB与CD成60角,则B,D两点间的距离为16. 如图二面角a-t -B的棱上有A,B两点直线AC,B D分别在这个二面角的两个半平面内,且都垂直千AB,已知AB=4,AC=6, B D=8, C D= ,二面角Q—t—B的大小三、解答题(本大题共5小题,满分70分),17. C lo分)设试问是否存在实数,使成立?如果存在,求出;如果不存在,请写出证明.18. (12分)如图在四棱锥中,底面ABC D是正方形,侧棱底面ABC D,, 是PC的中点,作交PB千点F.(1)证明PAIi平面EDB:(2)证明PB上平面E F D:(3)求二面角的大小.、、、、、、、、.、19. (12分)如图在直三棱柱ABC—AlBlCl中,底面是等腰直角三角形,乙ACB=90°.侧棱AA1=2, D. E 分别是CCl与AlB的中点点E在平面ABO上的射影是DAB D的重心G.(1)求AlB与平面ABO所成角的大小.(2)求Al到平面ABO的距离1) 20. 12分)如图在三棱柱ABC-AlBlCl中,AB上AC,顶点Al在底面ABC上的射影恰为点B,且AB=AC=A1B=2.2)求棱AA1与BC所成角的大小;在棱BlCl上确定一点P,使AP=, 并求出二面角P—AB—Al的平面角的余弦值A1C1B21. (12分)如图直三棱柱ABC-AlBlCl中AB上AC,D.E分别为AAl.B lC的中点DEl_平面BCCl.C I)证明:A B=ACC II)设二面角A-BD-C为60°,求B1C与平面BCD所成的角的大小c,22. (12分)P是平面ABC D外的点四边形ABC D是平行四边形,AP= (-1, 2, -1)(1)求证:PA 平面ABC D.(2)对千向量,定义一种运算:,试计算的绝对值;说明其与几何体P—ABC D的体积关系,并由此猜想向量这种运算的绝对值的几何意义(几何体P-ABC D叫四棱锥,锥体体积公式:V= ) .一、选 1 2 择题(本大题土2上、10小题,每3 4空间向量与立体几何(2)参考答案5 6 7 8 9 10小题5/刀\.让,/、50分)题号答案D D D A B C A 二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题6分,共24分)11. (0, ,) 12. 0 13. 1, —3 14. 90° l厮—15。
(2)CaC2+2H2O→HC≡CH↑+Ca(OH)2、HC≡CH+H2 CH2=CH2;
(6)0.020molCaC2的电石,和水反应得到乙炔的物质的量是0.02mol,1.60g含杂质18.7%的锌粒(杂质不与酸反应)的物质的量是: mol=0.02mol,和硫酸反应,产生的氢气的物质的量是0.005mol,状况下测得G中收集到的水VmL,V=672mL,则得到的乙烯的物质的量是 =0.03mol,
9.在一密闭容器中进行反应2SO2+ O2 2SO3,已知反应过程中某一时刻SO2、O2、SO3的浓度分别为0.2mol/L、0.1mol/L、0.2mol/L,当反应达平衡时,可能存在的数据是()
(2)CH3COO-+ H2O CH3COOH + OH-(2分)
高二语文测试卷及答案一、语文基础知识(共15分,共5小题,每小题3分)1.下列各组词语中加点字,注音全部正确的一项是( )A.楔.子(xiē)伺.候(sì) 虐.待(nüè) 苌.弘化碧( cháng)B.萧瑟.(sè) 恓.惶(xī)棕榈.(lǘ) 一蓑.烟雨(suō)C.罪愆.( qiān ) 盗跖.(zhì) 角.色(jué)羽扇纶.巾 (guān)D.天堑.(qiàn) 埋.怨(mái )参差.(cī) 前合后偃.(yǎn )2.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是( )A.错勘贤愚仓皇寒暄天谴B.毛骨耸然销魂暮霭吴钩C、良晨美景樯橹烽火罗绮D.玉簪螺髻赢取良霄亢旱3.下列各句中,加点的成语使用正确的一项是()A.“2012年度中国最具幸福感城市”评选结果在西安揭晓,昆明、杭州、成都、宁波等十大城市脱颖而出....,最终入选。
4.下列各句中,句意明确、没有语病的一项是()A. 俄罗斯外交部网站在3月28日公布的消息中指出,联合国大会在前一天通过的确认克里米亚公投无效的决议无效,并呼吁国际社会共同努力稳定乌克兰局势。
C. 不仅韩剧《来自星星的你》有爱情的美好,有穿越时空的奇思妙想,也有诚实守信、谦恭礼让的传统美德,而且充满了时尚文化元素,给中国观众留下了深刻印象。
)1. 下列对分子结构及其性质的解释中,不正确的是()A.碘易溶于四氯化碳,甲烷难溶于水都可用相似相溶原理解释B.乳酸属于手性分子,因分子中存在手性碳原子C.配合物中一定含有过渡金属原子或离子,因为过渡金属原子或离子存在空轨道D.酸性H3PO4>HClO,是因为H3PO4分子非羟基氧原子数目比HClO多参考答案:CA,根据相似相溶原理,由非极性分子组成的溶质易溶于非极性分子组成的溶剂,而由极性分子组成的溶质则易溶于极性分子组成的溶剂。
2. 分子式为C3H6Cl2的卤代烃再发生一氯取代后,生成的三氯代烷可能有两种结构,则原C3H6Cl2的分子结构可能是 ( )A、ClCH2—CH2—CH2ClB、CHCl2—CH2—CH3C、CH2Cl—CHCl—CH3D、CH3—CCl2—CH3参考答案:A略3. A~D是中学化学实验中使用温度计的装置示意图,其中所做实验与装置不相符的是()乙烯的制取苯的硝化C解:A、乙烯的制取,需要测量混合液的温度,控制温度在170℃,故A正确;B、石油的分馏,利用沸点不同,通过加热,控制蒸汽温度,分馏各组分,温度计水银球在蒸馏烧瓶支管口处,故B正确;C、银镜反应用温水浴加热即可,不用温度计控温,温度计不需要测量反应混合物温度,故C错误;D、苯的硝化需要50﹣60摄氏度水浴,温度计在水浴,故D正确;故选C.4. 下列物质中,在一定条件下既能进行加成反应,也能进行取代反应,但是不能使KMnO4酸性溶液褪色的是()A.乙烷 B.乙烯 C.乙醇 D.苯参考答案:D略5. 下列说法正确的是A.酸式盐的溶液一定显酸性B.只要酸与碱的物质的量浓度和体积分别相等,它们反应后的溶液就呈现中性C.纯水呈中性是因为水中氢离子物质的量浓度和氢氧根离子的物质的量浓度相等D.碳酸溶液中氢离子物质的量浓度是碳酸根离子物质的量浓度的二倍参考答案:C略6. 已知反应X+Y=M+N为放热反应,对该反应的下列说法中正确的是()A. X的能量一定高于MB. Y的能量一定高于NC. X和Y的总能量一定高于M和N的总能量D. 因该反应为放热反应,故不必加热就可发生参考答案:C7. 科学工作者发现另一种“足球分子”N60,它的结构与C60相似.下列说法正确的是A.N60和C60互为同素异形体B.N60和N2是同素异形体C.N60是一种新型化合物D.N60和14N都是氮的同系物参考答案:B8. 下列物质发生变化时,所克服的粒子间相互作用属同种类型的是A.碘与干冰分别受热变为气体B.硝酸铵与硝酸分别受热变为气体C.氯化钠与氯化氢分别溶解在水中D.二氧化硅晶体与冰分别受热熔化参考答案:A略9. 相同温度下,体积均为0.25 L的两个恒容密闭容器中发生可逆反应:N2(g)+3H2(g)2NH3(g)ΔH=-92.6 kJ·mol-1。
珠海一中2023-2024 高二上学期元月阶段测试数学试题及答案解析
珠海一中2023-2024高二上学期元月阶段测试数学答案解析(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)注意事项:1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上.2.回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每小题答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号.写在本试卷上无效.3.回答第Ⅱ卷时,将答案写在答题卡上.写在本试卷上无效. 4.测试范围:统计、概率+选择性必修一 5.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.第I 卷(选择题)一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求的。
1.(本题5分)已知()2,1,3PA =− ,()1,2,3PB =−,(),6,9PC λ=− ,若P ,A ,B ,C 四点共面,则λ=( )A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件【答案】CA .320x y −+=B .320x y +−=C .320x y −−=D .310x y ++=的距离是(【答案】B【分析】利用空间法求点到直线的距离即可得解.【详解】依题意,知直线m 的方向向量()1,1,1a =,()3,4,5OQ = ,A .14k −<<B .41k−<< C .1k >或4k <− D .4k >或1k <−A .甲、乙两家商店营业额的极差相同B .甲、乙两家商店营业额的中位数相同C .从营业额超过3000元的天数所占比例来看,甲商店较高D .甲商店营业额的方差小于乙商店营业额的方差【答案】D【分析】延长IP 到A 且||||IP PA =,延长2IF 到B 且22||||IF F B =,结合向量的线性关系知I 是1ABF 的重心,根据重心和内心的性质,进而得到1122||||2||PF F F PF ==,由双曲线定义得到齐次方程,即可求离心率.【详解】如下图示,延长IP 到A 且||||IP PA =,延长2IF 到B 且22||||IF F B =, 所以1222IF IF PI +=,即10IF IB IA +=+ , 故I 是△1ABF 的重心,即11AIF BIF AIB S S S == , 又1111222,2,4AIF PIF BIF F IF AIB PIF S S S S S S === , 所以11222PIF F IF PIF S S S == ,而I 是12PF F △的内心,则1122||||2||PF F F PF ==,【答案】C【分析】利用异面直线的距离可判定A ,利用棱锥的体积公式可判定B ,利用特殊位置可排除C ,利用坐标法可判定D.【详解】根据正方体的特征可知111111,C D B C C D ⊥⊥面1AD , 又1AD ⊂面1AD ,所以111C D AD ⊥, 即11C D 是异面直线1AD 和11B C 的公垂线,二、多选题(共20分)9.(本题5分)一个质地均匀的骰子,掷一次骰子并观察向上的点数.A表示事件“骰子向上的点数大于等三、填空题(共20分)13.(本题5分)在正方体1111ABCD A B C D −中,E 是棱AD 的中点,则异面直线1BD 与1C E 所成角的余弦值PM 【详解】四、解答题(共70分)17.(本题10分)某高校承办了奥运会的志愿者选拔面试工作,现随机抽取了100名候选者的面试成绩并分成五组:第一组[45,55),第二组[55,65),第三组[65,75),第四组[75,85),第五组[85,95],绘制成如图所示的频率分布直方图,已知第三、四、五组的频率之和为0.7,第一组和第五组的频率相同.(1)求a 、b 的值;(2)估计这100名候选者面试成绩的第60百分位数(精确到0.1). 【答案】(1)0005,0025a b =..(2)71.7【分析】(1)根据频率分布直方图中频率的计算方法及性质,列出方程,即可求解; (2)根据频率分布直方图中百分位数的计算方法,即可求解. 【详解】(1)解:由题意,因为第三、四、五组的频率之和为0.7,可得(00450020)1007a ++×=...,解得0005a =., 所以前两组的频率之和为10703−=..,即()1003a b +×=.,所以0025b =.. (2)解:由前两个分组频率之和为0.3,前三个分组频率之和为0.75, 所以第60百分位数在第三组,设第60百分位数为x ,则(65)00450603x −×=−...,解得717x ≈.,故第60百分位数为71.7. 18.(本题12分)圆C 与x 轴的交点分别为()2,0A −,()6,0B 且与1:3470l x y ++=和2:34310l x y −+=都(1)求证:平面PBD ⊥平面(2)若线段PC 上存在点F , 因为2CBCD ==,BCD ∠所以()0,1,0B ,()0,1,0D −,设(),,F x y z ,因为CF FP λ= 31x λ =−+)()()1122,,,x y N x y ,2241312y x m x y =−+ −= 可得22128x mx m −+1282123m m x x +,2121212m x x +=()2264412120m m −××+>,即【点睛】关键点睛:本题考查椭圆与双曲线性质的综合运用,其中涉及共焦点问题、三角形面积问题以及定值问题,难度较大.解答本题第三问定值问题的关键在于:利用联立思想得到的坐标的韦达定理形式去化简12k k +.。
2024年春高二(下)期末联合检测试卷数 学数学测试卷共4页,满分150分。
1.已知()f x'是函数()f x的导函数,则满足()f x'()f x=的函数()f x是A.2()f x x=B.()e xf x=C.()lnf x x=D.()tanf x x=2.如图是学校高二1、2班本期中期考试数学成绩优秀率的等高堆积条形图,如果再从两个班中各随机抽6名学生的中期考试数学成绩统计,那么A.两个班6名学生的数学成绩优秀率可能相等B.1班6名学生的数学成绩优秀率一定高于2班C.2班6名学生中数学成绩不优秀的一定多于优秀的D.“两班学生的数学成绩优秀率存在差异”判断一定正确3.对于函数32()f x x bx cx d=+++,若系数b c d,,可以发生改变,则改变后对函数()f x的单调性没有影响的是A.b B.c C.d D.b c,4.某地根据以往数据,得到当地16岁男性的身高y cm与其父亲身高x cm的经验回归方程为14ˆ2917y x=+,当地人小王16岁时身高167cm,他父亲身高170cm,则小王身高的残差为A.3-cm B.2-cm C.2cm D.3cm5.若函数2()(1)e xf x x bx=++,在1x=-时有极大值16e-,则()f x的极小值为A.0B.3e--C.e-D.32e-6.甲、乙、丙、丁、戊五个人站成一排照相,若甲不站最中间的位置,则不同的排列方式有A.48种B.96种C.108种D.120种不优秀优秀7. 若王阿姨手工制作的工艺品每一件售出后可以获得纯利润4元,她每天能够售出的工艺品(单位:件)均值为50,方差为1.44,则王阿姨每天能够获得纯利润的标准差为A .1.2B .2.4C .2.88D .4.88.若样本空间Ω中的事件123A A A ,,满足1131()()4P A P A A ==,22()3P A =,232()5P A A =,231()6P A A =,则13()P A A = A .114B .17C .27D .528二、选择题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分。
高二试卷带答案解析考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:xxx 分钟;出题人:xxx 姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、选择题1.如图所示,把两个相同的电灯,分别接成甲乙两种电路,甲电路总电压为8V ,乙电路总电压为16V ,调节变阻器使两灯都正常发光,此时,两电路消耗的总功率分别为、,则下列关系中正确的是A .B .C .D .无法确定2.电场中有一条直线,在直线上有M 、N 两点,若将一试探电荷q 从直线外的P 点分别移到M 、N 两点,电场力对q 做功相等,则( ) A .该电场若是匀强电场,则M 、N 所在直线一定与电场线平行 B .该电场若是匀强电场,则M 、N 所在直线一定与电场线垂直C .该电场若是由一个点电荷产生的,则M 、N 两点的电势和电场强度都相同D .该电场若是由一个点电荷产生的,则M 、N 两点的电势相等、电场强度不同3.如图所示,质量相同的P 、Q 两球均处于静止状态,现用小锤打击弹性金属片,使P 球沿水平方向抛出,Q 球同时被松开而自由下落.则下列说法中正确的是( )A.P球先落地B.Q球先落地C.两球下落过程中重力势能变化相等D.P球下落过程中重力势能变化大4.如图所示,长为L,倾角为θ的光滑绝缘斜面处于电场中,一带电量为+q,质量为m的小球,以初速度v由斜面底端的A点开始沿斜面上滑,到达斜面顶端的速度仍为v,则()A.A、B两点的电势差一定为mgL sinθ/qB.小球在B点的电势能一定大于小球在A点的电势能C.若电场是匀强电场,则该电场的场强的最大值一定是mg/qD.若该电场是斜面中点正上方某点的点电荷Q产生的,则Q一定是正电荷5.为了使实验小车能在比较光滑的水平道路上运动,同学们设计了以下三种办法,甲同学将电扇固定在小车上,认为打开电风扇后小车会运动;乙同学要求在装着电扇的车上加个帆,并声明帆必须足够大,以集中全部风力;丙同学设想人提着强磁铁站在用钢铁材料制成的车上,如图所示.则真正能使小车运动的设计是()A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.三个都不行6.如图所示是某电源的伏安特性曲线,由图线可知,电源电动势为____________V,电源内阻为____________Ω.电流为0.2 A时的外电阻为____________Ω.7.家用电子调光灯的调光原理是用电子线路将输入的正弦交流电压的波形截去一部分来实现的,由截去部分的多少来调节电压,从而实现灯光的可调,比过去用变压器调压方便且体积小.某电子调光灯经调整后电压波形如图所示,则灯泡两端的电压有效值为 ( )A.B.C.D.8.一带电粒子只在电场力的作用下沿图中曲线JK穿过一匀强电场,a、b、c、d为该电场的等势面,其中有φa <φb<φc<φd,若不计粒子的重力,可以确定A.该粒子带正电B.该粒子带负电C.从J到K粒子的电势能增加D.粒子从J到K运动过程中的动能与电势能之和可能增加9.如图所示,有一台交流发电机E.通过理想升压变压器T1和理想降压变压器T2向远处用户供电,输电线的总电阻为R.T1的输入电压和输入功率分别为U1和P1,它的输出电压和输出功率分别为U2和P2;T2的输入电压和输入功率分别为U3和P3,它的输出电压和输出功率分别为U4和P4,设T1的输入电压U1一定,当用户消耗的电功率变大时,有()A.P2变大,P3变大B.P1变小,P2变小C.U2变小,U3变小D.U2变小,U4变大10.一个物体在两个力的作用下处于静止状态,现保持其中的一个力不变,而把另一个力首先逐渐减小至零,然后再逐渐恢复为原来的大小(方向不变)。
)1. 某物质不含碳、氢、氧三种元素,它可能属于的类别是A.盐类B.碱C.酸D.有机物参考答案:A2. 下列对物质用途的描述中,错误的是()A.浓硫酸可用于干燥NH3、H2、O2等气体B.二氧化硫可用来漂白纸浆、毛、丝等C.氟化钠可用于预防龋齿D.铝可用于冶炼某些熔点较高的金属参考答案:A略3. 下列方法中能同时除去硬水中暂时硬度和永久硬度的是()①蒸馏②煮沸③加纯碱④加石灰⑤离子交换A.①②③B.①③⑤C.②③⑤D.③④⑤参考答案:B解析:能同时除去硬水中暂时硬度和永久硬度的方法可以采用使水形成蒸汽再冷凝得到蒸馏水,采用加入纯碱的方法使Ca2+、Mg2+生成沉淀而除去,另外还可以采用离子交换的方法进行除去。
4. 下列关于化学反应的自发性叙述中正确的是A.焓变小于0而熵变大于0的反应肯定是自发的B.焓变和熵变都小于0的反应肯定是自发的C.焓变和熵变都大于0的反应肯定是自发的D熵变小于0而焓变大于0的反应肯定是自发的参考答案:A5. 已知在浓H2SO4存在并加热至140℃的条件下,2个醇分子在羟基上发生分子间脱水反应生成醚,用浓H2SO4跟分子式分别为C2H6O和C3H8O的醇的混合液反应,可得到醚的种类有()A.1种 B.3种 C.5种D.6种参考答案:D6. 下列有关反应的能量变化,错误的是()A、化学反应中,有放热反应也有吸热反应B、化学反应中的能量变化主要由化学键的变化引起的C、Ba(OH)2·8H2O晶体与NH4Cl晶体的反应是放热反应D、盐酸与NaOH溶液的反应是放热反应参考答案:C略7. 下列实验操作要用到玻璃棒的是A.过滤 B.蒸发C.蒸馏D.配制一定物质的量浓度的溶液参考答案:ABD略8. 聚乙炔导电聚合物的合成使高分子材料进入了“合成金属”和塑料电子学时代,当聚乙炔分子带上药物、氨基酸等分子片段后,就具有了一定的生物活性。
2024-2025学年江苏省南京市英语高二上学期测试试题与参考答案一、听力第一节(本大题有5小题,每小题1.5分,共7.5分)Question: What time does the train to Shanghai leave?A. 8:15 amB. 8:30 amC. 9:00 amAnswer: BExplanation: The recording states, “The train to Shanghai departs at 8:30 am from platform 2.” Therefore, the correct time for the train’s departure is 8:30 am.Question: How much does the book cost?A.15B.20C.25Answer: AExplanation: The conversation goes like this: “Excuse me, how much is this book?” “It’s on sale today, so it’s only15.” Therefore, the book costs15.3、Question:Listen to the recording and choose the best answer to the question. Recording:(A short conversation between a teacher and a student about an upcoming English project.)Teacher: “What’s your topic for the English project, John?”Student: “I’m planning to do a presentation on ‘The Importance of Global Communication in Today’s World’.”Choices:A) The History of English Language.B) The Future of Globalization.C) The Importance of Global Communication in Today’s World.Answer: CExplanation: The student clearly states that his topic is “The Importance of Global Communication in Today’s World.”4、Question:Listen to the recording and decide whether the statement is true or false. Recording:(A news report about a recent science fair.)News Anchor: “At the annual science fair, the winning project was a solar-powered car built by a team of high school students from our localarea. This innovative design showcases the potential of renewable energy sources and has inspired many young minds to pursue careers in STEM fields.”Statement:The winning project at the science fair was a wind turbine that generates electricity for homes.Choices:True / FalseAnswer: FalseExplanation: The recording states that the winning project was asolar-powered car, not a wind turbine that generates electricity for homes.5.Question:Listen to the recording and choose the best answer to complete the sentence.The man will arrive at the airport at________in the afternoon.A. 2:30B. 3:00C. 3:30Answer: A. 2:30Explanation:In the recording, the man clearly states, “I’ll be there at 2:30 PM sharp. Please make sure everything is ready by then.” This directly indicates that the man plans to arrive at the airport at 2:30 in the afternoon, making option A the correct choice. The other options, 3:00 (B) and 3:30 (C), are not mentioned in the recording and therefore incorrect.二、听力第二节(本大题有15小题,每小题1.5分,共22.5分)Question: Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer to the question.Recording:Teacher:“Good morning, class. Today’s topic is the importance of cultural exchange. What’s one way that technology has facilitated global cultural exchange in recent years?”Student: “One way is throu gh social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, where people from different countries can share their traditions, customs, and festivals with the world.”Answer: A) Social media platforms have made it easier for people to share cultural practices globally.Explanation: The student correctly identifies social media as a means of promoting cultural exchange, where individuals can showcase their cultural identities to a diverse audience.Question: Listen to the short conversation and answer the following question.Recording:Student 1:“Hey, did you hear about the international food festival next weekend?”Student 2:“No, what’s that about?”Student 1:“It’s at the city’s cultural center. They’re going to have stalls from all over the world, selling traditional dishes. We should definitely go!”Question: What are the two students planning to do next weekend? Answer: B) Attend the international food festival.Explanation: The conversation indicates that the students are discussing an upcoming international food festival and expressing their intention to attend, sampling traditional dishes from various cultures.3、Question: What time does the train leave for Shanghai?A. 9:00 a.m.B. 10:00 a.m.C. 11:00 a.m.Answer: BExplanation: The recording clearly states, “The train to Shanghai will depart at 10:00 a.m. from platform 3.” Therefore, the correct answer is B.4、Question: Where can the listener find the information about the book exhibition?A. At the library’s main entrance.B. On the school’s website.C. In the school’s notice board.Answer: CExplanation: The speaker mentions, “Please check the notice board in theschool hall for the details of the upcoming book exhibition.” This indicates that the information is available on the school’s notice board, hence the correct answer is C.5、Question: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A) Classmates.B) Teacher and student.C) Doctor and patient.Answer: B) Teacher and student.Explanation: From the conversation, we can hear the first speaker giving instructions and feedback, while the second speaker responds by acknowledging and making corrections. The use of phrases like “let’s go over this again” and “try to use the past tense here” suggests a teaching-learning environment, indicating a teacher-student relationship. 6、Question: What time will the train arrive at its destination?A) 8:30 am.B) 9:00 am.C) 9:30 am.Answer: C) 9:30 am.Explanation: The conversation mentions that the train is currently running 15 minutes late. The original estimated arrival time is given as 9:15 am.Adding the 15 minutes delay, the train will arrive at 9:30 am. The speaker states, “The train is running behind schedule by 15 minutes, so we’re looking at a 9:30 arrival now.” This directly corresponds to option C.7、Question:Listen to the recording and choose the best answer to the question. What time does the train leave for Shanghai?A. At 8:30.B. At 9:00.C. At 9:30.Answer: BExplanation: In the recording, the speaker clearly states that the train to Shanghai departs at 9:00. The key phrase “leaves at 9:00” directly corresponds to option B.8、Question:Listen to the dialogue and select the correct statement.What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Call the hotel to change the reservation.B. Book a room at a different hotel.C. Take a taxi to the airport immediately.Answer: AExplanation: In the dialogue, the man says, “I think you should call the hotel and see if they can change your reservation to a later date.” Thissuggests that the man is advising the woman to contact the hotel to modify her existing reservation, matching the details of option A.9、Question: What is the woman planning to do tomorrow?A. Visit her cousin.B. Attend a lecture.C. Have a job interview.Answer: BExplanation: In the recording, the woman says, “I’m looking forward to attending that lecture on environmental conservation tomorrow.” This indicates that she is planning to attend a lecture, hence the answer is B.10、Question: Where does the conversation most likely take place?A. In a classroom.B. At a bus stop.C. In a bookstore.Answer: AExplanation: The conversation contains references to students, an assignment, and a discussion about class schedules. These are typical elements of a conversation that would take place in a classroom. Therefore, the most likely location is A, in a classroom.11.What is the topic of the English project the student is discussing?•A) The history of English literature.•B) Modern poetry analysis.•C) The influence of technology on language.•D) Cultural differences reflected in idioms.Answer: DExplanation: During the conversation, the teacher mentions that the project is about exploring how cultural differences are reflected in idioms used in different parts of the world. The student responds by asking for clarification on this topic.12.How many weeks does the student have to complete the project?•A) Two weeks.•B) Three weeks.•C) Four weeks.•D) Five weeks.Answer: CExplanation: The teacher informs the student that they have four weeks to complete the project and encourages them to start early to avoid rushing. This is clearly stated in the conversation.13、 What is the main topic of the conversation?A. The history of English literature.B. The upcoming exam in English literature.C. The teacher’s recommendation for extra reading.D. The students’ favorite books in English literature.Answer: BExplanation: The conversation revolves around the teacher discussing the upcoming exam in English literature, including its structure and potentialtopics.14、 What advice does the teacher give to the students?A. To focus on reading classic novels only.B. To practice summarizing long texts.C. To memorize all the details of the lectures.D. To avoid discussing with classmates.Answer: BExplanation: The teacher advises the students to practice summarizing long texts as a preparation for the exam, which will test their ability to comprehend and condense information.15、Listen to the recording again and complete the following sentences with the information you hear.Question: What is the main t opic of the second speaker’s talk? Answer: The benefits of participating in extracurricular activities. Analysis:The recording mentions that the second speaker begins by discussing the importance of balance in life, emphasizing the need for students to engage in activities outside of academics. The key detail is when the speaker shifts to specifically talking about the advantages or “benefits” of joining clubs, sports teams, or other extracurricular organizations. This shift in focus indicates that the mai n topic of the speaker’s talk revolves around the advantages and personal growth students can gain from participating inthese activities. Therefore, the answer is the benefits of participating in extracurricular activities.三、阅读第一节(第1题7.5分,其余每题10分,总37.5分)First QuestionReading Comprehension - Section OnePassage:Title: The Benefits of Reading for TeenagersReading is a fundamental skill that not only enriches our knowledge but also shapes our personalities and perspectives. For teenagers, especially those in their second year of high school, the habit of regular reading can bring about numerous benefits that extend far beyond academic achievements.Firstly, reading broadens horizons. By delving into books from diverse genres and cultures, teenagers gain exposure to ideas, experiences, and perspectives that they might not encounter in their daily lives. This exposure fosters empathy, encourages critical thinking, and helps them develop a more nuanced understanding of the world.Secondly, reading improves language skills. As teenagers read, theyencounter new vocabulary, complex sentence structures, and varied writing styles. This exposure, coupled with the act of decoding words andcomprehending meaning, naturally enhances their vocabulary, grammar, and overall proficiency in the language.Furthermore, reading reduces stress and promotes relaxation. In a world filled with academic pressures, social demands, and technological distractions, reading offers a peaceful escape. It allows teenagers to unwind, disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life, and immerse themselves in a world of their own choosing.Lastly, reading inspires creativity and imagination. Books, especially those in the realm of fiction, transport readers to fantastical realms, introduce them to extraordinary characters, and challenge them to think outside the box. This stimulation of the imagination fosters creativity, which can manifest in various forms, from artistic endeavors to innovative problem-solving.In conclusion, the benefits of reading for teenagers are numerous and far-reaching. It is a habit worth cultivating, as it not only enhances academic performance but also contributes to personal growth andwell-being.Questions:1.What is the main idea of the passage?•A) The challenges faced by teenagers in high school.•B) The importance of reading for teenagers’ personal development.•C) The different genres of books available for teenagers.•D) The negative effects of technology on teenagers’ reading habits. 2.According to the passage, how does reading help broaden teenagers’ horizons?•A) By providing them with opportunities to travel to different countries.•B) By exposing them to new ideas, experiences, and perspectives. •C) By teaching them how to solve complex mathematical problems. •D) By improving their physical fitness and overall health.3.What is the direct effect of reading on teenagers’ language skills?•A) It increases their stress levels and anxiety.•B) It reduces their interest in social activities.•C) It enhances their vocabulary, grammar, and overall proficiency in the language.•D) It has no significant impact on their language skills.4.How does reading contribute to teenagers’ relaxation and stress reduction?•A) By providing a distraction from academic pressures and social demands. •B) By increasing their workload and making them more stressed.•C) By encouraging them to engage in physical activities.•D) By limiting their access to technology and social media.Second PassageThe Enchantment of Nanjing’s AutumnNestled amidst the gentle embrace of rolling hills and cradled by the serene waters of the Yangtze River, Nanjing, the ancient capital brimming with history and culture, unfolds its unique charm during the golden season of autumn. The city transforms into a tapestry of vibrant hues, where every corner whispers tales of time past and invites visitors to embark on a sensory journey through its streets and alleys.As the leaves of the gingko trees turn from verdant green to a warm goldenyellow, Nanjing’s parks and avenues become a spectacle of nature’s finest artwork. Strolling beneath these golden canopies, one can almost hear the whispers of history mingling with the rustling of leaves, each step leading deeper into the heart of the city’s rich heritage.The Old Town of Qinhuai, with its labyrinthine lanes and time-worn bridges, takes on an even more enchanting air under the autumnal sun. The scent of roasted chestnuts and sweet dumplings wafts through the air, mingling with the subtle fragrance of osmanthus flowers, creating a sensory symphony that is uniquely Nanjing. Visitors ca n’t help but be drawn to the bustling night markets, where the laughter of friends and the clang of pots and pans add to the lively atmosphere, making for an unforgettable evening.Beyond the bustle of the city center, Nanjing’s natural wonders also come alive in autumn. Purple Mountain, cloaked in a palette of reds, oranges, and yellows, offers a breathtaking view for hikers and photographers alike. The autumn foliage mirrors the tranquility of the nearby lakes, creating a serene scene that soothes the soul.Yet, the true essence of Nanjing’s autumn lies not just in its visual splendor but also in the warmth of its people and the depth of its culture. This is a time when the city’s m any temples and historical sites resonate with the echoes of ancient rituals and prayers, inviting reflection and contemplation.Questions:1.What is the main theme of the passage?•A) The bustling nightlife of Nanjing.•B) The historical significance of Nanji ng’s landmarks.•C) The enchantment of Nanjing’s autumn.•D) The cultural diversity of Nanjing.2.What does the passage suggest about the gingko trees in Nanjing during autumn?•A) They are a source of annoyance due to their falling leaves. •B) They add to the c ity’s charm with their golden hues.•C) They are rare and only found in certain parks.•D) They have no significant impact on the city’s autumnal ambiance.3.What can visitors expect to experience at the Old Town of Qinhuai during autumn?•A) A quiet and serene atmosphere.•B) A lively atmosphere with a variety of sensory experiences. •C) An absence of tourists due to the cooler weather.•D) A focus on modern entertainment venues.4.What does the passage emphasize about Nanjing’s autumn, beyond its visualbeauty?•A) The city’s economic prosperity.•B) The warmth of its people and cultural depth.•C) The convenience of its transportation system.•D) The popularity of its outdoor sports activities.Section III: ReadingPassage:Title: The Power of ReadingReading is more than just a way to pass time or improve vocabulary. It is a portal that opens up vast worlds of knowledge, emotions, and perspectives. In the bustling city of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, students in their second year of high school are embarking on a journey through literature that will not only enrich their academic lives but also shape their personalities and broaden their horizons.The autumn semester brings with it a fresh batch of books, each carrying its own story and lessons. From the classic tales of Shakespeare that teach us about the complexities of human nature, to the modern novels that reflect the struggles and triumphs of contemporary society, students delve into these pages with eager anticipation.In Mrs. Li’s English class, the focus is not just on memorizing grammar rules or analyzing sentence structures. It’s about engaging with the text, understanding the characters’ motivations, and empathizing with their experiences. The classroom buzzes with discussions as students share their interpretations and insights, fostering a love for literature that transcends the boundaries of language learning.This semester’s English curriculum includes a diverse range of genres and themes, designed to challenge and inspire students. From historical fiction that transports them to different eras, to science fiction that sparks their imagination about the future, each book is a treasure trove of ideas andemotions.Third Question: Reading ComprehensionRead the following excerpt from one of the books being studied in Mrs. Li’s class and answer the questions that follow.Excerpt:“As the sun set over the rolling hills, the protagonist, Emma, stood at the edge of the cliff, her heart heavy with uncertainty. She had always been the one to make decisions with ease, but now, faced with a choice that would change the course of her life, she found herself paralyzed with fear. The sea below her, vast and unpredictable, mirrored her inner turmoil. Should she stay and fight for what she believed in, or should she sail away into the unknown, hoping for a better future?”1.What emotion is Emma experiencing in the excerpt? Provide evidence from the textto support your answer.Answer: Emma is experiencing uncertainty and fear. Evidence: “her heart heavy with uncertainty” and “she found herself paralyzed with fear.”2.What metaphor is used in the passage to describe Emma’s state of mind? Explain itssignificance.Answer: The sea is used as a metaphor for Emma’s inner turmoil. Its vastness and unpredictability reflect the overwhelming nature of the choices she faces and her inability to see a clear path forward.3.How does the setting (the sunset over the rolling hills and the sea below) contributeto the mood of the scene?Answer: The setting creates a sense of grandeur and isolation, enhancing the sense of drama and emotional intensity in the scene. The sunset adds a touch of melancholy, reflecting Emma’s heavy heart, while the sea below symbolizes the vastness of the challenges she faces.4.Based on the excerpt, speculate on Emma’s eventual decision and provide a briefrationale for your prediction.Answer: It is difficult to predict Emma’s decision definitively without further context, but given her state of mind and the imagery used, it is possible that she may choose to face her fears and stay to fight for what she believes in. This is suggested by the idea that the sea represents her inner turmoil and uncertainty, implying that she must confront these feelings rather than flee from them. Alternatively, she may choose to sail away, symbolizing a leap of faith into the unknown and a search for a new beginning. Question 4:1.What is the main argument of the passage?A)Technology has made reading obsolete.B)Reading is a vital part of human development.C)Books are only useful for entertainment.D)High school students should avoid reading.Answer: B) Reading is a vital part of human development.2.According to the passage, what is one of the main benefits of reading for highschool students?A)It helps them avoid technology.B)It improves their social skills.C)It enhances their cognitive abilities.D)It guarantees academic success.Answer: C) It enhances their cognitive abilities.3.How does reading contribute to emotional intelligence?A)By providing practical advice on relationships.B)By fostering empathy through diverse characters.C)By reducing stress and anxiety.D)By promoting self-centeredness.Answer: B) By fostering empathy through diverse characters.4.The passage suggests that reading encourages which of the following qualities?A)LazinessB)ConformityC)CuriosityD)DistractionAnswer: C) Curiosity四、阅读第二节(12.5分)Title: The Benefits of ReadingReading is a vital skill that opens doors to knowledge, imagination, and personal growth. From the earliest days of childhood to adulthood, books have been our companions, guiding us through life’s journey. In this passage, we will explore some of the profound benefits that reading brings to our lives.First and foremost, reading enhances cognitive abilities. It exercises thebrain, improving memory, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. As we delve into a book, our minds work to comprehend the plot, characters, and themes, strengthening our mental faculties. Regular reading has been linked to better academic performance and higher intelligence scores, making it a valuable tool for students of all ages.Moreover, reading fosters empathy and emotional intelligence. By stepping into the shoes of characters, we gain insights into their emotions, motivations, and experiences. This process enables us to develop a deeper understanding of human nature and broaden our perspectives. As a result, we become more compassionate and empathetic towards others, building stronger relationships and social connections.Furthermore, reading is a source of relaxation and stress relief. In today’s fast-paced world, finding moments of tranquility can be challenging. However, immersing oneself in a good book can transport us to a different world, providing a much-needed escape from the pressures of daily life. Reading has been proven to reduce stress levels, improve sleep quality, and even boost mood.Lastly, reading broadens our horizons and enriches our lives. It exposes us to new ideas, cultures, and perspectives that we may not encounter in our everyday lives. Whether it’s a historical novel, a contemporary thriller, or a non-fiction work, each book offers a unique window into the world. Through reading, we can travel to distant lands, experience differenteras, and gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity of human experience. In conclusion, reading is a powerful tool that offers numerous benefits to our lives. It enhances cognitive abilities, fosters empathy and emotional intelligence, provides relaxation and stress relief, and broadens our horizons. As we continue to explore the world through the pages of books, we will discover endless possibilities for personal growth and enlightenment.Questions:1.What is the primary benefit of reading mentioned in the passage?A. Improved physical healthB. Enhanced cognitive abilitiesC. Increased social media presenceD. Better job prospectsAnswer: B2.How does reading help develop empathy?A. By providing a platform for self-promotionB. By allowing us to experience different emotions through charactersC. By teaching us how to solve complex math problemsD. By giving us access to exclusive fashion trendsAnswer: B3.What is the effect of reading on stress levels?A. It increases stress levelsB. It has no effect on stress levelsC. It reduces stress levelsD. It causes anxiety in some individualsAnswer: C4.Which of the following is NOT a benefit of reading mentioned in the passage?A. Improved memoryB. Enhanced critical thinking skillsC. Improved physical fitnessD. Exposure to new ideas and culturesAnswer: C5.What is the main message of the passage?A. Reading is a waste of timeB. Reading is only important for childrenC. Reading offers numerous benefits to our livesD. Reading should be banned in schoolsAnswer: C五、语言运用第一节 _ 完形填空(15分)Title: A Journey of Self-DiscoveryOnce upon a time, in a bustling city not far from here, lived a young man named Li Ming. He was always 1 with his life, feeling as if he were stuck in a rut. Every day was a repetition of the same routine, and he longed for something more.One day, while scrolling through his social media feed, he stumbled upon a post about a hiking trip to the nearby mountains. It was a call for adventure, a chance to escape the monotony of his daily life. Without much hesitation, Li Ming 2 to join.As the day of the trip approached, Li Ming felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. He wasn’t a seasoned hiker, but he was determined to give it his best shot. The morning of the trip dawned bright and clear, and witha backpack full of essentials and a heart full of dreams, he set off on his3.The journey was filled with challenges. The terrain was rugged, and the path was often steep and treacherous. But Li Ming persevered, pushing himself beyond his comfort zone. He learned to navigate through dense forests, cross rushing streams, and even 4 the occasional wild animal.As he climbed higher and higher, the views became increasingly breathtaking. The city below seemed to shrink, and the world around him expanded. Li Ming felt a sense of freedom and liberation that he had never experienced before. He realized that he was not just hiking a mountain; he was hiking towards a new version of himself.One particularly difficult stretch of the trail tested his limits. His legs ached, his breath came in short gasps, and his mind screamed for him to give up. But something inside him refused to 5. He dug deep, found a reserve of strength he didn’t know he had, and continued on.Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he reached the summit. The view from the top was nothing short of spectacular. The sun shone brightly, casting golden rays across the landscape. Li Ming felt a sense of accomplishment and pride that he had never felt before. He had conquered not just the mountain, but also his own doubts and fears.As he sat there, taking in the beauty around him, Li Ming realized that this journey was not just about the destination. It was about the journey itself, the lessons he had learned, and the person he had become. He had discovered a strength and resilience within himself that he never knew existed. From that day on, Li Ming’s life changed. He no longer felt stuck or unfulfilled. He embraced new challenges with enthusiasm, knowing that each one would bring him closer to the person he was meant to be. And he knew that no matter where life took him, he would always carry with him the memories of that 6 journey and the lessons it taught him.Cloze Test Questions:1. A. contentB. dissatisfiedC. fascinatedD. amusedAnswer: B2. A. hesitatedB. refusedC. agreed。
)1. 下列过程吸收热量的是A. 液氨气化B. 生石灰加入水中C. 天然气燃烧D. 盐酸与氢氧化钾溶液反应参考答案:AA. 液氨气化吸热,A正确;B. 生石灰加入水中生成氢氧化钙,反应放热,B错误;C. 天然气燃烧属于放热反应,C错误;D. 盐酸与氢氧化钾溶液发生中和反应,属于放热反应,D错误,答案选A。
2. 超重元素的假说预言自然界中可存在原子序数为114号的稳定同位素X,试根据原子结构理论和元素周期律预测正确的是A.X 位于第七周期,第VA族B.X是非金属元素C.XO2是酸性氧化物 D.X元素的化合价有+2和+4参考答案:D略3. 对于化学反应3W(g)+2X(g)===4Y(g)+3Z(g),下列反应速率关系中,正确的是() A.v(W)=3v(Z) B.2v(X)=3v(Z)C.2v(X)=v(Y) D.3v(W)=2v(X)参考答案:C对于任一化学反应,用不同的物质表示该反应的速率,其数值之比等于其化学计量数之比,v(W)∶v(X)∶v(Y)∶v(Z)=3∶2∶4∶3。
4. 下列变化属于物理变化的是 ( )A.氧气在放电条件下变成臭氧, B.胆矾在加热条件下变成白色无水硫酸铜 C.漂白的草帽久置空气中变黄 D.氢氧化铁胶体加入硫酸镁产生沉淀参考答案:D略5. 关于化学反应与能量的说法正确的是A.中和反应是吸热反应 B.燃烧属于吸热反应C.反应物总能量与生成物总能量一定相等 D.化学键断裂吸收能量参考答案:D略0.1 mol·L-1的下列物质的水溶液,只存在一种分子的是A.HNO3 B.NH4Cl C.HClO D.NaF参考答案:A略7. (CH3CH2)2CHCH3的正确命名是A.2-乙基丁烷 B.2-甲基戊烷C.3-乙基丁烷 D.3-甲基戊烷参考答案:D略8. 现有四种元素的基态原子的电子排布式如下:①1s22s22p63s23p4;②1s22s22p63s23p3;③1s22s22p3;④1s22s22p5。
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一.单项选择(15分/15小题)1. The film _______ him _______ what he had seen in China.A. reminded; toB. remembered; ofC. recalled; withD. reminded; of2. The use of radar as well as the two-way radio________ for the police to intercept most speeders.A. makes it possibleB. make it possibleC. makes possibleD. make it a possibility3. Things might have been much worse if the mother _______ on her right to keep the baby.A. has been insistingB. had insistedC. would insistD. insisted4. A driver should __ the road when .A. concentrate on; driveB. concentrate in; drivingC. concentrate to; droveD. concentrate on; driving5. Tom kept quiet about the accident ________ lose his job.A. so not as toB. so as not toC. so as to notD. not so as to6. Not until the early years of the 19th century ________ what heat was.A. man did knowB. did man knewC. didn't man knowD. did man know7. The stone bridge __ _ last year is very beautiful.A. builtB. was builtC. being built D .to be built8. These articles are written in simple language, _____ makes it easy to read.A. thatB. thisC. whichD. it9. After the war, a new school building was put up __________there used to be a theatre.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. when10. Tom‟s mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but ______ didn‟thelp.A. heB. whichC. sheD. it11. Victor apologized for __________ to inform me of the change in the plan.A. his being not ableB. him not to be ableC. his not being ableD. him to be not able12. ---The novel gone with wind is said _____ into several language.A. to translateB. being translatedC. having been translatedD. to have been translated13. is no needA. It; complainingB. That; complainingC. There; to complainD. This; to complain14. The population of China is larger than ______ of the United States.A. thisB. thatC. theseD. those15. The oil output this year is ______five years ago.A. as much asB. twice as much asC. twice so much asD. as twice much as二.完型填空(30分/15小题)Mr. Grey traveled a lot on business. He sold machines of different kinds to farmers. It was not really a very exciting job, but Mr. Grey had always been interested in 16 , and he was quite satisfied with his life.One of Mr. Grey‟s problems was often where to stay when he reached some small place in the country. He did not expect great 17 and wonderful food, but he found it annoying when he was given a 18 room and when there was no hot water or good food after a long and 19 day.Late one 20 evening, Mr. Grey arrived at a small railway station. The journey by train that day had not been 21 interesting, and Mr. Grey was cold and tired and hungry. He was 22 a simple but satisfying meal by a bright burning 23 , and then a hot bath and a comfortable 24 .While he was walking to the taxi stand, he said to a local man who was 25 walking there, “As this is my first 26 to this part of the country and I was in too much of a 27 to find out about hotels before I left home, I would very much like to know how many you have here?” The local man answered, “We have two.”“And which of the two would you 28 me to go to?” Mr. Grey ask ed then.The local man scratched his head for a few moments and then answered, “Well, it‟s like this: 29 you go to, you‟ll be 30 you didn‟t go to the other. ”16. A. working B. farming C. studying D. teaching17. A. position B. respect C. comfort D. money18. A. cold B. small C. common D. local19. A. happy B. interesting C. tiring D. ordinary20. A. winter B. summer C. Sunday D. holiday21. A. in all B. at all C. all over D. all the same22. A. booking B. ordering C. longing for D. wondering23. A. fire B. light C. wood D. stove24. A. hotel B. room C. seat D. bed25. A. already B. also C. yet D. quite26. A. arrival B. look C. visit D. moment27. A. while B. hurry C. habit D. wonder28. A. want B. suggest C. allow D. advise29. A. whenever B. wherever C. whichever one D. neither one30. A. proud B. sure C. sorry D. glad三.阅读理解(40分/20小题)AWeighed down by study? Pushed to the limit by the fast pace of life? Frightened by the possible war? Well, you‟re not alone. Men and women in France are seeking relief using the world‟s best medicine— laughter.In the past years more than 15 laughter clubs have been set up across the country. People of all ages go to release their stress with an hour of group laughs. “People telephoned me and said they have forgotten what it is to laugh. They want to find a place where they can escape all their problems for a while. So they come,” said 40-year-old Jocelyne Le Moan. She usually takes a class of around 60 people through a series of laughter techniques.Her pupils range from teenagers to 70 years old, but most are middle aged white collars seeking 60 minutes of relaxation at the end of a busy day. Le Moan takes them through the “lion laugh” and the “laugh contest”, where participants “speak” to each other in different ways. And instead of talking, they break into fits of laughter. At the en d there are 15 minutes of “meditation”, when they lie on their backs and let the laughs burst out of their mouths.“I love it. It‟s an experience that has changed my life. Through it I rediscovered the child‟s laugh inside me,” said Romain Jouffroy, 24. “U S President George W. Bush should give it a try. He has lost his laugh,” she joked. Like Jouffroy, many laughter club members find themselves changed into children again, and why not? The average preschooler laughs up to 400 times a day. The average adult only a sad 7 to 15.The physical benefits of laughter are already well-recognized. Doctors say the act of laughing releases good chemicals into the blood-stream, while the quick breathing that accompany it helps massage the digestive organs and strengthens the heart.“A full hour is like having your insides go jogging! One finishes out of breath, but feels refreshed. And on top of that, you‟ve had a laugh,” said doctor Alex Estaing.And many participants in Paris also emphasize the psychological benefits. They believe that laughter is a way of making oneself feel more confident.31. What does the word “participants” in the 3rd paragraph mean?A. People of all ages.B. Laughter-club membersC. The stress by studyD. Activities of relaxation such as “lion laugh”.32. Which of the following is not included among the benefits of laughing?A. It can make people rediscover their children‟s laugh.B. It can release good chemicals into blood streams.C. It can make you feel self-confident.D. It can cure the illnesses of people.33. The writer suggested that you should __________.A. take the best medicineB. talk to each other about what troubles you.C. learn series of laughter techniquesD. have a good laugh after a busy day.34. From the passage, we can conclude the following but ___________.A. Jocelyne Le Moan is a teacher of the club.B. the members are mostly middle-aged white collarsC. people always need some way to relax in life.D. laugh freely and everything goes well.35. Which of the following is NOT the reason why so many people join the laughterclubs?A. Those members feel too much pressure on them.B. They want to find a place to relax themselves.C. Laughters help massage the digestive organs.D. The members don‟t know how to laugh.BBody and FoodYour body, which has close relations with the food you eat, is the most important thing you own, so it needs proper treatment and proper nourishment (营养).The old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”is not as silly as some people think. The body needs fruit and vegetables because they contain vitamin C. Many people take extra vitamins in pill form, believing that these will make them healthy.But a good diet is made up of nourishing food and this gives all the vitamins you need. The body doesn‟t need or use extra vitamins, so why waste money on them?In the modern western world, many people are too busy to bother about eating properly. They throw anything into their stomachs, eating hurriedly and carelessly. The list of illnesses caused or made worse by bad eating habits is frightening,36. “Your body has close relations with the food you eat.” It really means that ______.A. all kinds of food you eat can be made into your bodyB. your body is made up of the food you eatC. what you eat has great effect on your healthD. the more you eat, the fitter you will feel37. The old saying referred to in the passage tells us that ______.A. eating apples regularly does lots of good to our healthB. the apple is the best among all kinds of fruitsC. apples can take the place of doctorsD. an apple is a sure cure for illness38. In the second paragraph, the writer tries to let us know ______.A. our bodies need food or we can‟t liveB. often eating apples is a good habitC. taking extra vitamin pills is completely uselessD. a good diet is of great importance for our health39. In the modern western countries ______.A. people don…t want to pay more attention to their eatingB. lots of people‟s illnesses are caused or made worse by ba d eating habitsC. people throw everything into their stomachs without chewingD. people are only too busy to cook meals for themselves40. From the passage we can draw a conclusion that if we want to keep healthy,weshould ______.A. only eat an apple a dayB. eat properlyC. take as many vitamin pills as possibleD. throw something into our stomachs slowly and carefullyCPopeye the Sailor first became a popular cartoon in the 1930s.The sailor in that cartoon ate lots of spinach to make him strong. People watched him, and they began to buy and eat a lot more spinach. Popeye helped sell 33 percent more spinach than before! Spinach became a necessary part of many people‟s diets. Even some children who hated the taste began to eat the vegetable.Many people thought that the iron in spinach made Popeye strong, but this is not true. Spinach does not have any more iron than any other green vegetable.People only thought spinach had a lot of iron because the people who studied the food made a mistake. In the 1890s, a group of people studied what was inside vegetables. This group said that spinach had ten times more iron than it did. The group wrote the number wrong, and everyone accepted it.Today, we know that the little iron there is in spinach cannot make a difference in how strong a person is. However, spinach does have something else which the bodyneeds—folic acid.It is interesting to point out that folic acid can help make a person strong. Maybe it was really the folic acid that made Popeye strong all along.41. A good title for this reading passage is______.A. Popeye the SailorB. The Truth About SpinachC.A Mistake with NumbersD. Folic Acid Makes You Strong42. Why did many people eat spinach after they saw Popeye the Sailor?A. They thought spinach made them strong.B. They thought Popeye was funny.C. Spinach had a lot of iron.D. People liked folic acid.43. A research group told people that spinach______.A. made Popeye strongB. was a green vegetableC. had less iron than other green vegetablesD. had more iron than other green vegetables44. The reading passage says that perhaps Popeye got his strength from______.A. ironB. folic acidC. spinachD. exercise45. Folic acid is ______.A. something in foodB. a vegetableC. dangerousD. a certain kind of spinachDLife really should be one long journey of joy for children born with a world of wealth at their feet.Internationally famous child doctor Robert Coles is the world‟s top expert on the influence of money on children. He has written a well-know book on the subject, “The Privileged Ones”, and his research shows that too much money in the family can cause as many problems as too little. “Obviously there are certain advantages to being rich,” says the 53-year-old docto r, “such as better health, education and future work prospects. But most important is the quality of family life. Money can‟t buy love.”It can buy a lot of other things, however, and that‟s where the trouble starts. Rich kids have so much to choose from that they often become confused. Over-indulgence by their parents can make them spoilt. They tend to travel more than other children, from home to home and country to country, which causes feeling of restlessness.“But privileged children do have a better sense of their positions in the world,”adds Mrs. Coles, “and they are more self- confident.” The rich children inherit the property from their parents and enjoy a high income. So money will never be one of their problems. “However, they have a sense of isolation,” warns Dr. Coles, “and they could suffer from the hardship of not being able to deal with the everyday world because they will never really be given the chance. Everything they have achieved is because of an accident of birth. There can be no great inner satisfaction about that.”Today‟s wealthy parents perhaps realize their riches can be more of a heavy load than happiness to their children. So the first thing for them to consider is to ensure that their families are as rich in love as they are in money.46. In his book “The Privileged Ones”, Dr. Coles implies that ___________.A. the quality of rich children‟s family life might be low.B. rich children live a life of separation from the world.C. rich children usually enjoy more love than poor children.D. there are fewer problems in the rich family than the poor family.47. In the doctor‟s view, _________.A. traveling a lot will be beneficial to childrenB. there are advantages as well as disadvantages to being rich.C. rich children usually have little confidence in themselves.D. rich kids are often short of money because of their life of luxury (奢侈).48. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Rich children tend to feel isolated.B. Rich children have earned what they haveC. Rich children usually lead a life of happinessD. Rich children are hardly given too many material things.49. According to the author of the passage, ___________.A. life is really a long journey of joy for rich children.B. the rich children feel greatly satisfied with the property they inherit from theirparents.C. today all the wealthy parents are sure of the problems their money can bring.D. it is most important for wealthy parents to make sure that their families are richin love as well as in money.50. It seems that the author of the passage ________ what Dr. Coles says in the book “The Privileged Ones”.A. agrees withB. is doubtful aboutC. is opposed toD. knows little about四.作文(15分)假设你是小明,你家打算改善住房条件.现在有两套房子供选择,一套是位于商业区的现代公寓楼,一套是郊区的传统式房屋。